Your daily dose of
surprising stories
expert opinions
fresh perspectives

surprising stories

surprising stories

US shoppers tighten their belts in a most unlikely place: the grocery store

US shoppers tighten their belts in a most unlikely place: the grocery store

Food sales contract as inflation takes a bite out of consumers’ wallets

‘We’re like gears grinding until they break’: Chinese tech companies push staff to the limit

‘We’re like gears grinding until they break’: Chinese tech companies push staff to the limit

As growth slows, employers are squeezing more hours out of fewer workers

America’s dodgy job numbers

America’s dodgy job numbers

The US labour market is probably weaker than the non-farm payroll numbers imply

TikTok advertisers prepare contingency plans as US ban looms

TikTok advertisers prepare contingency plans as US ban looms

Agency heads say row over security of ByteDance-owned app has already hit brands’ confidence in the platform

Your daily dose of surprising stories expert opinions fresh perspectives

Editor's picks Monday 24th June
US shoppers tighten their belts in a most unlikely place: the grocery store

US shoppers tighten their belts in a most unlikely place: the grocery store

Food sales contract as inflation takes a bite out of consumers’ wallets

‘We’re like gears grinding until they break’: Chinese tech companies push staff to the limit

‘We’re like gears grinding until they break’: Chinese tech companies push staff to the limit

As growth slows, employers are squeezing more hours out of fewer workers

America’s dodgy job numbers

America’s dodgy job numbers

The US labour market is probably weaker than the non-farm payroll numbers imply

TikTok advertisers prepare contingency plans as US ban looms

TikTok advertisers prepare contingency plans as US ban looms

Agency heads say row over security of ByteDance-owned app has already hit brands’ confidence in the platform

At least $10tn of insurance cover needed to reach net zero, report says

At least $10tn of insurance cover needed to reach net zero, report says

Industry faces ‘unprecedented structural pressures’ to provide cover across sectors

The Squad vs AIPAC: Gaza war hangs over New York Democratic primary

The Squad vs AIPAC: Gaza war hangs over New York Democratic primary

Leftwing congressman Jamaal Bowman has angered some constituents with his trenchant criticism of Israel

How to fix fast fashion

How to fix fast fashion

Could consumer demand help drive down the cost of producing goods in America?

New York or London — what’s your table talk style?

New York or London — what’s your table talk style?

In the US, guests are expected to perform. In the UK, not so much . . .

Editor's picks Monday 24th June
US shoppers tighten their belts in a most unlikely place: the grocery store

US shoppers tighten their belts in a most unlikely place: the grocery store

Food sales contract as inflation takes a bite out of consumers’ wallets

‘We’re like gears grinding until they break’: Chinese tech companies push staff to the limit

‘We’re like gears grinding until they break’: Chinese tech companies push staff to the limit

As growth slows, employers are squeezing more hours out of fewer workers

America’s dodgy job numbers

America’s dodgy job numbers

The US labour market is probably weaker than the non-farm payroll numbers imply

TikTok advertisers prepare contingency plans as US ban looms

TikTok advertisers prepare contingency plans as US ban looms

Agency heads say row over security of ByteDance-owned app has already hit brands’ confidence in the platform

At least $10tn of insurance cover needed to reach net zero, report says

At least $10tn of insurance cover needed to reach net zero, report says

Industry faces ‘unprecedented structural pressures’ to provide cover across sectors

The Squad vs AIPAC: Gaza war hangs over New York Democratic primary

The Squad vs AIPAC: Gaza war hangs over New York Democratic primary

Leftwing congressman Jamaal Bowman has angered some constituents with his trenchant criticism of Israel

How to fix fast fashion

How to fix fast fashion

Could consumer demand help drive down the cost of producing goods in America?

New York or London — what’s your table talk style?

New York or London — what’s your table talk style?

In the US, guests are expected to perform. In the UK, not so much . . .

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The FT Edit provides deep, thought-provoking analysis into important topics in the form of 8 articles, handpicked by their editors every weekday.


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The FT Edit app brings you articles that surprise and inspire, carefully chosen every weekday by FT editors.

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Editor's picks Monday 24th June
US shoppers tighten their belts in a most unlikely place: the grocery store

US shoppers tighten their belts in a most unlikely place: the grocery store

Food sales contract as inflation takes a bite out of consumers’ wallets

‘We’re like gears grinding until they break’: Chinese tech companies push staff to the limit

‘We’re like gears grinding until they break’: Chinese tech companies push staff to the limit

As growth slows, employers are squeezing more hours out of fewer workers

America’s dodgy job numbers

America’s dodgy job numbers

The US labour market is probably weaker than the non-farm payroll numbers imply

TikTok advertisers prepare contingency plans as US ban looms

TikTok advertisers prepare contingency plans as US ban looms

Agency heads say row over security of ByteDance-owned app has already hit brands’ confidence in the platform

At least $10tn of insurance cover needed to reach net zero, report says

At least $10tn of insurance cover needed to reach net zero, report says

Industry faces ‘unprecedented structural pressures’ to provide cover across sectors

The Squad vs AIPAC: Gaza war hangs over New York Democratic primary

The Squad vs AIPAC: Gaza war hangs over New York Democratic primary

Leftwing congressman Jamaal Bowman has angered some constituents with his trenchant criticism of Israel

How to fix fast fashion

How to fix fast fashion

Could consumer demand help drive down the cost of producing goods in America?

New York or London — what’s your table talk style?

New York or London — what’s your table talk style?

In the US, guests are expected to perform. In the UK, not so much . . .

  • 8 daily stories handpicked by FT Editors
  • Insightful reads on a wide range of topics
  • Save for later for a time that suits you
  • Never miss out with access to previous editions
  • Ad free content with no interruptions


stories to spark new interests

The FT Edit app brings you articles that surprise and inspire, carefully chosen every weekday by FT editors.

  • 8 daily stories handpicked by FT Editors
  • Insightful reads on a wide range of topics
  • Save for later for a time that suits you
  • Never miss out with access to previous editions
  • Ad free content with no interruptions
Editor's picks Monday 24th June
US shoppers tighten their belts in a most unlikely place: the grocery store

US shoppers tighten their belts in a most unlikely place: the grocery store

Food sales contract as inflation takes a bite out of consumers’ wallets

‘We’re like gears grinding until they break’: Chinese tech companies push staff to the limit

‘We’re like gears grinding until they break’: Chinese tech companies push staff to the limit

As growth slows, employers are squeezing more hours out of fewer workers

America’s dodgy job numbers

America’s dodgy job numbers

The US labour market is probably weaker than the non-farm payroll numbers imply

TikTok advertisers prepare contingency plans as US ban looms

TikTok advertisers prepare contingency plans as US ban looms

Agency heads say row over security of ByteDance-owned app has already hit brands’ confidence in the platform

At least $10tn of insurance cover needed to reach net zero, report says

At least $10tn of insurance cover needed to reach net zero, report says

Industry faces ‘unprecedented structural pressures’ to provide cover across sectors

The Squad vs AIPAC: Gaza war hangs over New York Democratic primary

The Squad vs AIPAC: Gaza war hangs over New York Democratic primary

Leftwing congressman Jamaal Bowman has angered some constituents with his trenchant criticism of Israel

How to fix fast fashion

How to fix fast fashion

Could consumer demand help drive down the cost of producing goods in America?

New York or London — what’s your table talk style?

New York or London — what’s your table talk style?

In the US, guests are expected to perform. In the UK, not so much . . .

  • 8 daily stories handpicked by FT Editors
  • Insightful reads on a wide range of topics
  • Save for later for a time that suits you
  • Never miss out with access to previous editions
  • Ad free content with no interruptions

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