Amal Hbaieb 2024TROY0002
Amal Hbaieb 2024TROY0002
Amal Hbaieb 2024TROY0002
de doctorat
de l’UTT
Champ disciplinaire :
Sciences pour l’Ingénieur
le 4 mars 2024
Ces années de thèse constituent pour moi une expérience inoubliable, tant humaine
qu’intellectuelle. En écrivant ces lignes de nombreux souvenirs se sont bousculés dans ma
tête. Cet instant marque pour moi la fin d’une expérience d’autant plus exceptionnelle
pour moi durant laquelle de nombreuses personnes m’ont aidée, encouragée et soutenue.
Ces quelques lignes leur sont dédiées.
De prime abord, je tiens à remercier Mme Lamia Chaari et Mme Samiha Ayed, mes
directrices de thèse, pour la confiance qu’elles ont eue en moi en me proposant de travailler
sur ce sujet de thèse, ainsi que pour leur disponibilité.
Mes vifs remerciements vont à M. Lyes Khoukhi et Mme Hanen Idoudi, d’avoir accepté
de rapporter mon travail. Je les remercie pour la lecture approfondie et l’évaluation de cette
thèse. Je remercie également Mr Lotfi Kamoun et Mme Hakima Chaouchi qui ont accepté
d’évaluer ce travail de thèse en tant qu’examinateurs.
Enfin, je ne trouverai sans doute pas les mots pour remercier mes parents et ma famille
pour leur soutien sans faille et leur encouragements constants. Merci du fond du cœur de
m’épauler au quotidien et de m’avoir rappelée que je suis assez forte pour faire aboutir cette
The Internet of Vehicles (IoV) opens up new requirements regarding security, privacy, and
trust provisioning. This raises the research question of how trust may be concurrently con-
sidered during the design of security solution for the IoV. This thesis addresses this question
by designing an IoV security framework that maintains the trust between involved actors.
We first propose a trust and Blockchain based framework that relies on reputation and lo-
cation metrics to validate trustworthiness of the communication system. The Blockchain
is leveraged to protect derived trust information from tamper. Next, we extend the pro-
posed framework to better take into account the QoS while enforcing security. We use
a clustering scheme to construct the extended framework. Besides, we propose to detect
untrustworthy nodes through a lightweight federated learning-based Intrusion Detection
System (IDS). We adopt the Software-Defined Networking (SDN)-IoV infrastructure to the
network to build the collaborative IDS. The trust features-based detection is proposed along
with the SDN to enable a QoS-aware IDS. After that, we proceed to improve the trust-based
IDS. We apply multi cluster head concept to boost local detection and overall network per-
formances. Finally, we suggest a reactive Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)-aided routing
solution with security and QoS trade-off. We produce an IoV-UAV_Fog framework for the
UAV-aided IoV routing. The proposed routing consists of selecting the optimal UAV relay
that maximizes both trust and QoS.
Vehicular ad hoc networks (Computer networks)
Trust (digital)
Intrusion detection systems (Computer security)
Routing (Computer network management)
L’Internet des Véhicules (IoV) expose des exigences en matière de sécurité et de provision-
nement de la confiance. Cette thèse se penche sur la conception d’une plateforme de sécu-
rité pour l’IoV qui prend en considération l’aspect de la performance. Nous proposons tout
d’abord une plateforme de sécurité basée sur la gestion de la confiance et la Blockchain
et qui s’appuie sur des métriques de réputation et de localisation pour valider la fiabilité
du système de communication. La Blockchain est utilisée pour protéger les informations
de confiance contre la falsification. En outre, nous étendons la plateforme proposée afin de
mieux considérer l’aspect de la performance tout en renforçant la sécurité. Nous utilisons le
regroupement pour construire la plateforme de sécurité étendue. Ensuite, nous proposons
un système de détection des intrusions (IDS) léger qui s’appuie sur l’apprentissage fédéré
et les métriques de confiance. Nous adoptons une infrastructure IoV basée sur le Software-
Defined Networking (SDN) pour construire l’IDS collaboratif. De plus, nous améliorons
l’IDS proposé. Nous appliquons le regroupement pour renforcer la détection et les perfor-
mances globales du réseau. Enfin, nous proposons une solution de routage réactif assisté
par drone qui offre un compromis entre la sécurité et la performance. Nous produisons une
plateforme IoV-UAV_Fog pour le routage assisté par drone. Le routage proposé consiste
à sélectionner le drone optimal maximisant à la fois la confiance et la performance pour
servir comme relais.
Mots clés
Réseaux ad hoc de véhicules
Confiance numérique
Systèmes de détection d’intrusion (informatique)
Routage (informatique)
List of figures vi
1 General Introduction 1
1.1 Introduction and research problem statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3 Manuscript organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
4.2.6 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
4.3 Blockchain and trust-based clustering approach for the IoV . . . . . . . . . 84
4.3.1 Proposed approach overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
4.3.2 Proposed architecture overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
4.3.3 Proposed Clustering Scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
4.3.4 Simulation study and results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
4.4 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
6.7.1 QoS metric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
6.7.2 Trust metric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
6.7.3 Problem formulation for optimal path selection . . . . . . . . . . . 195
6.8 Simulation study and results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
6.8.1 Simulation environment and metrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
6.8.2 Simulation results and evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
6.9 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
7 Conclusion 205
7.1 Summary of Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
7.2 Perspectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
Bibliography 209
List of Figures
5.14 Cluster head selection time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
List of Tables
6.1 Related works on UAV-aided routing for IoV (Urban VANET’ use case) . . 155
6.2 Simulation parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
List of Abbreviations
IoV Internet of Vehicles
QoS Quality of Service
IDS Intrusion Detection System
SDN Software-Defined Networking
UAV Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
IoT Internet of Things
VANET Vehicular Ad hoc Network
ITS Intelligent Transportation System
AI Artificial Intelligence
V2X Vehicle-to-Everything
OBU On-Board Units
IT Information Technology
MANET Mobile Ad hoc Network
V2V Vehicle-to-Vehicle
RSUs Roadside Unit
V2I Vehicle-to-Infrastructure
V2R Vehicle-to-RSU
DRSC Dedicated Short Range Communication
WAVE Wireless Access in Vehicular Environment
ECU Electronic Control Unit
ADAS Advanced Driver Assistance System
LoS Line of Sight
NFC Near Field Communication
V2P Vehicle-to-Pedestrian
V2C Vehicle-to-Cellular
V2S Vehicle-to-Sensor
V2N Vehicle-to-Network
V2PD Vehicle-to-Personal Devices
V2Edge Vehicle-to-Edge
MEC Mobile Edge Computing
IoD Internet of Drones
HD High Definition
ICN Information-Centric Networking
CCN Content-Centric Network
NDN Named Data Networking
DST DempsterśShafer Theory
SVM Support Vector Machine
IPFS Interplanetary File System
PKI Public Key Infrastructure
TA Trusted Authority
TP True Positive
FN False Negative
FP False Positive
CNN Convolutional Neural Network
Fuzzy AHP Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process
SCF Store-Carry-and-Forward
QoE Quality-of-Experience
G2A Ground-to-Aerial
A2G Aerial-to-Ground
V2U Vehicle-to-local UAV
R2F RSU-to-central UAV_Fog
U2U local UAV-to-local UAV
U2F local UAV-to-central UAV_Fog
C2F UAV_Fog Coordinator-to-central UAV_Fog
F2F central UAV_Fog-to-central UAV_Fog
SINR Signal-to-Interference-plus-Noise Ratio
NLoS Non- Line of Sight
GPS Global Positioning System
LT-REQ Link Test Request
LT-REP Link Test Response
R-REQ Route Request
R-REP Route Response
R-ER Route Error
PDR Packet delivery ratio
EED End-to-End Delay
Chapter 1
General Introduction
Chapter 1
The pace at which technology has developed in recent years, frames bulks of
connected smart apparatuses symbolizing the Internet of Things (IoT) [1].
The IoT has created the Vehicular Adhoc Network (VANET) for the trans-
portation area . VANET is a vehicle-centric networking [2]. With the advent
of IoT, VANET network evolves to Internet of Vehicles (IoV) [3]. The IoV is
an advanced version of VANET. The evolution to the IoV is accelerated by
the cross-sectional synergies of the IoT and other enablers such as Artificial
Intelligence (AI), 5G/6G, technological infrastructures, big data, robotics, as
well as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). The IoV consists of vehicles, in-
frastructures, people (e.g., drivers, passengers, roadside pedestrians), and
other smart connected devices. The IoV synchronizes vehicle’s networking
and intelligence’ high-tech dream. The IoV brings new usages reinforcing
the transformation towards automation. The IoV exhibits self-driving [4],
safety driving, social driving, entertainment services, intelligent mobile ap-
plications, and emerging technologies [5]. The IoV aims to enhance safety,
intelligence, and efficiency of traffic systems. Various Vehicle-to-Everything
communications (V2X) exist between IoV nodes. Vehicles in the IoV with
advanced sensors, On-Board Units (OBU), local computing units, and gate-
ways [6], enabling them to collect, generate, process, analyze, and exchange
big environmental data. The IoV is in an evolution stage, and trial runs and
research have being performed by Information Technology (IT) companies
like Google and Tesla to project the IoV in real use.
However, IoV characteristics such as high dynamic network topology
and exposed communication links between IoV nodes inevitably pose ex-
ceptional complexity in terms of security challenges. Security challenge is
one of the main factors that affect the success of IoV. IoV security is a se-
rious research topic since it impacts directly the lives of its users. Security
failure in IoV can threaten human life, as well as causes damages to vehicles,
road and city infrastructure. For example, malicious vehicles can alter mes-
sages or continuously circulates fake messages. The security concern for a
connected vehicle is serious as there was incidents in past [7]. Therefore,
fulfilling the security requirements is important to instill trust, acceptabil-
ity, and success in the IoV. Besides, maintaining the QoS during the security
evaluation is critical for real-time applications in the IoV.
General Introduction
1.2 Contributions
This thesis focuses on the trust management and the network part of the
IoV ecosystem. We address trust and network architecture using emerging
technologies. Three aspects of work are proposed in this thesis: (1) trust
management framework, (2) trust-based Intrusion Detection System (IDS),
Chapter 1
General Introduction
routing. The UAVs as Fog nodes find optimal path to destination node. The
optimal path is built through selection of optimal UAV relay maximizing
both trust and QoS.
The contributions in this thesis are summarized as follows:
• A trust and QoS based UAV-aided routing protocol for the IoV. The core
element of the proposed protocol is the selection of optimal UAV relays
forming the best path towards destination nodes when ground routing
is unreliable. The performance evaluation is conducted to validate the
routing solution.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.2 From VANET to IoV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.3 IoV characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.4 IoV patterns and architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.5 IoV applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.6 IoV security challenges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.7 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Chapter 2
2.1 Introduction
This chapter starts with basics on VANET and IoV, and goes through IoV
characteristics, IoV patterns and architecture, and IoV applications. Besides,
the chapter outlines security challenges to highlight the critical need to ad-
here requirement of security and trust building in the IoV.
VANET to IoV includes a gradual expansion and trans- formation of the ve-
hicular communication concept. This evolution is driven the needs and ex-
pectation of more comprehensive and interconnected ecosystem that covers
Context of the work: Internet of IoV
more than V2V and V2I and vehicular communication. The IoV surpasses
VANET in terms of scope, used technologies, characteristics, communica-
tion patterns, infrastructure and architecture, and applications.
Indeed, the IoV connects the vehicular environment with other domains,
such as smart city, healthcare, entertainment, and logistic. The IoV inte-
grates server-side computing, advanced in-vehicle computing and commu-
nication standards (e.g., 5G and 6G), emerging AI, digitization (e.g., digital
twins), and multi-domain collaboration. The multidisciplinary nature of IoV
falls under connectivity on a global scale and extensive communication in-
frastructure. The IoV can combine smart city infrastructure-based, Cloud,
Fog and edge-computing-based communications, taking advantage of the
strengths of different communication modes. In fact, the IoV can leverage
Cloud-based services to enable a range of storage, processing, and network-
ing capabilities to big data, and data analytics (e.g., for vehicle predictive
maintenance). Likewise, the IoV applies edge computing and allows for data
processing at the edge of network. Besides, the IoV benefits from Blockchain
and SDN. The IoV with Blockchain and SDN makes provision for scalable
and secure IoV service distribution. Furthermore, the IoV plans the path to-
ward collaborative intelligence which aligns with Federated learning [12]
(e.g,cooperative intelligent driver model, collaborative perception, collabo-
rative computing, and cooperative decision). The evolution from VANET
to IoV accommodates the increasing intelligence of vehicular networks, and
embraces the integration of diverse technologies, which makes the IoV con-
text unique and exciting to investigate.
Chapter 2
VANET mainly focuses on V2V and V2R, the IoV goes beyond this by en-
abling heterogeneous connectivity. In IoV, vehicles can communicate with
various entities such as pedestrians, cyclists, smart city infrastructure, and
computing servers (Cloud, Fog, edge). This broadens the scope of IoV and
enhances its potential for diverse applications. Yet, this diversity in commu-
nication entities introduces complex interactions and various communica-
tion environments requiring robust technologies to handle the heterogene-
ity of participants.
• Network partitioning
Due to the dynamic nature of the topology, the IoV network can experience
temporary partitioning where certain zones become disconnected from the
rest of the network. This can hinder communication and data dissemination.
Considering possibilities of integrating innovative technologies such UAVs,
helps to enhance IoV users coverage and assist in exchange between nodes.
• Scalability
Context of the work: Internet of IoV
• Geographical communication
• Persistence of connections
VANET may have more flexible QoS requirements. Yet, the QoS is more chal-
lenging in the context of the IoV. A variety of high quality IoV applications
imposes strict QoS like very hard delay, optimized energy consumption, and
low overhead in scenarios with limited bandwidth.
The IoV involves nodes with varying resource constraints, which introduces
additional complexities. Efficient energy management, data processing, and
storage mechanisms are critical in IoV to accommodate the diverse set of
nodes and ensure the smooth operation of the IoV ecosystem.
Chapter 2
The IoV network model is depicted in figure 2.2, representing three build-
ing blocks of the network. These three blocks are: (1) vehicle zone, (2)
cooperative zone, and (3) smart city zone. Following the VANET, the ve-
hicle zone covers the inter and intra communications. The vehicles in the
IoV carry innovations such as advanced sensor technology, intelligent and
open vehicle terminal system platform, and speech recognition technology.
The IoV realizes the cooperative zone through various communication types
termed as V2X (Vehicle-to-Everything ). Figure 2.3 illustrates IoV under-
Context of the work: Internet of IoV
Chapter 2
The typical layers in an IoV architecture are often referred to the percep-
tion/sensing layer, coordination/communication layer, layer of AI and tech-
nology, application layer, business layer, and security management layer
(see figure 2.4). The sensing layer involves sensing technologies and devices
that gather data from the environment and the vehicle itself. It is laminated
with a data filtering and preprocessing. The coordination layer ensures co-
ordination and interoperability among the different components in the IoV.
The AI and technology layer encompasses the emerging technologies shap-
ing IoV intelligence and enabling the various aspects of IoV architecture. It
provides intelligence, infrastructure for communication, storage, process-
ing, analyzing, and management. This layer includes AI, data analytics, and
big data to derive patterns and predictions from the perceived data, as well
Context of the work: Internet of IoV
Chapter 2
Context of the work: Internet of IoV
Chapter 2
IoV applications are driven by broader range of vehicle types, advanced AI,
and enhanced user experience. IoV applications go beyond traffic manage-
ment and congestion monitoring in VANET to bring autonomous driving
(AutoNet2030 [29], EU LSPAUTOPILOT [30]), smart city services, environ-
mental monitoring, and applications in other different domains like Internet
of UAVs/ Internet of Drones (IoD) and Internet of underwater vehicles. In
fact, the IoV can integrate underwater vehicles and drones and this diversity
enables applications like underwater exploration, aerial support for ground
vehicles, and multi- modal mobility. Generally, the IoV caters to personal-
ized applications covering safety, efficiency, user experience, and environ-
mental sustainability.
• Safety applications
• Efficiency applications
Context of the work: Internet of IoV
These applications highlight the potential of IoV to redefine the in-car expe-
rience and create enjoyable journey for both drivers and passengers. They
have more flexibility in QoS requirements compared to safety and efficiency
applications. They can tolerate slight delays or fluctuations in performance
without compromising the overall user experience. As different passen-
gers may have varying preferences for the user experience, this variabil-
ity allows for a broader range of acceptable QoS levels. User experience
applications prioritize the comfort and convenience of travelers by offer-
ing personalized services. These applications outlines device integration
such as smartphones and wearable to enable services between vehicle and
personal devices. User experience applications provide services such as (1)
personalized navigation (e.g., tourist mode), (2) in-car assistance (e.g, voice
command, touch-screen interfaces), (3) vehicle customization (e.g., driving
modes, climate control), (4) financial services (e.g., usage-based insurance),
(5) on broad-information service (e.g., news and entertainment), (6) service
recommendation to drivers and passengers (e.g., nearby restaurants, park-
ing lots, entertainment venues), and (7) over-the-air software updates for
vehicles (e.g., issue resolution, application integration). Also, autonomous
driving application falls under user experience applications. Some of these
applications are driving behavior analysis, long- distance travel service, and
virtual reality tours.
Chapter 2
Context of the work: Internet of IoV
adaptive security such as (i) trust management, (ii) aligning security with
network topology and architectural design, (iii) collaborative security, or
(iv) extra layer security.
• Trust management
It is pivotal to dynamically establish trust levels among IoV nodes and iden-
tify untrustworthy nodes. Sources of messages should be trustworthy in
order to ensure that malicious information do not reach destination. Fur-
thermore, trust of provided information can be verifiable to ensure data in-
tegrity. Assessing trust on provided data can be vital to ensure data integrity.
Therefore, trust-based security framework can enhance reliability of the IoV.
Trust management becomes even more critical in contexts like autonomous
driving (e.g., cooperative perception scenario). Also, trusted third-party in-
volvement such as distributed trusted central Fog nodes can be beneficial in
securing the network. For example, trusted central Fog node can analyze
traffic patterns and manage trust levels among sub-nodes. Besides, trust es-
tablishment is crucial in the context of routing. The trust-aware routing en-
ables more secure data transmission. Pointing that trust-based approaches
are highlighted to provide security solutions that are QoS-aware.
Chapter 2
• Collaborative security
2.7 Conclusion
Context of the work: Internet of IoV
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3.2 Overview of trust management in vehicular networks 26
3.2.1 Research methodology of trust-based ap-
proaches in vehicular networks . . . . . . . . 27
3.3 Trust management fundamental concepts . . . . . . . 29
3.3.1 Trust properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
3.3.2 Trust metrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.3.3 Trust computation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
3.4 Trust management challenges in IoV . . . . . . . . . 35
3.5 Related works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
3.5.1 Existing classification for trust management
approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
3.5.2 Our classification of trust management ap-
proaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
3.6 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
3.7 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Chapter 3
3.1 Introduction
General background and related works: trust management in vehicular
trust factor can be used as a by-product to improve vehicular networks ser-
vices like routing [31], relay selection and information dissemination [[32]-
[33]]. Trust management-based approaches are becoming increasingly fa-
vored by academic and industrial researchers. A significant number of sur-
veys were conducted on trust management in vehicular networks. The ma-
jor publications are from 2017 (e.g, [[34]-[42]]. The topic has mainly been
explored within the VANET. In fact, different QoS-related performances as-
pects and requirements like robustness, dynamicity, scalability, autonomy
(e.g., auto-configuration, and auto-optimization), complexity, communica-
tion overhead, and resource constraints (e.g., energy consumption) should
be more considered in trust-based vehicular networks realization. The main
intent is to reach better secure Quality-of-Experience (QoE) for IoV services
We aim in this chapter to identify, classify, analyze, and synthesis the works
on trust management for the vehicular networks context, in order to pro-
vide a summary of the works done in this field. First, we establish a strategy
for selecting the relevant works. Our literature search comprises the defi-
nition of search strings, source bases, and inclusion and exclusion criteria.
Furthermore, defining the research questions is significant in reflecting the
importance of the related works to be chosen. The research questions to be
answered for our study are the following:
• What are the common concepts for trust management in the literature?
• How we can classify the trust approaches based on the used tools to
later interpret their efficiency?
Chapter 3
General background and related works: trust management in vehicular
of 5 citations per paper) in different relevant databases, from 2008 to present.
The trust may have many properties. To deal with them, we consider the
trust as a relationship between a trustor and a trustee. The trustor is the en-
tity that has trust on the trustee. The trustee is the entity that is considered
as trustworthy. The properties of trust can be defined as follows:
• Direct: when the trust is derived from the direct relationship between
the trustor entity and the trustee entity.
Chapter 3
• Local: when the trust value is only available for the trustee and the
trustor. The value cannot be propagated across the network.
• Dynamic: when the trust value can be updated with time if any change
occurs on the parameters (for example the network topology) used to
calculate the initial trust value.
General background and related works: trust management in vehicular
• Reputation-based metrics
• Knowledge-based metrics
The trust is derived from a direct or a past experience that a node has or got
with a specific node. These metrics can be useful for example to detect the
selfish nodes within the network.
• Expectation-based metrics
In this case the node will calculate the trust of another node based on how it
is expecting that node behavior. Its expectation may rely on its history with
that node, on received recommendations or only on an initial prediction
when no previous communication exists with that node.
In this case, the trust formula is mainly based on a set of node properties
like speed, direction, resource availability, packet dropping rate, etc.
• Proximity-based metrics
In this case, the trust is calculated based on the main parameters of proximity
with the considered network node such as the time, the location as well as
the distance.
Chapter 3
network topology (for example the presence of cluster heads), when dealing
with an IoV network.
We remind that major trust metrics inherit its properties. From reviewed
literature, we notice that reputation, knowledge, and proximity-based fac-
tors are the most employed metrics. However, trust metrics are often prop-
erly selected based on approach design purpose (or rather according to dif-
ferent criteria, such as accuracy, dynamicity, and required time and resource
for computation). We can also give classes to trust metrics, as in [43] which
identified (1) trust scale class (i.e., trust described by continuous, or discrete
values), (2) trust facets class (e.g., trust described by pair, or triplet values),
and (3) trust logic class (i.e., trust described by probability, fuzzy values).
Besides, trust can be distinguished in different types like blind trust, condi-
tional trust, or unconditional trust.
General background and related works: trust management in vehicular
• Trust Propagation
Trust propagation module refers to the principle of deriving trust among dif-
ferent communication system nodes, based on generated relationships and
pre-existing trustworthiness values while collaboration (e.g., recommenda-
tions). Trust propagation is noted as centralized approach where trust is
propagated to entities through centralized node or technique and distributed
scheme where propagation do not requires central agent [44]. Trust transi-
tivity property and also trust fusion are the core factors of trust propagation.
Such module provides key benefits. Resources computation cost might be
mitigated when measured trust value is propagated over the network, in-
stead of determining each individual entity trust. Moreover, users who are
globally trustworthy may command better influence for services.
• Trust Aggregation
• Trust Update
Trust update refers to updating trust value, which is a very significant as-
pect. There are three schemes in trust update. (1) Event-driven trust: node
trust value get adjusted after an event occurrence or while transaction mak-
ing, for instance, when a node is entering, or hereupon a feedback on the
quality of a provided service is transmitted for trust aggregation operation.
(2) Time-driven trust: concerns when node trust value is applied for adjust-
ment within a determined time period using the aggregation scheme. (3)
Continuous trust update: this serves to control one specific node tasks, and
consists mainly of protecting integrity.
Chapter 3
• Trust prediction
• Trust evaluation
• Trust formation
Trust formation defines the trust formula. To define how the trust will be cal-
culated, we should define the set of trust properties and metrics that should
be considered for the trust formula. For that, two trust categories can be
defined for the trust formation module:
1. Single trust: In this case the trust formula is almost simple, it is con-
sidering only one specific property like direct (when we only consider the
previous direct exchanges with the node), indirect (when we consider the
different recommendations built about the node), etc. Also, for the single
trust, only one metric is almost used for the evaluation. For example, when
we consider the direct property, we can use the knowledge-based metrics for
evaluating the trust. For the indirect property, the reputation-based metrics
are suitable to evaluate the trust.
2. Multi-trust: When the trust formula satisfies more than one property
and is evaluated based on more than one metrics type then, we are dealing
with multi trust category. Indeed, the multi- trust serves to optimize the
trust value and it minimizes the error rate about the calculated value. Con-
sidering many metrics helps to get more accurate and reliable trust values.
General background and related works: trust management in vehicular
Many challenges can weaken the trust management schemes while devel-
oped in the vehicular environment. V2X users look for trustworthiness
in derived relationships while cooperation. Thus, trust-based approaches
are concerned with malicious and selfish nodes. There are some literatures
covered trust challenges that target different applications in the vehicular
environment [[37], [45]-[49]]. For instance, the authors focused on the
adversary-oriented trust management in vehicular networks in in [49]. Au-
thors of [45] discussed trust-based challenges in vehicular networks. Sim-
ilarly, authors of [37] surveyed trust management in vehicular networks
from application and performance perspectives. In nutshell, the major trust
challenges are related to the safeguard against attacks on trust and QoS.
For instance, good trade-off in terms of trust and privacy is still claimed,
since node identity disclosure affects trust relationships, and hence the com-
munication process [35]. Trust models threats can be also the outcome of
malicious attacks on hardware devices, or end-to-end trust management-
enabling technologies like the security issue of 5G integration [35]. Exam-
ples of major trust-related attacks are mentioned below.
• Bad-mouthing attack
Chapter 3
• On-and-off attack
• Time-dependent attack
• Selfish attacks
General background and related works: trust management in vehicular
• Whitewashing attack
During a whitewashing attack, a node with a previously low trust rate at-
tempts to regain trust and acceptance by adopting a new identity when re-
entering the communication system [46]. The goal is to erase its previous
negative history. Assigning relatively low trust values to newcomers nodes
can respond to such behavior.
Chapter 3
The entity oriented approaches consider that the trust is associated to the
network’ nodes. These approaches aim to assess the trust of the nodes par-
ticipating in the data exchange within the network. Then, based on the
assessment of their trust level, untrustworthy nodes may be excluded from
the network or isolated. A part of the existing entity-based approaches in
literature are inheriting from the social trust dimension. These approaches
are mainly considering reputation-based metrics. Other works are consider-
ing a multifaceted trust. Indeed, in addition to the reputation-based metrics,
they consider the similarity factor. This latter refers to entities having the
same properties. For example, within an IoT network, a vehicle belonging to
a specific cluster may consider that the vehicles belonging to the same clus-
ter are more trustworthy than those belonging to other clusters. For this
General background and related works: trust management in vehicular
example, we can rely on the proximity of the node to assign a better trust
value to the trustee node. In data-based approaches, trust is linked to the
produced message content, which means that these solutions require data
authenticity instead entity legitimacy evaluation. Utility is an important as-
pect to evaluate the data content’s trustworthiness. The utility is introduced
to refer a specific beneficial act, a worth or usefulness of produced event, in
comparison with other actions in same context. Data utility assessment uses
often such trust factors: proximity, time, vehicular node role, and occurred
event type. Hence, data-based approaches can be distinguished into infor-
mation oriented methods and event oriented methods. Similarity aspect has
been also introduced to assess data trust value. Initially, similarity refers
to exchanged data contents coincidence, regarding some parameters like
time and closeness. This fact helps in reducing disseminated data amount
and ensuring that only useful contents are spread. Nevertheless, we cannot
reach typically the assessment of trustworthiness of each exchanged mes-
sages part with this model. Moreover, data sparsity represents the major
issue for this class. Combined trust management approaches relies on trust
of both entity and exchanged data. Entity trust assists in the estimation of
data trust value [51]; The data content that has been considered to be reli-
able by trusted nodes is suggested as trustworthy.
Chapter 3
was derived through periodic beacons that carried location and speed in-
formation. Authors relied also on an echo protocol to achieve trust rating
and validate produced reports i.e., supervising the ordinary and anticipated
behavior of neighbour vehicles in regard to their reported event. Another
multifaceted-agents trust modelling solution for VANET environment was
referenced in [54]. The trust computation included agents trust maintain-
ing part based on priority notion, and majority opinion-based trusted agents
feedback aggregation part. More specifically, the process of trust computa-
tion consisted of forming a selected agents list, ordered based on priority
metrics, for advice asking/ report. When receiving responses, the requester
entity proceeded to majority-based trust calculation. The feedback was fol-
lowed once reaching majority response consensus, otherwise the requester
entity followed the advice of highest trust rate list agent. Similarly, authors
in [55] designed a multifaceted trust scheme for agents in VANET. The trust
values of honest nodes were maintained to demand their related feedback.
The authors considered the role, the experience, the majority opinion, and
the priority metrics to determine the trustworthiness and ask the proper
advisors. The nodes were considered having : (1) authority role, (2) expert
role, (3) seniority role, and (4) ordinary role. The number of interactions was
taken into account to measure the experience factor. In addition, a forget-
ting factor was introduced to deal with the behavior changes. The highway
platooning scenario was addressed in [56]. The reputation was employed
to rank the platoon head vehicles. The system model included a server to
evaluate the head vehicles’ trust. The reputation values were computed by
the collection of feedbacks from vehicles. The system applied an iterative
filtering to exclude the feedbacks of the malicious user vehicles. The au-
thors of the work [57] elaborated a trust inference scheme for VANET to
cope with black/grey hole attacks by quantifying subjective trust and rec-
ommendation trust. The trust was calculated based on historical interac-
tions, whereas the recommendation trust was derived based on neighbours
opinions. Reference [58] highlighted the authentication based on trust as-
sessment in VANET. The authentication process involved the evaluation of
direct trust; computed from observed behavior, and the estimation of the in-
direct trust based on the given recommendations. Direct trust values were
maintained by authority units. The indirect trust was adopted to allow all
the vehicles in the network to validate the new accessing node. The method
used correlation coefficient to identify the malicious vehicles and remove
General background and related works: trust management in vehicular
their recommendations. Then, the average of recommendation trusts was
calculated to obtain the final recommended trust. Likewise, a reputation-
based message authentication for 5G-enabled vehicular was developed in
[59]. In this model, a trusted authority node was in charge of reputation
management to decide about the network access for the vehicles. A vehicle
with a low reputation value was not permitted to obtain the credit refer-
ence from the trusted authority node to participate in the communication. Data-based trust management approaches Authors in [60] were the
first to assume that entity-based trust assessment is not enough. They in-
troduced an establishment of data trust suitable for VANET context. Each
type of node has a predefined trust value. Reports by each node type on
each kind of events were evaluated using default trustworthiness ranking
and other trust metrics derived from security status value, as well as dy-
namic nodes attributes such time proximity and location closeness. In [61],
the authors introduced an approach to identify rogue node in VANET based
on messages similarity. Each vehicle calculated its own flow value based
on speed and density parameters correlation, using the Greenshields traffic
model. When receiving message (i.e., flow value), the vehicle compared it
with its estimated flow measurement. Afterward, the vehicle decided about
similarity of received content and its own estimation. Authors in [62] intro-
duced a trust management scheme wherein data trust was assessed through
computation of confidence and trust values for every received content about
particular event. The confidence measurement was based on location close-
ness, time information, location correctness, and data freshness. In a sec-
ond step, the method proceeded to trust value measurement on the basis
of sender vehicles number and their confidence values. The trust on infor-
mation in VANET was considered also in work [63], where the RSU node
was employed to execute the trust establishment, along with the use of ant
colony optimization algorithm. This infrastructure-based approach aimed
to attenuate the CFD attack through the filtration ability in RSU. The ant
colony optimization algorithm integrated observation with feedback infor-
mation to measure the data trust. The observation factor was defined using
the distance from the reported event and the detection range of the vehi-
cle. The RSU gathered and transformed vehicles’ reports into evidences to
disseminate the trust. An RSU and beacon based trust scheme was further
highlighted in [64]. The vehicles, with the cooperation of RSUs, built and
disseminate the trust values by verifying the plausibility of the beacons and
Chapter 3
the reported events with the tanimoto coefficient. The trust building for
VANET in [65] was completed through location proximity, time closeness,
and location verification. The receiver node measured its trust on each re-
ported message. Then, the proposed method sorted computed trust to make
the decision about the message. The message validation-based approach in
[66] consisted to assign the trust according to message similarity, message
conflict and route similarity. The routing path parameter was involved to al-
leviate the fact that the probability of reporting similar tampered messages
increases as more the senders share common nodes.
General background and related works: trust management in vehicular
from the reported event. To address traffic message plausibility in VANET,
an event-based reputation system was elaborated in [71]. The main func-
tions supported in this system were event management, reputation adapta-
tion, event reputation collection, and event confidence list collection. The
event reputation score defined the intensity level of a traffic event. The rep-
utation of the vehicle was increased by one once detecting the traffic event.
The confidence score indicated the reliability degree of the traffic event. Au-
thors of [72] used the context factor to filter bogus messages. The trust was
derived through the analysis of the different messages reporting the same
event. Each message has to be validated by many vehicles to be regarded
as true. The database that maintained the trust values was cleaned peri-
odically by discarding faulty messages. The objective of work [73] was to
make adaptive decision to enhance trust management in VANET. The de-
cision making scheme was carried out when the time delay exceeded the
defined threshold, or in case where the number of received messages over-
rides the specific threshold. The decision was made according to the trust
degree computed through reporting events.
Chapter 3
Clustering-based trust proposals have shown the potential to address the se-
curity issue in Wireless Sensors Networks (WSNs) [[75]-[78]] and more dy-
namic network infrastructures like VANET and IoV networks. The creation
of trustworthy clusters is an effective method to tackle with communication
system security and extend the life of network. In cluster formation driven
by trust model, the scheme elects the network node with the highest trust
value as a cluster head. This fact can help in enhancing resources system
utilization; e.g., by means of service priority-based allocation by the elected
head. For most cases, the metric of trust is associated with other factors. For
example, the cluster head selection in [79] used a composite metric indicat-
ing the trust level and the resource availability level. Other factors were
combined with the trust metric like the factor of mobility similarity [80].
The computation of trust relies mainly on the behavior of the node [79],
the metric of node reputation [[81]-[83]] and the metric of communication
messages [[84]-[85]]. Authors of [80] suggested a trust management-based
clustering and stability for VANET. Trust management considered trust data
and trust communication metrics. Stability was referred to vehicle mobility
similarity factor. Three phases were required to define nodes cluster role
(i.e., cluster head or cluster member). These phases consisted of (1) neigh-
bourhood discovery (with the same direction), (2) cluster head election us-
ing a backoff timer solution and (3) cluster stability maintenance. Cluster
head selection was based on reputation, mobility and direction similarity
metrics. In [81], the proposed framework relied on a bio-inspired and trust-
based clustering approach to deal with the high overhead problem in WSN
based ITS. The trust was associated with two levels. In the node level (nor-
mal node and cluster head node), the cluster head computed trust values of
its cluster members. Each cluster member measured trust value for its one
hop neighbour. The Bat optimization algorithm was applied to select clus-
ters heads. The selection relied on metrics regarding residual energy level,
trust level, and number of neighbours. In [82], the authors proposed a trust-
based cluster head selection in the VANET by using metrics of experience,
reputation, and knowledge. RSU nodes were in charge to select the cluster
head. The authors of [83] proposed a trust-based secure clusters scheme for
the VANET. RSU nodes were responsible to establish the clusters and assist
to evaluate vehicles trust using velocity similarity. The cluster head main-
tained a reputation table for vehicles.
Table 3.1: Summary of related works: simple approaches
[56] Reputation -Iterative filtering method Matalab-based: numb of vehicles -Vehicle services quality level
2016 and malicious nodes, trust level -Feedback accuracy level
-Trust values measurement
-Resilience to badmouth attack and ballot
stuffing attack
[57] Reputation+ -Markov method Netlogo, SUMO, NS-2: number -Detection rate of malicious nodes
2019 knowledge of vehicles, malicious nodes, and -Detection accuracy
traffic lights, transmission range, -Packet delivery rate
speed and length of vehicles, -Average end-to-end
trust level -Number of transmitted control packets
[58] Reputation+ Correlation Matlab-based: number of vehi- -Trust degree distribution
2015 knowledge coefficient cles, malicious nodes, and recom- -Indirect trust evaluation
-Signature-based menders, trust level
[59] Reputation -Elliptic curve method Simulator not specified, trust -Computation cost
2019 level -Communication cost
General background and related works: trust management in vehicular
Class Ref Trust metrics Used tools Simulation
Setup Specific evaluation criteria
[60] Proximity -DST-based NS-2: number of vehicles, mali- -Average trust level of malicious nodes
Chapter 3
-Time scarcity
[63] Location+ node -Ant colony optimization NS-3: number of vehicles, road -Data delivery delay
2011 proprieties length, vehicles speed, transmis-
sion range, expectation of event
[64] Beacon -Tanimoto coefficient NS-2, SUMO: number of vehicles, -Precision, recall
2012 transmission range, beacon time -Detection delay
to live, event time to live, vehicles
speed, trust level
[65] Location -Defined formulas Simulator not specified: number -Effect of malicious nodes on trust
2013 of vehicles and malicious nodes, -Time complexity
trust level
[66] Messages simi- -Defined formulas Java-based: number of received -Effect of conflicting value and path simi-
2013 larity messages during defined period, larity on trust score
trust level -Effect of false messages on true messages
-Processing time
Class Ref Trust metrics Used tools Simulation
Setup Specific evaluation criteria
[51] -Beacon+event -Cosine similarity rule NS-2: number of vehicles and -Attacks detection rate
2013 +reputation -Signature-based malicious nodes, vehicles speed, -Misbehaving vehicle rate
traffic segment, beacon+Event -Detection delay
time to live, trust level
[67] Reputation+ -DST-based GloMoSim: number of vehicles -Precision and recall of detection
2015 knowledge+ -Cosine similarity rule and malicious nodes, traffic seg- -Communication overhead
environment ment, transmission range, vehi-
(similarity) cles speed, vehicles placement,
trust level
[68] knowledge+ -Defined formulas Automata model: number of ve- -Accuracy of malicious data detection
2016 node proprieties -Stochastic cellular hicles, malicious nodes and data, -Average delay of vehicles with malicious
vehicles speed, vehicles distance, data
trust level
[69] Knowledge+ -Particle filter -Filter area size, vehicles speed, -Trust and confidence values with radar
2012 location trust level area violation
-Runtime of particle filer
-Accuracy of trust values measurement
[70] Knowledge+ lo- -Defined formulas NCTUns: number of vehicles and -Percentage of incorrect decisions
2014 cation malicious nodes, path loss mode,
antenna options
[71] Reputation+event -Fibonacci number function NS-2: number of vehicles, trans- -Average accumulation speed of event
2009 mission range, event, vehicles reputation/confidence values
speed, trust level
[72] Context -Defined formulas VNSim: number of vehicles and -Effect of malicious nodes on trust values
2011 -Signature-based malicious nodes, trust level measurement
[73] Reputation+event -Decision making process NS-2: number of vehicles and -Detection accuracy
2014 malicious nodes, transmission -Decision delay
range, Time to live, vehicle
velocity, trust level
General background and related works: trust management in vehicular
Chapter 3
General background and related works: trust management in vehicular
the local classifiers and shared its knowledge on-demand. The performance
of the shared classifiers was used as trust factor. Other heuristic algorithms-
based trust proposals such as neural network and Support Vector Machine
(SVM) can be found in [[90]-[91]].
Game theory methods have been applied in the trust management for vehic-
ular networks, as they represent an effective tool for nodes behavior anal-
ysis ([[94]-[100]]). The work [94] established an approach to help vehicles
defining the trust of other entities (reputation-based) for better messages
legitimacy assessment. The authors applied the certainty factor theory to
quantify vehicle trust. Direct reputation data were gathered and stored in
a history communication table, as usual from direct interactions, and indi-
rect reputation was built using neighbours feedback (experience-based trust
rate) and RSUs recommendations. fuzzy C-means clustering was also ap-
plied for indirect-reputation establishment. Then the uncertain deductive
theory was employed to combine both computed scores. Moreover, the eval-
uation of the received messages was achieved through attribute-weighted
K-means algorithm. The authors aimed to achieve cooperative behaviors au-
thors through an incentive scheme. The game model involved nodes clusters
Chapter 3
General background and related works: trust management in vehicular
Vickrey Clarke Groves-based incentive structure to promote the vehicles’
participation in the head election procedure. Reputation scores were main-
tained by the RSUs to assess the trust of the cluster head.
Chapter 3
Table 3.3: Summary of related works: approaches with AI techniques
experience ment, transmission range, trans- -Overhead
mission rate, position of RSU, -Throughput
mobility model, size of packet, -Performances against Sybil attack and
trust level wormhole attack
-Energy consumption
[83] Hybrid Reputation+ lo- Clustering-based: Veins; OpenStreet-Map: number -Cluster stability
2020 cation proximity -defined formulas of vehicles, vehicles speed, traf- -Packet Data Ratio
fic segment, transmission range, -Reputation of honest and malicious vehi-
trust level cle
[84] Hybrid Knowledge+ Clustering-based: C-based: percentage of authority -Percentage of messages as spam
2013 node proprieties -defined formulas roles, average number of vehicles -System evolution time
per cluster, traffic segment, max-
imum distance for trust opinion,
vehicles speed, trust level
[85] Hybrid Reputation + lo- Clustering-based: Formal validation verification of soundness and complete-
2020 cation proximity -defined formulas ness
General background and related works: trust management in vehicular
+ forwarders
Ref Class Trust metrics Used tools Simulation
Setup Specific evaluation criteria
[89] Entity- Knowledge ensemble-learning-based: - NSL-KDD, SUMO:number of ve- -Detection rate of malicious nodes
2020 based defined formulas hicles for training and testing, -Accuracy of malicious nodes detection
transmission range, vehicles mo- -False positives
bility, vehicles speed, trust level -False negatives
[92] Entity- Reputation+ Fuzzy logic-based: NS-2, SUMO, MOVE: number of -Correlation behavior
2017 based knowledge -defined formulas vehicles and malicious nodes, ve- -Detection accuracy without collusion
Chapter 3
-defined formulas of groups, overall utility, vehicles
speed, traffic segment, trust level,
[96] Entity- Knowledge Cooperative game theory- Matlab-based: number of vehi- -Rate of compromised decisions
2019 based based: (hedonic) cles and malicious nodes, coali- -Rate of false reports in coalitions
-Bayesian inference tions partition, trust level -Computational time
[97] Hybrid Reputation+ Game theory-based: (Nash Matlab-based: number of vehi- -Retransmission attempts rate
2017 knowledge+ equilibrium) cles and malicious nodes, trans- -Throughput
node proprieties -probability functions mission range, traffic segment, -Data drop rate
traffic type, trust level, payoff
[98] Entity- Reputation+ Signaling game-based: (Job NS2-34, SUMO, VanetMobisim: -Detection rate of malicious nodes
2014 based knowledge market signaling) number of vehicles and malicious -Percentage of false positives
-markov chain nodes, vehicles speed, transmis- -Detection delay
-signature-based sion range, traffic segment, data -Average ratio of corrupted data
-probability functions rate, trust level -Reception ratio with selfish nodes
[99] Entity- Reputation+ Signaling game-based: - NS-2, VanetMobiSim: number -Detection rate of malicious nodes
2013 based Knowledge defined formulas of vehicles and malicious nodes, -False positives
traffic segment, transmission -Average ratios of received data and cor-
range, vehicles speed, trust level rupted data
Ref Class Trust metrics Used tools Simulation
Setup Specific evaluation criteria
[100] Entity- Reputation Game theory+ clustering- NS-3, SUMO: number of vehi- -Detection rate of malicious nodes
2018 based based: cles per cluster, vehicles mobility, -False alarm rate
-neural network propagation model, transmission -Average cluster membership duration of
-Vickrey Clarke Groves range, trust level vehicles
method -Intrusion detection traffic volume
-True positives
-False positives
-False negatives
General background and related works: trust management in vehicular
Chapter 3
General background and related works: trust management in vehicular
identified untrustworthy vehicles to the nearby RSU. The authenticity of the
report and the identity of the vehicle were verified using the Blockchain.
The trust credentials of malicious vehicles were revoked by the RSU. In
[111], the regional federated learning was proposed to enhance the security
in Blockchain-enabled IoV. The vehicles maintained local learning models,
and a reputation scheme was designed to guarantee the trust of vehicles
that participate in the regional learning. Furthermore, the Blockchain tech-
nology has been associated with clustering scheme to solve the shortcom-
ings within vehicular networks. Clustering techniques can assist to scale
Blockchain-based IoV [112]. Also, the use of the Blockchain with the clus-
tering has showed to be an effective solution to preserve security and pri-
vacy [113], and energy consumption [114]. However, the use of the two
mechanisms together with the trust management was mainly explored in
the context of IoT environment [[115]-[120]].
Chapter 3
monitor the local SDN controllers and compute their trust scores. The com-
putation of trust relied on the interactions of the vehicle with the local SDN
controller and the Watchdogs. The trust management has been also applied
along with SDN for routing task in many works e.g., [125][[126]. In [125],
the authors used trust management with the SDN for routing selection in ve-
hicular networks. The trust of nodes relied on the data packet forwarding ra-
tio and the control packet forwarding ratio. In [126], the authors introduced
an hybrid SDN-based geographic routing protocol. The routing process ap-
plied trust management and encrypted schemes. The nodes of the network
were clustered and each cluster head represented a semi-centralized con-
troller. The selection of cluster head relied on map factor. The trust was
computed using past interactions. The work [127] employed deep rein-
forcement learning and trust management for routing in SDN-based VANET
environment. The proposal consisted of path learning and trust establish-
ment process. The deep reinforcement learning was deployed into a cen-
tralized controller. Honest nodes aimed to discover the highest path trust
score in order to establish data transfer. The trust level was assessed using
the packets forwarding ratios. In other works, the SDN has been combined
with Blockchain for the trust management in vehicular networks. The au-
thors of [128], introduced a consortium Blockchain-based trust approach
for vehicular SDN. The trust was estimated based on the rating recorded in
the distributed ledger. The rating was referred to road-relevant messages.
The computed trust value was used for the resource allocation on the con-
trol plane of the SDN. In [129], the authors presented a trust management
approach for SDN-enabled 5G-VANET. The data plane consisted of vehicles,
RSUs and the 5G base stations. RUSs and 5G base stations were controlled by
a centralized SDN controller. With the support of the Blockchain, the RSUs
verified the realness of the traffic data using the location proximity met-
ric. In [130], the Blockchain was incorporated with the SDN and the Fog to
manage the VANET network. The Fog technology was introduced to avoid
frequent handovers. The devices in the Fog zones were SDN-enabled. More-
over, the SDN control plane included a Blockchain layer. The Blockchain
was designed to support a reputation-based data propagation among the
connected peers. The trust feature was also considered in [131] in order
to improve the throughput of Blockchain-SDN-enabled VANET. The SDN
controllers were responsible to collect vehicles trust. The trust values were
generated from the history of direct interactions. These values were then
General background and related works: trust management in vehicular
sent to a control layer operating in the distributed Blockchain manner.
3.6 Discussion
Based on the reviewed works, we can conclude that an effective trust man-
agement scheme is required in vehicular networks to satisfy users applica-
tions’ expectations. Diverse criteria as requirements could be defined for
the evaluation of the proposal efficiency. These criteria are mostly based on
the challenges within the advanced vehicular environment. We summarize
the above reviewed approaches (in both presented classifications) in the fol-
lowing Tables 3.1ś3.6, wherein we recap the approaches classes, the chosen
trust metrics, the used tools and the selected simulation performance pa-
rameters, to enable a qualitative comparison. It is worth reminding that the
existing classification in trust that consists of entity-based, data-based and
combined classes can serve as a core abstract classification. We mentioned
that our taxonomy could be an associated sub-classification, and thus we
conducted in Tables 3.1, 3.3, and 3.5 the assignment of both classes to the
reviewed approaches in subsection 3.4.2. Tables 3.1-3.2 present the simple
approaches of trust management in vehicular networks. Tables 3.3-3.4 de-
pict the approaches of trust management in vehicular networks with AI-
enabling techniques. Tables 3.5-3.6 list the approaches of trust management
in vehicular networks with emerging technologies. Moreover, we selected
the following overall criteria to further illustrate the difference between re-
viewed works: (1) dynamicity, (2) scalability, (3) complexity, (4) communi-
cation overhead, (5) robustness, and (6) privacy.
• Dynamicity
From Tables 3.2, 3.4, and 3.6, we can see that a lot of referred approaches
have satisfied dynamicity criteria (i.e., mobility patterns dependence, low
infrastructure dependence, dynamic metrics, fast trust update, ...). Usually,
data-based trust models are more dynamic than entity-based trust mod-
els (e.g., infrastructure recommendation less-based to extract global trust,
where there is no long interactions between nodes due to high speed.
Table 3.5: Summary of related works: approaches with emerging technologies
-bidding price payoff, bidding price -Attacks number
[105] Entity- Reputation Edge-based: -Urban area: number of served -Average reputation value of malicious
2017 based multi-weighted subjective nodes and malicious nodes, traf- nodes
logic fic segment, vehicles speed, trust -Detection rate of malicious nodes
level -Resource budgets of served nodes
-Utility of served nodes
[106] Hybrid Knowledge+ Edge-based: NS-2, SUMO, MOVE: number of -Precision and recall
2020 node propri- -fuzzy logic vehicles and malicious nodes, -Overall accuracy of malicious nodes de-
eties+ location -k-nearest neighbour algo- traffic segment, transmission tection
rithm range, vehicles speed, vehicle -Communication overhead
-cuckoo filter type, trust level
[107] Entity- Node propri- Blockchain-based: Matlab-based: number of vehi- -% of unfair ratings
2018 based eties -Proof-of-Work+ Proof-of- cles and false reports, packet size, -Trust value offset
stake vehicles distance, trust level -Generation time of offset blocks
-SHA-256 -Transmission latency
-Bayesian inference
Ref Class Trust metrics Used tools Simulation
Setup Specific evaluation criteria
[108] Entity- Reputation+ Blockchain-based: Python+ Golang-based: num- -Evaluation of announcement protocol
2019 based knowledge -Proof-of-work+ Practical ber of vehicles, malicious nodes (average computation time)
Byzantine Fault Tolerates and updating requests, vehicles -Trust value change
-logistic regression speed, transmission range, trust -Detection rate of malicious nodes
level -False detection rate
-Average latency of consensus algorithm
Entity- Reputation+ Blockchain-based: -Numb of vehicles, trust level -Storage and transmission overhead
based knowledge -Proof-of-work
[110] Entity- Node propri- Blockchain-based: NS-2, SUMO: number of vehi- -Precision, Recall of malicious nodes de-
2020 based eties -deep learning (feedforward cles and malicious nodes, vehicle tection
neural network) speed, vehicles placement, trans-
mission range, trust level
[111] Entity- Reputation Blockchain-based: Number of vehicles and mali- -Model accuracy rate under reputa-
2021 based -regional federated learning cious nodes, trust level tion/non reputation selection
algorithm -Convergence of knowledge price
[123] Entity- Node propri- SDN-based: NP-completeness OMNET ++, Modeler: number -Throughput
2018 based eties of vehicles and malicious nodes, -Average end-to-end delay
traffic segment, trust level
[124] Entity- Reputation+ SDN-based: Veins, SUMO: number of vehicles -Detection rate of malicious nodes
2020 based Knowledge -clustering scheme and malicious nodes, transmis- -False positives
sion range, traffic segment, trust
[125] Entity- Node propri- SDN-based: OPNET: number of vehicles, traf- -Average end-to-end delay
2016 based eties -defined formulas fic segment, trust level -Throughput
-Rate of sent messages
[126] Entity- Knowledge SDN-based: NS-2.34, VanetMobiSim: number -Average end-to-end delay
2020 based -clustering scheme of vehicles and malicious nodes, -Packet delivery ratio
-signature-based transmission range, vehicles
speed, traffic segment, medium
capacity, trust level
General background and related works: trust management in vehicular
Ref Class Trust metrics Used tools Simulation
Setup Specific evaluation criteria
[127] Hybrid Knowledge+ SDN-based: TensorFlow: number of vehicles, -Convergence performance
2020 node properties -deep Q-learning learning rate, trust level -Expected transmission count
Chapter 3
[130] Entity- Reputation SDN+ Blockchain+ Fog- NS-3: number of vehicles, packet -Packet delivery rate
2019 based based: size, traffic segment, vehicles -Transmission delay
-Practical Byzantine Fault speed transmission range, trust -Processing time of blocks
Tolerance level
-clustering scheme
[131] Entity- Reputation SDN+ Blockchain- based: TensorFlow: number of vehicles, -Throughput
2019 based -redundant Byzantine Fault packet size, block size, traffic seg- -Convergence performance
Tolerance ment, trust level
-duelling deep Q-Learning
General background and related works: trust management in vehicular
Table 3.6: Qualitative comparison of related works: approaches with emerging technologies
• Scalability
• Complexity
Chapter 3
• Communication overhead
The lower communication overhead ratio is, the more efficient the network
is (e.g., lower bandwidth use; cost-effective network; accordingly, fast and
better real response time, etc.). However, this parameter has been not con-
sidered in major discussed approaches (only [67] showed good result).
• Robustness
• Privacy
General background and related works: trust management in vehicular
(e.g., fuzzy logic-based), better decision selection (e.g., Q-learning-based),
malicious actions reducing (e.g., clustering- based; election of honest clus-
ter head, game theory-based; incentive mechanism), and nodes selfishness
coping (e.g., cooperative game-based), but also have faced some QoS con-
cerns; mainly related to communication overhead and time complexity. The
clustering techniques help a lot in designing reliable an scalable trust man-
agement framework since the trust management is decentralized. However,
these techniques can be improved when used with the association of the
emerging technologies such as the Blockchain or the SDN. These techniques
can facilitate the coordination between the different cluster heads and bring
better traceability of the trust management process. Also, the integration of
the AI techniques in trust models aims mainly to define the trust formula.
When considering the whole IoV ecosystem, a distributed approach of the
intelligence on the different components of the IoV environment could be
very useful to optimize the proposed model (e.g, collaborative learning of
trust level). Thus, integrated the federated learning approaches when build-
ing trust management approaches could has an impact on its robustness
since the role of different IoV entities could be different (humans, devices,
infrastructure entities), and thus their trust formula could be based on dif-
ferent metrics and different parameters. The trust management in emerg-
ing technologies is in the core of future works interest for the IoV. These
technologies can assist in providing QoS and network architectures that en-
sure more scalable and efficient trust management; e.g., trust data can be
immutable and stored with resiliency and traceability with the Blockchain.
Table 3.6 clearly tells about robustness performances of Blockchain-based
trust approaches. Fog technology can offer localized processing within the
trust scheme. Also, trust need to be built at different levels within emerg-
ing architectures like Fog, Edge or SDN-driven environment. Regarding,
Blockchain-based trust management approaches, some possible issues re-
lated to consensus, blocks generation delay, forks, and power consumption
should be considered to more satisfy the QoS. From another hand, let us
recommend conceiving lightweight trust management frameworks charac-
terized by a low energy consumption. Indeed, applying the trust manage-
ment within an IoV environment leads to a communication overhead and
thus increases the time complexity. This is becomes more critical when
considering real time applications that are delay sensitive. For that, these
parameters have to be taken into account for reliable performance evalua-
Chapter 3
tion. Hence, we should consider more the energy efficiency of trust models.
The evaluation of energy efficiency becomes more important in the green-
IoT deployment’ context when defining a green communication across the
IoV ecosystem. Emerging technologies can be used to improve this param-
eter since they propose innovative schemes to improve the methodologies
of energy efficiency that should be considered during the process of trust
3.7 Conclusion
This chapter discussed efficiency of proposed trust-based works for the ve-
hicular environment. Although there have been many works, further im-
provements are needed. Generally, three aspects for improvement can be
considered: implementing efficient trust assessment scheme, considering
the QoS aspect, and conceiving optimized architecture. In this thesis, we
focus on research direction of trust with emerging technologies. Both SDN
and Blockchain technologies are important to trust management in the IoV
ecosystem. Besides, they are integral to an optimized IoV architecture. They
help establish, verify, and maintain trust among nodes while ensuring relia-
bility of communications. In chapter 4, we will deal with security in the IoV
through a trust and Blockchain based approach.
Chapter 4
4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
4.2 Blockchain and trust-based approach for the IoV . . . 68
4.2.1 Proposed approach overview . . . . . . . . . 68
4.2.2 Proposed architecture overview . . . . . . . . 69
4.2.3 Threat model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
4.2.4 Proposed trust management process . . . . . 73
4.2.5 Simulation study and results . . . . . . . . . . 80
4.2.6 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
4.3 Blockchain and trust-based clustering approach for
the IoV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
4.3.1 Proposed approach overview . . . . . . . . . 84
4.3.2 Proposed architecture overview . . . . . . . . 85
4.3.3 Proposed Clustering Scheme . . . . . . . . . . 86
4.3.4 Simulation study and results . . . . . . . . . . 95
4.4 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
Chapter 4
4.1 Introduction
Trust management approach for the IoV
Figure 4.1 illustrates the IoV environment architecture. Our IoV network is
two level Blockchain based architecture. It involves vehicles, RSU nodes,
trusted authority nodes, and ITS centers. These entities interact through
different wireless communication types forming V2X communications. We
assign two types of vehicles: ordinary vehicles and edge vehicles. Role of
each network component is defined as follows:
• Ordinary vehicles
The ordinary vehicles are considered to carry out the a local basic processing
of data. Their performances are not very high and they do not contribute
much in the overall network continuity.
• Edge vehicles
The edge vehicles are those vehicles with strong resources and computa-
tional capabilities, compared to the ordinary vehicles. Edge vehicles are fit-
ted with cache memory that can employ intelligent caching strategies based
on usage patterns and relevance (e.g., frequently accessed data can be pri-
oritized). This can offer severaladvantages in terms of reducing latency, im-
proving data availability, and optimizingbandwidth usage. The edge nodes
handle trust computation. The edge nodes are considered to semi-trusted.
Chapter 4
The trusted authority nodes are defined to authenticate the nodes of the net-
work. Each authority node is responsible for a specific geographic zone. The
authority node is an independent, reliable, and highly secure entity. It gen-
erates communication system parameters and saves real identities of nodes
belonging to its area. That let the authority nodes to perform and track out
the registration of network nodes through deliverance of certifications. The
services of authority nodes are released and regulated by a variety of legal,
financial, technical, and structural. The trusted authority nodes are assumed
to be enriched with high powered computational resources and sufficient
storage, as well as they can not be compromised.
Trust management approach for the IoV
• RSUs
The RSUs are deployed to provide information about road traffic and infras-
tructure assistance.
Chapter 4
1. Local Blockchain
The bottom layer of the proposed network model involves the edge vehi-
cles to build the local Blockchains. Thus, the local Blockchains are associated
with different geographical zones to support the local trust management.
These local Blockchains are employed to save the trust data of local nodes
(i.e., nodes belonging to small zones). The local Blockchains are envisaged
to guarantee low-delay when holding time-sensitive target data like trust
data. By assigning local Blockchains to specific zones, trust management
can be tailored to the specific needs of each zone, further optimizing QoS
for local conditions.
2. Global Blockchain
At the upper layer of the proposed network model, the RSU nodes host
a global Blockchain for trust. The RSU nodes are bound to upload the local
Blockchains into the global Blockchain. This global chain is also employed in
the trust management mechanism to maintain the computed trust of nodes
and to keep it updated with observed nodes behavior. Hence, the global
Blockchain will serve to draw the overall trust level of the communication
system. By maintaining a transparent and tamper-resistant history of trust,
the global Blockchain can enhance overall network security and reliability.
Such layered structure facilitates the recognition of malicious nodes. In next
subsection, we give the attack types that our security framework can coun-
Regarding our IoV network model, the majority of vulnerabilities are related
to malicious edge vehicles, unfair recommendations (from edge vehicles and
RSUs), false or unavailable traffic information and falsified trust data. Us-
ing these vulnerabilities, attackers can reach serious network performance
deterioration. Relying on malicious edge vehicles will affect the network
performances. The unfair recommendations result in generating unreliable
reputations that will affect the trust information. The perceived traffic in-
formation from ordinary vehicles, edge vehicles, and RSUs are liable to be
falsified deteriorating road safety. Likewise, the derived trust data is not
immune from tampering. Hence, the complete security of the network is
Trust management approach for the IoV
compromised. The main attacks that we consider within our approach are
as follows:
For example, a malicious vehicle finds that the road is congested after a ve-
hicle crush, however, it reports false messages to nearby vehicles claiming
that the road is clear. In our trust management process that we detail in sub-
section 4.2.4, the assessment of message credibility along with the incentive
algorithm on message sender limits the possibility of the malicious vehicle
to send false messages.
A malicious vehicle might try to perform, delete or modify the trust values
to hamper the integrity of the network. In such scenario, it is important that
consequences on the overall network security are minimized. To avoid such
attack, we propose a Blockchain based architecture. Using the Blockchain
technology, such attack is extremely difficult. It is almost not possible for
a malicious vehicle to tamper with the trust data saved in the Blockchain
• Bad-mouthing attack
Chapter 4
the edge vehicles. The edge vehicles host local Blockchains to save local
computed trust. We denote V =(V1 , V2 , ..., Vi ) the set of i ordinary vehicles,
E=(E1 , E2 , ..., Ek ) the set of k edge vehicles; 1 ≤ k, RSU =(RSU1 , RSU2 , ...,
RSUu ) the set of u deployed RSUs; 1 ≤ u, and T A=(T A1 , T A2 , ..., T Ay the
set of y authority nodes; 1 ≤ y. As aforementioned, the trusted authority
(TA) is responsible of generating and managing certificates of RSUs, group
key update, partial keys of vehicles and the tracking and revocation of mali-
cious vehicles. The TA is also responsible for generating system parameters,
and the registration of vehicles. It is the only entity that can track the real
identity of vehicles. It is assumed that the TA will never be compromised.
Each geographic area is controlled by a TA. The vehicle Vi (Vi ∈ V ) has a
registration and authentication phase to join the IoV network.
The TA is responsible for the authentication phase within its specific geo-
graphic zone. Authentication guarantees legitimate network’ entities. En-
suring that entities within the IoV can verify each other’s identities before
engaging V2X communications and exchanging sensitive data is essential.
The TA represents the architecture PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) that en-
sures security and privacy through the authentication mechanism based on
an asymmetric cryptography. Indeed, it is responsible for issuing the certi-
fications and the public keys of the vehicles belonging to its range as well as
managing their identities. When a vehicle enters a new geographic zone, it
should be authenticated with the TA. Once the vehicle is registered, the TA
generates a certificate and a pair of public and private keys that will be used
by the vehicle to communicate securely. The certificate contains the public
key with specific attributes such as ID and is signed by the TA private key.
By this way vehicles are registered as valid participants. We denote the pair
of key for the node Vi as (P bm m
i , P vi ; 1 ≤ m); m is the cardinality of the
key pair. The TA delivers a certification for Vi including information about
Vi public key, certification issuer (IFy ), signature of issuer (Sgy ), and certi-
fication expiration date (Epi ). To reinforce the security of the network, the
delivered certification includes also the Vi reputation value (Ri ).
Cerfm m
i,y = (P bi , Sgy , IFy , Epi , Ri ) (4.1)
Trust management approach for the IoV
The vehicle will use its private and public keys to sign all its messages before
sending them. When the vehicle wants to send a message, it will attach
its certificate and digital signature using the private key with the message.
The receiver of the message has to check the attached certificate using the
public key of the TA received when keys were issued. Once the certificate
is verified, the sender public key will be obtained and used to check the
message’s digital signature. The message sender is authenticated if both the
certificate and message signature verification succeed.
Chapter 4
P|E| P|RSU |
Rec(h,j) RecRSU (h,j)
Rtj =αRjt−1 +β h=1
|E| +δ h=1
|RSU | (4.2)
Trust management approach for the IoV
min(lc(V ),lc(Ev ))
Conft (j)= max(lc(Vjj ),lc(Evqq )) (4.3)
where lc(Vj ) and lc(Evq ) refer, respectively, to the positions of the sender
Vj and the event Evq . We point that |lc(Vj ) − lc(Evq )|< ξlc. ξ represents
the accepted threshold for the locations difference. The value 0 will be as-
signed to Conf t (j) where the opposite of the marked condition takes place.
Concerning the reported messages, the TA defines a service level agreement
(SLA) that classifies the messages types based on the importance level of the
occurred event. The defined SLA can be shared with the edge vehicles when
required. The three categories of the messages are defined as follows:
Chapter 4
Trust management approach for the IoV
To recap the process, each node that joins the network should be in the
first place authenticated through the trusted authority nodes to confirm the
legitimacy of its identity. Each node disposes of a digital certificate. The
edge vehicles manage the trust in the network. Whenever a node receives a
report (step 2), it can request the trust score of the sender from the nearest
edge vehicle (step 3). This later proceeds to the calculation of the trust score
to exhibit the required value to the requesting node. During this fourth step,
the edge vehicle checks firstly its cache memory. It takes the pre-determined
trust score of the sender to calculate the new one, once available. If the
old score is not provided by the cache, the edge vehicle communicates with
the IPFS to retrieve the required trust score (if available). The trust estima-
Chapter 4
tion process consists of the calculation of the reputation and the message-
credibility. The edge vehicle exhibits the required value to the requesting
node. The updated trust score is then preserved in the local Blockchain. Fur-
ther, the edge vehicle keeps the frequent requested trust scores in its cache.
The local mining consensus is performed by the edge vehicles. Finally, an
incentive is placed for the involved nodes (i.e., senders, recommenders and
edge vehicles). Such algorithm can encourage the vehicle nodes to be coop-
erative and collaborate in a honest way. Likewise, the local Blockchains are
uploaded into the RSUs to be added within the global chain.
Trust management approach for the IoV
Parameters Values
Maximum nodes density 150
Percentage of edge vehicles 10%
Percentage of RSUs 2%
Percentage of authority nodes 2%
Average of vehicle speed 40 km/h
Maximum percentage of malicious vehicles 40%
Trust threshold 0.7
Weights of the reputation value function α=0.5 β=0.3 δ=0.2
Chapter 4
comes of the recall rate. The vehicles that sent false events yielded weak
trust score. At this point, it is worth mentioning that a higher number of
malicious recommenders leads to easier damage of network. From figure
4.4, the detection rate deteriorated with a high percentage of malicious ve-
hicles. Nevertheless, detection performance is considered good with about
91%. Regarding time complexity performance, figure 4.5 shows that our pro-
posal reached a good calculation time performance during the trust man-
agement process. The spending time of calculating the trust was dependent
on the network density (nodes number). From figure 4.5, we can see that
the increase of network density implied an increase in the trust calculation
time. This is because in a denser network, there are more nodes actively
communicating with each other, which leads to an increase in interactions
that the trust management scheme must process. However, the calculation
time performance of our proposal is satisfactory. Figure 4.6 illustrates the
communication overhead ratio that we considered on the trust process. We
evaluated this metric over the nodes density. We can notice that when the
rate of malicious vehicles is about 40%, the overhead is not very high.
4.2.6 Summary
Trust management approach for the IoV
Chapter 4
Trust management approach for the IoV
• We focus on the energy metric within the IoV network. First, we con-
sider the energy as a metric to define our clustering approach. Second,
we consider the energy consumption as a metric to evaluate our new
proposed framework. The energy metric is important to consider since
it directly impacts the network continuity. Moreover, it defines a com-
promise between the network security and the network QoS.
The architecture of the IoV network model is shown in Figure 4.7. The archi-
tectural model that we consider is based on a classification of the different
IoV nodes. Similarly in subsection 4.2.2, the IoV network is composed of
numerous entities. The IoV entities (vehicles, RSUs, ITS centers and trusted
Chapter 4
Trust management approach for the IoV
tion that concern the vehicles belonging to their clusters. When a vehicle
joins a geographic area, it should respect two phases: (1) registration and
authentication phase, and (2) cluster joining phase.
Chapter 4
Ri ))(see Eq.(4.1).
• Cluster joining
Once the authentication process succeeds, the vehicle can start the second
phase and join the nearest cluster. For that it broadcasts a cluster joining
request. The request contains its delivered certificate and other parameters
indicating its velocity, position and direction. To check that request, the
cluster head will use the trust authority public key that it received when it
registered and authenticated with the trust authority. Moreover, the cluster
head checks the reputation value of the sender that is included in its cer-
tificate. If the trust value of the sender is equal to zero, the cluster head
can consider that the vehicle could be non trusted and cannot join the clus-
ter. Moreover, the cluster head will check if the request sender satisfies the
cluster properties. When the vehicle properties correspond to the proper-
ties of a specific cluster and the reputation value is positive, the cluster head
sends a positive response to confirm that the vehicle can join the cluster
and its certificate to prove that it is a honest node. The vehicle sending
the initial request checks the cluster head identity using its certificate. If
this authentication phase succeed, then the vehicle sends a confirmation re-
sponse of joining that cluster. Hence, the vehicle will be able to participate
in the cluster local trust management process. Here, we note that the cluster
head selection process is described in next subsection. Later on, the vehicle
trust value will be updated by the cluster head depending on its behavior
until leaving the cluster. When the vehicle leaves the cluster, the cluster
head shares the updated vehicle trust value with the RSU and the trusted
authority of its geographic zone. Figure 4.8 summarizes the two phases of
the cluster formation process.
Trust management approach for the IoV
three parameters: the trust value, the safety distance and the resource indi-
cator. Our choice of these parameters is based on enforcing both security
and QoS of our IoV network. The trust value helps to improve the security
within the cluster. The safety distance and the resource indicator ensure the
network continuity and stability. A safe inter-vehicle distance will assist
to avoid collisions. Safety distance is the minimal inter-distance that keeps
two vehicles in safety driving situation while they move and apply braking
at maximal capacities. Hence, the selection of cluster head that is situated
in a safe distance from the following vehicle allows to avoid rear-end colli-
sion and prevent the damage of cluster topology. The resource indicator is
composed of three parameters related to the vehicle: the storage capacity,
the computing capacity and the charging capacity. The charging capacity
(battery level) is mandatory when the vehicle is electric. Indeed, the electric
Chapter 4
vehicles may face the discharging problem. Hence, to minimize the energy
consumption and so minimize the discharging problem, we have to imple-
ment lightweight algorithms when integrating security within the vehicles.
If the algorithm complexity is low, then its energy consumption will be less.
When the vehicle is not electric, the charging capacity is fixed at the max-
imum value. Let us consider C an index of the computing capacity, S an
index of the storage capacity and B an index of the battery charging. The
resource indicator EN (Vi ) of the node Vi is calculated as follows:
EN(Vi ) =C + S + B (4.7)
The cluster head has to manage the cluster members joining and the trust
management within the cluster. For that, the cluster head should belong to
the edge nodes that are characterized by high performances. Thus, an edge
vehicle can become cluster head once the following criteria are satisfied: (i)
the edge vehicle’ trust meets the required threshold, (ii) the edge vehicle
respects a suitable safety distance from the other nodes, (iii) and the edge
vehicle has sufficient residual energy. The cluster head will be the node
having the maximum value of the following formula:
where Υ, Ψ, and Ω are respectively the weights for the trust value, the
safety distance, and the resource indicator. We note that Υ+Ψ+Ω= 1. These
weights are defined as the relevance of scores for each matched selection
criteria, i.e., as the proportions of cluster head attributes’ significance to the
required selection criteria. The edge vehicle having the highest Selc value
is picked to be the cluster leader. To determine the best values of Υ, Ψ,
and Ω that optimize the network performances, we conducted a set of tests
during our performance evaluation phase described in subsection 4.3.4. The
performances evaluation has been performed considering different values
for these three weights. The selected values for these weights are presented
in sub-subsection The trusted authority communicates continuously
with the cluster heads through sending them a "HELLO Cluster Head" re-
quests. When a cluster head do not respond, the trusted authority initiates
Trust management approach for the IoV
During this phase, the topology of the IoV network is updated depending on
the events that may occur within the network. To maintain the clustering
scheme updated, the trusted authority communicates continuously with the
cluster heads. Indeed, it broadcasts periodically a "Hello Cluster Head" re-
quests to probe the existence of different cluster heads. When a response is
not received from a specific cluster head, the trusted authority can deduce
that cluster head left its geographic area. In this case it triggers the selection
cluster head process. Even though all cluster heads are still remaining in the
trusted authority geographic area, the trusted authority sends periodically
requests to re-elect the cluster heads within the IoV network. The update
of the cluster heads is mandatory since the trust values of different nodes
may change based on the trust calculation process. Indeed, the cluster head
Chapter 4
Trust management approach for the IoV
Chapter 4
Figure 4.12 recaps the general phases of the trust management process
with clusters.
Trust management approach for the IoV
Chapter 4
Trust management approach for the IoV
Parameters Values
Maximum nodes density 400
Percentage of edge vehicles 10%
Average of vehicle speed 110 km/h
Maximum percentage of malicious vehicles 50%
Trust threshold 0.7
Initial values for weights of the reputation function Υ=0.5 Ψ=0.3 Ω=0.2
Transmission range 350 m
Size of packet 50 bytes
Simulation time 150s
Mac protocol IEEE802.11p
Chapter 4
Trust management approach for the IoV
Chapter 4
can notice that when the rate of malicious vehicles is about 40%, the over-
head is still not very high when we consider the density of 200 nodes. From
another side, we consider the throughput metric. The throughput is defined
as the amount of packets exchanged successfully during a particular time
frame. The evaluation of the throughput is a significant perspective to in-
terpret the runtime performance. Figure 4.18 displays the enhancement in
the throughput when considering clustering and particularly when the clus-
ter size is smaller. Indeed, the clustering scheme helps to detect malicious
vehicles and to eliminate them and so they will not negatively impact the
rest of the network. However, we can deduce that the increase of the per-
centage of the malicious vehicles affect the network throughput since the
malicious nodes will participate in dropping and deviating messages. When
the clustering scheme is not applied, a malicious node can act on different
zones of the network and so deteriorate the throughput.
Trust management approach for the IoV
Chapter 4
licious vehicles and with 50% of malicious vehicles. Indeed, the vehicles mo-
bility can impact the network connectivity. For that, the proposed clustering
scheme has the advantage to ensure the network continuity and to enhance
the network stability. The number of formed cluster is related to two cri-
teria. The first criteria is the vehicle mobility. The second criteria is the
percentage of malicious vehicles. In figures 4.21(a) 4.21(b), we present the
average number of formed clusters during the simulation period depend-
ing on the network density. We can notice that when the percentage of
malicious vehicles increases, the network stability is almost the same. For
example, when the network density is about 200 nodes, we can reach 30 and
34 formed clusters for respectively 30% and 50% of malicious vehicles. Thus,
we can deduce that our trust-based detection scheme does not impact the
network stability since the clusters number is not much increasing when
the rate of malicious vehicles rises. To compare the performances of our
network stability, we considered the scheme presented in [82]. The com-
parison is based on the average cluster duration. Indeed, such a metric is
very significant for the vehicular networks stability because forming a clus-
ter increases the energy consumption which is not very suitable mainly for
electric vehicles. It is calculated as the average of the duration of all formed
clusters during the complete simulation process. To calculate that metric
for our scheme, we considered the same parameters indicated in [82]. The
nodes transmission range is about 200m, the transmission rate is 8 Mbps
and the network density is about 120 nodes. Figure 4.21 shows the obtained
results for the compared schemes. We can notice that our approach pro-
poses better performances since its average cluster duration (280 s) is better
Trust management approach for the IoV
than the one of StabTrust scheme (250 s). Later on, we performed the same
tests with a higher network density for our scheme (300 nodes). The ob-
tained average cluster duration is about 260 s. For that network density, the
result for StubTrust is not provided in [82]. However, we can notice that
the obtained result is still good even when we increase the network density
for our scheme proving that our scheme ensures a very satisfying network
The cluster head selection phase is based on the three weights Υ, Ψ, and
Ω. To fix the corresponding value to each of them, we conducted a set of
tests to calculate the detection rate based on the variation of these three
parameters. For the first tests, we fixed the simulation parameters to those
presented in Table 4.2. We considered a network of 400 nodes with 10% of
Chapter 4
malicious vehicles, the average of vehicles speed is about 110 km/h and the
transmission range is 350 m. The result of these tests is represented in fig-
ure 4.22. The figure shows the variation of the detection rate based on the
variation of Υ, Ψ, and Ω. Each round represents a test. For each round we
can see the corresponding value for the three weights as well as the detec-
tion rate result. We can notice that the minimum detection rate is reached
when one of the three weights has a very low value (< 0.1). For example,
when Υ=0.3, Ψ=0.7 and Ω=0.3 the detection rate is about 80%. However, the
maximum detection rate is reaching its maximum when the three weights
are in [0.2, 0.6]. For example, when Υ=0.4, Ψ=0.3 and Ω=0.3 the detection
rate is about 98%. Moreover, we performed another set of tests considering
two other different network configurations. Within these configurations, we
varied the network density as well as the percentage of malicious vehicles.
Our aim is mainly to check how the three parameters Υ, Ψ and Ω behave in
a different network configuration. For that, we considered two other config-
urations: (1) configuration 1: nodes number = 200, % of malicious vehicles =
30%; (2) configuration 2: nodes number = 300, % of malicious vehicles= 20% .
The results of these tests is presented in figures 4.24(a) and 4.24(b). Based on
these Figures, we can notice that the good detection rates are still achieved
when the three parameters are belonging to [0.2, 0.6]. When one of these
parameter value is too low (<0, 2) or too high (> 0, 8) the detection rate is at
its minimum value. These tests helped us to select the good values of Υ, Ψ
and Ω to fix for our scheme. All our performance evaluation scenarios have
been tested with the following values: Υ=0.4, Ψ=0.3 and Ω=0.3.
Trust management approach for the IoV
4.4 Conclusion
This chapter proposed a trust management approach for the IoV. With the
aid of this proposal, the participating nodes are able to judge the received
messages as either true or false. In the first, we implemented a centralized
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 5
Trust-based collaborative IDS for the IoV
5.1 Introduction
Various IDS models have been introduced within the vehicular network con-
text. The major of proposed IDSs used the machine learning algorithms.
Besides, there has been a notable shift in research towards collaborative
IDS [89]. Compared to single point IDSs, collaborative IDSs encourage dis-
tributed detection. Recently, related works have been started to implement
collaborative IDSs based on the federated learning technique [12]. The fed-
erated learning technique is a decentralized cooperative method that per-
mits data training on multiple entities in order to form a shared training
Chapter 5
model while maintaining the local data private. On another hand, trust-
based IDSs are gaining attention from researchers. Trust-based IDSs aim
to improve the accuracy of malicious node detection by incorporating trust
metrics into the detection process. These metrics evaluate the trustworthi-
ness of nodes based on various aspects. However, it is noteworthy that there
is limited research on trust-based collaborative IDS within the IoV context.
This subsection places a more pronounced emphasis on IDS related works. It
highlights the recent works related to trust-based IDSs, federated learning-
based IDSs, and IDSs that leveraged emerging technologies-driven architec-
tures. In the first, we present the recent approaches for IDS, then, we refer
trust-based IDS related works.
Some of the recent works on the IDS have taken into account the advantage
of trust metrics in the detection process. However, very limited works have
been proposed under the vehicular networks context. Table 5.2 recaps recent
works on trust-based IDS. Summarizing the present subsection, most of pro-
posed IDSs in the vehicular networks context relied on centralized learning
(e.g., [[135]-[140]],[90] [147]). Centrally training the detection model re-
quires significant data collection, which may raise inaccurate or incomplete
detection concerns. Thus, cooperative learning for collaborative IDS is more
suitable over VANET and IoV, enabling continuous accuracy evolution and
flexibility. The cooperation among nodes in the IoV improves the detection
accuracy ([89][141][142][144] [146][148][149][150]). Indeed, collabora-
tive IDS gathers data from multiple nodes, which provides a more compre-
hensive view of network behavior by communicating
Table 5.1: Summary of recent related works on IDS
2021 -computation of reconstruction error to classify anomalies
[140] IDS based on hierarchical growing neural network for VANET: Network simulators: NS2, SUMO
2018 -semicooperative extraction of location information
-two-step confirmation scheme to identify abnormal messages
[141] federated learning-based collaborative IDS: Dataset: IDS2017
2021 -CNN algorithm
-training global model across central server
[142] federated learning-based collaborative IDS: Dataset: SEA
2020 -long short-term memory algorithm
-training global model across central server
[143] Fog-based approach to offload IDS tasks for VANET: Network simulator: PowerTutor
2020 -multiobjective optimization method based on genetic algorithm
[144] Blockchain and federated learning-based collaborative IDS for ITS: Datasets: TON-IoT, Car-hacking
2021 -encoder-decoder modules
Trust-based collaborative IDS for the IoV
Table 5.2: Summary of trust-based IDSs
-DST, Bayesian learner
[148] markov-based reputation collaborative IDS for VANET: Network simulators: NS2, SUMO, March, Aegean
2020 -Non-dominant Sorting Genetic algorithm WiFi Intrusion
-Non-Linear Programming optimization scheme
-Hidden Generalized Mixture Transition Distribution -multilayer perceptron
[149] trusted Blockchain and federated learning-based collaborative IDS for vehicular networks: Dataset: KDDCup99
2021 -multi-layer perceptron
-a mask noise model upload scheme
-trust-based incentive mechanism
[150] challenge-based IDS in SDN-driven architecture: Open vSwitch, POX controller, Snort
2021 -reputation-based (entity-based trust process)
-the trust management component refers to send a challenge periodically investigating the trust-
worthiness of other nodes
-SDN controllers contributed to collect data and provide network status
Trust-based collaborative IDS for the IoV
Chapter 5
Trust-based collaborative IDS for the IoV
IDS utilizes the collaboration among local SDN controllers to jointly imple-
ment the trust- based detection model.
• By focusing on specific zones, the SDN can allow for efficient resource
allocation, ensuring that IDS nodes have the necessary resources (e.g.,
energy, bandwidth) to participate in collaborative detection. This re-
source management optimizes the performance of the IDS.
• The SDN will allow for efficient network segmentation, malicious ac-
tivity in one segment can be contained under an SDN structure, pre-
venting it from affecting the entire network. Also, the SDN controllers
can focus the detection on specific regions or nodes types.
• SDN and federated learning will allow for easy scalability of the col-
laborative IDS.
Chapter 5
Our trust and SDN based collaborative IDS constructs the detection model
based on local detection by SDN controllers. Each SDN controller assesses
the trustworthiness of assigned network nodes. The trustworthiness relates
to how nodes behave over time and whether their behavior exhibits anoma-
lies that could indicate malicious activity.
• The first tier (local detection) is responsible for analyzing network be-
havior locally. The second tier (global detection) aggregates informa-
tion from the first tier and makes decisions based on a broader view of
the communication system.
• The IDS decides about the trust of nodes. It relies on node properties-
based metrics to identify behaviors and determine whether observed
behaviors align with trustworthy behaviors. The SDN provides global
Trust-based collaborative IDS for the IoV
view of network behavior and nodes activities, and the detection pro-
cess leverages this visibility to detect anomalies.
Details about the proposed IDS that combines trust, federated learning,
and SDN are provided in the upcoming sub-sections.
The proposed network architecture for the IDS is illustrated in figure 5.1.
The network model includes the IoV nodes, the federated learning model,
and the SDN controllers constituting the control plane. The Cloud server
corresponds to the upper layer, while the SDN controllers and the IoV nodes
are placed in the bottom layer. The Cloud server acts as part of the control
plane, enabling collaborative IDS through federated learning.
Chapter 5
• Data plane
Smart vehicles, RSUs, trusted authority nodes, and switches are associated
with the data plane as they generate, exchange, and process data. They are
monitored by SDN controllers for unusual behavior.
• Control plane
SDN controllers refer to the core of control plane in the SDN network. They
are deployed at base stations, each responsible for managing a segment of
the network. The SDN controllers are fully trusted.
• Ordinary vehicles
• Authority nodes
The authority nodes serve mainly to register the nodes of the network through
certificates. IoV entities and SDN controllers use these certificates to facil-
itate secure communication channels and ensure that authorized nodes are
part of the network. Also, the trusted authority nodes can provide valuable
information about the legitimacy of network nodes, which can be used as
an input for intrusion detection running on SDN controllers.
• RSUs
The RSUs are controllable by SDN controllers. An RSU can receive data
from vehicles within their range and relay it to the appropriate SDN con-
troller. Also, the RSUs can aggregate data from multiple vehicles, providing
additional context and environmental data for a consolidated stream of in-
formation to the SDN controllers. They can control traffic signals and signs
in coordination with the SDN controllers to optimize road traffic.
Trust-based collaborative IDS for the IoV
SDN controllers are the central brain in the SDN-based IoV architecture. The
controllers are in charge of controlling the overall behavior of the network.
The SDN controllers determine the network rules and apply them to the
data plane. They provide control and management of network resources,
including RSUs and vehicles. We propose that the SDN controllers perform
local intrusion detection and monitoring functions. They analyze real-time
data from RSUs and vehicles within their coverage area to identify anomalies
in network behavior. They transmit local detection models to the Cloud.
Besides, the SDN controllers manage data flow between the local network
nodes (vehicles, RSUs, trusted authority nodes) and the Cloud server. They
determine how data is routed to prioritize traffic and ensure that data from
the different nodes reaches the Cloud server efficiently.
• Cloud server
The Cloud serves for global anomaly detection and model aggregation from
SDN controllers. The Cloud server can overseen the collaborative learning
process to generate comprehensive security reports and collaborate with the
SDN controllers for coordinated responses to security threats.
Nodes that inconsistently forward data, or drop packets are exhibiting trust
anomalies. For instance, a spike in packet drop rate can indicate malicious
behavior (e.g., blackhole attack). Likewise, nodes that drop packets related
to security incidents to fail reporting incidents may be considered untrust-
worthy since cooperating in security protocols are essential trust-building
behaviors. Metric like packet behavior deviation can be highly effective in
detecting inconsistent data forwarding.
Chapter 5
When vehicles are traveling in close proximity, they tend to maintain rela-
tively consistent speeds to avoid collisions. In platooning scenarios where
vehicles travel closely, if a vehicle behaves erratically within a platoon (e.g.,
abruptly changing speed), it may signal a security threat. The driving pat-
tern metric can help to monitor platooning operation.
• Frequency of interactions
Trust anomalies can include nodes that either excessively or minimally in-
teract with others. For example, close vehicles with similar speed are ex-
pected to interact more frequently. This is because vehicles in close proxim-
ity tend to communicate more for various reasons, such as collision avoid-
ance, cooperative driving, or sharing traffic information. Excessive interac-
tion frequency between vehicles that are very close may indicate unneces-
sary flooding of messages, which can be a sign of malicious activity. Like-
wise, an abrupt reduction in interactions between closely spaced vehicles
may also be indicative of an anomaly. For instance, if a vehicle suddenly
stops communicating with nearby vehicles, it can suggest a trustworthiness
issue, especially within scenario of cooperative driving or information shar-
ing. Vehicle proximity and similar speeds related metrics can contribute to
detect such anomalies.
Trust-based collaborative IDS for the IoV
The IDS model is divided into two key modules. The first module is the
derivative module. This module’s primary function is to compute valuable
attributes from the collected data. These derived attributes are prepared
in the preprocessing step, and will be used as inputs in the classification
module which represents the decision-making part of the IDS. Under the
federated learning paradigm, this module employs machine learning algo-
rithms to assess the input features and classify nodes as either malicious or
non-malicious based on learned patterns. The IDS model starts by extract-
ing valuable information from the data in the derivative module. Then, this
processed data is passed on to the classification module, which makes the
final decision on whether a node should be considered malicious or not. The
IDS model consists as follows. The IDS makes local decisions at the level of
SDN controllers. Each distributed SDN controller is responsible for manag-
ing a specific network zone encompassing IoV nodes such as vehicles, RSUs,
and trusted authority nodes. These SDN controllers collect and analyze data
within their managed zone. The SDN controllers detect the trustworthiness
of local nodes. The local models of trustworthiness detection, created and
maintained by the SDN controllers, are then aggregated into a global detec-
tion model . This model is a comprehensive overview of network trustwor-
thiness. The Cloud server acts as the aggregator for these local detection
models using federated learning. Federated learning allows SDN controllers
to share local detection models with the Cloud without directly sharing sen-
sitive data. When a threat is confirmed, SDN controllers can take local ac-
tions to mitigate the threat and initiate adaptive security responses. These
responses can be tailored to the specific context of the threat (e.g., isolate
malicious nodes from the network, increased monitoring, reroute network
traffic, or alerting nearby vehicles to take precautionary measures).
In fact, the IDS builds upon trust metrics. It takes into account metrics
related to node-properties to decide whether node can pose a security threat
Chapter 5
within the IoV network. Moreover, the IDS can benefit from environment
factors-based trust metrics for threat contextualization and tailored security
responses. Environment factors-based metrics target analyzing the circum-
stances surrounding an event or behavior. This includes factors like traf-
fic density, time of day, and nodes types. For example, if a sudden traffic
slowdown is detected during rush hour in a critical traffic zone, it may indi-
cate a security breach or accident. The global view of environment factors
allows for situational and context-aware threat detection. This contextual-
ization helps prioritizing security responses, e.g., the SDN controllers can
implement stricter security measures during known high-risk hours or in
specific geographical areas. Furthermore, the SDN controllers can maintain
historical threat data to recognize patterns over time for proactive security.
This historical context helps in assessing whether a detected anomaly is a
one-time event or part of a recurring threat pattern. Besides, the global
detection model can rank detected anomalies based on their severity for im-
mediate response and resource allocation. Indeed, high-severity anomalies
may require more resources (e.g., bandwidth and computational power) for
analysis and response. By ranking anomalies, the IDS can allocate resources
according to the perceived threat level. The following subsection details the
used trust metrics into the detection process.
• Stranger node
Trust-based collaborative IDS for the IoV
The stranger node metric evaluates the node trust based on its registration
status within the network. A non-registered node is considered as untrust-
worthy. The SDN controllers have granular topology overview to respond to
stranger nodes. The SDN controllers can monitor the registration of nodes
within their managed area, and use this metric for early suspicion of non-
registered nodes. The SDN controllers can compare the source nodes of in-
coming packets with a list of registered nodes at the authority nodes. Also,
the SDN controllers can monitor the traffic pattern of nodes attempting to
access restricted parts of the network to identify stranger nodes. Besides,
trust can be influenced by interaction with stranger nodes. For example,
nodes that interact with stranger nodes are suspicious. The SDN controllers
can analyze the traffic patterns of nodes within their managed zones to ob-
serve unusual communication patterns, such as a registered node engag-
ing in frequent interaction with an unregistered node. The SDN controllers
can subject these nodes to further scrutiny and monitoring. While stranger
node metric may not contribute in recognizing dishonest nodes in a com-
plete certainty as it can show normal behavior, it raises a high level of sus-
picion to initiate timely investigation. This metric can enhance the agility
of threat mitigation. The SDN controllers can trigger real-time response
when stranger nodes are detected, such as isolation or traffic restriction.
Moreover, SDN controllers can utilize this metric to make context-aware
decision and prioritize responses. For example, if a non-registered stranger
node suddenly appears in a critical part of the network, it will be flagged
as a potential security threat. This severity may be used to prioritize se-
curity response. From another hand, monitoring strange nodes metrics is
beneficial to ensuring proper resource allocation in SDN. The SDN can allo-
cate different levels of access and resources based on authentication status.
Authenticated nodes receive priority access and resources, while unauthen-
ticated nodes are subject to limitations.
Chapter 5
for that specific road segment. This calculation can be based on historical
speed data for the same road segment. Beside, incorporating vehicle proxim-
ity and similar speeds can enhance accuracy in monitoring driving behavior.
Close vehicles that exhibit predictable and consistent speed patterns may be
considered more trustworthy, while those with irregular or suspicious speed
patterns could be viewed with lower trust. When vehicles are in close prox-
imity, it is expected that their speeds will be relatively similar to maintain
safe distances and avoid abrupt speed changes. If vehicle’s speed deviates
significantly from the speeds of nearby vehicles in a similar lane or vicinity,
it can raise suspicion. For example, if a vehicle has an erratic speed behavior
in one area but not in others, it can be a sign of localized malicious activity.
The SDN controllers can collect data from various parts of the IoV to assess
driving patterns comprehensively. They can use this metric to analyze the
behavior of vehicles and identify deviations from expected speed pattern.
Di = Ri Si (5.1)
where Ri denotes the dropped packets at the node i, and Si is the number of
successfully sent packet. Each SDN controller keep track of packet dropping
rate for local nodes to decide their trust status.
Trust-based collaborative IDS for the IoV
Both the SDN controllers and the Cloud server host lightweight learning
algorithms fesigned for training the IDS. Each SDN controller deploys local
trust learning models in its segment of the network. These local models are
trained to detect anomalies within their respective zones. The local models
on the SDN controllers are implemented to be aggregated in a global model.
This creates a global detection model that benefits from insights gathered
from all the local zones. Each local SDN controller contributes to the global
detection model without sharing sensitive data directly. The Cloud server
act as a central point for model aggregation and hosts the global detection
model. The shared detection model is assumed to become more efficient as
the time goes by and adapt to the dynamic nature of network. Following
the federated learning technique, the SDN controllers communicate with
the Cloud during the model training over a predefined number of rounds.
In each training round, the process unfolds as follows.
Each distributed SDN controller independently creates and trains its local
model. This training is done based on the data and behavior patterns ob-
served in its respective zone. Once the local training is complete, each SDN
controller sends to the Cloud its local model.
The Cloud server aggregates the local models to build an improved global
model. This global model benefits from the collective knowledge of SDN
controllers. During this aggregation step, the Cloud combines these lo-
cal models while considering weights related to performance of SDN con-
troller (e.g, latency, throughput). This step aims to ensure that contributions
from different zones are appropriately weighted to create an effective global
• Weighted aggregation
The weights determine the influence of each local model on the formed
global model. The weighted aggregation can ensure that the global model
Chapter 5
reflects relevant insights from the SDN controllers. We adjust weights based
on performance-related factors at each SDN controller: (i) SDN controller
with more available resources (e.g., CPU, memory) can receive higher weight,
(ii) SDN Controller that provides consistent and stable performance over
time (iii) SDN controller that performs local detection at a high rate or with
low latency may be associated to higher weight, (iv) SDN controller with
lower error rates in local detection and more accurate local model may be
favored, (v) SDN controller managing critical segment may be considered
as more trusted and receive higher weight. Furthermore, weights can be
adjusted based on other factors like data heterogeneity. Indeed, the SDN
controllers may have different amounts of data or data with varying levels
of relevance. Weights allow the aggregation server to consider this hetero-
geneity. Local models from SDN controllers with abundant data can be given
higher weights. After aggregating the local detection models, the Cloud
server redistributes the global detection model (GMr ) with new parameters
(GMr+1 ).
GMr+1 = PC (5.2)
C i=1 Wri LMri
where Wri is the weight of the local detection model LMri of the SDN con-
troller (i) at round r, and C is the number of the SDN controllers.
The Cloud server enhances the global model through learning new patterns.
The new global model is redistributed to the SDN controllers. Upon receiv-
ing a copy of the global detection model, the SDN controllers load their
locally updated datasets to train their models. After the training round, the
SDN controllers transmit back the resulted local models to the Cloud.
• Iterative process
Trust-based collaborative IDS for the IoV
Parameters Values
Simulation time 1500s
Maximum nodes density 150
RSUs 4
Authority node 4
Average of vehicle speed 90km/h to 150km/h
Maximum percentage of malicious vehicles 40%
SDN controllers 2
packets dropping threshold 15
Hyperparameters batch size of 32
10 rounds
7 epochs
0.5 learning rate
Chapter 5
large difference of speeds between close vehicles under a same traffic situ-
ation. The SDN controller collected data from network nodes to extract the
considered features for detecting untrustworthy behaviors. They gathered
data by capturing network packets and queried flow statistics from the SDN
switches to derive packets dropping number and stranger nodes. The vehi-
cle’ driving pattern was captured from the data generated by SUMO. Regard-
ing the learning algorithm, we trained the Random Forest algorithm, the 1-
dimensional CNN algorithm and the 1-dimensional RNN algorithm for com-
parison purpose. Such algorithms produced good results as in [136][141].
Therefore, we selected these different algorithms to understand their perfor-
mance under the federated learning structure. Besides, we use a lightweight
CNN and RNN learning models to alleviate the complex learning operations.
We compared the detection performance in terms of recall, precision, and
F1 score.
Recall and precision measures were calculated using Eqs.(4.6)(4.9). The F1-
score combines rates of precision and recall. It can provide a concise eval-
uation of detection performance. The proposed IDS led us to a recall value
of 99.04%, a precision value of ±99.30%, and a F1-score of ±99.17% after
10 rounds, as shown in figures 5.2, 5.3, and 5.4, respectively. Such val-
ues confirm the relevance of training features under the federated learning
paradigm. Compared to the SDN-based collaborative IDS proposed in [146],
our proposal showed more efficiency according to detection performance.
Our proposed IDS learned properly with the Random Forest, the CNN, and
the RNN even with few rounds. Recall value, precision value and F1-score
remain respectively over 95.20%, 95.61%, and 95.40% with 4 rounds. We point
that the CNN algorithm outperformed the Random Forest algorithm and the
RNN algorithm in term of precision rate (see figure 5.2). The Random For-
est algorithm dominated slightly the CNN algorithm during first training
rounds in term of recall rate (see figure 5.3). The algorithms of CNN and
Random Forest exhibited very close detection performance, outperforming
slightly the RNN algorithm.
Trust-based collaborative IDS for the IoV
5.3.8 Summary
Chapter 5
with the Cloud server. The Cloud server was used to handle large-scale fed-
erated learning tasks, and facilitate collaborative learning. The detection
process relied on trust metrics to make decisions about the trustworthiness
of nodes. The performance of the IDS was evaluated using metrics of recall,
precision, and F1-score. In the following section, we aim to enhance the IDS
by highlighting the QoS.
This section suggests to improve the above presented IDS through allowing
more local trust-decision making detection. As stated we combined the SDN,
the federated learning technique and the trust-related metrics to exploit the
benefits of these tools and perform the detection process. We presented a
centralized data handling, where the Cloud provided a central point for an-
alyzing local detection models from multiple SDN controllers and handling
federated learning task. To enhance the IDS, we are interested on near-real-
time detection and more local control. We introduce a clustering mechanism
to construct the IDS framework. The local zones of the SDN controllers will
be sub-divided into clusters, wherein clusters heads operate with the lo-
cal SDN controller to detect untrustworthy nodes. This can provide more
Trust-based collaborative IDS for the IoV
We outline in figure 5.5 the proposed framework architecture for the IDS.
The framework consists of three main modules: SDN controllers layer, clus-
ter layer, and end IoV nodes. The cluster layer and the IoV nodes are asso-
ciated to the data plane. The IoV nodes layer is made up of smart ordinary
Chapter 5
vehicles, RSUs, authority nodes, and other IoV devices. The cluster layer
consists of edge vehicles with enough resources compared to ordinary vehi-
cles. The control plane is defined by the SDN controllers. The Cloud server
in the architecture serves for global perspective of the entire IoV network.
We reconsider the defined role of each component in subsection 5.3.2: (i) the
ordinary vehicle enables environment sensing, communication, and basic
local data processing, (ii) authority nodes role is primarily related to the is-
suance of certificates and the authentication of network nodes, (iii) the RSUs
provide environmental data optimize road traffic, (iv) edge vehicles can be
requested from ordinary vehicles to handle some processing and comput-
Trust-based collaborative IDS for the IoV
ing tasks for the IoV. Edge vehicles are mainly responsible for assuming the
role of cluster head. The selection process identifies edge vehicles with the
necessary capabilities to perform localized anomaly detection. Edge vehicle
as cluster head facilitates communication between the nodes within respec-
tive cluster and the SDN controller, (v) SDN controllers define the network
policies and inform OpenFlow switches about forwarding rules. Each SDN
controller manages the respective part of the IoV network.
Chapter 5
The SDN controller is deployed to manage and govern the network ele-
ments of a particular zone. It is considered that the SDN controllers are fully
trusted. Let us assume that each geographic area, controlled by an SDN con-
troller is composed of u clusters (C1 , C2 , ..., Cu ). Each cluster Cu involves a
set of IoV nodes; ordinary vehicles, edge vehicles, RSUs grouped based on
the distance and the velocity similarity, and it can have one or more cluster
heads. All cluster heads communicate with the respective SDN controller.
The authority node initiates a periodic request to form a cluster and select
its head. The cluster heads are elected from edge vehicles based on trust and
resource metrics. The authority node act as super cluster head in cluster Cu ,
and can provide the selected cluster head(s) with information that concern
the nodes belonging to respective cluster Cu . The IoV nodes should be au-
thenticated to join clusters.
• Authentication
When a vehicle want to join a geographic area, it should register the author-
ity node. The authority node generates certificate at the time the node is
registered (we follow the authentication process adopted in section 4.2 from
chapter 4). A non-authenticated node must be confirmed by the trusted au-
thority before being allowed to be a cluster member.
• Cluster joining
A free node can join the nearest cluster as it authenticated with the authority
node. The free node broadcasts request for cluster joining. The cluster join-
ing request involves node certificate and other parameters related to node
speed and position. The cluster head verifies the cluster joining request by
Trust-based collaborative IDS for the IoV
using public key contained in the free node’ certificate. The node can join
the cluster if it satisfies the cluster properties. The node behavior will be
monitored by the cluster head until leaving the cluster. To maintain the
topology of SDN local zone, the authority node continuously communicates
with the cluster heads. The authority node considers that the cluster head
left its zone, when it do not hear from it periodically. In addition, the au-
thority node periodically verifies whether the cluster heads are maintaining
the required criteria. The supervision of cluster head is mandatory since its
trust may get changed. The periodic check compels clusters heads to behave
well in order to keep their role. The authority node can communicate with
the respective SDN controller and shares its available evaluation of cluster
heads trustworthiness status. The role of cluster manager is retrieved from
cluster head with updated low trustworthiness value (i.e., below the thresh-
old). Figure 5.6 illustrates the general phases of the proposed IDS.
The selection process identifies edge vehicles with the necessary capabilities
to perform as clusters heads. The authority node initiates the phase of clus-
ter head selection. The authority node sends to the edge vehicles a request
containing properties of the cluster that will be created; i.e. cluster size and
maximum number of cluster heads. The authority node as pre cluster head
undertakes the role of verifying the trustworthiness of edge vehicles. In this
phase, the edge vehicles are evaluated to become cluster heads in cluster Cu
Chapter 5
• Selection metrics
Trust-based collaborative IDS for the IoV
cluster head concept which can handle strict energy requirement. How-
ever, the cluster head is responsible for various tasks such as collaborative
local detection cluster management, and communication with the SDN con-
troller. Hence, this metric is used to more strengthen the selection decision.
Considering the above trustworthiness-related metric, the decision on the
selection of cluster head follows Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (Fuzzy
AHP) rule. The Fuzzy AHP is a method that accommodates uncertainty in
decision-making. The Fuzzy AHP is beneficial when dealing with subjective
trust. This approach helps to assign weights to the criteria used for select-
ing a cluster head. A criterion with higher weight has greater importance
compared to others criteria for the decision-making process. The steps of
Fuzzy AHP for cluster head election are the followings:
1) Hierarchical structure creation
The structural hierarchy Construction involves determination of criteria
(knowledge, communicativeness, energy and knowledge. These criteria are
used to select proposer clusters heads for the IDS.
2) Construction of pairwise comparison matrix
For each criterion, a pairwise comparison matrix is created. This matrix
helps to determine the relative importance of one criterion compared to the
other. For example, we can assesses the importance of knowledge compared
to energy. Assuming m criteria, the pairwise comparison of criterion x with
criterion y builds a matrix Amm where axy is the relative importance of x
regarding y. In Amm , axy = 1 when x = y and ayx = 1/axy .
a11 a12 ... a1m
a21 a22 ... a2m
Amm =
... ...
... ...
am1 am2 ... amm
Chapter 5
Dxy = axy / y=1 axy ; x≤m,y≤m(5.4)
4) Construction of weighted normalized matrix
After normalization, the weighted normalized matrix is calculated. This
matrix incorporates the relative importance of each criterion, as determined
in the pairwise comparison.
Wx = y=1 Dxy / m; x ≤m(5.5)
... (5.6)
5) Calculation of eigen vector and row matrix
The eigenvector represents the final weights of the criteria.
E= nthrootvalue/
row matrix= y=1 axy ×ey1 (5.8)
Trust-based collaborative IDS for the IoV
where RI is a randomly consistency index. We perform the defuzzifi-
cation on the Fuzzy output by centroid method. By the end of Fuzzy AHP
defuzzification process, a ranking value is assigned for the target edge vehi-
cle. If the edge vehicle’ ranking is greater than the defined trust threshold,
this edge vehicle can be appointed as leader in the cluster. In the contrary
case, the edge vehicle is marked as ordinary cluster member. This helps in
having secure and battery-powered clusters heads.
A multi cluster head scheme is implemented where a cluster can have more
than one single cluster head. We consider that the cluster heads number
depends on cluster density and intra-cluster topology. The multi-cluster
head concept permits to deploy the federated learning structure. The multi
cluster heads helps mainly in the case when one cluster head fails or ex-
periences issues; other cluster heads can take over the responsibilities and
form the back up to maintain cluster stability. So that the cluster do not
dies out so quickly and the entire cluster becomes useless. Also, by having
multiple cluster heads within a single cluster, the processing load for clus-
ter managing and local detection is distributed among these heads. This
can handle the computational workload. Besides, the distribution of the
detection workload across multiple cluster heads allows for better energy
utilization. In addition, multi-cluster heads can minimize communication
overhead between clusters. Cluster heads can aggregate and filter infor-
mation locally, and share only relevant findings with the respective SDN
controller. This alleviates the communication overhead between clusters
and SDN controller across the network. From perspective of collaborative
learning, multi-cluster head allows for (i) diverse detection models and im-
proved decision fusion for SDN controller, (iii) localized anomalies detection.
Indeed, each cluster head within a cluster may develop a slightly different
local detection model based on its subset of nodes and local observations.
Multiple cluster heads increases the diversity of local detection models at the
Chapter 5
SDN controller. The SDN controller that host a global detection model can
aggregate decisions from multiple cluster heads, each representing a differ-
ent perspective instead of relying on a single cluster head’s output. Besides,
a single cluster head may have limited visibility into the overall cluster be-
havior. The aggregation of local detection models from multi-cluster head
can reduce the bias introduced by individual cluster head. Moreover, the
impact of localized anomalies is reduced with multi-cluster heads. For ex-
ample, if each cluster head acts as a single point of failure, the entire cluster’s
detection capability may be compromised by a single anomaly.
1) Pre-cluster head selection
Authority node acts as initial cluster head in cluster Cu . For the first
round the selection considers the location proximity. The authority node
assesses the nearby edge vehicles based on trustworthiness level. The cri-
teria for the selection of the edge vehicle is that it should exceed the trust-
worthiness threshold, so that it can efficiently monitor the Cu members and
provide the local detection model. Initially the trusted authority node can
get information about number of nodes, and energy level and location in-
formation of edge vehicles through communication with the SDN controller.
The authority node can broadcast energy status of edge vehicles at regular
intervals to cluster members. The authority node starts to monitor the trust
of nearby edge vehicles using metrics of knowledge and communicativeness.
The authority node communicate with these nodes to gather trust informa-
tion. The knowledge regarding the number of confirmed events reported
by edge vehicle can be obtained by receiving event reports from edge vehi-
cle. Data about communicativeness can be captured within the certificate.
The edge vehicle calculates the trustworthiness level of the nearby edge ve-
hicles. The edge vehicle with highest trust level is picked to be a cluster
leader. Then, the authority node acts as a super cluster head and it can co-
ordinate the selected cluster heads. The authority node further transmits
the estimated trustworthiness of selected cluster head to the corresponding
SDN controller.
2) Multi-cluster head selection process
We utilize the dolphin swarm behavior to optimize the selection of cluster
heads. The dolphin swarm algorithm simulates the biological characteristics
of dolphin echo location, division of work and cooperation. This algorithm
Trust-based collaborative IDS for the IoV
Chapter 5
sures this metric for their members. Since each cluster has some properties
including similar speed profile, the members deviating from this profile will
be flagged as dishonest. Cluster head can communicate with local RSU to ob-
tain speed-related information for its cluster members, or it can apply map-
based speed assistance to estimate its members speeds. The packet behavior
deviation metric measures node reliability by tracking packet delivery con-
sistency and flagging anomalies such as excessive drops. The cluster head
can monitor the traffic it sends to a member and the traffic it receives from
that member. Any missing packets in the received traffic that were expected
to be sent by the member can be considered dropped. Besides, cluster head
can leverage the flow statistics available in the local SDN switch. Cluster
head can periodically query these flow statistics for each node within its
Trust-based collaborative IDS for the IoV
Chapter 5
Parameters Values
Simulation time 1500s
Maximum nodes density 300
Percentage of edge vehicles 15
RSUs 4
Authority node 4
Average of vehicle speed 50km/h
Maximum percentage of malicious vehicles 40%
Cluster size 50
Maximum cluster heads number 2
SDN controller 1
Packets dropping threshold 15
CNN hyperparameters batch size of 32
10 rounds
7 epochs
0.5 learning rate
Trust-based collaborative IDS for the IoV
• Detection performance
Detection time refers to the taken time for malicious nodes detection.
The lowest the detection time is, the more secure the network is. The IDS
is considered efficient one it id less time-consuming. Figure 5.12 depicts the
detection time of our IDS over different density of nodes. The detection
time increased with the increase of nodes density. The IDS performed with
Chapter 5
Trust-based collaborative IDS for the IoV
• Cluster stability
The time for cluster head selection is showed in figure 5.14. The selection
procedure yielded a time of about 24 ms. It increased slightly with change in
nodes density. This is ascribed to the simplified optimization of the selection
operation. Also, the selection procedure used a lightweight mechanism that
calculates values using Fuzzy AHP.
Chapter 5
5.5 Conclusion
Trust-based collaborative IDS for the IoV
ness. The clusters heads undertook the role of local IDS nodes and the cor-
responding SDN controller acted as detection models aggregator. We used
the multi cluster head concept to boost the local detection and the clus-
ter stability. Besides, we integrated the trustworthiness factor for the local
IDS local, wherein the selection of clusters heads relied on trust and en-
ergy aspects, and was optimized through following dolphin swarm concept.
The SDN along with the trustworthy multi cluster head permits the IDS to
satisfy the security requirements of adaptive security, resiliency and avail-
ability. The evaluation results demonstrated the integration of trustworthy
clusters heads as local IDS nodes enhances the detection performance along
with providing satisfying QoS-requirement profile in terms of reliability and
scalability. In the next chapter, we address IoV security along with trust
management and UAVs technology from the routing perspective. Our inter-
est will be in selecting reliable paths for data transmission.
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 6
Trust-based UAV-aided routing protocol for the IoV
6.1 Introduction
Effective routing is a critical necessity for IoV applications. There are very
few works that we mentioned in section 3.4.2 from chapter 3 that addressed
the routing in vehicular networks with the trust management (such as [67]
[126]). In fact, the routing in the IoV can be challenging due to disrup-
tion/disconnection in network. To overcome this challenge, the UAVs are
the suitable candidates to strongly support the routing in the IoV. The UAV
can bridge ground routing gap in the IoV and assist in data transmission
during ground link breakages due to variations of traffic density or discon-
nectivity. The UAV-based relaying task is an important way to enhance the
performance of IoV. The optimal relay-node selection is one of prominent
technologies of IoV. The core element of the UAV relay-based routing is the
cooperation. Ground source node can transmit the data to intermediate UAV
which relays the data to the target destination node. A suitable selection of
UAV relay can assure a reliable delivery of data in the IoV in case of unsta-
ble ground routing. Besides, it is worth acknowledging that to maximize the
potential of UAV-aided routing in the IoV, UAV can be complemented with
other technologies such Fog computing. The UAV_Fog brings to the IoV a
geographical distribution and awareness of local environment and node mo-
bility, and hence, an optimized UAV relaying. The notion of trust is crucial
in the implementation of IoV routing protocols. Therefore, trust factor can
be applied for a secure IoV-UAV-aided routing. In this context, we organize
the reminder of this chapter as follows. Section 2 provides the recent re-
lated works. Section 3 gives an overview of the proposed routing. Section
4 presents the IoV-UAV_Fog concept. Section 5 describes the proposed IoV-
UAV_Fog architecture. Section 6 details our UAV-aided routing. Section 7
provides the used metrics for the proposed routing. Section 8 gives the sim-
ulation results. Section 9 concludes the chapter.
Chapter 6
In the following, this subsection discusses the main routing aspects to con-
sider based on lessons learned from the studied related works. These aspects
include network and IoV nodes attributes, QoS,security, routing mode, rout-
ing algorithm, and routing infrastructure.
Table 6.1: Related works on UAV-aided routing for IoV (Urban VANET’ use case)
Ref Main goals of the routing protocols Features and Configuration of the network
[153] To optimize flooding between vehicles and UAVs -Swarm-inspired approach was used for selection of Store-Carry-and-Forward
2012 (SCF) relay nodes.
-The SCF selection took into account historical forwarding of nodes, speed and
movement angle between UAV and ground node
[154] To recover up to two hops from the issues arise during the commu- -Each node created an allied table using the vehicles in the forwarding zone.
2022 nication due to distance between vehicles and congestion -The best node was selected from the allied node table in an end-to-end route
[155] To build an UAV-aided routing protocol between vehicles, and be- -The UAVs elected the cluster head. The cluster head selection took into account
2022 tween UAVs themselves speed, position and trust value of vehicles (direct interactions and recommendation-
-The ground path selection for took into account traffic density information, trust
of vehicle, and distance from destination node. The path selection between UAVs
took into account the shortest path to the destination.
-A path maintenance strategy was integrated to discover alternative path for the
[156] Trust-based UAV-aided routing between vehicles and UAVs, and be- The UAV-aided routing was applied in case of congestion and ground connection
2021 tween UAVs themselves issue.
-The path selection between UAVs took into account the trust of UAVs (monitoring
of forward and backward packets).
-The routing between the UAVs used the greedy method.
-The vehicle-UAV path selection took into account traffic information and energy
level of UAV.
-The path selection was based on control packets.
[157] To detect and repair broken paths between vehicles by using UAVs -The proposed protocol adopted the structure of the ClouDiV algorithm.
2020 -A proactive routing was applied by each data center to detect new paths.
-A reactive routing was applied by vehicles to find the nearest data center as an
intermediate node.
Trust-based UAV-aided routing protocol for the IoV
Ref Main goals of the routing protocols Features and Configuration of the network
Chapter 6
[158] Routing protocol based on improved flooding between vehicles and -The UAVs were used to discover paths when the ground network is fragmented.
2019 UAVs The UAVs used the greedy method.
-The route discovery used control packets with static size.
-A prediction method was used to assess the expiration time of discovered path.
-The path selection took into account the connectivity degree, the density, the de-
livery delay, and the expiration time of discovered path.
-A path maintenance strategy was integrated to recover path failure.
[159] Flooding-based routing protocol between vehicles and UAVs -The path discovery was initialized where there was need to establish a path. Each
2020 path is represented by a succession of zones.
-The discovery process was initialized to get the maximum of paths towards the
[160] Energy-efficient routing protocol -A robust backbone of UAVs is deployed to proceed the reactive routing.
2019 -The UAVs are used to monitor the traffic and detecting incidents on the roads. The
UAVs maintains monitoring tables of the traffic density.
-The UAVs with a low residual energy level are excluded from data transmission.
-The path discovery uses broadcast of route packets.
-The path selection takes into account density of vehicles and fluidity degree of road
segment. The near best path is generated based on the traveling time towards the
area of interest.
[161] Energy and delay aware relay selection protocol -The traffic followed a poisson stochastic process. The vehicles were clustered using
2022 K-means.
-The UAVs adopted "decode and forwarding" relaying method. The cluster head
relayed data from vehicles to UAVs.
Ref Main goals of the routing protocols Features and Configuration of the network
[162] Relay selection for Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR) protocol -The selection of cluster heads and relays was based on Gale-Shapley matching
2021 game.
-The selection took into account QoS (bandwidth and connectivity) and reputation.
The QoS was computed using Bayesian function.
-An incentive was applied for cluster-members to adjust trust of nodes.
[163] Qos aware relay selection protocol -The UAVs assisted in routing by using the storage-carry-forward method.
2020 -The relay selection took into account link QoS and forward capacity metrics.
-The relay selection used the multi-objective optimization problem to maximize link
QoS and forward capacity of node.
[164] Mobility and energy aware relay selection protocol -The UAVs were used as relays to transmit data to mobility service center.
2019 -UAVs locations were determined using particle swarm optimization.
-The path selection used the mixed integer non-linear program to minimize UAVs
consumed energy and UAVs residual energy.
Trust-based UAV-aided routing protocol for the IoV
Chapter 6
• QoS
• Security
• Routing mode
Most of cited works used the UAVs as path planners, but the data transmis-
sion was through ground nodes themselves. The UAVs assisted in decision-
making by providing guidance on the efficient path, but they did not ac-
tively participate in routing. Noting, that the use of ground nodes for rout-
ing can conserve UAV energy. However, the use of ground nodes as hop or
relay when ground communication is poor can be problematic to implement.
The ground communication is more affected by channel disturbances. The
ground paths may be easily failed due to traffic, collisions, mobility factors,
obstacles/geographical barriers, or even energy depletion. The condition
of the road may lead to temporary and undisciplined interaction that pre-
vents regular delivery of messages for V2X. An UAV_Fog can solve commu-
nication issue by acting as relay regarding its characteristics to strengthen
Trust-based UAV-aided routing protocol for the IoV
• Routing algorithm
• Routing infrastructure
In some works, the UAVs were exploited for monitoring (traffic, malicious
activities) along with the routing. The UAVs were assumed to exchange in-
formation and strengthen the communication system. Yet, the UAVs were
not fully exploited in the works. The UAVs can be used as relay and also
data processing center. The segmentation of the network into zones helped
in the identification of disconnected segments. The studied works assumed
that the UAVs are connected to ground nodes. However, the communica-
tion model for the UAVs was not well-described (i.e., communications for
Vehicle-to-UAV and UAV-to-UAV). The works did not produce dedicated ar-
Chapter 6
chitecture for UAV-IoV routing. The introduced network models did not pro-
vide an advantageous option for better routing. The works did not assumed
the case for best UAV placement to achieve the routing. The works should
introduce a regular Vehicle-to-UAV communication for more efficient rout-
ing. It is worthy to include an organizing relay forwarding and an assured
delivery mechanism. An assignment of UAV-zone that considers optimal
number of UAVs and free-collision leads to routing optimization. In terms
of proximity and timeliness, ground nodes that are closer to the UAV relays
can establish faster and more reliable communication links, leading to im-
proved data transmission performance.
Summarizing this section, an UAV-aided routing is an effective solution
for the IoV. We focus on targeting some limitations in the reviewed works.
Indeed, the reviewed works cover partial objectives in routing. We particu-
larly pinpoint metrics and routing infrastructure limitations. As disadvan-
tages, many works considered QoS and nodes attributes for routing deci-
sion, but trust for UAV is neglected. An UAV-aided routing protocol should
be not vulnerable to malicious UAVs. We conclude that there is a need to
design an UAV-aided routing protocol that provides QoS and security for
data delivery and facilitates the IoV network. Thus, we present an orga-
nized UAV relay-based routing model for the IoV. Our solution exploits the
UAVs in both relaying and monitoring (i.e., trust monitoring) components.
Trough composite routing metric, optimization, and maintenance strategy,
we believe to achieve reliable routing protocol.
From the conducted review of the related works, we introduce our UAV-
aided routing protocol for the IoV. The overall routing solution involves the
following points.
Trust-based UAV-aided routing protocol for the IoV
• Providing the model for best UAV relay selection. The selection of UAV
relay considers to aggregate composite QoS and trust metrics to set
up the best path discovery. Optimization based on constraints for QoS
and trust is performed. Among available UAV relays, the best UAV is
chosen to be part of path to forward data to the destination.
Chapter 6
Before describing the UAV-aided routing, we point out details about the net-
work architecture that we are based on. Next, we show the assumptions
associated with the IoV-UAV_Fog. Also, this section deals with the IoV-
UAV_Fog elements’ setting.
Ground IoV nodes represent terminals deployed at the edge and bottom
layer of the network including different types of entities such as smart ve-
hicles, RSUs, passengers, control nodes (e.g., local trusted authority nodes)
and other infrastructures. The ground IoV nodes establish a local network
Trust-based UAV-aided routing protocol for the IoV
with the UAV_Fog. The ground IoV nodes can communicate with the UAVs
via APIs (e.g, RESTful) to request data routing.
1) RSU
The RSUs are deployed to serve multiple purposes to V2X communica-
tions for several specific scenarios: relays, broadcasters of information (e.g.,
events, V2X ground link’ quality), and learners of vehicles’ trust. We con-
sider the deployment of RSUs to aid optimal data relay.
2) Control node
The control node is meant to be a trusted authority node that redacts
Chapter 6
• UAV_Fog layers
UAV_Fog layers are composed of multiple UAV nodes. The UAVs are de-
ployed to be fully exploited. The UAVs follow UAV-area assignment. The
UAVs perform both planned tasks (e.g., traffic situation analysis) and on de-
mand actions (e.g., data routing). The UAVs are linked with the RSUs for
cooperative awareness of traffic and dispatch of nodes’ security informa-
1) Central UAV_Fog nodes
Central UAV-Fog nodes are located between the Cloud and the local UAVs
to implement computing and storage functions. The central UAV_Fog will
be able to view the historical data about the IoV network and develop V2X-
related recommendations. The central UAV_Fog nodes control and monitor
the local UAVs. Besides that, the central UAV_Fog is in charge to build the
multicast routing of sensed particular events. In fact various events moni-
tored by the IoV sensors require routing to a set of nodes (e.g., road main-
tenance, poor road condition, case of parade or strike, suspicious vehicle
rushing to a specific location...). So that we leverage the central UAV_Fog-
assisted resources to alert on specific events via multicast routing. The cen-
tral UAV_Fog integrates the multicast-related sub-tasks like multicast re-
quests classification, scheduling, and joining multicast session.
2) Local UAVs
Local UAVs are connected directly to the central UAV_Fog. The local
UAVs are considered as first access point choice for the ground IoV nodes
to communicate the central Fog. Nonetheless, ground IoV nodes like RSUs
and authority node may make direct connection with the central UAV_Fog
nodes. That being so, central UAV_Fog nodes can serve the ground IoV
nodes either with assistance of local UAVs or directly. Given the high volume
of requests, the local UAVs can balance ground IoV nodes’ routing demands
on central Fog. They can accept continuous requests from the ground IoV
Trust-based UAV-aided routing protocol for the IoV
nodes and refine the final demands to the related central UAV_Fog nodes, so
that split the balance load. The local UAVs maintain a "forwarding class" in
which the recent path up to frequent destination is cached. In fact, "forward-
ing cache" can be useful in scenario of traffic with low mobility travelling
nodes (e.g, within zone of high V2P interaction which requires low-speed
like residential area or school zone). The forwarding cache can serve to
quickly have recent available path to frequent local destination but not fast
moving destination.
3) UAV_Fog coordinator
The UAV_Fog coordinator manages the central UAV_Fog nodes. This
node acts as an authority control node for the UAVs. The UAV_Fog coor-
dinator deploys the relay UAVs based on coverage and sensing capabilities,
wherein it tracks performance and updates the area assignment according
to the performance criteria. From another hand, the UAV_Fog coordinator
can perform V2X data pre-processing for effective multicast routing. The
dissemination of event data to destination nodes is preceded with an event
weight-based classification. The sensed events data are pre- processed to fa-
vor urgent event to be informed. The pre-processing categorizes the sensed
data into normal and critical branch on the basis of event importance. These
branches decide on the multicast of the event data by the appropriate central
UAV_Fog. Once the event is found to be critical, the UAV_Fog coordinator
generates an immediate multicast routing request to the central UAV_Fog.
• Cloud server
The Cloud server is running for big data processing uploaded from the cen-
tral UAV_Fog nodes to provide vehicular services. The Cloud layer allows
the data to be available for use 24 × 7. We assume a trust-based IDS server
to further take placement inside the Cloud server. The UAV_Fog coordina-
tor and the control nodes can always interact with the Cloud and provide
bi-directional communication to open trustworthiness evaluation. In doing
that, the Cloud server observes the trust of UAV_Fog coordinator and con-
trol nodes for overall network security performance. The Cloud layer can
be implemented using a customized application including different panels
such admin, Fog, and IoV user. The log into can be via tablets, smartphones,
laptops, or vehicle navigation system. The overall network maintenance can
Chapter 6
be placed on the Cloud server. Pointing that the Cloud server does not con-
tribute in the routing procedure.
• V2X communications
Trust-based UAV-aided routing protocol for the IoV
information about ground IoV nodes (e.g., location and direction). Every
UAV_Fog (i.e. semi-central or central) has local database with data samples
containing information in each link such trustworthiness and connectivity
(e.g., traffic density, line-of sight (LoS), available bandwidth, latency). Each
UAV_Fog can use its database to define optimal routes quickly. In addition,
the central UAV_Fog maintains a general database containing information
about the entire geographical zone. The central UAV_Fog saves area data
either from its own or from semi-central UAV and RSU. This means that
the central UAV_Fog has completed knowledge about semi central UAVs,
ground IoV nodes and links that found in its geographical area.
6.5.2 Assumptions
Let us state the main assumptions about the setting of the IoV-UAV_Fog ele-
ments. The IoV-UAV_Fog network implies that each user must have fetched
and validated certificate before initiating communication. The network is
assumed to insert servers of encryption and certificate-based authentication
at the local control node. We assume that we place a secure trusted UAV_Fog
coordinator. The coordinator is deemed to be valid legitimate and trustwor-
thy UAV server in the assumption. With programmable authority, the essen-
tial management operations for the UAV_Fog network including UAVs au-
thentication pass through the UAV_Fog coordinator. In addition, we assume
that the UAVs can be turned on/off based on energy level. Central UAV_Fog
nodes and UAV_Fog coordinator are fitted with high-capacity reloadable
batteries supplied permanently through the resources of the UAV compared
to local UAVs. For convenience, we assume that each UAV maintains at least
a single connectivity (direct or indirect) to allow exploiting UAV as relay.
There is at least one direct connection path between head node and local
sub-node: (i) C2F (UAV_Fog Coordinator- to-central UAV_Fog), and (ii) U2F
(local UAV-to-central UAV_Fog). Also the RSUs are assigned to at least lo-
cal direct (i) R2A (RSU-to-Authority) and (ii) R2F (RSU-to-central UAV_Fog)
connections. Likewise, the UAV_Fog Coordinator preserves at minimum a
direct C2A (UAV_Fog Coordinator-to-Authority) connection. The UAV_Fog
coordinator deploys a management contract through some criteria to man-
age and pilot the central UAV_Fog nodes. From active actions on the central
UAV_Fog nodes like assignment of local UAVs and on/off-status change, the
contract serves passively the on- demand data routing. The contract is also
Chapter 6
adaptable for the central UAV_Fog node to assign optimal local UAVs for lo-
cal geographical area. The setting of the IoV-UAV_Fog’ elements is described
in the next subsection; wherein we highlight local UAV-area assignment. As
aforementioned in above subsection, we consider to set up the trustwor-
thiness between and within the four network tiers to instill confidence in
IoV services. Both ground and aerial layer consider the trust to maintain
cooperative relationships between communicating nodes. The head nodes
(e.g., RSUs and central UAV_Fog nodes) are trusted with a favorable level
of security to monitor sub-nodes’ trust. The RSUs are assumed to be work-
ers of federated learning in the bottom layer to identify malicious vehicles.
The RSUs upload their local trust learning models to the local control node.
Each central UAV_Fog, as semi-trusted node, builds-up a trust table for the
local UAVs to be exhibited. The evaluation of local UAVs’ trust contributes in
distinguishing reliable relay nodes for the on-demand data routing. As we
proceed we will take into account the trust criteria to apply for selection of
optimal data paths. The tables of trust of local UAVs and ground IoV nodes
are assumed to be shared between RSUs and central UAV_Fog and exhibited
to other involved nodes. In doing that, malicious vehicles and distrusted
UAVs can be flagged and avoided over the routing process. Additionally, we
suppose that from time to time the UAV_Fog coordinator exchanges with
the control nodes to keep an eye on trust of sub-nodes (i.e., central UAV_Fog
nodes and RSUs). This can promote the trust recommendations’ integrity.
We draw the UAV_Fog nodes close to the ground IoV nodes. This permits
to facilitate traffic awareness, and reduce response latency and processing.
Ground network and airspace are splitted into X large leaf zones. Each of
these leaf zones is in turn subdivided into Z sub-zones/local areas, consid-
ering majorly the intersections as illustrated by dashed lines in figure 6.2.
The segmentation of the network into local areas can provide link break-
ages location. The local division helps to undertake data path maintenance.
The network is divided into Z local areas whose set is denoted Z=1,...z,...Z.
Area-ID is used to distinguish the area wherein a target node is located. The
area-ID includes information like matched head nodes, geographical coor-
dinates of head nodes, and traffic conditions. It helps to guide the routing
algorithm. Besides, under multicast routing scenario, the Area-ID enables
Trust-based UAV-aided routing protocol for the IoV
to reach correct zones for packet delivery. We intend to make reliable de-
ployment of IoV-UAV_Fog elements which links the maximum number of
disconnected IoV nodes. In fact, maximizing the UAV coverage implies max-
imizing the number of linked nodes and covered areas.
The IoV-UAV_Fog model requires the number of control nodes, RSUs,
central UAV_Fog nodes, and local UAVs to be defined. This is due to the
role and qualification needs of such nodes for network access and commu-
Chapter 6
Trust-based UAV-aided routing protocol for the IoV
to cover in area z (e.g., Police vehicle or rescue vehicle). The local UAVs un-
der consideration are low-attitude UAVs. The IoV node may maintain line-of
sight (LoS) link (or at least a reasonable non-LoS (NLoS)) with the UAV with
which it communicates. In fact, different obstructions like buildings, bridges
or high trees may lie between IoV node and UAV, causing the non-LoS (NLoS)
connectivity. LoS conditions generally leads to better performance as it pro-
vides a clear and unobstructed path, reduced interference, minimal signal at-
tenuation, fewer signal reflections, and shorter propagation path. The LoS
scenario results generally in higher Signal-to-Interference-plus-Noise Ratio
(SINR) and strong signal quality. G2A and A2G links can be connected, if
their respective LoS meet/exceed the given thresholds. The LoS depends
on distance between U AVj and IoV node Vnz , and environment variables;
i.e., communication surrounding such as blockage and density of obstacles.
The probability of LoS is given by [165]:
P LoS(θU AV Vnz ) = (6.1)
j 1 + αexp(−β(θU AV Vnz − α)′
where θU AV Vnz is the elevation angle between U AVj and ground node Vnz . α
and β are constants determined by environment characteristics (e.g., dense
urban, urban, or sub-urban). From Eq.(6.1), the probability of NLoS occur-
rence is as P N LoS(θU AV Vnz )= 1 - P LoS(θU AV Vnz ). We assume that each UAV
j j
hovering over a given area can cover multiple ground nodes and establish a
successful communication with a certain LoS. Therefore, the UAVs should
be properly dispatched in a way to operate long-term communication re-
lays that intelligently link disconnected ground nodes. The proper UAV-area
assignment provides an efficient coverage strategy, preserves connectivity
during the flight period, prohibits frequent link breakage and ensures the
integrity of the upper layer (UAV_Fog service) by getting around of disrup-
tive collision between UAVs and fairly exploiting available capabilities on
each UAV. The UAV-area assignment uses the information about coverage
capability and quality of sensing as function of maliciousness learning. An
UAV with coverage and intelligent sensing capabilities enables strong ob-
servation, real-time data evaluation, and better data transmission rates.
• Coverage capability
Chapter 6
∈VN Vi ̸= Vn }, where aVn ,Vi = 1 means that U AVj is tasked to fly through the
area between nodes Vn and Vi , and aVn ,Vi = 0 implies otherwise. The sensing
distance SUz AVj covered by U AVj under assignment AU AVj z is expressed as
U AVj ,z
SzU AVj = Vi ∈VN ,Vi ̸=Vn aVn ,Vi SVzn ,Vi (6.2)
U AV ,z
Let ρzU AVj = |V1z | Vi ∈VN ,Vi ̸=Vn aVn ,Vij the proportion of U AVj coverage
in area z, where 0 ≤ ρzU AVj ≤ 1. The proportion of coverage regards the
moving IoV nodes towards center of U AVj coverage and the moving IoV
nodes towards edge. However, we state that the U AVj can fly as well to and
from its base; i.e., Cj . Hence, the total moving distance by U AVj : T szU AVj =
SUz AVj + SCz j , where SCz j is the transition distance to Cj . The traveled distance
is energy consuming. The energy consumed to cover the distance of sensing
and transition takes part in U AVj ’ on/off-status change. The energy cost for
sensing area z can be expressed as [165]:
where spU AVj is U AVj ’ average velocity; with propulsion power consump-
prU AV
tion powU AVj (powU AVj = pfU AV sp3U AVj + sp U AVj
; where pfU AV and prU AV
are powers related to skin friction and drag force, respectively).
• Learning capability
An UAV with a strong learning capability can actively monitor and gather
data on nodes behavior, traffic patterns, and historical performance to be
used to train detection model. A strong learning capability can lead to higher
detection rate of malicious nodes. Here, we accord the learning capability
to time and energy cost. The U AVj learns trust of its UAV group’ mem-
bers and ground nodes over K training iterations in reasonable policy sets.
The U AVj as learning node generates decision-making on optimal trusted
data route. The U AVj trains its model WUKAVj ,z using the sensing data to
Trust-based UAV-aided routing protocol for the IoV
UU AVj ∗ZU AVj ∗ρzU AVj ∗qU
AVj ∗log2 (1/O )
LTzU AVj = K( ltU AVj ) (6.4)
where ZU AVj is CPU cycles to handle one sample data, qUz AVj is U AVj ’ data
samples from QzU AVj local database, and ρzU AVj qUz AVj is unit of samples sensed
by U AVj . ltU AVj is U AVj ’ computation capacity in CPU cycles. The energy
for learning is taken as:
LEzU AVj = K(ι∗ZU AVj * ρzU AVj ∗ qUz AVj ∗ UU AVj ∗ log2 (1/O∗ ) ∗ lTU2 AVj ) (6.5)
The proportion of coverage (ρ) is used to find optimal number of UAVs for
coverage of area z (up to predefined coverage threshold thcov ). The optimal
number of UAVs to cover area z is derived following algorithm 3.
Chapter 6
Input: ρ, location of IoV nodes X = xV1z , ..., xVnz , ..., xVNz , coverage threshold thcov
Output: number of UAVs for area z
if (ρ < thcov ) then
add a new UAV (U AVJ ) in area z
update list of assigned UAVs in area z
while (ρ < thcov )
Algorithm 3: optimal number of UAVs in area z
Initially, a first U AVj is located at locU AVj ∈R3 in the middle of the area
z. The U AVj can fly over different locations to sense information along
the boundary of area z. Increasing the distance Dn(Vn , Vi ) between source
node Vn and destination node Vi impacts significantly on ρzU AVj (proportion
of U AVj coverage in area z), and accordingly cost of sensing (P WUz AVj ). De-
ploying the corresponding number of UAVs in z provides an efficient cov-
erage strategy for involved IoV nodes. A location-constraint for U AVj is
applied on crossing boundary of matched area z (boundz ).
Such constraint is significant for suited location of the UAV. Besides, for
possible collisions between UAVs, the U AVj avoids collision from aspect of
getting penalty every time it takes action resulting in going over the safety
Penzcol U AVj = Λ when Dz(U AVj , U AVJ ) < saf , 0 otherwise (6.7)
where Dz(U AVj , U AVJ ) is the distance between U AVj and U AVJ , and saf
≤ Dz(U AVj , U AVJ ) is safety distance.
Considering Eq.(6.7), the U AVj adapts its trajectory to prevent UAV-to-
UAV collision in z. The UAVs are allowed to make small adjustments to their
Trust-based UAV-aided routing protocol for the IoV
Chapter 6
This section describes the proposed UAV-IoV aided routing. This section
covers routing process, path selection metrics, and path selection problem
formulation. The routing paths are created through cooperation with UAVs,
according to connection status of ground IoV nodes and flow of ground traf-
fic. The path decision considers trust and QoS factors. A path maintenance
is included, saving the path/path back to the source once the decided path is
broken. The rules for path decision and path maintenance are given below.
Then, preliminaries and main process of the routing protocol are detailed.
We describe the routing functioning and the route packet format. Next, we
provide a brief description of the multicast routing process. After that, we
present the metrics for optimal path selection, and finally we used multi-
objective optimization to formulate the relay selection problem.
We now have the network’ elements in place to describe our routing strat-
egy. The core content of our routing strategy is the selection of optimal
relay nodes (i.e., succession of relays forming the selected path when it is
needed). Each node is assumed to be smart enough to sense any event at
every point in its communication range. It generates a data packet to be
sent containing axis coordinates, timestamps and ID for that event. In the
"sense-and-send" scenario, the node Vn wants to send event information to
node Vi . We assume that based on the trust learning phase, an IoV node can
distinguish whether target node is malicious. Nodes flagged as misbehaving
will be isolated either locally by its neighbor or globally, by deleting it from
data routing protocol repository and ignoring its messages. The suggested
routing strategy presupposes that it is to security layer to decide whether
to interact with malicious nodes. On this basis, we claim that the node Vi
can avoid malicious nodes by means of shared trust information. The aid
from UAV to route an event in area z is according to ground traffic analysis
an ground connection status. The UAV-aided routing is either initiated by
source node Vn or through recommendation from head nodes (e.g., central
UAV_Fog, RSU). More details of UAV-aid initialization are presented as fol-
Trust-based UAV-aided routing protocol for the IoV
Chapter 6
nator). The head nodes at road intersection (i.e.,RSU and central UAV_Fog)
are relevant to make better prediction and assessment of traffic congestion’
level. The head nodes can reliably quantify traffic intensity and alert road
users. We stress that the collaborative estimation is launched once a traffic
congestion is locally detected. This claims that no overhead is needlessly
added when traffic situations are normal. If the traffic situation estimation
exceeds the congestion threshold thcong , the RSU activates the cooperative
traffic data exchange. Likewise, a learning model can be trained to predict
traffic jam and density based on historical data or real-time observations.
The head node estimates local traffic condition and feeds estimated values
into the congestion detection system on UAV_Fog coordinator. With such
operation, nodes are able to take appropriate decision since they have the
information of interest. Once routing circumstances are defined; e.g., the
source node Vn is aware of ground communication status with destination
node Vi (e.g., poor link quality or traffic congestion), it decides on UAV-
assisted routing to send event information. Details of how the UAV-assisted
routing is processed is described in the following subsections.
Trust-based UAV-aided routing protocol for the IoV
try to limit the overhead. The selective limited flooding allows for better tar-
geted packet delivery to a specific group of interested nodes, while taking
into account some requirements. We initiate a path discovery by flooding to
discover and announce relay’ group members. The selective limited flood-
ing with the optimized greedy permits to filter relay candidates for selection
problem inputs and avoid failed points. The strategy selects the closest re-
lays that are known for closer location and large access to destination. The
k nearest local UAVs (next-hop relay) are determined using a simple Eu-
clidean distance evaluation for the surrounding trusted local UAVs. Based
on limited distance to be conditioned (related to sensing distance of local
UAV (SUz AV )), the source node Vn can succeed to find the set of suitable re-
lay candidate points. The flooding for j closest relays helps to likely have
short path in terms of hop count since packet will be delivered to nearly node
to the destination. The node leverages greedy and multi-objective optimiza-
tion properties to explore best path for routing. The greedy mode involves
trying the first option, and if it meets the routing criteria, proceeding with
it. If the first option does not satisfy the criteria, the subsequent options are
explored sequentially until a suitable one is found. Such mode is often used
when the routing criteria are few and not overly complex. By using the hy-
brid mode, we can leverage advantages of considering multiple criteria and
finding global optimum. The greedy principle is adopted for local search of
feasible path. On the other hand, multi-objective optimization is involved to
refine local decision. Multi-objective optimization focuses on making glob-
ally the best or near-optimal path by considering entire problem space and
specific objective functions. In multi-objective optimization, the path dis-
covery has plan to find alternative path/post-optimal and path maintenance
when there is an instability of the selected path. Pointing that optimization
can significantly improve network efficiency. A set of "link test’ packets"
are used among nodes to investigate availability and performance data. The
"link test’ packet" can attach V2X information, or instructions in header.
Such operation can correspond to a beaconing phase to detect broken link
and reporting it, which is beneficial for ongoing path selection. The link test
packet is primarily utilized for monitoring, where it will include specific con-
trol information allowing the test of performance of communication links
between head node and its slave nodes. The request-response interaction
allows to filter out the nodes that do not contribute in reliable communica-
tion and data delivery. The report of broken links is useful to exclude them
Chapter 6
from inputs for optimal path selection session. Each node receiving "link
test’ request" (LT-REQ) generates a "link test’ response" (LT-REP) so that to
confirm the communication link. If the timeout (∆T ) is ended and the node
does not hear from its target, a "node’ service failure" is reported in order
to be avoided as relay node. The node having no LT-REP is noticed to its
head node which will decide on sub-node state update to proceed for local
route recovery. For instance, the unavailable local RSU for ground nodes and
UAVs in area z is reported to control node. The control node decides on the
state-update of malfunction RSU. The update can comprise temporary re-
placement of failed RSU with a local UAV station or may even a virtual RSU
(e.g., initialization and synchronization of virtual RSU can be accomplished
using coordinates of the failed RSU). Besides, the routing strategy proceeds
with the assumption of permanent connections in the network tiers. The
permanent connections are exhibited through multicast-routing. The per-
manent connections can be saved in node’ "forwarding class" to be exploited
as relay candidate/default alternative path option. For more details, the cen-
tral UAV_Fog informs the UAVs and the ground nodes about permanent U2F
(local UAV-to-central UAV_Fog) and R2F (RSU-to-central UAV_Fog) links.
The UAV_Fog coordinator displays persistent C2F (Coordinator-to-central
UAV_Fog) and C2A (Coordinator-to-Authority) to central UAV_Fog nodes
and authority nodes, respectively. Likewise, the authority node exhibits the
persistent R2A (RSU-to-Authority) to RSUs. Moreover, we refer the prelim-
inary we made for forwarding cache. The recent path to most frequent des-
tination (e.g., node which the majority of traffic is routed) can be cached in
the "forwarding class" for a time-link-status period (e.g., 10 minutes). When-
ever there is a re-need of a route to re-reach a recent target local destination
within minutes, the łforwarding classž can be first consulted. The routing
discovery process is initialized if there is no route to target destination. As-
suming that the path can remain the best over a short period. In fact, that
is rare to happen that path quality becomes poor, path point is going to
break, or Fog distribution gets updated. We proceed to define the commu-
nication way for network tiers. Specifying the connection pattern allows to
delineate suitable points for routing and initiate flooding, optimization, and
path maintenance. The communication modes are reference points to align
a well-defined maintenance strategy, aiding in point of failure identifica-
tion, backup paths, and smoother maintenance scheduling. In other words,
it is through this specification that candidates for relay are strategically pin-
Trust-based UAV-aided routing protocol for the IoV
pointed. Given that, a source node will have a global vision of what are the
relays to be queried. An assortment of distinct connection modes is given
in the following sub-subsection.
Chapter 6
all k nearest nodes, (2) estimation that k nearest nodes/next-hop relay are
too far away from the destination, and (3) exceed of local domain of source
node. A dedicated extra relay such RSU can be used to help forward data.
The RSU is presented as an intermediate node to access the Fog when the
source node fails to reach local UAV. The RSU would seek a connection with
the central UAV_Fog. Take an example of source vehicle Vn locating best lo-
cal UAV to route data to destination Vi . In case the vehicle Vn fails to reach
target k local UAVs, it requests the assist from the nearest local RSU to reach
the Fog service. The RSU provides a central UAV_Fog-connection for the
given vehicle Vn . The RSU generates a "local UAV failure report" message to
the local central UAV_Fog.
Besides, we look at specific modes of communication with central UAV_
Fog nodes and UAV_Fog coordinator. The coordinator establishes a A2G link
via local UAVs. Nevertheless, for a G2A link, the access to the coordinator is
through the central UAV_Fog. A direct communication would be perceived
only for the authority nodes. Regarding the central UAV_Fog, it operates
inter- and intra-area communications. The central UAV_Fog creates an hor-
izontal path for inter-area communication. The inter-central UAV_Fog com-
munication is highlighted in the scenario of cross-domain. The inter com-
munication between central UAV_Fog nodes can be accomplished through
UAV_Fog coordinator (C2F) (super head), direct communication (F2F), or
semi-central boundary UAV (U2F) (slave of target head). If suitable, the cen-
tral UAV_Fog can use the boundary UAV which is found in its coverage but
matched to target central UAV_Fog. The central UAV_Fog can determine
which path would be the optimal among these manners based on distance-
dependent probability of a direct connection. Likewise, the central UAV_Fog
performs vertically the intra-area communication with the local ground IoV
nodes either directly (e.g., with RSU and authority node) or via semi-central
UAV. An RSU seeking a G2A connection with central UAV_Fog can resolve
it directly or using semi-central UAV or RSU which has permanent connec-
tion with the target central UAV_Fog. The central UAV_Fog establishes a
A2G link with vehicles via semi central UAV. The central UAV_Fog can re-
quest the local RSU to link with the target vehicle when path through semi-
central UAV is failed. As aforementioned, our routing strategy suggests that
assist from higher-role node is included in the path development step. If a
slave node fails to execute the routing request, it forwards that request to
the higher layer. We illustrate in the remainder of this subsection the assist
Trust-based UAV-aided routing protocol for the IoV
from the central UAV_Fog for routing data in case of cross-domain of semi-
central UAV. The central UAV_Fog as a stable relay point can handle quickly
most of migration cases of ground IoV nodes and failed link through semi-
central UAV. In fact, the high speed of the IoV node implies frequent migra-
tion from the domain of semi-central UAV to another, may before delivering
response-packet. The central UAV_Fog can correct the broken links inside
a target zone. A source vehicle Vn in area z selects the local UAV (U AVj )
to route data to destination Vi . The U AVj searches in its own dataset to
figure if the destination Vi is found in its coverage area and estimates its
distance from it. The U AVj is projected to be smart to predict that desti-
nation leaves neighborhood in near future and enter the domain of another
local UAV, or that use of next-hop UAV relay is unlikely to be ideal for rout-
ing to destination. The U AVj determines the location of the destination Vi
within its coverage map. U AVj is assumed to have appropriate capabilities
for processing. Therefore, searching in the database and distance estimation
does not take high time. In case when the destination Vi exits the coverage
of the U AVj , the route request will be forwarded to the immediate central
UAV_Fog. At this point, the central UAV_Fog determines the location of the
destination Vi and decides the best-suited path to route data from Vn to Vi .
If the destination Vi moves out the domain of the central UAV_Fog, then the
central UAV_Fog hands the route request to the appropriate node point.
Chapter 6
greedy is applied to select first UAV relay, as well as next-hop relay when-
ever a directed routing to destination from the first relay may not be the
optimal. The routing behavior does not use blindly flooding for finding best
path. The selective flooding is applied to find first UAV relay which will
calculate the best path to route data to destination. Forming the rest of the
path alternates between direct and relayed routing (use of extra/next-hop
relay). The routing strategy advocates to gradually build path area segment
by area segment in the form of UAVs’ succession towards destination. The
path decision is made based on criteria combining trust and Qos such as
connectivity, delay, and bandwidth. The decision presents a multi-objective
optimization maximizing a belief the reflects trust and QoS of relay for rout-
ing data. Besides, the routing strategy aims to trace possible paths from the
UAV toward destination. We have chosen to adhere modes of connections,
use of extra relay and optimization to generate path maintenance and alter-
native path. When the optimal path disconnects, we can converge to a path
which is very close to the optimum without re-initiating the discovery pro-
Trust-based UAV-aided routing protocol for the IoV
cess. Figure 6.4 summarizes the process of our UAV-aided routing solution.
In detail, the delivery of data packet can follow either a direct route or a
diverted route mode. It is important to consider the specific requirements
and constraints to apply the most appropriate routing mode. The choice of
the mode depends on factors like nature of routing criteria, computational
capabilities, and trade-off between optimality and forwarding-related com-
putational capabilities. Here, the choice is completed according to estima-
tion of distance from destination and direct link’ status. Indeed, a direct link
may not be able to guarantee the required routing criteria. For example,
a direct link can not be the optimal when network conditions are not fa-
vorable due to network configuration/setting, performance considerations,
specific use case requirements, security policies, scalability, or other limita-
tions. Therefore, the node should be prepared to assess factors to determine
whether a direct link is more desirable (i.e., thresholds on trust and QoS).
This is a primitive operation performed by nodes. The direct link gain is
first assessed, and then, the choice of proper routing manner is carried. The
node can seek a visible direct link to the target. The source is assumed to
be able to predict when the link is bad/going to break and take alternate ac-
tion. The node prioritizes a direct visible reliable link when the distance to
the destination node is too small and the node assesses that a direct link is
Chapter 6
Trust-based UAV-aided routing protocol for the IoV
R-REQ within the timer period ∆T are considered as inputs for selection of
best relay. At this point, the source node starts the data forwarding and send
unicastly a R-REQ to the best local UAV. The R-REQ is enclosed in the header
of data packet. This R-REQ continues to be forwarded toward destination.
In turn, the selected local UAV schedules its transmission and decides on
direct transmission to destination or designating a next-hop relay towards
destination direction. If the local UAV becomes aware that destination stays
far away and that it is not able to provide ideal direct transmission to des-
tination, an intermediate UAV will be queried using selective flooding. The
intermediate UAV is determined by iterating over the k UAV relay candi-
dates. The optimization is executed to determine whether an UAV interme-
diate candidate obeys routing rules combining trust and QoS metrics. The
optimization can track the post-optimal solutions. The generated solutions
are sorted in the R-REQ packet according to their metric (B) in decreasing
order. In other respect, the local UAV opts for a direct transmission to des-
tination as it believes to guarantee a required reliable link quality. As the
destination lies in the coverage of the local UAV and the distance from the
destination is fairly close, the local UAV is allowed to fly directly towards
the destination and disseminates the data packet. This helps to construct a
short path in terms of less relays and reduced delay. The route-mode deci-
sion process continues until receiving R-REP from destination.
In addition, the maintenance is proceeded if noticing a response failure
from the optimal UAV relay. An alternative path is investigated following
modes of connection in IoV- UAV_Fog (sub-subsection When the
optimal UAV fails, the backup UAV relay is in the second optimal solution.
An extra relay (head node) is used in case of issue with possible alternative
solutions. A request for assist from the central UAV_Fog is sent in follow-
ing cases: (1) the UAV relay finds that use of intermediate relay appears to
be not efficient (i.e., very distant from destination, (2) case of link break for
all alternative relays, or (3) case of exceed of destination from domain of
the local UAV. The path maintenance process generates "route error" packet
in order to be utilized for Fog service maintenance. The ID stack of the
failed relay is copied in the "route error" packet. The "route error" packet
is sent to notify the central UAV_Fog about service failure from local UAV.
In case of disconnection of path back to the source node, a R-ER packet has
to be generated to the central UAV_Fog. The central UAV_Fog undertakes
the work to recover the path to the source. The path discovery phase is
Chapter 6
The fields of R-REQ are depicted in figure 6.5.(a). The ID fields define co-
ordinates of source node and target destination (node-ID, area-ID (matched
head-ID, central UAV_Fog-ID)). The timer field indicates the required period
to send back aR-REP packet. The transited segment field corresponds to the
Trust-based UAV-aided routing protocol for the IoV
traversed optimal path as a list of used relays toward destination. The tran-
sited segment field contains required information to make the reverse path.
The transited segment field involves ID stack of used relay (relay-ID, area-ID,
and matched super head-ID). A Req- ID field is used to avoid route request
duplication in flooding for path discovery process. Initially, the transited
segment field is empty. A modification has to be done in the transited seg-
ment field to indicate the selected relay. When source node receives R-REP
and decides the local UAV relay, it adds the relay-ID stack in the transited
segment field (relay-ID, area-ID, matched central UAV_Fog-ID). The selected
local UAV will in turn verify ID field and coordinates of destination (area-ID,
direction, average speed) to check whether area-ID of destination belongs
already to its area, and decide about rest of path. The selected local UAV
takes into consideration the timer field. The ID stack of requested interme-
diate UAV will be enclosed in the transited segment field. The local UAV
can have alternative routing paths to destination that are stored in backup
path field. The R-REQ continues to be forwarded toward destination. Fig-
ure 6.5.(b) illustrates R-REP format. The R-REP includes Rep-ID field, ID
fields of source and destination, and relay-ID stack field (relay- ID, area-ID
(matched head-ID, central UAV_Fog-ID)). The path point that replies to the
R-REQ adds its ID and coordinates to the R-REP packet. The details about
failure/break of path toward destination are exported and summarized in
R-ER packet (figure 6.5.(c)). As aforementioned, the R-ER packets are ex-
ploited for maintenance phase. The R-ER contains failed relay ID stack and
area-ID fields (matched head-ID, central UAV_Fog- ID). At the generation of
a R-ER, the backup path field is consulted to investigate other path. After
that, the central UAV_Fog-ID in the R-ER is consulted to report the failure.
We exemplify the routing behaviors of flooding and forwarding as follows.
As we explain earlier in subsection 6.6.1, there is cases to initiate the UAV-
aided routing in the IoV. The vehicle V1 located in the area z wants to es-
tablish a path towards vehicle V2 and inform about an event. We assume
that the vehicle V1 trusts the destination V2 i.e., V1 experienced exchange
with V1 . The vehicle V1 perceives traffic situation and prediction of ground
connection status. The vehicle V1 requests UAV-aided routing. It floods to k
nearest local UAVs to find the first relay. The vehicle V1 selects the best local
UAV (U AV1 ) from the local UAVs that respond within the timeout period
∆T . Here, the vehicle V1 does not require aid from the nearest local RSU
as it received proper response R-REP and found the first UAV relay. The
Chapter 6
vehicle V1 unicasts R-REQ to the U AV1 to start the data forwarding. The
ID stack of U AV1 is added to transited segment field in the R-REQ. checks
first its forwarding cache about a recent valid path to vehicle V2 . The U AV1
resolves a path to destination V2 as no path to V2 exists in the forwarding
cache. Supposing that the vehicle V2 is located fairly away from the U AV1 .
The U AV1 estimates the coordinates of target destination V2 using R-REQ.
The U AV1 perceives that V2 is located in same area z but at distant place.
The U AV1 figures out that it needs support from another local UAV, since a
direct routing may not be the optimal. The U AV1 requests an intermediate
local UAV relay to reach V2 . The U AV1 floods to the k local UAVs located
near to destination V2 . Afterward, the U AV1 selects the best intermediate
local UAV (U AV2 ) according to trust and QoS metrics. (The U AV1 does not
require aid from the central UAV_Fog as it had proper response R-REP and
found the intermediate local UAV relay). The U AV1 encloses the ID stack of
U AV2 in the R-REQ for a patch back. Finally, the U AV2 adopts the distance-
dependent probability of a direct routing to decide whether to route directly
to destination V2 . The U AV1 has alternative paths (e.g., U AV3 , U AV4 ) to be
used if the U AV2 is not obeying the routing rule. If so, the post-optimal lo-
cal UAV will be automatically selected from the alternative local UAVs in the
backup path field of R-REQ. The U AV1 will send R-ER about the failure of
U AV2 to the central UAV_Fog. By this way, the central UAV_Fog manages
the state of U AV2 parameters and proceeds for maintenance. The interme-
diate local UAV repeats the process and the R-REQ continues its transition
Trust-based UAV-aided routing protocol for the IoV
The routing protocol uses reputation of relay and connectivity quality. The
reputation is assessed to trust metrics; we detail each of the metrics in the
Chapter 6
The path prefers an UAV relay with strong communication range and sig-
nal strength since an UAV outside the range may experience connectivity
issues. Therefore, we take into account LoS and SINR to be calculated. Al-
though there is no restriction for the length of a path (it can be long or short
depending on the way to go to the end destination), we try to solve a short
path that can provision QoS in terms of latency by requesting closest relays.
The QoS metric is assessed using below equations.
• Latency
The latency represents the time delay in transmitting the R-REQ. It denotes
the expiration time of a R-REQ. The request for UAV-aided routing is com-
pleted within the time frame (∆T ). Let ∆T and T the expected time and
actual time taken by the UAV relay to reply to a R-REQ. The latency is cal-
culated as
• Connectivity index
The connectivity index considers LoS and SINR to calculate the probability
of establishing a high link quality. The UAV relay should have a high prob-
ability of keeping connection [165].
LQI(CLU AV Vnz ) = P LoS(θU AV Vnz
j j
κU AV Vnz (6.10)
Supposing that CLU AV Vnz ∈ 0, 1 is the link with an U AVj . When a connec-
tion is established with U AVj , CLU AV Vnz is 1, otherwise 0. LQI(CLU AV Vnz
j j
Trust-based UAV-aided routing protocol for the IoV
denotes the link connectivity indicator of a CIU AV Vnz ) with U AVj given its
LoS (θU AV Vnz )andSIN R(κU AV Vnz ). The SINR quantifies the strength of the
j j
desired signal relative to the interference and noise in the channel. The link
connectivity indicator is derived by multiplying the probability of LoS and
the SINR to provide a measure of the overall connectivity index and qual-
ity. The link connectivity indicator takes into account both the likelihood of
having LoS conditions and the relative strength of the desired signal com-
pared to interference and noise. The SINR can be obtained as [165]:
powr Vnz
κU AV Vnz = (6.11)
j N pow2 + IFJ
where, powr Vnz is the received power from the UAVj , andNpow2 is the
noise power of that particular link. IFJ represents the sum of interference
received from other (J1) UAVs. By using path-loss given in Eq.(6.1) and the
optimal transmit power (ℶU AV Vnz ), received power(powr Vnz ) is calculated
j U AVj
as [165]:
powUr AV Vnz = 10log10 (ℶU AV Vnz ) + גU AV Vnz − P LoS(θU AV Vnz ) (6.12)
j j j j
where גU AV Vnz represents the fading parameter. The optimal transmit
power is calculated by applying an interference constraint. CLU AV Vnz is the
connectivity with the U AVj . We apply the following constraint [165]:
where gainU AV Vnz is product of the magnitude squared of the channel gain,
and T hIF is the interference threshold.
The optimal transmit power ℶU AV Vnz is given by [165]:
where ℸmin and ℸmax are the minimum and maximum transmit power of an
U AVj .
Chapter 6
• Bandwidth
where drU AV Vnz denotes the demanded data rate from the relay, and κU AV Vnz
j j
is the SINR.
Trust evaluation is applied for selecting routing path along with monitor-
ing the trustworthiness of nodes throughout the routing process. The trust
evaluation is continued to adjust the reputation of nodes involved in routing
process. The reputation of ground node comes from observation of speed
feature and packets dropping, while UAV reputation is derived from UAV
learning capability and position change. The trust of local UAVs is exhibited
to IoV ground nodes by the central UAV_Fog.
• Learning capability
Trust-based UAV-aided routing protocol for the IoV
a strong learning capability in terms of time means that the UAV can opti-
mize its energy consumption during the learning and decision- making pro-
cesses. This capability allows the UAV to make efficient use of its resources
while still acquiring and processing the necessary data. By optimizing the
learning energy, the UAV can extend its operational time, and ultimately op-
timizes its energy consumption to reduce the need for frequent recharging.
By taking Eqs.(6.4)(6.5) (subsection 6.5.3), we can obtain the learning capa-
bility index of a local UAV.
• Position change
• Decision variables
The selection of local UAV relay from a set of available candidates can
be represented by discrete decision variables. Since the local UAVs are as-
Chapter 6
signed to specific areas, each local UAV candidate can be treated as binary
variable indicating whether it is chosen as a relay from that particular area
or not. x(U AVj ) is a binary decision variable indicating whether the U AVj
is selected as a relay (1) or not (0).
M aximize(B) (6.16)
Maximizing the belief B refers to maximize the trust metric and the QoS
M aximize(Reputation_F unction(x)), M aximize(QoS_F unction(x))
We consider a function that maximizes QoS, represented by a nonlinear
equation involving bandwidth and latency, while simultaneously maximiz-
ing reputation, represented by a non linear trust model that factors in packet
dropping rate, learning capability, and position change. The optimization
problem in Eq.(6.17) can be categorized as a MINLP. This formulation can
integrate the Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II (NSGA-II) to
provide post-optimal solutions. Maximizing Reputation_Function(x) and
QoS_Function(x) is subject to the following constraints. C1 Trust constraint.
The selected relay should satisfy a minimum reputation threshold (threp ).
The reputation is a composite measure incorporating packet dropping rate,
learning capability, and position change that are likely to have nonlinear
dependencies on the decision variable. The reputation value is influenced
by the individual sub-metrics in a complex manner that may not follow a
simple linear relationship. Let D(x) the packet dropping rate of local U AVj ,
Learning(x) the learning capability of local U AVj , and Locc hange(x) the
position change metric of local UAV U AVj . The Reputation_Function(x) can
be represented as:
Reputation_F unction(x) = α1 ∗ Learning(x)γ + α2 ∗ exp(−δ1 ∗ D(x)) + α3 ∗ exp(−δ2 ∗ (Locc hange(x))
where α1 , γ, α2 , delta1 , α3 , and delta2 are parameters that control the shape
and influence of each reputation sub-metric in the Reputation_Function(x).
The learning capability is raised to γ and weighted by α1 . The packet drop-
ping rate and position change are exponentiated and weighted by α2 and
α3 , respectively. For the selected relay U AVj , threp =< x(TU AVj ) <=Repu-
C2 QoS constraint. The minimum requirements for LoS, SINR, latency,
and bandwidth for the selected UAV relay should be specified. C2-1. Con-
Trust-based UAV-aided routing protocol for the IoV
nectivity constraint that ensures that the connectivity index (derived from
LOS and SINR) meets the desired threshold (thconnectivity ). (x(C) >= thconnectivity ).
C2-2. Bandwidth constraint. Supposing the bandwidth of UAV is repre-
sented by a continuous decision variable (x(Bd)). The bandwidth must sat-
isfy the demanded data rate from the relay (dr) and SINR (κ). C2-3. Latency
constraint. In some cases, the relationship between latency and a specific de-
cision variable may not be linear. We can capture the nonlinear relationship
between latency and bandwidth simply as:
log(x(Bd)) <= RLatency ∗ thlatency (6.19)
where RLatency is the rate of increase in latency as bandwidth decreases. By
using the logarithmic function, the latency constraint ensures that the band-
width of the selected relay is sufficient to satisfy the maximum acceptable
latency requirement.
Chapter 6
Parameters Values
Simulation time 1500s
Ground IoV nodes 50-350 vehicles
UAVs 1 coordinator, 2 central UAV_Fog, 10 local UAVs
Vehicle speed 0-50 km/h
UAV speed 0-60 km/h
Vehicle range 300m
UAV range 1000m for local UAV, 2000m for coordinator and central UAV_Fog
Mac protocol IEEE 802.11p
Packet size 1KB
PDR represents the number of received packets given total number of sent
packets. The more the PDR value is, the better the routing strategy perfor-
mance is.
A lower EED delay indicates faster packet delivery and reduced latency.
Trust-based UAV-aided routing protocol for the IoV
The hops number provides insights into the average path length or distance
traveled by packets successfully handed over from the source to the desti-
• Overhead
Chapter 6
uses timers to raise response constraint and selects the appropriate UAV re-
lay considering the metric of latency. Furthermore, routing strategy that
ensures alternative path allows to avoid re-initializing the path discovery
path. Also, proximity of UAV relay to source and destination can result in
shorter routing paths and reduced transmission delays. By minimizing the
distance traveled by data packets, the EDD delay can be effectively mini-
mized. However, as expected, the path selection process in our proposal
generates additional extra times. The time taken for the optimization to
converge and select the best relay is added to the overall end-to-end. The
work [158] achieved the lowest delay. This can be explained by the fact
of using a prediction method to estimate the expiration time of discovered
path. The use of the SCF method in [163] can be a disadvantageous factor for
the EDD delay. Also, in [156][158] the packets were sent based on physical
mobility of vehicles. Hence, the EDD delay depends highly on the mobil-
ity model of vehicles. Instead, UAV as relay can bypass mobility obstacles
and provide a data transmission with reduced EDD delay. Pointing that, the
EDD delay can be reduced with an optimized "forwarding cache" that allows
for faster routing operation. Figure 6.8 depicts the average hops number ac-
cording variable vehicles density. A larger distance between source node
and destination node can cause an increased hops number. The distance
between source and destination gets larger when the vehicles number aug-
ments. This can lead to a high number of hops. Also, the selection of path
points without taking into account the distance separating each path point
from destination can lead to an increased number of hops. Figure 6.8 illus-
Trust-based UAV-aided routing protocol for the IoV
trates that our proposal minimizes the hops number by avoiding inessential
hops. In our proposal, the established paths were short with hop count be-
tween 2 and 3 in average. This is due to that our protocol raises the direct
link constraint. The use of extra/next hop relay is decided according to es-
timation of distance from destination and direct link’ status. Besides, our
protocol assumes the proper location and number of UAV for the delivery
of packets which avoids placing inessential UAV relay. A proper UAV cov-
erage facilitates the use of local UAVs for short data delivery and can reduce
the hops number. The average hops number in [158] was high, wherein
it increases almost for the higher densities. This is because the vehicles as
relay nodes had limited communication range and therefore they required
multiple hops to accomplish the data transmission. Instead, the UAV relay
makes easier to control multi-hop forwarding. Distinct observation is dis-
tinguished for [163], wherein the hops number remains stable under high
densities. The outcome of the work [163] is close to our proposal. Gener-
ally, the hops number increases when increasing the number of UAVs and
vehicles. Figure 6.9 represents overhead with different density of vehicles.
Our proposal generates route request, route response, and error packets as
necessary control packet to calculate the scores of each relay. The over-
head in our proposal is acceptable compared to other reactive protocols. The
overhead refers mainly to additional control packets during path discovery
and periodical exchange of "link test’ packets". However, as a reactive rout-
ing protocol, our proposal generates small overhead thanks to the selective
limited flooding, and the path maintenance strategy that reduces the flood-
ing during path breakage. The overhead in [156] increased with the large
Chapter 6
density of vehicles, because the work was based on flooding route packets
between all UAVs for path discovery. The overhead in [158] was signifi-
cant due to control packets exchange during path discovery. [163] limited
effectively the overhead by using the utility function. In our proposal, the
overhead of UAV relays is low and stays approximately constant since we
used control packets strategy rather than hello packets flooding strategy.
The UAV-assisted routing protocols have important overhead particularly
when the number of vehicles goes up, which is explained by the overhead
associated with routing information dissemination between UAVs and all
vehicles. Pointing that an appropriate number of UAV relays compared to
vehicles can limit the overhead.
Trust-based UAV-aided routing protocol for the IoV
6.9 Conclusion
This chapter takes care of routing in the IoV. We introduced a four layered
IoV-UAV_Fog architecture to permit favorable setup for UAV-aided routing.
The UAVs were strategically matched with geographic areas. Semi-central
UAV_Fog nodes layer and central UAV_Fog layer were the workers of the
UAV-aided routing. The routing strategy allowed to choose the optimal UAV
relay(s) node forming the best path towards destination using composite
QoS and trust metrics. The path maintenance was also defined in this stage
permitting for alternative paths. The UAV_Fog-aided routing made use of
selective flooding, greedy, and optimization concepts. Simulation results
proved the efficiency of our heterogeneous routing model according to PDR,
EDD delay, hop count, and overhead.
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 7
Research works have paid considerable attention for the IoV technologies
in recent years. However, the IoV communication system comes with se-
curity risks. This thesis addresses the obstacles to providing a secure IoV
framework that maintains the QoS while mitigating communication sys-
tem threats. The proposed solutions leverages trust management along with
emerging technologies like Blockchain, SDN, and UAV-Fog computing be-
cause of their exciting properties in supporting security and QoS in a critical
network such the IoV.
Chapter 2 provided the background knowledge on the IoV network. It
also highlighted security challenges. In chapter 3, we conducted a review
of existing trust-based approaches in the context of vehicular networks. We
provided a taxonomy of reviewed works based on used tools. We shed light
on works that applied trust management with AI and emerging technolo-
gies. We proposed to rely on trust management with Blockchain, clustering,
and SDN for our two first security solutions.
Throughout chapter 4, we built a Blockchain and trust-based approach
for the IoV. Our objective was to address the security with focus on trust data
integrity while meeting QoS. In the first, we proposed to rely on reputation
and location proximity metrics to establish the trust within the network. We
applied our trust scheme on two layer Blockchain architecture to preserve
trust data. The Blockchain consisted of local Blockchain to store local trust,
and global Blockchain to exhibit global trust information. In the second, we
extend our solution by applying the clustering to more consider the QoS in
terms of continuity and scalability. Our proposal was validated in terms of
detection performances and QoS through simulation.
In chapter 5, we proposed an IDS that uses the combination of trust met-
rics, federated learning, and SDN structure to detect dishonest nodes in the
IoV network. We aimed to investigate the collaborative learning of nodes
trust in an SDN-IoV. In the first the SDN controllers were the workers of the
local detection of dishonest nodes. They were based on node properties-
related trust metrics. Afterwards, our work targeted more localized and
responsive detection through placing the local detection on trustworthy
clusters heads while hosting the global detection model on SDN controller.
7.2 Perspectives
The thesis’ contributions provided solutions for improving the IoV security
while considering the QoS. As part of future research, we suggest a few
aspects related to trust management that can be investigated to further en-
hance the presented solutions.
We were mainly based on the vehicles as trustee and trustor entities to define
trust mechanism within the IoV environment. An efficient trust manage-
ment model is recommended to include various dimensions like the human
dimension to fulfill the IoV context and lead to realistic models.
• Trust negotiation
Chapter 7
(for example, the ITS entity or the RSU). The trust negotiation relies on the
exchange of a set of credentials in order to consider the entity as trustworthy.
Getting a higher trust level requires exchanging more sensitive credentials.
• Trust bootstrapping
(1) Trust bootstrapping (i.e., computing real initial trust value) may need
further research; indeed, a random initial trust value was assigned for the
newly encountered nodes, yet, the assumed trust value may do not match
with the real trust value, hence more research is required to determine the
precise initial trust value. (2) Reputation computation can be more handled.
Actually the reputation is a broadly used metric. A fast reputation value
computation is required. Reputation computation scheme should take into
account many different factors that are related to the reputation-based met-
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Author’s Publications
• Hbaieb, A., Ayed, S., Chaari, L. (2022). A survey of trust management in the Internet
of Vehicles. Computer Networks, 203, 108558.
• Ayed, S., Hbaieb, A., Chaari, L. (2023). Blockchain and trust-based clustering scheme
for the IoV. Ad Hoc Networks, 142, 103093.
• Hbaieb, A., Ayed, S., Chaari, L. (2021, April). Blockchain-based trust management
approach for IoV. In International Conference on Advanced Information Networking
and Applications (pp. 483-493). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
• Hbaieb, A., Ayed, S., Chaari, L. (2022, August). Federated learning based IDS ap-
proach for the IoV. In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Availabil-
ity, Reliability and Security (pp. 1-6).
• Hbaieb, A., Samiha, A. Y. E. D., CHAARI, L. (2021). Internet of Vehicles and Con-
nected Smart Vehicles Communication System Towards Autonomous Driving.
Chapter 8
8.1 Introduction
L’Internet des Véhicules (IoV) applique les concepts de l’Internet des Objets (IdO) pour des
systèmes de transport plus intelligents. L’IoV est un réseau complexe composé de véhicules,
d’infrastructures, de personnes (conducteurs, passagers, piétons sur le bord de la route) et
d’autres dispositifs intelligents connectés au réseau. L’IoV comprend la conduite autonome,
la conduite sécurisée, la conduite sociale, les services de divertissement, les applications
mobiles intelligentes et les technologies émergentes. Diverses types de communication de
véhicule à tout (V2X) existent entre les nœuds de l’IoV pour échanger des données impor-
tantes telles que la localisation, la vitesse, et les informations sur le trafic. Ce type de réseaux
se caractérise essentiellement par une précision, une fiabilité et une utilité accrues des in-
formations collectées. Cependant, le domaine d’usage et d’application de l’IoV le confront
à des exigences très contraignantes d’une part en terme de sécurité et d’une autre part en
terme de qualité de service . En effet, les nœuds d’un tel réseau sont très mobiles et peuvent
communiquer directement ou à travers l’intermédiaire d’une infrastructure. D’autre part
les données qui transitent dans ces réseaux sont de nature sensible et imposent à avoir un
degré de confiance très haut concernant les nœuds qui forment ce réseau. En effet, ces don-
nées sont utilisées sur la route et peuvent être considérées dans des différents cas d’étude
(par example, embouteillage, accident, conditions climatiques particulières, etc.). De ce
fait, elles doivent être optimales et fiables pour servir au mieux à améliorer la qualité du
trafic, diminuer le taux des accidents, et éviter que ces données soient utilisées d’une façon
malveillante. Dans les travaux actuels, il y a plusieurs travaux qui se sont intéressés aux
aspects de performances techniques de ce réseau. Ces travaux n’ont pas pris en considéra-
tion l’aspect de sécurité primordial dans le cadre de ces réseaux. De point de vue sécurité,
d’autres travaux se sont intéressés à l’étude de mécanismes de sécurité dans l’IoV mais sans
étudier les impacts des solutions proposées sur les performances d’un tel réseau. Il est donc
essentiel d’établir un mécanisme de sécurité entre les nœuds de l’IoV pour garantir une
sécurité qui tienne compte de la qualité de service. Dans cette thèse nous proposons une
gestion sécurisée de ce type de réseau en se basant sur la gestion de la confiance. Nous nous
concentrons sur la gestion de la confiance et la partie réseau de l’écosystème de l’IoV. Une
approche de sécurité basée sur la gestion de la confiance permet de distinguer les nœuds
malveillants et d’atténuer les attaques. Les approches basées sur la gestion de la confiance
peuvent assurer la fiabilité et la stabilité du processus de communication dans l’IoV. La ges-
tion de la confiance établit un mécanisme d’évaluation de la confiance selon des politiques
spécifiques. Les nœuds malveillants peuvent être identifiés sur la base de leurs évaluations
de confiance afin que les nœuds du réseau puissent les éviter et donner la priorité aux nœuds
dignes de confiance pour les interactions. Nous abordons la confiance et l’architecture du
réseau en utilisant des technologies émergentes. Trois aspects du travail sont proposés dans
cette thèse : (1) un cadre de gestion de la confiance, (2) un système de détection des intru-
sions (IDS) et (3) un protocole de routage.
Tout d’abord, nous proposons une plateforme de sécurité basée sur la gestion de la con-
fiance et la Blockchain pour garantir la fiabilité et la sécurité de l’IoV. L’architecture de la
plateforme de sécurité est une Blockchain à deux niveaux qui se compose d’une Blockchain
locale pour sauvegarder les valeurs de gestion de la confiance locale, et d’une Blockchain
de confiance globale. La Blockchain est utilisée en raison de ses propriétés clés telles que
la décentralisation et l’immutabilité. En premier, nous adoptons un processus centralisé
de gestion de la confiance. Ensuite, nous étendons la plateforme de sécurité proposé pour
mieux prendre en compte la mesure de la qualité de service tout en renforçant la sécurité.
Nous nous concentrons sur la mesure de l’énergie car elle affecte directement la continuité
du réseau. Nous optons pour une gestion décentralisée de la confiance afin de permet-
tre une plus grande évolutivité et s’adapter à la topologie dynamique de l’IoV. Pour cela,
l’approche de confiance applique un processus de clustering.Ensuite, nous proposons une
évaluation de la confiance à l’aide d’un IDS basé sur l’apprentissage fédéré pour résoudre le
problème de la sécurité dans l’IoV. Nous examinons l’apprentissage collaboratif de la con-
fiance dans le cadre de l’architecture SDN (Software-Defined Networking). Pour atténuer
les difficultés liées à l’apprentissage complexe de la confiance, nous utilisons un proces-
sus de détection léger. En fait, peu de travaux envisagent l’intégration des métriques de
confiance, de l’apprentissage fédéré et du SDN dans un IDS pour une sécurité et une qual-
ité de service conjointes dans l’IoV. L’IDS collaboratif, peut etre une bonne solution pour
assurer la sécurité dans l’IoV grâce à son apprentissage distribué. En outre, l’adoption de
l’architecture SDN permet un IDS qui peut maintenir la qualité de service. Le SDN apporte
certaines solutions aux limites du réseau, ce qui permet d’obtenir de bonnes performances
du réseau, telles qu’une gestion souple et granulaire, une allocation efficace des ressources
pour faire fonctionner l’IDS et une prise de décision localisée. En outre, nous reconsidérons
les métriques de confiance, l’apprentissage fédéré et le SDN, et procédons à l’amélioration
de l’IDS. Nous intégrons le clustering pour améliorer la détection, et les performances glob-
ales en matière de qualité de service. Nous adoptons le concept de l’algorithme de l’essaim
de dauphins pour définir des nœuds qui vont agir comme des dauphins qui scannent les
nœuds voisins pour détecter les comportements malveillants en se basant sur les métriques
de confiance.
Enfin, nous examinons l’aspect du routage dans l’IoV, en prenant en compte le facteur
de confiance. Notre objectif est de trouver une solution de routage qui permette de trouver
un compromis entre la sécurité et la qualité de service. Nous proposons une solution de
routage réactif assisté par drone. Pour cela, nous produisons un cadre IoV-UAV_Fog pour
faciliter le routage assisté par drone. Le routage proposé consiste à sélectionner le drone
optimal servant de relais pour la transmission des données vers le nœud de destination. La
sélection du relais optimal prend en compte une métrique composite qui maximise à la fois
la confiance et la qualité de service.
8.2 Contributions
• Revue de la littérature sur la gestion de la confiance dans les réseaux véhiculaires. Nous
présentons les travaux existants basés sur la gestion confiance pour les réseaux véhiculaires,
tout en couvrant les différents aspects de la gestiono confiance (modules de confiance, pro-
priétés de la confiance, métriques de la confiance, et défis liés à la gestion de la confiance).
L’état de l’art permet de positionner notre travail de thèse.
• Un système de détection des intrusions (IDS) basé sur les métriques de confiance,
le SDN, et l’apprentissage fédéré pour addresser la malveillance des nœuds dans l’IoV.
L’objectif est de détecter les anomalies tout en maintenant la QoS. L’IDS apprend le com-
portement des nœuds à l’aide de métriques liées à la confiance pour décider si le comporte-
ment observé est une anomalie. Nous appliquons un processus de détection léger dans
lequel les contrôleurs SDN sont les nœuds de détection locaux. Nous présentons également
une extension de l’IDS afin d’améliorer le processus de détection en appliquant le cluster-
ing. L’évaluation des performances de l’IDS est fournie.
• Un protocole de routage pour l’IoV assisté par drone. La solution de routage proposée
prend en compte la confiance et la qualité de service. La solution de routage consiste à
sélectionner de drones comme relais pour former le meilleur chemin vers le nœud de des-
tination lorsque le routage par les nœuds terrestres n’est pas fiable. Les performances de la
solution de routage sont évaluées.
Dans cette thèse, nous nous concentrons sur la gestion de la confiance avec les technolo-
gies émergentes. La technologie Blockchain est importante pour la gestion de la confiance
dans l’écosystème IoV. La Blockchain fait partie intégrante d’une architecture IoV opti-
misée. Pour cela, nous addressons la sécurité dans l’IoV par le biais d’une approche basée
sur la gestion confiance et la Blockchain. La Blockchain, avec ses caractéristiques de sécu-
rité inhérentes, peut compléter les mécanismes de gestion de la confiance pour améliorer
la sécurité et la fiabilité de l’écosystème IoV.
Nous proposons une approche centralisée basée sur la confiance qui utilise deux métriques
de confiance: la réputation et la localisation. Nous appliquons l’approche proposée à une ar-
chitecture basée sur une Blockchain à deux niveaux. La couche inférieure de l’architecture
proposée du réseau IoV comprend des łvéhicules edgež qui constituent les Blockchains lo-
cales. Les Blockchains locales sont utilisées pour stocker les valuers de confiance des nœuds
locaux (c’est-à-dire les nœuds situés dans de petites zones). En effet, les Blockchains locales
peuvent permettre de réduire les délais tout en conservant ces données sensibles au temps.
Au niveau supérieur de l’architecture, les RSUs hébergent la Blockchain globale. Les RSUs
communiquent pour ajouter les Blockchains locales à la Blockchain globale. La Blockchain
globale sert à sauvegarder les valeurs de confiance calculées et à les mettre à jour en fonc-
tion des comportements observés. Elle est déployée pour montrer le niveau de confiance
globale dans le réseau.
Le processus de la gestion de confiance est défini comme suit. Chaque nœud doit être au-
thentifié par les nœuds de l’autorité afin de confirmer la légitimité de son identité pour re-
joindre le système de communication IoV. Chaque nœud dispose d’un certificat numérique.
Les łvéhicules edgež gèrent la confiance dans le réseau. Lorsque un nœud reçoit un mes-
sage, il peut demander la valuer de confiance de l’expéditeur au łvéhicule edgež le plus
proche. Ce dernier procède au calcul de niveau de confiance afin de fournir la valeur req-
uise au nœud demandeur. Le processus d’estimation de la valeur de confiance consiste à
calculer la réputation du nœud expéditeur et la crédibilité de son message envoyé.
• Calcul de la valeur de crédibilité de message Au sein de notre réseau IoV, lorsqu’un
événement se produit (accident, embouteillage, etc.), les nœuds qui souhaitent signaler
l’événement diffusent un message d’information contenant leur position et la position de
l’événement. Lorsque un nœud reçoit un message concernant un événement spécifique, il
doit vérifier la crédibilité du message après avoir estimé la valeur de réputation de l’expéditeur.
La crédibilité du message est estimée en se basant sur la métrique de localisation. En
fait, la proximité de l’emplacement constitue un facteur important pour l’évaluation de la
crédibilité d’un message, car le contenu rapporté est susceptible d’être plus précis lorsque
l’expéditeur Vj est situé à proximité du lieu de l’événement Evq.
Aprés avoir calculé la valeur de conficance totale du nœud expéditeur Vj, le łvéhicule
edgež communique cette valeur au nœud demandeur. La valeur de confiance calculée est
ensuite conservée dans la Blockchain locale. Enfin, un algorithme d’incitation est appliqué
pour récompenser ou punir les nœuds concernés (c’est-à-dire les nœuds expéditeurs, les
recommandeurs et les łvéhicules edgesž). L’algorithme d’incitation est basé sur le niveau
d’importance des messages envoyés. Lorsque le niveau d’importance du message est plus
élevé, la valeur de la récompense ou de la punition augmente. Cet algorithme peut en-
courager les nœuds à être coopératifs et à collaborer de manière honnête. De même, les
Blockchains locales sont ajoutées à la Blokchain globale par les RSUs afin d’avoir une vi-
sion globale sur le niveau de confiance dans le réseau.Nous évaluons les performances de
notre proposition en terme de rappel, de temps de calcul de la confiance, et de surcharge
de communication. Notre proposition basée sur la gestion de la confiance et la Blockchain
a montré de bons résultats en termes de taux de détection des véhicules malveillants, de
durée d’établissement de la confiance et de surcharge de communication liée à la gestion
de la confiance. Cependant, nous avons opté pour une approche centralisée de gestion de
confiance. Par conséquent, les performances diminuent lorsque le nombre de nœuds dans
le réseau augmentent. De plus, lorsqu’une attaque se produit, elle peut se propager dans le
réseau IoV puisque les valeurs de confiance sont calculées avec une approche centralisée.
En outre, étant donné que le réseau IoV se caractérise par une grande mobilité, une approche
centralisée basée sur la confiance peut conduire à l’interruption du processus de calcul de
la confiance lorsque certains événements se produisent au sein du réseau ou lorsque cer-
tains nœuds quittent le réseau. Pour cela, nous proposons une extension afin d’améliorer
les limitations mises en évidence.
8.3.2 Approche basée sur la confiance, la Blockchain, et le cluster-
Nous proposons d’étendre notre cadre de sécurité en définissant une topologie de réseau
basée sur une classification des différents nœuds. Le processus décentralisé de gestion de
la confiance est appliqué à la classification des nœuds. Nous conservons les métriques
de réputation et de crédibilité des messages dans le processus que nous proposons. Nous
reconsidérons aussi l’architecture de la Blockchain à deux niveaux. Les échanges entre les
nœuds du réseau et la Blockchain sont mis à jour puisque nous introduisons une approche
de clustering. Les différentes phases du processus de clustering (la formation des clusters, la
sélection des têtes de clusters et la maintenance des clusters) sont basées sur le processus de
gestion de la confiance, la distance de sécurité et la métrique d’énergie. Il est important de
prendre en considération la métrique de l’énergie car elle a un impact direct sur la continuité
du réseau. Cette métrique peut définir un compromis entre la sécurité et la qualité de service
du réseau.
Un nœud émet une demande d’adhésion au cluster. Cette demande contient son certificat
d’authentification et d’autres paramètres indiquant sa vitesse, sa position et sa direction.
Pour vérifier cette demande, la tête de cluster vérifie l’authentification et la valeur de répu-
tation du nœud demandeur. Si la valeur de confiance de ce nœud est inférieur au seuil
de confiance, la tête de cluster peut considérer que le nœud n’est pas digne de confiance et
qu’il ne peut pas se joindre au cluster. Lorsque la phase d’authentification réussit; et les pro-
priétés du nœud correspondent aux propriétés du cluster ainsi que la valeur de réputation
satisfait le seuil, la tête de cluster envoie une réponse positive pour confirmer que le nœud
peut rejoindre le cluster. Concernant les têtes de clusters, le nœud de l’autorité entame le
processus de leur sélection. Les łvéhicules edgež sont les candidates pour les têtes de clus-
ters. Les têtes de clusters sont séléctionés sur base des paramètres de valeur de confiance,
la distance de sécurité et l’indicateur d’énergie. Ces paramètres permettent d’améliorer la
sécurité au sein des clusters et d’ assurer la continuité et la stabilité du réseau. Le łvéhicule
edgež ayant la valeur la plus élevée liée aux paramètres de séléction est choisi comme tête
de cluster. Chaque tête de cluster attribue à ses membres une valeur de confiance initiale.
Chaque membre du cluster peut demander la valeur de confiance d’un autre membre au
nœud de tête de cluster. La tête de cluster calcule la réputation de ses membres sur la base
de leur comportement et de leur coopération honnête au sein du cluster. Les têtes de clus-
ters ajoutent les valeurs de confiance calculées dans les Blockchain locales. Une fois créée,
les Blockchains locales sont ajoutées à la Blockchain globale par les RSUs. Le nœud de
l’autorité envoie périodiquement des demandes de réélection des têtes de clusters. La mise
à jour des têtes de clusters est importante car les valeurs de confiance peuvent changer. Il
est donc obligatoire de vérifier que la tête de cluster élue a la valeur de confiance la plus
élevée. En outre, lorsque deux têtes de clusters sont trop proches, elles fusionnent lors du
prochain tour du processus de sélection de tête de cluster. La tête de cluster ayant la valeur
de confiance la plus élevée sera la tête de cluster fusionné. Les autres têtes de clusters con-
cernés deviendront des membres ordinaires de ce cluster. Nous évaluons les performances
de détection, les propriétés d’exécution, la complexité du schéma de clustering, et la stabil-
ité du réseau. Les résultats montrent que notre approche satisfait davantage la qualité de
service et la sécurité du réseau IoV en comparant avec la première proposition.
Pour récapituler, nous avons présenté une approche de sécurité basée sur la gestion
de confiance pour le réseau IoV. Dans un premier temps, nous avons mis en œuvre un
processus centralisé de gestion de la confiance que nous avons appliqué à une architecture
Blockchain à deux niveaux. Le processus de gestion de la confiance a évalué la confiance des
nœuds à l’aide des mesures de réputation et de crédibilité des messages. La Blockchain a été
utilisée pour garantir l’immuabilité et l’intégrité des données de confiance. Ensuite, nous
avons appliqué le clustering pour un processus de gestion de confiance décentralisée afin de
mieux prendre en compte la qualité de service tout en renforçant la sécurité. La formation
des clusters et la sélection des têtes de clusters ont pris en compte l’aspect de la confiance
afin de créer des clusters fiables. L’évaluation des performances a été menée afin de valider
l’efficacité de notre proposition. Les résultats indiquent que la formation des clusters fiables
à l’aide de la Blockchain renforce la fiabilité de l’IoV. Notre approche de clustering basée sur
la confiance et la Blockchain peut jouer un rôle essentiel dans l’amélioration de la sécurité
du réseau IoV et le maintien des principales exigences de qualité de service en termes de
continuité et d’évolutivité.
Nous abordons la gestion de la confiance dans le réseau IoV selon l’angle de l’apprentissage
du comportement des nœuds. Cela consiste à analyser le comportement des nœuds dans
le temps afin d’identifier les anomalies ou les écarts par rapport au comportement attendu.
Nous nous appuyons sur un IDS collaboratif basé sur l’apprentissage des métriques liées à
la confiance afin de détecter les nœuds malveillants. L’IDS fonctionne au sein d’une archi-
tecture IoV basée sur le SDN. Le SDN permet une flexibilité pour la gestion du processus de
détection dans l’IoV tout en offrant une optimisation de l’architecture réseau. Le SDN peut
permettre une allocation efficace des ressources nécessaires pour participer à la détection
collaborative (par exemple énergie, bande passante). Cette gestion de ressources optimise
les performances de l’IDS. De plus, le SDN permet une segmentation efficace du réseau ce
qui permet une prise de décision locale pour la détection. En traitant les données et en
prenant des décisions localement, l’IDS peut réduire le temps de latence de la détection, ce
qui est crucial pour la détection des menaces en temps réel dans l’IoV. L’IDS s’appuie sur
l’apprentissage fédéré pour encourager la détection des comportements malveillants invis-
ibles pour un nœud particulier tout en tout en préservant la confidentialité des données
traitées. L’apprentissage fédéré est considéré pour mettre en œuvre la collaboration entre
les contrôleurs SDN locaux pour la détection des nœuds non dignes de confiance.
Le plan de données dans notre architecture basée sur le SDN comprend les véhicules intel-
ligents, les RSUs, et les nœuds d’autorité. Le plan de contrôle consiste des contrôleurs SDN
et d’un serveur Cloud. Les élements associés au plan de données sont surveillés par les con-
trôleurs SDN. Les nœuds d’autorité se chargent de la phase d’authentification des nœuds.
En outre, ces nœuds d’autorité fournissent des informations sur la légitimité des nœuds du
réseau qui peuvent être utilisées dans le processus de détection des nœuds malveillants.
Les RSUs sont déployées pour fournir des information routiéres et environnementales. Les
RSUs peuvent également contrôler les panneaux de signalisation en coordination avec les
contrôleurs SDN afin d’optimiser le trafic routier. Chaque contrôleur SDN est déployé pour
etre responsable de la gestion d’une zone du réseau IoV. Les contrôleurs SDN gèrent le flux
de données entre les nœuds du réseau local. Nous supposons que les contrôleurs SDN sont
entièrement fiables. Les contrôleurs SDN assurent des fonctions de détection des nœuds
non dignes de confiance au niveau local. Ils analysent les données en temps réel provenant
des nœuds dans leur zone de couverture afin d’identifier les anomalies dans les comporte-
ments. Le serveur cloud maintient une vue cohérente du réseau IoV en obtenant l’état du
système de communication à partir des contrôleurs SDN. Le serveur Cloud sert pour une
détection globale des nœuds non dignes de confiance.
L’IDS comprend deux modules: (1) le module pour dérivation des attributs des nœuds, (2) le
module de classification qui représente la partie décisionnelle de l’IDS. L’IDS commence par
extraire les attributs utiles à partir des données collectées. Ces attributs sont ensuite trans-
mis au module de classification pour distinguer les comportements anormaux des nœuds.
Les contrôleurs SDN et le serveur Cloud hébergent un algorithme d’apprentissage de confi-
ance léger. En effet, l’apprentissage s’appuie sur des métriques liées aux propriétés du nœud
reflètant la confiance des nœuds. Nous considérons les propriétés des nœuds suivantes:
• Nœud étranger: le nœud est étranger s’il n’est pas enregistré auprès du nœud d’autorité
ou s’il n’a pas d’historique d’interactions avec les nœuds d’autorité. La métrique du nœud
étranger évalue la fiabilité d’un nœud en fonction de son statut d’enregistrement au sein du
réseau. Un nœud non enregistré est considéré comme un nœud non digne de confiance. Les
contrôleurs SDN peuvent surveiller l’enregistrement des nœuds et utiliser cette métrique
pour suspecter rapidement les nœuds non enregistrés. En outre, les nœuds qui interagissent
avec des nœuds étrangers sont à considérer comme suspects. Les contrôleurs SDN peuvent
déclencher une réponse en temps réel lorsque des nœuds étrangers sont détectés, comme
l’isolation dans le réseau.
Le processus de détection se déroule comme suit. Chaque contrôleur SDN distribué crée
son modèle de détection local. Une fois l’apprentissage local terminé, chaque contrôleur
SDN envoie son modèle local au serveur Cloud à l’aide du concept d’apprentissage fédéré.
Le serveur Cloud agrège ces modèles locaux pour créer un modèle de détection global
amélioré. Ce modèle permet une vision plus large sur la fiabilité du réseau. L’agrégation
des modéles de détection locaux est pondérée afin de prendre en compte la performance des
contrôleurs SDN et l’influence de chaque modèle local sur la création du modèle de détec-
tion global. Par example, un contrôleur SDN avec un taux d’erreur faible dans la détection
peut être favorisé. Le serveur Cloud améliore le modèle global en apprenant de nouveaux
modèles. Le nouveau modèle global est distribué aux contrôleurs SDN. Après avoir reçu
une copie de ce modèle global, les contrôleurs SDN chargent leurs ensembles de données
mis à jour localement et entraînent le modèle pendant un nombre prédéfini d’époques. Les
contrôleurs SDN renvoient ensuite ces modèles locaux au serveur Cloud. Ce processus
itératif d’apprentissage, d’agrégation, d’amélioration du modèle et de distribution du mod-
èle se poursuit sur plusieurs cycles, ce qui permet au modèle de détection partagé d’évoluer
et de s’adapter à la nature dynamique du réseau IoV Lorsque une menace est confirmée,
les contrôleurs SDN peuvent prendre des mesures locales pour atténuer la menace et appli-
quer des réponses de sécurité adaptatives. Ces réponses peuvent être adaptées au contexte
spécifique de la menace (par exemple, isoler les nœuds malveillants du réseau, renforcer la
surveillance, réacheminer le trafic du réseau ou alerter les véhicules à proximité pour qu’ils
prennent des mesures de précaution).
Nous suggérons d’améliorer l’IDS présenté ci-dessus en permettant une détection plus lo-
cale des nœuds non dignes confiance. Nous combinons le SDN, l’apprentissage fédéré, le
clustering, et la détection basée sur des métriques liées à la confiance afin de tirer profit
des avantages de ces techniques. Les zones locales des contrôleurs SDN seront subdivisées
en clusters dans lesquels les chefs de clusters opèrent avec le contrôleur SDN local pour
détecter les nœuds non fiables. Cela permet d’obtenir une détection plus granulaire et
d’améliorer la réactivité de l’IDS. En outre, nous adoptons le concept de multi-tête de clus-
ter et appliquons le critère de confiance pour la sélection des têtes de cluster. Le cadre de
l’IDS proposé est étendu sur la base des points suivants:
-Nous définissons une nouvelle topologie de réseau basée sur le clustering des nœuds
dans la zone locale du contrôleur SDN. Les nœuds de chaque zone locale d’un contrôleur
SDN sont regroupés pour obtenir un réseau plus facile à gérer.
-Nous proposons un processus de détection plus localisé qui sera appliqué aux nœuds
par clustering. Nous conservons les métriques liées à la confiance dans le processus de
détection. Nous reconsidérons l’IDS collaboratif à deux niveaux qui utilise l’apprentissage
fédéré. Nous définissons des têtes de clusters fiables chargés de la détection locale des
nœuds malveillants. Le modèle de détection global est hébergé sur le contrôleur SDN locale.
-Nous appliquons le concept de multi-tête de cluster pour une détection plus granu-
laire. Nous optimisons la sélection des têtes de cluster en utilisant le concept d’algorithme
d’optimisation par essaim de dauphins. La tête de cluster définie agit comme un dauphin
et observe les nœuds proches pour sélectionner autre tête de cluster fiable.
Nous associons un schéma de regroupement à notre IDS proposé afin de renforcer la sécu-
rité du réseau et de mieux prendre en compte la qualité de service. Nous organisons les
nœuds en clusters pour aider le contrôleur SDN à gérer l’IDS. Le contrôleur SDN est déployé
pour gérer les éléments de réseau d’une zone particulière. On considère que les contrôleurs
SDN sont entièrement fiables. Supposons que chaque zone géographique, contrôlée par un
contrôleur SDN est composée de u clusters (C1 , C2 , ..., Cu ). Chaque cluster Cu comprend
un ensemble de nœuds IoV : véhicules ordinaires, véhicules łedgež, RSU regroupés sur la
base de la distance et de la similarité de la vitesse, et elle peut avoir un ou plusieurs chefs de
cluster. Tous les chefs de cluster communiquent avec le contrôleur SDN correspondant. Le
nœud d’autorité lance une demande périodique de formation d’un cluster et de sélection de
son chef. Les têtes de cluster sont élues parmi les véhicules łedgež sur la base de mesures de
confiance et de ressources. Le nœud d’autorité joue le rôle de super chef de cluster dans le
cluster Cu . Les nœuds de l’interface utilisateur doivent être authentifiés pour rejoindre les
clusters. Le processus de sélection permet d’identifier les véhicules łedgež ayant les capac-
ités nécessaires pour jouer le rôle de chef de cluster. Les véhicules łedgež sont évalués pour
devenir chefs de cluster dans le cluster Cu sur la base de leur confiance et de leur indicateur
de ressources. Le véhicule łedge peut être élu à la tête du cluster si il répond aux critères
de fiabilité en termes de connaissances, de communication et d’énergie.
8.4.3 Conclusion
Nous présentons un IDS collaboratif qui utilise l’apprentissage fédéré et des mesures liées
à la confiance dans le cadre de l’architecture SDN-IoV. En combinant ces techniques, l’IoV
peut bénéficier d’une détection efficace des anomalies. Le SDN a adapté l’IoV pour per-
mettre une détection collaborative des nœuds malhonnêtes et une adaptation dynamique
avec une meilleure confidentialité des données sous le paradigme de l’apprentissage fédéré.
Dans un premier lieu, les contrôleurs SDN ont été conçus comme des nœuds IDS locaux
qui partagent leurs modèles de détection avec une couche supérieure représentée par le
Cloud. Le processus de détection utilise des mesures de confiance liées aux propriétés du
nœud (nœud étranger, paquets abandonnés, profil de vitesse). Ensuite, nous avons intégré
le clustering pour une prise de décision plus localisée et une meilleure réactivité de l’IDS.
Les chefs de clusters ont joué le rôle de nœuds IDS locaux et le contrôleur SDN correspon-
dant a joué le rôle d’agrégateur de modèles de détection.. Nous avons utilisé le concept
de tête de cluster multiple pour renforcer la détection localisée et la stabilité des clusters.
En outre, nous avons intégré le facteur de confiance pour l’IDS local, où la sélection des
têtes de clusters repose sur les aspects de confiance et d’énergie. Cette sélection et a été
optimisée en suivant la méthode de l’essaim de dauphins. Le SDN ainsi que le concept de
tête de cluster multiple permet à l’IDS de satisfaire aux exigences de sécurité adaptative, de
résilience et de disponibilité. Les résultats de l’évaluation ont démontré que l’intégration
de têtes de cluster dignes de confiance en tant que nœuds locaux de l’IDS améliore les per-
formances de détection tout en fournissant un profil de qualité de service satisfaisant en
termes de fiabilité et d’évolutivité.
-Produire une architecture hiérarchique pour fusionner l’IoV avec le drone et le Fog
computing afin de faciliter le routage de l’IoV assisté par le drone. Dans la solution proposée,
les drones agissent comme des nœuds de Fog.
-Gestion du déploiement des drones afin d’exploiter le placement des drones. La distri-
bution des drones est privilégiée suite à une assignation aux zones qui prend en compte la
couverture et les capacités d’apprentissage.
-Produire une stratégie d’acheminement à la demande assistée par un drone pour l’IoV
en cas d’instabilité de l’acheminement au sol. Les drones sont impliqués en tant que relais,
formant les chemins de données.
-La sélection d’un relais de drone tient compte de l’agrégation de mesures composites
de qualité de service et de confiance pour établir le meilleur relais de drone.
Nous distinguons quatre niveaux dans l’architecture : les nœuds IoV au sol, les nœuds
locaux/semi-centraux UAV_Fog, la couche centrale de UAV_Fog et le serveur 5G Cloud. Le
partitionnement des drones en nœuds de Fog (c.-à-d. nœuds de Fog légers) et en nœuds
de Fog centraux est utilisé pour obtenir un meilleur rendement de la couche de Fog, ce qui
permet de réduire les coûts. Fog central est utilisé pour améliorer la qualité du service Fog.
Les drones sont déployés pour être pleinement exploités. Les nœuds centraux UAV-Fog
sont situés entre le nuage et les drones locaux pour mettre en œuvre les fonctions de calcul
et de stockage. Le nœud central UAV_Fog sera en mesure de consulter les données his-
toriques du réseau IoV. Les nœuds du nœuds du UAV_Fog central contrôlent et surveillent
les drones locaux. En outre, le nœud UAV_Fog central est chargé d’établir le routage mul-
ticast des événements particuliers détectés. Les drones locaux sont directement connectés
à l’UAV_Fog central. Les drones locaux sont considérés comme le premier point d’accès
choisi par les nœuds IoV au sol pour communiquer avec les autres nœuds IoV.
Chaque groupe de drones locaux correspond à un Fog de drones central. Le drone cen-
tral est pleinement conscient des données provenant des drones locaux. Chaque drone
(c’est-à-dire semi-central ou central) dispose d’une base de données locale contenant des
échantillons de données contenant des informations sur chaque lien, telles que la fiabilité
et la connectivité (par ex. la densité du trafic, la ligne de vue, la largeur de bande disponible,
la latence). Chaque drone peut utiliser sa base de données pour définir rapidement des it-
inéraires optimaux. Nous supposons que chaque drone survolant une zone donnée peut
couvrir plusieurs nœuds au sol et établir une communication réussie. Par conséquent, les
drones doivent être correctement répartis de manière à opérer des relais de communication
à long terme qui relient intelligemment les nœuds terrestres déconnectés. L’affectation
propre des drones à une zone permet une stratégie de couverture efficace, préserve la con-
nectivité pendant la période de vol et empêche la rupture fréquente des liens de communi-
cation. L’affectation des zones de drones utilise l’information sur la capacité de couverture
et la qualité de la détection en fonction de l’apprentissage de la malveillance. Un drone doté
d’une couverture et de capacités de détection intelligentes permet une observation appro-
fondie et de meilleurs taux de transmission des données.
8.5.2 Processus de routing
La sélection d’un drone relais parmi un ensemble de candidats disponibles peut être représen-
tée par des variables de décision discrètes. Étant donné que les drones locaux sont affectés
à des zones spécifiques, chaque candidat peut être traité comme une variable binaire in-
diquant s’il est choisi comme relais de cette zone particulière ou non. Nous considérons
une fonction qui maximise la qualité de service, représentée par une équation non linéaire
de la bande passante et de la latence, tout en maximisant la réputation, de confiance non
linéaire qui prend en compte le taux de chute des paquets, la capacité d’apprentissage et
le changement de position. Cette formulation peut intégrer l’algorithme génétique de tri
non dominé II (NSGA-II) pour fournir des solutions post-optimales. La maximisation de
la réputation et de la qualité de service est soumise aux contraintes suivantes. C1 Con-
trainte de confiance. Le relais sélectionné doit satisfaire à un seuil minimal de réputation.
La réputation est une mesure composite intégrant le taux de chute des paquets, la capacité
d’apprentissage et le changement de position qui sont susceptibles d’avoir des dépendances
non linéaires sur la variable de décision. C2 Contrainte de qualité de service. Il convient
de spécifier les exigences minimales en matière de LoS, de SINR, de latence et de largeur de
bande pour le relais de drone sélectionné. C2-1. Contrainte de connectivité garantissant
que l’indice de connectivité (dérivé de LOS et de SINR) atteint le seuil souhaité. C2-2. Con-
trainte de largeur de bande. La largeur de bande doit satisfaire le débit de données demandé
au relais et le rapport SINR. C2-3. Contrainte de latence. En utilisant la fonction logarith-
mique, la contrainte de latence garantit que la largeur de bande du relais sélectionné est
suffisante pour satisfaire la condition de latence maximale acceptable. Nous avons utilisé
les paramètres suivants pour l’évaluation des performances de notre technique de routage:
(i) ratio de livraison de paquets (PDR), (ii) délai de bout en bout (EED), (iii) nombre moyen
de sauts, (iiii) ratio d’overhead.
8.5.4 Conclusion
Nous avons traité le routage dans l’IoV. Nous avons introduit une architecture à quatre
niveaux IoV-UAV_Fog afin de permettre une configuration favorable au routage assisté par
drone. Les drones ont été stratégiquement associés à des zones géographiques. Une couche
semi-centrale de nœuds UAV_Fog et une couche centrale de nœuds UAV_Fog ont été mises
en place. La couche centrale de l’UAV_Fog ont été les acteurs du routage assisté par drone.
La stratégie de routage a permis de choisir le(s) nœud(s) relais de drone optimal(s) formant
le meilleur chemin vers la destination en utilisant la qualité de service et la confiance. Le
maintien du chemin a également été défini à ce stade, permettant des chemins alternatifs.
L’acheminement assisté par drone utilise des concepts d’inondation sélective, d’avidité et
d’optimisation. Les résultats de la simulation ont prouvé l’efficacité de notre modèle de
routage hétérogène en fonction du PDR, du délai EDD, du nombre de sauts et de l’overhead.
8.6 Conclusion
Ces dernières années, les travaux de recherche ont accordé une attention considérable aux
technologies IoV. Cependant, le système de communication IoV comporte des risques de
sécurité. Cette thèse aborde les obstacles à la fourniture d’un cadre IoV sécurisé qui main-
tient la qualité de service tout en atténuant les menaces qui pèsent sur le système de com-
munication. Les solutions proposées s’appuient sur la gestion de la confiance ainsi que sur
les technologies émergentes telles que la Blockchain, le SDN, et le UAV-Fog computing en
raison de leur propriétés intéressantes pour soutenir la sécurité et la qualité de service dans
un réseau critique comme l’IoV.
Nous avons passé en revue les approches existantes basées sur la confiance dans le
contexte des réseaux véhiculaires. Nous avons fourni une taxonomie des travaux examinés
sur la base des outils utilisés. Ensuite, nous avons proposé de nous appuyer de confiance
avec Blockchain, clustering et SDN pour nos deux premières solutions de sécurité.
En premier, nous avons élaboré une approche basée sur la confiance et la blockchain
pour l’IoV. Notre objectif était d’aborder la sécurité en mettant l’accent sur l’intégrité des
données de confiance tout en respectant la qualité de service. Dans un premier temps, nous
avons proposé de nous appuyer sur la réputation et la proximité de l’emplacement pour
établir la confiance au sein du réseau. Nous avons appliqué notre système de confiance à
une Blockchain à deux niveaux pour préserver les données de confiance. La blockchain
se compose d’une blockchain locale pour stocker la confiance locale et d’une blockchain
globale pour exposer les informations de confiance globales. Aprés, nous étendons notre
solution en appliquant le clustering pour mieux prendre en compte la qualité de service en
termes de continuité et d’évolutivité. Notre proposition a été validée en termes de perfor-
mances de détection et de qualité de service.
Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons proposé un IDS qui utilise la combinaison de
mesures de confiance, l’apprentissage fédéré et la structure SDN pour détecter les nœuds
malhonnêtes dans le réseau IoV. Nous avons cherché à étudier l’apprentissage collaboratif
de la confiance des nœuds dans un SDN-IoV. Dans un premier temps, les contrôleurs SDN
étaient chargés de la détection locale des nœuds malhonnêtes. Ces détections étaient basées
sur des métriques de confiance liées aux propriétés des nœuds. Par la suite, nos travaux
ont porté sur une détection plus localisée et plus réactive en plaçant les détections locales
sur des têtes de clusters dignes de confiance, tout en hébergeant le modèle de détection
global sur le contrôleur SDN. En soulignant que la formation de têtes de cluster dignes de
confiance a intégré le concept de têtes de cluster multiples afin de mieux prendre en compte
les performances en matière de stabilité. Les résultats ont montré que notre proposition
offrait de bonnes performances en matière de détection et de qualité de service.
Enfin, nous avons abordé la sécurité de l’IoV du point de vue du routage. Nous avons
présenté une solution de routage assistée par drone qui applique la métrique de confiance
pour une architecture de réseau fiable de l’IoV. L’idée fondamentale était de trouver le
chemin optimal vers la destination en sélectionnant le drone optimal en tant que nœud
de relais avec l’objectif d’une confiance et d’une qualité de service maximales. Notre solu-
tion de routage s’est avérée fiable d’après les résultats obtenus concernant le PDR, l’EED et
le nombre de sauts.