Neuropsychological Questionnaire
Neuropsychological Questionnaire
Neuropsychological Questionnaire
Please fill out this questionnaire completely and thoroughly. Please do not leave any items blank. If there is any part of
this questionnaire that you do not understand, please let your Neuropsychologist know. Thank you for your cooperation.
Date of Birth: __________________ Age: ________ Best phone number to reach you? _________________________
Are you right-handed or left-handed? _____________
Is English your first language? _____Yes _____ No If no, what is your first language? ________________________
Are you involved in any litigation or a lawsuit? _____ Yes _____ No If yes, please explain. _____________________
Where were you born? ______________________________________________________________________________
Where were you raised? _____________________________________________________________________________
What was your Father’s profession? ____________________________________________________________________
What was your Mother’s profession? ___________________________________________________________________
How many brothers and sisters do you have (include ages)?__________________________________________________
What is your ethnic/cultural heritage? ___________________________________________________________________
What is your religious/spiritual orientation? ______________________________________________________________
What is your relationship status (circle and indicate how many times and how long)?
Single _____ Married/Partnered _____ Divorced _____ Widowed _____ Separated _____
How many children do you have (include ages and sex)? ____________________________________________________
OCCUPATIONAL HISTORY (If retired, state previous occupations and date of retirement.)
Job Title Employer Dates of Employment
Do you wear glasses/contacts to correct your vision? _____ Yes _____ No
(check all that apply): O far sighted o near sighted O blurred vision
O double vision o visual blackouts O color blind
o sensitive to light
Do you wear hearing aids, or sound filters? _____ Yes _____ No
(check all that apply): o hard of hearing/ hearing impaired
o buzzing/ringing in the ears
o sensitive to sound
Do you use mobility assistance equipment? _____ Yes _____ No
(check all that apply): cane walker wheelchair
scooter other __________________
Were you ever the victim of abuse (circle all that apply)? _____ Yes _____ No
Physical Sexual Verbal Emotional
Have you ever witnessed domestic violence? _____ Yes _____ No
Have you ever assaulted anyone? _____ Yes _____ No
If yes, please explain: __________________________________________________
Have you ever been arrested? _____ Yes _____ No
If yes, please explain: ___________________________________________________
List other CURRENT medical problems, Date of Treatment Please give details including
including serious or chronic medical conditions. diagnosis if the issue is being addressed.
List ALL CURRENT medications you take, including medications for psychological Dose How often?
reasons, vitamins, hormones, and non-prescription drugs.
List PAST hospitalizations and reasons that you were hospitalized. Your age Length of stay
Have you ever: Yes No Please specify Provider/Place Year
Had counseling or psychotherapy?
Seen a psychiatrist?
Used any medication specifically for
psychological problems?
Been in a drug or alcohol rehabilitation
Had shock treatment?
Please list all hospitalizations (dates and duration of stay) for psychiatric/psychological reasons.
Do you use tobacco or products that contain nicotine? Circle all that apply and indicate how much used per day.
cigarettes__________ cigars_________ pipe_________ chewing tobacco_________
nicotine gum_________ nicotine patch_________ other____________ (Refer / prev given / n:a)
Do you consume products that contain caffeine (e.g., coffee, Pepsi, Coke, Mountain Dew, boost drinks, caffeine tablets?
_____ Yes _____ No
If yes, how much do you consume per day? ____________________________________
Have you ever used or experimented Age Yes No Frequency of use Last time you used
with the following? started this substance
Nicotine/tobacco products
Psilocybin (mushrooms)
Ketamine “special K”
Prescription medications (narcotics)
Other (please list)
Please answer the following questions. Yes No Please specify
Have you ever suffered from blackouts from
drugs/drinking too much?
Have you ever been arrested for driving under the
Have you ever been arrested because of your drinking
or using drugs?
Have you ever lost a job or friends due to your drug
or alcohol use?
Do you have any biological relatives who use (or
used) drugs or alcohol excessively?
How many times in the past year have you used a prescription
medication or street drug for non-medical reasons? ___________
2 wks
Problems you may be having. (Check ‘yes’ to all that apply, then check to 1 5 10 20 All
the box indicating about how long you have had those problems.) Yes No several yr yrs yrs yrs my
months life
Recalling things that have happened to you in the past
Recalling things that have recently been told to you
Recalling where you have left items
Recalling how to get to somewhere
Remembering conversations, movies, books
Remembering appointments or medications
Remembering childhood events after the age of 6
Understanding what is said to you
Comprehending what you read
Speaking clearly
Finding the correct names for things or the right words to say
Writing legibly
Spelling correctly
Hand and Body Coordination
Using your right hand
Using your left hand
Using both hands together
Standing balance
Frequent falling
Feeling things with your right hand
Feeling things with your left hand
Vision and Perception
Seeing clearly
Driving your car
Following a road map
Making out other people’s faces (familiar people)
Judging distances, height, or depth
2 wks
Problems you may be having. (Check ‘yes’ to all that apply, then check to 1 5 10 20 All
the box indicating about how long you have had those problems.) Yes No several yr yrs yrs yrs my
months life
Losing your sense of direction or getting lost
Having unusual touch, taste, smell, hearing or vision
Becoming tired easily
Chronic fatigue
Having difficulty concentrating
Becoming confused easily
Periods of confusion
Excessive daydreaming
Losing your train of thought
Getting stuck on certain ideas or thoughts
Beginning lots of tasks and not finishing them
Acting first, thinking later (impulsive)
Practical Problems
Managing money
Keeping appointments
Working safely
Handling responsibility
Dealing effectively with the unexpected
Working out problems with your family
Getting along with friends and/or business associates
Organizing or prioritizing
Performing arithmetic calculations or balancing your check book
Tension headaches
Migraine headaches
Fainting spells
Uncontrollable movements
Muscle tics/twitches
Muscle weakness
Muscular paralysis
Excessive or no appetite
Emotional Problems
Tension or anxiety
Worry about health
Panic attacks
Feeling stress
Unable to relax
2 wks
Problems you may be having. (Check ‘yes’ to all that apply, then check to 1 5 10 20 All
the box indicating about how long you have had those problems.) Yes No several yr yrs yrs yrs my
months life
Nervous breakdown
Overreact emotionally
Depression or sadness
Anger control
Explosive temper
Change in personality
Recurrent fears
Lack of feelings
Lack of motivation
How do you keep track of your appointments? ___________________________________________________________
How do you get to your appointments? _________________________________________________________________
How do you fix meals? _______________________________________________________________________________
How do you recall important information? _______________________________________________________________
How do you remember to take your medications? ________________________________________________________
How do you handle your finances? _____________________________________________________________________
What household tasks/chores do you perform? ___________________________________________________________
How do you manage/relieve your physical pain? __________________________________________________________
On a 10-point scale, how severe is your pain right now? 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
no pain intolerable pain
Where is your pain? ____________________________ Describe pain? ________________________________
Do you have any stress that you’re experiencing now? _____________________________________________________
What leisure time activities do you do (i.e., sports, hobbies, reading, TV, clubs, church, etc.)? ______________
__________________________________________________________ ______________________________________
How many close friends do you have? ____ What kinds of activities do you typically do with them?_________
Who are you close to in your family (spouse/partner, parents, siblings, children)?_______________________________
What activities do you typically do with them? ____________________________________________________
How do you cope with stress? ________________________________________________________________________
What are your greatest strengths? ____________________________________________________________________
AOQ4 o