REMIS 2023 Archivage-2
REMIS 2023 Archivage-2
REMIS 2023 Archivage-2
integrated circuits
Andres Remis Janez
Spécialité : Électronique
This thesis has been a meaningful experience in my life, contributing to both my growth
as a professional and as a person. I would like to express my gratitude to everyone without
whom this work would not have been possible.
First of all, I am deeply thankful to my family, whose support has been a constant
throughout my educational journey. I would like to thank my parents and my whole family from
Guatemala who, despite being on the other side of the world, made me feel supported every
day. I also want to thank my family from Spain for encouraging me to set ambitious goals in my
professional career. Special thanks go to my two brothers, whose support fueled my desire and
motivation to pursue a PhD. A big part of this success lies in the education received by my family
since childhood, so there are really no words to thank you all.
I want to thank also all my close friends who, despite never understing what my thesis
topic was about, always showed admiration, which was a great encouragement and motivation
for me.
My sincere thanks to all the members of the jury for accepting to participate in my PhD
defense. Thanks Delphine Morini, Günther Roelkens and Frédéric Boeuf for the interesting
reviews and questions. I also extend my gratitude to Philippe for assuming the role of president
during my defense.
I would like to thank the entire nanoMIR team for their invaluable help during these
three years. Thank you specially everyone involved in the clean room: Fred, Michele, Laura,
Daniel, Zeineb, Ariane, Renaud and Jean-Marie. Their help and trainings were essential to my
work. Very special thanks go to Lolo who helped me in difficult moments and was like a third
supervisor for me. I also made great friendships within this group, and I am very grateful for
their support and the special moments we have shared.
3.7 POLYCRYSTAL REMOVAL .............................................................................................................................. 67
3.8 LASER PROCESS ON THE SI PIC ...................................................................................................................... 70
3.8.1 Facet definition ................................................................................................................................. 71
3.8.2 Ridge definition ................................................................................................................................. 72
3.8.3 Bottom contact definition................................................................................................................. 73
3.8.4 Insulation and opening ..................................................................................................................... 73
3.8.5 Metallization ..................................................................................................................................... 74
3.8.6 Substrate thin-down and cleavage ................................................................................................... 75
3.9 CHARACTERIZATIONS OF DLS ON THE RECESSED SI ............................................................................................ 76
3.10 LIGHT COUPLING MEASUREMENT .................................................................................................................. 78
3.11 SIMULATIONS ............................................................................................................................................ 81
3.12 CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................................. 83
SI PIC ....................................................................................................................................................... 86
4.1 FILLING THE GAP ........................................................................................................................................ 86
4.1.1 Simulations ....................................................................................................................................... 86
4.1.2 Filling the gap with PMMA ............................................................................................................... 90
4.2 LASER PROCESS OPTIMIZATION TO REDUCE THE GAP .......................................................................................... 91
4.2.1 Polycrystal removal optimization ..................................................................................................... 91
4.2.2 Laser facet definition ........................................................................................................................ 92
4.2.3 Thin III-V peak removal ..................................................................................................................... 93
4.3 ALTERNATIVE APPROACHES .......................................................................................................................... 95
4.3.1 Waveguide fabrication on etched-facet laser by e-beam evaporation ............................................ 95
4.3.1 Waveguide fabrication on etched-facet laser by PECVD .................................................................. 97
4.4 CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................................................... 103
GENERAL CONCLUSION AND PERSPECTIVES ............................................................................................. 106
5 APPENDIX ...................................................................................................................................... 110
5.1 TYPE-I QUANTUM WELL DIODE LASERS ......................................................................................................... 110
5.2 PROCESS TECHNIQUES ............................................................................................................................... 112
5.2.1 UV photolithography ...................................................................................................................... 112
5.2.2 ICP etching ...................................................................................................................................... 114
5.2.3 PECVD ............................................................................................................................................. 114
5.2.4 Electron beam evaporation ............................................................................................................ 115
REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................................... 116
LIST OF PUBLICATIONS ............................................................................................................................ 124
List of figures
Figure 1. Representation of a Silicon photonic chip.[15] ......................................................................... 4
Figure 2. Transmission window of different waveguide materials. The white areas are the wavelength
range over which waveguide propagation loss is less than 2 dB/cm. The orange areas are the
wavelength range over which loss is high.[8] .......................................................................................... 5
Figure 3. Energy band structure of GaAs, an example of direct bandgap. .............................................. 6
Figure 4. III-V-on-Si heterogeneous integration approaches. a) Wafer-bonding. b) Flip-chip
integration. c) Micro-transfer printing.[39] ............................................................................................. 7
Figure 5. a) Silicon crystal structure. b) III-V crystal structure. c) Sketch of a V-polar domain and a III-
polar domain separated by the antiphase boundary (III-III and V-V bonds).[59] .................................... 9
Figure 6. Energy gap and wavelength vs. lattice constant for some elementary and binary
semiconductor materials. ........................................................................................................................ 9
Figure 7. TEM pictures of GaSb layer grown on Si substrate where threading dislocations are visible
(Courtesy of Karl Graser, PDI Berlin). ..................................................................................................... 10
Figure 8. The two main light coupling configurations. a) Evanescent coupling of a III-V laser into a Si
waveguide thanks to a taper section.[69] b) Butt-coupling configuration of a laser into a Si
waveguide.[72] ....................................................................................................................................... 11
Figure 9. a) 2-5-µm mid-IR spectrum.[79] b) Mid-IR sensors applications.[85] .................................... 13
Figure 10. Band structure alignments for a selection of unstrained III-V binaries at 300 K.[88] .......... 14
Figure 11. Band alignments and recombination mechanisms of QW diode lasers, interband cascade
lasers and quantum cascade lasers. ....................................................................................................... 14
Figure 12. L-I-V curves of different types of lasers grown on on-axis Si substrates. a) ICL. b) QCL. c) DL.
[62]–[64] ................................................................................................................................................. 15
Figure 13. Threshold current densities vs. wavelength of different types of mid-IR lasers.[81] .......... 16
Figure 14. Structure design of the diode lasers grown on a) GaSb substrates and on b) Si substrates
containing different number of QWs in the active zones for each substrate (1-4 QWs). ..................... 20
Figure 15. Band structure details of the design for a DL grown on Si. a) A band structure detail for the
entire structure. b) A band structure detail for the QWs[62]................................................................ 21
Figure 16. a) 20x20 µm2 AFM image of the 2-QWs laser surface. b) Omega-2theta high-resolution X-
ray diffraction scan of the same laser. ................................................................................................... 22
Figure 17. Sketch of the final device after processing. a) DL on native GaSb substrate. b) DL on Si
substrate. ............................................................................................................................................... 23
Figure 18. Tracking signal of the etching for the whole heterostructure: reflectance vs. etching time.
................................................................................................................................................................ 24
Figure 19. Sketch of the fabrication step of the laser ridge................................................................... 24
Figure 20. Sketch of the fabrication process of DLs on Si. ..................................................................... 26
Figure 21. Representation of a L-I-V curve from a laser characterization. ............................................ 27
Figure 22. Broad-area laser characteristics in pulsed operation for the two series. Light output versus
current density curves of 1.5 mm-long DLs with different numbers of QW. ........................................ 30
Figure 23. Broad-area laser characteristics in pulsed operation for the two series. Threshold current
density versus the number of QWs for different cavity lengths............................................................ 31
Figure 24. L-I-V data in CW for 1-QW DLs with an 8 µm-wide ridge and different cavity lengths. a) On
Si substrate. b) On GaSb substrate. ....................................................................................................... 31
Figure 25. Extracted internal losses versus the number of QWs for the two series. ............................ 32
Figure 26. L-I data for 2-QWs DLs on Si and GaSb with a 10-µm wide ridge and 1-mm long cavity for
different measurement temperatures. .................................................................................................. 33
Figure 27. Fits of the threshold current density for the two series for the 1.5-mm long DLs. .............. 35
Figure 28. The gain model calculations for the two series. (a) Modal gain vs current density curves for
different number of QWs. (b) The optimal number of QWs vs the total optical losses. ....................... 36
Figure 29. a) Cross-section and b) 3D sketch of an integrated GaSb DL on a Si PIC with light coupled
from the active zone of the DL to the core of the waveguide. .............................................................. 39
Figure 30. Cross-section sketch of challenging fabrication steps of the integration of the DL on the Si
PIC in order to couple light from the active zone of the DL to the core of the SiN waveguide. ........... 40
Figure 31. Light beam output of a DL taken with an IR camera.[119] ................................................... 41
Figure 32. Cross-section sketch of the effect of the air gap on the light coupling. ............................... 41
Figure 33. Resist profile after a standard lithography using a) soft contact and b) vacuum contact.... 43
Figure 34. SEM image of the chromium mask used during photolithography.[119] ............................ 44
Figure 35. Sketch of the influence of the hard bake on the resist and semiconductor flanks. a) no hard
bake is performed. b) hard bake is performed. ..................................................................................... 47
Figure 36. Sketch of the fabrication of a hard mask. ............................................................................. 47
Figure 37. SEM image of the semiconductor flank using SiN hard mask with no hard bake of the resist.
................................................................................................................................................................ 48
Figure 38. SEM image of the semiconductor flank using SiN mask and a hard bake at 110°C during 4
minutes................................................................................................................................................... 49
Figure 39. Mask design of the laser facet. ............................................................................................. 50
Figure 40. ICP etching tracking signal..................................................................................................... 51
Figure 41. SEM images of the laser facet. .............................................................................................. 51
Figure 42. Mask design of the laser ridge. ............................................................................................. 52
Figure 43. SEM images of the laser ridge definition step. a) after lithography and before ICP etching.
b) after ICP etching. ................................................................................................................................ 52
Figure 44. Mask design of the electrical insulation. .............................................................................. 53
Figure 45. SEM images of the laser facet after the electrical insulation and opening. ......................... 53
Figure 46. Mask design of the metal deposition. ................................................................................... 54
Figure 47. SEM images of the final device after the metallization step. ............................................... 55
Figure 48. Sketch of the etched-facet DL process flow.......................................................................... 55
Figure 49. Sketch of the cleavage step. Etched- and cleaved-facet lasers are obtained on the same
bar. ......................................................................................................................................................... 56
Figure 50. Images of a laser bar with several etched-facet lasers and cleaved lasers. a) optical image.
b) SEM image[119]. ................................................................................................................................ 56
Figure 51. L-I-V curves in CW operation at RT of DLs grown on GaSb substrate with a) cleaved facets
and b) etched-facets. ............................................................................................................................. 57
Figure 52. Threshold current density as a function of the cavity length in CW and RT for etched- and
cleaved-facet DLs. .................................................................................................................................. 58
Figure 53. a) Front and b) cross section view sketch of the SiN WGs fabrication. ................................ 59
Figure 54. SEM image of the front of the WG. ....................................................................................... 60
Figure 55. Schematic of the Si PICs: the pattern of the 100 mm wafers is organized with several 20x20
mm2 dies, each one containing two recessed areas together with 20 SiN waveguides each one. ....... 61
Figure 56. SEM image of the SiN waveguide with a remaining SiO2 step on the Si substrate. ............. 61
Figure 57. Cross-section view sketch of the PIC fabrication. ................................................................. 62
Figure 58. SEM images of the removal SiO2 step attempts with HF solution. a) before etching. b) after
18 minutes etching with a damaged Si substrate. c) zoomed image on the WG stack before etching
and d) after etching. ............................................................................................................................... 63
Figure 59. Process sketch of the oxide removal by ICP dry etching. ..................................................... 64
Figure 60. SEM images of the SiO2 step removal by ICP dry etching. .................................................... 64
Figure 61. 3D sketch of the epitaxial growth step. ................................................................................ 65
Figure 62. a) Top view of the die before and after the epitaxial growth. b) high-resolution X-ray
diagram measured in the laser growth. c) AFM image taken on top of the laser structure. ................ 66
Figure 63. Cross-section SEM image of a similar Si PIC after the epitaxial growth.[119] ...................... 67
Figure 64. 3D sketch of the polycrystal removal step. ........................................................................... 67
Figure 65. Different mask protections for the polycrystal removal step. The green rectangles
correspond to the resist. ........................................................................................................................ 68
Figure 66. Pictures of a die before and after the polycrystal removal. ................................................. 69
Figure 67. SEM images of the sample after the polycrystal removal for different masks. a) The
protection goes 20 µm into the WG stack, b) 15 µm and c) 10 µm....................................................... 70
Figure 68. Facet definition photolithography using the same parameters as those of discrete etched-
facet lasers. ............................................................................................................................................ 71
Figure 69. SEM images of the laser facet definition. a) Top view of the sample after hard mask
opening. b) Facet angle measurement after facet etching.................................................................... 72
Figure 70. SEM images of the ridge definition step. a) angled view. b) top view. ................................ 73
Figure 71. SEM image of the bottom contact next to the laser ridge. .................................................. 73
Figure 72. a) SEM and b) optical image of the electrical insulation step............................................... 74
Figure 73. a) SEM and b) optical images of the device after the metallization step. ............................ 74
Figure 74. Sketch of the laser process flow on the Si PIC. The different process steps are facet etching,
laser ridge, bottom contact, electrical insulation and metallization. .................................................... 75
Figure 75. Images of the final die showing a) the two series of lasers and waveguides and b) the
cleavages performed after polishing. .................................................................................................... 76
Figure 76. a) 3D sketch of the final device and DL characterizations. b) Top view image of the bar
mounted on a Cu heat sink and measured on a probe station. ............................................................ 76
Figure 77. a) L-I-V curves of the DLs on the Si PIC taken in the CW regime at RT for a series of 8 DLs. b)
L-I-V curves taken at different temperatures between 20 and 80 C (setup limited) for a typical DL. .. 77
Figure 78. Emission spectrum recorded from the DL at RT in the CW regime at2 x Ith drive current. 77
Figure 79. 3D sketch of the light coupling characterizations. ................................................................ 78
Figure 80. IR image of the laser bar on the probe station with a) zero drive current and b) 250-mA
drive current. .......................................................................................................................................... 79
Figure 81. IR images at the output of the waveguide with the laser operating at 250 mA. a) front
view. b) angled view. .............................................................................................................................. 79
Figure 82. IR images at the output of the waveguide with the laser operating at 250 mA. a) without
the mechanic shield. b) with the mechanic shield. ................................................................................ 80
Figure 83. L-I curves of a DL-WG pair where both laser ridge and WG are 10 µm wide, taken in the CW
regime at RT. .......................................................................................................................................... 81
Figure 84. 2D TE mode profiles supported in the DL ridge and in the SiN WG.[70] .............................. 81
Figure 85. Transmittance as a function of the air gap for different passive core materials.[70] .......... 82
Figure 86. Transmittance as a function of the air gap for a SiN/SiO2 waveguide and for different
passive core thicknesses.[70] ................................................................................................................. 83
Figure 87. Cross-section sketch of the DL butt-coupled with the WG with a filled gap with a material
with a higher refractive index. ............................................................................................................... 87
Figure 88. FDTD simulations of the transmittance as a function of the gap size for different gap
materials. ................................................................................................................................................ 88
Figure 89. a) Threshold current density as a function of the cavity length for different materials filling
the gap. b) Threshold current density as a function of the refractive index of the material filling the
gap for a cavity length of 1.5 mm with and without HR coating and a cavity length of 3 mm without
HR coating. ............................................................................................................................................. 89
Figure 90. Absorption measurement of a PMMA drop as a function of the wavelength with and
without a bake. ...................................................................................................................................... 90
Figure 91. a) Optical image of the PMMA drop deposited on the sample. b) L-I curves after filling the
gap with PMMA of a DL-WG pair. .......................................................................................................... 91
Figure 92. Optimized polycrystal removal step for two different mask alignments resulting in different
gaps. ....................................................................................................................................................... 92
Figure 93. SEM pictures after the lithography of the laser facet of two samples a) and b) where the
gap was reduced. ................................................................................................................................... 92
Figure 94. SEM images of the samples. a) image after the facet etching, b) after the laser ridge. ...... 93
Figure 95. SEM image of the lithography result using the same parameters as the bottom contact
etching. ................................................................................................................................................... 94
Figure 96. SEM image of the sample after the III-V peak removal step and before removing the resist.
................................................................................................................................................................ 94
Figure 97. Sketch of the process technique to deposit the WG layers by lift-off technique after the DL
fabrication. ............................................................................................................................................. 96
Figure 98. SEM images of a first test. a) Resist profile after the lithography. b) Device after the lift-off.
................................................................................................................................................................ 97
Figure 99. SEM images of PECVD depositions on a 6.5-µm depth etched facet. a) Deposition of 3.9 µm
of SiO2. b) Deposition of 0.8 µm of SiN on top of the 3.9-µm SiO2 layer. .............................................. 97
Figure 100. Sketch of the process steps to fabricate the WGs integrated with the etched-facet lasers
with a SiO2 gap. ...................................................................................................................................... 98
Figure 101. FDTD simulations of the new configuration. a) with air as the top cladding. b) with 1 µm
of SiO2 as the top cladding. .................................................................................................................... 99
Figure 102. SEM images of laser morphology. a) after the etching of the facet. b) after the entire laser
process. ................................................................................................................................................ 100
Figure 103. SEM picture of PECVD depositions of SiO2 and SiN depositions on the facet. ................. 101
Figure 104. a) Sketch of the WG definition lithography. b) SEM image of the device after the WG
definitions step. .................................................................................................................................... 101
Figure 105. Mask design of the waveguide and laser ridge definition. The laser ridge mask has a T-
shape close to the laser facet to push the corners away. ................................................................... 102
Figure 106. SEM image of the device after the ridge definition. ......................................................... 102
Figure 107. Images of the final device after the metallization step. a) SEM image. b) optical image. 103
Figure 108. Different transition process of a semiconductor material interacting with a photon:
absorption, spontaneous emission and stimulated emission. ............................................................ 111
Figure 109. Sketch of the resist spread evenly over the surface of the sample after spin coating..... 113
Figure 110. Sketch of the sample brought into contact with the mask and exposed to UV light. ...... 113
Figure 111. Sketch of the sample after development. a) In the case of positive resist. b) In the case of
negative resist. ..................................................................................................................................... 113
Figure 112. Sketch of the sample after etching. a) In the case of positive resist. b) In the case of
negative resist. ..................................................................................................................................... 114
Figure 113. Sketch of a lift-off technique using electron beam evaporation technique for metal
deposition with a) a positive resist profile, b) a negative resist profile, and c) an accentuated negative
resist profile. ........................................................................................................................................ 115
List of tables
Table 1. Parameters of the photolithography of the laser ridge definition. ......................................... 23
Table 2. ICP recipe previously optimized to etch GaSb-based compounds........................................... 23
Table 3. Lithography parameters of bottom contact etching. ............................................................... 24
Table 4. Lithography parameters of the metal contact step. ................................................................ 25
Table 5. Recombination coefficient values. ........................................................................................... 35
Table 6. SEM pictures of resist flanks after hard bake for different temperatures and times. ............. 45
Table 7. SEM pictures of semiconductor flanks after hard bake for different temperatures and times
and an etching time of 9 minutes. ......................................................................................................... 46
Table 8. Hard mask parameters of the facet etching step..................................................................... 49
Table 9. Photolithography parameters for the laser ridge definition for the etched-facet process. .... 52
Table 10. Photolithography parameters of the metallization step for the etched-facet process. ........ 54
Table 11. Photolithography parameters of the polycrystal removal step. ............................................ 68
Table 12. Lithography parameters for the facet definition on a Si PIC. ................................................. 71
Table 13. Refractive index of different materials under study. ............................................................. 82
Table 14. Refractive indices of different materials. ............................................................................... 87
List of equations
Equation 1. External quantum efficiency. .............................................................................................. 28
Equation 2. The inverse of the external quantum efficiency as a function of the cavity length. .......... 28
Equation 3. Characteristic temperature related to the threshold current. ........................................... 29
Equation 4. Characteristic temperature related to the external quantum efficiency. .......................... 29
Equation 5. Threshold current density................................................................................................... 33
Equation 6. Fabry-Perot cavity losses. ................................................................................................... 33
Equation 7. Optical gain of a single QW structure. ................................................................................ 34
Equation 8. Lorentzian function. ............................................................................................................ 34
Equation 9. Modal gain. ......................................................................................................................... 34
Equation 10. Current density as a function of the recombination coefficients. ................................... 34
Equation 11. Modal gain as a function of the current density. ............................................................. 34
Equation 12. Threshold current density as a function of the recombination coefficients. ................... 36
Equation 13. Threshold current density as a function of the inverse of the cavity length. .................. 58
Equation 14. Reflectivity at an interface between two media 1 and 2. ................................................ 88
Equation 15. Fabry-Perot cavity losses when the reflectivity of the mirrors is not equal. ................... 88
Equation 16. Beer-Lambert law. ............................................................................................................ 90
Equation 17. The gain provided by the system is equal to the total optical losses: the laser threshold.
.............................................................................................................................................................. 111
The miniaturization of electronic chips, guided by Moore’s Law, has been a cornerstone of
the exponential growth of computing and telecommunications, achieving high levels of
performance, low power consumption and reduced manufacturing costs. However, the
integration density of transistors is arriving to its limits as the power dissipation in chips and
the cost per transistor reach an asymptote.[1], [2] Photonic integration, and in particular silicon
photonics, has been considered as one of the most promising solutions to overcome these
limitations. By harnessing the properties of light rather than electrons, silicon photonics
enables optical components to be integrated alongside electronic circuits on the same chip,
taking advantage of the very mature silicon industry and CMOS technology. This approach
would enable higher bandwidth, low energy consumption and reduced heat generation,
providing a cost-effective solution. Significant advances have been made by researchers and
industry leaders. However, one of the major remaining challenges is the realization of highly
efficient laser sources on these silicon platforms. Much work has been devoted to address this
challenge. In particular, the high efficiencies of III-V semiconductors have led to the
demonstration of discrete high-performance lasers grown on their native III-V substrates. The
next step is to integrate such lasers onto silicon photonic circuits. The heterogeneous
integration consists of growing the III-V material on its native substrate and transferring it to
the silicon platform, whereas the monolithic integration is based on the direct epitaxial growth
of III-Vs on silicon. Although the heterogeneous integration is the most advanced strategy, the
monolithic integration is considered the most promising route to low-cost and high-volume
production of silicon photonic chips. However, this approach is still in its infancy and further
research is needed. Especially, achieving light coupling between the integrated lasers and
passive Si-based waveguides would be a major breakthrough towards the realization of fully
integrated silicon photonic chips.
Silicon photonics has expanded beyond datacom/telecom into many other application
fields. Of interest, the mid-infrared wavelength range is very attractive as many biological and
chemical species exhibit their fingerprint absorption lines at these wavelengths. Optical sensing
in the mid-infrared is therefore in high demand for societal, environmental and medical
applications, among others. However, mid-infrared sensors are bulky and expensive because
they still rely on discrete devices. Silicon photonics would offer the opportunity to integrate
these mid-infrared devices on silicon platforms to achieve miniaturized, robust and low-cost
sensors. To develop these mid-infrared sensors, lasers emitting at these wavelengths are
required. Among III-V lasers, GaSb-based lasers are capable of covering the mid-infrared
spectral range.
The nanoMIR group specializes in antimonide technology (III-Sbs) and has led major
research projects on the integration of antimonides on silicon for mid-infrared sensors. It was
within this group that I carried out my work. The aim of my PhD is the integration of GaSb-
based lasers on silicon photonic integrated circuits. To achieve this goal, I have carried out
different investigations, which are described in 4 different chapters.
In the first chapter, I present the context and motivation of my work in more detail,
together with the state of the art. I describe the different approaches to integrating III-V lasers
on silicon. I then present the different research efforts in the epitaxial growth of III-V materials
on silicon that have overcome significant challenges, followed by the various approaches for
coupling the lasers to passive waveguides within a silicon photonic circuit. Finally, I discuss the
importance of mid-infrared optical sensing for several vital applications, as well as GaSb-based
laser sources capable of covering the mid-infrared wavelength range.
1 Chapter 1. State of the art and
1.1 Silicon photonic integrated circuits
1.1.1 Photonic integrated circuit
A photonic integrated circuit (PIC) is a circuit that uses optical signals to perform various
functions, similar to how electronic circuits use electrical signals. The idea of a photonic
integrated circuit began to take shape in the early years of optical communications in the mid-
20th century, when researchers and engineers explored the use of light for communication.
They were developing optical components such as lasers, modulators or photodetectors, which
were discrete and bulky components. As for microelectronics, the goal of a photonic integrated
circuit is to integrate all photonic components on a single chip, which would reduce the size,
cost and power consumption of the optical components and interconnections. Photonic
integration took a significant step forward with the invention of the diode laser in 1962 by
Robert N. Hall.[3], [4] Diode lasers provided a compact and highly efficient source of coherent
light, which was fundamental to enable the generation of optical signals in integrated circuits.
The term “photonics” began to be widely used to describe the use of light to replace
applications previously achieved with electronics. In the 1970s, the invention of planar
waveguides, structures that can confine and guide light within a thin substrate, was considered
a major breakthrough for photonic integrated circuits. Since then, much work has been done
to fully integrate photonic functionalities on a single platform, primarily on Indium Phosphide
(InP) substrates. The first integration of a laser with another optical component was
demonstrated by Suzuki et al. in 1987.[5] Since then, a large range of active and passive
photonic components with great performance have been developed in the InP technology, and
the fabrication of full photonic integrated circuits with more than 1000 on-chip components
was demonstrated.[6]
1.1.2 Silicon photonics
While InP technology was being developed, other research focused on the so-called
Silicon (Si) photonics. In fact, InP is a very expensive material and the fabrication of chips relies
on 75-mm wafers.[7] The goal of silicon photonics is to integrate photonic and electronic
components on a common silicon wafer (Figure 1). This would allow to merge the benefits of
PICs with the ones of the very advanced and cheap silicon industry and CMOS technology.[8] It
would enable photonics to be scaled up to high levels of integration with improved
performance and low cost production based on standard 300-mm wafers used in Si
microelectronics.[9], [10], [11], [12], [13], [14]
Additionally, the optical properties of Si and its related materials allows a large range of
applications.[16] Silicon has a wide wavelength transparency window, from 1 to 8 µm,
approximately (Figure 2). It can also be combined to a high-quality native oxide (SiO2) that
serves not only as an insulator and protection but also as a confinement layer thanks to the low
refractive index compared with the one of Si (1.4 vs 3.4).[17] Additionally, SiN-based
waveguides have recently emerged as a favorable platform thanks to their wider transparency
window in the short-wave infrared, lower optical losses and superior high-power handling
capability as compared to Si.[18], [19], [20], [21], [22] In addition, SiN has also a higher refractive
index than SiO2 (1.4 vs 2). This makes SiN/SiO2 waveguides ideal for light propagation. SiN
waveguides have been used for example for spectroscopy applications based on surface
enhanced Raman spectroscopy.[23] Electro-optic modulators have also been reported using
SiN-based platforms.[24], [25] Interestingly, the wavelength transparency window can be
increased by introducing Germanium (Ge) which is transparent up to 15 µm, approximately
(Figure 2). It has a high refractive index (4), which offers the possibility to effectively guide light
as well, notably using SiGe material.[26] Other functionalities, like optical modulation, can also
be implemented on this platform.[27], [28]
Figure 2. Transmission window of different waveguide materials. The white areas are the wavelength range over which
waveguide propagation loss is less than 2 dB/cm. The orange areas are the wavelength range over which loss is high.[8]
Silicon photonics has been considered during the last decade as the most promising
platform for the realization of ultra-dense photonic chips. However, one of the biggest
challenges in silicon photonics is the realization of high-performance light sources, the
component that generates light. It has been the focus of research and has been extensively
studied as it is a fundamental step toward the realization of silicon photonic chips. There are
several ongoing research efforts that address this problem using different approaches that we
will summarize in the next section.[29]
energy level of the conduction band and the highest energy level of the valence band are at the
same wavevector (Figure 3). This makes electron-hole pair radiative recombination highly
III-V lasers also have the flexibility to address a large range of wavelengths, which makes
them highly interesting for several applications. For these reasons, they have been extensively
studied and they have emerged as the best candidates for the integration of lasers on PICs.
Among all the III-V materials, III-Vs crystallizing in the zinc-blende crystal structure are the ones
studied for a long time in our group.
In the next section we will describe the different approaches and challenges of integrating
these III-V lasers on Si wafers.
substrate is then removed followed by the device processing (Figure 4a).[37], [38] The
advantage of this technique is that the devices are defined using lithography after bonding
which enables a high alignment accuracy with the waveguides.[39] Flip-chip integration
involves pre-fabricated III-V devices that are aligned and bonded to the Si photonic circuit after
the Si front-end and back-end processes are complete (Figure 4b). This technique is quite slow
as it involves single-laser transfer (typically 100 units per hour). Finally, micro-transfer printing
starts with a finished Si photonic wafer with local back-end openings, where the devices need
to be integrated. Multiple coupons of pre-processed devices are simultaneously transferred in
a single operation onto the Si wafer by the use of stamps (Figure 4c), typically a soft elastomeric
material such as polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS).[39], [40], [41] In one printing cycle, a large
number of devices are transferred, resulting in a high throughput integration, similar to the
wafer-to-wafer bonding technique. In addition, as with flip-chip integration, this technique
allows pre-testing of the devices on their native substrate as they are fabricated prior to their
integration on the target Si photonic wafer.
1.3.2 Monolithic integration
The monolithic integration is based on the direct epitaxy of the III-V material on the Si
platform. Although, this is a promising strategy several challenges have to be addressed such
as the poor crystal quality of the III-V-on-Si epitaxial material and the complex integration
The direct epitaxy of III-Vs on Si generally leads to a large density of crystal defects
caused by the lattice, thermal and polarity mismatches between III-Vs and Si. These crystal
defects will affect the device performance. When two materials with different thermal
expansion coefficient, such as III-Vs and Si, are exposed to high temperatures, the lattice
retraction will be different for both materials during cooling down. This, in turn, generates
stress in the sample, which can result in the formation of macroscopic cracks for a too-high
stress. This can be avoided by using slow temperature ramps during cool down. Another
problem is that Si is a non-polar material (crystal made of only one type of atoms) arranged in
the diamond crystal structure (Figure 5.a)) whereas III-Vs are polar materials (two types of
atoms with different ionicity) arranged in the zinc-blende crystal structure (Figure 5.b)). As the
zinc-blende crystal structure doesn’t have an inversion symmetry, two different bonds between
the III-V and the Si structure will exist. As a result, two different domains will grow from the III-
V-Si interface: the so-called V-polar and III-polar domains. At the interface of these two
domains, III-III and V-V bonds occurs which form so-called antiphase boundary (APB).[49] These
APBs create short-circuits in devices and deteriorate their electrical characteristics. This issue
is one of the most important challenges for the integration of III-Vs on Si. Much research has
been devoted for a long time to study APBs and to find growth strategies that allow their
suppression. Ways to avoid them have been established to demonstrate GaAs-based lasers
grown on CMOS-compatible (on-axis) Si substrates.[50], [51], [52] The strategy used consisted
in growing templates such as GaAs on Si or GaP on Si by metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy
(MOVPE), which allows a Si surface preparation that rapidly avoids APBs. The samples are then
transferred to a molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) machine to grow the laser heterostructure. InP-
based lasers on Si have also been reported using MOVPE growth, but on patterned Si
substrates, which are only marginally compatible with the industry.[53], [54] Later, a strategy
based on growing an AlGaAs layer on top of the on-axis Si substrate by MBE allowed to
demonstrate InAs-based lasers grown on a single MBE run.[55], [56] In our group, great efforts
were done to burry APBs within a GaSb buffer layer. III-Sb lasers fully grown by MBE on Si were
reported but they were grown on Si substrates having a large offcut (6°), not compatible with
the industry standards.[57], [58] In the following years, a significant breakthrough was achieved
by further optimizing the Si substrate preparation to burry APBs. This achievement allowed to
demonstrate a variety of mid-infrared lasers epitaxially grown by MBE on on-axis, CMOS-
compatible, Si substrates. [59], [60], [61], [62], [63], [64]
Figure 5. a) Silicon crystal structure. b) III-V crystal structure. c) Sketch of a V-polar domain and a III-polar domain separated
by the antiphase boundary (III-III and V-V bonds).[59]
The APBs issue has been resolved in our group. However, another type of defects is
created during the III-V-on-Si epitaxial growth: dislocations. Actually, the lattice parameter
mismatch between most of the III-V compounds and Si is very high (Figure 6). This leads to stress
accumulation during the growth. At a given thickness, the stress is released by generating
Figure 6. Energy gap and wavelength vs. lattice constant for some elementary and binary semiconductor materials.
The most common type of dislocation are threading dislocations (TDs) and they are
inevitable.[65], [66] They propagate through the entire epitaxial structure, as can be seen in
Figure 7, reaching the active zone where they will act as non-radiative recombination center
and degrade laser performance. Even if they cannot be avoided, their density can be reduced,
and this is one of the main challenges regarding the monolithic integration scenario. Much
research has been devoted to reducing the threading dislocation density (TDD)[67] and some
strategies have proven effective, such as growing filter layers in order to annihilate dislocations.
The lowest TDD achieved in our team for a GaSb-on-Si growth is in the low-107 cm-2, compared
to the 109 cm-2 when no growth strategy is applied and to 103 cm-2 for growths on native GaSb
Figure 7. TEM pictures of GaSb layer grown on Si substrate where threading dislocations are visible (Courtesy of Karl Graser,
PDI Berlin).
The monolithic integration approach is the most promising one in terms of scalability
and cost reduction. High-performance lasers have been reported despite the high defect
density arising from the III-V-on-Si growth. However, these lasers have only been demonstrated
as discrete devices. The next step toward fully integrated Si photonic chips would be to
integrate them on a Si PIC and demonstrate the light coupling from the integrated lasers to
passive Si-based waveguides. To address this challenge, different coupling configurations have
been studied, either for the heterogeneous or monolithic approach, and I will compare them
in the next section.
that the electromagnetic field of the laser penetrates into the waveguide via the evanescent
field (Figure 8.a)).[68] A tapper is used to progressively reduce the effective refractive index
down to the one of the waveguide in order to enable the light coupling. This configuration
requires very precise alignment to achieve high coupling efficiency. But, when properly
implemented, it can provide very high coupling efficiency, with values reaching up to 90%.[69]
On the other hand, the butt-coupling configuration involves aligning the laser and
waveguide face-to-face (Figure 8.b)). The optical field is transmitted by optical mode overlap.
This configuration is generally easier to fabricate and align compared to evanescent coupling
but the coupling efficiency is lower. The primary reason for this is the high sensitivity of the
coupling efficiency to the gap between the laser and the waveguide[70] and also the mismatch
between the laser mode and the waveguide mode. A coupling efficiency for this configuration
of around 60% have been reported in the heterogeneous approach by Romero-Garcia et al.[71]
a) b)
Figure 8. The two main light coupling configurations. a) Evanescent coupling of a III-V laser into a Si waveguide thanks to a
taper section.[69] b) Butt-coupling configuration of a laser into a Si waveguide.[72]
Overall, for applications that demand high coupling efficiency, the evanescent coupling
may be the preferred choice even if the fabrication process is less straightforward. Regarding
the monolithic integration, the growth of III-V lasers on Si inevitably results in crystal defects
detrimental to device performance. Strategies to reduce their density requires growing thick
buffer layers (1-5 µm) underneath the laser structure. These layers prevent implementing
evanescent light coupling from the laser into the waveguide because of the large vertical
distance between the laser active zone and the waveguide core, resulting in a drastic increase
of the coupling losses. The alternative solution is therefore to implement the butt-coupling
configuration. This is the coupling configuration that I developed in my work.
At the beginning of my Ph.D., no III-V lasers had been demonstrated that were
monolithically integrated on Si and optically coupled to passive Si-based waveguides. This is the
main objective of my thesis as this is considered a key challenge to unlock the realization of Si
photonic chips.
1.5 Applications of Si PICs
The soaring demand for silicon photonics chips was initiated in the datacom/telecom
applications. Actually, in the microelectronics industry, the miniaturization and integration
density of transistors, guided by the Moore’s Law, is arriving to its limits.[2] It is, therefore,
necessary to find an alternative solution to increase communication bandwidths and reduce
power consumption, and Si photonics would enable the rapid transmission of data at high
bandwidths, providing a cost-effective solution.[73] Silicon photonics has been extended to
many other applications besides datacom/telecom, such as optical sensing, optical
interconnects, LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) systems or quantum technologies, to name
but a few.[74], [75], [76], [77], [78] Among these applications, the development of technologies
based on optical sensing has been considered a vital need for several applications that we will
discuss in the next section.
a) b)
The specific characteristics and requirements of these sensors depend on the application.
In general terms, they need to be sensitive and selective to detect very low molecule
concentrations and target the desired molecule or gas. Much research is focused on sensors
based on laser spectroscopy. The TDLAS technique, that stands for Tunable Diode Laser
Absorption Spectroscopy, is widely used for gas sensing. The light emitted by the laser source
passes through a sample of the gas of interest. If the wavelength of the laser matches the
absorption line of the molecule, part of the light is absorbed. The transmitted laser light, after
passing through the gas sample, can be measured with photodetectors. The photodetector
measures the intensity of the transmitted light at the absorption wavelength and the
concentration of the gas can be deduced using Beer-Lambert relation. Other techniques can
also be used for gas detection such as QEPAS (quartz-enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy)
or CEPAS (cantilever-enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy) which are based on the detection
of acoustic waves generated by the de-excitation of the target gas molecules.
These mid-IR sensors require laser sources emitting at the wavelengths of interest. In the
next section, we will discuss about mid-IR lasers.
The valence-band maximum of AlSb is lower than the conduction-band minimum of InAs, giving
a type-II band alignment for the AlSb/InAs heterostructure. Finally, the conduction-band
minimum of InAs being lower than the valence-band maximum of GaSb, the InAs/GaSb system
is type-III. By choosing the right material system and properly designing the composition and
layer structure, band engineering allows covering the entire mid-IR spectrum.
Figure 10. Band structure alignments for a selection of unstrained III-V binaries at 300 K.[88]
Increasing wavelength
Figure 11. Band alignments and recombination mechanisms of QW diode lasers, interband cascade lasers and quantum
cascade lasers.
ICLs involve interband transitions in a type-II QW where carriers are collected and
transferred to the next neighbor type-II QW, leading to a cascade effect. Their design allows
addressing wavelengths from 3 to 7 µm. The first ICL was reported in 1997 with an emission
wavelength at 3.8 µm.[89] The ICLs studied in our team are based on GaInSb/InAs type-II QWs.
Their epitaxial growth on on-axis Si substrates has been demonstrated emitting at 3.4 µm in
the continuous-wave regime and with high performance (Figure 12.a).[64] A quantum cascade
laser is based on intersubband transitions within the conduction band in a repeated stack of
quantum well structures also creating a cascade effect. QCLs were first demonstrated in 1994
and emitted at 4.2 µm in pulsed operation.[90] However, they allow going to longer
wavelengths and they are now capable of covering a wide range of wavelengths in the mid-IR,
going up to 25 µm thanks to the low-energy intersubband transitions (Figure 13).[91] QCLs
epitaxially grown on on-axis Si substrates and emitting at 8 µm have also been reported in our
group (Figure 12.b). They are based on InAs/AlSb structures (Figure 11).[63]
a) b)
Figure 12. L-I-V curves of different types of lasers grown on on-axis Si substrates. a) ICL. b) QCL. c) DL. [62], [63], [64]
On the other hand, DLs are based on interband transitions in a type-I quantum well
structure (Figure 11) and are able to address part of the SWIR wavelength range. The first Sb-
based electrically pumped type-I QW diode laser was demonstrated in 1984 using AlGaSb/GaSb
QWs emitting at 1.65 µm in pulsed operation.[92] In our group, DLs are fabricated with
GaInAsSb/AlGaAsSb (QW/barrier) quaternaries and emission wavelengths between 1.55 and
3.3 µm have been demonstrated.[93] Diode lasers emitting at 2.3 µm have been studied for a
long time and they have been used for all the different investigations carried out during my
thesis, because they can easily be benchmarked. Although DLs emitting at 2.3 µm can be
achieved with InP-based lasers, GaSb-based DLs exhibit lower threshold current densities in this
spectral range.[69], [94] The state of the art GaSb DLs grown on an on-axis Si substrate before
the start of my PhD exhibited a threshold current in continuous-wave operation of around 75
mA for a cavity length of 1 mm and a laser ridge of 8 µm (Figure 12.c), high temperature
operation and a few tens of mW output power.[62]
Each type of laser has unique characteristics that make them suitable for specific
applications in different regions of the mid-IR electromagnetic spectrum. The threshold current
density as a function of the operating wavelength for the different types of laser is summarized
in Figure 13.
Figure 13. Threshold current densities vs. wavelength of different types of mid-IR lasers.[81]
proposed to study the effect of threading dislocations on the GaSb-based DL performance to
address this challenge.
1.6 Conclusion
Silicon photonics has emerged as the most promising technology for reducing the cost
and increasing the scalability of photonic integrated circuits. The main remaining challenge is
the realization of efficient light sources on Si. III-V semiconductor lasers have proven high
efficiency and are considered the best candidates for this challenge. The heterogeneous
integration of III-V lasers on Si is the most mature approach and devices have already been
commercialized. In contrast, the monolithic integration is still in its infancy. However, there is
evidence that the monolithic integration will increase the integration density and reduce cost
and waste. It is therefore the most promising approach for realizing ultra-dense photonic chips,
despite the poor crystal quality of the III-V-on-Si epitaxial growth. Impressive progress has been
made in avoiding APBs. Threading dislocations are inevitable, although their density can be
decreased to limit laser degradation. Still, all epitaxial III-V lasers on Si reported so far are
discrete devices grown on plain Si substrates. The next step is to integrate these lasers on a Si
PIC with light coupled into waveguides.
The realization of Si PICs is highly demanded for several applications. Among these
applications, optical sensing in the mid-IR have been identified as a vital need for many societal
or medical applications, among others. Antimonides have some excellent features that allow
them to cover the entire mid-IR wavelength range while being lattice-matched to GaSb. They
are therefore the best candidates so far for the integration of laser sources on a Si PIC for
sensing applications.
The objective of my thesis is to take a step forward towards the monolithic integration
of mid-IR lasers on Si photonic chips. In chapter 2, I will investigate the impact of threading
dislocations on the performance of GaSb-based diode lasers. In this chapter, a meticulous study
will be carried out to understand the origin of the degradation of the laser structures. In chapter
3, I will address the integration of lasers on a Si PIC with light coupled into passive Si-based
waveguides. In this monolithic scenario, several challenges will be faced such as the limitation
of using a butt-coupling configuration, which makes an air gap inevitable, the epitaxial growth
of the lasers on a Si PIC and the complex laser processing to achieve light coupling. Finally, in
chapter 4, I will propose alternative solutions in order to increase the coupling efficiency. The
main test vehicle during my thesis was GaSb-based DLs emitting near 2.3 µm because they have
been studied for a long time in our team and they can be easily compared with DLs grown on
their native GaSb substrate.
2 Chapter 2. Discrete GaSb-based diode
lasers grown on GaSb and Si
In the previous chapter, we have discussed the importance of GaSb-based materials to
address the mid-IR part of the spectrum for sensing applications. In addition, we have also
discussed the different integration approaches and we concluded that the monolithic
integration of these lasers on Si is the most promising technique in terms of cost, footprint
reduction and large-scale production. However, one of the biggest challenges is the poor crystal
quality arising from the epitaxial growth. As opposed to APBs,[60],[61],[96] threading
dislocations are unavoidable due to the highly mismatched growth. They dramatically affect
the laser performance by inducing non-radiative recombinations, which increases the laser
threshold at the expense of the device’s lifetime. For now, some aspects of the mechanisms
responsible for this deterioration remain unclear in the literature where it is often stated that
dislocations introduce additional optical losses as well.[58], [97], [98], [99] In order to study the
effect of threading dislocations, we will compare in this chapter two series of GaSb diode lasers
emitting near 2.3 µm. One series is grown on native GaSb substrates, whereas the other one is
grown on Si substrates. First, I will present the growth and fabrication process of the two series
of GaSb diode lasers. The experimental results will be analyzed and confronted to a theoretical
gain model which will allow extracting the impact of dislocations on the laser performance.
We used two series of four samples containing different numbers of QWs (1≤nQW≤4)
grown by solid-source molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) on (001)-oriented GaSb and Si substrates.
The active zones are based on 9-nm-thick Ga0.67In0.33As0.08Sb0.88 QWs confined by
Al0.25Ga0.75As0.02Sb0.98 barrier layers and are embedded within 800-nm Al0.25Ga0.75As0.02Sb0.98
waveguides.[81] The band structure details of the QWs are shown in Figure 15. Two n- and p-
type Al0.9Ga0.1As0.08Sb0.92 cladding layers ensure carrier and photon confinement in the active
region. Indeed, the higher the Al content, the higher the bandgap, which allows confining the
carriers in the active region. Also, the higher the Al content, the lower the refractive index which
allows confining the optical mode in the active zone. A highly doped, p-type GaSb contact layer
was grown atop all structures. In the case of DLs grown on Si substrates, a 1-µm thick GaSb
buffer layer was first grown to suppress APBs.[59] A highly conductive InAs0.92Sb0.08 contact
layer was then grown to enable a top-top contact configuration, which avoids driving the
current through the highly defective Si/GaSb interface.[58] Finally, an additional 0.5-µm-thick
GaSb buffer layer was inserted between the InAsSb contact layer and the laser structure to
avoid the optical mode to overlap with the low bandgap InAsSb layer which could absorb part
of the light.
Figure 14. Structure design of the diode lasers grown on a) GaSb substrates and on b) Si substrates containing different
number of QWs in the active zones for each substrate (1-4 QWs).
The QWs have a lattice mismatch of ~1.5% with respect to GaSb, whereas the Al xGa1-
xAsySb1-y layers are lattice matched to GaSb. The laser structures with different number of QWs
and different substrates are shown in Figure 14 and the band structure details of the whole
structure in the case of the 2-QWs laser grown on Si is shown in Figure 15.
Figure 15. Band structure details of the design for a DL grown on Si. a) A band structure detail for the entire structure. b) A
band structure detail for the QWs[62].
In the case of DLs on Si, the substrates were first annealed at 1000°C for 10 mins,
followed by the growth of 50 nm of GaSb at ~400°C and the rest of the 1-µm buffer layer was
grown at 500°C. These growth conditions allow the annihilation of the APBs.[62] The
temperature was then set to 470°C to grow the InAsSb contact layer, the additional 1-µm thick
GaSb layer (in the case of DLs on Si) and the laser heterostructure.
After growing these two series of four lasers, a structural characterization of the wafers
was done. Figure 16.a) shows a 20x20 µm2 atomic force microscopy (AFM) image of the surface
of the 2-QWs laser heterostructure on Si and Figure 16.b) the omega-2theta high-resolution X-
ray diffraction scan of the same laser. The AFM image confirms the absence of APBs emerging
at the surface of the samples grown on Si. The AFM image shows also a spiral-like growth
emerging on the surface of the sample which is caused by the presence of TDs. By counting the
number of spirals, an upper bound of 9 x 107 cm-2 is estimated for the TDD. The same result
was obtained for all lasers grown on Si, regardless of the number of QWs. The X-ray diffraction
scan exhibit sharp interference fringes which confirms that the active zone is well-defined. Also,
the single peak of GaSb confirms the lattice matching of the Al xGa1-xAsySb1-y layers with GaSb.
Similar X-ray diffraction characteristics were seen for the other lasers grown on Si. The X-ray
diffraction scan for lasers on GaSb exhibited narrower peaks than for lasers on Si due to the
lower defect density.
b) GaSb
Active zone
Figure 16. a) 20x20 µm2 AFM image of the 2-QWs laser surface. b) Omega-2theta high-resolution X-ray diffraction scan of
the same laser.
a) b)
Figure 17. Sketch of the final device after processing. a) DL on native GaSb substrate. b) DL on Si substrate.
In order to fabricate the laser ridges, a UV photolithography (see section 5.2.1) is first
performed using the positive resist AZ1518 and the standard lithography parameters displayed
in Table 1. The alignment of the sample with the mask should be performed such that the (110)
plane of the sample is perpendicular to the ridges in order to later facilitate the cleavage of the
Fabry-Perot cavity. A precise alignment is needed to maximize the reflectivity of the future
The ridges are then etched by ICP dry etching (see section 5.2.2). As shown in Figure 19, the
resist will act as an etching mask and the unmasked regions will be etched away to define the
ridges. The dry etching is performed using the Cl-based recipe presented in Table 2. This recipe
was previously optimized in the laboratory for GaSb-based compounds.
A tracking tool is available to follow the etching. It is a laser source pointing the unexposed
surface of the sample. While etching the material, a variation of the reflectivity is detected as
well as a variation of the refractive index when another layer of the structure is reached. A
typical tracking signal recorded during etching of the full heterostructure is shown in Figure 18.
Each layer of the laser structure can be identified which makes it possible to accurately stop
the etch at the desired depth. The etch rate of this recipe is very similar for each layer and is
around ~350 nm/min. For defining the laser ridge, the etching is stopped just before reaching
the active zone at a depth of ~1700 nm, to minimize the current spreading as well as the optical
losses on the sidewalls.[100], [101]
Figure 18. Tracking signal of the etching for the whole heterostructure: reflectance vs. etching time.
As this step involves a deep etching (~3 µm), a thick resist is required to ensure protection
of the masked regions throughout the etch, especially the laser ridges. For this purpose, two
identical spin-coatings are performed, with the parameters shown in Table 3. A longer exposure
duration was used (1 minute) to ensure the full exposure of the thicker resist.
The dry etching is then done and stopped in the middle of the InAsSb layer (Figure 18).
2.3.3 Dielectric deposition and opening
The next step is the electrical insulation by deposition of a thin film (350 nm) of Si3N4. This
dielectric layer will avoid the current injection through undesired areas. Two windows are then
opened through this layer, on top of the ridge and on top of the bottom contact, where the
metal will be deposited later. The opened surfaces define the contact surface between the
metal and the contact layers.
The 350-nm thick Si3N4 layer is deposited by PECVD at 280C (see section 5.2.3), and the
opening areas are then defined by photolithography. The same parameters as for the laser
ridge definition are used (Table 1). The alignment should be very precise because any shift in
the alignment will result in an unprotected ridge sidewall and an unsuccessful current injection.
The openings are then realized by ICP etching in another machine equipped with F-based
gases, which are more efficient for dielectric materials. The etching was controlled by a laser
tracking signal as for the etching of semiconductors. The recipe is very selective; which prevents
damaging the semiconductor material.
2.3.4 Metallization
The final main fabrication step is the deposition of the metal contacts in order to inject the
current into the device. A photolithographic step allows defining the regions of the metal
contacts: on top of the GaSb p-type layer and the InAsSb n-type layer. Then, the metal
deposition is done followed by a lift-off of the resist to remove the metal from the undesired
zones (see section 5.2.4)
Here, a negative resist should be used for the lift-off. At this step, the surface of the sample
shows height differences larger than 3 µm. In order to guarantee an effective lift-off, we use a
double layer technique to obtain a thicker resist layer. It consists in using two resists with
different solubilities in the developer which creates a shape that promotes the discontinuity of
the metal layer. The lithography parameters are given in Table 4.
LOR5A AZ2020
Spin-coating Soft bake Spin-coating Soft bake
v (rpm) Ramp (s) t (s) T (C) time v (rpm) Ramp (s) t (s) T (C) time
4000 2 30 180 2 mins 4000 2 30 110 1 min
After photolithography and before the metal deposition, the native oxide should be
removed to ensure the ohmic contacts. The de-oxidation is done by dipping the sample in a
hydrochloric acid solution HCl:H2O (1:4).
The deposition of Ti/Au (20/400 nm) is performed by e-beam evaporation (see section
5.2.4). The 20-nm Ti layer is used to improve the adhesion of the contacts to the sample surface
and the 400-nm gold layer is used to get ohmic contacts. Note that the use of Al-based contacts,
which are CMOS-compatible contacts, is possible for our GaSb-based materials. [102]
Afterwards, we performed the lift-off by using an acetone bath to dissolve the resist and lift the
metal from the undesired areas.
A sketch of the entire process flow is shown in the figure bellow ( Figure 20).
In the case of DLs on native GaSb substrates, the bottom contact step is skipped.
Instead, Pd/AuGeNi (5/200 nm) is deposited directly on the backside of the GaSb substrate after
thinning down the substrate. This second metal deposition acts as the n contact. After
deposition, an annealing at 200°C is performed to form the ohmic contact on the n-side of the
The next step is the cleavage which forms the mirrors of the Fabry-Perot cavity. For this
purpose, the substrate is thinned down by mechanical polishing down to around 150 m. Thin
samples allow for a high-quality cleavage resulting in a high-quality Fabry-Perot cavity,
especially for DLs grown on Si, which is a hard material and tends to have a deformed cleavage
from the (110) to the (111) plane. We then cleaved the sample in different laser bars with
different cavity lengths. No special treatment was applied to improve the reflectivity of the
cleaved facets. The laser bars were then soldered onto Cu heat sinks and measured on a probe
Temperature RS
Light Output
From this L-I-V curve, several parameters can be extracted which give information on
the device. From the I-V curve, one can extract the turn-on voltage (VON) by taking the intercept
of the tangent of the I-V curve with the voltage axis. The slope V/I of the I-V curve tangent gives
the series resistance of the diode (R s) which is composed of the resistance of the material, the
resistance of the metal contacts and the resistance of the welding. From the L-I curve, one can
identify the threshold current Ith (Figure 21) that is the current required to achieve lasing (see
section 5.1). The smaller the threshold current and the series resistance, the lower the power
consumption of the device. The threshold current density, Jth, is the ratio of the threshold
current to the surface of current injection (cavity length x ridge width). It is the preferred metric
in pulsed operation of broad-area devices for evaluating the intrinsic qualities of the laser
structure. In CW operation, one can extract the external quantum efficiency (𝜂𝑑 ), defined as
𝜆𝑑𝑃 𝑑𝐼
the ratio of the number of emitted photons ( ℎ𝑐 ) to the number of injected carriers ( 𝑞 ) which
gives the Equation 1.[103] 𝜂𝑑 can thus be calculated by measuring the slope efficiency of the L-
I curve above the threshold:
𝑞𝜆 𝑑𝑃
𝜂𝑑 =
ℎ𝑐 𝑑𝐼
Equation 1. External quantum efficiency.
where 𝑞 is the electron charge, 𝜆 is the emission wavelength, ℎ is the Planck’s constant and 𝑐
is the speed of light.
The internal quantum efficiency (𝜂𝑖 ) refers to the ratio of the number of photons generated by
an electron-hole pair recombination to the number of carriers injected into the active region.
The photons generated within the waveguide can be absorbed or scattered, giving an intrinsic
value of the optical losses: the internal losses (𝛼𝑖 ). The external quantum efficiency 𝜂𝑑 is related
to these two parameters 𝜂𝑖 and 𝛼𝑖 . The evolution of 𝜂 with the cavity length of the laser allows
extracting the internal losses 𝛼𝑖 and the internal quantum efficiency 𝜂𝑖 using the following
1 1 𝛼𝑖
= + 𝐿
𝜂𝑑 𝜂𝑖 𝜂𝑖 ln(𝑅−1 )
Equation 2. The inverse of the external quantum efficiency as a function of the cavity length.
where 𝐿 is the Fabry-Perot cavity length and 𝑅 is the reflectivity of the mirrors, assuming that
they have the same reflectivity.
To extract these parameters, it is therefore necessary to cleave laser bars of different cavity
discussed before, the temperature affects the laser threshold and the slope efficiency 𝑑𝑃⁄𝑑𝐼.
In fact, it increases non-radiative recombination rates, leading to an increase in the threshold
current and a decrease in the quantum efficiency, and thus in the optical power. The
temperature dependence of the threshold current and the external quantum efficiency is given
by the empirical exponential equations[105]:
𝐼𝑡ℎ = 𝐼0 exp( )
ln(𝐼𝑡ℎ ) = ln(𝐼0 ) +
Equation 3. Characteristic temperature related to the threshold current.
𝜂𝑑 = 𝜂𝑑0 exp(− )
𝑙𝑛(𝜂𝑑 ) = 𝑙𝑛(𝜂𝑑0 ) −
Equation 4. Characteristic temperature related to the external quantum efficiency.
Structure :
1 QW
2 QWs
3 QWs
Pulsed operation
w=100 µm - RT
L=1.5 mm
Figure 22. Broad-area laser characteristics in pulsed operation for the two series. Light output versus current density curves
of 1.5 mm-long DLs with different numbers of QW.
To get an overview of the whole set of results, the evolution of the threshold current density
as a function of the number of QWs (𝑛𝑄𝑊 ) for different cavity lengths is shown in Figure 23. Due
to the much higher threading dislocation density in DLs on Si compared to those on GaSb,
threshold current densities are higher. For DLs on Si, they range from 193 to 1155 A/cm2 for a
number of QWs ranging from 1 to 3, respectively, whereas for DLs on GaSb, they range between
68 and 238 A/cm2 for a number of QWs ranging from 1 to 4, respectively. For both series, the
threshold current density increases with the number of QWs regardless of the cavity length;
therefore, the best threshold is achieved with the structures having one QW, whatever the
substrate. However, the slope of 𝐽𝑡ℎ = 𝑓(𝑛𝑄𝑊 ) is significantly steeper for DLs grown on Si than
for those grown on GaSb. As a consequence, we could not reach the threshold current with the
DLs fabricated from the 4-QWs-structure grown on Si. Indeed, the extrapolated threshold
would be as large as ~2.3 kA/cm2, which is beyond the limit of our setup. In contrast, the
threshold current density obtained with the 1-QW structure (200 A/cm 2) is the best reported
so far for GaSb-based DLs grown on Si.[62]
b) 1200
Pulsed operation On Si
1000 w=100 µm - RT L=1 mm
L=1.5 mm
L=2.3 mm
Jth (A/cm2) 800
On GaSb
L=0.9 mm
600 L=1.2 mm
L=1.5 mm
L=2 mm
L=3 mm
1 2 3 4
Number of QW
Figure 23. Broad-area laser characteristics in pulsed operation for the two series. Threshold current density versus the
number of QWs for different cavity lengths.
Narrow-ridge were then characterized in CW operation at RT. The L-I-V data of DLs with
an 8-µm wide ridge and different cavity lengths are plotted in Figure 24.a) for DLs on Si and in
Figure 24.b) for DLs on GaSb. The turn-on voltage for DLs on Si is in the 0.7-1 V range and the
series resistance is around 4 Ω, comparable to that measured with DLs on GaSb substrates. DLs
on GaSb exhibit threshold currents from 40 to 84 mA for cavity lengths between 1.5 and 3 mm.
On the other hand, for DLs on Si the threshold currents vary between 75 and 120 mA for cavity
lengths between 1 and 2.3 mm, which are again the best results ever reported with GaSb-based
DLs grown on Si.[62]
a) 5.0 25
b) 5.0 25
4.5 L=1 mm L=1.5 mm
Output Power (mW/facet)
L=1.5 mm
Output Power (mW/facet)
4.0 20 L=2 mm
L=2.3 mm 4.0 L=3 mm 20
Voltage (V)
CW operation
Voltage (V)
3.0 15 CW operation
DL on Si - 1 QW 3.0 15
2.5 DL on GaSb - 1 QW
w=8 µm - RT 2.5 w=8 µm - RT
2.0 10 2.0 10
1.5 1.5
1.0 5 1.0 5
0.5 0.5
0.0 0 0.0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Current (mA) Current (mA)
Figure 24. L-I-V data in CW for 1-QW DLs with an 8 µm-wide ridge and different cavity lengths. a) On Si substrate. b) On
GaSb substrate.
The internal quantum efficiency and the internal losses are calculated by using the
Equation 2. The internal losses as a function of the number of QWs for DLs on Si and on GaSb
are plotted in Figure 25. The results and trends are similar for both. The internal losses increase
with the QW number, which we ascribe to increasing free carrier absorption and
inhomogeneous carrier injection in the multi-QW structures.[106] In contrast the internal
quantum efficiency 𝜂𝑖 remains relatively constant between 40-50% for all structures.
12 LDs on GaSb
11 LDs on Si
ai (cm-1)
1 2 3 4
Number of QW
Figure 25. Extracted internal losses versus the number of QWs for the two series.
Narrow-ridge DLs were also measured for different temperatures in CW. As an example,
the L-I data for 2-QWs DLs grown on GaSb and Si, with a 10-µm wide ridge and a 1-mm long
cavity is plotted in Figure 26 for measurement temperatures from 20 to 70°C (limited by the
experimental setup). The threshold current varies between 42 and 82 mA for DLs on GaSb and
between 120 and 200 mA for DLs on Si. The external quantum efficiency, which is proportional
to the slope , is lower for DLs grown on Si. Through Equation 3 and Equation 4, we deduced
the characteristic temperatures 𝑇0 and 𝑇1. 𝑇0 is similar on both substrates (91 and 97 K),
whereas 𝑇1 is lower for DLs on Si (117 K vs 147 K). Similar trends have been observed for all QW
numbers. The lower 𝑇1 for DLs on Si than on GaSb reflects the fact that the high TDD makes the
external quantum efficiency sensitive to temperature.
2 QWs - CW 14
40°C L=1 mm
w=10 µm 12
Si 10
T0=91 K
T1=147 K 4
T0=97 K 2
T1=117 K
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Current (mA)
Figure 26. L-I data for 2-QWs DLs on Si and GaSb with a 10-µm wide ridge and 1-mm long cavity for different measurement
where 𝑁𝑤 is the QW number, Γ𝑤 is the overlap of the optical mode with the QWs
(Γ𝑤 =0.015),[107], [109] 𝐺0 is the gain parameter, 𝐽𝑡𝑟 is the transparency current density, 𝛼𝑖 are
the intrinsic internal losses, and 𝛼𝐹𝑃 are the Fabry-Perot cavity losses, given by:
1 1
𝛼𝐹𝑃 = 𝑙𝑛 ( )
Equation 6. Fabry-Perot cavity losses.
where 𝑅 is the reflectivity of the facets at each end of the Fabry-Perot cavity (~0.3) [107] of
length 𝐿.
Besides the internal losses, 𝐽𝑡𝑟 and 𝐺0 are needed to calculate the threshold current density
from Equation 5. These parameters can be deduced from the optical gain of a single QW
structure, which is calculated as a function of the energy of the emitted photon 𝐸 and the
carrier density 𝑁, thanks to the following equation:[103], [109], [110], [111]
𝜋𝑒 2 ℏ𝑀𝑡2
𝑔(𝐸, 𝑁) = 𝜌(𝐸)(𝑓𝑐 (𝐸, 𝑁) − 𝑓𝑣 (𝐸, 𝑁))
𝜀0 𝑛𝑐𝑚0 𝐸
Equation 7. Optical gain of a single QW structure.
where 𝜌(𝐸) is the density of states, 𝑓𝑐 (𝐸, 𝑁) and 𝑓𝑣 (𝐸, 𝑁) are the Fermi functions in the conduction
band and in the valence band, respectively, 𝑀𝑡 is the dipole matrix element, and 𝑛 is the real part of the
refractive index. The gain broadening caused by the intraband scattering is taken into account in the
model by convoluting the calculated gain by a Lorentzian function (Equation 8),[103], [109]
1 ℏ⁄
𝐿(𝐸) = 2
𝜋 ℏ
(𝜏 ) + 𝐸 2
where 𝐿𝑤 is the QW width, 𝜂𝑖 is the internal quantum efficiency taken from the experimental
results, and 𝐴, 𝐵, and 𝐶 are the SRH, radiative, and Auger recombination coefficients,
The modal gain as a function of the current density 𝐺𝑚𝑜𝑑𝑎𝑙 (𝐽) is now known, and the
parameters 𝐽𝑡𝑟 and 𝐺0 can, finally, be extracted using the following equation ( Equation 11), as
well as the threshold current density seen above ( Equation 5):
𝐺𝑚𝑜𝑑𝑎𝑙 (𝐽) = 𝑁𝑊 Γ𝑊 𝐺0 ln ( )
Equation 11. Modal gain as a function of the current density.
2.6 Discussion
We fitted these 𝐽𝑡ℎ values to the experimental values for both series of DLs on GaSb and
DLs on Si, by adjusting the SRH coefficient 𝐴 (Equation 10), while 𝐵 and 𝐶 were taken from the
literature.[107], [109] We used the same 𝐵 and 𝐶 coefficient for both substrates since they are
intrinsic to the materials and heterostructures.
DLs on Si
Experimental L=1.5 mm
FIT (A constant)
FIT (A increases)
DLs on GaSb
Jth (A/cm2)
600 FIT
1 2 3 4
QW number
Figure 27. Fits of the threshold current density for the two series for the 1.5-mm long DLs.
Figure 27 shows the experimental and fitted 𝐽𝑡ℎ values for the two series. The agreement
for the DLs on GaSb is excellent. In contrast, for DLs grown on Si, it was not possible to adjust
all experimental curves assuming the same SRH coefficient 𝐴 (Figure 27), which suggests that
for these DLs, the 𝐴 coefficient increases with the number of QWs. We tentatively ascribe this
behavior to the introduction of two new QW/barrier interfaces for every additional QW in the
structure. In turn, at such high dislocation densities, misfit dislocation arms propagate at each
interface and create additional non-radiative recombinations,[112], [113], [114] which is also
consistent with the steep variation in the threshold current density with the number of QWs
observed for the DLs grown on Si (Figure 23).
The final values used to fit all data are in table. For the 𝐴 coefficient, the final values calculated
for the DLs grown on GaSb are close to those found in the literature,[107], [109] whereas much
higher values have to be used for the DLs grown on Si to account for non-radiative SRH
recombination introduced by the dislocations.[115] As we can see in the Equation 12, the
increase of the SRH coefficient 𝐴 results in an increase of the threshold current density.
𝑞𝑁𝑤 𝐿𝑤
𝐽𝑡ℎ = (𝐴𝑁𝑡ℎ + 𝐵𝑁𝑡ℎ 2 + 𝐶𝑁𝑡ℎ 3 )
Equation 12. Threshold current density as a function of the recombination coefficients.
Finally, we show in Figure 28.a) the calculated modal gain vs current density curves for
all DLs grown on both GaSb and Si substrates. First, we observe that the transparency current
density 𝐽𝑡𝑟 (𝐽 for which the modal gain equals zero) increases with the number of QWs, as
expected. Above transparency, the differential modal gain increases with the number of
QWs.[116] For the DLs grown on Si, the larger SRH recombinations increase the transparency
current and all curves are shifted toward larger current densities, whereas the modal gain
decreases. This results in an increased laser threshold (Equation 5), as also observed
experimentally in Figure 23.
a) 12.2 14
1 QW b)
2 QWs DLs on GaSb
40 3 QWs 4 DLs on Si
4 QWs
Modal gain (cm-1)
Optimal QW number
On GaSb
30 On Si 3
20 2
0 0
0 200 400 600 800 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
J (A/cm ) Total optical losses (cm-1)
Figure 28. The gain model calculations for the two series. (a) Modal gain vs current density curves for different number of
QWs. (b) The optimal number of QWs vs the total optical losses.
Figure 28.a) can be used to determine the optimal number of QWs if the total losses are
known. The total losses of DLs grown on native GaSb substrates have typically been measured
by different groups in the 10–20 cm-1 range.[108], [109], [117] If we consider total losses of 10
cm-1, for example, the modal gain equals this value at the laser threshold. The lowest threshold
current density is then obtained for a structure having one QW (Figure 28.a)). In contrast, for
total losses of 15 cm-1, the lowest threshold current density is obtained for a structure with two
QWs (Figure 28.a)). In fact, when the optical losses increase, the optimal number of QWs
switches from one to two QWs at 12.2 cm -1 in the case of DLs on GaSb and at 14 cm-1 in the
case of DLs on Si, as it is summarized in Figure 28.b). The fact that these values are very similar
(12.2 and 14 cm-1), and that the optimal number of QWs for both DLs on Si and on GaSb is the
same (one QW), indicates that threading dislocations do not introduce significant optical losses
to the structures, in contrast to what is often claimed. It also confirms the results shown in
Figure 25 where the extracted internal losses for both DLs on Si and on GaSb are very similar.
2.7 Conclusion
In this chapter we have studied the effect of threading dislocations on the performance
of GaSb DLs.
I first presented the structure design of the GaSb diode lasers under study. Two series
of DLs containing different number of QWs in their active zone were grown on GaSb and Si
substrates. I introduced the different fabrication techniques and showed in details the
fabrication process of these DLs. Afterwards, we showed the laser properties in the CW regime
for narrow ridges and in pulsed operation for broad-area lasers. As expected, DLs on Si have
worse performance than that of DLs on GaSb in terms of threshold current.
The laser properties were then confronted to a theoretical model. This comparison
showed that the gain properties in the structure are deteriorated when the TDD is high, due to
an increase of the SRH recombination coefficient 𝐴. The transparency current density increases
and the differential modal gain is drastically reduced, resulting in an increase of the threshold
current density. In the case of DLs on Si, the coefficient 𝐴 increases with the number of QWs
whereas it remains constant for DLs on GaSb. We then observed, thanks to the theoretical
model, that an increase of the total optical losses results in an increase of the optimal number
of QWs. By studying the modal gain as function of the current density for different QWs and
substrates, we demonstrated that since the optimal number of QWs is the same for both
substrates, threading dislocations do not introduce additional optical losses.
3 Chapter 3. Integration of GaSb-based
diode lasers on a Si PIC
As seen in section, high performance discrete mid-IR lasers on Si have already
been demonstrated. The next step towards fully integrated mid-IR Si photonic chips is the
integration of these lasers on a Si PIC with light coupled into a waveguide (WG). In this chapter,
I explore the optical coupling between GaSb DLs and waveguides based on a butt-coupled
geometry (see section 1.4). The laser and waveguide being on the same chip, cleavage is not
an option to form the optical cavity mirrors. Therefore, I first developed a cleavage-free DL
process, which I will show in detail. This study demonstrated that this new process gives DLs
with similar performance to that of cleaved DLs. This DL process was then transferred and
adapted to DLs grown on a Si PIC, and I will present the properties of these DLs directly
fabricated on the PIC and the light coupling results. Finally, I will discuss these results with
simulations carried out by another PhD student M. Paparella, which allowed us to understand
the critical aspects of this configuration and the coupling efficiency value obtained in this
This work started in the framework of the H2020 program of the European Union
(REDFINCH, GA 780240 and OPTAPHI, GA 860808),[118] in collaboration with the Polytechnic
University of Bari (Italy), the Munster Technological University and the Tyndall National
Institute in Cork (Ireland). The collaboration started with the thesis of L. Monge-
3.1 Configuration
The Si photonic platform under study mimics what a real, albeit simple, PIC would be. As
a first approach, we considered only WGs without any other optical function. We decided to
use the GaSb diode lasers emitting near 2.3 µm studied in chapter 2. The DL structure is the
same as that shown for DLs on Si in section 2.1, with 2 QWs in the active zone. As discussed in
section 1.1.2, SiN-based WGs are a very promising platform thanks to their low losses and wide
transparency window in the SWIR. We therefore decided to use these materials for our WGs.
They consist of a 0.8 µm-thick SiN layer for the core, clad by two SiO2 layers: 3.9 µm for the
bottom cladding and 1 µm for the top cladding (Figure 29). The thickness of the bottom cladding
was chosen to vertically align the active zone of the DL with the passive core of the WG. The
thickness of the top cladding should not exceed the p-cladding + top contact of the DL, to
ensure a good and uniform contact between the lithography mask and the resist on top of the
laser stack for future process steps. Figure 30 shows a cross-section sketch of the configuration.
There is an unavoidable air gap between the laser and the waveguide, which I will explain in
the next section.
Figure 29. a) Cross-section and b) 3D sketch of an integrated GaSb DL on a Si PIC with light coupled from the active zone of
the DL to the core of the waveguide.
3.2 Challenges
A number of challenges had to be faced in the experimental study. We chose to fabricate
the lowest loss SiN waveguides, which require deposition and treatment at high temperatures
(above 400°C). Lasers cannot withstand these temperatures, so there was no option but to
fabricate the WGs first, pattern the PIC wafers to define the epitaxy areas, and then epitaxially
grow and process the DL structure. During the fabrication of the Si PIC, it was crucial not to
damage the crystal quality of the Si substrate, as GaSb epitaxy is extremely sensitive to the Si
surface organization.[61] The epitaxial growth of the DL heterostructure on the Si PIC was also
challenging, as in our team DL heterostructures had only been grown on plain Si substrates.
Also, since MBE is not selective, the GaSb laser structure was deposited as a polycrystal on top
of the amorphous WG stack and at the DL/WG interface during epitaxy. A dedicated wet etching
process had then to be developed to remove the undesired III-V polycrystal material. Note that
this step creates an unavoidable air gap at the DL/WG interface (Figure 30). Since in the
monolithic approach the DL and WGs are on the same chip, cleavage is not an option to form
the DL cavity mirrors as we did in section 2.3. A new DL process involving dry etching of the
facets had to be developed to obtain high quality mirrors. This process impacts the air gap size
between the DL and the WG. Finally, the entire DL process was carried out without
compromising the quality of the Si PIC.
Figure 30. Cross-section sketch of challenging fabrication steps of the integration of the DL on the Si PIC in order to couple
light from the active zone of the DL to the core of the SiN waveguide.
An IR camera image of the light beam at the output of a cleaved DL was previously
taken, showing a high vertical divergence of the light beam (Figure 31). The beam divergence at
the output was as high as 60°.[121] This high value is due to the high contrast in refractive index
between the DL active zone and air (3.695 vs 1) and to the narrow output aperture of the DL
(0.8 µm).
As illustrated in Figure 32, the size of the air gap is expected to have a drastic effect on
the light coupling due to the high divergence of the laser beam. If the air gap is narrow (Figure
32.a), more light is coupled than if the air gap is large ( Figure 32.b). A major challenge was
therefore to achieve an air gap as narrow as possible to maximize the light coupling.
a) b)
Light beam
Figure 32. Cross-section sketch of the effect of the air gap on the light coupling.
I will start by addressing one of the key challenges: the development of a new cleavage-
free DL process with high-quality facets.
to achieve a facet that is as vertical as possible in order to avoid any deviation of the light beam
and to ensure that the coupling is maximized.
Wet etching has been studied to form etched facets for GaAs-based lasers, but chemical
techniques lead to under-etching of the material, resulting in low facet reflectivity.[122], [123]
On the other hand, dry etching techniques can avoid under-etching and provide anisotropic
profiles. Focused ion beam (FIB) is a very efficient and precise technique for facet-etching that
has been used mainly for very small and high-resolution patterns.[124] However, this technique
requires etching the laser facets one by one and is not available in our laboratory. On the other
hand, ICP etching (see section 5.2.2), has also been demonstrated to be a good alternative for
obtaining high quality facets,[125], [126], [127], [128], [129] and all laser facets on a PIC could
be etched in a single process step. Especially, a previous work in our team by L. Monge-
Bartolomé et al. has demonstrated high-quality etched facets using ICP, similar to those formed
by cleavage.[119], [120] A smooth facet was achieved in this work but the facet angle was 102°,
which is not optimal for light coupling. Here, I decided to use ICP etching as well and my aim
was to achieve a facet angle of 90° while preserving the facet smoothness.
I will first present the development of smooth and vertical facets. Then, I will adapt this
etched-facet process to fabricate etched-facet DLs. I will end with the DLs characterizations and
To fabricate the etched-facet lasers, the structure must be etched at least through the
active zone. I chose to stop in the middle of the bottom cladding because the longer the etching
time, the less vertical the facet.[120] At an etch rate of ~350 nm/min, the etching time is 9
minutes and the depth is ~3.2 µm. The AZ1518 resist with standard lithography parameters is
thick enough (~1.8 µm) to withstand the 9-minutes etching. Preliminary tests were first
conducted on GaSb substrates.
a) b) Angle: 94°
Resist facet
Figure 33. Resist profile after a standard lithography using a) soft contact and b) vacuum contact.
A SEM picture of the chromium mask used in photolithography was previously taken in
our team showing that the edges of the pattern are not completely straight ( Figure 34). This
results in rough flanks of the resist. The resist should therefore be subjected to some
treatments to reduce its roughness.
Figure 34. SEM image of the chromium mask used during photolithography.[120]
The temperature and duration of the hard bake influence the resist making it flow and
round at the edges. The verticality decreases but the smoothness of the flank increases. A 5°C
increase in temperature results in a very round flank. However, at a fixed temperature,
increasing the time from 1 to 4 minutes changes slightly the resist profile. Overall, hard bake
temperature and time make the resist flank round and less vertical, but smoother.
T=110°C T=115°C
1 min
2 mins
4 mins
Table 6. SEM pictures of resist flanks after hard bake for different temperatures and times.
Table 7 shows the SEM pictures of the corresponding semiconductor flanks after 9 minutes of
T=110°C T=115°C
Angle: 94°
1 min
Table 7. SEM pictures of semiconductor flanks after hard bake for different temperatures and times and an etching time of 9
As the pattern is transferred from the resist mask to the semiconductor, the semiconductor
flanks become smoother and less vertical as the hard bake time and temperature increase.
Figure 35 shows a sketch summarizing what we observed in this series of tests.
Figure 35. Sketch of the influence of the hard bake on the resist and semiconductor flanks. a) no hard bake is performed. b)
hard bake is performed.
A hard bake at 115°C for 2 minutes or at 110°C for 4 minutes gives very smooth flanks and one
can expect a reflectivity similar to that of cleaved facets,[119], [120] but the flanks are not
vertical. I then decided to use a hard mask, which should give a more anisotropic etching and
is widely used in the industry.
The most commonly used hard mask materials are dielectrics such as SiO2 or SiN, and
various metals. The fabrication of metal hard masks involves a lift-off technique (see section
5.2.4), which is a less straightforward technique than the standard UV lithography + etching
technique (Figure 36). I therefore decided to use either SiO2 or SiN, which are available in our
facilities by PECVD deposition. SiN is known for its excellent mechanical and chemical stability.
In particular, SiN is more resistant than SiO2 to the Cl-based and Ar etchants used in our
standard ICP recipe (Table 2), resulting in higher selectivity than SiO2. A SiN hard mask can
therefore provide a higher level of anisotropy than a SiO2 hard mask, making it a preferred
material for achieving smooth and vertical sidewalls.[131], [132], [133]
First, the 800-nm thick SiN layer was deposited by PECVD. The photolithography was
then performed in vacuum contact mode and without hard bake of the resist. The hard mask
openings are then performed using the dedicated ICP recipe. Once the SiN mask is fully opened,
the resist is removed to avoid any other masking effect that could affect the verticality of the
semiconductor sidewalls. The sample is then transferred to the other ICP machine to etch the
semiconductor facet for 9 minutes. Finally, the remaining SiN hard mask is removed by ICP. The
semiconductor flank is rough and concave (Figure 37).
Rough and
concave facet
Figure 37. SEM image of the semiconductor flank using SiN hard mask with no hard bake of the resist.
To avoid this problem, I decided to hard bake the resist to smooth its flank and thus that
of the SiN mask. The hard bake was performed at 110°C for 4 minutes (see section
SEM images of the semiconductor flank after etching the facet during 9 minutes are shown in
Figure 38.
Angle: 91
Smooth and
vertical facet
Figure 38. SEM image of the semiconductor flank using SiN mask and a hard bake at 110°C during 4 minutes.
We can observe that when the resist is smoothed with a hard bake, the results are
completely different. The flank of the semiconductor is very smooth and has an angle of 91°.
With such a facet angle, the angle of the laser beam deviation would be lower than 3°, which
can be neglected given the high beam divergence. Note also that the facet roughness is very
low, which should result in a reflectivity similar to that of cleaved facets,[119], [120] so I decided
to validate this process, and to use it to fabricate an etched-facet DL. The final parameters of
the facet process are shown in Table 8.
3.3.2 Process flow of etched-facet DLs
Previous work in our team has demonstrated that defining the facets at the beginning
of the process flow results in a more vertical and smoother facet than if it is done in the middle
or at the end of the process.[120] In fact, at the beginning of the process, the sample is still
planar and the resist after spin-coating is flat and homogeneous. Therefore, the contact
between the lithography mask and the sample is good, which improves the verticality. So, I
started the process flow by defining the laser facets. The challenge is then to protect the laser
facet during the remaining part of the process flow.
I applied the full etched-facet laser process to a typical DL structure grown on a GaSb
substrate. Note that if the laser were grown on Si, the results would be the same, since the
facet definition does not depend on the substrate. The heterostructure design is the same as
that studied in section 2.1. The process flow is divided in different main steps: facet etching,
ridge definition, dielectric deposition and opening and metallization.
Laser facets length (1, 1.5,
2 and 2.5 mm)
First, the hard mask was fabricated using the same parameters as in the previous
section (Table 8). The facet etching was then performed and stopped after passing through the
active zone in the middle of the bottom n-cladding (Figure 40).
Stop facet etching here
Finally, the laser facet was analyzed by SEM. Figure 40 shows SEM images of a smooth and
vertical facet similar to that obtained with a GaSb substrate (previous section). The quality is
thus the same whether the etching is performed on a GaSb substrate or on a laser
Laser facet
5 µm
10 µm
Laser ridge
The resist is thinner on top of the facet than on the planar regions (Figure 43.a).
Therefore, to ensure that the resist is thick enough on top of the laser facet, the spin-coating
speed was reduced and the exposure time was increased. The photolithography parameters
are depicted in Table 9.
The sample was then transferred to the ICP to perform the dry etching. As with the
standard cleaved laser process, the etching was stopped just before reaching the active zone.
Figure 43 shows SEM images of the device before (Figure 43.a) and after (Figure 43.b) ridge
etching. It can be seen that the resist successfully protected the laser facet during etching.
a) b)
Resist Facet
Facet protection Laser ridge
Figure 43. SEM images of the laser ridge definition step. a) after lithography and before ICP etching. b) after ICP etching.
52 Insulation and opening
The next step is the electrical insulation. The dielectric opening mask was designed to
remove the dielectric from the top of the laser ridges, but also from the laser facets (Figure 44).
SiN insulation
SiN opening
After SiN deposition and ICP opening, the sample was examined by SEM to check that
the laser facets had not been damaged (Figure 45). We can observe that the dielectric material
on the laser facet has been removed without affecting the quality of the facet. We can also
observe that small portions of SiN material were not removed. This is due to the high verticality
of the facets that acts as a mask during the highly anisotropic ICP etching. The distance between
the top of the facet and the remaining dielectric material is around 2.9 µm, which is well below
the active zone and avoids any significant problem.
Laser facet
Laser facet
Si3N4 Si3N4
Figure 45. SEM images of the laser facet after the electrical insulation and opening. Metallization
The final step is metallization. The metallization mask was designed to deposit the metal
with a 10-µm offset from the laser facets (see Figure 46) to avoid any contamination and to
ensure an effective lift-off.
10 µm
In this process, we did not use the double layer negative resist as in section 2.3.4
because it would have required dipping the sample in the developer for 2 minutes 30 seconds
to remove the LOR5A resist. Since the developer attacks GaSb-based materials, this step could
damage the unprotected laser facets. Instead, we used only the negative resist AZ2070, which
is thick enough to allow the subsequent lift-off.[134] The lithography parameters are listed in
Table 10.
Prior to metallization, the sample was de-oxidized by immersion in an HCl:H2O bath. The
metal contacts Ti/Au (20/400 nm) were deposited and the lift-off was performed afterwards.
SEM images of the final device are shown in Figure 47.
Ti/Au metal Ti/Au metal
Figure 47. SEM images of the final device after the metallization step.
The substrate was then thinned down to ~150 µm and a Pd/AuGeNi (5/200 nm) metal
layer for the n-contact was deposited on the backside of the GaSb substrate as for cleaved DLs
on GaSb (section 2.3). A sketch of the entire process is shown in the figure below ( Figure 48).
The masks were designed to also have cleaved lasers between the etched-facet lasers
(see Figure 49). In addition, they were designed to have a 200-µm distance between the etched-
facet lasers of different cavity lengths (see Figure 49). The cleavage was performed in the middle
of this region, so that etched- and cleaved-facet lasers could be obtained side-by-side on the
same bar for an easy comparison. The cavity length of the cleaved lasers is therefore ~200 µm
longer than that of the etched-facet lasers (Figure 49).
2.5 mm
200 µm
Cleaved-facet 2.2 mm 2 mm
1.5 mm
1 mm
Figure 49. Sketch of the cleavage step. Etched- and cleaved-facet lasers are obtained on the same bar.
Figure 50 shows a bar containing etched- and cleaved-facet lasers. The laser bars are
then soldered onto Cu heat sinks for characterization on a probe station.
Figure 50. Images of a laser bar with several etched-facet lasers and cleaved lasers. a) optical image. b) SEM image[120].
3.3.3 Characterizations of etched-facet DLs
The final step is the characterization of the lasers. We will compare the performance of
etched-facet DLs with that of cleaved DLs and conclude on the quality of the etched facets. The
L-I-V measurements were performed in CW mode at RT and the light was detected by a
calibrated powermeter. Figure 51 shows the L-I-V curves for cleaved- and etched- facet DLs.
a) b)
6 18 6 18
L=1.2 mm Cleaved-facet DLs L=1 mm Etched-facet DLs
16 16
Voltage (V)
10 10
3 3
8 8
2 6 2 6
4 4
1 1
2 2
0 0 0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Current (mA) Current (mA)
Figure 51. L-I-V curves in CW operation at RT of DLs grown on GaSb substrate with a) cleaved facets and b) etched-facets.
The curves exhibit very similar performance for both cleaved and etched DLs. The I-V
curves show a turn-on voltage ranging from 0.8 to 1.4 V for both types of DLs. The series
resistance for both varies from 3 to 5.6 Ω depending on the cavity length. Regarding the L-I
curves, the threshold current for cleaved DLs ranges from 70 to 135 mA for cavity lengths from
1.2 to 2.7 mm, respectively. Etched-facets DLs exhibit similar threshold currents ranging from
65 mA for 1-mm long DLs, up to 145 mA for 2.5-mm long ones. In addition, the external
quantum efficiency is as well very similar for both, decreasing from approximately 35% to 20%
with increasing cavity length (see Equation 2), meaning that no significant optical power is lost
with etched-facet cavities. The threshold current density as a function of the inverse of the
cavity length in CW and RT for etched-facet and cleaved-facet DLs is shown in Figure 52.
Cleaved lasers CW - RT - w=10 µm
Etched lasers
Jth (A/cm2)
300 Jth for etched lasers increases by 18%
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1/L (cm )
Figure 52. Threshold current density as a function of the cavity length in CW and RT for etched- and cleaved-facet DLs.
The reflectivity of the facets can be analyzed by extracting the slopes of the curves in Figure 52
and using the following equation,[135], [136]
𝐽𝑡ℎ (𝐿) = 𝐽𝑡ℎ (∞) − 𝑙𝑛(𝑅)
Equation 13. Threshold current density as a function of the inverse of the cavity length.
where 𝐽𝑡ℎ (∞) is the extrapolated threshold current density for an infinite cavity length, 𝐶 is a
constant that can be extracted from cleaved-facet DLs, 𝐿 is the cavity length and 𝑅 is the facet
The constant 𝐶 is intrinsic to the laser structure. Therefore, the slope of the curves depends
only on the reflectivity of the facet. Since the slope of the curves is the same for both, we can
conclude that the reflectivity of the etched-facet DLs is very similar to that of cleaved-facet DLs.
However, the threshold current densities for etched-facet DLs are 18% higher regardless of
the cavity length. We attribute this behavior to the fact that in etched-facet DLs, the metal is
not in contact with the entire length of the laser ridge (see section, creating absorbing
regions at both ends of the laser ridges. We thus believe that this is not an effect of the etched
facets, but rather a degradation of the performance due to the mask design.
In conclusion, we have established a fabrication process for smooth and vertical facets
using SiN hard mask and ICP dry etching. The results are very promising as we have achieved
the desired verticality (close to 90°) without losing the smoothness previously obtained in our
team. A complete etched-facet DL process was then performed by incorporating the facet
etching step and carefully adapting it to ensure protection of the laser facet during the entire
process. The performance of etched-facet DLs was compared with that of cleaved-facet DLs
fabricated on the same sample. The laser performance is very similar for both, leading us to
conclude that the reflectivity of etched-facet cavities is close to that of cleaved-facet cavities.
This process has therefore been validated and will be transferred and adapted to fabricate
these etched-facet DLs on the Si PIC with the aim of coupling the laser light into the SiN
a) WG width
Figure 53. a) Front and b) cross section view sketch of the SiN WGs fabrication.
In order to create the areas where the laser structures will be grown, an etching was
performed to reach the Si substrate (Figure 53.b). A single-step ICP dry etching, could damage
the surface of the Si substrate as the F-based SiO2/SiN etching recipe is not selective. Wet
etching with hydrofluoric acid (HF), on the other hand, is very selective. However, because it is
isotropic, it also etches the SiN/SiO2 structure laterally. Thus, in order to avoid obtaining a
concave facet and compromising the crystal quality of the Si substrate, a two-step etching
process was performed. First, the pattern was etched 95% of the way through the SiO2/SiN
stack using ICP, leaving approximately 200-300 nm of SiO2. The remaining SiO2 was then
removed using buffered oxide etching (BOE) to preserve the Si crystal quality. This approach
provided a close-to-vertical dielectric facet with an angle <10° and the preservation of the Si
crystal quality. Figure 54 shows a SEM image of the WG stack.
SiN core
The 100 mm wafers were organized into multiple dies of 20 x 20 mm2. Each die carries
two series of recessed areas and s-bend waveguides (Figure 55). The dimensions of the recessed
areas are 16 x 2.5 mm2. The s-bend waveguides are 5-mm long with a 300-µm offset. One of
the series contains only 10 µm-wide WGs and the other contains 10, 15 and 20-µm wide WGs
to investigate the influence of WG width on coupling efficiency. There are also 100-µm WGs in
each series to study the coupling of broad-area lasers in pulsed operation. Laser growth and
processing were done on these 20 x 20 mm2 dies.
a) 20 mm
100 mm s-bend WGs
Si substrate Si substrate
Si substrate
Si substrate Si substrate
b) Recessed 1 Recessed 2
Figure 55. Schematic of the Si PICs: the pattern of the 100 mm wafers is organized with several 20x20 mm 2 dies, each one
containing two recessed areas together with 20 SiN waveguides each one.
We received some of these 100 mm wafers from Tyndall. The next step in our lab was to
prepare the sample prior to the subsequent epitaxial growth of the laser structure.
SiO2 step
Si substrate
Figure 56. SEM image of the SiN waveguide with a remaining SiO 2 step on the Si substrate.
The reason for this is that the mask used to reach the Si substrate was designed to stop
5 µm before the end of the waveguide (see Figure 57) in order to obtain a high-quality facet
during the first step of 95% ICP etching. However, this resulted in a thicker remaining oxide of
5 µm in length in front of the WG facet. The BOE etching intended to remove the remaining
oxide was intentionally stopped when the thinner oxide layer was etched, not realizing that an
oxide step was left in front of the facet (Figure 57).
SiO2 step
The SiO2 step remaining on the Si substrate will perturb the epitaxial growth close to
the waveguide facet. As discussed in section 3.2, the objective is to obtain the narrowest
possible gap between the DL and the WG in order to reduce coupling losses as much as possible.
The III-V polycrystal deposition that will arise from this oxide step will force us to define the
laser facet further away from the WG. It is therefore very important to try to remove the step
without compromising the quality of the Si surface.
First, a standard photolithography was performed to protect the WGs. The Si substrate
and the oxide step were exposed. The etch rate of the oxide with this solution was very low.
Nevertheless, every 1 or 2 minutes, the sample was analyzed under the optical and SEM
microscopes to verify the etching. After 18 minutes, the oxide step was completely removed.
However, the Si substrate was damaged as we can observe in Figure 58.b. Figure 58.c and d show
enlarged images of the WG stack where we can see that even though the WG was protected
during etching, the wet solution damaged the top cladding as well as the SiN core of the WGs.
After several trials with different solution proportions, the problem persisted.
a) b)
c) d)
Damaged top
SiO2 bottom cladding cladding and core
Figure 58. SEM images of the removal SiO2 step attempts with HF solution. a) before etching. b) after 18 minutes etching
with a damaged Si substrate. c) zoomed image on the WG stack before etching and d) after etching.
Dry etching
Si step
Figure 59. Process sketch of the oxide removal by ICP dry etching.
A sketch of this process trial is shown in Figure 59, where we can observe that after
etching, a step of Si is formed. This step being in the Si crystal substrate, it is expected that
crystalline growth will take place on top of it, unlike the previous configuration with a step of
non-crystalline SiO2 material. The result is shown in Figure 60. We can observe that the oxide
has been completely removed. The step in front of the waveguide is now a crystalline Si step.
Si step
SiO2 step
Si substrate Si substrate
Figure 60. SEM images of the SiO2 step removal by ICP dry etching.
The next step is the epitaxial growth of the laser heterostructure. We performed the
growth on samples with and without the SiO2 step.
The buffer layer growth sequence and conditions were similar to those described in
section 2.2 for the growth on plain Si substrates.[61] The WG stack and GaSb-on-Si templates
were inspected at various stages to fine-tune the growth process and ensure an APB-free GaSb
surface. The PIC integrity was maintained during this initial growth sequence. The Si PICs were
then transferred to another MBE reactor to grow the entire DL heterostructure. The structure
design is the same as that investigated in section 2.1.
Epitaxial growth
After epitaxy, the Si PIC exhibits two distinct areas (Figure 61 and Figure 62.a). On the
recessed areas, the single-crystal laser structure is grown while on top of the amorphous WG
stack, a 6-µm thick III-V polycrystal material is deposited. In the case of the sample without
the residual oxide step, the quality of the laser growth was poor. This is due to a disorganized
Si surface after ICP etching of the oxide step. No device could be fabricated with such a sample
and the idea of removing the oxide step to reduce the air gap between laser and WG was
abandoned. In contrast, the sample with the oxide step exhibits a good crystal quality except in
the oxide step region. The high-resolution x-ray diffraction diagram measured in the laser
growth (Figure 62.b) shows well-defined diffraction features for the whole DL structure,
reflecting the good growth quality. The AFM image taken on top of the laser structure confirms
the absence of APBs reaching the sample surface (Figure 62.c). The roughness RMS is as low as
2.5 nm. The TDD is estimated to be in the mid-107 cm-2. All these results are very similar to
those obtained on DLs grown on plain Si wafers demonstrating that the Si surface after WG
fabrication is comparable to that of a planar Si substrate.
Recessed area Laser growth
b) c)
Figure 62. a) Top view of the die before and after the epitaxial growth. b) high-resolution X-ray diagram measured in the
laser growth. c) AFM image taken on top of the laser structure.
Previously in our team, a cross-section image of a similar Si PIC after epitaxial growth
was taken (see Figure 63). We can see that III-V polycrystal material is not only deposited on top
of the WG stack but also between the WG facet and the laser crystal structure. The polycrystal
laying in the III-V/dielectric interface will interfere with the light emitted by the laser that should
be coupled into the WG. Removing this polycrystal will introduce an air gap between the DL
and the WG. The polycrystal deposited onto the WG stack should also be removed to avoid the
large height difference between the top of the polycrystal on the WG stack and the top of the
laser structure. Indeed, leaving this polycrystal would compromise the good and homogeneous
contact between the lithography mask and the sample for the subsequent process steps.
Figure 63. Cross-section SEM image of a similar Si PIC after the epitaxial growth.[120]
A wet etching solution based on citric acid (C 6H8O7) and capable of removing the entire
polycrystal material, had previously been developed.[100] The etching consists of first
performing photolithography to protect the laser structure and then performing wet etching.
The solution removes the polycrystal by lifting it off. It is very selective and does not damage
the WG material. However, it can pass through the resist protection and reach the laser
structure, which we call under-etch. The resist protection should therefore extend to the WG
area to minimize the under-etch.
Polycrystal removal
The photolithography parameters are given in Table 11. First, the resist AZ5214 is diluted
with the solvent AZEBR in a ratio of 2:1. This diluted resist has a very low viscosity, which allows
the gap between the laser structure and the waveguide to be filled with resist during the spin-
coating step, thus protecting the laser structure during etching. On the other hand, a low
viscosity results in a lower thickness, and another layer of undiluted AZ5214 resist was spin-
coated atop the diluted resist to increase the total resist thickness. The sample is then aligned
with the lithography mask. Here, I will show three different alignments made to achieve the
desired result. The alignments consisted of protecting the laser structure and going into the
polycrystal material area for 10, 15 and 20 µm respectively, as shown in Figure 65.
Figure 65. Different mask protections for the polycrystal removal step. The green rectangles correspond to the resist.
Exposure Development
Contact mode Time (s) Time (s)
Soft contact 40 60
Table 11. Photolithography parameters of the polycrystal removal step.
The samples were then immersed in the solution C6H8O7 : H2O : H2O2 : HF (1g : 1mL :
1mL : 0.001mL). After some trials, I found that 1 minute and 45 seconds was required for
complete removal of the polycrystal. SEM and optical images confirm that the polycrystal was
removed while the WG stack was undamaged.
Polycrystal WGs
Laser growth Laser growth
Polycrystal WGs
Figure 66. Pictures of a die before and after the polycrystal removal.
Figure 67 shows SEM images of three different results corresponding to the three
different alignments (Figure 65). We can observe that the under-etch is different depending on
the distance between the protection and the laser/polycrystal interface. In the case of a 20-µm
protection, the polycrystal was not completely removed from the WG stack (Figure 67.a). There
is still 12 µm of polycrystal left. In the case of 15-µm protection, the polycrystal has been
completely removed from the WG stack and from the WG/laser structure interface (Figure
67.b). However, we can observe a poor-quality laser growth in front of the passive waveguide,
which is a consequence of the oxide step (see section 3.5). Therefore, to ensure a high-quality
facet, the laser facet should be defined at least 10-11 µm away from the waveguide facet. In
the case of a 10-µm protection, the under-etch is more pronounced and the laser structure was
etched away leaving a gap as large as 10 µm (Figure 67.c). In addition, the wet etching resulted
in a very isotropic laser structure flank, leaving us no choice but to define the laser facet further
away if we were to use this sample. I decided to continue with the laser process using the
sample with 15-µm protection in which, among the three results, the narrower gap could be
achieved (Figure 67.b).
Poor crystal
a) b)
growth on
oxide step
waveguide waveguide
Laser structure
Laser structure
Figure 67. SEM images of the sample after the polycrystal removal for different masks. a) The protection goes 20 µm into
the WG stack, b) 15 µm and c) 10 µm.
3.8.1 Facet definition
The first step in the laser process is the laser facet etching. The parameters for the
deposition of the SiN hard mask are the same as those used in section For the
lithography step, a previous test was done on the sample from Figure 67.c using the same
parameters as in section The SEM image shows that the resist is much thinner at the
edge of the WG than on the flat regions (Figure 68), which could compromise the protection of
the WG facets during etching.
Thin resist
Figure 68. Facet definition photolithography using the same parameters as those of discrete etched-facet lasers.
I decided to increase the thickness of the resist by decreasing the spin-coating rotation
speed. We then aligned the sample with the lithography mask. For this sample, the facet was
defined at a distance of 11 µm from the WG facet, avoiding defining the facet close to the
poor crystal growth arising from the oxide step (previous section). The new lithography
parameters are listed in Table 12.
The hard mask opening was then performed followed by the resist removal. SEM images
and profilometer measurements confirm the protection of the WG facet. Figure 69.a shows a
top view image of the hard mask opening. Note that the gap achieved here is 11 µm for this
sample. We expect that the gap could easily be reduced to close to ~3 µm if the oxide step
problem is solved.
Finally, the facet etching was performed the same way as for discrete etched-facet
lasers (section The remaining SiN mask was removed by ICP. SEM images confirmed
that the WG stack was not damaged during this step. The facet etching is similar to that of
discrete etched-facet DLs. However, due to the more complex architecture of the Si PIC, the
contact between the resist on the laser structure and the lithography mask is not as good as on
a simple Si substrate. As a consequence, the facet angle is slightly higher (92.5°) as we can
observe in Figure 69.b.
a) b)
Figure 69. SEM images of the laser facet definition. a) Top view of the sample after hard mask opening. b) Facet angle
measurement after facet etching.
a) b) waveguide
Laser ridge
Laser ridge
Figure 70. SEM images of the ridge definition step. a) angled view. b) top view.
InAsSb layer
Laser ridge
Figure 71. SEM image of the bottom contact next to the laser ridge.
protected except the SiN openings at the top of the laser ridge and bottom contact, and the
laser facet. Figure 72 shows some images of the device after this step. The SiN material has been
successfully removed from the laser ridge, bottom contact and facet. Other SEM images
confirm that the WGs were not damaged after ICP etching.
Si3N4 opening Si3N4 opening
Si3N4 insulation
Figure 72. a) SEM and b) optical image of the electrical insulation step.
3.8.5 Metallization
The final technological step is the metal deposition. Photolithography and e-beam metal
deposition were performed with the same parameters as those used in section The
mask was designed so that the metal is deposited on the top of the ridge and the bottom
contact, while lifting the metal in the other regions, provided that lift-off is possible in the large
region on top of the WG stack. As we can observe in Figure 73, the lift-off was successful. The
metal was well deposited on the top of the ridge and on the bottom contact, while it is lifted
from the other regions, including the WG stack.
a) Laser ridge b)
Laser facet
Bottom contact
Top contact
Figure 73. a) SEM and b) optical images of the device after the metallization step.
Figure 74. Sketch of the laser process flow on the Si PIC. The different process steps are facet etching, laser ridge, bottom
contact, electrical insulation and metallization.
waveguides Cleavage
Figure 75. Images of the final die showing a) the two series of lasers and waveguides and b) the cleavages performed after
Figure 76. a) 3D sketch of the final device and DL characterizations. b) Top view image of the bar mounted on a Cu heat sink
and measured on a probe station.
Figure 77.a shows the L-I-V curves taken in the CW regime at RT from 8 DLs of the laser
bar. All DLs did lase. The turn-on voltage is slightly higher than 1 V and the series resistance is
around 3 Ω for all DLs. These results are similar to those achieved with discrete DLs of similar
design grown on GaSb[137], [138] and on Si substrates.[62], [88] The threshold current 𝐼𝑡ℎ
varies from 135 to 150 mA and the output power at 400 mA current varies between 7 and 10
mW, depending on the DL. The values spread from one laser to the other is within the typical
variation range of our laser process for discrete DLs on Si. The L-I-V curves taken at different
temperatures for a representative DL are plotted in Figure 77.b. The threshold current varies
between 163 and 283 mA for measurement temperatures ranging from 20°C to 80°C, limited
by the experimental setup. From this series of measurements, we can extract the
corresponding characteristic temperatures T0 and T1, which represent the sensitivity to the
temperature of the threshold current and of the external quantum efficiency, respectively (see
section 2.4). The values are 110 K for T0 and 81 K for T1, which again are typical values for
discrete GaSb DLs.[139]
4.0 10 4.0 7
9 20°C V3295 - DL on PIC.
3.5 V3295 - DL on PIC 3.5 30°C CW 6
CW - RT 8
Output Power (mW/facet)
Voltage (V)
6 70°C 4
2.0 Rs=3 s 5 2.0 80°C
VON=1.15 V 4 3
1.5 1.5
3 2
1.0 1.0
0.5 0.5 1
0.0 0 0.0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Current (mA) Current (mA)
Figure 77. a) L-I-V curves of the DLs on the Si PIC taken in the CW regime at RT for a series of 8 DLs. b) L-I-V curves taken at
different temperatures between 20 and 80 C (setup limited) for a typical DL.
The emission spectrum recorded from a DL in CW operation and RT is shown in Figure 78. The
emission wavelength is near 2.3 µm, as expected from the heterostructure design.
Intensity (arb. u.)
CW - 25 °C
I=300 mA
Figure 78. Emission spectrum recorded from the DL at RT in the CW regime at2 x Ith drive current.
The performance of the DLs epitaxially integrated on the Si PIC is therefore similar to
that of discrete DLs on planar Si substrates. We can then conclude that despite the complex PIC
architecture and integration process, a number of steps can be validated. First, we were able
to fabricate the Si PIC while maintaining the quality of the Si surface for subsequent epitaxial
growth. The same procedures typically used for the epitaxial growth of discrete DLs on plain Si
substrates were used to achieve a high-quality growth on the PIC trench. The polycrystal
removal and laser process were successfully adapted to the particular sample architecture, in
spite of its complex geometry. A recent comparison of epitaxial and heterogeneously
integrated discrete GaSb-based lasers has revealed better performance of epitaxial lasers in
terms of threshold current and temperature stability.[88] Since the performance of lasers
fabricated here on a Si PIC is similar to that of discrete lasers on Si, we expect a superior
performance also for lasers integrated on a Si PIC.
IR Camera and
First, an IR camera was used to capture the light that could be coupled, guided and
coming out from the waveguide output facet. The camera was first placed far away to capture
the whole set up. Figure 80 shows two IR images of the whole setup at zero current and 250 mA
(above threshold). Three white spots can be seen when the laser is operating at 250 mA (Figure
80.b). The top spot corresponds to the light output from the back etched-facet of the DL. The
middle spot corresponds to the light output from the other end of the laser before it is coupled
into the waveguide. Finally, the last spot is the light that is coupled into the WG and emerges
from the WG facet.
I=0 mA I=250 mA
a) Temperature b)
Laser bar
Figure 80. IR image of the laser bar on the probe station with a) zero drive current and b) 250-mA drive current.
The camera was then placed closer to the laser bar and at the output of the waveguide.
Two different images taken from different angles are shown in Figure 81. Figure 81.a shows a
front-view IR image where we can observe two light spots: the light arising from the cone of
the laser facet and reaching the camera (large spot), and the coupled and guided light spot
(narrow spot). Figure 81.b shows an IR image taken with an angle in order to avoid the light from
the laser facet hitting the camera. This image shows a clearer coupled and guided spot at the
output of the waveguide.
a) b)
Cu base
Coupled and Coupled and
guided light guided light
Figure 81. IR images at the output of the waveguide with the laser operating at 250 mA. a) front view. b) angled view.
Finally, in order to perform power measurements, the light arising from the laser facet
that is not coupled into the waveguide should be blocked so that only the coupled light is
collected. A Cu mechanical shield was used to block this light. As the powermeter would be
placed at the output of the waveguide, we took further IR images with the camera placed in
the same position to check if the direct light was correctly blocked. The IR image in Figure 82.b
shows that the light cone emitted by the laser facet is now blocked. We could then proceed
with the power measurements.
Figure 82. IR images at the output of the waveguide with the laser operating at 250 mA. a) without the mechanic shield. b)
with the mechanic shield.
14 2
a) 1.8
12 DL output power
4 0.6
0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Current (mA)
Figure 83. L-I curves of a DL-WG pair where both laser ridge and WG are 10 µm wide, taken in the CW regime at RT.
3.11 Simulations
To understand the critical aspects of light coupling in this configuration, as well as the
experimental coupling efficiency value, we have performed 3D finite-difference time-domain
(FDTD) simulations. The calculations have been carried out by Michele Paparella.[70] FDTD
solves Maxwell’s equations in the spatial and time domains.[142] The monitor is settled in the
passive core collecting the light coupled in the waveguide, as shown in the inset of Figure 85.
The refractive index of the gain section of the DL is set to 3.695 for the active zone and 3.27 for
the top and bottom claddings.[70] The optical modes are calculated for a wavelength of 2.3
µm, and the WG and DL ridge widths are chosen to be 10 µm. Preliminary simulations were
carried out to study the overlap between the optical mode in the DL ridge and that in a SiN WG,
which was found to be ~86%. The 2D TE profiles of the supported mode in the ridge and in the
SiN WG are shown in Figure 84.
Figure 84. 2D TE mode profiles supported in the DL ridge and in the SiN WG.[70]
Figure 85 shows the simulated transmittance as a function of the air gap for different
passive core materials whose refractive indices are listed in Table 13. The transmittance in our
system is defined as the ratio of the power collected by the monitor located in the WG core to
the output power of the DL. In the absence of a gap, the transmittance is as high as ~90% due
to the low refractive index contrast between the DL and the WG core. However, when an air
gap is introduced, a high refractive index contrast appears (DL-air), resulting in a high
divergence of the laser beam, and the coupling drastically decreases. Above approximately 2-
2.5 µm, the transmittance remains relatively constant at around 20% in the best case which is
a SiN core (𝑛𝑆𝑖𝑁 =2) surrounded by SiO2 claddings (𝑛𝑆𝑖𝑂2 =1.44). In the constant region, the
transmittance oscillates for all materials. This is most likely due to a Fabry-Perot effect created
by the cavity formed by the gap closed by the DL and WG facets.
Refractive indices
DL active zone DL claddings Air SiN SiO2 Si BCB ChG (Al20 Se80 ) Ge
3.695 3.27 1 2 1.44 3.44 1.53 2.59 4
Table 13. Refractive index of different materials under study.
Figure 85. Transmittance as a function of the air gap for different passive core materials.[70]
We studied as well the influence of the thickness of the passive core on the
transmittance. The divergence of the beam being high, a large portion of the light is not
directed towards the input of the passive core. Increasing the thickness of the passive core
should therefore increase the coupling efficiency. We simulated the transmittance into the
SiN/SiO2 waveguide for SiN thicknesses in the 0.7 to 1.4 µm range, as a function of the air gap
size (Figure 86). For a fixed gap of 5 µm, the transmittance increases from around 20% to 30%
as the SiN thickness increases from 0.7 to 1.4 µm, respectively (inset of Figure 86). Although
increasing the thickness of the passive core could provide an improvement in transmittance,
growing thick layers of SiN, typically above 1 µm, results in the formation of cracks which would
affect light propagation.[143]
Figure 86. Transmittance as a function of the air gap for a SiN/SiO2 waveguide and for different passive core
3.12 Conclusion
In this chapter, we have investigated a monolithic integration approach to epitaxially
grow a GaSb DL on a Si PIC with light coupling between the integrated laser and a SiN waveguide
in a butt-coupling configuration. As a test vehicle, we used the same GaSb DL studied in chapter
2, which can be easily benchmarked. For the Si PIC, we decided to use SiN-based waveguides
clad by SiO2 layers, which have low losses in the near-to-mid-IR wavelength range.
In this monolithic approach, the laser cavity mirrors cannot be fabricated by cleaving
because the DL and the PIC are on the same chip. An etched-facet process was therefore
addressed separately. First, we developed a fabrication process aimed at obtaining smooth and
vertical facets. The smoothness obtained was similar to that previously achieved in our team,
with a reflectivity similar to that of cleaved facets. A verticality of 91° was achieved, a very
promising value for light coupling in this butt-coupling configuration. An entire DL process was
then established to fabricate etched-facet DLs with similar performance to that of cleaved
lasers. We concluded that the etched-facet process could be validated and adapted to the Si
We then studied the integration of the DL on the Si PIC. The first challenge to overcome
was the fabrication of the SiN waveguides without compromising the surface quality of the Si
substrate. The epitaxial growth of the laser heterostructure was then successfully performed
using the same strategies and similar growth conditions used for discrete DLs on plain Si
substrates. The III-V polycrystal material deposited on the WG stack and at the laser/WG
interface could be removed, followed by laser facet definition. However, these two steps and
the problem of the oxide step created a gap of about ~11 µm for this sample. The rest of the
laser process was then successfully carried out to demonstrate an integrated DL with similar
performance to that of DLs grown on plain Si substrates. We then demonstrated that 10% of
the light emitted from the laser facet is coupled and propagated in the s-bend waveguide. Note
that the air gap has two origins, one is the polycrystal material deposited at the III-V/WG
interface during epitaxy, the other one is the definition of the cavity mirrors. The first origin is
unavoidable and the second one could be reduced by solving the oxide step problem, which
can be easily solved during the fabrication, and by refining the laser process steps, or by using
FIB for the facet definition.[144]
We have then performed FDTD simulations to understand the light coupling behavior
in this configuration. They show that the air gap between the DL and the WG has a strong
influence on the coupling efficiency due to the high refractive index contrast between the DL
active zone and the air, which induces a high divergence of the laser beam. In addition, we have
compared the simulations with the experimental results. The experimental value is in
agreement with the FDTD simulations.
Interestingly, only two other works have demonstrated optical coupling using a
monolithic integration approach on Si platforms, and they were done in the same time period
as ours.[145], [146] They used quantum dot lasers coupled to SOI[145] and to SiN[146]
waveguides by FIB for facet etching.
This study was carried out using GaSb DLs, which are very sensitive to threading
dislocations, which degrades the device lifetime. This approach can be extended to any
semiconductor material system provided that the antiphase domain problem can be solved and
the process steps are established. We demonstrated that the various process steps do not pose
any fundamental issue. This approach can therefore be implemented with long-lifetime ICLs or
QCLs, paving the way for long-lifetime integrated sensor chips.
The next challenge is to increase the coupling efficiency, as 10% is still too low for most
applications. In the next chapter we will study different approaches to increase the coupling
efficiency of this butt-coupling configuration by reducing the air gap, filling the gap or achieving
zero gap.
4 Chapter 4. Increasing the coupling
efficiency of the integrated GaSb
diode lasers on the Si PIC
In the previous chapter we have demonstrated for the first time the optical coupling
between the monolithically integrated GaSb DL and the SiN waveguide in a butt-coupling
configuration. Still, we have also seen that the coupling efficiency was limited by an air gap
inherent to the processing. In this chapter, we will evaluate possible solutions and alternatives
to increase the coupling efficiency.
Higher refractive index
Figure 87. Cross-section sketch of the DL butt-coupled with the WG with a filled gap with a material with a higher refractive
Refractive index
DL active zone DL claddings Air SiN SiO2 PMMA Si BCB ChG (Al20 Se80 )
3.695 3.27 1 2 1.44 1.47 3.44 1.53 2.59
Table 14. Refractive indices of different materials.
Figure 88. FDTD simulations of the transmittance as a function of the gap size for different gap materials.
On the other hand, reducing the laser/gap refractive index contrast will also reduce the
reflectivity of the laser facet. I have therefore also investigated the effect of the reduced
reflectivity on the laser performance, using the same theoretical gain model as in section 2.5
for a 2-QWs structure grown on Si. As mentioned in that section, the gain model does not take
into account thermal effects, so the calculation results would correspond to broad-area lasers
operating in the pulsed regime. The reflectivity at an interface of two media 1 and 2 can be
calculated for the simplest case with normal incidence using the following equation:
𝑛1 − 𝑛2 2
𝑅=| |
𝑛1 + 𝑛2
Equation 14. Reflectivity at an interface between two media 1 and 2.
where 𝑛1 and 𝑛2 are the refractive indices of the media 1 and 2, respectively.
This equation explains the reduction in reflectivity when the refractive index contrast is lower.
The laser cavity has two mirrors with different reflectivity values and the Fabry-Perot cavity
losses are now given by:
1 1
𝛼𝐹𝑃 = 𝑙𝑛 ( )
2𝐿 𝑅1 𝑅2
Equation 15. Fabry-Perot cavity losses when the reflectivity of the mirrors is not equal.
where 𝑅1 is the reflectivity of the back etched-facet with air as the second medium (𝑅1~0.3)
and 𝑅2 is that of the other etched-facet with the new gap filling material as the second medium.
I then calculated the threshold current density using Equation 5 for a 2-QWs structure on Si and
for different gap filling materials corresponding to different refractive indices 𝑛2, which
influence the reflectivity 𝑅2. Figure 89.a shows the calculated threshold current density as a
function of the cavity length for different gap filling materials. We can observe that the curves
are shifted to higher threshold current density values as the refractive index increases. We can
also observe that the threshold current density drastically increases as the cavity length
decreases. Using longer cavities can therefore attenuate the increase in threshold. In addition,
depositing a high-reflection (HR) coating on the back etched facet of the laser can be an option
to increase the facet reflectivity, which can easily reach up to 90%,[147] and compensate for
the reduction in reflectivity of the other facet. Figure 89.b shows the evolution of the threshold
current density as a function of refractive index for a cavity length of 1.5 mm with and without
HR coating (𝑅1=0.9), and a cavity length of 3 mm without HR coating. In the case of no HR
coating on the back etched facet and a cavity length of 1.5 mm, which is the length of our DLs,
the threshold current density increases from 470 to 510, 590, 720 and 1310 A/cm 2 when the
gap is filled with SiO2, SiN, chalcogenide and amorphous silicon, respectively. However, in the
case of an HR coating and a cavity length of 3 mm, the threshold is maintained or even reduced
for refractive indices up to that of chalcogenide. The reduction in reflectivity caused by filling
the gap with higher index materials would therefore not be a problem given these options.
1350 Air
1300 a-Si
1200 1200 L=1.5 mm
1100 L=1.5 mm with HR coating
Jth (A/cm2)
1050 L=3 mm
Jth (A/cm2)
a-Si 1000
900 900
Figure 89. a) Threshold current density as a function of the cavity length for different materials filling the gap. b) Threshold
current density as a function of the refractive index of the material filling the gap for a cavity length of 1.5 mm with and
without HR coating and a cavity length of 3 mm without HR coating.
On the other hand, it is also necessary to consider whether filling the gap with these
materials is feasible from a fabrication point of view. For materials such as amorphous silicon
or chalcogenide, filling a narrow gap may prove cumbersome. However, polymers such as
benzo cyclobutene (BCB) (𝑛=1.53) or polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) (𝑛=1.47) could easily
fill the gap thanks to their liquid state prior to polymerization. In addition, SiO2 or SiN would
also be good candidates due to their precise and homogeneous deposition by PECVD.
4.1.2 Filling the gap with PMMA
As a first approach, we decided to fill the gap in the sample fabricated in the previous
chapter with PMMA, which has a similar refractive index to that of SiO2. We first evaluated the
absorption of PMMA. A drop was first applied to a microscope slide with a pipette and a FTIR
absorption measurement was carried out with and without baking the PMMA. The
transmittance as a function of the wavelength is shown in Figure 90.
1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
wavelength (µm)
Figure 90. Absorption measurement of a PMMA drop as a function of the wavelength with and without a bake.
We can observe that when the PMMA is not baked, the absorption is high in the 2-5-
µm range, whereas when it is baked, the solvent is evaporated and the transmittance is close
to 97% for wavelengths near 2.3 µm, where our DL emit. The drop thickness was measured at
different spots with the profilometer. The absorption was then calculated using the Beer-
Lambert law (Equation 16),
= 𝑒𝑥𝑝(−𝛼. 𝑑)
Equation 16. Beer-Lambert law.
where 𝐼 and 𝐼0 are the transmitted and initial intensity of the light, respectively, 𝐼⁄𝐼 thus
represents the transmittance, 𝛼 is the absorption in the PMMA and 𝑑 is the thickness of the
PMMA drop.
We obtained a value as low as ~0.3 cm-1 which shows that the PMMA absorption can be
neglected near 2.3 µm. The gap was then filled with PMMA by pouring and baking a drop in the
gap area of a representative DL/WG pair (see Figure 91.a). L-I measurements were then taken
on this DL/WG pair (Figure 91.b).
Output power from the WG (mW/facet)
Power from DL 1.0
0 0.0
0 100 200 300 400
Current (mA)
Figure 91. a) Optical image of the PMMA drop deposited on the sample. b) L-I curves after filling the gap with PMMA of a
DL-WG pair.
In Figure 91.b, the black curve represents the L-I characteristic of the etched-facet DL. The
dashed red curve and the solid red curve represent the L-I curve of the coupled light with an
air gap and with a PMMA gap, respectively. For this particular device, the coupling efficiency
has been improved by a factor of 4 (from 3% with an air gap to 11% with a PMMA gap). In
addition, an increase of ~8% in the threshold current is observed (from 233 to 252 mA), which
is not a significant deterioration compared to the improvement in coupling. As mentioned
before depositing a HR coating on the back etched-facet of the laser can be an option to
compensate for the reduction in reflectivity of the other facet. This result confirms that the
PMMA drop is filling the gap and is in good contact with the DL facet, resulting in a reduction
of the DL reflectivity. This shows that gap filling is a promising strategy to improve the coupling
efficiency. Note that we could not perform this measurement on a DL/WG pair with 10% of
coupling efficiency because of the many previous measurements taken on these lasers, which
caused their lasing degradation due to their short lifetime
In addition, the FDTD simulations (Figure 88) show that the narrower the gap, the stronger
the improvement in coupling by filling the gap. Therefore, in the next section, I decided to
further optimize the process of the laser on the Si PIC in order to achieve a narrower gap than
that achieved in the previous chapter.
the first sample is < 5 µm (Figure 92.a) whereas the one of the second sample is near 7 µm
(Figure 92.b). Note that in the first sample, the poor crystal quality arising from the growth on
the oxide step (see section 3.7) is still present whereas it was removed on the second sample.
a) b)
waveguide waveguide
Laser Laser
structure structure
Figure 92. Optimized polycrystal removal step for two different mask alignments resulting in different gaps.
a) b)
Facet definition
Facet definition
Gap : 8.22 µm Gap : 7.14 µm
Figure 93. SEM pictures after the lithography of the laser facet of two samples a) and b) where the gap was reduced.
Further SEM images confirm similar laser facet smoothness and angle as those obtained
in the previous chapter (Figure 94). However, it can be observed that at the edge of the epitaxial
growth, the III-V structure has not been completely etched, leaving behind a thin III-V “hill” in
the middle of the air gap which could cause reflections and disturb light coupling. This edge
effect is due to the narrow aperture of the mask during the ICP etching of the laser facet. It has
been observed in previous works and is unavoidable. We therefore decided to perform an
additional step to try to remove this peak in the gap without compromising the quality of the
DL and WG facets.
a) b)
Laser facet
ridge waveguide
Figure 94. SEM images of the samples. a) image after the facet etching, b) after the laser ridge.
a) b)
Figure 95. SEM image of the lithography result using the same parameters as the bottom contact etching.
We then performed the ICP etching to remove the III-V peak. After 12 minutes we could
observe that the peak was completely etched, leaving behind a clear air gap while protecting
the WG and DL facets, as we can see in Figure 96.
Clear gap
Laser protection
WG protection
Figure 96. SEM image of the sample after the III-V peak removal step and before removing the resist.
The subsequent process steps (bottom contact, electrical insulation and metallization)
were then carried out using the same parameters as those used in the previous chapter. The
substrate was then thinned down and cleaved in the same way as in the previous chapter.
The bars were mounted on Cu heat sinks and characterized. Unfortunately, the lasers
did not achieve lasing. After analysis, we found that the problem stemmed from the doping of
the laser heterostructure. Although we were unable to demonstrate an improvement in
coupling efficiency with these new samples, we were able to demonstrate a refined laser
process that allowed the air gap to be reduced.
According to the FDTD simulations, a gap of 7 µm is still not sufficient to achieve high
coupling efficiencies. However, the gap could be reduced (limited by the width of the
polycrystal material deposited at the III-V/WG interface) by solving the SiO2 step problem and
by using other techniques such as e-beam lithography or FIB. In the next section, we decided
to explore alternative approaches to reducing the gap size.
As a first approach we aimed to fabricate the laser facet and then deposit the WG layers
in such a way that a butt-coupled geometry is achieved, with a vertical alignment of the WG
core with the laser active zone. We have investigated two different approaches, which I will
describe in the next sections.
Figure 97. Sketch of the process technique to deposit the WG layers by lift-off technique after the DL fabrication.
A preliminary test was done on a GaSb substrate to investigate the feasibility of the
process described above. A negative mask providing a 5-µm protection of the laser facet was
used. First, typical etched facets were performed. The lithography was then carried out using
the negative resist AZ2070 and the parameters from Table 10. 400 nm of SiO2 were then
deposited by e-beam evaporation and the undesired areas were successfully lifted (Figure 98).
With this mask and lithography parameters, the gap between the facet and the SiO2 layer is
around ~4.5 µm. However, the lithography mask and parameters could be modified to change
the resist location and profile and reduce the gap size, which would be promising for achieving
higher coupling efficiencies.
a) b)
Figure 98. SEM images of a first test. a) Resist profile after the lithography. b) Device after the lift-off.
a) b)
Figure 99. SEM images of PECVD depositions on a 6.5-µm depth etched facet. a) Deposition of 3.9 µm of SiO 2. b) Deposition
of 0.8 µm of SiN on top of the 3.9-µm SiO2 layer.
Figure 99 shows SEM images of the depositions on the etched facet. We can observe
that the SiO2 and SiN depositions are conformal. We can therefore imagine using this
configuration on a real DL where the SiO2 layer deposited in front of the laser active zone would
act as a SiO2 gap between the laser and the SiN WG core. However, we can observe that the
etched facet is not as vertical (105°) as the one obtained in section (91°). The deeper
the etching, the higher the facet angle. On the other hand, the SiO2 bottom cladding could be
thinner than 3.9 µm without compromising the confinement of the optical mode in the SiN
layer, which would allow reducing the etching depth of the facet while being vertically aligned
with the WG core, thus reducing the facet angle. In addition, the thickness of SiO2 deposited in
front of the etched facet is proportional to the thickness on the planar regions. Reducing the
thickness of the SiO2 bottom cladding will therefore also reduce the size of the SiO2 gap. Figure
99.a shows that a deposition of 3.9 µm of bottom cladding results in a gap of ~2.77 µm. With
this observation, we can expect, for example, a gap size of around ~0.9 µm with a bottom
cladding thickness of 1.3 µm, which is very promising for increasing the coupling efficiency. We
decided to prioritize this approach as the results are more promising than in the first approach.
A sketch of this configuration is shown in Figure 100.
Figure 100. Sketch of the process steps to fabricate the WGs integrated with the etched-facet lasers with a SiO2 gap.
The simulations are shown in Figure 101. The results are very promising. We can observe
that the mode is well confined in the SiN layer and that no evanescent field reaches the GaSb
layer below the SiO2 cladding. The coupling efficiencies are as high as 45% and 50% for a
configuration with no top cladding and with 1 µm of SiO2 top cladding, respectively. These
values are very high compared to those obtained in the configuration from chapter 3. We thus
decided to develop a fabrication process in order to demonstrate the feasibility of this
configuration and the optical light coupling with an improved efficiency.
a) b)
SiO2 SiO2
GaSb GaSb
InAsSb InAsSb
Coupling efficiency: 45% Coupling efficiency: 50%
Figure 101. FDTD simulations of the new configuration. a) with air as the top cladding. b) with 1 µm of SiO2 as the top
a) b)
Figure 102. SEM images of laser morphology. a) after the etching of the facet. b) after the entire laser process.
The WG consist in 1.3 µm of SiO2 bottom cladding, 0.8 µm of SiN core layer and air or 1
µm of SiO2 for the top cladding. The lithography masks for this fabrication were carefully
designed to allow the laser and waveguide to be fabricated without compromising either.
The first step is the etching of the laser facet. The etched-facet laser cavities are 1.5-
mm long. To be able to deposit 1.3 µm of SiO2 bottom cladding for the WG while being vertically
aligned with the laser structure, the facet etching was stopped at the end of the bottom
cladding. For this purpose, the thickness of the SiN hard mask was adapted. Then, we deposited
1.3 µm of SiO2 bottom cladding followed by 0.8 µm of SiN passive core by PECVD. Figure 103
shows a SEM picture of the bottom cladding deposition on the facet. We observe that less than
1.3 µm of SiO2 are deposited on the flat areas whereas ~0.9 µm are deposited on the facet as
expected from the test in Figure 99.
Figure 103. SEM picture of PECVD depositions of SiO 2 and SiN depositions on the facet.
The next step is the WG definition. WGs were designed with an s-bend shape similar to
that described in chapter 3 and are 10-µm wide. The mask extends 5 µm more on the etched-
cavity to ensure the total protection of the WG stack located on the laser facet ( Figure 104.a).
The etching is performed by ICP and stopped at the end of the 0.8 µm of SiN. Figure 104.b shows
a SEM image of the device after the WG definition.
a) Protection of the WG b)
stack on the facet Consequence of
Result of the
resist residues
protected WG stack
Figure 104. a) Sketch of the WG definition lithography. b) SEM image of the device after the WG definitions step.
We can observe that the WG stack on the facet was well protected thanks to the 5-µm
mask extension. However, the resist on the WG stack near the facet was very thin and close to
being completely removed during the etching. To ensure that the resist is thick enough on this
region, the rotation speed has to be reduced. In addition, we can observe in Figure 104.b some
remaining SiN material on both sides of the WG near the facet, a consequence of resist residues
after the lithography step. The remaining SiN does not reach the WG and this should not affect
the light confinement in the WG. However, to ensure that there are no resist residues, the
exposure time will be increased. During this WG definition step, the SiN layer was removed
from the top of the etched-facet cavity. An additional step was required to remove the
remaining SiO2 bottom cladding from the top of the cavity while protecting the WGs. The SiO2
layer was successfully removed using ICP (Figure 106.a).
We then proceeded with the laser ridge definition. The ridge is 10-µm wide. The mask
allows the ridge definition to be merged with the 5-µm extension coming from the WG
definition. This allowed the laser ridge to be defined along the entire length of the etched-facet
cavity (see Figure 105).
Laser facet
T-shape of the
Laser ridge laser ridge
Figure 105. Mask design of the waveguide and laser ridge definition. The laser ridge mask has a T-shape close to the laser
facet to push the corners away.
The mask also has a T-shape to push the corners away and avoid damaging the laser
facet (Figure 105). The WGs were protected during etching. Figure 106.b shows a SEM image of
the device after this step.
a) b)
Figure 106. SEM image of the device after the ridge definition.
The bottom contact etching was then performed followed by the electrical insulation.
The SiN insulation layer was removed from the top of the ridge and bottom contact as well as
the top of the WG stack. Finally, the Ti/Au metallization was performed. SEM and optical images
of the final device are shown in Figure 107. The laser facet, SiO2 gap and waveguide were
successfully protected during these last process steps.
Bottom contact
Figure 107. Images of the final device after the metallization step. a) SEM image. b) optical image.
The fabrication process for this new approach has now been developed. We have
demonstrated that it is possible to fabricate lasers and WGs in a butt-coupling configuration
with a ~0.9-µm SiO2 gap in between the laser and the passive WG. Although the lithography
parameters in the waveguide definition step had to be adjusted, no significant problems were
encountered throughout the entire fabrication process. The next step is to demonstrate this
fabrication process with a GaSb diode laser grown on a Si substrate and to couple light into the
fabricated passive waveguide with improved efficiency. In addition, this approach can be
improved by further reducing the SiO2 bottom cladding layer thickness, as long as the light is
well confined in the WG, which would result in an even narrower gap. It can therefore open the
way to further promising investigations aimed at reducing the gap size and demonstrating that
high coupling efficiencies can be achieved.
4.4 Conclusion
In this chapter, we have investigated several alternatives to increase the coupling
efficiency. The first approach was to fill the air gap between the laser and the WG with a
material of higher refractive index to reduce the divergence of the laser beam. FDTD
simulations show an improvement in coupling efficiency. However, the theoretical gain model
shows a deterioration in the laser threshold when the gap is filled with higher index materials,
due to the reduction in reflectivity of the laser facet. Especially, as the refractive index
approaches that of the laser active zone, the laser threshold is drastically affected. A first test
was carried out by filling the gap with PMMA, a material with a similar refractive index to SiO2
(𝑛=1.47). The coupling was improved by an order of 4 (from 3% to 11%), while the laser
threshold increased by 8%. The threshold degradation is low compared to the efficiency
improvement, which is a very promising result for the gap-filling approach.
FDTD simulations show that the gap size is still critical for coupling efficiency, even when
the gap is filled with a higher index material. I therefore decided to optimize the laser process
in order to reduce the gap size. I was able to refine some steps and overcome new issues arising
from this new process to demonstrate a minimum gap size of ~7 µm without reducing the laser
facet quality. As discussed previously, the gap could be easily further reduced provided the SiO2
step problem is solved and by using other techniques such as e-beam lithography or FIB.
Unfortunately, due to a doping problem in the laser heterostructure, the DLs did not lase and
we could not perform further investigations such as filling the gap.
Alternative fabrication approaches and configurations were then investigated. These new
approaches involve fabricating the waveguides after etching the laser facet. The most
promising approach is to deposit the WG layers by PECVD without prior photolithography.
Preliminary tests showed a conformal deposition of the layers, allowing us to imagine a possible
coupling configuration with a very narrow gap made of SiO2, while being vertically aligned with
the laser active zone. According to FDTD simulations, the coupling efficiency should increase
up to 45-50% with this configuration. We then developed a fabrication process on a GaSb
substrate to demonstrate the feasibility of this configuration. We could demonstrate the
fabrication of WGs in a butt-coupled geometry with a device mimicking a DL and with a SiO2 as
small as ~0.9 µm. The next step would be to perform this process with a GaSb diode laser
grown on a Si substrate and demonstrate high coupling efficiencies. In addition, this approach
can be improved by further reducing the SiO2 bottom cladding layer thickness, resulting in an
even narrower gap. It is therefore a very promising approach for achieving high coupling
efficiencies. Finally, as with the approach discussed in chapter 3, the approaches investigated
in this chapter can also be extended to other types of lasers and material systems.
General conclusion and perspectives
Silicon photonics offers the potential to reduce the size, cost and power consumption
of photonic integrated circuits. It has therefore been a major driver for much research in several
application areas. This technology is highly demanded for mid-IR sensors, which are still based
on discrete devices. The key step towards the realization of fully integrated, robust and low-
cost mid-IR sensors is the demonstration of monolithically-integrated lasers on a Si PIC. To this
end, my thesis focused on unlocking the process of the monolithic integration of lasers on a Si
PIC with light coupling into passive Si-based waveguides.
In chapter 0, I presented the beginnings of the photonic integration and the benefits
and potential solutions that silicon photonics can provide to PICs. The remaining challenges of
this technology were then presented, such as the need to realize efficient laser sources on such
a platform. I explained that III-Vs are the most efficient materials for light emission because
most of them have a direct bandgap. For this reason, I reviewed the different approaches to
integrating such lasers on Si platforms. The monolithic integration has proven to be the most
promising approach for high-volume and cost-effective production of Si photonic chips.
Afterwards, I presented the challenges of this approach, such as the poor crystal quality arising
from the epitaxial growth of III-Vs on Si. I presented the impressive progress made by our team
in terms of limiting the defect density in the laser structures, in particular the annihilation of
antiphase domains, which led to the demonstration of high-performance lasers epitaxially
grown on CMOS-compatible Si substrates. Still, threading dislocations are unavoidable and
much research has been dedicated to reduce their density and understand their impact on
these GaSb-based lasers. The next key step in the integration of lasers on Si is the optical
coupling between the lasers and Si-based passive waveguides. To this aim, I introduced the
main coupling configurations. I explained why the butt-coupling configuration is the most
suitable strategy for the monolithic approach. I then focused the discussion on the importance
of the mid-IR spectral range for various vital applications. I explained that GaSb-based lasers
are capable of addressing this wavelength range and the importance of their monolithic
integration on Si for the realization of robust and low-cost mid-IR sensors. The objective of my
thesis was then to integrate GaSb-based lasers on Si PICs.
showed the first test by filling the gap with PMMA, a polymer with a refractive index that
seemed to offer a good compromise between coupling improvement and laser degradation.
The coupling efficiency increased by an order of 4, while the laser threshold increased by only
~8%. I then presented the new optimizations in the laser process on the Si PIC which made it
possible to reduce the air gap between the laser and the waveguide, which would increase the
coupling efficiency. Finally, I showed further investigations using different fabrication
approaches. One of these approaches is particularly promising, as it allows achieving a very
narrow gap filled with SiO2. In addition, FDTD simulations predict a high coupling efficiency of
50% in this configuration. I then presented the development of the laser and waveguide
fabrication process that allowed to demonstrate that a butt-coupling configuration with a gap
as small as 0.9 µm of SiO2 can be achieved. The next step will be the fabrication of real DLs to
demonstrate high coupling efficiency. These results are very promising and open the way for
further investigations to achieve high coupling efficiencies. In particular, if the WG bottom
cladding is further reduced, the gap would also be reduced, allowing the coupling efficiency to
be further increased.
The monolithic integration scenario of mid-IR sensors took a major step forward with
the significant progress in III-V-on-Si epitaxial growth, in particular the elimination of APBs.
Since then, two other challenges have been considered key to unlocking the monolithic
integration approach: limiting the degradation of laser performance due to unavoidable
threading dislocations and demonstrating the integration of mid-IR lasers on a Si PIC with light
coupling into passive Si-based WGs. My PhD focused on these challenges and the results
achieved were a major breakthrough towards fully monolithically integrated mid-IR sensors
based on Si photonics. I carried out an important study to understand the effect of dislocations
on DL performance. I also demonstrated a successful process and configuration for coupling
light from monolithic lasers to passive waveguides. This achievement also provides a way to
fabricate butt-coupled epitaxially integrated photodetectors, as the laser devices can be used
as photodetectors under reverse bias. It also opens up the possibility of investigating the
integration of other optical components to realize various optical functionalities on the same
Si chip, such as an integrated sensing system based on SiN evanescent waveguides [148] or the
integration of SiN electro-optic modulators. [25] I then proposed a new approach that showed
great promise for achieving high levels of coupling efficiency, which would already fulfil one of
the requirements of mid-IR spectroscopy. Note that the work presented in this thesis can
readily be transferred to the integration of interband cascade lasers and quantum cascade
lasers that appear to be relatively immune to dislocations, and thus offer a better lifetime than
DLs grown on Si. Finally, yet important, the approaches proposed in this thesis can be extended
to other material systems, making these results a major step forward towards silicon photonics
integration for applications beyond optical sensing.
5 Appendix
5.1 Type-I quantum well diode lasers
A laser, which stands for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation, is a device
that generates a coherent and intense beam of light through a process called Stimulated
Emission. The working principle of a laser involves several key components and processes: the
gain medium, the pumping system and the optical cavity. The gain medium is a material/region
that is able to amplify the light through stimulated emission process. The gain material is
excited to a higher energy state by an external energy source such as electrical current or
optical absorption. And finally, an optical cavity allows a counter-reaction process. The
interaction of these three elements is necessary to obtain a laser. We will see more in details
the different processes.
band by the emission of a second photon that has a polarization and direction identical to the
incident photon (coherent light).
Figure 108. Different transition process of a semiconductor material interacting with a photon: absorption, spontaneous
emission and stimulated emission.
This last process is the one responsible for the amplification. However, this process happens
just under certain conditions. To have stimulated emission it is necessary to create a population
inversion: the number of excited electrons in the conduction band is higher than the one of
electrons in the valence band. The population inversion is achieved by electrical or optical
pumping. In our case, we use electrical current to inject electrons in the conduction band. In
addition, to lead to stimulated emission, an optical cavity, typically a Fabry-Perot cavity, is
necessary to allow photons to travel back and forth across the gain material thanks to its
mirrors (counter-reaction). In the gain media, the three processes occur: absorption,
spontaneous emission and stimulated emission. At a certain injected current value, the
stimulated emission dominates and the media will achieve the transparency. Above this value
the system provides gain. The laser threshold is achieved when this gain overcomes the total
optical losses: the intrinsic losses and the cavity losses.
In my thesis, I mainly worked on quantum well diode lasers. The basic structure of a diode
laser consists of a p-i-n junction. The p-i-n junction is formed by doping the semiconductor with
impurities to create regions with excess positive charge (p-type) and excess negative charge (n-
type). The active zone of the laser that is the intrinsic region (i) composed of quantum wells, is
located in between the two doped regions. When a forward bias voltage is applied to the diode,
electrons from the n-type region and holes from the p-type region will meet in the active zone
and recombine. DLs operation is based on transitions within the quantum wells. A quantum
well is obtained by sandwiching a thin layer of semiconductor material with a given energy
bandgap between two wider barrier layers of a different semiconductor material with much
higher bandgap energy. The difference of bandgap energy between the two types of
semiconductors allows the confinement of carriers within the thin quantum well layer, where
the transitions will occur. In a QW, the carriers are confined in one direction of the space
because of the very thin layer (in the order of a few nm). This confinement of carriers in a well-
defined region leads to quantized energy levels forming a series of discrete energy states, as
opposed to bulk materials. The wavelength of the emitted photons depends on the material
and the quantum well width, leaving the possibility to engineer the structures to achieve the
desired wavelength. There are different types of quantum well lasers. A type-I laser is based on
transitions within the conduction and the valence band of the same material. On the other
hand, in a type-II quantum well laser, the transitions occur from the conduction band of one
material to the valence band of the neighbor material. This is important to understand because
the sensitivity to some defects will not be the same for one structure as for the other. We are
going to discuss the different types of recombinations in the next paragraph.
The laser process has been done using ultraviolet (UV) photolithography for pattern
transferring, inductively coupled plasma (ICP) technique for etching the materials, plasma-
enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) for deposition of dielectric materials and electron
beam (e-beam) evaporation for deposition of metallic layers. These techniques are standard
techniques widely used in the microelectronics industry and research laboratories.
5.2.1 UV photolithography
The goal of the UV photolithography is to transfer a pre-defined pattern from a mask to the
sample by using a photosensitive material. The photosensitive material is called resist and it is
typically a polymer. The pattern defined on the mask has glass regions which are transparent
to UV light and chromium regions which are not. This will allow to expose the resist to the UV
light on some areas and protect it on other areas, creating a pattern on the resist. The different
steps of the UV photolithography are:
• Spin coating: the resist is applied to the sample and it is spun at high speed, spreading
the resist evenly over the surface of the sample. The thickness of the resist depends on
its viscosity and the rotation speed. In fact, resists have a solvent which keeps them in
a liquid state and becomes easy to spin them over the surface of the sample. The resist
is then baked to evaporate part of this solvent.
Figure 109. Sketch of the resist spread evenly over the surface of the sample after spin coating.
• Exposure: the sample is brought into contact with the mask. The UV light passes through
the transparent regions of the mask and exposes the underlying resist. This exposure
causes a chemical reaction in the resist, altering its solubility properties. The power of
the UV lamp and the exposure time are essential parameters to ensure the exposure of
the total thickness of the resist.
Chromium region
Transparent region
Figure 110. Sketch of the sample brought into contact with the mask and exposed to UV light.
• Development: the sample is dipped into a solution to develop the pattern. This solution
will selectively remove either the exposed or unexposed regions of the resist, depending
on the type of the resist. This step reveals the desired pattern on the sample surface. In
the case of the positive resist, the UV light changes its chemical structure and the
developer dissolve the exposed regions while the unexposed regions remain on the
sample. In the case of the negative resist, it is initially soluble in the developer and when
exposed to UV light, cross-linking reaction of the polymer molecules occurs. As a result,
the exposed regions remain on the sample and unexposed regions are dissolved by the
Figure 111. Sketch of the sample after development. a) In the case of positive resist. b) In the case of negative resist.
As it is shown in Figure 111, the pattern is now transferred from the mask to the resist
(or inversely transferred if the negative resist is used) for later processing, e.g., etching, material
deposition, ion implantation. An example of the final sample if the later processing is an etching
is shown in the figure bellow (Figure 112).
Figure 112. Sketch of the sample after etching. a) In the case of positive resist. b) In the case of negative resist.
There are additional steps and parameters during the photolithography process that are
used depending on the resist requirements and process. There are different contact modes
during exposure: soft contact, hard contact and vacuum contact. The difference between them
is the applied pressure (from low to high, respectively) which changes the resolution of the
patterning. Low pressure is used for low resolution and high pressure for high resolution. The
exposure time is also an important parameter as it changes the resist profile, especially for
negative resist. Post-exposure bake is typically performed after the exposure of a negative
resist to complete the cross-linking reaction. Hard bake is used after the development in order
to change the resist profile. All these parameters are very important to achieve the desired
etching or deposition profiles and were carefully used during my thesis.
5.2.3 PECVD
PECVD is a thin film deposition technique used for dielectric deposition. It combines the
principles of chemical vapor deposition (CVD) with the use of plasma to enhance the deposition
process. It is based on a chemical reaction of reactive species from the plasma with the
precursor gas near the surface of the sample. Chemical reactions occur, resulting in the
deposition of a thin film on the surface. The film grows layer by layer as the reactive species
continuously react with the precursor gas. Various parameters such as gas flow rates, chamber
pressure, RF power and temperature, are carefully controlled to achieve the desire deposition
rate and uniformity.
Usually, metal depositions are done using a lift-off technique. It involves the deposition
of the metal layer on the sample and subsequently removing the unwanted portions on the
material by lifting the resist that was protecting these regions, leaving behind the desired
pattern. The lifting is typically done by an acetone bath. A negative resist is typically used
because of the resist profile, which facilitates the later lift-off of the undesired portions of
material. In Figure 113, the results of this technique depending on the resist profile are shown.
a) b) c)
Figure 113. Sketch of a lift-off technique using electron beam evaporation technique for metal deposition with a) a positive
resist profile, b) a negative resist profile, and c) an accentuated negative resist profile.
The positive resist (Figure 113.a) gives a profile with a positive slope which is not adapted for a
lift-off. The metal is deposited as a continuous layer and is completely covering the sidewall of
the resist which make the lift-off impossible because the acetone can’t reach the resist. On the
other hand, the negative profile (Figure 113.b) will leave a discontinuity of the layer making
possible for the acetone to reach and lift the resist together with the undesired material. The
negative resist profile can be accentuated (Figure 113.c) by decreasing the exposure time during
the photolithography which facilitate the lift-off.
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List of publications
Journal articles
• Kinjalk, K., Gilbert, A., Remis, A., Loghmari, Z., Cerutti, L., Patriarche, G., Bahriz, M.,
Teissier, R., Baranov, A.N., Rodriguez, J.-B., & Tournié, E. (2022). Quantum cascade
lasers monolithically integrated on germanium. Optics Express, 30(25), 45259-45266.
• Remis, A., Monge Bartolomé, L., Boissier, G., Waguaf, M., Rodriguez, J.-B., Cerutti, L., &
Tournié, E. (2023). Effect of dislocations on the performance of GaSb-based diode lasers
grown on silicon. Journal of Applied Physics, 133, 093103.
• Remis, A., Monge Bartolomé, L., Paparella, M., Gilbert, A., Boissier, G., Grande, M.,
Blake, A., O’Faolain, L., Cerutti, L., Rodriguez, J.-B., & Tournié, E. (2023). Unlocking the
monolithic integration scenario: optical coupling between GaSb diode lasers epitaxially
grown on patterned Si substrates and passive SiN waveguides. Light: Science &
Applications, 12:150.
• Andres Remis, Laura Monge Bartolomé, Guilhem Boissier, Jean-Baptiste Rodriguez,
Laurent Cerutti, and Eric Tournié. “Effect of quantum-well number on the performance
of GaSb-based type-I laser diodes grown on silicon” (Oral Presentation). SPIE Photonics
West, “Novel In-plane Semiconductor Lasers XXI”, 2022, San Francisco, USA.
• Andres Remis, Daniel Andrés Diaz-Thomas, Laura Monge Bartolomé, Marta Rio Calvo,
Audrey Gilbert, Guilhem Boissier, Alexei Baranov, Jean-Baptiste Rodriguez, Laurent
Cerutti, and Eric Tournié. “Mid-Infrared Sb-based interband lasers grown on on-axis Si
(001) substrates” (Oral Presentation). CSW conference, 2022, Ann Arbor, USA.
• Kumar Kinjalk, Audrey Gilbert, Andres Remis, Zeineb Loghmari, Laurent Cerutti, Michael
Bahriz, Roland Teissier, Alexei Baranov, Jean-Baptiste Rodriguez, and Eric Tournié.
“Monolithic integration of InAs-based quantum cascade lasers on germanium” (Oral
Presentation). SPIE Photonics West, “Silicon Photonics XVIII”, 2023, San Francisco, USA.
• Andres Remis, Michele Paparella, Audrey Gilbert, Laura Monge Bartolomé, Guilhem
Boissier, Marco Grande, Laurent Cerutti, Alan Blake, Liam O’Faolain, Jean-Baptiste
Rodriguez, and Eric Tournié. “Butt-coupling of semiconductor lasers and passive
waveguides by direct epitaxy on patterned Si photonic wafers” (Oral Presentation). CSW
conference, 2023, Jeju Island, Korea.
Invited conferences
• Andres Remis, Michele Paparella, Laura Monge Bartolomé, Audrey Gilbert, Marta Rio
Calvo, Guilhem Boissier, Marco Grande, Laurent Cerutti, Liam O’Faolain, Jean-Baptiste
Rodriguez, and Eric Tournié. “Butt-coupled mid-IR diode lasers grown on patterned Si
photonic wafers”. SPIE Photonics West, “Silicon Photonics XVIII”, 2023, San Francisco,
• Eric Tournié, Andres Remis, Michele Paparella, Audrey Gilbert, Laura Monge Bartolomé,
Marta Rio Calvo, Daniel Andrés Diaz Thomas, Zeineb Loghmari, Laurent Cerutti, Alexei
Baranov, Roland Teissier, and Jean-Baptiste Rodriguez. “Mid-IR lasers epitaxially
integrated onto Si”. 45th Freiburg Infrared Colloquium, 2023, Freiburg, Germany.
• Andres Remis, Michele Paparella, Laura Monge Bartolomé, Audrey Gilbert, Guilhem
Boissier, Marco Grande, Alan Blake, Liam O’Faolain, Laurent Cerutti, Jean-Baptiste
Rodriguez, and Eric Tournié. “Monolithic Integration of GaSb Diode Lasers on a Silicon
Photonic Circuit” (Invited Speaker). CLEO Conference 2023, Munich, Germany.
• Eric Tournié, Michele Paparella, Andres Remis, Audrey Gilbert, Marta Rio Calvo, Laura
Monge Bartolomé, Guilhem Boissier, Marco Grande, Laurent Cerutti, Alan Blake, Liam
O’Faolain, and Jean-Baptiste Rodriguez. “Mid-IR lasers epitaxially integrated on Si
photonics circuits”. International Nano-Optoelectronics Workshop (iNOW 2023), 2023,
Wurzburg, Germany.
• Eric Tournié, Jean-Baptiste Rodriguez, Laurent Cerutti, Audrey Gilbert, Milan Silvestre,
Maeva Fagot, Marta Rio Calvo, Andres Remis, Michele Paparella, Guilhem Boissier,
Kumar Kinjalk, Zeineb Loghmari, Roland Teissier, and Alexei Baranov. “Epitaxial
integration of mid-infrared III-V devices on group-IV substrates”. E-MRS Fall Meeting,
Symposium A: “Integration of advanced materials on Silicon: from classical to
neuromorphic and quantum applications”, 2023, Warsaw, Poland.
• Eric Tournié, Andres Remis, Michele Paparella, Audrey Gilbert, Marta Rio Calvo, Laura
Monge Bartolomé, Guilhem Boissier, Marco Grande, Laurent Cerutti, Alan Blake, Liam
O’Faolain, and Jean-Baptiste Rodriguez. “Integration of Mid-IR lasers and Si photonic
circuits”. 46th European Semiconductor Laser Workshop, 2023, Glasgow, U.K.
Silicon (Si) photonics has emerged as one of the most promising technologies for the
realization of ultra-dense photonic chips thanks to the mature Si industry, the large wafer size
and the optical properties of Si and related materials. One of the major remaining challenges is
the integration of high-performance light sources on Si. In particular, III-V semiconductor lasers
are very efficient and their monolithic integration on Si, i.e. direct integration via epitaxy, is
considered the most promising route to low-cost and large-scale fabrication of Si photonic
chips. Among the various applications of Si photonics, optical sensing in the mid-IR is in high
demand for societal, environmental or medical applications, among others. GaSb-based lasers
have emerged as a technology capable of covering the mid-IR wavelength range. Therefore,
the objective of my thesis is to integrate GaSb-based diode lasers on Si photonic integrated
circuits (PICs). To this aim, I first investigated the degradation of laser performance caused by
threading dislocations arising from the III-V-on-Si epitaxial growth. I then demonstrated the
fabrication of these lasers on a Si PIC with similar performance to that of discrete lasers on Si.
In addition, light coupling between the lasers and SiN-based waveguides was demonstrated.
Finally, I investigated alternative approaches to increase the coupling efficiency. I developed
the fabrication process of a new promising approach which paves the way for further
investigations aimed at achieving high coupling efficiencies. Altogether, these results represent
a significant step towards the monolithic integration of lasers on Si PICs for cost-effective and
compact mid-IR sensors.
La photonique silicium (Si) est apparue comme l'une des technologies les plus
prometteuses pour réaliser des puces photoniques ultra-denses, grâce à la maturité de
l'industrie du Si, à la grande taille des wafers et aux propriétés optiques du Si et des matériaux
connexes. L'un des principaux défis qui restent à relever est l'intégration de sources lasers à
haute performance sur Si. En particulier, les lasers à semi-conducteurs III-V sont très efficaces
et leur intégration monolithique sur Si, c'est-à-dire l'intégration directe par épitaxie, est
considérée comme la voie la plus prometteuse vers la fabrication de puces photoniques Si à
faible coût et à grande échelle. Parmi les diverses applications de la photonique Si, la détection
optique dans le moyen infrarouge est très demandée pour des applications sociétales,
environnementales ou médicales, entre autres. Les lasers à base de GaSb sont apparus comme
une technologie capable de couvrir la gamme du moyen infrarouge. L'objectif de ma thèse est
l'intégration diode lasers à base de GaSb sur des circuits photoniques intégrés Si (PIC). A cette
fin, j'ai d'abord étudié la dégradation de la performance du laser causée par des dislocations
provenant de la croissance épitaxiale III-V-sur-Si. Ensuite, j'ai démontré la fabrication de ces
lasers sur un PIC Si avec des performances similaires à celles des lasers discrets sur Si. En outre,
le couplage de lumière entre les lasers et des guides d'ondes à base de SiN a été démontré.
Enfin, j'ai étudié des nouvelles approches pour augmenter l'efficacité du couplage. J'ai
développé le process de fabrication d'une nouvelle approche prometteuse qui ouvre la voie à
d'autres recherches visant à atteindre des efficacités de couplage élevées. Dans l'ensemble, ces
résultats représentent une étape importante vers l'intégration monolithique de lasers sur des
PICs Si pour des capteurs dans le moyen infrarouge compacts et économiques.