SWE 4210 Part 5 v2
SWE 4210 Part 5 v2
SWE 4210 Part 5 v2
▪ A message exchange standard that supports service
WSDL (Web Service Definition Language)
▪ This standard allows a service interface and its bindings to be
▪ A standard for workflow languages used to define service
Define some of the types used. Assume that the namespace prefixes ‘ws’
refers to the namespace URI for XML schemas and the namespace prefix
associated with this definition is weathns.
<xs: schema targetNameSpace = “http://.../weathns”
xmlns: weathns = “http://…/weathns” >
<xs:element name = “PlaceAndDate” type = “pdrec” />
<xs:element name = “MaxMinTemp” type = “mmtrec” />
<xs: element name = “InDataFault” type = “errmess” />
Now define the interface and its operations. In this case, there is only a single
operation to return maximum and minimum temperatures.
<interface name = “weatherInfo” >
<operation name = “getMaxMinTemps” pattern = “wsdlns: in-out”>
<input messageLabel = “In” element = “weathns: PlaceAndDate” />
<output messageLabel = “Out” element = “weathns:MaxMinTemp” />
<outfault messageLabel = “Out” element = “weathns:InDataFault” />