La Voix Passive
La Voix Passive
La Voix Passive
Voice is a grammatical term which indicates the relationship between a subject and
verb. There are three different voices in French and English. In the passive voice, the
action described by the verb is being done to the subject by an agent, which is usually
introduced by one of two prepositions:
01. When the verb expresses an action, the agent is introduced by the preposition
Forme Active
David fait le ménage
(subject) (verb) (COD)
David is doing the homework
Forme Passive
Le ménage est fait par David
(subject) (verb) (preposition) (C.D.Agent)
The homework was done by David
The conjugation of the passive voice is made by the auxiliary of être and the past
To use the French passive voice in any other tense or mood, just conjugate
être accordingly:
Passé composé Anne a fait la tarte. La tarte a été faite par Anne.
Anne made the pie. The pie was made by Anne.
Les filles ont chanté une Une chanson ont été
chanson. chantées par les filles