Eco Black and White

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Au café !
Serveur : Bonsoir. Bienvenue !
Julie : Bonsoir. Une table pour deux, s’il vous plaît.
Serveur : Par ici, s’il vous plaît. Voilà une carte. Désirez-vous une boisson ?
Nathalie : Un café avec de la crème, s’il vous plaît.
Julie : Un thé sans lait ou sucre, s’il vous plaît.

Serveur : Voici vos boissons. Désirez-vous quelque chose à manger ?

Julie : Qu’est-ce que vous avez comme entrée ?
Serveur : Du pain
Nathalie : Je voudrais de la soupe à l’oignon.
Julie : J’aimerais le muffin au fromage.

Serveur : Êtes-vous prêts à commander un plat principal ?

Julie : Oui. Je voudrais un sandwich au jambon avec une salade verte, s’il vous plaît.
Nathalie. Que recommandez-vous ?
Serveur : Je recommande le steak-frites, c’est délicieux !
Nathalie : Ok, je vais le prendre. Merci.

Serveur : Voici vos repas. Bon appétit ! Voulez-vous un dessert ?

Nathalie: Je voudrais une tarte aux pommes, s’il vous plaît.
Julie : Pour moi, le gâteau à la vanille et l’addition, s’il vous plaît.
Serveur: Oui, je l’apporterai pour vous.

Serveur : C’est tout pour aujourd’hui ?

Julie : Oui, merci. Au revoir !
Nathalie : À la prochaine.
Serveur : Merci, au revoir mesdames !

Au café ! Questions

Encerclez la bonne réponse. Circle the correct answer.

1. How many people are at the table? 6. What did Julie order as a drink?
a. 1 a. Tea without milk and sugar
b. 2 b. Tea with milk and sugar
c. 3 c. Coffee with cream
d. 4 d. Coffee without cream
2. What did Nathalie order as a drink? 7. What did Julie order as an appetizer?
a. Coffee with milk and sugar a. Ham sandwich with a house salad
b. Tea with milk and sugar b. Cheese muffin
c. Tea without milk and sugar c. House Salad
d. Coffee with cream d. Charcuterie board
3. What did Nathalie order as an appetizer? 8. What did Julie order as a main dish?
a. Onion soup a. Ham sandwich and fries
b. Cheese muffin b. Chicken sandwich with a house salad
c. Ham sandwich c. Ham sandwich with a house salad
d. Steak and fries d. Chicken sandwich and fries
4. What did Nathalie order as a main dish? 9. What did Julie order as dessert?
a. Ham sandwich and a house salad a. Apple pie
b. Onion soup b. Apple fritter
c. Steak and fries c. Vanilla cake
d. Steak fries and a house salad d. Vanilla donut
5. What did Nathalie order as dessert? 10. What did Julie ask for alongside
her dessert?
a. Apple pie
a. Another drink
b. Apple fritter
b. Math homework
c. Vanilla cake
c. Her change
d. Vanilla donut
d. The bill

Au café ! Questions

How many people are at the table?

2. What did Nathalie order as a drink?

3. What did Nathalie order as an appetizer?

4. What did Nathalie order as a main dish?

5. What did Nathalie order as dessert?

6. What did Julie order as a drink?

7. What did Julie order as an appetizer?

8. What did Julie order as a main dish?

9. What did Julie order as dessert?

10. What did Julie ask for alongside her dessert?

Au café ! Réponses

Encerclez la bonne réponse. Circle the correct answer.

1. How many people are at the table? 6. What did Julie order as a drink?
a. 1 a. Tea without milk and sugar
b. 2 b. Tea with milk and sugar
c. 3 c. Coffee with cream
d. 4 d. Coffee without cream
2. What did Nathalie order as a drink? 7. What did Julie order as an appetizer?
a. Coffee with milk and sugar a. Ham sandwich with a house salad
b. Tea with milk and sugar b. Cheese muffin
c. Tea without milk and sugar c. House Salad
d. Coffee with cream d. Charcuterie board
3. What did Nathalie order as an appetizer? 8. What did Julie order as a main dish?
a. Onion soup a. Ham sandwich and fries
b. Cheese muffin b. Chicken sandwich with a house salad
c. Ham sandwich c. Ham sandwich with a house salad
d. Steak and fries d. Chicken sandwich and fries
4. What did Nathalie order as a main dish? 9. What did Julie order as dessert?
a. Ham sandwich and a house salad a. Apple pie
b. Onion soup b. Apple fritter
c. Steak and fries c. Vanilla cake
d. Steak fries and a house salad d. Vanilla donut
5. What did Nathalie order as dessert? 10. What did Julie ask for alongside
her dessert?
a. Apple pie
a. Another drink
b. Apple fritter
b. Math homework
c. Vanilla cake
c. Her change
d. Vanilla donut
d. The bill

Au café ! Réponses

1. How many people are at the table?

Il y a deux personnes à la table.

2. What did Nathalie order as a drink?

Nathalie commande un café avec de la crème.

3. What did Nathalie order as an appetizer?

Nathalie commande la soupe à l’oignon.

4. What did Nathalie order as a main dish?

Nathalie commande le steak-frites.

5. What did Nathalie order as dessert?

Nathalie commande la tarte aux pommes.

6. What did Julie order as a drink?

Julie commande un thé sans lait ou sucre.

7. What did Julie order as an appetizer?

Julie commande un muffin au fromage.

8. What did Julie order as a main dish?

Julie commande un sandwich au jambon avec une salade verte.

9. What did Julie order as dessert?

Julie commande un gâteau à la vanille.

10. What did Julie ask for alongside her dessert?

Julie voudrait l’addition.


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