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Acoustic Communication and

NNT : 2018SACLS016

Social Behavior in Bottlenose

Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus)
Thèse de doctorat de l'Université Paris-Saclay
préparée à l’Université Paris Sud

École doctorale n°568 Signalisations et Réseaux Intégratifs en

Biologie (Biosigne)
Spécialité de doctorat: Sciences de la vie et de la santé

Thèse présentée et soutenue à Orsay, le 18 janvier 2018, par

Juliana López Marulanda

Composition du Jury :

Professeur, Université Paris Sud (UMR 9197) Président

Professeur, Université Paris Nanterre (EA 3456) Rapporteur

Chargée de Recherche, Universidad de La Laguna (BIOECOMAC) Rapporteur

Chargé de Recherche, Université Aix Marseille (UMR 7290) Examinateur

Maitre de Conférences, Université Montpellier 3 (UMR 5175) Examinateur

Olivier ADAM
Professeur, Université Paris Sud (UMR 9197) Directeur de thèse

Fabienne DELFOUR
HDR, Université Paris XIII (EA 4443) Co-Directeur de thèse
Communication acoustique et comportement social chez les grands dauphins

(Tursiops truncatus)

Les grands dauphins sont des cétacés sociaux qui vivent dans un système social de

fusion- fission. Ils se servent principalement du canal acoustique pour communiquer

sur de longues distances ou dans des habitats dont la visibilité est limitée. Ils

possèdent des capacités cognitives avancées. Par exemple, ils sont capables de

rester vigilants pendant toute une journée, ils ont une mémoire de travail comparable

à celle des primates non humains et une mémoire à long terme d'au moins 20 ans.

Ils sont aussi capables d’apprentissage vocal et de comprendre des règles de

syntaxe. Il y a un manque général d’information concernant l’utilisation de ces

compétences au sein des groupes sociaux. Cependant, nous savons que la

production vocale des grands dauphins comprend des sifflements, des clics et des

sons pulsés en rafale, avec certains sifflements appelés « signatures sifflées » qui

pourraient être utilisés pour s’adresser les uns aux autres.

Afin de comprendre comment ces animaux communiquent, il est nécessaire de

combiner des méthodes de localisation acoustique avec des observations

comportementales sous-marines, or pour l'instant les méthodologies actuelles ne

sont pas satisfaisantes. Au cours de cette thèse, nous avons développé un système

facile à déployer qui identifie l'animal produisant le son et permet des observations

comportementales sous-marines simultanées. Nous avons testé cette méthodologie

avec des grands dauphins en liberté et en captivité.

La présente thèse de doctorat vise à mieux comprendre la communication des

grands dauphins au sein de leur groupe social. D'abord, j'ai développé deux études

visant à décrire comment l'activité vocale des dauphins captifs varie en relation avec

le comportement et l'interaction avec les humains. Pour cela, je me suis d'abord

concentré sur la production de signatures sifflées, puis sur la production de

sifflements non signature liée aux comportements sous-marins observés. Ces deux

études mettent en évidence la nécessité d’identifier l’émetteur de la production


Deuxièmement, je présente la conception et la mise en œuvre d'une méthodologie

innovante (système BaBeL) qui permet de localiser un dauphin vocalisant dans un

environnement tridimensionnel. Ce procédé peut être utilisé avec des dauphins en

captivité et en liberté. Enfin, je présente deux applications de cette méthodologie de

localisation pour aborder des questions de recherche concernant le comportement

exploratoire d'un jeune dauphin et l'utilisation de vocalisations lors de mouvements

coordonnés chez les grands dauphins.

Les résultats montrent que les séances d'entraînement avec des soigneurs modulent

la production de sifflements de dauphins captifs. Cette modulation varie selon les

groupes d’animaux et selon le management des différentes installations.

En captivité et dans la nature, les grands dauphins produisent abondamment des

sifflements non signatures qui mériteraient d’être mieux examinés. L’étude de ces

vocalisations avec des observations comportementales sous-marines simultanées

devrait fournir l'information nécessaire pour interpréter le rôle des sifflements non

signature dans le réseau de communication des grands dauphins.

Il est nécessaire d'identifier le dauphin émettant une vocalisation et la réponse

comportementale de ses congénères afin de comprendre le rôle de cette


L'utilisation du système BaBeL m'a permis d'étudier la production de trains de clics

lors de l’exploration de nouveaux objets dans la nature et leur rôle dans la

synchronisation de la locomotion en captivité.

Ce travail montre enfin la possibilité d’énoncer de nouveaux paradigmes pour des

recherches futures sur la communication sonore et sociale des mammifères marins.


First, I would like to give special thanks to Olivier Adam and Fabienne Delfour, my

supervisors. The first, for answer to my request, trust me and gave me the chance to

do this PhD, for opening me so many doors and supporting me. The second, for

being there for me and never stop believing in my abilities (e.g. « harassing » me and

giving me « lashes » to make be stop to procrastinate) and, guiding me step by step

in the development of this four years’ project.

This PhD would not have been possible without the finantial support of Colciencias,

Parc Asterix, Abyss Foundation and the CNRS (Centre Nationale pour la Recherche

Scientifique). I am very grateful to those institutions. Also I would like to thank the all

the members of the jury for taking my time to read this work and contribute to its


When I arrived to this lab (NeuroPSI) I found and amazing team of people (The

Acoustic Communication Team) that received me very well: Isabelle, who became

my mentor/academic therapist enduring the pain of all the interruptions I made to her

work; Helene, who listened to me and gave me useful advices, Fanny; who taught

me how to recognize the birds and their vocalizations; Thierry, who never stopped

joking about my Colombian accent in French but always supported me; Chloé and

her “special service to the desperate PhD student”; Clément, who made me laugh so

many times kidnapping my rabbits; Juliette, who was there to cheer me up; Anjara,

who motivated me to arrive early to the lab; Kaja, that gave me company during my

smoke breaks. I wanted you to know I’m very grateful and I consider you my friends.

During the construction of my database I counted with the help of many people that I

would like to thank: Birgitta Mercera and the trainers’ team of Parc Asterix, especially

Caroline, Stéphane, Fleur, Sully, Julien, Daphne and Juana which contributed

directly to my observations. Marie Vallée and the Abyss association team members,

Emmanuel Antongiorgi (DUOCEAN), Philippe Henry (Guadeloupe Plongée Evasion),

the Boudewijn sea park team: Sander, Sabrina, Thomas, Gunter, Mathias, Olivia,

Tyra and Nele, they received me in their facility as another team member. Torea

Blanchard who made significant contributions to my methodology and Nikolaas

Colpaert who helped me to analyze my data and make me feel in Brugges like in


I would like to thank “les colocs”, that accepted me in their house and were always so

kind: Claire, Romain, Fabien, Mathieu. And the ones who came after: Stouphie,

David, Michele and Thomas, it was a pleasure to share these years with you.

Also I would like to give special thanks to Isabella Clegg, for transporting me,

listening to me, correcting my English, giving me gifts, eating sushi with me and

competing against me for the “chouchou” place.

Special thanks to Denis, my partner, who supported during the last year of my PhD

and made me eat vegetables and soup and to Dr. Gorog and Dr. Faucher who

guided me through the difficulties.

Finally, I would like to thank my family for their support, my sister Sara and Jean

Eudes who were there to listen to my complains and cheer me up, my sister

Elizabeth and our super funny “cumbia dancing sessions” and my parents.

GENERAL INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 10

1 Animal Communication. ................................................................................................... 11

2 Communication in cetaceans. ........................................................................................... 12

2.1 Social organization in delphinids ........................................................................................... 14

2.2 Communication in delphinids ............................................................................................... 16

2.2.1 Tactile communication ..............................................................................................................................16

2.2.2 Visual communication ...............................................................................................................................17

2.2.3 Chemical communication ..........................................................................................................................17

2.2.4 Acoustic communication ...........................................................................................................................18 Mechanisms of production of sounds .............................................................................................20 Mechanism of reception of sounds .................................................................................................22

3 Bottlenose dolphins .......................................................................................................... 24

3.1 Bottlenose dolphins’ Social structure .................................................................................... 24

3.2 Cognitive capacities of bottlenose dolphins........................................................................... 25

3.2.1 Attention ...................................................................................................................................................25

3.2.2 Working Memory ......................................................................................................................................26

3.2.3 Long term memory ....................................................................................................................................26

3.2.4 Communication .........................................................................................................................................27

3.2.5 Social and self-knowledge and awareness ................................................................................................27

3.2.6 Social learning and tool use ......................................................................................................................28

3.3 Vocal production of bottlenose dolphins ............................................................................... 28

3.3.1 Whistles .....................................................................................................................................................30 Non-signature whistles ....................................................................................................................31 Signature whistles ............................................................................................................................31

3.3.2 Clicks ..........................................................................................................................................................33

3.3.3 Burst pulsed sounds ..................................................................................................................................34

3.4 Social behavior and vocal communication of bottlenose dolphins.......................................... 34

3.4.1 Forced Isolation .........................................................................................................................................35

3.4.2 Tagging ......................................................................................................................................................35

3.4.3 Bubble stream emission. ...........................................................................................................................35

3.4.4 Hydrophone arrays ....................................................................................................................................36

4 Aims of the thesis ............................................................................................................. 36

RESULTS................................................................................................................................... 39

Chapter 1: Modulation of Whistle Production Related to Training Sessions in Bottlenose

Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) Under Human Care ..................................................................... 41

Chapter 2: Non-signature whistles are possible used as cohesion calls in bottlenose

dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) under human care ...................................................................... 55

Chapter 3: First Results of an Underwater 360° HD Audio-Video Device for Etho-Acoustical

Studies on Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) ................................................................. 92

Chapter 4: Description Of a Bottlenose Dolphin Calf’s Acoustic And Visual Exploratory

Behaviour Towards A Non-Alimentary Complex Object........................................................... 110

Chapter 5: Bottlenose Dolphins Under Human Care Acoustically Coordinate Their Aerial

Jumps. ................................................................................................................................... 137

DISCUSSION ........................................................................................................................... 163

1. How do dolphins under human care modulate their whistle repertoire according to

human activity? ..................................................................................................................... 164

2. Applications of the BaBeL system to better understand acoustic communication in a

social group of dolphins. ........................................................................................................ 168

3. Conclusions .................................................................................................................... 172

4. Perspectives ................................................................................................................... 173

BIBLIOGRAPHY....................................................................................................................... 175

Figures list

Figure 1: Schematic Illustration of a dolphin’s head anatomy. Modified and adapted

from Cranford et al., (1996). Image taken from .................................. 21

Figure 2: Spectrogram examples: a) whistle b) click train c) two burst-pulsed

sounds. X axis represents the time in seconds and Y axis represents the frequency in

kHz. ................................................................................................................................... 29

Figure 3: Categories of whistles with respect to the contour of its fundamental

frequency a) Upsweep b) Down sweep c) flat d) convex e) concave f) continually

modulated. ......................................................................................................................... 30

Tables list

Table 1: Comparison of dolphins’ group composition between Parc Asterix and

Boudewijn Sea Parc facilities ........................................................................................... 165


Photo: Parc Astérix

1 Animal Communication.

Animal communication is defined as an exchange of information from one individual

to another via a signal that typically elicits a response (Perrin et al., 2009). Animal

interactions facilitate information exchanges between individuals within the

framework of communication systems. These communication systems are based on

the chain of information transmission in which one individual (the emitter) produces a

physic support of information (signal) that propagates in a medium (channel). During

the process of transmission, the signal is subject to changes (noise) before it is

perceived by another individual (receiver) who will then decode and interpret the

signal and modify its behavior accordingly, giving some feedback to the emitter

(Shannon and Weaver, 1949). Unlike cues, which are generated inadvertently or for

purposes other than communication, the function of most signals is to provide

information to another individual (Bradbury and Behrencamp, 2011).

Communication not only happens between individuals of the same species, it occurs

between individuals of different species, such as with the case of inter-specific

alarms (Bradbury and Vehrencamp, 2011). In a communication process, both the

emitter and the receiver should benefit from the exchange of information (Simmons,

2003). The capacity of production and decoding a signal are dependent on the

physiological and anatomical features of emitters and receivers (Johnstone, 1997).

The message is what the emitter wants to transmit using a signal, and the meaning is

what the receiver interprets from the signal and it depends on the receiver history of

life (e.g. previous experiences) (Dudzinski and Hill, 2018). The message and the

meaning of a signal are never identical because both the emitter and the receiver are

different individuals with different histories (Dudzinski and Hill, 2018). Natural

selection will favor individuals that produce clearer signals and receivers that are

capable of decoding information from them effectively (Maynard and Smith, 2003).

In many situations, such as the cooperative foraging, the search for a sexual partner,

the defense of a territory, the relationship between mother-calf and the avoidance of

potential predators, the implementation of communication systems is essential

(Bradbury and Vehrencamp, 2011). According to the context, the emitter transmits an

extensive set of information about itself, for example, its location, identity, sex, age,

toxicity and/or palatability, social rank, size, health state, reproductive receptivity

and/or emotional state. Information concerning the environment can also be

exchanged, for example the presence of a predator, food, water, shelter or other

resources (Bradbury and Vehrencamp, 2011).

Communication signals fall into five categories according to the channel of

transmission: tactile, visual, chemical, electrical or acoustic (Bradbury and

Vehrencamp, 2011). The different species in the animal kingdom may prioritise

certain channels of transmission that are used independently or synergistically

according to their sensory adaptations and depending on the content and function of

the message.

2 Communication in cetaceans.

Cetaceans are genetically closely related to hippopotamus (Hippopotamus

amphibious) (Geisler and Uhen, 2003, 2005); however, the phylogenetic evolution of

these animals is very unique as they re-entered the aquatic environment at least

seven times in the course of evolutionary history (Uhen, 2007). The last return to the

ocean occurred in the early Eocene, approximately 50 m.y. ago (Gingerich et al.,

1983). Such a return to aquatic life implies strong adaptations, notably in terms of

behavior and anatomy. A review of evolution of aquatic mammals (Uhen, 2007;

Lambert et al., 2017) explains that early cetaceans developed an elongated end of

the rostrum with external nares posterior to the tip of it, and with the eyes in a high

position on the lateral sides of the skull. The most representative adaptation of early

cetaceans to aquatic life was the enlargement and inflation of the ectotympanic lobe

into a tympanic bulla, a characteristic that seems to be an adaptation to aid in

hearing sounds underwater rather than in air (Uhen, 2007).

The auditory channel of cetaceans is well adapted to aquatic life. In fact, sound

travels five times faster through water than in the atmosphere, allowing for

communication at long distances; this is very important for these animals, especially

between mothers and calves, since their anatomy and habitat do not allow the

mother to physically hold on to its offspring or to construct a den to leave the calves

behind while foraging (Janik, 2009). In these highly mobile animals, individuals of the

same group can be separated by hundreds of meters within a habitat of limited

visibility (Connor et al., 1998). Under these conditions, the use of acoustics signals

seems to be the most effective strategy to assess their social and natural

environment. Thus, communication in cetaceans relies mainly on the acoustic

channel (Tyack, 1999), but can be also tactile (Sakai et al., 2006; Dudzinski et al.,

2009), visual (reviewed in Tyack, 1999) and chemical (Kuznetzov, 1990; Kremers et

al., 2016). It may also involve several perceptive channels, in which case it would be

described as multimodal communication (Harley et al., 1996).

Communication is crucial for all social behaviors (Janik, 2009), and it is associated

with the cognitive abilities of a species since this impacts the way in which the

information flows (Tyack, 1999). Cognitive abilities of a species are in turn related to

the particular characteristics of the habitat, such as exposure to predators or food

availability (Barret and Würsig, 2014).

Living cetaceans are divided in two suborders that differ in their social organization

and communication strategies: Mysticeti and Odontoceti. There are about 70 species

of odontocetes classified into six different families within which we find a wide variety

of social systems. In this thesis, I am going to focus on the social organization and

communication of delphinids, one of the most studied families of odontocetes.

2.1 Social organization in delphinids

Delphinids are social creatures and it is less common to find a lone individual in

nature (Johnson and Norris, 1986). Within the 34 species that make up this family,

there is a wide variety of social systems that are dependent on life history of animals.

For larger delphinids, such as killer whales (Orcinus orca), pilot whales (Globicephala

spp.) and possibly Risso’s dolphins (Grampus griseus) kinship appears to be very

important in establishing the structure of groups (Wells et al., 1999; Reisinger et al.,

2017). For instance, the most stable social organization found to date in the

delphinids is that of killer whales, who live in stable extended family units called pods

(Bigg et al., 1987) that are composed of mothers and their offspring. The term pod,

another word for group, is defined as the individuals that regularly swim together

(Norris and Dohl, 1979). This definition excludes the possibility that delphinids

swimming some distance apart may be in acoustic contact for as much as hundreds

of meters. However, delphinids in close proximity interact in other ways; they

communicate by using subtle signals of body movements, engage in cooperative

herding of prey, or participate in the parental care of the young (Würsig and Pearson,


In killer whales, both sexes spend their lives within their natal group (Heimlich-Boran,

1986) where each pod develops its own acoustic dialect (Tyack, 1999). For pilot

whales, pods are composed of related females with their offspring, with one or more

unrelated adult males whose presence is temporary (Amos et al., 1993). Killer

whales, pilot whales and Risso’s dolphins tend towards social matriarchies (Baird,

2000; Kasuya and Marsh, 1984) and are sexually dimorphic, where males are larger

and have bigger dorsal fins. It is likely that these systems tend toward polygyny

(Würsig and Pearson, 2015).

The stable associations found in these larger species are less evident in smaller

delphinids. Societies of smaller delphinid species are built around repeated, but not

constant associations among individuals or closely affiliated groups. This kind of

society is called fission-fusion and has also been described for chimpanzees

(Goodall, 1986). In fission-fusion societies, the amount of time that individuals spend

together depends on their gender, age, reproductive conditions and genetic

relationships (Wells et al., 1999), as well habitat conditions, prey availability, mating

opportunities and predation risk (Gowans et al., 2008). For instance, small delphinids

in nearshore areas tend to occur in small groups of a few individuals to several tens,

while many offshore groups occur in hundreds to thousands (Würsig and Pearson,


Most pelagic, small delphinids exhibit polygynandry; males show polygynous mating

attempts while females are polyandrous (Orbach et al, 2014). These species also

tend to be monomorphic, with only subtle morphological differences beyond the

genital slit that differenciates males and females (Würsig and Pearson, 2015). The

eastern spinner dolphin (S. longirostris orientalis) is probably an example of an

exception to polygynandry. Males have a huge postanal keel and strongly backward-

canted dorsal fin, and authors have assumed that polygyny is the norm in this

subspecies (Norris et al, 1994; Perrin and Mesnick, 2003).

2.2 Communication in delphinids

2.2.1 Tactile communication

Delphinids have skin that is quite sensitive to even the lightest touch (Dudzinski and

Hill, 2018) with most sensitive areas around the eyes, blowhole, rostrum, lower jaw,

melon and the genital area (Wartzok and Ketten, 1999). Tactile communication plays

an important role in the relationships between individuals (Dudzinski, 1998). For

instance, Atlantic spotted dolphins (Stenella frontalis) in the Bahamas show 16 types

of contacts behaviors with affiliative or aggressive functions (Dudzinski, 1998). This

has also been reported for spinner dolphins (Stenella longirostris) (Norris and

Würsig, 1994) and for other small delphinids (Pryor, 1990).

Delphinids are known to rub their bodies against each other and engage in rubbing

behaviors using their pectoral fins (Dudzinski et al., 2010; Dudzinski and Ribic,

2017). Most of the tactile behavior is thought to be affiliative and is often

accompanied by preferences of partners and positions (Dudzinski and Hill, 2018).

However, tactile behaviors are also observed during aggressive interactions,

characterized by contacts that might cause pain, such as biting, raking, ramming,

wrestling and butting (Dudzinski and Hill, 2018).

In bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) and Atlantic spotted dolphins (S. frontalis)

the genital regions might serve as a tactile receptor for low frequency echolocation

trains called “buzzes” during mating and during mother-calf interactions (Herzing,


2.2.2 Visual communication

In clear water, visual signals might serve as a close-range complement to acoustic

signals. In delphinids visual signals include actions and gestures such as open-jaw

threat displays, aerial leaps, tail lobs, flared pectoral fins and S-shaped postures

(Dudzinski and Hill, 2018). Postures are used to synchronize actions among

individuals or groups and can function as a signal for group coordination or social

interaction (Connor and Krützen, 2015). Delphinids flare their pectoral fins and open

their jaws as a threat signal to appear larger, and males adopt S-shaped postures

during courtship encounters with females, presumably as a visual signal to indicate

the male’s interest (Hill et al., 2015).

Bubbles appear to be an extra visual communication signal, and they take several

forms: bubble streams, bubble clouds and bubble rings. They are often produced as

a threat signal (Marten et al., 1996) but are also used as a play signal in captive

animals (Janik, 2015).

2.2.3 Chemical communication

The olfactory structures in delphinids have been lost in the course of evolution due to

the several shifts of the nasal apparatus (Morgane and Jacobs, 1972). Although

some olfactory structures are present during embryonic development, as has been

shown in stripped dolphins (S. coeruleoalba), they degenerate until birth (Kamiya and

Pirlot, 1974; Sinclair, 1966).

In contrast, taste receptors have been confirmed in delphinids by behavioral

experiments (Kuznetzov, 1990). Some studies have speculated about the role of

taste reception in communication. For example, excretions of the perianal glands in

male dolphins may serve as a chemical signal detected by conspecifics (Herman and

Tavolga, 1980). It has also been suggested that the “open mouth behavior” in solitary

delphinids might serve to enhance taste reception (Herzing, 2000). Recent research

suggests that dolphins might sample chemical signatures in the urine and feces of

conspecifics for individual recognition (Kremers et al., 2016). Further studies are

needed to support the role of taste reception in delphinid communication.

2.2.4 Acoustic communication

The main adaptation of delphinids and all odontocetes to aquatic life may be the

development of echolocation to assist locomotion in visually-limited habitats. This has

been highlighted in fossils by the development of facial structures involved in the

production of outgoing sound, and the modifications of the inner ear for the

perception of very high frequencies (Uhen, 2007). Echolocation is the ability to

produce high frequency clicks in order to obtain a sense of the surrounding

environment from the echoes received (Au, 1993). In this process, the aim of

echolocating signals does not seem to be the transfer information to another animal

like in a communication process. While all delphinids produce click vocalizations, not

all species whistle (Madsen et al., 2012). For instance, it has been reported that

Hector’s dolphins (Cephalorhynchus hectori) do not produce whistles, but might use

echolocation clicks for communication (Dawson, 1991). Other species or non-

whistling dolphins that might use clicks for communication are Commerson’s dolphins

(Cephalorhynchus sp) and dusky dolphins (Lagenorhynchus obscurus) (Dziedzic and

Buffrenil, 1989).

However, the most commonly investigated communication sounds produced by

delphinids are whistles (Lammers and Oswald, 2015). Whistles are continuous,

narrow-band, frequency-modulated signals (May-Collado et al., 2007a) with a

duration that range from tens of milliseconds to several seconds (Tyack and Clark,

2000). They are composed of a fundamental frequency and often one or more

harmonics (Lammers and Oswald, 2015). The harmonic content of whistles is

correlated with the orientation of the animal producing it, and this has lead some

researchers to suggest that the information carried in the harmonics of whistles might

be used by other individuals to infer the direction of movement of the emitter (Miller,

2002; Lammers and Au, 2003).

Most delphinid species produce whistles with fundamental frequencies that range

from 2 to 20 kHz (Lammers and Oswald, 2015). However, some delphinid species

such as spinner dolphins (Stenella longirostris), Atlantic spotted dolphins (S.

frontalis), white-beaked dolphins (Lagenorhynchus albirostris), Guiana dolphins

(Sotalia guianensis) and killer whales (Orcinus orca) produce whistles beyond this

range (Lammers et al., 2003; Rasmussen and Miller, 2002; May-Collado and

Wartzok, 2009). Whistles are believed to play an important role in the social

communication of delphinids (Herzing, 2000).

Burst pulsed sounds are pulsed signals with short inter-pulse intervals (e.g. 200-1700

clicks per second) that do not seem to have an echolocation purpose (Dudzinski and

Hill., 2018). Instead they have been associated with agonistic behavior and have

been identified as communicating excitement, agitation and other emotions (Herzing,

1996). Delphinids of many species produce burst pulsed when they are excited or

angry and thus is thought that these kind of vocalizations transmit information about

the emotional state of the animal producing them (Dudzinski and Hill, 2018).

Delphinids also engage in nonvocal acoustic communication (Dudzinski and Hill,

2018). For example, they display breaches, tail slaps, pectoral fin slaps and jaw

claps, where these behaviors result in sounds that travel hundreds of meters and

appear to be produced under the intentional control of the animal exhibiting them

(Dudzinski and Hill, 2018). In delphinids, fluke slaps are considered a sign of

frustration or irritation (Mann, 2000), but have been also documented during play

(Greene et al., 2011). Mechanisms of production of sounds

Delphinids have two bilateral sets of phonic lips, one associated with each nasal

passage (Cranford, et al., 1996) (Figure 1). These sets are different in size in nearly

all species of the family, with the right side being larger than the left (Cranford et al.,

2015). Despite this bilateral configuration, there is a current debate in the literature

about the existence of a single versus a multiple click generator in delphinids.

Figure 1: Schematic Illustration of a dolphin’s head anatomy. Modified and adapted from
Cranford et al., (1996). Image taken from

For instance, a study conducted on two species of delphinds, bottlenose dolphins

(Tursiops truncatus) and false killer whales (Pseudorca crassidens) placed two

contact hydrophones on the head of the animals, each one next to one pair of phonic

lips. Then they asked the animals to perform a detection task of a target 2.6m away.

By the observation of the time-of-arrival differences between both hydrophones, the

authors suggested that not only the two studied species but all the delphinids click

only with the right side phonic lips (Madsen et al., 2013). This conclusion disregards

with the observations of several authors in which the left-side phonic lips do indeed

produce clicks but less frequently than the right-side (Cranford et al., 2011; Mackay

and Liaw, 1981). Madsen et al. (2013) suggested that highly trained animals could be

biased by the simplicity of the detection task asked during their experiments and only

needed to produce clicks with the right side’s phonic lips. However, all these studies

have been conducted with animals in captivity and to date it is unknown how dolphins

in the wild choose the parameters of their sound generation system (Cranford et al.,


Regarding whistle production, it was believed that they were generated by a

resonance phenomenon in the air-filled cavities of the upper nasal pathways (Lilly,

1962; Mackay and Liaw, 1981). However, this idea was challenged by Murray et al.,

(1998) who suggested that whistles were tissue-borne vocalizations. A more recent

experiment validated this hypothesis (Madsen et al., 2012): the authors analyzed

recordings of a bottlenose dolphin that was given heliox to breathe. Since the speed

of sound is higher in this mixture that in air, they expected to find an increase of the

fundamental frequency. However, it remained unchanged and they suggested that

the whistles were generated by vibrating tissues, as in the vocal chords of humans or

the syrinx in birdsong (Madsen et al., 2012). Mechanism of reception of sounds

The auditory system of delphinids is adapted to the aquatic environment (Janik,

2009). In order to reduce the hydrodynamic drag while swimming, there is a lack of

protruding parts associated with external ears. The middle and the inner ear are

encased in a bony structure (tympanic bulla) that is connected to the skull by

cartilage, connective tissue and fat, instead of bones (Figure 1). The absence of an

external acoustic meatus is compensated by the presence of a thin region on each

side of the mandible that is in intimate contact with the tissues that connect to the

tympanic bulla. Through this connection between mandible and tympanic bulla,

dolphins allow sound to enter into their auditory system while keeping a low

hydrodynamic drag. The physical isolation of the bulla from the skull allows the

dolphin to localize sounds received by bone conduction (Reviewed in Au, 1993).

The hearing range of delphinids is 50 Hz to 150 kHz, with some variation between

species (reviewed in Richardson et al., 2013). This wide range allows the perception

of several harmonics as well as large frequency modulations for communication with

tonal acoustic signals. Behavioral experiments have shown that bottlenose dolphins

spontaneously distinguish different whistle types even if they come from other

dolphin species (Caldwell et al. 1973a in Janik, 2009). Furthermore, the frequency

discrimination abilities of delphinids are exceptional as they discriminate tonal sounds

that differ by only 0.2–0.8 % of the fundamental frequency of the tone (Thomson and

Herman, 1975, in Janik, 2009).

Several experiments have been conducted in order to determine dolphins’

echolocation limits. Using a 2.54 cm-diameter solid steel sphere and a 7.62cm-

diameter stainless steel water-filled sphere, Au and Snyder (1980) measured the

maximum detection range of the echolocation abilities in two bottlenose dolphin

individuals. Results showed that dolphins could reach a 50% correct answer

threshold at 75 m with the 2.54 cm-diameter sphere and at 113 m with the 7.62 cm-

diameter sphere. The same results were registered in a false killer whale individual

(Pseudorca crassidens) (Thomas and Turl, 1990). Delphinids also detect objects

under noisy conditions. In fact, bottlenose dolphins present a generally unbiased

detection of a target sphere (7.62 cm-diameter) at noise levels of 77 dB or lower (Au

et al., 1982). Delphinids are able to recognize differences of 1 dB in the amplitude of

echoes, and to perceive subtle differences in targets with their sonar. This ability

allows them to discriminate for example between a 6 cm cube and a 6 cm cylinder

with a performance of 96 % accuracy (reviewed in Au, 1993).

3 Bottlenose dolphins

Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) are the most studied cetacean (Connor et

al., 2000). This is not only because of its large easily accessible range which includes

coastal waters, but also because of its history of association with humans and the

fact that they are the species of cetacean most commonly kept in aquariums (Connor

et al., 2000). As a model for the study of cetacean communication, bottlenose

dolphins are very interesting because of their social structure, cognitive capacities

and vocal production.

3.1 Bottlenose dolphins’ Social structure

Bottlenose dolphins’ social structure consists of highly dynamic fission-fusion groups,

in which individuals associate in small groups that often vary in size and composition,

and persists from minutes to hours or days at a time (Connor et al., 1998; Connor et

al., 2000). Groups typically contain between five and seven individuals, but nursery

groups tend to be larger for increased protection against predators (Mann et al.,

2000; Smolker et al., 1992; Wells, 2003). Bottlenose dolphins express affiliation by

proximity, physical contact such as pectoral or body rubbing (Sakai et al., 2006;

Dudzinski et al., 2009) and synchronous movement (Fellner et al., 2013).

There is a difference between the sexes concerning the nature of social bonds

formed within the groups. Bonds between males tend to be stronger than those

between females (Connor et al., 1992; Connor et al., 2001). In fact, adult males form

consistent groups of two or three individuals called alliances that remain intact for

years, and which is thought to optimize access to females in estrus (Connor et al.,

1992). The individuals from these alliances are not genetically related, but tend to be

of similar age and were often raised in the same nursery group (Wells et al., 1990).

In contrast, females tend to form weaker bonds with other females but have a wider

social network, this is because their associations change according to their

reproductive status (Pearson, 2011). Female bottlenose dolphins spend most of their

time with other females at a similar point of their reproductive lives (Wells et al.,

1990). They rarely associate with males, except when cycling (Würsig and Pearson,


Calves remain with their mothers for an average of four years, during which they

learn foraging techniques and social skills (Mann et al., 2000). After this time, they

form juvenile groups of mixed gender (Wells et al., 1987).

Under human care, dolphins do not choose their group members; however

preferential associations between individuals have been observed that resemble

findings in free ranging bottlenose dolphins (Birgersson et al., 2014).

3.2 Cognitive capacities of bottlenose dolphins

Several studies on cognition in bottlenose dolphins show that these animals have

remarkable abilities which make them a very interesting model of study for

understanding social cognition in the animal kingdom.

3.2.1 Attention

Bottlenose dolphins’ brains are capable of remaining alert and attentive during the

entire diurnal cycle (Pack, 2015). This was highlighted by research in which two

captive dolphins were asked to press a paddle within 21 seconds of hearing a target

sound. The dolphins were required to maintain their attention and press the paddle

only when the target sound appeared and in order to get a reward. Mean

performance levels in correct target detections across the sessions were over 94

percent for both animals. The dolphins sustained their attention over 120 hours (the

maximum duration tested) with no significant decrease in performance, with no

differences between day and night (Ridgway et al., 2006).

3.2.2 Working Memory

A study on working memory for sounds heard passively and objects inspected

visually used a delayed matching-to-sample (MTS) procedure in which a stimulus

was presented to a dolphin briefly, and after a delay interval, several comparison

stimuli appeared. The dolphin was asked to indicate which comparison matched the

sample. Herman and Gordon (1974) found that matching accuracy remained

consistent across hundreds of pairs of novel sounds for nearly all time delays (they

tested up to 120 seconds delay). For visually inspected objects, the matching

accuracy of the dolphin was sustained above time delays of 30 seconds, and then

gradually declined, remaining at 70 percent correct with delays up to 80 seconds (the

longest delay tested) (Herman et al., 1989). These experiments show that bottlenose

dolphins’ working memory is well developed, that it uses information arriving in

different modalities, and that it is comparable to the visual working memory in

nonhuman primates (Herman and Gordon, 1974).

3.2.3 Long term memory

Bottlenose dolphins’ long-term memory has been tested with the recognition of

familiar vs. non familiar “signature whistles”, a kind of whistles that are unique for an

individual (King and Janik, 2013). First a given dolphin was habituated to unfamiliar

whistles, and then its behavior was observed for either a familiar or a non-familiar

signature whistle. The results showed a greater responding to familiar signature

whistles than to unfamiliar whistles even if the time of separation with its congeners

was 20 years, the maximum separation time tested (Bruck, 2013).

3.2.4 Communication

Bottlenose dolphins have shown outstanding abilities in communication: they are

capable of vocal learning and reference, where they have been known to copy novel

sounds and use them to refer to objects (Richards et al., 1984). They also

understand syntactic rules of an artificial signaling system based on acoustic and

hand signals (Herman et al., 1986). Bottlenose dolphins naturally produce signature

whistles when they are separated from their companions (Janik and Sayigh, 2013)

and they appear to use signature whistles referentially to address each other (King

and Janik, 2013). However, there is no evidence in wild for the referential use of non-

signature whistles or non-whistle sounds, or for the use of syntax (Herman, 2010).

3.2.5 Social and self-knowledge and awareness

Social knowledge is defined as the possession of information about another and may

include understanding another’s actions, the networks of individuals and their

associations in a society (Connor and Mann, 2006). Social awareness is the

understanding of another’s attention state and knowledge (Pack, 2015).

Bottlenose dolphins are capable of social imitation; they can be trained to imitate the

behaviors of conspecifics (Herman, 2002). Also, they are capable of joint attention

which allows a shared perception, occuring when a dolphin listens or eavesdrops to

the clicks and echoes produced by another individual nearby (Xitco and Roitblat,

1996). However, there is a lack of studies on how much dolphin’s guide each other’s

attention using echolocation.

Bottlenose dolphins are capable of mirror self-recognition (Reiss and Marino, 2001),

a capacity that indicates self-awareness (Lewis, 1991). This ability is rare in the

animal kingdom and was once thought to be unique to humans (Amsterdam, 1972)

and great apes (Gallup, 1970). However, more recently studies have shown that

Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) (Plotnik et al., 2006), and magpies (Pica pica)

(Prior at al., 2008) are able to recognize their image in the mirror.

3.2.6 Social learning and tool use

Bottlenose dolphins are capable of extensive and rich vocal and behavioral imitation,

one of the forms of social learning (Marino et al., 2007). We can find different types of

social learning in the species: vertical, horizontal and obliquus.

Bottlenose dolphins in Shark Bay (Australia) have been observed breaking off

sponges (Echinodictyum mesenterinum) and wearing them over their rostrum as a

protection while foraging on the seafloor (Smolker et al., 1997). This behavior is

carried out by only some individuals of the population, most of them females (Mann

and Patterson, 2013), calves learn this behavior from their mothers in their second or

third year of life (Mann and Sargeant, 2003). This is not only an example of tool use

in the species, but is also a vertical transmitted cultural behavior as individuals

(mostly daughters) will only sponge if their mother also sponged (Mann et al., 2008;

Mann et al., 2012).

Bottlenose dolphins are also capable of horizontal social learning, since in captivity

young calves have been observed imitating other calves (Kuczaj et al., 2006). In the

wild, bottlenose dolphins’ calves model their signature whistles (see section

on signature whistles of community members, possibly those with whom they

associate only rarely; this is an example of obliquus learning.

3.3 Vocal production of bottlenose dolphins

Bottlenose dolphins are a highly mobile species, as individuals of the same group

can be separated by hundreds of meters within a habitat of limited visibility (Connor

et al., 1998). Under these conditions, the use of acoustics signals seems to be the

most effective strategy for animals to assess their social and natural environment.

Therefore, bottlenose dolphins display a very complex and rich sound production.

The diversity of sounds emitted by this species has been classified in different ways

by researchers and in addition the same names are given for types of vocalizations

produced by different dolphin species; therefore it has been challenging to find a

consensus for the range of T. truncatus vocalizations in the literature. Currently, the

described vocalizations are categorized into three structural categories and two

functional classes. Structurally, the sounds emitted by the bottlenose dolphins are

found within: whistles or tonal sounds (reviewed in Janik, 2009), clicks or pulsed

sounds (Au, 1993), and burst-pulsed sounds (Lopez and Bernal-Shirai, 2009) (Figure


Functionally, sound emissions may be used for echolocation (used for orientation

and navigation), or may have a role in communication and social interactions

(reviewed in Herzing, 2000).

Figure 2: Spectrogram examples: a) whistle b) click train c) two burst-pulsed sounds. X axis
represents the time in seconds and Y axis represents the frequency in kHz.

3.3.1 Whistles

Whistles are frequency modulated signals with fundamental frequencies from 800Hz

to 28.5kHz and durations between 100ms and 4sec (reviewed in Janik, 2009). The

term “whistle” is used to refer to a unit of one continuous contour (loop), two or more

repeated contours (multiloops) that can be connected or separated by a period of

silence lasting between 0.03 and 0.25 sec in duration (disconnected multi-loop

whistle) (Esch et al., 2009).

Dolphins produce signature and non-signature whistles that could be visually

catalogued in six general categories with respect to the contour of its fundamental

frequency (Figure 2): upsweep, down sweep, flat, convex, concave and continually

modulated (Bazua-Duran, 2004; Akiyama and Ohta, 2006; Hickey et al., 2008).

Figure 3: Categories of whistles with respect to the contour of its fundamental frequency a)
Upsweep b) Down sweep c) flat d) convex e) concave f) continually modulated.
The upsweep whistle has been reported several times as the most frequently emitted

(McCowan and Reiss, 1995; Hickey et al., 2008; Diaz-Lopez, 2011), suggesting this

kind of whistle plays an important role in the bottlenose dolphin whistle repertoire

(Tyack, 1986; Janik et al., 1994; Diaz-Lopez, 2011). However, the behavioural

context description associated with this type of whistle remains vague and often

behavioural observations are made from surface. In free ranging bottlenose dolphins

the upsweep whistle type has been reported to be related to social behaviours (Diaz-

Lopez, 2011), and in captivity this kind of whistle has been recorded when animals

are fed by their caregivers (Akiyama and Ohta, 2006).

30 Non-signature whistles

Most studies on bottlenose dolphin communication focus on the production of

signature whistles. However, signature whistles production corresponds only to 1% of

produced whistles in captive dolphins (Janik and Slater, 1998), representing around

52% in free-ranging dolphins during social contexts (Cook et al.,2004), and reaching

values of more than 90% of whistles produced only during forced isolation (Sayigh et

al., 1990). Thus, non-signature whistles constitute a considerable percentage of the

bottlenose dolphins’ whistle repertoire. Despite this, there is a lack of information

about the behavioral context of their production. Signature whistles

Some individually specific whistles are called “signature whistles”. These kind of

whistles were discovered by Caldwell and Caldwell in 1965, who observed that

during contexts of isolation, each individual produced one distinctive kind of whistle

(Caldwell and Caldwell, 1965). Further studies showed that signature whistles are

copied in captivity by other individuals of the group (Tyack, 1986). In free-ranging

dolphins an increase of the signature whistle emission rate has been reported during

capture-release procedures, suggesting that signature whistle emission rate could be

considered as a potential indicator of stress in dolphins (Esch et al., 2009b). Several

authors reported signature whistle production in the context of forced isolation

(Caldwell and Caldwell, 1965; Sayigh et al., 1990, 1995; Janik et al., 1994; Watwood

et al., 2005). However, outside this setting, signature whistles are more frequently

emitted during social interactions than during other behavioral contexts, such as

feeding or travelling (Cook et al., 2004). It has been shown that signature whistles

are emitted as a contact or cohesion call between mothers and calves (Smolker et

al., 1993) and between members of the same group when animals are out each

other’s visual range (Janik and Slater, 1998).

Signature whistles may be composed of single or multiple loop (Caldwell et al.,

1990). The number of loops produced in a signature whistle varies according to the

behavioral context and it increases with age, which means that older individuals

produce signature whistles with more loops (Caldwell et al., 1990). More recently, a

study on wild dolphins showed that signature whistles are also copied by other

individuals of the group, possibly to label a particular individual (Janik, 2000). After

several playback experiments in captivity, it has been suggested that signature

whistle mimicry might be affiliative (King et al., 2014) and the number of loops

depends on whether it is produced by its owner or copied by another individual, with

copies having more loops (King et al., 2013).

There is an increase in signature whistle production during late-term pregnant

mothers which suggests that the fetus might be susceptible to imprinting in utero,

meaning that the new-born dolphin would recognize its mother’s signature whistle

right after birth (Mello and Amundin, 2005). The calves take one or two years to

develop their own signature whistle (Fripp et al., 2005; Sayigh et al., 1990) and their

frequency modulation pattern remains stable during their entire life (Sayigh et al.,

1990). However, males’ signature whistles vary throughout life as a consequence of

changing social relationships (Watwood et al., 2004). Young males may use

signature whistles similar to their mother’s, while young females that tend to remain

in their natal group are more likely to choose different frequency modulation patterns,

probably to allow differentiation from their mothers (Sayigh et al., 1990, 1995).

3.3.2 Clicks

Clicks are short broadband signals typically lasting 40-70 μs with peak frequencies

between 110 kHz and 130 kHz and peak-to-peak source levels between 210 and 228

dB at 1m re 1μPa (reviewed in Au and Hastings, 2008). Clicks are typically used in

echolocation, which is the projection of clicks in order to obtain a sense of the

surrounding from the echoes received (Au, 1993). During target scanning, sequences

of clicks (click trains) are produced. The inter-click interval (ICI) is the time of two-way

travel of the sound (TWT) to and from a target plus an echo processing period

between 19 and 45 ms long (Au, 1993). During target detection, T. truncatus modify

the ICI in order to focus their attention to a particular distance (Penner, 1988).

However, when the target is at close ranges (<40cm), the ICI decrease to 2.5ms

(Evans and Powell, 1967), suggesting the dolphins may process several echoes at a

time (Au, 1993).

Bottlenose dolphins use clicks as a sensory tool to navigate or hunt for prey

(reviewed in Herzing and dos Santos 2004) and obtain information from their own

returning signals (Au, 1993) and by eavesdropping on the echoes produced by other

dolphins (Xitco and Roitblat 1996; Gregg et al., 2007).

Bottlenose dolphins develop their ability to echolocate in the first one to three months

of life (reviewed in Harder et al., 2016). Before they are one month old, calves’ clicks

are of shorter duration (Reiss 1988) and lower frequency (Reiss 1988; Lindhard

1988) than adults. Additionally, at 14 days old, click trains have a shorter inter-click

intervals (ICI) and shorter duration (Favaro et al. 2013) than adults.

3.3.3 Burst pulsed sounds

Burst-pulsed sounds are the least studied category and their definition is less clear in

the literature (Herzing, 2000). They are often defined as rapid click trains (Janik,

2009), with many types of different sound emissions being labelled in this category

(Herzing, 2000). In fact, the term is used for all the vocalizations that are not

considered clicks or whistles (Janik, 2009) or, to be more precise, by all the pulsed

sounds (clicks) for which no echolocation function is known (Lammers et al., 2004).

Burst-pulsed sounds have received several names in literature such as: cracks,

pops, barks, squeaks, squawks, rasps or moans (reviewed in Herzing, 2000).

However, a more recent study, classified the total repertoire of burst-pulsed sounds

made by T. truncatus in two categories depending on duration and frequency: short

burst pulsed vocalizations (impulsive emissions shorter than 200ms with most energy

below 5kHz) and “long burst pulsed vocalizations” (a single or sequence of pulses

longer than 200ms) (Diaz-Lopez and Bernal-Shirai, 2009).

Burst-pulsed sounds have been generally associated with aggressive behaviors

(Overstrom, 1983; Herzing, 1996; Sayigh et al., 2017). One kind of burst pulsed

sound called “bray call” has been associated with foraging, apparently to facilitate the

capture of prey (Janik, 2000).

3.4 Social behavior and vocal communication of bottlenose


Studies of bottlenose dolphins’ social behavior and communication rely on

simultaneous descriptions of both visual and acoustic signals (Thomas et al., 2002).

However, the main pitfall in linking acoustic production and behavior is the difficulty in

identifying which dolphin in a group is the vocalizer. This challenge is caused by two

reasons: first, dolphins do not open their mouth or display any external cues when

producing a sound (Janik, 2009) and second, human hearing is not well-adapted to

localize sound sources underwater (Hollien, 1973). In order to overcome these

obstacles, several methodologies have been developed to accurately identify witch

dolphin is emitting the sound.

3.4.1 Forced Isolation

Forced isolation of bottlenose dolphins allowed scientists to discover the existence of

signature whistles (Caldwell et al., 1990) and enabled them to make the first

descriptions about its use (Sayigh et al., 1990; Janik et al., 1994; Sayigh et al., 1995;

Sayig et al., 1998). However, this methodology does not allow addressing research

questions regarding how the bottlenose dolphins use their vocalizations while they

are swimming freely within their social group.

3.4.2 Tagging

The principle describes attaching a suction cup with a built-in hydrophone to an

animal. The use of a tag with an embedded hydrophone produced the first evidence

the mimicry of signature whistles (Tyack, 1986). However, the presence of such a tag

could conceivably lead to modification of the subject’s behaviors and its vocalization

rate (Tyack, 1986).

3.4.3 Bubble stream emission.

Several authors use the production of bubbles streams concurrent with whistle

production to identify the dolphin vocalizing (Mc Cowan and Reiss, 1995; Herzing,

1996). However, more recent studies showed that only some kind of whistles are

accompanied by bubbles while being produced, and thus they are not representative

of the entire whistle repertoire of the species (Fripp, 2005, 2006).

3.4.4 Hydrophone arrays

The use of hydrophones arrays is a non-intrusive method that uses the differences of

arrival of sound to each hydrophone to calculate the direction of the source of sound.

Hydrophones arrays can be fixed or mobile.

Fixed hydrophone arrays have been conceived with two (Lopez-Rivas and Bazua-

Duran, 2010), three (Watkins and Schevill, 1974), four (Brensing et al., 2001; Quick

et al., 2008) and eight hydrophones (Thomas et al., 2002). With these kinds of

arrays, the behavioral observations are obtained from surface, which allows

collecting only a very small percentage of the dolphins’ behavioral activity (Janik,


Mobile arrays consists of an underwater camera with a number of hydrophones, and

are able to collect more details about the dolphin’s behavior. They have been

designed with two (Dudzinski et al., 1995), three (Hoffman-Kuhnt et al., 2016), four

(Au and Herzing, 2003; Schotten et al., 2004) and 16 hydrophones (Ball and Buck,

2005). Their main disadvantage is that dolphins are highly mobile species and the

narrow angle of the underwater camera allows the localization of only those dolphins

vocalizing right in front of it.

4 Aims of the thesis

To summarize, bottlenose dolphins are social cetaceans living in a fission-fusion

groups. They rely mainly on the acoustic channel to communicate over long

distances or in habitats of limited visibility. They possess advanced cognitive abilities,

such as being able to remain alert during the entire day, and having a working

memory comparable to nonhuman primates and a long term memory of at least 20

years. They are capable of vocal learning, referencing, and can be taught to

understand syntactic rules. There is a general lack of information about the use of

these abilities within their social group. However, we know that bottlenose dolphins’

vocal production includes whistles, clicks and burst-pulsed sounds, with some

whistles called “signature whistles” potentially being used to address each other. In

order to understand how these animals communicate, it is necessary to combine

acoustic localization methods with underwater behavioral observations, and at the

moment the current methodologies are not satisfactory. During this thesis, we

developed an easily deployable system that identifies the animal producing the

sound and allows concurrent underwater behavioral observations. We tested this

methodology with free ranging and captive bottlenose dolphins.

The present PhD thesis aims to better understand the communication of bottlenose

dolphins within their social group. First, I developed two studies aiming to describe

how captive dolphin’s vocal activity varies in relationship with behavior and

interaction with humans. For this, I focused first on signature whistle production

(Chapter 1) and then on non-signature whistle production linked to observed

underwater behaviors (Chapter 2). These two studies highlight the necessity to link

the vocal production to its owner.

Second, I present the conception and implementation of an innovative methodology

that allows the localization of the dolphin vocalizing in a three-dimensional

environment, and which can be used in captivity and with free-ranging dolphins. This

methodology will be fully described in chapter 3.

Finally, I present two applications of this localization methodology to address

research questions regarding the exploratory behavior of a dolphin calf (Chapter 4)

and the use of vocalizations for coordinated movements in bottlenose dolphins

(Chapter 5).


Photo: Emmanuel Antongiorgi

Chapter 1: Modulation of Whistle Production Related

to Training Sessions in Bottlenose Dolphins

(Tursiops truncatus) Under Human Care

Juliana Lopez Marulanda1, Olivier Adam1,2 and Fabienne Delfour3,4

Institute of Neurosciences Paris Saclay, Université Paris Sud, CNRS UMR 9197

Orsay, France

Institut Jean Le Rond d’Alembert, Sorbonne Universités, UPMC Univ Paris 06,

CNRS UMR 7190 Paris, France

Laboratoire d’Ethologie Expérimentale et Comparée E.A. 4443 (LEEC), Université

Paris 13, Sorbonne Paris Cité Villetaneuse, France

Parc Astérix, Plailly, France

ZooBiology, 35(6), 495-504

Synthesis Chapter 1


Bottlenose dolphins are highly social cetaceans that strongly rely on acoustic

communication and signaling. The diversity of sounds emitted by the species has

been structurally classified in whistles, clicks and burst-pulsed sounds. Whistles are

continuous narrow-band frequency modulated signals. Some individually specific

whistles are called “signature whistles” and are used as cohesion calls.

Research questions

The management of dolphins in captivity is largely based on several training/feeding

sessions that are held per day. However, it remains unknown how the scheduled

training/feeding sessions in bottlenose dolphins under human care modulate the

emission rate of different whistles types (e.g., signature whistles). This study aims to

describe the possible effects that training/feeding sessions, have on the emission

rate of non- signature and signature whistles, in a group of captive bottlenose



The study was conducted on a group of 8 (in November 2014) and 9 (in May 2015)

bottlenose dolphins at the Parc Asterix dolphinarium (Plailly, France). Whistles were

recorded approximately 15 min before, during and 15 min after ten training sessions.

We applied the SIGID method to identify signature whistles within our catalog of

whistle types. Mean values of whistles emission rate and signature whistle emission

rate per minute were calculated for the recordings before, during and after each

training session.


The dolphins’ overall whistle emission rate did not significantly change before, during

and after the training sessions. However, the non-signature emission rate was higher

during and afterwards than before the training sessions and the signature whistle

emission rate was significantly higher after than before the training sessions. The

emission rate varied between the different signatures whistles types.


In conclusion, our study shows that non-signature and particular signature whistle

emission rate increases after scheduled training sessions in Parc Asterix dolphi-

narium. We suggest that animals might have been seeking social interactions after

the sessions. However, in order to validate this hypothesis, it is necessary to directly

observe the animals’ behaviors and to link the patterns of group association with

whistle emissions.

Zoo Biology 9999 : 1–10 (2016)


Modulation of Whistle Production Related to Training

Sessions in Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus)
Under Human Care
Juliana Lopez Marulanda,1* Olivier Adam,1,2 and Fabienne Delfour3
Institute of Neurosciences Paris Saclay, Universite
! Paris Sud, CNRS UMR 9197Orsay, France
Institut Jean Le Rond d’Alembert, Sorbonne Universite !s, UPMC Univ Paris 06, CNRS UMR 7190Paris, France
Laboratoire d’Ethologie Expe!rimentale et Compare ! e E.A. 4443 (LEEC), Universite
! Paris 13, Sorbonne Paris
Cite! Villetaneuse, France

Bottlenose dolphins are highly social cetaceans with an extensive sound production including clicks, burst-pulsed
sounds, and whistles. Some whistles, known as signature whistles, are individually specific. These acoustic signatures
are commonly described as being emitted in contexts of stress during forced isolation and as group cohesion calls.
Interactions between humans and captive dolphins is largely based on positive reinforcement conditioning within
several training/feeding sessions per day. Vocal behavior of dolphins during these interactions might vary. To
investigate this, we recorded 10 bottlenose dolphins of Parc Asterix dolphinarium (France) before, during and after 10
training sessions for a total duration of 7 hr and 32 min. We detected 3,272 whistles with 2,884 presenting a quality
good enough to be categorized. We created a catalog of whistle types by visual categorization verified by five naive
judges (Fleiss’ Kappa Test). We then applied the SIGID method to identify the signatures whistles present in our
recordings. We found 279 whistles belonging to one of the four identified signature whistle types. The remaining 2,605
were classified as non-signature whistles. The non-signature whistles emission rate was higher during and after the
training sessions than before. Emission rate of three signature whistles types significantly increased afterwards as
compared to before the training sessions. We suggest that dolphins use their signature whistles when they return to
their intraspecific social interactions succeeding scheduled and human-organized training sessions. More observations
are needed to make conclusions about the function of signature whistles in relation to training sessions. Zoo Biol. XX:
XX–XX, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

Keywords: signature whistle; whistle; communication; dolphinarium

INTRODUCTION sounds [Au, 1993; Au and Fay, 2012], burst-pulsed sounds

[L!opez and Shirai, 2009], and whistles or tonal sounds
Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) are highly
(reviewed in Janik, 2009). The term “whistle” is used to refer
social cetaceans that live in a fission–fusion society where
to a unit of one continuous contour (loop), two or more
individuals associate in small groups that can vary in
composition according to age, sex, reproductive status, and
activity [Connor et al., 2000; Mann et al., 2000; Gibson and !
Correspondence to: Juliana Lopez Marulanda, Institute of Neuro-
Mann, 2008; Tsai and Mann, 2013]. In this extremely mobile sciences Paris Saclay, University Paris Sud, CNRS UMR 9197, Orsay
91405, France. E-mail: [email protected]
species, group members can be separated by hundreds of
meters within a habitat with limited visibility [Connor et al.,
1998]. Interactions based on the use of acoustic signals seem Received 13 April 2016; Revised 05 September 2016; Accepted 20
September 2016
to be the most effective communication strategy under these
conditions [Janik, 1999a,b]. DOI: 10.1002/zoo.21328
Consequently, bottlenose dolphins display an Published online XX Month Year in Wiley Online Library
extensive sound production including clicks or pulsed (

© 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

2 Lopez Marulanda et al.
repeated contours (multiloops) that can be connected or during interactions with people [Akiyama and Ohta, 2007].
separated by a period of silence lasting between 0.03 and Another study on a captive group of false killer whales
0.25 sec in duration (disconnected multi-loop whistle) [Esch (Pseudorca crassidens) reported that the highest vocaliza-
et al., 2009a]. The term “whistle type” describes all whistles tion rate was registered when animals were fed [Platto et al.,
showing specific frequency modulations as determined by 2015]. However, according to our knowledge, it remains
visual categorization [Kriesell et al., 2014]. unknown how the scheduled training/feeding sessions in
Some individually specific whistles are called bottlenose dolphins under human care modulate the emission
“signature whistles” [Caldwell and Caldwell, 1965]. rate of different whistles types (e.g., signature whistles).
Signature whistles may be composed of a single or multiple This study aims to describe the possible effects that
loops [Caldwell et al., 1990]. The number of loops produced training/feeding sessions, have on the emission rate of non-
in a signature whistle varies according to the behavioral signature and signature whistles, in a group of captive
context and it increases with age [Caldwell et al., 1990]. It bottlenose dolphins.
can also depend of whether it is produced by its owner or
copied by another individual [King et al., 2013]. Signature
whistles have been detected in dolphins as young as 1 or METHODS
2 years old [Fripp et al., 2005; Sayigh et al., 1990] and their
Study Subjects
frequency modulation pattern remains stable during the
entire life of the individuals [Sayigh et al., 1990]. However, The study was conducted in November 2014 and
males’ signature whistles can vary throughout life as a May 2015 at the Parc Asterix dolphinarium (Plailly, France).
consequence of changing social relationships [Watwood At the time of the study, the dolphinarium was closed to the
et al., 2004]. Young males may use signature whistles similar public. The complex was first inhabited in November by nine
to their mother while young females are more likely to Atlantic bottlenose dolphins (T. truncatus), four females
choose different frequency modulation patterns [Sayigh aged 41, 34, 20, and 15 and years, and five males aged 32, 5,
et al., 1990, 1995]. Signature whistles are emitted in context 4, 4, and 3 years. In January 2015, two males (4 and 5 years
of forced isolation [Caldwell and Caldwell, 1965; Sayigh old) were transferred to another facility and one adult male
et al., 1990, 1995; Janik et al., 1994; Watwood et al., (31 years old) arrived. Thus, the recordings in May were
2005] and as a contact or cohesion call between mothers and conducted on a group of eight individuals. All dolphins
calves [Smolker et al., 1993] and between members of the are subject to the same management schedule based on
same group [Janik and Slater, 1998]. During social positive reinforcement training methods. Every day dolphins
interactions, signature whistles are more frequently emitted take part in at least five training sessions approximately at the
than during other behavioral contexts such as feeding or same time during which their trainers feed them after they
travelling [Cook et al., 2004]. These signals can also be perform several exercises aimed to facilitate the husbandry
copied [Janik, 2000; Tyack, 1986] by other individuals of the and medical care procedures and to prepare for presentations
group, possibly to label a particular individual [Janik, 2000]. to the public. Each dolphin knows around 100 behaviors to
It has been suggested that signature whistle mimicry might perform upon trainers’ command plus the new behaviors
be affiliative [King et al., 2014]. Finally, an increase of the they are learning. Their sequence, their frequency and their
signature whistle emission rate has been reported during duration change every day in every session. It could be
capture-release procedures with free-ranging bottlenose underwater/aerial behaviors and solitary/group behaviors.
dolphins, suggesting that signature whistle emission rate Before and after the training sessions the trainers mainly
could be considered as a potential indicator of stress in stayed in the office and food preparation area and remained
dolphins [Esch et al., 2009b]. not visible but audible by the dolphins. At the beginning of
The management of dolphins in captivity is largely each training session the trainers went out of the food
based on positive reinforcement training [Brando, 2010; preparation area at the same time carrying fish buckets and
Laule, 2003], and often several training/feeding sessions are place themselves at the edge of the pool. During training
held per day during which caregivers promote desired sessions, the trainers divide the animals into sub-groups of
behaviors to facilitate husbandry and medical care and build the same two or three individuals. Each sub-group stays with
a bond with the animals [Brando, 2010]. In the daily life of one trainer and performs different exercises during the
captive dolphins, training/feeding sessions could represent session which lasts around 15 min. This separation is never
remarkable events that involve the development of cognitive forced and it is achieved because animals are reinforced
skills and the modulation of the animals’ behaviors. In the positively when they stay together in their assigned group.
case of Parc Asterix delphinarium, the dolphins are separated The trainers start and end their working day by feeding the
into sub-groups during each training session and each sub- dolphins ad-libitum without asking them to perform any kind
group performs different exercises. Under these conditions, of exercises.
it is possible that the dolphins’ vocal repertoire and behavior Overall, this facility consists of one outdoor and two
may vary. For example, it has been reported that the number indoor pools not acoustically isolated. The outdoor pool has a
of whistle emissions in captive bottlenose dolphins increases volume of 3,246 m3 and a depth that varies from 2.5 m at the

Zoo Biology
Whistle Emission Rate in Bottlenose Dolphins Under Human Care 3

shallowest point to 4.5 m at its deepest. The indoor part of the Whistles with a negative signal-to-noise ratio or overlapping
complex, divided into two sections, has a total volume of with other whistles were registered but not included in the
550 m3 and a depth of 2.5 m. The dolphins have free access categorization. Once each whistle spectrogram was regis-
between the pools at all times. tered, a visual categorization of whistle types was carried out.
We applied the SIGID method [Janik et al., 2013] to identify
Whistle Recordings signature whistles within our catalog of whistle types based on
two criteria: firstly, signature whistles were whistle types
Whistles were recorded approximately 15 min before,
repeated at least four times in a recording session, and
during and 15 min after ten training sessions that took place
secondly, at least on one occasion the whistles were produced
on 6 days: five recording sessions were conducted over
in a sequence in which 75% or more repetitions occur within
4 days in November 2014 and five more over 2 days in
1–10 sec of one other. The whistle types that were not
May 2015. The recordings were carried out using a CRT
cataloged as signature whistle types using this method were
hydrophone C54XRS (frequency response: 0.016–44 kHz
cataloged as non-signature whistle types.
! 3 dB) plugged in to a TASCAM HDP2 recorder at the
To verify the reliability of our classification method,
acquisition rate of 96 kHz and samples were coded on 24 bits.
five experts, all affiliated to the acoustic communication team
In order to prevent the dolphins touching and grabbing the
of NeuroPSI laboratory (Orsay, France) and working on
hydrophone, it was placed in a flexible floating tube inside an
bioacoustics in classification of birds or cetacean sounds,
18.9 L polycarbonate bottle with multiple perforations. The
performed two visual classification tasks using the identified
apparatus was fixed to a wooden stick at a distance of 50 cm
signature whistles of our dataset [see Kriesell et al., 2014].
from the edge of the pool and 50 cm deep near the small
For each signature whistle type, six whistle repetitions were
beach area (Fig. 1).
randomly selected: 1 to act as a template and 5 to be classified
by the experts. Each signature whistle repetition was
Visual Categorization Process
surrounded by the signature whistle templates and was
To create a whistle catalogue, spectrograms (FFT size: presented to each expert on a Microsoft Power Point slide. In
1024, overlap 50%, Hanning window) of the recorded the first task, the experts were asked to compare each whistle
whistles were analyzed using Audacity 2.06 software (GNU repetition with each template and to rate the similarity in a
General Public License, The Audacity Team, Pittsburg, scale from 1 (very different) to 5 (very similar). The second
PA). Graphs with standardized x- and y-axes (1 sec long, task was to assign to each whistle repetition the most similar
with a frequency range of 0 Hz to 48 kHz) of the frequency template category. The ratings were compared between
modulation of each whistle were used to prevent distortion experts using Fleiss’ Kappa statistic [Siegel and Castellan,
of whistles caused by axes differing in length as this 1988] to determine inter-observer agreement in whistle
would have influenced the visual categorization process. classification and consistency in categorization (with and

Fig. 1. Position of the recording set-up in the pool. Not to scale.

Zoo Biology
4 Lopez Marulanda et al.
without authors’ classifications). When experts are in sessions in November with nine individuals and in the last
complete agreement Fleiss’ Kappa statistics (k) is equal to five recording sessions in May with eight individuals. We
1 [Landis and Koch, 1977]. If agreement between experts is detected the occurrence of 210 signature whistles during
the same as expected by chance, then k is equal to 0. the first recording sessions and the occurrence of 69 signature
whistles during the last recording sessions.
Whistle Emission Analysis The two visual classification tasks tested reliability of
Statistical tests were conducted using R statistical identifying whistle types. The first task showed a low inter-
software version 3.02 [R Core Team, 2013]. Mean values of observer agreement (Fleiss’ kappa statistic without author as
whistles emission rate and signature whistle emission rate judge: k ¼ 0.388, n judges ¼ 5, z ¼ 18.7, P ¼ 0.00001; with
per minute were calculated for the recordings before, during author as judge: k ¼ 0.408, n judges ¼ 6, z ¼ 24.2,
and after each training session. The Friedman Rank Test was P ¼ 0.00001). During the second task, the experts repeatedly
used to compare the non-signature whistle emission rate and chose the highest similarity rating for the first task as the most
the signature whistle emission rate before, during and after similar whistle to the template category. The inter-observer
each training session. Post hoc tests were performed to agreement was high in the second task (Fleiss’ kappa
examine the variation in the tested variables. statistic: k ¼ 0.956, z ¼ 28.7, P ¼ 0.00001). These results
show that clearly defined whistle types exist in the repertoire
of Parc Asterix bottlenose dolphins and support the authors’
RESULTS visual categorization of the dataset.
A total of 7 hr 32 min (Table 1) were recorded among The overall whistle emission rate during our recordings
the ten training sessions (154 min before, 147 min during was 7.48 whistles per minute. We calculated this rate
training sessions and 152 min after) in which 3,272 whistles (including signature and non-signature whistles) by averaging
were identified: 309 (9.44%) were classified as having too the ten sessions before, during and after the training sessions.
low signal-to-noise ratio whistles to be considered in this The rate did not change significantly from 4.72 " 3.32
study and 79 (2.41%) were classified as overlapping whistles per minute before the training sessions, to
whistles, the remaining 2,884 (88.14%) were classified in 8.14 " 2.74 whistles per minute during the training sessions
signature or non-signature whistle types. Most of the and 9.84 " 7.44 whistles per minute after the training sessions
identified whistles were recorded during the first five (Friedman Rank Test: x2 ¼ 2.6, df ¼ 2, P ¼ 0.2725) (Fig. 3).
recording sessions with nine individuals (n ¼ 1,946; before When comparing non-signature and signature whistles
training: 288, during training: 743, and after training: 915) separately, we found that dolphins emitted more non-
while less of half of whistles was recorded during the last five signature whistles during and afterwards (respectively
recording sessions with eight individuals (n ¼ 938; before Wilcoxon signed Rank Test: V ¼ 4, P ¼ 0.0137 and V ¼ 2,
training: 192; during training: 329, and after training: 417). P ¼ 0.0058 with Bonferroni-adjusted significance level of
According to SIGID method, 279 (9.67%) signature P < 0.0167) than before the training sessions. No significant
whistles were identified belonging to four different signature differences were found between the non-signature whistle
whistles types (Fig. 2). The remaining 2,605 (90.32%) emission rate during and after the training sessions (Wilcoxon
were classified as non-signature whistle types. The four signed Rank Test: V ¼ 25, P ¼ 0.8457 with Bonferroni-
signature whistles were present in the first five recording adjusted significance level of P < 0.0167) (Fig. 4).

TABLE 1. Time of recording of the 10 sessions: Before, during and after the training
Duration (hh:mm:ss)
Session and social grouping Before During After Total

1st social grouping, session 1 00:02:09 00:24:21 00:14:32 00:41:02

2 00:04:17 00:20:42 00:15:59 00:40:58
3 00:06:49 00:17:50 00:14:26 00:39:05
4 00:16:23 00:13:18 00:14:29 00:44:10
5 00:15:00 00:11:08 00:16:33 00:42:41
Sub-total 00:44:38 01:27:19 01:15:59 03:27:56
2nd social grouping, session 1 00:30:07 00:13:29 00:15:00 00:58:36
2 00:35:39 00:15:33 00:15:08 01:06:20
3 00:14:58 00:11:18 00:15:00 00:41:16
4 00:12:38 00:11:30 00:15:00 00:39:08
5 00:16:01 00:08:13 00:15:00 00:39:14
Sub-total 01:49:23 01:00:03 01:15:08 04:04:34
Total 02:34:01 02:27:22 02:32:07 07:32:30
The first five recording sessions were carried out with the first social group (nine animals) and the last five recording sessions were carried
out with a second social group (eight animals).

Zoo Biology
Whistle Emission Rate in Bottlenose Dolphins Under Human Care 5

Fig. 2. Three randomly chosen spectrograms of each of the identified signature whistles emitted by Parc Ast!erix bottlenose dolphins
(Plailly, France): (a) Signature whistle type 1 (SW1); (b) Signature whistle type 2 (SW2) which can be identified as variably loopy based on
the final loop which is consistent from whistle to whistle; (c) Signature whistle type 3 (SW3); (d) Signature whistle type 4 (SW4). The
numbers in the right are the total occurrences of the whistle type found in the acoustic recordings (n ¼ 293 signature whistles).
Spectrograms are all presented in the same scaling. Frequency (kHz) is on the y-axis and ranges from 0 to 48 kHz. Time (s) is on the x-axis.
FFT 1,024, Hanning window, overlap 50%.

When we pooled the four types of signature whistles,

we found that signature whistle emission rate varied
significantly before, during and after training sessions
(Friedman Rank Test: x2 ¼ 12.2, df ¼ 2, P ¼ 0.0022):
dolphins emitted significantly more signature whistles
afterwards than before the training sessions (Wilcoxon
signed Rank Test: V ¼ 0, P ¼ 0.0019 with Bonferroni-
adjusted significance level of P < 0.0167), but the animals’
signature whistle emission rate before and during the training
sessions did not show any significant variation (Wilcoxon
signed Rank Test: V ¼ 30, P ¼ 0.8457 with Bonferroni-
adjusted significance level of P < 0.0167) nor between
periods during and after the training sessions (Wilcoxon
signed Rank Test: V ¼ 0, P ¼ 0.0195 with Bonferroni-
adjusted significance level of P < 0.0167) (Fig. 5).
Fig. 3. Boxplot of bottlenose dolphins’ whistle (all types)
The four different signature whistle types were not
emission rate before, during and after training sessions (n ¼ 10). present in all the recording sessions making it impossible to
Friedman Rank Test: x2 ¼ 2.6, df ¼ 2, P > 0.05. statistically compare the whistle emission rate of each kind of

Zoo Biology
6 Lopez Marulanda et al.

Fig. 6. Signature whistle emission rate for each type of signature

whistle (SW) before, during and after the training sessions.

Fig. 4. Boxplot of bottlenose dolphins’ non-signature whistle signatures whistles types, increasing for types 1, 2, and 3
emission rate before, during and after training sessions (n ¼ 10).
Wilcoxon signed Rank Test: V ¼ 2, P < 0.0167 (with Bonferroni and decreasing for type 4.
correction). "" Wilcoxon signed Rank Test: V ¼ 4, P < 0.0167 (with
Bonferroni correction).
signature whistle between the sessions. However, we
Dolphin whistle emission rate is highly variable and
calculated the emission rate of each signature whistle type
depends on several parameters: groups size [Jones and
for the 10 sessions before, during and after the training.
Sayigh, 2002; Cook et al., 2004; Quick and Janik, 2008],
Whistle rate increased after the training sessions for
group composition [Hawkins and Gartside, 2010] and
signatures whistles type 1 (SW1), type 2 (SW2), and type
behavioral context [Dos Santos et al., 1990; Jacobs et al.,
3 (SW3). The whistle emission rate of the signature whistle
1993; Acevedo-Guti!errez and Stienessen, 2004; Cook et al.,
type 4 (SW4) was higher before than after the training
2004]. Most of the whistles detected occurred during the first
sessions (Fig. 6).
five recording sessions: in November the nine dolphins
To summarize, the dolphins’ overall whistle emission
whistled and produced signature whistles two times more
rate did not significantly change before, during and after
frequently than the eight individuals in May. It is
the training sessions. However, the non-signature emission
comprehensible to have more whistles and signature whistles
rate was higher during and afterwards than before the
produced when the group size increases [Van Parijs et al.,
training sessions and the signature whistle emission rate
2002], but here, the difference in occurrence of whistles was
was significantly higher after than before the training
not proportional to the number of individuals. Instead, it is
sessions. The emission rate varied between the different
possible that the group composition impacted the dolphins’
vocal productions, and in particular the age of the individuals
might also have been an important variable. The first
recording sessions in November were carried out in a group
with four young dolphins out of nine individuals while the
second set of recordings in May occurred in a group of two
young dolphins and six adults. Mother–offspring interactions
include various behaviors (i.e., teaching behaviors) [Bender
et al., 2009] and involve vocalizations (i.e., during periods of
separation) [Smolker et al., 1993]. The nature of the
intraspecific social interactions conducted within the groups
might have influenced the number of whistles and signature
whistles recorded. We suggest that the presence of young
dolphins might have increased the number of affiliative, play
and discipline behaviors within the group and these
behaviors could be correlated to a high production of
The SIGID method [Janik et al., 2013] allowed us to
Fig. 5. Boxplot of bottlenose dolphins’ signature whistle (all
types) emission rate before, during and after training sessions identify four signature whistles within the bottlenose
(n ¼ 10). " Wilcoxon signed Rank Test: V ¼ 0, P < 0.0167 (with dolphins at Parc Asterix dolphinarium. If signature whistles
Bonferroni correction). are individually specific [Caldwell et al., 1990] we could

Zoo Biology
Whistle Emission Rate in Bottlenose Dolphins Under Human Care 7

expect to find nine signature whistles in the first half of our their free-time in absence of people (which is analog to the
recording sessions and eight in the second half. However, the period after training session in our study). Therrien et al.
SIGID method was conceived to be very conservative so that [2012] measured the whistle production of a group of eight
false positives were eliminated. This precaution means bottlenose dolphins (four adult females, two adult males, and
the SIGID method did not consider about half of the signature two young males) and found increased whistle production to
whistles present in the sample [Janik et al., 2013]. coincide with increased interactions with humans during
We recorded a total of 7 hr and 32 min. It is probable that feeding/training sessions. Recently, a study carried out on
signature whistles of all the individuals were present in our five captive false killer whales (P. crassidens) (three adult
samples but we only identified less than 50% of them using the females, one adult male, and one male calf) also found an
SIGID method. In this case, some of the non-signature increase in their acoustic emissions (including whistles)
whistles that were used in our analyses are signature whistles upon trainers’ arrival [Platto et al., 2015]. The high rate was
that were not detected by the method and in this terms the maintained during feeding sessions and reduced immediately
results we obtained on the non-signature whistle emission rate after the animals were fed. In contrast, we found that non-
are influenced by the signature whistle emission rate. signature whistles increased during the training sessions but
However, the emission of signature whistles in captivity is their rate was higher afterwards, and signature whistle rate
very scarce and for some individuals can be less than 1% of was higher after the training sessions compared to before.
whistle emission rate [Janik and Slater, 1998]. Thus, it is Dolphins’ behaviors and vocalizations can be modu-
highly probable that signature whistles of all the individuals lated by trainings [Kuczaj and Xitco, 2002]. Since no
were not present in our acoustic recordings. It would be information could be found about the influence of the nature
necessary to record the animals during forced [Esch et al., and content of trainings in the related papers, we cannot
2009a] or voluntary isolation [Janik and Slater, 1998] or using comment on the impact they have on whistle emission rate.
a hydrophone array [L!opez-Rivas and Baz!ua-Dur!an, 2010], to Moreover, in Akiyama and Ohta’s [2007] study, dolphins
link the whistle emission to individual dolphins in order to find spent less than 2 years under human care; this is in contrast to
the signature whistle for each member of the group. Parc Ast!erix dolphins, where six out of nine dolphins are
The first classification task allows our study to be born in the dolphinarium and the other three have been in
comparable to previous studies that use visual categorization captivity for over 2 decades. It has been shown that free-
of bottlenose dolphins’ whistles as Janik [2000] and Kriesell ranging dolphins increase their whistle emission rate during
et al. [2014]. The low inter observer agreement obtained on feedings probably to recruit more members to the group
the first classification task has also been reported by these [Acevedo-Guti!errez and Stienessen, 2004], and this behavior
authors and might be due to the fact that we asked judges to is likely not necessary, or less present, in captivity where
classify whistles on a scale of discrimination that is too fine feeding is less cooperative than in the wild. In Akiyama and
and leads to subjectivity. In fact when one of the authors Ohta’s [2007] study, the dolphins might interact (e.g., to
redid the first classification task several months later, the cooperate) while feeding. Unfortunately, Therrien et al.
inter observer agreement with herself was low (K ¼ 0.133 [2012] and Platto et al. [2015] do not specify for how long
z ¼ 1.9, P ¼ 0.0581). However, the second classification task their studied animals have been in captivity.
that asked the judges to choose the most similar whistles Our study shows that overall, signature whistle
showed a high inter observer agreement, which supports the emission significantly increased after the training sessions.
author’s visual categorization of the data set. However this was not the case for all the signature whistles
When we compared signature and non-signature types we detected, suggesting that depending upon the
whistles, the total emission rate did not significantly change situation dolphins’ signature whistles production varies, and
before, during and after the training sessions. Our results consequently they might be used for various functions.
differ from previous findings on other groups of cetaceans Context of emissions of signature whistles varies from stress
under human care: for instance, bottlenose dolphins calls during forced isolation [Esch et al., 2009a] to cohesion
increased whistle production during interactions with calls [Smolker et al., 1993; Janik and Slater, 1998; Quick and
humans [Akiyama and Ohta, 2007; Therrien et al., 2012]. Janik, 2012]. In Parc Asterix, during training sessions the
Akiyama and Ohta [2007] measured the number of whistles trainers divide the animals into groups of the same two or
emitted by three captive bottlenose dolphins (one male and three individuals. Each sub-group remains with one trainer
two females, all less than 8 years old) during several and performs different exercises during the session. This
situations in a facility in Muroto (Japan): immediately before division is never forced and it is achieved by using positive
feeding, during feeding, during the animals’ free-time reinforcement. The training session by itself can be
without the presence of people, and during interactions considered as rewarding for the animals [Laule and
with people on a float and in the water. They found that most Desmond, 1998], since they are positively reinforced when
of the whistles were emitted during the period preceding they perform exercises. A previous study conducted in this
feeding (which is analog to the period before trainings in our facility measured the breathing rate of animals before and
study), and whistle emission was higher during various after the training sessions [Jensen et al., 2013] as a possible
interactions with humans (including feeding) than during indicator of stress [Broom and Johnson, 1993; Dierauf,

Zoo Biology
8 Lopez Marulanda et al.
2001]. The results showed that the animals maintained the These individual differences could be explained
same breathing rate before and after the sessions [Jensen by the presence of different personalities in dolphins
et al., 2013], indicating that the exercises they were asked to [Birgersson et al., 2014; Highfill and Kuczaj, 2007] that
perform did not affect their level of stress. The increase in leads to individual variation in vocal activity. Since group
signature and non-signature whistle emission rates therefore composition and behavioral contexts influence dolphins’
is not likely to be explained by the animals being stressed vocalization rate [Dos Santos et al., 1990; Jacobs et al.,
during the training sessions. We suggest that the increase in 1993; Cook et al., 2004; Hawkins and Gartside 2010], it
non-signature and some signature whistle emission after would be necessary to identify the vocalizing dolphins and
training sessions is due to an augmentation of social to observe the animals’ behaviors during signature whistles
behaviors. Before training sessions, dolphins can freely emissions to explain the particular behavioral context that
interact displaying affiliative, agonistic, and sexual behav- caused these individual differences. As a hypothesis, we
iors [Herzing, 1996; Samuels and Gifford, 1997]. Since suggest that non-signature whistles are intended to give
training sessions occur consistently approximately at the information to listener dolphins, while signature whistles
same hour, dolphins can perform anticipatory behaviors are used to give information about the emitter. The copy of
[Jensen et al., 2013] which could have an influence in their signature whistles might play a role in spreading the
vocal production as has been found in captive false killer information and letting the emitter know that the
whales (P. crassidens) [Platto et al., 2015] and bottlenose information has correctly been received. Vocal mimicry
dolphins in other facilities [Akiyama and Ohta, 2007]. is an important part of communication in all species of
Training sessions occur consistently approximately at the mammals, but this is higher for cetacean species, in
same hour and before these dolphins can perform anticipa- particular for toothed whales. These prolific vocal
tory behaviors [Jensen et al., 2013] which could have an exchanges might probably be due to the development of
influence in their vocal production as has been found in their personalities, the features of their social structure and
captive false killer whales (P. crassidens) [Platto et al., also the large diversity of their sound emissions.
2015] and bottlenose dolphins in other facilities [Akiyama In conclusion, our study shows that non-signature
and Ohta, 2007]. During training sessions, the groups are and particular signature whistle emission rate increases
subdivided and dolphins are asked to perform several after scheduled training sessions in Parc Asterix dolphi-
exercises, where these activities modulate social interactions narium. We suggest that animals might have been seeking
between animals. Finally, after the training sessions social interactions after the sessions. We suppose that
individuals are free to regroup as they want and the signature before the sessions, animals are free to interact, or not
whistles might then be used as cohesion calls and copied as interact, with the partner(s) they choose, during the training
affiliative signals [King et al., 2014]. sessions the group structure changes due to human
When comparing the emission rate of signature intervention (trainers regroup particular dolphins into
whistles before and after the training sessions we found groups of 2–3 individuals), and after the training sessions
that SW1, SW2, and SW3 emission rates increased after the dolphins freely regroup using signature whistles as
training session and SW4 emission rate decreased after the cohesion calls. However, in order to validate this
training session. Signature whistles are individually hypothesis, it is necessary to directly observe the animals’
specific [Caldwell et al., 1990], so it is highly probable behaviors and to link the patterns of group association with
that the four signature whistles identified were mostly whistle emissions. Moreover, during training sessions the
emitted by four particular individuals with the exception of trainers ask the dolphins to perform solitary and coordi-
the cases where the signature whistles are copied [Janik, nated exercises, and their vocalization rate might also
2000; Tyack, 1986]. If this is the case, the signature depend on the task the trainers ask them to perform. We
whistles detected are not from the three males that were can expect higher sound production rates during coordi-
transferred between facilities because they are present nated exercises and cooperative tasks [Eskelinen et al.,
before and after the transfer. One of the signature whistles 2016]. Linking whistle emissions to particular behaviors
(SW2) consists of several connected loops. Since the will be the next step to better understand how dolphins
number of loops increases with the age of the individual under human care communicate.
[Caldwell et al., 1990], we suggest that SW2 probably
belongs to one of the oldest animals in the group.
The differences found between the emission rates of
each signature whistle type might be due to individual We are very grateful to the Parc Asterix Dolphinarium
differences, meaning that the three individuals that emitted curator, Birgitta Mercera, and her trainers for their help
more signature whistles after the training sessions were during the recording sessions. We would like to thank to the
probably seeking group cohesion or at least looking for social acoustic communication team (NeuroPsi) members for their
interactions. In contrast, one individual emitted more constructive comments and for carrying out the classification
signature whistles before the training sessions probably tasks and Isabella Clegg for revising the English of this
looking for social interactions in a different moment. manuscript.

Zoo Biology
Whistle Emission Rate in Bottlenose Dolphins Under Human Care 9

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Zoo Biology
Chapter 2: Non-signature whistles are possible used

as cohesion calls in bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops

truncatus) under human care

Juliana Lopez-Marulandaa*, Heiko G. Rödelb, Nikolaas Colapaertc, Sander

Vanderheulc, Olivier Adama,d, Fabienne Delfoure,b

Institute of Neurosciences Paris Saclay, CNRS UMR 9197, University Paris Sud,

Orsay, France

Laboratoire d’Ethologie Expérimentale et Comparée E.A. 4443 (LEEC), Université

Paris 13, Sorbonne Paris Cité, F-93430 Villetaneuse, France

Boudewijn Seapark.

Sorbonne Universités, UPMC Univ Paris 06, CNRS, UMR 7190, Institut Jean Le

Rond d'Alembert

Parc Astérix, 60128 Plailly, France

Article in preparation

Synthesis Chapter 2


Although signature whistles have been largely studied, not much is known about

non-signature whistles, which are the most frequently produced whistles by the

species in captivity.

Research questions

The behavioral context of emission of non-signature whistles has been poorly studied

in detail and often behavioral observations are done from surface taking into account

only general behavioral categories such as travel, rest, socializing and foraging.

The aim of this study was to determine if there is an association between the non-

signature whistle production and the underwater behaviors of a group of eight

bottlenose dolphins under human care.


The study was conducted in a group of 8 bottlenose dolphins (T. truncatus) during six

days in February 2017 at the Boudewijn Seapark (Bruges, Belgium). Audio-video

recordings were made 15 minutes before and after 10 training sessions. The

behavioral analysis was made by focal follows on each individual based on six

behavioral categories. The acoustical analysis was made at the group level, and non-

signature whistles recorded (N=661) were visually classified in six categories

according to their frequency modulation.


Multifactorial analysis showed that the occurrence of the six categories of whistles

were highly collinear. Non-signature whistle production was positively correlated with

the slow swimming alone behavior and negatively with the affiliative body contact.


Our results suggest that non-signature whistle production plays a role in the cohesion

of animals when they are in the same range of vision. This is the first analysis that

links the production of non-signature whistles with particular underwater behaviors in

the species. However, in order to test our hypothesis, it will be necessary to localize

and identify the animal producing a whistle and the behavioral response of its



Bottlenose dolphins are highly social cetaceans that strongly rely on acoustic

communication and signaling. The diversity of sounds emitted by the species has

been structurally classified in whistles, clicks and burst-pulsed sounds. Although click

sounds and individually-specific signature whistles have been largely studied, not

much is known about non-signature whistles, which are the most frequently produced

whistles by the species in captivity. Most studies that link behavior and whistle

production conduct aerial behavioral observations and link the production of whistles

to the general category of social interactions. The aim of this study was to determine

if there was a correlation between the non-signature whistle production and the

underwater behaviors of a group of eight bottlenose dolphins in Boudewijn Sea Park

(Belgium). In order to do this we made audio-video recordings 15 minutes before and

after 10 training sessions. For the behavioral analysis we made focal follows on each

individual based on six behavioral categories. For the acoustical analysis, made at

the group level, we visually classified the non-signature whistles recorded (N=661) in

six categories according to their frequency modulation. Multifactorial analysis showed

that the occurrence of the six categories of whistles were highly collinear. Non-

signature whistle production was positively correlated with the slow swimming alone

behavior and negatively with the positive affiliative body contacts. Our results

suggest that non-signature whistle production plays a role in the cohesion of animals

when they are in the same range of vision. This is the first analysis that links the

production of non-signature whistles with particular underwater behaviors in the


Key words: vocalizations, underwater observations, captivity


Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) are highly social cetacean that exhibit a

system of fission-fusion grouping pattern, in which the individuals associate in small

groups that often vary in composition according to age, sex, reproductive status and

activity (Connor et al., 2000; Mann et al., 2000; Gibson and Mann, 2008; Tsai and

Mann, 2013). In this highly mobile species, individuals of the same group can be

distant by hundreds of meters within a habitat of limited visibility (Connor et al.,

1998). Under these conditions, individual interactions based on the use of acoustics

signals seems to be the most effective strategy in order to assess their social and

natural environments (Janik, 2009).

The diversity of the sounds emitted by the species has been classified into three

structural categories and two functional classes. Structurally, the sounds emitted by

the bottlenose dolphins are categorized in whistles or tonal sounds (Reviewed in

Janik, 2009), clicks or pulsed sounds (Au, 2012), and burst-pulsed sounds (Diaz-

Lopez and Bernal-Shirai, 2009). Functionally, sound emissions may be used for

echolocation (involved in orientation and navigation), or may have a role in

communication and social interactions (Herzing, 2000).

Whistles are continuous narrow-band frequency modulated signals that range from

800 Hz to 28.5 kHz and have duration between 100ms and over 4s (Evans and

Prescott, 1962). This kind of sounds is associated with many social situations, with

some whistles being individually specific (Caldwell et al., 1990) and functioning to

maintain group cohesion (Janik and Slater, 1998). These whistles, also called

“signature whistles”, have been largely studied (Caldwell et al., 1990; Janik, 2000;

Janik and Sayigh, 2013; King et al., 2014). Their production rate varies with the

contexts: signature whistles can represent more than 90% of whistles produced by

temporally restrained dolphins (Caldwell and Caldwell, 1965; Sayigh et al., 1990),

between 30-70% of free ranging dolphins (Cook et al., 2004) and less than 1% in

dolphins under human care (Janik and Slater, 1998). Thus, most of the whistles

produced by unrestrained dolphins are not-signature whistles.

One common method for describing non-signature whistles is to qualitatively classify

them based on their contour shape. Shape categories include upsweep, downsweep,

convex, concave and sinusoid (Bazua-Duran and Au, 2002; Hickey et al., 2009;

Lopez, 2011). The behavioral context of emission of non-signature whistles has been

poorly studied in detail and often behavioral observations are done from surface

taking into account only general behavioral categories such as travel, rest, socializing

and foraging (Herzing, 2015). For instance, in free-ranging bottlenose dolphins

(Tursiops truncatus) in the Mediterranean foraging behavior was associated with

sinusoid whistles, while upsweep whistles were associated with social behaviors

(Lopez, 2011). Underwater behavioral observations allow the creation of more

detailed ethograms (Herzing, 2015).

The management of bottlenose dolphins in captivity is largely based on positive

reinforcement training (Laule, 2003; Brando, 2010), and often several training or

feeding sessions are held per day. These trainings can be rewarding, as animals

voluntarily take part and must work in order to obtain rewards and develop cognitive

skills (Laule and Desmond, 1998). In the daily life of captive dolphins, training

sessions could represent outstanding events that involve feeding and interaction with

humans. The schedule of human-controlled periods modulates the behavior of

animals during their free time (Clegg et al., 2017). It has been observed that

anticipatory behaviors are higher before training sessions (Jensen et al., 2013; Clegg

et al., 2017), while synchronized swimming peaks shortly after training sessions

(Clegg et al., 2017). With respect to the non-signature whistle vocalization rate, it has

been found that upsweep whistles are mainly produced during feeding sessions,

while convex and sinusoid whistles are more frequent during the time before the

feeding session (Akiyama and Ohta, 2006).

The aim of this study was to determine if there is an association between the non-

signature whistle production and the underwater behaviors of a group of eight

bottlenose dolphins under human care. For instance we assessed if specific social

contexts (e.g. alone vs. synchronous swimming) induce particular non-signature

whistle types production.


Study subjects

The study was conducted during six days in February 2017 at the Boudewijn

Seapark (Bruges, Belgium). The complex was inhabited by eight Atlantic bottlenose

dolphins (T. truncatus), six adult females aged 51, 41, 32, 19 and 14, one adult male

aged 12 years, and two calves, one male and one female that were born at the park

in the summer of 2015. Two of the adult females were born at the park, the adult

male was born at another facility and the three oldest females originated from wild.

All dolphins are subject to the same management schedule based on positive

reinforcement training methods. Every day dolphins take part in six to eight training

sessions approximately at the same time during which their trainers feed them after

they perform several exercises aimed to facilitate the husbandry and medical care

procedures and to prepare for presentations to the public. The adult animals know to

perform 100 to 130 behaviors upon trainers’ command plus the new behaviors they

are learning. Their sequence, their frequency and their duration change every day in

every session. It could be underwater/aerial behaviors and solitary/group behaviors.

Before and after the training sessions the trainers mainly stayed in the office and

food preparation area and remained not visible or audible by the dolphins. At the

beginning of each training session the trainers went out of the food area at the same

time carrying fish buckets and place themselves at the edge of the pool. During

training sessions the animals are divided into subgroups that goes to different pools

depending on whether they were performing exercises or not. Separations into

subgroups are obtained by positive reinforcements and the animals remain within

acoustical reach of one another at all times.

Overall this facility consists of five connected pools: a main show pool, two holding

pens, a medical pool and quarantine pool (Figure 1). The quarantine pool and main

show pool are connected by a channel. The depth of the pools is at least 3m in the

shallowest areas and 5,6m at its deepest point in the main show pool. The total

volume is 2896m3 or approximately 3millions litters. Training sessions with caregivers

can take place in all of the pools. During the recordings, the audio-video device was

placed in the main pool and the animals could move freely between the five pools.

The facility was closed to the public at the time of the recordings. Between the

recording sessions the animals were provided with enrichment items that were

alternated on a daily basis.

Recording device

Simultaneous audio and video recordings were collected using an improved

waterproof 360° audio-video system, named BaBeL (BioAcoustique, Bien-être et

Langage) (Lopez-Marulanda et al., 2017). Video data were collected using one

GIROPTIC 360° camera consisting in three objectives that allowed a 360° range of

view. This camera was positioned under the waterproof housing of a digital recorder

ZOOM H6, plugged to four calibrated and automatically synchronized Aquarian H2a-

XLR hydrophones. Audio recordings were conducted at a 96kHz sampling frequency

and coded on 24 bits.

Two claps were made at the beginning of the recording session in order to manually

synchronize video with audio recordings during the a posteriori analysis with specific

video editing software (Final Cut Pro X 10.1.3 © Apple Inc.). A single video file was

created from the GIROPTIC camera and was associated with one of the four audio

tracks and its corresponding turning spectrogram (FFT size: 1024, overlap 50%,

Hanning window) provided by the free software Audacity 2.0.6 (GNU General Public

License). For this study the localization of dolphin producing a whistle was not

possible using our hydrophone array due to the reverberation on the walls of the

pool. We chose then to add only one track in the video as a reference.

Desensitization process

During four weeks prior to the recording sessions, animal caregivers were provided

with BaBeL to desensitize the animals to the presence of the device in the water. The

desensitization process carried out by the trainers consisted of 6 steps which were

gradually built up over the weeks prior to our recordings. The first step involved

placing the device on the side of the main pool, out of the water, but within sight of

the animals. For the second step, an animal caregiver took the device into the water,

standing on the underwater platform in the channel that connected the main show

pool to the quarantine pool, holding the device in the main show pool. During this

phase, the animals could see the device in the water, but were kept under control by

other trainers. Thirdly, the animals were allowed to swim freely for limited times in the

presence of the device which was held by a trainer as described in step 2. These

times were gradually prolonged and animals were rewarded when ignoring the

device. For the fourth step, the device was placed in the water without a trainer while

the animals were kept under control. In step five, the device was left in the water

while the animals swam freely with enrichment items to distract them from showing

interest in BaBeL. Finally, during the last phase, the device was frequently placed in

the water by the animal trainers at different times of the day, with or without the

presence of enrichment items.

Audio-video recordings

Recording sessions were carried out approximately 15min before and 15min after ten

training sessions that took place on six days. During the recordings, the device was

suspended from a buoy and kept in place at the side of the tank by two ropes and a

pole manipulated by one observer who remained at the edge of the pool avoiding

visual contact with the animals. The location of the device during the recordings is

marked by a red dot in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Top view of the enclosure at the Boudewijn Seapark (Belgium). The

location of the BaBeL device during the recordings is marked by a red dot. Animals

have access to all the pools except the two holding pens.

Whistle categorization

Recorded whistles were analyzed by inspecting the spectrograms (FFT size: 1024,

overlap 50%, Hamming window) in Audacity 2.06 software (GNU General Public

License). A graph of the spectrogram of each whistle was registered giving special

attention to standardize the x- and y-axes of (1second long, with a frequency range

of 0Hz to 48 kHz) to prevent distortion of whistles caused by axes of differing length

influencing the categorizing process. Whistles with a negative signal-to-noise ratio or

overlapping with other whistles were registered but not included in the categorization.

To categorize the whistles we first applied the SIGID method (Janik et al., 2013) to

identify signature whistles within our recordings based on two criteria: firstly,

signature whistles were whistles repeated at least four times in a recording session,

and secondly, at least on one occasion the whistles were produced in a sequence in

which 75% or more repetitions occur within 1–10 sec of one other. The whistles that

were not cataloged as signature whistles using this method were cataloged as non-

signature whistles. Non-signature whistles were visually categorized into one of six

fundamental shapes: upsweep, downsweep, flat, convex, concave and sinusoid (with

more than one inflection point).

Behavioral analysis

For each video, a focal-animal sampling technique was conducted to note the

occurrence and duration of the most frequent social and anticipatory behaviors

displayed by the animals (Altmann, 1974; Mann, 1999). The behaviors were adapted

from a published repertoire built to analyze the effect of training sessions on the

behavior of dolphins under human care (Clegg et al., 2017). We took into account the

swim style (alone or synchronous), the different speeds of swim (slow: around 2m/s

or less, minimal tail beats; fast: more than 2m/s and stronger tail beats), play, positive

social body contact, agonistic, sexual and anticipatory behaviors (Table 1). For each

individual we calculated the total time spent within the range of view of the camera.

Table 1: Behavioral catalogue used for this study, based on an ethogram proposed

by Clegg et al. (2017).

Behavior Description
Dolphin swims at more than one body length of any other
dolphin in the pool and shows no synchronous movements
Alone swimming
with its conspecifics. (slow: around 2m/s or less, minimal
tail beats; fast: more than 2m/s and stronger tail beats)
Dolphin swims in synchronous manner within one body
length of another dolphin, showing parallel movements and
body axes. Breathing can be separated maximum by 2 sec.
(slow: around 2m/s or less, minimal tail beats; fast: more
than 2m/s and stronger tail beats)

Dolphin engages with another dolphin in a sequence of

chase, bite and/or hit behaviors that end with one of the
dolphins swimming erratically in the vicinity of its
conspecific (Serres and Delfour, 2017)

Positive social Dolphin touches or rubs another dolphin with its rostrum, its
contact pectoral fin or any other part of its body.

Dolphin engages with another dolphin in a sequence of

Agonistic chase, bite and/or hit behaviors that end with the abrupt
flee of one of the individuals (Serres and Delfour, 2017)

Dolphin touches other dolphin genitals with any part of its

body or with its own genitals.

Dolphin directs its look out of the water towards the arrival
Anticipatory point of the trainers by a simple surface look, spy hopping,
jumping or body slapping close to the edge of the pool.
These behaviors did not occur during the observations of the present study.

No individual marking was used. Each dolphin could be recognized by the use of

patterns as the general coloration of the body, patches of permanent skin

discoloration, body size, body shape and notches on the dorsal fin and tail. Before

the data collection began, we verified that the observer (JLM) could identify dolphins

with 100% accuracy.

Data analysis and sample sizes

Individual-based behavioral data were collected during 10 sessions prior to and 9

sessions after the training sessions. As some dolphins were not present during the

observations, the total number of observations (individual observations during

different sessions) was n = 75 prior to the training and n = 66 after the training.

Always at least six individuals were present in the main pool during the recordings; in

four sessions, two individuals were absent from the main pool. However, when

excluding these data and re-running all analysis the principally same results were

obtained. All statistical analyses were done with R, version 3.4.1. (R Core Team,

2017). Except for the principal component analysis PCA, we always used

permutation tests for the calculation of P-values. Permutation tests for linear models

are well adjusted for moderate sample sizes and do not require normal distribution of

model residuals (Good, 2005). However, we verified homogeneity of variances for all

models (linear models LM or linear mixed-effects models LMM) by plotting residuals

versus fitted values (Faraway, 2006).

We run a PCA (R package prcomp; Venables and Ripley, 2002), based on the

different non-signature whistles, which were found to be highly collinear (see Table

2). The resulting first axis was used as non-signature whistle score in further

statistical analyses. See more details in results.

Correlations at the group level, i.e. between the number of occurrences of the

different non-signature whistle types and comparisons of the whistle score

(dependent variable) recorded before and after the training sessions (factor with 2

levels) were tested by linear models LM.

Table 2: Correlations between the different non-signature whistle types, calculated

by linear models. All models included the interaction with timing (factor with 2 level),

i.e. whether the whistles were recorded before or after the training sessions. These

interactions were never significant (all P > 0.10) and were removed from the models

before these were re-calculated. P values were calculated by 1000 Monte Carlo

permutations. The adjusted R2 is provided. Upsweep whistle: A, downsweep

whistles: B, flat whistles: C, convex whistles: D, concave whistles: E, sinusoid

whistles: F. All the analysis was made for 8 individuals, 10 sessions prior to the

training and 9 sessions after.

Dependent Independe R2 P
variable nt variable
A B 0.616 < 0.001
A C 0.669 < 0.001
A D 0.579 < 0.001
A E 0.502 < 0.001
A F 0.568 0.001
B C 0.499 0.001
B D 0.243 0.020
B E 0.142 0.064
B F 0.184 0.032
C D 0.647 < 0.001
C E 0.222 0.024
C F 0.277 0.021
D E 0.321 0.008
D F 0.447 0.003
E F 0.863 < 0.001

Comparisons at the individual level, i.e. between the duration (% time) of the different

behaviors before and after the training session were tested by linear mixed-effects

models (LMM) based on restricted maximum likelihood estimates by using the lme

function of the R package nlme (Pinheiro et al., 2015). Furthermore, we used LMM to

test for associations between the group-level pattern of non-signature whistles a

(using the whistle score as obtained by PCA) and the individual-level % time the

individuals spent showing the different behaviors recorded. This analysis was done

separately during the period prior to and after the training sessions. Training-session

identity (thus pairing together observation sessions before and after a particular

training session) and individual dolphin identity (thus allowing for repeated

measurements at the individual level across different observation sessions) were

used as random factors (random intercepts) in all LMM. We used a nested random

effects structure, i.e. individual identity was nested within training-session identity. P-

values for LMM as well as for LM were calculated by Monte Carlo sampling with 1000

permutations, using the PermTest function of the R package pgirmess (Giraudoux,


For all significant covariate effects of LMM and GLMM, we provide the slopes (β;

based on scaled values) including their standard errors as a measure of

(standardized) effects size.


Patterns of whistles of the group

A total of 4hr 26 min (Table A, supplementary material) were recorded during the ten

training sessions (2hr 30 min before and 1 hr 56 min after) in which 776 whistles

were identified: 95 (12.24%) were classified as having too low signal-to-noise ratio to

be considered in this study, 9 (1.16%) were classified as overlapping whistles, 11

(1.42%) whistles were classified as signature whistles belonging to two different

whistles types according to the SIGID method (Janik et al., 2013) and 661 (85.18%)

were classified as non-signature whistles and visually categorized in the six

categories mentioned in the methods section.

Associations between different whistles

The most frequent category of non-signature whistle recorded in our study was the

sinusoid whistle F with an occurrence of 1.12 min-1, followed by the upsweep whistle

A (0.52 min-1), the concave whistle E (0.31 min-1), the flat whistle C (0.19 min-1), the

convex whistle D (0.17 min-1), and the downsweep whistle B (0.15 min-1).

The occurrences of these different types of non-signature whistles recorded at the

group level were statistically not independent, since there were various significant

and positive correlations between them (Table 2). The non-significant interactions

with the factor timing (factor with 2 levels; either before or after the training) indicate

that these significant correlations were not modulated by the timing of recording, i.e.

whether the whistles were recorded before or after the training sessions.

Due to this high level of collinearity between the different non-signature whistle types,

we decided to express the variation in whistle patterns by a single score (from here

on referred to as ‘whistle score’), calculated by the first axis of a principal component

analysis PCA. This first axis explained 75.1% of the variation of the data, and the

eigenvalue of this axis was 4.5. Further axes had eigenvalues of > 1 and thus were

not considered for further analyses. The loadings of all whistle types included in the

analysis were all positive (A: +0.450; B: +0.375; C: +0.409; D: +0.405; E: +0.394; F:


Comparison of non-signature whistles production before and after training


The whistle score, reflecting the totality of different non-signature whistles emitted by

the group, was significantly higher prior to the training sessions that after the session

(LM with 1000 permutations: P < 0.001; Fig. 3). That is, the dolphin group produced

more non-signature whistles before than after the training sessions.

Individual-level behaviors

Comparison of individual-level behaviors before and after training sessions

A comparison of all observed individual-level behaviors revealed that only the % time

of positive social body contacts differed significantly during the observations prior to

and after the training sessions (LMM with 1000 permutations: P = 0.027). That is, the

dolphins showed significantly more positive social body contacts after than before the

training sessions.

There were some tendencies indicating that the % time the animals spent swimming

alone differed between the observations before and after the training session;

however, this difference was modulated by the speed of swimming (Fig. 2). Fast

swimming tended to be more frequent prior to the training sessions (P = 0.051),

whereas slow swimming tended to be more frequent after the training sessions (P =

0.055). There were no significant differences with respect to the % time the dolphins

showed synchronous swimming, either slow (P = 0.283) or fast (P = 0.544), and the

time they spent showing anticipatory behaviors (P = 0.663; see Fig. 3). There were

no significant effects of sex or of age class with respect to any of the behaviors

tested (all P > 0.10; see details on statistics in Table B of the supplementary


Figure 2: Comparison between (a) the pattern of non-signature whistles at the group

level (whistle score obtained by PCA, see text) and (b-e) individual-based behaviors

prior to and after training sessions of bottlenose dolphins (n = 8 individuals, although

not all individuals were observed in all sessions). Means with 95% confidence

intervals are given. Observation sessions (nbefore = 10; nafter = 9) were around 15 min.

Statistical comparisons by linear mixed-effects models; see text for details.

Significant differences are indicated by asterisks (*** P < 0.001, * P < 0.050).

Associations between vocalization patterns and individual behaviors

There were significant associations between the group-level pattern of non-signature

whistles (as assessed by a PCA-based whistle score) and certain of the different

individual-level behaviors recorded, but only during the observations prior to the

training sessions. The % time the animals spent swimming alone in a slow mode was

significantly increased when more non-signature whistles were emitted by the group,

as indicated by the significant and positive correlation between the % time spent

swimming alone and the whistle score (LMM with 1000 permutations: β = +0.387 ±

0.179 SE, P = 0.017; Fig. 3a). Furthermore, the % time the animals spent showing

positive social body contacts was significantly decreased when more non-signature

whistles were emitted by the group β = –0.286 ± 0.120 SE, P = 0.014; Fig. 3b).

Figure 3: Comparison between the pattern of non-signature whistles at the group

level (whistle score obtained by PCA, see text) and the % time individuals (a) spent

swimming alone or (b) showed positive social contacts with conspecifics. Data from 6

bottlenose dolphins observed during 10 sessions prior to training sessions (ntotal = 75

observations). The size of dots indicate the number of overlapping cases.

Parameters of regression lines obtained by linear mixed-effects models using log-

transformation of dependent variables; see text for details.

Associations between the whistle score and any other behavior recorded prior to or

after the training sessions were not statistically significant (all P > 0.10; see details in

Table C in the supplementary material). However, there were significant differences

for the alone swim fast behavior between males and females (β = –0.842 ± 0.270 SE,

P = 0.003) and for the anticipatory behavior between young and older dolphins (β =

+1.093 ± 0.232 SE, P = 0.001). That is, the females showed significant more alone

swim fast behavior that males and the young showed significant more anticipatory

behavior than adults.

To summarize, bottlenose dolphins produced more non-signature whistles before

than after the training sessions. These whistles were mostly sinusoid whistles and

upsweep whistles; however there was a strong correlation between all the non-

signature whistles types.

We observed significantly more positive body contacts in the periods after the

training sessions. The fast swimming behavior was most frequent before the training

sessions and the slow swimming behavior was most frequent after the training


With respect to the correlations between non-signature whistle emission and the

different behaviors, we found that during the time prior to the training sessions more

non-signature whistles were produced when animals were swimming slow and alone.

In contrast less non-signature whistles were emitted when animals showed positive

social body contacts.

Finally, young dolphins showed more anticipatory behaviors than adults and females

showed more fast swimming alone behavior than males.


Bottlenose dolphins produced more non-signature whistles during the time prior to

than after the training sessions. As traditionally whistle emission has been linked with

communication and social interactions (Herzing, 2000), we suggest that during the

time prior to training sessions the animals invest more time in actively communicating

and interacting socially than after the training sessions that could be devoted to rest.

This result contrast with what has been found in other facility, in which dolphins

produce more non-signature whistles in the period after than before the training

sessions (Lopez-Marulanda et al., 2016). Several factors could explain these

differences in the vocal activity: differences in group composition (Hawkins and

Gartside, 2010; Heiler et al., 2016), different personalities of the animals (Bigersson

et al., 2014; Highfill and Kuczaj, 2007), and differences in management between both

facilities. In fact, both facilities differ in the procedure during the training sessions. In

Boudewjin SeaPark, the animals are separated in different pools during each

training, while in Parc Asterix (France), the animals are never isolated (Lopez-

Marulanda et al., 2016). The isolation of animals might increase the production of

whistles (Esch et al., 2009) and subsequently modulate the production of whistles

before and after the training sessions. As a consequence of this, in Boudewijn

SeaPark, most of the whistles are produced during the training sessions (Colpaert,

2017). It is possible that in this case, the period prior to training sessions elicited the

production of more non-signature whistles, probably as an anticipatory behavior to

the isolation. We did not found differences in the anticipatory behavior before than

after the training sessions. This is probable due to the fact that the presence of the

observers during the recording sessions elicited surface looking behaviors in the

dolphins before and after the training sessions. These behaviors were classified as

anticipatory as it was impossible to distinguish between the surface looking behavior

directed to inspect the trainers arrival and the surface looking behavior directed to

observe the experimenters keeping the BaBeL device in the right position. Thus, we

consider this result as a bias.

Sinusoid and upsweep whistle types were the most frequent non-signature whistle

types produced during the recordings. These two kinds of whistles have been

reported by several authors as the most common produced by the animals, both in

captivity (Akiyama and Ohta, 2006) and in the wild (Hickey et al., 2009; Diaz Lopez,

2011). Our results confirm that these kinds of whistles play an important role in the

natural communication system of bottlenose dolphins (Diaz Lopez, 2011). However,

we also found that all the non-signature whistle types were highly correlated, which

means that the production of non-signature whistles elicit the emission of other non-

signature whistles.

With respect to the behaviors, we found that positive social body contacts were more

frequent after than before the training sessions. Positive social body contacts play a

role in restoring the friendly relationships and reduce conflicts between bottlenose

dolphins in captivity (Tamaki et al., 2006) and spotted dolphins (Stenella frontalis) in

the wild (Dudzinski, 1998). According to this, we could suggest that the time after the

training session plays a role in maintaining positive social relationships between the

individuals of this group of dolphins. Moreover, during our recordings these behaviors

were only observed between mothers and calves, an interaction that has been also

reported as frequent for free ranging Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops

aduncus) (Sakai et al., 2006).

The fast swimming behaviors were also more frequent in the time prior to the training

sessions than after. This result matches with what has been described for bottlenose

dolphins in captivity; in which high-speed swimming was concurrent with periods of

high production of vocalizations (Sekiguchi and Kohshima, 2003). However, this

contrast with what has been found for the behaviors of the animals with respect to

the training sessions in other facilities, in which the speed of swim did not differ

between the time prior and after the training sessions (Clegg et al., 2017). We

suggest that different groups of dolphins might differ in their expression of behaviors

according to group composition, personalities and management. In the case of

Boudewijn Sea Park, the separation of animals during the training sessions may

cause the excitation of the animals which is reflected in the increase of fast

swimming and non-signature whistle emission.

Our results show strong correlations between the non-signature whistle production

and some behaviors. During the time prior to training sessions, dolphins produced

significantly more non-signature whistles while swimming slowly alone. Also, they

produced less non-signature whistles during the positive social body contacts. Even if

this strong correlation cannot be interpreted as a causality, we suggest that non-

signature whistles might play a role in the cohesion of the animals as when they

swim slow and alone they produce more non-signature whistles probably to search

for proximity or contact and when they are already in contact they do not need to

produce these vocalizations which reflects the decrease in their production. The fact

that the animals do not use instead signature whistles as cohesion calls (Janik and

Slater, 1998) under these circumstances, could be explained because the animals

are placed in the same pool and are in visual contact to each other, so they do not

need to transfer information about their identity to regroup. However, in order to test

our hypothesis it will be necessary to localize and identify the animal producing a

whistle and the behavioral response of its congeners. Moreover it will be necessary

to observe these behaviors and vocalizations in other groups of dolphins under

human care and in the wild to determine the role of different non-signature whistles.


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Supplementary material

Table A: Time of recording sessions: Before and after 10 training sessions.

Duration (hh:mm:ss)

Session Before After Total

1 00:19:04 0 00:19:04

2 00:15:57 00:01:45 00:17:42

3 00:16:21 00:15:54 00:32:15

4 00:15:18 00:02:34 00:17:52

5 00:14:55 00:15:29 00:30:24

6 00:07:42 00:15:19 00:23:01

7 00:15:56 00:03:41 00:19:37

8 00:15:48 00:16:02 00:31:50

9 00:14:04 00:15:40 00:29:44

10 00:15:02 00:12:11 00:27:13

Total 02:30:07 01:38:35 04:08:42

Table B: Comparison of different individual-level behaviors before and after the

training sessions (timing: factor with 2 levels), tested by a linear mixed-effects

models. P-values were calculated by 1000 Monte Carlo permutations. The slope

parameters (based on scaled data) of the effects of all independent variables are

provided. Significant effects are given in bold.

Dependent Independent Slope (β ± df P

variable variables SE)

Alone swim - Timing –0.327 ± 1 0.051

slow 0.156

Age class –0.343 ± 1 0.108

(juv) 0.210

Sex (m) –0.119 ± 1 0.584


Alone swim - Timing +0.214 ± 1 0.055

fast 0.109

Age class –0.313 ± 1 0.616

(juv) 0.677

Sex (m) –0.937 ± 1 0.165


Synchronous Timing –0.159 ± 1 0.263

swim - slow 0.142

Age class –0.551 ± 1 0.274

(juv) 0.554

Sex (m) –0.637 ± 1 0.219


Synchronous Timing +0.087± 1 0.536

swim - fast 0.135

Age class –0.025 ± 1 0.967

(juv) 0.580

Sex (m) +0.747 ± 1 0.161


Positive Timing –0.214 ± 1 0.027

social body 0.168
Age class –0.043 ± 1 0.984
(juv) 0.244

Sex (m) –0.121 ± 1 0.433


Anticipatory Timing –0.071 ± 1 0.695

behavior 0.166

Age class +0.047 ± 1 0.864

(juv) 0.272

Sex (m) +0.374 ± 1 0.153


Table C: Correlations between non -signature whistles recorded at the group level

(whistle score) and the occurrence of different individual-level behaviors, tested by a

linear mixed-effects models. P-values were calculated by 1000 Monte Carlo

permutations. Analyses were calculated separately for recordings during a 15-min

time window (a) prior to and (b) after training sessions. The slope parameters (based

on scaled data) of the effects of all independent variables are provided. Significant

effects are given in bold and are shown in Figure 4.

Timing of Dependent Independent Slope (β ± df P

observation variable variables SE)

(a) Before Alone swim - Whistle +0.387 ± 1 0.017

training slow score 0.179

Age class –0.140 ± 1 0.545

(juv) 0.230

Sex (m) +0.070 ± 1 0.763


Alone swim - Whistle +0.097 ± 1 0.334

fast score 0.102

Age class –0.299 ± 1 0.247

(juv) 0.247

Sex (m) –1.019 ± 1 <

0.256 0.001

Synchronous Whistle –0.138 ± 1 0.374

swim - slow score 0.141

Age class –0.436 ± 1 0.107

(juv) 0.266

Sex (m) +0.540 ± 1 0.151


Synchronous Whistle –0.076 ± 1 0.640

swim - fast score 0.172

Age class +0.349 ± 1 0.158

(juv) 0.240

Sex (m) +0.923 ± 1 0.001

Positive Whistle –0.286 ± 1 0.014

social body score 0.120
Age class +0.447 ± 1 0.098
(juv) 0.266

Sex (m) –0.281 ± 1 0.666


Anticipatory Whistle –0.189 ± 1 0.183

behavior score 0.150

Age class +1.093 ± 1 <

(juv) 0.232 0.001

Sex (m) –0.217 ± 1 0.367


(b) After Alone swim - Whistle –0.019 ± 1 0.875

training slow score 0.123

Age class –0.499 ± 1 0.101

(juv) 0.291

Sex (m) –0.178 ± 1 0.572


Alone swim - Whistle +0.107 ± 1 0.314

fast score 0.112

Age class –0.390 ± 1 0.160

(juv) 0.266

Sex (m) –0.842 ± 1 0.003


Synchronous Whistle –0.106 ± 1 0.382

swim - slow score 0.125

Age class –0.558 ± 1 0.081

(juv) 0.282

Sex (m) +0.671 ± 1 0.053


Synchronous Whistle –0.087 ± 1 0.477

swim - fast score 0.128

Age class +0.318 ± 1 0.275
(juv) 0.279

Sex (m) +0.598 ± 1 0.058


Positive Whistle –0.044 ± 1 0.864

social body score 0.128
Age class –0.075 ± 1 0.961
(juv) 0.300

Sex (m) –0.154 ± 1 0.507


Anticipatory Whistle +0.106 ± 1 0.544

behavior score 0.143

Age class –0.494 ± 1 0.086

(juv) 0.278

Sex (m) +0.665 ± 1 0.068


Chapter 3: First Results of an Underwater 360° HD

Audio-Video Device for Etho-Acoustical Studies on

Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus)

Juliana Lopez-Marulanda1, Olivier Adam1,2, Torea Blanchard1,3, Marie Vallée4, Dorian

Cazau5 and Fabienne Delfour3,6

Institute of Neurosciences Paris Saclay, CNRS UMR 9197, University Paris Sud,


Sorbonne Universités, UPMC Univ Paris 06, CNRS UMR 7190, Institut Jean Le

Rond d’Alembert, F-75005 Paris, France

Parc Astérix, Plailly, France

Association Abyss, La Réunion, France

ENSTA Bretagne Lab-STICC, CNRS UMR 6285, Université Européenne de

Bretagne, Brest,France

Laboratoire d’Ethologie Expérimentale et Comparée EA 4443 (LEEC), Université

Paris 13, Sorbonne Paris Cité, F-93430 Villetaneuse, France

Aquatic Mammals, 43(2), 162-176

Synthesis Chapter 3


Studies of dolphin social behavior and communication rely on simultaneous

descriptions of both visual and acoustic signals (Thomas et al., 2002). However, the

main obstacle associated with completing these descriptions is the difficulty in

identifying which dolphin in a group is the vocalizer.

Research questions

An audio-video system (called BaBeL: Bioacoustique, Bien-être, Langage) that was

non-intrusive and compact enough to be deployed from a small boat was developed.

This underwater device includes five hydrophones and a 360° HD video recording

system with a limited blind spot that allows localization of sounds to free-swimming,

vocalizing dolphins coming from almost every direction. In this article, details about

this system’s design and the software developed to localize to sounds and to link

them to individually identified dolphins are provided.


Data from a population of bottlenose dolphins were col- lected during 14 boat

surveys along the northwest coast of Reunion Island (France) by following a strict

pre-established protocol to standardize data collection. Three audio-video sequences

of free-ranging bottlenose dolphins have been analyzed to illustrate the benefits of

this system in dolphin ethological and acoustical research.


A total of 21 min of audio-video were recorded when dolphins were present, and 42

click trains and 42 whistles were detected from these data. Dolphins identified as

vocalizers were also present for 17% (n = 7) of emitted click trains and 33% (n = 14)

of emitted whistles on the videos. When the observers stayed ahead and avoided the

direct path of groups of five to nine dolphins, only one animal emitted click trains

while swimming towards the observers or after turning its rostrum in the humans’

direction, and this dolphin was never the one leading the group.


The BaBeL system offers a method of data col- lection to conduct an etho-acoustical

analysis of bottlenose dolphin sound emissions potentially to be associated with

individual dolphins and their underwater behaviors. The BaBel and the associated

software algorithms for data analysis represent an improved tool for ethologists to

record and collect data on all dolphins present in a 360° space via focal and group


Aquatic Mammals 2017, 43(2), 162-176, DOI 10.1578/AM.43.2.2017.162

First Results of an Underwater 360° HD

Audio-Video Device for Etho-Acoustical Studies on
Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus)
Juliana Lopez-Marulanda,1 Olivier Adam,1, 2 Torea Blanchard,1, 3 Marie Vallée,4
Dorian Cazau,5 and Fabienne Delfour3, 6
Institute of Neurosciences Paris Saclay, CNRS UMR 9197, University Paris Sud, Orsay, France
E-mail: [email protected]
Sorbonne Universités, UPMC Univ Paris 06, CNRS UMR 7190, Institut Jean Le Rond d’Alembert, F-75005 Paris, France
Parc Astérix, Plailly, France
Association Abyss, La Réunion, France
ENSTA Bretagne Lab-STICC, CNRS UMR 6285, Université Européenne de Bretagne, Brest, France
Laboratoire d’Ethologie Expérimentale et Comparée EA 4443 (LEEC), Université Paris 13,
Sorbonne Paris Cité, F-93430 Villetaneuse, France

Abstract presented. The results show that when the observers

stayed ahead and avoided the direct path of groups
Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) are highly of five to nine dolphins, only one animal emitted
social odontocetes that live in a fission-fusion soci- click trains while swimming towards the observers
ety and demonstrate production of a varied sound or after turning its rostrum in the humans’ direc-
repertoire, including clicks, whistles, and burst- tion, and this dolphin was never the one leading
pulsed sounds, as well as a diverse behavioral the group. The benefits of using this audio-video
repertoire. To better understand the species’ behav- device for underwater observations of dolphins in
ior, it is necessary to compare visual and acoustic clear water with good visibility are discussed.
observations and link vocalizations to individuals
and their specific actions. However, the task of Key Words: behavior, acoustics, hydrophone
linking sounds to individual dolphins is challeng- array, acoustic localization, bottlenose dolphin,
ing for human observers because dolphins do not Tursiops truncatus
always display specific visual cues when producing
a sound, and also because human hearing is not nat- Introduction
urally adapted to locate underwater sound sources.
To respond to these challenges, a new underwa- Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) are
ter 360° HD audio-video device, the BaBeL, was highly social odontocetes with a fission-fusion
designed and built. This device consists of a five- social structure (Connor et al., 2000; Mann et al.,
hydrophone array attached to two wide-angle video 2000; Gibson & Mann, 2008; Tsai & Mann, 2013).
cameras that together cover a 360° field of vision. Group members may travel very short or very
Acoustic recordings were analyzed with a custom- long distances within a habitat of limited visibil-
ized program to detect and localize sound sources ity (Connor et al., 1998). As such, communication
and to identify individual vocalizing dolphins. Data via acoustic signals is the most effective strategy
from a population of bottlenose dolphins were col- for sharing information under water (Janik, 1999).
lected during 14 boat surveys along the northwest Bottlenose dolphins display a complex and exten-
coast of Reunion Island (France) by following a sive repertoire of sounds such as clicks or pulsed
strict pre-established protocol to standardize data sounds (Au, 1993; Au & Fay, 2012), burst-pulsed
collection. A total of 21 min of audio-video were sounds (Lopez & Bernal-Shirai, 2009), and whis-
recorded when dolphins were present, and 42 click tles or tonal sounds (reviewed in Janik, 2009).
trains and 42 whistles were detected from these Dolphin sound production is enriched by non-
data. Dolphins identified as vocalizers were also acoustic communication signals during social
present for 17% (n = 7) of emitted click trains and interactions when individuals are within visual
33% (n = 14) of emitted whistles on the videos. range of one another. These animals display vari-
Therefore, an analysis of three video sequences ous body postures (Pryor, 1990), contacts (Sakai
as examples of the scope of this methodology is et al., 2006; Dudzinski et al., 2009), and bubble
360° HD Audio-Video Device to Observe Dolphins 163

emissions (Marten et al., 1996). Several dolphin dolphin. Four hydrophones are needed to local-
vocalizations are associated with behavioral con- ize a moving dolphin in 3D (Watkins & Schevill,
texts; for example, burst-pulsed sounds (squawks 1972; Wahlberg et al., 2001)
and whines) have been associated with agonistic Mobile arrays of two (Dudzinski et al., 1995),
behaviors (Herzing, 1996), and low-frequency four (Au & Herzing, 2003; Schotten et al., 2004),
bray calls are related to feeding (Janik, 2000; and 16 (Ball & Buck, 2005) hydrophones have
King & Janik, 2015). been used to study dolphin vocalizations and
Studies of dolphin social behavior and commu- their associated underwater behaviors, but they,
nication rely on simultaneous descriptions of both too, presented several disadvantages. Dudzinski
visual and acoustic signals (Thomas et al., 2002). et al.’s (1995) system did not allow localization in
However, the main obstacle associated with com- the vertical axis, and the systems with four hydro-
pleting these descriptions is the difficulty in iden- phones were used only for localization of click
tifying which dolphin in a group is the vocalizer. emitters (Au & Herzing, 2003; Schotten et al.,
This challenge is caused by two factors: (1) human 2004). The 16-hydrophone array had elements
hearing is not adapted to localize to sound sources separated by 3.2 cm (Ball & Buck, 2005) but did
underwater; and (2) dolphins do not show visible, not allow the confirmation of the emitter’s iden-
regular signs when emitting sounds, like opening tity if animals were located outside of the narrow
their mouths or displaying external clues (Janik, angle of the video camera.
2009). To overcome these obstacles, several meth- As part of this study, an audio-video system
odologies have been developed. Animals have been that was non-intrusive and compact enough to be
isolated (Caldwell et al., 1990; Sayigh et al., 1990) deployed from a small boat was developed. This
or tagged (Tyack, 1991; Nowacek et al., 1998); underwater device includes five hydrophones and
however, these approaches can be considered inva- a 360° HD video recording system with a lim-
sive and might lead to modification of the subjects’ ited blind spot that allows localization of sounds
behaviors and vocalizations. Emission of bubble to free-swimming, vocalizing dolphins coming
streams concurrent with vocalizations has been from almost every direction. In this article, details
used to identify a vocal animal because sometimes about this system’s design and the software devel-
dolphins emit bubbles while whistling (McCowan oped to localize to sounds and to link them to indi-
& Reiss, 1995; Herzing, 1996); however, whistles vidually identified dolphins are provided. Three
with bubble streams are not representative of the audio-video sequences of free-ranging bottlenose
entire whistle repertoire of bottlenose dolphins dolphins have been analyzed to illustrate the ben-
(Fripp, 2005, 2006). efits of this system in dolphin ethological and
As a non-intrusive method to identify the acoustical research.
vocalizing animal, different hydrophone arrays
have been designed. These arrays allow for pro- Methods
cessing of the differences in time of arrival of the
sound to each hydrophone to determine where Recording Device
the call originated. The position of the sound Simultaneous audio and video recordings were
source is linked to the video recordings to con- collected using a waterproof audio-video system
firm which animal is in the same position as the named BaBeL (BioAcoustique, Bien Être et
sound source, thereby identifying the vocalizer. Langage) (Figure 1). The acoustic set-up was
Fixed arrays using two (López-Rivas & Bazuá- comprised of five calibrated Aquarian H2a-XLR
Durán, 2010), three (Watkins & Schevill, 1974), hydrophones connected and synchronized to a
four (Brensing et al., 2001; Quick et al., 2008), ZOOM H6 digital audio recorder. Audio record-
and eight (Thomas et al., 2002) hydrophones have ings were made at a 96-kHz sampling frequency
been used to link audio recordings to behavioral and coded on 24 bits. The recorder was placed in
observations or video recordings; however, fixed a waterproof housing rated to 60 m depth. The
arrays are not well adapted to study highly mobile, architectural design of the hydrophone array was
free-ranging dolphins, and the video recordings a compromise between a large aperture between
were often obtained from a fixed point at the sur- hydrophones and maneuverability since the
face. The main problem with acquiring behavioral system needed to be deployed from small boats
information from the surface is that the docu- with limited space and to be controllable by one
mented behaviors could possibly represent only a observer when submerged. The synchronized
very small percentage of an animal’s behavioral hydrophones were positioned to obtain the time
activity (Janik, 2009). Moreover, an array with delay of arrival to provide the 3D estimations of
two hydrophones (Lopez-Rivas & Bazuá-Durán, dolphin positions.
2010) allows data to be obtained only on the angle The video portion of the BaBel system was
of arrival and not the real position of the emitting comprised of two Kodak SP360 video cameras
164 Lopez-Marulanda et al.

Figure 1. BaBeL (BioAcoustique, Bien Être et Langage) device: (a) Diagram and orientation of hydrophones (H); and
(b) picture of the device with 360º cameras unattached—five hydrophones installed on five deployable arms and plugged to
a ZOOM H6 (inside the adapted waterproof case).

both with a wide-angle field of view (214°); the method used the spatial distribution of hydro-
cameras were placed opposite of each other to the phones, the acoustic properties of the source
left and the right to allow for 360° field of vision (e.g., propagation speed and spherical propaga-
for the system. These cameras were positioned tion model), and the measure of the time differ-
below the waterproof housing of the acoustic ences of arrival (TDOA) of the acoustic wave
recorder (Figure 2). Video and audio files were from the source to the different hydrophones
stored for a posteriori analysis. (Alameda-Pineda & Horaud, 2014). The aim
was to estimate the differences in time of arrival
Custom-Made Program for Data Analysis of emitted sounds; the cross-correlation function
A geometrical localization method was used to method for whistle detection (Van Lancker, 2001)
estimate the position of an acoustic source. This and the threshold time energy for click detection
360° HD Audio-Video Device to Observe Dolphins 165

(Blanchard, 2015) were used. To display the esti-

mated position of the acoustic source in the video
image, a conversion position-pixel that took into
account the deformations of the image because
of the spherical curved lens of the Kodak SP360
video cameras was used. With these consider-
ations, a customized program to analyze data
obtained with the BaBeL system was created in
MATLAB®, Version 2013a (Mathworks, Natick,
MA, USA) to synchronize the video and audio
recordings and then to estimate the localization(s)
of each vocalizing dolphin (Blanchard, 2015)
(Figure 3). After identifying the location of the
vocalizing dolphin, video analysis allowed for the
identification of the dolphin based on recogniz-
able scars and marks.

Tests with Artificial Sounds

Two simulated whistles to test this approach with
different signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) (Figure 4)
were created. The objective of this test was to
confirm performance of the time correlation
for acoustic signals deteriorated by underwater
acoustic propagation or when ambient noise is
Figure 2. Disposition of two Kodak SP360 video cameras. present in the marine area. To verify our local-
Each camera has a 360° (N-S-E-W) plus 214° angle of ization method, the system was tested in a 3.1 ×
view. As both cameras are placed opposite to each other, 8.2 m² rectangular freshwater swimming pool.
there is a 34° overlap in the images and a ≈ 50-cm blind The BaBeL was immersed in the center of the
spot between the cameras.

Figure 4. Simulated whistles with two signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs): (a) +20 dB and (b) -10 dB.
166 Lopez-Marulanda et al.

Figure 4. Screen display to track dolphins by videos and passive acoustics. On the bottom left, estimations of the angles from
the successive clicks (in blue) and the whistle (in red). On the right, the red cross points to the emitter dolphin.

Figure 5. Disposition of BaBeL device in the water; the whole system is controlled by Observer 1. The vision range of the
camera depends on water clarity. For the Reunion Island, it is ≈10 m. The real scales are not represented in the figure.

pool at 2.5 m from the edge. Percussive sounds Bottlenose Dolphin Data Collection
were generated by knocking together two steel Acoustic and video data were collected on free-
bars from nine different known places in the hori- ranging bottlenose dolphins along the northwest
zontal plane of the deviceʼs gravity center. Using coast off Reunion Island, a French territory in the
the position-pixel conversion, the position of each Mascarene Islands in the Southwest Indian Ocean.
percussive sound source in the video image was The species is observed in this location through-
estimated and compared to the location estimated out the year in groups of 10 to 100 individuals (48
by the custom program. individuals on average) and occurs in deeper water
360° HD Audio-Video Device to Observe Dolphins 167

(425.6 m on average) and further offshore (1.2 to Audio-Video Analysis

6 km from the coast) than other cetacean species in The claps at the beginning of each recording ses-
this area (Dulau-Drouot et al., 2008). sion were used to manually synchronize acoustic
Fourteen boat surveys were conducted from and video data with video editing software (Final
21-29 May 2015 and from 6-18 June 2015 to Cut Pro X, Version 10.1.3©, Apple Inc.). A single
search for bottlenose dolphins and collect etho- video file was created displaying the videos of
acoustical data. When a group of dolphins was the two Kodak SP360 video cameras in the same
sighted, a strict pre-established protocol was fol- window, as well as one of the five audio tracks and
lowed (see Agreement on the Conservation of its corresponding turning spectrogram (FFT size:
Cetaceans in the Black Sea Mediterranean Sea 1,024, overlap 50%, Hanning window) obtained
and Contiguous Atlantic Area [ACCOBAMS], with Audacity, Version 2.0.6 (GNU General
Resolution 4.18) to decide if observers would Public License). We chose only one track in the
enter the water to start a recording session. First, video as a referent since the five audio tracks were
the boat was positioned parallel to the animals’ used for our custom-made acoustical analysis in
travel direction at a distance of more than 50 m. MATLAB® (Blanchard, 2015).
The behavioral response of the dolphin group was The location of the vocalizing dolphin was
recorded into one of three categories: (1) “avoid- noted as “visible” when our program was able to
ance,” (2) “indifference,” and (3) “oncoming” point out one of the dolphins in the video, “ambig-
(see ACCOBAMS for definitions). If the behav- uous” when the program pointed out two dolphins
ioral response was cataloged as “indifference” that were close to each other or in the same direc-
or “oncoming,” the boat was slowly positioned tion, and “not visible” when the program pointed
100 m ahead of the first animal of the group, never to another direction indicating that the emitter
interfering with the travel direction of the animals. dolphin was far outside the range of vision of the
Once in this position, two observers slipped into video cameras, estimated at further than 10 m
the water. away in all directions but also dependent on the
Procedure in Water—One observer swam with wide-angle lens (reduces the size of objects) and
the BaBeL device submerged below the sea sur- water clarity.
face (≈1 m under the surface) (Figure 5), while the To conduct our etho-analysis, the sequences in
other observer recorded the animals on a backup which we could locate with no doubt at least one
SONY HDR-GW66 video camera. Date and time vocalizing dolphin were selected (see Appendix 2,
on all video cameras were synchronized for a pos- Figure 1); a focal-animal sampling technique was
teriori analysis. Since BaBeL was being operated used to note occurrence and duration of body
for the first time, the intent was to document all postures, tactile contacts, and other behaviors
the events. The backup video sequences might be displayed during intraspecific interactions and
used later to confirm what was observed on the during interactions towards humans in video
BaBeL wide-angle cameras, and the recorded sequences (Altmann, 1974; Mann, 1999). Since
sequences might be replayed to document the all sightings were mainly “swim by” wherein
BaBeL operator’s position and behavior in the the dolphins did not remain near the observers
water. for long, individual dolphins in each sequence
At the beginning of the recording session, two were listed in order of appearance in the video.
successive claps were made—one in front of each The “all occurrences” recording sampling method
camera in order to synchronize both videos with focused on frequencies, and durations of occur-
audio recordings during the a posteriori analysis. ring behaviors was used (Martin et al., 1993).
Both observers remained floating at the surface The analyzed sequences allowed the researchers
with their bodies oriented perpendicular to the to create a behavioral catalog (Tinbergen, 1963),
group’s travel direction, avoiding the direct path which included nonsocial and social (intraspecific
of the dolphins and letting the animals choose at and human-dolphin interactions) behaviors and
what speed and distance they approached. When sounds produced (Table 1).
dolphins slowly moved along the observers,
they swam calmly in parallel with the animals. Results
Depending on whether the dolphins stayed around
the observers or departed, recording sessions Tests with Artificial Sounds
were repeated several times on the same group by As this study is dedicated to the analysis of behav-
carefully re-orienting the boat and by informing iors, only situations when at least one dolphin was
the observers each time the dolphins swam by. A visible in the videos, at a distance of less than
recording session finished when dolphins were 10 m, were taken into account. If this dolphin
not visible for 5 min or when weather conditions emitted clicks and/or whistles during a period
prevented continued observations. with no underwater noise, then the SNR ratio
168 Lopez-Marulanda et al.

Table 1. Behavioral catalog of the dolphins observed while swimming by observers and documented with the BaBeL device
Behaviors Code Definition
Pectoral rubbing PR The dolphin touches another dolphin.
Synchronized swimming SyS Dolphins swim in synchronous manner within one body length of another dolphin,
showing parallel movements and body axes.
Swim upside down SUD The dolphin swims with its belly turned up.
Swim upside down SUDU The dolphin swims with its belly turned up underneath a conspecific.
Side swimming SS The dolphin swims with its belly turned to the right or the left next to a conspecific.
Approach APP The dolphin approaches the observers by leaving the direction axis of its group.
Swim towards observers STO The dolphin swims towards the BaBeL device and the observers.
Turn rostrum TR The dolphin turns its rostrum in the direction of an observer.
Leave L The dolphin stops swimming towards the observers and starts to move away.
Whistle W The dolphin whistles.
Click train C The dolphin emits a click train.

Table 2. Accuracy of the time correlation on simulated signals

Simulated signal Features SNR = 20 dB SNR = -10 dB
Whistle #1 Duration: 0.1 s ΔTDOA = 0 ΔTDOA = 1.8 ms
Fundamental: 11 kHz
Whistle #2 Duration: 0.5 s ΔTDOA = 0 ΔTDOA = 0
Fundamental frequency 11 kHz
switch to 16 kHz at 0.35 s

was higher than 20 dB. If the dolphin vocalizes one bottlenose dolphin body length. For distances
further away, SNR decreased and could be nega- from the device, the error of the custom program
tive. We performed our approach for positive and was 1.1 to 3.9 m (Table 3).
negative SNR (Table 2). The time differences of
arrival (TDOAs) were still correctly estimated for Data Description
SNR larger than -10 dB, which is acceptable for During 14 boat surveys, dolphins were sighted
our study because underwater noise was low com- four times, allowing collection of 21.03 min of
pared to dolphin sounds. (SNR was always posi- 360° HD audio-video data with dolphins pres-
tive in our acoustic recordings.) ent. Recordings allowed the detection of 42 click
Results of the first test comparing estimations of trains and 42 whistles. The vocalizing dolphin
positions in video and audio show that differences was localized and visible on the video for seven
in estimation for azimuthal localizations are less click trains (17%). The vocalizer was not visible
than 12° except for in positions 3 and 4 (Table 3). for 25 click trains (59%); and for 10 click trains
For elevation localizations, the difference is less (24%), localization of the vocalizer was ambigu-
than 10°, except for in position 8. Positions 3, 4, ous. For whistles, localization analysis was not
and 8 can only be seen right on the edge of the possible for five whistles (12%) because of a low
image, making estimations more difficult due to SNR ratio. The vocalizing dolphin was visible on
image compression. Taking into account that the the video for 14 whistles (33%), the vocalizer was
maximal vision range of the BaBeL is estimated to not visible on the video for 18 whistles (43%), and
be 10 m depending on water clarity, a 10° differ- the localization of the vocalizer was ambiguous
ence in estimations from video and audio means for five whistles (12%).
that localization at 10 m from the BaBeL can have Three recording sessions (24 May at 0937
a maximum difference of 1.7 m from the posi- and 0949 h, and 27 May at 1316 h) were chosen
tion of the source in the video, which is less than during which it was possible to localize the
360° HD Audio-Video Device to Observe Dolphins 169

Table 3. Localization performance of our custom-made program using the sound produced by two bars of steel during tests
in a pool
Position estimated from
Position estimated from the videos the acoustic recordings Difference in estimation
Position Azimuth Elevation Distance Azimuth Elevation Distance Azimuth Elevation Distance
(°) (°) (m) (°) (°) (m) (°) (°) (m)
33.0 5.3 4.7 21.4 3.4 6.3 11.6 1.9 -1.6
2 5.7 1.2 4.5 6.2 -2.6 0.8 -0.5 3.8 3.7

3 328.8 3.5 4.7 349.6 1.1 0.8 -20.8 2.4 3.9

4 315 3.1 3.3 349.3 -3.1 1.5 -34.3 6.2 1.8

5 8.0 -6.1 3.0 2.9 -7.9 0.8 5.1 1.8 2.2

43.6 2.3 3.3 36.3 4.2 1.3 7.3 -1.9 2.0
7 61.6 5.6 2.1 55.4 -2.8 0.7 6.2 8.4 1.4
6.8 0.7 1.5 0.6 12.5 0.4 6.2 -11.8 1.1
304.4 -0.7 2.1 303.1 -7.7 0.5 1.3 7.0 1.6
Mean -2.0 2.0 1.8
SD 15.2 6.0 1.6

dolphin vocalizing to facilitate completion of neutral buoyancy, maneuverability, and simplic-

detailed analyses of dolphin behavior according to ity of deployment simultaneously. The BaBeL
the behavioral catalog (Table 1; see Appendix 1). is relatively easy to deploy from small boats to
Results show that the first animal of the group record behavior and acoustic data on free-ranging
to approach the observers did not produce click dolphins and can also be used with delphinids
trains. A click train was made after an approach under human care. Contrary to other hydrophone
and/or movement of the rostrum towards the arrays, the BaBeL system can be used to detect,
device: in the first observation, the click train was locate, and track dolphins emitting sounds in a 3D
emitted by the second individual after it turned space. The hydrophone arrays of Au & Herzing
its rostrum towards the device (see Appendix 1, (2003), Schotten et al. (2004), and Ball & Buck
Figure 1). In the second observation, the click (2005) all present hydrophones in the same plane,
train was emitted by the last individual after it making it impossible to discriminate from the
approached the device (see Appendix 1, Figure 2; audio recording if the emitter dolphin was in front
video available on the Aquatic Mammals web- of or behind the device. The design of our system
site: places hydrophones in different planes, allow-
option=com_content&view=article&id=10& ing us to determine the position of the vocalizing
Itemid=147). In the third observation, the click dolphin regardless of its direction of approach to
train was emitted by the second individual after it the observers, and the wide-angle HD 360° video
approached the device (see Appendix 1, Figure 3). cameras provide information to localize to an
The same individual produced the four whistles identified vocalizing dolphin visually. When ani-
presented in our second sequence; the first whistle mals are in the visual range of the camera, this
was emitted before the approach, and the three 360° audio-video system could greatly increase
others were emitted after leaving. This animal the number of vocalizations that can be attributed
produced no whistles while swimming towards to an individual dolphin.
the observers. Simultaneous visual and acoustic recordings
are necessary for localizing to a vocalizing dol-
Discussion phin. This system is mainly limited by visual
detection, which depends not only on water clar-
The results with the BaBeL system are promis- ity but also on the wide-angle video cameras.
ing for the study of dolphin behavior. Its accu- Wide-angle lenses affect the perspective by exag-
racy using simulated underwater sounds in a gerating the distance between objects. They make
pool was validated. The BaBeL design during subjects at moderate and far distances seem fur-
field testing was verified: the device achieved ther away than they really are. Consequently, only
170 Lopez-Marulanda et al.

dolphins vocalizing near BaBeL (within 10 m) Acknowledgments

were visually and acoustically detected. As previ-
ously demonstrated by Watkins & Shevill (1974), FD’s contribution was partially funded by
the accuracy of this acoustic localization system Focused on Nature. Parc Asterix funded previ-
should decrease as the distance of dolphins from ous preliminary fieldwork of FD and JLM and
the device increases. To improve accuracy, the dis- funded TB’s work. Materials and fieldwork were
tance between the hydrophones can be increased, financed by the CERECAR project from Abyss
but this would reduce system maneuverability. Foundation (La Réunion, France). We are very
Therefore, it is recommended that this device only grateful to the Parc Asterix Dolphinarium curator,
be used in clear water and preferably with dolphin Birgitta Mercera, and her trainers for their help
populations habituated to the presence of human in testing previous versions of our device within
swimmers, or with dolphins under human care. their group of dolphins. We would like to thank
The five possible situations that observers Abyss Foundation volunteers and Emmanuel
might encounter while using BaBeL are sum- Antongiorgi for their support in collecting
marized in Appendix 2. Contrary to using a regu- data, and Isabelle Charrier and the Bioacoustic
lar camera, an observer using such a 360° video Communication Team of NeuroPSI for her con-
system increases the possibility of capturing structive comments during the development of
ongoing behaviors regardless of his position with this work. We thank Isabella Clegg for revising
respect to the animals and his concentration level, the English of this manuscript. Finally, we would
thus reducing human error. In 59% of the detected like to give special thanks to editor Dr. Kathleen
click trains and in 43% of detected whistles, this Dudzinski for her advice and encouragement to
device could acoustically and visually detect dol- improve this manuscript.
phins, but the customized program did not point to
one of the dolphins present on the video, meaning Literature Cited
that the dolphin emitting the sound was out of our
range or vision. Therefore, in these cases, assign- Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans in the Black
ing the recorded sound to any of the dolphins Sea Mediterranean Sea and Contiguous Atlantic Area
present on the video would have been a mistake, (ACCOBAMS), Resolution 4.18. (n.d.). Guidelines on
demonstrating the necessity of the use of hydro- the granting of exceptions to Article II, paragraph 1, for
phone arrays to aid in interpreting dolphins’ vocal the purpose of non-lethal in situ research in the agree-
behavior location to avoid erroneous assump- ment area. Retrieved from
tions about the identity of the vocalizer. When Alameda-Pineda, X., & Horaud, R. (2014). A geometric
dolphins were detected visually and acoustically, approach to sound source localization from time-delay
and the customized program pointed to one indi- estimates. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech,
vidual dolphin present in the video, it was found and Language Processing, 22(6), 1082-1095. https://
that the echolocating dolphin was never the first
one of the group. Moreover, in one case, it was Altmann, J. (1974). Observational study of behavior:
found that one dolphin emitted a click train while Sampling methods. Behaviour, 49, 227-265.
its conspecific swimming behind turned its head org/10.1163/156853974X00534
to observers. This particular dolphin might have Au, W. W. L. (1993). The sonar of dolphins. New York:
been eavesdropping on the returning echoes of Springer-Verlag.
its echolocating conspecific (Gregg et al., 2007). 4356-4
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lection to conduct an etho-acoustical analysis of recorder for integrated observations of dolphin behav-
bottlenose dolphin sound emissions potentially to ior and vocalizations. The Journal of the Acoustical
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7692.2008.00231.x Etho-Acoustical Description
Sakai, M., Hishii, T., Takeda, S., & Konshima, S. (2006). First Observation—In this sequence (34 s),
Flipper rubbing behaviors in wild bottlenose dolphins we analyzed the behaviors of nine adult dolphins
(Tursiops aduncus). Marine Mammal Science, 22(4), 966- (Ind1 to Ind9) and one calf (Ind10) (Figure 1).
978. The first dolphin (Ind1) approached and swam
Sakai, M., Morisaka, T., Kogi, K., Hishii, T., & Kohshima, towards the BaBeL for 15 s; and at 7 and 9 s,
S. (2010). Fine-scale analysis of synchronous breathing Ind1 turned its rostrum towards the BaBel and
in wild Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops adun- continued swimming towards the observers for
cus). Behavioural Processes, 83(1), 48-53. 6 s more before leaving. Ind2 approached and
org/10.1016/j.beproc.2009.10.001 swam towards the device for 11 s before leav-
Sayigh, L., Tyack, P., Wells, R., & Scott, M. (1990). ing, emitting a click train at 4 s. Ind3 swam by
Signature whistles of free-ranging bottlenose dolphins the device. Ind4 swam upside down underneath
Tursiops truncatus: Stability and mother-offspring com- Ind5 for 15 s then moved to a synchronized swim-
parisons. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 26(4), ming position above Ind 5. Ind5 swam synchro-
247-260. nously for 14 s above Ind4 and then moved to a
Schotten, M., Au, W. W. L., Lammers, M. O., & Aubauer, side swimming posture for 1 s before returning to
R. (2004). Echolocation recordings and localization of synchronized swimming below Ind4. Ind6 swam
wild spinner dolphins (Stenella longirostris) and pan- synchronously below Ind7 for 14 s; at 11 s, Ind6
tropical spotted dolphins (S. attenuata) using a four- turned its head to observers and continued swim-
hydrophone array. In J. A. Thomas, C. F. Moss, & M. ming synchronously below Ind7. At 19 s, Ind6
Vater (Eds.), Echolocation in bats and dolphins (pp. swam upside down underneath Ind7; at 20 s, Ind6
393-399). Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. conducted pectoral fin-to-pectoral fin rubbing to
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Zeitschrift für Tierpsychologie, 20, 410-433. synchronized swimming next to each other. Ind8
org/10.1111/j.1439-0310.1963.tb01161.x swam by the observers. Finally, Ind9 and Ind10
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the role of fission-fusion dynamics in bottlenose dol- other.
phins. Marine Mammal Science, 29(2), 261-279. https:// Second Observation—In the second sequence (40 s), five adult dolphins passed in front of the
Tyack, P. L. (1991). Use of a telemetry device to iden- BaBeL system. The first and second dolphin (Ind1
tify which dolphin produces a sound. In K. Pryor & and Ind2) approached synchronously. Ind1 swam
K. S. Norris (Eds.), Dolphin societies (pp. 319-344). towards the observers for 4 s, pointed its rostrum
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Van Lancker, E. (2002). Acoustic goniometry: A spatio- being detected, and left. Ind2 also swam towards
temporal approach (Doctoral dissertation). Faculté the observers for 5 s, pointed its rostrum towards
Polytechnique de Mons. the observers with no sound being detected, and
Wahlberg, M., Mohl, B., & Madsen, P. (2001). Estimating left. Following behind the first two dolphins,
source position accuracy of a large aperture hydro- Ind3 whistled, swam towards the observers for 2
phone array for bioacoustics. The Journal of the s, and left. After leaving, Ind3 emitted three more
360° HD Audio-Video Device to Observe Dolphins 173

Figure 1. First observation: (a) Screenshot of the location of the clicking dolphin (Ind2) in 360° video and backup video with
the red cross pointing to the source of the sound emission; and (b) timelines for ten individuals.

whistles before disappearing out of the range of Third Observation—In this 22 s sequence, six
vision of the video system. Ind4 swam by the adult dolphins passed from left to right in front
BaBel, while Ind5 approached and swam towards of the BaBeL (Figure 8). Ind1 swam less than 50
the observers for 4 s, emitted a click train, and cm distance above Ind2. Ind2 swam upside down
continued swimming towards the observers for 5 s underneath Ind1 for 16 s; at 3 s, Ind2 turned its
before leaving (Figure 2). rostrum towards the observers and, at 8 s, emitted
174 Lopez-Marulanda et al.

Figure 2. Second observation: (a) Screenshot of the location of the whistling dolphin (Ind3) in 360° video and backup video
with the red cross pointing to the source of the sound emission; (b) screenshot of the location of the clicking dolphin (Ind5)
in 360° video and backup video; and (c) timelines for five individuals (Ind1 to Ind5).
360° HD Audio-Video Device to Observe Dolphins 175

a click train. At 11 s, Ind2 rubbed Ind1’s belly upside down underneath Ind4 for 4 s and then con-
with its pectoral fin for 8 s. At 19 s, Ind2 stopped tinued swimming synchronously with Ind4. Ind4
its contact with Ind1 and swam synchronously pectoral fin rubbed Ind5’s belly for 1 s at 3 s and
above it until the end of the sequence. then continued swimming synchronously with Ind5
Ind3 swam by the BaBel, and Ind4 synchro- and Ind6 (Figure 3).
nously swam next to Ind5 and Ind6. Ind5 swam

Figure 3. Third observation: (a) Screenshot of the location of the clicking dolphin (Ind3) in 360° video and backup video
with the red cross pointing to the source of the sound emission; and (b) timelines for six individuals.
176 Lopez-Marulanda et al.

Appendix 2

The five possible situations observers could encounter while operating the BaBeL.

Figure 1. Use of focal-animal sampling technique. Top left: No sound detected and dolphins out of the cameraʼs visual
range; Top middle: Sound detected but dolphins out of the cameraʼs visual range; Top right: No sound detected but dolphins
in the visual range of the camera; Bottom left: Dolphin in the visual range of the camera and sound detected, but the dolphin
vocalizing is not present in the video; and Bottom right: Dolphin in the visual range of the camera, with the sound detected
and the vocalizing dolphin present in the video.
Chapter 4: Description Of a Bottlenose Dolphin

Calf’s Acoustic And Visual Exploratory Behaviour

Towards A Non-Alimentary Complex Object

Juliana Lopez Marulanda1, Noémie Roynette2, Torea Blanchard1,3, Olivier Adam1,4,

Fabienne Delfour2,3

Institute of Neurosciences Paris Saclay, CNRS UMR 9197, University Paris Sud,

Orsay France

Laboratoire d’Ethologie Expérimentale et Comparée E.A. 4443 (LEEC), Université

Paris 13, Sorbonne Paris Cité, F-93430 Villetaneuse, France

Parc Astérix, 60128 Plailly, France

Sorbonne Universités, UPMC Univ Paris 06, CNRS, UMR 7190, Institut Jean Le

Rond d’Alembert, F-75005 Paris, France

Submitted to International Journal of Comparative Psychology

Synthesis Chapter 4


Exploratory behavior includes all the actions that an animal performs to obtain

information about a new object, environment or individual through using its different

senses of perception. Bottlenose dolphins explore their environment through visual

perception and through echolocation. They develop their ability to echolocate in the

first to three months of life. Individual of the species have shown to have a visual

lateralization when exploring a new object.

Research questions

The birth of a dolphin offers a great opportunity to study how the exploratory

behaviour regarding an immerged object evolves in the calf. In this study, we focused

on the development of the exploratory behavior of a calf aged from 39 to 169 days,

by measuring its acoustic productions and visual laterality when investigating an

immerged complex object.


Simultaneous audio and video recordings were collected using a waterproof 360°

audio-video system named BaBeL that allows localization of the dolphin that is

producing sounds. During 6 hours 55 minutes of audio-video recordings, 46 click

trains were attached to an individual dolphin: 18 times to the calf, 11 times to its

mother and 17 times to another dolphin in the pool. The acoustic parameters of the

click trains were measured and compared between the calf and its mother. The

visual and spatial laterality were tested.


The calf’s click train acoustic parameters did not differ significantly from its mother.

However, the calf showed an augmentation of click rate with age and a decrease in

ICI. During click train emission and when accompanied, the calf used mostly its right

eye. The two situations when the calf used its left eye coincided with the emission of

click trains while the calf was swimming alone. The accompanying dolphin was

mostly placed to the right of the calf.


At the age of 39 days, a bottlenose dolphins’ calf’s acoustic parameters regarding its

click trains did not differ from that of an adult. However, click rate was shown to

increase with age of the calf. When visually and acoustically exploring an immerged

non-alimentary object, the calf showed a right eye preference. This study used a new

methodology that allowed us to describe not only the acoustic parameters of the

subjects’ click trains but also the position of the calf during exploratory behavior with

respect to the object explored and to its conspecifics.


Exploratory behaviour includes all the actions that an animal performs to obtain

information about a new object, environment or individual through using its different

senses of perception. Here, we studied the development of the exploratory behaviour

of a bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) calf aged from 39 to 169 days, by

investigating its acoustic productions and visual laterality in relation to an immerged

object. The study was conducted between July 2015 and January 2016 at Parc

Asterix dolphinarium (Plailly, France). Simultaneous audio and video recordings were

collected using a waterproof 360° audio-video system named BaBeL that allows

localization of the dolphin that is producing sounds. During 6 hours 55 minutes of

audio-video recordings, 46 click trains were attached to an individual dolphin: 18

times to the calf, 11 times to its mother and 17 times to another dolphin in the pool.

No significant differences were found when comparing the calf’s click rate; mean click

duration and mean interclick interval (ICI) with these parameters from its mother.

However, linear regression showed that calf’s click rate increased with age, mean ICI

decreased with age. In 11 situations the calf produced a click train while being

accompanied and in 7 situations the click train was emitted while it was swimming

alone. Visual lateralization analysis showed the calf’s preference for the use of its

right eye (binomial test, p = 0,007) while echolocating. The accompanying dolphin

was mostly placed at the right of the calf. This is the first study that simultaneously

describes the acoustic parameters and exploratory behaviour of a calf within its

social group.

Key words: echolocation, laterality, Tursiops truncatus, hydrophone array,



Exploratory behaviour includes the actions that an animal performs to obtain

information about a new object, environment or individual by using its different

senses of perception (Keller et al. 2012). Exploratory behaviour is differentiated into

extrinsic and intrinsic exploration (Berlyne 1960): extrinsic exploration is a behaviour

primarily directed towards an external goal in response to some specific requirement,

and intrinsic exploration, named also “novelty seeking” (McReynolds 1962), “reactive

curiosity” (Penney and McCann 1964) or “stimulus seeking” (Hoyenga and Hoyenga,

1984) facilitates investigation of a stimulus mainly in response to an interest in the

stimulus itself (Berlyne 1960). Intrinsic exploration has been studied in a diverse

number of species. For example, in captive jackdaws (Corvus monedula), social

structure (Katzir 1982) and heritage (Dingemanse et al. 2002) modulate the

individuals’ novelty seeking behaviour. In mammals, intrinsic exploration has been

mostly studied in rodents (reviewed in Belzung 1999) and primates (Rubenstein

1967; Miller et al. 1986; Parker et al. 2007), and its development in captive species

has been shown to depend on multiple factors, including sex (Lynn and Brown 2009),

environmental enrichment (Zimmermann et al. 2001) and maternal care (Rubenstein


For marine mammals, exploratory behaviour has been little studied. Under human

care, environmental enrichment was found to promote exploratory behaviour in

harbour seals (Phoca vitulina concolor), gray seals (Halichoerus grypus) (Hunter et

al., 2002) and bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus), with some inter-individual

variation seen in relation to their different personalities (Kuczaj et al., 2006;

Birgersson et al., 2014), the type of introduced objects (Delfour and Beyer 2012;

Delfour, Faulkner and Carter, in press), as well as the sex and/or age of the

individuals (Eskelinen et al. 2015). In wild Delphinids, this behaviour has been

reported in rough-toothed dolphins (Steno bredanensis) (Kuczaj and Yeater 2007).

The study of exploratory behaviour in bottlenose dolphins is of particular interest for

two principal reasons. Firstly, these cetaceans are social mammals living in a fission-

fusion social structure (Connor 2000; Mann et al. 2000) that could influence the

development of exploratory behaviours (Katzir 1982). Secondly, bottlenose dolphins

explore their environment through visual perception (Pack and Herman, 1996) and

through echolocation by projecting clicks in order to obtain a sense of their

surrounding from the echoes they receive (Au, 1993). Bottlenose dolphins’ clicks are

directional, forward-projecting, brief pulsed sounds of high intensity and broadband

(Richardson et al. 1995). They use clicks as a sensory tool to navigate or hunt for

prey (reviewed in Herzing and dos Santos 2004) and obtain information from their

own returning signals (Au, 1993) and by eavesdropping on the echoes produced by

another dolphin (Xitco and Roitblat 1996; Gregg et al., 2007). The ontogenesis of

bottlenose dolphins’ echolocation has been described elsewhere: these cetaceans

develop their ability to echolocate in the first to three months of life (reviewed in

Harder et al., 2016). Before they are one month old, calves’ clicks are of shorter

duration (Reiss 1988) and lower frequency (Reiss 1988; Lindhard 1988) than adults.

Additionally, at 14 days old, calves’ sequences of clicks (click trains) have a shorter

inter click intervals (ICI) and shorter duration (Favaro et al. 2013) than adults.

Bottlenose dolphins integrate echoic and visual information to perceive their

environment (Harley et al. 1996). The visual exploration in dolphins is conducted

mostly with one eye at a time, although they do use two eyes simultaneously when

their heads are out of water or when they swim upside down, in which case the

direction of view is naso-ventral (Dral. 1972). These mammals have been shown to

have visual lateralizations; the right eye is mostly used in daily activities (Yaman et

al. 2002) and performs better in spatial and visual discrimination tasks than the left

eye (Kilian et al. 2000; Yaman et al. 2002; Delfour and Marten 2006).

The birth of a dolphin offers a great opportunity to study how the exploratory

behaviour regarding an immerged object evolves in the calf. In this study, we focused

on the development of the exploratory behaviour of a calf aged from 39 to 169 days,

by measuring its acoustic productions and visual laterality when investigating an

immerged complex object. We were interested in comparing the calf’s and

accompanying dolphin’s click trains parameters, and our aim was to describe how

exploratory behaviour using acoustic and visual modalities simultaneously evolved

with age. In order to analyse exploratory behaviour in a social context, we took into

account the presence, the position and the click train emissions of the dolphin

accompanying the calf.


Study subjects and facility

The study was conducted between July 2015 and January 2016 at Parc Asterix

dolphinarium (Plailly, France) where nine Atlantic bottlenose dolphins (T. truncatus)

lived together in 3 inter-connected pools. In the group, there were four females aged

42, 34, 20 and 15 years old, and four males aged 33, 31, 4 and 3 years old. The 15

year old female gave birth to a female calf on July 3th, 2015.

Overall, this facility is composed of one outdoor and two indoor pools which are not

acoustically isolated. The outdoor pool has volume of 3,246m 3 and a depth that

varies from 2.5m at the shallowest point to 4.5m at its deepest. The indoor part of the

complex, divided into two sections, has a total volume of 550m3 and a depth of 2.5

m. The dolphins have free access between the pools at all times.

Every day the dolphins take part in at least five training sessions, starting

approximately at the same time each day, during which their trainers feed them after

they perform several exercises aiming to facilitate the husbandry and medical care

procedures and to prepare for presentations to the public.

Recording Device

Simultaneous audio and video recordings were collected using a waterproof 360°

audio-video system, named BaBeL (BioAcoustique, Bien-Être et Langage) (López

Marulanda et al. 2017). Video data were collected using two Kodak SP360 video

cameras (wide angle of 214°), one on each side of BaBel to allow a 360° view. These

cameras were positioned under the waterproof housing of a digital audio recorder

ZOOM H6, plugged to five calibrated and automatically synchronized Aquarian H2a-

XLR hydrophones. The synchronized hydrophones were positioned to obtain the time

delay of arrival in order to provide the 3D estimations of dolphin positions. Audio

recordings were conducted at a 96 kHz sampling frequency and coded on 24 bits. All

the details about the geometry of the hydrophone array are described in Lopez-

Marulanda et al. (2017).

Two successive claps were made at the beginning of the recording session: one in

front of each camera, in order to manually synchronize videos with audio recordings

during the a posteriori analysis with specific video editing software (Final Cut Pro X

10.1.3 © Apple Inc.). A single video file was created from the two Kodak SP360 video

cameras in the same window, which was associated with one of the five audio tracks

and its corresponding turning spectrogram (FFT size: 1024, overlap 50%, Hanning

window) provided by the free software Audacity 2.0.6 (GNU General Public

License). We chose to add only one track in the video as a reference.

Recording sessions

During the first days after the calf’s birth, special efforts were made to not disturb the

animals in order to preserve the mother and new born dolphin’s health and

relationship. Mother and calf were never isolated from their social group and could

freely move between the three pools. As a person was needed to operate BaBeL, we

chose an experienced trainer that was known by all the members of the group of

dolphins and we waited thirty-nine days after the calf’s birth to make recording

sessions of maximum 15min, which were scheduled every week, two times per day,

at 11:30am and 3:30pm after a training session. All the recording sessions were

made from the outdoor pool. From July 2016 to January 2016 we conducted a total of

32 recording sessions lasting 6 hours and 55 minutes.

The familiar trainer immerged himself/herself with the BaBeL device below the water

surface (≈ 1 m under the surface), and remained floating near the edge of the pool,

so the animals could choose the speed and distance to approach to the trainer.

Data analysis

The five audio tracks from each recording were used for the acoustical analysis,

conducted by a custom-made program in MATLAB® version 2013a (Mathworks,

Natick, MA) (Blanchard 2015). This custom-made program is based on a geometrical

localization method that estimates the position of the vocalising dolphin. This method

used the spatial distribution of hydrophones, the acoustic properties of the acoustic

source (propagation speed and spherical propagation model), and the evaluation of

the time differences of arrival (T.D.O.A.) of acoustic waves from the source to each

hydrophone (Alameda-Pineda and Horaud, 2014). The localization given by the

T.D.O.A. was linked to the video using a conversion position-pixel (Lopez-Marulanda

et al., 2017). The localized dolphin was identified using body size and colour and any

particular body marks.

We selected sequences where the calf was present in the video, a click train was

emitted and our customized program localized the emitter of the vocalization. For

these sequences, we used using the pulse train analysis function of Avisoft-SASLab

Pro version 5.2.07 (Raymond Specht, Berlin, Germany) to measure click rate, mean

duration of click and mean ICI for comparative purposes with previous studies (Reiss,

1988; Lindhard, 1988; Favaro et al., 2013; Harder et al., 2016). A hysteresis of 10 dB

and a start/end threshold of -2 dB were the parameters used to analyze all the click

sequences. Linear regressions evaluated changes in the calf’s click train parameters

with age. Mann-Whitney tests were used to compare calf’s click train parameters with

its mother’s. When the producer of the click train was the calf, we registered its visual

laterality when approaching BaBeL and the spatial position of the dolphin

accompanying it when present, binomial test was used to test the significance of the

differences found. Statistical tests were conducted using R statistical software

version 3.02 (R Core Team 2013). We considered that a dolphin was accompanying

the calf when it was positioned at 1m or less and its movements were in synchrony

with the calf with less than 2 sec intervals. When the click trains were produced by

another dolphin, we noted their temporal distribution with respect to the click trains

produced by the calf in order to determine if there was a pattern of imitation.


Localization process

During the study, 32 recording sessions were carried out for a total of 6 hours 55

minutes of audio-video recordings. Dolphins were present in the videos for 5 hours

and 7 minutes and the calf for 27 minutes and 20 seconds. During this time, the calf

swam by the BaBeL device while a click train was recorded 188 times. The

localization of the vocalizing dolphin was catalogued as ambiguous because of the

proximity of two dolphins on 40 occasions (21.28%). In 9 occasions (4.79%) the

dolphin emitting the vocalization was out of the range of vision of BaBeL (in indoor

pools). In 37 situations (19.68%) the low signal to noise ratio or the overlapping

nature of the recorded click trains did not allow the localization of the vocalizing

dolphin. For 56 click trains (29.79%) the localization of the source pointed to the wall

of the pool, probably due to acoustic reverberation. Finally, in 46 situations (24.46%),

the click train was linked to a dolphin present in the video (Figure 1): 18 times to the

calf (Table 1), 11 times to its mother (Table 1) and 17 times to another dolphin.

1 Table 1: Acoustic parameters of localized calf’s and mother’s click trains

Age Click rate Mean duration Mean ICI

(days) (clicks/sec) (msec) (msec)

Calf Mother Calf Mother Calf Mother

39 99.13 0.28±0.01 10.08±1.74

46 57.45 45.94 0.31±0.01 0.31±0.02 17.39±2.74 21.75±10.48

98.26 86.05 0.32±0.04 2.29±0. 97 6.72±3.26 11.59±6.95

79.71 0.32±0.02 12.53±0.24

62 91. 21 156.6 0.32±0.03 0.36±0.03 10.95±6.80 6.53±2.47

86.61 0.31±0.04 11.54±4.45

97.52 0.35±0.04 10.25±4.76

67 85.68 86.99 0.35±0.04 0.31±0.03 10.25±4.76 11.49±1.45

97.94 80.77 0.29±0.01 0.32±0.06 10.20±1.37 12.37±3.48

81 85.76 124.8 0.30±0.02 0.30±0.01 11.65±10.83 8.00±5.20

138 144.8 0.31±0.05 6.90±5.42

145 89.96 145.3 0.31±0.06 0.28±0.01 11.11±1.14 6.87±1.03

72.92 0.32±0.02 13.70±2.81

126.5 0.29±0.02 6.38±11.71

89.55 0.28±0.01 11.16±9.14

186 0,28±0.01 5.37±1.17

167..7 0.30±0.03 5.95±2.57

111.6 0.29±0.01 8.95±2.15

166 144.7 0.29±0.01 6.90±2.60

159 39..7 0.81±0.22 25.17±9.41

166 195 0.288±0.010 5.121±1.156

Figure 1: Number of click trains produced per individual, regarding the calf’s age (N

= 46)

Click parameters of mother and calf

No significant differences were found when comparing the calf’s click rate (Mann-

Whitney U-test, U=73, P=0.256), mean duration of click (Mann-Whitney U-test,

U=142.5, P=0.053) and mean ICI (Mann-Whitney U-test, U=133.5, P=0.126) with its


Calf’s echolocation production according to its age

Linear regressions showed that calf’s click rates increased with age (R2=0.79,

P=0.003) (Figure 2a), mean ICI decreased with age (R2=0.72, P=0.007) and mean

duration of clicks showed no significant changes (R2=0.2, P=0.26) (Figure 2b).

Figure 2: Linear regressions of acoustic parameters of calf’s click trains: a) Click rate

b) Mean duration of click.

Calf and accompanying dolphin’s click trains

Analyzing other dolphins’ click train productions, we found that in five situations the

calf emitted click trains after its mother (between 7 and 168 seconds after mother’s

click train emission, mean= 63, 8 sec, s = 72.64 sec) while they were swimming

together. In another situation, the calf emitted a click train shortly after the youngest

male dolphin (+24sec). Those events were spread out during the entire experiment

period, not concentrated during a specific period, or age of the calf.

Considering the calf’s click trains, they occurred 11 times (61%) when another

dolphin accompanied the calf. The dolphin accompanying was its mother on seven

occasions, and another dolphin on four occasions (one time its grandmother, one

time the 4-year-old male and two times the youngest male). At 145 days old, we

recorded seven occasions (39%) in which the calf emitted a click train when she was

swimming by BaBeL alone. At 166 days old, we recorded her first tactile exploration

of the device (i.e., touching with the rostrum).

Calf’s visual lateralization and mother’s spatial position in relation to the calf

When analyzing the visual lateralization of the calf while swimming by BaBeL, only 15

click train emissions out of 18 were taken into account, since in three click train

productions the calf remained static facing the BaBeL device head-on, without clearly

choosing a side for its visual exploration. During 13 click trains out of 15 the calf

swam by with its right eye towards BaBeL (binomial test, p = 0,007) (Figure 3). It was

positioned along another dolphin’s flank for all of the 13 right approaches. The 2 left

click train emissions occurred when the 145 days old calf swam by alone.

In six situations (40% N= 18), the calf swam in an upside-down position while

emitting a click train with its lower jaw directed towards the device. This happened

once at 39 days old, once at 46 days old, and four times at 145 days old when it was

swimming by the device alone.

Regarding the spatial position of the accompanying dolphin, during the calf’s click

trains emissions, the accompanying dolphin was at the right of the calf 7 times versus

4 times at its left (P=0.05, binomial test) (Figure 3).

Figure 3: Calf’s behavioral laterality while swimming by BaBel (N = 15) *: (P = 0.007,

binomial test) and accompanying dolphin’s spatial position with respect to the calf (N

= 11) **: (P = 0.05, binomial test)

To summarize, the calf’s click train acoustic parameters did not differ significantly

from its mother. However, the calf showed an augmentation of click rate with age and

a decrease in ICI. During click train emission, the calf used mostly its right eye. The

two situations when the calf used its left eye coincided with the emission of click

trains while the calf was swimming alone. The accompanying dolphin was mostly

placed to the right of the calf.


The study of development of exploratory behaviour in dolphins presents several

difficulties. First, following and recording the vocalizations of a dolphin from early age

in the wild is almost impossible and thus is only feasible with studies in captivity,

where the birth of a calf occurs on average every 28 months per female (Cornell et al.

1987). As a consequence, to our knowledge there are only six studies focused on the

development of dolphins’ echolocation, and all carried out in captive conditions

(Carder and Ridgway 1983; Reiss 1988; Linhard 1988; Manoukian et al. 2002;

Favaro et al. 2013; Harder et al. 2016). Second, all the studies focused on the

development of echolocation faced the difficulty of determining which dolphin is

emitting a click train and thus used several indicators: the production of bublestreams

(Reiss 1988; Favaro et al. 2013), the intensity of the signal and the position of the

calves with respect to the hydrophone (Lindhard 1988), the presence of head

scanning behaviours at the same time as click recordings (Favaro et al. 2013), and

the distraction of mothers in activities with trainers and the proximity, orientation and

relative position of calves (Harder et al. 2016). All these indicators are subject to

uncertainty and allow accurate analysis of click trains only during specific behavioural

circumstances (ex: mothers distracted by trainers (Harder et al. 2016) or with their

blowhole outside the water (Favaro et al. 2013)). The use of BaBeL system and a

geometrical localization methodology allowed us to analyse a click trains occurring in

varied circumstances, with the presence of other dolphins around the calf and

regardless of its relative position. For the first time, the development of a calf’s

exploratory behaviour as well as the acoustic parameters of its concurrent click trains

were analysed.

Nevertheless, our methodology presents several limitations. First, the wall of the pool

caused reverberations, making our custom-made program identify the wall as the

source of sound in 29.79% of the analysed sequences. Second, the identification of

the vocalizing dolphin is only possible if the animal is in the range of vision of the

video camera (Lopez Marulanda et al. 2017). If dolphins were vocalizing from the

inside pools, they were no longer visible to allow the identification of the emitter.

Third, because of the dolphins’ interest in the device, sometimes our recordings

showed a general cacophony of clicks in which click trains mostly overlapped,

making impossible to determine the initial and end time of click trains, and thus, to

compare the click train duration as it was done in previous studies (Favaro et al.

2013; Harder et al. 2016).

Our results showed that the calf presented an increase in click rate and a decrease in

ICI with age. The minimum value for the click rate was found at 46 days old

(57.45Hz) and the maximum value at 166 days old (195 Hz). This contrast with a

previous study (Harder et al. 2016) that analysed click train production in six calves

during their first six months of life and found that mean click rate increased during the

first month, decreased during the second month and remained constant between the

third and the sixth month. With respect to the ICIs, the values for the six calves

remained consistent with a mean value of 25.32ms (SD=10.35) (Harder et al. 2016).

In our study, the ICI values from the calf’s click trains varied from a mean value of

17.39ms (SD=2.74) at 46 days old to a mean value of 5.12ms (SD=1.15) at 166 days

old. The calf in our study showed higher click rates and lower ICIs than the six calves

analysed by Harder et al. (2016). These differences might be explained by the nature

of the object explored. Contrary to Harder et al. (2016) where the calves were in

presence of a simple object (a single hydrophone), in our study, the calf was exposed

to a complex object consisting in five arms with attached hydrophones and two video

cameras, that was handled by a familiar person in water. The physical parameters of

the object offered the possibility to perceive various different densities and shapes.

Moreover, the presence of a trainer in the water could have generated an increased

interest by the calf. It might have increased its click production per second for two

reasons: as a response to the complexity of the device that is known to arouse

curiosity (Berline et al. 1965; Studnitz et al. 2007) and/or due to the presence of a

human in water, which can modify the behavioural response of animals, (Brensing et

al. 2005; Akiyama and Ohta 2007).

The lack of difference between click rate, mean duration of click and mean ICI of the

calf and its mother supports the finding that infant and adult pulses are

indistinguishable at 40 days old (Reiss 1988). As our recordings started at 39 days

old, it is possible that the calf could already produce click trains similar to those of an

adult, at least regarding the measured acoustic parameters in this study. This does

not exclude the possibility that other acoustical parameters of the calf’s click train not

measured here could differ from adults.

Our results showed the calf’s had a right eye preference while echolocating.

Bottlenose dolphins demonstrate this eye preference (Yaman et al. 2002) associated

with a better performance in discrimination tasks (von Fersen. 2000; Kilian et al.

2000; Yaman et al. 2002; Delfour and Marten 2005). This right orientation has been

found also with free ranging Atlantic Spotted Dolphins (Stenella frontalis) when

exposed for the first time to a mirror that swimmers hold (Delfour and Herzing 2013).

However, no sound recordings were conducted during those experiments, making

impossible to link vision and echolocation. It is possible that our results were

impacted by the dolphins’ swimming patterns. A previous study showed that dolphins

in captivity tend to swim counter-clockwise (Sobel et al. 1994). In our study, 188

times the calf swam by the device and we found that for 150 (79.78%) “swim by”

situations, the calf swam counter-clockwise and for 38 (20.22%) situations it swam

clockwise. However, it is not clear if dolphin’s swims counter-clockwise because they

have a visual lateralization of the right eye or vice-versa.

Perceptual laterality is influenced by the emotional value (Rogers et al. 1994;

Quaranta et al. 2007) and the novelty of an object (Cantalupo et al., 1995; Basile at

al., 2009). Bottlenose dolphins preferentially use their left eye to explore familiar

objects and their right to explore unfamiliar objects (Blois-Heulin et al. 2012). We

suggest that BaBeL was probably perceived as an unfamiliar object until 145 days

old when BaBeL was immersed for the 15th time, and when for the first time the calf

explored the device alone and used its left eye twice.

We found that the calf was positioned mostly at the left side of the accompanying

dolphin while echolocating. This contrast with what has been found in free ranging

(Karenina et al. 2010; Hill et al. 2017) and captive belugas (Delphinapterus leucas)

(Hill et al. 2017) and in free ranging killer whales (Orcinus orca), where calves mostly

swim at the right side of their mothers (Karenina et al. 2013). It might be possible that

these species differ in their lateralization tendencies. However, it is also possible that

the mother placed herself between her calf and the device. As we only analyzed the

behavior of one individual, no conclusions can be made about the spatial

lateralization of the species: for this, more observations about the lateralization of

calves with respect to the accompanying dolphin are needed in wild and captivity.

To conclude, at the age of 39 days, a bottlenose dolphins’ calf’s acoustic parameters

regarding its click trains did not differ from that of an adult. However, click rate was

shown to increase with age of the calf. When visually and acoustically exploring an

immerged non-alimentary object, the calf showed a right eye preference. This study

used a new methodology that allowed us to describe not only the acoustic

parameters of the subjects’ click trains but also the position of the calf during

exploratory behavior with respect to the object explored and to its conspecifics.

Further studies using the same technology and methodology would reveal unknown

aspects of the dolphins’ perception of their world and allow scientists to build new



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Chapter 5: Bottlenose Dolphins Under Human Care

Acoustically Coordinate Their Aerial Jumps.

Juliana Lopez Marulanda1, Olivier Adam1,2, Chloé Huetz1, Fabienne Delfour3,4,

Sander Vanderheul5, Torea Blanchard1,4, Aurélie Célerier6

Institute of Neurosciences Paris Saclay, CNRS UMR 9197, University Paris Sud,

Orsay France

Sorbonne Universités, UPMC Univ Paris 06, CNRS, UMR 7190, Institut Jean Le

Rond d'Alembert,

F-75005 Paris, France

Laboratoire d’Ethologie Expérimentale et Comparée E.A. 4443 (LEEC), University

Paris 13, Sorbonne Paris Cité, F-93430 Villetaneuse, France

Parc Astérix, 60128 Plailly, France

Boudewijn Seapark. Dolphinarium.

Centre d’Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Evolutive, CNRS UMR 5175, University Paul

Valery, Montpellier

Article in preparation

Synthesis Chapter 5


Synchronous behaviors occur when two or more animals perform the same behavior

at the same time and they have been described for free ranging dolphins of several

populations. Dolphins’ communication relies mainly on the acoustic channel (Tyack,

1999), and as these marine mammals live in habitats of limited visibility (Connor et

al., 1998), we can assume that the mechanism of communication to perform

simultaneous behaviors may involve acoustic cues.

Research questions

It is unknown if dolphins use acoustic cues to perform simultaneous movements and

this is difficult to highlight in free ranging dolphins. The management of dolphins in

captivity provides an excellent opportunity to study the mechanism underlying

synchronous behavior. The first aim of this study was to experimentally determine

whether dolphins use acoustic cues when performing a known simultaneous exercise

following a gestural command from their caregivers. The second aim, if they do use

acoustic cues, was to identify the emitters.


A coordination experiment was conducted with three bottlenose dolphins (2 females

and 1 male). Random trials of a target exercise (jump) were carried out with the

animals alone or by pairs. The acoustical parameters of their vocalizations during the

jumps were compared when they were performed individually or collectively. The

BaBeL system was used to localize and identify the dolphin producing vocalization.


Results indicated that dolphins managed to spontaneously synchronize their jumps

100% of times when paired. Whether they jumped alone or in pairs, they produced

click trains before and after 92% of jumps. During the jumps performed in pairs these

click trains were emitted by only one individual 98% of times. The acoustic

localization processing allowed the successful identification of the vocalizing dolphin

in 19.8% of cases. Our study also showed that in all but one successful localizations,

the click trains were produced by the same individual. Noteworthy, this individual

appeared to be the oldest female of the group.


In conclusion, this paper provides the first evidence that dolphins use acoustic cues,

and more particularly click trains, to synchronize their movements possibly by

eavesdropping the echoes produced by one individual that leads the navigation.


Synchronous behaviors occur when two or more animals perform the same behavior

at the same time and they have been described for free ranging dolphins of several

populations. However, the mechanism underlying the synchrony is not well

understood. In this study we implemented audio and video recordings on three

captive bottlenose dolphins performing aerial jumps, either individually or in pairs, in

order to determine if they use acoustic cues to synchronize their movements.

Experiments were recorded with an hydrophone array and a 360° underwater

camera allowing to localize precisely the sound source and thus the identity of the

individual producing the sound. Results indicated that dolphins managed to

spontaneously synchronize their jumps 100% of times when paired. Whether they

jumped alone or in pairs, they produced click trains before and after 92% of jumps.

During the jumps performed in pairs these click trains were emitted by only one

individual 98% of times. The acoustic localization processing allowed the successful

identification of the vocalizing dolphin in 19.8% of cases. Our study also showed that

in all but one successful localizations, the click trains were produced by the same

individual. Noteworthy, this individual appeared to be the oldest female of the group.

This paper provides the first evidence that dolphins could use acoustic cues, and

more particularly click trains, to synchronize their movements possibly by

eavesdropping the echoes produced by one individual that leads the navigation.


Synchronous behaviors occur when two or more animals perform the same behavior

at the same time (Connor et al., 2006) and have been described for several animal

species in different modalities (eg. visual, acoustic) (reviewed in Herzing, 2015). The

degree of synchronization can vary from time intervals of less than one second to

several minutes (Sakai et al., 2010). For example, visual synchrony occurs between

fireflies (Pteroptyx spp.) that synchronize their bioluminescent flashing during the

night (Buck, 1988) and between male fiddler crabs (Uca annulipes) that wave their

major claw in synchrony to attract females (Blackwell et al., 1999). Acoustic

synchrony has been described for example in the vocalizations of male long-tailed

manakins (Chiroxiphia linearis) (Trainer and McDonald, 1993) and in male frogs

(Kassina kuvangensis) (Grafe, 2003). Synchronous behaviors might have several

functions, for example, they might be used as an adaptive response to avoid

predators or to cope with novel objects and situations (Norris and Schilt, 1988; Pryor

and Shallenverger, 1991), as a way to receive some aero- or hydrodynamic

advantage in movement (Herskin & Steffensen, 1998), as means to facilitate shared

attention (Sebanz et al., 2006) and foraging success (Tremblay and Cherel, 1999).

In odontocetes, the term “synchrony” has been used in two different ways: first, to

describe group members that perform nonrandom grouping behaviors, swimming and

breathing in synchrony (Hastie et al., 2003; Fellner et al., 2013); and second,

behaviors that are performed ‘simultaneously’ or ‘in unison’ (Mann and Smuts, 1999;

Connor et al., 2006). Visual simultaneous behavior has been described in several

dolphin species. Pantropical spotted dolphins (Stenella attenuata) synchronize their

movements as a defensive response while being herded in tuna nets (Pryor and

Kang-Shallenberger, 1991). Synchronous behavior has been reported in Atlantic

spotted dolphins (Stenella frontalis) in aggressive contexts during interspecific

interactions with bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) as a way to dominate a

larger size opponent (Cusick and Herzing, 2014). Male Indian Ocean bottlenose

dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) have been observed synchronizing their surfacing

behavior during social behavior with female consorts (Connor et al., 2006; Sakai et

al., 2010), and during herding behavior of females (Connor et al, 1992; Connor and

Smolker, 1996).

Vocal synchrony has been also described in these animals. Spinner dolphins

(Stenella longirostris) synchronize their vocalizations while dispersing from bays

(Brownlee and Norris, 1994). Offshore populations of bottlenose dolphins

(T.truncatus) showed vocal synchrony apparently to maintain contact in a large home

range (Janik et al., 2011). Finally, simultaneous vocal and visual signals have been

reported for this species during intraspecific aggressions (Herzing, 2015).

Sounds emitted by dolphins are classified into three structural categories and two

functional classes. Structurally, sounds productions are thus categorized in: whistles

or tonal sounds (reviewed in Janik, 2009), clicks or pulsed sounds (Au et al., 1974),

and burst-pulsed sounds (Diaz-Lopez and Bernal-Shirai, 2009). Functionally, sound

emissions may be used for echolocation, which could be defined as the acoustic

representation of the surroundings obtained by the projection of clicks and the

subsequent nervous integration of the perceived echoes (Au, 1993). Sound

emissions may also play a role in communication and social interactions (reviewed in

Herzing, 2000).

When two or more dolphins engage in a synchronous behavior, information might

flow between them that can involve a communication process (Johnson, 2015).

Dolphins’ communication relies mainly on the acoustic channel (Tyack, 1999), and as

these marine mammals live in habitats of limited visibility (Connor et al., 1998), we

can assume that the mechanism of communication to perform simultaneous

behaviors may involve acoustic cues. The use of acoustic cues to perform

simultaneous movements are difficult to highlight in free ranging dolphins for several

reasons: first, the occurrence of synchronous behaviors and the individuals

performing them cannot be controlled by the experimenter; second, the low visibility

underwater in most of the habitats of this species (Würsig and Pearson, 2015) do not

allow the clear determination of the degree of synchronization, neither the localization

of the individual emitting the sound.

The management of dolphins in captivity provides an excellent opportunity to study

this mechanism because the synchronous behaviour can be requested to the target

animals and replicated several times. The clarity of water allows a direct observation

of the behavioural sequence and allows the identification of the individual emitting a

vocalization by the use of a hydrophone array. Dolphins under human care are often

engaged in simultaneous behaviors (e.g. jumps) promoted by their caregivers by

positive reinforcement (Brando, 2010). However, it is unknown how animals manage

to synchronize their actions and if they use acoustic cues to coordinate their

simultaneous behaviors. The first aim of this study was then to experimentally

determine whether dolphins use acoustic cues when performing a known

simultaneous exercise following a gestural command from their caregivers. The

second aim, if they do use acoustic cues, was to identify the emitters.


Studied Subjects and facility

The coordination experiment was conducted in February and March 2017 at the

Boudewijn Seapark (Bruges, Belgium). Three individuals were selected for the

experiment: two adult females named Puck and Linda aged respectively 51 and 41

years, and one adult male named Kite aged 12 years. The females originated from

wild and the male was born in another facility. This choice was based on two criteria:

first, the three animals were trained to perform the same exercise individually and

collectively and second, two animals were known to work together very well (Puck

and Linda) and two animals were known to work together with difficulty (Puck and

Kite) (Vanderheul, pers. Comm.).

Overall this facility consists of five connected pools not acoustically isolated: a main

show pool, two holding pens, a medical pool and a quarantine pool. The depth of the

pools is at least 3 m in the shallowest areas and 5.6 m at its deepest point in the

main show pool. The training sessions with caregivers take place in all pools. During

the experiment, the target animals were placed in the main pool with the recording

device. The other animals were placed in the two holding pens and a trainer was

responsible for maintaining their head out of the water to avoid the propagation of

their potential acoustic emissions through the pools. This procedure prevented from

erroneous estimated positions of the emitting individual as vocalizations originating

from outside the experimental pool could produce false alarms during acoustic


Recording device

Simultaneous audio and video recordings were collected using a waterproof 360°

audio-video system, named BaBeL (BioAcoustique, Bien-Être et Langage) (López

Marulanda et al. 2017). Underwater video data were collected using GIROPTIC 360 °

video camera with 3 objectives covering each one 120° and allowing a 360° view of

the main pool. This 360° camera was positioned under the waterproof housing of a

digital audio recorder ZOOM H6, connected to four calibrated and automatically

synchronized Aquarian H2a-XLR hydrophones. The hydrophones were

asymmetrically positioned at the extremities of a virtual square distant from 1.5m to

each other. This allowed us to determine the time differences of arrival (TDOA) of the

sound to each hydrophone and thus to estimate the 3D position of the dolphin

producing the sound. Audio recordings were conducted at a 96 kHz sampling

frequency and coded on 24 bits. Details about the function of this hydrophone array

are described in Lopez-Marulanda et al. (2017). In addition, we used a GoPro hero

3+ to record a video back up of the experience from the surface. Videos and audio

recording were synchronized. A single video file was created from the video cameras

and was associated with one of the four audio tracks and its corresponding turning

spectrogram (FFT size: 1024, overlap 50%, Hanning window) provided by the free

software Audacity 2.0.6 (GNU General Public License).

Habituation process

Before experiments, dolphins were gradually habituated to the presence of the

BaBeL device in the water. The habituation procedure involved 6 steps which were

gradually built up over the four weeks prior to the recording session. The first step

consisted in positioning the device on the side of the main pool, out of the water, but

within sight of the animals. In the second step, an animal caregiver held the device

on the underwater platform in the channel that connected the main show pool to the

quarantine pool. Thus, during this phase, the animals could see the device into the

water, but were kept under control by other trainers. Thirdly, the animals were

allowed to swim freely for a limited time in the presence of the device which was held

by a trainer as described in step 2. Exploration time was gradually prolonged and

animals were rewarded to ignore the device. In the fourth step, the device was placed

alone in the water while the animals were kept under control. In the step five, the

device was left in the water while the animals swam freely with enrichment items to

distract them from showing interest in BaBeL. Finally, during the last phase, the

device was randomly placed in the water, with or without the presence of enrichment


Coordination experiment

Before the beginning of each training session, the audio-video recording device was

placed in the main pool suspended from a buoy and kept in place at the side of the

tank by two ropes and a pole manipulated by one observer who remained at the

edge of the pool. We carried out 30 training sessions (max. two per day) in which

animals were asked to perform “back jump” exercise, which consisted in jumping with

the dorsal part of the animal pointing towards the water surface. The dolphins were

trained to perform the back-jump many times until the trainers blew their whistle to

indicate that the task was well performed and they can come back to get a reward

(fish). For the experiment, the trainers decided, according to the motivation of the

animal, to let it jump between one to five times before blowing the whistle.

During each training session the trainers asked the animals to perform the “back

jump” five non-consecutive times, other exercises were inserted in between in order

to maintain the dolphins’ motivation. The trials were randomly distributed in order to

get at the end of the experiment 30 trials for each dolphin individually performing the

back jump, 30 trials for Kite and Puck together, and 30 trials for Linda and Puck

together. For the trials collectively performed, two trainers were placed one at each

side of the pool. Each dolphin was placed facing one trainer, in a way that they could

not see the trainer’s gestural command given to the other dolphin. Once in this

position, the trainers simultaneously produced the command to perform the back


Behavioral analysis

We analysed the videos taken from BaBeL and the backup video to determine if

animals jumped synchronously. We defined a synchronous jump as a jump

performed by two animals with a time difference of less than 0.5 seconds.

Acoustical analysis

No whistles or burst-pulsed sounds were emitted by the animals during the exercises.

Accordingly, all the acoustical analysis was based on their click trains production.

Click trains produced by the animals were analyzed using the pulse train analysis

function of Avisoft-SASLab Pro version 5.2.07 (Raymond Specht, Berlin, Germany) to

measure click rate for each trial. Click trains produced after the last jump of each trial

were not taken into account for the statistical analysis because animals do not need

to synchronize after the last jump of each trial to go back to the trainer and get the

reward. A visual inspection of the click trains allowed us to determine whether the

click train was produced by one animal (regular click train, with inter-click interval

(ICI) increasing, decreasing or constant) or more than one animal (irregular click train

with no pattern of change in ICI as a consequence of a presumable overlapping of

more than one click train).

Localization processing

For all the trials made by pairs a localization processing of the click trains was

performed to identify which dolphin(s) emitted the vocalizations. A customized

program was created in MATLAB®, Version 2013a (Mathworks, Natick, MA, USA) to

analyze the data obtained with BaBeL (Blanchard, 2015). This program used a

geometrical localization method to estimate the position of an acoustic source. More

specifically this method relies on the spatial distribution of the hydrophones and the

measure of TDOA of the acoustic wave from its source to the different hydrophones

to calculate the sound source position. The localization is then displayed in the 360°

video by a conversion position-pixel (Lopez-Marulanda et al., 2017).

Statistical analysis

Comparisons between the 3 individuals click rates were performed using a Kruskall-

Wallis test and post hoc comparisons with Mann-Whitney tests. To compare if the

click rates differed between the exercises performed individually vs. by pairs we used

a Wilcoxon signed rank test for each individual. All the statistical tests were

conducted using R statistical software version 3.02 (R Core Team, 2013).


Synchronous behavior

Videos analyses showed that 100% of the “back jumps” performed by pairs were

synchronous. The inspection of the videos with the synchronized spectrogram also

indicated that dolphins produced a click train before and after 92% of the jumps

performed (Table 1).

Differences in click rates

A total of 331 click trains were extracted and analysed from the recordings (Table 1).

In some situations, the click trains were not detected before or after a jump or its

signal to noise ratio was too low to allow a pulse rate analysis. The table 1

summarizes the number of trials, jumps and analysed click trains for each individual

or combination or individuals.

Table 1: Number of trials, jumps, detected click trains and analysed click trains for

each individual


Individual Trials Jumps Click Analyzed click trains Successfully

trains sound
Kite 30 84 74 63
Linda 30 75 72 64
Puck 30 68 65 63
Kite with Puck 30 79 64 64 10
Linda with Puck 30 77 77 77 18
Total 150 383 352 331 (141 collective) 28

Click rates between the individuals differed significantly (Kruskall-Wallis test:

χ=24.16, df=2, P<0.0001). Post hoc comparisons showed that there were no

significant difference between the click rate of Kite and Linda (Mann-Whitney test,

W= 2961.5, P=0.1398 with Bonferroni correction). However click rates of Puck were

significantly inferior to click rates of Kite (Mann-Whitney test, W= 3720, P<0.0001

with Bonferroni correction) and Linda (Mann-Whitney test, W= 3191, P=0.002 with

Bonferroni correction).

When comparing the click rate values for each individual alone and by pairs, we

found no significant differences in the click rate for Kite (Wilcoxon signed Rank Test:

W=2952 P=0.802; median click rate alone = 23.34 clicks.sec-1; median click rate by

pair = 21.82 clicks.sec-1) and Linda (Wilcoxon signed Rank Test: W=2574 P=0.5417;

median click rate alone = 21.27 clicks.sec-1; median click rate by pair = 22.97

clicks.sec-1). However, click rates of Puck alone were significantly inferior to click

rates of the pair Kite-Puck (Wilcoxon signed Rank Test: W=1495.6 P<0.0001; median

click rate alone = 17.6 clicks.sec-1; median click rate by pair = 21.82 clicks.sec-1)

and the pair Linda-Puck (Wilcoxon signed Rank Test: W=1682, P=0.0001; median

click rate alone = 17.6 clicks.sec-1; median click rate by pair = 22.97 clicks.sec-1)

(Figure 1).

Figure 1: Click rate of the different individuals performing the exercise alone or by

pairs. Boxes represent 25th and 75th percentiles. Whiskers correspond to the 1st and

99th centiles. + represents the outliers. * indicates P values ≤ 0.001

At this stage, the click trains produced during the exercise performed by pairs cannot

be associated to one individual and are thus susceptible to be produced either by

both individuals performing the exercise or by only one of them. A visual inspection

showed that 98% (N=141) of the click trains emitted during collective jump

performance did not overlap (see methods), therefore they were considered as

produced by only one individual.


The localization processing was carried out with 141 click trains produced during the

collective exercises in order to assess the emitter’s identity. In 103 situations

(73.1%), the localization was not achieved due to the noise caused by the

reverberation of the sounds against the walls of the pool. In 10 situations (7,1%) the

localization was ambiguous because the two dolphins were placed one behind the

other with respect to the camera. Finally the localization was possible for 28 (19.8%)

click trains, 10 times during the jumps of Kite with Puck, and 18 times during the

jumps of Linda with Puck. In both pairs, Puck was identified as the individual

producing the clicks, for 100% of the synchronized jumps with Linda and for 90% of

the synchronized jumps with Kite (Figure 2).

Figure 2: Number of localized click trains for each pair of individuals

Comparison of click rates of localized click trains

Localization processing allowed the identification of the click train emitter.

Comparison between pair and alone conditions revealed that the click rates produced

by Puck were significantly higher when jumping accompanied (median: 20.77

clicks.sec-1) than when jumping alone (median: 17.6 clicks. sec-1) (Wilcoxon signed

Rank Test: W=626 P=0.043) (Figure 3)

Figure 3: Comparison of click rates of click trains produced by Puck alone and

accompanied. Boxes represent 25th and 75th percentiles. Whiskers correspond to

the 1st and 99th centiles. + represents the outliers. * indicates P values < 0.05


Our results showed that dolphins performed the exercise all the time in synchrony

despite the absence of any synchronization instruction; they produced click trains

both when jumping alone and in pairs. When jumping alone, click rates of Puck were

inferior to those of Kite and Linda. Click trains produced when jumping by pairs were

presumably produced by only one individual. The click rates of these click trains did

not significantly differed for Kite and Linda when jumping alone vs. when jumping by

pairs. However, click trains produced by Puck when accompanied had a higher rate

that the ones produced when jumping alone. The localization processing showed that

the individual producing the click trains was Puck for 90%-100% of the successful

localizations (Figure 2). Detailed analyses exclusively based on Puck clicks

production confirmed a significant increase of her click rate when performing the

exercise accompanied.

The results obtained from this study should be interpreted cautiously for several

reasons: first, because of the schedule of the facility, we could only test three

individuals and two different combinations of them for the collective jumps. Also, we

wanted to let the animals move freely in the main pool and chose an appropriate

location for the dolphins to perform their jump in order to do not interfere with their

spontaneous acoustic behavior during the exercise, this measure has as a

consequence a reduction of the efficiency of the localization processing to 19.8% of

the total detected click trains. Our recording device was placed next to the wall of the

pool to facilitate its deployment and control from the edge. The noise caused by the

reverberation of the sounds against the walls of the pool made difficult the

localization. In fact, during the emission of the click trains the animals could face the

opposite wall and their highly directional clicks bounce against it before reaching our

hydrophones, these make the result of the localization point at the wall or appear as

impossible in 80.2% times.

Animals spontaneously showed synchrony when performing the target exercise by

pairs even if the gestural order given by the trainers was sent separately. This can be

explained by the fact the dolphins have been performing the same exercise for more

than ten years and spontaneously perform different exercises in synchrony without

the need of being positively reinforced to do it (Vanderheul pers. com.). Such a

spontaneous synchronization is also observed in the wild and it is already well known

that free ranging dolphins spontaneously synchronize their movements and postures

(Pryor and Kang-Shallenberger, 1991; Cusick and Herzing, 2014; Connor et al.,

2006; Sakai et al., 2010; Connor et al, 1992; Connor and Smolker, 1996). The next

question is now to highlight the kind of cues used by the animals to synchronize

themselves. It may be assumed that dolphins use visual cues to produce

simultaneous movements, which is possible in the clear waters of the facility.

However, in nature these animals live often in habitats of limited visibility (Connor et

al., 1998) in which visual cues cannot be sufficiently accurate to allow a perfect

synchronization of behaviors. Although we do not exclude the possibility that visual

cues were used to perform the synchronized exercise in this study, our results shows

that the acoustic cues might also be relevant.

Surprisingly, no whistles or burst pulsed sounds were produced during the

achievement of the jump exercise whether performed alone or by pair. Such kinds of

sounds have been reported to play a role in communication and social interactions

(Herzing, 2000). The exercise asked to the animals might have needed vocalizations

that serve mainly to navigate (as clicks). Moreover the animals know each other for a

long time and they are used to perform this known exercise together . During the

exercises there were only two animals in the pool, making easy for them to know with

whom to perform the jump with. Under these conditions dolphins might have no need

to socially interact during the exercise.

We observed that click trains are produced almost systematically before and after a

jump (90% of time). This finding is not surprising given the navigation function of

echolocation (Au, 1993). Thus, dolphins may use their sonar to orientate their bodies

in the pool and choose the right moment to perform the jumps. The visual inspection

of the click trains produced by the animals when jumping by pairs allowed us to

deduce that they were produced by one single individual. A possible explanation is

that one of the dolphins remains quiet to eavesdrop the clicks produced by the other,

and uses this acoustic information (likely in combination with visual cues) to navigate

and perform the jump as efficiently as it does when jumping alone. Supporting this

hypothesis, an experimental study showed that dolphins can perform object

recognition through echoic eavesdropping (Xitco and Roitblat, 1996). Our results

then suggest that echoic eavesdropping might also be used for navigation. Now, the

key question that may be raised is whether this role allocation is done randomly or

depends on the dolphin’s identity with specific animals tending to remain silent while

others tend to produce the click trains.

The localization processing allowed us to identify the dolphin producing the click train

only for 19.8% of detected click trains. Most localizations were not possible due to the

reverberation of the walls of the pool. However, we could assume that the probability

of each click train to be localized is the same, and the reverberation acts in a random

way. Thus, we could consider that our results constitute a representative sample and

reflect what happens in most cases. We showed that in all but one successful

localization, the click trains were produced by the same individual suggesting that

one individual could acoustically leads the other during the exercises by pairs.

Noteworthy, this individual appeared to be the oldest of the group. This female is

probably the individual with the most experience in performing the jump exercise .

Another hypothesis could be advanced to explain these results: Puck could be the

most dominant female of the group as it has been described in captive females of

bottlenose dolphins, in which the oldest ones (i.e. the most experienced) are also the

most dominant (Samuels and Gifford, 1997). In our study, the dominant status of

Puck may be expressed through her predominant acoustic activity when paired with a

dominated individual. Moreover, Puck was the animal that produced lower click rate

during the exercises when alone, probably because of the experience it had doing

the exercise, which makes it needed less clicks to orientate and navigate while

performing the jump.

Leadership has been defined as the situations when an individual steers the behavior

of others (King et al., 2009) and it has been reported in highly dynamic fission-fusion

species as free ranging bottlenose dolphins when travelling (Lewis et al., 2010). This

study supports this theory and gives the first possible explanation for the mechanism

used to synchronize movements. However more studies are needed to evidence

which factors influence this leadership.

Finally, the leading dolphin, Puck, increases its click rate when performing the

exercise accompanied, this changing in the click rate might serve to facilitate the

coordinated movements. Nonetheless, it is necessary to test with other leader

animals if the increase of the click rate occurs systematically during synchronous


In conclusion, this paper provides the first evidence that dolphins use acoustic cues,

and more particularly click trains, to synchronize their movements possibly by

eavesdropping the echoes produced by one individual that leads the navigation.


We would like to thank to the Boudewjin Sea Park (Bruges, Belgium) trainers and

Nikolaas Colpaert for its invaluable collaboration with the development of this

experiment, as well as Isabelle Charrier and the members of the Bioacoustics team

(NeuroPSI) for its advice and support during the analysis of the data.


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Photo: Parc Astérix

The studies conducted during my PhD thesis aims to contribute to the understanding

of the acoustic communication and social behaviors of bottlenose dolphins. I initially

described how the vocal activity and behavior varied in relationship with scheduled

interactions with trainers. This led me to understand the need for new technologies

that could identify the dolphin producing a sound allowing a fine-scale analysis of

vocal behavior within the social group. The implementation of the BaBeL system

allowed me to address such new research questions about dolphins’ behaviors and

more specifically their exploratory and synchronous behaviors.

1. How do dolphins under human care modulate their whistle repertoire

according to human activity?

Chapter 1 and 2 revealed that dolphins modulate their whistle production as a

function of their interactions with humans and this modulation varies between social

groups. In the case of the dolphins in Parc Asterix (France), the whistle emission was

higher after the training sessions than before; in contrast the dolphins from Boudewijn

Sea Park (Belgium) produced more whistles before than after the training sessions.

This variation could be explained by several differences between the two studied


First, the group composition differed between the facilities (Table 1), which leads to

different types of interactions between the animals: this might conceivably lead to the

different use of vocalizations. Group composition has been reported as a factor

influencing whistle emission in free-ranging dolphins (Hawkins and Gartside, 2010;

Heiler et al., 2016). For instance, mother–offspring interactions include various

behaviors (e.g., teaching behaviors) (Bender et al., 2009) and involve specific

vocalizations (e.g., during periods of separation) (Smolker et al., 1993). However, as

both studied groups had young dolphins at the time of the study, we cannot conclude

that the differences found in the modulation of vocalizations are due to mother-

offspring interactions. However, the two facilities present other group differences:

during the second part of the study in Parc Asterix (France) the group included two

adult males of 32 and 31 years old, while in Boudewijn Sea Park (Belgium) only one

male (12 years old) was part of the group. As males can compete among themselves

or form alliances to facilitate access to females in estrus (Connor et al., 19921), it is

possible that the presence of two adult males in Parc Asterix elicited more social

interactions and vocalizations.

Table 1: Comparison of dolphins’ group composition between Parc Asterix and Boudewijn
Sea Parc facilities

Parc Astérix Parc Astérix Boudewijn Sea Park

Group Categories
(November 2014) (May 2015) (February 2017)

Adult Females 4 4 5

Adult Males 1 2 1

Young females 0 0 1

Young males 4 2 1

Second, the animals might show different personalities that can also lead to

differences in vocal activity (Bigersson et al., 2014; Highfill and Kuczaj, 2007).

Moreover, because the groups in captivity are formed artificially, social

communication between individuals may or may not take place depending on their


Third, there is one difference in the management of dolphins in these facilities: Parc

Asterix’s animals are never isolated, while Boudewijn Sea Park’s dolphins are placed

in different pools during the training sessions. The isolation of animals might increase

the production of whistles (Esch et al., 2009) and subsequently modulate the

production of whistles before and after the training sessions. In chapter 2, I did not

report the vocalizations produced during the training sessions themselves, but this

work was conducted and the results showed that in Boudewijn Sea Park, most of the

whistles are produced during the training sessions (Colpaert, 2017). Consequently, I

suggest that the separation of the animals during the training sessions in Boudewijn

Sea Park might increase the production of whistles and modulate the acoustic

communication process between the animals in a way that they produce more

whistles before than after the training sessions. In contrast, dolphins from Parc

Asterix, that are never isolated, might prefer to communicate acoustically in the

periods after the training sessions.

Despite these differences, a common result found in both facilities is the higher

production of non-signature whistles with respect to signature whistles. This confirms

what has been found previously in captivity, where dolphins’ production of signature

whistles is around 1% of total recorded whistles (Janik and Slater, 1998). This

highlights the importance of focusing future research efforts on non-signature whistle

production, which has received much less attention by the scientific community in

comparison to signature whistles (Caldwell et al., 1990; Janik, 2000; Janik and

Sayigh, 2013; King et al., 2014). Non-signature whistles are thought to have a role in

bottlenose dolphin communication since they may transfer information: probably not

the identity information seemingly contained in signature whistles, but more likely the

emotional state of the animal or the behavioral context.

The observations carried out underwater in this project (Chapter 2) made it possible

to establish the association between the non-signature whistle emission and some

detailed behaviors. A positive correlation was found between the production of non-

signature whistles and the slow swimming alone behavior, and a negative interaction

was found between the non-signature whistle production and affiliative body

contacts. These interactions cannot be interpreted as a causal relationship, but our

results suggest that somehow non-signature whistle production might modulate or be

modulated by some behaviors. Again, the localization of the dolphin emitting the non-

signature whistle is necessary to better understand these interactions. I suggest that

non-signature whistles might play a role in the cohesion of the animals as when they

swim slowly and alone they produce more non-signature whistles probably to search

for proximity or contact and when they are already in contact they do not need to

produce these vocalizations, which reflects the decrease in their production. The fact

that the animals do not use instead signature whistles as cohesion calls (Janik and

Slater, 1998) under these circumstances, could be explained because the animals

are placed in the same pool and are in visual contact to each other, so they do not

need to transfer information about their identity to regroup.

This study’s underwater behavioral observations allowed me to highlight the

importance of this approach in starting to detail the behaviors occurring in conjunction

with non-signature whistles. In the wild, it is rare to find the necessary water clarity

and sea conditions to be able to conduct these detailed descriptions of behavior

(Würsig and Pearson, 2015). Such conditions have been found during several

studies in particular spots of the world in which the water clarity water allows a proper

behavioral observation (Dudzinski, 1998; Herzing, 1996; Marten et al 2001).

Dudzinski (1998) described specific affiliative contact or agonistic behaviors and

showed that the concurrent vocalizations (whistles and burst pulsed sounds)

probably served to emphasize the message in Atlantic spotted dolphins (Stenella

frontalis) in Bahamas. Also in the same area and with the same species, Herzing

(1996) found that signature whistles were produced mostly during mother-calf

interactions and alloparental care while burst-pulsed sounds were produced mostly

during agonistic interactions. Marten et al. (2001) provided observations that

supported the acoustic predation hypothesis, in which killer whales (Orcinus orca)

and bottlenose dolphins (T. truncatus) are thought to kill their prey with high

amplitude sounds. All these studies provide valuable information about the behavior

of the animals underwater, and with the aim of supplementing this, Chapter 2

supplies a first approach to the study of non-signature whistles and their concurrent

underwater behaviors.

In order to reveal the role of the different non-signature whistles in the communication

of bottlenose dolphins it is necessary to identify the dolphin producing the

vocalization and to note the behavioral response of the animals surrounding the

emitter. This need prompted the development of a system to identify the dolphin

emitting a vocalization in a 3D environment.

2. Applications of the BaBeL system to better understand acoustic

communication in a social group of dolphins.

With the implementation of the BaBeL system I aimed to localize the dolphin

producing a vocalization. However, with the actual BaBeL device and software we

created, in captive conditions this method worked only for click trains due to the

reverberation caused by the walls of the pool. In the wild, the method worked both for

whistles and click trains, but unfortunately, my dataset on wild bottlenose dolphins

was too restricted since I was not lucky enough to find and record a substantial

number of highly vocalizing free-ranging animals. Despite this, the BaBeL system

allowed me to find interesting results regarding the click train production both in the

wild and in captivity.

Chapter 3 addresses the implementation of the BaBeL system in the wild. I recorded

bottlenose dolphins’ exploratory behavior through echolocation in three situations in

which the group spontaneously approached the BaBeL device. In each case, this

behavior was carried out by only one individual of the group, and interestingly this

animal was never the first to enter in visual contact with the observers. This lead me

to suggest that dolphins might eavesdrop on the returning echoes of their conspecific

(Gregg et al., 2007) and that exploratory behavior might only be carried out by some

individuals in the group. The fact that the echolocating individuals were never the first

leading the movement of the group, i.e., the first in visual contact with the observers,

enabled me to suggest that the exploratory activity towards a new object might be

distributed between some individuals that are not the same that lead the movement

of the group when travelling (Lewis et al., 2010). Nonetheless, more observations in

the wild are needed to provide more information about this phenomenon.

The immersion of BaBeL among a group of captive dolphins elicited exploratory

behavior from the animals through echolocation clicks, for which the returning echoes

could be perceived both by the producer and by any other individual in the pool

through eavesdropping (Gregg et al., 2007). This exploratory response towards a

new object, allowed me to analyze the exploratory behavior of a dolphin calf within its

social group (Chapter 4). Previous studies have used several indicators to identify

when calves produce click trains, including bubblestream production (Reiss, 1988;

Favaro et al., 2013), the intensity of the signal and the position of the calves with

respect to the hydrophone (Lindhard 1988), the presence of head scanning

behaviors at the same time as click recordings (Favaro et al. 2013) and the

orientation and relative position of calves when their mothers were distracted by the

trainers (Harder et al., 2016). All these methods are dependent on the position of the

calves with respect to the hydrophone and localize the vocalizing dolphin using

inexact approaches, resulting in the analysis of click trains only emitted under certain

conditions. In chapter 4, using the BaBeL system we were able to accurately identify

the clicks as produced by the calf, and clicks were recorded regardless the position of

the calf or its relative position to its mother, allowing us to observe the spontaneous

production of echolocation clicks under several circumstances. We therefore were

able to correlate the visual laterality concurrent with click production, to determine

whether the calf produced a click train while accompanied by its mother or alone. In

fact, the calf used mostly its right eye while echolocating. This result is consistent

with previous studies in visual laterality (von Fersen, 2000; Kilian et al. 2000; Yaman

et al. 2002; Delfour and Marten 2005). Also, the calf was positioned mostly at its

mothers’ left side while approaching to BaBeL, in contrast with what has been found

for free ranging belugas and killer whales (Karenina et al., 2010; Karenina et al.,

2013; Hill et al., 2017). This may be due to differences in the lateralization tendencies

between these species, or because the mother chose to place herself between her

calf and the device.

Finally, the implementation of BaBeL allowed me to better understand the

mechanism of synchronization of dolphins during a training task (Chapter 5). At the

beginning I expected to detect not only echolocation clicks but whistles and burst-

pulsed sounds during the synchronization tasks. The absence of whistles and burst-

pulsed sounds during my recordings suggests that these dolphins, and perhaps

others, do not use these kind of vocalizations to synchronize their movements but

instead rely on the production of click trains.

The fact that only one dolphin produced these click trains during the performance of

the pair exercise, suggests one more time the animals probably eavesdrop on the

echoes produced by the clicks of their congeners, in order to adapt their movements

and achieve synchrony. Moreover, the leader of the synchronous movements was

the oldest female of the group. This female is the most experienced individual in

performing the exercise and it is also the most dominant female of the group. Older

females are often found to be highly dominant in captive bottlenose dolphins

(Samuels and Gifford, 1997). According to this, I suggest that during my experiments,

the oldest and probably the most dominant female of the group carried out the

echolocation task for navigate and orientate herself and the other animals performing

the target exercise.

If click trains are used to transfer information from one individual to another in order

to coordinate their behavior, these vocalizations should therefore be considered as a

way to communicate in this species. This opens a new paradigm in the

understanding of the communication network of bottlenose dolphins. Traditionally,

clicks have been described to have an echolocation function (Au, 1993) while

whistles and burst pulsed sounds are used in social interactions (reviewed in

Herzing, 2000). However, my results suggest clicks play also a role in the

communication of the species.

In delphinid species that do not produce whistles, such as Hector’s Dolphin

(Cephalorhynchus hectorii) and dusky dolphins (Lagenorhynchus obscurus) it has

been suggested that clicks are used for communication (Dawson, 1991; Würsig and

Würsig, 2010). However, as click train production is present in all odontocetes, we

can consider it an ancestral character of whistle production in regards to delphinid

evolution. If some species of delphinids use this ancestral character to communicate,

it could be that whistling delphinids might also use the information contained in click

trains to communicate, at least under some circumstances, such as the needed to

synchronize movements, which is the case with bottlenose dolphins. Future research

should therefore investigate the likely communicative function of clicks in whistling

cetacean species.

The BaBeL system is limited by several factors. Firstly, it needs sufficient water

clarity to guarantee good visibility underwater, and this is only possible in captivity or

in a few places in the world (Würsig and Pearson, 2015). Secondly, the system works

well for click train localization but is less accurate for whistle localization; moreover,

due to the reverberation of the walls of the pool, the system in its current state cannot

be used for whistles of dolphins under human care. Thirdly, the sampling frequency

in the current version of the system is limited to 96 kHz, which restricts the

information we can obtain from click trains (e.g. peak frequency), that are found to be

above this value. However, most of the vocalizations produced by the animals (e.g.

whistles and burst pulsed sounds) can be recorded at this sampling frequency.

3. Conclusions

To conclude, human scheduled training sessions modulate whistle production of

dolphins under human care. This modulation varies with different groups according

to the management practices of in different facilities.

More importance should be given to the study of non-signature whistles both in

captivity and in the wild. Studying these vocalizations with concurrent underwater

behavioral observations should provide the information needed to interpret the role of

non-signature whistles in the bottlenose dolphins’ communication network.

It is necessary to identify the dolphin emitting a vocalization and the behavioral

response of its congeners in order to understand the role of this vocalization.

The use of BaBeL system allowed me to investigate about the use of click trains to

explore novel objects in the wild, and their role in synchronizing locomotion in

captivity. This uncovers a new paradigm with many future lines of research regarding

the use of echolocation clicks for communication in this species and beyond.

4. Perspectives

The use of the BaBeL system provides valuable information about the localization

and identification of the individual producing a vocalization. This should be used on

wild delphinids for example to inquire about their exploratory behavior and the

cooperative foraging strategies in clear waters.

Some improvements could be made to the BaBeL system. First, the 360° camera will

be replaced by a higher performing device (e.g. Kolor) that gives a better image

quality, enabling better identification of the animals and fewer blind angles. Second,

the current recorder could be replaced by a sound card that enables recording at

sampling frequencies above 96 kHz, which will allow to the recording and analyzing

other aspects of click trains, such as the peak frequencies. Third, the entire system

could have its own low-noise propulsion system with a remote control; this would

facilitate its use without an observer in the water, which may modify the animal’s


The use of BaBeL system can be extended to other cetacean species. For instance,

as the system functions well for analyzing click production, it would be interesting to

test it with sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) since they are known to

communicate through pulsed signals (Madsen et al., 2002).


Photo: Parc Astérix

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Titre : Communication acoustique et comportement social chez les grands dauphins (Tursiops

Mots clés : sifflements, clics, comportements, localisation

Résumé : Les grands dauphins sont des cétacés La présente thèse de doctorat vise à mieux
sociaux qui se servent principalement du canal comprendre la communication des grands
acoustique pour communiquer sur de longues dauphins au sein de leur groupe social.
distances ou dans des habitats dont la visibilité D'abord, j'ai développé deux études visant à
est limitée. Il y a un manque général décrire comment l'activité vocale des dauphins
d’information concernant l’utilisation de cette captifs varie en relation avec le comportement
communication acoustique au sein de son et l'interaction avec les humains.
groupe social. Cependant, la production vocale Deuxièmement, je présente la conception et la
des grands dauphins comprend des sifflements, mise en œuvre d'une méthodologie innovante
des clics et des sons pulsés en rafale, avec (système BaBeL) qui permet la localisation du
certains sifflements appelés « signatures sifflées dauphin vocalisant dans un environnement
» qui pourraient être utilisés pour s’adresser les tridimensionnel, et qui peut être utilisé en
uns aux autres. captivité et avec des dauphins en liberté. Enfin,
Au cours de cette thèse, nous avons développé je présente deux applications de cette
un système facilement déployable qui identifie méthodologie de localisation pour aborder des
l'animal produisant le son et permet des questions de recherche concernant le
observations comportementales sous-marines comportement exploratoire d'une jeune dauphin
simultanées. Nous avons testé cette et l'utilisation de vocalisations pour des
méthodologie avec des grands dauphins en mouvements coordonnés chez les grands
liberté et en captivité. dauphins.

Title: Acoustic Communication and Social Behavior in Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus)

Keywords: whistles, click train, behaviors, localization

Abstract: Bottlenose dolphins are highly social First, I developed two studies to describe how
cetaceans that strongly rely on acoustic the signature and non-signature whistle rate of
communication and signaling. The diversity of captive dolphins varies in relation to behavior
sounds emitted by the species has been and interaction with humans.
structurally classified in whistles, clicks and Secondly, I present the design and
burst-pulsed sounds, with some whistles called implementation of an innovative methodology
« signature whistles » that are used as cohesion (BaBeL system) that allows the localization of
calls. vocalizing dolphins in a three-dimensional
During this thesis, we developed an easily environment, and which can be used in
deployable system that identifies the animal captivity and with free-range dolphins.
producing sound and allows simultaneous Finally, I present two applications of this
underwater behavioral observations. We tested location methodology to address research
this methodology with bottlenose dolphins in questions regarding the exploratory behavior of
freedom and in captivity. a young dolphin and the use of vocalizations
The present doctoral thesis aims to better for coordinated movements in bottlenose
understand the communication of bottlenose dolphins.
dolphins within their social group.

Université Paris-Saclay
Espace Technologique / Immeuble Discovery
Route de l’Orme aux Merisiers RD 128 / 91190 Saint-Aubin, France

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