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2013 MaryamDini

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Titre: Improvement of Barrier Properties of Poly(Ethylene

Title: Terephthalate)/Organoclay Nanocomposites

Maryam Dini

Date: 2013
Type: Mémoire ou thèse / Dissertation or Thesis
Référence: Dini, M. (2013). Improvement of Barrier Properties of Poly(Ethylene
Terephthalate)/Organoclay Nanocomposites [Ph.D. thesis, École Polytechnique de
Citation: Montréal]. PolyPublie. https://publications.polymtl.ca/1286/

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Directeurs de
recherche: Pierre Carreau, Minh-Tan Ton-That, & Musa R. Kamal
Génie chimique

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© Maryam Dini, 2013.



Cette thèse intitulée:



présentée par: DINI Maryam

en vue de l’obtention du diplôme de : Philosophiae Doctor

a été dûment acceptée par le jury d’examen constitué de :

M. FAVIS Basil, Ph.D., président

M. CARREAU Pierre, Ph.D., membre et directeur de recherche

M. KAMAL Musa R., Ph.D., membre et codirecteur de recherche

M. TON-THAT Minh-Tan, Ph.D., membre et codirecteur de recherche

M. AJJI Abdellah, Ph.D., membre

Mme KONTOPOULOU Marianna, Ph.D., membre



To my lovely family


I would like to express my deep and sincere gratitude to my research supervisors, Prof. Pierre
J. Carreau, Prof. Musa R. Kamal and Prof. Minh-Tan Ton-That for their extensive support and
providing me the great opportunity to study under their supervision. Their innovative and
questioning approach, encouragement, patience and broad knowledge helped me throughout my
study at the École Polytechnique de Montréal.

I would like to thank the organizers of rheology meetings (Prof. Pierre J. Carreau, Prof.
Marie-Claude Heuzey and Prof. A. Ajji) and all the students of this group for their valuable
comments and suggestions.

I wish also to thank all my professors at Amirkabir University (Polytechnic of Tehran) for
encouraging me to continue my graduate studies.

A sincere appreciation goes to all the technical and administrative staffs of École
Polytechnique de Montreal, chemical engineering department and also at the National Research
Council Canada (NRCC), Mr. Guillaume Lessard, Ms. Claire Cerclé, Mr. Eric Cloutier, and Mrs.
Florence Perrin-Sarazin. My special thanks go to Ms. Mélina Hamdine and Ms. Weawkamol
Leelapornpisit for their sympathies, supports and great helps in rheological and morphological
studies in this thesis.

I acknowledge helpful discussions with Dr. Hesam Ghasemi, Dr. Abbas Ghanbari, Dr. Feng.
Xu, Dr.Tahereh Mousavand, Dr. Babak Esmaeili and Khalil Shahverdi, who worked in the same
Thanks to all my friends and my colleagues for their supports during my PhD.
I would like to appreciate very kind assistance of Marie Matet for the translation of the
Abstract of this thesis to French.

I also acknowledge financial and infrastructure support received from National Science and
Engineering Research Council (NSERC), NRCC and Business Development Bank of Canada

Finally, all my special and deepest gratitude go to my family, especially my grandparents,

parents, husband, sister and brother for their love, understanding and support.


Le poly(téréphtalate d’éthylène) (PET) est un polymère semi-cristallin, qui est largement

utilisé dans l’industrie de l’emballage, en contact direct avec les denrées alimentaires, les
boissons, les produits pharmaceutiques et les cosmétiques. Le développement vers de nouveaux
marchés nécessite l’amélioration des propriétés barrières aux gaz du PET afin de l’utiliser dans
l’emballage du vin, de la bière, et d’autres produits sensibles à l’oxygène, ainsi que d’améliorer la
durée de vie des boissons gazeuses ; même une amélioration modérée des propriétés barrières aux
gaz a un impact économique important. La présence de nano-argiles dans le PET comme phase
imperméable et pour allonger le parcours tortueux peut résulter à une remarquable amélioration
des propriétés consistant en la diminution de la perméabilité aux gaz. Les nanocomposites à base
de PET peuvent être préparés in-situ ou par un mélange à l’état fondu. Cette dernière approche
est plus économique, pratique et respectueuse de l’environnement dû à l’absence de monomères
et/ou de solvants organiques. La microstructure des nanocomposites polymères joue un rôle
important dans les propriétés macroscopiques des produits finaux. Afin d’optimiser de manière
significative les performances, une bonne dispersion des nano-argiles dans la matrice et la
compatibilité thermodynamique entre le polymère et les nano-argiles sont nécessaires.

Dans ce travail, les poly(téréphtalate d’éthylène) (PET) ont d’abord été préparés par un
mélangeage à l’état fondu en utilisant une extrudeuse double-vis assistée par injection d’eau. Afin
de faciliter la diffusion des molécules du PET à travers les nanofeuillets de l’argile, de la vapeur
d’eau a été introduite dans l’extrudeuse. Par la suite, la réduction de la masse moléculaire (MW)
de la matrice PET due à l’hydrolyse causée par l’eau a été compensée par une polymérisation à
l’état solide (SSP pour solid-state polymerization). Les effets du débit d’alimentation , de la
compatibilité entre le PET et les nano-argiles (Cloisite Na+, Cloisite 30B et Nanomer I.28E) et de
la SSP ont été étudiés. Les résultats révèlent qu’il y a plus de délaminage des lamelles de l’argile
organique dans les nanocomposites PET-C30B mis en forme à faible taux d’alimentation par
rapport à ceux mis en forme à un fort taux d’alimentation. La présence d’eau permet d’obtenir un
plus grand nombre de nanoparticules C30B à une ou deux couches ainsi que l’augmentation du
facteur de forme dans les nanocomposites à base de PET. L’effet de l’eau sur la microstructure
des nanocomposites de PET est fortement dépendant du choix du modificateur des nano-argiles.

La mise en forme avec de l’eau a des effets négatifs sur les nanocomposites PET-I28E, à cause de
leur faible compatibilité. L’étude de la structure du PET après la SSP par spectroscopie RMN
(résonance magnétique nucléaire) 1H et RMN 13
C et par des mesures rhéologiques montre une
structure moléculaire linéaire du PET.

L’effet de la concentration des nano-argiles sur les propriétés thermiques, mécaniques et

barrières des nanocomposites à base de PET a été étudié dans la seconde partie de ce travail. Des
analyses de DRX (diffractrométrie de rayons X), au MEB (microscope électronique à ballayage)
et au MET (microscope électronique en transmission) montrent une morphologie intercalaire et
exfoliée dans tous les nanocomposites PET-C30B, avec un degré d’intercalation et de délaminage
plus grand pour le procédé assisté par injection d’eau. Des propriétés mécaniques et barrières
améliorées sont obtenues pour les nanocomposites PET-C30B en comparaison avec le PET seul.
Les nanocomposites présentent un module de Young plus haut et une perméabilité à l’oxygène
plus faible après la SSP. L’élongation à la rupture est considérablement plus haute pour les
nanocomposites préparés avec la SSP en comparaison avec les nanocomposites mis en forme par
mélangeage à l’état fondu. L’allongement à la rupture pour les nanocomposites de PET
conventionnels contenant 2 % en masse de C30B est de 6 %, par contre il est de 145 % pour les
nanocomposites préparés avec la SSP. Une augmentation de 45 % du module de Young et de 42
% du comportement barrière est constatée pour les nanocomposites contenant 6 % en masse de
C30B, comparé au PET pur. Le modèle de pseudo-inclusion a été utilisé pour prédire le module
de Young des nanocomposites de PET et l’effet de l’intercalation de la microstructure sur le
modèle de prédiction. De plus, les modèles de Nielsen et Bharadwaj ont été appliqués pour
prédire la perméabilité en présence d’argiles organiques.

Dans la troisième partie de ce travail, la polymérisation à l’état solide du PET et des

nanocomposites à base de PET et de Cloisite 30B à différentes concentrations a été étudiée pour
différents temps de réaction dans le réacteur. De plus, l’effet de la taille des particules sur la
vitesse de polymérisation à l’état solide a été examiné. Des mesures en viscosimétrie, en titrage,
en rhéologie et en calorimétrie différentielle à balayage (DSC) ont été faites pour analyser les
échantillons provenant de la SSP. La masse moléculaire moyenne en poids (MW) augmente
considérablement à la suite de la SSP. Le modèle de Maron-Pierce a été utilisé pour évaluer la
masse moléculaire du PET dans les nanocomposites avant et après la SSP. A cause de l’effet

barrière des nanofeuillets d’argile, il est montré que l’étendue et la vitesse de réaction de la SSP
dans les nanocomposites sont plus faibles par rapport à celles des PET. Les résultats du titrage
montrent que de part la présence de C30B la concentration des groupes carboxyles dans les
nanocomposites de PET augmente, alors que la SSP entraîne une réduction significative de ces
groupes terminaux.

Dans la dernière partie de ce travail de recherche, des nanocomposites de PET contenant des
nano-argiles non-modifiées (Cloisite Na+) ont été préparés en suspension. Une suspension de
Cloisite Na+ et d’eau a été injectée dans l’extrudeuse double-vis et mélangée avec le PET à l’état
fondu. Pour améliorer la dispersion des nano-argiles, de la carboxylmethylcellulose (CMC) et du
polyéthylène glycol (PEG) ont été ajoutés à la suspension. Les nanocomposites contenant du
PEG sont les échantillons qui présentent des propriétés mécaniques et barrières avec la plus
grande amélioration. La couleur des échantillons préparés avec cette méthode est meilleure que
celle obtenue pour les nanocomposites avec du Cloisite 30B.

Poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) is a semi-crystalline polymer, which has been widely

used in the packaging industry and in direct contact with food, beverages, pharmaceutical

products and cosmetics. Expansion to new markets requires an improvement of PET’s gas barrier

properties for use of PET packaging for wine, beer, and other oxygen-sensitive products, as well

as for improving the shelf life of carbonated soft drinks; even a moderate improvement of barrier

properties has a profound economic impact. The presence of nanoclays in PET as an

impermeable phase and for increasing the tortuous path of permeates can result in outstanding

property improvements in terms of decreasing gas permeability. PET nanocomposites can be

prepared by in-situ or melt-mixing methods. The latter approach is more economical, practical

and environmental friendly due to the absence of monomers and/or organic solvents. The

microstructure of polymer nanocomposites substantially plays an important role in the

determining macroscopic properties of final products. To achieve significant performance

enhancements, good dispersion of the nanoclay in the matrix and thermodynamic compatibility

between the nanoclay and the polymer are required.

In this work, poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) nanocomposites were prepared by water-

assisted melt compounding in a twin-screw extruder. In order to facilitate the diffusion of PET

molecules into clay galleries, steam was fed into the extruder. Subsequently, the molecular

weight (MW) reduction of the PET matrix, due to hydrolysis by water, was compensated by solid-

state polymerization (SSP). Effects of feeding rate, compatibility between PET and nanoclay

(Cloisite Na+, Cloisite 30B and Nanomer I.28E) and SSP on the microstructure of the

nanocomposites were studied. The results revealed more delamination of organoclay platelets in

PET-C30B nanocomposites processed at low feeding rate compared to those processed at high

feeding rate. The presence of water resulted in a larger number of single and double layers of

C30B nanoparticles as well as an increased aspect ratio of clay particles in PET nanocomposites.

The effect of water on the microstructure of PET nanocomposites was strongly dependent on the

nanoclay modifier. Processing with water had negative effects on the PET-I28E nanocomposites,

because of its lower compatibility. Studies on the structure of PET after SSP by rheological

measurements, Nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR and 13

C NMR) spectra showed the linear

molecular structure of PET.

The effect of organoclay concentration on the rheological, thermal, mechanical and barrier

properties of the PET nanocomposites prepared by different methods was studied in the second

part of this work. XRD, SEM and TEM analyses displayed intercalated/exfoliated morphology in

all PET/C30B nanocomposites, with a higher degree of intercalation and delamination for the

water-assisted process. Enhanced mechanical and barrier properties were obtained in PET-C30B

nanocomposites compared to the neat PET. The nanocomposites exhibited higher tensile modulus

and lower oxygen permeability after SSP. Elongation at break was significantly higher for SSP

nanocomposites than for nanocomposites processed by conventional melt mixing. Elongation at

break for conventional PET nanocomposites containing 2 wt% C30B was 6%, but for

nanocomposites after SSP, the elongation at break was around 145%. Compared to the neat PET,

improvements of 45% in tensile modulus and 42% in barrier behavior were found for

nanocomposites containing 6 wt% C30B. The pseudo-inclusion model was used to predict the

tensile modulus of PET nanocomposites and to determine the effect of intercalation


microstructure on the model predictions. Moreover, the Nielsen and Bharadwaj models were

employed for the prediction of permeability in the presence of organoclay.

Studies of solid-state polymerization of PET and PET nanocomposites with different

concentrations of Cloisite 30B and particle size were carried out at different reaction times in the

third part of this work. Moreover, the effect of particle size on the rate of SSP was also

investigated. Viscometry, titration, rheological and dynamic scanning calorimetry (DSC)

measurements were used to analyze the samples from SSP. The weight-averaged molecular

weight (MW) of PET was shown to increase significantly following SSP. The Maron-Pierce

model was utilized to evaluate the molecular weight of PET in the nanocomposites before and

after SSP. It was also found that the extent and the rate of the SSP reaction in nanocomposites

were lower than those for the neat PETs, due to the barrier effect of clay platelets. Titration

results showed that by the presence of C30B the concentration of carboxyl groups was increased

in PET nanocomposites while by SSP, these end groups were significantly reduced. Increases of

half-time of crystallinity and reductions of both crystallization temperature and percentage of

crystallinity with molecular weight of PET were found from DSC results.

In the last phase of this research work, PET nanocomposites containing an unmodifed

nanoclay (Cloisite Na+) were prepared by the slurry method. A slurry of Cloisite Na+ and water

was pumped into the twin-screw extruder to be melt-mixed with PET. To improve the nanoclay

dispersion carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) and poly(ethylyene glycol)(PEG) were added to the

slurry. Mechanical and barrier properties showed more improvements for the nanocomposites

containing PEG. The color of the nanocomposites prepared by this method was better than those

obtained by conventional melt-mixing of PET and Cloisite 30B.



DEDICATION .............................................................................................................................. III

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ............................................................................................................. IV

RÉSUMÉ........................................................................................................................................ V

ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................................... VIII

TABLE OF CONTENTS .............................................................................................................. XI

LIST OF TABLES ..................................................................................................................... XVI

LIST OF SCHEMES AND FIGURES...................................................................................... XVII

INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................... 1

CHAPTER 1 LITERATURE REVIEW .................................................................................... 3

1.1 Permeation phenomena in polymers ................................................................................ 3

1.2 Structure of layered silicates ............................................................................................ 6

1.3 Polymer nanocomposites.................................................................................................. 7

1.4 PET nanocomposites ........................................................................................................ 8

1.4.1 Effect of organoclay modifier and compatibilizers on PET nanocomposites .............. 8

1.4.2 Improvement of thermal degradation of PET nanocomposites .................................. 14

1.4.3 Processing of PET nanocomposites ........................................................................... 18

1.4.4 Effect of organoclays on the crystallinity of PET ...................................................... 21

1.5 Water-assisted extrusion process ................................................................................... 22

1.6 Solid-state polymerization of poly (ethylene terephthalate) .......................................... 27

1.7 Objectives ....................................................................................................................... 34

CHAPTER 2 METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................ 36

2.1 Materials ......................................................................................................................... 36


2.2 Melt Compounding ........................................................................................................ 37

2.3 Solid-State Polymerization (SSP) .................................................................................. 40

2.4 Characterization ............................................................................................................. 40

CHAPTER 3 ORGANIZATION OF THE ARTICLES ......................................................... 45


NANOCOMPOSITES .................................................................................................................. 47

Abstract ...................................................................................................................................... 47

4.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 48

4.2 Experimental .................................................................................................................. 50

4.2.1 Materials ..................................................................................................................... 50

4.2.2 Melt Compounding .................................................................................................... 51

4.2.3 Solid-State Polymerization (SSP) .............................................................................. 52

4.2.4 Characterization ......................................................................................................... 52

4.3 Results and discussion.................................................................................................... 55

4.3.1 Molecular weight determination and structural characterization of neat PET ........... 55

4.3.2 XRD results of PET nanocomposites ......................................................................... 61

4.3.3 SEM and TEM images ............................................................................................... 64

4.3.4 Rheology .................................................................................................................... 70

4.3.5 Barrier Properties ....................................................................................................... 76

4.3.6 Mechanical Properties ................................................................................................ 77

4.4 Conclusions .................................................................................................................... 80

Acknowledgments ...................................................................................................................... 81

References .................................................................................................................................. 81


EXTRUSION: EFFECT OF ORGANOCLAY CONCENTRATION.......................................... 85

Abstract ...................................................................................................................................... 85

5.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 86

5.2 Experimental .................................................................................................................. 88

5.2.1 Materials ..................................................................................................................... 88

5.2.2 Melt Compounding .................................................................................................... 88

5.2.3 Solid-State Polymerization (SSP) .............................................................................. 90

5.2.4 Characterization ......................................................................................................... 91

5.3 Results and discussion.................................................................................................... 92

5.3.1 Morphology ................................................................................................................ 92

5.3.2 Rheology .................................................................................................................... 97

5.3.3 Thermal Properties ................................................................................................... 104

5.3.4 Mechanical Properties .............................................................................................. 107

5.3.5 Barrier Properties ..................................................................................................... 112

5.4 Conclusions .................................................................................................................. 117

Acknowledgments .................................................................................................................... 118

References ................................................................................................................................ 118



Abstract .................................................................................................................................... 121

6.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 122

6.2 Experimental ................................................................................................................ 124


6.2.1 Materials ................................................................................................................... 124

6.2.2 Melt Compounding .................................................................................................. 125

6.2.3 Solid-State Polymerization (SSP) ............................................................................ 125

6.2.4 Characterization ....................................................................................................... 127

6.3 Results and Discussion ................................................................................................. 128

6.3.1 Molecular weight changes during SSP..................................................................... 128

6.3.2 Rheology – molecular weight-nanostructure relations............................................. 130

6.3.3 Carboxyl group concentration during SSP ............................................................... 143

6.3.4 SSP effects on crystallization of PET and nanocomposites ..................................... 145

6.4 Conclusions .................................................................................................................. 153

Acknowledgements .................................................................................................................. 153

References ................................................................................................................................ 154

CHAPTER 7 GENERAL DISCUSSION .............................................................................. 158

CHAPTER 8 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS.......................................... 165

8.1 Conclusions .................................................................................................................. 165

8.2 Original contributions .................................................................................................. 168

8.3 Recommendations ........................................................................................................ 169

REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................ 170

Abstract .................................................................................................................................... 179

A.1 Experimental ..................................................................................................................... 179

A.1.1 Materials ..................................................................................................................... 179

A.1.2 Melt Compounding..................................................................................................... 179

A.1.3 Characterization.......................................................................................................... 180


A.2 Results and discussion ....................................................................................................... 181

A.2.1 Rheology of suspensions ............................................................................................ 181

A.2.2 Microstructure of PET nanocomposites ..................................................................... 182

A.2.3 Thermal, mechanical and barrier properties of PET nanocomposites........................ 185

A.3 Conclusion ......................................................................................................................... 188



Table 1-1 : Effect of the intercalant on clay interlayer distance [54] ............................................ 12

Table 1-2 : Effect of intercalated Alkylammonium clays on tensile properties of PET and clay
interlayer distance in the nanocomposite [54]........................................................................ 12

Table 4-1 : Values of the inherent viscosities and MW ................................................................... 55

Table 4-2 : Protons numbering in PET and their peak position in 1H NMR spectra. .................... 59

Table 4-3 : Aspect ratio and D0.1 .................................................................................................... 68

Table 5-1 : Codes for the samples .................................................................................................. 90

Table 5-2 : Calculated values of the apparent complex viscosity and MW of the matrix. ........... 104

Table 5-3 : Thermal properties of PET and PET nanocomposites ............................................... 105

Table 6-1 : Sample description..................................................................................................... 126

Table 6-2: Intrinsic viscosity ([η]), weight average molecular weight (MW) and polydispersity
(MW/ Mn) of the neat PETs. .................................................................................................. 129

Table 6-3 : Herschel-Bulkley parameters of PET nanocomposites containing 3.5 and 6 wt%
C30B..................................................................................................................................... 140

Table 6-4 : Changes of MW with time during SSP ....................................................................... 143

Table A-1 : Thermal properties of PET and PET nanocomposites.............................................. 185



Scheme 4-1: Hydrolysis reaction of PET. ...................................................................................... 55

Scheme 4-2: SSP of PET; (a) Ester-interchange (transesterification), (b) esterification reactions.
................................................................................................................................................ 57

Figure 1-1 : The Oxygen and vapor permeability of different polymers [15]. ............................... 5

Figure 1-2 : Schematic of exfoliated polymer nanocomposites with randomly dispersed silicate
platelets in a polymeric matrix. The inset illustrates the detour model proposed by Nielsen, a
bricks-and-mortar idealization, in which molecules of gas/liquid pass through the matrix
filled with parallel and staggered platelets along a tortuous path [38]..................................... 5

Figure 1-3 : The structure of a 2 :1 layered silicate [39]. ................................................................. 7

Figure 1-4 : Preparation of clays with different contents of hydroxyl groups on the edge of clay
platelets and ammonium linkage on clay [53]. ...................................................................... 10

Figure 1-5 : Viscosity of PET and PET/clay nanocomposites by PMDA chain extender [53]. W-
A-MMT represents washed nanoclays modified with ammonium groups. ........................... 11

Figure 1-6 : Visual appearance of PET organoclay nanocomposites. 3C4C16PBr, C16PyBr and
2C18ImBr represent nanoclays modified by phosphonium, pyridinium and immidazolium,
respectively............................................................................................................................. 15

Figure 1-7 : Structures of hexadecyle-quinolinium bromide( Q16) (a) and lauryl acrylate-
vinylbenzyl triethylammonium chloride ( L-surfactant) (b) [61]........................................... 17

Figure 1-8 : Histogram of tactoids aspect ratio : a) unstretched nanocomposites, b) stretched

nanocomposites (stretch ratio 3)[66]. ..................................................................................... 20

Figure 1-9 : Schematic figures depicting dispersion of the Na-montmorillonite silicate layers of
the slurry into nylon 6 during compounding [85]. ................................................................. 23

Figure 1-10 : Molecular weight, melt temperature at the die and residence time of PA6 extruded
using various processing conditions[80]. ............................................................................... 25

Figure 1-11 : Odours quantification in PEBA and its nanocomposites processed with and without
water [90]. .............................................................................................................................. 26

Figure 1-12 : SSP of PET; (a) Ester-interchange (transesterification), (b) esterification reactions.
................................................................................................................................................ 28

Figure 1-13 : Variation of intrinsic viscosity with time during the SSP of neat PET and PET
containing nanosilica 0,25 and 0,5 wt %, at temperatures 200 (a), 210 (b), 220 (c) and 230
ºC (d) [104]............................................................................................................................. 30

Figure 1-14 : Variation of intrinsic viscosity with time during the SSP of neat PET and PET
containing nanosilica 1, 2.5 and 5 wt %, at temperatures 200 (a), 210 (b), 220 (c) and 230 ºC
(d) [104].................................................................................................................................. 31

Figure 1-15 : Detailed process of clay addition before esterification or polycondensation [58]. .. 32

Figure 1-16 : Relative intrinsic viscosity (IV) values are shown for samples prepared through the
esterification (ES) clay addition process and the polycondensation (PC) clay addition
process. Values are given before SSP and after SSP at 230 ºC for 15 and 24h [107]. .......... 33

Figure 2-1 : The structures of alkylammonium cations used in the commercial nanoclays. ......... 36

Figure 2-2 : Screw configuration, a) configuration # 1, b) configuration # 2 ................................ 39

Figure 4-1 : The structures of alkylammonium cations used in the commercial nanoclays. ......... 51

Figure 4-2 : Schematic of the screw configuration. ....................................................................... 51

Figure 4-3 : 1H NMR spectrum for the “as received” PET; the peak at δ: 2.2 ppm is due to
impurities in the solvent. The spectra of the hydrolyzed samples before and after SSP are not
shown here because they exhibit similar spectra as the “as received” PET. .......................... 58

Figure 4-4 : 13C NMR spectra for (a) the “as received” PET, (b) W-PET-H and, (c) SSP-W-PET-
H. ............................................................................................................................................ 60

Figure 4-5 : XRD results of PET nanocomposites; (a) processed without water, (b) processed
with water, (c) after SSP. ....................................................................................................... 63

Figure 4-6 : SEM micrographs of PET nanocomposites containing Cloisite Na+; (a) processed
without water and (b) with water. .......................................................................................... 64

Figure 4-7 : SEM micrographs of PET nanocomposites processed under different conditions; (a)
PET-C30B-L, (b) W-PET-C30B-L, (c) SSP-W-PET-C30B-L, (d) PET-C30B-H, (e) W-PET-
C30B-H, (f) SSP-W-PET-C30B-H, (g) PET-I28E-L, (h)W-PET-I28E-L. ............................ 65

Figure 4-8 : TEM images of PET nanocomposites; (a) PET-C30B-L, (b) PET-C30B-H, (c) W-
PET-C30B-L, (d) W-PET-C30B-H, (e) SSP-W-PET-C30B-L, (f) PET-I28E-L, (g) W-PET-
I28E-L, (h) SSP-W-PET-I28E-L............................................................................................ 67

Figure 4-9 : Number of platelets per particle histogram. The total number of counted particles
was around 600 for each nanocomposite. .............................................................................. 70

Figure 4-10 : Frequency sweep results of PET. (a) Complex viscosity vs. angular frequency, (b)
loss angle vs. angular frequency. ........................................................................................... 72

Figure 4-11 : Linear viscoelastic data for PET and PET nanocomposites processed at high
feeding rate. (a) Complex viscosity vs. angular frequency; (b) storage modulus vs. angular
frequency. ............................................................................................................................... 74

Figure 4-12 : Linear viscoelastic data for PET and PET nanocomposites after SSP. (a) Complex
viscosity vs. angular frequency; (b) storage modulus vs. angular frequency. ....................... 75

Figure 4-13 : Oxygen permeability of PET and PET nanocomposites. ......................................... 77

Figure 4-14 : Mechanical properties of PET and PET nanocomposites; (a) tensile modulus, (b)
elongation at break. ................................................................................................................ 79

Figure 5-1 : Screw configuration (extrusion direction is right to left). In KB notation, the first
number shows the staggering angle, the second is the number of kneading elements and the
third number indicates the width of each kneading lobe in mm; left hand and right hand KB
elements are shown by LH and RH, respectively. In gear type mixing elements (ZME), the
first number indicates the number of teeth around the circumference, the second represents
the number of gears in each ZME block and the third is the length of ZME block in mm. .. 89

Figure 5-2 : XRD results of PET nanocomposites; the effect of organoclay concentration and
water-assisted melt-mixing. ................................................................................................... 93

Figure 5-3 : SEM micrographs of PET nanocomposites processed under different conditions; a)
PET- C30B-2, b) PET-C30B-6, c) W-PET-C30B-2, d) W-PET-C30B-6. ............................ 94

Figure 5-4 : TEM images; a) W-PET-C30B-2, b) PET-C30B-2, c) PET-C30B-6 at different

magnifications. ....................................................................................................................... 96

Figure 5-5 : Histogram of calculated aspect ratio for PET nanocomposites containing 2wt% of
C30B....................................................................................................................................... 97

Figure 5-6 : Linear viscoelastic data for PET and PET nanocomposites processed via dry
extrusion; a) complex viscosity vs. angular frequency; b) storage modulus vs. angular
frequency. ............................................................................................................................... 98

Figure 5-7 : Complex viscosity vs. angular frequency in PET and PET nanocomposites processed
with water; a) before SSP, b) after SSP. .............................................................................. 100

Figure 5-8 : a) Storage modulus vs angular frequency of PET and SSP-W-PET; b) Han plot.... 102

Figure 5-9 : DSC curves of PET and PET nanocomposites; first heating scans. ......................... 107

Figure 5-10 : a) Tensile modulus, b) elongation at break in PET and PET nanocomposites. ..... 109

Figure 5-11 : Stress –strain behavior of PET and PET nanocomposites. .................................... 110

Figure 5-12 : Tensile modulus of PET nanocomposites relative to the neat PET and comparison
with the pseudo-inclusion model predictions. ...................................................................... 112

Figure 5-13 : Oxygen permeability of the neat PET and PET nanocomposites. ......................... 114

Figure 5-14 : a) Predictions of the relative oxygen permeability based on Nielsen and
Bharadwaj’s models, b) the effect of the orientation factor (s) on the Bharadwaj model
predictions for α’ = 150. ...................................................................................................... 116

Figure 6-1: SSP of PET; (a) ester-interchange (transesterification), (b) esterification reactions. 130

Figure 6-2 : Frequency sweep results for the neat PETs; (a) complex viscosity vs. angular
frequency, (b) reduced complex viscosity curves, (c) storage modulus vs. loss modulus, (d)
reduced storage modulus curves, (e) shifted phase angle plots............................................ 132

Figure 6-3 : Scaling of the zero-shear viscosity (a) and complex viscosity (b) at 100 rad/s against
MW for the PET samples. The units for the zero-shear viscosity and complex viscosity are
Pa.s and g/mol for MW. ......................................................................................................... 134

Figure 6-4 : Linear viscoelastic data for the neat PET and PET nanocomposites before SSP; (a)
complex viscosity vs. complex modulus; (b) storage modulus vs. loss modulus. ............... 135

Figure 6-5 : Complex viscosity vs. angular frequency of PET nanocomposites for different C30B
concentrations after SSP compared to the data of the corresponding samples before SSP: a)
2 wt%, b) 3.5 wt%, c) 6 wt%. Storage modulus vs. angular frequency: d) 2 wt%, e) 3.5 wt%,
f) 6 wt%. ............................................................................................................................... 137

Figure 6-6 : η* vs. G* of PET nanocomposites before and after SSP. Solid lines represent the fits
of the Herschel-Bulkely model to the experimental data with the parameters given in Table
6-3......................................................................................................................................... 139

Figure 6-7 : Apparent molecular weight of the PET in the nanocomposites. “S” represents neat
PET, “S-C2, S-C3.5, S-C6” indicate nanocomposites containing 2, 3.5 and 6 wt% of C30B,
respectively........................................................................................................................... 142

Figure 6-8 : Variations of the carboxyl content with SSP time of the neat PET (symbol: S) and
PET containing 2, 3.5 and 6.0 wt% C30B (symbols: S-C2, S-C3.5, S-C6)......................... 144

Figure 6-9 : Reduced complex viscosity (a-c) and reduced storage modulus (d-f) for the PET
nanocomposites. ................................................................................................................... 147

Figure 6-10 : Crystallization temperature (Tc) vs. MW (a) and degree of crystallinity (Xc) vs. MW
(b) of the neat PET and PET nanocomposites...................................................................... 149

Figure 6-11 : DSC curves of PET and PET/C30B nanocomposites; S-0 and S-C2-0 represent neat
PET and PET with 2wt% of C30B after melt-mixing and before SSP. S-8 and S-C2-12 are

the code of PET and PET-C30B containing 2wt% of organoclay with approximately the
same molecular weight of 67 000 g/mol. ............................................................................. 150

Figure 6-12 : Relative degree of crystallinity from the cooling cycle as a function of
crystallization time; a) PET and PET nanocomposites before SSP, b) neat PETs before and
after SSP, c) PET-C30B-6 nanocomposites before and after SSP. ...................................... 152

Figure 7-1 : Color of the nanoocmposites containing 2wt% C30B; a) SSP-W-PET-C30B-2. b)

PET-C30B-2 ......................................................................................................................... 163

Figure A-1: Steady shear viscosity of water-CNa suspensions.................................................... 182

Figure A-2: XRD patterns of PET nanocomposites ..................................................................... 183

Figure A-3: SEM micrographs of PET nanocomposites; a) PET-CNa prepared by conventional

melt-mixing, b) PET-CNa prepared by slurry method, c), PET-CMC-CNa , d) PET-PEG-
CNa....................................................................................................................................... 184

Figure A-4: TEM images of PET-CNa nanocomposites prepared by slurry method. ................. 184

Figure A-5: Tensile modulus in PET and PET nanocomposites .................................................. 186

Figure A-6: Oxygen permeability in PET and PET nanocomposites .......................................... 187

Figure A-7: Color of PET nanocomposites .................................................................................. 187



Poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) is a semi-crystalline thermoplastic polymer with good

thermal, mechanical and barrier properties, excellent transparency and recyclability. PET has
different applications in synthetic fibers, medical and pharmaceutical, household and chemical,
electronic and automotive, trays for frozen dinners, drink bottles including soft drinks and more,
and flexible food packaging [1, 2]. More enhancement of O2 and CO2 barrier properties of PET
will broaden the PET packaging for wine, beer, and the other oxygen-sensitive products, as well
as improving the shelf life of carbonated soft drinks [3]. Some of the approaches to improve
barrier properties of PET include surface coatings, polymer blending, multilayer structures,
oxygen scavengers, anti-plasticization, crystallization, orientation and polymer nanocomposites
[1, 4]. Among those mentioned methods, incorporation of nanoclays in polymer matrix is a new
and promising way to enhance gas barrier properties due to the inducing longer tortuous path in
the matrix. Exfoliating the nanoclays’ platelets into the PET matrix leads to the most
improvements of its properties [5]. Generally, PET nanocomposites are prepared by in-situ
polymerization and melt-mixing [6-8]. While in-situ polymerization usually yields better
dispersion of clay platelets than melt-mixing, the latter approach is more favourable due to the
economical and environmental advantageous [9]. Several efforts have been done to reduce the
rate of PET and organoclays degradation and enhance dispersion of organoclays in PET, by using
a more stable clay modifier and increasing compatibility between PET and organoclays [10-12].
Other approaches considered the effects of processing conditions; screw speed, screw
configuration and temperature profile in twin-screw melt extrusion of PET nanocomposites [13,
14]. All these efforts made only modest improvements in mechanical and barrier properties.

The main objective of this project was to prepare PET nanocomposites with enhanced barrier
and mechanical properties. To achieve to this goal, water-assisted melt-mixing was used as a
novel method to improve the organoclays dispersion in PET. The molecular weight reductions
through melt-mixing were compensated by solid-state polymerization. The effect of feeding rate
and thermodynamic compatibility between organoclays and PET on the microstructure of the
final products were investigated. Effect of organoclay concentration on mechanical, barrier,
thermal properties and rheological behavior of PET nanocomposites was also reported. Tensile

and barrier models were used to predict the properties of the final nanocomposites. In the third
part of the work, the effect of organoclay concentration on the rate of SSP was studied using two
different particle sizes of the samples. Systematic characterizations of nanocomposites before and
after polymerization were performed by rheology, viscometry, titration and DSC. Furthermore,
development of PET nanocomposite preparation with unmodified nanoclays was done by slurry
method. Mechanical and barrier properties of these nanocomposites were also investigated.

This thesis is based on the following chapters;

 Chapter 1: A literature review related to the polymer nanocomposites, especially PET

nanocomposite, water-assisted melt-mixing , solid state polymerization of PET and the
objectives of this dissertation

 Chapter 2: Methodology; materials, processing conditions and characterizations

 Chapter 3: Organization of the articles

 Chapters 4, 5, and 6: Three papers containing the main results of this study

 Chapter 7: General discussion about the presented results

 Chapter 8: Conclusions and recommendations for future works

 Appendix: Slurry preparation method with the obtained results



1.1 Permeation phenomena in polymers

Plastic films have been developed to prepare economic and efficient barrier materials to limit
the passage of gases and organic liquids [15]. Generally, permeability rates of gases through any
polymeric materials consist of three steps; a) absorption of the permeability species into the
polymer, b) diffusion of the permeating species through the polymer, c) desorption of the
permeating species from the polymer surface. Affecting parameters on the permeability are as:
the solubility and diffusivity of the penetrate into the polymer, chain packing and side group
complexity, polarity, crystallinity, orientation, filler and plasticization [15].

Figure 1-1 shows the oxygen and water vapor permeability of different polymers. Since PET
is one of the desirable materials for food packaging and beverages, efforts have been done to
improve the barrier properties of this polymer [15]. Different techniques have been used to
enhance barrier properties of PET, including surface coating [1, 16], polymer blending [4, 17-20],
using-oxygen scavengers’ compounds [1, 21-23], anti-plasticization [3], crystallization and
orientation [4, 17, 24, 25], and polymer nanocomposite preparation by adding nanolayer particles
into the system [26, 27].

Silicon oxide (SiOx) films have good barrier properties, high transparency and microwave
ability. Surface coating of PET films with plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD)
of SiOx films enhances PET barrier properties. On the other hand, these SiOx films are rigid thus
causing cracking and adhesion problems in service [16]. Polymer blending of PET with high
barrier polymers like ethylene vinyl alcohol copolymer (EVOH), poly(m-xylene adipamide)
(MXD6), poly(ethylene 2,6-naphthalate) (PEN) as well as PET modification with isophthalic
acid improves barrier properties of PET [4, 17-19]. Among those mentioned polymers, although
EVOH has lower gas permeability than PET, it is more sensitive to humid atmospheres. While
MXD6 does not have EVOH’s limitation but its incompatibility with PET leads to haziness in the
final product. Modification of PET with isophthalic acid reduces the linearity and crystallinity of
PET chains but it decreases the permeability by suppression of phenyl ring flipping of isophthalic
acid. Generally, the binary blends had poor mechanical properties due to lack of adhesion and

compatibility [4]. Presence of low molecular weight diluents in glassy polymers which is referred
to as plasticization leads to an increase of elongation at break and a reduction of modulus. On the
other hand, the low concentrations of those diluents result in anti-plasticization. It means a
reduction of free volume and a suppression of polymer chains motions. Reduction of
permeability in polymers is found by anti-plasticization effect. In the case of PET, Phenacetin
and Aceranilide are loaded to PET samples at 35 °C. Consequently, oxygen barrier properties are
improved 17% and 25% in PET containing 2.32 % phenacetin and 1.95% acetanilide,
respectively. The enhancement of barrier properties is due to the reduction of free volume and the
interaction energies of PET with those low molecular weight diluents [3]. Another approach is
using active oxygen scavengers in PET films. PET compounds containing oxygen scavengers are
obtained by melt-blending, reactive extrusion and/or direct polymerization of PET monomers.
Oxygen scavengers can be unsaturated hydrocarbons like polybutadiene (PBD), materials with
cycloalkene, or mono or di-unsaturated diols. The disadvantage of oxygen scavengers is the
molecular weight loss or fragmentation due to the oxidative cleavage at the double bond [21-23].
By stretching the PET films, PET chains are aligned and strain-induced crystallization happens.
Impermeable crystalline regions affect the oxygen permeability by increasing the tortuous path
through polymer [4, 24] but crystallinity induces brittleness and reduces the transparency.
Orientation of PET blends also enhances the barrier properties by transformation of spherical
dispersed phase, MXD6, to high aspect ratio laminar morphology [4, 25]. Recently,
improvements in barrier properties of polymer matrix by the presence of organoclay have been
reported [28-36]. In polymer/layered silicates nanocomposites, both solubility and diffusivity of
penetrate; gases and liquids, into the polymer matrix are decreased. Reduction in solubility is due
to the decrement in polymer volume, while reduction in diffusivity is because of more tortuous
path, which is illustrated in Figure 1-2. However, the portion of solubility is lower than
diffusivity [37]. Finally, the increase in tortuous path is controlled by volume fraction of
nanoparticles, their orientation to the diffusion direction, their shape and aspect ratio as well as
their degree of dispersion [38]. Thus, more resistance to permeation of penetrates through the
polymer matrix occurs in the exfoliated microstructures compared to the intercalated due to the
higher tortuous path.

Figure 1-1 : The Oxygen and vapor permeability of different polymers [15].

Figure 1-2 : Schematic of exfoliated polymer nanocomposites with randomly dispersed

silicate platelets in a polymeric matrix. The inset illustrates the detour model proposed by
Nielsen, a bricks-and-mortar idealization, in which molecules of gas/liquid pass through the
matrix filled with parallel and staggered platelets along a tortuous path [38].

1.2 Structure of layered silicates

Clay known as montmorillonite (MMT) is often used for polymer nanocomposites and it
belongs to phyllosilicates or 2:1 layered [5, 9, 39]. The layer thickness of MMT is 0.94 nm and
its lateral dimensions are most probable between 100-200 nm. Montmorillonite contains one
octahedral layer consisting of hydroxyl groups, oxygen, aluminum, iron, and magnesium atoms
placed between two silicate tetrahedral layers with a central silicon atom and four oxygen atoms
or hydroxyl groups (shown in Figure 1-3). Due to stacking of silicate layers, a regular van der
Waals gap is formed which is called interlayer or gallery. Study of the crystal structure of the
silicate shows the interlayer distance is 0.96 nm. Layers of silicate containing aluminum oxide
with three valent aluminum atoms are replaced with divalent magnesium, create negative charges
in the plane of the platelets that are counterbalanced with positive sodium cations. The excess
negative charge of layered silicates leads to their capability to exchange ions can be quantified by
the cation-exchange capacity (CEC) and expressed in mequiv/g. Montmorillonite expands and
swells in water. Two specific characteristics of MMT in polymer nanocomposites are the ability
to disperse into single layers and to exchange of sodium ions with their organic cations to form
organomodified nanoclays. The organic cations increase the gallery spacing of nanoclays, lower
the surface energy and increase the chance of the interaction with the polymer matrix [5, 9, 39].

Figure 1-3 : The structure of a 2 :1 layered silicate [39].

1.3 Polymer nanocomposites

Preparation methods of nanocomposites are in-situ polymerization [6, 40-43], solution [44-
46] and melt-mixing [8, 47, 48]. Melt-mixing is more favorable than the other preparation
methods since, this is more environmental friendly due to the absence of organic solvent and
monomers, more economical and more compatible with current industrial process. Therefore,
depending on the processing conditions and importantly thermodynamic compatibility between
nanoclays and polymer matrix, three kinds of microstructure are formed; immiscible, intercalated
and exfoliated [49]. In the immiscible microstructures, nanoclays remain in the tactoids form and
no opening of gallery spacing takes place, hence microcomposites are obtained. In exfoliated

nanocomposites, clay layers are dispersed into the polymer matrix in the form of single layers; in
this morphology the d-spacing of nanoclays is larger than the wide angle X-ray detection (8-10
nm). Intercalated microstructure is formed due to the insertion of a polymer chains into the
layered silicate structure but complete separation of clay platelets does not occur. In this case, the
d-spacing of organoclays is larger than the pristine organoclays but less than exfoliated
microstructures. Generally, diffusion of polymer chains into the gallery of nanoclays involves a
significant entropy penalty that an energetic interaction between the polymer and the modifiers of
nanoclays outweighs the entropic losses.

Achieving an exfoliated microstructure is a golden goal to maximize the interactions

between polymer and nanoclays and consequently obtain significant improvements in the

1.4 PET nanocomposites

In-situ polymerization of PET nanocomposites relies on first swelling of the organoclay by
the monomer of PET, followed by an in-situ interlayer polymerization; therefore polymerization
in the clay galleries facilitates the clay exfoliation. High polymerization temperature of PET,
above 280 ºC, leads to decomposition of the modifier of organoclays and alteration of the
interface between PET and clay [50]. On the other hand, unmodified nanoclays do not have an
appropriate compatibility with PET [51]. High shear forces in the melt-mixing of PET with
organoclays are also induced thermal degradation of both PET and organoclays [52]. Thus, many
efforts have been made to the preparation of thermally stable organoclays and/or the
compatibility improvements between PET and organoclays.

1.4.1 Effect of organoclay modifier and compatibilizers on PET


Chen et al. [51] used the monomer of PET (bis (hydroxyethyl) terephthalate (BHET)) to
modify the Na-MMT. Nanodispersion and intercalated morphology were observed in
nanocomposites containing BHET modifications. Transparency of the PET films with modified

nanoclays was the same as neat PET. In Zhang’s research work [7], the montmorillonite was
modified with hydroxypentyltrimethylammonium iodide (HPTA), then the modified MMT was
copolymerized with bis(hydroxyethyl) terephthalate (BHET) to obtain PET nanocomposites with
good optical and mechanical properties. XRD patterns indicated d-spacing increment of modified
nanoclay and exfoliated microstructure of PET/HPTA-MMT nanocomposites. In addition, the
transparency of the modified nanocomposites was like the neat PET, while the unmodified
nanocomposites had less transparency. A 58 % improvement in tensile strength was also reported
for modified PET nanocomposites containing 10 wt% of MMT compared to the neat PET.

The effect of hydroxyl groups and ammonium linkage of organoclay on the microstructure
and molecular weight of PET nanocomposites obtained by melt-mixing was studied by Xu et al.
[53]. Surface of sodium montmorillonite (Na-MMT) was modified with different chemicals such
as acid, silane and alkyl ammonium groups as shown in Figure 1-4. Modified nanoclays with acid
groups had large amount of hydroxyl groups which intensified the amount of polymer
degradation during melt processing; intrinsic viscosity was reduced from 80 ml/g in neat PET to
30 ml/g in the presence of 5wt% of modified nanoclays with acid groups. On the other hand,
molecular weight reduction in the nanocomposites containing modified organoclays with silane
was the lowest due to the high thermal stability of silane groups and less amount of hydroxyl
groups in nanoclay edges. PET nanocomposites containing organoclays modified with
ammonium showed more degradation than modification with silane groups, indicating the
decomposition of alkyl ammonium compounds at high temperature and the formation of acidic
sites produced by Hofmann elimination reaction. Among the modified nanoclays, the largest d-
spacing was 2.04 nm in PET nanocomposites containing nanoclays modified with ammonium.
[53]. Xu et al. [53] also reported that, the presence of 0.35 wt% of chain extender (pyromellitic
dianhydride(PMDA)) retarded the PET degradation in PET /organoclay nanocomposites (shown
in Figure 1-5) while it did not have any effect on d- spacing of organoclays.

Figure 1-4 : Preparation of clays with different contents of hydroxyl groups on the edge of clay
platelets and ammonium linkage on clay [53].

Figure 1-5 : Viscosity of PET and PET/clay nanocomposites by PMDA chain extender [53]. W-
A-MMT represents washed nanoclays modified with ammonium groups.

Sanchez et al. [54] studied a series of melt blended PET/Na+-MMT nanocomposites

containing different additives. The additives were maleic anhydride (MAH), pentaerythritol
(PENTA) and alkylammonium cholorides from amines of various chain lengths.

XRD results of organoclays showed that the gallery spacing of montmorillonite changed
according to the type of modifier and amine chain length (Table 1-1). No peaks appeared in PET
nanocomposites containing 1-3% wt of unmodified Na+-MMT and Na+-MMT modified by
PENTA and MAH, whereas in Na+-MMT modified by alkyl ammonium, d-spacing was
dependent on the amine chain length. The largest distance was obtained using n-

Table 1-1 : Effect of the intercalant on clay interlayer distance [54]

Mechanical properties of PET nanocomposites containing Clay-MAH and Clay-PENTA showed

that MAH and PENTA additives did not have any significant influences on improving the
mechanical properties but by increasing the nanoclay concentrations, Young’s modulus
intensified and strain at break reduced. In this study [54], the effect of combination of Clay-MAH
and Clay-PENTA (3:1 ratio) in PET nanocomposites was also investigated. By the presence of
1% wt of the mentioned modified nanoclays, both Young’s modulus and strain at break increased
22% and 73%, respectively.

The mechanical results of PET nanocomposites containing modified nanoclays with different
alkylammonium chain lengths are presented in Table 1-2. The exfoliated nanocomposites showed
the considerable improvement in strain at break and tensile strength compared to the neat PET.
Furthermore, the typical ductile fracture was found in the exfoliated samples, while the fragile
fracture was observed in the intercalated samples.

Table 1-2 : Effect of intercalated Alkylammonium clays on tensile properties of PET and clay

interlayer distance in the nanocomposite [54].


To enhance compatibility between nanoclays and PET, Ammala et al. [10] used water
dispersible PET ionomer. Two organomodified nanoclays (Cloisite 10A and Somasif MEE) and
an unmodified nanoclay (Somasif ME100) were studied. In this work, an aqueous suspension of
nanoclays and PET ionomer in water was prepared. The suspension was poured onto the PET and
mechanical stirred with heat until water was evaporated. Finally, the PET nanocomposites were
processed in a twin screw extruder.

An improved dispersion of nanoclays was found in the PET nanocomposites containing ionomer
because of the ionic interactions between ionomer and nanoclays that assists to easier
delamination of nanoclays. TGA results revealed the greatest degree of thermal decompositions
in Cloisite 10A and the highest thermal stability in unmodified nanoclay than the organomodifed
nanoclays. On the other hand, color of the PET nanocomposites obtained by unmodified
nanoclay was the clearest than those with organomodified ones. However, chemical modification
was necessary to achieve to the exfoliated microstructures that in this work was obtained by the
presence of PET ionomer.

Xu et al.[55] also reported the improvement of Nanomer I28E dispersion in PET

nanocomposites containing PET ionomer. However, lower tensile modulus in nanocomposites
containing ionomer was found compared to the PET nanocomposites without ionomer, indicating
the plasticization effect of ionomer. On the other hand, lower oxygen permeability was observed
in nanocomposites with ionomer because of better dispersion and higher crystallinity. 19% and
20% improvements in barrier and tensile modulus of oriented PET nanocomposite films,
respectively, were found with nominal 2wt% of organoclay.

The effect of 6 wt% PET ionomer (sulfopolyester) on the microstructure of PET

nanocomposites containing 2wt% Cloisite 30B and Nanomer I.28E was also studied by Ghanbari
et al. [56]. In nanocomposites with C30B and ionomer, clay dispersion and distribution became
worse with the higher number of tactoids compared to the nanocomposites without ionomer since
organoclays were located in the sulfopolyester phase. The degree of dispersion in
nanocomposites with I.28E and ionomer was improved compared to the without ionomer. It
could be due to the chemistry of the organomodifiers that C30B contains hydroxyl groups while
the surface modifier of I.28E is octadecyl trimethyl ammonium.

The effect of organoclay modifier (Cloisite 15A, 30B and 10A) on the morphology of PET
nanocomposites was reported by Calgano et al. [57]. Trend of surface hydrophobicity of
organomodifers is C15A> C10A> C30B and the original d-spacing of organoclays before melt-
mixing with PET is 1.85, 1.92 and 3.15 nm in C30B, C10A and C15A, respectively. After melt-
mixing, d-spacing of all the nanocomposites was 3.39 nm due to the intercalation process that its
extent was the highest in nanocomposites containing C30B. Intercalated/exfoliated
microstructures were found in PET nanocomposites containing C30B and C10A but
nanocomposites with C15A showed tactoids with a small amount of single layers. Exfoliation of
clay platelets in polymer matrix during melt-mixing takes place by two mechanism; break-up and
peeling. During melt-mixing, break-up occurs by imposing stress and shearing the big tactoids to
smaller ones. Peeling is facilitated by polymer penetration into the galleries of organoclay, which
is driven by affinity of the polymer to the organoclay surface [9]. Although the initial gallery
spacing of C15A was larger than the other organoclays that could reduce the attraction forces
between layers, unfavorable interactions between apolar groups of C15A with polar groups of
PET restrict the intercalation process. On the other hand, the polar groups of C30B and C10A
helped the diffusion of PET chains into the interlayers of organoclays[57].

Kim et al. [58] prepared PET nanocomposites with the same organoclays as Calgano’s work
[57]. Reduction of intrinsic viscosity in the nanocomposites containing Cloisite 30B was more
than those with Cloisite 15A and Cloisite10A ; intrinsic viscosity was decreased from 0.68 dl/g in
neat PET to 0.54, 0.58 and 0.61 in nanocomposites containing 3 wt% of C30B, C10A and C15A,
respectively. Hydroxyl groups of Cloisite 30B could easily interact with polar groups of PET and
accelerate the amount of degradation. On the other hand, more exposure of organoclays surfaces
to PET matrix due to the better dispersion increases the thermal degradation [59].

1.4.2 Improvement of thermal degradation of PET nanocomposites

To improve the thermal stability of nanoclays to be useful for melt-mixing with PET,
Stoeffler et al. [11] used alkyl phosphonium, alkyl pyridinium and dialkyl imidazolium
surfactants. TGA results showed Td 5% of the modified nanocomposites increases from 291 ºC in

commercial Cloisite 20A to 364 ºC, 325 ºC and 349 ºC in phosphonium, pyridinium and
immidazolium modified nanoclays, respectively. On the other hand, they reported that some
dangerous volatile components were released before Td 5% which limit the usage of these
modifiers in some applications such as food packaging. Chloromethane was released in the range
of 200–280 ºC in Cloisite 20A while Pyridine and tributyl phosphine were found above 250 ºC in
modified clays with alkyl pyridinium and alkyl phosphonium, respectively. All of the mentioned
modified nanoclays in this work caused PET discoloration (shown in Figure 1-6).

Figure 1-6 : Visual appearance of PET organoclay nanocomposites. 3C4C16PBr, C16PyBr and
2C18ImBr represent nanoclays modified by phosphonium, pyridinium and immidazolium,

Surface of nanoclay was modified with 1,2-dimethyle-3-N-hexadecyle imidazolium to

increase its thermal stability and improve the compatibility between nanoclay and PET [14].
XRD of PET nanocomposites showed a great shift of major peak of hexadecyle-montmorillonite
(2ϴ ≈ 5) to lower 2ϴ in the nanocomposites (2ϴ ≈ 3). Moreover, TEM images displayed a good
dispersion of organoclay platelets in the matrix. TGA thermograms of all samples also indicated
that the presence of imidazolium did not have any effect on the inherent thermal stability of PET.
This means that imidazolium was a good modifier for montmorillonite compared to quaternary
alkylammonium compounds that intensified the level of PET degradation. Hayrapetian et al. [2]
investigated the effect of polymeric imidazolium and sulfonated polyesters for the modification
of nanoclays. Thermal stability increased to 330 ºC and 350 ºC in nanoclays modified with
imidazolium and sulfonated polyesters, respectively, compared to 270 ºC in Cloisite 30B and
Nanomer I.30T. Even though TEM images showed better dispersion of immidazolium than
sulfonated polyesters but the improvements in the barrier properties of the nanocomposites
containing sulfonated polyesters were more than those containing immidazolium. Water vapor
transmission reduced by 22 and 30% in nanocomposites containing 5% of modified sulfonated
polyester and immidazolium, respectively. Moreover, UV transmission was also decreased from
75% in neat PET to 25% in PET nanocomposites at 370 nm. Mechanical results showed that the
presence of organoclays did not have any effect on tensile modulus due to the lack of good
dispersion of organoclays into the matrix. The authors also reported that by these new
modifications, transparency and clarity of PET nanocomposite films did not change compared to
the commercial organoclays (Cloisite 30B and Nanomer I.30T). Ghasemi et al.[60] investigated
the effect of three different modifications of nanoclays, phosphonium, immidazolium and C30B
containing ammonium, in PET nanocomposites. The phosphonium based nanocomposites
exhibited better thermal stability than ammonium and imidazolium-based nanocomposites; Td 5%
was 313-365 ºC in phosphonium, 271-288 ºC in imidazolium and 233 ºC in C30B. Phosphonium
based nanocomposites showed a lower degree of intercalation than the ammonium (C30B) and
imidazolium-based nanocomposites. Size of the agglomerates in the nanocomposites with
phosphonium modified nanoclays was in the range of microns not nano. PET nanocomposites
containing C30B showed better dispersion and distribution in PET matrix than the other modified

Costache et al. [61] reported the effect of hexadecyle-quinolinium bromide (Q16) and
vinylbenzyl-ammonium chloride-lauryl-acrylate(L-surfactant) modifiers on the thermal stability
of PET nanocomposites containing 3 wt% of montmorillonite(MMT). Structures of organo-
modifiers are shown in Figure 1-7. XRD patterns and TEM images revealed an intercalated
microstructure in PET/MMT-Q16 while an exfoliated microstructure was observed in
PET/MMT-L due to the larger gallery spacing of MMT-L that PET chains could easily diffuse
between the platelets and disperse the MMT layers. TGA analysis also demonstrated that thermal
stability of the PET nanocomposites containing Q16 did not change compared to the neat PET,
while the temperature of 10% mass loss in PET/MMT-L decreased 15°C in comparison to the
neat PET.

Figure 1-7 : Structures of hexadecyle-quinolinium bromide( Q16) (a) and lauryl acrylate-

vinylbenzyl triethylammonium chloride ( L-surfactant) (b) [61].

PET degradation in the presence of nanoparticles was also found by rheological

measurements [52, 54, 55, 59, 62]. Ghanabri et al. [59] reported that by increasing C30B
concentration, complex viscosity of PET nanocomposites at high frequencies became less than
neat PET. Moreover, PET degradation was strongly dependent on the modifier of organoclays
and the interactions between organoclay and PET. In low frequencies, solid-like behavior was
found in PET/C30B nanocomposites containing more than 2wt% of C30B. An apparent yield
stress was also observed in PET nanocomposites. Its value was strongly dependent on the level of
dispersion and organoclay concentration. Reduction of complex viscosity in PET nanocomposites

was also investigated by Litchfield et al.[52] that the nanocomposites containing C30B showed
more severe thermal degradation than those with C20A. Decomposition of modifiers of
organoclays, at processing temperature of PET, to vinyl compounds, polyenes, ammonia,
acetaldehyde with the formation of H protons and chain scission by alkyline hydrolysis of PET
resulted in PET degradation in the presence of organoclays.

Ghanbari et al. [63] used multifunctional chain extender to control the thermal degradation of
PET in the presence of organoclays. Delamination of organoclays was improved in the
nanocomposites containing chain extenders due to the more shear forces induced by increasing
the viscosity in the presence of chain extenders. A 46% reduction in oxygen permeability and a
60% enhancement in tensile modulus were found in the oriented PET nanocomposites containing
4 wt% of C30B and 1 wt% of chain extender. However, toughness was significantly decreased
and the linear PET chains changed to the branched structure. Results of haze and clarity in this
work showed that the presence of 1wt % of chain extender increased the haze from 10% in
PET/C30B to 60% and reduced the clarity from 75% to 35%.

1.4.3 Processing of PET nanocomposites

The effect of organoclays on the mechanical properties of PET was studied by Frounchi et al.
[31]. They applied two kinds of organoclays, Cloisite 15A (modified nanoclay with dimethyl,
dihydrogenatedtallow, quaternary ammonium d-spacing: 3.1 nm, CEC:125 meq/100g) and
NanolinDK2 (modified nanoclay with octadecylammonium, d-spacing: 2.4 nm, CEC:115-120
meq/100g). 1wt% of Cloisite 15A enhanced the tensile modulus 50% while NanolineDK2 did not
have any significant effect on increasing the modulus. Effect of screw speed, 300 and 600 rpm, in
nanocomposites containing 1wt% of Cloisite15A showed the same final properties in the
nanocomposites obtained with two different screw speeds, indicating the higher thermal
degradation of PET in high shear rates.

Ghasemi et al. [64] showed that the presence of 3 wt% C30B into the oriented PET films
improved the barrier properties and tensile modulus 23% and 20% , respectively. The crystal

content of the PET nanocomposites was almost 2 times larger than the neat PET, partly
accounting for the barrier and modulus improvements. On the other hand, tear resistance was
significantly reduced in the nanocomposites compared to the neat PET. C30B delamination was
also increased by using more intensive mixing elements, an increase of screw speed and a
decrease of feeding rate [13], therefore, 27% reduction in oxygen permeability and 30 %
enhancements in tensile modulus were observed. Enhancement of organoclay dispersion in PET
nanocomposites by applying more mixing elements in twin screw extruder was also found by
Ghanbari et al. [59].

Rajeev et al. [65] studied the effect of biaxial stretching on the orientation of organoclay and
the properties of PET nanocomposites containing 2wt% of modified flouromica (Somasif MAE).
Biaxial films were prepared by three different stretch ratios (2, 2.5 and 3). By imposing stretch on
the nanocomposites, the number of nanoclay tactoids with smaller thickness and longer length
was increased. TEM images showed a 10% increase in the number of tactoids with thickness
around 1-2 nm in PET nanocomposites by biaxial stretching. In biaxially stretched PET
nanocomposites, most of the tactoids had length more than 300 nm and nanoclays with length of
700 nm were appeared which were not observed in unstretched PET nanocomposites. This was
due to the slippage of organoclay layers toward each other by the biaxial stretching. Moreover,
the organoclays were chosen preferential tactoids orientation in stretched films whereas random
orientation was pronounced in unstretched films. Decrement of oxygen permeability was found
in the stretched PET nanocomposite films compared to the neat PET film, but the level of
improvement in barrier properties was not significant. Dynamic mechanical thermal analysis
(DMTA) showed the same value of storage modulus in neat PET and PET nanocomposites. The
effect of biaxial stretching was also reported by Soon et al. [66] in PET/fluoromica
nanocomposites. The biaxial stretching improved the orientation and exfoliation of nanoclays
into the matrix (shown in Figure 1-8). By stretching ratio of 2 and 2.5 more improvement in
modulus was found compared to the stretching ratio of 3. By increasing the stretching ratio,
crystallinity and rigid oriented amorphous phase were also increased then the effect of tactoids
alignment became less. Unstretched PET nanocomposites with 5wt% nanoclay showed 33%
improvements in tensile modulus compared to the neat PET whereas in the stretched films with
ratio of 2.5, the enhancements was 50%. Maximum 22% improvement in oxygen barrier

properties was also found in stretched PET nanocomposites with 5wt% organoclay. Based on
DMTA results, storage modulus in temperatures higher than Tg and less than 120 ºC was more
improved in nanocomposites than neat PET. Above Tg of PET, organoclays were rigid but PET
chains were soft and they transformed from the glassy to rubbery state, thus, more reinforcing
effect was observed. Soon et al. [67] in another work reported that the strain hardening started at
lower stretch ratio in PET nanocomposites compared to the neat PET due to the higher degree of
molecular entanglements in the presence of nanoclays. Shen et al. [68] reported 27% reduction in
oxygen permeability coefficient and 44% increase in tensile modulus for biaxial oriented PET
nanocomposites containing 6 wt% of modified fluoromica nanoclay, compared to neat PET.
However, in unoriented films, the tensile modulus increased only 25% in nanocomposites.

Figure 1-8 : Histogram of tactoids aspect ratio : a) unstretched nanocomposites, b) stretched

nanocomposites (stretch ratio 3)[66].

The effect of super critical carbon dioxide (scCO2) on mechanical and rheological properties
of PET/organoclay nanocomposites was studied by Samaniuk et al. [69]. Nanocomposites
containing Cloisite 20A and Cloisite 30B were processed in a single screw extruder. XRD results
showed that the presence or absence of scCO2 did not have any effect on the peak displacement
of organoclays, while the intensity of peaks was reduced in the nanocomposites processed by
scCO2. Lower intensity was attributed to the more exfoliation. Young’s modulus increased in all
PET nanocomposites irrespective of the presence or absence of scCo2. In PET/C30B
nanocomposites with 5 wt% of organoclay, Young’s modulus was improved 41% and 33 % in the
PET nanocomposites processed with scCo2 and without scCo2, respectively. PET/C15A
nanocomposites processed with scCo2 showed 22% increase in Young’s modulus with 5 wt% of
C15A, compared to the neat PET. Tensile strength in nanocomposites containing C30B was
higher than C20A because of the better compatibility between C30B and PET than C15A.
Significant reduction of complex viscosity in whole frequencies was observed in the
nanocomposites compared to the neat PET with the higher extent in PET nanocomposites
containing C30B.

1.4.4 Effect of organoclays on the crystallinity of PET

Generally, heterogeneous nucleation, acceleration/retardation of crystallization, suppression
of crystal growth and change in spherulite morphology were reported in polymer/organoclay
systems [70]. Wan et al. [71] studied isothermal crystallinity of PET and its nanocomposites.
Spherulitic structure with size 20 µm was found in neat PET but PET nanocomposites had
irregular crystallites with size of 5 µm. In the nanocomposites, crystallites were formed rod shape
and then they showed three-dimensional growth. On the other hand, crystal lattice parameters and
crystallinity did not change (observed by XRD) while the crystal lamellar thickness was reduced
with some imperfections due to the presence of nanoclays. Smaller crystallites with less
perfection [72] and marginal effect of organoclays on the crystallinity were also found by DSC
[2]. On the other hand, a reduction in cold crystallization temperature (Tcc) [73] and an increase
in hot crystallization temperature (Thc) [71] were found in PET nanocomposites without regarding
to the interaction between organoclays and PET, indicating nucleating role of organoclays. It was
reported that the rate of crystallization, reduction of t1/2, in the presence of organoclay increased

[71-74], whereas the required work for chain folding and activation energy of crystal growth
increased[72]. Stoeffler et al. [11] showed that the kinetics of nucleation and growth of
crystallinity in PET nanocomposites were dependent on the dispersion state of organoclays in
PET matrix and the interfacial properties of polymer/organoclays. The presence of double
melting peaks was also observed in PET nanocomposites because of either two different lamella
thicknesses, primary or secondary crystallization [75], or formation of smaller and imperfect
crystallites in the presence of organoclays [2].

1.5 Water-assisted extrusion process

Water-assisted extrusion is an interesting method to prepare polymer nanocomposites using

the benefits of both solution and conventional melt-mixing methods [76-83]. This method was
successfully used to prepare polyamide (PA) - montmorillonite (MMT) nanocomposites with
unmodified nanoclays with water content of 5 to 50 wt% and more preferably from 10 to 40 wt%
[84, 85]. It is possible to prepare PA nanocomposites by simultaneous feeding PA and pristine
clay into the twin-screw extruder then injecting water into the extruder [86]. Another possibility
is to prepare clay slurry with water and feeding this suspension into the extruder to blend it with
the molten PA [85]. Some researchers also reported significant effects of water injection into the
TSE during the preparation of nanocomposites based on polypropylene (PP) and poly(styrene-co-
acrylonitrile) [87, 88].

A research team from Toyota (Hasegawa et al.) [85] prepared PA/Cloisite Na+
nanocomposites by slurry method. A suspension of 2 wt% of Cloisite Na+ in water was injected
into the twin-screw extruder to mix with molten PA. Configuration of screws allowed remaining
water in liquid state and reducing the size of the slurry drops (shown in Figure 1-9 ). At the end
of the extruder, water was evaporated by applying vacuum which also expanded the gallery
spacing. PA nanocomposites obtained by this method showed mechanical properties close to
PA/organoclay nanocomposites. However, the disadvantage of this work was a huge amount of
water (49 wt %) pumped into the extruder to reduce the slurry viscosity. Yu et al. [84] reported a
preparation of PA nanocomposites by injecting water into the extruder through the barrel while
PA /nanoclay mixture fed simultaneously into the extruder. Tensile modulus of PA/Cloisite Na+
nanocomposites containing 5 wt% of nanoclays processed with water increased 44% compared to

the neat PET while in PA/Cloisite Na+ and PA/Cloisite 30B processed without water, tensile
modulus increased 18% and 28%, respectively. An improvement of thermal stability was also
observed in nanocomposites processed with water compared to the conventional melt-mixing.

Figure 1-9 : Schematic figures depicting dispersion of the Na-montmorillonite silicate layers of
the slurry into nylon 6 during compounding [85].

PA nanocomposites preparation under high pressure, temperature and shear-rate was studied by
Touchaleaume et al. [80] and Fedullo et al. [79]. 66 ºC reduction of PA melting point without any
degradation was found by water-assisted melt-mixing. Under high pressure, PA6 was miscible
with water and the presence of water improved the dispersion of unmodified nanoclays.
Polyamide chains can be water-solvated due to the hydrogen bonding. Under high temperature
and high pressure both melting and crystallization temperature of PA6 were reduced in the
presence of water which was called cryscopic effect [80]. DSC studies on PA, water systems
showed two peaks at atmospheric pressure corresponding to water evaporation and melting point

of PA but by increasing the pressure (20 bar), one peak was found [79, 80]. In the extrusion
process of PA with water in the final zone of extruder, there were both degassing and vacuum
section to remove all the water and steam to avoid the presence of the voids in the final product.
PA6/Cloisite Na+ nanocomposites prepared by water-assisted showed similar microstructure to
PA nanocomposites containing organomodified clay. The resulting mechanical performance of
PA6/ Cloisite Na+ was comparable to what was generally reported using modified nanoclays.
[80]. Water played a plasticizer role for PA to diffuse between Cloisite Na+ and consequently to
expand the d-spacing of the clay layers. All of those promoted PA penetration into the nanoclay’s
interlayers. Figure 1-10 shows the efficient effect of water-assisted melt-mixing on limiting the
degradation of PA under melt-mixing processing. Higher molecular weight of neat PA processed
with water compared to the conventional melt-mixing showed that the thermal degradation of PA
in the presence of water was less than conventional melt-mixing.

Figure 1-10 : Molecular weight, melt temperature at the die and residence time of PA6 extruded
using various processing conditions[80].

The effect of water-assisted extrusion was investigated in polyether-block-amide (PEBA)

nanocomposites. Touchaleaume et al. [89] showed that the amide part of the PEBA was miscible
with water at high temperature and high pressure which improved the dispersion of unmodified
and modified nanoclays in the matrix as well as reduced the amount of the matrix degradation
during melt-mixing. Dynamic mechanical thermal analysis (DMTA) showed that the modulus of
unmodified nanoclay processed by water-assisted was higher than modulus in conventional melt-
mixing. Furthermore, microcomposites were found in PEBA containing unmodified nanoclay
prepared by conventional melt-mixing while nanocomposites were obtained in water-assisted
melt-mixing. In another work, Thouzeau et al. [90] reported an efficient effect of water to remove
volatile moieties of the extrusion-degraded surfactant. As shown in Figure 1-11, odours

quantification is 8 times higher in PEBA/C30B nanocomposites prepared by conventional melt-

mixing compared to the processing in the presence of water. Odour quantification was
determined using Dynamic dilution olfactometry (DDO) at detection threshold with calibrated
human assessors according to the EN 13725 European standard. It presented a common basis for
evaluation of odour emissions with a universal odour scale based on a common unit of
measurement: the European odour unit per cubic metre or OUE/m3.

Figure 1-11 : Odours quantification in PEBA and its nanocomposites processed with and without
water [90].

Water-assisted extrusion process was used to prepare PP/Cloisite 30B /PP-g-MA nanocomposites
[87]. It was found by FTIR that the presence of water favors the reaction between C30B and MA
of PP-g-MA. TEM images and mechanical properties showed significant improvements in
dispersion and properties of nanocomposites processed with water compared to without water. In
nanocomposites containing 5 wt% of C30B, maximum tensile modulus was 75% more than the

matrix in processing with water and 33% in processing without water. In the case of PP,
rheological results of PP with and without water showed no degradation of PP or PP-g-MA in the
presence of water. Rousseaux et al. [91] prepared PP nanocomposites containing unmodified
halloysite nanotubes with water-assisted process. The presence of water caused an aqueous
suspension of halloysite with improved nanodispersion. On the other hand, hydrolysis of
anhydride group of PP-g-MA to carboxyl groups resulted in a reaction between this forming
groups with SiO of nanotubes.

Poly(styrene-co-acrylonitrile) (SAN) nanocomposites was prepared through water-assisted

melt-mixing by Mainil et al.[88]. Water was introduced at a rate of 23 wt%. For Cloisite Na+
nanocomposites, the nanoclay dispersion was significantly promoted but because of lack of the
chemical compatibility between Cloisite Na+ and SAN, thermal and mechanical properties did
not improve. Water enhanced C30B dispersion in SAN as well as improvements in mechanical
and thermal properties compared to the nanocomposites without water.

1.6 Solid-state polymerization of poly (ethylene terephthalate)

PET production starts with an esterification reaction step where the terephthalic acid or its
dimethyl ester, is dispersed in ethylene glycol and heated to produce a mixture with oligomers of
a low degree of polymerization [92]. Polycondensation occurs at relatively high temperatures,
generally in the range of 280-300 ºC, under vacuum so that byproducts (i.e., ethylene glycol and
water) formed to be easily removed. The obtained PET at the end of polycondensation exhibits a
relatively low intrinsic viscosity value, in the range of 0.4-0.65 dL/g, corresponding to a
molecular weight too low for specific applications such as high performance plastic strapping and
applications as carbonated soft drink bottles, etc. Since for plastic strapping high tensile strength
is required to substitute steel strap, therefore PET should have high intrinsic viscosity more than
0.7 dl/g.

In order to achieve a higher molecular weight polymer, the previously described step is
followed by the second step of polycondensation known as solid-state polymerization (SSP) [92,
93]. Generally, SSP is applied to increase the molecular weight of PET and to decrease its

degradation [94]. Solid state polymerization takes place at moderate temperatures between the
melting point and the glass transition temperatures of PET. By this method, the amount of
degradation and by-products are decreased and larger intrinsic viscosity than 0.8 dL/g are
obtained [95-100]. In the solid-state process, PET polymerization is accomplished by two
reversible reactions as follows (Figure 1-12):

Figure 1-12 : SSP of PET; (a) Ester-interchange (transesterification), (b) esterification reactions.

The molecular weight of PET increases during solid state polymerization, this process is
controlled by two types of diffusion. The diffusion of reaction by-products (physical diffusion)
determines the rate of the forward reactions and the diffusion of end-groups (chemical diffusion)
allows the reaction to proceed. These two types of diffusions are dependent on different
parameters, such as: molecular weight of pre-polymer, particle size, temperature, polymer end

groups, catalyst, heat stabilizer and crystallinity of PET [96-103]. Both granule and powder forms
of PET are used for SSP but as the particle size is decreased the rate of SSP is increased. The rate
of SSP is also increased by increasing the temperature below the melting point of PET.

Achilias et al. [104] studied the effect of SiO2 nanoparticles on SSP reaction rate. PET
nanocomposites containing different concentration of SiO2 were prepared by in-situ

Figure 1-13 showed the rate of SSP process in the neat PET and the nanocomposites. The rate of
SSP in the nanocomposites containing less than 1 wt% of SiO2 was higher than neat PET due to
the catalyst role of SiO2 and the reaction of surface silanol groups with PET. Contrary to these
results, when the concentration of SiO2 increased to more than 1wt%, the rate of SSP decreased
significantly compared to the neat PET (shown in Figure 1-14) due to the formation of branched
macromolecules in the presence of multifunctional groups of SiO2 and cross-linking structure
instead of increasing molecular weight [105]. On the other hand, crystallinity increased in the
presence of SiO2, hence, the rate of diffusion and SSP process were reduced [104]. By increasing
the SSP temperature, the rate of SSP was also increased in both neat PET and PET
nanocomposites because of the increasing rates of transesterification and esterification reactions,
and diffusion rates of by-products.

Figure 1-13 : Variation of intrinsic viscosity with time during the SSP of neat PET and PET
containing nanosilica 0,25 and 0,5 wt %, at temperatures 200 (a), 210 (b), 220 (c) and 230 ºC (d)

Figure 1-14 : Variation of intrinsic viscosity with time during the SSP of neat PET and PET
containing nanosilica 1, 2.5 and 5 wt %, at temperatures 200 (a), 210 (b), 220 (c) and 230 ºC (d)

The effect of PET molecular weight and chemistry of organomodifier on the SSP reaction after
melt-mixing were investigated by Kim et al. [106]. They worked on PETs with three different
intrinsic viscosities (0.48, 0.63, and 0.74 dL/g) containing 3 and 5 wt% of Cloisite 10A, 15A, and
30B. A significant reduction of PET molecular weight was observed after melt-mixing with
organoclays while PET degradation was compensated after SSP. For example, intrinsic viscosity
of neat PET was reduced from 0.74 dL/g to 0.55 dL/g in the presence of 3wt% of C30B but after
15h of SSP; intrinsic viscosity of that PET/C30B nanocomposite was 0.73 dL/g. The lowest

molecular weight PET nanocomposites containing C30B showed larger gallery spacing of
organoclays after SSP due to the interaction between hydroxyl groups of C30B and the chain end
groups of PET. Solid state polymerization (SSP) of PET nanocomposites obtained by in-situ
polymerization was also studied by Kim et al. [107]. To prepare PET /organoclay
nanocomposites by in-situ polymerization, organoclays could be added with monomers during
the early stage of esterification (ES) or the early stage of transesterification of BHET (PC)
(shown in Figure 1-15). Figure 1-16 shows that there is no difference in the rate of SSP by
feeding order of organoclay whereas the SSP rate was strongly dependent on the interaction
between the organoclays and PET. In other words, higher rate of SSP was also found in the
nanocomposites containing Cloisite30B compared to the other nanocomposites. XRD patterns of
PET nanocomposites before SSP showed one peak at 2Ɵ=5.6° related to the degradation of
organoclays. When organoclays are added in esterification reaction, the intensity of the XRD
peak at 2Ɵ=5.6° is higher than adding the organoclays in polycondensation step. This is due to
the shorter residence time that organoclays faced with in polycondensation compared to early
stage of esterification. The authors claimed that d-spacing of organoclays increased to some
extent after SSP in the samples containing Cloisite10A and Cloisite30B whereas in samples with
Cloisite15A no change was observed. The displacement of XRD peaks could be related to an
increase of PET molecular weight and/ or diffusion of the PET chains into the organoclays’
gallery [107].

Figure 1-15 : Detailed process of clay addition before esterification or polycondensation [58].

Figure 1-16 : Relative intrinsic viscosity (IV) values are shown for samples prepared through the
esterification (ES) clay addition process and the polycondensation (PC) clay addition process.
Values are given before SSP and after SSP at 230 ºC for 15 and 24h [107].

Wang et al. [108] worked on the preparation of PET and poly(m-xylylene

adipamide)(MXD6) nanocomposites containing Cloisite Na+ by water-assisted method. Slurry of
nanoclays in water was prepared and pumped into the extruder. After extrusion process, SSP was
done to increase the molecular weight of the nanocomposites. By this method, exfoliated
microstructures were found in PET nanocomposites with 0.5 wt% to 2 wt% of nanoclays but
intercalated/exfoliated microstructures were observed with 3wt% and 5 wt% of nanoclays. In
MXD6 nanocomposites, exfoliated microstructures were detected even in high concentration.
Oxygen barrier properties were increased by 50% in PET nanocomposites with 2wt% of nanoclay
and 70% in MXD6 nanocomposites containing 3 wt% of nanoclay. Accelerated crystallization
rate and nucleation effect of nanoclays were found in both PET and MXD6 nanocomposites
while Tg and Tm were slightly increased.

The effect of SSP on the mechanical and rheological properties of PET nanocomposites after
melt-mixing to rebuild the lost molecular weight was studied by Litchfield et al. [15]. SSP was

done in reaction times from 10 h to 50 h but no improvements in the intercalation process were
found. Cloisite 20A was better intercalated in PET than C30B and the rate of C30B degradation
was higher than C20A. After SSP lower molecular weight obtained in C30B nanocomposites
than C20A due to the more degradation of C30B. The presence of organoclays affected on the
drawability of PET, changed the crystallinity, and oriented the amorphous phase and/or
connectivity of amorphous and crystalline chains. PET nanocomposites containing 1wt% of
organoclays showed better mechanical results than 3wt% and 0.5 wt%. Molecular orientation of
PET chains at small loadings of clay (0.5 wt %) was less than 1wt% and premature fibers were
formed in nanocomposites with 3wt% of organoclays due to the large agglomerates of
organoclays. Young’s modulus and strength increased 28% and 63%, respectively in drawn PET
fiber containing 1wt% of Cloisite 20A.

In summary, extensive research works have been devoted to enhance the barrier and
mechanical properties of PET nanocomposites. It was found that the properties of PET
nanocomposites were strongly dependent on the level of organoclay dispersion. However,
degradation of the modifier of organoclays and inappropriate compatibility between organoclay
and PET decreased their properties in both in-situ polymerization and melt-mixing. Thus, the
effect of different compatibilizers, thermally stable organoclays and chain extenders were
investigated. Nevertheless, the modest improvements in barrier and tensile modulus of PET
nanocomposites were found while all of the obtained PET nanocomposites suffered from the
brittle behavior. Therefore, there are still some demands to develop a new method for preparation
of PET nanocomposites with exfoliated microstructure and good barrier and mechanical

1.7 Objectives

The main objective of this work was “to improve the barrier properties of poly(ethylene
terephthalate)/organoclay nanocomposite via melt-mixing” with intended applications for

single layer packaging to be used in food and beverage containers with high barrier and good
mechanical properties.

To achieve to this goal, water assisted melt-mixing was used to prepare PET nanocomposites
using the benefits of both solution and conventional melt-mixing methods to improve the
organoclay dispersion into the PET. In the water-assisted melt-mixing, the effect of feeding rate
and screw configuration were studied. Solid-state polymerization (SSP) was also done to
compensate the molecular weight reduction during melt-mixing and to understand its effect on
the microstructure of PET nanocomposites. On the other hand, the effect of surface modifier of
organoclays and feeding rate on the microstructure of PET nanocomposites were studied. Then,
the effect of organoclay concentration on mechanical, barrier, thermal and rheological properties
of PET nanocomposites was investigated. Finally, the effects of organoclay concentration,
reaction time and polymer particle size on the rate of SSP were also considered. Neat PET
samples after water assisted melt-mixing and after SSP were studied by rheology, titration,
intrinsic viscosity and NMR analysis. Titration measurements were also done to determine the
effect of organoclay on the degradation of neat PET.

To our knowledge, no report has considered the combined effects of water-assisted melt-mixing
and SSP on the improvement of the microstructure and properties of PET nanocomposites.


2.1 Materials

A general purpose PET (PET 9921, Eastman Co, Kingsport, TN) with molecular weight of
65 000 g/mol was used as a matrix. PET 9921 is a copolymer containing 1,4 cyclohexan

Poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) with molecular weight of 35 000 g/mol supplied from Sigma
Aldrich and carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) ( Finnix CMC, CP Kelco Co, Finland) were used as
dispersing agents in slurry method.

Three types of nanoclay: Cloisite Na+, Cloisite 30B (Southern Clay Products Inc., Gonzales,
TX) and Nanomer I.28E (Nanocor Inc., Hoffman Estates, IL) were used as the nanoparticles
without further modification. The surface modified clays are produced commercially by the
substitution of interlayer sodium cations by methyl, tallow, bis-2-hydroxyethyl quaternary
ammonium cations for Cloisite 30B and octadecyl trimethyl ammonium (trimethyl stearyl
quaternary ammonium) for Nanomer I.28E. The chemical structures of the surfactant cations
proposed by the suppliers are shown in Figure 2-1.

Figure 2-1 : The structures of alkylammonium cations used in the commercial nanoclays.

In the first part of the project, nominal 2 wt% of organoclays and nanoclays were used but in
the second and the third part of this work, the nominal organoclay concentration was 2, 3.5 and 6

In the slurry method, 3wt% of Cloisite Na+ was dispersed in water. 1 wt% of PEO or CMC were
also added in the suspension of water and Cloisite Na+.

Phenol, 1, 1, 2, 2 - tetrachloroethane, chloroform-d (CDCl3) and trifluoroacetic acid-d (TFA-

d) supplied by Sigma Aldrich (Oakville, ON) were utilized for viscometry measurements and the
nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) analysis. O-cresol, dichloro methane, methanol and
potassium hydroxide supplied by Fischer Scientific (ON, Canada) were used for the
determination of the carboxyl groups.

All the materials were employed without additional purification.

2.2 Melt Compounding

PET and PET nanocomposites were prepared using a co-rotating twin screw extruder (TSE)
(Berstorff ZE25, Hannover, Germany) with a 25 mm diameter (D) screw and length-to-screw
diameter ratio of 28, at a screw speed of 200 rpm. The temperature profile was 245, 265, 260,
255, 255, and 255°C from the hopper to the die. Figure 2-2 a shows the first screw configuration.
The melting section of the TSE (zones 1 and 2) contained three different types of kneading
blocks (left hand 45°, 90° and right hand 45° staggering angles) followed by a mixing element, a
blister ring and conveying elements (Zone 3). Zone 4 had one kneading block (90° staggering
angles) and a blister ring. In zone 5, five short pitch conveying elements were used.

Ground PET pellets were dry-mixed with clay before melt compounding. The mixture was
fed into the TSE at two different rates of 0.6, and 3.3 kg/h. They are identified in chapter 4 by
suffix L and H, respectively. A 2-L pressure vessel (Parr Instrument Co., Moline, IL) was utilized
to produce and feed steam in zone 2 of the TSE at a rate of 0.3 L/h.

In the second part of the project, the screw configuration was changed with the following
screw configuration; the screw had three mixing zones (Figure 2-2 b). The first mixing zone

consisted of one kneading block (KB) (left hand 45 staggering angle), followed by one reverse
element and two blister rings. The reverse elements and the 2 blister rings helped to raise the
pressure before water injection. The second mixing zone contained one gear-type mixing
elements (ZME) and one KB element with 90° staggering angles. In the third mixing zone, two
kneading blocks (90° and right hand 45° staggering angles) and one ZME element were used.
Dry-mixed ground PET pellets with clay were fed into the TSE at 3 kg/h and steam was feed at a
rate of 0.3 L/h. The extruded samples were cooled by air, cut, pelletized and then ground.

In the slurry method, suspensions were pumped into the extruder at 1.75 Kg/h and
compounded with the melted PET. PET was fed at 3 Kg/h. Plunger pump was used to pumping
clay slurry into the extruder. This pump was worked with different speeds. At each speed, the
flow rate of clay slurry into the extruder was collected for 10 min. After calibration of the pump,
the required flow rate of clay slurry was pumped into the extruder. At the end of the extruder,
water was removed from the vent by vacuum to obtain the PET nanocomposites.
Nanocomposites prepared by slurry method were used as master-batch. Then, they were diluted
by neat PET. Final nanocomposites had 1wt% of Cloisite Na+.

Figure 2-2 : Screw configuration, a) configuration # 1, b) configuration # 2


2.3 Solid-State Polymerization (SSP)

Solid-state polymerization (SSP) was carried out to rebuild the reduced MW of hydrolyzed
PET and PET nanocomposites. Before SSP, the PET and PET nanocomposites were ground and
sieved to a powder of size less than 200 and 400 µm. SSP was performed in a 1 L stainless steel
stirred reactor equipped with a heating jacket provided by Supercritical Fluid Technologies Inc.
( Newark, USA). SSP reactions were done at 215°C under N2 for 4, 8 and 12 h with powder size
400 µm. This temperature was the maximum value at which we could operate without
encountering experimental difficulties. The effect of smaller powder size (200 µm) was also
investigated for 8 h SSP. The flow rate of N2 into the reactor was 2 L/min. After SSP, the heater
was turned off, but the nitrogen purge was continued to decrease the temperature of the reactor to
100°C prior to collect the resulting polymer or nanocomposites.

Samples for rheometry, XRD and morphology analysis were molded in the form of disk-like
plates with a diameter of 25 mm and a thickness of ~ 1.2 mm. Thin sheet samples with thickness
of 250 μm and 450 μm for mechanical tests and thickness of 300 μm and 450 μm for barrier tests
were prepared via compression molding. All samples were prepared using a hot press (Carver
Laboratory Press, Model 3912) with a small chamber for nitrogen purge. The compression
molding temperature and maximum pressure were 270 °C and 3 tons, respectively. All the
samples were dried under vacuum for 24 h at 80 °C prior to melt processing and molding.

2.4 Characterization

Viscometry measurements: PET samples dissolved based on ASTM D 4603-3 in a mixture

of phenol/1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane (60/40, wt % /wt %) at 110 ºC for less than 30 min. The
solution was then cooled to room temperature.

In the first part of this study, viscometry measurements of PET samples were performed at
30 ºC by measuring the flow time of the solution at a single concentration (0.5 g/dL). The relative
viscosity of the samples was obtained from the ratio of average solution flow time (t) and average
solvent flow time (t0) in an Ubblehode capillary viscometer, namely:

ηr = (2-1)

According to ASTM D 4603-3, the inherent viscosity, ηinh , was obtained from the following

ln η
ηinh ( 30
0.5% ) =

where c is the concentration of PET.

The average viscometric molar weight (MV ≈ MW) was calculated using the Mark–Houwink
equation assuming that the inherent viscosity was equal to the intrinsic viscosity:

ηinh =

2.29 ×10−4 dL / g and a =

with K = 0.73 [109].

In the third part of the project, the viscometry measurements were done at 25º C. The reason
for changing the temperature of viscometry measurements from 30 º C to 25 º C was the limited
information about the k and a constants of Mark-Houwink equation in the literature at 30 º C. The
presented k and a in the literature were based on the correlation between inherent viscosity and
Mv at 30 º C. On the other hand, at 25 º C, the Mark-Houwink constants of the correlations
between intrinsic viscosity and Mw, Mn were reported [110-112]. Following equations were used
to determine the intrinsic viscosity and the molecular weights.

Intrinsic viscosity was calculated by the Solomon–Ciuta equation [110]:

 2(ηr − 1 − ln ηr )0.5 
[η ] = (2-4)

The weight-average molar weight MW was calculated using the Moore [111]:

[η=] 4.68 ×10−4 M W0.68


and the number-average molecular weight was determined by Ulgea equation [112]:

[η=] 2.52 ×10−4 M n0.8

Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) analysis: The chemical structure of PET before and
after SSP was analyzed by NMR. The spectra of C and 1H NMR were obtained using a
Varian/Agilent VNMRS-500 spectrometer operating at 125 and 500 MHz, respectively. A mixed
solvent of chloroform-d (CDCl3) and trifluoroacetic acid-d6 (TFA-d) was used to observe the
NMR peaks of PET at room temperature. Therefore, to prepare a sample for NMR analysis,
0.0062 g of PET was dissolved in a mixture of CDCl3 / TFA-d (70/30) (wt % /wt %). Initially,
all materials were loaded into the NMR tube. Then, the tube was shaken to dissolve the solid
samples into the solvent.

Titration of carboxyl groups: carboxyl end group (CEG) content in the samples was
obtained according to the ASTM D7409-07 method by titrating a solution of the PET and PET
nanocomposites in o-cresol/dichloro methane. Approximately 1 g of PET was added in 60 ml of
o-cresol solvent at 80°C. The mixture of solvent and PET maintained at this temperature and
stirred until PET was completely dissolved. Then, the flask was removed from the hot source and
240 ml of dichloromethane was added and stirred for 5 min. Then, KOH (0.005 M) in methanol
was used as a titrator solution and bromophenol blue as an indicator.

CEG = [(Vs − Vb ) × M × 1000] / w (2-7)

where Vs and Vb are volume of KOH to titrate the sample and the blank, respectively. M is
molarities of the KOH/methanol solution and w is the weight of the PET sample.

X-ray diffraction: a wide angle X-ray diffractometer (WAXD) (D8 Discover, Bruker AXS
Inc., Madison, WI) with CuKα radiation (λ=1.54056 Å) was used to estimate the basal spacing
(d001) between silicate layers. The generator was operated at 40 kV/ 40 mA and the
nanocomposites were scanned from 0.8 to 10° at 0.015°/s.

Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM): A field emission gun scanning electron microscope
(FEG-SEM, S-4700, Hitachi, Tokyo, Japan) was used to investigate the distribution of clay in the
PET matrix. The specimens were prepared using an Ultracut FC microtome (Leica, Wetzlar,
Germany) with a diamond knife and then coated with platinum vapor.

Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM): The quality of the clay dispersion was
evaluated using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) (JEOL JEM-2100F, Tokyo, Japan,
operating at 200 kV). The samples were microtomed into approximately 50-80 nm thick slices,
using an Ultracut FC microtome system at -100 ºC.

Linear Viscoelastic Measurement: Rheological measurements were carried out at 265°C

under nitrogen atmosphere using a Bohlin Gemini HR rheometer (Malvern Instrument,
Worcestershire, UK) and an Advanced Rheometric Expansion System (ARES, TA Instruments),
both with a 25 mm parallel plate geometry. The samples were dried under vacuum at 80°C for 24
h before the rheological tests. Time sweep tests were performed at frequency 0.1 Hz and
frequency sweep tests were done in the linear viscoelastic region for each sample, as determined
by strain sweep tests (done at 0.1 Hz and 10 Hz). Frequency sweep tests over a frequency range
of 0.3- 100 rad/s were performed from low to high and high to low frequencies, to assure the
repeatability of the data.

Rheology measurements of clay slurries were performed by Physica MCR501 (Anton Paar)
rheometer over a shear rate range of 0.1-100 (s-1) from low to high and high to low with a double
couette geometry.

Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC): the thermal properties of the neat PET and
PET nanocomposites were determined by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC Q1000, TA
instruments, New Castle, DE) under N2 atmosphere, The samples were heated from room
temperature to 300 ºC and held at that temperature for 3 min, then cooled to 30 ºC and heated
again to 300 ºC at a constant rate of 10 ºC/min.

Mechanical Measurement: Tensile measurements were conducted using an Instron 3365

universal tester with a 500 N load cell and according to the ASTM D882-10 standard. The tensile
testing samples were cut to a rectangular shape (10 mm x 100 mm). The samples were tested at
room temperature and a crosshead speed of 25 mm/min.

Barrier Measurements: Oxygen transmission rates (OTRs) were determined using Ox-Tran
Model 2/21 oxygen permeability MD Module (MOCON Inc., USA) at 23 °C under a pressure of
0.96 atm. Dry oxygen (100%) was passed over one side of the sample and a mixture of 98% N2
(nitrogen) with 2% H2 (hydrogen) was used as the carrier gas. The test area of the samples was 5
cm2. The oxygen permeation values reported in this work had been normalized by the film
thickness. The permeability coefficient [P, in µL/(m.day.atm)] was obtained from the OTR
values using the following formula:

P = OTR × L/p (2-8)

where L is the film thickness (m) and p is the testing pressure (atm).


The first paper of this work is presented in Chapter 4; “Effect of Water-Assisted Extrusion
and Solid-State Polymerization on the Microstructure of PET/Clay Nanocomposites”. In this
work PET/clay nanocomposites were prepared by water-assisted melt-mixing. Water/steam could
diffuse between organoclay layers and act as a swelling agent, expanding the gallery spacing and
reducing the inter-layer interactions. On the other hand, the reduction of MW of PET by hydrolysis
with water increased the PET chain mobility. Thus, both effects facilitated the diffusion of PET
chains into the organoclay galleries. In raising the MW by SSP, we recovered the critical
properties of PET. The effect of the organoclay modification on the microstructure of PET
nanocomposites was studied by using three different nanoclays. The dispersion of Cloisite 30B
(C30B) in PET was found to be better than that of Nanomer I.28E (I28E) and Cloisite Na+. The
effect of feeding rate and consequently residence time on the properties of PET nanocomposites
was also investigated. Morphological results showed more delamination of organoclay platelets
in PET-C30B nanocomposites processed at low feeding rate compared to those processed at high
feeding rate. Enhanced mechanical and barrier properties were observed in PET nanocomposites
after SSP compared to the nanocomposites prepared by conventional melt-mixing. This paper has
been accepted in Polymer Engineering and Science.

In chapter 5, the results of the second paper with the title of “Microstructure and properties
of PET/organoclay nanocomposites prepared by water-assisted extrusion: Effect of organoclay
concentration” is presented. In this work, the effect of organoclay concentration on the properties
of PET nanocomposites obtained by conventional melt-mixing and water-assisted melt-mixing
was studied. XRD, SEM and TEM analyses showed intercalated/exfoliated morphology in all
PET/C30B nanocomposites, with a higher degree of intercalation and delamination in the water-
assisted process. Rheological, thermal, mechanical and gas barrier properties of the PET
nanocomposites were also investigated. The PET nanocomposites exhibited higher tensile
modulus and lower oxygen permeability after SSP compared to those prepared by conventional
melt-mixing. By increasing organoclay concentration, more reduction in oxygen permeability and
more increase in tensile modulus were found. The elongation at break was significantly higher for
SSP nanocomposites than for nanocomposites processed by conventional melt mixing. This paper
has also been accepted in Polymer Engineering and Science.

Chapter 6 presents the results of the third paper entitling “Effect of organoclay concentration on
the solid-state polymerization of poly(ethylene terephthalate)”. In this work, the effect of
organoclay concentration on SSP of PET nanocomposites was studied. Viscometry, titration,
rheological and dynamic scanning calorimetry (DSC) measurements were used to analyze the
samples after SSP. The weight-averaged molecular weight (MW) of PET was increased
significantly following SSP. PET nanocomposites exhibited a solid-like rheological behavior and
the complex viscosity at high frequencies was scaled with the molecular weight of PET. The
Maron-Pierce model was used to evaluate the molecular weight of PET in the nanocomposites
before and after SSP. It was found that the rate of the SSP reaction in nanocomposites were lower
than those for the neat PETs, due to the limited mobility of the reactive groups and the barrier
effect of clay platelets. The effect of PET molecular weight on half-time crystallization,
crystallization temperature and percentage of crystallinity was also investigated. This paper has
been submitted to Polymer Engineering and Science.



Maryam Dini1, Tahereh Mousavand2, Pierre J. Carreau1, Musa R. Kamal2 and

Minh-Tan Ton-That3

CREPEC, Chemical Engineering Department, Ecole Polytechnique, H3T 1J4, Montreal,

Quebec, Canada

CREPEC, Department of Chemical Engineering, McGill University, H3A 2B2, Montreal,

Quebec, Canada

Automotive and Surface Transport Portfolio, National Research Council of Canada, J4B 6Y4,

Boucherville, Quebec, Canada


A new melt-mixing process has been used to prepare PET/clay nanocomposites with high degree
of clay delamination. In this method, steam was fed into a twin-screw extruder (TSE) to reduce
PET molecular weight and to facilitate their polymer chain diffusion into the gallery spacing of
organoclays. Subsequently, the molecular weight (MW) reduction of the PET matrix due to

Accepted in Polymer Engineering and Science; doi: 10.1002/pen.23685

hydrolysis by water was compensated by solid-state polymerization (SSP). The effect of the
thermodynamic compatibility of PET and organoclays on the exfoliated microstructure of the
nanocomposites was also examined by using three different nanoclays. The dispersion of Cloisite
30B (C30B) in PET was found to be better than that of Nanomer I.28E (I28E) and Cloisite Na+.
The effect of feeding rate and consequently residence time on the properties of PET
nanocomposites was also investigated. The results reveal more delamination of organoclay
platelets in PET-C30B nanocomposites processed at low feeding rate compared to those
processed at high feeding rate. Enhanced mechanical and barrier properties were observed in PET
nanocomposites after SSP compared to the nanocomposites prepared by conventional melt-

4.1 Introduction
Poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) is a low-cost engineering polymer that is employed in a
large variety of applications, due to its excellent transparency and good barrier properties [1].
One of the important applications of PET is in food and beverage packaging. Demands are
increasing to improve the barrier properties of this semi-crystalline polymer for use in bottles for
beer and other oxygen-sensitive liquids. Recent studies show that the presence of organoclay
platelets in PET can lower permeability to oxygen and water vapor [2-5]. It also improves UV
shielding [5].

The microstructure of polymer nanocomposites plays a substantial role in the macroscopic

properties of final products. To achieve significant performance enhancements, good dispersion
of the nanoclay in the matrix and thermodynamic compatibility between the organoclay and the
polymer are required [6]. Polymer nanocomposites can be prepared by in-situ or melt-mixing
methods. While in-situ polymerization usually yields better dispersion of clay platelets than melt-
mixing, the latter approach is more economical and environmental friendly [6-9]. Preparation of
PET nanocomposites by melt-mixing, however, faces challenges mainly related to the
degradation of both PET and nanoclay modifiers at high processing temperatures.

Several efforts have been made to lower the rate of degradation and enhance dispersion of
organoclays in PET, by using a more stable clay modifier [5, 10, 11]. Other approaches employ a
clay supported catalyst [12, 13] or a chain extender [14]. The use of an ionomer [3, 15], swelling
agent or plasticization of PET with carbon dioxide were also evaluated [16]. Other studies
considered the effects on clay dispersion of screw speed, screw geometry and temperature profile
in twin-screw melt extrusion of PET nanocomposites [2, 17]. All these efforts, however, led to
only moderately enhanced mechanical and barrier properties.

Water assisted melt blending is a new method to prepare nanocomposites using the benefits
of both solution and conventional melt-mixing methods [18, 19]. This method was successfully
used to prepare polyamide (PA) - montmorillonite (MMT) nanocomposites with unmodified
nanoclays with water content of 5 to 50 wt% and more preferably from 10 to 40 wt% [20, 21]. It
is possible to prepare PA nanocomposites by simultaneous feeding PA and pristine clay into the
TSE then injecting water into the extruder. Another possibility is to prepare clay slurry with
water and feeding this suspension into the extruder to blend it with the molten PA [21]. Some
researchers also reported significant effects of water injection into the TSE during the preparation
of nanocomposites based on polypropylene (PP) and poly(styrene-co-acrylonitrile) [22, 23].

Solid-state polymerization (SSP) of PET nanocomposites is a practical route to overcome the

polymer degradation caused by the melt-mixing processing. Different researchers demonstrated
that SSP of PET in the presence of nanoclays and nano SiO2 is feasible [24-26]. These studies
have also shown a reduced rate of the solid-state polymerization compared to the neat PET. SSP
is carried out under moderate temperature conditions. Thus, SSP can raise the molecular weight
of PET with less thermal degradation than melt phase polymerization and also can reduce the
contents of by-products such as acetaldehyde and oligomers to acceptable levels. The normal SSP
reaction temperature range is 200 to 230°C and this temperature range can be varied depending
on the melting point of the PET [27-30]. Understanding SSP and its utilization to achieve high
molecular weight (MW) polymer nanocomposites with tailored microstructure is still an open

It is assumed in this work that water/steam can diffuse during extrusion between organoclay
layers and act as a swelling agent, expanding the gallery spacing and reducing the inter-layer

interactions. On the other hand, the reduction of MW of PET by hydrolysis with water can increase
the PET chain mobility. Thus, both effects facilitate the diffusion of PET chains into the
organoclay galleries. In raising the MW by SSP we should recover the critical properties of PET.
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to prepare PET nanocomposites using
water-assisted extrusion. In this paper, morphology, rheological, mechanical, thermal and barrier
properties of processed PET and PET nanocomposites are presented and discussed.

4.2 Experimental

4.2.1 Materials

A general purpose PET (PET 9921, Eastman Co, Kingsport, TN) with MW of 65 000 g/mol
was used in this study. Three types of nanoclay: Cloisite Na+, Cloisite 30B (Southern Clay
Products Inc., Gonzales, TX) and Nanomer I.28E (Nanocor Inc., Hoffman Estates, IL) were used
as the nanoparticles without further modification.

The surface modified clays are produced commercially by the substitution of interlayer
sodium cations by methyl, tallow, bis-2-hydroxyethyl quaternary ammonium cations for Cloisite
30B and octadecyl trimethyl ammonium (trimethyl stearyl quaternary ammonium) for Nanomer
I.28E. The chemical structures of the surfactant cations proposed by the suppliers are shown in
Figure 4-1.

Phenol, 1, 1, 2, 2 - tetrachloroethane, chloroform-d (CDCl3) and trifluoroacetic acid-d (TFA-

d) supplied by Sigma Aldrich (Oakville, ON) were used without additional purification for the
determination of the inherent viscosity and the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) analysis.

Figure 4-1 : The structures of alkylammonium cations used in the commercial nanoclays.

4.2.2 Melt Compounding

PET and PET nanocomposites were processed using a co-rotating TSE (Berstorff ZE25,
Hannover, Germany) with a 25 mm diameter (D) screw and length-to-screw diameter ratio of 28,
at a screw speed of 200 rpm. The temperature profile was 245, 265, 260, 255, 255, and 255°C
from the hopper to the die. Figure 4-2 illustrates the screw configuration. The melting section of
the TSE (zones 1 and 2) contains three different types of kneading blocks (left hand 45°, 90° and
right hand 45° staggering angles) followed by a mixing element, a blister ring and conveying
elements (Zone 3). Zone 4 has one kneading block (90° staggering angles) and a blister ring. In
zone 5, five short pitch conveying elements are used.

Figure 4-2 : Schematic of the screw configuration.

The nominal nanoclay content was 2 wt% in all the nanocomposites. Ground PET pellets
were dry-mixed with clay before melt compounding. The mixture was fed into the TSE at two

different rates of 0.6, and 3.3 kg/h. They are identified here by suffix L and H, respectively. A 2-
L pressure vessel (Parr Instrument Co., Moline, IL) was utilized to produce and feed steam in
zone 2 of the TSE (see Figure 4-2) at a rate of 0.3 L/h, temperature of 160ºC. Finally, all the
residual water was eliminated through the vent in zone 5 as shown in Figure 4-2. The extrudate
was collected after reaching steady state. In the notation used for sample identification, the code
of samples processed with water is ”W”, which is not included when no water was used during

After extrusion, the extruded samples were granulated at room temperature and compression
molded at 270 °C under a purge of nitrogen to obtain 25 mm disks. The disks were used for X-
ray and morphological analysis, as well as rheometry. All the samples were dried under vacuum
for 24 h at 80 °C prior to melt processing and molding.

4.2.3 Solid-State Polymerization (SSP)

Solid-state polymerization (SSP) was carried out to rebuild the reduced MW of hydrolyzed
PET and PET nanocomposites. Before SSP, the PET and PET nanocomposites were ground and
sieved to a powder of size less than 400 (µm). SSP was performed in a cylindrical stainless steel
reactor at 215°C under N2 for 8 h. This temperature was the maximum value at which we could
operate without encountering experimental difficulties. The flow rate of N2 into the reactor was 2
L/min. After 8 h, the heater was turned off, but the nitrogen purge was continued to lower the
temperature of the reactor to 100°C and collect the resulting polymer or nanocomposites.

4.2.4 Characterization
Viscometry tests and NMR analysis were used to characterize the PET samples before and
after SSP. The inherent viscosity, ηinh , of PET samples was obtained based on the ASTM D
4603-3 method by measuring the flow time of the solution (Phenol/ 1, 1, 2, 2 – tetrachloroethane)
at a single concentration of PET. The relative viscosity of the samples was obtained from the
ratio of average solution flow time (t) and average solvent flow time (t0) in a Ubblehode capillary
viscometer, namely:

ηr = (4-1)

According to ASTM D 4603-3, the inherent viscosity is obtained from the following equation:

ln η
ηinh ( 30
0.5% ) =

where c is the concentration of PET (g/dL).

The average viscometric molar weight (MV ≈ MW) was calculated using the Mark–Houwink
equation assuming that the inherent viscosity is equal to the intrinsic viscosity:

ηinh =

2.29 ×10−4 dL / g and a =

with K = 0.73 [31].

The chemical structure of PET before and after SSP was analyzed by NMR. The spectra of
C and 1H NMR were obtained using a Varian/Agilent VNMRS-500 spectrometer operating at
125 and 500 MHz, respectively. A mixed solvent of chloroform-d (CDCl3) and trifluoroacetic
acid-d6 (TFA-d) was used to observe the NMR peaks of PET at room temperature.

A wide angle X-ray diffractometer (WAXD) (D8 Discover, Bruker AXS Inc., Madison, WI)
with CuKα radiation (λ=1.54056 Å) was used to estimate the basal spacing (d001) between silicate
layers. The generator was operated at 40 kV/ 40 mA and the nanocomposites were scanned from
0.8 to 10° at 0.015°/s.

A field emission gun scanning electron microscope (FEG-SEM, S-4700, Hitachi, Tokyo,
Japan) was used to investigate the distribution of clay in the PET matrix. The specimens were
prepared using an Ultracut FC microtome (Leica, Wetzlar, Germany) with a diamond knife and
then coated with platinum vapor. The quality of the clay dispersion was evaluated using
transmission electron microscopy (TEM) (JEOL JEM-2100F, Tokyo, Japan, operating at 200
kV). The samples were microtomed into approximately 50-80 nm thick slices, using an Ultracut
FC microtome system at -100 ºC.

Rheological measurements were carried out at 265°C under nitrogen atmosphere using a
Bohlin Gemini HR rheometer (Malvern Instrument, Worcestershire, UK) with a 25 mm parallel

plate geometry. The samples were dried under vacuum at 80°C for 24 h before the rheological
tests. Time sweep tests were performed at frequency 0.1 Hz and frequency sweep tests were done
in the linear viscoelastic region for each sample determined by strain sweep tests. Frequency
sweep tests over a frequency range of 0.3- 100 rad/s were performed from low to high and high to
low frequencies to make sure that the data were accurate.

The thermal properties of the neat PET and PET nanocomposites were determined by
differential scanning calorimetry (DSC Q1000, TA instruments, New Castle, DE) under N2
atmosphere using 10 °C/min scanning ramp from 30 °C to 300 °C. The crystallinity of the PET
and PET nanocomposites used in the discussion of the mechanical and barrier properties was
calculated using the following formula:

∆ H m − ∆ H cc
∆ X (%)
= ×100 (4-4)
∆H 0 ( 1 − φ )

where φ is the weight fraction of clay, ΔHm represents the enthalpy of melting, ΔHcc is the
enthalpy of cold crystallization and ΔH0 refers to the heat of fusion of 100% crystalline PET,
which is 140 J/g [1].

Tensile measurements were conducted via an Instron 3365 universal tester using a 500 N
load cell and according to the ASTM D882-10 standard. 10 mm wide and 100 mm long samples
were cut from sheets (thickness of 450 µm) prepared by compression molding. The samples were
tested at room temperature and a crosshead speed of 25 mm/min.

Oxygen transmission rates (OTRs) were determined using an Ox-Tran Model 2/21 oxygen
permeability MD Module from Mocon at 23 °C. 100% dry oxygen was used and all the tests
were done under a pressure of 93.3 kPa (700 mmHg). The test area of the samples was 5 cm2 and
the samples had a thickness of 450 µm. The oxygen permeability values reported in this work
have been normalized by the film thickness.

4.3 Results and discussion

4.3.1 Molecular weight determination and structural characterization of neat


According to previous research reports [32, 33], the MW of PET decreases in the presence of
water, especially under processing at temperatures higher than the melting point of PET. This is
the result of the hydrolysis of PET according to the following equilibrium reaction in Scheme

Scheme 4-1: Hydrolysis reaction of PET.

The ηinh and MW values of different PET samples are reported in Table 4-1. We observe

important decreases of ηinh and MW of PET as a result of hydrolysis during the water-assisted
extrusion for various processing conditions. The extrusion in the presence of water leads to a
reduction of ηinh from 0.75 to 0.38 (dL/g) in the presence of water with a corresponding decrease
of the molecular weight by a factor close to 3. Moreover, the feeding rate has a significant effect
on the extent of hydrolysis of PET. ηinh of the PET extruded at high feeding rate (W-PET-H) is
0.52 dL/g while for W-PET-L it is 0.38 dL/g. As expected, the extent of the hydrolysis is larger
for a longer residence time (lower feeding rate).

Table 4-1 : Values of the inherent viscosities and MW

Sample η inh (dL/g) MW (g/mol)

As received PET 0.75± 0.020 65000 ± 2000

W-PET-L 0.38 ± 0.023 25000 ± 2100


SSP-W-PET-L 0.69± 0.033 58000 ± 4000

W-PET-H 0.52 ± 0.03 39000 ± 3200

SSP-W-PET-H 0.83 ± 0.04 75000 ± 5000

Suffix “W” means that the PETs were extruded in the presence of water (hydrolyzed samples) and “SSP”
means the hydrolyzed samples were solid-state polymerized in a reactor. L and H stand for samples
prepared at low and high feeding rates, respectively.

As shown in Table 4-1, SSP results in large increases of ηinh and MW values of PET.

ηinh of the samples after SSP is the average values of the results from two batches. Moreover, to
confirm its value, the viscometry tests were carried out at different concentrations based on
ASTM D 2857 as well as ASTM D 4603-3. The results of both methods were in agreement. After
SSP at 215 °C for 8 h, ηinh increased from 0.38 to 0.69 dL/g for W-PET-L and from 0.52 to 0.83
dL/g for W-PET-H. These results confirm that the MW of PET can be substantially rebuilt by SSP
under these conditions. SSP of PET involves two reversible equilibrium reactions as presented in
Scheme 4-2[35].

Scheme 4-2: SSP of PET; (a) Ester-interchange (transesterification), (b) esterification reactions.
H and 13C NMR spectroscopy was used to confirm the presence of chemical entities in the
“as received” PET, W-PET-H and SSP-W-PET-H samples. In the 1H NMR spectra we observe
the peaks at δ: 7.257 ppm and 11.3 ppm corresponding to protons of chloroform (CDCL3) and
those of trifluoroacetic acid-d6 (TFA-d), respectively (not shown here). The peak position of
protons of “as received” PET is presented in Table 4-2 and Figure 4-3. PET contains four
equivalent methylene protons of the terephthalic acid ring and protons of the ethylene glycol
(EG) segments. The other resonances are assigned to the methylene protons of diethylene glycol
(DEG) and the hydroxyl end groups. This analytical technique does not allow the detection of
aromatic carboxyl end-groups because they show a peak at the same position as TFA-d. Since “as
received” PET is a copolymer, there are additional signals, which are characteristics of
cyclohexanedimethanol (shown in Table 4-2).

In 1H NMR spectra, the area under each peak is related to the number of corresponding
hydrogens in the molecules generating that peak [36]. The ratios of the integrals under the peaks
assigned to CH2 for EG, DEG and hydroxyl end groups show the differences in the molecular
structure of the different PETs. The ratios of the CH2 peak for EG to the CH2 attached to the
hydroxyl groups were 100, 190 and 300 in W-PET-H, “as received” PET and SSP-W-PET-H,
respectively. Therefore, as expected, the amount of CH2 attached to hydroxyl end-groups
increases during the hydrolysis process, while a significant decrease is observed after SSP. The

ratios of the CH2 peak for EG to the CH2 attached to DEG are also determined. These ratios do
not show significant changes for the different molecular weight samples and the ratio for the “as
received PET” is 15.6. Thus, the significant differences for the three PETs are for the ratio of
methylene groups adjacent to hydroxyl end groups and those of EG.

Figure 4-3 : 1H NMR spectrum for the “as received” PET; the peak at δ: 2.2 ppm is due to
impurities in the solvent. The spectra of the hydrolyzed samples before and after SSP are not
shown here because they exhibit similar spectra as the “as received” PET.

Table 4-2 : Protons numbering in PET and their peak position in 1H NMR spectra.

Units of PET copolymer Peak position (ppm) of each

numbered protons

(1): 8.13, (2):4.8

(3,4*): 4.61, 4.19

(5,6): 4.14, 4.65

(7): 4.38, (8): 4.28

(9-14): 1.2,1.6,1.73,1.91,1.88,2.14

small amount of TFA-d leads to esterification of hydroxyl end groups. Thus, signals of methylene end
groups shift to the higher frequencies and overlap with the 4.6-4.8 ppm region.

Generally, the number of nonequivalent carbons and types of carbon atoms are determined
by 13C NMR [37]. An important parameter obtained from 13
C NMR in solution is the chemical
shift. Figure 4-4 reports the C NMR spectra of the samples. The carbons of chloroform
(CDCL3) exhibit four peaks from δ: 76.5 to 77 ppm and those of trifluoroacetic acid-d6 (TFA-d)
show peaks from δ: 110.75-117.5 ppm and δ: 161-162.3 ppm. We observe peaks for carbons of
ethylene glycol at δ: 63.86 ppm, of aromatic CH at δ: 129.98 ppm and of aromatic carbons at δ:
133.24 ppm; carboxyl end groups show a peak at δ: 167.89 ppm and carbonyl groups at δ: 162.3
ppm. The carbonyl peak is at the same position as TFA-d. Therefore, we cannot distinct from
carbonyl groups in PET and carboxyl groups in TFA-d. These CNMR spectra of the “as
received” PET and hydrolyzed PET before and after SSP show the same peak positions.
Therefore, these different PETs have all the same carbon atoms.

Figure 4-4 : 13C NMR spectra for (a) the “as received” PET, (b) W-PET-H and,
(c) SSP-W-PET-H.

4.3.2 XRD results of PET nanocomposites

The X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns for the PET- Cloisite Na+ nanocomposites processed
with and without water show that the d-spacing of Cloisite Na+ did not change after the melt-
mixing process in either the dry extrusion process or with water (data not shown). This is due to
the poor affinity between the pristine clay (Cloisite Na+) and PET as well as the collapse of clay
galleries under the strong platelet-platelet cohesive force of Cloisite Na+ [23]. Hence, water did
not contribute to intercalation during the extrusion process.

The XRD results of PET-C30B and PET-I28E nanocomposites prepared under different
conditions are presented in Figure 4-5. For the nanocomposites obtained under dry extrusion
(Figure 4-5a), two distinct peaks are observed for the C30B nanocomposites (d-spacing ~3.45
and 1.7 nm) and for the I28E nanocomposites (d-spacing ~3.35 nm and 1.6 nm). Since the d-
spacing values for the pristine organoclays, C30B and I28E are 1.8 nm and 2.5 nm, respectively,
the first peaks shown for the nanocomposites are indicative of some intercalation of organoclays
by the PET chains. The second peaks suggest either possible degradation of the organo-modifiers
during processing of PET or they could also be reflections of the first peaks according to Bragg’s
law. The WAXD results indicate that the dispersion of C30B in PET is better than that obtained
with I28E, both d-spacing and increases in d-spacing are larger for C30B. This may be attributed
to stronger interactions between PET and C30B, as suggested by the solubility parameters [59].
Finally, we note that the d-spacing is independent of the processing conditions. However, the first
peak intensity for PET-C30B-L is smaller than for the others, indicative of better clay dispersion
for the low feeding rate.

Figure 4-5b presents the diffraction peaks of the PET nanocomposites prepared in the
presence of water. Although the peak position of C30B in nanocomposites processed with water
slightly shifted to lower angles compared to processing without water, the shape and intensity of
the C30B peaks are significantly changed in the water-assisted process. The first peak of this
organoclay became broader and more asymmetric as well as of smaller intensity, compared to the
case of the dry extrusion (Figure 4-5a). This indicates a higher degree of delamination in the
presence of water. In W-PET-C30B-L, the first peak has almost disappeared, which suggests a
high degree of exfoliation. On the other hand, the XRD peaks of nanocomposites containing I28E

prepared with or without water are similar. As also shown in Figure 4-5a, the reduction of
intensity in the first XRD peak for the low feeding rate confirms that the degree of delamination
is increased under the process with a longer residence time.

The XRD results for the PET nanocomposites after SSP are shown in Figure 4-5c. The
nanocomposites exhibit peaks at the same 2θ values as before SSP (Figure 4-5b). This suggests
that the net diffusion of polymer in and out of the galleries during SSP is negligible. Moreover,
possible SSP of PET chains intercalated inside the galleries of the organoclays do not have any
significant effects [26].

Figure 4-5 : XRD results of PET nanocomposites; (a) processed without water, (b) processed
with water, (c) after SSP.

4.3.3 SEM and TEM images

SEM micrographs of PET nanocomposites containing Cloisite Na+ prepared with and
without water are presented in Figure 4-6. The white areas represent the clay particles and the
dark regions correspond to the PET matrix. Although the aggregates of Cloisite Na+ in the
nanocomposites prepared via water-assisted extrusion are smaller than those of nanocomposites
prepared in the absence of water, they are still quite large. These results are in good agreement
with XRD results that showed no change in gallery spacing of Cloisite Na+ in the presence of
water. Water is a good swelling agent for Cloisite Na+ [20] and a hydrolysis agent for PET
[32,33]; but the poor affinity between Cloisite Na+ and PET as well as strong electrostatic forces
between adjacent platelets of Cloisite Na+ limit the diffusion of PET chains into the galleries of
the pristine clay.

Figure 4-6 : SEM micrographs of PET nanocomposites containing Cloisite Na+; (a) processed
without water and (b) with water.

SEM micrographs of PET-C30B nanocomposites processed at different feeding rates are

shown in Figure 4-7. Smaller dispersed aggregates with a more uniform distribution are observed
for the nanocomposites processed at the lower feeding rate. This may be attributed to the longer
residence time of around 300 s compared to 50 s for the high feeding rate. The size of C30B
aggregates is also decreased in PET-C30B nanocomposites processed with water before and after
SSP, compared to those processed without water. On the other hand, a comparison between the
SEM micrographs of PET-C30B and PET-I28E shows that I28E is not distributed uniformly in

the matrix. The latter has larger aggregate size compared to C30B. The micrograph of Figure
4-7h shows that the presence of water in processing PET-I28E nanocomposites does not improve
the particle distribution of I28E. In fact, it may have a negative effect.

Figure 4-7 : SEM micrographs of PET nanocomposites processed under different conditions; (a)
PET-C30B-L, (b) W-PET-C30B-L, (c) SSP-W-PET-C30B-L, (d) PET-C30B-H, (e) W-PET-
C30B-H, (f) SSP-W-PET-C30B-H, (g) PET-I28E-L, (h)W-PET-I28E-L.

Figure 4-8 shows the TEM images of different PET nanocomposites. In the case of PET-
C30B-L (Figure 4-8a), the organoclay appears to be dispersed very well. In most cases, single
layers of organoclay are observed. On the other hand, PET-C30B-H (Figure 4-8b) exhibits
slightly poorer dispersion of C30B as compared to the nanocomposites processed under the low
feeding rate. Also, in nanocomposites processed with water (Figure 4-8 c and d), better
dispersion and good distribution of C30B particles are observed in nanocomposites, especially

when processed at low feeding rate. Thus, lower feeding rate and accordingly longer residence
time in the extruder lead to more breakup or delamination of stacks of clay platelets (tactoids).
Figure 4-8a and f show a better dispersion of C30B in PET compared to I28E. Most of the
particles of C30B are broken down to single layers, while I28E particles are in the form of
tactoids (Figure 4-8e and f) and the apparent particle concentration of I28E is lower than that of
C30B. The quality of dispersion of I28E is deteriorated by the presence of water (Figure 4-8g).
This may be related to changes in the compatibility between PET and I28E by the hydrolysis
reaction. By hydrolysis of PET, the number of carboxyl and hydroxyl groups is increased and,
therefore, the incompatibility between PET and I28E is intensified.

Figure 4-8 : TEM images of PET nanocomposites; (a) PET-C30B-L, (b) PET-C30B-H, (c) W-
PET-C30B-L, (d) W-PET-C30B-H, (e) SSP-W-PET-C30B-L, (f) PET-I28E-L, (g) W-PET-I28E-
L, (h) SSP-W-PET-I28E-L.

In order to obtain a quantitative estimate of the degree of dispersion of organoclay platelets

in the PET matrix, the D0.1 factor proposed by Luo and Koo [39] was calculated using between
600 and 700 measurements for each case. A value below 4% for D0.1 suggests an immiscible
system or microcomposite, and values over 8% indicate an exfoliated structure, while values
between 4 and 8% indicate intercalation. The values of D0.1 and of the aspect ratio, (p =l/d, length
over diameter of particles) are reported in Table 4-3 (the method proposed by Ghasemi et al. [2]
was applied to determine p, using TEM images and 200 measurements for each case).

Table 4-3 : Aspect ratio and D0.1

Sample Aspect ratio (p) D0.1 (%)

W-PET-C30B-L 42 6.5

PET-C30B-L 34 6.5

PET-I28E-L 34 4.3

W-PET-C30B-H 38 6.0

PET-C30B-H 30 4.9

D0.1 and p for PET-C30B-L are larger than those for PET-C30B-H, which is a sign of more
delamination at low feeding rate. The values of D0.1 and p show an improvement in the degree of
dispersion for W-PET-C30B-H compared to PET-C30B-H. Although the shear stresses in the dry
extrusion process are larger than for processing with water, the presence of water leads to
swelling of C30B and to hydrolysis of PET. Both these weaken the cohesive forces among clay
platelets and facilitate the diffusion process. D0.1 is the same for PET-C30B-L processed with and
without water: however, the much larger aspect ratio (42 compared to 34) suggests more
delamination for the water-processed nanocomposite. SSP does not affect the disordering of

C30B nanoparticles, since the value of D0.1 of W-PET-C30B-L before and after SSP are the same
(data not shown). D0.1 is significantly larger for PET-C30B-L, compared to PET-I28E-L, as
expected from the solubility parameters reported in ref [38]. Ghanbari et al [38] reported a D0.1
value of 5.5% for a similar PET-C30B nanocomposite, while larger values (7.5% and 6.9 %)
were obtained by Ghasemi et al [40], using a higher MW PET and a larger TSE.

Larger aspect ratio in PET-C30B nanocomposites processed with water compared to the
conventional melt-mixing is due to the more delamination of organoclays in PET matrix.
Reduction of PET viscosity in water-assisted increases polymer chains diffusion into the
interlayer of C30B. Screw configuration has also a significant effect on aspect ratio. However, in
the case of I28E, because of increasing the incompatibility between PET and I28E in water-
assisted, water has negative effect in dispersion and aspect ratio. It is noticeable that the initial
aspect ratio of Cloisite Na+ based on the literature is 150 [2].

In order to further quantify the extent of delamination of C30B in different PET/clay

nanocomposites, the number of platelets per clay particle was manually counted using the TEM
images shown in Figure 4-9. In the case of PET-C30B-L, the single and double layers represent
69% while in PET-C30B-H is 56%. This confirms the effect of the residence time on the
delamination or breakup of the clay particles. In the presence of water at low feeding rate (W-
PET-C30B-L), the single and double layers represent 72%, compared to 65% for the high feeding
rate case (WPET-C30B-H). Furthermore, the number of platelets per particle for W-PET-C30B-L
is not affected by SSP.

Figure 4-9 : Number of platelets per particle histogram. The total number of counted particles
was around 600 for each nanocomposite.

4.3.4 Rheology
The total time for frequency sweep tests of the neat PET and PET nanocomposites was 230 s
and during that period, the viscosity variation due to possible thermal degradation was less than
5%, hence, within the experimental errors.

The results of small-amplitude oscillatory frequency scans are reported in Figure 4-10.
Figure 4-10a shows the effect of water, residence time and SSP on the complex viscosity of PET.
The zero-shear viscosity (η 0 ) for PET-L, which was processed at dry conditions and low feeding

rate, is 200 Pa.s, while when water was injected into the system, η 0 decreases to 100 and 20 Pa.s
for W-PET-H and W-PET-L, respectively. Thus, the use of water and a longer residence cause
significant reductions of the complex viscosity as a result of the hydrolysis reaction. On the other
hand, solid-state polymerization helps to raise the MW of hydrolyzed PET significantly. The η 0
values are 400 and 1250 Pa.s for SSP-W-PET-L and SSP-W-PET-H, respectively. It should be

noted that η 0 for the “as received” PET is 630 Pa.s. Therefore, SSP-W-PET-H has a higher MW
than the initial PET. Values of the MW are reported in Table 4-1.

A Newtonian plateau is found in all PET samples irrespective of the processing method and
MW. As expected, the Newtonian plateau region is reduced for the higher MW PETs obtained by
SSP due to the increased number of chain entanglements. The value of 90o for the loss angle at
low frequencies and its behavior with frequency are typical of linear polymer chains [41]. As MW
increases, G ' becomes more significant, and the value of the loss angle decreases with increasing
frequency. The results show no indication that branching or cross-linking occurred during SSP.
Thus, the linear structure of PET was maintained.

Figure 4-10 : Frequency sweep results of PET. (a) Complex viscosity vs. angular frequency, (b)
loss angle vs. angular frequency.

The results of frequency sweep tests for nanocomposites processed at high feeding rate with
and without water are presented in Figure 4-11. Figure 4-11a shows that both neat PETs (PET-H
and W-PET-H) have a pseudo-Newtonian behavior, while the PET nanocomposites show shear-

thinning behavior. The presence of organoclays influences the rheology of the polymer
nanocomposites, due to polymer-particle and particle-particle interactions and possible changes
of the molecular structure of the polymer molecules. The complex viscosity of the
nanocomposites at high frequencies, where the behavior of the matrix is dominant, is lower than
that of the neat PET. This reflects PET degradation in the presence of organoclays. The complex
viscosity of nanocomposites containing I28E is larger than those containing C30B in the whole
frequency range. TEM and SEM images show a better dispersion and distribution of C30B within
the PET matrix compared to I28E. Therefore, PET is more exposed to the surface of C30B than
I28E, which leads to higher level of polymer degradation. Moreover, C30B has hydroxyl groups
and unsaturated tallow groups that accelerate the PET degradation compared to the hydrogenated
tallow of I28E.

Interestingly, W-PET-C30B-H processed with water exhibits a larger complex viscosity at

low frequencies compared to the W-PET-H, while PET-C30B-H exhibits a lower complex
viscosity compared to that for the neat PET. This suggests that, in the presence of water, the
dispersion of organoclay improves. It also appears to compensate for the large reduction of the
matrix viscosity due to hydrolysis.

The storage modulus versus angular frequency for the PET and PET nanocomposites is
presented in Figure 4-11b. Both W-PET-H and PET-H have very low storage modulus.
Significantly, the presence of 2wt% (nominal) organoclay increased the value of G ' and reduced
its slope at low frequencies and the solid-like behavior reflects the interconnected structure and
geometric constraints as a result of the presence of organoclays. At high frequencies, the role of
the matrix is more prominent. Smaller G ' values are found for the nanocomposites processed
under dry conditions due to the matrix degradation, compared to the neat polymer, whereas for
the nanocomposites processed with water the opposite behavior is found. It shows the strong
contribution of nanoparticles interactions that compensates the low G ' of the hydrolyzed PET.

Figure 4-11 : Linear viscoelastic data for PET and PET nanocomposites processed at high
feeding rate. (a) Complex viscosity vs. angular frequency; (b) storage modulus vs. angular

Rheological data for the PETs and PET nanocomposites after SSP are presented in Figure
4-12. The complex viscosity (Figure 4-12a) of the PET nanocomposites is much smaller than that

of the corresponding neat PETs after SSP. The situation is more complex for the storage modulus
as reported in Figure 4-12b: at low frequencies, the modulus of the nanocomposite is larger than
that of the corresponding neat PET, but the trend is reversed at high frequencies. The behavior is
clearly indicative of strong degradation due to the presence of the nanoparticles.

The smaller complex viscosity in the nanocomposites compared to the neat PETs after SSP
indicate that the presence of organoclay in the matrix slows down the diffusion of by-products
due to the increased tortuosity.

Figure 4-12 : Linear viscoelastic data for PET and PET nanocomposites after SSP. (a) Complex
viscosity vs. angular frequency; (b) storage modulus vs. angular frequency.

4.3.5 Barrier Properties

The SEM and TEM analysis show that the best dispersion and distribution were obtained for
C30B compared to I28E. Therefore, only the properties of PET-C30B nanocomposites are
presented in Figure 4-13. The oxygen permeability values of the neat PET and PET-C30B
nanocomposites, containing 2 wt% (nominal clay), processed with and without water are reported
in the figure. The incorporation of C30B improves the barrier properties of PET nanocomposites,
especially when processed with water. Although PET-C30B-L and SSP-W-PET-C30B-L show a
better dispersion and distribution of C30B in the matrix compared to the nanocomposites
processed at high feeding rate, the oxygen permeability of both nanocomposites is about the
same. Ghasemi et al [40] also showed that the feeding rate did not have a significant effect on the
barrier properties of PET nanocomposites. The permeability of PET-C30B-L and SSP-W-PET-
C30B-L shows 19% and 26 % improvements, respectively compared to the neat PET. The
improvement can be attributed to the increased tortuosity in the presence of C30B and the lower
oxygen permeability of SSP-W-PET-C30B is due to the better dispersion and distribution of
C30B in the presence of water. On the other hand, the presence of clay platelets changes the
crystallinity of crystalline polymers that could affect the permeability. The percentage of
crystallinity of PET-H, PET-C30B-H and SSP-W-PETC30B-H, PET-C30B-L, SSP-W-PET-
C30B-L was determined using Eq.4 to be 5.9%, 7%, 4.8%, 8.4% and 6.1%, respectively. Hence,
the changes in crystallinity cannot account for the enhanced barrier properties, at least for the
SSP-W-PET-C30B nanocomposites. Ghasemi et al [2] showed that the presence of 3 wt% C30B
into oriented PET films can improve by 23% the barrier properties compared to their neat PET,
but the crystal content of their PET nanocomposites was almost 2 times larger than their neat
PET, partly accounting for the barrier improvement. In another work, Shen et al [42] reported a
27% reduction in oxygen permeability for biaxial oriented PET nanocomposites containing 6
wt% of nanoclay compared to their neat PET.

Figure 4-13 : Oxygen permeability of PET and PET nanocomposites.

4.3.6 Mechanical Properties

The tensile modulus and elongation at break of the neat PET and PET-C30B nanocomposites
are reported in Figure 4-14. The presence of 2 wt% (nominal) of organoclay increases the tensile
modulus of PET nanocomposites compared to the neat PET (Figure 4-14a). Two significant
results are worth mentioning: on one hand, the PET-C30B nanocomposite processed at low
feeding rate has slightly smaller tensile modulus although the morphology suggests a better
dispersion and distribution of C30B. This is explained by the more severe degradation of the PET
matrix at low feeding rates compared to the high feeding. The effect of feeding rate on the tensile
modulus was also reported by Ghasemi et al [40], in good agreement with our results. On the
other hand, PET-C30B, prepared by conventional melt-mixing, exhibits a smaller modulus
compared to the nanocomposites prepared by water-assisted melt-mixing and subsequent SSP.
For example, the tensile modulus is improved by 15% and 20% in PET-C30B-H and SSP-W-
PET-C30B-H, respectively. Further improvement in the tensile modulus of nanocomposites is
obtained by water-assisted melt-mixing and SSP compared to the conventional melt-mixed PET;

this is probably due to the better dispersion and distribution of C30B when processed with water
compared to the conventional melt-mixing as well as the larger molecular weight obtained by

Ghasemi et al [2] reported a 20% larger tensile modulus for oriented PET nanocomposites
containing 3 wt% of C30B compared to their neat PET, but, as mentioned before, the crystal
content of their PET nanocomposites was almost 2 times larger than their neat PET. For samples
prepared by compression molding other researchers [5] showed no improvement in the Young
modulus in PET nanocomposites with 5 wt% of nanoclays compared to their PET matrix. Shen et
al [42] reported a 25% increase in the tensile modulus of non oriented films of PET
nanocomposites containing 6 wt% of nanoclays compared to their neat PET.

Figure 4-14b shows the effect of C30B and different processing conditions on the elongation
at break of PET nanocomposites. As expected, the elongation at break significantly decreases in
the presence of C30B in conventional PET nanocomposites. Moreover, the PET-C30B
nanocomposites processed at low feeding rate have less elongation at break compared to those
processed at high feeding rate. Surprisingly for nanocomposites obtained via the water-assisted
extrusion and SSP, the elongation at break is reasonably high (the results were reproducible as
shown by the error bars in Figure 4-14b): elongation at break is 130 and 180% for SSP-W-PET-
C30B-L and SSP-W-PET-C30B-H, respectively, compared to 3 and 6% for PET-C30B-L and
PET-C30B-H, respectively. It shows the strong potential of SSP for improving the ductility of
PET nanocomposites.

The significant reduction of the elongation at break of nanocomposites compared to the neat
PET can be attributed to aggregates of C30B, interfacial debonding of the clay particles at the
PET matrix interface that could cause cavitations and micro-void formation. In the case of
nanocomposites prepared by water-assisted melt-mixing and subsequent SSP (SSP-W-PET-
C30B-L and H), a better dispersion and distribution of C30B into the matrix were obtained
compared to the conventional PET-C30B nanocomposites, as shown in morphology images.
Therefore, the better distribution of organoclay particles into the PET matrix results in an
improvement of the stress distribution and smaller aggregates and, consequently, better
mechanical properties. On the other hand, increasing the molecular weight of PET

nanocomposites through SSP and reconnecting the PET chains could lead to a significant
enhancement of the elongation at break. It is generally accepted that the elongation at break
increases with increasing molecular weight of linear polymers [43,44].

Figure 4-14 : Mechanical properties of PET and PET nanocomposites; (a) tensile modulus, (b)
elongation at break.

4.4 Conclusions

There are significant advantages for the water-assisted melt-mixing process to produce partially
exfoliated, well dispersed, and delaminated PET-C30B nanocomposites compared to the
conventional melt-mixing. The presence of water results in a larger number of single and double
layers of C30B nanoparticles as well as an increased aspect ratio in PET nanocomposites. The
effect of water on the microstructure of PET nanocomposites is strongly dependent on the
nanoclay modifier. Processing with water has negative effects on the PET-I28E nanocomposites,
because of its lower compatibility.

Results of small amplitude oscillatory rheology and inherent viscosity showed that the MW of
PET increased significantly after SSP. The linear molecular structure of PET was maintained, as
confirmed by 1H NMR and 13
CNMR spectra as well as rheological measurements. It was also
found that the extent of the SSP reaction in nanocomposites was lower than for the neat PETs,
due to the barrier effect of clay platelets.

PET nanocomposites prepared by water-assisted extrusion followed by SSP (novel process)

showed better mechanical and barrier properties compared to the nanocomposites prepared by the
conventional melt-mixing process due to the only better dispersion and distribution of C30B in
novel method since the percentage of crystallinity did not change significantly in different
nanocomposites. In particular, the elongation at break for the SSPW-PET-C30B-H was
appreciably improved to the order of 180% compared to 6% for the conventional nanocomposites
(PET-C30B-H). Importantly, by using this novel method, enhanced barrier and mechanical
properties were obtained without using any chemicals which would cause side reaction and
changing the structure of PET. In addition, the extent of enhanced barrier properties in
nanocomposites prepared by novel method compared to conventional melt-mixing was higher
than using chain extender in the PET and PLA/C30B nanocomposites proposed by literature as
well as observed brittle behavior in the nanocomposites with chain extenders. Importantly, by
using this novel method, enhanced barrier and mechanical properties were obtained without using
any chemicals which would cause side reaction and changing the structure of PET.

If we consider the typical shelf life of carbonated soft drinks as 90 days, it will increase to 107
and 113 days for the PET nanocomposites prepared by conventional melt-mixing and by the
water-SSP novel method, respectively.

The authors acknowledge financial and infrastructure support received from The Natural
Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), National Research Council of
Canada (NRCC), Canada Development Bank (CDB). We would like to gratefully thank CREPEC
members Mrs. W Leelapornpisit, Mrs. M Hamdine and Dr. B. Esmaeili for their technical help.

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Maryam Dini1, Tahereh Mousavand2, Pierre J. Carreau1, Musa R. Kamal2 and

Minh-Tan Ton-That3

CREPEC, Chemical Engineering Department, Ecole Polytechnique, H3T 1J4, Montreal,

Quebec, Canada

CREPEC, Department of Chemical Engineering, McGill University, H3A 2B2, Montreal,

Quebec, Canada

Automotive and Surface Transport Portfolio, National Research Council of Canada, J4B 6Y4,

Boucherville, Quebec, Canada

PET/Cloisite 30B (C30B) nanocomposites containing different concentrations of the organoclay
were prepared using two different twin-screw extrusion processes: conventional melt-mixing and
water-assisted melt-mixing. The reduction of the molecular weight of the PET matrix, caused by
hydrolysis during the water-assisted extrusion, was compensated by subsequent solid-state
polymerization (SSP). XRD, SEM and TEM analyses showed intercalated/exfoliated morphology

Accepted in Polymer Engineering and Science; doi : 10.1002/pen.23736

in all PET/C30B nanocomposites, with a higher degree of intercalation and delamination for the
water-assisted process. Rheological, thermal, mechanical and gas barrier properties of the PET
nanocomposites were also studied. Enhanced mechanical and barrier properties were obtained in
PET-C30B nanocomposites compared to the neat PET. The nanocomposites exhibited higher
tensile modulus and lower oxygen permeability after SSP. The elongation at break was
significantly higher for SSP nanocomposites than for nanocomposites processed by conventional
melt mixing.

5.1 Introduction
Polymer-layered silicate nanocomposites have attracted great interest because they have the
potential to significantly enhance mechanical, barrier and thermal properties of some polymers at
very low filler concentrations compared to conventional composites [1]. However, the
achievement of significant performance enhancements requires good dispersion of the nanoclay
in the matrix and thermodynamic compatibility between the organoclay and the polymer [1].
Melt-mixing and in-situ polymerization are the most common techniques to prepare polymer
nanocomposites. Although, in-situ polymerization could yield better dispersion of clay platelets
than melt-mixing, in-situ polymerization usually employs monomers and/or organic solvents that
are toxic and environmentally hazardous [1, 2]. On the other hand, melt-mixing is more flexible,
economical and practical. However, in the melt-mixing process, the polymer matrix and nanoclay
modifiers could undergo thermal degradation at the high processing temperatures used. The
microstructure of polymer nanocomposites plays an important role in determination the
macroscopic properties of final products.

Poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) is a semi-crystalline engineering polymer with low cost

and high performance. In view of its excellent transparency and good barrier properties, it is used
in a large variety of applications such as containers, films, bottles and fibers [3]. One of the areas
of growing interest for using PET is for food and beverage packaging. Substantial growth in this
area requires improvement in the barrier to O2 and CO2, along with reduction of the weight of the
final products. Recent studies show that the presence of organoclay platelets in PET can lower
permeability to oxygen and water vapor [4, 5, 6]. Moreover, improvements of mechanical

properties of PET by incorporation of organoclays have been reported [5-8]. Thus, PET
nanocomposites, that incorporate high aspect ratio nanoclay as an impermeable phase with high
modulus (178 GPa), could provide products with both higher barrier and improved tensile
modulus [1]. Several efforts have been made to achieve good dispersion of organoclay in PET by
melt-mixing. However, a significant thermal degradation of PET and of the organo- modifier
presents big challenges. Ghasemi et al [6] showed that the incorporation of 3 wt% Cloisite30B
(C30B) in oriented PET/clay nanocomposite films raised the barrier and tensile modulus of PET
by 27% and 30 %, respectively. Xu et al [5] reported 10% and 19% increases in barrier and
tensile modulus, respectively, using 2wt% organoclay in oriented PET nanocomposite films.
Shen et al [7] reported 27% reduction in oxygen permeability coefficient and 44% increase in
tensile modulus for biaxial oriented PET nanocomposites containing 6 wt% of nanoclay,
compared to neat PET. However, in unoriented films, the tensile modulus increased by only 25%
in nanocomposites. An improvement of 46% in barrier properties was also obtained by Ghanbari
et al [8] in oriented films of PET nanocomposites containing 4 wt% organoclay and 1 wt% chain

Water assisted melt blending is a practical approach to preparing nanocomposites, combining

the benefits of both solution and conventional melt-mixing methods [9,10]. Various reports
referred the injection of water into the extruder to enhance the microstructure of nanocomposites
based on PA6, PA11, and PP [11-14].

Solid-state polymerization (SSP) of PET nanocomposites is a practical route to compensate

for polymer degradation that occurs during the melt-mixing process [15,16]. Kim et al [16]
studied the effects of PET molecular weight and chemistry of organomodifiers on the SSP after
melt-mixing. They claimed that SSP favored the opening of the basal spacing of organoclays,
depending on the chemistry of organoclays and molecular weight of PET. Lower molecular
weight PETs showed larger gallery spacing of organoclays after SSP. Litchfield et al [15]
examined the effect of SSP on the mechanical and rheological properties of PET nanocomposites
after melt-mixing. SSP was investigated for reaction times ranging from 10 to 50 h, but no
improvement of the intercalation was found. On the other hand, melt-spun fibers of PET
nanocomposites containing 1 wt% of Cloisite 20A showed a 28% improvement in the tensile
modulus after SSP compared to the neat PET. Although one of the disadvantages of SSP is its

slower rate than those involving chain extenders, it does not lead to significant changes in the
chemical structure of PET. Moreover, some chain extenders can cause side reactions with
undesirable by-products.

The present work reports the results obtained using a novel approach for producing PET/clay
nanocomposites by combining water-assisted melt-mixing and SSP. Emphasis is placed on the
mechanical and barrier properties of the nanocomposites. Other properties include
morphological, rheological and thermal properties obtained for different concentrations of
nanoclay, Cloisite C30B clay from Southern Clay Products Inc. To our knowledge, no report has
considered the combined effects of water-assisted melt-mixing and SSP on the improvement of
the microstructure and properties of PET nanocomposites. Since SSP after conventional melt-
mixing of PET nanocomposites has been addressed in the literature [15, 16], we did not repeat
those investigations.

5.2 Experimental

5.2.1 Materials

A general purpose PET (PET 9921, Eastman Co, Kingsport, TN) with MW equal to 65 000
g/mol was used. The organoclay used was Cloisite 30B (Southern Clay Products Inc., Gonzales,
TX) at the following nominal concentrations: 2, 3.5, and 6 wt%. Cloisite 30B (C30B) is based on
the modification of sodium montmorillonite by ion exchange with methyl, tallow, bis-2-
hydroxyethyl quaternary ammonium cations.

5.2.2 Melt Compounding

The compounding of PET with Cloisite 30B to form the nanocomposites was carried out
using a co-rotating twin screw extruder (TSE) (Berstorff ZE25, Hannover, Germany) with a 25
mm screw diameter (D) and length-to-screw diameter ratio of 28 at a screw speed of 200 rpm.
The screw configuration is shown in Figure 5-1. The temperature profile was 245, 265, 260, 255,
255, and 255°C from the hopper to the die. The screw had three mixing zones. The first consisted

of one kneading block (KB) (left hand 45 staggering angle), followed by one reverse element and
two blister rings. The reverse elements and the 2 blister rings help to raise the pressure before
water injection. The second mixing zone contains one gear-type mixing elements (ZME) and one
KB element with 90° staggering angles. In the third mixing zone, two kneading blocks (90° and
right hand 45° staggering angles) and one ZME element were used.

Figure 5-1 : Screw configuration (extrusion direction is right to left). In KB notation, the first number
shows the staggering angle, the second is the number of kneading elements and the third number indicates
the width of each kneading lobe in mm; left hand and right hand KB elements are shown by LH and RH,
respectively. In gear type mixing elements (ZME), the first number indicates the number of teeth around
the circumference, the second represents the number of gears in each ZME block and the third is the
length of ZME block in mm.

Ground PET pellets were dry-mixed with clay before melt compounding. The mixture was
fed into the TSE at 3 kg/h. A 2-L pressure vessel (Parr Instrument Co., Moline, IL) was utilized
to produce and feed steam in the second zone of the TSE (see Figure 5-1) at 0.3 L/h, 160 ºC. The
injection pressure was 550 kPa, hence saturated steam (quality ≈ 1) was injected into the
extruder. Finally, the steam was removed from the TSE using a vacuum pump in the last zone of

the extruder. After reaching steady state, the extrudate was cooled by air, cut, pelletized and then

5.2.3 Solid-State Polymerization (SSP)

Solid-state polymerization (SSP) was carried out to rebuild the reduced MW of hydrolyzed
PET and PET nanocomposites. Before SSP, the PET and PET nanocomposites were ground and
sieved to a powder of size less than 400 µm. SSP was performed in a cylindrical stainless steel
reactor at 215°C under N2 for 8 h. This was the maximum practical operating temperature
without encountering experimental difficulties. The flow rate of N2 into the reactor was 2 L/min.
After 8 h, the heater was turned off, but the nitrogen purge was continued to decrease the
temperature of the reactor to 100°C prior to collecting the resulting polymer or nanocomposites.

Codes of the samples, which are processed in different conditions, are presented in Table 5-1.

Table 5-1 : Codes for the samples

Sample Nominal C30B Inorganic content 1 Melt-Mixing Process

(wt %) (wt %)

Neat PET 0 0 Conventional

PET-C30B-2 2 1.1 ± 0.2 Conventional

PET-C30B-3.5 3.5 2.1 ± 0.2 Conventional

PET-C30B-6 6 3.6 ± 0.4 Conventional

SSP-W-PET-C30B-2 2 1.2 ± 0.2 Water-assisted + SSP

SSP-W-PET-C30B-3.5 3.5 2 ± 0.3 Water-assisted + SSP

SSP-W-PET-C30B-6 6 3.7 ± 0.4 Water-assisted + SSP

The inorganic content in the nanoclays was determined by burning samples in a furnace at 750°C
under air for 6 hrs.

Samples for rheometry, XRD and morphology analysis were molded in the form of disk-like
plates with a diameter of 25 mm and a thickness of ~ 1.2 mm. Thin sheet samples 250 μm thick
for mechanical tests and 300 μm thick for barrier tests were prepared via compression molding.
All samples were prepared using a hot press (Carver Laboratory Press, Model 3912) with a small
chamber for nitrogen purge. The compression molding temperature and maximum pressure were
270 °C and 3 tons, respectively. All the samples were dried under vacuum for 24 h at 80 °C prior
to melt processing and molding.

5.2.4 Characterization
A wide angle X-ray diffractometer (WAXD) (D8 Discover, Bruker AXS Inc., Madison, WI)
with CuKα radiation (λ=1.54056 Å) was used to estimate the basal spacing (d001) for silicate
layers. The generator was operated at 40 kV/ 40 mA and the nanocomposites were scanned from
0.8 to 10° at 0.015°/s.

A field emission gun scanning electron microscope (FEG-SEM, S-4700, Hitachi, Tokyo,
Japan) was used to investigate the distribution of clay in the PET matrix. The specimens were
prepared using an Ultracut FC microtome (Leica, Wetzlar, Germany) with a diamond knife and
then coated with platinum vapor. The quality of the clay dispersion was evaluated using
transmission electron microscopy (TEM) (JEOL JEM-2100F, Tokyo, Japan, operating at 200
kV). The samples were microtomed into approximately 50-80 nm thick slices, using an Ultracut
FC cryomicrotome system at -100° C.

Rheological measurements were carried out at 265°C under nitrogen atmosphere using a
Bohlin Gemini HR rheometer (Malvern Instrument, Worcestershire, UK) and an Advanced
Rheometric Expansion System (ARES, TA Instruments), both with a 25mm parallel plate
geometry. The samples were dried under vacuum at 80°C for 24 h before the rheological tests.
Time sweep tests were performed at frequency 0.1 Hz and frequency sweep tests were done in
the linear viscoelastic region for each sample, as determined by strain sweep tests. Frequency
sweep tests over a frequency range of 0.3- 100 rad/s were performed from low to high and high to
low frequencies, to assure the repeatability of the data.

The thermal properties of the neat PET and PET nanocomposites were studied by differential
scanning calorimetry (DSC Q1000, TA instruments, New Castle, DE) under N2 atmosphere using
10 °C/min scanning ramp from 30 °C to 300 °C.

Tensile measurements were conducted using an Instron 3365 universal tester with a 500 N
load cell and according to the ASTM D882-10 standard. The tensile testing samples were cut
from 250 µm thin sheets to a rectangular shape (10 mm x 100 mm). The samples were tested at
room temperature and a crosshead speed of 25 mm/min.

Oxygen transmission rates (OTRs) were determined using Ox-Tran Model 2/21 oxygen
permeability MD Module (MOCON Inc., USA) at 23 °C under a pressure of 0.96 atm. Dry
oxygen (100%) was passed over one side of the sample and a mixture of 98% N2 (nitrogen) with
2% H2 (hydrogen) was used as the carrier gas. The test area of the samples was 5 cm2. The
oxygen permeation values reported in this work have been normalized by the film thickness. The
permeability coefficient [P, in µL/(m.day.atm)] was obtained from the OTR values using the
following formula:

P = OTR × L/p (5-1)

where L is the film thickness (m) and p is the testing pressure (atm).

5.3 Results and discussion

5.3.1 Morphology
XRD results for PET nanocomposites with two different clay concentrations prepared with
and without water are presented in Figure 5-2. The PET/C30B nanocomposites show two peaks
at 2θ ≈2.5 o and 2θ ≈ 5.2°, which correspond to d-spacing ~3.45 and 1.7 nm, respectively. Since
the d-spacing values for the pristine organoclay, C30B, is 1.8 nm, the first peak shown for the
nanocomposites is indicative of diffusion of PET chains into the gallery spacing of C30B. The
second peak suggests possible degradation of the organic modifier during processing or it could
also be a reflection of the first peak. The same peak positions are observed for the PET
nanocomposites containing different C30B concentrations, but the peak intensity increases with

concentration. This indicates more aggregates at larger C30B loadings. The intensity of the peaks
is also lower for the water-assisted processed nanocomposites, compared to the dry extrusion
nanocomposites. This indicates a higher degree of clay delamination in the presence of water.

Figure 5-2 : XRD results of PET nanocomposites; the effect of organoclay concentration and
water-assisted melt-mixing.

Furthermore, the color of the samples prepared by water-assisted and SSP was found to be is
lighter compared to the color of the conventional melt-mixing sample. By increasing the C30B
concentration, the number and size of the aggregates increase. For higher nanoparticles contents
the inter-particle distance is reduced and this leads to a higher probability of C30B aggregation.

SEM micrographs for PET nanocomposites are presented in Figure 5-3. The brighter areas
represent clay particles and the darker regions correspond to the PET matrix. For 2 wt% C30B,
there is a significant difference in terms of particle size for the two nanocomposites. The number
of particles per unit area appears to be significantly smaller for the sample prepared with water.
The apparently low clay density can be related to the delamination of a number of C30B
aggregates into much smaller aggregates, which cannot be captured by SEM. However, from a

close examination of the micrographs we observe a larger nanoclay density (more particles per
unit area) for the 6 wt% nanocomposite processed by water-assisted extrusion, compared to the
conventional melt-mixing sample, indicating a better dispersion and distribution of C30B.
Moreover, for the 6wt% nanocomposite prepared by conventional melt-mixing large
agglomerates are found, while such large agglomerates were not observed in the SEM
micrographs for the water-assisted sample. Overall, there is good evidence of a better dispersion
of the clay in nanocomposites prepared with water.

Figure 5-3 : SEM micrographs of PET nanocomposites processed under different conditions;
a) PET- C30B-2, b) PET-C30B-6, c) W-PET-C30B-2, d) W-PET-C30B-6.

Figure 5-4 shows TEM images of PET/C30B nanocomposites processed with and without
water. These images are typical of an intercalated/exfoliated morphology for all PET/C30B
nanocomposites. There is evidence of clay with single, double and triple layers for the one
prepared with water (Figure 5-4a). In order to obtain a quantitative estimate of the degree of
dispersion of organoclay platelets in the PET matrix, the D0.1 factor proposed by Luo and Koo
[17] was calculated using 400 measurements based on TEM images. A value below 4% for D0.1
suggests an immiscible system or microcomposite, and values over 8% indicate an exfoliated
structure, while values between 4 and 8% indicate intercalation. Values of D0.1 are 5.3, 6 and 4.9
for PET-C30B-2, W-PET-C30B-2, and PET-C30B-6, respectively. These values suggest more
delamination of the aggregates in the nanocomposite processed with water, confirming the XRD
results (Figure 5-2). Similar information is obtained by comparing the aspect ratios, α′, of
nanoparticles, using TEM images and 200 measurements for each case as done by Ghasemi et al.
[4]. The aspect ratios, α′, were found to be 37 and 40 for conventional melt-mixed
nanocomposites and water-assisted nanocomposites, respectively, suggesting again more
delamination for the water-processed nanocomposite. Histograms of calculated aspect ratio in
PET nanocomposites containing 2wt% of C30B are presented in Figure 5-5. This figure clearly
displays that, while the averaged aspect ratios for both cases are close to each other, the
distribution of the aspect ratio is totally different for both samples. For the nanocomposite
processed with water, the number of platelets of higher aspect ratio in the range of 60-80 is larger
than for the conventional melt-mixing samples.

Figure 5-4 : TEM images; a) W-PET-C30B-2, b) PET-C30B-2, c) PET-C30B-6 at different


Figure 5-5 : Histogram of calculated aspect ratio for PET nanocomposites containing 2wt% of

5.3.2 Rheology

Figure 5-6 reports the linear viscoelastic data from frequency sweep tests for PET
nanocomposites with different C30B concentrations processed without water. The total time for
each frequency sweep test was 230 s. The viscosity variation during these tests, due to possible
thermal degradation, was less than 5%. The complex viscosity of the neat PET (neat PET means
extruded PET) is shown to be independent of frequency, whereas the PET nanocomposites
exhibit a shear-thinning behavior that becomes more pronounced with increasing C30B
concentration (Figure 5-6a). The nanocomposite containing 2wt% C30B has a lower complex
viscosity than the neat PET, but the complex viscosity increases markedly with increasing C30B
concentration, due to particle-particle interaction. However, the lower complex viscosity for the 2
wt% nanocomposite and the cross-over at high frequencies for the 3.5 and 6 wt%
nanocomposites with respect to the neat PET suggest a severe PET degradation during processing
in the presence of C30B.

Figure 5-6 presents the storage modulus versus angular frequency for the neat PET and
nanocomposites containing different C30B loadings, processed by dry extrusion. The neat PET
exhibits a terminal behavior with a slope of 2 on the log-log plot, as predicted by the Maxwell
model [18]. At low frequencies, the storage modulus increases rapidly and the slope is reduced
with increasing C30B concentration. The solid-like behavior (slope approaching zero) reflects the
interconnected structure and geometric constraints as a result of the presence of nanoparticles.

Figure 5-6 : Linear viscoelastic data for PET and PET nanocomposites processed via dry
extrusion; a) complex viscosity vs. angular frequency; b) storage modulus vs. angular frequency.

Figure 5-7 reports the corresponding linear viscoelastic data for the PET and nanocomposites
processed with water. As expected, the presence of water lowers the viscosity of the neat PET
significantly. The complex viscosity of W-PET is 60 Pa.s, compared to 200 Pa.s for the PET
processed under dry conditions. The rheological behavior of the nanocomposites processed with
water is similar to that depicted in Figure 5-6a, for the nanocomposites processed via dry
extrusion. However, the complex viscosity for the water-extruded nanocomposites is much larger
than the matrix viscosity (W-PET). This suggests the presence of stronger particle-particle
interactions in the water-extruded samples. These interactions may be attributed to a more
complete delamination of the aggregates or tactoids, as seen in Figure 5-2 and Figure 5-3. We
note finally that the complex viscosity of the 2wt% nanocomposite and that of the more
concentrated nanocomposites at high frequencies are lower than that of W-PET, suggesting again
degradation of the matrix in the presence of C30B. The complex viscosities of PET
nanocomposites at high frequencies processed with water are lower than those of the
corresponding nanocomposites obtained by conventional melt-mixing, due to the hydrolysis

Figure 5-7 : Complex viscosity vs. angular frequency in PET and PET nanocomposites processed
with water; a) before SSP, b) after SSP.

Figure 5-7b presents the rheological behavior of the nanocomposites after SSP: the zero-
shear viscosity of SSP-W-PET is 800 Pa.s., which is larger than the zero-shear viscosity of PET

and W-PET. After SSP, the complex viscosity at high frequencies of the PET nanocomposites
increases to values significantly larger than those of nanocomposites obtained by conventional
melt-mixing. Figure 5-7b also illustrates the important shear-thinning behavior of the
nanocomposites containing 3.5 wt% and 6 wt% after SSP. Moreover, the nanocomposites after
SSP exhibit lower complex viscosities at high frequencies compared to the neat PET after SSP
due to either degradation of the PET matrix or slower polymerization rate of PET in the presence
of C30B.

The storage modulus vs. angular frequency curves for the neat PET and SSP-W-PET are
presented in Figure 5-8a. The slope of the log-log plot for these two samples is 2, which is a sign
of the linear chain structure of PET even after SSP. There are reports that the use of chain
extender with PET forms a branched structure, causing a rise in the storage modulus and
lowering of the slope of the log-log plot significantly [8, 19]. In our previous work, we verified
by 1H NMR and 13
C NMR that after SSP the structure of PET chains did not change and the
linear structure was preserved [20]. The Han plots [19, 21] for the neat PET and SSP-W-PET are
presented in Figure 5-8b. The rise of the molecular weight of PET due SSP does not cause a
change in the slope of the plot. However, at the same G", SSP-W-PET exhibits larger G′ values
compared to the neat PET, probably due to changes in the molecular weight distribution.

Figure 5-8 : a) Storage modulus vs angular frequency of PET and SSP-W-PET; b) Han plot.

Molecular weight of neat PET can be determined by viscometry measurements, but this
method involves some problems when used in conjunction with PET nanocomposites. The
complete separation of organoclays from PET is not possible. Thus, either filtering or not
filtering of organoclays will affect the molecular weight determination using viscometry

measurements. Therefore, the molecular weights of PET for the nanocomposites, before and after
SSP, are estimated using the Maron-Pierce model [22]. The apparent MW of the matrix of
polymer nanocomposites is determined based on the relation between the complex viscosity at
100 rad/s and MW (Eq. 5-2).

ηm* (100 rad / s ) = kM Wa (5-2)

The constants in Eq.5-2 are obtained by drawing log η m (100 rad / s ) of different neat PETs versus log

MW of the neat PETs determined from the inherent viscosity measurement. The values of a and k
are 3.14 and 3.94×10−13 Pa.s.mol3.14/g 3.14
, respectively. Table 5-2 shows the calculated values
for the apparent matrix complex viscosity and MW.

The MW of the neat PETs obtained by intrinsic viscosity measurements show that hydrolysis
significantly lowers the molecular weight of PET, but SSP causes the molecular weight of PET
to rise appreciably. MW is 68 000 g/mol for SSP-W-PET, compared to 47 000 g/mol and 33 000
g/mol for PET and W-PET, respectively.

As suggested earlier, Table 5-2 shows that the PET has lower molecular weights in melt
processed PET nanocomposites compared to the neat PET, due to the matrix degradation in the
presence of C30B. On the other hand, MW increases significantly after SSP in the PET
nanocomposites. The MW of PET-C30B-2 is 34 000 g/mol compared to 54 000 g/mol for SSP-W-
PET-C30B-2. This is an appreciable increase in the molecular weight by SSP that will have a
significant effect on the final properties of PET nanocomposites.

Table 5-2 : Calculated values of the apparent complex viscosity and MW of the matrix.

Sample Apparent ηm* (100 rad / s ) MW 1


PET - 47 000 ± 2700

W-PET - 33 000 ± 2000

PET-C30B-2 70 34 000 ± 2800

PET-C30B-3.5 51 31 000 ± 2300

PET-C30B-6 30 26 000 ± 1900

W-PET-C30B-2 35 28 000 ± 1500

W-PET-C30B-3.5 32 27 000 ± 2100

W-PET-C30B-6 24 24 000 ± 2000

SSP-W-PET - 68 000 ± 4000

SSP-W-PET-C30B-2 282 54 000 ± 3200

SSP-W-PET-C30B-3.5 186 47 000 ± 2200

SSP-W-PET-C30B-6 91 37 000 ± 2500

The MW of the neat PETs (PET, W-PET and SSP-W-PET) was obtained from intrinsic
viscosity measurements based on the ASTM D 4603-3.

5.3.3 Thermal Properties

The results of DSC scanning experiments are presented in Table 5-3, where the glass
transition temperature (Tg), the melting temperature (Tm), the cold crystallization temperature
(Tcc), the hot crystallization temperature (Thc), and the crystallinity of PET in nanocomposite

films are reported. The crystallinity of the neat PET and PET in nanocomposites was calculated
based on the following formula:

∆ H m − ∆ H cc
∆ X (%)
= ×100 (5-3)
∆H 0 (1 − w f )

where wf is the weight percentage of clay, ΔHm represents the enthalpy of melting, ΔHcc is the
enthalpy of cold crystallization and ΔH0 refers to the heat of fusion of 100% crystalline PET,
which is 140 J/g [1].

Table 5-3 : Thermal properties of PET and PET nanocomposites

Sample Tg (°C) Tcc (°C) Tm (°C) ΔX (%) Thc (°C)

PET 74.4 ± 0.1 137 ± 0.2 246 ± 0.5 5.1 ± 0.5 188 ± 0.8

PET-C30B-2 72.6 ± 0.4 128 ± 0.1 246 ± 0.1 6.2 ± 0.2 197 ± 0.4

PET-C30B-3.5 70.5 ± 1 126 ± 0.2 246 ± 0.5 6.7 ± 0.1 199± 0.5

PET-C30B-6 70 ± 1 124 ± 1 246 ± 0.2 8.3 ± 0.1 201 ± 0.2

SSP-W-PET-C30B-2 74.6 ± 0.8 134 ± 0.7 245 ± 0.6 4 ± 0.1 191 ± 0.3

SSP-W-PET-C30B-3.5 73.2 ± 0.2 131 ± 0.2 244 ± 0.2 4.7 ± 0.2 194 ± 0.1

SSP-W-PET-C30B-6 72.6 ± 0.6 129 ± 0.2 244 ± 0.1 6.6 ± 0.5 197 ± 0.5

Table 5-3 shows that the cold crystallization temperature, Tcc, of PET in nanocomposites is
lower than that of the neat PET and decreases with increasing C30B concentration. Similar
decreases are observed for Tg and increases of Thc are seen with increasing nanoclay content. The
reductions of Tcc and Tg could be explained by the nucleating role of the organoclay [4, 5], the
degradation of some of the organo modifier of C30B and PET degradation in the presence of

organo modifier. As reported by Thouzeau et al [23], the presence of nanoclay particles,

especially C30B, causes a significant emission of volatile, which leads to a plasticization effect. It
is also found that Thc increases in the presence of C30B compared to the neat PET due to the
nucleating role of the nanoclay. The values of Tg are slightly higher in the nanocomposites after
SSP. Moreover, Tcc of PET in nanocomposites after SSP is higher than for the other
nanocomposites, because of the higher molecular weight of the samples after SSP. The peak for
the crystal formation is sharper in PET nanocomposites, compared to the neat PET (see Figure
5-9), indicative of faster crystallization. The crystallinity increases slightly in the presence of 2
wt% and 3.5 wt% of C30B, but the increase is substantial for the 6 wt% C30B conventional
nanocomposites. Ghasemi et al [24] reported that the rate of crystallization increased in the
presence of organoclay, whereas the required work for chain folding and activation energy for
crystalline growth increased. Therefore, smaller crystals with fewer imperfections will be formed
in the presence of organoclays [24]. After SSP, due to higher molecular weight of the samples,
the degree of the crystallinity is lower than for the conventional nanocomposites. The degree of
crystallinity presented here is for re-melted and compression molded nanocomposites. Therefore,
the PET in the nanocomposites after SSP is of a higher molecular weight and exhibits a lower
crystallinity. We note that the degree of crystallinity of SSP samples immediately after SSP
should be much larger due to the long annealing time during SSP, as indicated by the reducing
SSP rates at long times. The values of Tm show that the presence of organoclay does not have any
significant effect on the melting point. The Tm values are reduced slightly by SSP.

Figure 5-9 : DSC curves of PET and PET nanocomposites; first heating scans.

5.3.4 Mechanical Properties

Tensile modulus and elongation at break of PET and PET nanocomposites are shown in
Figure 5-10. The presence of C30B increases the tensile modulus of the nanocomposites,
compared to the neat PET, as observed elsewhere [4-8]. By adding 3.5 wt% (nominal) C30B in
nanocomposites prepared by conventional melt-mixing, a 30% improvement in the tensile
modulus is found, compared to the neat PET. On the other hand, after SSP, the nanocomposite
containing 3.5wt% C30B displays an increase of 37% of its tensile modulus. The improvement is
45% with 6 wt% C30B. The improvement in the tensile modulus when the C30B content is
increased from 3.5 to 6 wt% is not significant, probably due to the presence of large agglomerates
and to the more extensive degradation of PET matrix at high concentration. Both effects could
lower the reinforcing effect of C30B.

Figure 5-10b illustrates the effect of organoclay on the elongation at break of the
nanocomposites. The presence of organoclay significantly reduces the elongation at break,

compared to the neat PET. The reduction of the elongation at break can be attributed to the PET
degradation in the presence of C30B and the formation of C30B aggregates. Also, interfacial
debonding of the clay-PET matrix interface causes cavitations and micro void formation [8]. For
the nanocomposites containing 6 wt% C30B prepared by conventional melt-mixing, tensile tests
could not be carried out due to the high brittleness of the samples. The presence of large
aggregates, which could act as stress concentrators and ultimate mechanical failure points, causes
a reduction of the elongation at break with increasing organoclay concentration.

For the nanocomposites after SSP, the elongation at break increases significantly, compared
to the nanocomposites prepared by conventional melt-mixing, e.g., the elongation at break of
PET-C30B-2 is 6%, while for SSP-W-PET-C30B-2 it is around 145%. This is attributed to the
decreased crystallinity and smaller aggregates with less debonding for the SSP samples.
Moreover, Table 5-2 shows that PET in SSP-W-PET-C30B nanocomposites has a higher
molecular weight than the in conventional PET nanocomposites. For example, the molecular
weight of PET in PET-C30B-2 is 34 000 g/mol, while for SSP-W-PET-C30B-2 the molecular
weight is 54 000 g/mol. It is generally accepted that elongation at break increases with increasing
molecular weight of linear polymers [25, 26]. At higher molecular weight, the number of
entanglements that play a physical cross-linking role increases, resulting in increases in the
modulus and elongation at break [27]. At 3.5 % C30B in SSP samples, the elongation at break is
also larger than for the corresponding conventional melt-mixed nanocomposites, e.g., 20% for
SSP-W-C30B-3.5 compared to 3% for PET-C30B-3.5. Nevertheless, this is much smaller than
the elongations at break obtained for SSP-W-PET-C30B-2.

Figure 5-10 : a) Tensile modulus, b) elongation at break in PET and PET nanocomposites.

Figure 5-11 illustrates typical stress-strain curves for PET and PET nanocomposites
containing 2 wt% C30B. This figure clearly shows the significant effect of SSP in improving the
tensile performance of PET nanocomposites, mainly the elongation at break and toughness of the
SSP nanocomposites.

Figure 5-11 : Stress –strain behavior of PET and PET nanocomposites.

The tensile modulus of the PET nanocomposites may be estimated using the conventional
pseudo-inclusion model of Brune and Bicerano [28]. In this model, the partly exfoliated polymer
nanocomposite is treated as a composite composed of a matrix and pseudo-particles, which are
stacks of individual platelets. This model also assumes perfectly aligned filler particles of
uniform shape and d-spacing. The following equations are applied to obtain the modulus of

Ec 1 + 2 H ′ φ ′f α ′
= (5-4)
Em 1 − H ′ φ ′f

Er′ − 1
H′ = (5-5)
Er′ + 2α ′

ρm w f
φf = (5-6)
ρ f − ρ f w f + ρm w f

d φf
Nˆ = N + (1 − N )( )( ) (5-7)
t 1−φ f

1 d
b =1 + (1 − )( ) (5-8)
Nˆ t

φ ′f = φ f b (5-9)

α′ = (5-10)
N̂ b

Er + 1 − b
Er′ = (5-11)

where N is the number of platelets in each stack, and d/t is the ratio of the d-spacing between
platelets in a stack to the thickness t of a platelet. For C30B, t is the 0.94 nm [29] and d is
obtained from XRD measurements. Ec and Em are the moduli of the nanocomposite and matrix,

respectively; φ f is the volume fraction of the nanoclay, and Er is the relative modulus of a

nanoclay platelet to the matrix (Ef /Em). The modulus of nanoclay (Ef ) is taken as 178 GPa [30],
and α represents the nanoclay aspect ratio for fully exfoliated nanoclay, which is assumed to be

150 [4]. The densities of the matrix, ρ m , and of the nanoclay, ρ f , are equal to 1.33 and 2.86

g/cm3, respectively.

Figure 5-12 compares the pseudo-inclusion model predictions to the data for the relative
modulus. Based on this model, if the number of platelets per stack is 1 with an aspect ratio of
150, then the predicted relative modulus of the composite containing 2wt% (nominal) C30B is
1.47, compared to experimental values 1.15 and 1.2 for PET-C30B-2 and SSP-W-PET-C30B-2,
respectively. Therefore incomplete exfoliation and partial alignment have significant effects on
the predictions. The predicted relative modulus for the aspect ratio of 40 (obtained from TEM
quantitative analysis) with one or two platelets per stack is also presented. A comparison of the
predicted and experimental results suggests that the number of platelets per stack is in the range
between one and two layers. However, TEM images suggest that the average numbers of platelets
per stack for both the conventional and water-assisted samples are between 2 and 3 layers for
2wt% (nominal) C30B. Therefore, the pseudo-inclusion model underestimates the number of
layers per stack. We note that the modulus is also function of the polymer crystallinity and the
orientation of the crystals and nanoparticles.

Figure 5-12 : Tensile modulus of PET nanocomposites relative to the neat PET and comparison
with the pseudo-inclusion model predictions.

5.3.5 Barrier Properties

Permeability is influenced by the solubility and diffusivity of the diffusing material into the
polymer, chain packing and side group complexity, polarity, crystallinity, orientation, filler,
humidity and plasticization [31]. Improvements in barrier properties of polymers by the
incorporation of organoclay have been reported by many investigators [32-36]. It is expected that
solubility and diffusivity of gases decrease in polymer/layered silicate systems. The reduction in
solubility is due to the lowering of the polymer free volume, while the reduction in diffusivity is
related to the more tortuous path. However, the contribution of the solubility decrease is less than
that of the diffusivity [37]. Finally, the increase in the tortuous path is controlled by the volume
fraction of the nanoparticles, their orientation relative to the diffusion direction, their shape and
aspect ratio as well as their degree of dispersion [38].

Figure 5-13 reports the permeability results of PET and PET nanocomposites. It is obvious
that the presence of organoclay reduces the oxygen permeability and that the effect increases with
increasing organoclay concentration. These results confirm that silicate layers act as an
impermeable phase that can increase the tortuous path. On the other hand, based on DSC results,
the crystallinity of the PET in the nanocomposites changes slightly compared to the neat PET.
Therefore, it seems that the improvement in barrier properties in our samples is solely due to an
increase of the tortuous path in the presence of organoclay particles. Furthermore, oxygen
permeability in nanocomposites after SSP is lower than in the nanocomposite prepared by
conventional melt-mixing. After SSP, the barrier behavior of the nanocomposites containing 3.5
wt% C30B is improved by 39 %, compared to the neat PET, while for 3.5 wt% C30B
nanocomposites prepared by conventional melt-mixing, the oxygen permeability is reduced by
31%. This may be attributed to the better dispersion and distribution of C30B in the
nanocomposites processed with water compared to those prepared by the dry processing.
Ghasemi et al. [6] showed that the presence of 3 wt% C30B into oriented PET nanocomposite
films could improve by 27% the barrier properties compared to their neat PET, but the crystal
content of their PET nanocomposites was almost 2 times larger than their neat PET, partly
accounting for the barrier improvement. If the crystal content does not change significantly in the
presence of C30B, other reports [24] indicate that the size of PET crystallites changes in the
presence of C30B, which can affect the oxygen permeability. On the other hand, it is well known
that the free volume decreases as the molecular weight increases [31]. This can be the major
reason for SSP nanocomposites to exhibit better barrier behavior compared to conventional
nanocomposites. Finally, we note that the maximum improvement in barrier properties is
obtained for nanocomposites containing 6 wt% C30B, but the gain is not significant compared to
the 3.5 wt% case.

Figure 5-13 : Oxygen permeability of the neat PET and PET nanocomposites.

Figure 5-14a compares the Nielsen (Eq.5-12) and Bharadwaj (Eq.5-13) model [39] predictions
and the oxygen permeability data of the PET nanocomposites.

P 1−φ f (5-12)
K =
P0 α ′φ f

P (1 − φ f )
K = (5-13)
P0 α ′φ f  2 
1+   (s + )
2 3 2

where K is the relative permeability, P and P0 are the oxygen permeability rates of oxygen in the
nanocomposite and the matrix, respectively; α′ represents here the aspect ratio (fully exfoliated

nanoclay or not); s is an orientation factor, which changes from -0.5 to 1. s = 1 corresponds to the
case of perfect alignment perpendicular to the diffusion path, and in the case of s = -0.5, silicate
platelets are aligned in the same direction as the diffusion gas. Therefore, they are almost no
barrier. s = 0 is for a random distribution of nanoclay platelets in a matrix.

The Nielsen model predicts for complete exfoliation of the nanoclay in the PET matrix
(α′=150) slightly lower oxygen permeability values compared to the experimental data. For
example, for 2wt% C30B (nominal), it predicts a K value of 0.69 compared to 0.72 and 0.82 for
SSP-W-PET-C30B-2 and PET-C30B-2, respectively. However, with increasing organoclay
concentration, the discrepancy between the experimental and predicted values increases due to
the larger and more abundant agglomerates. We note that the Nielsen model assumes
unidirectional orientation of the platelets normal to the gas permeation. On the other hand, if one
uses the aspect ratio obtained from TEM images (α′ =40), the predicted values of K are
considerably larger than the experimental results.

Figure 5-14b illustrates the effect of the orientation factor (s) on the Bharadwaj model predictions
for α’ = 150. For s = 1, the predicted values are the same as the Nielsen model. In the case of
random organoclay orientation (s = 0), the Bharadwaj model overpredicts considerably the data.
However, using values of s = 0.5 and 0.8 the model predicts very well the data of conventional
melt-mixing and SSP samples, respectively. A comparison between the predictions of the Nielsen
and Bharadwaj models is shown in Figure 5-14a. Overall, the predicted K values in the
Bharadwaj model with s = 0.5 are larger than the Nielsen model in both cases of α’ = 150 and 40.
It is worth noting that the above models consider only the aspect ratio of the nanoclay and the
orientation in the Bharadwaj model as parameters influencing the tortuosity, and hence the
permeability. However, the free volume, size and shape of crystallites and degree of crystallinity,
interfacial region and particle agglomeration are important parameters that influence the diffusion
rate of oxygen in polymer nanocomposites [37]. Orientation factors in this work are determined
based on the Bharadwaj model. We chose the orientation factor between 0.5-0.8 because of the
consistency of the experimental results to the model. Different values are reported in the literature
in the range of 0.45 to 0.9 [40-43] and -0.4 to 0 [43].

Figure 5-14 : a) Predictions of the relative oxygen permeability based on Nielsen and
Bharadwaj’s models, b) the effect of the orientation factor (s) on the Bharadwaj model
predictions for α’ = 150.

5.4 Conclusions

Intercalated/exfoliated morphology was found in all PET-C30B nanocomposites with a

higher degree of intercalation and delamination of C30B for the water-assisted process compared
to the conventional melt processing method. PET degradation in the presence of C30B was
confirmed by rheological measurements. The molecular weight of the neat PET and the PET in
nanocomposites was raised significantly by SSP. PET nanocomposites showed improvements in
the tensile modulus and barrier properties compared to the neat PET, especially for water-assisted
and SSP samples. SSP helped to recover the polymer molecular weight loss due to hydrolysis,
resulting in less brittle nanocomposites. Elongation at break for conventional PET
nanocomposites containing 2 wt% C30B was 6%, but for nanocomposites after SSP the
elongation at break was around 145%. However, for larger C30B concentrations the elongation at
break of PET nanocomposites after SSP was still low, compared to the neat PET and SSP-W-
PET-C30B-2. Improvements of 45% in tensile modulus and 42% in barrier behavior were found
for nanocomposites containing 6 wt% of C30B. Moreover, the color of the nanocomposites
prepared according to the proposed water-assisted and SSP processing was significantly lighter
than that of those prepared by the conventional melt mixing method.

The pseudo-inclusion model was shown to overpredict the tensile modulus in the case of
fully exfoliated organoclays, but, upon using the experimentally determined aspect ratios and
number of platelets per tactoid, the model was shown to underestimate the experimental results
and the deviations increased with increasing organoclay concentration, On the other hand, the
Nielsen model overpredicted the relative permeability in the case of fully exfoliated
nanocomposites, and the Bharadwaj model showed that the predictions were highly sensitive to
the orientation factor.

Obviously, the proposed process introduces some complexities and potential increases in
costs for producing PET/clay nanocomposites. However, the results reported in this manuscript
suggest advantages in relation to dispersion quality, color, molecular weight control; gas
emissions, permeability and mechanical properties justified this method.


The authors acknowledge financial and infrastructure support received from The Natural
Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), National Research Council of
Canada (NRCC), and Canada Development Bank (CDB). We would like to gratefully thank
CREPEC members Mrs. W Leelapornpisit, Mrs. M Hamdine and Dr. B. Esmaeili for their
technical help.


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Maryam Dini1, Pierre J. Carreau1, Musa R. Kamal2, Minh-Tan Ton-That3, and

Babak Esmaeili1

CREPEC, Chemical Engineering Department, Ecole Polytechnique, H3T 1J4, Montreal,

Quebec, Canada

CREPEC, Department of Chemical Engineering, McGill University, H3A 2B2, Montreal,

Quebec, Canada

Automotive and Surface Transport Portfolio, National Research Council of Canada,J4B 6Y4,

Boucherville, Quebec, Canada


Poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) /Cloisite 30B (C30B) nanocomposites of different

organoclay concentrations were prepared using a water-assisted extrusion process. The reduction
of the molecular weight (MW) of the PET matrix, caused by hydrolysis during water-assisted
extrusion, was compensated by subsequent solid-state polymerization (SSP). Viscometry,
titration, rheological and dynamic scanning calorimetry (DSC) measurements were used to

Submitted to Polymer Engineering and Science.

analyze the samples from SSP. The weight-average molecular weight (MW) of PET increased
significantly through SSP. PET nanocomposites exhibited solid-like rheological behavior, and the
complex viscosity at high frequencies was scaled with the MW of PET. The Maron-Pierce model
was used to evaluate the MW of PET in the nanocomposites before and after SSP. It was found
that the extent and the rate of the SSP reaction in nanocomposites were lower than those for the
neat PETs, due to the barrier effect of clay platelets. On the other hand, the SSP rate of PET
increased with decreasing particle size for the neat PET and PET nanocomposites. The effect of
the MW of PET on the crystallization temperature, crystallinity and the half-time, t½, of non-
isothermal crystallization was also investigated. With increasing MW of PET, t½ increased
whereas Tc and Xc decreased.

6.1 Introduction
Poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) is a semi-crystalline engineering polymer with high
performance. In view of its excellent transparency and good barrier properties, it is used in a
large variety of applications such as containers, films, bottles and fibers [1]. One of the areas of
growing interest for using PET is for food and beverage packaging. Substantial growth in this
area requires improvements in the barrier to O2 and CO2, along with a reduction of the weight of
the final products. Recent studies show that the presence of organoclay platelets in PET can
lower permeability to oxygen [2-5] and water vapor [6,7]. Moreover, improvements of
mechanical properties of PET by incorporation of organoclays have been reported [3, 5, 8, 9].
The preparation of polymer nanocomposites by melt-mixing at high temperature, however, faces
challenges mainly related to the degradation of both polymer and nanoclay modifiers at high
processing temperatures. In the case of PET nanocomposites, several efforts have been made to
lower the rate of degradation and enhance dispersion of organoclays in PET, by using a more
stable clay modifier [6, 10, 11]. Other approaches employ a clay supported catalyst [12, 13] or a
chain extender [9, 14].

Solid-state polymerization (SSP) of PET nanocomposites is a common process in the

production of PET. It is also a practical route to compensate for polymer MW reduction that

occurs during the melt-mixing process [15]. While SSP reactions are slower than those involving
chain extenders, the former do not lead to significant changes in the chemical structure of PET.
Moreover, some chain extenders can cause side reactions with undesirable by-products. Different
researchers have demonstrated that SSP of PET in the presence of nanoclays and nano SiO2 was
feasible [15-17]. These studies have also shown a reduced rate of the SSP, compared to the neat
PET. SSP is usually carried out under moderate temperature conditions in the reaction
temperature range of 200 to 230°C. Thus, SSP could raise the molecular weight of PET with less
thermal degradation than melt phase polymerization, while reducing the contents of by-products,
such as acetaldehyde and oligomers, to acceptable levels [18-21]. SSP of PET involves two
reversible equilibrium reactions, esterification and transesterification [22] and it is controlled by
two types of diffusion. The diffusion of reaction by-products (physical diffusion) that determines
the rate of the forward reactions and the diffusion of end-groups (chemical diffusion) that allows
the reaction to proceed. These two types of diffusion are controlled by different parameters, such
as MW of the pre-polymer, particle size, temperature, polymer end groups, catalyst, heat stabilizer
and crystallinity of PET [23]. At temperatures below 200 °C, as the mobility of the chain ends is
quite low, the reaction rate is determined by diffusion of chain ends. However, at higher
temperatures where PET particles can be fused together, the diffusion of by-products (water and
ethylene glycol) out of the reactor becomes more difficult; thus by-product diffusion controls
SSP. Inert gas plays a significant role in SSP by removing the by-products, excluding oxygen and
preventing polymer oxidation [20, 23-25].

Rheological methods are useful to characterize and analyze the microstructure of polymer
nanocomposites as well as their processability [26]. Several researchers studied the state of
organoclay dispersion in polymer matrices using small amplitude oscillatory shear rheometry [27,
28]. A transition from liquid-like to solid-like behavior at low frequencies was observed from the
storage modulus and complex viscosity in nanocomposites and filled composites [29-31]. On the
other hand, polymer degradation and MW reduction were also detected from changes in the
storage modulus and complex viscosity data at high frequencies, where these parameters were
found to be lower than those of the neat polymer [32-35]. However, the rheological behavior of
polymer nanocomposites is quite complex and dependent on so many parameters including the
organoclay dispersion, the aspect ratio, nanoclay orientation, interactions between nanoclay and

polymer chains, and nanoclay-nanoclay interactions, as well as MW of the polymer matrix [26,
This work considers SSP of PET and PET nanocomposites incorporating different concentrations
of Cloisite 30B in a batch reactor for different reaction times. Moreover, the effect of polymer
particle size on the rate of SSP is analyzed. Rheological measurements, intrinsic viscosity and
titration measurements are used to characterize the samples after SSP. More specifically, the
changes in the rheological behavior of PET nanocomposites with increasing MW of the matrix are
also presented. SSP was carried on PET and PET nanocomposites of different C30B
concentration prepared first by water-assisted melt-mixing. The novelty of this work compared to
our previous investigations is to report SSP data for different particle sizes and different reaction
times as well as to establish the relationships between rheological and thermal properties and
molecular weight and end groups of neat PET and PET nanocomposites. It should be pointed out
that, in our previous work [4, 38], we obtained better dispersion and distribution of C30B in the
PET nanocomposites prepared using water-assisted melt-mixing compared to the preparation
without water.

6.2 Experimental

6.2.1 Materials
A general purpose PET (PET 9921, Eastman Co, Kingsport, TN) was utilized as the matrix;

it has a molecular weight of 65 000 g/mol, a melting point of 243 °C and a glass transition of

77°C. The organoclay Cloisite 30B (C30B) (Southern Clay Products Inc., Gonzales, TX) was

used at nominal concentrations: 2, 3.5, and 6 wt%. Cloisite 30B (C30B) is based on the

modification of sodium montmorillonite by ion exchange with methyl, tallow, bis-2-hydroxyethyl

quaternary ammonium cations [37]. This organoclay has platelet shape. The modifier

concentration of this organoclay is 90 meq/100g clay. Based on the information presented by the

supplier, the typical dry particle size of this organoclay is 2 μm (less than 10% ), 6 μm (less than

50% ) and 13 μm (less than 90% ).

Phenol, 1, 1, 2, 2 - tetrachloroethane, o-cresol, dichloro methane, methanol and potassium

hydroxide (KOH) supplied by Fischer Scientific (ON, Canada) were used without additional
purification for the determination of the intrinsic viscosity and carboxyl groups.

6.2.2 Melt Compounding

PET and the nanocomposites were processed using a co-rotating twin screw extruder (TSE)
(Berstorff ZE25, Hannover, Germany) with a 25 mm diameter (D) screw and length-to-screw
diameter ratio of 28 at a screw speed of 200 rpm. The screw configuration is presented in ref
[38]. The temperature profile was 245, 265, 260, 255, 255, and 255°C from the hopper to the die.

We used liquid nitrogen to cool the PET granules and then by using a grinder supplied by Waring

Commercial (Heavy duty blender model) the PET powder and the organoclay were put in a box

and dry mixed .The mixture was fed into the TSE at 3 kg/h. A 2-L pressure vessel (Parr

Instrument Co., Moline, IL) was utilized to produce and feed steam in the second zone of the

TSE at a rate of 0.3 L/h, temperature of 160ºC and pressure of 550 kPa. The temperature of the

second zone of the extruder was 265 ºC. Finally, water was removed from the TSE by using a

vacuum pump in the last zone of the extruder. The extrudate was collected after reaching steady

state, dried and ground using the Waring blender.

6.2.3 Solid-State Polymerization (SSP)

SSP was carried out to rebuild the reduced MW of hydrolyzed PET and PET nanocomposites.
Before SSP, the ground PET and PET nanocomposites were sieved to a powder of size less than
200 and 400 µm. SSP was performed in a 1 L stainless steel stirred reactor equipped with a
heating jacket provided by Supercritical Fluid Technologies Inc., Newark, USA. The reactor was
operated at 215°C under N2 for 4, 8 and 12 h with the powder size of 400 µm. This temperature

was the maximum value at which we could operate without encountering experimental
difficulties. The effect of smaller powder size (200 µm) was also investigated for 8 h SSP. The
flow rate of N2 into the reactor was 2 L/min. After SSP, the heater was turned off, but the
nitrogen purge was continued to lower the reactor temperature to 100°C, prior to collecting the
resulting polymer or nanocomposites. Some of the sample codes are presented in Table 6-1.

After SSP, the samples were compression molded at 270 °C under nitrogen to obtain 25 mm
disks, used for rheometry. All the samples were dried under vacuum for 24 h at 80 °C prior to
melt processing and molding.

Table 6-1 : Sample description

Sample code Nominal C30B Duration of SSP Particle size

(wt %)
(h) (µm)

S-0 0 0 -

S -4, 400 0 4 < 400

S -8, 400 0 8 < 400

S -8, 200 0 8 < 200

S -C2-4, 400 2 4 < 400

S -C3.5-4, 400 3.5 4 < 400

S -C6-4, 400 6 4 < 400

S -C6-8, 200 6 8 < 200

In the codes, 4, 8 and 12 represent duration of SSP and 0 indicates before SSP. The size of the particles is
shown as 400 or 200. The letter “S’ indicates SSP, while “C” refers to a nanocomposite incorporating Cloisite 30B.

6.2.4 Characterization

Intrinsic viscosity, [η], measurements were performed using an Ubblehode capillary

viscometer at 25 ºC in a mixture of phenol/1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane (60/40, w/w). The samples
were maintained in the mixture of the above solvent at 110 ºC for less than 30 min to be
completely dissolved. The solution was then cooled to room temperature. Intrinsic viscosity was
calculated using the Solomon–Ciuta equation [22]:

 2(ηr − 1 − ln ηr )0.5 
[ ]
η = (6-1)
where ηr is relative viscosity obtained from the ratio of average the solution flow time (t) to the
average solvent flow time (t0) in an Ubblehode capillary viscometer, c is the polymer solution
concentration, g/dL. The weight-average molecular weight MW was calculated using the equation
proposed by Moore [39]:

[η=] 4.68 ×10−4 M W0.68


and the number-average molecular weight was estimated based on the Ulgea equation [40]:

[η=] 2.52 ×10−4 M n0.8 (6-3)

Carboxyl end group (CEG) content in the samples was determined by titrating a solution of
the PET and PET nanocomposites in o-cresol/dichloro methane according to the ASTM D7409-
07. KOH (0.005 M) solution in methanol was used as a titrator solution and bromophenol blue as
indicator. The CEG content is then from the following equation:

CEG = [(Vs − Vb ) × M × 1000] / w (6-4)

where Vs and Vb are the volumes of KOH to titrate the sample and the blank, respectively. M is
molarity of the KOH/methanol solution and w is the weight of the PET sample or the weight of
the PET in the nanocomposites by subtraction of the weight of the nanoclay.

Rheological measurements were carried out at 265°C under nitrogen using a Bohlin Gemini
HR rheometer (Malvern Instruments, Worcestershire, UK) and an Advanced Rheometric
Expansion System (ARES, TA Instruments, New Castle, DE, USA), both with a 25mm parallel
plate geometry. The samples were dried under vacuum at 80°C for 24 h before the rheological
tests. Time sweep tests were performed at 0.1 Hz and frequency sweep tests were done in the
linear viscoelastic region for each sample determined by strain sweep tests. Frequency sweep
tests over an angular frequency range of 0.3 - 100 rad/s were performed from low to high and
high to low frequencies to assure the repeatability of the data.

The thermal properties of the neat PET and its nanocomposites were determined by
differential scanning calorimetry (DSC Q1000, TA instruments, New Castle, DE, USA) under N2
atmosphere, The samples were heated from room temperature to 300 ºC at 10 ºC/min and held at
that temperature for 3 min, then cooled to 30 ºC at a constant rate of 10 ºC/min.

6.3 Results and Discussion

6.3.1 Molecular weight changes during SSP

The intrinsic viscosity ([η]) and molecular weight (MW) of PETs obtained after different SSP
times are presented in Table 6-2. It shows that hydrolysis during melt-mixing in the presence of
steam, causes a reduction of the MW of PET from 65 000 to 32 000 g/mol, while the
polydispersity becomes slightly smaller. This can be related to the more favorable hydrolysis of
the long chains compared to shorter ones. During SSP, MW of PET increases significantly, thus,
after 4 h of SSP, MW increases from 32 000 to 57 000 g/mol. The effects of time and particle size
are also observed in Table 6-2. The particle size has a significant effect on MW. During 8 h of
SSP, the PET with particle size of 400 µm reaches a MW of 68 000 g/mol, while in the case of 200
µm particles the MW attains 84 000 g/mol, which is close to the MW of the PET exposed to SSP for
12 h for the 400 µm particles. The SSP rate of PET increases with decreasing particle size,
suggesting that SSP is controlled by diffusion of the by-products; as the particle decreases, the
larger interfacial area and the shorter diffusion path to the particle surface facilitate by-products

During the initial stage of SSP, the polymerization reaction is believed to occur primarily
near the pellet surface because the by-products can be removed easier. As SSP progresses,
however, end-group concentrations at the pellet surface are depleted and the SSP reactions
proceed at greater depths within the pellets; then, by-products diffusion becomes increasingly
important, limiting the SSP rate.

Table 6-2: Intrinsic viscosity ([η]), weight average molecular weight (MW) and polydispersity
(PD) of the neat PETs.

Sample [η] (dL/g) MW (g/mol) PD

(MW/ Mn)

As received PET 0.87 ± 0.02 64 500 ± 2200 2.42

S-0 0.54 ± 0.01 31 800 ± 900 2.18

S -4, 400 0.8 ± 0.02 56 700 ± 2100 2.38

S -8, 400 0.9 ± 0.04 67 500 ± 4400 2.44

S -12, 400 1.03± 0.01 82 300 ± 1200 2.52

S -8, 200 1.04± 0.04 83 500 ± 4700 2.52

Table 6-2 shows that the polydispersity increases significantly during SSP, from 2.18 for
hydrolyzed PET before SSP to 2.52 after 12 h of SSP. As the forward reactions (esterification
and transesterification, shown in Figure 6-1) continue, diffusion limitations of by-products (water
and ethylene glycol) become noticeable, leading to a radial concentration gradient of by-products
inside the particles with a lower concentration in outer regions of the particles [23]. Therefore,
the effective polymerization rate in outer regions is greater resulting in a gradient in the local MW,

which in turns leads to an increase of the overall polydispersity [23]. Moreover, a distribution of
polymer crystallite sizes could cause a microscopic non-uniformity of the solid reactant, which
consequently will lead to a larger polydispersity as observed in SSP for PA-6 [23].

Figure 6-1: SSP of PET; (a) ester-interchange (transesterification), (b) esterification reactions.

6.3.2 Rheology – molecular weight-nanostructure relations

The rheological results of small-amplitude oscillatory frequency scans are reported in Figure
6-2. Figure 6-2a illustrates the effects of SSP and particle size on the complex viscosity (η*) vs.
angular frequency for the neat PETs. Higher complex viscosity values are observed with
increasing SSP time and decreasing particle size. The zero-shear viscosity ( ηm0 ) changes from

60 Pa.s in hydrolyzed PET before SSP to 2100 after 12 h SSP. On the other hand, by reducing the

particle size of the neat PET, the zero-shear viscosity becomes larger: ηm0 is 800 Pa.s for the 400

µm particle size samples, while it is 2200 Pa.s for the 200 µm particle size sample. The increases
of the complex viscosity for the PET samples after SSP are in accordance with the increasing [η]
and related MW. It is also observed that as MW increases, the behavior of neat PET changes from
pseudo-Newtonian to non-Newtonian, which is due to the increased number of chain

entanglements with increasing chain length. The zero-shear viscosity, ηm0 , can be used as a

scaling factor to obtain a master curve for the complex viscosity data of all the PETs, independent
of MW, as shown in Figure 6-2b. All the curves are superimposed to one line, indicating that the
structure of all of the PET chains before and after SSP is the same.

Figure 6-2c reports the storage modulus vs. the loss modulus for the different PET samples.
All PET data are superimposed on each other, except those of the PET before SSP (S-0), which
exhibits very low G’ values. Generally at the same MW, polymers with larger polydispersity show
higher G’ since the high molecular chains contribute significantly to the elastic modulus [41, 42].
Hence, PET with the smaller polydispersity exhibits a lower G’. However, the slopes of all the
curves are the same, which is another signature of the linear chain structure of PET even after
SSP. In our previous work, we verified by 1H NMR and 13C NMR that after SSP, the structure of
PET chains did not change and the linear structure was preserved after SSP [4].

Figure 6-2 : Frequency sweep results for the neat PETs; (a) complex viscosity vs. angular
frequency, (b) reduced complex viscosity curves, (c) storage modulus vs. loss modulus, (d)
reduced storage modulus curves, (e) shifted phase angle plots.

The reduced storage modulus ( G′ / ω⋅ηm0 ) as a function of ω⋅ηm0 for the different PETs is

also presented in Figure 6-2d. We observe that ηm0 is not an as good scaling factor for the

storage modulus compared to the complex viscosity as illustrated in Figure 6-2b. As explained
for Figure 6-2c, G’ is highly sensitive to polydispersity due to the more important contribution of
the tail of the high Mw polymer chains to the elasticity of the polymer [41]. As depicted in Figure
6-2e. the value of the phase angle (δ) at low frequencies is 90o and it decreases with shifted
frequency; this is the typical behavior of linear polymer chains [34]. As MW increases, G’
becomes more significant compared to the loss modulus (G’’), and δ decreases with increasing
frequency. These results show no indication that branching or cross-linking occurred during SSP
and that the linear structure of PET was maintained. Finally, the effect of polydispersity can be
noted as the reduction of the phase angle with frequency is more rapid for the larger
polydispersity (more elastic) PET.

Figure 6-3 presents the relationship between the zero-shear viscosity and the weight-average
molecular weight of PET in the range of 25 000 to 84 000 g/mol at a reference temperature of
265 °C, using the formula;

ηm0 =kM wa (6-5)

The values of a and k are found to be 3.6 and 2.95 × 10−15 Pa. s. mol 3.6/g 3.6, respectively. The
value of a demonstrates that the molecular weight of the PETs studied here are above the critical

molecular weight for entanglements (Mc) and ηm0 of PET scales with MW within the range as

expected for linear flexible polymer chains. The value of 3.6 compared to the usual 3.4 could be
attributed to the polydispersity larger than 2, and also the presence of co-monomer in the
structure of the as-received PET [4].

Figure 6-3 : Scaling of the zero-shear viscosity (a) and complex viscosity (b) at 100 rad/s against
MW for the PET samples. The units for the zero-shear viscosity and complex viscosity are Pa.s
and g/mol for MW.

The complex viscosity at 100 rad/s can also be scaled with MW using:

η*m (100rad/s) =
kM wa (6-6)

The values of a and k are found to be 3.14 and 3.94 × 10−13 Pa. s. mol 3.14/g 3.14.

The linear viscoelastic data of the neat PET and PET nanocomposites before SSP have been
presented elsewhere [38]. However, we present in Figure 6-4a plots of the complex viscosity vs.
complex modulus that illustrate better the effect of clay concentration on the rheological behavior
of the PET nanocomposites. Above 2 wt% C30B, the complex viscosity is seen to rapidly
increase with decreasing complex modulus (or frequency), indicative of an apparent yield stress
for the concentrated nanocomposites, due to the stronger particle–particle and/or polymer–
particle interactions. On the other hand, these results show that the percolation threshold is
somewhere between 2 and 3.5 wt%. Plots of the storage modulus vs. loss modulus (Figure 6-4b),

analogous to Cole-Cole plots, are used to investigate changes in the microstructure of the PET
nanocomposites. We observe that for a given loss modulus, the storage modulus increases
significantly with increasing nanoclay content. The slope of the storage modulus vs. loss modulus
(log-log plot) is reduced significantly with increasing nanoclay content, illustrating changes in
the microstructure with a transition from liquid to solid-like behavior.

Figure 6-4 : Linear viscoelastic data for the neat PET and PET nanocomposites before SSP; (a)
complex viscosity vs. complex modulus; (b) storage modulus vs. loss modulus.

Figure 6-5 reports the complex viscosity and storage modulus data for the PET
nanocomposites after SSP for different reaction times and two particle sizes. Figure 6-5 a-c
present the data for the 2, 3.5 and 6 wt % organoclays, respectively. As expected, the complex
viscosity in the whole range of angular frequency increases with SSP time and decreased particle
size in nanocomposites with 2 wt% C30B (Figure 6-5a). In the linear viscoelastic regime, the
behavior of the matrix is prominent at high frequencies, whereas the low frequency data are quite
sensitive to the organoclay interactions and structure formation in the nanocomposites. The
increased complex viscosity values at high frequencies are due to the significant MW increases of
the PET after SSP. It is worth noting that for the larger nanoclay contents (3.5 and 6 wt %) the
complex viscosity at low frequencies does not change much with SSP time (see Figure 6-5b and
c), but the complex viscosity at high frequencies increases with SSP time. The corresponding
storage modulus data are reported in Figure 6-5 d-e, which shows that G’ increases in the whole
frequency range with increasing SSP time and decreasing particle size. At low frequencies the
non-terminal behavior (tendency towards a plateau) observed for the storage modulus data is
another indication of solid-like behavior due to the nanoclay-nanoclay and/or polymer-nanoclay
interactions. The increases at high frequencies are more important than those at low frequencies,
due to the sensitivity of high frequency data to MW of the matrix.

Figure 6-5 : Complex viscosity vs. angular frequency of PET nanocomposites for different C30B
concentrations after SSP compared to the data of the corresponding samples before SSP: a) 2
wt%, b) 3.5 wt%, c) 6 wt%. Storage modulus vs. angular frequency: d) 2 wt%, e) 3.5 wt%, f) 6

Figure 6-6 compares the linear viscoelastic data of the samples before and after SSP as plots
of the complex viscosity (overall flow resistance), η*, against the overall deformation resistance
G*. For the nanocomposites, the behavior becomes more shear-thinning as the nanoclay content
is increased, in the case of the nanocomposites containing 3.5 and 6 wt% C30B a significant yield
stress is observed, however at lower extent than for the samples prior to SSP. This is due to the
stronger interactions between C30B and hydrolyzed PET in the melt state compared to the SSP
samples, as discussed below.

The following modified Herschel-Bulkley model (Eq. 6-7) was used to determine the
apparent yield stress of the PET nanocomposites containing 3.5 and 6 wt% C30B before and after

+ k ( γ 0 ω) n −1 (6-7)

where G0 is the magnitude of the complex modulus at the lowest frequency, γ0 is the strain

amplitude, k is a constant, and n is the flow index. Then, the apparent yield stress is σ0 = G0 γ .
* 0

σ0 and n are related to the microstructure of the nanocomposites and their values, determined
from the best fits of the data of Figure 6-6b and c are presented in Table 6-3. With increasing MW
of the PET during SSP, n increases whereas σ0 decreases. This suggests that the hydrodynamic
interactions become more dominant compared to the particle-particle interactions.

Figure 6-6 : η* vs. G* of PET nanocomposites before and after SSP. Solid lines represent the fits
of the Herschel-Bulkely model to the experimental data with the parameters given in Table 6-3.

Table 6-3 : Herschel-Bulkley parameters of PET nanocomposites containing 3.5 and 6 wt%

Sample σ0 = G0* γ 0 (Pa) k (Pa.sn) n

S- C6-0 39 78.0 0.68

S -C6-4,400 21.5 150 0.75

S -C6-8,400 16 219 0.75

S -C6-12,400 4.5 355 0.77

S -C6-8,200 11 275 0.77

S- C3.5-0 7.5 72 0.76

S –C3.5-4,400 2 303 0.9

In all our work [4, 38] so far on PET/clay nanocomposites, there was an evidence of matrix
degradation in the presence of organoclays during processing. The PET degradation in
nanocomposites was quantified by Ghanbari et al. [33]. We follow the same approach here to
calculate the apparent molecular weight of the PET in the nanocomposites after SSP, using the
empirical model of Maron-Pierce, written for the complex viscosity as:

η* φ
= (1 − )−2 (6-8)

where η and ηm are the complex viscosities of the nanocomposite and the matrix, respectively. φ
* *

is the volume fraction of the clay and φm is the maximum packing volume fraction. φm is
estimated based on the following formula [43, 44]:

φm = (6-9)

where p is the clay aspect ratio determined from TEM analysis, taken as 40, as reported in our
previous work [38]. Since, at high angular frequencies, the hydrodynamic interactions are
dominant, the complex viscosity at 100 rad/s is used in Eq. 6-8 to determine the apparent
molecular weight of the PET matrix for each nanocomposite. The apparent MW of the PET
nanocomposites was estimated using Eq. 6-6 whereas MW of the neat PETs were determined from
the intrinsic viscosity measurements using Eq. 6-2 and reported in Table 6-2. The variations of
MW with SSP time for the neat PET and the different nanocomposites are presented in Figure 6-7.
We observe strong non-linear increases of MW with SSP time, but markedly less for the
nanocomposites. The reduction of the reaction rate for the neat PET with time, as observed by the
decreasing slope in the figures, is attributed to the increasing crystallinity of PET as SSP
proceeds at 215 oC. The MW changes with SSP time are reported in

Sample In first 4 h of SSP From 4 to 12h In first 8 h

(g/mol) (g/mol) (g/mol)

S, 400 6250 3250 4500

S-C2 , 400 4750 2500 3250

S-C3.5 , 400 3800 1750 2750

S-C6 , 400 1750 1500 1750

S , 200 - - 6500

S-C2 , 200 - - 4875

S-C3.5 , 200 - - 3250


S-C6 , 200 - - 1800

Table 6-4. For the neat PET with particle size of 400 µm, the increase of MW during the first 4 h
of SSP is 6250 g/mol, while it is only 1750 g/mol for the nanocomposite containing 6 wt% C30B.
On the other hand, for the neat PET, the MW increase during the first 8 h of 4500 g/mol jumps to
6500 g/mol by reducing the particle size from 400 to 200 µm. However, for the nanocomposite
containing 6 wt% C30B, the corresponding rise is only from 1750 to 1800 g/mol. Hence, the
lower increases of the apparent MW of PET in the case of the nanocomposites suggest that the
organoclay platelets restrict the mobility of the reactive groups as well as increase the diffusion
path length of the by-products, thus reducing the rate of the SSP reactions. Another contributing
factor could be related to the changes of the crystallinity in the presence of C30B [45].

Figure 6-7 : Apparent molecular weight of the PET in the nanocomposites. “S” represents neat
PET, “S-C2, S-C3.5, S-C6” indicate nanocomposites containing 2, 3.5 and 6 wt% of C30B,

Sample In first 4 h of SSP From 4 to 12h In first 8 h

(g/mol) (g/mol) (g/mol)

S, 400 6250 3250 4500

S-C2 , 400 4750 2500 3250

S-C3.5 , 400 3800 1750 2750

S-C6 , 400 1750 1500 1750

S , 200 - - 6500

S-C2 , 200 - - 4875

S-C3.5 , 200 - - 3250

S-C6 , 200 - - 1800

Table 6-4 : Changes of MW with time during SSP

6.3.3 Carboxyl group concentration during SSP

The reduction of the carboxyl groups of PET chains during SSP is an indicator of the rise of
MW of PET. On the other hand, an increase of these groups before SSP is an indication of more
polymer degradation. Figure 6-8 shows the variations of the carboxyl end group concentration
with the reaction time for the different samples. The carboxyl end group concentration decreases
sharply during the first stage of SSP. For example, the carboxyl content of PET before SSP is 75
µmol/g, while after 4 h and 12 h of SSP it is reduced to 44 and 9 µmol/g, respectively. These
results indicate that SSP of PET is a useful method to obtain PET products with a considerably
low concentration of carboxyl end groups. This decrease is in accordance with the corresponding

increase of the intrinsic viscosity and molecular weight (Table 6-2). It is also found that before
SSP the concentrations of the carboxyl groups of the nanocomposites are larger than for the neat
PET, for example: 90 µmol/g for the nanocomposite containing 2 wt% C30B compared to 75
µmol/g for the neat PET. The carboxyl content increases when the concentration of C30B is
raised to 6 wt%. The higher carboxyl group concentrations in the nanocomposites before SSP are
attributed to the accelerated degradation of PET in the presence of C30B during melt-mixing,
which is intensified with increasing C30B concentration. On the other hand, it is observed that
the rate of the carboxyl group reduction (slope in Figure 6-8) for the nanocomposites during SSP
is less than for the neat PET, indicating a restricted mobility of the reactive groups and a lower
diffusion rate of the by-products since it is well-known that polymers that contain nanoparticles
exhibit a lower permeability to gases. Figure 6-8 also shows that the carboxyl group content for
the 200 µm particle sample is less than for the 400 µm particle sample. It is another indication of
the significant effect of reducing the particle size on the rate of SSP. Overall, the reduction of
carboxyl group content is in agreement with the rise of MW reported in Figure 6-7.

Figure 6-8 : Variations of the carboxyl content with SSP time of the neat PET (symbol: S) and
PET containing 2, 3.5 and 6.0 wt% C30B (symbols: S-C2, S-C3.5, S-C6).

The reduced viscosity ( η ηm0 ) and storage modulus ( G ' ( ηm ×100 rad/s ) ) of PET

nanocomposites as functions of ω⋅ ηm0 are reported in Figure 6-9. The angular frequency of 100

rad/s was arbitrary chosen and ηm0 is the zero-shear viscosity of the matrix (PET) calculated from

Eq. 6-5, using the determined apparent MW values reported in Figure 6-7. Figure 6-9a-c show that
reasonable master curves for the complex viscosity of the PET nanocomposites for the three
different C30B contents. The deviations observed could be attributed to the mild influence of the
carboxyl groups on the complex viscosity. However, the effect of the carboxyl group contents on
the reduced storage modulus as illustrated in Figure 6-9d-f. We observe that G ' ( ηm ×100 rad/s )

increases markedly with increasing carboxyl group content (values indicated in the figure).

In our previous paper [4], we reported based on XRD and TEM analysis that SSP did not
have any effect on the d-spacing of the clay galleries and on the organoclay dispersion. On the
other hand, the rheological results show a more solid-like behavior and larger apparent yield
stress values (Figure 6-6b and c) for the nanocomposites before SSP (see also Dini et al. [4, 38])
compared to the samples after SSP. Therefore, based on the results of Figs.9 d-f, it can be
concluded that the presence of more carboxyl groups (before SSP) causes more polymer chain
interactions with the hydroxyl groups of C30B leading to a stronger structure.

6.3.4 SSP effects on crystallization of PET and nanocomposites

Since PET is a semi-crystalline polymer, its microscopic properties are strongly dependent
on its degree of crystallinity and crystal structure. On the other hand, crystallization studies are
very useful to understand the thermal properties of PET with different molecular weights and
PET nanocomposites. Therefore, DSC studies will provide important information about
macroscopic characteristics of the samples. DSC experiments were carried out on the samples
after SSP, and the results of the second ramp (cooling) are presented. The cold crystallization
temperature (Tc) and degree of crystallinity (Xc) of PET and PET nanocomposites are reported as
functions of MW in Figure 6-10. The crystallinity of the neat PET and PET nanocomposites was
calculated using the following formula:

∆H c
X c (%) ×100 (6-10)
∆H 0 ( 1 − w )

where w is the weight fraction of clay, ΔHc represents the enthalpy of crystallization and ΔH0
refers to the heat of fusion of 100% crystalline PET, which is 140 J/g [1].

Figure 6-9 : Reduced complex viscosity (a-c) and reduced storage modulus (d-f) for the PET

Both Tc and Xc of PET (Figure 6-10) decrease with increasing MW. For the neat PET, as MW
increases from 32 000 to 83 000 g/mol, Xc decreases from 33% to 22.5% and Tc decreases from
187 to 156 ºC. High MW PETs start to crystallize at a lower temperature and the reduction of Xc
with MW is an indication of thinner and/or less perfect crystals [46]. We note Xc is a unique
function of MW of the PET, and Tc is slightly higher for the nanocomposites. As Figure 6-10 a
shows at a same MW, e.g. 67 000 g/mol, Tc of the 2 wt% nanocomposite is 174 °C but for the PET
without organoclay it is 166 °C. Increases of Tc in the presence of C30B can be attributed to the
reduction of the chain mobility and decrease of the chain entropy to nucleate crystals. Various
researchers [6, 47] have reported increases of Tc in nanocomposites after melt-mixing compared
to neat PETs, which they explained by the nucleating role of the nanoclay, but they did not
account for the PET degradation in the presence of organoclays. Therefore, our results show that
MW is a much more important parameter than the presence of C30B as a nucleating agent.

At the same MW of PET, the presence of C30B restricts the motion of polymer chains and
results in the imperfect crystallites with different shape and size compared to the neat PET;
therefore, the changes of the final crystallinity compared to the neat PET is negligible. Marginal
effects of nanoclays on the crystallinity of PET have been also reported [6, 48]. Figure
6-11presents the DSC curves of the neat PET and PET nanocomposites containing 2wt% of
C30B for different PET molecular weights. The differences observed in the DSC exothermic
peaks are mostly attributed to the differences in the MW of the various samples.

Figure 6-10 : Crystallization temperature (Tc) vs. MW (a) and degree of crystallinity (Xc) vs. MW
(b) of the neat PET and PET nanocomposites.

Figure 6-11 : DSC curves of PET and PET/C30B nanocomposites; S-0 and S-C2-0 represent neat
PET and PET with 2wt% of C30B after melt-mixing and before SSP. S-8 and S-C2-12 are the
code of PET and PET-C30B containing 2wt% of organoclay with approximately the same
molecular weight of 67 000 g/mol.

Figure 6-12 reports the variations of the degree of crystallinity as functions of time for the
cooling crystallization cycle of different samples. The half-time for crystallization (t½), defined as
the time required to reach half of the final crystallinity, can be easily obtained from the figure.
For the data prior to SSP (Figure 6-12a), t½ is shown to decrease from 101 to 60 s when 6 wt%
clay is added to the PET. Therefore, the presence of organoclay increases the rate of the
crystallization. However, as shown in Figure 6-10 b the degree of crystallinity raises only due to

the decreased MW, hence, degradation of the PET in the presence of the organoclay. Moreover,
Ghasemi et al. [47] reported that the rate of crystallization in the presence of organoclay
increases, whereas the required work for chain folding and activation energy of crystal growth
increases. However, their measured enhanced crystallization rate could have been due to the PET
degradation (lower MW) in the presence of organoclays as well as nucleating role of organoclays.

Figure 6-12b and c depict the effect of SSP and, consequently, increasing MW on t½ for the neat
PET and PET nanocomposites containing 6 wt% C30B. For the neat PET, as MW is increased
from 32 000 to 84 000 g/mol, t½ rises from 101 to 168 s, while in PET nanocomposites containing
6wt% C30B, t½ increases from 60 s before SSP to 89 s after 12 h of SSP. The increase in polymer
chain mobility, either by a MW reduction during compounding or by a plasticization effect coming
from low molecular weight degradation products may considerably speed up the crystal growth
rate. Therefore, with decreasing MW , t½ decreases whereas Tc and Xc increase.

Figure 6-12 : Relative degree of crystallinity from the cooling cycle as a function of
crystallization time; a) PET and PET nanocomposites before SSP, b) neat PETs before and after
SSP, c) PET-C30B-6 nanocomposites before and after SSP.

6.4 Conclusions

PET/Cloisite 30B (C30B) nanocomposites of different organoclay contents were prepared

using water-assisted melt-mixing. The reduction of the molecular weight of the PET matrix,
caused by hydrolysis during the water-assisted extrusion, was compensated by subsequent solid-
state polymerization (SSP). SSP of PET was carried out at a temperature below the melting point
but above the glass transition of PET using two particle sizes for different reaction times. The
zero-shear viscosity was found to vary with the weight-average molecular weight to the 3.6
power for the linear PETs. The Maron-Pierce model was used in this work to determine the
molecular weight of the PET in the nanocomposites. Significant increases in molecular weight
(MW) were found for the neat PETs and PET nanocomposites using SSP, which were
accompanied by substantial reductions of the carboxyl end groups. Lower MW was observed for
the nanocomposites compared to the neat PETs. This could be attributed to a restricted mobility
of reactive groups and diffusion of by-products formed during SSP (i.e. water and ethylene
glycol) due to the presence of nanoparticles. The linear viscoelastic data for the neat PETs and
PET nanocomposites could be correlated using the zero-shear viscosity of the matrix. However,
our results showed enhanced rheological properties (mostly for the storage modulus) for samples
containing more carboxyl groups, suggesting that the interactions between PET chains and C30B
for hydrolyzed samples in the melt state was stronger than for SSP samples due to the larger
content of carboxyl groups. DSC results showed reductions in the crystallization temperature and
the degree of crystallinity as well as increases in the half-time of crystallization with increasing
MW of PET.


The authors acknowledge financial and infrastructure support received from The Natural
Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), National Research Council of
Canada (NRCC), Canada Development Bank (CDB). We would like to gratefully thank CREPEC
members, Dr. T. Mousavand and Mrs. M. Hamdine for their technical help.


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Generally, the related investigations about PET nanocomposites without mentioning the
preparation methods (melt-mixing and/or in-situ polymerization) have focused on the reduction
of the degradation rate of the modifiers of organoclays and of PET [2, 11, 52-54, 61]. PET
nanocomposites containing modified nanoclays with thermally stable surfactants showed the
intercalated microstructures with more tactoids compared to the commercially available
organoclays [11, 60]. Other approaches to control thermal degradation of PET made use of a
chain extender [53, 63]. Depending on the functionality of chain extenders, different
microstructures and noticeably different changes in the PET chains were formed. Importantly,
chain extenders could also yield side-reactions, which could be harmful in the final products for
food packaging. On the other hand, other studies were devoted to the enhancement of
compatibility of PET and organoclays by the use of compatibilizers, swelling agents or
plasticization of PET with carbon dioxide for example [10, 54, 56, 69]. The presence of
compatibilizers sometimes led to localization of nanoclays in the compatibilizer phase, not in the
matrix and plasticization with carbon dioxide (scCO2) did not show significant improvements in
the case of PET nanocomposites. scCO2 as a plasticizer resulted in a viscosity reduction of the
melted polymer and swelling of organoclays. Any plasticizer that improves the intercalation and
exfoliation process can be used in PET nanocomposites but the key point is the thermodynamic
compatibility between PET and plasticizer, thermal stability and the structure of plasticizer.
Better compatibility between plasticizer and organoclays than PET and organoclays could cause
the organoclays localizations on the plasticizer phase not in the PET matrix. In melt-mixing,
other studies considered the effects of the screw speed, screw geometry and temperature profile
on the dispersion of organoclays in PET. All these efforts, however, led to only moderately
enhanced mechanical and barrier properties.

In this work we investigated a novel method to prepare PET/organoclay nanocomposites by

injecting water into the twin screw extruder. Water/steam had two effects in PET
nanocomposites; the reduction of MW of PET by hydrolysis, expansion of the gallery spacing of
organoclays and reducing the inter-layer interactions. Thus, both effects assisted the diffusion of
PET chains into the organoclay galleries. Since microstructure of polymer nanocomposites is

strongly dependent on the thermodynamic compatibility between organoclays and PET, one
commercially available unmodified nanoclay (Cloisite Na+) and two modified nanoclays (C30B
and I28E) were studied. Both C30B and I28E are quaternary ammonium modified, but the
modifier of C30B has two hydroxyl groups and modifier of I28E contains long alkyl chains. The
presence of two hydroxyl groups in C30B led to good compatibility between PET chains and the
organoclay and consequently more delamination compared to I28E and Cloisite Na+, as observed
by XRD, SEM and TEM. On the other hand, the poor affinity between Cloisite Na+ and PET as
well as strong electrostatic forces between adjacent platelets of Cloisite Na+ hindered the
diffusion of PET chains into the galleries of the pristine clay.

Exfoliation of clay platelets in polymer matrix during melt-mixing takes place by two
mechanisms; break-up and peeling. During melt-mixing, break-up occurs by imposing stress and
shearing the big tactoids to smaller ones. Peeling is facilitated by polymer penetration into the
galleries of organoclay, which is driven by affinity of the polymer to the organoclay surface.
Morphological analyses of PET/C30B nanocomposites exhibited that longer residence time and
lower PET molecular weight had significant effects to facilitate the diffusion process and to
improve the delamination of C30B.

Presence of water in the nanocomposites containing I28E had a negative effect on the
dispersion. Larger agglomerates of I28E were formed in processing with water compared to
without water. By hydrolysis of PET, the number of carboxyl and hydroxyl groups was increased
and, therefore, the incompatibility between PET and I28E was intensified.

SSP was used to compensate the molecular weight reduction of PET and PET
nanocomposites after extrusion process. SSP is a general and commercial process to manufacture
PET with high molecular weight and less thermal degradation. Increasing the molecular weight
of neat PETs by SSP and their chemical entities were confirmed by viscometry, rheological
measurements and NMR analysis. Investigations on the microstructure of PET nanocomposites
displayed that the d-spacing and microstructure of the PET nanocomposites did not alter after
SSP, indicating that the net diffusion of polymer in and out of the galleries during SSP was
negligible. Moreover, possible SSP of PET chains intercalated inside the galleries of the
organoclays did not have any significant effects.

In the second phase of this thesis, PET nanocomposites containing different concentration of
C30B were prepared since C30B showed the best morphological results among I28E and Cloisite
Na+. Moreover, the screw configuration of extruder was changed to have more shear elements
into the extruder as well as increasing the residence time by using reverse elements. The aspect
ratio of organoclay for the second screw configuration was higher than the first one, 37 vs. 30 in
nanocomposites prepared by conventional melt-mixing.

The presence of organoclays influences the rheology of the polymer nanocomposites, due to
polymer-particle, particle-particle interactions and possible changes of the molecular structure of
the polymer molecules. PET degradation in the presence of organoclays was found by lower
complex viscosity of PET nanocomposites at high frequencies, where the behavior of the matrix
is dominant, compared to the neat PET. PET degradation was also increased by increasing the
organoclay concentrations. The complex viscosity of nanocomposites containing I28E was larger
than those containing C30B in the whole frequency range. Better dispersion and distribution of
organoclays in PET made more exposure of the matrix to the surface of organoclays which led to
a higher level of polymer degradation. On the other hand, hydroxyl groups and unsaturated tallow
groups of C30B accelerated the PET degradation more than the hydrogenated tallow groups of

The PET nanocomposites prepared by the novel method (water-assisted and SSP) showed a
larger enhancement of barrier and mechanical properties than those for the conventional melt-
mixing whose extent increased with organoclay concentration.

Approximately, neat PET and PET nanocomposites have the same crystallinity in our work,
therefore, the effect of the percentage of crystallinity does not consider in increasing the modulus
and barrier properties. However, the crystal content does not change significantly in the presence
of C30B, other reports [72] indicate that the size of PET crystallites changes in the presence of
C30B, which can affect the oxygen permeability. On the other hand, it is well known that the free
volume decreases as the molecular weight increases [113] that all of these parameters affect on
modulus and barrier properties.

Fundamental study in this area is required to understand the effect of the size of the crystals and
free volume in the presence of organoclay and by changing the molecular weight, consequently,
the effect of these parameters on the properties of final products.

Elongation at break in the nanocomposites prepared by the novel method was also
significantly higher than those prepared by the conventional method due to the better dispersion
and distribution of C30B in the wet processed nanocomposites as well as the larger molecular
weight obtained after SSP. Compared to the neat PET, improvements of 45% in tensile modulus
and 42% in barrier behavior were found for nanocomposites containing 6 wt% of C30B. In fact,
the presence of a mix of intercalated structure and dispersed tactoids in PET nanocomposites
significantly reduced the aspect ratio of organoclays and the reinforcement efficiency.

Generally, increasing the organoclay concentration leads to a reduction of elongation at

break compared to the neat polymer [114-116] due to the PET degradation in the presence of
C30B and the formation of C30B aggregates. Also, interfacial debonding of the clay-PET matrix
interface causes cavitation and micro void formation. The presence of large aggregates, which
could act as stress concentrators and ultimate mechanical failure points, causes a reduction of the
elongation at break with increasing organoclay concentration.

If in the exfoliated systems, individual platelets prevent microcrack propagation then elongation
at break will increase [52] and it is usually seen in the organoclay concentration less than 1wt%.
Even in the case of PA nanocomposites with exfoliated microstructures containing organoclay
concentration 1wt% and 3.5 wt%, the lower elongation at break in nanocomposites was observed
compared to the neat PA [114, 116, 117]. Usually exfoliated microstructures have higher
elongation at break than intercalated microstructure.

In the case of PET nanocomposites even after SSP, lower elongation at break was found
compared to the neat PET due to the large agglomerates of C30B at high concentration. On the
other hand, molecular weight of PET nanocomposites with higher organoclay concentration is
less than the neat PET and low C30B concentration because of the reduction of SSP rate by
increasing the organoclay concentration.

An increase in crystallinity resulted in an increase in modulus but a reduction in elongation at

break at temperature below Tg. Unoriented crystallites leads to polymer brittleness due to the

imposed strain on amorphous phase by crystallites, voids formation during crystallization and/or
stress concentration imposed by crystallites. On the other hand, chain ends and molecular
imperfection which are in the amorphous portions between crystallite lamellae causes a brittle
material [118].

The presence of organoclays causes PET degradation, reduction of molecular weights and
increasing of the chain ends as an imperfection in the polymer network, therefore, increasing the
molecular weight and subsequently increasing the number of entanglements leads to higher
elongation at break after SSP. It is generally accepted that the elongation at break increases with
increasing molecular weight of linear polymers [118, 119]. In our work, by increasing the
molecular weight and subsequently chain entanglements, the molecular chains are long enough to
be stretched and straightened but short enough that entanglements cannot inhibit the
straightening. It was also seen that for a given molecular weight, the branched polymers had
fewer entanglements than the linear polymers, thus, the strength and the elongation to break were
lower for the branched polymers [120]. On the other hand, the broad molecular-weight
distribution polymers gave somewhat higher elongation at break than the narrower molecular-
weight distribution. As reported in the third paper, SSP leads to broadening of molecular-weight
distribution. It could be another reason for increasing the elongation at break after SSP.

The color of the samples containing 2wt% of C30B prepared via the novel method and
conventional melt-mixing is illustrated in Figure 7-1. The nanocomposites prepared using the
novel method was lighter compared to the conventional melt-mixed samples. The percentage of
crystallinity was 4% and 6% in SSP-WPET-C30B-2 and PET-C30B-2, respectively.

If the shelf life of carbonated soft drinks is considered to be 90 days, for our PET
nanocomposites obtained by conventional melt-mixing containing 2wt% C30B it will be 107
days and in the novel preparation method it will increase to 113 days.

Obviously, the proposed process introduces some complexities and potential increases in
costs for producing PET/clay nanocomposites. However, the results reported in this thesis
suggest advantages in relation to dispersion quality, color, molecular weight control, gas
emissions, permeability and mechanical properties.

Finally, although the rate of increasing the molecular weight of PET by using chain extenders
was higher than SSP, the chain extenders like joncryl resulted in branching structure and also
increasing the haze and clarity while SSP did not change the linear structure and visibility of the
PET and PET nanocomposites. Moreover, the branching structure of PET in some cases like
melt-spinning led to several problems because of the reduction of PET crystallinity and
substantial increase in melt viscosity. In addition, the extent of enhanced barrier properties in
nanocomposites prepared by novel method compared to conventional melt-mixing was higher
than using chain extender in the PET [63] and PLA/C30B [121] nanocomposites proposed by
literature as well as observed brittle behavior in the nanocomposites with chain extenders.
However, the effect of chain extenders like joncryl in improving the mechanical properties of
PET nanocomposites is higher than SSP. Importantly, by using this novel method (water-assisted
and SSP), enhanced barrier and mechanical properties were obtained without using any chemicals
which would cause side reaction and changing the structure of PET.

Figure 7-1 : Color of the nanoocmposites containing 2wt% C30B; a) SSP-W-PET-C30B-2. b)


In the third part of this study, we found an increased rate of SSP with decreasing particle
size, suggesting that SSP was controlled by diffusion of the by-products; as the particle size
decreased, the larger interfacial area facilitated by-products diffusion. We also observed strong
non-linear increases of MW with SSP time, but markedly less for the nanocomposites. The lower
increases of the apparent MW of PET in the nanocomposites indicated the restricted mobility of
the reactive groups and increased diffusion path length of the by-products in the presence of

organoclay platelets. Molecular weight of PET in the nanocomposites was estimated using the
Maron-Pierce model. Viscometry measurements of PET nanocomposites involved some
problems since complete separation of organoclays from PET was not possible and either
filtering or not filtering of organoclays influenced the molecular weight determination. We also
verified the PET degradation in the presence of organoclays by end group (carboxyl group)
titration. Titration experiments showed that the carboxyl groups increased in the presence of the
organoclay after melt-mixing while by SSP the carboxyl groups were reduced. End groups also
had the significant effects on the rheological behavior of PET nanocomposites; stronger structure
was observed at low frequencies with higher carboxyl contents.

Our DSC results showed that the effect of the reduction of PET molecular weight in
increasing the cold crystallization temperature and crystallinity was a much more than the
presence of C30B. The increase in polymer chain mobility, either by a MW reduction during
compounding or by a plasticization effect coming from low molecular weight degradation
products may considerably speed up the crystal growth rate. Moreover, the presence of
organoclays restricts the motion of polymer chains and results in the imperfect crystallites.

The slurry method (suspension of Cloisite Na+ in water) was also investigated to examine the
feasibility of the water-assisted extrusion method for PET nanocomposite based on unmodified
nanoclay. The presence of water expanded the nanoclay, but when this suspension pumped into
the extruder, the rate of evaporation of water and the collapsing of the nanoclay was more
important than the possible gain of the diffusion of PET chains into the galleries of the nanoclay.
However, polymers like PEG and CMC added to the suspension could migrate to the interlayer of
the nanoclay and help to improve the dispersion and distribution of nanoparticles in the final
product. In the final product there is approximately 0.2 wt% of PEG and CMC which their effect
on PET degradation is negligible. The color of PET nanocomposites obtained by this method was
better than for nanocomposites containing C30B. On the other hand, Cloisite Na+, PEG and CMC
are FDA approved and safe for food packaging.


8.1 Conclusions

In this dissertation, a new melt-mixing process has been used to prepare PET/clay
nanocomposites called water-assisted melt-mixing. In this method, steam was fed into a twin-
screw extruder (TSE) to hydrolyze the PET chains and to facilitate their diffusion into the gallery
spacing of organoclays. Cloisite Na+, Cloisite 30B and Nanomer I.28E were used to evaluate the
effect of organoclay modifiers on the microstructure of PET nanocomposites. I28E has a higher
d-spacing (2.5 nm) than C30B (1.8 nm) and Cloisite Na+ (0.9 nm). The hydroxyl groups of C30B
enhanced compatibility between the PET and the organoclay. XRD, SEM and TEM analysis
showed a better dispersion of Cloisite 30B (C30B) in PET compared to Nanomer I.28E (I28E)
and Cloisite Na+, indicating the importance of thermodynamic compatibility between organo-
modifier and PET.

By water-assisted melt-mixing, partially exfoliated, well-dispersed and delaminated PET-

C30B nanocomposites were obtained. TEM images displayed a larger number of single and
double layers of C30B nanoparticles as well as an increased aspect ratio in the PET
nanocomposites. Interestingly, it was found that the effect of water on the microstructure of PET
nanocomposites was strongly dependent on the nanoclay modifier; water-assisted melt-mixing
had negative effects on the nanocomposites containing I28E. Results of the linear viscoelastic
data showed lower complex viscosity at high frequencies in nanocomposites containing C30B
than I28E due to the more degradation of PET in the presence of C30B.

Solid-state polymerization (SSP) was used to increase the molecular weight (MW) of the PET
matrix following a reduction due to hydrolysis by water. The linear structure of PET chains after
SSP was revealed by 1H NMR and 13
C NMR spectra. Morphological analysis of PET
nanocomposites showed that the microstructure of PET nanocomposites did not change after SSP
due to the limited PET chains mobility at temperatures less than the melting point.

The effect of feeding rate and consequently residence time on the properties of PET
nanocomposites was also investigated. Morphological results revealed more delamination of
organoclay platelets in PET-C30B nanocomposites processed at the low feeding rate compared to

those processed at the high feeding rate. The PET nanocomposites prepared by water-assisted
extrusion followed by SSP showed enhanced mechanical and barrier properties compared to the
nanocomposites prepared by the conventional melt-mixing process.

In the second part of this work, the effect of C30B concentrations on the mechanical, barrier,
thermal and rheological behaviour of PET nanocomposites prepared using two different twin-
screw extrusion processes (conventional melt-mixing and water-assisted melt-mixing) was
studied. Microstructure analyses showed intercalated/exfoliated morphology in all PET/C30B
nanocomposites, with a higher degree of intercalation and delamination for the water-assisted
process. PET degradation in the presence of C30B was confirmed by rheological measurements:
MW of extruded PET reduced from 47 000 to 34 000 and 26 000 g/mol in nanocomposites
containing 2 wt% and 6 wt% C30B, respectively.

PET nanocomposites showed improvements in the tensile modulus and barrier properties
compared to the neat PET, especially for the water-assisted and SSP samples. SSP helped to
recover the polymer molecular weight loss due to hydrolysis, resulting in less brittle
nanocomposites. Elongation at break for conventional PET nanocomposites containing 2 wt%
C30B was 6%, but for the wet processed nanocomposites after SSP the elongation at break was
around 145%. However, in nanocomposites with 3.5 and 6 wt% C30B, the elongation at break
after SSP was still low, compared to the neat PET and nanocomposites with 2 wt% of C30B due
to the presence of more agglomerates of C30B at high concentrations. PET nanocomposites
containing 6wt% C30B showed significant improvements in the tensile modulus and barrier
properties compared to the neat PET.

A comparison of the predicted tensile modulus using the pseudo-inclusion model with the
experimental value showed a noticeable difference, which was intensified with increasing C30B
concentration. This was due to the some limitations of the model, which considers unidirectional
orientation, homogenous dispersion of single layers or tactoids and good compatibility between
the polymer and the nanoclay. On the other hand, the model does not consider polymer
crystallinity and orientation of the crystals. The Nielsen model overpredicted the relative
permeability in the case of fully exfoliated nanocomposites, and the Bharadwaj model showed
that the predictions were highly sensitive to the orientation factor. In fact, free volume, size and

shape of crystallites and degree of crystallinity, interfacial region and particle agglomeration as
well as aspect ratio and orientation are important parameters that influence the diffusion rate of
oxygen in polymer nanocomposites.

In the third part, SSP of nanocomposites containing different concentration of C30B was
extensively studied using viscometry, titration, rheological and dynamic scanning calorimetry
(DSC) measurements. SSP of PET was carried out at a temperature below the melting point but
above the glass transition of PET using two different particle sizes for different reaction times.
The weight-averaged molecular weight (MW) of PET was shown to increase following SSP
significantly with reduction of particle size, increasing MW from 32 000 to 68 000 g/mol after 8
hours with particle size of 400 µm and 84 000 g/mol with particle size of 200 µm. The zero-shear
viscosity was found to vary with the weight-average molecular weight to the 3.6 power for the
linear PETs.

PET nanocomposites exhibited a solid-like rheological behavior and the complex viscosity at
high frequencies was scaled with the molecular weight of PET. The Maron-Pierce model was
used to evaluate the molecular weight of PET in the nanocomposites before and after SSP. It was
also found that the extent and the rate of the SSP reaction in nanocomposites were lower than
those for the neat PET, due to the reduction of mobility of chain ends and barrier effect of clay
platelets. Results of titration revealed increases of the carboxyl group content in nanocomposites
compared to the neat PET before SSP, indicative of PET degradation in the presence of C30B.
On the other hand, by SSP, the carboxyl groups were reduced for the neat PET and its
nanocomposites. However, enhanced rheological properties for samples containing more
carboxyl groups were found, suggesting that the interaction between PET and C30B for
hydrolyzed samples in the melt state was stronger than for samples after SSP. DSC results
demonstrated reductions in the crystallization temperature and degree of crystallinity as well as
increases in half-time crystallization with increasing MW of PET.

Slurry of water and Cloisite Na+ was used to investigate the effect of pre-exfoliation of
Cloisite Na+ in water on the properties and microstructure of PET nanocomposites. PEG and
CMC were also added in the slurry of water and nanoclays to diffuse between the interlayer of
the nanoclay. XRD and SEM results showed increases of the d-spacing of the nanoclay in the

presence of PEG and CMC as well as a better dispersion and distribution of nanoparticles in the
PET matrix. Enhanced Young modulus and reduced oxygen permeability for the nanocomposites
compared to the neat PET were obtained.

8.2 Original contributions

As mentioned in the introduction section, most of these investigations in the literature on
PET nanocomposites are related to the processing conditions, using different modifications of
nanoclays and compatibilizers. In this work, we proposed for the first time to prepare PET
nanocomposites by the water-assisted extrusion process and solid-state polymerization. We also
intensely studied the microstructure, thermal, mechanical and barrier properties of the obtained
nanocomposites. Our results revealed the efficient effect of this novel method to improve
dispersion and distribution of Cloisite 30B into the PET compared to the conventional melt-
mixing with enhanced mechanical and barrier properties. This is promising way to prepare
polymer nanocomposites. We also studied the effect of organoclay compatibility with PET and
feeding rate on the final microstructure of PET nanocomposites. In this work, the effect of
organoclay concentration on the PET degradation was comprehensively investigated by titration
and rheological measurements. Solid-state polymerization (SSP) was introduced to compensate
the PET degradation during melt-mixing. It is also a capable method to increase the molecular
weight of polyesters without using any chemicals that leads to side reactions. Therefore, SSP of
PET and PET nanocomposites containing different concentrations of Cloisite 30B were
conducted in a batch reactor at different reaction times and two different polymer particle sizes.
Rheological measurements, intrinsic viscosity and titration measurements were used to
characterize the samples following SSP. More specifically, the changes in the rheological
behavior of PET nanocomposites with increasing molecular weight of the matrix were presented.
The effect of the molecular weight of PET and PET nanocomposites on the thermal properties
was also reported.

8.3 Recommendations

The following subjects are recommended for future research:

 Study on the extrusion process of PET under high temperature and high pressure extruder
to investigate if water plays a plasticizer role to reduce the melting point of PET without
hydrolysis or with minimal hydrolysis reaction. This could be carried out with high
pressure DSC instruments.
 Since melt-mixing conditions are important in the dispersion and distribution of
nanoparticles in the polymer matrix, the effect of the screw configuration with more
mixing elements should be studied.
 Mechanical results showed that the elongation at break of nanocomposites following SSP
was significantly increased. Elongation at break may have a close relationship with
molecular weight of the matrix. Hence, the effect of PET molecular weight of
nanocomposites on the mechanical and barrier properties should be fundamentally
 It would also be interesting to characterize the free volume, shape and size of the crystals
with increasing molecular weight of PET and their effects on the properties of the final
 Film casting and blow molding of PET nanocomposites after SSP should be carried out
with the characterization of their barrier and mechanical properties.
 On the other hand, scale-up and modeling of SSP of PET nanocomposites are important
issues that need to be investigated.
 In order to improve the slurry method for more opening of the gallery spacing of Cloisite
Na+ and to obtain a better morphology, the effect of PEO or of other compatibilizers with
high thermal stability should be studied.
 The slurry method can be applied for any polymer and nanofiller systems, especially the
new kind of the nanofillers such as cellulosic nanofillers.


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A modified melt-mixing method was developed to prepare PET nanocomposites using a water
slurry containing Cloisite Na+. In this method, the slurry of Cloisite Na+ (CNa) was injected into
PET during the extrusion process. Morphology, thermal, mechanical and barrier properties of the
PET nanocomposites were studied.

A.1 Experimental

A.1.1 Materials

A general purpose PET (PET 9921, Eastman Co, Kingsport, TN) with molecular weight of
65 000 g/mol was used. The nanoclay used was Cloisite Na+ (CNa) (Southern Clay Products
Inc., Gonzales, TX) with a cation exchange capacity of 92.6 meq/100 g clay. Poly (ethylene
glycol) (PEG) with molecular weight of 35 000 g/mol supplied from Aldrich and carboxymethyl
cellulose (CMC) (Finnix CMC, CP Kelco Co, Finland) were used as dispersing agents. All the
materials were used without additional treatment, except drying.

A.1.2 Melt Compounding

PET and the nanocomposites were processed using a co-rotating twin screw extruder (TSE)
(Berstorff ZE25, Hannover, Germany) with a 25 mm diameter (D) screw and length-to-screw
diameter ratio of 28 at a screw speed of 200 rpm. The screw configuration was presented in ref
[122]. The temperature profile was 245, 265, 260, 255, 255, and 255°C from the hopper to the
die. The feeding rate of PET into the extruder was 3 Kg/h.

To obtain CNa suspensions, 3wt% of CNa was added to water at 60 ºC. Stirring time was
considered as the time required to ensure the clay particles were completely dispersed in the
water during 6 h of stirring. The color of the suspension (slurry) was bright yellow.

1wt% of PEG and CMC were also added in the suspension of water and CNa. The clay
slurries were pumped into the extruder at 1.75 Kg/h and compounded with the melted PET. A
plunger pump was used to inject the clay slurries into the extruder. Water was removed from
extruder by vacuum via a vent located at the end of the extruder (before it exits die). The
nanocomposites prepared by the slurry method were used as masterbatches. They were diluted by
neat PET to obtain the final nanocomposites had 1wt% of CNa. In the final product there were
approximately 0.2 wt% of PEG and CMC. The extruded samples were cooled by air and

Samples for XRD and morphology analysis were molded in the form of disk-like plates with
a diameter of 25 mm and a thickness of ~ 1.2 mm. Thin sheet samples 250 μm thick for
mechanical tests and 300 μm thick for barrier tests were prepared via compression molding. All
samples were prepared using a hot press (Carver Laboratory Press, Model 3912) with a small
chamber for nitrogen purge. The compression molding temperature and maximum pressure were
270 °C and 3 tons, respectively. All the samples were dried under vacuum for 24 h at 80 °C prior
to melt processing and molding.

A.1.3 Characterization

A wide angle X-ray diffractometer (WAXD) (D8 Discover, Bruker AXS Inc., Madison, WI)
with CuKα radiation (λ=1.54056 Å) was used to estimate the basal spacing (d001) for silicate
layers. The generator was operated at 40 kV/ 40 mA and the nanocomposites were scanned from
1.5 to 10° at 0.015°/s.

A field emission gun scanning electron microscope (FEG-SEM, S-4700, Hitachi, Tokyo,
Japan) was used to investigate the distribution of clay in the PET matrix. The specimens were
prepared using an Ultracut FC microtome (Leica, Wetzlar, Germany) with a diamond knife and

then coated with platinum vapor. The quality of the clay dispersion was evaluated using
transmission electron microscopy (TEM) (JEOL JEM-2100F, Tokyo, Japan, operating at 200
kV). The samples were microtomed into approximately 50-80 nm thick slices, using an Ultracut
FC cryomicrotome system at -100° C.

Rheology measurements of suspensions were performed by Physica MCR501 (Anton Paar)

rheometer with double couette geometry at 25 ºC over a shear rate range of 0.1-100 (s-1).
Measurements were done from high to low and low to high shear rates.

The thermal properties of the neat PET and PET nanocomposites were studied by differential
scanning calorimetry (DSC Q1000, TA instruments, New Castle, DE) under N2 atmosphere using
10 °C/min scanning ramp from 30 °C to 300 °C.

Tensile measurements were conducted using an Instron 3365 universal tester with a 500 N
load cell and according to the ASTM D882-10 standard. The tensile testing samples were cut
from 250 µm thin sheets to a rectangular shape (10 mm x 100 mm). The samples were tested at
room temperature and a crosshead speed of 25 mm/min.

Oxygen transmission rates (OTRs) were determined using an Ox-Tran Model 2/21 oxygen
permeability MD Module from Mocon (Minneapolis, MN) at 23 °C. 100% dry oxygen was used
and all the tests were done under a pressure of 93.3 kPa (700 mmHg). The test area of the
samples was 5 cm2 and the samples had a thickness of 300 µm. The oxygen permeability values
reported in this work have been normalized by the film thickness.

A.2 Results and discussion

A.2.1 Rheology of suspensions

Figure A-1 shows the steady shear viscosity of suspensions. In the present study, all the
suspensions exhibit non-Newtonian flow behaviour. Adding 3 wt% of CNa in water significantly
increases the viscosity from 0.001 Pa.s in water to 0.1 Pa.s in W-CNa (water-Cloisite Na+)
sample which is a sign of a good dispersion of CNa in water. It is observed that a smaller quantity
of CMC in W-CNa suspensions leads to a significant viscosity increase and a shear thinning

behavior, while PEG slightly changes the viscosity compared to water-CNa suspensions.
Therefore, CNa is better dispersed in water in the presence of CMC compared to the suspensions
containing PEG.

Figure A- 1: Steady shear viscosity of water-CNa suspensions

A.2.2 Microstructure of PET nanocomposites

XRD results of PET nanocomposites are presented in Figure A-2. PET/CNa nanocomposites
containing PEG or CMC show one peak at 2θ ≈5 o, which correspond to d-spacing ~ 1.9 nm.
Since the d-spacing value for the pristine nanoclay, CNa, is 0.9 nm, the observed peak at 2θ ≈5 o
is an indication of polymer chains diffusion into the gallery spacing of CNa. The CNa
nanocomposites without PEG or CMC show no diffracted peak, possibly because of clay dilution
due to the agglomerate formation. In fact, the disappearence of a diffraction peak cannot always
be directly attributed to an exfoliated morphology. Although in a suspension of CNa in water,
water expands the gallery spacing of nanoclays, it seems that the rate of water evaporation in the
twin screw extruder is faster than the diffusion of PET chains into the interlayers of
nanoclays.Therefore the clays collapse during the melt-mixing. On the other hand, PEG and
CMC can diffuse and remain into the gallery of nanoclays.

Figure A- 2: XRD patterns of PET nanocomposites

SEM micrographs of PET nanocomposites are shown in Figure A-3. Figure A-3a shows the
SEM micrographs of the nanocomposites prepared by conventional melt-mixing method. It
displays the presence of big agglomerates of Cloisite Na+ with size of 10 µm. The PET-CNa
nanocomposites processed with slurry method (Figure A-3b) have much more smaller
agglomerates compared to the conventional melt-mixing but there is not a good dispersion or
distribution of CNa into the matrix. Moreover, Figure A-3c and d exhibit the effect of CMC and
PEG on improvements of CNa dispersion and distribution in PET matrix.

TEM images of PET-CNa nanocomposites are presented in Figure A-4. Although big
agglomerates are observed in some places, nanoclays are also dispersed in the form of single
layers. They are the promising results indicating that the clay slurry method can assist to open the
gallery spacing of CNa. It is noticeable that in this sample the concentration of CNa is 0.5 wt%.

Figure A- 3: SEM micrographs of PET nanocomposites; a) PET-CNa prepared by conventional

melt-mixing, b) PET-CNa prepared by slurry method, c), PET-CMC-CNa , d) PET-PEG-CNa

Figure A- 4: TEM images of PET-CNa nanocomposites prepared by slurry method.


A.2.3 Thermal, mechanical and barrier properties of PET nanocomposites

Results of DSC experiments are presented in Table A-1 where glass transition temperature
(Tg), melting temperature (Tm), cold crystallization temperature (Tcc), and crystallinity of PET in
the nanocomposite films are reported. Table A-1 shows that the Tcc of PET nanocomposites is
lower than that of the neat PET but no significant changes are observed for Tg and Tm. The
reduction of Tcc in the presence of CNa is due to the nucleating role of the nanoclay. Moreover,
crystallinity of PET nanocomposite films is significantly higher than neat PET.

Table A-1 : Thermal properties of PET and PET nanocomposites

Sample Tg (°C) Tcc (°C) Tm (°C) ΔX (%)

PET 75± 0.6 133 ± 0.5 246 ± 0.2 6.4 ± 0.2

PET- CNa 75 ± 0.5 123 ± 0.4 245 ± 0.4 11.5 ± 1.5

PET- PEG-CNa 74 ± 0.3 122 ± 1 245 ± 0.5 10.7 ± 0.9

PET- CMC-CNa 74 ± 1 121± 0.1 245 ± 0.1 10.3 ± 0.7

Figure A-5 reports tensile modulus of the samples. Adding 1wt% CNa leads to 13% increase
in tensile modulus of the nanocomposites compared to the neat PET. On the other hand, 25 %
improvement was found in tensile modulus of PET-PEG-CNa. However, the extent of tensile
modulus enhancement in the nanocomposites containing CMC is approximately the same as
PET-CNa. Higher tensile modulus of the nanocomposites compared to the neat PET is attributed
to the presence of high modulus nanoclay platelets and higher crystallinity in the

Figure A- 5: Tensile modulus in PET and PET nanocomposites

Oxygen permeability of PET nanocomposites (shown in Figure A-6) is less than the neat
PET. PET-CNa shows 18 % improvement in barrier properties while reduction of oxygen
permeability in nanocomposites with PEG and CMC is around 27%. The presence of organoclay
reduces the oxygen permeability due to increasing the tortuous path. More barrier improvement
in nanocomposites with PEG and CMC is due to the better dispersion and distribution of
nanoclays. Moreover, impermeable crystalline phase of polymer reduces the gas permeability.
Therefore, higher crystallinity in nanocomposites compared to the neat PET is another parameter
to improve the barrier properties.

Figure A- 6: Oxygen permeability in PET and PET nanocomposites

The nanocomposite samples are presented in Figure A-7. The color of the sample containing
C30B is dark brown compared to the nanocomposites containing CNa. In the presence of CMC
and PEG, the color of the nanocomposites changes but they still have brighter color than the
nanocomposites with C30B.

Figure A- 7: Color of PET nanocomposites


A.3 Conclusion

Preparation of PET nanocomposites through melt-mixing of PET and water-based suspensions of

Cloisite Na+ resulted in smaller nanoparticles compared to conventional melt-mixing. The
importance of this method is to prepare nanocomposites based on the unmodified nanoclays. The
presence of PEG and CMC in the nanocomposites led to better dispersion and distribution of
nanoclays in PET matrix. 25% and 27% improvements in mechanical and barrier properties of
PET nanocomposites prepared by this slurry method were found.

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