Finite Element Modeling of Concrete Structures Reinforced With Internal and External Fibre-Reinforced Polymers
Finite Element Modeling of Concrete Structures Reinforced With Internal and External Fibre-Reinforced Polymers
Finite Element Modeling of Concrete Structures Reinforced With Internal and External Fibre-Reinforced Polymers
Abstract: Externally bonded fibre-reinforced-polymer (FRP) laminates and fabrics have been successfully used for
strengthening damaged or deficient concrete members, whereas internal FRP reinforcements are becoming an efficient
alternative to steel reinforcement, particularly in corrosive environments. Despite the enormous progress that has been
observed in the last decade, further research is still required to consolidate recent developments and expand the scope
of application of FRPs for structural uses. Nonlinear finite element analysis combined with laboratory testing constitutes
an efficient approach for pursuing this objective. The scope of this paper is to illustrate, through a selection of a wide
variety of typical applications, the contribution of a refined three-dimensional (3-D) constitutive model for investigating the
nonlinear response of concrete structures reinforced with internal and external FRPs. The analyses are carried out using a
general and portable constitutive concrete model implemented as a user-defined subroutine at Gauss integration point level
in commercial finite element software. The constitutive law follows a 3-D hypoelastic approach that models the nonlinear
behaviour of concrete using a scalar damage parameter that accounts for the anisotropic behaviour of partially confined
concrete and the inelastic volume expansion upon reaching the peak strength. In tension, the model adopts a macroscopic
approach that is directly integrated into the concrete law. It simulates implicitly the reinforcing bar – concrete interaction
using tension-stiffening factors modified according to the nature of reinforcement that vary as a function of the member
strain. The applications include results of well-known test series published in the literature on beams with external and
internal FRP reinforcement, slabs with internal reinforcements, bond failure analysis of external FRP, and the effect of
confinement on the behaviour in compression of circular and square elements. The paper demonstrates the ability of the
concrete model to correctly simulate the behaviour of structural elements reinforced with FRPs at service load level and
reproduce failure mechanisms and loads that are consistent with the experimental observations.
Key words: constitutive model, nonlinear analysis, finite element, reinforced concrete, glass-fibre-reinforced polymer
(GFRP), carbon-fibre-reinforced polymer (CFRP), strengthening, steel.
Résumé : Les laminés et les tissus en polymères renforcés de fibres (« FRP ») fixés sur les faces externes ont été utilisés
avec succès pour renforcer des éléments de béton endommagés ou défectueux alors que les renforcements « FRP »
internes commencent à remplacer efficacement un renforcement en acier, particulièrement dans les environnements
corrosifs. Malgré les grands progrès réalisés au cours de la dernière décennie, une recherche plus approfondie est
nécessaire afin de faire la synthèse des récents développements et d’élargir l’utilisation des « FRP » dans les structures.
Une analyse non linéaire par éléments finis combinée aux essais en laboratoire constitue un moyen efficace pour atteindre
cet objectif. Cet article illustre, grâce à des exemples provenant d’un très grand nombre d’utilisations typiques diverses,
la contribution d’un modèle constitutif tridimensionnel perfectionné à l’étude de la réponse non linéaire des structures
de béton armé de « FRP » internes et externes. Les analyses ont été réalisées en utilisant un modèle constitutif du
béton général et universel en tant que sous-programme défini par l’usager au point d’intégration Gauss dans un logiciel
commercial d’analyse par éléments finis. La loi constitutive suit une approche hypoélastique tridimensionnelle qui
représente le comportement non linéaire du béton par l’utilisation d’un paramètre de dommages scalaire qui tient compte
du comportement anisotrope du béton lorsque partiellement confiné et de l’expansion inélastique de volume lors de
l’atteinte de la contrainte maximum. En tension, le modèle adopte une approche macroscopique directement intégrée
dans la loi régissant le béton. Il simule implicitement l’interaction tige de renforcement-béton en utilisant des facteurs de
raidissement en tension modifiés selon la nature du renforcement ; ces facteurs varient en fonction de la contrainte dans
les éléments. Les utilisations comprennent les résultats de séries d’essais bien connues, publiées dans la littérature, sur des
Received 25 November 2005. Revision accepted 20 September 2006. Published on the NRC Research Press Web site at on
12 May 2007.
A. Nour, B. Massicotte,2 E. Yildiz, and V. Koval. Département de génie civil, géologique et mines, École Polytechnique de Montréal,
CP 6079, Station Centre-ville, Montréal, QC H3C 3A7, Canada.
Written discussion of this article is welcomed and will be received by the Editor until 31 July 2007.
This article is one of a selection of papers in this Special Issue on Intelligent Sensing for Innovative Structures (ISIS Canada).
Corresponding author (e-mail: [email protected]).
Can. J. Civ. Eng. 34: 340–354 (2007) doi: 10.1139/L06-140 © 2007 NRC Canada
Nour et al. 341
poutres munies de renforcement en « FRP » externe et interne, des dalles munies de renforcement interne, d’analyse de
la rupture dans les « FRP » fixés sur les faces externes et l’effet du confinement sur le comportement en compression des
éléments circulaires et carrés. Le présent article démontre la capacité du modèle à simuler correctement le comportement
des éléments structuraux renforcés de « FRP » lors d’une utilisation à la charge de service et à reproduire les mécanismes
et les charges de défaillance concordant bien avec les observations expérimentales.
Mots-clés : modèle constitutif, analyse non linéaire, élément fini, béton armé, polymère renforcé de fibres de verre
(« GFRP »), polymère renforcé de fibres de carbone (« CFRP »), renforcement, acier.
[Traduit par la Rédaction]
general-purpose finite element software ABAQUS (Hibbitt et concrete upon approaching ultimate strength. The behaviour
al. 2004) (i.e., ABAQUS standard (STD) and ABAQUS explicit of concrete is modeled using an equivalent uniaxial curve, a
(EXP) (Massicotte et al. 2007)). compression scalar damage parameter λ, and either the five pa-
Experimental results aimed at defining tension-stiffening fac- rameters of Willam and Warnke (1975) or the four parameters of
tors for internal FRP reinforcement are scarce. The high elastic Hseih et al. (1982) failure surfaces. The scalar damage parame-
modulus of carbon-fibre-reinforced polymers (CFRPs) would ter provides an invariant measure of the evolution of irreversible
presumably lead to relationships similar to those of steel re- damage in concrete, which overcomes the difficulties encoun-
inforcement. Reinforcing bars made of glass-fibre-reinforced tered in the application of other hypoelastic models (Darwin
polymers (GFRPs) have stiffness that is lower than steel and and Pecknold 1977; Elwi and Murray 1979). Only an overview
thereby require appropriate formulation for describing the as- is presented in this paper; details on the model are available in
sociated tension-stiffening factors. Bischoff and Paixao (2004) Bouzaiene and Massicotte (1997).
indicated that concrete members reinforced with GFRP bars ex- The damage evolution of concrete in compression is de-
hibit greater tension stiffening than those reinforced with steel scribed by a scalar function in relation to the major compressive
bars. Moreover, concrete members reinforced with GFRP de- stress by means of an equivalent uniaxial curve. A realistic rep-
velop wider and deeper cracks than members reinforced with resentation of the cumulative damage, along any stress path, is
steel. obtained by the following incremental relationship:
This paper presents the main features of the concrete model
developed at École Polytechnique (Bouzaiene and Massicotte [1] λ= dλ = d
dε d
1997; Massicotte et al. 2007) and the recent modifications im- εmax
load path
plemented to the model to enable analysis of concrete members
reinforced with FRPs. The paper illustrates the performance of εeq − σ /Ec
≈ for 0≤λ≤1
the model for capturing and predicting the behaviour of concrete εc − σc /Ec
members and structural elements reinforced with internal and
external FRPs. The examples presented in the paper are taken where dλ stands for the damage parameter increment, εeq is
from well-known tests, published the literature, that have been the uniaxial equivalent strain increment, σ is the compression
specifically selected for illustrating the capabilities and versa- stress increment according to the major axis, εc is the uniaxial
tility of the model for simulating a wide variety of structural equivalent strain at peak load, σc is the major compressive stress
behaviour. at failure, and Ec is the material elastic modulus. Equation [1]
expresses the inelastic stain increment dεd and the total inelastic
d . For an elastic behaviour of concrete, the
strain at failure εmax
2. Material models parameter λ is set equal to zero and equals one at the peak.
The concept of equivalent damage allows the evaluation of the
2.1. Concrete increment and the total equivalent strain for a nonproportional
For simulating the behaviour of concrete under multiaxial loading as follows (Fig. 1a):
loading, Bouzaiene and Massicotte (1997) developed a three-
dimensional hypoelastic constitutive model that accounts for σ − σ̃
the anisotropic behaviour of concrete, elastic modulus degrada- εeq =
[2] Et
tion under loading–unloading, the transition point that εeq = ε̃eq (λ) + εeq
separates brittle and ductile behaviour of concrete under in-
creasing confinement, and the volume increase observed in where σ̃ stands for the effective compression stress obtained
from the equivalent uniaxial curve corresponding to the accu- principal axes, interpreted also as inelastic volume expansion.
mulated damage at the previous step, Et is the stiffness modulus This asymmetrical behaviour suggests the use of an unsymmet-
corresponding to λ, and σ is the major compression stress. One rical Poisson ratio, where for each principal plane the expansion
also notes that the uniaxial stress–strain curve of Saenz (1964) effect is limited to the lowest confined axis. For a triaxial state,
is adopted for its convenience. the effective Poisson ratio, a function of the damage parameter
In compression, the rapid increase of Poisson ratio is related λ and the gradient of the principal stresses, is expressed in the
to the opening of microcracks in the direction of the unconfined following form according to Bouzaiene and Massicotte (1997):
υ + λ (1 − υ ) σi − σj for σi < 0 and σi < σj
0 0
[3] υij = σc
υ0 otherwise
where υ0 stands for the initial Poisson ratio and σi and σj take structural response upon mesh refinement and corresponds to a
the values of principal stresses. representative dimension of the mesh size.
In tension, concrete cracks are generally characterized by When the tensile strength criterion is exceeded, a microcrack
the occurrence of microscopic discontinuities that are trans- band perpendicular to the principal direction in tension devel-
formed into discrete cracks with a total loss of resistance after ops. The material gradually loses its integrity, leading to the
reaching a certain strain value. For modeling tensile rupture, degradation of material properties interpreted as tension dam-
the fundamental concept of energy equivalence is adopted. It age. As in compression, tension damage evolution is described
is combined with the smeared crack technique, which assumes by means of a scalar parameter d, which represents the degra-
that cracks are uniformly distributed in the concrete mass. This dation of material properties due mainly to crack propagation.
enables modeling of the crack effect using a stress–strain rela- Thus, once the crack is initiated, the elastic modulus Ec is re-
tion, called a softening curve. As suggested by Feenstra and De duced using the damaged material modulus Ed as follows:
Borst (1996), concrete softening in tension is modeled using a
simple function defined as follows (Fig. 1b): [6] Ed = (1 − d)Ec
where d = 0 corresponds to undamaged material and d = 1 to
ε − εe
[4] σt = ft exp − completely damaged material. The parameter d is estimated as
εa proposed in Crisfield and Wills (1989). Therefore, with this for-
mulation, the damage parameters in compression λ and in ten-
for which
sion d are totally coupled during the calculation of the degraded
elastic modulus and the residual tensile stress (Massicotte et al.
[5] εa = (Gf /h)ft and εe = ft /Ec
where Gf is the fracture energy consumed by the crack per
unit of crack surface and h is the equivalent length for which 2.2. Steel and fibre-reinforced-polymer reinforcements
the displacement due to crack opening is uniformly distributed. Steel reinforcement is assumed to behave in an elastic-plastic
As stated by Bažant and Oh (1983) and Oliver (1989), the use manner or as a strain hardening material when applicable
of the equivalent length h in the finite element calculations (Fig. 2a). The yield strength is represented by fys . As shown
leads to results that are insensitive with regard to the global by Fig. 2b, FRP reinforcements are assumed to be linear elastic
Fig. 3. Constitutive relations accounting for the tension stiffening action in a global dimension by modifying the stress–strain
effect. relationship of the material, either the reinforcing bar or the
concrete. The tension-stiffening model described and validated
in detail in Massicotte et al. (2007) follows the approach of the
original law of Bouzaiene and Massicotte (1997), which asso-
ciates tension stiffening with the concrete law. This model is
inspired from recommendations by CEB-FIP (1990) and Win-
kler et al. (2004) and integrates the tension-stiffening factors
used by many investigators to account for bar–concrete inter-
action. It is also combined with the smeared crack approach
(Rachid 1968) in the context of nonlinear finite element anal-
ysis. The bond between reinforcing bars and the surrounding
concrete is assumed to be perfect because the local effects asso-
with brittle fracture in tension. The ultimate tensile strength of ciated with the rebar–concrete interface, such as bond slip and
the material is represented by fyFRP , while the corresponding dowel action, are considered implicitly by the tension-stiffening
strain at failure is εuFRP . When FRPs are used as external rein- model. For a given strain, the equivalent concrete stress σc,TSE
forcement, each lamina is considered as an orthotropic layer in attributed to tension stiffening can be described as the difference
a plane stress condition, but the lamina is transversely isotropic, between the average bar stress σbar of the reinforced concrete
where the properties of the FRP are nearly the same in the direc- member and the stress of the bar σbar,II at the crack, determined
tion perpendicular to the fibres. In ABAQUS, FRPs are modeled as follows (Winkler et al. 2004):
as linear elastic materials.
[7] σc,TSE = ρeff σbar − σbar,II
2.3. Tension-stiffening modeling
for which
The presence of steel or internal FRP reinforcement neces-
sitates the consideration of bar–concrete interaction. The bar– [8] ρeff = Abar /Ac,eff
concrete adherence allows the concrete located between cracks
to resist tensile stresses, thereby reducing the average reinforce- where ρeff is the effective reinforcement ratio, Abar is the bar
ment stress level compared to its magnitude at the crack. This area, and Ac,eff is the concrete area involved in the stiffen-
bar–concrete interaction phenomenon results in a gain in rigid- ing, computed according to CEB-FIP (1990) recommendations.
ity, also called tension stiffening. A simple way to account for Thus, as shown in Fig. 3 the stress–strain relationship is defined
this local phenomenon is to integrate the bar–concrete inter- by Winkler et al. (2004) and Massicotte et al. (2007)
= ft 1 − [1 − β (ε)]
for ε < ε1
[9] σt (ε) = β(ε)ft for ε1 < ε < ε2
εbar,y − ε
= β(ε)ft for ε2 < ε < εbar,y
εbar,y − ε2
where ε1 and ε2 are defined as follows (ε1 < ε2 < εbar,y ): model adopts an equivalent reinforcement ratio, which gener-
ates the same stiffening contribution as that produced by the
1 1 actual reinforcement, as suggested in Massicotte et al. (1990).
ε1 = [1.3 − β (ε)] ft +
Ebar ρeff Ec The tension-stiffening relationship expressed by eq. [9] and
[10] proposed by Massicotte et al. (2007) considers the tension-
1 1
ε2 = εbar,y − β (ε) ft + stiffening factor β(ε) as a function of the member strain. This
Ebar ρeff Ec formulation allows the introduction of various empirical models
In eqs. [9] and [10] Ebar is the reinforcing bar modulus of proposed in the literature by proceeding to a direct modulation
elasticity, εbar,y corresponds to the strain at yielding for steel with the various sections of the stress–strain relationship (eq.
reinforcements or the ultimate strain for composite bars, and β [9]). For the case of steel reinforcement, a sensitivity analysis
is the tension-stiffening factor that accounts for bar–concrete was performed to select the most appropriate tension-stiffening
interaction. The tension-stiffening relationship (eq. [9]) is es- factor. It was determined that the Fields and Bischoff (2004)
tablished for the case of cracks orthogonal to the bar direction. model, expressed as follows, provides the best results (Massi-
In real structures cracks have an unspecified orientation with cotte et al. 2007):
the reinforcing bar direction. Therefore, for steel and compos-
[11] βs (ε) = exp [−800 (ε − εe )]
ite bars not orthogonal to the direction normal to the crack, the
Fig. 4. Different empirical models for the tension stiffening factor no experimental evidence is available to quantify this effect.
β(ε). GFRP, glass-fibre-reinforced polymer. Other phenomena such as thermal cracking or alkali–aggregate
reaction could also influence this parameter. It is assumed in
this paper that analyses are carried out for sound concrete.
Fig. 5. Description of M’Bazaa (1995) and Chicoine (1997) beams (adapted and revised from M’Bazaa (1995) and Chicoine (1997)).
CFRP, carbon-fibre-reinforced polymer.
Fig. 7. Cards showing details of the finite elements model: (a) material failure indices for Chicoine beam; (b) stress card for the
composite; (c) stress card for the longitudinal steel bars and the stirrups.
The beam was strengthened with three CFRP layers for a total Fig. 8. Load–deflection curves, prediction.
thickness of 0.9 mm.
In M’Bazaa (1995) the beam exhibited an early FRP delam-
ination failure mode, a problem eliminated by Chicoine (1997)
by applying U-shaped composite anchors at the ends of the
beam. The anchorage was not modeled, but its presence allows
the assumption in the analysis of a perfect bond between the
reinforced concrete beam and the composite. Using symmetry,
only half of the beam is analyzed.
Figure 6 shows the load–deflection curves of the control rein-
forced concrete beam without composite (M’Bazaa 1995) and
the strengthened beam with CFRPs (Chicoine 1997). In both
tests failure was caused by concrete crushing. For the refer-
ence beam, failure occurred after significant steel reinforcement
yielding, while the second beam exhibited an important increase
of its load-carrying capacity with less ductility compared to the
reference beam without CFRP debonding.
The modeled responses of the two beams reproduce accu-
rately the global experimental measurements and observed fail-
ure mechanisms. First, the significant load-carrying capacity
and additional stiffness provided by the CFRP laminated were ing (in dark gray and light gray in the print version of this article;
accurately simulated by the numerical analysis. At early loading in red and yellow in the Web version) is predominant in the cen-
stages, the same response was obtained for the two beams, an tral portion of the beam, whereas a local compression failure
indication of the small contribution of the composite. However, by crushing appears in the vicinity of the applied loads. This
as cracking progressed and yielding of the steel reinforcement is in accordance with the experimental observation reported by
occurred upon increasing the applied load, the contribution of Chicoine (1997).Figure 7b shows the longitudinal stress card
the composite became more important and its effect was accu- for the composite. Also, it is possible to capture with fidelity the
rately depicted by the analytical model. effect of steel stirrups on the performance of external strength-
Figure 7a shows the material failure indices at failure. Crack- ening. In ABAQUS, as for the longitudinal bars, the stirrups
Fig. 9. Description of Grace et al. (1998) beams (adapted and revised from Grace et al. (1998)). GFRP, glass-fibre-reinforced polymer.
are rigorously modeled using truss elements embedded in the Fig. 10. Load–deflection response.
concrete mass (Fig. 7c).
Figure 8 depicts the predicted load–deflection curves for the
additional cases of 1 and 2 layers of CFRP, presented along with
the model response of the two beams of Fig. 6. The analyses
illustrate the effect of the number of layers on the load-carrying
capacity, which corresponds to a decrease of the midspan de-
flection attributed mainly to the additional stiffness brought by
the composite. In the case of two CFRP layers, the numerical
model predicted the same failure mode as for three layers, but
with only one layer the failure is caused by the rupture of the
Fig. 11. Description of slab specimens: (a) Benmokrane et al. (2004) slabs; (b) El-Sayed et al. (2005) slabs (adapted and revised from
Benmokrane et al. (2004) and El-Sayed et al. (2005)). GFRP, glass-fibre-reinforced polymer.
about 920 MPa, while the corresponding maximum value in the slabs was selected from the experimental program carried out
stirrups is 260 MPa. The high tensile strains in the GFRP bars by Benmokrane et al. (2004) and the second from the El-Sayed
associated with these stress levels lead to nearly zero tension- et al. (2005) experimental program. The geometry and loading
stiffening stress in the concrete, indicating that concrete is not conditions of the selected slabs are illustrated in Fig. 11.Result
contributing to the resistance mechanism that leads to a shear presentation adopts the same notation for the slabs as reported
failure. in the original papers. For the first group, the model predic-
tions are compared with the experimental results for two slabs:
4.4. One-way concrete slabs reinforced with glass-fibre- specimen S-GGB, reinforced with two double mats of GFRP
reinforced-polymer bars bars, and control specimen S-ST, reinforced with conventional
This section presents the results of tests of two series of one- steel bars. For the second series, the selected slabs SG1, SG2,
way concrete slabs internally reinforced with GFRP bars; these and SG3 refer to specimens having the same GFRP reinforcing
tests were performed at Sherbrooke University. The first set of bars in all directions except the bottom GFRP reinforcement in
Table 2. Reinforcing bar properties of Benmokrane et al. Fig. 12. (a) Moment–deflection curves. (b) Load–deflection
(2004) slabs. GFRP, glass-fibre-reinforced polymer. curves.
Fig. 13. Description of damaged beams externally reinforced by CFRP (adapted and revised from Koval and Massicotte 2007): (a)
schematic drawing; (b) test set-up for MC1O specimen; (c) damaged zone for MC1O specimen; (d) damaged zone for MB1O specimen;
(e) damage repaired zone.
damaged beams. This study follows a previous experimental in- damaged beam MA1O is considered as the reference. Beams
vestigation (Folcher et al. 2003) in which premature debonding MB1O and MC1O have initial imperfections reproducing the
due to the flexional rigidity discontinuity between the damaged effect of damage that could have been caused by an impact
zone and the sound concrete was observed. The main scope of or corrosion of prestressing strands. To simulate the damaged
this numerical example is to examine the ability of the model zone, the formwork was fabricated to keep the central bottom
to capture local phenomena such as the influence of local re- part of the beams without concrete.The longitudinal T13 strands
pair of damaged zones on the global behaviour of the beams. were cut in the centre to simulate a 150 mm discontinuity. Con-
The geometry and loading conditions are shown in Fig. 13, and crete surface in the repaired zone was roughened according to
material properties are summarized in Table 4. construction practice. Figure 13 illustrates the dimensions of
In this application, three RC beams are analyzed. As shown in the damaged zone. Two repair methods were considered. In
Fig. 13, these beams are externally strengthened by two sheets beam MB1O additional reinforcement was added in the dam-
of CFRP laminate (2900 mm × 50 mm × 1.2 mm). The un- age zone to eliminate the flexional rigidity discontinuity. Each
Table 4. Material properties for Koval and Massicotte Fig. 14. Load–deflection curves.
(2007) beams.
Old concrete
fc (MPa) Ec (MPa) εc ν ft (MPa)
52 34 887 –0.003 0.23 2.1
Reparation concrete
fc (MPa) Ec (MPa) εc ν ft (MPa)
54 31 000 –0.0035 0.22 2.3
10M steel bars
Es (MPa) fys (MPa)
200 000 400
T13 strand
Es (MPa) fys (MPa)
205 600 1860
Composite (CFRP)
E (MPa) ν fyCFRP (MPa) εuCFRP
207 000 0.25 2400 0.016
concrete properties were defined using eq. [8], which accounts
for the presence of strands in both specimens and additional
cut T13 strand was overlapped on a length of 150 mm by one reinforcement for specimen MB1O.
10M reinforcing steel bar. Moreover, a 50 mm × 50 mm steel The results presented in Fig. 14 illustrate the comparison be-
wire mesh with 9 mm2 wires was placed around the overlapping tween the two repair techniques. For the reference beam MA1O,
bars. For comparison with the Folcher et al. (2003) study, the the measured load-carrying capacity was 90 kN, while for the
repair concrete in the damaged zone of MC1O specimen was repaired beams MB1O and MC1O, the measured strength was
not reinforced. 71 and 50.3 kN, respectively. The tests clearly showed that the
The observed failure mode for the two repaired beams was repairing technique adopted for specimen MB1O is more ef-
initiated by the debonding of the repair concrete along the in- ficient compared with that of specimen MC1O, which exhib-
clined faces of the repaired zones (Fig. 13a), which was then ited premature failure similar to that observed by Folcher et al.
followed by the composite debonding. For the reference speci- (2003).
men, failure was governed by the CFRP debonding. Therefore, Using symmetry, only half of the beams were modeled. For
it is important to correctly model the concrete–composite as the three beams, the numerical solutions are in good agreement
well as old-to-new concrete contacts. with the experimental results for predicting the maximum load
In the model, all surface contacts are modeled withABAQUS/ and failure mechanism. The analytical obtained results showed
Standard, which considers contact between two bodies in terms that the model captured with fidelity the influence of local repair
of two surfaces that may interact. The order in which the two sur- of the damaged zones on the global behaviour of the beams.
faces are specified defines the slave and master surfaces. Two al-
gorithms are available: the small-sliding contact algorithm and 4.6. Concrete columns confined with fibre composite
the finite-sliding contact algorithm. For small-sliding contact sheets
problems the contact area is calculated from the undeformed The scope of this section is to examine the model perfor-
shape of the model and is thus kept constant throughout the mance for predicting the increase in strength and the associated
analysis. In this formulation, contact pressures are calculated ductility of concrete columns confined with fibre composite
according to an invariant contact area. The modeled behaviour sheets. Two test series on circular and square concrete columns
is different from that in finite-sliding contact problems, where strengthened with FRP are analyzed.
the contact area and contact pressures are calculated according The first test series deals with circular column specimens
to the deformed shape of the model. tested by Demers and Neale (1994, 1999) and the associated nu-
For this application the analyses performed clearly indicated merically investigation by Deniaud and Neale (2006). The spec-
that the finite sliding formulation is the most appropriate for imens consisted of 300 mm long and 150 mm diameter plain
reproducing the observed behaviour. In the Interaction module concrete cylinders strengthened with CFRP sheets with an av-
of ABAQUS, the strategy adopted for the concrete–composite erage thickness of 0.34 mm and a tensile strength of 380 N/mm,
contact modeling uses the beam as the master surface and the with a corresponding ultimate strain of 1.6%.
composite as the the slave surface. Similarly, for the concrete– The results of the analyses are compared in Fig. 15 to test
concrete contact, the old concrete is selected as the master measurements corresponding to two types of concrete. In all
surface and the repair concrete as the slave surface. Contact cases the numerical solution agrees well with the experimental
properties are specified for tangential and normal behaviour. data. Based on the comparison of numerical predictions using
Another important aspect of modeling the damaged beams various concrete models reported by Deniaud and Neale (2006),
is related to the definition of the tension-stiffening properties the results obtained herein are consistent with the experiment
of the repair concrete. For beams MB1O and MC1O, different for all types of concrete and compare advantageously with the
Fig. 15. Load–strain curves response for plain concrete circular Fig. 16. Load–strain curves for square reinforced concrete column
columns: (a) 32 MPa concrete; (b) 44 MPa concrete. CFRP, specimens S1 and S3.
carbon-fibre-reinforced polymer.
5. Conclusions
The scope of this paper was to investigate by finite elements
the nonlinear response of concrete structures reinforced with
internal and external FRP. A general and portable constitutive
concrete model is used. It is implemented as a user-defined
subroutine at Gauss integration point level into the general-
purpose finite element software ABAQUS.
This paper demonstrated the ability of the proposed concrete
model to correctly simulate different kind of composite rein-
forcements (internal and (or) external), and its reliability was
confirmed by means of several tests covering various types of
structural elements taken from the literature. The numerical
predictions obtained for load–displacement responses and fail-
ure mechanisms agreed well with the experimental values and
observations. This study is evidence that this concrete model
can be used with confidence to simulate and estimate load-
carrying capacity of reinforced concrete structures, reinforced
or not with FRPs. The model can be used in conjunction with
experimental testing in research environments or as a predictive
tool for actual structures.
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