1 CTE Anglais 1.1
1 CTE Anglais 1.1
1 CTE Anglais 1.1
Activité d'enseignement :
Nombre d'heures : 24 h
Nombre d’ECTS : 2
Étalement en quadrimestre(s) : 1er quadrimestre
1. Prérequis
Bonne connaissance, à l'oral et à l'écrit, de la grammaire, des structures et du vocabulaire de
base de la langue cible.
2. Objectifs
➢ Enrichir le vocabulaire courant.
➢ Amener l’étudiant à comprendre l’essentiel d’un message oral ou écrit et à faire un résumé
du message reçu.
➢ Permettre de communiquer oralement et par écrit.
➢ Développer et améliorer l'aptitude à répondre dans la langue cible à des questions portant
sur les textes et les sujets vus en classe.
3. Contenu
➢ Etude de documents tirés de journaux ou de manuels ou de revues ayant la plupart du
temps un rapport avec le monde économique.
➢ Exercices visant à revoir et à fixer les structures grammaticales de base.
4. Compétences minimales devant être maîtrisées à la fin de l’unité d’enseignement
➢ Savoir se servir des outils nécessaires à la bonne compréhension d’une information
communiquée oralement ou par écrit (dictionnaires traductif ou explicatif, grammaire,
recherche sur Internet).
➢ Maîtriser le vocabulaire étudié au cours.
➢ Etre capable de traduire en français les textes vus en classe.
➢ Etre capable de résumer les documents étudiés, de les commenter, de répondre à des
questions précises sur ceux-ci, de donner son avis sur un problème étudié.
➢ Etre capable de poser des questions sur les sujets étudiés.
➢ Etre capable de résoudre tous les exercices faits pendant l’unité d’enseignement ou des
exercices de même type.
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5. Méthodologie
➢ Méthode interactive.
➢ Exercices oraux et écrits (individuels ou en groupe) préparés à domicile ou au cours et
corrigés en classe.
➢ Informations sur les supports de cours données en classe à divers moments de l'unité
➢ Syllabus de grammaire avec exercices à étudier à domicile.
➢ Syllabus de base concernant la matière vue au cours; notes à compléter par les étudiants;
feuilles éventuellement ajoutées en cours d’unité d’enseignement et communiquées au
➢ Examen écrit.
6. Évaluation des connaissances
Evaluation continue des connaissances pendant l’année lors d’exercices oraux et écrits.
Répartition des points: ✓ Unité d’enseignement (travail journalier): 0%
✓ Examen: 100%La présence aux cours et la participation aux travaux
et préparations requis pendant l’année sont impératives pour que les
étudiants puissent améliorer leurs connaissances et terminer leur
formation de manière fructueuse.
Les étudiants absents aux cours veilleront eux-mêmes à obtenir les notes auprès de
condisciples qui étaient présents (solutions des exercices, consignes …).Une copie papier des
notes de cours est demandée. C’est cette copie que les étudiants complèteront lors des
diverses séances de cours.
7. Critères d'évaluation
Les fautes de grammaire, de vocabulaire et d'orthographe sont sanctionnées, ainsi que tout
manque de précision et de compréhension.
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Tous les étudiants devront obligatoirement passer un examen sur le cours de grammaire
(exercices) en janvier. En cas d'absence justifiée à ce test ou d’échec, les étudiants devront le
présenter de nouveau à la session suivante, au même moment que l’examen concernant la matière
du second quadrimestre.
• Diverses récupérations d'heures de cours peuvent être nécessaires au cours de l'unité
d’enseignement. Elles seront fixées en classe.
NB : En fonction de certaines circonstances ou impératifs, ces modalités peuvent être
I. Grammar
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Choose the right answer and justify your choice:
1. There's been ............... accident!
A. a B. an C. the
A. Ø B. one C. a
A. a B. the C. Ø
A. a B. some C. any
A. any B. no C. not
13. 'Is this your car?' 'No, it's not ............... .'
A. our B. ours C. to us
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16. He's always looking at ............... in the mirror.
A. Have B. Are C. Do
25. I hope that one day all nations ............... live in peace.
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31. I want ............... the manager.
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46. Perhaps one day I ............... in another country.
A. How B. What C. So
A. a so B. a such C. such a
A. the match starts B. starts the match C. does the match start
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61. You speak ............... .
A. at B. Ø C. to
A. at B. to C. in
A. like B. as C. same as
A. there are two weeks B. there are two weeks ago C. two weeks ago
A. Ø B. at C. to
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2. Il est dans son bureau. Vous ne pouvez pas le déranger maintenant parce qu’il actualise
3. Explique-moi pourquoi on me demande chaque fois comment il est possible de faire une
5. Les enfants sont souvent malades quand ils vont en vacances en avion.
8. Quand nous sommes arrivés l’expert-comptable était déjà parti avec tous les justificatifs.
9. Ces comptes ont été vérifiés l’an dernier par un comptable qui a maintenant été licencié
pour faute grave mais je n’ai rencontré cet homme qu’une fois il y a deux ans.
10. On est en train de compter le nombre de colis que nous avons reçus jusqu’à présent. Ce
11. Tu devrais parler plus lentement si tu veux être compris pendant cette conférence.
12. Leur campagne a eu plus de succès que la nôtre. Leur affaire a été florissante pendant des
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13. Selon cette revue économique, ce système est moins économique pour la plupart des
14. Lequel de ces deux investissements à court terme trouves-tu le plus intéressant?
16. Il ne mérite pas cette bonne réputation. Il a déjà fait faillite à plusieurs reprises.
17. L’allemand est de loin moins parlé que l’espagnol mais c’est une langue indispensable
18. Ils ont payé deux millions d’euros pour cette gigantesque demeure dans le sud de la
19. Ils aimeraient changer 2.000.301 euros en dollars Quel est le taux de change actuel ?
21. Appelle-le au 071/330082 et assure-toi qu’il souhaite nous payer par traite pour cette
somme importante.
22. Nous avons reçu 7.749£. Ils ont réglé la facture en totalité.
23. Ma montre indique 9h précises. Le représentant devrait déjà être ici depuis ½ heure.
25. On ne parlait pas français dans ce pays. A l’époque, il était très difficile d’y faire des
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26. Nous avons vu leurs enfants et les témoins de l’accident.
27. Elles aiment les nouvelles marques même si elles sont plus chères et moins fiables.
28. La plupart des clients étaient déjà arrivés hier à midi. Qui as-tu vu là?
31. A qui est cette petite société? On nous a demandé d’essayer de la vendre.
32. Avez-vous fait ce travail la semaine dernière? Vous avez certainement remarqué que nous
36. Je ne le croyais pas mais maintenant je l’ai vu moi-même. Le chèque a été émis le mois
37. Ce que je ne comprends pas c’est pourquoi elles veulent fusionner si vite sans se donner
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41. A la foire de Madrid, leur offre ( offer) était meilleure que celle de leurs concurrents.
43. Regarde-les! Pourtant, je sais qu'on leur interdit de manger dans les locaux!
44. Très peu de nos clients ont aimé les nouveaux produits. Lequel préfères-tu? Le grand
modèle ou le petit?
45. Si seulement nous pouvions avoir une copie du tout dernier bilan et si ces calculs de
46. Nous avons un accord: on verse 20% à la commande et le solde plus tard à la livraison de
47. Nous avions fait une bonne étude de marché; notre succursale allemande a fait un petit
48. Les fenêtres ont été cassées pendant que tu téléphonais à la police. De plus, les témoins
ont disparu.
49. Elle est venue ce matin à 8h15. Elle a apporté tous les dossiers que nous devons contrôler
50. Sa voiture de société est très chère et son travail lui donne l'occasion de voyager
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II. Texts
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Belgian youth not comfortable with money,
financial sector survey shows
Money is a source of worry and stress for many young people in Belgium. That's the message
from a survey of 2,000 15 to 30 year-olds by the Belgian financial sector federation Febelfin.
Some 41% of interviewees said they were ‘very concerned’ about their financial situation. Only
16% never worried about a lack of money, according to the research carried out by Febelfin in
collaboration with Indiville research group.
More than one third questioned (36%) were regularly scared that their bank card would be refused
in shops. The same number worried that they would not have enough money to feed their family.
The research also revealed young people’s lack of knowledge concerning financial matters. To
help this situation, Febelfin has launched a campaign whereby Flemish and Francophone
influencers will share their “money confessions” and stories on how to manage money on social
media site Instagram.
As it currently stands, some 47% of respondees said they would not know how to manage a
budget. And 74% were unaware that banks transform savings into credit. Underlining that young
people should be taught about financial matters from school age, Febelfin will also publicize the
new “financesetmoi.be” (finance and me) platform where young people can find a wealth of
information on money questions.
The federation also noted a correlation between a person’s interest in finance and their money
problems: “Those that understand less their financial situation are not as likely to take charge of
money questions and then have money problems more often. These people find themselves in a
vicious circle.”
Finally, when they wanted advice on money matters, 70% of young people turned first to their
parents. But these elders do not like talking about money with their children. “In 2023, it is still
taboo to say how much you earn, how much you spend or how much you have in your savings
account,” Febelfin said.
“Parents are less worried speaking about sex than money with their kids. It is therefore difficult for
young people to learn how to manage their money and acquire financial knowhow,” continued the
federation, for whom, “the biggest taboo in 2023 is not sex, it’s money.”
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The wealthy trade luxury for value brands
Even Britain's wealthiest people are cutting back on basics to save money, switching
to value brands and reducing their fuel consumption.
The belt-tightening trend was also heightened among those with "exclusive lifestyles" - mid
50s-60s, married with grown-up children, mortgage-free, high disposable income and
considerable assets.
Nick Turner of AXA said it was clear that over recent months finances were more stretched
than ever, even among those with bigger disposable incomes.
"Tighter purse strings are evident, with many restricting not only the nicer things in life, but also
making changes to their food shopping and fuel consumption to a degree that paints a
disheartening picture," he said.
Just 12pc of all consumers surveyed by YouGov for AXA said they were able to pay off their
debts, with the "under-funded seniors" group – retired people with a low income, no savings
and dependent on the state, feeling the least able to pay back what they owe.
More than a third, 34pc, of consumers said they were not saving anything for retirement
because they were focusing on their immediate financial needs. Eight out of 10 people said
they were keeping a close eye on their personal finances, with a clear picture of how much
comes in and how much goes out.
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Circularium pop-up shops offers second-hand
items for free
A new pop-up shop in Anderlecht is giving away its merchandise for free. Customers must pay
only with a thank you, says the co-ordinator.
The shop is part of the larger Circularium project in a former warehouse on Chaussée de
Mons, near the Delacroix metro stop. The project is transforming 20,000 square-metres of
industrial space into a centre of innovation and circular production.
In keeping with this mission, its new shop is offering up second-hand items free of charge.
Everything is in good condition and ranges from clothing to books to toys to dishes and
beyond. It has the look of a charity shop, but instead of paying €2 for that previously loved
handbag, you pay nothing.
Circularium co-ordinator Gerd De Wilde (pictured) calls it “the free shop” where you’re only
allowed to pay with a ‘thank you’. “Every person is allowed to take one object a day,” he told
Bruzz. “We have a bit of everything – books, DVDs, stuff for kids, clothes, dishes, you name it.
In addition to picking something up, you can donate, too.”
Circularium decided to launch the temporary shop for a couple of reasons, he explains.
“People really need something to do right now, to get out of the house and wander around,”
says De Wilde. “But it’s also a way to address poverty.”
There is a catch to that ‘thank you’, however: Anyone taking an object is asked to fill their
name in on a thank you card, which is then given to the person who donated the object. This
connects people in the neighbourhood, which is another mission of Circularium. The space
also hosts people working in the culture sector and provides a space for residents to meet
each other.
The Circularium shop is open Monday to Friday from 11.00 to 17.00 until 25 May.
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Fake landlord pockets cash from six prospective
tenants at once
Tenants in Brussels are being reminded to be extra-vigilant when hunting for a place to live,
after an apartment rental scam in Etterbeek left several people out of pocket.
It is reported that a woman living in a rented apartment pretended to be the owner and listed
the property for rent on social media. It is claimed she took cash from six prospective tenants
before disappearing with the money.
RTBF reports that the victims were vulnerable people in urgent need of a place to live. They
were attracted by a low rent for what appeared to be an apartment in perfect condition.
The potential tenants were required to pay the rental guarantee and first month's rent up-front
in cash. They then received a set of keys: the first, to access the building, was real, while the
second key for the apartment was a fake.
A neighbour told RTBF they saw a series of people turn up outside the apartment, trying to get
in to what they believed was their new home.
José Garcia, general secretary of the Union of Tenants, said the scam was not very common
in Brussels - but the method had been used in the past.
"The first warning sign is a low rent," he said. "Crooks rent out apartments 'in perfect condition'
at an unbeatable price. That's the first thing to check: is the rent much lower than the norm?"
He added: "The second warning sign is being obliged to sign the lease on the spot. Scammers
are taking advantage of a pressing demand for housing to commit abuses. Finally, refuse to
make any payment other than a bank transfer. No cash should change hands."
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A man ordered a beer for $6.76. The hotel charged him $67,689
By Scottie Andrew, CNN
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III. Exercises
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1. Basic business words
Complete the following phrases (10 series) using the words (10) in the box. The following
terms introduce you to the basic business terminology.
2. A high …..
A competitive …..
A bargain …..
3. Gross …..
Net …..
….. after tax
5. A potential …..
A ….. complaint
An unhappy …..
6. ….. support
….. problems
….. asset
….. report
….. position
7. Well-trained …..
Polite and friendly …..
Recruit more …..
8. ….. opportunities
A successful …..
Start a …..
9. Financial …..
Top …..
Middle …..
Junior …..
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10. ….. pay
An ….. car
An ….. desk
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7. The decisions will depend ………. her contacts in other countries for ideas on new
accounting methods.
8. Sometimes information ………. competitors can be hard to get.
9. She hopes the new proposal will be successful. There is a big demand ………. safe
investments at the moment.
a. We will increase pay if the employees raise their ………..……... .
b. If we don’t get another order soon, we’ll have to cut ……..………... and maybe
close a factory.
a. We pay a monthly ………..……... by cheque to our white-collar staff.
b. We pay a weekly …………..…... in cash to our part-time blue-collar staff.
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a. We have to reduce our general …………..…...: we must cut costs wherever we
b. Our most important representative must cut his travel, accommodation and
entertainment …………..…...: he’ll have to stay in cheaper hotels and take his
clients to cheaper restaurants.
a. ………..……... are people who are employed by companies.
b. ……..…….….. are people who give jobs to others.
a. My neighbour has a ………..……... problem: his wife wants to leave him.
b. His company has a ………..……... problem: their employees want a 10% pay
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7. The ups and downs of business
It is important in business to be able to talk about things which go up and down (like
prices and profits). Circle the correct direction for each verb and give the primitive
1. rise ↑ ↓
2. increase ↑ ↓
3. cut ↑ ↓
4. raise ↑ ↓
5. weaken ↑ ↓
6. drop ↑ ↓
7. grow ↑ ↓
8. gain ↑ ↓
9. improve ↑ ↓
10. reduce ↑ ↓
11. decline ↑ ↓
12. decrease ↑ ↓
13. develop ↑ ↓
14. strengthen ↑ ↓
15. climb ↑ ↓
16. advance ↑ ↓
17. lose ↑ ↓
18. expand ↑ ↓
19. contract ↑ ↓
20. plummet ↑ ↓
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8. Peter Wiles is talking about his job responsibilities. Complete the
following sentences, where necessary, with a preposition from the
box. Some of the sentences do not need an extra word.
4. I deal ………. all the major aspects of the company’s marketing strategy.
a. money
b. business
c. a loss
d. a decision
a. a long time
b. a decision
c. appropriate measures
d. a deadline
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a. progress
b. something to eat
c. shares in a company
d. a meeting
a. a deadline
b. customers’ expectations
c. an appointment
d. a target
a. a product
b. a ship
c. a campaign
d. progress
a. a form
b. a task
c. a cheque
d. a project
a. an agreement
b. a plan
c. research
d. a market survey
a. progress
b. a breakthrough
c. a target
d. little
a. a decision
b. a strategy
c. an agreement
d. a target
10. Match the meanings of the phrases in bold in the sentences (1-10) with
the definitions from the list (a-j) on the right
1 How do you account for the sudden fall in the stock a people say
2 Agents buy and sell goods on their own account. b report
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3 They gave the solicitor a detailed account of the c under no
customer’s business deals in the last year. circumstances
4 The draft accounts had to be adjusted on account of d consider
the discovery that a major debtor had gone bankrupt.
5 Raw materials account for 30% of the manufacturing e explain
6 They are regular customers in this shop and are now f big customers
able to buy on account.
7 On no account should these figures be released before g for themselves
the board meeting.
8 When making decisions for the future, the managers h because of
have to take this year’s poor performance into
9 By all accounts, they will benefit greatly if the deal i on credit
goes through.
10 The advertising company has won two new accounts in j represent
South Africa.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11. Banking
Take one word from the left-hand column and one from the right to complete each of the
following sentences.
account bank
bank book
bank cash
base charges
central code
cheque facility
overdraft number
sort order
standing rate
withdraw statement
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1. All correspondence with the bank must include the company .................................
................................. .
5. The bank will set ................................. ................................. which are payable for
each transaction carried out by the bank.
8. The bank can be asked to pay the rent for the building automatically every month by
................................. ................................. .
9. The ................................. ................................. each month lists all the money which
has gone into and out of the account.
1. The book/file which contains a list of all company sales arranged by date is
known as the …….... .
(A) sales account
(B) sales card
(C) sales invoice
(D) sales day book
2. A …….... is not recorded in double entry.
(A) cash discount
(B) refund
(C) trade discount
(D) cash sale
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3. Faulty goods which are sent back to the supplier by the customer are known as
…….... .
(A) returns
(B) provisions
(C) recovers
(D) discounts
4. A …….... system should make sure that debtors do not owe too much money.
(A) quality control
(B) credit control
(C) credit note
(D) credit transfer
5. A company sells goods on credit, but if customers never pay for these goods the
money owing is known as …….... .
(A) bad debts
(B) debits
(C) bad payment
(D) bankrupts
6. The estimated expense of not being paid by debtors is known as a/an …..….. .
(A) allowance
(B) devaluation
(C) proviso
(D) provision
7. If you calculate different percentages for debts which have been owing for
different lengths of time, you can prepare a/an …….... schedule of debtors.
(A) progressive
(B) ageing
(C) reducing
(D) increasing
8. In many countries a tax is added to the price of goods and services, but some
goods may be …….... and no tax is due.
(A) exempt
(B) exceptional
(C) excused
(D) uncovered
9. At the end of an accounting period, details of tax collected and tax paid are given
to the authorities on an official form called a …….... .
(A) statement
(B) declaration
(C) return
(D) confirmation
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13. Talking about cash
Read the definitions below, then complete the phrases that follow by combining an
appropriate word from the box with ‘cash’:
1 Small amounts of money in notes and coins for regular, ……………………. cash
small purchases.
2 Money in notes and coins, not cheques or credit card ……………………. cash
3 Cash which comes in to a company from sales, after Cash ………………….
costs, overheads, etc.
4 Payment when the customer receives the goods. Cash on ……………….
5 Plan of cash income and expenditure. Cash ………………….
6 A loan in cash against a future payment. Cash ………………….
7 Notes and coins available for immediate expenditure. ……………………. cash
8 Payment of a bill with cash. Cash ………………….
9 A low price for payment in cash. Cash ………………….
14. Overheads
16 fixed cost items are listed in the box below. Categorize them according to the headings
given below.
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Miscellaneous costs
Employee costs
Professional fees
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15. Match the words in the first column with those in the second to
make compound nouns connected with banking. You can use some
words twice.
credit account
current rate
deposit debit
standing card
overdraft facility
direct order
cash point
interest dispenser
16. Complete these definitions with the correct compound nouns (see
previous exercise).
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