GEI 2 Cours Anglais 3ème Séance

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Univer si té Africaine de Technologie et de Manage me n t
Arrêté Min istériel N°0 03/MESRS/CAB/DC/SGM/DPP/DESUP/SP d u 1er Fév rier 2 006

Institut Professionnel des Sciences et Technologies

GE2 (RIT2 -SI2-SIL2) GBEGAMEY/AGLA/PORTO-NOVO Durée : ( 20H par groupe)

Période : Du 18/09/2023 au 18/10/2023

GEI 2ème Année (Troisième Semestre)

MATIÈRE : ANGLAIS APPLIQUÉ Chargé du cours : Dr Abudul Kadiri LAURIANO

Troisième Séance (Durée : 5h)


Support Cours d’Anglais


Encore appelle ‟If Clauses”, nous distinguons quatre catégories de ‟Conditional Clauses”
A) Type 0

Il exprime quelque chose qui se réalise automatiquement quand une certaine condition bien
déterminée est remplie.
Subordinate Main clause (Principal)

Simple Present ====================> Simple Present

Eg: If we add dihydrogen on dioxygen, we get water.

If it rains, the ground is wet.

B) Type 1

Il exprime quelque chose qui peut se passer si une certaine condition est remplie.
Main clause (Principal) Subordinate

Future ====================> Present

Eg: They will come if you phone them.

If it rains, we’ll go on to the farm. 1/1
04 BP 1361 CADJEHOUN - République du Bénin
Tél. : + (229) 213-086-87 - Fax : + (229) 213-089-85 - Cel : + (229) 954-298-13
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Main clause Subordinate

Modal +verb =================> Present

Eg: Phone me if you are ready.

You can phone me if you are ready.

C) Type 2

Il exprime le résultat probable d'une certaine condition que nous supposons.

C’est l'irréel du présent.

Main clause Subordinate

Conditional (would + infinitive without to)========= >Past (Preterit)

Eg: They would come if you phoned them.

If it rained, we' d go onto the farm.

Remarque :
Utiliser de préférence "were” au lieu de "was"

Eg: If I were you, I wouldn't go there.

D) Type 3

Ici, nous savons que la condition n’était pas remplie. Mais nous nous plaisons à imaginer le
résultat si ………………………(c’est parfois l’expression d’un regret)

Main clause Subordinate

Conditional perfect (would have+ PPV)---------------- >Past perfect (have+PPV)

Eg: They would have come if you had phoned them. (=you didn’t phone them)
If it had rained (it didn’t), we' d have gone onto the farm.

Remarque :
Might et could Peuvent remplacer would dans les types 2 et 3
04 BP 1361 CADJEHOUN - République du Bénin
Tél. : + (229) 213-086-87 - Fax : + (229) 213-089-85 - Cel : + (229) 954-298-13
e-mail : [email protected]
Web : GH
Eg: If she had told the truth, they might have released her
E- Omission de “if”

If they were at home, we would phone = were they at home, we would phone.

If I had worked, I would have passed = had I worked, I would have passed.

F- If-Unless

If you don't give up stealing, you will be arrested. = Unless you give up stealing. you will
be arrested.

Unless= if + negative verb

G- If-Unless-Otherwise

If you don't give up stealing, you will be arrested.

=Unless you give up stealing. you will be arrested.
=Give up stealing otherwise you will be arrested.
=You must give up stealing otherwise you will be arrested.


Activity 1: Complete the clauses in column A with those in column B

Column A Column B

1- If it rains a-If you offer her a watch

2- Unless the weather is fine b-the ground is wet

3- Had he sung well c -we might be informed

4- If they read badly d-we won't go to the beach

5- Never tell lies e-if we'd got the purse

6-If he flew back f-the onlookers would have clapped

7-The lady will be pleased g-otherwise people can’t trust you

8- We would have bought many shirts h-we’d 1augh

9- If you work hard i-dad would have hit you

10-If you'd broken the glass j-you will become famous

04 BP 1361 CADJEHOUN - République du Bénin
Tél. : + (229) 213-086-87 - Fax : + (229) 213-089-85 - Cel : + (229) 954-298-13
e-mail : [email protected]
Web : GH
Activity 2: Rephrase these sentences using the prompt given

1-lf she doesn't respect me, I’ll beat her

Unless ………………………………………………..

2- We would have eaten if we’d finished the work.

Had …………………………………………………..

3- You will be late if you don't rush.

Rush ………………………………………………...

4-We can overcome this situation if we struggle hard.

Unless ………………………………………………

5- You could fly easily if he were there.

Were …………………………………………………

6- I didn't do my exercises and the teacher punished me.

If ………………………………………………………

7- He won't win the race unless he runs faster.

……………………otherwise ……………………….

If ……………………………………………………..

8- If I were you, l'd not go there

Were …………………………………………………

9-That wouldn't have happened if you’d listened to me.

Had …………………………………………………...

10- Don't run fast otherwise you will get tired.

Unless ………………………………………………

If ................................................................................
04 BP 1361 CADJEHOUN - République du Bénin
Tél. : + (229) 213-086-87 - Fax : + (229) 213-089-85 - Cel : + (229) 954-298-13
e-mail : [email protected]
Web : GH

Formation : Sujet + to be + Participe Passé du Verbe (PPV)

Eg: The car is repaired

Bicycles will be made in Benin
Comment passer de la voix active à la voix passive
Active Voice Passive Voice
1- Le Complément d’objet ===============> Sujet
2- Mettre « to be » au temps et à la forme convenable
3- Verbe actif ======================>Participe Passé
4- Sujet ========================>Complément d’Agent

(4) (3) (1) (1) (2) (3) (4)

Eg : A man killed our dog ======> PV: Our dog was killed by a man

a) Verbes suivis de deux compléments d’objet donnent deux constructions passives. (to give, to
offer, to tell, to teach, to send, to show……...)
(1) (2)
Eg: The boy offered me a book.
1) I was offered a book by the boy.
2) A book was offered to me by the boy.

b) Omission du complément d’agent : pronoms personnels ( me, you, him.., les indéfinis
( someone, people...).
Eg : They help him ===========>He is helped.

c) Attention à la place de la postposition dans la phrase passive.

AV: People have sent for a doctor =====> PV: A doctor has been sent for.


d) L'emploi de " with" Au lieu de " by" après les verbes suivants Cover, fill, surround.

Eg: The room is filled with smoke.

e) "to" au lieu de " by" après le verbe to know.

04 BP 1361 CADJEHOUN - République du Bénin
Tél. : + (229) 213-086-87 - Fax : + (229) 213-089-85 - Cel : + (229) 954-298-13
e-mail : [email protected]
Web : GH
Eg: He is known to the police ======Il est connu de la police.

f) Pour exprimer le passage d’un état à un autre, utiliser " to get" au lieu de " to be"
Eg : to get excited, to get drunk, to get killed etc………

g) Reflexive passive:
Eg: don't let people hear you======> don't let yourself be heard

Formes irrégulières

A-Phrases imperatives

Utiliser: should, must ou let+be+PPV

Eg: AV: Take the books ======>The books should be taken

The books must be taken.
Let the books be taken.

B- Phrases impersonnelles
On les rencontre avec les verbes : to say, to think, to believe, to consider , to claim...

Construction n°1: avec it is/it was ………that

AV: People say that he is foolish======>PV: It is said that he is foolish

AV: They claimed that she stole the money===>PV:lt was claimed that she stole the money.

AV: People think that she beats men======>PV: It is thought that men are beaten by her.

Construction n°2: He is/was……

Present Present Present Present Infinitive
1. AV: They say that he is rich======> PV: He is said to be rich.

Present Past Present Perfect Infinitive

2. AV: They say that he was rich ======> PV: He is Said to have been rich

Past Past Past Present Infinitive

3. AV: They said that he was rich======> PV: He was said to be rich

Past Past Perfect Past Perfect Infinitive

4. AV: They thought that Abou had broken into the house=>PV: Abou was thought to have
broken into the house

Activity 1: Turn into Passive voice
1-The carpenter makes tables and chairs in a workshop
……..………………………………………………………… 6/1
04 BP 1361 CADJEHOUN - République du Bénin
Tél. : + (229) 213-086-87 - Fax : + (229) 213-089-85 - Cel : + (229) 954-298-13
e-mail : [email protected]
Web : GH
2-The boy broke all the glasses at the party
3-People are infoming the police about the burglary

4-They have not opened the gate today

5-James doesn't drink alcohol at picnics
6-The woman can sell all the apples
7-Have you eaten my food again
8-They organise celebrations in your schoo1
9- Men should respect women everywhere
10- The kids didn’ t catch the mice in the house

Activity 2: Turn into Passive voice

1-People are going to forget the news if we don’t do anything

2-They will give us some money for the trip
3-Jenny teaches Mike how to swim on Sundays
4-We may talk to him tomorrow
5-The family had to send for a medicine man
6-Did the class understand the teacher well?
7-The prefect might punish the students who will 1ose their books
8- Nobody can do this exercise easily
……. ………………………………………………………….
9- Is the girl taking the vegetables out of the basket?
10- Nobody is going to tell the truth

04 BP 1361 CADJEHOUN - République du Bénin
Tél. : + (229) 213-086-87 - Fax : + (229) 213-089-85 - Cel : + (229) 954-298-13
e-mail : [email protected]
Web : GH

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