ESA Bulletin 004
ESA Bulletin 004
ESA Bulletin 004
and took over the L 'Agence Spatiale Europeenne est issue des deux Organisations spatiales
rights and obligations of. the two earlier European Space Organisations: europeennes qui I'ont precedee .- I'Organisation europeenne de recher-
the European Space Research Organisation (ESRO) and the European ches spatiales (CERS) et I'Organisation europeenne pour la mise au
Organisation for the Development and Construction of Space Vehicle point et la construction de lanceurs d'engins spatiaux (CECLES) -
Launchers (ELDO). The Member States are Belgium. Denmark. France.
dont elle a repris les droits et obligations. Les Etats membres en sont:
Germany. Italy. Netherlands. Spain. Sweden. Switzerland and the
United Kingdom . I'Allemagne, la 8elgique, le Danemark, I'Espagne. la France, I'ltalie. les
Pays-8as, le Royaume-Uni, la Suede et la Suisse.
In the words of the Convention : The purpose of the Agency shall be to
provide for and to promote. for exclusively peaceful purposes. co- Selon les termes de la Convention : L'Agence a pour mission d'assurer et
operation among European States in space research and technology de developper, a des fins exclusivement pacifiques, la cooperation entre
and their space applications. with a view to their being used for scient- Etats europeens dans les domaines de la recherche et de la technologie
ific purposes and for operational space applications systems. spatiales et de leurs applications spatiales, en vue de leur utilisation a
des fins scientifiques et pour des systemes spatiaux operationnels d'ap-
(a) by elaborating and implementi ng a long-term European space
policy. by recommending space objectives to the Member States.
and by concerting the pol icies of the Member States with respect
to other national and international organisations and institutions; (a) en (Haborant et en mettant en oeuvre une politique spatiale euro-
peenne a long terme, en recommandant aux Etats membres des
(b) by elaborating and implementing activities and programmes in the objectifs en matiere spatiale et en concertant les politiques des
space field; Etats membres a I'egard d 'autres organisations et institutions
nationales et internationales:
(c) by co-ordinating the European space programme and national
programmes. and by integrating the latter progressively and as (b) en elaborant et en mettant en oeuvre des activites et des pro-
completely as possible into the European space programme. in grammes dans le domaine spatial:
particular as regards the development of applications satellites;
(c) en coordonnant le programme spatial europtien et les programmes
(d) by elaborating and implementing the industrial policy appropriate
to its programme and by recommending a coherent industrial nationaux, et en integrant ces derniers progressivement et aussi
policy to the Member States. completement que possible dans le programme spatial europeen,
notamment en ce qui concerne le developpement de satellites
The Agency is directed by a Council composed of representatives of d'applications:
Member States. The Director General is the chief executive of the
Agency and its legal representative. (d) en elaborant et en mettant en oeuvre la politique industrielle
appropriee a son programme et en recommandant aux Etats
The Directorate of the Agency consists of the Director General; the
Director of Planning and Future Programmes; the Director of Admini -
membres une politique industrielle coherente.
stration ; the Director of Scientific and Meteorological Satellite Pro-
grammes; the Director of Communication Satellite Programmes; the L 'Agence est dirigee par un Conseil, compose de representants des Etats
Director of the Spacelab Programme; th e Technical Inspector; the membres. Le Directeur general est le fonctionnaire ext!cutif superieur
Director of ESTEC and the Director of ESOC. de I'Agence et la represente dans tous ses actes.
The ESA HEADQUARTERS are in Paris (Neuilly -sur-Seine). Le Directoire de I'Agence est compose du Directeur general, du Direc-
The major establishments of ESA are: teur des Programmes futurs et des Plans, du Directeur de I'Administra-
tion, du Directeur des Programmes de satellites scientifiques et meteo-
EUROPEAN SPACE RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY CENTRE rologique, du Directeur des Programmes de satellites de communica-
(ESTEC). Noordwijk. Netherlands. tions, du Directeur du Programme Space lab. de I'Inspecteur technique,
du Directeur de I'ESTEC et du Directeur de I'ESOC.
Germany. Le SIEGE de I'ASE est aParis (Neuilly-sur-Seine).
Italy .
Les principaux Etablissements de rASE sont:
Chairman of the Council for 1976: Dr . W. F inke (Germany). President du Conseil pour 1976: Dr. W. Finke (Allemagne ).
Je saisis f'occasion de ce premier bulletin de la nouvelle annee Let me take this opportunity of thanking all ESA staff for
pour remercier f'ensemble du personnel de f'Agence du travail their efforts in 1975. It was an extremely busy year, but it
qu'il a accompli en 1975. L'annee ecoutee a certes ete pour ended happily at the Council meeting in mid-December when
nous une annee de tres gros efforts mais qui ont ete couronnes the Agency's budgets for 1976 were approved. Council dele-
par f'approbation des budgets de I'Agence pour 1976, donnee gates on several occasions during the year paid tribute to the
par le Conseil a sa session de la mi-decembre. A plusieurs work of the Agency's staff, and, on the occasion of the formal
reprises, les delegues au Conseilont, f'an passe, rendu hommage acceptance of the 1974 accounts, the Council Resolution for
au travail du personnel de f'Agence, notamment lors de f'ap - the first time included thanks to staff for 'their efforts in
probation officielle des comptes de f'exercise 1974 ou, pour la ensuring efficient management of the Organisation's affairs'.
premiere fois, le Conseil a remercie dans une Resolution les
membres du personnel de f'Agence des 'efforts qu'ils ont faits During talks to staff at our various locations I have tried to
pour assurer une gestion efficace des affaires de f'Organisation ~ explain what the year ahead holds for us, and it is perhaps not
appropriate here to go into much detail. I WOUld, however, like
Au cours des conversations que j'ai eues avec le personnel dans to emphasise that it will be another busy and important year.
nos divers etablissements, j'ai essaye d'expliquer ce que f'annee One from time to time hears the doom-laden predictions of
qui s'ouvre nous reserve et il n'est donc peut-etre pas utile d'y our home-produced soothsayers. The versions vary , but many
revenir ici en detail. J'aimerais toutefois souligner que cette contain stark descriptions of the Agency's decline and fall. I
annee sera, elle aussi, importante et chargee de travail. De am fully aware of the dangers which face us in the coming
temps a autre des 'augures maison' font circuler dans nos murs year, and particularly of the need for us not simply to restrict
des rumeurs alarmantes. Les versions varient mais beaucoup de our attention to our immense on-going programme, but to be
ces propheties s'accompagnent de sombres descriptions du actively looking to the future. I and my colleagues in the
declin et de la chute de notre Agence. Je suis pleinement Directorate are already addressing ourselves to this subject and
conscient des dangers auxquels nous serons confrontes cette many of you are associated with the various studies that are
annee et en particulier de la necessite dans laquelle nous under way; I frankly find it difficult to be othe r than
sommes de ne pas limiter uniquement notre attention a optimistic about our future.
!'immense programme que nous avons en cours mais aussi
d'envisager dynamiquement I'avenir. Mes collegues du Direc- But, however important it may be to assure the medium-term
toire et moi nous sommes deja atteles a cette tache et plusieurs future of the Agency, it must be clear that our first respons-
d'entre vous sont associes aux diverses etudes qui ont ete ibility is to the existing programmes. It is by our performance
entreprises; en toute conscience, je pense que I'on peut on these programmes that we will be judged. For this I need
difficilement ne pas se montrer optimiste devant notre avenir. the help and enthusiasm of every single staff member. As a
return for this help, I have tried to show that the management
Mais, quelque important que puisse etre le fait d'assurer of the Agency truly has the interests of staff at heart and I
f'avenir a moyen terme de notre Agence, il doit etre clair que believe that we can all see one or two major achievements in
notre responsabilite porte au premier chef sur les programmes th is field. In 1976 I intend to continue to give staff the
existants. C'est sur la far;on dont nous executerons ces pro- opportunity of understanding and participating in the activ-
grammes que nous serons juges. J'ai besoin pour cela de I'aide ities of the Agency, both through meetings with the Staff
et de I'enthousiasme de chacun d'entre vous. J'espere avoir Association Committee and in larger get-togethers with staff. I
montre qu'en retour la Direction de I'Agence prend reellement shall on these occasions be frank and expect you to be the
a coeur les interets du personnel et je pense qu'a cet egard same. Your contribution to the achievement of the Agency's
nous pouvons tous reconnai'tre qu'un ou deux grands resultats objectives is very much needed.
ont ere acquis. Mon intention est de continuer en 1976 adonner
au personnel la possibilite de comprendre le sens des activites de A happy and successful 1976 to you all.
I'Agence et d'y participer, tant au cours de reunions avec le
Comite central de f'Association du Personnel que d'assemblees
plus nombreuses. Je me montrerai franc en ces occasions et j'en
attends autant de vous. Je compte sincerement sur votre co-
operation active a la realisation des objectifs de f'Agence.
The New European Space Agency
La nouvelle Agence spatiale europeenne
G. Geens, Belgian Secretary of State for Science Policy
SecnJtaire d'Etat a la Politique scientifique de Belgique
The following text is extracted from the speech made by Mr. Je suis tres sensible a !'invitation que votre President m'a faite
Gaston Geens before the Parliamentary Assembly of the de vous parler aujourd'hui des activites spatiales europeennes
Council of Europe in Strasbourg on 2 October 1975, in his et en particulier de I'Agence spatiale europeenne.
capacity as Chairman of the European Space Conference.
La creation de cette Agence ne peut certes pas laisser indif-
ferente votre Assemblee qui, depuis de nombreuses annees
Le texte suivant est extra it du discours que M. Gaston Geens a deja, s'est activement interessee aux problemes spatiaux de
prononce devant I' Assemblee parlementaire du Conseil de I'Europe. Ce fut, en effet, des I'automne 1960, que votre
l'Europe a Strasbourg le 2 octobre 1975, en sa qualite de Assemblee adopta pour la premiere fois une recommandation
President de la Conference spatia le europeenne. proposant la creation d'une organisation europeenne de
I'espace. Les idees n'etaient apparemment pas encl)re mDres a
cette epoque en faveur de I'integration totale des efforts, car
deux organisations furent creees, I'une appelee a s'occuper des
lanceurs, I'autre de la recherche scientifique.
Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen, Cependant, vous etes intervenus depuis lors avec constance en
faveur de la mise en place d'une seule Agence spatiale euro-
I very much appreciate your President's invitation to talk to peenne et d'une politique aussi integree que possible. Voila 'vos
you today about European space activities, and in particular efforts finalement couronnes de succes en cette annee du
about the European Space Agency. quinzieme anniversaire de votre premiere recommandation.
Your Assembly certainly cannot be indifferent to the creation La voie de I'unification de I'Europe, qui est un des principaux
of that organisation, since you have taken an active interest in objectifs poursuivis par le Conseil de I'Europe, est parsemee
European space problems for many years. In fact, it was in the d'obstac/es; dans le domaine des activites spatiales, ce fut
autumn of 1960 that your Assembly for the first time adopted peut-etre davantage le cas qu'ailleurs. La creation de I'Agence
a recommendation for the creation of a European space spatiale europeenne est en realite le denouement d'une longue
organisation. At that point it would appear that the time was crise qui a commence deja en 1966 par la controverse au sujet
not yet ripe for the idea of complete integration of effort, for de I'opportunite de continuer le projet de lanceur Europa I. Ce
two organisations were set up, one to deal with launchers, and n'est que pas a pas que toutes les hesitations politiques, tech-
the other with scientific research. niques, voire psychologiques furent vaincues. Le resultat est
neanmoins tres encourageant, I'Europe possede maintenant un
However, since then you have never wavered in your demand outil, elle dispose des moyens financiers et techniques pour
for the establishment of a single European Space Agency and realiser ses programmes et ses objectifs. Mais if reste beaucoup
as integrated a policy as possible. And now your efforts are at a faire. La volonte politique qui s'est manifestee doit etre cuI-
last crowned with success on this fifteenth anniversary of your tivee et renforcee afin de garantir I'avenir de I'Europe spatiale.
first recommendation .
Je souhaiterais d'abord rappeler ce que la Convention qui vient
The road to European unification, which is one of the Council d'etre signee apporte de vraiment nouveau par rapport aux
of Europe's prime objectives, is strewn with obstacles, perhaps deux conventions existantes. Ensuite, je tacherai de mettre en
more so in the space field than anywhere else. The creation of lumiere brievement les perspectives que nous offre cette Con-
the European Space Agency is actually the final phase of a vention et je pense qu'il serait egalement interessant de
long crisis which began as early as 1966 with the argument souligner dans quelle mesure la nouvelle Convention est un
about the desirability of continuing with the Europa I launch- element important dans I'ensemble de la construction de
er project. It was only very gradually that all the political, I'Europe. Je terminerai par un bref commentaire des pro-
technical and even psychological misgivings were overcome. grammes en cours qui demontre a la fois I'ampleur de I'effort
The result is nevertheless very encouraging, and Europe now deja entrepris et la demarche qu 'il faut entreprendre pour
has its instrument and the financial and technical means for encore I'harmoniser.
carrying out its programmes and reaching its objectives . But a
great deal remains to be done. The political will which has NOUVELLES IDEES CONCRETISEES DANS LA NOU-
made itself apparent must be cultivated and strengthened so as VELLE CONVENTION
to guarantee Europe's future in space.
(a) Les deux conventions existantes ne prevoyaient pas I'insti-
I want to begin by reminding you that the Convention which tutionalisation de la deliberation au niveau politique. C'etait
has just been signed really has something new to offer as une lacune reelle qui fut d'ailleurs combJee partiellement par la
compared with the two existing conventions. Then I shall try creation en 1967 de la Conference spatiale europeenne, qui a
to point briefly to the prospects this new Convention opens up depuis lors ete le forum ou les grandes options politiques de
for us, and I think it may also be important to stress how I'Europe ont ete debattues. Mais il fallait doter cette Confe-
important the Convention is to the whole construction of rence d'un veritable statut juridique lui permettant de prendre
Europe. I shall end with a brief commentary on the pro- des decisions directement executoires. C'est desormais chose
grammes under way, which show both the magnitude of the faite dans la Convention de I'ASE.
effort already undertaken and the steps needed to harmonise it
still further. L 'accord qui a ete realise dans ce domaine est a mon avis
capital. Les activites spatiales ont, en effet, pour chaque pays
pris separement et pour I'Europe consideree globalement, un
FRESH IDEAS MADE CONCRETE IN THE NEW CON- impact direct sur la politique scientifique, sur la politique de
VENTION promotion des technologies avancees ainsi que sur la politique
industrielle. Les decisions a prendre revetent donc un caractere
(a) The two existing conventions did not provide for the de politique globale, c'est-a-dire qu'elles interessent les respon-
institutionalisation of political discussion. That was a real sables au niveau gouvernemental.
gap which was partially bridged, however, by the creation
in 1967 of the European Space Conference which has, (b) Une autre innovation est I'acheminement progressif d'un
since then, provided a forum where Europe's political systeme de coexistence de programmes europeens et nationaux
options have been debated. But it was essential to give the vers un systeme de veritable communaute spatiale europeenne
Conference real political status which would allow it to ou il n'y ait plus que des programmes europ(jens. C'est cela
take decisions for direct action. That has been done in the I'objectif de I'europeanisation par etapes successives des divers
ESA Convention. programmes nationaux, objectif qui ne manque certes pas
d'ambition. Ici encore, il ne faut pas sous-estimer les difficultes
The Convention concluded in this field is, in my view, of auxquelles on sera confronte. Ce serait mal connartre nos pays
capital importance. For each country separately, and for de I'Europe occidentale que de s'imaginer que les programmes
Europe as a whole, space activities have a direct impact on nationaux seront faciles a integrer dans un vaste ensemble
science policy, on the policy for promoting advanced europeen.
technology and on industrial pol icy. The decisions that
have to be taken thus affect overall policy, which means Mais I'effort doit etre tente. Sans cette integration, I'activite
that they are of concern to those responsible for govern- spatiale me parart impossible a soutenir et a rentabiliser. 11
ment. s'agit en effet, d'une part, de realiser I'economie des moyens et
d'eliminer les duplications; d'autre part, de s'assurer qu'une
(b) Another innovation is the way in which the system communaute suffisamment grande s'interesse au produit et
whereby EUropean and national programmes 'co-existed' s'applique a I'utiliser.
alongside each other is progressively giving way to the
creation of a real European space community whose only Par ailleurs, la Communaute spatiale europeenne, rassembJee
programmes will be European ones. That is the aim of the dans I'ASE, sera prete a accorder son assistance, en installa-
gradual Europeanisation of the various national pro- tions, en materiel et meme en personnel, aux Etats membres
grammes, an aim that certainly cannot be described as qui le solliciteraient pour des activites spatiales a des fins
unambitious. But here again the difficulties must not be pacifiques.
underestimated. To imagine that the integration of our
national programmes into an overall EUropean scheme will (c) Les deux conventions existantes mentionnaient, plutot
be an easy task would be to display great ignorance of our timidement, la possibilite d'une exploitation commerciale des
western European countries. equipements developpes en commun. Ces dispositions etaient
Still the effort must be made. Without such integration trop vagues, bien qu'annon9ant dlHa la phase des applications
the pursuit, let alone the economic pursuit, of space pratiques de I'espace. Depuis le debut des annees 1960, on a
activity seems to me impossible. Two things are needed: assiste a une evolution tres caracteristique des activites spa-
firstly, to economise the means at our disposal and to tiales.
eliminate duplication; secondly, to ensure that a suf-
ficiently large-scale community will interest itself in the La mission spatia le, initialement vouee a la recherche scienti-
product of such activity and apply itself to making use of fique et a la performance technologique, s'est progressivement
it. axee sur des finalites economiques plus directes. Je citerai
simplement I'exemple des satellites de telecommunications,
Moreover, the European Space Community, in the d'aide a la navigation maritime et aerienne, de meteorologie,
material form of ESA, will always be ready to provide enfin de detection des ressources terrestres. Ces applications
assistance, in the shape of installations, material and even jouent desormais un role essentiel dans I'ensemble des activites
personnel, to any Member States asking for it in con- spatiales.
nection with space activities for peaceful purposes.
Aussi fallait-il inserer dans les statu ts et dans la mission de la
(c) The two conventions already in existence both referred, if nouvelle Agence des dispositions specifiques a cet effet:
somewhat timidly, to the possibility of the use on a com-
mercial basis of material developed jointly. These provi- la Convention nouvelle assigne formellement aux activites
sions, however, were worded too vaguely, although they de I'Agence, a cOte des finalites scientifiques, une finalite
did foreshadow the stage of practical application. Since debouchant sur des systemes operationnels d'application;
the early 1960's, there has been a highly significant devel - I'Agence a pour mission d'assurer et de developper la coope-
opment of space activities. ration europeenne dans ce domaine;
elle est dotee des moyens de s'y mouvoir avec une indepen'
The exploration of space, undertaken at first for purposes dance relative, notamment par la disposition de ses propres
of scientific research and technological development, has moyens de lancement et elle devra s'assurer la rentabilite de
been progressively directed towards more purely eco- cet effort par une priorite relative donnee a I'utilisation de
nomic ends. I need only mention the example of tele- ses propres developpements;
communications satellites, navigational aids for ships and el/e a competence et vocation d'organiser les rapports avec
aircraft, meteorology, and the search for underground les futurs usagers des systemes qu'elle developpe et de leur
minerals, all of which will from now on have an important apporter son appui technique ainsi que I'utilisation de ses
role in space activities as a whole. instal/ations.
For these reasons we have felt it necessary to include in (d) Par rapport aux conventions existantes, la Convention
the statutes and objectives of the new Agency a number ASE renforce le principe de la continuite de la politique
of specific provisions: menee. Ainsi la planification budgetaire portera desormais sur
cinq annees; par ail/eurs, les possibilites de retrait ont ete
the new Convention explicitly includes among the rendues plus difficiles et le financement des engagements pris,
Agency's activities, alongside its scientific aims, one d'un commun accord, avant le re trait eventuel, devra etre
relating to operational applications systems honore.
the task of the Agency is to ensure and develop
European co-operation in the space field Bien entendu, aucune convention internationale ne peut don-
the Agency is given the means to act on a relatively ner la garantie absolue que tous les programmes seront execu-
independent basis, by the possession inter alia of its tes jusqu'a leur terme sans defaillance aucune. Tout ce que je
own launching equipment, and it is to ensure the peux dire a ce sujet c'est que la volonte politique existe chez
viability of this side of its work by a certain degree of tous les partenaires in distinctement, a I'heure actuelle, et
priority for the use of its own productions j'estime que ceci est tout a fait reconfortant, eu egard aux
it has the necessary powers and is responsible for hesitations du passe.
arranging its relations with those who may in future
make use of the systems it develops, as well as for (e) Un dernier domaine dans lequella Convention ASE innove
affording them technical support and allowing them est celui de la pol itique industrielle. Dans le passe, la politique
the use of its installations.
(d) So far as the existing conventions are concerned, the ESA industrielle de certaines organisations europeennes de techno-
Convention upholds the principle of a continuing policy. logie de pointe, que ce soit dans le domaine de I'espace ou
Hence, budgetary planning will in future cover five-year dans d'autres domaines, s'est trop souvent limitee au probleme
periods; the possibility of withdrawal from the Agency de ce qu'il a ete convenu d'appeler 'le juste retour~
has been rendered more difficult and any financial obli-
gations arising out of jointly agreed projects must be Sans meconnartre !'importance de cette notion, les redacteurs
carried out before any such withdrawal takes place. de la Convention ont cependant estime qu'il fallait I'englober
dans un ensemble plus vaste. On a pris conscience du fait que
Obviously, no international convention can give an abso- la competitivite de !'industrie europeenne sur le plan mondial
lute guarantee that all the programmes will be carried doit etre sauvegardee a tout prix et que I'amelioration de cette
through in their entirety. All I can say is that the political competitivite doit etre un objectif fondamental de la politique
will exists at present in all the participants without industrielle. Un autre objectif est la recherche des debauches
distinction, a fact I regard as highly encouraging, given the capables de rentabiliser les efforts financiers considerables
doubts manifested in the past. consentis par les Etats membres. Enfin, la rationalisation et la
specialisation de nos industries seront indispensables si I'on
(e) One other field in which the ESA Convention breaks new veut maintenir leur competitivite vis-a-vis de la concurrence
ground is that of industrial policy. In the past, the indus- mondiale. Ainsi la politique industrielle de I'Agence couvrira
trial policy of certain advanced European technological un domaine tres vaste dans lequel des exigences vitales pour
organisations, in space and other fields, has too often been I'avenir de nos industriels, mais procedant parfois d'interets
restricted to the question of what it has been agreed to contradictoires, devront etre satisfaites.
call the 'fair return'.
Without failing to recognise the importance of this idea, MISE EN ROUTE DE L'AGENCE SPATlALE EUROPEENI'JE
those who drafted the Convention thought it should be
made part of a larger whole . It was realised that the com- (a) L 'oeuvre de cooperation que nous avons entreprise est une
petitiveness of EUropean industry in the world must be oeuvre pacifique. Elle a pour but de mieux connaitre I'espace
safeguarded at all costs, and that increasing this compe- et de mieux utiliser les possibilites particulieres qu'i! nous offre,
titiveness must be a basic objective of industrial pol icy . notamment dans les domaines de I'observation et de la propa-
Another objective is the search for markets which can gation des signaux. Precisement parce que notre oeuvre est
make the considerable financial effort undertaken by the pacifique, ses fruits ne doivent pas etre limites cl I'Europe
Member States economic. Finally, our industries will have seulement, mais devraient pouvoir etre mis a la disposition
to be nationalised and specialised if we want to keep them d'autres pays dans un but de cooperation pacifique. Cette
abreast of world competition. So the Agency's industrial ouverture me parait importante pour les relations de I'Europe
policy will cover a very wide field in which certain vital spatiale avec le reste du monde et je me rejouis des perspec-
future requirements for our industries, sometimes deriving tives qu'elle offre.
from contradictory interests, will have to be satisfied.
Bien entendu, il faudra dans ce domaine une approche qui
PROSPECTS OPENED UP BY THE ESTABLISHMENT AND reponde aux besoins reels des utilisateurs et tienne compte de
OPERATION OF THE EUROPEAN SPACE AGENCY leurs aspirations propres. Dans ce contexte, il est d'une impor-
tance capitale de pouvoir fournir des systemes operationnels
(a) The task that we have undertaken is one of peaceful co- complets, de preter I'assistance necessaire cl leur entretien et
operation . Its aim is to gain a better knowledge of space leur mise en oeuvre, enfin d'assister ces utilisateurs dans
and to make better use of the special opportunities which I'acquisition des techniques nouvelles dans la mesure de leurs
it affords us, particularly in the fields of observation and besoins.
signalling. Precisely because of the peaceful nature of our
work, its fruits should not be confined to Europe alone La commercialisation reste, evidemment, au premier chef, le
but ought to be made available to other countries in a role de l'industrie elle-meme. Celui de I'Organisation consiste cl
spirit of peaceful co-operation. This seems to me to be of susciter au sein de I'industrie les activites repondant cl ces
importance for the relations of space-age Europe with the exigences, a faire connartre la capacite technologique de
rest of the world and I welcome the prospects which it I'Europe, a etablir des contacts et a preter son assistance tech-
opens up.
In this field, of course, we must adopt an approach which nique. Dans ce but, des seminaires d'inforrnation sont organi-
will meet the real needs of users and take their own aspira- ses et des echanges de stagiaires auront lieu pour que ceux-ci
tions into account. In this context, it is vital for us to be puissent se perfectionner dans les technologies nouvel/es.
able to provide complete operational systems, to give the
assistance necessary for their maintenance and use, and to (b) Une deuxieme perspective ouverte par la creation de
help the users to acquire any new techniques which they I'Agence spatiale europeenne concerne le developpement
may need. d'une activite originale propre a l'Europe. Jusqu'a present,
I'Europe a trop souvent ete reduite a s'interesser a des syste-
Marketing obviously remains primarily the role of the mes deja developpes ailleurs dans le monde.
industry itself. The Agency's role is to stimulate within
the industry activities which meet the above demands, to Ce decalage technologique, cette arrivee tardive sur le marche
gain recognition for Europe's technological capacity, to et, tres souvent, cette dependance de produits et de services
establish contacts and to give technical assistance. To this fournis ail/eurs dans des conditions commercialement attrayan-
end, information seminars are held and exchanges will be tes, constituent un handicap serieux pour l'industrie euro-
organised between trainees to enable them to perfect their peenne. 1/ est donc d'une importance majeure d'identifier des
knowledge of the new techniques. voies originales. La mutation economique que la societe mon-
diale commence cl subir sous I'effet de la limitation des ressour-
(b) A further vista opened up by the creation of the European ces doit certes offrir des opportunites cl ceux qui ont !'imagi-
Space Agency is the development of an original activity nation, I'experience et I'esprit d'entreprise necessaires.
specific to Europe. Up to now, Europe has too often been
reduced to taking an interest in systems already developed Je crois que la politique de I'ASE doit consister a amorcer et cl
elsewhere in the world. soutenir pareil/e demarche. L 'Europe me semble intel/ectuel/e-
ment et materiel/ement a meme de tenter cet effort. Pour que
Its technological time-lag, its late arrival in the market celui-ci ait des chances reel/es d'aboutir, il doit cependant etre
and, very frequently, its dependence on products manu- prepare et accompagne d'une suffisante independance techno-
factured and services provided elsewhere on commercially logique: cl cet egard, je songe notamment aux efforts que nous
attractive conditions are serious handicaps for the Euro- consacrons a disposer de moyens de lancement propres et a
pean industry. It is therefore most important that we produire des composants de haute qualification. 11 faut aussi
should find some new paths to tread. The economic une suffisante integration des activites spatiales tant sous
changes that are beginning to be felt throughout the world I'aspect de la communaute des objectifs que sous celui de la
with the limitation of resources must surely afford many concentration des moyens et de la haute specialisation.
opportunities for those with the necessary imagination,
experience and enterprise. (c) La Convention de I'ASE, comme je I'ai deja indique, insti-
tutionnalise la concertation au niveau gouvernemental. Cet
I think that the policy of ESA should be to trigger off instrument de deliberation commune aura bien entendu la
and back up action of this kind. To my mind, Europe is valeur et I'utilite que les gouvernements europeens voudront
intellectually and materially capable of making this effort. bien lui donner. Les probtemes qui seront soumis cl cette
If there is to be any real chance of success, however, deliberation seront, en effet, tres importants et ardus. En
preparatory work must be done and adequate technolo- premier lieu, il y a /'objectif eloigne, mais realisable, de
gical independence secured; in this context, I am thinking I' europeanisation des programmes nationaux.
particularly of the efforts which we are making to obtain
our own launching facilities and produce high-quality L 'experience nous apprend, en effet, que plutOt que de
components. It is necessary, too, to integrate our space susciter une saine emulation, ces programmes n'aboutissent
activities sufficiently, with as common objectives a con- trop souvent qU'cl la duplication et cl la fragmentation des
centration of resources and high specialisation. efforts ainsi qu'au cloisonnement des debouches. Par ail/eurs, il
faudra progressivement tendre vers des programmes dans
(c) As I have already mentioned, the ESA Convention puts lesquels les activites communes, decidees et entreprises en
consultation at government level on an official footing. Of commun par tous les Etats membres, prendront le pas sur les
course, this instrument of common discussion will only be activites facultatives. Toujours dans le meme ordre d'idees,
as valuable and useful as the governments of Europe make nous devrons veil/er cl ce que les programmes europeens soient
it. The problems to be discussed will be very crucial and le moins possible soumis cl ce qu'on a appele dans le passe 'le
thorny ones. First and foremost there is the remote, but leadership'. L 'histoire des debuts de I'Europe spatiale nous a
nevertheless attainable, objective of Europeanising appris que dans des programmes techniques complexes, le
national programmes. leadership ne peut etre laisse sans inconvenient aux differents
Etats membres mais que la maftrise d'oeuvre doit au contraire
Experience has taught us that, rather than stimulating etre confiee cl I'Organisation e/le-meme, qui est I'emanation de
healthy rivalry, such programmes all too often lead only la volonte commune de ces Etats. Enfin, il est important que
to duplication and dissipation of effort and to compart- I'Europe soutienne son effort de developpement par I'utili-
mentalisation of outlets. In addition, we should work sation de ses propres produits. Pour atteindre pareil objectif
increasingly towards programmes in which common activi- dans des conditions economiques et commerciales justifiables,
ties planned and put into action jointly by all the Member I'ensemble de la communaute doit etre interesse cl la produc-
States will outweigh optional projects. Still in the same tion. A cet egard, un double effort doit etre fait pour identifier
line of thinking, we must ensure that European pro- cl longue echeance les besoins du marche europeen et, correla-
grammes are marked as little as possible by what has been tivement, pour concevoir la satisfaction de ces besoins en fonc-
known in the past as 'leadership'. The story of the begin- tion des disponibilites prop res de I'Europe.
nings of European space projects has taught us that, where
complex technical programmes are involved, no Member Je crois que I'ASE, te/le que nous I'avons organisee, est doMe
State may safely be left to lead the project, but that the sur les plans humain et materiel des moyens necessaires pour
organisation itself must control it, being the expression of entreprendre I'effort dans ces perspectives. Je crois par ai/leurs
the common will of the States. Lastly, Europe must que les principes deposes dans la Convention et les structures
continue its efforts at development through the use of its de concertation et de decision que nous y avons prevues
own products. To attain this objective in reasonable permettront cl I'Agence de progresser, pourvu que la volonte
economic and commercial conditions, the community as a politique qui a inspire ces principes et ces structures persiste et
whole must be involved in production. In this context an se developpe.
effort must be made both to identify the long-term needs
of the European Market and at the same time to plan how Tel/e est la tache importante et stimulante que la nouve/le
to meet these needs with the resources available in Agence spatiale europeenne aura devant el/e. EI/e aura de
Europe. nombreuses missions, dont je voudrais souligner cel/e qui
consiste cl etre un element de I'unification politique de
think that ESA, as we have organised it, has the necessary I'Europe.
resources in terms of manpower and material to make the
effort. I also think that the principles set out in the Con- Je citerai cl cet egard le rapprochement des legislations. Les
vention and the system of consultation and decision-making conditions generales des marches publics elaborees par les deux
provided for in it will enable the Agency to progress, provided organisations spatiales precedentes ant joue un role de cata-
the political will which underlies the principles and the system Iyseur pour les reglements nationaux. L 'Agence pourra plus
is sustained and grows. efficacement encore poursuivre cet effort.
Such is the important, stimulating task which lies before the Je pense egalement cl la politique industriel/e, dont je viens de
new European Space Agency. It will have many missions, one vous entretenir. Par ail/eurs, je suis persuade que la formation
of which, its ability to contribute to the political unification d'equipes de techniciens de I'Europe entiere, travail/ant pour
of Europe, I should like to dwell on. relever les memes detis techniques, sera un element tres actif
de rapprochement de nos pays dans une ambition commune.
In this context I would mention the job of harmonising legis-
lation. The general conditions created by the two previous Enfin, cl I'egard de I'exterieur, I'Agence sera le lieu ou s'elabo-
space organisations for public tendering acted as a catalyst for reront des attitudes communes ou harmonisees entre nos pays.
national regulations. The Agency will be able to perform this Je pense ici, notamment, cl la concertation des Etats europeens
function even more effectively. en vue de la preparation des debats sur les problemes spatiaux
aux Nations Unies.
I am thinking, too, of industrial policy, of which I have just
been speaking. I am also convinced that the formation of Mais c'est essentiel/ement par ses exigences propres sur le plan
teams of technologists from all over Europe to face the same des performances scientifiques, techniques, industrielles et
technical challenges will be one very positive factor in bringing economiques que I'action spatiale est par excellence I'etement
our countries closer together in a common ambition. moteur d'une collaboration et d'une integration a la dimension
des exigences de notre epoque.
Lastly, as far as the outside world is concerned, the Agency
will be the place where our countries can work out common or LES PROGRAMMES DE L' ASE
more closely harmonised attitudes. Here I am thinking in
particular of the consultations between European States with a Ce programme, malgre les peripeties qui ont marque sa genese,
view to the discussions on space problems at the United constitue - pour reprendre une qualification de la Conference
Nations. It is, however, mainly because of the high scientific, ministerielle de 1968 - un ensemble relativement 'complet,
technical, industrial and economic performance which activity equilibre et coherent~ Complet, en tant qu'il do it s'adresser
in the space field demands that such activity is par excellence aux differents domaines actuellemnt identifies de I'activite
an i.,centive to co·operation and integration on a scale com- spatiale. Equilibre, en tant qu'il doit faire une juste part aux
mensurate with the needs of our age. motivations scientifiques, technologiques et economiques de
cette activite. Coherent, en tant qu'il doit etre axe sur I'acqui-
ESA PROGRAMMES sition de I'experience necessaire aux technologies a mettre en
oeuvre et sur une politique de valorisation maximale de ces
Despite the difficulties of its birth, this programme forms - to moyens dans I'ensemble des programmes.
take up a phrase used by the 1968 Ministerial Conference - a
'complete, balanced and coherent whole': complete in that it Ce resultat n'a cependant ete atteint que de f890n fort empiri-
covers the various presently identified fields of space research; que. 1/ est moins le fruit d'une analyse collective des objectifs
balanced in that it takes due account of scientific, technolo- et des moyens que d'une Slirie de propositions emanant des
gical and economic considerations; coherent in that it is based differents Etats membres et detendue avec conviction par
on the acquisition of the experience required by the tech- chacun de ceux-ci.
nologies to be employed and on a policy of making the fullest
use of these resources in all programmes. Que cette maniere de proceder ait abouti a un programme tres
valable demontre le desir de tous les pays membres de resserrer
However, this result has been achieved by very empirical leur collaboration et la conscience qu'ils ont de leur inter-
methods. It is not so much the outcome of collective analysis dependance. 1/ en resulte cependant des disparites notables
of objectives and means, as of a series of proposals put forward dans la repartition des charges et une definition encore insuf-
by individual Member States and resolutely defended by each. fisante des objectifs cl poursuivre au-dela du programme
actuel. Nous devrons y etre attentifs dans les annees qui
The fact that this approach should have produced a very satis- viennent. Dans sa configuration generale et plus particuliere-
factory programme shows the desire of all the member coun- ment dans les modalites de financement des differentes
tries to collaborate more closely as well as their awareness of activites, ce programme reffete les trois principales etapes
their interdependence. As a result, however, there are marked parcourues au cours des negociations europeennes.
disparities in the apportionment of expenditure, and objectives
beyond the present programme have not yet been adequately M. Geens poursuivit son discours en traitant de I'histori -
defined. Careful attention will have to be given to this in the que, de la structure et du budget des programmes
scientifiques et d'applications de I' ASE, et plus particu·
years ahead. In terms of its general shape and, more particu-
lierement de la nipartition des charges entre les Etats
larly, the arrangements for financing the various activities, this membres participant a differents programmes. II termina
programme reflects the three main stages covered in the course son discours en exprimant des voeux de succes pour
of the European negotiations. l'Europe spatiale.
Mr. Geens then went on to outline the structural, histo- Monsieur le President, Mesdames, Messieurs, apres des annees
rical and financial features of the Agency's scientific and d'hesitations et de tergiversations, L 'Agence spatiale unique,
applications programmes, paying particular attention to que votre Assembtee a reclamee avec insistance, est maintenant
the distribution of funding between programmes and the
apportionment of programme expenditures between
devenue une realite. Certes, seul I'avenir nous apprendra si les
Member States. He closed his speech with a word of instruments politiques et techniques que nous avons mis au
encouragement for Europe's future in space: point seront meilleurs que ceux qui furent forges il y a presque
quinze ans.
Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen, after years of shilly- Nous pouvons vous assurer cependant que dans I'elaboration
shallying, the single space agency which your Assembly has de ces instruments, nous avons tout fait afin que les erreurs du
consistently advocated has now become a reality. Admittedly, passe ne se reproduisent pas. Dans la mesure ou la determi-
only the future will show whether the political and technical nation des dix partenaires actuels continuera a se manifester,
instruments we have devised are better than those forged un espoir raisonnable de succes est desormais permis.
nearly fifteen years ago. But we can assure you that in devising
these instruments we have made every effort to avoid past
mistakes. Provided that the determination of the ten present
partners is maintained, there is now reasonable hope of suc-
cess .
The Ambassador of the Republic of Ireland in Paris signed the L 'ambassadeur de la Republique d'lrlande a Paris a signe la
Convention of the European Space Agency on 31 December Convention de I'Agence spatiale europetmne le 31 decembre
1975. The signature took place at the Quai d'Orsay and will 1975. Par cette signature, qui a eu lieu au Quai d'Orsay,
make Ireland the eleventh member of ESA, once the Agency's I'Irlande deviendra le onzieme membre de I'ASE lorsque la
Convention comes into effect after ratification by the Parlia- Convention de I'Agence entrera en vigueur apres sa ratification
ments of the existing Member States - Belgium, Denmark, par les Parlements des Etats qui en font actuel/ement partie:
France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Switzer- AI/emagne, 8elgique, Danemark, Espagne, France, Italie, Pays-
land and the United Kingdom. 8as, Royaume-Uni, Suede et Suisse.
Ratification may take one or two years. In the meantime, ESA La ratification pourra prendre un a deux ans. En attendant,
operates under the old ESRO Convention and Ireland retains its I'ASE fonctionne sous le regime de I'ancienne Convention du
observer status in the Agency. CERS et I'Irlande conserve son statut d'observateur a I'Agence.
La structure des Comites de I'Agence spatiale europeenne
(ECS + Marots)
r- - - PB -AERO-;- - -
f - - - - - - < ---PS-MET - -
r- - PB--:-SL - -
Organes composes de (Spacelab)
- -pS:-ARlANE - -
--- ------ ---
Organes subsidiaires
composes de delegues
(avec pouvoi r de decision
ou a caractere consultatif) I
-- --- I ---
Groupes consultatifs, crees par les organes subsidiaires I
ou les Conseils directeurs de programmes et
composes de delegues
--- --- --
Groupes d'experts
La reunion commune des Conseils directeurs des programmes de satellites de communications est appelee ulterieurement a traiter aussi du
Programme Aerosat.
Ce groupe a ete cree par le Conseil au cours de la reunion du 16 decembre 1975. Sa place exacte dans I'organigramme des Comites reste a definir .
*** Ce rattachement, propose par le Directeur general, a ete approuve par le Conseil lors de sa 3e session a titre d'essai pour 6 mois.
Remarque : II existe egalement un Comite consultatif des Programmes pour le Projet Special ESRANGE qui n'entre pas dans le cadre de la structure
JCB Conseil directeur commun des programmes de satel - IRAG Groupe consultatif des Relations internationales .
lites de communications. SPC Comite du programme scientifique.
PB-AERO Conseil directeur du programme de satellite aeronau- AFC Comite administratif et financier .
tique . IPC Comite de la Politique industrielle.
PB-MET Conseil directeur du programme de satellite meteoro- DAG Groupe consultatif de la Documentation.
logique. TAG Groupe consultatif pour la Technique.
PB-SL Conseil directeur du programme Spacelab. MARTAG Groupe consultatif technique maritime.
PB-ARIANE Conseil directeur du programme de lanceur Ariane. STAG Groupe consultatif scientifique et technique.
FSLP Groupe de travail sur la 1ere charge utile Spacelab. FIN Groupe des Finances.
met en application les regles de la Convention ASE. Les competences qui avaient ete affectees a ce Comite. Le
dispositions suivantes ont ete prises: Directeur general a propose que certaines soient retenues par le
Conseil, d'autres attribuees a I'IPC ou a I' AFC. 11 s'ensuit que
(a) Le Conseil constate I'existence du Comite administratif et les groupes consultatifs qui avaient ete crees par le JPPC seront
financier, confirme son mandat et la delegation de pouvoirs ·rattaches soit au Conseil, soit aI'IPC, soit au Directeur general.
consentie anterieurement sous certaines reserves. Le Conseil a convenu d'appliquer cette proposition pendant
une periode de six mois a I'issue de laquelle il reexaminerait
Le Comite du programme scientifique (SPC) est egalement cette question. La question de la redistribution des competen-
maintenu et son mandat confirme (il s'agit en effet de I'organe ces entre I' AFC et I'IPC en matiere de passation des contrats
cree par le Conseil sous I'appellation de Conseil directeur du est egalement a I'etude.
programme scientifique (ESRO/C/LII/Res. 2) et vise a l'Article
XI.8(a) de la Convention ASE) . (c) L'une des contr:jintes juridiques etait I'existence d'Arrange-
ments creant des Conseils directeurs de programmes. La
11 est mis fin a I'existence du Comite mixte des programmes et Convention ASE integre dans la structure de I' Agence I'execu-
de la pol itique generale (JP PC) . tion des programmes optionnels; aussi ne prevoit-elle pas des
Conseils directeurs de programmes, le suivi des programmes
(b) Pour donner effet aux dispositions de la Convention ASE, le etant de la competence generale du Conseil.
Conseil cree un Comite de la Politique industrielle (lPC) , et
pour tenir compte de I'elargissement de la mission de l'Agence Les Conseils directeurs existants continuent a remplir leurs
(Art. Il(a)), le Conseil a decide de creer un Groupe consultatif attributions. Toutefois a I'invitation du Conseil, les Conseils
des Relations internationales (lRAG). directeurs des programmes de satellites de telecommunications
et de satellite maritime siegent ensemble au sein d'une
La suppression du JPPC impliquait une redistribution des 'Reunion commune des Conseils directeurs des programmes de
a laquelle il est
satellites de communications' (JCB), reunion delegation un pouvoir de decision, soit n'avoir qu'un caractere
prevu que se joigne ulterieurement le Conseil directeur du consultatif. lis adoptent leur reglement interieur sur la base de
programme de satellite aeronautique. celui du Conseil, et sont auto rises a creer, selon le cas, des
groupes de travail ou d'experts auxquels participent soit des
CONCLUSION delegues, soit des experts designes pour leur competence
Lors de I'elaboration de la Convention ASE, I'accent a ete mis A noter enfin la place particuliere du Bureau qui assiste le
sur le fait que le Conseil constitue I'instance supreme habilitee President du Conseil * dans la preparation materielle des
a connaitre de toutes les questions et le depositaire de travaux du Conseil.
I'ensemble des attributions et pouvoirs. Le Conseil peut
deleguer, s'il le souhaite, une partie de ses pouvoirs. Mais tout
organe subsidiaire procede de lui et ne tire aucune competence * Selon la Convention du CERS (Art. X.3), le Bureau est compose du
directe de la Convention ou de ses Annexes. Dans cet esprit, fe President et des deux vice-presidents. La Convention ASE (Art. XI.
nombre des organes subsidiaires doit se limiter au minimum 3(b)) renvoie au Conseil le soin de decider de sa composition. Le
Conseil, dans la Resolution prElcitee du 25 juin 1975, a demande au
necessaire. Ont qualite d' organes subsidiaires les organes qui President d'inviter aux reunions du Bureau les Presidents de I' AFC,
sont composes de delegues et qui peuvent, soit recevoir par du SPC, de 1'1 PC et des Conseils directeurs de programmes.
cations have originated from HEOS-1 results. A particularly contemporary data from H EOS-2, solar-cycle changes in the
rewarding aspect has been the correlation with data from other level of low-frequency turbulence in the interplanetary
ESRO/ESA, European, American and Russian spacecraft. medium. The mean interplanetary field strength, however, was
More detailed descriptions of these results and a complete found to be independent of the level of solar activity.
bibliography appear each year in the ESA report to COSPAR.
Cosmic-ray observations over the past three decades have
The 'harvest' commenced with the demonstration of the shown that there is a marked variation in intensity near the
plasma properties in the outer magnetosphere provided by the Earth during the solar cycle. This variation had been inter-
spectacular barium release. (This experiment can be considered preted in terms of changes in the interplanetary field structure
as a forerunner of the class of 'active' experiments planned for and solar wind during the sunspot cycle. The interplanetary
future satellites and for Spacelab.) The charged-particle detec- observations to which H EOS-1 contributed so significantly are,
tors on HEOS-1 were able to measure the intensity and the however, incapable of accounting for the observed change in
arrival directions of the solar-flare-produced particles in inter- cosmic-ray intensity. The cosmic-ray modulation therefore
planetary space directly. It was then possible through the remains something of a puzzle. There are now serious doubts
combined efforts of experimenters on HEOS-1 as well as on as to whether the measurements of the interplanetary mag-
ESRO-II and ESRO-I (these spacecraft were in near-Earth netic field and the solar wind that have all been made near the
orbits at the same time) to understand the manner in which plane of the ecliptic are representative of interplanetary space
these solar particles enter the magnetosphere and find their in general. To solve the puzzle one needs to investigate how
way down into the polar-cap regions of the Earth. the interplanetary structure changes with heliographic latitude.
The puzzle left unanswered by HEOS is a challenge for an
The long life of HEOS-1 was ideally suited for studying the out-of-ecliptic mission now being studied by ESA.
long-term behaviour of various interplanetary parameters. The
solar-wind detector, in conjunction with previous American The HEOS-1 magnetic-field data, in combination with con-
measurements, was able to establish long-term changes in the temporary measurements from HEOS-2, have provided a
density of the solar-wind plasma over the solar cycle. It did unique record of the structure of the near-Earth interplanetary
not, however, find a significant variation in the solar-wind magnetic field. These data have now been made available to a
velocity. The magnetic-field data have revealed, together with world-wide scientific community and are frequently used for
correlation with ground-based, balloon, rocket or other satel-
lite data . The measured sector polarity (the interplanetary
field points towards the Earth for some days, then reverses and
points towards the Sun for a further few days) confirmed the
validity of a recently developed method of predicting this
polarity on a day-to-day basis from ground-based data.
The International Magnetospheric Study
WHAT DO WE KNOW ALREADY? Precipitation and the degree of general disturbance in the mag-
netosphere increase during substorms and become exceedingly
Long before the scientific exploration of space with the aid of high during geomagnetic storms. Substorms seem to be gener-
satellites began, astronomy had establ ished many facts about ated as a result of small discontinuities in the solar wind,
the solar system. It consists of the Sun, as an ordinary star, while geomagnetic storms appear to be caused by strong solar
and nine revolving planets. The Earth, the third but nearest of eruptions which not only cause the solar wind to increase, but
these planets, revolves at a distance of 1.5 X 10 8 km from the also release high-energy particles toward the Earth. Never-
Sun. Our central star is generating power by nuclear fusion at a theless, steady-state conditions are always quickly restored in
rate of 3.7 X 10 26 Wand, despite this immense production the magnetosphere, in a matter of hours following a substorm
rate, still has an expected lifetime of 10 7 years. It emits most and within a matter of days after a magnetic storm.
of its power in a radiative manner, but it also releases ionised
gas which expands radially into the solar system. Many other small-scale phenomena, such as waves and plasma
instabilities, have been discovered and studied, but in spite of
It is at this point that measurements conducted from satellites several hundred satellite missions the relationship between the
have taken over and such parameters as flow speed, temper- various observations has not been established and therefore the
ature, density and composition of the expanding solar plasma, dynamics, in terms of cause and effect, of our immediate space
or 'solar wind', have been recorded directly. The planet Earth, environment are not yet wholly understood.
Figure 1 - Artist's impression of the average state of rhe terresrrial magnerosphere which will be rhe subject of co-ordinated explorarion during the IMS.
SHORTCOMINGS OF PREVIOUS OBSERVATIONS magneto pause were n!::eaea before its characteristics and
approximate location could be established. An observation
Before going on to describe what remains to be done and is in during a single satellite crossing is shown in Figure 2.
fact planned for the IMS, the limitations of a single-satellite
experiment may be demonstrated with a simple example. Let If we now want to go on to study the behaviour of the mag-
us assume that a satellite's magnetometer shows a reduction in netopause, we need to know the speed of motion of that
magnetic field strength at a certain moment in time, then at boundary when subjected to an increasing solar-wind strength.
least two different conclusions are possible: (i) the magnetic It should be clear immediately that this parameter, although of
field has undergone a temporal change, or (ii) the spacecraft fundamental importance for the understanding of mag-
has moved from a region of higher to a region of lower mag- netospheric dynamics, cannot be derived from a single-satellite
netic field strength. Using a single-satellite experiment as a pass. Only two satellites orbiting together with a suitable
basis, the choice between 0) and Oi) can only be decided distance between will be able to determine the magnetopause's
statistically. The discovery of the magneto pause, the boundary motion. This simple example should serve to demonstrate that
between magnetosphere and solar wind, has come about in this multisatellite missions will give us access to entirely new
way and a great number of individual satellite crossings of the magnetospheric parameters. Many other more complicated
w 90
Cl w
Cl 0
w -90
z 100
4 8 12 16 20 24
Figure 2- Magnetometer data from the HEOS-2 satellite showing an outbound crossing of the magnetopause (MP). Both theintensity and direction
of the magnetic field change during the crossing. Data from a single satellite crossing do not allow one to decIde whether a spatIal or
temporal variation has occurred.
examples can be cited: each requires simultaneous obser- netosphere, 235 Earth radii upstream in the solar wind, at a
vations at two or more points inside (mainly) or outside the point where the gravitational forces of Sun and Earth cancel
magnetosphere. one another. Further satellites, such as the HEllOS solar fly·
by mission, EXOS, a Japanese magnetospheric satellite, and a
It is intended during the IMS to make optimum use of all Russian near-Earth satellite, will complement the in situ
available tools, not only satellites but also rocket-borne or measuring network. All of these satellites will be equipped with
ground-based observational platforms, in a single co-ordinated sophisticated instrumentation for the measurement of particles,
and concerted attack on the outstanding problems. Only a fields and waves.
combined effort of this nature will h"elp us to obtain answers
to such questions as: How does the solar-wind plasma gain It is planned to complement the satellite programme with
entry to the magnetosphere? How is it accelerated to the extensive rocket and balloon launching programmes. Such
energies observed in the Van Alien belts? What are the neces· launches will be carried out primarily at higher latiWdes,
sary conditions for a quiet magnetosphere and under what within the auroral zones where the particle precipitation from
circumstances do instabilities develop? the magnetosphere takes place. Rocket·borne particle detectors
will measure this precipitation just before it strikes the Earth's
atmosphere. Balloon payloads will mainly measure X-rays
MEASUREMENTS DURING AND PLANNING FOR THE generated by the interaction of the energetic particles with the
IMS atmosphere.
corded by rocket- and balloon-borne instrumentation and will
be monitored continuously from the ground.
The GEOS Data Stream - How is it generated
and how will it be handled?
into a manageable bit rate. It was decided to use six swept-
frequency analysers and a digital correlator for that purpose.
Experiment Main data output Output generated by Format* Number of channels** Bit rate
(110 K BITS/SEC) (100 BITS/SEC)
~ t
. i
./ ../
.. -_ ....
iDISPLA ysL.. ./
LS t LS 1
Figure 1- Schematic of GEOS spacecraft-control and data-handling facili ties available at ESOC, Darmstadt.
The outputs of the six swept-frequency analysers and the out- out during the GEOS feasibility -study stage. There was a clear
put of the correlator are transmitted in a separate 'high speed' policy decision not to implement complicated onboard pro-
telemetry format (95.25 kbps). All other GEOS data, the cessors, but to use online computer control on the ground, a
output from the particle experiments, the beam experiment, solution that appeared more promising because of the constant
the magnetometer data, some low-frequency channels from visibility of a geostationary spacecraft from its ground station .
the wave experi ment, and the necessary spacecraft house-
keeping data, are transmitted in 'Iow-speed' telemetry format PROBLEMS OF DATA PROCESSING AND DISTRIBUTION
(11.91 kbps).
At the time when the GEOS design was finalised and the
It must be emphasised at this point that the data from all stringent data-handling requirements emerged, preparations
experiments could be further compressed by suitable onboard were started at the European Space Operations Centre
processors. In fact this compression could be such that no (ESOCl. Darmstadt, for the handling and distribution of the
scientific information is lost. This solution was, however, ruled data. The hardware, handling and distribution needs have since
been established and installation of the necessary facilities is TABLE 2 - Tape production rate during GEOS's lifetime
now in progress (Fig. 1).
Experiment Tape content Number of days Number of
Upon receipt at the ground station and transmission to ESOC, to fill 1 tape tapes in 2 yr
the satellite's data stream will be divided into its low- and S-302 Raw data 2.4 304
high-speed components. The processing tasks to be conducted S-303 Raw data 5.9 124
in the high-speed branch are listed below. S-310 Raw data 2.0 365
S-321 Raw data 2.1 348
1. Continuous recording on magnetic tape of the high-speed S-329 Raw data 1.8 406
data in full, but without any data preprocessing. A total of S-331 Raw data 4.4 166
some 26 000 tapes is forecast for the two-year mission. S-300 DC electric-field
raw data 3.9 187
2. Recording on magnetic tape of 'survey data', a task similar U L F magnetic-
to (1), but recording takes place only for 3 min in every field raw data 2.1 348
hour, on the hour. Filter-array raw
data 3.0 243
3. Real-time display of some of the high-speed data channels. Compressed
HS data 2.0 365
4. Real-time compression of high-speed data. This compres- Survey data 1.0 730
sion consists of averaging several successive correlograms Status for
and computing the average power contained in the outputs HS data 10.0 73
of the swept-frequency analysers. The compressed data are Raw HS data 0.028 2628*
routed to a very large disk file for temporary storage.
Total to experi menter ±6500
The low-speed data are to be treated in the second branch,
where key channels are to be displayed in real time. They are * Only 10% of the HS data are archived and forwarded to experimenters.
also to be analysed in real time and can be used for the auto-
matic generation of telecommands. The low-speed data will be
stored temporarily on disk but, in contrast to the high-speed Table 2 summarises the distribution of GEOS data. Except for
data, without prior compression. the high-speed data, the data flow to the various scientific insti-
tutes will average one tape per three days, which can be digested
The main disk file has a capacity. of 24 h and will be emptied by the recipient with reasonably adequate data-handling fa-
with this frequency. Three different 'products' are to be drawn cilities. Nevertheless, there has been some apprehension from
from it: the outset about whether processing will keep abreast of input
(j) A tape with all low-speed data in raw form and the and it was therefore decided to emphasise data summary
compressed high-speed data. production within the overall concept of GEOS data handling.
(ji) Daily summaries consisting of plots of key experiment
channels on a 24 h time scale (1 cm/h). The need for such summaries is especially acute in the case of
(jij) Experiment summaries consisting of plots of key experi- the high-speed data, which will fill one computer tape every
ment and housekeeping channels, but on a time scale that 40 min. Here, it was decided several years ago, for various
allows better time resolution. reasons, that it would not be practicable to archive and distri-
bute all the high-speed data tapes produced during G EOS's
Product (j) is to be transferred to an offline computer where lifetime. The experimenters concerned will · have to make a
further decommutation of the data will take place and where selection from these data based on the summaries provided. It
the tapes for individual experimenters will be prepared. has been agreed that the raw high-speed data are to be stored
Product (jj) appears as hard copy and will be made available in a temporary buffer with a three-month capacity. Overflow
either in this form, on microfilm, or on magnetic tape, to from this buffer must be avoided by the experimenters
other data centres for worldwide distribution during the IMS. deciding which data to keep for further analysis. Ultimately,
A Iimited number of hara copies can also be distributed direct- not more than 10% of the high-speed data will be kept and
ly. Product (jii) will go only to the experimenters concerned. distributed.
O -r!I!~"'ii'i:t
"1' .•.. 2' .... 3' .... ~ ... .. s' .... S· .... " .... s· .... s· ... '10' ... '1'1' .•. '12' ... '1~
Figure 2 - Ex ample of a spectrogram representing particle data. Particle energy is plotted on the vertical ax is, and time on the horizontal. The flux at a
particular energy and time is presented in grey scaling (Iow fluxes dark, high fluxes white).
[Example taken from De Forestetal.)
ESA is committed to generate, and to forward to its custom- In addition to these tapes, various summaries must be produced
ers, approximately 6500 computer tapes during the lifetime of and distributed. The latter task is of negligible magnitude
GEOS (see Table 2). Bearing in mind: (i) that the purchase compared to the raw-data distribution. The summary generation
price per tape is about 10 AU, and (ii) that the handling and is, however, a step beyond the normal ESOC practice of
distribution charges are of the same order, the data distri - forwarding raw experiment data, but it had to be undertaken as a
bution costs compare favourably with the total cost of the direct and mandatory consequence of GEOS's high data
mission . production rate.
MLT: 17.10 HR : 17.49 HR
INV: 78.5- :78.6-
ALT:2071 KM :2029 KM
-... I I
In the introduction, we painted a disturbing picture of what a Wave data can be presented in similar fashion by plotting
bit stream of 100000 bps can produce in terms of transmitted frequency along the vertical axis, time along the horizontal
information, a picture that must have been in the minds of axis and the wave intensity at a particular time and at a part-
those who have in the past expressed strong doubts as to the icular frequency as a point of varying intensity. An example
manageability of the GEOS data, in particular the digestibility of a 'sonogram' is given in Figure 3. It should be clearly under-
of the high·speed data. Manageability, the prime obligation of stood that both the spectrogram and the sonogram give only a
ESA with respect to the GEOS data, has been achieved by rough indication of particle and wave behaviour as a function
limiting the final distribution of high-speed data to only 10% of time. Nevertheless, displays are of great value for 'digesting'
of the total received. the data and selecting interesting periods for further study
using higher time resolution.
Digestibility of the data is a question of suitable presentation.
The basic content of the GEOS data stream is particle flux in In order to realise how many bits a human brain can digest
different energy ranges and wave intensity in different fre- when they are presented in such a highly compressed form, we
quency intervals, both dependencies as a function of time. can consider the example of a television picture, which also
Such relationships are presented most meaningfully in a three- involves grey scaling to present information. Very roughly, a
dimensional display. In the case of a particle experiment, this TV screen consists of 625 lines and similar number of re-
means generating a diagram with energy plotted along the solvable features per line, or in total 625 X 625 points. Each
vertical scale and time along the horizontal. The particle point may assume 16 different levels of grey shading. Per second
flux at a particular energy at a particular time is then pre- 25 such pictures are presented, which leads to a bit flow of
sented by a point of varying grey scaling in such a diagram. 40 Mbps. Looking at the GEOS data in such perspective, we
Figure 2 shows an example, called a 'spectrogram', in which realise that it can, in principle, be digested within a few days of
particle data are presented in a highly compressed but easily receipt.
digestible form. o
COS-8 Operational
MISSION OBJECTIVES (B 1/C/B2) defining the field of view of the instrument and a
plastic-scintillator anticoincidence counter for the rejection of
The principal objective of the COS-B mission is the study of charged particles. A proportional counter with an effective
the fluxes, energy spectra, spatial distribution and temporal area of 80 cm 2 and sensitive in the range 2-12 keV, collimated
0 0
characteristics of extraterrestrial gamma radiation in the to a 1 flat top and an extinction half angle of 10 , records the
20 MeV to several GeV energy range. Of particular interest are arrival time of X-ray photons. The instrumentation was
the emission from the plane of the Galaxy, the diffuse provided by the groups of the COS-B Caravane Collaboration
radiation from high galactic latitudes and known or postulated listed in Table 1.
point sources. Secondary objectives include study of the
long-term variability of X-ray sources and cosmic gamma-ray The scientific instrumentation makes up 120 kg of the satel-
bursts. lite's 280 kg total. The craft is spin -stabilised at 10 rpm with
the experiment's 'optical axis' co-linear with the spin axis. It is
The central experiment package described extensively by equipped with a nitrogen-gas attitude-control system,
Bignami et al., and shown in Figure 1, features a 0.5 radiation permitting the experiment to be pointed in any desired
length, 16-gap spark chamber (SC) for the identification and direction, with the proviso that the solar cells remain illumina-
determination of the arrival direction of the gamma quanta, a ted and the attitude-measurement sensors still view the Sun
caesium-iodide energy calorimeter (E) of 4.7 radiation lengths and the Earth. The attitude of the satellite at any instant can
thickness for energy determination, a three-level telescope be determined to better than 0.5 . The telemetry link margin
is such that the satellite can be operated at 320 bps through-
10- 6
out the orbit. Sufficient consumables, namely attitude-control
and spark-chamber gases, are carried to support an operational
lifetime in orbit in excess of two years, the spark chamber being
0° evacuated and refilled with gas every six weeks.
ESTRACK stations at Redu (Belgium) and Fairbanks (Alaska). TABLE 2 - The COS-8 observation programme
Data recovered at Redu can be transmitted to ESOC in real
time or 'post pass' and some 40% of this Redu data, i.e . 20% Start of Target Right Declina- I" b ll
of the total, can be processed in the Fast Routine Facility Observation Ascension tion
(FRF) to give preliminary scientific results. The facility h m 0 0
shows the 'light curve' of the Crab pulsar NP-0532 at the the total available. The vertical scale represents the gamma-ray
well-known pulsar frequency. The main pulse and interpulse flux in arbitrary units. The dotted histogram represents the
are clearly resolved in this particular 4 x 10 s data sample. The results obtai ned by SAS-II, as publ ished by Fichtel et al., this
bin width chosen is 1 ms. X-ray arrival times are determined to being the target direction studied in the greatest depth by that
an accuracy of better than 0.25 ms, and given the total instrument. The COS-8 and SAS-II histograms are 'almost
observation time of 2 x 106 s the light curve and its possible normalised' at the peak to show the general agreement, yet to
long-term variation will be determined to very high precision. avoid confusion by overlapping of the lines.
The result shown here is intended to demonstrate the correct
operation of the instrument and the software.
...3 J
!' ~
:1 :1 - - - SAS n
'58 -COSB
,,I L..
,, bll <100
b D < 12°
I ,
NO Y 334 (CLASS 22)
I : I I I
i :
I .l. :
J ,L ___ _ ---_ . . . . -+
i I
270" 280"
Figure 4 - Profile of gamma-ray emission from the galactic centre
region. Figures 5/6 - Profiles of gamma-ray emission from the Vela region.
The third observation period was devoted to the Vela region of
the galactic plane. The payload was pointed to the Vela pulsar
PSR 0833-45 for the first part of the period and to Vela X-l,
an eclipsing binary, for the second. Figures 5 and 6 show the
profile of gamma emission, this time for gamma energy in 60
excess of 70 MeV, requiring a clear pair in both projections. It
should be noted that these histograms for Vela result from the VELA
integration of gamma rays over the two parts of the observa- U < <
258 QII 270
tion period. In fact the separate histograms for the two Cl)
r CLASS 22
pointing directions are identical within the statistics, showing I-
there is no bias to the actual pointing direction and that no ::>
distortions are introduced, even though the engineering-model 0
u 40
calibration results were used on flight-model data. '"
The vertical scale represents the flux in arbitrary units and the x
SAS-I I results from Thompson et al. are indicated, again f'
> 100 MeV,
almost normalised at the peaks. Clearly, these preliminary co 185 COUNTS
COS-B data outline the structural features of this area to a 0 I > 200 MeV,
significant degree even though only some 20% of the data have C I 134 COUNTS
been util ised. No attempt was made in the F R F to extract I- 20 I I >1000 MeV,
...J L_
temporal information from the Vela pulsar. Z 26 COUNTS
Figure 7 shows essentially the same plot as Figure 5, but in u I
terms of counts per second for each bin, i.e. not corrected for
exposure. The exposure is, however, reasonably uniform
with in 10 of the pointing direction. The count rate for three
integral energy intervals, approximately > 100, > 200,
> 1000 MeV, are shown, indicating clear evidence for the o
-12 -9 -6 -3 6 9 12
existence of gamma-ray emission from th is region in excess of
1000 MeV. These data are too rudimentary to deduce a
meaningful energy spectrum at this stage . The preliminary data
are to be submitted for publication in Nature in the near Figure 7 - Profile of emission from the Vela region in three energy
future. intervals.
New European Technology aboard
Canadian/US Communications Satellite
Obituary Dr. A. W. Lines took up a senior post in the Science Research Council in
Dr. A.W. Lines, generally referred to - though not generally to His death at the age of 61 will be deeply felt by the many staff
his face - as 'Freddie', was one of the pioneer figures in members who worked with him in those formative years. They
ESRO's history. He came to ESRO in 1961 from the Royal are well placed to know how great a debt the European space
Aircraft Establishment in Farnborough, and became the Orga- effort owes to Dr. Lines and to his determination and persever-
nisation's first Technical Director. He was simultaneollsly ance. Although many suffered the sharpness of his tongue,
Director of ESTEC and was personally involved in creating the none will remember with anything but pride the years of
Establishment. Dr. Lines left ESRO on 31 March 1968 and common effort under his rugged direction. RG
The European Space Effort in the Light of
Global European Policy
C. Lay ton, Directorate for Industrial and Technological Affairs, Commission of the European Communities
EEC INTEREST IN ESA'S APPLICATIONS PROGRAMMES I want to say a few words about the particular fields in which
we see the Community having a real user interest in some of
I believe the Commission feels very confident in the ability of the areas where work is developing in the Agency here and in
the Agency, an equal partner of other world organisations, to space activities in the world as a whole. The first area where
work in sharing the benefits of space exploration and exploit- the Community may and could become a significant user is
ation and to put its capabilities at the disposal of other that of remote sensing. The services of the Commission are
regions of the world. This confidence is inspired both by the currently exploring how best remote sensing may serve the
creation of the Agency, and by the realistic and wise way in Community. There are possible areas of application interest in
which the long debate about the objectives of the European agriculture, regional policy, environmental policy, resources
space effort has been resolved in the present programme. In and raw materials policy, and certainly in our whole rela-
the past, the interest of the European Communities in space tionship with the developing world, always provided in this
affairs and of the Commission in particular has been modest. last respect that the key principle of the Lome Convention ,
Since there already existed specialised European agencies equality between the Community and the developing coun-
implementing space programmes, there seemed no need to tries, is respected. At present most of the information on
develop a competence within the European Community to space-borne remote sensing comes from NASA. Here the
implement space activities . The European Economic Com- Community's interest, which is also in the interest of our data
munity is, however, a major potential user of operational space processing policy, is in the systematic collection and archiving
systems. Our concern with space grows as space becomes a of this information at a Community level, prior to dissemina-
way to solve practical problems of economic importance. The tion to the different European users. In the future, if the
fact that the European Space Agency's programme gives high European Space Agency were to develop a remote-sensing
priority to applications enhances its interest to the Com- capability, then of course the Community might also be inter-
munity, as well as the need to develop a close partnership ested as a user.
between our two organisations.
First may I say a little about the development of the Com-
munity today . In its first 15 years the Community's major A second area where the Community's larger economic inter-
achievements were the development of a customs union and an ests are relevant to your activities is that of telecommun-
agricultural policy. But since 1972, indeed since the enlarge- ications. The Community is following with great attention the
ment of the Community, more and wider themes have become OTS, Marots and Aerosat programmes to speak only of the
Space Agency projects, which we believe pave the way for nisations can work together. In March 1975 the Council of
operational telecommunication systems needed in the next Ministers passed a resolution calling for co-ordination of
decade. In telecommunications, the basic forum for European policy; indeed the development of a strategy for the European
collaboration hitherto has been the CEPT. And, of course, aircraft industry. Once again a clear area of common interest.
OTS is designed as an experiment which can lead on to opera- The development of a powerful space industry in Europe is
tional satellites satisfying future CEPT requirements. The closely linked with the development of a strong aircraft
Community, however, is now taking the first steps towards a industry, and the policies toward the structure of the industry
larger development of a European telecommunications policy. which the Commission is considering to promote for the air-
Our first interest is in the opening up of markets for tele- craft industry in Europe. May I say that here also you provide
communications equipment, but we've also encouraged the us with interesting models; you are creating a European Space
telecommunications administrations to embark on a major Agency today; perhaps one day in the future we may find it
programme of harmonisation in the field of future services and necessary to create a comparable organisation to lead the
technical standards, which was decided at the April conference European aircraft industry and its programme.
of the CEPT, and this could clearly lead on to a greater degree
of European planning of the future electronic trunk network SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL INFORMATION
of telecommunications in Europe over the next 20 years, with
a greater coherence and definition of European telecom- One final theme concerns scientific and technical information,
munication requirements, all highly relevant to the future use which again your Agency has pioneered in Europe. Here I'd
and development of the European Telecommunications Satel- like to say that Mr. Appleyard, our Director General respon-
lite. In rather more detailed practical terms, we also see some sible in this field, much regrets his inability to be here and has
interest in perhaps performing satellite data transmission tests asked me to say a few words. In the Commission we attach
making use of OTS in the framework of our data pro- great importance to the dissemination, protection and exploi-
cessing programme and in connection with the European tation of the results of research and development, especially in
Informatics Network. Another subject worth exploring is a the publ ic sector and especially in those areas where the
network of oceanographic and meteorological measurements Community, Space Agency and other international organisa-
in European waters which could conceivably use Meteosat as a tions have a responsibility. We believe that here, at a European
data relay system. The Commission's services are also looking level, we must co-operate as closely between ourselves (that is
carefully at the opportunities Spacelab may provide in the to say between our different European organisations) as we
foture to perform man-supported scientific activities in space, must with the Member States. We believe in the Community
possibly including the development of space-borne manufac- that one of the first obligations on us as an international
turing capabilities, like large single crystals, new alloys, pure organisation, and perhaps on you here in the Agency, is to set
vaccines, and so on ; that is for the future but it is none- an example, to put our own house in order. I believe that we
theless relevant to the long-term capabilities of the European have a lot to learn in the Commission from your Agency and
advanced technology industries. ESRO in the past. We are therefore very happy in the Com-
mission that it's been possible to prepare a concrete and
INDUSTRIAL POLICY mutually profitable scheme of co-operation between the
European Space Agency and the European Community, in
In the area of industrial policy the European space agencies connection with our respective plans for scientific and tech-
have been pioneers and Professor Levy has elaborated widely nical information services. We in the Commission hope that all
on this theme. In the Community, following the work of the our Member States will accept this idea as enthusiastically as
Coal and Steel Communities and Euratom, certain new we do ourselves, and that our joint projects will go far to
beginnings have been made on policy for advanced technology facilitate the work of many in Europe who care for science
industry. In July 1974 the Council of Ministers passed a reso- and technology in general and for space in particular.
lution on data processing with two main objectives; developing
collaboration within, and the development of, the European- A final word. The Community in the coming years, we hope,
based industry, and also developing collaboration in the field will make steady progress towards a European union, which
of applications of Community interest. Here ESRO has means that it will develop a widening range of policies for a
become a faithful customer of the European data processing widening range of industries. You have been pioneers in this, and
industry, and data processing is clearly a key part of all space we look forward to a close partnership in our future work. 0
systems, a clear area of common interest where our two orga-
The Accounting Unit and its Problems
L'unite de compte et ses problemes
TEMPORARY NEW DEFINITION Quant aux monnaies basees sur des taux centraux, la valeur
retenue etait cel/e correspondant aces taux.
The de facto suspension of the system of official par values by
the Smithsonian Agreement in December 1971 allowing some LA NOUVELLE UNITE DE COMPTE EUROPEENNE
Member States to adopt central rates different from their
official parities and others to let their currencies float, requir- Le systeme provisoire ainsi etabli par le CERS devait etre
ed a new definition of the Accounting Unit used by the Orga- perfectionne et institutionnalise par la decision prise le 30
nisation. After discussions during 1972 and 1973, the juil/et 1975 par le Conseil de I'Agence d'adopter a partir du
Organisation finally adopted a new concept as from 1974, in 1er janvier 1976 I'unite de compte europeenne creee par les
which the value of the Accounting Unit was determined by its Communautes europeennes. L 'Article VI, 1 du Protocole
relation to one reference currency and conversion of floating financier a ete modifie comme suit:
currencies into Accounting Units was effected at the average
exchange rate of official exchange markets during a given 'Le budget de I'Organisation est exprime en unites de
month. Currencies based on central rates were valued at these compte. La valeur de I'unite de compte est equivalente a
rates. cel/e de I'unite de compte panier-type instituee par la
decision du Conseil des Communautes europeennes du 21
THE NEW EUROPEAN ACCOUNTING UNIT avril 1975, sauf s'il en est autrement dispose dans un
arrangement conclu ou a conc/ure par /'Organisation~
The temporary ESRO-devised system was finally refined and
formalised with the decision of the Agency's Council on Le panier-type qui constitue la base de la nouvel/e unite de
30 July 1975 to adopt the European Accounting Unit, estab- compte europeenne comprend les neuf monnaies des Commu-
lished by the European Communities, as the new Accounting nautes avec les ponderations suivantes:
Unit for the Agency, from 1 January 1976. Article VI.1 of the
Financial Protocol was amended as follows: Deutsche mark 27,3%
'The budget of the Organisation shall be expressed in Franc fran(:ais 19,5%
Accounting Units. The value of the Accounting Unit shall Livre sterling 17,5%
be equivalent to that of the standard basket unit of account Lire italienne 14,0%
created by the decisions taken by the Council of the Euro- Florin neerlandais 9,0%
pean Communities on 21 April 1975, unless otherwise Franc beIge 7,9%
decided in an arrangement concluded, or to be concluded, Couronne danoise 3,0%
Livre irlandaise 1,5%
by the Organisation'.
Franc luxembourgeois 0,3%
The 'standard basket', which forms the basis of the new Euro-
pean Accounting Unit, includes the nine currencies of the
Communities in the following 'percentage weights': La valeur du panier est consideree comme egale a la somme des
German Mark 27.3% Belgian Franc 7.9% valeurs des neuf monnaies. On calcule d'abord le panier en
French Franc 19.5% Danish Crown 3.0% francs beIges en utilisant les taux de change de Bruxel/es entre
Pound Sterling 17.5% Irish Pound 1.5% le franc beIge et les autres monnaies du panier selon leurs
Italian Lira 14.0% Luxemburg Franc 0.3% ponderations respectives. Une fois etablie la relation entre
Dutch Florin 9.0% I'unite de compte et le franc beIge, la relation entre I'unite de
compte et toutes les autres monnaies peut etre determinee sur
The value of the basket is considered equal to the sum of the la base des taux de change entre le franc beIge et les autres
values of the nine currencies. The basket is first calculated in monnaies tels qu'ils sont cotes sur les marches des pays
Belgian Francs using the Brussels exchange rates between consideres.
Belgian Francs and the other basket currencies at their pro-
portional weights. Once the relation between the Accounting Conformement au principe adopt(} par I'Organisation en 1974
Unit and the Belgian Franc has been established, the relation de fixer d'avance pour une annee des taux de change stables,
between the Accounting Unit and all other currencies can be les taux de change entre I'unite de compte et les monnaies
determined on the basis of the exchange rates between the nationales qui seront utilises par I'Agence en 1976 ont ete
Belgian Franc and other currencies as quoted on their national calcutes sur la base des taux pratiques en juin 1975, ce qui donne
markets. la tableau suivant:
Following the principle adopted by the Organisation in 1974 1 unite de compte = Franc beIge 45,50638
of fixing stable exchange rates in advance for each coming Couronne danoise 7,08200
year, the exchange rates between the Accounting Unit and the Franc fran9ais 5,21657
currencies to be used by the Agency for 1976 have already Deutsche mark 3,04823
been calculated on the basis of national exchange rates in June Livre irlandaise 0,57122
1975, as follows: Lire 814,75285
Florin neerlandais 3,13769
1 ESA Accounting Unit = Belgian Francs 45.50638 Peseta 72,60213
Danish Crowns 7.08200 Couronne suedoise 5,09688
French Francs 5.21657 Franc suisse 3,24651
German Marks 3.04823 Livre sterling 0,57084
Irish Pounds 0.57122 Couronne norvegienne 6,37908
Italian Lire 814.75285 Schilling autrichien 21,53649
Dutch Florins 3.13769 Dollar des Etats-Unis 1,30241
Spanish Pesetas 72.60213 Dollar canadien 1,33604
Swedish Crowns 5.09688
Swiss Francs 3.24651 PROBLEMES
Pounds Sterling 0.57084
Norwegian Crowns 6.37908 L 'utilisation de I'unite de compte europeenne cl I'ASE ne pose
Austrian Schillings 21.53649 pas de problemes importants, mais un certain nombre de
US Dollars 1.30241 modalites techniques d'application devront etre examinees
Canadian Dollars 1.33604 plus cl fond et peut-etre donner lieu, dans I'avenir, cl des
solutions differentes. Par exemple, les statistiques sur la repar-
PROBLEMS tition geographique des contrats, etablies en unites de compte
au moment ou ceux-ci sont attribues, ne tiennent pas compte de
There are no major problems associated with the use of the la depreciation que les monnaies f/ottantes ont subie au
European Accounting Unit in ESA, but a number of technical cours des annees jusqu'au reglement final des contrats. Autre
aspects of its implementation will require further thought and probleme: pour la comparaison des soumissions presentees par
perhaps different solutions in the future. There are, for les entreprises, on utilise des taux de change fixes jusqu'cl 18
instance, the statistics on geographical distribution of con- mois apres leur determination, alors que les relations entre
tracts expressed in Accounting Units at the time contracts are certaines monnaies ont pu ch anger considerablement entre-
awarded, which do not take into account depreciation of temps. Certains Etats membres ont egalement fait observer que
floating currencies over the years until the contracts have been la valeur externe d'une monnaie, telle qu'elle est exprimee par
paid off. les taux de change, ne ref/ete pas necessairement le pouvoir
d'achat reel de cette monnaie cl l'interieur du pays, et qu'il
Another problem lies in the use of fixed exchange rates for up faudrait donc concevoir un systeme permettant de calculer
to 18 months after they have been determined for the com- differemment la valeur d'une monnaie en unites de compte
parison of bids from industry, although the relations between selon que les fonds sont depenses dans le pays considere ou
certain currencies may have changed considerably in the mean- utilises cl I'exterieur pour acheter d'autres monnaies. L'Agence
time. Some Member States have also raised the point that the etudiera ces probtemes en 1976, ce qui pourra conduire cl
external value of a currency as expressed by exchange rates modifier I'application actuelle de la formule de I'unite de
does not necessarily reflect the currency's real purchasing compte europeenne sans toucher, bien entendu, cl son principe.
power in its own country, and a system should therefore be o
devised to allow different valuation of a currency in terms of
Accounting Units depending on whether the money is spent in
the country concerned or used outside to buy other currencies.
These problems are to be studied by the Agency in the course
of 1976 and will possibly lead to modification of the present
system, without changing the basic concept of the European
Accounting Unit. 0
Projects under Development
Projets en cours de realisation
GEOS ---
----- ----- ~~
IUE ~ ~~
Important progress has been made ana all prototype experiment units have
GEOS now been qualified and integrated, the European thrusters have successfully
completed a mission simulation test, and the European apogee motor has
been qualified.
Scientific payload
Propulsion system
Apogee motor
The SN IAS-SEP apogee motor was formally qualified during the Qualifi -
cation Test Review in October, when eight full -scale motors were fired (in
addition to the small-scale firings used for plume heating and outgassing
research) . The GEOS motor is the first European solid -propellant design to
achieve this status; it is not only magnetically clean, but is also the first to
operate reproducibly at subzero temperatures (- 10° C) . Following qualifi -
cation, a special trial was carried out at Colleferro, by a combined team from
SNIA, Dornier and ESA, where a motor firing was initiated by commanding
a spacecraft pyrotechnic control unit; this demonstrated compatibi lity of the
on -board electronics. The firing trials have shown thrust levels consistently
higher than the minimum specified, and as a result it will be possible to
reduce the effective mass of the motor.
Programme management
The main development contract has been signed and agreement reached on
improved acceptance conditions for low-noise electromagnetic cleanliness .
After a review of subsystem schedules, following th4 arrival of hi -rei
components, and the verification of quality, the spacecr~ft programme has
been revised, leading to an April 1977 launch date.
Compatibility of the GEOS telecommunications and data-handling system
with the NASA-ST ADAN stations has been confirmed by tests at Goddard
Space Flight Center, with the special transportable simulator, or 'suitcase'.
The simulator will now be used for spectrum checks at NASA's Madrid
station , to determine whether the S-band transmission could have an impact
upon the deep-space network.
A design review for the Control Centre equipment has been held, and this is
now being manufactured. When the ANS spacecraft operations come to an
end in December, space will available at ESOC for the GEOS-dedicated
control room.
Vehicule spatial
ESA ground station at Odenwald (Germany)!Station sol de rASE a Odenwald (Allemagne).
Systeme de propulsion
En outre, les premiers propulseurs aux normes de vol qui ant ete livres se
sont reveJes d'une qualite superieure a cel/e du modele de qualification et
presentent d'excellentes proprietes de reproductibilite, ce qui montre qu'une
amelioration notable a ete obtenue par rapport aux modeles anterieurs. Ces
propulseurs SEP sont les premiers propulseurs a hydrazine de realisation
entierement europeenne, capables de fournir une poussee de 14N.
Moteur d'apogee
Gestion du programme
Solar array
The series of tests on the prototype solar array has conti nued successfu Ily.
After completing 50 thermal-cycling tests under Sun-simulation conditions
at ESTEC's facilities, one of the array paddles has been returned to Goddard
Space Slight Center, where it will be subjected to the final series of vibration
and deployment tests, together with the engineering model of the spacecraft.
The Final Design Review for the solar array has been carried out at SN IAS.
The review team, which included representatives from NASA, the U K
Science Research Counci I and ESA, accepted the design concept presented
and praised the contractor (SN IAS) for the high quality of their work.
Manufacture of the flight-unit array and spares is almost complete and the
array will now undergo testing at SN IAS prior to its delivery to ESTEC,
planned for February 1976.
Ground system
The S-band antenna has been completely assembled at the Villafranca site
and antenna radiation measurements are now in progress.
In October, the AFC authorised the placing of a contract for ground -station
integration with Plessey Radar (U K). The Agency and Plessey are now in the
final stages of technical discussions and the contract is expected to be signed
soon. The contractor will be responsible for supplying a large quantity of
equipment, for telemetry command, monitor and control, timing etc., and
for integrating it with other equipment supplied under separate ESA con -
tracts (e.g. computer, S-band antenna). This work will continue throughout
1976 and early 1977.
Reseau solaire
La serie d'essais effectues sur le prototype de reseau solaire s'est poursuivie
avec succes. Apres avoir subi cl I'ESTEC 50 essais de cycle thermique dans
des conditions simulant le rayonnement solaire, I'un des panneaux du reseau
a ete retourne au Goddard Space Flight Center ou il sera soumis cl la serie
finale d'essais de vibrations et de deploiement en meme temps que le modele
d'identificatiofl du vehicule spatial.
Engineering model of IUE spacecraft with solar array in
position during optical alignment check/Modele !'identifica-
tion d'IUE equipe du reseau solaire au cours d'une verifica-
tion d'alignement optique.
During the last few weeks, the ISEE-B programme has moved from a mainly
ISEE design phase into a hardware phase. In particular, the structural model of the
spacecraft, upon which the major part of the mechanical qualification of the
satellite is to be carried out, has been completely integrated with mass
models of the various electrical subsystems. It is in the process of being
qualified and has already successfu lIy concluded its acceleration tests and
some of the vibration tests.
A mechanical problem has been encountered and solved in the last two
months. A buckling of the hinge booms was observed when they were
prestressed sufficiently for the predicted launch environment. The solution,
which has been introduced without slippage of the overall programme, has
been to incorporate stiffening webs into the interior of the booms in the area
affected. These changes are included in the structural model currently under
Development and production of the various subsystems for the integration
model continues generally on schedule, although two (power and telecom -
munications) are still showing some delay with respect to their target dates.
Active co-operative measures are being evolved at technical and managerial
level to correct the situation.
With the exception of the last point, the project is continuing on schedule
for a launch in October 1977, as planned.
Au cours des derniiHes semaines, le programme ISEE-8 est passe d'une phase
ISEE essentiellement conceptuelle a une phase de realisation des maUjriels. En
particulier, le modele structurel du vehicule spatial, sur lequel s'effectuera la
majeure partie de la qualification mecanique du satellite, a ete completement
integre avec les modeles de masse des differents sous-systemes electriques. Ce
modele structurel est en cours de qualification et a deja subi avec succes ses
essais d'acceleration ainsi qu'une par tie des essais de vibration.
Un probleme mecanique s'est pose et a ete resolu au cours des deux derniers
mois. On a observe un flambage des bras articules au cours de I'essai de
compression, lorsque I'effort a atteint la valeur correspondant aux conditions
de lancement prevues. La solution retenue, qui n'a pas entrafhe de retard
pour I'ensemble du programme, a consiste a introduire des raidisseurs a
I'interieur des bras dans la region interessee. Ces modifications sont incluses
dans le modele structurel en cours d'essais.
progressent dans I'ensemble de fat;:on satisfaisante. Une visite faite au GSFC
de la NASA et chez les experimentateurs americains a permis d'examiner
soigneusement les calendriers et les interfaces. Les seuls problemes serieux
qui puissent eventue//ement se poser sont celui de la fiabilite des composants
C-MOS et celui de leur livraison. /I s'est revfHe que ces composants, qui sont
largement utilises dans les experiences spatiales du fait de leur faible con-
sommation d'energie, resistent mal aux rayonnements tels que ceux que
rencontrera la mission ISEE; leur production pose d'autre part des proble-
mes de corrosion des conducteurs. Ces difficultes sont activement etudiees et
I'on espere pouvoir rattraper les eventuels retards de livraison.
A I'exception de ce dernier point, le projet continue a se derouler dans de
bonnes conditions et le lancement reste prevu pour octobre 1977.
Scientific experiment
Mission implementation
Execution de la mission
sous sa forme actuelle et prete son concours pour la definition de la configu-
ration du systeme (reseau terrestre) et pour /'analyse de la mission. La
conception actuellement retenue en ce qui concerne le satellite et sa mission
est entierement compatible avec les contraintes imposees par le lanceur
Delta 2914.
Space segment
Owing to late delivery of some subsystems, integration of the satellite
engineering model (P1) had to be slowed down somewhat, and this will
result in a delay in the Development Results Review (DR R), to be held at
the end of the essential P1 tests and required as input for prototype (P2)
integration. If the nominal dates for delivery of the flight hardware (F 1) are
met, which is still feasible at present, the above P1/P2 slippage could be
absorbed by a greater overlap between P2 and F 1 activities.
Ground segment
One of the two ICL computers has been installed and is presently being
tested. The ICL operating software is still causing some concern, particularly
with respect to its interface with the SESA software development, which is a
critical-path aspect of the ground-segment planning.
METEOSAT Secteur spatial
Secteur terrien
L 'un des deux calculateurs ICL a ete instal!e et est actue//ement en cours
d'essai. Le logiciel d'exploitation ICL pose encore quelques probtemes,
notamment en ce qui concerne son interface avec le developpement du logi-
ciel SESA qui est sur le chemin critique du planning du secteur terrien.
Industrial work
The main development contract for Space lab was signed on 30 September
1975 by Mr. B. Deloffre, ESA Director of the Spacelab Programme and
Mr. Klapwijk, President of V FW-Fokker. The contract covers the industrial
work up to the second launch in 1980 of the Spacelab flight unit, which is
scheduled to be delivered to NASA in 1979. Work under the contract will be
done partly on a fixed -price basis (approximately 35% of the work), partly
on a cost-reimbursement basis with an award-fee provision (65% of the
work). The Agency's limit of liability has been established as approximately
191 MAU, at April 1974 price levels. A cost/profit-sharing arrangement has
been agreed between the Agency and the contractor.
The contractor team charged with the development of Space lab is comprised
of the following industrial companies:
Design review
VFW-FokkerIERNO contractant principal, direction de
(Allemagne) I'ensemble du projet
AEG distribution electrique
Aerita7ia .' structure des modules et regulation thermique
Un groupe designe sous le nom de SPICE (Integration et coordination en
Europe des charges utiles du Spacelab) a ete cree en vue des taches d'execu-
tion. Ce groupe est charge de coordonner les activites de developpement et
d'integration des charges utiles qui ont lieu en Europe, de preparer les
specifications d'interface, de s'assurer que les experiences europeennes sont
compatibles avec les procedures d'essais et satisfont aux conditions de
securite requises pour leur integration dans les charges utiles, de surveiller
I'observation des calendriers, de maintenir la competence technique neces-
saire pour la solution des problemes et de coordonner les programmes de
formation des specialistes europeens des charges utiles.
Examen de la conception
Visitors to Les Mureaux, with the L 140
first-stage tank in the background/Les
visiteurs aux Mureaux, devant le reservoir
du premier etage L 140.
The visitors were also able to see the construction of the first-stage tank;
three tanks have now been completed and two others are being manufac-
Germany - 1* 21 - 4 26
- -
2 17
3 -
1 12
- 39
SNIAS - 1* 3 - -
(Bern University) - - - 1** - 1
Austria - - - - 1 1
India 1 - 1 - 1 3
Radio amateurs 1 - - - - 1
Total 2 4 45 2 18 71
* Ariane-type platform. These experiments are listed as selfcontained on the assumption that they will be equipped with the
necessary subassemblies, which is yet to be confirmed .
** Suggestion of flying the GEOS prototype.
Radio amateurs
The proposed selfcontained satellite (68 kg) is the eighth in the 'OSCAR'
series, of which seven have already been launched. Aim: public service for
amateurs plus a scientific aspect: introduction of mUltiple access to the
repeater (which would increase the capacity fourfold). Ideal final orbit:
polar elliptical, with 8 to 12 h periodicity.
---~~~-~~------------------------------------- -------
Par ailleurs, il faut prevoir une diminution du nombre initial des experiences
proposees, principalement pour raisons financieres. Sans entrer dans le detail
des propositions, on peut faire les commentaires generaux suivants.
L'idee de base est de faire voler une structure MBB equipee de sous-systl!mes
(developpes ou en cours de developpement) preFigurant la plate-forme lourde
- du type susceptible d'etre lance par Ariane - des futurs satellites geo-
stationnaires stabilises 3 axes. L 'Allemagne souhaite que soit adjoint un
systeme propulsif pour la circularisation de I'orbite.
Allemagne - 1* 21 - 4 26
IGNES - 2 17 1 12
France SEP - - 3 - - 39
SNIAS - 1* 3 - -
Suisse (Universite
de Berne) - - - 1** - 1
Autriche - - - - 1 1
Inde 1 - 1 - 1 3
Radio·amateurs 1 - - - - 1
Totaux 2 4 45 2 18 71
* Plate-forme type Ariane. Elle est classee comme autonome en supposant qu'elle sera equipee des sous-ensembles
necessaires, ce qui a besoin d'etre confirme.
** Suggestion de faire voler le prototype de GEOS.
Test stand PF20 at Vernan, to be used for test firing the
complete first stage of Ariane/Banc d'essai PF20 a Vernan,
des tine aux essais du premier etage camplet d'Ariane.
Radio-amateu rs
Le satellite autonome propose (68 kg) est le 8eme de la serie des 'OSCAR',
dont les 7 premiers ont deja ete lances. But: service public pour les radio-
amateurs, plus mission scientifique: mise en oeuvre de I'acces mUltiple au
repeteur (efficacite multiplMe par 4). Orbite finale ideale: polaire elliptique,
8 a 12 heures.
The Organisational Framework of
the Spacelab Programme
Hence, from an organisational viewpoint, the Spacelab Pro- (iii) On the European side, an 'Arrangement between certain
gramme is undoubtedly highly complicated, making a sound, Member States of ESRO and ESRO concerning the execu-
well-defined organisational and management structure indis- tion of the Spacelab Programme' was opened for signature
pensable for successful implementation of the project, for in March 1973. It established a financial envelope of
ensuring the correct interfaces, and for providing adequate and 308 MAU at mid-1973 prices for the European program-
timely forum for discussion between ESA, NASA and the me and a mechanism for updating this envelope annually.
various contractors. The two Agencies have tried to establish
such co-operation with the underlying but very important The Spacelab Intergovernmental Agreement covers not only the
objective, in the light of the many constraints on the Pro- design, development and manufacture of the first Spacelab flight
gramme, of not compromising a technical Spacelab concept that unit, but also the use of the Shuttle and Spacelab systems, as well
has to be attractive to as many potential experimenters as as the procurement of additional European Spacelabs by the
possible. United States. The present Agreement is intended to remain in
force until at least 1988, but it provides for expansion and
extension of this international co-operation subject to the
mutual agreement of all partners.
The Memorandum of Understanding between NASA and
Three formal international agreements provide the basic frame- ESRO (ESA) forms the basis for the tasks to be performed and
work for the Spacelab Programme: for the working relations of the two space agencies. ESA is
responsible for the development of Spacelab and for delivery to
(i) An intergovernmental agreement between the govern- NASA of one engineering model, one flight unit, two sets of
ments of nine European countries and the United States, ground support equipment, and initial spares. With the first
' concerning the development, procurement and use of a mission currently planned for the th ird quarter of 1980, the
Space Laboratory in conjunction with the Space Shuttle engineering model is scheduled to be delivered in 1978, and the
System', was concluded in August 1973. It designates flight unit in 1979. Under the terms of the Agreement, the first
NASA and ESRO as the co-operating agencies. mission will be a joint NASA/ESA mission, with experiments
(ii) A Memorandum of Understanding between ESRO and coming from both sides of the Atlantic. NASA's prime
NASA was subsequently signed in September 1973. responsibility is the operation of the Shuttle/Spacelab system.
Definition Studies 12
Special Studies,
Modifications and Reserves 83
* Mid-1975 Prices
1 AU = 1.30 US $
The Arrangement between European Governments and ESA is Director of Planning and Future Programmes
necessary because, in ESA parlance, the Spacelab Programme is Director of Administration
a 'Special Project', i.e. a programme in which participation by Director of Scientific and Meteorological Programmes
all ten ESA Member States is not mandatory, but for which Director of ESTEC.
ESA assistance and facilities can be made available. In this
case, Sweden is the Member State not participating in the The Director of the Spacelab Programme, located at ESA
Programme. Headquarters in Paris and supported by a small staff (:::: 10). is
responsible for implementation of the total programme as
The costs of the European part of the Spacelab Programme are entrusted to ESA. The Spacelab Programme Directorate staff at
met through payment to ESA by the participating states, in Headquarters deal with :
the percentage shares indicated in Figure 1.
budgetary, short- and long-term planning
On the basis of the above formal agreements, both Agencies, policy questions relating to manpower and contracts
ESA and NASA, have established comparable organisations to liaison with the Council and the Spacelab Programme Board
undertake their respective responsibilities in the manner best and other delegate bodies of ESA
suited to their own management structure and philosophy. interface with NASA Headquarters
The following paragraphs outline the organisational frame- planning for the utilisation and follow-on production of
works of the major participants in th is co-operative program- Spacelab.
Reporting to the Programme Director are the Project Manager
ESA ORGANISATION for Spacelab development and the Manager of the SPICE
(Spacelab Payload Integration and Co-ordination in Europe)
The principal governing and executive bodies of the European Group (Fig. 2).
Space Agency are the Council and the Director General,
respectively. The Spacelab Programme Board, composed of The Spacelab Project Manager and his team (:::: -WO staff) are
representatives of the participating states, is responsible for located at ESTEC, Netherlands. The project team handle the
taking key programme decisions and for establish ing the technical and contractual direction and monitoring of the main
annual budget of the Programme. For Spacelab matters that development contract and related studies, and also provide
affect other programmes or are of general concern, the liaison with Marshall Space Flight Center, the NASA lead centre
Programme Board advises and consults with the ESA Council. for Spacelab. Specialist technological and scientific support to
the project team is provided by ESTEC's Development and
The following ESA Directors, all of whom report directly to Technology Department, and ESA's Space Science Department,
the Direc.tor General, carry Spacelab-related responsibilities: also located at ESTEC.
- Director of the Spacelab Programme Whereas the planning of Space lab's European payloads is the
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Figure 2- Organisation within ESA. £l.
responsibility of the Director of Planning and Future Program- Principal NASA centres involved in the Spacelab Programme
mes, the implementation of agreed pay loads is the responsibility are Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC), Huntsville, Alabama,
of the Director of the Spacelab Programme. It is for this latter as lead centre and responsible for development of Spacelab
purpose that the SPICE Group has been established, reporting to peripheral components, Johnson Space Center (JSC), Houston,
the Programme Director, and responsible for co-ordinating Texas, responsible for Shuttle development, and Kennedy
payload development and integration activities in Europe. Space Center (KSC), Florida, responsible for Shuttle/Spacelab
Pending a final decision by Council, the SPICE Group will be operations.
located at the DFVL R facility at Porz-Wahn, Germany.
The NASA Spacelab Program Office, located at NASA Head-
NASA ORGANISATION quarters, is under the overall direction of the Associate
Administrator for Space Flight. The Director of the Spacelab
NASA's major research and development effort is furnished by Program, assisted by a small staff of technical personnel, is
five major 'Program Offices', which assign individual research responsible for overall technical and programme direction of
and development projects to NASA research centres for NASA's participation in Spacelab development. Day-to-day
execution. The Spacelab Programme is the responsibility of the management of those elements of Spacelab development for
Office of Space Flight, which is also responsible for development which NASA is responsible has been assigned to the MSFC
of the Space Transportation System, including the Shuttle and Space lab Program Office, under the direction of a Spacelab
advanced elements such as the Interim Upper Stage. Program Manager. He is supported by a group of engineers
responsible for the design and procurement of peripheral flight
While some research is accomplished 'in house' by NASA's hardware, such as the crew transfer tunnel, and for giving
own laboratories, most of the development effort is contracted technical support to ESA (Fig. 3).
out to industry and to universities, with NASA field centres
assuming the role of contract managers for the development While the NASA Spacelab Program Office was originally
contracts. established as the primary focal point, not only for Spacelab
development and testing, but also for developing the required
In addition to being the principal agents for space research and operational capabilities and eventual operation of the Space-
development, the field centres are also responsible for all lab, a recent organisational change at NASA has resulted in a
operational aspects of the Spacelab Programme, including division of operational and development responsibilities. With
launching, mission control, crew training, data processing and the establishment of a Space Transportation System Operations
analysis. Office in the NASA Office of Space Flight, the responsibility for
development of Space Transportation Systems operations To keep NASA's Administrator and ESA's Director General
capabilities, and for operating, have been assumed by this office. informed of Spacelab Programme progress and to resolve
As a consequence, the NASA Spacelab Program Office is now top-level management issues, joint annual programme reviews
concerned only with the design, development and procurement, at their level are held. The principal monitoring and
and flight testing of Spacelab hardware and software. This co-ordinating body is, however, the NASA/ESA Joint Spacelab
includes the first two Spacelab missions, which are considered Working Group (Figs. 3 and 4). which is co-chaired by the
'verification' flights. For operational planning and capability NASA and ESA Spacelab Programme Directors. This Group
development, a Shuttle Payload Integration and Development meets every other month, alternately in Europe and the
Program Office has been established at Johnson Space Center, United States, to discuss interface items, problems and solu-
which is responsible for co-ordinating such Spacelab operational tions. The Programme Directors jointly approve and control
requirements as mission planning, mission control and crew key programme documentation, such as the Joint Programme
training. At Kennedy Space Center, a group in the Pay loads Plan, the Programme Requirements Document and other
Integration Office is responsible for planning Spacelab ground 'level-one' interface documents.
operations requirements. This group is developing facilities,
hardware and software for Spacelab pre-Iaunch checkout, All major programme and technical decisions, including the
payload integration, and post-landing refurbishment. As the establishing of requirements and the approval of major design
Spacelab Programme matures, additional organisations will be changes, are taken by this body, based on information
established at other NASA field centres to develop operational provided by ESA, NASA and their contractors. Ad-hoc work-
facilities, and to operate the Spacelab under the overall direction ing groups composed of ESA and NASA personnel are institu-
of the Space Transportation System Operations Office. ted by the Joint Spacelab Working Group to resolve particular
technical interface issues (Shuttle/Spacelab avionics, opera-
ESAlNASA LIAISON tions, etc.).
The need for the closest possible co-operation between the Another important link in the management structure is the
major participants on both sides of the Atlantic has already Joint Users' Requirements Group, composed of representatives
been mentioned. liaison and co-ordination arrangements of NASA and ESA payload offices. Its primary function is to
reflecting this need have been established, with the objective act as a focal point for collecting requirements from potential
of providing a mechanism for achieving agreements and joint users and to ensure that due consideration is given to user
decisions without compromising either performance or cost requirements in Spacelab design and operations. In addition, a
objectives. Joint NASA/ESA Programme Integration Committee has been
established to co-ordinate planning for the first mission, and to
select candidate experiments for the first payload (Fig. 4) .
INDUSTRIAL ORGANISATION In addition, monthly ESA/contractor management meetings
take place, with co-contractor participation.
Overall industrial responsibility is assigned by ESA to the
prime contractor, VFW-Fokker/ERNO. Though Spacelab is USER ORGANISATION
the first space programme for which ERNO has assumed the
role of the prime contractor, the company brings to the The organisational schemes described so far have dealt with
programme valuable experience from many European space the currently agreed phases of the Spacelab Programme. When
ventures and from several successful aircraft projects. the Space Shuttle/Spacelab system becomes operational in
1980, the main emphasis of space activities will move from
To develop Space lab, ERNO has assembled an industrial team hardware development and checkout to operational flights. As
of ten major European co-contractors, responsible for partic- a result, many new participants in the United States and
ular Spacelab subsystems (Fig. 5). The total manpower of Europe will be involved in space activities, ranging from
prime and co-contractors will peak at approximately 1500 individual scientists and experimenters to large corporations,
early in 1976. Many of the companies concerned have already industry and government agencies. New organisational
worked together on past space projects, and the distribution of concepts and structures will have to be created, quite different
work between participating countries is commensurate with from those used in previous space research and development
the financial contributions of their governments. projects.
Co-ordination of the work of the prime contractor and the Frequent, routine access to space will make it necessary to
co-contractors occurs at three levels: provide services and perform functions more akin to airline
operations than space research. These will include marketing,
The Spacelab Board of Directors, comprising directors of scheduling, maintenance, customer services and economic
the contracting companies, in order to provide quick access analysis. NASA may, in effect, have to operate a Spacelab
to company resources. The Board meets approximately 'ferry service', carrying passengers and cargo into Earth orbit
once every two months. and returning them after each mission.
The Spacelab Project Manager of ERNO consults with the
co-contractors' local project managers on all principal Questions of user charges, reimbursement policies and pro-
decisions. prietary rights have to be resolved in the context of planning
The co-contractor management department at ERNO is in for routine space operations. Selection and training of interna-
daily contact with the co-contractor teams. tional Spacelab crews require international agreements and
Joint Programme
Integration Committee
NASA Offices of
Technology, Space
Science, Applications
Joint User J
equirements GrouPj
Space Flight JURG
/ Joint Spacelab
Space lab 1 & 2 Spacelab Working Group Spacelab
Program Office Programme JSLWG Programme
I 1
Spacelab Payload
I ntegration and
Space lab 1 & 2
Coordination in
Project Office
Europe (SPICE)
Joint ESA/NASA Spacelab Experiment
Simulation Programme
The overall programme policy was planned and guided by a board the aircraft. The Mission Manager performed similar
joint Mission Planning Group consisting of representatives tasks to those presently foreseen for the Mission Specialist to
from ESA and NASA Headquarters, Marshall Space Flight be carried aboard Space lab.
Center, Johnson Space Center and Ames Research Center.
The experiments were proxy-operated by a team of two
Implementation of the joint mission was the responsibility of a European and two American Experiment Operators who were
Mission Manager, who ensured that all ASSESS activities were selected and trained by ESA and NASA, respectively. The
carried out in accordance with the policies established by the Experiment Operators and the Mission Manager were confined
Mission Planning Group. During the actual Space lab simulation on board the Convair CV 990 aircraft for the duration of the
phase, a Mission Scientist was assigned to co-ordinate the simulation period. A two-man ESA-NASA panel was set up to
Principal Investigators, who remained on the ground, and to which policy decisions involving agency interests could be
act as single point of contact with the Mission Manager on referred.
ASSESS experiments and their scientific objectives
Observatoire de Meudon
CN RS-Verrieres
3D-cm Cassegrain telescope with filter wheel I R
1 High-resolution mapping of dark clouds
and H II regions
Queen Mary College, London Polarising interferometer. Cooled Ge bolometer I R emission spectrum of upper atmosphere
NASA/ Ames Research Center 3D-cm Cassegrain telescope (Meudon) with variable Near I R spectra of Venus and late type
filter-wedge spectrometer. Cooled InSb detector stars
NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory Tunable acousto-optical filter spectrometers (2) UV and visible measurements of atmos-
with telescopes pheric transparency, solar flux,
planetary atmospheres, and interstellar
University of Alaska 1-m Ebert-Fastie spectrometer-telescope and molecules
stabilised mirror
University of New Mexico 35-mm camera with I R image intensifier. 16-mm I R photography of OH airglow clouds
camera with image intensifier for time-lapse
photography. I R photometer
The joint ASSESS mission was executed only 16 months after The ASSESS mission has illustrated that a low-cost programme
the Announcement of Flight Opportunity was issued by ESA, with a low level of preparatory requirements, testing and
thus demonstrating that short lead times are indeed feasible documentation can be operated successfully with a proper
for Spacelab-type experiments. The constrained period, management approach. Appropriate and timely information on
simulating the Spacelab flight, started on 2 June and ended on constraints and capabilities, as well as guidance for hardware
7 June 1975. During th is period, five fl ights were conducted, devel.opment, enhance the chances of success. Some of the
each lasting approximately six hours. Between flights, the major lessons learned were as follows:
operators and Mission Manager remained on board the aircraft
or in the adjacent sleeping quarters. Following this constraint proxy operation of experiments by a trained payload
period, two additional weeks were devoted to unconstrained specialist for one or more Principal Investigator(s) is
flights during which the experiments were operated by the perfectly feasible
respective investigators, thus permitting comparison between some payload specialist participation in all stages of
proxy and direct operation and allowing the data provided experiment evolution is highly desirable, and some payload
during the constrained fl ight to be supplemented. level training is deemed essential
Payload operators, Beckman (ESTEC), Parker (Johnson Space Center), Wells (University of Sussex), Haughney (Ames Research Cenrer) and Dick
(University of Maryland) on the steps of the Convair.
Utilisation of Spacelab
for Life-Science Experiments
Past American and Russian life-sciences flight experiments While indirect evidence has been gathered concerning man's
have been focussed on evaluating possible hazards to crew capabilities in space, there is a need to quantify his perform·
health and identifying factors that could impair crew perform- ance, to assist in planning for his effective utilisation in all
ance. While these objectives will continue to be important in modes of spaceflight activity, particularly on extended
the 1980's, the increase in flight experiment opportunities will missions. Crew tasks on future missions will be sufficiently
allow an increase in the number of basic research experiments. varied to be used to investigate man's visual, auditory, mental
These flight experiments will use the unique properties of and psychomotor responses under conditions of stress,
spaceflight environments to study the basic mechanisms boredom, confinement and fatigue.
controlling life on Earth. Thus, the two primary objectives of a
Life Sciences programme should be: Included in flight experiments will be behavioural studies
aimed at increasing man's effectiveness and efficiency in space,
(a) to enhance man's well-being and productivity in space, as well as other studies to measure the effects of flight
and conditions on psychological and psychophysiological mechan-
(b) to utilise the space environment to achieve a better isms.
understanding of all life processes.
POTENTIAL SCIENTIFIC OBJECTIVES Man's well-being and productivity in space are, to a large
extent, dependent on the effectiveness of life-support systems,
Biomedicine working aids and instruments to monitor his health. These
technologies must be developed to increase system capabilities,
The space environment makes possible new approaches in the to reduce costs, and to provide operational lifetimes compa-
study of fundamental physiological control systems. In tible with prolonged space missions.
addition, certain human functions are altered during space
travel and corrective or preventive measures must be sought in ENVISAGED LIFE-SCIENCE EXPERIMENTS
order that man may perform properly. Spaceflight can also
provide unique opportunities for studying the prevention, Vestibular function
diagnosis and treatment of diseases.
In the light of the American Apollo programme and Skylab
Research into the basic nature of physiological mechanisms flights, and data made available from Russian spaceflights, it
Possible Space Sled facility for examining the effects of acceleration on astronauts under weightless conditions.
has become apparent that 'space sickness' or 'stomach circulation system, since the heart is normally engaged in
awareness' is going to be a major problem in the immediate pumping blood in the presence of gravity. The compensatory
future. This effect of vestibular dysfunction due to zero-g has mechanisms adopted by the body under zero-gravity condi-
become more obvious recently because space vehicles are now tions might be expected to shed some light on the underlying
larger, allowing greater freedom of movement for the control systems. A 'free floating' human being could be
occupants. Because of the relatively short duration of Spacelab investigated by ballisto-cardiography; some quite simple
flights, the possible two or three days of partial incapacitation measurements made under zero gravity can determine what
of the crew pose a major difficulty. The re-adaptation problem happens, for example, to venous pressure.
during re-entry and landing poses particular difficulties to the
pilot. However, the most disturbing aspect of the problem is The effects of gravity on time estimation by the crew, together
the almost total inability of existing ground-test and screening with any effects on circadian rhythm, could be ascertained in
procedures to predict which members of a crew are likely to these experiments.
suffer from space sickness.
Animal experiments
If spaceflight is to become a more routine activity, then
research into vestibular functioning is urgently needed. The It is very convenient to use the scientists themselves for some
availability of a reasonably sized laboratory with zero-gravity experiments. Other experiments must, however, involve an
facilities offers a good opportunity to perform dynamic element of risk and these could most conveniently be con-
testing, either on animals or crew members, by use of a small ducted with animals. These include experiments involving
centrifuge or -a chair mounted on rails, without the disturbing poisonous chemicals, radiating materials, or electrode implan-
effect of a constant gravitational field. tation. Small animals can often be conveniently used to obtain
particular types of information, as has already been demon-
Human physiology and psychology experiments strated by using minnows for vestibular experiments. Such
animals also reproduce rapidly, making them suitable for
It has already been demonstrated that during spaceflight there genetic experiments. Facilities will be required in the space
is a shift in blood electrolyte balance and a loss of bone laboratory to provide 'I ife support' functions for the animals,
calcium, together with a loss of blood plasma. There is also a together with some means of preserving laboratory specimens,
change in red blood cell mass. All these effects clear up within etc. It is most important that any animal species selected for
a few weeks of return to Earth, but their causal mechanisms work in space should already have been very thoroughly
are not well understood. investigated on Earth, to establish their 'normal' reactions.
Some experiments can be conducted only by pre- and post-
Clearly, the other major effect of zero gravity will be on the fl ight examinations.
Effects of hard radiation orientation' to gravity is recognised as instrumental in reinsta-
ting the normal growth pattern. The precise mechanisms
The other vital issue in prolonged spaceflight is the effect of involved, however, await elucidation.
radiation on humans, animals, plants and lower organisms. The
'hard' radiation (such as HZE particles) found in space cannot Whereas experiments can be, and are, conducted on Earth in
be duplicated on Earth because, although it is not very intense, uniform gravitational fields by proper rotation of the subject,
the various types occurring naturally and simultaneously in the condition of zero gravity is available only in space. The
space cannot be produced simultaneously by ground equip- combined conditions of cosmic radiation and weightlessness
ment. are likewise unique to the space environment.
New Director of ESTEC takes up Duty
Copies of the Review are available free of charge. Requests to functioning, emphasis has been given to presentation of the
be placed on the distribution list should be addressed to ESA satellite's telemetry and telecommand interfaces. The descrip-
Scientific and Technical Information Branch, clo ESTEC, tion of the telemetry and telecommand functions is based on
Domeinweg, Noordwijk, Netherlands. mid-1975 concepts. While small details may be subject to
change, no changes are expected in the main data channels or
The following papers were published in Vol. 1, No. 3: in the basic content of the telecommand words.
Payload of the 'GEOS' Scientific Geostationary Satellite, by K.
Knott On decrit la charge utile du satellite scientifique geostation-
naire europeen GEOS qui sera mis sur orbite au debut de
1977. Apres une breve presentation de la mission du satellite,
ABSTRACT on decrit les objectifs scientifiques, les techniques de mesure,
ainsi que le fonctionnement et /'operation en orbite de
This paper describes the payload of the European scientific chacune des sept experiences embarquees. Dans les sections
geostationary satellite GEOS, to be launched early in 1977. consacrees au fonctionnement des experiences, on met /'accent
Following a short outline of the mission, each of the satellite's sur les interfaces du systeme te!emesure!te!ecommande, en se
seven experiments is described in terms of its scientific basant sur la conception en vigueur au milieu de 1975. Si des
objectives, its measuring techniques, and its functional and modifications mineures peuvent encore intervenir, on ne doit
major operational aspects. In the sections on experiment par contre s'attendre aaucun changement dans les principaux
canaux de donmfes ni dans le contenu des ordres de tete- complete structure is recommended for the dynamic analysis
commande. and control design of a flexible spacecraft. The effect of mode
truncation is discussed through energy considerations. The
Table de simulation de mouvements pour I'etalonnage d'instru- design of an optimal linear control is presented using a state
ments d'astronomie spatiale, par T. Nguyen Trong& J. Raynard observer, and the sensitivity of such a closed-loop system to
parameter uncertainties is examined. The suggested approach
is applied to a typical example of a three-axis stabilised
ABSTRACT satellite with two flexible solar panels.
Cet instrument a ete utilise pour les etalonnages des experien- Les senseurs d'images bases sur la technologie des dispositifs cl
ces astronomiques embarquees sur fusees (JANUS, FAUST) et couplage de charge (CCD) presentent des caracteristiques
sur le satellite D-2B. interessantes pour une utilisation spatiale. Cet article passe en
revue quelques applications envisagees pour des projets
spatiaux futurs et essaie d'identifier les exigences propres cl
A Guideline for the Analysis and Synthesis of a Nonrigid- chaque application pour ce type de senseur. On indique les
Spacecraft Control System, by D. H. L. Poelaert domaines ou des efforts particuliers sont demandes afin de
realiser un senseur cl dispositif cl couplage de charge compatible
ABSTRACT avec ces exigences. 0
The documents listed here have been issued since the last On trouvera dans le tableau suivant la liste des documents qui
publications announcement in the Bulletin. Requests for ont ete publies depuis la derniere annonce de publications parue
copies should be made in accordance with the following table: dans le Bulletin. Les demandes sont cl formuler en tenant compte
des conditions d'obtention precisees ci-dessous:
Technical Reports, etc. TR;TN;TM Notes 1 and 2 Rapports et autres documents techniques
1. Available in hard copy as long as stocks last from ESA Scientific and 1. Disponibles jusqu'a epuisement du stock aupres du Service de
Technical Information Branch, clo ESTEC, Domeinweg, Noordwijk, I'Information Scientifique & Technique de rASE, ESTEC, Domein-
Netherlands. weg, Noordwijk (Pays-Bas).
2. Available in microfiche or photocopy form, against a charge to meet 2 Disponibles sous forme de microfiches ou de I1hotocopies, moyen-
reproduction costs, from ESA Space Documentation Service, nant une participation aux frais de reproduction, aupres du Service
Reproduction Section, ESA, 114 avenue Charles-de·Gaulle, 92522 de Documentation Spatiale de rASE, Section Reproduction - ASE,
Neuilly-sur-Seine, France. 114 avenue Charles-de-Gaulle, 92522 Neuilly slSeine (France).
3. Not available from ESA. (Distribution restricted to National Delega- 3. Ne peuvent fltre obtenus aupres de rASE (diffusion Iimitee aux
tions of those States participating in the programme from which the Delegations nationales des Etats participant au programme sur
contract was funded). lequelle contrat a ete finance).
4. These are working documents rather than information reports. 4. S'agissant de qocuments de reference et non a caractere d'informa-
Distribution is under the control of the ESA Department responsi- tion, leur diffusion est du ressort du Departement de rASE qui en a la
ble for the particular document. responsabilite.
5. Available from ESA Space Documentation Service, Reproduction 5. Disponibles aupres du Service de Documentation Spatiale de rASE,
Section (see Note 2 for address) Section Reproduction (cf. note 2).
SP-lll Space Tribology, Proceedings of the First Euro- TM-160 Solar constant, AMO irradiance and solar cells
pean Space Tribology Symposium held at calibration, by K. Bogus
Frascati, Italy, 9-11 April 1975
TM-162 The properties of near-eutectic tin/lead solder CR(P)-707 Applied research study on equipment reliabil -
alloys tested between -70 and +60°C and the ity, by Messerschmitt-Bolkow-Blohm GmbH,
use of such alloys in spacecraft electronics, by Germany
B.O. Dunn
CR(P)-708* Etude de melangeurs preamplificateurs pour
PROCEDURES, STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS satellites de telecommunications, par
Thomson-CSF, France
PSS-18 Testing peel or pull-off strength coatings and
finishes by means of pressure-sensitive tapes, by CR(P)-709 ESRO IV - Final in-orbit report, by Hawker
Product Assurance Division, ESTEC Siddeley Dynamics Ltd., UK
PSS-19 Qualification of materials and materials lists CR(P) -710 Linear L-band power amplifier - Final Report,
applicable to space projects, by Product by Mullard, UK
Assurance Division, ESTEC
CR(P)-711 Preliminary investigation of a magnetic seal for
CONTRACTOR REPORTS a hydrodynamic bearing, by Hollandse Signaal-
apparaten BV, Netherlands
CR-353 The influence of the atmosphere on remote
sensing measurements, Vol. 1: Summary, by CR (P) -712* Definition of the technical requirements for an
Hawker Siddeley Dynamics Ltd., UK Earth resources payload for the Spacelab -
Follow-on study, by Messerschmitt-Bolkow-
CR-354 Idem, Vol. 2: UV, visible and I R regions Blohm GmbH, Germany
CR-355 Idem, Vol. 3 : Microwave to radio wavelengths CR(P)-713* ESATEST (mode d'emploi du software
d'analyse thermique developpe par la SEMA
CR-467 Study on the use of the fast Fourier transform pour l'ESTECl. Vol. 1: Selection d'une mfhhode
in spectral analysis, Vol. 1: Summary, by de correction des para metres; par SEMA,
University of Genoa, Italy France
CR-468 Idem, Vol. 2: Main report CR(P) -714* Idem, Vol. 2: User's manual
CR-469 Idem, Vol. 3: Software manual CR(P)-715* Idem, Vol. 3: (a) - Traitement de mesure +
editions - reference manual
CR-569 Constant-temperature heat pipe Final
Report, by Institut fur Kernenergetik, Universi- CR(P) -716* Idem, Vol. 4: (b) - Correction des parametres-
tiit Stuttgart, Germany reference manual
CR-577 Air quality measurements from space plat- CR(P)-717* Idem, Vol. 5: User's manual
forms, by Messerschmitt-Bolkow-Blohm GmbH,
Germany CR(P) -718 Etude sur I'emploi de chambres photogram-
metriques et de capteurs pour des missions de
CR(P)-704 Evaluation des pivots 'Free-Flex' Bendix, par leves terrestres utilisant Spacelab, par Institut
SNIAS, France Geographique National, France
CR(P)-705 Study and evaluation of a photon counting CR(P)-719 Design, manufacture and qualification of
system for a space borne astronomical instru- modular power conditioning circuits for space
ment, by University of Liege, Belgium application using thick-film technology , Final
Report, by Dornier System GmbH and Lewicki
CR(P)-706 Study and evaluation of image photon counting Microelectronic, Germany
systems for a spaceborne astronomical instru-
ment, by New Industrial Concepts Ltd., UK
CR(P}-720 Development of a linear L-band power ampli- CR(P}-734 Study of high-frequency diffraction from non-
fier, by CGE-FIAR, Italy perfectly conducting surfaces, by Istituto
Universitario Navale di Napoli, Italy
CR(P}-721 Antenna arrays using high gain element radia-
tors - Helix study, by L.M. Ericsson, Sweden. CR(P}-735 Study of attitude control and stabilisation
systems via ground control - Final Report, by
CR(P}·722 Effects of radiation on the mechanical and British Aircraft Corporation, UK
electrical properties of the GEOS satellite's
long-boom cable materials, by AERE, UK CR(P}-736 Introduction to reliability concepts in systems
analysis for space applications, by UKAEA, UK
CR(P}-723 Study of forecasting methodologies, by General
Technology Systems, UK CR(P}-737* Preestimation de la position d'un vehicule
spatial, Vol. 1: Rapport de synthese, par
CR(P}-724 Parameter estimation in mathematical models SEMA, France
of ESRO-1A attitude dynamics using numerical
differentiation of measured data, by NLR, CR(P}-738* Idem, Vol. 2: Rapport analytique
CR(P}-739 Construction and test of an engineering model
CR(P}·725* Back-up modes for a DGMW ACS using a single on-board computer, Vol. 1: Summary, by
gimbal - Final Report, Vol. 1: Phase 1, part 1, SAAB-Scania, Sweden
by British Aircraft Corporation, UK
CR(P}-740 Idem, Vol. 2: User's manual
CR(P}-726* Idem, Vol. 2: Phase 1, part 2
CR(P}-741 Survey and assessment of possibilities to deflect
CR(P}-727* Idem, Vol. 3: Phase 2 or sweep the field of view by non-mechanical
means, by Plessey Ltd, UK
C R (P}-728 An analytical state transition matrix for satel-
lites perturbed by the oblateness and by a third CR(P}-742 A study of limitations in RF sensing signals due
body, by Analytical and Computational Mathe- to distortions of large spacecraft antennas, by
matics (ACM), Switzerland Electrical Research Association, UK
CR(P}-729 A study on radiation pattern prediction for CR(P}-743 Final report - modular core memory with low
high frequency sate 11 ite antennas, by Technical power consumption, by Dornier System GmbH,
University of Lyngby, Denmark Germany
CR(P}-730* HAllS for the CII 25MS computer (technical CR(P}-744 Study of the performance and limitations of
support document), by Software Sciences Ltd., multi-beam antenna - Final Report, Part 1:
UK Study, design, construction and evaluation of a
multiple-beam antenna, by Electrical Research
CR(P}-731 A literature survey on the acoustic excitation of Association, UK
honeycomb sandwich structures and shallow
shells, by Hawker Siddeley Dynamics Ltd., UK CR(P}-745 Idem, Part 2: A design procedure for circularly
polarised multi-beam offset reflector antennas
CR(P}-732 Final report of study on error detection relating
to data compression, by University of Florence, CR(P}-746 Study and development of a highly reliable
Italy random access semiconductor memory, Final
Report, by Plessey Ltd., UK
CR(P}-733 The acoustic excitation of structures, Phase 2,
Final Report, by Hawker Siddeley Dynamics CR(P}-747 Memoire autoreparable a semiconducteurs,
Ltd, UK Tome 1: Presentation, par Intertechnique,
France, and Lewicki Microelectronic, Germany
CR{P}-748 Idem, Tome 2: Choix des composants CR{P}-762* idem, Vol. 3: System definition
CR{P}-750 Idem, Tome 4: Etude detaillee du systeme CR{P}-764 Molybdenum disulphide lubrication - A conti-
nuation survey 1973-74, by Swansea Tribology
CR{P}-751 Idem, Tome 5: Etude technologique du condi- Centre, UK
CR{P}-752 A study on positioning of molten materials in
'zero' gravity environment by ultrasonic TT-188 Inductive treatment of Prandtl's 1945 equa-
methods, Phase 11, by Battelle Institut, tions for fully developed turbulence, by J.C.
Germany Rotta, DFVLR
CR{P}-753 Spacecraft thermal control design data, Vol. 1, TT-189 Unsteady pressure measurements on oscillating
by Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain, wing-body combinations comparison
and Domier System GmbH, Germany between theory and experiment, by H. Trieb-
stein and J. Wagner, DF VL R
CR{P}-754 Idem, Vol. 2
TT-191 Optical compensation measurements on the
CR{P}-755 Etude de I'adaptation d'un four {2000°C, nonstationary exit condition at a nozzle
atmosphere oxydante} a des applications discharge edge, an investigation in connection
spatiales, par CNRS (LAAS) et CRPHT, France with sound transmission through nozzles with
flow, by D. Bechert and E. Pfizenmaier,
CR{P}-756 Development of an analytical model of hydra- OFVLR
zine decomposition motors, by INTA, Spain
TT-194 Propagation of acoustic waves in a duct in the
CR{P}-757 Design, development and space qualification of presence of flow, by R. Mutte, ONERA
a prototype phase change material device, by
Institut fur Kemenergetik, Universitat Stutt- ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS DATABANK CATALOGUES
gart, Germany
ECDB-l Resistor reference book, by Electronic Compo-
CR{P}-758 Assessment of possibilities to realise a tunable nents Databank Section, ESA Space Documen-
oscillator in the decimillimetre range - Final tation Service.
Report, by Thomson-CSF, France