Giải Cứu Mất Gốc Ngữ Pháp Tiếng Anh Thcs
Giải Cứu Mất Gốc Ngữ Pháp Tiếng Anh Thcs
Giải Cứu Mất Gốc Ngữ Pháp Tiếng Anh Thcs
1: ......................................................................................... 8
Chuyen 2: Thl ....................................................................................... 14
Chuyen 3: Tfnh Tu True Lien Quan ..................................................................... 22
Chuyen De 4: Danh Dong Tu va Dong Tu Nguyen Mau .............................................................. 24
Chuyen De 5: Tu H~n Dinh va Tu...........................................................................................30
Chuyen De 6: Luqng Tu .................................................................................................................35
Chuyen De 7: Gi6'i Tu .....................................................................................................................37
Chuyen De 8: Lien Tu ....................................................................................................................43
Chuyen De 9: Dong Tu Khuyet Thieu ............................................................................................46
Chuyen De 10: St,r Hoa Hqp GiO'a Chu NgO' Va Dong Ttr ............................................................. 50
Chuyen De 11: cau True so sanh ................................................................................................. 54
Chuyen De 12: M~nh De Tn;mg Ngfr ............................................................................................. 58
Chuyen De 13: M~nh De Quan H~ ................................................................................................63
Chuyen De 14: cau Dieu Ki~n va cau LJ6'e ................................................................................... 67
Chuyen De 15: cau Bi Dong ..........................................................................................................70
Chuyen De 16: cau Hoi Duoi .........................................................................................................75
Chuyen De 17: cau Gian Tiep .......................................................................................................79
Chuyen De 18: Cau Chll'e Nang Giao Tiep .................................................................................... 83
Chuyen De 19: The Gia Dinh ......................................................................................................... 94
Chuyen De 20: M~nh De Danh Ngfr .............................................................................................. 96
Chuyen De 21: cau Dao Ngu ........................................................................................................ 9~8
Chuyen De 22: Mot so cau True Thong Dt,mg .......................................................................... 102
A. 108
Chuyen 1: 50 Cau Luy~n D~mg Ph at Am .............................................................................. 108
Chuyen 2: 50 Cau Luy~n D~ng Tn;mg Am ............................................................................ 11 0
Chuyen 3. 50 Cau Luyen D~ng Ho~m Thanh Cau ................................................................ 112
Chuyen 4. 50 Cau Luy~n D~ng Tim Loi Sai. ......................................................................... 116
Chuyen 5. 50 Luy~n D~ng Tu Dong NghTa ................................................................... 120
A. MI;O, Bf KIP VA KINH NGHI~M CHQN DAP AN TRAC NGHI~M ...................................... 196
B. SKIMMING & SCANNING - B( KIP HOA GIAI MQI BAI DQC HIEU ................................... 199
thi tuyen sinh vao 1 0 m¢t bw)'c 16n moi
VQng" thanh cong db'i.
Lam the nao bUt ph a tl.r hQc sinh trung blnh tang nhanh len 7, 8 cfiem?
Lam the nao de diem thu khoa, a khoa 9, 10 trong ky thi?
C6 5 yeu to quan trQng quyet djnh t6'i diem so cua hQC sinh trong giai do~m niJOC rut nay chfnh 1<3:
1. Kien thuc
2. Chien thu~t hQc tang diem
3. Toe a¢ lam ae, phan x<;1 ae
4. Tam ly phong thi vfrng vang
5. St! cham chi, kien trl
6n sai each, IU'O'i bieng, chenh mang se khien ll,J'C hQC cua b<;in mai d~m chan t<;li cho. Giai phap
ClrU canh thf sinh can ngay bay gib' chfnh Ia b¢ sach on thi vao 1 0 bao gom 2 cuon: Giai c&u mat
goc Tir v~:mg va Giai c&u mat goc NgCi' phap Tieng Anh THCS. 8¢ sach se giup b<;1n:
• T~p trung on dung, au, trung phan kien thuc t~p trung nhat, tranh on lan man, khong dung
m1,1c tieu diem so
• Cung cap b¢ cau hoi chat IQC nhat v6'i nhfrng d<;1ng bai tl.r muc d¢ de den kh6, c6 kha nang
cao xuat hi~n trong de thi
• Tang CU'Ong phan X<;i de, thu n<;1p nhieu phU'O'ng phap giai tat, nham nhanh, doan y giup nhan
3 toe a¢ lam ae
• 86 tui nhieu m~o, tips tranh bay hay Ia kinh nghi~m c6 1-0-2 tl.r cac anh, chi thu khoa, a khoa
di trU'6'c
Va d~c bi~t khong the thieu nhfrng IO'i khuyen hfru fch de vao phong thi c6 tam ly thoai mai
Day cGng Ia b¢ sach d~c bi~t c6 phan chia cac cap d¢ kien th(rc phu hQ'p, giup sT tti RUT NGAN
thai gian on thi cua mlnh va van hi~u qua cao. Ket qua Ia khi lam t6'i nhfrng b¢ de chuan cau true
trong sach, b<;in se hai long v1 diem so tang len dang ke.
Trong qua tr1nh bien SO<;ln cuon sach chac chan khong tranh khoi thieu s6t, mong b<;in thong cam
va chia d6ng g6p nhfrng thac mac de cuon sach OU'Q'C hoan thi~n hon trong nhfrng !an taiban
a. Cau true: s + v
- Doi khi ta se bat g~p m(>t so cau chi c6 duy nhat chu ngfr va cJ(>ng tCr.
E.g: 11 is raining.
s v
- Nhfrng cJ(>ng tCr trong cau true cau nay thU'ong Ia nhfrng n(>i cJ(>ng tCr (cJ(>ng tCr khong c6 tan ngfr
di kern).
b. Cau true: s + v + o
-Day Ia cau true rat thong d1,1ng va hay g~p trong tieng An h.
E.g: llike cats.
sv 0
- D(>ng tCr trong cau true nay thU'ong Ia nhfrng ngo9i cJ(>ng tCr (cJ(>ng tCr phai c6 tan ngfr cJi kern).
s v 0 0
Trang vf d~:~ tren, thl "me" Ia tan ngfr gian tiep va "a gift" se Ia tan ngfr tn,rc tiep. VI hanh d¢ng o
day Ia "gave" (dU'a - dim cai gl d6 bang tay va dU'a cho ai d6). V~y chi c6 the cam "m6n qua" va
"dU'a" cho chu the Ia "toi" nen "m6n qua" Ia tan ngfr tn,rc tiep tiep nh~n hanh d¢ng, con "toi" Ia tan
ngfr gian tiep khong tn,rc tiep tiep nh~n hanh d¢ng.
Tien to Vidt)
in-/ il-/ ir-/ im-
JmiJO~)SJt)le. immoral, ...
ex- ex-boss, ex-spouse, ...
cac tien to
post- postgraduate, posterior, ...
lien quan
den thai gian
cactien to micro-
am chi so h.rqng semi- semi-final, semi-formal, ...
cangthuc VI d~:~
careful, hopeful, helpful, careless, useless, harmless, homeless,
-ful/ -less
peaceful, successful, ...
-ly manly, friendly, cowardly, chilly, ...
-like/ -ish childlike, childish, selfish, boyish, manlike, ...
Void9ngtuth~ong: - Dien ta m(>t SI,J' th~t hien The sun rises in the East and
+) S + V(s/es) + 0 nhh~n, chan ly luon dung. sets in the West.
-) S +do/does+ not+ V - Dien ta m¢t th6i quen, h~mh My mother always gets up
+0 d(>ng thl!b'ng xay ra 6 hi~n early in the morning.
?) Do/Does + S + V + 0? t~i.
- N6i len kha nang cua m(>t Messi plays football very well.
Voi d9ng tirto be: ngU'b'i.
+) S +am/is/are+ 0 - Dien ta m¢t ho~t d¢ng, ke The train to London starts at
-) S +am/is/are+ not+ ho~ch co djnh theo thai gian 9:45a.m.
0 bieu.
?) Am/Is/Are + S + 0? - Dung trong cau di'eu ki~n If the weather is beautiful, I will
lo~i 1. go fishing.
> Khi trong cau c6 cac tr~ng tCr: a/ways, usually, often frequently, sometimes, seldom,
rarely, hardly, never, generally, regularly, ...
E.g: My dad always goes to work at 7 a.m.
> Khi trong cau xuat hi~n:
• every (day, week, month, year, morning, Monday, ... )
• daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, ...
• once a day, once a week, twice a month, three times a year, ...
-) S +am/is/are+
+ V-ing + 0 voi lb'i de nghj, canh Be quiet! Someone is coming.
m~nh l~nh.
?) Am/Is/ Are + S +
V-ing + 0? ta m(>t hanh d(>ng sap I booked the ticket yesterday.
ra trong tU'ong lai theo ke I'm flying to Bangkok
da djnh trU'oc. tomorrow.
eau hoi voi tude
+) Wh- +am/is/are ta SI,J' phan nan ve Vi~C He is always coming late.
+ V-ing? khi trong cau c6 a/ways.
Khong dung thl hi~n t9i tiep dien voi cac d(>ng tCr chi tri giac, nh~n thll'c nhU': to
realize, seem, remember, forget, understand, know, like, want, glance, smell, love, hate, ...
I'm tired now. not I am being tired no'A'.
Do you understand the lesson? not Are you understanding the lesson?
>- Ta chi d(>ng tlr theo thl Hi~n t9i tiep dien khi trong cau xu at hi~n cac tCr, cvm tlr nhU':
now, right now, at present, at the moment, at this time, ...
E.g: The boy is playing football at the moment.
> Trong cau c6 cac d(>ng tu: Look!, Listen!, Keep silent!, ...
+) S +have/has+ Vpz + - H~mh d(>ng xay ra trong qua has rained cats and dogs.
0 khll', keo dai toi hi~n t9i va ground is still wet.
-) s +have/has+ not+ con lien quan toi hi~n t9i.
Vpz+ 0
?) Have/Has+ s + Vpz - M¢t trai nghi~m trong dai
+ O? (thuang dung tr9ng tuever). I have ever got into.
- DU'a ra thong tin moi ho~c have read this book recently.
thong bao ve vi~c xay ra gan
Trong m(>t so trU'ang hQ'p, ta Slr di,Jng d9ng qua kh(r phan tlr cua d<)ng tlr
tobe: been nhU' m(>t d9ng qua kh(r phan tlr cua d(>ng tlr go.
e Mary has been to Brazil.
= (Mary went and came back): Da toi Brazil va hi~m t9i da tr6 ve nha.
e Mary has gone to Brazil.
(Mary went and is in Brazil now): Da toi Brazil va hi~n t9i 6
dvng thl hi~n hoan thanh voi this morning/ this evening/ today/ this week/ this
khi chua thuc thai
thl hi~n t~i ho~m thanh thU'ang c6 nhfrng ttl' sau: already, not. .. yet just ever,
since, for, recently, before, ...
For+ [khoang thai gian]: trong khoang (for a year, for a long time, ... )
Since+ [moe thai gian]: ttl' khi (since 1992, since June, ... )
So far= until now= up to now= up to the present: cho den nay
+) S + has/have + been -Dung de n6i ve h~mh d<)ng I I have been waiting for you for
+ V-ing + 0 xay ra trong qua khlr, dien ra I three hours.
-) S + hasn't/haven't + lien t~;Jc, tiep t1:1c keo dai den
been+ V-ing + 0 hi~n t~i va ca trong tU'O'ng lai.
?) Has/Have + S + -Dung de dien ta hanh d<)ng I She is tired because she has
been + V-ing + 0? da xay ra, vt1a m6'i ket thuc been working very hard for
nhU'ng ket qua cua hanh over 5 hours.
d<)ng van c6 the nhln thay 6
hi~n t~i.
Ta chia d<)ng ttl' thea thl Hi~n t~i hoan thanh tiep dien khi trong cau xuat hi~n cac ttl', C~;Jm
ttl' nhU': a// day, all week, since, for, for a long time, in the past week, recent/~ lately, up until
now, so far, ...
- N6i ve m<)t hanh d<)ng da I went to the restaurant with
xay ra va ket thuc trong qua my parents yesterday.
+) S + V(past) + 0 khlr.
-) S + did not/ didn't + V - M9t th6i quen trong qua I often played chess when I
+0 khlr. was a child.
?) Did + S + V + 0? - Chuoi hanh d<)ng xay ra He went to the office, checked
trong qua khu. his mail and started working.
- Dien d~t m9t hanh d<)ng xen My sister was cooking when I
Vai d9ng ttl' to be:
vao m<)t hanh d<)ng dang went home.
+) S +was/were+ 0 dien ra trong qua khu.
-) S + was/were + not + - Dung trong cau dieu ki~n If I were you, I would not lend
0 lo~i 2 (khong c6 th~t 6 hi~n him money.
?) Was/Were + S + 0?
1/ he/ it ft) +was
we/ you/ they nhieu) were
tU' 6 thl qua khll tlr quy verb) va quy
(irregular ta them "ed" sau moi
ill fl()ng tU' t~n cung Ia "e", ta chi can them "d".
D()ng tl! t~n cung Ia m()t phi) am, trU'oc phi) am Ia m()t nguyen am, ta nhan
phi) am cuoi roi them "ed".
ill fl()ng tl! t~n cung Ia "y":
Neu trU'oc "y" Ia m()t nguyen am, ta them "ed": play ~ played
Neu trU'oc "y" Ia phi) am, ta doi "y" thanh "i + ed": study ~ studied
Trong cau c6 nhfrng tl!, cl)m tl! nhU': yesterday, last (night, week, month, year, .. .), ago,
when in + [nam trong qua khlf], in the past, ...
V-ing + 0 - Dung de dien ta m()t hanh He was chatting with his friend
?) Was/Were + S + V- d()ng dang xay ra thl m()t when his mother came into the
ing + 0? hanh d()ng khac xen vao. room.
Hanh d()ng dang xay ra chia
thl QKTD, hanh d()ng xen vao
chia thl QKO.
Dien d~t hai hanh d()ng xay While I was taking a bath, Hai
ra dong thai trong qua khll. was using the computer.
Trong cau thU'ang c6 cac tt1, c1,1m tt1 nhU': until then by the time, prior to that time, before,
after, for, as soon as, by + [thai gian trong qua khtr}, before, after, by the end of+ [thai gian
trong qua khtr}, ...
1 +)S+had+been+ - Dien d~t m<)t hanh d<)ng xay I had been waiting for you for
1 V-ing + 0 ra trU'6'c m<)t hanh d<)ng khac three hours before you came.
trong qua khLJ' (nhan m~nh
I -) S +hadn't+ been+
l tfnh tiep dien).
I V-ing + 0
- Dien d~t m9t hanh d<)ng keo We had been making chicken
?) Had + S + been +
dai lien tl,JC dan den m<)t soup, so the kitchen was still
V-ing + 0?
hanh d<)ng khac trong qua hot and steamy when she
khlr. came in.
Cac tll' hay xuat hi~n trong thl qua khLJ' hoan thanh tiep dien: until then, by the time, prior
to that time, before, after, ...
+)S+wiii+V+O - Dien ta dl! djnh nhat thai Are you going to the
-) S +will +not+ V + 0 xay ra ngay t~i luc n6i. supermarket? I will go with
- N6i
- Str di,Jng trong cau dieu ki~n If it stops raining soon, we will
lo~i 11 dien ta gia djnh c6 the go to the cinema.
xay ra 6 hi~n t~i va tll'O'ng lai.
Trong cau thucmg c6 cac tlJ', CI,Jm tlJ': tomorrow, next (day, week, month, year, ... ), in+ [thai
gianL two weeks from now, ...
E.g: The Prime Minister will open the debate in parliament tomorrow.
Trong cau thub'ng c6 cac tU', CI,Jm tlJ': tomorrow, next (day, week, month, year, ... ),
in+ [thai gian]: trong ... nfra (in 5 minutes: trong 5 phut nfra)
E.g: Tomorrow I am going to museum with my friends.
ing + 0 - Dung n6i ve m9t hanh d9ng When you come tomorrow,
xay ra trong tll'O'ng lai they will be cooking dinner.
Will + S + be + V-ing c6 hanh d()ng khac chen
+ 0? vao.
Trong cau thU'b'ng c6 cac ct,Jm tCr: next year, next week, next time, in the future, soon.
Trong cau c6 cac tr~ng tlr chi thb'i gian trong tU'Ong lai kern theo thb'i diem xac djnh:
• at this time/ at this moment+ [thb'i gian trong tU'ong lai]: vao thb'i diem nay
e at + [gib' Cl,J the) + [thb'i gian trong tU'Ong lai): vao luc
?) Will + S + have + Vp2 - Dung de dien ta m()t hanh I will have made the meal
+0 d()ng hay sl,J' vi~c hoan thanh ready before the time you
trU'6'c m9t hanh d()ng hay Sl/ come tomorrow.
vi~c khac trong tU'Ong lai.
Dien ta ban cha't, tfnh chat cua m¢t It was quite surprising that he
V-ing ngtroi ho~c v~t. managed to finish the work.
Dien ta cam xuc, cho biet ai d6 cam Everyone was surprised that he
V-ed thay nhtr the nao ve cai gL passed the examination.
quan diem,
pretty, ugly, beautiful, lovely, messy, ...
gia chu quan
dfch sti d1;1ng sleeping bag, coffee table, school bag, ...
+ adj/adv (for sb) to The coffee was too hot for me to drink.
Too v: Qua ... de lam gl (I couldn't drink the coffee.)
nghia phu dinh)
+that The was so hot drink it.
C6 hlnh th(rc "V + ing" dU'qc dung voi ch(rc nang nhU' m¢t danh tl.r.
Danh d¢ng tll' c6 the nam 6 cac vi trf:
Admit: thll'a nh~n Face: doi di~n, duong dau Practise: luy~n t~p, thl,l'c
Appreciate: cam kfch Fancy: tU'ong tU'qng; thfch Put off: hoan l~i
Can't help: khong the khong Give up: tlf' b6 Recall: nho l~i
{lam gl)
Can't stand/bear: khong the Imagine: tll'ong tU'qng Recollect: nho l~i
chju dU'qc
Delay: trl hoan Keep (on): cU'tiep tt,Jc Risk: danh lieu
Dislike: khong thfch (Not) mind: (khong) ng~i Tolerate: chju dl,l'ng
Enjoy: thfch, thuong thU'c Postpone: hoan l~i Waste (time, money): phf
(thai gian, tien b~c)
Be/Get used to
quen v6'i Feel like doing sth cam thay thfch
doing sth
Accuse sb of doing
cao bu()c Insist on doing sth cU' khang khang
Have difficulty/trouble doing sth kh6 khan/tr6 ng~i khi lam viec gl
It's no use learning a foreign language if you don't ~-'' a~.;i:l""c it.
Tan ngfr They decided to buy a car.
Appear: t6 ra; xuat hi~n Fail: that b~i Refuse: tl.r choi
Ask: hoi; yeu cau Happen: tlnh cd, xay ra Seem: dU'dng nhU'
E.g: The robbers forced the cashier to hand over the money.
They invited Carol and me to have dinner with them.
I won't persuade you to take up this game.
advised us to wear
The travel
He allow his children to come home late at night.
He allow coming home late at night.
She recommended me to read the book movie.
Nhfrng d9ng tCr sau day c6 the theo sau bang Gerund ho~c To-infinitive nhling cho y nghTa khac nhau.
Verb + tn.infinit·iuo!:l
Stop doing sth: NgCrng vi~c dang lam Stop to do sth: NgCrng l9i de lam m9t vi~c
E.g: I stopped smoking two years ago. khac
E.g: George had been working for hours, so
he stopped to smoke a cigarette.
Try doing sth: Lam thti vi~c gl Try to do sth: Co gang lam vi~c gl
E.g: If she's not at home, why don't you try E.g: Sally is trying to find a job, now that
ringing her at the office? she's finished college.
Need doing sth: Can dl!Q'c lam gl (bi d¢ng) Need to do sth: Can phai lam vi~c gl
E.g: Your room is too dirty. It needs E.g: You look very tired. You need to take a
cleaning. (= It needs to be cleaned.)
Cac tfnh tll' mieu ta tfnh chat cua hanh It's hard to remember all the items on the
d¢ng: easy, hard, important, interesting, list.
boring, ...
Trong cau true too + adj ho~c adj + enough You are too young to live alone.
DanhtU' Vld~:J
Theo sau cac danh tlr rna c6 d9ng my parents about my decision to buy
tll' ho~c tfnh tll' tlJ'ong Lrng ket hqp
voi d¢ng tlr nguyen the.
Dung sau cac tll' chi thu tl! the first, was the first student in our village
second, ... a chance to get into university.
Sau dQng tll' make va let ....,.,...,........ ,,. .. makes me do the laundry.
... .,. .... "' . . . '"' .. will let us leave class early.
Sau had better (nen lam gl) va would You'd better wear a raincoat.
rather (tha lam gl)
Sau hear/see/watch+ 0
M~o tl.r khong xac djnh duqc d~t tru6'c danh tl.r khong xac djnh, tuc Ia danh tl.r d6 Ia ngau nhien
ho~c dU'Q'C nhac den ian dau tien trong ngfr canh.
trong cac c~:~m tl.r chi luqng a cup of coffee, a glass of water, ...
trong mot so c~:~m tl.r chi so a lot, a couple, a third, a dozen, a hundred,
quarter, a half, ...
Khong a, an ten gQi cac
bfra an, tru khi c6 tfnh tlr tn.r6'c
cac ten gQi d6
M~o tl.r xac dinh the dung trU'6'c danh tlr xac djnh, tuc Ia danh tlr d6 da duqc nhac den trong cau
ho~c dU'Q'C hai ngU'O'i hieu ngam theo ngfr canh giao tiep.
Khi v~t the hay nh6m v~t the Ia duy the sun, the world, the earth, ...
nhat ho~c dU'Q'c xem Ia duy nhat.
Trlf6'c m()t danh tl.r neu danh tu nay I see a guy. The guy is fixing his car.
vl.ra dU'Q'c de c~p tru6'c d6.
TrU'6'c m()t danh tl.r neu danh tlr dU'Q'C The teacher that I met yesterday is my sister-in-
xac djnh bang 1 Ct)m tlr ho~c 1 menh law.
de. the girl in uniform, the boy in blue shirt, ...
f>~t tru6'c m()t danh tl.r chi m()t do v~t - Please pass the jar of honey.
rieng biet rna nglfoi n6i va ngU'O'i - My father is cooking in the kitchen.
nghe deu hieu.
Tnr6'c so sanh nhat (dung trU'6'c first -You are the best in my life.
second, only, ... ) khi cac tu nay dU'Q'C - He is the first person to step on the moon.
dung nhU' tfnh tl.r ho~c d~i tu.
chi m9t the old (ngU'O'i gia), the poor (ngU'O'i ngheo), the
rich (nguoi giau)
dung tru6'c nhfrng danh tu the Pacific (Thai Binh Duong), the United States
rieng chi bien, song, quan dao, day (Hqp chung quoc Hoa Ky), the Alps (Day Anpo)
nui, ten m()t nu6'c, sa m9c,
The+ N+of+ N the North of Vietnam (mien Bac Vi~t Nam), the
Gulf of Mexico (Vjnh Mehico)
Nhung n6i: South Africa (Nam Phi), North
America (Bac My), West Germany (Tay Due),
The Middle East (Trung Dong), The West
(Phuong Tay).
TrU'OC ten quae gia, chau II,JC, ten nui, Asia, France, Wall Street, Sword Lake
ho, duong pho
(Ngo9i trt! nhfrng nu6'c theo che d(>
Lien bang - gom nhieu bang)
Ta khong dung the sau tfnh tt! s6 hfru my friend, Nam's book
ho~c sau danh tu 6 d9ng s6 hfru
Khong dung the tnr6'c ten gQi cac President Obama, Chancellor Angela
bfra an hay tu6'c hi~u They invited some close friends to dinner.
Nhung: The wedding dinner was amazing.
Tu h9n djnh chi djnh dung de chi sv xa hay gan cua ai d6 v6'i nguoi n6i, bao gom: this, that, these,
pens belong to me.
Can you see those cats?
Tu h9n djnh s6 hfru, hay con gQi Ia Tfnh tu s6 hfru, dl!Q'c dung chi vi~c ai d6 dang "s6 hfru"
m¢t th(r gl d6, bao gom: my, your, his, her, its, our, their.
E.g: We sold our house last week.
Her dress is from the latest collection.
- Dung de chi mQt cai g1 Would you like another cup of coffee?
d6 khac, hoac them vao -+ them 1 coc ca phe nfra
Another Cai da n6i den trU'OC d6.
- Dung v6'i danh tu so It Another reason to reject his offer is....
-+ them 1 ly do nfra Ia ...
Both + danh tLJ' dem dU'Q'c so nhieu Both restaurants are very good.
Few/ A few people can say that they always tell the truth.
)> (ft, khong nhieu): thU'ong c6 nghTa phu dinh, ft khong dude dung
)> a (m¢t vai, m¢t ft): thU'ong c6 nghTa khang djnh, ft du de dung
much fast food.
A great deal of
Little/ A little
Luu y:
)>- some: thU'ong dung trong cau khang djnh, loi moi, loi de nghj.
)>- any: thU'ong dung trong cau phu dinh, nghi van.
All, some, plenty + of + danh ttl' so ft + Some of the milk was sour.
d(>ng ttl' soft
II Half, part, a lot + of+ danh ttl' so nhieu + A lot of my friends want to emigrate.
I d(>ng ttl' so nhieu
I No + danh ttl' soft + d(>ng ttl' No student has finished their assignment.
A number of+ danh ttl' so nhieu + d(>ng A number of countries are overproducing
ttl' so nhieu goods.
The number of+ danh ttl' so nhieu + The number of visitors increases rapidly.
d(>ng ttl' soft
on Wednesday afternoon, on April 2nd 1
dung cho ngay, ngay thang, va
on Christmas day, on my birthday, on
ngay c~ the
Year's Eve, ...
dung cho gia, thai gian trong ngay va at 5 o'clock, at 11:45, at midnight, at
vao nhfrng ngay le Christmas, ...
> Khong dung cac gi6'i tll' in on at tru6'c every, last, next, this, tomorrow, yesterday, ...
> M¢t so gi6'i tll' chi thai gian khac: about, by, during, from, to, up to now, until, ...
in the box, in the city, ...
in: trong m¢t v~t, m¢t toa nha
I am temporarily staying in a
on: 6 tren be m~t cua v~t, nO'i chon, on the farm, on the floor, on Bui Thi Xuan
duang pho, xe c¢ on a bus, on my y,.;;;,;:)•f'>., . . .
Trung ...
behind (6 dang sau) There is a beautiful garden behind my house.
next to: ke ben, ben c~nh The bathroom is next to the kitchen.
Ngoai ra con c6 cac gi6'i tl.r chi noi chon khac nhU':
inside (ben trong), outside (ben ngoai), near (gan), by/beside (ben c~nh), over (6tren),
above (ph fa tren), opposite ( doi di~n), around (xung quanh), among ( 6 gifra nhieu ngU'oi,
v~t), ...
To/ In order to/ So as to: de She works hard to/ in order to/so as
Giai tir chi a better life in the future.
mt;~c dfch
: For: cho, de Let me do it for you.
2/ Verb+ at
4/ Verb+ of
- Concentrate on sth: t~p trung vao -Insist on (doing) sth: khang khang
-Congratulate on (doing) sth: khen - Live on sb/sth: song nhb' vao
ngqi ai vi cai gl - Rely on: tin c~y vao
on: tuy thu¢c vao -Spend (money) on sth: tieu (tien)
8/Verb +to
-Apologize to sb for (doing) sth: xin loi -Devote to (doing) sth: cong hien cho vi~c gl
ai ve vi~c gl - Explain sth to sb: giai thfch cho ai
- Complain to sb about sth: phan nan ve -Happen to sb/sth: xay ra v6'i
-Commit to (doing) sth: cam ket lam - Listen to: lang nghe
vi~c gl
- Prefer sth to sth: thfch cai gl hon cai gl
- Dedicate to (doing) sth: cong hi en cho
-Talk/Speak to sb: n6i v6'i
vi~c gl
9/ Verb+ with
- Collide with: tong, dt,.mg vao - Provide sb with sth: cung cap
- Compare with/to: so sanh v6'i (Provide sth for/to sb: cung cap)
- Fill with: lam day - Supply sb with sth: cung cap
- Agree with: dong y v6'i (Supply sth to sb: cung cap)
- Crash into: tong, dvng vao - Divide into/ Split into: chia ra
- Cut into: cat ra thanh -Translate (from a language) into: djch ra
1I Adjective + of
2/ Adjective + for
3/ Adjective + to
to sb for sth:
v6'i to:
v6'i v6'i
- Devoted to: v6'i thiet cho
to: m6 ra cho - Similar to: tuang tl! v6'i
- Good at gi6i ve (good for: tot cho) - Amazed/ Astonished/Surprised at: kinh
- Bad at: dove (bad for: xau cho) ng~c
Annoyed (with sb) about blfc tll'c - Confused about: boi roi ve
-Anxious about: lo lang ve - Excited about: phan khfch ve
- Careful about din th~n ve - Serious about: nghiem tuc ve
- Careless about: bat can ve - Sorry about/for: hoi tiec
nor: khong (dung de bd sung y phu - I don't like listening to music nor playing sports.
dinh vao y da phu dinh tru6'c do)
but: nhung -You can invite Keith to the party, but please don't
but= except (for)= apart from ask that friend of his.
= other than: ngo9i tn:r - I don't like anyone but my family.
lien tu quc:m
or: ho~c cai nay ho~c cai kia - I left it either on the table or in the drawer.
- Either you go out of my house, or I will call the
nor: khong cai nay va khong - Neither John nor his friends are going to the
kia beach today.
- Neither they invited me to the party nor I
wanted to go there.
both ... and: ca cai nay va cai kia I want both the pizza and the sandwich. I'm
hungry now.
Both men and women have complained about
not only ... but also: kh6ng nhfrng ... rna My little sister is not only good at drawing but
con swims very well.
whether... or: li~u cai nay hay cai kia I'm going, whether she likes it or not.
I didn't know whether you'd want the pizza or
sandwich, so I got you both.
After/Before+ clause, clause: Sau \AI<:>,r""''",... TV after he had finished his work.
khi/trw1c khi he watched TV, he had finished his
In spite of/ Despite + N/V-ing of/ Despite his old age, he goes
As/So long as+ clause, clause: Mh~n Ia as long as I can leave by 7.00.
If... not = Unless: Neu kh6ng = Tn! khi get a job unless you've got
- I was \AI~lE'hU"\n
In case: Trang truong hqp, phong khi In case you lost, bring a map.
In case of/ In the event of+ N/V-ing
- Dien ta kha nang, nang II!C 6 hi~n - Mary can speak 4 languages.
t~i ho~c tuong lai. -He can't be at home. It's 8
- Can't c6 the dung trong truong o'clock.
hqp suy doan (chac Ia khong) 6 - Jane has bought two tickets for
hi~n t~i (ho~c qua khl!- xem them the match; therefore, he can't be
m~:~c Modal perfect). going alone.
- N6i ve kha nang trong qua khl!. -I could ride a bike when I was 7.
- Khi n6i ve kha nang lam gl trong -The house suddenly caught fire,
tlnh huong c~:~ the trong qua khl! but they were able to get out of it.
(can Sl! no II!C) thl khong dung (NOT: We could get out of it)
could ma thay vao d6 dung cau
true was/were able to V.
d~t Sl! din thiet ho~c bat must work harder if you want
bu9c phai lam dieu gl 6 hi~n t~i a good result.
ho~c tuong lai.
£>ua ra lai suy lu~n -You must be tired
- C6 nghla Ia "can", tuong tv nhu -You will need to hand in the paper
have to. this week.
- Thl!ang dung de de c~p den Sl/ -You needn't go right now, need
can thiet ngay tile thai. f>U'Q'C dung you?
de xin/cho phep- thuang Ia cho -It's OK. You needn't/ don't need to
phep khong lam gl d6. Khong dung pay for that phone call.
de n6i ve Sl/ can thiet theo th6i
quen chung chung.
> Must thuang dung cho tlnh huang 6 hi~n t~i. do d6 can dung Have to thay the trong
thl khac.
You will have to do your best when the exam comes.
I had to use my mother's laptop because mine was broken.
Khi n6i voi ai c6 bon ph~n khong duqc lam m¢t dieu gl, hay sfr d1,mg must not/ mustn't
v1 don't have to.
We don't have to go to school at the weekend. (khong can thiet)
Children mustn't cross the street without an adult. (khong duqc phep)
Need c6 the Ia d¢ng tCr thuang va d¢ng tCr khuyet thieu.
She needs to go home early.
You needn't go yet, need you?
each dung Vid\1
khuyet thieu
- Thuong dung khi cho loi khuyen. - I think you should do more
Should -The hi~n slf bat bu¢c hay bon -The work should be finished
ph~n (c6 slf ll!a chQn), khong before this weekend.
m~mh bang must.
- Had better (not) do sth c6 the -Your hair is long. You had better
duqc dung tuong tl! nghia get it cut.
should/ought to.
Had better - Chi duqc dung cho tlnh huang CI,J -It's cold. You'd better wear more
the, nguoi n6i nh~n thay hanh clothes.
d¢ng d6 Ia can thiet va mong dqi
hanh d<)ng d6 se dU'Q'C thl!C hi~n.
each dung Vid\1
khuyet thieu
- Dien d9t ho~c dl! doan Sl! vi~c, -Tomorrow will be a good day.
tlnh huang se xay ra trong tU'O'ng
- Dua ra loi de nghi, loi moi. - Will you have a cup of tea?
- Dua ra m¢t quyet dinh ngay thoi - I'll give you a lift.
diem n6i.
- Dung dien ta m¢t gia djnh 6 qua -At midnight Sarah was still
khlr ho~c dl! doan ve m¢t tlnh awake. She would be tired next
huang c6 the xay ra. day.
- DU'Q'C dung trong loi yeu cau, loi -Would you like orange juice?
mb'i ljch Slf.
- N6i ve tuong lai tCr diem nhln cua - She said she would visit her
qua khl'r. grandparents the next day.
cho We va I.
"chac han Ji!l .. ": suy doan ve mot Sl/ The streets are wet. It must have
vi~c trong qua kht!, phong doan c6 rained last night.
logic dva tren nhfrng hi~n tU'qng
trong qua kht!.
"khong the nao ... ": suy dien phu dinh He can't/couldn't have moved the
ve Sl/ vi~c trong qua kht!, Ia the phu piano himself.
djnh cua must have.
"dang /y ra c6 the... ": dien ta mot They could have lent me some
kha nang khong dU'qc thvc hi~n money, but they didn't.
trong qua kht!.
"c6 the li:L. ": chi Sl/ suy doan ve mot I don't know where the letter is. I
hanh dong trong qua kht! khong might have thrown it away.
have+ Vp2
chac chan.
"/era khong can phai... ": dien ta mot We needn't have hurried. Now we
hanh dong khong can thiet phai are too early.
thvc hi~n trong qua khu.
"dang /y ra cia lam gi" (nhU'ng thvc I would have bought that CD, but I
chat cuoi cung l~i khong lam). didn't have enough money.
I Lythuyet D~ng d 9ng til Vld~:~
!1 a. Danh tll' noi bang tu noi v so nhi'eu Rice and rubber from Vietnam are
I and chi 2 ngtril'i, 2 v~t khac
exported to many countries.
(Chi 2 v~t khac nhau)
r . . .
I 1b. Danh tlr noi bang tlr noi v soft The secretary and accountant is
I and chi 1 v~t ho~c 1 ngtril'i going upstairs.
3. Voi cac danh tunoi voi v (danh tu dau tien) - The manager, together with his
nhau bang: with; like; as assistants, has arrived.
well as; together with; along -The kitchen, as well as the toilets,
with; in addition to; other is painted in blue.
4. St,J' ket hQ'p gifra chutu every/each+ N soft Each/every student has to do the
va cac tll' nhlf every, each, + V so It homework.
each of/one of+ N Each of the students has to do the
so nhfeu + v so it homework.
5. Some, part, all, most, Neu N so ft thl + v -Most of the house was dt!~Lruyt!d
almost, the rest, the so It -Three-quarters of the earth's
remainder of, ho~c phan so surface is water.
Neu N so nhieu th1 - Some of the tomatoes are too
+ Vsonhfeu ripe.
- Only a third of the students are
qualified for the new course.
6. D9i tu bat dinh v soft -Someone has eaten all the food.
every/some/any/no (thing, - Nobody wants to attend the
one, body) meeting.
v so nhieu (neu
tung phan/ thanh thanh vien trong nha)
vien cua t~p hqp
* danh tll'
army (quan doi); club (cau l~c bo): community (cong dong); college (cao dang);
committee (uy ban); class (16p hQc); audience (khan gia); council (hoi dong); family (gia
dlnh); group (nh6m); team (doi nh6m);jury (hoi dong xet xU'); crew (doi, nh6m); staff
(nhan vien); crowd (dam dong); government (chfnh phu), ...
12. Ten cac mon hQC, can V so ft * Mon hQc: mathematics (toan);
b~nh, mon the thao va m¢t physics (v~t ly); politics (chfnh trj
vai tlr khac c6 duoi -s hQc); economics (kinh te hQc);
statistics (mon thong ke)
* Can b~nh: measles (b~nh soi);
mumps (b~nh quai bi); rickets (b~nh
coi XU'O'ng); AIDS (b~nh AIDS)
* Mon the thao: athletics (dien
kinh); gymnastics (the dvc dvng cv);
billiards (mon bi-d a); darts (tro choi
nem phi tieu); dominoes (co
E.g: Mathematics is my favorite
Measles is a dangerous disease.
Dominoes is a good game for
13. Danh tuIa so nhieu v so nhieu people (nguoi); children (tre em);
m~c du khong c6 t~n cung women (phv nfr); police (canh sat);
Ia s/es cattle (gia sue), sheep (eCru), fish
(ca), ...
E.g: Many young people are out of
work now.
Sheep were grazing in the fields.
> V6'i tfnh tl.r ngan c6 t~n cung Ia "y" thl phai doi thanh "i" them "er".
E.g: pretty ~ prettier
happy ~ happier
> Trong truong hqp tfnh tl.r ngan c6 t~n cung Ia phi) am, trLJ'6'c n6 Ia 1 nguyen am, ta phai
gap doi phi) am cuoi de tranh thay doi each dQC.
E.g: fat ~ fatter
big~ bigger
> M(>t so tl.r c6 hai am tiet nhLrng ket thuc bang "/e': "et': "ow': "er" van xem Ia tfnh tl.r
E.g: narrow ~ narrower
> M9t so tfnh tl.r nhLr: senior, junior, superior, inferior, anterior, posterior, ban than chung
da ngl) y so sanh hon, nen khong them "more", va theo sau Ia "to" chu khong phai "than".
E.g: For babies, breastfeeding is superior to bottle-feeding.
> So sanh danh tl.r dem dLJ'Q'C va khong dem duqc
- Danh tl.r cOng c6 the dung de so sanh trong cac trLrong hqp khong bang, nhLrng trLr6'c
khi so sanh phai xac dinh xem d6 Ia danh tl.r dem duqc hay khong dem duqc, vi dang
tru6'c chung se c6 m9t so dinh ngfr dung v6'i 2 lo9i danh tl.r d6.
- Cong tht1c:
S + V + as + many/ much/little/ few + noun + as + noun/ pronoun
S + V + more/ fewer/less + noun +than + noun/ pronoun
E.g: He earns as much money as his father.
February has fewer days than March.
more + adj/ adv + than She speaks English more fluently than her
> Khi so sanh mQt m¢t nguoi voi
else sau anything/ anybody.
She is taller than ~n\J'I"\r\i''l\1 else in the
nhan m~nh, them much/ truoc so
far/ much+ adj/adv + "er" +than
far/ much+ more+ adj/adv +than
Harry's watch is more expensive than mine.
He speaks English much more rapidly than he does Spanish.
goes to the movie theater less
less + adj/ adv + than
than us.
> C6 the thay cau true phu dinh not as... as bang not so... as.
E.g: Your cat is not as/so pretty as mine.
She can't draw as/so beautifully as her.
true Vi
Khang dinh as ... as Water is as cold as ice.
> Voi each so sanh bang nhau, ta cGng c6 the dien d~t bang cau true "the same as".
S +to be +the same + (noun) + as + noun/pronoun
The black car is as expensive as the white one.
black car is the same price as the white one.
Tfnh tu is the longest river in the
the + adj/ adv + +(in/of) ...
twice that many/ twice that much: gap doi ngan ay; chi dugc dung trong van n6i,
dU'Q'C dung trong van viet.
We have expected 80 people at the rally, but twice that many showed up.
(twice as many as that number).
Danh tCr cung c6 the dU'Q'C dung de so sanh trong trU'O'ng hQ'p nay, nhU'ng nen nh6'
tru6'c khi so sanh phai dam bao rang danh tCr d6 phai c6 cac tfnh tCr tuang duang.
My house is as high as his.
---+ My house is the same height as his.
M~nh de tr~ng ngfr Ia m~nh de ph~:~ c6 chuc nang nhl1 m(>t tr~ng tt! bo nghTa cho d(>ng tt!, tfnh tt!
ho~c tr~ng tlr trong cau thong qua cac lien tlr phi) thu(>c.
M~nh de tr~ng ngfr chi thai gian c6 the dung dau ho~c cuoi cau. Neu m~nh de tr~ng ngfr chi thai
gian dung 6 dau cause ngan each v6'i m~nh de chfnh bang dau phay. M~nh de tr~ng ngfr thl!ang
bat dau bang cac lien tlr sau:
As soon as: As soon as my mom heard the news, she phoned me.
Ngay sau khi (Ngay sau khi m~ nghe dl!Q'c tin tuc, m~ da gQi di~n cho toi.)
due to/ because of + He was late yesterday due to the fact that the traffic was heavy.
the fact that (Hom qua anh ay toi mu9n b6i vi tac dU'ang nghiem trQng.)
so + adj/ adv + that: The coffee is so hot that I cannot drink it.
qua ... den noi ma (Ca phe qua n6ng den noi ma t6i kh6ng the uong dU'Q'C.)
such (a/ an)+ adj + N + It was such a hot day that I took off my jacket.
that: qua ... den noi ma (Trai n6ng den noi ma t6i da c6i bo ao khoac.)
f>oi voi danh tlr, cau true "so ...that" di kem voi much/many/few/little phfa
trU'oc danh tude chi mli'c d9.
though/ although/
eventhough: du sq, nhU'ng thi/C ra anh ay rat tot b~,Jng.)
no matter+ No matter you say, I her.
how/what/where/who: (Cho du b9n n6i nhU' the nao, toi van yeu co ay.)
cho du
Some people like meat with much fat in it whereas others hate
whereas = while:
ngU'Q'c l9i, trong khi
(MQt so ngtrb'i thfch an thit mo, trong khi so khac thl ghet.)
s (chu ngfr)
o (tan ngfr)
s (chu ngfr)
o (tan ngfr)
(thay cho ca got married to a young guy,
cho v~t)
m~nh de phfa everybody. (which thay
Cac cvm tCr chi soiU'qng some ot both ot allot neither ot many ot none of. .. c6 the
dung tnr6c whom, which.
Neu trong m~nh de quan h~ c6 gioi tCr thl gioi tCr c6 the d~t trU'oc ho~c sau m~nh de
h~, chi ap dl,mg v6'i whom va which.
• Dung that khi danh tCr ph fa truoc chi nguoi lan v~t.
I see the girl and her dog that are running in the park.
tu dinh: someone, anybody, nothing, c:>run.oirnm•n no one, ...
truong hqp dung that:
o Khong dung that trong m~nh de quan h~ khong xac djnh.
E.g: Minh introduced me to Luan, who worked with her on the project.
Minh introduced me to Luan, that v1orked 'Nith her on the project.
e Khi c6 gioi tlr o phfa truoc (in on at, ot ... )
o Voi cac tu chi luqng c6 gioi tll' di kern: neither ot most ot allot none ot
lot ot. ..
Where (thay tu =at/inion which
I don't know the school where Linh is
chi nai chon)
When (thay tll' I never forget the day when I first met
chi thoi gian)
=on/in which
They did not tell her the reason why they
Why (chi ly do) =for which
chased her.
- Neu d(>ng tll'trong m~nh de quan h~ othe chu d(>ng, ta dung hi~n t~i phan tlr (present participle)
thay cho m~nh de d6.
- 86 d~i tlr quan h~ va trq d(>ng tlr, dua d(>ng tlr chfnh ve nguyen m§u va them duoi -ing. (V-ing)
E.g: The boy who is standing there is my son.
----+ The boy standing there is my son.
Do you know the man who caused the accident yesterday?
----+ Do you know the man causing the accident yesterday?
Neu d(>ng tll' trong m~nh de quan h~ o the bi d(>ng ta dung qua khu phan tll' (past participle).
E.g: The plays which were written by him are interesting.
----+ The plays written by him are interesting.
-He was the third person to killed (who was killed) in
way. (dc;Ing bi d{>ng)
Doi v6'i cau bi d{>ng The girl who was injured in the earthquake was his daughter.
--l> to be + Vp2 --l> The girl to be injured in the earthquake was his daughter.
Chung ta c6 the dung to-infinitive (to V) de gian IU'Q'c MDQH khi c6 m{>t trong
cac ti:r: something, anything, nothing, everything, somebody, anybody, nobody, everybody,
somewhere, anywhere, nowhere, everywhere.
E.g: There was nothing we could do about it -the situation was beyond our control.
--l> There was nothing to do about it -the situation was beyond our control.
We need someone who will look after the children while we are at work.
--l> We need someone to look after the children while we are at work.
Neu phfa tru6'c that Ia There must be something that is wrong.
dc;Ii tll' phiem chi nhu --l> There must be something wrong.
something, anything,
86 who,
anybody, ...
which. .. to be
va gifr nguyen co dau phay ph fa My grandmother, who is old and sick, never
tfnh tlr phfa tru6'c va phai c6 tlr 2 goes out of the house.
sau. tfnh ti:r tr6' len. --l> My grandmother, old never goes
out of house.
If I hadn't been absent
yesterday, I would have met
Dung If v6'i m9t tfnh tll' ho~c If disturbed, the birds may
m¢t d¢ng tll' qua khu phan abandon the nest, leaving the
If + Adjective/Past tll' thay vi dung m(>t m~nh chicks to die.
participle de. (=If the birds are disturbed,
they may abandon the nest,
leaving the chicks to die.)
Sau wish va if only c6 3 lo~i m~nh de duqc dung de chi u6'c muon:
areu ki9n de bien doi til' cau chu d9ng sang bi d9ng:
./ v trong cau chu d¢ng Ia ngo~i d¢ng tCr (theo sau Ia 1 tan ngfr [0]) .
./ Cac tan ngfr (trvc tiep, gian tiep) phai dU'Q'C neu r5 rang.
Quy tac bien doi cau til' chu d9ng sang b! d9ng:
S +was/were
Qua khu S+
being+ Vpz +
tiep dh~n + V-ing + 0
by+ 0
Qua khu
S +had+ Vpz + S +had+ been
0 Vpz+ by+ 0 The door had been locked by Linh
she left.
S+V+ Oi + Od
~ S +be+ Vpz +
* MQt so dQng tt1 c6 the c6 hai tan ngfr theo sau nhU': give, send, show, lend, pay, promise,
refuse, ten offer, ...
MQt vai dQng tt1 thU'ong xu at hi~n trong ve 1 cua cau chu dQng nhU': think, believe, report, say, ...
ad9ng nay, ta c6 2 each de bien doi cau tCr chu dQng sang bi dQng.
:c~:=~?~3L~..".. 2. Bien doi ve 1, gifr nguyen ve 2.
S + modal verb + have d{>ng d:ln phai lam trong -+This book should have been
qua khu ho~c dang le read.
+ Vp2 + 0
phai xay ra nhU'ng khong
-+ S + modal verb +
lam, ho~c nhfrng phan
have been + V p2
doan c6 the xay ra trong
qua khu.
Trong nhfrng cau true sau day, d{>ng tlr chi tri giac dU'Q'C kf hi~u Ia "Vs". M{>t vai d{>ng tlr chi tri
giac nhU': see, hear, watch, ...
Chung kien toan b¢ s11 People saw him fall out of the
S + Vs + 0 + V
vi~c window.
-+ S + to be + Vs (p2) +
-+ He was seen to fall out of the
to V
Chi thay m{>t phan cua People saw her stealing the
S + Vs + 0 + V-ing
Sl/ vi~c umbrella.
-+ S + to be + Vs (p2) +
-+ She was seen stealing the
My mother
Make -+ S + to be + made + to floor.
+ V-inf -+ I am made to clean the floor.
to be + adj + for sb
toV this afternoon.
Chu ngfr
It + to be + adj + for It is difficult for the paper to be
+to be Vp2 by him this afternoon.
1: Ia
>- Trong cau hoi duoi, luon luon dung cac d~i tU' chu ngCi' (1, he, it, they, .. ) cau hoi.
>- KHONG dung d9i tU'tan ngu (me, you, him, her, them, us).
KHONG dung ten rieng (•Nasn't Jimmy).
- He 1'1rH«:1n.:•l'1 his
phu dinh, did +
-You didn't trust me,
- She has lived here since
+ S? 1999, hasn't she?
Vai cac thl hoan
- I hadn't finished my lunch
before leaving, had I?
- Khi must chi Sl! can thiet 6 - They must work until 1 Opm,
d~ng khang dinh, ta dung needn't they?
needn't cho cau hoi duoi.
- Khi must chi Sl! dt! doan 6 - He must be a very kind man,
hi~n t~i. ta dl!a vao d(>ng tlr isn't he?
Must theo sau must de chQn d(>ng
tLJ' cho thfch hqp.
- Khi must chi Sl! dl! doan 6 -You must have visited here
qua khu (must+ have + Vp2), once, haven't you?
ta dung have/has cho cau hoi
Cau cam than, Ufy danh ttr trong cau doi - What a beautiful dress, isn't it?
thimh d~i ttr, dung is, am, are. - How intelligent you are, aren't you?
Cau tran thu~t Ia: /t seems that+ m~nh de, It seems that you are right, aren't you?
lay m~nh de sau lam cau hoi duoi.
Chu tuIa m~nh de danh tu, dung it trong What you have said is wrong, isn't it?
cau hoi duoi.
Neither S1 nor S2 ---+ Lay duoi ca 2 chu ngfr Neither you nor I am a doctor, are we?
(khang dinh).
M~nh de trU'<JC dau phay c6 cau true used They used to travel so much, didn't they?
to V, thl cau hoi duoi Ia: didn't+ S?
M~nh de trU'6'c dau phay c6 cau true: had I had better tell him the truth, hadn't I?
better+ V, th1 cau hoi duoi Ia: hadn't+ S?
Trong cau c6 cac tu mang nghTa phu dinh He seldom drinks wine, he?
nhU': no, never, seldom, hardly, scare/y,
little, ... thl phan duoi se 6 d~ng khang djnh.
Cau tran thu~t c6 chu ngfr I+ cac dong tu - I think he will come won't he?
sau: think, believe, suppose, figure, assume,
fancy, imagine, reckon, expect, seem, feel +
m~nh de pht,J, lay m~nh de pht,J lam cau hoi
khong phai Ia I thl l~i dung - She thinks he will come, she?
lam cau duoi.
this/ these
now then
here there
"I was doing it," he said. He said he had been doing it.
Qua khU' hoim thimh tiep dien Qua khU' hoim thimh tiep dien
"I had been doing it," he said. He said he had been doing it.
Chung ta str dt,mg d9ng tlr "ask" khi tU'b'ng thu~t cau hoi. Khi tU'b'ng thu~t cau hoi chung ta chuyen
doi th(r tl! thanh cau true cau tuong thu~t va IU'Q'C bo dau hoi.
. .a.!
+asked(+ 0)/wanted to "Where did you go for your holiday,
know /wondered + Brown?" Susan asked.
wh- + s + v {lui thl) ~ Susan asked Brown where he had
gone for his holiday.
Neu trong cau trt!C tiep c6 cau hoi ch(ra if, khi chuyen th~mh cau tU'O'ng thu~t,
m~nh de if xep 6 cuoi cau.
E.g: "If I have a flat tire, what should I do?" she asked.
-+ She asked what she should do if she had a flat tire.
Deny doing sth Phu nh~n dieu gl Warn sb (not) to do Canh bao ai lam gl
-I think/believe/hope/expect/guess so.
(Toi nghT/ tin/ hi VQng/ mong/ doan the.)
-Sure/ Actually/ Of course/ Right.
(Di nhh~n/ Ch~k chan roi.)
- I hope/believe/guess/suppose not.
hi vQng/ tin/ doan/ cho h3 khong.)
I'm afraid not.
e rang khong.)
thU'ong chua lien tCr "or" va yeu diu phai chQn ra 1 dap an.
lai: Ia cau chQn m<)t trong hai sv tva chQn dU'Q'c dU'a ra trong
hoi. Khong dung tCr "Yes" ho~c "No" tra loi cau hoi nay.
Are they Chinese or Vietnamese?
- They're Vietnamese.
Pork or beef?
- Beef, please./ I'd prefer beef.
bat dau bang cac tCr de hoi nhU' what which who, whose,
when why, how, ... de thu th~p thong tin.
can cung cap thong tin neu trong cau hoi.
Which of these pens is yours?
- The red one.
Why did he fail the exam?
- Because he didn't prepare well for it.
chao hoi:
-Good morning/afternoon/evening.
- Hi/Hello. Have a good day.
(Chao. Chuc b9n mot ngay tot lanh.)
-How are you?/ How have you been?/ How do you do? ...
(B9n d9o nay the nao?)
Lai crap:
-Good morning/afternoon/evening.
Have we met before?
(TrU'oc chung ta nhau chU'a nhi?)
- I would like to introduce you to .. ./ ... to you.
(Toi muon gioi thi~u b~n voi.../ ... voi b~n.)
- I would like you to meet...
(Toi muon b~n dU'Q'C g~p gO' voi...)
-This is .... (Day Ia ...)
- Have you two met before?
(Trw1c day hai b~n da g~p nhau chU'a?)
lai mai:
Would you like to ... ?
-"' ....?)
(B ~nco, muon
- I would like to invite you to ...
(Toi muon moi b~n ... )
-Do you feel like/fancy having ... ?
-"' ... ?)
(B ~nco, muon .
-Allow me to .. .
(Cho phep toi. .. )
-It is a idea.
(V kien qua tuy~t!)
-That sounds great/fantastic/wonderful/cool/fun.
(Nghe c6 ve hay day.)
I'd love to. (Vang, toi thlch.)
-Why not? (T~i sao khong nhi?)
-OK, do that. (DU'Q'C, cu nhU' di.)
Tir mai:
(Khong, cam .)
- I'm afraid I can't.
(Toi e rang toi khong the.)
- Sorry, but I have another plan.
(Xin loi, nhLrng toi c6 ke ho9ch khac roi.)
-I'd love to but...
(Toi muon lam nhLrng ... )
- Some other time, perhaps.
(Lan khac v~y nhe.)
Lai an:
-Thank you very much for ...
(Cam on rat nhieu ve... )
Thank you/ Thanks a lot/ Many thanks.
(Cam on rat nhieu.)
-It was so kind/nice/good you to ...
(B9n th~t Ia tlr te/ tot vL.)
-I am thankful/grateful to you
(Toi rat biet an vL.)
- Never mind/ Not at all. (Khong c6 gL)
mention it.
(Toi rat vui giup b<;J .)
- I'm glad I could help.
(Toi rat vui Ia c6 the giup dU'Q'C b<;Jn.)
-It was the least we could do for you.
(Chung toi da c6 the lam dU'Q'C han the nfra.)
Bong y:
-Sure/ Certainly/ Of course.
(DT nhien Ia dU'Q'c.)
-No problem.
(Khong van de gl.)
Tlr choi:
-I'm afraid I can't. I'm busy now/ I'm using it.
(Toi e rang khong the. Bay gib' toi dang b~n/ Toi dang dung n6.)
-I don't think it's possible.
(Toi cho Ia khong the dU'Q'C.)
-Is it OK if I do it later?
(U:it nfra c6 dU'Q'c khong?)
-May/Might/Can/Could 1...?
(Xin phep cho toi...)
-Do you mind if 1...?/ Would you mind if 1...?
toi. .. )
- Is it if.
(Li~u c6 on kh6ng neu ... )
- Anyone mind if...
(C6 ai phien kh6ng neu ... )
-Do you think I can/could ... ?
(B~n c6 nghi Ia toi c6 the ... )
Lai dap:
Dong y:
-Sure/ Certainly/ Of course/ OK. (Tat nhien roi.)
-Go ahead./ You can. (Cu tl! nhien.)
- Do it! Don't ask. (Cu lam di! Dl.rng hoi nfra.)
Tl.r choi:
- I'm afraid you can't.
(T 6i e rang kh6ng dU'Q'C.)
- I don't think you can.
(T6i cho rang kh6ng duqc.)
- No, you can't./ No, not now.
(Khong. Bay gio thl khong.)
Cong thuc:
It+ to be+ adj +that+ S +(should)+ (not)+ V
It+ to be+ Vp2 +that+ S +(should)+ (not)+ V
Cac tinh til, phan til Vld~:~
Cong thuc:
N/NP +to be+ that+ S +(should)+ (not)+ V
S + V + N/NP +that+ S +(should)+ (not)+ V
M~nh de nay thuong bat dau bang cac tude hoi nhu what why, when, where, ... va tlJ' that.
Cau c6 Noun clauses lam chu ngfr thuong c6 cau true nhu sau:
Trong d6, m~nh de bat dau bang tude hoi lam chu ngfr trong cau va di ngay sau Ia dc)ng tu chfnh
cua ca cau.
E.g 1: That he arrives early surprises me.
(Vi~c anh ay di s6'm lam toi ng9c nhien.)
E.g 2: Why she did that is still unknown.
(Van chua ai biet vl sao co ay l9i lam v~y.)
Cau c6 Noun clauses lam bo ngfr sau dc)ng tu thuong c6 cau true nhu sau:
s + v +that/ whether/ til' de hoi + s + v
2. Little+ tr(Y d9ng tU' + S + V: Little did he know that the course of his life was about
Gan nhu khong to change.
=He almost did not know that the course of his life
was about to change.
(Anh ta gan nhU' khong biet rang CUQC doi mlnh sap c6
nhfrng thay doi.)
=No sooner+ had+ S + Vp2+ than =No sooner had she finished answering the last
+QKD question than the bell rang.
VCra m6'i... thL. (Co ay vera m6'i tra loi xong cau hoi cuoi cung thl
chuang reo.)
4. Dao ngfr vai nh6m tir sau Only - Only when the famine gets worse will the
(dao ngfrm~nh de chlnh): government begin to act.
Only then/ Only when/ Only after/ = The government will begin to act only when the
Only by+ Ving/ Only if, ... famine gets worse.
(Chi khi tlnh tr~ng d6i kern trcr nen toi t~ han thl chfnh
phu moi bat dau h~mh dong.)
- Only after his wife had left him did he realize how
much she meant to him.
= He only realized how much his wife meant to him
after she had left him.
(Chi sau khi vq anh ta roi di thl anh ta m6'i nh~n ra co
ay c6 y nghTa v6'i anh ta nhu nao.)
- Only by studying hard can you get high scores.
(Chi bang each h<;>c cham chi thl b~n m6'i d~t diem
5. Not only+ trq d9ng tir+ S + V + Not only was she robbed of all her belongings but she
but also: also came close to being killed. I
Khong nhfrng ... rna con = She was not only robbed of all her belongings but
she also came close to being killed. I
(Co ay khong nhfrng bj cu6'p do rna con su'ft bi giet.)
Not until he
Mai had
his rudeness.
did not apologize for his rudeness even once.
ay chang xin loi VI Sl! tho lo cua mlnh m{>t lan
Ai v~y (cau phu dinh) (Co ay se khong bfra sinh nh~t va toi cung
cac tr~ng tu chi vj trl thuong sli d1,mg gom c6: along, awa~ back, down, in of~ on out ug under
va cac tlr here, there.
E.g: On the grass sat an enormous frog.
(=An enormous frog sat on the grass.)
~ Chung ta c6 the dung dao ngfr khi chu ngfr Ia danh tl.r, nhung khong dung dao ngfr khi chu ngfr
Ia d~i tll' (/,you, he, she, it, we, they).
E.g: Under the tree sat an old man.
Under the tree sat he.
- Ta cung c6 the dung dao ngfr voi "Now+ be".
E.g: Now is the time to say goodbye.
= The time to say goodbye is now.
(Dao ngfr thong dvng han trong ngon ngfr n6i)
25. Cau cam than: What+ (a/an)+ adj + N! =How+ adj/adv (+ S + V)!
E.g: What a fast runner! = How fast he runs!
(Anh ay ch~y th~t Ia nhanh!)
Although having uut.AU'-''y for quite a long time, Linh and I still in
(M~c du lau roi, nhung toi va Linh gifr lien l~c.)
30. To be for+
NghTa: bi ph~t vL.
E.g: He was fined for speeding.
(Anh ta bi ph~t vi ch~y qua toed¢.)
NghTa: bang each
E.g: By communicating, we can understand and support each other better.
(Bang each giao tiep, ta c6 the hieu nhau va ho trq nhau tot han.)
35.To to+
NghTa: quen dan v6'i
I am getting used to eating with chopsticks.
(Toi dang dan quen v6'i vi~c an com bang dua.)
36. Grow up
NghTa: 16'n len cung v6'i cai gl
Taylor Swift is the music industry. I grew up listening to her music.
(Taylor Swift di~n cho nen am nh~c. Toi nghe nh~c co ma 16'n len.)
Give sb a sb
E.g: Please come over and give me a hand.
(Lam an den va giup toi m9t tay.)
38. Make progress
Nghia: tien b9
E.g: I'm not making much progress with my Japanese.
(Tieng Nh~t cua toi kh6ng c6 nhieu tien b<).)
divide litter
noon good fool tool
sQ.Qn book boot room
r.u.le pyll fyll pyt
could would should group
dQne m_qve IQve SQn
how honest healthy happy
hear swear dear rear
mysic t.u.tor mature computer
massage garage collage average
flood IQ.Qse IQse shoot
threat beat seat meat
baby novel picture remind
mosquito compliment counterpart confident
problem happen concern reason
negation different essential important
domestic dominate computer substantial
appropriate difficulty relationship participate
pleasure capture picture ensure
environment circumstances certificate particular
lucky father agree famous
bottle destroy erupt behave
official delicate opponent diploma
foreword index preface mature
electrician manufacture referee immortal
maintain retain fountain entire
monitor momentum opponent component
gallery animal attraction benefit
medical pressure evidence disadvantage
official athletics intensive sedentary
century extreme lifestyle politics
Japanese Italian thirteen maintain
adventure financial apartment operate
opponent horizon synchronized canoeing
recommend reunite referee overtime
personality horizontally individually urbanization
canal data canoe duet
peninsula professional curriculum auditorium
magnificent proverbial advantageous photography
develop introduce discover prepare
ordinary emphasis decompose calendar
terrific tertiary territory terminal
generational communicative disobedient argumentative
elaborately mysteriously originally necessarily
independence political immortality differentiate
attitude romantic decision effective
intelligent direct desire satisfactory
examine influence
commodity material quality
admire honour title difficult
describe struggle political society
independence political immortality differentiate
guarantee pioneer volunteer committee
ashamed position begin enemy
influential creative introduction university
amusing profession dimension colorful
mineral example diamond popular
. He's American, _ _?
won't he didn't he doesn't he isn't he
Jack and David are talking about taking a gap year.
- Jack: "I think taking a gap year is a waste of time."
-David:"_ _. It gives gap-year takers a lot of valuable experience."
It's true I agree with you
I don't quite agree It's much too high
As the season turns from spring to summer, some people feel a bit under the _ _
and can't concentrate fully on their work.
storm weather climate rain
The United States has a(n) _ _ of around 250 million.
population pollution application territory
Susan isn't _ _ to leave for another city on her own.
mature enough immature so mature too such immature
I can't stand the car _ _ . Therefore, I hate traveling by car.
sickness illness disease tiredness
Mike _ _ his favourite program on TV when the lights went out.
was watching is watching watched watches
The doctor _ _ told me not to stay up too late at night is my friend's father.
whom which who whose
_ _ it is, the more uncomfortable we feel.
Hotter The hotter Hottest The hottest
My mother only wears Ao Dai _ _ special occasions.
at on in with
Hula wishes she _ _ so much money for her new car, as she _ _ it back for the
next five years.
didn't borrow/ has been paying hasn't borrowed/ is paying
hadn't borrowed/ will be paying doesn't borrow/ will pay
When he lived in the city, he _ _ to the theater twice a week.
uses to go has gone used to go was going
My father asked us _ _ too much time playing computer games.
not to spending did not spend
not to spend to not spend
It is _ _ first time Vietnam has hosted such a major international event.
0 a an the
It is he his
while during since
Tomorrow we'll go to Noi Bai to meet
do so.
"This roast beef is delicious."-"_ _ ."
I'm glad you like it No, don't worry
I don't, either Sure. I'd love to
Laura is the _ _ intelligent girl I've ever known.
much more most less
It took me a long time to get used _ _ .
to wear glasses to wearing glasses
wearing glasses to have glasses wear
It was so noisy outside that she couldn't concentrate _ _ her work.
at in on with
_ _ the film a dozen times, she knew the dialogues by heart.
Watching Being watched
Watched Having watched
I _ _ my old school last week.
visited visit am visiting have visited
Traveling to _ _ countries in the world enables me to learn many interesting
differ difference differently different
He was offered the job thanks to his _ _ performance during his job interview.
impressive impressively impression impress
Resources on land are beginning to be used _ _.
to with up by
. The banker to _ _ I gave my check was quite friendly.
who whom that which
John never comes to class on time and _ _ .
neither does Peter so does Peter
so doesn't Peter neither doesn't Peter
The building has a smoke detector _ _ any fires can be detected immediately.
so that if such as so as to
Helen has come _ _ a brilliant idea for losing weight.
out on through for across to up with
Those boys took a long ladder _ _ get the ball from the roof.
so as to so so that so to
Waste paper can be used again after being _ _.
produced recycled wasted preserved
Let's go to the beach this weekend, _ _?
do we shall we will we don't we
Infected chickens were thought to be in charge _ _ the outbreak of flu.
of on at in
to Ho Chi Minh times.
a much of
the army neiiCOIDters came tried to evacuate
an the 0
. Caroline refused taking the job given to her because the salary was not good.
taking given because was
It was an extremely frightened experience in my life.
It was extremely frightened in
The Thames. when I spent my happy childhood, is always in my mind.
The Thames when is in my mind
I often look into new words in the dictionary whenever I don't know their meanings.
look into in whenever their
Each of the members of the group were made to write a report every week.
members were to write week
Every culture has its unspoken rules that govern how people interacting with and treat
one another.
its that interacting one another
Although people knew about electricity since ancient times, they have only been
harnessing its power for about 250 years.
knew since harnessing for
He has been recognized to his contributions to several musical genres, most notably
rock, country and gospel.
has been to musical and
The result of that test must be inform before August.
The of must be inform
I didn't feel like to go to work this morning because it was raining hard.
didn't to go to work raining hard
. It's important to remember that culture shock is entire normal and unavoidable.
important that entire unavoidable
Elisha Otis invented the safety brake which would stop the elevator to crashing if
there was a sudden falling.
invented which to crashing falling
Have you ever read any novels writing by Jack London?
Have you read any writing
Robotic devices are created to perform complicate, repetitive, and sometimes
dangerous tasks.
Robotic created complicate tasks
Peter wishes he wasn't punished for being late for school yesterday.
wishes wasn't being for
was built most to
'~"'•·onTIICTc said that ~==-4'"-""-"-~ and other
fluently fluently
and write able to read write
Elvis was a man who had risen from very llYJ~~ origins to become one
OIQQe:st names in rock 'n' roll.
modest rich common important
John the final exam with .!.!,JJ!.!...!lJ~~ii:!·
success failure drop advantage
To be honest, I go to the museums ===-.=..::.::....;=-=='--"-"-'==·
from time to time once in a while
very often seldom
It took Clarke a long time to get over the of her marriage.
end start introduction divorce
en~~ appearance is not the only factor that a person should be judged on.
real natural mental material
The new laws to conserve wildlife in the area will come into force next month.
eliminate protect pollute destroy
You will be surrounded by green sceneries in areas, as opposed to big offices
in the cities.
nearby distant public urban
He seemed a bit 11~~"'~~"""''~~~~:~ri after his parents criticized him for not doing the
cheerful hopeless sorrowful lucky
We offered a ~~~ service of transferring money in less than 24 hours.
slow open unsure uninterested
She had a cozy little apartment in Boston.
uncomfortable warm lazy dirty
They need to a great deal of sports equipment from Japan.
export buy move
different similar
,.,..~e-c-rn~·tae- are writing letters of ~~~~.
confirmation agree refusal admission
driven many SPE~CIE~s to the
verge of extinction.
Around 150 B.C. the Greek astronomer Hipparchus developed a system to classify
stars according to brightness.
categorize combine diversify record
He was arrested for his illicit drug trade in the police raid yesterday.
legal irregular elicited secret
People use conditioners to keep cool and comfortable in hot and humid weather.
chill clean moist dry
People often pay no attention to pain until it becomes unbearable.
unsatisfactory impossible sensitive tolerable
He was not a good father. He neglected his children.
punished blamed took care of disregarded
. We didn't plan to meet each other. We just met accidentally.
intentionally simultaneously hurriedly coincidently
It was in a difficult situation that Henry realized the importance of family support.
attention insignificance influence value
Human inventions have shaped civilizations on Earth.
destroyed remained stopped formed
Volunteering offers you a chance to gain experience in the field that you are
interested in.
create lose use obtain
. Today students are under a lot of pressure due to the high expectations from their
parents and teachers.
nervousness emotion stress relaxation
The government is encouraging everyone to save water when washing their cars.
conserve waste avoid collect
I could only propose a partial solution to the crisis in the company.
half halfway effective complete
The investigation revealed some rather unexpected results.
predictable positive surpnsmg impressive
It is considered to be disrespectful when mentioning those with disabilities by using
words like 'dumb' or 'deaf'.
awkward rude polite peaceful
Despite the clumsy physical appearance, she is actually a talented pianist.
unsatisfying accomplished incompetent brilliant
That child is recovering in hospital after a serious attack by a stray dog.
control protection insistence accident
In many cultures, people signify their agreement by nodding their head.
turning shaking pointing waving
up more to
visit move
many exam, so I could answer most of them.
This is the first time we have been to Paris.
We had been to Paris once before.
We have been to Paris some times before.
We have never been to Paris before.
We have been to Paris for a long time.
The weather was so terrible that we spent the whole day indoors.
It was such terrible weather that we spent the whole day indoors.
The weather wasn't terrible enough for us to spend the whole day indoors.
The weather was too terrible for us to spend the whole day indoors.
The weather was too terrible that we spent the whole day indoors.
Cigarettes can seriously damage your health.
These cigarettes are safer than ordinary ones.
People who smoke may get ill.
You are not allowed to smoke here.
Smoking annoys other people.
It is a pity that I can't speak English like a native speaker.
I wish I could speak English like a native speaker.
I wish I couldn't speak English like a native speaker.
I wish I can speak English like a native speaker.
I wish I have spoken English like a native speaker.
Please inform the dentist if you are taking medicine.
Your dentist may give you a medicine.
You have to bring your medicine with you.
Ask you dentist if you need some medicine.
Your dentist needs to know about your medicine.
"You should drink enough water daily to stay healthy," the doctor said to me.
The doctor minded drinking enough water daily to stay healthy.
The doctor admitted drinking enough water daily to stay healthy.
The doctor tried drinking enough water daily to stay healthy.
The doctor suggested drinking enough water daily to stay healthy.
I will get home at about seven and I'll give you a ring then.
I will give you a ring then I get home at about seven.
I will give you a ring unless I get home at about seven.
I will give you a ring when I get home at about seven.
when I will home about
silent or you'll wake the up.
If you you will wake the up.
If you mustn't silent, you will wake the up.
If you silent, you will wake the up.
If you don't silent, you would wake the baby up.
I had to spend 3 hours finishing this article.
I finished this article 3 hours ago.
He made me to do this article in 3 hours.
It takes me 3 hours to finish this article.
It took me 3 hours to finish this article.
I haven't been to the cinema for several months.
The last time I went to the cinema several months ago.
It's been several months since I last went to the cinema.
It has been several months after I last went to the cinema.
I didn't go to the cinema until several months ago.
He used to write home once a week.
He was forced to write home once a week.
He enjoys writing home once a week.
He no longer writes home once a week.
He never fails to write home once a week.
This is the cheapest book I've ever bought.
Every book I've ever bought is cheaper than this one.
This book isn't cheaper than any books I've bought.
I've never bought such a cheap book before.
This book is not as cheap as every book I've bought.
She speaks English much better than I do.
I can speak English better than her.
I can't speak English as well as she does.
She speaks English as well as I do.
She speaks English as good as I do.
We narrowly avoided an accident with a coach by managing to stop quickly.
If the coach hadn't stopped so suddenly, we wouldn't have had the accident.
The gap we had left between us and the coach was too narrow to avoid an accident.
It was such a narrow road that we nearly had an accident with coach.
We would have had a collision with a coach if we hadn't come to stop so swiftly.
It's no use trying to Tom to change his mind.
It's waste of time trying to .... ,.... .,, ... his mind.
It's worth trying to persuade Tom to change his mind.
It's useful trying to persuade Tom change his mind.
It is reported that the prisoners escaped by means of a helicopter.
The prisoners is reported to have escaped by means of a helicopter.
The prisoners are reported to have escaped by means of a helicopter.
The prisoners are reported to escape by means of a helicopter.
The prisoners are reported to have been escaped by means of a helicopter.
Most women prefer working outside to staying at home.
Most women had better work outside than stay at home.
Most women work outside rather than staying at home.
Most women would rather to work outside than to stay at home.
Most women would rather work outside than stay at home.
To learn English is important to him.
It is important for him to learn English.
He is important to learn English.
English is important to learn.
He is learning important English.
They have built a new school near the park.
A new school has been built near the park.
A new school has been built near the park by them.
A new park has been built near a new school.
A new school have been built near the park by they.
Each person in the office should be given a personal parking space.
All staff members have their personal guaranteed parking spaces at the office.
It is advisable that all office staff have their own parking space.
The office suggests building a large parking area to provide all staff a space.
Having a parking space for all staff should be merely a personal issue .
. It was not until midnight that I finished the homework.
I couldn't be finish the homework before midnight.
I couldn't finish the homework before midnight.
I couldn't finish the homework after midnight.
I couldn't be finished the homework after midnight.
"You should take better care of your health," said Tom's mother.
Tom's mother promised to take better care of his health.
Tom's mother ordered him to take better care of his health.
Tom's mother required him to take better care of his health.
Tom's mother advised him to take better care of his health.
Anna tried so hard, but she couldn't find solutions to solve the problem.
Anna could find solutions to solve the problem although she tried very hard.
Hard as Anna to solve
No matter how to
it was not our all
with us.
It been our since it was ~laonllnn with
It must been our barking continuously all night since it was c-Jo,on:inn with us.
It should have been our dog barking continuously all night since it was e>lat~niru·" inside with us.
It could have been our dog barking continuously all night since it was sleeping inside with us.
It was possible for my sister to become a German teacher because her German was
fluent, but she decided to become an accountant instead.
My sister must have become a German teacher because her German was fluent, but she
decided to become an accountant instead.
My sister has become a German teacher because her German was fluent, but she decided to
become an accountant instead.
My sister could have become a German teacher because her German was fluent, but she
decided to become an accountant instead.
My sister had to become a German teacher because her German was fluent, but she decided
to become an accountant instead.
"My parents expect me to get good grades," she said to me.
She said that his parents expected him to get good grades.
She told me that her parents expected her to get good grades.
She said that her parents expect her to get good grades.
She told me her parents are expecting her to get good grades.
As long as their articles are not libelous or obscene, the school will allow their
students to publish them.
Provided that their articles are libelous or obscene, the school will allow their students to
publish them.
If their articles are libelous or obscene, the school will allow their students to publish them.
Providing their articles are not libelous or obscene, the school will allow their to
publish them.
Unless their articles are not libelous or obscene, the school will allow their to publish
Scientists have not produced a miraculous drug which can cure AIDS.
A miraculous drug has not been produced by scientists which can cure AIDS.
A miraculous drug has not been produced by scientists who can cure AIDS.
A miraculous drug which can cure AIDS has not been produced by scientists.
A who can cure AIDS have not by scientists.
"Why don't we at home and watch television?"
He suggested that they should stay at home and watch television.
His suggestion was that they should stay at home and watch television.
He wanted to know why they didn't stay at home and watch television.
No crime is more serious than murder.
Murder is the least serious of all crime.
Murder is the most serious of all crimes.
Everyone is very afraid of murder.
Murder is the dangerous crime.
The film last night was thrilling. It was about a bank robbery.
The film last night, which was about a bank robbery, was thrilling.
It which was about a bank robbery was thrilling last night.
The bank robbery which was last night was thrilling.
The film last night was thrilling which was about a bank robbery.
A speaker will come to talk about William Shakespeare. I can't remember his name.
I can't remember the name of the speaker who will come to talk with William Shakespeare.
A speaker who will come to talk about William Shakespeare, I can't remember his name.
The speaker whose name I can't remember will come to talk about William Shakespeare.
The speaker will come to talk about William Shakespeare whose name I can't remember.
Ann always keeps up with the latest fashions. She works for a famous fashion
Ann always keeps up with the latest fashions so as not to work for a famous fashion house.
Ann works for a famous fashion house, so she always keeps up with the latest fashion.
Not working for a famous fashion house, Ann always keeps up with the latest fashions.
Despite working for a famous fashion house, Ann hardly keeps up with the latest fashions.
The agreement ended six-month negotiation. It was signed yesterday.
The agreement ended six-month agreement was signed yesterday.
The agreement signed yesterday lasted six months.
The negotiation which lasted six months was signed yesterday.
The agreement which was signed yesterday ended six-month negotiation.
He didn't take his father's advice. That's why he is out of work.
If he had taken his father's advice, he would not have been out of work.
If he took his father's advice, he would not be out of work.
If he had taken his father's advice, he would not be out of work.
If he takes his father's advice, he will not be out of work.
not read his book. I the was
What the lecturer wrote and was
some F\Fr\\lln,r-ae>
Hardly had the government implemented social distancing in some provinces when the COVID-
19 pandemic broke out.
. We should raise our awareness of protecting the Earth. We should do it as soon as
It's time for us to raise our awareness of protecting the Earth.
It's time we should raise our awareness of protecting the Earth.
It's time that we raise our awareness of protecting the Earth.
It's time for we to raise our awareness of protecting the Earth.
lies claims stories objections
People living in rural areas of Britain are more (1) _ _ about the future and happier about their
quality of life than people in cities and towns, a new survey has found.
The Countryside Living Index (2) _ _ out to record how people feel about their lives, found that
the satisfaction ratings of people living in the countryside leapt by 10.7 percent (3) _ _ the first
and second quarters of 2013, with their views about the cost of living, education and crime all
improving. People in both rural and urban areas said that they felt more optimistic about health,
education, and the environment, but the positive change was much more pronounced among
country-dwellers than city {4) _ _ . People from urban areas also said that they were
increasingly more worried about crime than those in the countryside and overall, the rise in
perceived quality of life was three times higher in the countryside than in the cities.
Tim Price, who carried out the study, said: 'The recession made life in the countryside very tough
for many people, so it's great news to see concerns about the cost of living easing.'
However, for young people the lack of rural jobs paying a living (5) _ _ and housing costs
continue to make it hard for them to live in the countryside.
The wind controls our planet's weather and climate, but how much do we understand about this
complex force, which can kill and spread fear?
On the night (1) _ _ 15 October 1987, the south of England was struck by the strongest winds
it had known for over two hundred years. Gusts of over 130 km/h blew through the region.
Nineteen people were killed, £1.5 billion-worth of (2) _ _ was caused and 19 million trees were
blown down in just a few hours.
(3) _ _ people thought of this as an earthquake, the winds of 1987 were only severe storm
force. They are far better known than the much more serious storms of 25 January 1990, when
most of Britain was hit by daytime winds of up to 173 km/h. On this (4) _ _, 47 people were
killed, even though, unlike in 1987, the weather forecasters issued accurate warnings.
Extreme weather events such as these are dramatic reminders of the power of the wind. It is one
part of the weather that people generally do not (5) _ _ a second thought to, but across the
world, the wind (6) _ _ a crucial role in people's lives.
on of in at
hurt injury destruction damage
Although Therefore Moreover However
event occasion
Many studies have shown that children who enjoy music perform better in school. This doesn't
mean that you have to take a college class in music in order to help your child appreciate music,
but to spend some time talking about and listening to a wide variety of music with your child.
If you start when your baby comes home from the hospital, you should spend some quiet time
with your child listening to, enjoying music and singing along with the radio because it is
important that your child hears your voice and the music.
Play soothing quiet music at nap time and bed time. This will help show your child how music
can soothe and be a comfort. When your child can sit in your lap, clap your hands in time to the
music, bounce your knee gently in time to the music and dance with your child. All of these
activities will help your child develop a sense of rhythm. When your child starts to try and sing
along, encourage them with praise and don't worry if they don't have all the words right. Have
some fun and make up your own words to different songs.
Music is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate our unique cultures. Listen to music from other
countries occasionally. Help your child to find the similarities, and above all, celebrate with music.
What is the main idea of the passage?
Adults should learn music to teach their children.
Music should be taught as a main subject at schools.
Parents should encourage their children to learn music.
Music should be celebrated occasionally in many countries.
In which way can children learn music?
Going to music schools Learning with their parents
Playing musical instruments Attending music concerts
What does the word "This" in paragraph 2 refer to?
When your baby hears your voice
When your child comes home from the hospital
Playing music at lunchtime
Playing quiet music when the children sleep
It can be inferred from the passage that the word "soothe" in paragraph 2 is closest
in meaning to _ _ .
stress ease rock breathe
Which of the following best describes the attitude of the writer towards teaching
music to children?
Supportive Ignorant Opposing Surprised
child later won
Dubai is the largest of the emirates which make up the United Arab Emirates. In the 1950s,
it was a tiny coastal village. Now it is a huge modern city with a population of over 700,000. It
an modern lifestyle and is known around the world as top tourist destination.
Dubai has something for everyone. Holidaymakers can enjoy a relaxing break, and people looking
for adventure can find something new and exciting. The excellent hotels and facilities make it a
popular place for business conferences and exhibitions.
Dubai offers many unusual holiday experiences. Visitors can go on a desert safari or drive in the
sand dunes in a four-wheel drive, watch camel racing or learn how to hunt with falcons. They can
also try sand skiing. More relaxing is a cruise in a wooden dhow in the Gulf or a visit to the old
city markets.
There are many opportunities to take photographs. The traditional architecture is amazing, and
there are many magnificent palaces and mosques. Visitors can visit a Bedouin village and see
camels and herds of goats. There are beautiful desert oases and the best sunsets in the world.
It is said that Dubai is the shopper's paradise. Many people come to Dubai for the shopping.
Visitors enjoy everything from modern malls to traditional markets. Low customs duties mean
that many products are less expensive than products bought in other countries. While Dubai's
official language is Arabic, many shopkeepers speak English. Bur Juman Centre and AI Ghurair
Centre are places that every shopper should try.
. The word "offers" in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to _ _.
exchanges receives attends provides
According to paragraph 2, why is Dubai a popular place for business conferences
and exhibitions?
Because it provides new business opportunities.
Because it offers new and exciting holidays.
Because it has excellent hotels and facilities.
Because it has world-famous artists.
The word "They" in paragraph 3 refers to _ _ .
Sand Dunes Falcons Visitors Holiday Experiences
According to paragraph 5, which is NOT TRUE about shopping in Dubai?
Many products are cheaper than in other countries.
Bur Juman and AI Ghurair are popular shopping centers.
Most shopkeepers can't speak English.
Visitors can shop in both modern malls and traditional markets.
Which best serves as the title for the passage?
Dubai: Things to do for everyone Dubai: Things to avoid
Dubai: Present and Future Dubai: An ancient city in the desert
Different colours can affect us in many different ways; that's according to Verity Allen. In her new
series 'Colour me Healthy', Verity looks at the ways that colours can influence how hard we work
and the choices we make. They can even change our emotions and even influence how healthy
we are.
'Have you ever noticed how people always use the same colours for the same things?' says
Verity. 'Our toothpaste is always white or blue or maybe red. It's never green. Why not? For
while we think of green
company which writes its name in
uar.nlo who can
the number of
The phrase "more and more" in the first paragraph means _ _ .
a number of more than ever
be decreasing day by day be increasing in number all the time
"The group" in paragraph 4 refers to _ _.
students the Modern Language Association
foreign languages the federal government
Which of the following could be the reason why American schools generally do not
begin to teach foreign languages until secondary school?
Only 7 out of 50 states require schools to teach a foreign language to students between the
ages of 6 and 12.
Because of the cost of educational programs.
They don't agree with the experts who say it is easier for younger children to learn a language.
They believe that students should learn foreign languages at the age of 13.
Which of the following is TRUE?
At the college level, most students in America study foreign languages.
About 9% of college students in America study foreign languages.
At the college level, 17% of American students study foreign languages.
Over a half of the American states require schools to teach a foreign language to thirteen-year-
old students.
: Dap anIa "pens" c6 phan g~ch chan phat am Ia /z/.
Phan g~ch chan cua cac ttr con l~i phat am Ia /s/.
Dap an Ia "develops" c6 phan g~ch chan phat am Ia /s/.
Phan g~ch chan cua cac ttr con l~i phat am Ia /z/.
Dap an Ia Chores" c6 phan g~ch chan phat am Ia /z/.
Phan g~ch chan cua cac ttr con l~i phat am Ia /iz/.
Dap an Ia "camels" c6 phan g~ch chan phat am Ia /z/.
Phan g~ch chan cua cac ttr con l~i phat am Ia /s/.
Dap an Ia "dykes" c6 phan g~ch chan phat am Ia /s/.
Phan g~ch chan cua cac ttr con l~i phat am Ia /z/.
Dap an Ia COncentrate", "o" dQc Ia /u/.
Ia "e" Ia
trU'ong hqp con l~i Ia /a/.
Ia , c6 phan chan "ee" la/Ia/.
trU'ong hqp con l~i doc Ia /i:/.
flap an Ia "provide c6 phan g~ch chan ''i'' doc Ia /ai/.
am thlr
am roi vao am hai.
am roi vao am thlr hai.
am thlr nhat.
am roi am thu ba.
Cac tCr con l9i tn;mg am roi vao am thu hai.
~ Dap an "operate" c6 trQng am roi am tit~n.
Tinh tlr cluoi -ed dung cle dien ta cam XUC, cam nh~n cua con ngtroi, con v~t ve m()t
Slf V~t, hi~n ttrqng, Slf Vi~C nao cf6.
Tfnh tlr cluoi -ing dung cle mieu ta tfnh each, tfnh chat, cl~c diem cua ngtrb'i, Slf v~t, hi~n tU'qng.
T<;~m dich: M~c du David eTa ki~t sue sau m9t ngay lam vi~c t<;~i van phong, anh van co gang giup
vq lam vi~c nha.
Cau true: remember + V-ing: nh6' rang eTa lam gL
T<;~m djch: Toi n6i rang toi nh6' Ia eTa lam vi~c cung anh ay 61ang nghe thu cong, nhtrng anh ay
n6i toi nham.
~ Cau bj cl()ng thl hi~n t<;~i hoan thanh, hanh cl()ng m6'i xay ragan clay.
T<;~m djch: Cai may anh ky thu~t so cua toi bi ai cl6 lay mat roi. Toi kh6ng tim thay n6 6 clau ca.
cau ter
rise (v):
(v): thuc
grow (v): phat trien
increase (v): gia
T~m djch: thuc day Sl,f phclt trien cua mot dat nu6'c, chfnh phu din tien h~mh each kinh
cau hoi ter vvng.
element (n): yeu to, nguyen to
material (n): chat li~u
recipe (n): c6ng thuc
ingredient (n): nguyen li~u, thanh phan
T~m djch: Tat ca cac lo~i thl,fc pham nen c6 ten cac nguyen li~u tren bao b1.
M~nh de nhuqng b¢.
T~m djch: M~c du con tre, nhung co ay Ia ngh~ nhan noi tieng nhat trong lang.
M~nh de danh tCr v6'i Whether+ S + V (or not).
T~m dich: Li~u Mary c6 the tra het khoan nq 16'n kia hay kh6ng van Ia van de con bongo.
Cau hoi tCr vvng.
book: d~t cho
keep: gifr
put: d~t,
buy: mua
T~m djch: Dam bao rang b~n d~t phong khach s~n tru6'c khi den dao, nhat Ia vao mua he.
Cau hoi tlr lo~i. 6 trong can mot danh tlr.
T~m dich: May vi tfnh c6 d¢ linh ho~t cao han nhieu trong each to chuc cong vi~c.
Cau true: Would you mind + V-ing?
T~m dich: Phien b~n m6 cfra ra giup toi.
Cau true: give up + V-ing
T~m dich: nen bo thuoc di neu khong se chet vi ung thl1 d6.
Cau hoi tlr lo~i. Cho trong can mot danh tlr chi nguoi.
T~m djch: nnh nguy~n vien Ia nguoi lam trong cac dong chu vi d6 Ia Iva chqn
than hQ.
cau giao tiep.
T~m djch: "Thjt bo nu6'ng nay ngon tuy~t voi." "MCrng Ia b~n thfch n6."
true so nhat.
T ~m djch: Laura Ia co mat6i
quen v6'i gl
quen kfnh.
Cau true: concentrate on sth
T~m djch: Ben ngoai qua on den noi co ay khong the t~p trung vao cong vi~c.
Phan tCr hoan thanh: having+ Vp2
Dung de rut gQn m~nh de khi hanh d()ng trong m~nh de d6 xay ra tnroc
T~m djch: Co ay da xem bQ phim nay ca cht,Jc !an roi nen da thu()c lau lau cac do~n h()i tho~i
trong phim.
Trong cau c6 "last week" Ia dau hi~u cua thl qua khl'r don.
T~m djch: Tuan trU'oc toi dave tham trU'O'ng cG.
Ia van toan blnh va
contrast: trai ngw;tc
Tc;lm djch: Anh c6 ngo9i hlnh rat giong anh trai mlnh khien khong the nh~n ra.
thorough =complete: to~m di~n, day du
practical: thl)'c te, kha thi
scientific: thuoc Ve khoa hQC, mang tfnh khoa hQC
wonderful: tuy~t vcri
Tc;lm djch: John c6 mot von kiE§'n thuc toim di~n ve ljch Slr ngh~ thu~t.
compulsory required: bat buoc
depended: ph1,.1 thuoc paid: tra phf divided: chia tach
Tc;lm djch: Dong ph1,.1c Ia bat buoc tc;li nhieu trucrng hQC 6 Vi~t Nam.
give me a hand =help: giup do
attempt: no II)'C, co gang prepare: chuan bi be busy: b~n ron
Tc;lm djch: Bill, den giup toi nau an nao.
threats =risks: de dQa
care: quan tam hope: hi vQng fear: sg hai
Tc;lm djch: Nhieu nha khoa hQC dong y rang Sl)' n6ng h§n toan cau de dQa den tat cac sinh v~t
tren Trai Dat.
appropriate =suitable =thfch hgp, phu hgp
correct: dung right: dung exact chfnh xac
T9m djch: Toi khong nghlloi blnh lu~n cua anh ay Ia phu hQ'p vao thai diem d6.
man-made = artificial: nhan tc;lo natural: tl)' nhien
modern: hi~n dc;li eternal: mai mai, vinh hang
T9m djch: Kim tl)' thap Giza Ia mot trong nhfrng ky quan nhan noi tieng the gioi.
prominent = significant: noi b~t, dang chu y
casual: blnh thU'Ong promiSCUOUS: lon xon tfch CI)'C
Tc;lm djch: Ralph Nader Ia nha lanh d9o noi b~t nhat cua phong trao bao v~ ngU'O'i th§u dung.
account for =explain: giai thfch
complain: phan nan exchange: trao doi arrange:
djch: Anh ta yeu giai thfch Sl)' m~t cua mlnh 6 hi~n trU'<1ng VI,.! an.
over the moon delighted: vui sU'ong, hai long
voi thanh mlnh.
foretell: doan
T~m djch: B~n khong the dt! bao thai tiet m¢t each chfnh xac tuy$t doi.
cut down on = reduce: giam
T~m djch: Anh ay n6i bo anh ay da cat giam so bao giay va t~p chf.
put off = postpone
T~m djch: Neu bQn tre bj om, chung ta se hoan chuyen di den Phap vao mua dong nay.
T~m djch: Anh ta c6 ve ell mac phai cung m¢t sai lam het lan nay den Jan khac .
. accomplishment= achievement thanh tlfu, thanh qua d~t duqc
structure: cau true calculation: Slf tfnh toan, phep tfnh document: tai li$u
T~m dich: May tfnh Ia thanh tl!U quan trQng trong thai d~i cua chung ta.
precisely = exactly: chfnh xac
promptly: nhanh chong slowly: ch~m ch~p immediately: ngay l~p tile
T~m dich: Giao vien nu6'c ngoai dQc tutu va chfnh xac, do d6 hQc sinh c6 the hieu duqc.
popped the question = asked her to marry him: cau hon
T~m dich: Co ay da rat h~nh phuc khi anh ay quy xuong cau hon.
(to) scare= (to) frighten: lam sq hai, lam cho hoang sq
(to) attract thu hut, hap dan
(to) affect tac d¢ng, anh huang
(to) excite: lam cho hao hue, ph an khfch
T~m djch: Nhfrng sao choi c6 d¢ sang eve Jon rna lam cho m¢t so ngtrai hoang sq chi xay ra
m9t vai lan moi the ky.
verbal = speech: lai n6i
hlnh thuc lai n6i
hard easy:
dich: Cau hoi kh6, do d6 chi nhfrng sinh lot
hit the nar•Arr\a angry: tuc
T~m dich: me toi se tuc gi~n neu hQ biet chung ta
anxious = worried: lo lang
careful: can th~n excited: phan khfch
T~m djch: Chung toi rat lo lang ve ket qua cua bai kiem tra.
(to) become extinct (to) die out: chet het, tuy~t chung
(to) die down: suy giam
(to) die of: chet vi m<)t If do nao d6
(to) die away: mo dan, nh~t dan
T~m djch: Loai voi c6 these tuy~t chung neu con nguO'i tiep tvc giet h~i chung.
(to) preserve sth = (to) conserve sth: baa quan, baa ton thu gl d6
displaying: trlnh bay cooking: nau nuong seasoning: them gia vi
T~m dich: Muoi duqc sli dvng trong nhieu the ky nhu m<)t phuong thuc baa quan thl!c pham.
~ extinguish = put out: d~p Ilia
put off: hoan
put away: cat di
put down: d~t xuong
T~m djch: Khi ngQn Ilia mat kiem soat, nhfrng nguai lfnh ct!u hoa co het sue de d~p n6.
state = condition: tlnh tr~ng, tr~ng thai
country: dat nuoc
perception: cam giac, cam nh~n
danger: nguy hiem
T~m dich: Hau het loai gau danh phan lon thai gian mua dong trong tr~ng thai ngu dong.
starving = hungry: d6i
poor: ngheo kh6 >< wealthy: giau c6, sung tuc
lucky: may man
T~m dich: Nhieu v~t nuoi trong nha bi bo d6i va khong quan boi vl chu nha di vang.
destroying =damaging: pha huy, huy ho~i
conserving: bao ton affecting: anh huang
T~m djch: Ngay cang c6 nhieu lo ng~i ve nhfrng th6i quen
huy ho~i moi truong.
be acknowledged as sth be recognized as sth: nh~n, thCra nh~n Ia
reduce: giam thieu encourage: ung h<) luy~n
2.C 3.B 4.C 5.C 6.C 7.A s.c 9.B 10.A
0 12.0 ., ..13.C 14.0 15. c 16.0 ....
17.0 18.B 19.B 20.C
·-···· ·- -·--···-
B 22.C 23.0 24.0 25.A 26.A 27.A 28.B 29.B 30.C
c 32.B 33.A 34.0 35.0 36.C 37.A 38.B 39.A 40.B
0 ·<••
42.B 43.0 44.A 45.C 46.C 47.B 48.B 49.0 50.C
expensive: dat >< cheap: re
wonderful: tuy~t voi attractive: thu hut extensive: r(>ng rai
T~m dich: Vi~c lap d~t cac tam pin m~t troi tren mai nha de lay di~n Ia rat dat d6.
greatly >< slightly
sharply = remarkably = greatly: m(>t each dang ke >< slightly: nh~, khong dang ke.
heavily: m(>t each n~ng ne.
T~m djch: So lu-c;mg du khach den tham quan chau Au da giam m(>t each dang ke tLJ' khi bung
phat djch COVID 19.
fierce: hung dfr >< gentle: hien lanh, diu dang
untamed: chua dlJ'Q'c thuan h6a lovely: dang yeu
T~m djch: Jenny sq hai vi con ch6 c6 ve hung dfr.
asleep: ngu >< awake: th(rc, tinh tao
afraid: sq hai tired: m~t m6i aware: nh~n th(rc
T~m djch: Toi hom d6, khi toi gan nhlJ' da ngu, am thanh cua m(>t dam dong khien toi tinh tao tra
huge: to 16'n >< insignificant: khong dang ke
clear =obvious: r6 rang thin: gay
T~m djch: Van chlJ'a c6 bat ky thay doi 16'n nao ve m(rc o nhiem tieng on ke tlr khi xe tai bi cam.
Familiar: quen thu(>c ><strange: I~ lam, lc;1lung
relaxed: thlJ' gian different: khac bi~t famous: noi tieng
Tc;im djch: C6 the thay r6 rang st,r buon rau tren khuon m~t co ay.
speed up: tang toe >< slow down: ch~m l~i, giam toe d¢
put down: ghi ra, viet xuong/ chi trfch, phe blnh
turn down: v~n nh6/ tLr choi
lie down: nghi ngoi
Tc;1m djch: Chung ta nen tang toe neu muon den d6 kip gio.
lost contact With: mat lien I~C >< connect: ket noi, gifr lien lc;!C
relieve: yen long, an tam disagree: khong dong y suffer: chiu dt,rng
Tc;im djch: Nhieu nglJ'oi dan vung IG g~p rae roi vi mat lien lc;1c v6'i nglJ'oi nha.
ban = prohibition: cam, l~nh cam ><allowance: Slf cho phep
destruction: st,r huy hoc;1i exploitation: Slf khai thac
Tc;im djch: Nam 1989, m(>t l~nh cam da dlJ'Q'C ban hanh v6'i tat ca cac lo~i hlnh buon ban nga voi.
remake: lam
mua t6'i quan
T9m djch: C~u be thCra nh~n da lam vo blnh hoa cua m~.
up to my ears =very busy: b~n r<)n ng~p dau >< very idle: ranh rang
T9m djch: Toi xin loi, cuoi tuan nay toi khong di chai duqc, toi dang ng~p dau trong cong vi~c.
innocent = na·lve: v6 t()i, ngay tho>< guilty: t<)i loi, c6 t9i
benevolent nhan tCr innovative: doi m6'i
T 9m dich: Sau nam ngay xet xti, toa tuyen bo anh ta vo t¢i va anh ta duqc tra tl! do.
illiterate: mu chfr >< able to read and write: c6 the dQc viet
T9m djch: M<)t ty I~ dan so dang ng9c nhien 6 vung sau vung xa mu chfr.
drawback = downside: m~t trai, bat lqi >< advantage: lqi fch
effect tac dl)ng, anh huang cheapness: gia re
T9m djch: May tfnh xach tay c6 ca lqi fch va h9n che. N6 thu~n ti~n vi c6 the xach tay, nhung
khong phai ai cung c6 the mua duqc vi gia thanh cao.
humble = modest ngheo kh6, khiem ton >< rich: giau c6
common: pho bien important: quan trQng
T9m djch: Elvis Presley Ia m()t ngU'O'i dan eng da VU'On len tCr xu at than khiem ton de tr6' thanh
m¢t trong nhfrng ten tuoi I nhat trong lang nh9c rock 'n' roll.
flying colors =success: ket qua tot, thanh cong >< failure: that b9i
drop: thl)t lui, giam advantage: lqi fch
T9m djch: John da VU'Q't qua ky thi cuoi kl v6'i ket qua xuat sac.
once in a blue moon =seldom: rat hiem, hiem khi >< very often: thuong xuyen
from time to time once in a while: thlnh thoang, doi khi
T9m djch: N6i th~t thl, hiem lam toi m6'i di den bao tang.
breakup :::: end: ket thuc, chia tay start: bat crau, kh6'i
introduction: gi6'i thi~u divorce: ly hon
T9m djch: Clare mat m()t thai gian dai VU'Q't qua CUQC hon nhan VO co
physical: the chat mental: tinh than
material: natural: nhien real: c6
T~m djch: Ngo~i hlnh khong phai Ia yeu to duy nhat de ctanh gia m(>t nglfb'i.
conserve = protect bao ton, bao v~ >< destroy: pha huy
eliminate: lo~i b6 pollute: o nhiem
T~m djch: f)~o lu~t m6'i ve bao ton ct(>ng v~t hoang da trong khu VI!C se co hi~u II!C vao thang sau.
rural: nang than >< urban: thanh thi
nearby: gan, phl) c~n distant xa xoi public: cong khai
T~m djch: B~n se dU'Q'C bao quanh b6i khung canh xanh tlfO'i 6 cac vung nang than, trai nglfQ'C
v6'i cac van phong 16'n 6 thanh pho.
depressed = sorrowful: u rG, chan nan, that VQng >< cheerful: vui ve
hopeless: VO VQng lucky: may man
T~m djch: Anh ay cove hoi chan nan sau khi bi bo m~ phe blnh vi khong lam bai t~p.
T~m djch: Chung toi cung cap djch VI.) chuyen tien nhanh chong trong vong chlfa day 24 gib'.
cozy: am cung, thoai mai >< uncomfortable: kho chju, khong thoai mai
T~m dich: Co ay co m(>t can h¢ nh6 am cung 6 Boston.
import: nh~p khau >< export: xuat khau
T~m djch: HQ can nh~p khau m(>t IU'Q'ng 16'n trang thiet bi the thao tCr Nh~t Ban.
identical = similar: giong >< different khac
genuine: th~t >< fake: gia
T~m djch: TrCr khi hai chfr ky giong h~t nhau, neu khong thl ngan hang se kh6ng cho phep b~n
rut tien.
acceptance: chap nh~n >< refusal: tCr choi
confirmation: xac nh~n admission: Slf nh~n vao
T~m djch: B~n cung lop cua hQ dang viet thlf chap nh~n .
. polluted = contaminated: 6 nhiem >< purified: s~ch, tinh khiet
enriched: giau, nhieu
T~m dich: Nguon nlf6'c 6 nhiem va nhi~t ct¢ nlf6'c tang eta day nhieu loai denbo vlfc tuy~t chung.
classify =categorize: phan lo~i >< combine: ket hqp
diversify: eta d~ng hoa record: ghi l~i
T~m dich: Khoang nam 150 TCN, nha thien van Hy L9p Hipparchus eta phat trien m¢t h~ thong
ph an lo9i cac vi sao theo ct¢ sang.
illicit bat hqp phap >< legal: hqp phap
irregular: bat thlfb'ng elicited: 19 secret: bf m~t
T~m djch: Anh ta bj bat vi buon ban trai phep chat ma tuy trong CUQC truy quet cua canh sat
ngay hom qua.
humid = moist: am >< dry: kh6
chill: l9nh clean: s9ch
T9m djch: MQi nglfb'i dung dieu hoa de mat me vade chju trong thb'i tiet nong am.
T9m djch: Chfnh phu khuyen khfch mQi ngU'O'i tiet ki~m nwS'c khi rfra xe.
partial: mot phan >< complete: toan bo, hoan toan
T9m djch: Toi chi c6 the de xuat giai phap mot phan cho CUOC khung hoang trong cong ty.
unexpected= suprising: bat ngb' ><predictable: c6 the dl! doan tru6'c
positive: tfch Cl/C impressive: an tU'qng
T9m djch: Cu¢c dieu tra cho thay mot so ket qua kha ba't ngb'.
disrespectful = rude: thieu ton trQng, tho lo polite: ljch slf
awkward: nguqng ngung, kh6 xU' peaceful: blnh yen
T9m djch: Vi~c nhac den nhfrng ngU'O'i khuyet t~t bang nhfrng tll' nhU' 'cam' ho~c 'diec' bi coi Ia
thieu ton trQng.
talented: tai >< khong llfc
unsatisfying: khong hai long
accomplished: c6 tai nang, ky cao
Du c6 vvng co sT tai
attack: sv tan cong >< protection: sv bao v~
control: st,r cfieu khien accident tai n~m insistence: st,r khang khang
T1ilm djch: DLf'a tre d6 dang hoi ph~:~c trong b~nh vi~n sau bi m(>t con ch6 hoang tan c6ng nghh~m
nodding: g~t (crau) >< shaking: lac (dau)
T1ilm djch: 0 nhieu nen van hoa, nguoi ta the hi~n st,r dong tlnh bang each g~t dau.
quit =leave: roi, nghi >< attend: tham gia
visit tham move: di chuyen
T9m djch: Nghien cLI'u chi ra rang tre em c6 cha m~ chia tay c6 nhieu kha nang b6 hQc han.
tough: kh6 khan >< simple: de dang, don gian
T1ilm djch: Trong bai thi kh6ng c6 nhieu cau hoc bua, nen t6i c6 the tra loi duqc gan het.
This is the first time+ S +have/has+ Vp2: U1n dau lam gl
S + have/has + never + Vp2 + before
=S + have/has not + Vp2 + before
T~m d!ch: Day Ia landau tien chung toi den Paris.
---? Chung toi chU'a bao gio den Paris trl16'c kia.
S + be + so + adj +that + S + V: qua ... den noi ma
= S + V +such+ (a/an)+ adj +noun+ that+ S + V
T~m djch: Thai tiet xau den noi chung toi danh ca ngay 6 trong nha.
Thuoc Ia c6 the gay ton h~i nghiem trQng toi sue kh6e cua b~n.
---? Nhfrng nguoi hut thuoc Ia c6 the bj b~nh.
Cau uoc 6 hi~n t~i dien ta mong uac khong c6 th~t 6 hi~n t~i ho~c gia dinh m¢t dieu
trai nguqc so voi tht,rc te.
Cau true: S + wish(es) +(that)+ S +(not)+ V-ed
T~m djch: Tiec Ia toi khong the n6i tieng Anh nhU' nguoi ban xU'.
---? Toi uac rang mlnh c6 the n6i tieng Anh nhll ngU'O'i ban xU'.
Vui long cho nha sT biet b~n c6 dang st1 d~:~ng thuoc khong.
---? Nha sT cua b~n din phai biet ve lo~i thuoc b~n dang dung.
suggest + V-ing: de nghi lam gl
admit + V-ing: thua nh~n da lam gl
try + V-ing: co gang lam gl
mind + V-ing: san long lam gl
T~m djch: "B~n nen uong nu6'c hang ngay de co the kh6e m~nh", bac sT n6i v6'i toi.
---? Bac sT gqi y uong nu6'c moi ngay co the khoe m~nh.
0 When+ S + V(s/es) ... , S +will+ V-inf
M~nh ngfr chi thai gian 6 hi~n t~i.
T~m djch: Toi seve nha luc bay gib' va khi d6 toi se gQi cho b~n.
---? Toi se gQi cho b~n m(>t chiec nhan khi toi ve nha luc gib'.
Cau dieu ki~n lo~i 1: If+ s + V(s/es), S +will/can/shall+ V-inf
dich: Gifr yen l~ng neu khong b~n se danh tht!c em be.
---? b~n khong tt,r, se danh thU'c em be.
Cau true: spend [time]+ V-ing = It takes+ [time]+ to V
T~m dich: Toi phai d~mh t~n 3 tieng dong ho de ho~m th~mh bai viet nay.
~ Toi mat 3 tieng dong ho de hoan thanh bai viet nay.
T~m djch: Toi khong den r~p chieu phim eta nhieu thang roi.
~ f)a nhieu thang roi ke tu lan cuoi toi den r~p chieu phim.
~ used to: eta tung = no longer: khong con (lam) the nfra
T~m djch: Anh ay tung viet thu ve nha mQt tuan mQt lan.
~ Bay gia anh ay khong con viet thu ve nha nfra.
Thl hi~n t~i hoan thanh dien ta m<?t kinh nghi~m cho t6'i thai diem hi~n t~i.
T~m djch: Day Ia quyen sach re nhat rna t6i tung mua.
~ T6i chua tung mua quyen sach nao re nhu quyen nay.
Co ay n6i tieng Anh tot han t6i nhieu.
~ T6i kh6ng n6i tieng Anh tot bang co ay.
Cau cfieu ki~n lo~i 3: If+ S +had+ Vp2, S +would/could/might+ have+ Vp2
T~m dich: Chung toi eta tranh ctuqc VI) tai n~n trong gang tac v6'i m<?t chiec xe khach bang each
dung xe nhanh chong.
~ Chung t6i c6 the eta xay ra va ch~m v6'i mQt chiec xe khach neu chung t6i kh6ng dung l~i
nhanh nhu v~y.
It's no use+ V-ing: vo fch khi lam gl
waste of time doing sth: phf thai gian lam gl
T~m dich: co thuyet ph1,.1c Tom ctoi y cung chang fch gL
~ Th~t lang phf thai gian khi co thuyet ph1,.1c Tom ctoi y.
Cau bi ct<?ng: It+ be+ Vp2 +that+ S + V-ed =S +be+ Vp2 +to have Vp2
T~m djch: C6 bao cao rang nhfrng tu nhan eta VU'Q't ngi)C bang trlfC thang.
~ Cac tu nhan OU'Q'C bao cao eta VU'Q't ngi)C bang trvc thang.
prefer V-ing to V-ing =would rather do sth than do sth: thfch lam gl han lam gl
T~m djch: Nhieu phi) nil' thich ra ngoai lam vi~c han 6 nha.
~ Nhieu ph1,.1 nfr tha ra ngoai lam vi~c con han 6 nha.
Cau true: It + be + adj + (for sb) + to v
T~m djch: HQC tieng Anh rat quan trQng v6'i c~u ay.
M~nh de quan h~ khong xac dinh vai "which" thay the cho "the film last night"
T~m djch: BQ phim dem qua th~t gay can. D6 Ia ve m¢t VI:J cuap ngan hang.
~ BQ phim ve m¢t VI:J cuap ngan hang dem qua rat gay can.
danh + 0 + V2 +...
dich: VietNam da danh nhfrng phut cuoi tham
Chung ket u2o the gioi. nay khien m<;>i ngiJOi VO cung ng9c nhh~n.
Viec Viet Nam danh b9i Nh~t trong phut ch6t gianh mot World U20
phai ng9c nhien.
Menh tr9ng ngfr chi mvc dfch.
S + V +in order (not) to/ so as (not) to V
S + V + so that + S + V
T9m djch: Chung toi kh6i hanh s6'm. Chung toi khong muon bi k~t xe.
~Chung toi kh6i hanh s6'm de khong bi k~t xe.
But for (v6'i cau dieu kien lo9i 3).
But for + NPI V-ing, S + could/would + have + V P2···
= If it hadn't been for+ NP, S +could/would+ have+ Vp2···
Tc;:tm djch: Xe cua Wicken eta bi hong. Co ay khong the den cong vien de d6n bc;:tn.
~ Neu khong vi chiec xe bi hong cua co ay, Wicken da co the den cong vien de don bc;:tn.
c The more+ long adj/adv + S + V, the+ short adj/adv -er + S + V: cang ... cang ...
Tc;:tm djch: Ngay cang co nhieu ngub'i chuyen den cac thanh pho 16'n. Ket qua Ia m~t d9 dan so
tang len.
~ Nguoi dan chuyen den cac th~mh phol6'n cang nhi'eu thl m~t a9 dan ngay cang cao.
Bc;:ti tCr quan he "whom" thay the cho "them" dong vai tro lam tan ngfr.
Tc;:tm djch: Co ay eta mb'i cac bc;:tn cung 16'p cua mlnh den bfra tiec sinh nh~t. Hau het h<;> khong
the den vi thb'i tiet xau.
~ Hau het nhfrng bc;:tn cung lop rna co ay mb'i den bfra ti$c sinh nh~t deu khong the den duqc vi
thai tiet xau.
thanks to= because of: nhb' co, v1
as a result of: do, vi
Tc;:tm djch: Doanh thu cua Samsung a a tang dang ke vao nam 2020. £>6 Ia nho Sl/ thanh cong
cua dong Z Flip.
~ Vao nam 2020, lqi nhu~n da tang len ke nho vao sv thanh cong dong
should/ought to+ have+ Vp2: dang le ... le ra phai": dien ta m(>t dieu nen lam trong qua khu
nhU'ng viii do nao d6 l~i khong xay ra.
T~m djch: Toi chac chan Julia khong lam vo glfO'ng cua b~n. Co ay da 6 thlf vi~n v6'i toi ngay
hom qua.
~Julia khong the nao lam vo gU'O'ng cua b~n vi hom qua co ay da 6 thlf vi~n v6'i toi.
No sooner+ had+ S + Vp2 +than+ S + V(past): ngay sau khi...
T~m djch: D~i dich COVID-19 da bung phat. Chfnh phu da thi!C hi~n each ly xa h(>i 6 m(>t so tinh
ngay sau d6.
~ Ngay sau khi d~i dich COVID-19 bung phat, chfnh phu da thl!c hi~n each ly xa h(>i 6 m(>t so
tin h.
It's time+ (for sb) +to+ V-inf.. .. : da den luc ... phai lam gl
T~m dich: Chung ta nen nang cao y thuc bao v~ Trai dat. Chung ta nen lam dieu d6 cang s6'm
~ Da den luc chung ta can nang cao ythuc bao v~ Trai dat.
2,000 miles (1) the nearest city.
T9m dich: Hen each thanh pho gan nhat khoang 2.000
Bj d(>ng voi d{>ng ttl khuyet thieu: Modal Verb+ be+ Vp2
Trfch bai: Easter Island is famous for its statues. Hundreds of these huge, stone faces can be
(2) all over the island.
T9m djch: Dao Pht,.~c Sinh noi tieng voi nhfrng buc tlfQ'ng cua n6. Hang tram tlfqng da khong Ia
hlnh khuon m~t c6 the dlfQ'c tim thay tren khap hen aao.
How+ trq d{>ng tlr + S + V? (Lam nhlf the nao?)
Trfch bai: How (3) they move these giant pieces of rock?
T9m djch: HQ di chuyen nhfrng tlfQ'ng da khong Ia nay the nao?
LU'Q'ng ttl"many": nhieu, di voi danh tlr dem OU'Q'C "statue"
lot nhieu, di voi danh tlr khong dem OU'Q'C
few: ft
enough: au
Trfch bai: A terrible war started and (4) many of the statues were broken.
T9m djch: M{>t CUQC chien khung khiep bat dau va nhieu b(rc tU'Q'ng da bj pha VO.
discovered: phat hi~n
invented: phat minh sailed: cheo (thuyen) came: den
Trfch bai: When western explorers (5) the island on Easter Day in 1722, the huge
rock statues were the only sign that a great society had once lived there.
T9m dich: Khi cac nha tham hiem phU'O'ng Tay phat hi~n ra hen dao vao ngay le Pht,.~c sinh vao
nam 1722, nhfrng buc tU'Q'ng a a khong Ia Ia dau hi~u duy nhat cho thay m9t xa h9i vT d9i a a tung
ton t9i 6 a6.
Trfch bai: In a fascinating tradition, the Ubang people use different words (1) ~~ld.rn!.Q on their
T9m dich: M(>t truyen thong thu vi ngwJ'i Ubang dt,.~ng cac ttl khac nhau tuy thu{>c vao gioi
tfnh cua hQ.
be raised: nuoi dU'Cing
grown: lon, trien lai developed: ph at trien
Trfch bai: Children in the community pick up the "female" first because are
predominantly (2) by women throughout childhood.
nfr" trlfoc ti€m vi
Dt!a vao nghTa cua ca cau, chQn dLJ'Q'C completely: hoan toan
nearly: gan nhLf relatively: tLfO'ng doi hardly: hiem khi
Trfch bai: They don't sound alike, they don't have the same letters, they are (3) completely
different words", said anthropologist Chi Chi Undie, who has studied the community.
T9m djch: "Chung nghe kh6ng giong nhau, chung kh6ng c6 cac chfr cai giong nhau, chung Ia
nhfrng tl.r hoan toan khac nhau", nha nhan chung hQc Chi Chi Undie, ngw1i da nghien ct1u c(>ng
dong cho biet.
Bai dang n6i ve Sl! khac bi~t ng6n ngfr dt!a vao gi6'i tlnh ~gender: gi6'i tlnh
member: thanh vi en generation: the h~ c. sibling: anh chi em ru(>t
Trfch bai: If a male or female child uses the language assigned to the opposite ( 4) gender
beyond a certain age, they are perceived to be "abnormal", according to the BBC.
T9m dich: Theo BBC, neu m(>t be trai ho~c be gai st.f dt,mg ng6n ngfr dLJ'Q'c chi dinh cho ngLfb'i
khac gi6'i ngoai m(>t d9 tuoi nhat dinh, chung se bi coi Ia "bat blnh thLrb'ng".
pass down: truyen l9i
go down: chlm, l~n. di xuong
turn down: v~n nh6/ tl.r choi
let down: gay that vQng
Trfch bai: The languages have been (5) passed down through generations, but as they haven't
been written down, there are concerns they might be lost in the future.
T9m dich: Cac ng6n ngfr da dLfQ'c ILfu truyen qua nhieu the h~. nhLfng vi chung chLfa dLfQ'c viet ra
nen c6 nhfrng lo ng9i rang chung c6 the bi mat di trong tLJ'O'ng lai.
. Dt!a vao moi quan h~ gifra 2 ve cGng nhlf nghTa cua cau, ta chQn dLfQ'c dap an C.
Trfch bai: (1) Though it is true that their ancient civilization came to an end when their country
was taken over by the Spanish conquistadors, the Mayan people carried on living in the area.
T9m djch: M~c du dung Ia nen van minh co d9i cua hQ da ket thuc khi dat nLr6'c bi Tay Ban Nha
xam ILJ'Q'C, nhLfng ngLfb'i Maya van tiep tl)C sinh song 6 d6.
, Tobe born into a wealthy family: d11qc sinh ra trong m9t gia dlnh kha gia
Trfch bai: Amelia Earhart, America's most famous woman pilot, was born into a (1) \AHA·!:IIU'tll'au
family in 1897.
T9m dich: Amelia Earhart, nfr phi c6ng noi tieng nhat nl1<5'c My, diJQ'c sinh ra trong m9t gia dlnh
kha gia vao nam 1897.
Rut g<;>n m~nh de quan h~ c6 cac tu chi thtr tl,f: first, second, ... dung to V.
Trfch bai: In 1932 she became the first woman (2) a solo flight across the Atlantic.
T9m dich: Nam 1932, ba tro thanh nguai ph1,1 nu dau tien thl,fc hi~n chuyen bay m¢t mlnh qua
D9i Tay Duong.
want: muon
manage: thanh c6ng, d9t duqc
fail: that b9i
decide: quyet dinh
Trfch bai: ... not only did she succeed in arriving safely, but she (3) ~nru~ to do it in record
time as well.
T9m dich: Ba kh6ng nhfrng noi m()t each an macon duqc mot ky l1,1c thai gian.
set off: khoi hanh, bat dau
reached Australia, and set (4) on the of her journey across the
T9m dich: Ba chan De, va dau phan con 19i hanh trlnh Thai Blnh vao
2 7.
story: cau chuy$n (trong do~n van mang nghTa suy doan, don doan)
Trfch bai: Since her death, there have been many (5) stories about her.
T~m djch: Ke tlr sau Sl/ ra di cua ba, da c6 rat nhieu don doan .
Trfch bai: the south
winds it had known for over two hundred years.
Vaodem 15 10nam1 con
hon 200 nam.
£1.5 billion-worth of n"'n"'"'no· len
Trfch bai: Nineteen .5 billion-worth 19
million trees were blown down in
djch: Mlfoi chin nglfoi da xanh
bi chi trong vai gio.
v6'i cactll'
On di v6'i occasion
Trfch bai: On this (4) ~~lQIL were in 1 weather
torec<:tst,ers issued accurate \A'"'""'""r~.-.'"'
djch: Trang st,r nay, 47 du nhlf nam 1
tam bao da dlfa ra
Have a second quan
Trlch bai: It is one of the weather that
Nhieu nghien ClrU da chi ra rang tre em thfch am nh9C se hQC tot han 6 trlfong. Dieu nay khong
c6 nghTa Ia b9n phai tham gia m(>t lop d9i hQC ve am nh9C de giup con b9n hieu dU'Q'C gia tri cua
am nh9C, ma Ia danh thoi gian tro chuy~n va nghe nhieu I09i nh9C voi tre.
tU' luc con moi
nhU' hat theo radio vi quan
Am nh~c Ia m¢t CC1 h¢i tuy~t voi ton vinh nhfrng nen van h6a cua chung ta. Hay thU'ong
xuyen nghe nh~c tU' cac quae gia khac. Giup con tim ra nhfrng diem tU'ang dong, va tren het,
hay an mU'ng bang am nh~c.
Theodore Roosevelt bam sinh da mac b$nh hen suyen va c$n thj, nhlfng dU'a tre om yeu nay sau
d6 da noi tieng v6'i tlf each Ia m9t nha lanh dc;lO chfnh trj, m9t kY. binh, va m9t anh hung cua nhan
dan. De vl1Qt len chfnh mlnh, Teddy da t$p luy$n trong m9t phong t$p the hlnh va tr6 thanh m9t
v5 sT quyen Anh hc;1ng nh~ tc;1i Harvard. 0 mien tay, ong san trau va m6 m9t trang trc;1i gia sue. Tr6
lc;li mien dong, ong tr6 thanh m9t nha cai each cong VI) Va uy vien canh sat. Ong tr6 thanh trq Jy
89 trl16ng Hai quan cua Tong thong McKinley trong Chien tranh Tay Ban Nha-My. Ngoai ra, ong
con dan dau m9t d9i kY. binh Rough Riders tren doi San Juan 6 Cuba. Sau khi dc;1t dlfqc danh tieng,
ong tr6 thanh thong doc cua New York va tiep tl,Jc tr6 thanh ph6 tong thong. Khi McKinley bi am
sat, Theodore Roosevelt tr6 thanh tong thong tre nhat ljch Slr 6 tuoi 42. Ong noi tieng v6'i phl10'ng
cham "N6i nh6 nh~ va mang theo cay g$y 16'n". Roosevelt da dau tranh cho vi$c kiem nghi$m thjt
va thl,fC pham Sc;lCh. Ngoai ra, ong con muon ClrU nhfrng khu rung va pha VO Sl! kim k~p ma cac
doanh nghi$p 16'n dang c6 doi v6'i thep va dau mo. Roosevelt thuyet phl,JC cac nha ngoc;1i giao Nga
va Nh$t Ban dang tham chien noi l9i hoa blnh .
for business
Nhln chung, d6 Ia m<)t chuang trlnh thu viva bat ky ai xem n6 c6 these tim ra dieu gl d6 moi me.
Y kien cua Verity ve mau sac Ia gl?
A. Mau sac giup mQi nguoi lt,J'a chQn san pham.
B. Nhfrng nguoi khac nhau thfch mau sac khac nhau.
C. Mau sac c6 anh huang den con nguoi theo nhieu each.
D. Nhfrng nguoi lam vi$c trong nganh mau ft biet ve mau sac.
Thong tin: Verity looks at the ways that colours can influence how hard we work and the choices
we make. They can even change our emotions and even influence how healthy we are.
A. mau C. xuc
looks at the ways that can influence how hard we work and
our emotions and even how we are.
Theo sao th(rc mau quan
A. N6 c6 the giup b;;m chQn nhfrng san pham tot nhat.
B. N6 c6 the cung cap cho b~n nhfrng ytl!6ng m6'i.
C. N6 c6 the giup b~n thay doi suy nghT cua mQi ngl!O'i.
D. N6 c6 the giup b~n bim ph am.
Thong tin: It's the same for businesses. We respect a company which writes its name in blue or
black, but we don't respect one that uses pink or orange. People who design new products can
use these ideas to influence what we buy.
---+san pham v6'i mau sac dm;1c thiet ke phu hqp c6 the anh hl!6ng den ngl!O'i mua hang, tang kha
nang ban san pham
T~m djch: Doi v6'i cac doanh nghi~p cOng v$y. Chung ta tin tl!6ng mot cong ty viet ten cua mlnh
bang mau xanh lam ho~C den, nhl!ng Chung ta khong qua tin tl!Ong mot cong ty Slr dt,mg mau
hong ho~c cam. NhO'ng ngl!Oi thiet ke san pham m6'i c6 the Slr dt,mg nhO'ng y tll'6ng nay tac
dong den nhfrng gl chung ta mua.
Ngl!O'i viet ft ton trQng ai nhat?
A. Verity Allen
B. NhO'ng ngli'O'i d~t ten cho son moi
c. 'Bac sT Mau
D. Cac nha khoa hQc lam vi~c v6'i chuot
Thong tin: Some of the people she meets clearly have very little scientific knowledge to support
their ideas. such as the American 'Colour Doctor' who believes that serious diseases can be cured
by the use of coloured lights.
---+ Tac gia bay t6 Sl/ thieu tin tll'6ng doi v6'i bac sT mau nhO'ng ngl!O'i c6 ft kien thuc khoa
hQC ch(rng minh cho lu$n diem cua hQ.
T~m djch: Mot ngl!O'i ma co ro c6 It kien thlrc khoa hQc ch(rng minh lu$n
diem cua hQ, chang h;;:m nhl! 'Bac sT Mau ngl!O'i My, ngl!O'i tin cac b$nh c6
the dli'Q'C chua khoi bang Slr dt,mg dEm mau.
out of her c6 the hieu Ia
A. cam thay rat hai long B. no ll!c
C. tiep tl)c each rieng co D. chuyen
go out of one's way to make a soec1a1 effort to do cArnaTnl ll!c lam gl
tin: But because ~=-"=~=-"-"-""-J-to be to everyone she meets on the
up to the viewers to make own decisions about how much should believe.
Tc;lm dich: Nhung vi Verity co gang ljch Slf v6'i tat ca nhfrng nguoi co g~p tren chuang trlnh, n€m
nguoi xem se tl! quyet dinh xem hQ nen tin den mere a(> nao.
Dau se Ia m(>t tieu de hay cho bai viet?
A. Hay t$n hu6ng n6, nhung dung tin vao mQi ther.
B. M(>t chuang trlnh tuy~t voi khac tLr Verity Allen! Nam ngoi sao!
C. DU'ng bo 15' dieu nay neu b1;1n lam vi~c trong nganh Kinh doanh!
D. Xem chuang trlnh nay! N6 se lam cho bc;3n khoe mc;3nh!
Thong tin: Overall, it's an interesting show. and anyone who watches it will probably find out
something new. But because Verity goes out of her way to be polite to everyone she meets on
the series, it's up to the viewers to make their own decisions about how much they should believe.
T9m dich: T6m l9i, d6 Ia m(>t chuang trlnh thu vi va bat ky ai xem n6 c6 these tim ra dieu gl a6
m6'i me. Nhung vi Verity co gang ljch Sl! v6'i tat ca nhfrng nguoi co g~p trong chuang trlnh, nen
nguoi xem se tl,l' quyet djnh xem hQ nen tin 6 mere a(> nao.
Cac mau sac khac nhau c6 the anh hu6ng den chung ta theo nhieu each khac nhau, theo Verity
Allen. Trong chuang trlnh nhieu t$p m6'i cua co ay 'Color me Healthy', Verity xem xet nhfrng each
ma mau sac c6 the anh hu6ng den mere d(> cham chi cua chung ta va nhfrng ll,l'a chQn ma chung
ta dua ra. Chung th$m chf c6 the thay doi cam xuc cua chung ta va th$m chf anh hu6ng den mere
d(> khoe ml;lnh cua chung ta.
Verity n6i: "Bc;ln c6 bao gio dey rang mQi nguoi luon Slr dt,.mg nhfrng mau sac giong nhau cho
nhfrng ther giong nhau nhu the nao khong? 'Kem danh rang cua chung ta luon c6 mau trang ho~c
xanh ho~c c6 the Ia do. N6 khong bao gio c6 mau xanh Ia. T9i sao khong? Vlly do nao d6, chung
ta nghT rang mau xanh lam va trang Ia Sc;lCh se, trong khi chung ta nghT cac san pham mau xanh
Ia cay Ia hoi ghe. Doi v6'i cac doanh nghi~p cOng v$y. Chung ta ton trQng m(>t cong ty viet ten cua
m1nh bang mau xanh lam ho~c den, nhung chung ta khong tin tu6ng m(>t cong ty sfr dt,mg mau
hong ho~c cam viet ten cua hQ. Nhfrng nguoi thiet ke san pham m6'i c6 the Slr dt,.mg nhfrng y
tu6ng nay de tac d(>ng den nhfrng gl chung ta mua. '
Trong chuang trlnh bao gom bon phan nay, Verity nghien ceru tam mau khac nhau, hai mau trong
moi t$p. Co g~p go nhfrng nguoi lam vi~c trong mQi ITnh Vl,I'C cua nganh cong nghi~p mau sac, tlr
nhCrng nguoi thiet ke bao b1 thlfc pham cho den nhfrng nguoi d~t ten cho mau son moi. M(>t so
nguoi ma co ay g~p r5 rang c6 rat It kien there khoa hQC de cherng minh cho lu$n diem cua hQ,
chang hc;3n nhu 'Bac sT Mau sac' nguoi My, nguoi tin rang cac b~nh nghiem trQng c6 the duqc
chCra khoi bang each Slr dt,mg den mau. Tuy nhien, CO cOng phong van cac nha khoa hQC thl,I'C Sl,l'
dang nghien ceru tac d(>ng CUa den xanh Va den do doi VOi chu(>t, VOi m(>t SO ket qua dang ngc;3c
T6m lc;3i, a6 Ia m(>t chuang tr1nh thu vi va bat ky ai xem n6 c6 the se tlm ra dieu gl a6 m6'i me.
Nhung vl Verity co gang ljch Slf v6'i tat ca nhfrng nguoi co g~p tren phim, nen nguoi xem se tl,l'
quyet djnh xem hQ n€m tin den mere a(> nao .
toi da dua ra
TCr 'They" 4
A. cac bli'c tranh 8.
than D. I~
Thong tin: However, my works have only ever been seen by trusted friends and relatives. They
have always given me plenty of support and encouraged me to continue with my art.
T9m dich: Tuy nhien, nhfrng tac ph am cua toi ttl tnr6'c clen nay chi cluqc b<;m be va nguO'i than tin
c~y xem. HQ cla luon ung hQ toi va khuyen khfch toi tiep tl)C v6'i (con cluO'ng) ngh$ thu~t cua mlnh.
Robert to chuc trien lam vi _ _ .
A. b~n be va nguO'i than cua anh ay cla khuyen khfch anh ay lam clieu nay
B. thu vi$n yeu cau anh ay
C. anh ay quan tam clen vi$c lay y kien ttl b~n be va nguO'i than
D. anh ay muon biet nhfrng nguO'i I~ nghT gl ve tac pham cua anh ay
Thong tin: But I've always wondered what people who I didn't know would think. people who could
give me an honest opinion of my ability. The library staff have been very helpful and offered me a
room for the show. They've asked me to supply questionnaires about the event and I've included
a section for visitors' comments about the works. I'm very much looking forward to reading these
-* muon xem phan t1ng va suy nghT cua khan gia ve tac pham cua m1nh
T9m dich: Nhung toi luon tl,f hoi nhfrng nguO'i ma toi khong biet se nghT g1, nhfrng nguai c6 the
cho toi y kien trung thl)'c ve kha nang cua toi. Cac nhan vien thu vi$n cla rat hfru fch va cung cap
cho toi m<)t phong cho buoi trien lam. HQ cla yeu cau toi cung cap bang cau hoi ve Sl)' ki$n va toi
cla them ml)C nh~n xet cua du khach ve cac tac ph am. Toi rat mong cluqc OQC nhfrng y kien nay.
Gi6'i thi~u tot nhat cho bai viet nay Ia g1?
A. Robert Taylor cho chung ta biet tlnh yeu ngh$ thu~t c6 the dan clen thay cloi nghe nghi$p nhu
the nao.
B. Neu con b~n to ra yeu thfch ngh$ thu~t, Robert Taylor se giai thfch each ho trq ho~t cl<)ng nay.
C. Sau nhieu nam ho9t cl<)ng sau man, Robert Taylor sap sua ra mat cong chung v6'i nhfrng tac
pham cua mlnh.
D. Neu b~n muon ph at trien ky nang ngh$ thu~t cua mlnh, Robert Taylor giai thfch each nh~n cluqc
Sl)' ho trq ttl b~n be va nguO'i than.
Thong tin: Now, after years of enjoyment, I've finally taken the scary decision to show off some
of my favourite pieces of work by holding an exhibition at Glebe Street library. Inviting people to
see my work is a new idea and one which I'm looking forward to.
T~m djch: Bay giO', sau nhieu nam, cuoi cung toi cla clua ra quyet cljnh trung bay m<)t so tac pham
yeu thfch cua m1nh bang each to cht1c m9t cu<)c trien lam t<;Ii thu vi$n Glebe Street. MO'i mQi nguO'i
xem tac pham cua toi Ia m9t ytu6ng m6'i va Ia m<)t ytu6ng ma toi rat mong clqi.
Robert Taylor n6i ve trien lam ngh~ thu~t m&i cua anh ay
Gi6ng nhu tat ca nhfrng cl(ra tre khac, toi luon khien ban than va ban bep tr6 nen 19n XQn khi lan
clau tien ve tranh. Khong giong nhu nhieu clt1a tre, nhfrng nguO'i ttl bo cac ho<;It cl<)ng nhu ngh$
thu~t cho cac mon hQC khac khi Chung eli hQC, toi tiep tl)C ve tranh trong SUOt thai thO' aU cua mlnh.
Bay giO', sau nhieu nam, cuoi cung toi cla clua ra quyet cljnh tn.rng bay m<)t so tac pham yeu thfch
cua m1nh bang each to cht1c m<)t cu<)c trien lam t<;Ii thu vi$n Glebe Street. MO'i mQi nguO'i xem tac
pham cua toi Ia m<)t y tu6ng m6'i va Ia m<)t y tu6ng ma toi rat mong clqi.
Toi chua bao giO' cluqc clao t<;Io chfnh thLrc ve ngh$ thu~t. Khi toi clang co gang quyet cljnh mlnh
nen h9c gl 6 truO'ng cl<;Ii hQc, toi chua bao giO' nghT clen ngh$ thu~t. Toi luon nghT rang bo m~ toi
Tuy nhien, nhfrng tac ph am toi tCr trwS'c nay chi
HQ da luon ung hQ toi va khuye'n khfch toi tL,JC v6'i (con
toi luon tt,r hoi nhfrng ngw1i ma toi khong biet se nghT gl, nhfrng ngl1b'i c6 the cho toi y kien trung
tht,rc ve kha nang cua toi. Cac nhan vien thl1 vi~n da hfru fch va cung cho toi m9t phong
cho buoi trien lam. HQ da yeu cau toi cung cap bang cau hoi Sl/ ki~n va toi da them mi)C
xet cua du khach ve cac tac pham. Toi rat mong dU'Q'C nhfrng y kien nay.
Thong tin: At the college level, the Modern Language Association says more students than ever
are studying foreign languages. The group recently announced ....
T~m djch: cap d~i hQc, H<)i Ngon ngfr Hi~n d~i cho biet nhieu sinh vien dang hQC ngo~i ngfr
hO'n bao gio het. To chl.fc nay gan day da thong bao ....
---0- 'To chl.fc nay" chfnh Ia H9i Ngon ngfr Hi~n d~i.
Y nao sau day c6 the Ia ly do t~i sao cac tnrong hQc Hoa Ky n6i chung khong bat crau
d~y ngo~i ngfr cho den cap hai?
A. Chi c6 7 trong so 50 bang yeu cau tru·ong hQC d<;:~y ngo<;:~i ngfr cho hQC sinh tlr 6 den 12 tuoi.
B. VI chi phf cua cac cht.rO'ng trlnh giao dl)c.
C. HQ khong dong y v6i cac chuyen gia n6i rang tre nh6 hQc ngon ngfr de dang hO'n.
D. HQ cho rang hQC sinh nen hQC ngo<;:~i ngfr khi du 13 tuoi.
Thong tin: American schools face difficult choices about the cost of educational programs.
T<;:~m djch: Cac trt.rb'ng hQc 6 My phai doi m~t v6i nhfrng lt,ra chQn kh6 khan ve chi phf cho cac
chuang trlnh giao dl)c.
Y nao sau day Ia DUNG?
A. ab~c d<;:~i hQC, hau het hQC sinh 6 My hQC ngo<;:~i ngfr.
B. Khoang 9% sinh vien d<;:~i hQc 6 My hQc ngo<;:~i ngfr.
C. ab~c d<;:~i hQC, 17% sinh vien My hQC ngo<;:~i ngfr.
D. HO'n m<)t nfra so bang cua My yeu cau tnrong hQC d<;:~y ngo<;:~i ngfr cho hQC sinh mt.rb'i ba tuoi.
Thong tin: The association says about nine percent of college students in the United States study
foreign languages.
T<;:~m djch: Hi~p h9i cho biet khoang chfn phan tram sinh vien d<;:~i hQc 6 Hoa Ky hQc ngo<;:~i ngfr.
C6 ve nht.r ngay cang nhieu ngt.rb'i My muon cac trt.rb'ng hQC d<;:~y ngo<;:~i ngfr cho tre em dt.r6i 5 tuoi.
Cach pho bien nhat de d<;:~y nhfrng tre nh6 nay m<)t ngon ngfr khac dt.rqc gQi Ia "tam" ngo<;:~i ngfr.
M<)t so chuyen gia n6i rang cac chuang trlnh "tam" ngo<;:~i ngfr Ia each hi~u qua nhat de tre nh6
hQC ngon ngfr. Nht.rng c6 m<)t van de. Chi bay trong so nam mt.rO'i tieu bang yeu cau trt.rb'ng hQC
d<;:~y ngo<;:~i ngfr cho hQc sinh trong d9 tuoi tLJ' sau den mt.roi hai. Cac chuyen gia ngon ngfr n6i rang
tre nh6 hQc ngon ngfr de dang han. Tuy nhien, cac truong hQc 6 My thuong khong bat dau d<;:~y
ngo<;:~i ngfr cho den khi hQC cap hai. Khi d6, hQC sinh khoang mt.roi ba tuoi.
Cac trt.rO'ng hQc 6 My phai doi m~t v6i nhfrng lt,ra chQn kh6 khan ve
chi phf cho cac chuang trlnh
giao dl)c. Chfnh phu lien bang da tang cuong ho trq cho vi~c hQc ngo<;:~i ngfr trong lu~t giao dl)c
mang ten "Khong tre em nao bi b6 l<;:~i phfa sau".
acap d<;:~i hQC, Hi~p h<)i Ngon ngfr Hi~n d<;:~i cho biet c6 nhieu sinh vien dang hQC ngo<;:~i ngfr han
bao giO' het. Nh6m nay gan day da cong bo nhfrng phat hi~n cua mlnh trong khoang thai gian tLr
nam 1998 den nam 2002. So luqng sinh vien hQc ngo<;:~i ngfr t<;:~i cac truong cao dang d<;:~i hQcva
cua My da tang 17 phan tram.
Hi~p h9i cho biet khoang chfn phan tram sinh vien d<;:~i hQc 6 Hoa Ky hQc ngo<;:~i ngfr. D6 Ia ml.fc
cao nhat ke tLJ' nam 1972.
LlfU y, m~o lam bai thi se khong chfnh xac 100%. Vi$c Slr dt,mg m~o chi giup cac b9n tang toe thO'i
gian lam bai, chac chan ve phlfong an CUa mlnh hO'n va tang them CO' hQi khi "bf" trong phong thi.
V6i phan ngO' am duqc chia thanh 2 phan, phat am va trQng am. V6i phan phat am c6 the Ia cac
d9ng bai hoi ve each phat am nguyen am, pht,J am trong tlr ho~c each phat am "s" va "ed".
M~o nh6' each phat am
• Neu tCr ket thuc bang-s, -ss, -ch, -sh, -x, -z (-ze), -o, -ge, -ce thl ta phat am Ia /Iz/
M~o: "San-sang-chung-shCrc-xin-z-o-g6p-cam"
E.g: changes, practices
@ Neu tCr ket thuc bang cac am: /8/, /p/, /k/, If/, It! thl phat am Ia /s/
M~o: "Thoi phong kien phuang Tay"
E.g: cooks, stops
• NhO'ng tCr c6 am cuoi Ia cac am con l9i thl phat am Ia /z/
E.g: plays, stands
M~o nh6' each phat am
• Ph at am ed Ia hdl khi tCr t~n cung bang cac pht,J am !d/, It!
M~o: "T6' di day": khi nao c6 It! va /d/ thl dQc thanh "di" tCrc hd!
@ Phat am ed Ia /t/ khi tCr t~n cung bang cac pht,J am /p/, /k/, /f/, Is/, If/, /tf/, thuong c6
t~n cung Ia: ch, sh, k, p, f, s
M~o: "Chu Sha khong phai fan Sam Sam"
@ Phat am ed Ia /d/ khi tCr t~n cung bang cac pht,J am con l9i va cac nguyen am.
De thi c6 3 cau tim loi sai, thong thuong de thi se kiem tra 3 dan vi kien thuc khac nhau. Nhfrng
d9ng kien thuc thuong duqc kiem tra nhat 6 phan tim loi sai Ia: st,r hoa hqp chu vi, cau true song
song, tu
lo9i, th1 cua d(>ng tu,
m$nh de quan h$.
khi bai tim thi tam
• Nhln vao ph an g9ch chan Ia d(>ng tu,
xem c6 chi a sai thl khong? C6 hoa hqp chu vi khong?
• Nhln vao cau xem c6 cac lien tuthu(>c ct,Jm FAN BOYS (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so) khong?
Neu c6 thl xem cac phan g9ch chan, cac phan noi b6i cac tu
FANBOYS da thong nhat
h1nh thCrc chua? (VD cung them duoi -ing, ho~c cung thl, ho~c cung Ia danh tu ... )
M(>t luu y nfra Ia, neu b9n chac chan cau tim loi sai th(r nhat nam 6 kien thlJ'c A (vf dt,J: m$nh de
quan h$), thl hai cau tim loi sai con l9i gan nhu se khong rai vao phan kien thCrc A nfra (trong vf
dt,J nay Ia m$nh de quan h$). Ly do Ia ma tr~n de thi thuong se khong dua 2 cau cung m(>t n(>i
dung vao m(>t d9ng bai.
danh tlr va tlr mc;w til...
Cau kh6 thLrb'ng roi vao til vvng: Phrasal Col!locatl<)nS Idioms nen nao xac
dw)'i 8 diem thl c6 lam nhanh cau nay cho cau khac, b6i kien thlrc phan
rong va bao Ia nhLr
V6'i d~ng nay thl cac b~n chi can th~t ky kien thll'c Ia b6i ca nhfrng tlnh huong giao
tiep da c6 san trong sach. Khi lam bai d~ng nay, ILru y:
ChQn cau tra IO'i trong tlnh huong clap tra ljch st)' nhat: c6 the c6 mot so phLrO'ng an phan
van, nhLrng nen nh6', Chung ta phai ChQn dap an dung nhat nen cau nao the hi~n Sl/ ljch
Sl/ (tat nhien van dung ngfr canh) thLrb'ng se Ia dap an dung.
Voi nhfrng cau c6 dau cham than thLrb'ng Ia nhfrng cau cam than, c6 the Ia idioms ho~c
cac cau true thLrb'ng dung cua ngLrb'i ban Xlr, va nghla cua cau d6 nhieu luc kh6ng the djch
word-by-word dLrqc. Vf dv: Beats me! mang nghla "T6i chju/ T6i kh6ng biet dau!" chll'
khong phai Ia "Danh t6i" dau nhe. The nen phai d~c bi~t ILru y khi djch. Nhfrng cau nhLr
v~y trong ph an ly thuyet c~p kha nhieu, cac b~n chi can dQc ky Ia se lam tot th6i.
Mot quy lu~t bat thanh van khi bien so~n cau hoi d~ng nay Ia, tlr dLrqc hoi 6 cau goc thw1ng se
kh6 han cac tlr 6 4 phLrong an va ngfr canh cau van se giup cac b~n doan OLfQ'C SO' bo nghTa
cua tlr goc. Do d6 neu khong biet nghTa cua tlr g~ch chan, hay dQc th~t ky ngfr canh va doan
nghTa, sau d6 thay tllng tlr 6 phLrO'ng an !an ILr<;rt vao tlr g(;:,lch chan, dQc len xem cau c6 mLrqt ve
nghTa kh6ng nhe.
Mot ILru y Ct)'C ky quan trQng tranh mat diem oan Ia khi lam bai, hay nh6 mlnh da lam bai tlr
dong nghTa roi thl phai c6 d~ng til trai nghTa, neu khong theo quan tfnh l~i tim til dong nghTa day!
Hay nhln th~t ky chfr CLOSEST va OPPOSITE! Bai nay ma mat diem nhLr v~y thl rat dang tiec.
NgLrb'i ra cGng da tfnh t6'i trLrb'ng hqp nay roi, nen trong bai thm1ng se c6 2 c~p til: 1 til dong
nghTa v6'i tU' chan, 1 til trai nghTa v6'i tU' g~ch chan va 2 til nhieu theo hai xu hmJ'ng: tfch
Ct)'C va tieu Ct)'C. M~o nay Ct)'C ky hfru fch nhe, nam m~o thl CO the lo~i trlr an lam
an trCr
vao cau va mlnh nhe.
Khang djnh l~i 2 c~p xu hlf6ng tfch CI)'C/tieu CI)'C (mvc dfch de nam dlfQ'C each ra de, xu
hlf6'ng cua cau van).
111 Tfch CI)'C: phlfO'ng an A
111 Tieu cl)'c: phlfO'ng an 8, C va D
Xem cau van Ia mang nghTa tieu CI)'C hay tfch CI)'C: cau van n6i ve "hQC t~p nghiem tuc va ky thi
dang den gan" Ia m(>t d~ng tfch cl)'c, bai nay d~ng OPPOSITE nen cac phlfO'ng an thlf<)'ng se theo
mau sac tieu CI)'C va trai nglfQ'C nghTa v6'i cau van.
~ Dap an dung c6 kha nang rai vao 8, C, D. Tiep theo ta c6 the phan tfch tiep theo each 1 de xac
djnh dlfQ'C dap an de dang hO'n.
Dap an cho cau tren Ia phlfang an B.
Ta c6: Pull one's socks up: no ll)'c cham chi han/ co gang cai thi~n cong vi~c >< became lazy: tr6
nen llfb'i bieng.
T~m djch: Da den luc b~n can no ll)'c cham chi han va bat dau hQc t~p nghiem tuc. Ky thi cuoi ky
cua b~n dang den gan.
V6'i d~ng nay, kien th(rc tong hqp CI)'C ky da d~ng, nhlfng thlfb'ng se rai vao cac cau true: dao ngfr,
m~nh de quan h~, cau dieu ki~n, cau tlfb'ng thu~t. Cac b~n on th~t ky phan nay nhe!
Bai hoan thanh do~n van se gom 5 cho trong, kiem tra kien thfrc tt1 vl)'ng, ngfr phap (thlfb'ng Ia thl,
m~nh de quan h~, lien tlr, tlr lo~i), gi6'i tlr (thlfb'ng Ia cau kh6). Phan nay khong c6 mE;!O Cl) the, cac
b~n hay dQC llfOt bai de nam dlfQ'C y chfnh cua bai trlfOC, sau d6 bat tay vao tlrng cau.
D~ng dQC hieu theo de thi nam 2021 chia thanh 2 lo~i: dQC hieu 5 cau va dQC hieu 7 cau (nhieu
cau kh6 han).
Cac cau hoi dQc hieu thlfb'ng c6 cac d~ng sau:
cau nay nen lam SaU cung, VI khi d6 cac b~n da nam dlfQ'C
sob¢ n(>i dung bai khi lam cac cau khac, tCr d6 dlfa ra ket lu~n chuan han.
cac b~n sLJ' d1,mg mE?o tlfong tl! mE?o 6 ph an ''TCr dong nghTa- tt1 trai nghTa" nhe.
de biet tlr "it", "they" thay the cho tlr nao, cac b~n hay dQC l~i cau ch(ra tlr d6 va
cau trlf6'c cau day! Thlfb'ng d~i tLr d6 se Ia danh tlr nam trong 2 cau tren.
thong tin chac chan 6 trong bai, c6 san, thlfb'ng chi thay doi each viet,
dien d~t khac.
VD: dap an n6i ve vi~c dan so se gia h6a trong tlfang lai, va thong tin trong do~n van Ia tuoi thQ
tang cao do nglfb'i dan an nhieu rau cu qua (trl)'c tiep).
cac phlfO'ng an phai suy lu~n tlr thong tin trong bai, ch(r
khong c6 san nhlf 6 d~ng cau hoi TRUE/ NOT TRUE, thlfb'ng c6 cac tCr "may", "might". T6m l~i,
phai Ia y suy lu~n ra, chfr khong c6 san trong bai (phai lay thong tin trong bai, suy lu~n theo logic
thong thlfb'ng).
VD: dap an n6i ve vi~c dan so se gia h6a trong tlfang lai, va thong tin trong do~n van Ia an nhieu
rau cu qua se giup song khoe va It b~nh t~t han (suy lu~n).
M(>t llfu y CI)'C ky quan trQng Ia cac cau hoi thlfb'ng se di theo thlr tl)' xu at hi~n trong do~n van nen
cac b~n Clr khoanh vung de lam nhe! Ky nang va cac b~n ap dl)ng thuan thl)C
bang each luy~n nhieu de va rut ra kinh nghi~m cho chfnh ban than m1nh.
each qua tieu
(concluding C'OnTOni"OC!
djch va quy n~p, chu yhem
trc;mg qua d6 nam OlfQ'C n9i dung chfnh.
V6i Skimming, ta kh6ng can dQc toan b9 bai ma nam y chfnh, nho d6 toe d9
va tiet ki~m duqc thoi gian.
Khi do~n van qua dai va thoi gian c6 h~n, skimming giup ta doc duqc n9i dung chfnh cOng nhu
quan diem ma tac gia muon neu len trong tCrng do~n, xem tac gia dang phan doi, dong tlnh hay
trung l~p. TLr d6 nam bat duqc nhfrng thong tin quan trQng va quyet djnh c6 nen di sau vao dQC
do~n d6 hay kh6ng.
: DQC phan tieu de (title) cua bai viet, sau d6 dQc do~n mo dau xac djnh duqc n9i dung chfnh
trong bai viet.
DQc cac cau chu de (topic sentences) cua tCrng do~n, cac cau chu de nay thuong Ia cau dau
tien cua bai dQC. Nhung d6i khi do~n van l~i dlfQ'C m6' dau bang cau hoi hay cau dan dat, thl khi
d6 cau chu l~i thuong nam cuoi do~n.
Doc vao do~n van, chu ytra loi cac cau hoi who, what which, where, when why. Nhfrng tCr quan
trong trong do~n van cac b~n nen nam bat thuong duqc an nap du6i d~ng danh tlr, so tLr, cac tlr
duqc in d~m hay viet hoa.
* Luu y:
• Nguoi dQC can nam dli'Q'C logic trlnh bay cua bai bang each dl)'a vao cac marking words
(tCr dau hi~u) nhll': because, firstly (dau tien), secondly (thll' hai), finally (cuoi cung), but
(nhLrng), then (sau d6), includes (bao gam) va nhfrng tlr chi thai gian khac, v.v. Nhfrng tCr
nay se giup cho ngLrai doc nhanh chong nh~n ra do~n van dLrqc trlnh bay thea each nao:
listing (li~t ke), comparison-contrast (so sanh-doi l~p), time-order (theo thll' tv thai gian),
va cause-effect (nguyen nhan-ket qua).
Docter tren xuong dli'<S'i va tCr trai qua phai v6i m9t toe d9 nhanh. Ia lay y, do d6
khong nen b6 qua Clr do~n nao bai "lu6t" cho nhanh VI nhlf V~Y se bj
SU' dl)ng ho dem gio v6i thai gian tCr 30-40s cho moi do~n, 1Lr6t phan n9i dung tim
y chfnh;
- Chu ycau va cac danh tCr quan tn;mg cac
- Chu y cac hlnh thll'c so sanh, li~t lien tCr;
- Chu y when, why, ...
A. you
you and
you're aware of your surroundings, but no matter how hard you try ... you can't move a
B. Does that sound like a scary experience? It can be! What we've just described is called
sleep paralysis. It affects around eight percent of the population. The condition causes
the loss of muscle control while falling asleep or waking up. This loss of muscle control
is also called atonia. It's actually a normal part of the sleep cycle during REM sleep. It
stops your muscles from responding to dreams and keeps you safe in bed until you
C. A person with sleep paralysis experiences atonia outside of the REM cycle. Most people
with the condition also have hallucinations. This can include out-of-body experiences,
like the feeling of flying. People may also feel pressure in their chest. Perhaps the scariest
form of these hallucinations involves the perception of a dangerous person or presence.
D. How is sleep paralysis treated? The first step is to talk with an expert. Doctors often start
by asking patients about their sleep habits. They may even ask them to keep a sleep
journal to learn more about their routine. Many patients also take part in a sleep study.
That way, an expert can observe them while they sleep.
(2a) Sau khi dQC hrbt (skim), nhln vao cau 1 - 3, co gang nh6' xem nhfrng thong tin sau nam a
phan nao trong bai d QC.
1. Ways to deal with sleep paralysis
2. What's happening to the body during sleep paralysis?
3. Symptoms of sleep paralysis
A. Near the beginning
B. In the middle
C. At the end
(2b) f>QC l~i thong tin cau 1 - 3 ben tren, noi thong tin v6'i cac do~n (A-D) trong bai dQC.
3. - -
(2a) 1C; 2B; 3A (2b) 1 D; 2C; 3A
La dQC bai viet th~t nhanh v6'i mt,JC clfch tim kiem dO' li$u, thong tin Ct,J the can thiet cho vi$c tra IO'i
cau hoi.
Scanning ClfC k1 quan trQng trong bai thi dQC vi doi khi qua phan Skimming ta cla nam bat dl1Q'C
nhO'ng ychfnh, nhlfng de tra IO'i duqc cau hoi phan Reading ta can chu yvao each sti dt,Jng tlr ngO'
cua tac gia neu khong se rat de bi clanh 111a.
- Khi can t1m kiem cac dO' li$u trong bai viet nhlf ten rieng, so li$u, ngay thang, ho~c cac Ct,Jm tlr
ma khong can hieu ro nQi dung CUa bai cfQC.
-Scanning dl1Q'C ap dt,Jng cho cac d~ng bai nhlf cau hoi tlr Vl!ng, cau hoi thong tin chi tiet, cau hoi
cl~i tl1 trong bai clQc.
B1: Ph an tfch each to chCrc bai kh6a tru6'c khi bat clau scan.
Dung l<;~i trlf6'c thong tin din tim va nhfrng cau c6 lien quan thong tin d6 bat
ma tac muon hoi ngLrb'i va IO'i cau hoi. Can tht~c Sl/ chu y vao cac
true cau phll'c duqc dung trong bai viet vi n6 rat de khien ta boi roi va nham lan. Khong the bo qua
cac d<;~i tu vatu Vlfng m6'i trong bai OQC b6'i c6 the Ia thong tin ta can tra IO'i cau hoi.
"' DLra mat th$t nhanh nhln vao nhieu dong cung m(>t luc.
411 Khi tim thay thong tin hay dung l<;~i va dQC toan b(> cau hay do<;~n chlia thong tin.
411 C6 the d9c theo dLrb'ng ziczac tlr dLr6'i len tren vatu phai qua trai chac chan rang khong
bj chu y vao n(>i dung cua bai dQC.
The earliest wigs date back thousands of years. Some experts say evidence may suggest the
earliest wigs were made up to 1 00,000 years ago. It's certain, though, that they were worn by the
ancient Egyptians. Many wigs today look just like natural hair. You may have seen wigs in a
Halloween or costume shop before. Most of these were made by machines. They're Qlli~~
~~and made from synthetic hair. These wigs work well for costumes and other basic needs.
However, people who wear wigs regularly will likely tell you that custom-made headpieces made
from human hair are better in quality.
Custom-made wigs are made by hand. Wig makers use real human hair that's donated or sold
to them. Their first step is to make a bust of the head of the person the wig is for. This helps them
make sure the wig will fit well and match the person's natural hairline. Once the bust has been
made, the wig maker can make a foundation for the wig. Then, they choose the hair that will be
used. Before making the wig, they have to sort the hairs to make sure they are all facing the same
direction. Then, wig makers bind the hairs together and use a hackle to remove very short hairs.
Once the hair has been hackled, it's cut, washed, and disinfected. It may also be permanently
curled or waved. Finally, it can be attached to the foundation. This is done through a process
called knotting. A wig maker uses a needle to attach the hair to the foundation. In total, they'll
make about 30,000-40,000 knots for one full wig.
The entire process of making a wig can take a long time. Some wigs may be made in as little
as one or two months. Others may take up to six months. However, many would argue that
custom-made wigs are worth the wait! A well-cared for wig can last several years.
A. 100,000 years F. curled or waved
B. ancient G. knotting
C. hair H. 30,000-40,000
D. bust I. six months
2. Sau khi ho~m th~mh m~:~c 1, tra loi cac cau hoi sau:
Cau 1: Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the first paragraph?
A. Wigs have existed since ancient times.
B. Only Egyptians used wigs.
C. Ancient Egyptians hated wigs.
D. Wigs represented a person's social status.
Cau 2: It is implied in the first paragraph that _ _ .
A. Machine-made wigs are more expensive.
B. People uses wigs just because they are bald.
C. Custom wigs are higher in quality.
D. Wigs are hardly seen in Halloween.
Cau 3: The phrase "one-size-fit-all" is closest in meaning with _ _ .
A. for certain people
B. suitable for everyone
C. custom-made
D. small and uncomfortable
Cau 4: According to the passage, wigs makers have to ensure the hairs are all facing the same
direction _ _
A. while making bust.
B. before making wigs.
C. during making foundation.
D. after the hair being hackled.
Cau 5. What is the best title for the passage?
A. Wigs in the Workplace: Wearing a Wig at Any Job
B. An Ancient Egyptian Wig: A Status Symbol
C. Why Egyptians Wear Wigs?
D. How Wigs are Made?
Dap an
cau 1: A
Thong tin: The earliest wigs date back thousands of years. Some experts say evidence may
suggest the earliest wigs were made up to 100,000 years ago. It's certain, though, that they
were worn by the ancient Egyptians.
Cau 2: c
Thong tin: However, people who wear wigs regularly will likely tell you that custom-made
headpieces made from human hair are better in quality.
Cau 3: B
Thong tin: You may have seen wigs in a Halloween or costume shop before. Most of these were
made by machines. They're one-size-fits-all and made from synthetic hair. These wigs work well
for costumes and other basic needs.
one-size-fits-all = suitable for everyone: (kfch co) phu hqp cho Ult ca mQi ngLrO'i
Cau 4: B
Thong tin: Once the bust has been made, the wig maker can make a foundation for the wig.
Then, they choose the hair that will be used. Before making the wig, they have to sort the hairs
to make sure they are all facing the same direction. Then, wig makers bind the hairs together
and use a hackle to remove very short hairs. Once the hair has been hackled, it's cut, washed,
and disinfected.
look like natural hair. You may have seen in Halloween
or costume before. Most of these were
Custom-made makers use real human hair donated or sold
to them.( ... )
f>oi tac lien ket xuat ban: Cong ty TNHH Giao d~c Ed micro
f>ja chi: Tang 4, nha 25T2, lo NOS, khu do thl Bong Nam, duong Tran Duy Hung,
Phuong Trung Hoa, Qu~n Cau Giay, Thanh pho Ha Nqi, Vi~t Nam
GIAI CUU MAT GOC NGO' PHAP ANH THCS (let's study Grammar)
In 5.000 ban/ kho 19x27 t9i Cong ty co phan Sach va Phat trien giao d~c Vi$t Nam.
D!a chi: s6 73- To 34 Hoang Van Th~- Hoang MaL Ha Nc)i.
So xac nh$n dang ky xuat ban: 577-2022/CXBIPH/27-15/TN
Quyet djnh xuat ban s6: 413/QD-NXBTN ngay 04/03/2022.
In xong va nc)p lu'u chieu nam 2022. ISBN: 978-604-358-295-6