Iso 14001
Iso 14001
Iso 14001
La norme ISO 14001:2015 est la référence mondiale pour la mise en place d’un système
de management de l’environnement. Elle est un formidable outil pour aider toute
organisation (TPE, PME, grandes entreprises, associations, services publics…) à limiter
les impacts liés à ses activités sur l’environnement.
L'ISO 14001 est une norme internationale de la famille ISO 14000 qui s'applique à tout
type d'organisation quelle que soit sa taille et son activité. Elle présente une démarche
systémique de management environnemental en établissant les exigences de la mise en
place d'un SME. Cette démarche a été fondée sur le modèle PDCA afin de s'inscrire
dans une dynamique d'amélioration continue.
ISO 45001 est une nouvelle norme internationale pour le système de gestion de la santé
et de la sécurité au travail. Il vise à améliorer les niveaux de sécurité au travail.
• Une réduction des événements indési - rables sur le lieu de travail • Une baisse de l’absentéisme et
du taux de rotation des effectifs, permettant une plus grande productivité • Une réduction du coût
des primes d’assurance
• La création d’une culture de la santé et de la sécurité encourageant les employés à jouer un rôle
actif pour leur propre S&ST
ISO 9001:2015 is the international standard for creating, implementing, and maintaining a
Quality Management System for a company.
The structure of the ISO 9001:2015 standard is split into 10 sections (clauses).
The first three represent an introduction to the standard, while the last seven contain the
requirements for the Quality Management System against which a company can be certified. Here
is what the seven main clauses are about:
Clause 4: Context of the organization – This section talks about requirements for understanding your
organization in order to implement a QMS.
Clause 5: Leadership – The leadership requirements cover the need for top management to be
instrumental in the implementation of the QMS
Clause 6: Planning – Top management must also plan for the ongoing function of the QMS
Clause 7: Support – The support section deals with the management of all resources for the QMS,
covering the necessity to control all resources, including human resources, buildings and
infrastructure, the working environment,
Clause 8: Operation – The operation requirements deal with all aspects of the planning and creation
of the product or service
Clause 9: Performance evaluation – This section includes the requirements needed to make sure
that you can monitor whether your QMS is functioning well.
Clause 10: Improvement – This last section includes the requirements needed to make your QMS
better over time
EMS : An environmental management system, often called an EMS, includes the policies,
processes, plans, practices and records that define the rules governing how your company interacts
with the environment.
The ISO 14001 structure is split into ten sections. The first three represent an introduction to the
standard, with the last seven containing the requirements for the environmental management
system. Here is what the seven main sections are about:
Section 4: Context of the organization – This section talks about requirements for understanding
your organization in order to implement an EMS
Section 5: Leadership – The leadership requirements cover the need for top management to be
instrumental in the implementation of the EMS.
Section 6: Planning – Top management must also plan for the ongoing function of the EMS. Risks and
opportunities of the EMS in the organization need to be assessed, and environmental objectives for
improvement need to be identified and plans made to accomplish these objectives
Section 7: Support – The support section deals with management of all resources for the EMS, and
also includes requirements around competence, awareness, communication and controlling
documented information (the documents and records required for your processes).
Section 8: Operation – The operation requirements deal with all aspects of the environmental
controls needed by the organizational processes, as well as the need to identify potential emergency
situations and plan responses so that you are prepared to respond should an emergency occur.
Section 8 : Exploitation – Les exigences opérationnelles portent sur tous les aspects des contrôles
environnementaux requis par les processus organisationnels. ainsi que la nécessité de déterminer les
situations d’urgence potentielles et de planifier les interventions afin d’être prêt à intervenir en cas
section 9: Performance evaluation – This section includes the requirements needed to make sure
that you can monitor whether your EMS is functioning wel
Section 10: Improvement – This last section includes the requirements needed to make your EMS
better over time.
OH&SMS :An Occupational Health & Safety Management System, often called an OH&SMS,
includes the policies ,processes, rules ,plans and practices,defines the framework in which the
organization cares for the occupational health and safety of its employees.
It represents a set of rules, policies, processes, plans and practices for preventing occupational
health and safety hazards and minimizes risks in the workplace.
ISO 45001 is an new international standard for occupational health and safety Management
System. It is set to improve levels of workplace safety.
The ISO 45001 consist of eleven sections. The first three sections represent an introduction to the
standard, its scope and normative references, and the other seven sections contain the
requirements for the Occupational Health and Safety Management System. Here is what the seven
main sections are about:
Section 4: Context of the organization. This section requires the organization to determine its
context in terms of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System, including interested
parties and their needs and expectations
Section 6: Planning. The planning section defines requirements for addressing risks and
opportunities, and the requirements for occupational risk analysis.
Section 7: Support. This clause defines requirements for supporting processes and provisions of
resources necessary for effective operation of the OH&SMS. It defines requirements for people,
infrastructure, work environment, monitoring and measuring resources, competence, awareness,
communication and documented information.
The 5S system is a lean manufacturing tool that improves workplace efficiency and
eliminates waste