Blower Air Line

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16 2.

2 1
20 1.9 2.8 2
25 2.3 3.5 3
32 1.8 2.9 4.4 4
40 1.8 2.3 3.7 5.5 5
50 1.8 2.0 2.9 4.6 6.9 6
63 1.8 2.0 2.5 3.6 5.8 8.6 7
75 1.9 2.3 2.9 4.3 6.8 10.3 8
90 2.2 2.8 3.5 5.1 8.2 12.3 9
110 2.7 3.4 4.2 6.3 10.0 15.1 10
125 3.1 3.9 4.8 7.1 11.4 17.1 11
140 3.5 4.3 5.4 8.0 12.7 19.2 12
160 4.0 4.9 6.2 9.1 14.6 21.9 13
180 4.4 5.5 6.9 10.2 16.4 24.6 14
200 4.9 6.2 7.7 11.4 18.2 27.4 15
225 5.5 6.9 8.6 12.8 20.5 30.8 16
250 6.2 7.7 9.6 14.2 22.7 34.2 17
280 6.9 8.6 10.7 15.9 25.4 38.3 18
315 7.7 9.7 12.1 17.9 28.6 43.1 19
355 8.7 10.9 13.6 20.1 32.2 48.5 20
400 9.8 12.3 15.3 22.7 36.3 54.7 21
450 11.0 13.8 17.2 25.5 40.9 61.5 22
500 12.3 15.3 19.1 28.4 45.4 68.3 23
560 13.7 17.2 21.4 31.7 50.8 24
630 15.4 19.3 24.1 35.7 57.2 25
710 17.4 21.8 27.2 40.2 64.5 26
800 19.6 24.5 30.6 45.3 27
900 22.0 27.6 34.4 51.0 28
1000 24.5 30.6 38.2 56.7 29
1100 26.9 33.7 42.0 62.4 30
1200 29.4 36.7 45.9 68.0 31
1400 34.4 42.9 53.5 32
1600 39.2 49.0 61.2 33
Dn [mm] 2 1/2 3.2 4 6 10 16
Presiones nominales PN [bar]
HDPE PE80 DIN 8074 / ISO 4427
Espesor [mm]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

3 Pipe Thickness [mm], according ASME B36.10M

6 Size dext 5 10 20 30 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 STD XS XXS
7 1/2 21.3 1.65 2.11 - 2.41 2.77 - 3.73 - 0 - 4.78 2.77 3.73 7.47
8 3/4 26.7 1.65 2.11 - 2.41 2.87 - 3.91 - 0 - 5.56 2.87 3.91 7.82
9 1 33.4 1.65 2.77 - 2.9 3.38 - 4.55 - 0 - 6.35 3.38 4.55 9.09
10 1 1/4 42.2 1.65 2.77 2.97 3.56 4.85 6.35 3.56 4.85 9.7
11 1 1/2 48.3 1.65 2.77 - 3.18 3.68 - 5.08 - 0 - 7.14 3.68 5.08 10.15
12 2 60.3 1.65 2.77 - 3.18 3.91 - 5.54 - 0 - 8.74 3.91 5.54 11.07
13 2 1/2 73 2.11 3.05 4.78 5.16 7.01 9.53 5.16 7.01 14.02
14 3 88.9 2.11 3.05 - 4.78 5.49 - 7.62 - 0 - 11.13 5.49 7.62 15.24
15 3 1/2 101.6 2.11 3.05 4.78 5.74 8.08 5.74 8.08
16 4 114.3 2.11 3.05 - 4.78 6.02 - 8.56 - 11.13 - 13.49 6.02 8.56 17.12
17 5 141.3 2.77 3.4 - - 6.55 - 9.53 - 12.7 - 15.88 6.55 9.53 19.05
18 6 168.3 2.77 3.4 - - 7.11 - 10.97 - 14.27 - 18.26 7.11 10.97 21.95
19 8 219.1 2.77 3.76 6.35 7.04 8.18 10.31 12.7 15.09 18.26 20.62 23.01 8.18 12.7 22.23
20 10 273 3.4 4.19 6.35 7.8 9.27 12.7 15.09 18.26 21.44 25.4 28.58 9.27 12.7 25.4
21 12 323.8 3.96 4.57 6.35 8.38 10.31 14.27 17.48 21.44 25.4 28.58 33.32 9.53 12.7 25.4
22 14 355.6 3.96 6.35 7.92 9.53 11.13 15.09 19.05 23.83 27.79 31.75 35.71 9.53 12.7 -
23 16 406.4 4.19 6.35 7.92 9.53 12.7 16.66 21.44 26.19 30.96 36.53 40.49 9.53 12.7 -
24 18 457 4.19 6.35 7.92 11.13 14.27 19.05 23.83 29.36 34.93 39.67 45.24 9.53 12.7 -
25 20 508 4.78 6.35 9.53 12.7 15.09 20.62 26.19 32.54 38.1 44.45 50.01 9.53 12.7 -
26 22 559 4.78 6.35 9.53 12.7 - 22.23 28.58 34.93 41.28 47.63 53.98 9.53 12.7 -
27 24 610 5.54 6.35 9.53 14.27 17.48 24.61 30.96 38.89 46.02 52.37 59.54 9.53 12.7 -
28 26 660 - 7.92 12.7 15.88 - - - - - - - 9.53 12.7 -
29 28 711 - 7.92 12.7 - - - - - - - - 9.53 12.7 -
30 30 762 6.35 7.92 12.7 15.88 - - - - - - - 9.53 12.7 -
31 32 813 - 7.92 12.7 15.88 17.48 - - - - - - 9.53 12.7 -
32 34 864 - 7.92 12.7 15.88 17.48 - - - - - - 9.53 12.7 -
33 36 914 - 7.92 12.7 15.88 19.05 - - - - - - 9.53 12.7 -
34 38 965 - - - - - - - - - - - 9.53 12.7 -
35 40 1016 - - - - - - - - - - - 9.53 12.7 -
36 42 1067 - - - - - - - - - - - 9.53 12.7 -
44 1118 - - - - - - - - - - - 9.53 12.7 -
46 1168 - - - - - - - - - - - 9.53 12.7 -
39 48 1219 - - - - - - - - - - - 9.53 12.7 -

0.- Schema
Schema of the system

1.- Air blown line

Input data, equations and calculation table Main page

2. Nozzle and Wye DP Page

Pressure change in a fitting due to deceleration 1 of 8
Pressure loss in a diverging nozzle with cental angle q <= 45 º 2 of 8
Pressure loss in a nozzle 3 of 8
Expansion in a diverging nozzle 4 of 8
Pressure loss in a converging Wye, from branch to main. 5 of 8
Expansion from Node 7 to 8 6 of 8
Pressure loss in a converging Wye, from main to main. 7 of 8
Crane equations 8 of 8

3.- K-expansion
Abrupt and gradual expansion


4.- SG
Specific gravity

5.- Nm3
Real flow rate to normal flow rate

6. Blowers
Types and efficiency

7. Blower
Blower discharge temperature

25 . Discharge point

16 15
23 17

Schema of blower line

Number of blowers: 2 + 1


15 10
14 13 9 40 in

Blower 3
Blower 2

2 36 in

batery limit
24 in

Silencer 24"

Blower 1
Schema of blower line
1 Silencer discharge in a 24" pipe (batery limit)
1-2 Enlargement 24" a 36"
2-3 Pipe
3-4 Butterfly valve
4-5 Pipe
5-6: Curve 45° (5 D)
6-7 Pipe
7-8 Converging Wye 45º round, Branch
8-9 Pipe
9-10 Converging Wye 45º round, Main
10-11 Pipe
11-12 Curve 90° (5 D)
12-13 Pipe
13-14 Curve 90° (5 D)
14-15 Pipe
15-16 Curve 90° (5 D)
16-17 Pipe
17-18 Curve 90° (5 D)
18-19 Pipe
19-20 Curve 90° (5 D)
20-21 Pipe
21-22 Curve 90° (5 D)
22-23 Pipe
23-24 Curve 90° (5 D)
24-25 Pipe
25 Discharge
Air Blown

Blower air line between blower silencer exit (Node 1) and a discharge point (Node 25). The system
The system is considered isothermic, since the total duct length is relatively short.

Height above sea level H= 2600 m.a.s.l. Flow per blower (2 + 1 ) at

Local atmospheric press. [Eq.1] Patm = 73.75 kPa blower discharge
Blower discharge pressure Pblower_out = 70 kPa(g) Qblower = 650
(at silencer exit. Node 1) Pblower_out = 143.7 kPa Qblower = 39,000
Pblower_out = 143,749 Pa Qtotal = Qblower * 2
Maximum allowed pressure drop DPmax = 1.5 kPa Qtotal = 1,300.0
Minimum required pressure Pdisc_min = 142.2 kPa Qtotal = 78,000
(at ring inlet. Node 25 ) Pdisch_min = 68.5 kPa(g)

Eq. 1 Eq. 4 Eq. 7
Local atmospheric temperature Kinematic pressure Reynolds number
Patm = 101.325* (1 -0.0000225577 * E4)^5.25588 hv = (r/2) * v^2 (Pa) Re =
Eq. 2 Eq. 5 Eq. 8
Air density Kinematic viscosity Friction factor
r= P / (Rair * T) (kg/m³) n= m /r (m²/s) f=

Eq. 3 Eq. 6 Eq. 9

Inside duct diameter Relative rugosity Friction pressure loss
di = dn * 25.4 - 2*s (m) Rrel = Rabs / d (-) DPf =

Calculation table for the no

Qact Pin r
Description Node Node m3/h m3/s Pa kg/m3
Enlargement (24x36) 1 2 39,000 10.8 143,749 1.24
Pipe 2 3 39,000 10.8 144,273 1.25
V. Butterfly 3 4 39,000 10.8 144,273 1.25
Pipe 4 5 39,000 10.8 #VALUE! #VALUE!
Curve 45° (5 D) 5 6 39,000 10.8 #VALUE! #VALUE!
Pipe 6 7 39,000 10.8 #VALUE! #VALUE!
Converging Wye 45º round, Branch 7 8 39,000 10.8 #VALUE! #VALUE!
Pipe 8 9 39,000 10.8 #VALUE! #VALUE!
Converging Wye 45º round, Main 9 10 78,000 21.7 #VALUE! #VALUE!
Pipe 10 11 78,000 21.7 #VALUE! #VALUE!
Curve 90° (5 D) 11 12 78,000 21.7 #VALUE! #VALUE!
Pipe 12 13 78,000 21.7 #VALUE! #VALUE!
Curve 90° (5 D) 13 14 78,000 21.7 #VALUE! #VALUE!
Pipe 14 15 78,000 21.7 #VALUE! #VALUE!
Curve 90° (5 D) 15 16 78,000 21.7 #VALUE! #VALUE!
Pipe 16 17 78,000 21.7 #VALUE! #VALUE!
Curve 90° (5 D) 17 18 78,000 21.7 #VALUE! #VALUE!
Pipe 18 19 78,000 21.7 #VALUE! #VALUE!
Curve 90° (5 D) 19 20 78,000 21.7 #VALUE! #VALUE!
Pipe 20 21 78,000 21.7 #VALUE! #VALUE!
Curve 90° (5 D) 21 22 78,000 21.7 #VALUE! #VALUE!
Pipe 22 23 78,000 21.7 #VALUE! #VALUE!
Curve 90° (5 D) 23 24 78,000 21.7 #VALUE! #VALUE!
Pipe 24 25 78,000 21.7 #VALUE! #VALUE!

25 . Discharge point

16 15
23 17
Schema of blower line

1 Silencer discharge in a 24" pipe (batery limit) 13-14 Curve 90° (5 D)

1-2 Enlargement 24" a 36" 14-15 Pipe
2-3 Pipe 15-16 Curve 90° (5 D)
3-4 Butterfly valve 16-17 Pipe
4-5 Pipe 17-18 Curve 90° (5 D)
5-6: Curve 45° (5 D) 18-19 Pipe
6-7 Pipe 19-20 Curve 90° (5 D)
7-8 Converging Wye 45º round, Branch 20-21 Pipe
8-9 Pipe 21-22 Curve 90° (5 D)
9-10 Converging Wye 45º round, Main 22-23 Pipe
10-11 Pipe 23-24 Curve 90° (5 D)
11-12 Curve 90° (5 D) 24-25 Pipe
12-13 Pipe 25 Discharge
Return to index rev.cjc.09.08.2018
Air Blown Line

ode 25). The system has three blowers with two operating at a time.

ower (2 + 1 ) at Air molecular mass Blower discharge temperature

Rair = 286.9 J/(kg*K) tblower_out = 129.6 °C (Sheet 7)
m3/min Molecular mass of gas (in this T= 402.7 K
m3/h case is air) Since the temperature is constant, the
Rgas = 286.9 J/(kg*K) absolute viscosity will be constant.
m3/min Absolute rugosity Air absolute viscosity
m3/h Rabs = 0.15 mm m= AirAbsoluteViscosity_t
Rabs = 0.00015 m m= #VALUE! Pa s
Galvanized steel sheet thickness
selected Gauge : 14
s= 2.0 mm [4]

Eq. 10 Eq 13
Reynolds number Singular pressure drop coefficient Total pressure change
v*d/n Ksing = SUMPRODUCTO(range_A*range_B) DP = DPf+DPs

Eq.11 Eq. 14
Friction factor Singular pressure drop Pressure at the exit node
Pipe_Friction_Factor_Rrel_Re DPs = Ksing * hv (Pa) Pout = Pin - DP

Eq.12 Average value of the friction factor

Friction pressure loss DPk: Pressure increment due to deceleration fave = 0.0133 -
f * (L/d) * hv (Pa) (Sheet 7. Nozzle, sheet 2 Wye)

on table for the nodes of the blower line

Eq. 3 Eq. 4 Eq. 5 Eq. 6 Eq. 7 Eq. 8

dn di L A v hv n Rrel Re f
in m m m² m/s Pa m²/s - - -
24 0.61 0.0 0.288 37.6 172.3 #VALUE! 0.0002 #VALUE!
36 0.91 4.0 0.651 16.64 172.9 #VALUE! 0.0002 #VALUE! #VALUE!
36 0.91 0.0 0.651 16.6 172.9 #VALUE! 0.0002 #VALUE!
36 0.91 4.0 0.651 16.6 #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.0002 #VALUE! #VALUE!
36 0.91 0.0 0.651 16.6 #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.0002 #VALUE!
36 0.91 4.0 0.651 16.6 #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.0002 #VALUE! #VALUE!
36 0.91 0.0 0.651 16.6 #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.0002 #VALUE!
40 1.01 20.0 0.804 13.5 #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.0001 #VALUE! #VALUE!
40 1.01 0.0 0.804 26.9 #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.0001 #VALUE!
40 1.01 40.0 0.804 26.9 #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.0001 #VALUE! #VALUE!
40 1.01 0.0 0.804 26.9 #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.0001 #VALUE!
40 1.01 4.0 0.804 26.9 #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.0001 #VALUE! #VALUE!
40 1.01 0.0 0.804 26.9 #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.0001 #VALUE!
40 1.01 20.0 0.804 26.9 #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.0001 #VALUE! #VALUE!
40 1.01 0.0 0.804 26.9 #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.0001 #VALUE!
40 1.01 10.0 0.804 26.9 #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.0001 #VALUE! #VALUE!
40 1.01 0.0 0.804 26.9 #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.0001 #VALUE!
40 1.01 6.0 0.804 26.9 #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.0001 #VALUE! #VALUE!
40 1.01 0.0 0.804 26.9 #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.0001 #VALUE!
40 1.01 20.0 0.804 26.9 #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.0001 #VALUE! #VALUE!
40 1.01 0.0 0.804 26.9 #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.0001 #VALUE!
40 1.01 5.0 0.804 26.9 #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.0001 #VALUE! #VALUE!
40 1.01 0.0 0.804 26.9 #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.0001 #VALUE!
40 1.01 2.0 0.804 26.9 #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.0001 #VALUE! #VALUE!
fave = #VALUE!

Return to index

Number of blowers: 2 + 1


14 13 9 40 in

36 in
Blower 3
Blower 2

1 36
24 in
batery limit in

Silencer 24"

Blower 1
Blower 1

g= 9.80665 m/s²
Unhide columns to see singular pressure
drop coefficients / Hide columns.
Nozzle Nodes 1 to 2. Expansion
Change in pressure due to change velocities
Diverging nozzle . Pressure increment
DPkinem = 708 Pa
Diverging nozzle 24x36, with cental angle
Wye Nodes 7 to 8 q= 30 º
Converging Wye 45º (branche to main) Pressure loss coefficien
Change in pressure due to change in velocities K2 = 1.068

40 Wye Nodes 9 to 10
[10] Page 35.9
36 36 Straight (main) section
DP = Cs * Pkinem Eq. (30)
DPkinem = #VALUE! Pa (Sheet. 2)
Pressure loss coeffici (Sheet. 2)
K2 = 1.133

Wye Nodes 9 to 10
Converging Wye 45º (main to main)
Change in pressure due to change in velocities

40 'From '2. Nozzle and Wye DP'!, S279, S280 and S281
As / Ac = 1
Ab / A c = 0.809
friction factor Qs / Qc = 0.5
DPkinem = #VALUE! Pa (Sheet. 2) From table in Ref. 10
(Fluid is accelerated) Pressure loss coefficient
Cs = 0.06

Eq. 9 Eq. 10 Eq. 11 Eq. 12 Eq. 13 Eq. 14

DPf Ksing DPs DPk DP Pout
Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa kPa(g)
0.0 1.07 184 -708 -524 144273 70.52
### 0.00 0 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
0.0 0.10 17 17 #VALUE! #VALUE!
### 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
### 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
### 0.00 #VALUE! 0 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
### 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
### 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
0.0 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
### 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
0.0 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
### 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
0.0 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
### 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
0.0 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
### 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
0.0 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
### 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
0.0 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
### 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
0.0 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
### 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!

Pdisch_min = 68.50 kPa(g)

(Sheet. 2)
ith cental angle

(Sheet. 2)

S279, S280 and S281

(Sheet 2)
Pressure change in a fitting due to deceleration

Applicable to any shape From Figure 1, a Bernouil li application give

P1 v12 P2 v22
Z1    Z2    hL
1  g 2  g 2  g 2  g
Fitting with area sections change

Since Z1  Z2
The figure shown in the deduction
P1 v12 P2 v22
correspond s to the case of a round     hLoss
1  g 2  g  2  g 2  g
nozzle, but the kinematic pressure Considerin g
change is valid for any fitting with 1   2  
a section change. That is, the kinematic P1 v12 P2 v22
    hLoss
pressure increment or decrement   g 2 g   g 2 g
depends only on the inlet and outlet multiplying by   g
 
sections of the fitting. P1   v12  P2   v22  hLoss    g
2 2
The pressure loss, although, will depend with
on the shape of the fitting. hLoss    g  PLoss Pa (a
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ecuaciones 3.0

Kinematic pressure change in and

an expansion (v1  v2 ) Q
 2
  d1
Pkinem   v12 - v22 
v1 d 22 1 1
Pa (c)  4   2  2
2 v2 Q 2
d1 d1 
 2 d 22
 2  v12   d2
Pkinem   v2  2 - 1 (d) 4
2 v
 2 
v12 1
with the diameters ratio  2
 4 (e)
v2 
  min Replacing equation (e) into equation
d max  2  v12 
Pkinem   v2  2 - 1 (d)
d 2  v2 
  1 in an expansion d1  d 2
d2 one obtains
 (e)
v22 4
d min
 Replacing equation (e) into equation
d max  2  v12 
Pkinem   v2  2 - 1 (d)
d 2  v2 
 1 in an expansion d1  d 2
d2 one obtains
 2 1 
Pkinem   v2  4 - 1 (f)
Microsoft Editor de
ecuaciones 3.0
2  

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ecuaciones 3.0

Kinematic pressure change in and

a contraction (v1  v2 ), d 2  d1  Q
 2 2  2
Pkinem   v1 - v2  Pa (g) v1  d1 d 22
2  4   2
this a negative value. v2 Q d1 2

 2
 2  v12   d2
Pkinem   v2  2 - 1 (d) 4
2 v
 2 
with the diameters ratio 
d 2
 4 (h)
  min v2
d max
Replacing equation (e) into equation
  2 in a contraction d 2  d1  2  v12 
d1 Pkinem   v2  2 - 1 (d)
2  v2 
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ecuaciones 3.0
one obtains

Pkinem   v22  4 - 1 (i)

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ecuaciones 3.0

Kinematic pressure change

Pressure loss in a diverging nozzle with
cental angle q <= 45 º

 2  1 
Pkin   v2   4 - 1 
2  
 2  1 
Pkin   v2   4 - 1 
2  
 2  v12  Pressure loss in a diverging nozzle
P2 - P1   v2   2 - 1  - PLoss
2  v2 
v12 1 The pressure loss PLoss is calculated

v22 4 according Crane 9 as

P2 - P1 
 2  1 
 v2   4 - 1  - PLoss

  

2.6   seno     1   2

 2   in a diverging
2   Total
K 2 pressure  increment
where nozzle for a central angle q <= 45º
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for a central angle   45º ecuaciones 3.0

 2  1 
 v2   4 - 1   is the pressure increment
2  
due to the decelerati on (kinematic) with the kinetic pressure increment due
to the deceleration
 2  1  P2 - P1  Pkin - PLoss
Pkin   v2   4 - 1 
2  
and PLoss is the pressure loss in the fitting.
P2 - P1  Pkin - PLoss  2  1 
with an increment in case of a decelerati on Pkin   v2   4 - 1 
2  
 2  1 
Pkin   v2   4 - 1  Microsoft Editor de
2   ecuaciones 3.0

Pressure loss in a nozzle, according [9]

If q <= 45 º If 45º < q <= 180 º

Let Let
q= 30 ° q=

K2 = 2.6  (2.6   
   1   
2 2
seno* ( seno(radianes(q)/2) ) * (1 - b^2)^2) / b^4 K2 =
1    2 2

bK 
  2  
2  0.66 bmin = 0.7 = 2
K2 =
K2 =

DP = K2 * hv_2 DP =
K2 = 1.130 K2 =
hv_2 = 150.0 Pa hv_2 =
DP = 169 Pa DP =
Expansion in a diverging nozzle
24x36 Node 1 to 2 dn_out = 36 in Density in larger section
Pressure increment in a nozzle due to s= 2.0066 Since at this moment only th
area increment. Central angle "q" dout = 910.3868 mm section 1 is known, it will be
dout = 0.9104 m r2 =
P1 P2
From sheet 1
v1 dlarge = 0.9104 m² r1 =
Area of larger section r2 =
Alarge = (p/4) * dlarge^2
q/2 Alarge =
z1 z2 0.651 m²
Velocity pressure in larger se
b= dmin / dmax hv_2 =
dout = 0.606 m r=
q= 30 º din = 0.910 m v2 =
b= 0.6652 hv_2 =
Flow rate
Q= 10.83 m3/s Velocity in larger section Single pressure loss coefficie
vlarge_sect = Q / Alarge the equation
Pipes Q= 10.83 m3/s K2 = (2.6*(seno(radianes(q)/2))*(1-
dn_in = 24 in Alarge = 0.651 q=
s= 2.0066 vlarge_sect = 16.64 m/s b=
din = 605.5868 mm K2 =
Used in '1.- Air blown line '!AG15
din = 0.6056 m

Pressure loss in a converging Wye, from branch to main.

Node 7 to 8
Converging Wye (45º) round

QA = 0 m³/s QC = 10.8 m³/s

vA = 0 m/s vC = 13.5 m/s
AA = 0.651 m² AC = 0.8 m²
QB = 10.8 m³/s
vB = 16.6 m/s
A B= 0.7 m²

Branch, BC

vB /vC =
vB = 16.6 m/s From Fig. 6.2, [3], page 33.40
vC = 13.5 m/s for:
vB /vC = 1.24 - vB /vC = 1.24
AB /AC = 0.81
AB /AC = one obtains with interpolation
A B= 0.651 m² Cc,b = 1.133
AC = 0.804 m² Used in '1.- Air blown line '!AG17
AB /AC = 0.809

Interpolation table
0.8 0.809 1
1 0.62 0.69
1.24 1.129 1.133 1.213
1.5 1.7 1.8

Expansion from Node 7 to 8

36 x 40 dn_out = 40 in Density in larger section
Pressure increment due to s= 2.0066 Since at this moment only th
area increment. dout = 1011.9868 mm section 1 is known, it will be
dout = 1.0120 m r2 =
P1 P2 From sheet 1
dlarge = 1.0120 m² r1 =
v1 r2 =
v2 Area of larger section
Alarge = (p/4) * dlarge^2 Check:
Alarge = 0.804 m²

Diameters ratio Velocity pressure in larger se

b= dmin / dmax hv_2 =
dout = 0.910 m r=
Flow rate din = 1.012 m v2 =
Q= 10.83 m3/s b= 0.8996 hv_2 =
(Sheet 1)
Velocity in larger section Singular fricction factor
Pipes vlarge_sect = Q / Alarge Circular Diverging Wye
dn_in = 36 in Q= 10.83 m3/s K2 =
s= 2.0066 Alarge = 0.804
din = 910.3868 mm vlarge_sect = 13.47 m/s
din = 0.9104 m The coefficient K
the largest diameter, which in
Pressure loss in a converging Wye, from main to main.

Converging Wye (45º) round . Nodes 9 to 10

QS = 10.8 m³/s QC = 21.7 m³/s

vS = 13.5 m/s vC = 26.9 m/s
AS = 0.804 m² AC = 0.804 m²
QB = 10.8 m³/s
vB = 16.6 m/s Same data as 7-8
AB= 0.7 m²

AS /AC =
AS= 0.804 m²
AC = 0.804 m²
AS /AC = 1.000
AB /AC = Kinematic pressure change due to
AB= 0.65 velocity change between two sections
AC = 0.80 of a fitting
AS /AC = 0.81
QS /QC =
QS = 10.8 m/s
QC = 21.7 m/s P2 -DPP1 = (r/2)
kinem Pkinem
* (v1^2 - PLoss
- v2^2
QS /QC = 0.50 - r= #VALUE! kg/m³
[10], Table ED5-2 Wye, 45º, converging, page 35.37 v1 = 13.5 m/s
straight (main) section) (Sheet Ref. 10 v2 = 26.9 m/s
DP = Cs * Pkinem Eq. (30) DPkinem = #VALUE! Pa
Cs = 0.06
Used in '1.- Air blown line AL32 Pkinem 

 2 2
 v1 - v 2 

Crane equations [9]

Return to index rev.cjc.09.08.2018

ouil li application gives  2 

2 P1   v1  P2   v22  PLoss P1 P2
P2 v 2 2
  2
 hLoss v1
2  g 2  g  
P2   v22  PLoss  P1   v12 v2
2 2
 
P2 - P1   v12 -  v22 - PLoss
2 2 q/2
v22 z1
  hLoss 
2 g P2 - P1   v12 - v22  - PLoss (b)
where the kinematic pressure
change is 1
v22 
2 g
 hLoss Pkinem   v12 - v22  Pa (c)
and the pressure diference is Kinematic pressure change due to
 hLoss    g P2 - P1  Pkinem - PLoss Pa (d) velocity change between two sections
2 of a fitting

Microsoft Editor de
 2 2
 v1 - v2 
ecuaciones 3.0

Pkinem  Pa (b)
Pa (a) 2

Microsoft Editor de
ecuaciones 3.0

In an expansion, where d1  d 2 ,
 d2
there is a positive kinematic
pressure change according
 2 1 
(e) Pkinem   v2  4 - 1 (f)
2  
o equation
Expansion : d1  d 2 ,  
(d) d2 Microsoft Editor de
ecuaciones 3.0
(e) kinem 2 4 
2  
o equation
Expansion : d1  d 2 ,  
(d) d2 Microsoft Editor de
ecuaciones 3.0

 2 1 
Pkinem   v2  4 - 1 (f)
2  
Microsoft Editor de
ecuaciones 3.0 Expansion : d1  d 2 ,  

P1 P2

In a contraction, where d 2  d1 ,
there is a negative kinematic q/2

pressure change according

Pkinem   v22  4 - 1
(i) 1

Microsoft Editor de
ecuaciones 3.0

Return to index

and the pressure loss in the diverging

nozzle with central angle q <= 45º
An application ofthis
 
  pressure2 loss for a diverging nozzle
2.6   seno     1   2
 2   Page 3 of 5.
is shown in this sheet,
K2  4
ozzle 
Pressure loss in a Round Converging Wie (45º)

2 2


The singular pressure loss coeficient is obtained from a table from

Ashrae Handbook 1985 Fundamentals [3], Figure 6.2, page 33.40
The table is shown in sheet Ref. 3

An application of the use of this table is shown in this sheet,

Page 4 of 5

Return to index

45º < q <= 180 º

50 °

K2 

(11-  2 b^4
b^2)^2/  2

bmin =
0.6600 0.7

K2 * hv_2
150.0 Pa
252 Pa
Return to index

nsity in larger section Nozzle pressure loss

nce at this moment only the density in hv_2, refered to the common section
ction 1 is known, it will be assumed DPLoss = K2 * hv_2
r1 K2 = 1.068
hv_2 = 172.3 Pa
1.24 kg/m³ DPLoss = 184 Pa
1.24 kg/m³ Pressure decrement

(Equation from sheet 3)

locity pressure in larger section
(r/2) * v^2 [Pa]
1.24 kg/m³
16.64 m/s
172 [Pa]

ngle pressure loss coefficient, using  2 1 

Pkinem   v2  4 - 1 (f)
Pressure increment  
= (2.6*(seno(radianes(q)/2))*(1-b^2)^2) / b^4 DPkinem = (r/2) * v2^2 * ( 1/b^4 -1 ) Note
30 º Expansion
r=  d 2 , kg/m 1
: d11.24 3 The coefficient K2 corresponds to

0.6652 - v2 = 16.64 m/s d 2 the conditions at the largest

1.068 - b= 0.6652 diameter, which in this case is d2.

ed in '1.- Air blown line '!AG15 DPkinem = 708 Pa

Used in '1.- Air blown line '!AG11

Return to index

Return to index

nsity in larger section

nce at this moment only the density in
ction 1 is known, it will be assumed

#VALUE! kg/m³ Increment

#VALUE! kg/m³ DPkinem = (r/2) * v2^2 * ( 1/b^4 -1 )

OK r=   v 2 kg/m
1  3
P   4  1
2 m/s
13.47  
b= 0.8996
locity pressure in larger section DPkinem = #VALUE! Pa
(r/2) * v^2 [Pa] Used in '1.- Air blown line '!AG15
#VALUE! kg/m³
13.47 m/s
#VALUE! [Pa]

ngular fricction factor

cular Diverging Wye
1.133 (sheet 2)
Pressure decrement

e coefficient K2 corresponds to the conditions at

e largest diameter, which in this case is d2.

Return to index
As / A c = 1.000
Ab / A c = 0.809
Qs / Q c = 0.5

Return to index
Page 1 of 10



re change due to
between two sections

- v22  Pa (b)

Page 2 of 10
Page 3 of 10



Page 4 of 10
Page 5 of 10
Page 6 of 10

e coefficient K2 corresponds to

conditions at the largest

meter, which in this case is d2.

Page 7 of 10

Page 8 of 10
Page 9 of 10

Page 10 of 10
Abrupt and gradual expansion [9]

d1 q d2

 
If q <= 45 º If 45º < q <= 180 º

   
2.6   seno    1   2 
K2 
1  
  2  4
K2 
 4

K2 = (2.6 * ( seno(radianes(q)/2) ) * (1 - b^2)^2) / b^4 K2 =

q= 30 º
b= 0.665 bmin = 0.6 b=
K2 = 1.071 (See graphic, below) K2 =

Note. Coefficients refered to the velocity of larger pipe (Index 2)

Using the VBA function

K2 = Pipe_Expansion_Theta30gr_beta
b= 0.707
K2 = #VALUE!

q= 30 º

b= K2 =
0.10 Singular coefficient
0.30 68.80
0.35 34.53
4.00 18.55
0.45 10.44

0.50 6.06
2.00 3.58
0.60 2.13
0.65 1.26
0.00 0.73
0.750.40 0.50
0.41 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10
0.80 0.21 beta
0.85 0.10
0.90 0.04
0.95 0.01
1.00 0.00
Return to index

For enlargements with q > 45° Expansion between two ducts
with b >= 0.7
K2 = (1 - b^2) / b^4 Inlet duct diameter
dn_in = 24 in
Outlet duct diameter
b= 0.7 dn_out = 36 in
K2 = 2.1241 Center angle
q= 30 º

Sheet thickness
s= 2.0066 mm

45º < q <= 180 º Inlet section

dn_in = 24 in
s= 2

K2 
1    2 2 din =
din =
Outlet section
dn_out = 36 in
(1 - b^2)^2/ b^4 s= 2.0066
dout = 910.3868 mm
0.665 dout = 0.9104 m
Diameters ratio
b= dmin / dmax
dout = 0.910 m
din = 0.606 m
b= 0.6652

Single pressure loss coefficient, using

the VBA function for q = 30 º
K2 = Pipe_Expansion_Theta30gr_beta

b= 0.6652 -
K2 = #VALUE! -

Expansion between two ducts

Inlet duct diameter

dn_in = 24 in
Outlet duct diameter
dn_out = 36 in
Center angle
q= 25 º

Sheet thickness
s= 2.0066 mm

Inlet section
dn_in = 24 in
s= 2.0066
din = 605.5868 mm
din = 0.6056 m

Outlet section
dn_out = 36 in
s= 2.0066
dout = 910.3868 mm
dout = 0.9104 m

Diameters ratio
b= dmin / dmax
dout = 0.910 m
din = 0.606 m
b= 0.6652

Single pressure loss coefficient, using

the equation
K2 = (2.6*(seno(radianes(q)/2))*(1-b^2)^2) / b^4

q= 25 º
b= 0.6652 -
K2 = 0.893 -
Specific gravity

The SG-value is required in Sheet 6, for In the US gas industry typical references
the calculation of the K-value for the conditions are:
selected valve type. PStd = 1
tStd = 60
Specific gravity of gas
Molecular mass of air Air density at
MMair = 286.90 J/(kg*K) PStd = 101325
(Sheet 1) tStd = 15.6
Molecular mass of gas T= 288.7
MMgas = 286.9 J/(kg*K) Molecular mass
(Sheet 1) M= 28.97
SG = MMgas / MMair Gas general constat
MMgas = 286.90 J/(kg*K) Rg = 8314.41
MMair = 286.90 J/(kg*K)
SG = 1 - Density
rair_Std = p * M / ( Rg *T )
Since in this application the gas is air, the p= 101325
calculation is inofficious M= 28.97
Rg = 8314.41
T= 288.7
rair_Std = 1.22

Specific Gravity for Gases

The Specific Gravity of a gas is normally calculated with reference to air - and defined as the ratio of the density of the gas

The Specific Gravity can be calculated as

SG = ρgas / ρair         (3)


SG = specific gravity of gas

ρgas = density of gas (kg/m3)

ρair = density of air (normally at NTP - 1.205 kg/m3)

NTP - Normal Temperature and Pressure - defined as 20oC (293.15 K, 68oF) and 1 atm ( 101.325 kN/m2, 101.325 kP
Molecular weights can be used to calculate Specific Gravity if the densities of the gas and the air are evaluated at the sam
Return to index rev.cjc.09.08.2018

ustry typical references K value for gas valve

The calculation of the Pressure drop
atm coefficient K for the valve requires as
ºF an input, the specific gravity of the gas.
This K coefficient is calculated using
equation 8c (See note 2)

kg/kmol Base Gas Density

The gas density equation remains the same but is referenced to what are known as standard

J/kmol K temperature and pressure conditions (STP). The reference conditions used in general industry

are 60ºF and 14.696 PSIA. The reference conditions used vary from country to country and
from industry to industry. In the U.S. gas industry typical reference conditions are 60ºF and

M / ( Rg *T ) 14.73 PSIA.
J/kmol K Valves. Pressure loss in valves with gas as a fluid. Normal and choked flow (SI)
K and using VBA function
kg/m3 Pipe_Valve_K_Gas_PinBarAbs_SG_QNm3h_HvPascal_Cv_toutCelcius

d as the ratio of the density of the gas to the density of the air - at a specified temperature and pressure.

tnormal = 20 ºC
tnormal = 68 ºF

Normal pressure and temperature of gases Imperial system

d 1 atm ( 101.325 kN/m2, 101.325 kPa, 14.7 psia, 0 psig, 30 in Hg, 760 torr)
s and the air are evaluated at the same pressure and temperature.

own as standard

n general industry

to country and

ure of gases Imperial system

Return to index

Real flow rate to normal flow rate

Real flow rate data Normal volumetric flow rate,

V= 10.83 m³/s (Sheet 1) Vn =
V= 39,000 m3/h Pop =
Pop = 1.4 bar (Sheet 1) Pn =
top = 130 °C (Sheet 1) Tn =
Top =
Normal conditions V=
Pn = 101,325 Pa Vn =
Tn = 273.15 K

Operation absolute temperature

Top = top + 273.15 Note
top = 129.6 °C For the deduction of equation (a), se
Top = 402.72 K www.piping-tools
File: Normal_to_real_flow_rate_and
Pop = 144,273 Pa

Kelv = 273.15 K
urn to index rev.cjc.09.08.2018

ormal volumetric flow rate, Eq. (a)

(Pop/Pn) * (Tn/Top) * V
144,273 Pa
101,325 Pa
273.15 K
402.72 °C
39,000.0 m3/h
37,665 Nm3/h

r the deduction of equation (a), see

e: Normal_to_real_flow_rate_and_FAD_flow rate
Return to index

Blower discharge temperature

Specific heat ratio

k= 1.4 - Inlet temperature
Local atmospheric pressure Tin = 283.15
Patm_loc = 73.7 kPa Intake pressure
Average ambient temperature Pin = Patm_loc
tin = 10 °C Pin = 73.7
Fan efficiency Discharge pressure
hc = 0.50 Pout = Patm_loc + Pdisch
Discharge manometric pressure Patm_loc = 73.7
Pdisch = 70 kPa(g) Pdisch = 70.0
Pout = 143.7
Discharge temperature
of isentropic compresión
Tdisch_s = Tin * (Pout/Pin)^((k-1)/k)
Tin = 283.15
Pin = 73.7
Pout = 143.7
k= 1.4
Tdisch_s = 343

Discharge temperature of a real compresión

K Tdesc = Tin + (Tdesc_s - Tin) / hc
Tin = 283.15 K
Tdisch_s = 343 K
kPa hcomp = 0.50 -
Tdisch = 403 K
tdisch = 129.6 ºC
kPa(g) Also
kPa Tdisch = Tin * ( 1 + ( ((Pdesc/Pin)^((k-1)/k) -1) / hc ) )
Tin = 283.15 K
Pout = 143.7 kPa
* (Pout/Pin)^((k-1)/k) Pin = 73.7 kPa
K k= 1.4 -
kPa hc = 0.50 -
kPa Tdisch = 403 K
- tdisch = 129.6 ºC

[2] Norris butterfly valves

[3] Ashrae Handbook 1985 Fundamentals


[9] Crane Co., Flow of Fluids Through Valves, Fittings and Pipe. Technical Paper No. 410M, 21

[10] Ashrae Handbook 2005 Fundamentals

Return to Index

o. 410M, 21st printing. Crane Co., 300 Park Ave., New York (1982).   

Microsoft Editor de
ecuaciones 3.0
Singular pressure drop coefficient for a round, 45º, converging wye [3]
rging wye [3]


Ashrae Handbook 1985 Fundamentals [3], Figure 6.2, page 33.40

Cross section to which coefficients is referenced: the common section (C)

[3], page 33.39.

hvC= (r/2) * vC^2 [Pa]

Pressure loss through the branch

DPBC = Cc,b * hvC

Pressure loss through the main (stright)

DPAC = Cc,s * hvC
[3], page 33.5
Galvanized steel, sheets, hot
dipped longitudinal seams
Rabs = 0.15 mm


ure 6.2, page 33.40

ed: the common section (C)

Thickness of galvanized steel sheets [4]
Galvanized Steel

Galvanized Steel
in mm
0.04 1.016
0.046 1.1684
0.052 1.3208
0.058 1.4732
0.064 1.6256
0.071 1.8034 Galvanized steel sheet
0.079 2.0066 Gauge 14 -
0.093 2.3622 thickness 2.007 mm
0.108 2.7432
1.123 28.5242
0.138 3.5052
0.153 3.8862
0.168 4.2672
Wye, 45 degree
Ashrae 2005, page 35.9
straight (main) section
From [10], Table ED5-2 Wye, 45º, converging, page 35.37
[10] Page 35.9
straight (main) section
DP = Cs * Pkinem Eq. (30)
[10] Page 35.9
straight (main) section
DP = Cs * Pkinem Eq. (30)
As / A c =
Ab / A c =
Qs / Q c =

From table
Cs =

[10] Page 35.9

straight (main) section
DP = Cs * Pkinem Eq. (30)

As / A c = 1
Ab / Ac = 0.809286
Qs / Q c = 0.5

From table
Cs = 0.06

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