Cours Anglais Tech

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Université usto Mohamed Boudiaf - Oran Matière :

Faculté D’archi. Et de g. civil Anglais technique et

Département de Génie Civil Terminologie
1ère Année Master (S1) L’enseignant : bakoura a.

Semestre: 1
Unité d’enseignement: UET1.1
Matière 1:Anglais technique et terminologie
VHS: 22h30 (Cours: 1h30)
Crédits: 1
Coefficient: 1

Objectifs de l’enseignement:
Initier l’étudiant au vocabulaire technique. Renforcer ses connaissances de la langue. L’aider à
comprendre et à synthétiser un document technique. Lui permettre de comprendre une conversation
en anglais tenue dans un cadre scientifique.

Connaissances préalables recommandées:

Vocabulaire et grammaire de base en anglais

Contenu de la matière:
- Compréhension écrite : Lecture et analyse de textes relatifs à la spécialité.
- Expression orale : Exposé d'un sujet scientifique ou technique, élaboration et échange de
messages oraux (idées et données).
- Expression écrite : Extraction des idées d’un document scientifique, Ecriture d’un message
scientifique, Echange d’information par écrit.

Recommandation :
Il est vivement recommandé au responsable de la matière de présenter et expliquer à la fin de
chaque séance (au plus) une dizaine de mots techniques de la spécialité dans les trois langues
(si possible) anglais, français et arabe.

Mode d’évaluation:
Examen: 100%.

Références bibliographiques :
1. P.T. Danison, Guide pratique pour rédiger en anglais: usages et règles, conseils pratiques,
Editions d'Organisation 2007
2. A.Chamberlain, R. Steele, Guide pratique de la communication: anglais, Didier 1992
3. R. Ernst, Dictionnaire des techniques et sciences appliquées: français-anglais, Dunod 2002.
4. J. Comfort, S. Hick, and A. Savage, Basic Technical English, Oxford University Press, 1980
5. E. H. Glendinning and N. Glendinning, Oxford English for Electrical and Mechanical
Engineering, Oxford University Press 1995
6. T. N. Huckin, and A. L. Olsen, Technical writing and professional communication for nonnative
speakers of English, McGraw-Hill 1991
7. J. Orasanu, Reading Comprehension from Research to Practice, Erlbaum Associates 1986

Anglais technique et terminologie Page 1

Université usto Mohamed Boudiaf - Oran Matière :
Faculté D’archi. Et de g. civil Anglais technique et
Département de Génie Civil Terminologie
1ère Année Master (S1) L’enseignant : bakoura a.


This textbook presents a basic introductory course to technical English vocabulary

in civil engineering. It gives students a good background for developing their ability
to understand and analyze given problems using fundamentals approaches acquired.
The necessary prerequisites are the knowledge related to structures, geotechnical, soil
mechanics, … since the subject is the synthesis of the above mentioned courses.

Although the students’ level of English is much lower than expected, they all agree
on the importance of technical English for their future career. The results also show
the students’ lack in skills that are difficult to train in regular classes (speaking and
talking). Consequently, this situation would require to provide complementary
activities like the ones suggested in this project in order to develop these skills and
increase the students’ demand for engineering classes taught in English.

The students’ own perspective of their education is also changing radically, as they
are becoming more aware of the importance of English in order to develop their
professional career. In fact, the number of applications to participate in exchange
programs with foreign institutions (i.e. ERASMUS) increases yearly in practically all
bachelor degrees. Yet a large number of these applications are dismissed at the
receiving institutions because of the lack of the required level of English on the part
of the applicants.

Anglais technique et terminologie Page 2

Université usto Mohamed Boudiaf - Oran Matière :
Faculté D’archi. Et de g. civil Anglais technique et
Département de Génie Civil Terminologie
1ère Année Master (S1) L’enseignant : bakoura a.



Engineering mechanics is the branch of science in which it deals with the laws and
principles of mechanics, and their application with the engineering problems. For an
engineer the knowledge of engineering mechanics is very essential. It helps an
engineer in planning, designing, and construction of various types of structures and
machines. If an engineer study engineering mechanics in systematic and scientific
manner than he can take up his job more skillfully

What is Beam and Types of Beams in Strength of Materials?

In this article we will discuss about the different types of
beams used in the construction. Without beams there will not be any structure
which can withstand loads. They are the structural member which helps in bearing
loads. If there are no beams, there will be no structure.

What is a Beam?
Beam is defined as the structural member which is used to bear
different loads. It resists the vertical loads, shear forces and bending
Types of Beams
The different types of beams are:

Anglais technique et terminologie Page 3

Université usto Mohamed Boudiaf - Oran Matière :
Faculté D’archi. Et de g. civil Anglais technique et
Département de Génie Civil Terminologie
1ère Année Master (S1) L’enseignant : bakoura a.

1. Cantilever Beam: A cantilever beam is a beam which is fixed from one end
and free at the other end.

2. Simply Supported Beam: A beam which is supported or resting on the

supports at its both the ends, is called simply supported beam.

3. Overhanging Beam: In a beam, if one of its ends is extended

beyond the support, it is known as overhanging beam.

4. Fixed Beams: A beam which has both of its ends fixed or built
in walls is called fixed beam.

Anglais technique et terminologie Page 4

Université usto Mohamed Boudiaf - Oran Matière :
Faculté D’archi. Et de g. civil Anglais technique et
Département de Génie Civil Terminologie
1ère Année Master (S1) L’enseignant : bakoura a.

5. Continuous Beam: It is beam which is provided with more than

two supports as shown in figure.

Types of Support in Structures

In this article you will learn about different types of support used in structure. There
are basically three types of support and these are roller, pinned and fixed support.
There is a fourth support also called as simple support, it is generally not used in
structures. Every support has its own field of application. Supports are used in
structures to provide it stability and strength.

The various types of supports that are used in structures are:

1. Roller Support

The roller supports has only one reaction, this reaction acts perpendicular to the
surface and away from it. The reaction offered by the roller support is shown in
the figure given

Anglais technique et terminologie Page 5

Université usto Mohamed Boudiaf - Oran Matière :
Faculté D’archi. Et de g. civil Anglais technique et
Département de Génie Civil Terminologie
1ère Année Master (S1) L’enseignant : bakoura a.

2. Fixed Support

The pinned support has two support reactions and these are vertical and
horizontal reactions. It allows the structural member to rotate but does not
allow translating in any direction. The pinned support allows the rotation only
in one direction and resists the rotation in any other direction.

3. Pinned Support

It is a support which is capable of resisting all types of loads i.e. horizontal, vertical
as well as moments. The fixed support does not allow the rotation and translation
motion to the structural members.

 The fixed support is also called as rigid support.

 The reactions acting in the fixed support is shown in the figure given.

Anglais technique et terminologie Page 6

Université usto Mohamed Boudiaf - Oran Matière :
Faculté D’archi. Et de g. civil Anglais technique et
Département de Génie Civil Terminologie
1ère Année Master (S1) L’enseignant : bakoura a.

4. Simple Support

The simple support is used where the structural member has to rest on the
external structure. These types of support are not used widely in daily life. It is
similar to the roller support.

Summary of Different Types of Support in Tabular Form

Anglais technique et terminologie Page 7

Université usto Mohamed Boudiaf - Oran Matière :
Faculté D’archi. Et de g. civil Anglais technique et
Département de Génie Civil Terminologie
1ère Année Master (S1) L’enseignant : bakoura a.

Types of forces in Structures

1. External Forces and Loads

Every structure needs to support a load. The total load is the sum of the static and
dynamic loads. The static load is the effect of gravity on a structure. The dynamic
load is the forces that move or change while acting on the structure. It is called
“dynamic” because these forces change their magnitude, direction, and point and
plane of application over time. Figure shows the dynamic forces of the truck moving
over the bridge and the wind on the bridge.

This frame (beam, column, slab) becomes very strong, and must resist the various
loads that act on a building during its life.
 Dead Loads: the downwards force on the building coming from the weight of the
building itself, including the structural elements, walls, facades, and the like.
 Live Loads: the downwards force on the building coming from the expected
weight of the occupants and their possessions, including furniture, books, and so
 Dynamic Loads: these occur commonly in bridges and similar infrastructure.
 Wind Loads
 Earthquake Loads: in an earthquake, the ground vigorously shakes the building
both horizontally and vertically.

Anglais technique et terminologie Page 8

Université usto Mohamed Boudiaf - Oran Matière :
Faculté D’archi. Et de g. civil Anglais technique et
Département de Génie Civil Terminologie
1ère Année Master (S1) L’enseignant : bakoura a.

2. Internal Forces
This internal force is caused by one part of your body acting on another part. Other
structures also experience internal forces.
Depending on the direction in which they act, internal forces can be classified as
compression, tension, shear, or torsion.
To calculate these internal forces, simply:
1. Draw a free-body diagram (FBD) of the entire body,
2. Find reactions at external supports,
3. Find reactions at connections,
4. Keep all loads in their exact locations,
5. Pass a section cut through the member perpendicular to its axis at the point where
the internal loads are to be determined,
6. Draw FBD of cut member,
7. For 2D problem find N, V, M (normal force, shear force and moment respectively)
from equilibrium.

Anglais technique et terminologie Page 9

Université usto Mohamed Boudiaf - Oran Matière :
Faculté D’archi. Et de g. civil Anglais technique et
Département de Génie Civil Terminologie
1ère Année Master (S1) L’enseignant : bakoura a.


Concrete frame structures are a very common - or perhaps the most common- type of
modern building internationally. As the name suggests, this type of building consists
of a frame or skeleton of concrete. Horizontal members of this frame are
called beams, and vertical members are called columns and shear walls if exist.
Humans walk on flat planes of concrete called slabs (see figure). Of these, the
column is the most important, as it is the primary load-carrying element of the
building. If you damage a beam or slab in a building, this will affect only one floor,
but damage to a column could bring down the entire building.

Reinforced concrete is one of the principal building materials used in engineered

structures because:
• Low cost
• Weathering and fire resistance
• Good compressive strength
• Formability
All these criteria make concrete an attractive material for wide range of structural
applications such as buildings, dams, reservoirs, tanks, etc.

Anglais technique et terminologie Page 10

Université usto Mohamed Boudiaf - Oran Matière :
Faculté D’archi. Et de g. civil Anglais technique et
Département de Génie Civil Terminologie
1ère Année Master (S1) L’enseignant : bakoura a.

Concrete Procedure
When we say concrete in the building trade, we actually mean reinforced concrete.
Its full name is reinforced cement concrete, or RCC. RCC is concrete that contains
steel bars, called reinforcement bars, or rebars. This combination works very well,
as concrete is very strong in compression, easy to produce at site, and inexpensive
and steel is very strong in tension.
To make reinforced concrete, one first makes a mould, called formwork that will
contain the liquid concrete and give it the form and shape we need. Then one looks at
the structural engineer's drawings and places in the steel reinforcement bars, and ties
them in place using wire. The tied steel is called a reinforcement cage, because it is
shaped like one. Once the steel is in place, one can start to prepare the concrete, by
mixing cement, sand, stone (aggregate) chips in a range of sizes (Working out the
exact 'recipe', or proportions of each ingredient, is a science in itself It is
called concrete mix design). And water in a cement mixer, and pouring in the liquid
concrete into the formwork till exactly the right level is reached.

Method of design of reinforced concrete structures

 design data
actions, loads
subsoil conditions
choice of adequate technology
 preliminary project
importance of cooperation between architect and structural engineer
 building permission project
static model and calculations
choice of structural material
investigation of variants
economical evaluation

Anglais technique et terminologie Page 11

Université usto Mohamed Boudiaf - Oran Matière :
Faculté D’archi. Et de g. civil Anglais technique et
Département de Génie Civil Terminologie
1ère Année Master (S1) L’enseignant : bakoura a.

 working drawings (execution project, detailed drawings)

consultations with the constructor
part of the documentation: drawings, lists of bars
technical description
bill of quantities

Safety in reinforced concrete structure

A structure must be safe against collapse; strength of the structure must be adequate
for all loads that might act on it. If we could build buildings as designed, and if the
loads and their internal effects can be predicted accurately, we do not have to worry
about safety. But there are uncertainties in:
• Actual loads;
• Forces/loads might be distributed in a manner different from what we assumed;
• The assumptions in analysis might not be exactly correct;
• Actual behavior might be different from that assumed;
Finally, we would like to have the structure safe against brittle failure (gradual
failure with ample warning permitting remedial measures is preferable to a sudden or
brittle failure).

Anglais technique et terminologie Page 12

Université usto Mohamed Boudiaf - Oran Matière :
Faculté D’archi. Et de g. civil Anglais technique et
Département de Génie Civil Terminologie
1ère Année Master (S1) L’enseignant : bakoura a.

Load Transfer Mechanism in Footing

Footings are structural elements that transmit load of entire superstructure to the
underlying soil below the structure. Footings are designed to transmit these loads to
the soil without exceeding its safe bearing capacity.

Soil is the root support of the footing. All the forces that come in contact with the
footings will be transferred to the soil.

The soil shall bear these loads by the aspect known as bearing capacity. The bearing
capacity changes from one type of soil to another and it is the key factor in estimating
the size of footings.

Anglais technique et terminologie Page 13

Université usto Mohamed Boudiaf - Oran Matière :
Faculté D’archi. Et de g. civil Anglais technique et
Département de Génie Civil Terminologie
1ère Année Master (S1) L’enseignant : bakoura a.

Types of Precast Components in a Building

The figure below shows the building structure with basic precast components. The
number of different types of precast components in these structures over the years
have become very large. But following figure shows the major types of precast
components in a building.

Precast Beams:
There are two main categories of beams:
1. Internal beams – where floor loading is approximately symmetrical
2. External beams – where floor loading is predominantly non-symmetrical.

Anglais technique et terminologie Page 14

Université usto Mohamed Boudiaf - Oran Matière :
Faculté D’archi. Et de g. civil Anglais technique et
Département de Génie Civil Terminologie
1ère Année Master (S1) L’enseignant : bakoura a.

Precast Columns:
For structures of five storeys or less, each column will normally be continuous to the
full height of the building. For structures greater than five storeys two or more
columns are spliced together.

The main types of precast columns are:

Edge columns – symmetrical in one direction.
Internal columns – symmetrical in all directions.
1. Corner columns – not symmetrical at all.

Precast staircases:
Three options are available for precast staircases:

o - A single precast unit containing all the flights and landings

o - Separate precast flights and landings
o - Parts of the flights and landings are made in one piece.

Anglais technique et terminologie Page 15

Université usto Mohamed Boudiaf - Oran Matière :
Faculté D’archi. Et de g. civil Anglais technique et
Département de Génie Civil Terminologie
1ère Année Master (S1) L’enseignant : bakoura a.


Steel frame is typically consisting of vertical column and horizontal beams which are
riveted, bolted or welded together in a rectilinear grid. Steel beams are horizontal
structural members that resist loads applied laterally to their axis. Columns are
vertical structural members that transfer compressive loads. It can be used to form the
skeleton of a building.
Applications and advantages of Steel Frame Structure

Steel frame structure is considerably suitable option for the construction of various
buildings due to its strength, low weigh, speed of construction, large spans
construction capability.

 Incredibly versatile
 Environmentally friendly
 Sustainable
 Affordable
 Durable
 Erect quickly and easily
 High strength
 Relatively low weight
 Ability to span large distances
 Adaptability to any kind of shape
 Ductility; when subjected to great force, it will not suddenly crack like glass,
but slowly bend out of shape.

Anglais technique et terminologie Page 16

Université usto Mohamed Boudiaf - Oran Matière :
Faculté D’archi. Et de g. civil Anglais technique et
Département de Génie Civil Terminologie
1ère Année Master (S1) L’enseignant : bakoura a.

Different rolled steel sections-shapes

Rolled steel sections are available in various forms for use in Steel Construction. Shapes, sizes and properties
of these rolled steel sections are discussed.

Sections comment Shape

are manufactured in “L” shape. It contains
Rolled Angle Sections two legs.

The channel section or C- section consists

Rolled Channel Sections two equal flanges connected to web at both

T section consists of flange and web

Rolled T- Sections arranged in “T” shape.

Anglais technique et terminologie Page 17

Université usto Mohamed Boudiaf - Oran Matière :
Faculté D’archi. Et de g. civil Anglais technique et
Département de Génie Civil Terminologie
1ère Année Master (S1) L’enseignant : bakoura a.

It consists two flanges and a web connected

Rolled I – Sections

Corrugated Sheets Plain steel sheets are passed through

machines which produce bends by pressing
them called corrugations. These sheets are
used for roof coverings.

Ribbed Bars (HYSD) Ribbed HYSD bars are made of high yield
strength steel. are important innovation of
steel and they are extensively used as main
reinforcement materials in all concrete works
like bridges, buildings, precast concrete
works, foundations, roads etc.

Types of Structural Steel Framing Systems

Different types of structural steel framing systems for buildings such as skeleton, wall
bearing and long span framing systems and their applications and configurations are

Skeleton Steel Framing System

Skeleton steel frame is composed of steel beams and columns which are connected
using proper connection. Steel beams around perimeter of the structure are termed as
spandrel beams on which masonry walls are placed.

Anglais technique et terminologie Page 18

Université usto Mohamed Boudiaf - Oran Matière :
Faculté D’archi. Et de g. civil Anglais technique et
Département de Génie Civil Terminologie
1ère Année Master (S1) L’enseignant : bakoura a.

It should be known that all gravity loads in skeleton frame structure are supported by
beams and columns. The distance between columns can be established according to
the functions and requirements of the structure.

Wall Bearing Steel Framing System

In a wall bearing steel framing structure, building wall whether it is interior or

exterior is used to carry the end of structural members that support floor or roof

Wall bearing framing is suitable for the construction of low rise structure. There are
several cases in which wall bearing frame system is suitable to be used. For example,
single story house in which steel beams are used to carry wall and floor loads and the
end of the steel beams are placed on foundation walls, as shown in Figure

The end of steel beam, which support floor loads, is installed on walls, intermediary
support (cylindrical steel column) applied to support the beam because the span is

Long Span Steel Framing

Long span steel framing is considered when large clearance is required and such long
spanning cannot be realized using steel beams and columns.

Anglais technique et terminologie Page 19

Université usto Mohamed Boudiaf - Oran Matière :
Faculté D’archi. Et de g. civil Anglais technique et
Département de Génie Civil Terminologie
1ère Année Master (S1) L’enseignant : bakoura a.

Long span steel framing options can be categorized into different types, for instance,
girders, trusses, rigid frames, arches and cantilever suspension spans.

Types of Steel Beam Connection

There are various types of steel beam connections used in structures. Steel beam
connections are categorized into two groups namely framed and seated connections.

Bolted/welded Framed Steel Beam Connections

In this type of connection, steel beams are linked to supporting elements whether it is
steel girders or columns with web connection angle by bolt/weld connectors as seen
in Figure.

Bolted/welded Seated Steel Beam Connection

There are two major types of bolted seated connections including unstiffened
bolted/welded seat connections and stiffened bolted/welded seat connection as
illustrated in Figures.

Anglais technique et terminologie Page 20

Université usto Mohamed Boudiaf - Oran Matière :
Faculté D’archi. Et de g. civil Anglais technique et
Département de Génie Civil Terminologie
1ère Année Master (S1) L’enseignant : bakoura a.

It is advised to use bolts to connect beam bottom flange to the seat. These bolts can
be removed or left at their position after the welding process is ended. Welded
connection is not desired from environmental point of view and worker. This is
because such connection is neither can be dismantled nor erected easily.

Types of Bracing Systems Used in Multi-Story Steel Structures

There are different types of bracing systems commonly used in multi-story steel
structures between orthogonally arranged beams and columns to transfer horizontal
forces imposed on the structure.

Vertical bracing systems are required to be designed to resist wind forces, equivalent
horizontal forces that represent the influence of initial imperfections and second
order effects caused by frame sway in the case of the flexible frame.

The location of vertical planes of bracing should be determined carefully. It is

advised to place the vertical bracing planes at furthest point of the structure to
withstand torsion forces that may occur due to horizontal forces.

There are two major bracing systems:

 Vertical bracing system

 Horizontal bracing system

Anglais technique et terminologie Page 21

Université usto Mohamed Boudiaf - Oran Matière :
Faculté D’archi. Et de g. civil Anglais technique et
Département de Génie Civil Terminologie
1ère Année Master (S1) L’enseignant : bakoura a.


Basic Characteristics of Soils
Soil consists of different phases of solid, liquid, and gas and its characteristics
depend on the interacting behavior of these phases, and on the stress applied. The
solid phase includes clay, non-clay minerals, and organic matter. These elements are
categorized by their size as clay, sand, and gravel. The liquid phase is composed of
water that contains organic compounds available from chemical spills, wastes, and
ground water, while the gas phase is normally air. The size, form, chemical
properties, compressibility, and load carrying capability of the soil particles are
determined by soil mineralogy, which is a science related with the chemistry,
structure, and physical properties of minerals. The structure of a soil depends upon
the arrangement of particles, particle groups, pore spaces, and the composition.
These basic characteristics determine the type of structure to be built and what
external support measures, if any, has to be taken to make the structure last long and
bear the effects of earthquake, water seepage, and other external factors.

Soil mechanics studies are used to determine lateral earth pressure, bearing
capacity of soil, and conduct slope stability analysis. These studies always help a
civil engineer to design and construct better structures and indirectly

Anglais technique et terminologie Page 22

Université usto Mohamed Boudiaf - Oran Matière :
Faculté D’archi. Et de g. civil Anglais technique et
Département de Génie Civil Terminologie
1ère Année Master (S1) L’enseignant : bakoura a.

these studies help in risk mitigation too because if we know beforehand how the soil

mass is going to behave, we can take precautionary measures at the time of

construction itself.

Loam: is a mixture of clay, sand and silt and benefits from the qualities of these
3 different textures, favoring water retention, air circulation, drainage and fertility.
These soils are fertile, easy to work with and provide good drainage. Depending on
their predominant composition they can be either sandy or clay loam.

Anglais technique et terminologie Page 23

Université usto Mohamed Boudiaf - Oran Matière :
Faculté D’archi. Et de g. civil Anglais technique et
Département de Génie Civil Terminologie
1ère Année Master (S1) L’enseignant : bakoura a.

Retaining wall
Retaining wall is a structure that are designed and constructed to withstand lateral
pressure of soil or hold back soil materials. The lateral pressure could be also due to
earth filling, liquid pressure, sand, and other granular materials behind the retaining
wall structure.

1. Gravity Retaining Wall

 Gravity retaining wall depends on its self-weight only to

resist lateral earth pressure.

 Commonly, gravity retaining wall is massive because it

requires significant gravity load to counter act soil pressure.

 Sliding, overturning, and bearing forces shall be taken into

consideration while this type of retaining wall structure is


2. Gabion Retaining Walls

 Gabion retaining wall walls are multi-celled, rectangular wire

mesh boxes, which are filled with rocks or other suitable materials.

 It is employed for construction of erosion control structures.

 It is also used to stabilize steep slopes.

Anglais technique et terminologie Page 24

Université usto Mohamed Boudiaf - Oran Matière :
Faculté D’archi. Et de g. civil Anglais technique et
Département de Génie Civil Terminologie
1ère Année Master (S1) L’enseignant : bakoura a.

3. Cantilever Retaining Wall

 Cantilever retaining wall composed of stem and base slab
 It is constructed from reinforced concrete, precast concrete,

or prestress concrete.

 Cantilever retaining wall is the most common type used as

retaining walls.

4. Anchored Retaining Wall

 This type of retaining wall is employed when the space is limited

or thin retaining wall is required.

 Anchored retaining wall is suitable for loose soil over rocks.

 Considerably high retaining wall can be constructed using this

type of retaining wall structure system.

 deep cable rods or wires are driven deep sideways into the earth,

then the ends are filled with concrete to provide anchor.

 Anchors (tiebacks) acts against overturning and sliding pressure.

5. Piled Retaining Wall

 Pile retaining wall are constructed by driving reinforced concrete

piles adjacent to each other.

 Piles are forced into a depth that is sufficient to counter the force

which tries to push over the wall.

 It is employed in both temporary and permanent works.

Anglais technique et terminologie Page 25

Université usto Mohamed Boudiaf - Oran Matière :
Faculté D’archi. Et de g. civil Anglais technique et
Département de Génie Civil Terminologie
1ère Année Master (S1) L’enseignant : bakoura a.

Selection of Type of Foundation

Commonly, the selection of foundation type for a given structure is controlled
by number of factors for example soil type, past site usage, adjacent construction, size
of development process, limitations.

1. Pad foundation

A spread footing also called as isolated footing,

pad footing and individual footing is provided

to support an individual column. A spread footing

is circular, square or rectangular slab of uniform

thickness. Sometimes, it is stepped or haunched

to spread the load over a large area.

2. Strip foundation

Strip foundations consist of a continuous strip, usually of concrete, formed centrally

under load bearing walls. This continuous strip

serves as a level base on which the wall is built

and is of such a width as is necessary to spread

the load on the foundations to an area of subsoil

capable of supporting the load without undue


Anglais technique et terminologie Page 26

Université usto Mohamed Boudiaf - Oran Matière :
Faculté D’archi. Et de g. civil Anglais technique et
Département de Génie Civil Terminologie
1ère Année Master (S1) L’enseignant : bakoura a.

3. Raft foundation

A raft foundation is a large concrete slab

covering the whole building area.

All loads are transmitted through the raft
to the soil.
Rafts are suitable for low load bearing soils.

Anglais technique et terminologie Page 27

Université usto Mohamed Boudiaf - Oran Matière :
Faculté D’archi. Et de g. civil Anglais technique et
Département de Génie Civil Terminologie
1ère Année Master (S1) L’enseignant : bakoura a.


What’s concrete ?

Concrete is a construction material composed of cement, fine aggregates (sand) and coarse
aggregates mixed with water which hardens with time. Portland cement is the commonly used type
of cement for production of concrete. Concrete technology deals with study of properties of
concrete and its practical applications.

In a building construction, concrete is used for the construction of foundations, columns, beams,
slabs and other load bearing elements.

There are different types of binding material is used other than cement such as lime for lime
concrete and bitumen for asphalt concrete which is used for road construction.

Various types of cements are used for concrete works which have different properties and
applications. Some of the type of cement are Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC), rapid hardening
cement, Sulphate resistant cement etc.

Water cement ratio plays an important role which influences various properties such as
workability, strength and durability. Adequate water cement ratio is required for production of
workable concrete.

When water is mixed with materials, cement reacts with water and hydration reaction starts. This
reaction helps ingredients to form a hard matrix that binds the materials together into a durable
stone-like material.

Concrete can be casted in any shape. Since it is a plastic material in fresh state, various shapes and
sizes of forms or formworks are used to provide different shapes such as rectangular, circular etc.

Various structural members such as beams, slabs, footings, columns, lintels etc. are constructed
with concrete.

What is Grade of Concrete?

Grade of concrete denotes its strength required for construction. For example, M30 grade signifies
that compressive strength required for construction is 30MPa. The first letter in grade “M” is the
mix and 30 is the required strength in MPa.

Anglais technique et terminologie Page 28

Université usto Mohamed Boudiaf - Oran Matière :
Faculté D’archi. Et de g. civil Anglais technique et
Département de Génie Civil Terminologie
1ère Année Master (S1) L’enseignant : bakoura a.

Based on various lab tests, grade of concrete is presented in Mix Proportions. For example, for M30
grade, the mix proportion can be 1:1:2, where 1 is the ratio of cement, 1 is the ratio of sand and 2 is
the ratio of coarse aggregate based on volume or weight of materials.

The strength is measured with concrete cube or cylinders by civil engineers at construction site.
Cube or cylinders are made during casting of structural member and after hardening it is cured for
28 days. Then compressive strength test is conducted to find the strength.

Regular grades of concrete are M15, M20, M25 etc. For plain cement concrete works, generally
M15 is used. For reinforced concrete construction minimum M20 grade of concrete are used.

How to Make Concrete?

Concrete is manufactured or mixed in proportions w.r.t. cement quantity. There are two types of
concrete mixes, i.e. nominal mix and design mix. Nominal mix is used for normal construction
works such as small residential buildings. Most popular nominal mix are in the proportion of 1:2:4.

Design mixed concrete are those for which mix proportions are finalized based on various lab tests
on cylinder or cube for its compressive strength. This process is also called as mix design. These
tests are conducted to find suitable mix based on locally available material to obtain strength
required as per structural design. A design mixed offers economy on use of ingredients.

Once suitable mix proportions are known, then its ingredients are mixed in the ratio as selected.
Two methods are used for mixing, i.e. Hand Mixing or Machine Mixing.

Based on quantity and quality required, the suitable method of mixing is selected. In the hand
mixing, each ingredients are placed on a flat surface and water is added and mixed with hand tools.
In machine mixing, different types of machines are used. In this case, the ingredients are added in
required quantity to mix and produce fresh concrete.

Once the it is mixed adequately it is transported to casting location and poured in formworks.
Various types of formworks are available which as selected based on usage.

Poured concrete is allowed to set in formworks for specified time based on type of structural
member to gain sufficient strength.

After removal of formwork, curing is done by various methods to make up the moisture loss due to
evaporation. Hydration reaction requires moisture which is responsible for setting and strength gain.
So, curing is generally continued for minimum 7 days after removal of formwork.

Types of Concrete Construction

Concrete is generally used in two types of construction, i.e. plain concrete construction and
reinforced concrete construction. In PCC, it is poured and casted without use of any reinforcement.

Anglais technique et terminologie Page 29

Université usto Mohamed Boudiaf - Oran Matière :
Faculté D’archi. Et de g. civil Anglais technique et
Département de Génie Civil Terminologie
1ère Année Master (S1) L’enseignant : bakoura a.

This is used when the structural member is subjected only to the compressive forces and not

When a structural member is subjected to bending, reinforcements are required to withstand tension
forces structural member as it is very weak in tension compared to compression. Generally,
strength of concrete in tension is only 10% of its strength in compression.

It is used as a construction material for almost all types of structures such as residential concrete
buildings, industrial structures, dams, roads, tunnels, multi storey buildings, skyscrapers, bridges,
sidewalks and superhighways etc.

Example of famous and large structures made with concrete are Hoover Dam, Panama Canal and
Roman Pantheon. It is the largest human made building materials used for construction.

Steps of Concrete Construction

The construction steps are:

1. Selecting quantities of materials for selected mix proportion

2. Mixing
3. Checking of workability
4. Transportation
5. Pouring in formwork for casting
6. Vibrating for proper compaction
7. Removal of formwork after suitable time
8. Curing member with suitable methods and required time.

A good formwork should satisfy the following requirements

1. It should be strong enough to withstand all types of dead and live loads.
2. It should be rigidly constructed and efficiently propped and braced both horizontally and
vertically, so as to retain its shape.
3. The joints in the formwork should be tight against leakage of cement grout.
4. Construction of formwork should permit removal of various parts in desired sequences
without damage to the concrete.
5. The material of the formwork should be cheap, easily available and should be suitable for
6. The formwork should be set accurately to the desired line and levels should have plane
7. It should be as light as possible.
8. The material of the formwork should not warp or get distorted when exposed to the
9. It should rest on firm base.

Anglais technique et terminologie Page 30

Université usto Mohamed Boudiaf - Oran Matière :
Faculté D’archi. Et de g. civil Anglais technique et
Département de Génie Civil Terminologie
1ère Année Master (S1) L’enseignant : bakoura a.


The sequence of work to be followed in the construction of a building is the at most important
procedures of construction. The major sequences of construction are marking, excavation,
concreting, brick masonry, roof laying, flooring and finishing.

1. Paper Work
Construction of residential building required paper work before the start of actual construction. The
paper works are preparation of drawings, estimation of material cost, labor cost & contingencies,
approval of drawings from City Development Authority.

Fig 1: Making of drawings.

2. Marking of Layout
The approved plan boundaries are marked in the ground first and the ground inside and outside the
layout is cleaned. Later the complete layout is marked on the ground with accurate dimension and

Fig 2: Marking of Layout

Anglais technique et terminologie Page 31

Université usto Mohamed Boudiaf - Oran Matière :
Faculté D’archi. Et de g. civil Anglais technique et
Département de Génie Civil Terminologie
1ère Année Master (S1) L’enseignant : bakoura a.

3. Excavation
Generally excavation is carried out for the construction of wall foundations. Excavation should be
carried out as per the drawings defined lengths & widths. Suitable machines are used to excavate
the the earth for the making of foundation.

Fig 3: Excavation

4. Foundation Work
Foundation work consists of many sub works which are as follows,

1. Compacting the ground

The excavation pits are trimmed and dressed as per the requirement and the bottom is
compacted using hand compactors.

2. PCC

To form a solid bases on which the reinforcement can be tied and footing can be placed. Plain
cement concrete of the mix 1:4:8 or 1:3:6 is laid on the compacted soil in varying depth as

3. Footing Reinforcement

Reinforcement steel bars are tied together and placed on the PCC to form a skeleton in which
the concrete is poured and the column rods are taken from them.

4. Shuttering

To achieve proper shaped concrete, shuttering is done as per the dimensions mentioned in the
drawing. It is also done so that the concrete doesn’t come in contact with the soil .

Anglais technique et terminologie Page 32

Université usto Mohamed Boudiaf - Oran Matière :
Faculté D’archi. Et de g. civil Anglais technique et
Département de Génie Civil Terminologie
1ère Année Master (S1) L’enseignant : bakoura a.

5. Footing Concrete

It is very necessary to check the levels of foundation before concrete work. There are patches
where excavated depth slightly exceeds and vice versa. Concrete is poured as per drawing

Fig 4: Footing Concrete

Depth of foundation varies from 9” to 18” and normally for most of the cases it is considered as
12’’ depth. The foundation width is kept equals to its depth.

5. Column Casting
Casting of columns is made by fixing the shuttering framework and concrete is poured in the
formwork. The shuttering is usually removed after 24hr of casting and curing is done.

Fig 5: Column Casting

Anglais technique et terminologie Page 33

Université usto Mohamed Boudiaf - Oran Matière :
Faculté D’archi. Et de g. civil Anglais technique et
Département de Génie Civil Terminologie
1ère Année Master (S1) L’enseignant : bakoura a.

6. Construction of Walls
Walls are constructed using many materials such as brick, wooden, precast concrete and many
other. Before starting the wall construction the base of wall is constructed first using concrete or
size stone masonry. The height of the walls depends upon the floor height. Necessary opening are
to given for doors, windows and ventilators.

Fig 6: Construction of Walls

7. Roofing
Roof slab of building is poured after completion of masonry works. Now a days, roofing is of
reinforced cement concrete slab. Slab thickness & reinforcement details should be according to
approved drawings.

Fig 7: Roofing Concrete

Anglais technique et terminologie Page 34

Université usto Mohamed Boudiaf - Oran Matière :
Faculté D’archi. Et de g. civil Anglais technique et
Département de Génie Civil Terminologie
1ère Année Master (S1) L’enseignant : bakoura a.

8. Plastering Work
Form work is removed after 14 days of slab pouring. Now plaster work begins. Mortar for plaster
work is generally of 1:3 or 1:4 is used. Thickness of plaster layer should not be more than 0.75inch.
Cure the surface about 7 days. So that, plaster gain proper strength.

Fig 8: Plastering Work

Generally, internal walls of buildings are covered with plastered layer and external walls with
pointing. It is better plaster the external walls rather than pointing.

9. Fixing of Doors and Windows

Traditionally, doors and windows of woods are used. But, steel & aluminum is also not a bad
choice. In case of wooden doors & windows, frames are fixed in walls during masonry work. Panels
are then fixed with hinges after plaster work. Steel and aluminum doors are fixed after completion
of paint works.

10. Fixing of Electrical and Plumbing Works

The necessary electrical and plumbing works are carried out before the final finishing works such as
painting and tiles laying is done so as to reduce the damage.

11. Tiles Laying

Majorly tiles are laid in the bathrooms and kitchen area. First the wall tiles are fixed after which the
floor tiles are fixed. For flooring works, granite, marble, tiles, epoxy are also used.

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Université usto Mohamed Boudiaf - Oran Matière :
Faculté D’archi. Et de g. civil Anglais technique et
Département de Génie Civil Terminologie
1ère Année Master (S1) L’enseignant : bakoura a.

Fig 9: Tiles Laying

12. Painting
Painting consists of different sequences depending upon the type of finished required. 1 coat of
primer and 2 coat of water based paint is also done or 2 coat of putty and 2 coats of painting is done
for the smooth finish. It defers for outside and inside works.

Fig 10: Painting Works

13. Miscellaneous Works

Other than all these above mentioned works, there are other works that are carried as per the
requirement of the consumer and design engineer.

 Terrace water proofing

 landscaping works
 False Ceiling
 Installation of Furniture.

Anglais technique et terminologie Page 36

Université usto Mohamed Boudiaf - Oran Matière :
Faculté D’archi. Et de g. civil Anglais technique et
Département de Génie Civil Terminologie
1ère Année Master (S1) L’enseignant : bakoura a.


Building plans are the set of drawings which consists of floor plan, site plan, cross sections,
elevations, electrical, plumbing and landscape drawings for the ease of construction at site.
Drawings are the medium of passing the views and concepts of an architect or designer into reality.

Types of Building Plan Drawings

Considering the detailing and complexity of a project, different types of drawings are issued by an
architect for the easy understanding and smooth working of construction process. Some the types of
drawings are discussed in depth below,

1. Site Plan
Site plan is comprehensive detailed drawing of the building or an apartment representing whole
plan of a building. It shows property boundaries and means of access to the site, and nearby
structures if they are relevant to the design.

For a construction project, the site plan also needs to show all the services connections like drainage
and sewer lines, water supply, electrical and communications cables, exterior lighting etc.

Fig 1: Site Plan of a house.

It’s a first design that is made for any project before going into detailing process. Drawing up a site
plan is a tool for deciding both the site layout and the size and orientation of proposed new

These drawings should comply with the local development codes, including restrictions on
historical sites. It acts as a legal agreement for the permission of construction from the government
body. For this, it is required that the site plan is made by a licensed professional like architect,
engineer, landscape architect or land surveyor.

Anglais technique et terminologie Page 37

Université usto Mohamed Boudiaf - Oran Matière :
Faculté D’archi. Et de g. civil Anglais technique et
Département de Génie Civil Terminologie
1ère Année Master (S1) L’enseignant : bakoura a.

2. Floor Plan
A plan means, top view of any building or object. Floor plan is the most fundamental
architectural diagram, a view from above showing the arrangement of spaces in building in the
same way as a map, but showing the arrangement at a particular level of a building.

Floor plan view is defined as a vertical orthographic projection of an object on to a horizontal plane
cutting through the building. This shows the walls, windows, door and other features such as stairs,
fittings and even furniture too.

Fig 2: 2D Floor Plan.

Floor plan is usually given in 2D form, which has all the measurements and detailing. Now a days
for a better understanding and conceptualise the plan prior to the construction, floor plans are made
in 3D where one can see how the entire apartment looks with furniture from above, giving you a
way to see not only how objects fit in the space, but how specific furniture pieces look together.

Fig 3: 3D Floor Plan.

Anglais technique et terminologie Page 38

Université usto Mohamed Boudiaf - Oran Matière :
Faculté D’archi. Et de g. civil Anglais technique et
Département de Génie Civil Terminologie
1ère Année Master (S1) L’enseignant : bakoura a.

3. Cross Section
Geometrically, a cross section is a horizontal orthographic projection of a building on to a vertical
plane cutting through the building. Cross section is vertical cut section of any building which shows
the details of dimension, thickness of any component of a building. It also represents the sill height,
lintel height, floor height and other minute details of a structure.

Fig 4: Cross Section.

The section plane where the plan is vertically cut is represented in the 2d floor plan by a bold dotted
straight line.

4. Elevation
An elevation drawing is an orthographic projection drawing that shows one side of the house. The
purpose of an elevation drawing is to show the finished appearance of a given side of the house and
furnish vertical height dimensions. Majorly it is divided into 3 types,

1. External Elevation

Exterior elevation is the outside representation of a building. It consists of details of type of finish,
floor height and projections if any.

Exterior elevations can be 2D or 3D drawings. 2D drawings typically have measurements on them,

showing where the relationship between exterior elements like doors and lights. 2D elevations also
can have callouts to different kinds of bricks, stones, and paints, so you know exactly where each
material needs to go.

Anglais technique et terminologie Page 39

Université usto Mohamed Boudiaf - Oran Matière :
Faculté D’archi. Et de g. civil Anglais technique et
Département de Génie Civil Terminologie
1ère Année Master (S1) L’enseignant : bakoura a.

Fig 6: 3D External Elevation.

2. Internal Elevation

Interior elevations are very similar to exterior elevations in purpose. Elevations are extremely useful
when constructing a room such as a kitchen or bathroom, which require visualisation of built in

Fig 7: 3D Internal Elevation.

5. Landscape Plans
A perfect home or a building has a lush green garden adjacent to it, which enhances the beauty or
aesthetics appearance of the building. Hiring a landscape architect for the beautification of houses is
trending now a days.

On landscape plans, you’ll see everything from flowers to sidewalks and lawn decorations to
fountains. It majorly consists of sidewalks, plantations and other decorative features that can
enhance the living area.

Anglais technique et terminologie Page 40

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