Responsiveness and Dynamics of Asynchronous States and Gamma Oscillations in Cerebral Cortex
Responsiveness and Dynamics of Asynchronous States and Gamma Oscillations in Cerebral Cortex
Responsiveness and Dynamics of Asynchronous States and Gamma Oscillations in Cerebral Cortex
Sorbonne Université
Institut des Neurosciences Paris-Saclay
École doctorale ED 158 - Cerveau, cognition, comportement
Discipline : Neurosciences
Membres du jury:
Rapporteur : Laure Buhry, Université de Lorraine.
Ce travail n’aurait pas été possible sans le soutien de l’École des Neurosciences de Paris
(ENP), la Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale (FRM) et la Fondation des Treilles, qui
m’ont permis, grâce à une allocation de recherches et diverses aides financières, de me
consacrer sereinement à l’élaboration de ma thèse.
Je remercie Alain Destexhe, Directeur de Recherche au CNRS, qui m’a encadré tout au
long de cette thèse et qui m’a fait partager ses brillantes intuitions. Qu’il soit aussi remercié
pour sa gentillesse, sa disponibilité permanente et pour le soutien qu’il m’a prodigué.
J’adresse tous mes remerciements au président du comité de cette thèse Stéphane Charpier
(Professeur Sorbonne Université et Chef d’équipe à l’Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle
épinière), à Laure Buhry (Maître de Conférence - HDR et Professeur associé à l’Institut
des sciences du digital Management & Cognition, Université de Lorraine) et María Vic-
toria Sánchez-Vives, (Professeur chercheur à l’Institut d’Investigacions Biomèdiques
August Pi i Sunyer, Universitat de Barcelona), ainsi qu’à Diego Contreras (Professeur
chercheur au département de Neurosciences à University of Pennsylvania, School of Medicine)
et Demian Battaglia (Chercheur au CNRS à l’Institut de Neuro-sciences des Systèmes,
Aix-Marseille l’Université), de l’honneur qu’ils m’ont fait en acceptant d’être rapporteurs
et examinateurs de cette thèse.
Je remercie mes amis proches que m’ont apporté le soutien émotionnel pour franchir les
difficultés et toutes les personnes avec qui j’ai partagé mes études, notamment ces années
de thèse.
Résumé v
Abstract vii
Remerciements ix
I Introduction 1
Gamma Oscillations 17
Mechanisms of Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Computational Models 27
Historical Perspective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Individual neuron models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Network models and Oscillations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Gamma oscillations in theoretical models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
ING Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
PING Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
CHING Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Developed Models 39
II Research Articles 45
Part I
Key Biological Concepts
Figure 1: The central nervous system parts and its units. A) Anatomical parts
of the central nervous system. It can be divided into 7 main parts (as indicated in the
figure). The brain is the ensemble of three structures: the cerebrum, the cerebellum and
the brain stem. The Cerebrum is composed by the cerebral cortex and several subcortical
structures (the hippocampus, the basal ganglia, and the olfactory bulb). The Diencephalon
is composed by the thalamus, the hypothalamus, the epithalamus and the subthalamus.
B) Anatomical division of the cerebral cortex into 4 lobes. C) General structure of a
neuron. Figures A, B and C were adapted from [2] (pages 9 and 25).
or chemical.
In chemical synapses, presynaptic and postsynaptic neurons are completely separated
from each other in space. On the other hand, in electrical synapses, pre- and postsynaptic
cells are directly connected (sharing their cytoplasm) by means of special channels called
Gap-junctions have been proposed to contribute to brain rhythms both experimentally
and theoretically [3, 4, 5, 6, 7]. However in the network models developed in this thesis,
we decided to ignore this level of description, and only included chemical synapses in our
the presynaptic spike and the postsynaptic response. This time difference is called synaptic
Conductance changes by means of chemical synapses can either increase the post-
synaptic membrane potential (excitatory synapse) or decrease it (inhibitory synapses),
depending on the type of neurotransmitter released. Glutamate and γ-aminobutyric acid
(GABA) are respectively the main excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters in the
The glutamate-gated channels conduct both N a+ and K + ions, with nearly equal
permeability. The two major glutamate receptors are α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-iso-
xazolepropionic (AMPA) and n-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptors. Unlike AMPA,
NMDA channels are additionally highly permeable to Ca2+ , which is crucial for induction
of synaptic plasticity [8]. While the AMPA-mediated currents are fast (0.34-11ms), the
NMDA-mediated are considerably slower (6–350 ms) and present a complex relation with
respect to the membrane potential [9, 10, 11, 12]. Both AMPA and NMDA receptors are
ionotropic, meaning that these channels open directly when glutamate binds to them.
However, the opening of NMDA channels depends not only on the biding of neurotrans-
mitters but also on the membrane voltage. At the resting membrane potential extracellular
M g 2+ ions are tightly bond to NMDA channel pores, blocking ionic current. When the
membrane is depolarized (for example, by the opening of AMPA receptor-channels), M g 2+
is expelled by electrostatic repulsion, allowing the flux of ions. Due to this M g 2+ block,
NMDA receptor channels rarely initiate neuronal excitation on their own. The magne-
sium block of the NMDA receptor channel (B) is accurately modeled by the following
phenomenological expression as a function of voltage of the membrane potential (V) [13]
B(V ) = (1)
1 + exp(−0.062V ).([M g 2+ ]o /3.57)
where [M g 2+ ]o is the external magnesium concentration (1 to 2 mM in physiolog-
ical conditions). NMDA-mediated synapses have been reported to participate in both
thalamo-cortical and intracortical synaptic pathways [14] acting on excitatory and in-
hibitory neurons [15].
The main receptors of the inhibitory neurotransmitters GABA are GABAA and GABAB .
While GABAA receptors are ionotropic, directly opening Cl− channels, GABAB recep-
tors are metabotropic, meaning that they activate second-messenger cascades, opening
indirectly other channels (often K + channels). For this reason the current produced by
GABAA receptor channels are fast, while the ones from GABAB are slow. Most ofthe
fast inhibitory postsynaptic potentials are mediated by GABAA receptors in the central
nervous system. In this thesis only GABAA receptors are used in our models. Figure 3
depicts the representative postsynaptic currents due to GABAA , GABAB , AMPA and
NMDA receptor channels.
Neuronal Heterogeneity
Although all neurons inherit the same genes, depending on the particular cell’s develop-
mental history, only a restricted set of them are expressed. As a consequence, an enormous
variety of their enzymes, structural proteins, membrane constituents, ion channels, and
secretory products exists among neurons [2, 17, 18, 19]. This rich repertoire of channels
allows neurons to generate action potentials with a wide range of shapes (spike waveform),
firing rates and duration [20]. These physiological differences can be used to categorized
neurons into different types [21, 22, 23, 24].
McCormick and collaborators were the first to describe the so-called Regular-Spiking
(RS) and Fast-spiking (FS) neurons. When presented with prolonged stimuli of constant
amplitude, RS neurons exhibit pronounced adaptation of the spike frequency while FS
neurons undergo little or no adaptation [21] (see Figure 4A and 4B). In 1985, McCormick
and colleagues related electrophysiological aspects to morphological and immunocyto-
chemical features, identifying neocortical FS neurons as being GABA-mediated interneu-
rons [21] and RS neurons as being pyramidal neurons. Today, other types of cell are known
Figure 3: Postsynaptic currents due to different receptors. A) AMPA-mediated cur-
rents. B) NMDA-mediated currents. C) GABAA -mediated currents. D) GABAB -mediated
currents. For all graphs, the averaged recording of the synaptic current (noisy trace) is
represented with the best fit obtained using detailed kinetic models (continuous trace)
[16]. This figure was adapted from [16]. Original works that provided the experimental
curves are cited in [16].
to also display regular spiking activity. This is the case for the Cholecystokinin-positive
basket cells (GABA-mediated interneuron) [25]. Likewise, two types of GABA-mediated
interneurons are known to display fast spiking activity: Chandelier cells4 and Parvalbumin-
positive (PV) Basket cells [25]. In this thesis three types of cells are used in our models:
Regular Spiking pyramidal cells (RS), Fast Spiking basket cells (FS) and Chattering (Ch)
Chandelier cells are a type of GABA-mediated interneurons that differs from Basket cells both mor-
phologically and functionally. While Basket cells form axosomatic synapses (axons terminating on the
cell bodies of target neurons), Chandelier cells form axo-axonic synapses (axons terminating exclusively
on the axons of target neurons). Interestingly this morphological difference (inputs onto axon initial
segment) proffer this type of cell an excitatory effect on its postsynaptic neurons [26]. Based on the
classification by means of the expression of specific molecular markers, Chandelier cells are also classified
as Parvalbumin-positive (PV) [25].
Regular Spiking Fast Spiking Chattering
Cortical Layers
The neocortex, external region of cerebral cortex5 , can be morphologically segmented
based on the density of specific pyramidal neurons, as well as by their afferent and efferent
projections [31]. Most of the neocortex contains six layers, numbered from the outer
surface (pia mater) of the cortex to the inner white matter [2]. Layer L4 receives most
of the stimulus coming from the primary sensory thalamic nuclei, together with L5b and
L6. Layers L1 and L5a receive inputs from associative thalamus, while layer L5b send
projections to subcortical areas. The cortical layers communicate with each other in an
intricate way. A scheme of their connections is depicted in Figure 5. In this thesis we are
particularly interested in layers 2/3.
Inhibitory neurons are present in all layers and usually have axons that remain within
the same area where their cell body are [2]. They are believed to receive inputs from
the same sources as the principal cells. It is estimated that inhibitory neurons constitute
around 20% to 25% of the neurons in the neocortex.
Figure 5: The six layers of neocortex and their connections. A) Visualization (by
means of 3 different types of stain) of neocortical neurons arrangement in 6 different layers.
The Golgi stain unveil a subset of neuronal cell bodies, axons, and dendritic trees, while
the Nissl method allows only the visualization of cell bodies and proximal dendrites. The
Weigert stain method, on the other hand, enable the visualization of myelinated fibers
(like axons). Figure A was adapted from [2] (page 345) and originally extracted from [32].
B) Simplified diagram illustrating localization and input–output connectivity patterns of
excitatory neurons in the 6 cortical layers (adapted from [25] ). WM stands for white
with the environment in a complex and conscious way. In this perspective, awake states
are seen as the state in which the patient is fully aroused and fully aware. While a patient
in vegetative state is considered to be in a state in which there is some level of arousal,
but no level of awareness. The scheme depicted in Figure 6, illustrates these concepts.
In mammals and in most bird species, sleep is divided in two distinguishable neuro-
physiological states: rapid eye movement (REM) and non-rapid eye movement (NREM)
sleep [36]. REM sleep is characterized by inhibited muscular tone (as measured by elec-
tromyography) and involuntary saccadic eye movements (from where its name is derived).
In humans, NREM sleep can be divided into three gradual sleep depth levels [37]: stage
N1 (transition between wake and sleep), Stage N2 (light sleep) and Stage N3 (deep sleep,
also known as Slow Wave Sleep, SWS). The SWS receives this name because of its char-
acteristic extracellular activity, which exhibits slow oscillations (as will be discussed in
the next section).
In general, the level of arousal increases with the increase of awareness. This is what
is observed when we compare the different stages of NREM sleep with conscious wake-
fulness. However, an interesting exception exists: REM sleep. This sleep stage presents
Figure 6: Scheme illustrating different brain states. States of Consciousness are
classified with respect to the level of awareness and to the level of wakefulness (arousal).
Figure adapted from [33]
electrophysiological activity similar to the one observed during Awake states: single units
firing tonically, together with extracellular recordings capturing spontaneous bursts of
low-amplitude oscillations in the range of 15-90 Hz [38, 39, 40, 41, 42]. For this reason,
REM sleep is seen as a state with high awareness but no arousal.
Regardless of the difficulties to rigorously define awareness, some authors tried to quan-
tify it, by means of certain concepts of complexity theory. The Complement Research
Article inserted in the end of this thesis reviews some of them.
Brain Rhythms
The discovering of brain oscillations dates from 1929, when a controversial psychiatrist,
Hans Berger, trying to prove the existence of psychic phenomena, observed electrical
oscillations coming from electrodes placed at the head of one of his patients. This was the
first electroencephalogram (EEG) recording registered [43].
Brain rhythms is the generic therm used to describe oscillatory electro-magnetic phe-
nomena generated by the collective activity of neurons in the brain in a mesoscopic scale
(few millimeters to centimeters). This type of activity can be measured by methods such
as ECoG (electrocorticography), EEG (electroencephalography), LFP (local field poten-
tials) and MEG (magnetoencephalography), with temporal precision varying from the
order of milliseconds to seconds [44, 45]. See Figure 7.
The canonical classification of these oscillations has been defined in the following
frequency bands: Slow-oscillations (0.3-1 Hz), Delta (1–4 Hz), Theta (4–8 Hz), Alpha
(8–12 Hz), Beta (15–30 Hz), Gamma (30–90 Hz), High Gamma (90-140 Hz). In addition,
other important rhythms are the Spindles and the Ripples oscillations, which are not
exclusively defined by their frequency band (see below). In principle, all these rhythms
could emerge in the brain at any given time and region, but some correlations between
certain rhythms regions and behavior have been established throughout the last decades.
Bellow we highlight some of these aspects related to each brain rhythm. These correlations
suggest possible mechanistic roles for each oscillation on cognitive phenomena, but the
exact function of these oscillations is still debated.
• Delta and Slow oscillations (SO): Mostly observed during deep non-REM sleep
or during anesthesia. Different evidences suggests that these rhythms, SO (0.3-1 Hz)
and Delta (1-4 Hz), have an important role on the formation and consolidation of
memories acquired during wakefulness [48, 49, 50, 51, 52]. SO and Delta oscillations
have been classically classified as two distinct neurophysiological phenomena with
different spatial and temporal properties [53, 51]. For example, while some obser-
vations indicate that SO are generated exclusively by cortical networks [54, 55, 56],
Delta rhythms generators were found in both cortex and thalamus, with mechanism
of generation specific to each structure [57]. More recent studies indicate that SO
and Delta oscillations have competing roles in sleep-dependent memory consolida-
tion [58].
• Alpha : Frequently observed in the occipital lobe, alpha rhythms are associated
with wakeful rest with eyes closed [63].
• Beta : Beta rhythms are more frequently associated to the inhibitory control in
the motor system. They occur during the preparation for the movement ("readiness
state") and cease at the onset of movement execution. Other studies, additionally
indicate that Beta oscillations are more generally involved in sensory-motor integra-
tion and top-down signaling [64].
• Gamma : Gamma oscillations occur in all cortical areas, thalamus and hippocam-
pus [65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73]. This type of activity has been associated to
different high-level cognitive functions, such as memory [74, 75, 76], perception [77,
78, 79, 80], attention [81, 82, 83, 84], focused arousal [85] and prediction [86].
• High Gamma : The terms fast Gamma [87] and high Gamma [88] were coined to
describe a frequency band between 90 and 140 Hz in the cortex. Two hypothesis
about high Gamma oscillations have been debated. One states that high Gamma
play the same role as Gamma oscillations but operate at a shorter timescales [75],
while other authors propose that high Gamma power is simply related to a spiking
activity increase [89, 90]. Furthermore, different works suggests [91, 92] that Gamma
and high Gamma have different mechanisms of generation, which would justify a
difference in the nomenclature for rhythms in the 30–90 Hz and the 90–140 Hz
high frequency oscillatory activity (80–200 Hz) called ripples, followed by a period
of approximately 200 ms of a positive wave [94]. Ripple oscillations have been pro-
posed to play an important role in memory consolidation during non-REM sleep
or consummatory behaviors [97, 93], and, more recently, to be involved in memory
retrieval during active awake states [97, 95, 96].
Asynchronous and Irregular States
be taken into consideration [113]. In addition, human ECoG measurements, in conditions
in which the subjects are awake and immobile, show the occurrences of different brain
rhythms in different brain regions [114]. Using the terminology developed by [110], resting
awake activity could be interpreted as the dynamical switch between Asynchronous and
Irregular states and Synchronous and Irregular states (brain oscillations). This switch,
according to these simplified models [110], could be controlled by the strength of an
external drive and by the balance between excitation and inhibition. The theoretical
description of brain oscillations will be detailed on chapter: Computational Models.
Different brain states are characterized by different levels of occurrences of different
brain rhythms [115]. In particular, during Slow-wave sleep (SWS), neuronal activity re-
mains irregular while it is strongly modulated by a Delta rhythm, which is characterized
by periods of sustained firing and periods of very low spiking activity called the Up and
Down states [102].
It has been proposed that the neuronal activity displayed during Up states of SWS are
similar to the activity displayed during awake states both in terms of spiking and rhyth-
mic activity observed on the LFP [38]. In Work 1, we review several works that have
shown similarities and differences between these two brain states. We compare previously
published results with our own analysis of human data provided by one of our collabora-
tors, focusing on differences of spiking patterns (firing rate and spiking correlations) and
on different neuronal participation on Gamma rhythms in awake and SWS.
Other properties of Awake-like states (Asynchronous and Irregular) are investigated
in Work 2, in which network responsiveness is measured and compared to periods of
increased synchrony where the networks present Gamma oscillations in a Synchronous
and Irregular manner.
Gamma Oscillations
The first study characterizing Gamma-band activity (30-90 Hz) was developed by Edgar
Adrian in 1942 [116], who reported induced activity, due to olfactory stimulus, as si-
nusoidal oscillations between 30 and 60 Hz lasting for the duration of the stimulation.
Nevertheless, the study of Gamma oscillations gained the attention of the general scien-
tific community only in 1987, when Gray and Singer discovered 40 Hz oscillations at the
cellular level [66]. A complete review of historical hallmark studies is given by [117].
Gamma rhythms are observed in many brain regions, during both awake and sleep
states [118, 38, 69, 119, 74, 47], in different species. They have been reported to appear
spontaneously or due to external stimulus, being either induced, evoked, or emitted [120].
Interestingly, the spiking activity, measured concomitantly with Gamma activity on the
LFP, is highly irregular. Examples of this neuronal activity were observed in vivo in the
neocortex and hippocampus, where gamma oscillations were associated with stochastic
and sparse spiking activity of individual cells [68, 75, 121, 81, 122, 87, 69, 38, 123, 124].
In the last decades, Gamma oscillations have been associated to different high-level
cognitive functions, which lead to the hypotheses that Gamma oscillations are important
for information processing and coding. The most popular theories are the Binding-by-
synchronization Hypothesis [125, 126], the Phase Coding Theory [127, 128], the Commu-
nication Through Coherence Theory [129, 130] and Communication through Resonance
Theory [131].
In Work 2, we take advantage of the human data provided by one of our collabora-
tors to further characterize individual neuronal activity during Gamma oscillations. We
typify neurons according to their phase-locking and firing rate changes inside and outside
Gamma bursts, inquiring about behavior changes. In Work 2 we also compare the result
of this analysis with computational models putting into perspective the different theo-
ries of information processing and coding involving Gamma previously cited. In addition,
we use these computational models to explore three mechanisms of Gamma generation
(detailed bellow), and examine their effects on the spiking patterns of individual cells.
Mechanisms of Generation
The mechanisms underlying Gamma oscillations have been widely studied experimentally,
both in vivo and in vitro [70, 132, 133, 134, 135]. Three important mechanisms are the
Interneuron Gamma (ING), in which Gamma oscillations are generated by the exclusively
interaction among inhibitory neurons; the Pyramidal-Interneuron Gamma (PING), in
which Gamma is due to the interaction between inhibitory and excitatory neurons; and
the Chattering Induced Gamma (CHING)7 , in which the rhythm production relies on
the presence of pacemaker excitatory cells known as Chattering neurons [27, 133]. The
theoretical approach to study the underlying mechanisms of Gamma oscillations will be
discussed in the next chapter.
Several experimental models have been used to examine oscillation dynamics as an
emergent property of neuronal networks. These protocols include the application of ago-
nists or antagonists of certain receptors, and/or the electrical activation of specific cells
types [135]. We describe in Figure 8 three important works that reported, by means of
extracellular recordings, how Gamma oscillations can be initiated or blocked in vitro by
means of these techniques.
In the work [136], Gamma oscillations are generated on Hippocampus (CA3) by means
of Carbachol, a cholinergic agonist. In this preparation Gamma rhythms are blocked either
by NBQX (AMPA receptor antagonist) or by Bicuculline (GABAA receptor antagonist),
showing that both excitatory and inhibitory synapses are involved in Gamma generation,
an in vitro demonstration of PING mechanism (Figure 8A).
The work [137] reported Gamma oscillation in CA3 due to Kainate (Kainate receptors
agonist). In this study, Gamma oscillations were abolished by Bicuculline, but were not
affected by the AMPA receptor antagonist GYKI 53655. This results indicate that the
observed rhythmic activity was mainly a consequence of inhibitory synaptic activity, an
illustration of ING mechanism (Figure 8B).
At last, the work [133] reported the importance of Chattering cells on Gamma rhythm
generation (CHING mechanism) on Cortex. In this study, Gamma oscillations were evoked
by Kainate and abolish after phenytoin application. Phenytoin is an anticonvulsant drug
that blocks persistent sodium conductance, acting preferentially on Chattering cells be-
cause of its electrophysiological behavior. It is known that Chattering cells are absent at
Hippocampus. The work of [133] showed that Kainate-induced Gamma oscillations were
only extinct by phenytoin on cortex and not in Hippocampus, indicating the importance
of Chattering cells on the rhythm generation, illustrating the CHING mechanism (Figure
Even-though these three mechanisms can be observed in cortex in vitro, it is still con-
troversial which of these mechanisms are engaged in different cortical regions in different
conditions in vivo [138, 132, 139, 140].
The term Chattering Induced Gamma (CHING) was coined in this thesis to designate the Gamma
generation mechanism that relies on the presence of Chattering neurons.
Pyramidal-Interneuron Interneuron Chattering Induced
Gamma Gamma Gamma
400 nM kainate
50μM phenytoin
0.1 mV
200 ms
Gamma Oscillations, NMDA
receptors and Schizophrenia
The reduction of GAD67 in schizophrenic patients have been shown to be principally
pronounced in a particular type of inhibitory neurons, the PV-positive neurons [168],
which receive an important amount of glutamatergic drive from NMDA channels [157].
In agreement, genetic ablation of NMDA receptors in PV-positive interneurons in rodents
mimics important phenotypical (reduction of GAD67 [169], increase of neuronal excitabil-
ity [169] and increase of spontaneous Gamma power [170, 171, 172]) and behavioral fea-
tures of schizophrenia [173]. These observations support the idea that the hypofunction
of NMDA receptors in PV-positive interneurons are specially important in this illness11 .
An important question, which is still under debate, is whether the alterations observed
in Gabaergic neurons are the consequence or the cause of the modifications in the NMDA
neurotransmitter system.
[185] and an increase of evoked Gamma amplitude in auditory cortex, during steady-
state response [186] and in a paired-click paradigm [187]. In agreement, same results were
reproduced in animals in vivo. In rat neocortex, sub-anesthetic doses of Ketamine increase
Gamma power of spontaneous generated Gamma oscillations during free movement [188,
189, 190, 191] and were accompanied by a marked increase in locomotion, hyperactivity,
and ataxic behavior. Additionally, experiments in monkey with similar doses of Ketamine
also reported robustly induced spontaneous Gamma in primary motor cortex [192].
205, 209, 226] analyzed changes on the power of evoked Gammma activity relative to a
pre-stimulus baseline rather than relative to the absolute level of Gamma power. However,
differences in baseline levels influence directly the calculation of post-stimulus responses.
For example, the study [217], showed that the absolute magnitude of Gamma synchrony
was enhanced when the reference to this baseline period was removed.
While part of the discrepancies in evoked Gamma could be explained by the observed
increase of Gamma activity on stimulus base-line, the discrepant results with respect to
spontaneous Gamma activity could be in part related to the stage of the schizophrenic
disease of the patients used in each study. Since it has been recently shown that the resting-
state Gamma band activity is significantly different in each of the stages of schizophrenia
disease [227].
This recently study [227] observed, for example, a widespread decreased of resting-
state Gamma activity in frontal, temporal and sensorimotor areas in chronic schizophrenic
patients. On the other hand, in first-episode patients13 , an increased activity was observed
on the occipital cortex (significant in the band 30-46 Hz, and strong in the band 64-90
Hz), while an activity decrease was only detected on the occipital cortex (significant in
the band 30-46 Hz, and moderate in the band 64-90 Hz). This increase of Gamma activity
in first-episode schizophrenic patients have also been detect in early works [217], which
showed, for example, an increased Gamma activity in first-episode patients in both resting
state and under an attention task. Several other works indicating this phenomena have
been systematically reviewed by Perrottelli and colleagues [223]. With this review, the
authors argue that the increase of Gamma activity could be used as a marker of the
illness onset, since the Gamma increase in the early phases of schizophrenia is a well
established fact.
connectivity, could be reproduced by the administration of an NMDAR antagonist 14 .
Other evidences in favor of the hypofunction of NMDA receptors as one of the elements
related to schizophrenia can be found in the review [144].
In parallel, it has been shown [230] that first-episode patients presented 9.3% higher
scores than chronic patients on the Positive And Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) and
16.3% lower on the negative symptom scale. Concurrently, Gamma-band responses in
schizophrenic patients often correlate with positive psychotic symptoms, with higher
gamma-band activity corresponding to increased symptom load [225, 205, 209, 226].
On the other hand, despite of these independent observations, the role of the increase of
Gamma activity on the occurrence of psychotic states in schizophrenic patients is largely
controversial. In Work 3, we use network models endowed with NMDA synaptic con-
ductances to mimic schizophrenic states in which the hypo-function of NMDA synapses
generate an increase of excitation (due to inhibitory desinhibition) and an increase of
the Gamma power generated by the global network activity. In Work 3 we also explore
the effect of NMDA hypo-function on the capability of the network to respond to ex-
ternal stimuli, providing, as a consequence, a possible interpretation with respect to the
type of neuronal information processing occurring during hallucinations and/or delusions
occurring during psychotic states.
In the referred work [229], a robust hyper-connectivity of the prefrontal cortex was observed in healthy
volunteers administered with sub-anesthetic doses of ketamine, similarly to the one observed in patients
in early schizophrenic stages. Interestingly this hyper-connectivity was not observed in chronic patients
Computational Models
Historical Perspective
In 1943, Warren McCulloch and Walter Pitts developed an even more simplified model,
the formal neuron [233], in which neurons would be either active or inactive, presenting
as outputs 0 or 1. This type of model allowed the construction of neural networks which
could be simulated computationally with the technology available at the time and gave
important insights on the study of associative memory [234]. Subsequently, in 1952, Alan
Lloyd Hodgkin and Andrew Fielding Huxley explained and described mathematically for
the first time the ionic mechanisms underlying the initiation and propagation of action
potentials in the squid giant axon, receiving for this work the Nobel Prize in Physiology
or Medicine in 1963.
Today this model is known as the Hodgkin-Huxley model (HH) [235] and a huge diver-
sity of variations of it is available: from extended versions, describing neurons with several
compartments (spines, dendrites, soma, axon segments) [236, 237] to simplified versions,
such as the Adaptive Exponential Integrate-and-Fire (AdEx) [238]. In addition, several
other models have been developed though-out the decades, the most importants being the
FitzHugh–Nagumo Model, [239], the Hindmarsh–Rose Model, [240], the Izhikevich Model
[241] and the Quadratic Integrate-and-Fire (QIF) [242]. See the reviews [243, 244, 237].
The network models developed in this thesis used the AdEx model to describe their
units. In this model, neurons are described by their membrane potential, that thanks to
a supplementary equation, is capable of displaying spike-frequency adaptation 15 . Further-
more, neurons in the AdEx model are point neurons, that is, their membrane potential is
assumed to be homogeneous in the whole cell body, which is the same as assuming that
the neuron have no structure: no axon and no dendrites, only a punctual soma. More
details about this model are described in the methods section of Work 2 and Work 3.
256, 257, 258, 259, 260] and gave important qualitative predictions about the mechanisms
of oscillation generation for different neuron types [242, 257, 252, 64]. However, the condi-
tions under which neurons can be considered as coupled oscillators, e.g weak synapses and
weak noise, are frequently not fulfilled [264, 70, 265]. Furthermore, the assumed spiking
regularity of individual neurons during global oscillatory activity is typically not observed,
since, as stated earlier, in general even when coherent oscillations are detected in extra-
cellular recordings in vivo, neurons present a stochastic and sparse pattern of firing [68,
75, 121, 81, 122, 87, 69, 38, 123, 124].
Nicolas Brunel and collaborators developed models able of capturing both phenomena:
fast network oscillations combined with irregular neuron firing. These models assume fast
synapses with strong synaptic weights and synaptic delays [266, 110, 111, 112, 267]. This
type of description allows neurons to spike with firing rates much smaller than the network
oscillation frequency, in a stochastic way, similarly to what it is observed in vivo. This
type of dynamical regime is known as the firing rate regime [111], in contrast to fully
synchronized modes, like the ones observed in coupled oscillators models, known as the
spike-to-spike regime.
Another important theoretical approach, in the study of neural oscillations, is the
field of the so-called rate models (also known as mean-field models or mass models). This
approach describes the collective properties of a large numbers of neurons instead of
focusing on individual neural dynamics, by modeling the average firing rate of a particular
population of neurons. These models are obtained by means of heuristic arguments [268,
269, 270], not being directly derived from spiking neurons. The first firing rate models
were derived under the assumption that individual neurons spike stochastically [271, 272]
being able to characterize (stationary) oscillations in the firing rate regime [266, 110, 111,
112, 267]. These models were usually characterized by one single variable (the average
population firing rate), evolving according to an differential equation described by a time
constant τ and a steady-state input-output transfer function (f-I curve). These models, on
the other hand, could not describe neuronal activity if a significant portion of the neurons
fired synchronously (like in spike-to-spike regime). Recent firing rate models [273, 274]
have incorporated a second variable (describing the network synaptic activity) being able
to model oscillations in both regimes (spike-to-spike regime and firing rate regime).
In Work 2, we developed different network structures generating Gamma oscillations,
working in the firing rate regime, using Adaptive exponential integrate-and-fire neurons
[238]. These models were improved (with the addition of NMDA channels) in Work 3.
theoretical models [132, 70]. Gamma oscillations have been extensively modeled in the
literature with different neuronal models and networks structures [132, 70, 64]. In Work
2, three types of Gamma generation mechanisms were explored: the Interneuron Gamma
(ING), the Pyramidal-Interneuron Gamma (PING) and the Chattering Induced Gamma
In this section, we describe theoretically each of these mechanisms and reference some
of the most important theoretical hallmarks of the literature.
ING Model
The ING mechanism can be qualitatively understood as a succession of events: (1) The
rhythm starts when a subset of inhibitory neurons discharge together, generating syn-
chronous inhibitory post-synaptic potentials (IPSPs). (2) The neurons who receive these
inputs, have their spike times constrained, being able to spike again only when these
inhibitory currents decay. (3) These postsynaptic neurons are forced to discharge their
next spike closer in time to their pre-synaptic neurons, which will also spike when the
global inhibitory input decays. This spike time restriction increases network synchrony
progressively, generating the rhythm.
It has been shown theoretically that Gamma oscillations emerge spontaneously in a
networks exclusively composed of mutually connected inhibitory neurons if a sufficient
external drive is provided [275, 276, 277, 259, 278, 266, 111, 112] and certain conditions
are fulfilled. However, these conditions are different depending on the oscillatory regime
studied (firing rate regime or spike-to-spike regime). While in the spike-to-spike regime
the oscillation frequency strongly depends on synaptic decay time, allowing synchrony to
emerge even without any synaptic latency [275, 276, 277, 259], in the firing rate regime,
synchronization is generated by the presence of a neuronal phase-lag (either due to synap-
tic delays or due to the time a conductance-based neuron takes to respond to synaptic
currents because of its intrinsic properties) and depends weakly on synaptic decay times
[111, 112]. In addition, the frequency of Gamma oscillations generated by the ING mech-
anism is also differently determined in these two regimes. In the spike-to-spike regime the
oscillation frequency is mainly determined by the inhibitory synaptic decay time [276,
277], while in the firing rate regime it depends much more on the fastest time scales, like
latency and the rise times, than on the synaptic decay times.
PING Model
The PING model, based on the reciprocal interaction between pyramidal neurons and
interneurons, is the earliest proposed model to explain Gamma oscillations [271, 279, 280,
281, 111, 112]. This mechanism can be understood qualitatively as a succession of cycles
of picks of excitation and inhibition that alternate. In these cycles, excitatory neurons
recruit inhibitory neurons that in turn reduce network activity. The new cycle starts
when inhibition decays.
PING models can also describe Gamma oscillations in both spike-to-spike regime and
firing rate regime. Furthermore, the parameters defining the oscillation frequency in each
of these conditions are similar. In both regimes, the oscillation frequency depends strongly
on excitatory and inhibitory synaptic time decays [282, 111].
The phase relationship between excitation and inhibition is an important aspect to be
discussed, since it has been suggested to be a marker of the type of Gamma generation
mechanism [140]. In theoretical models of PING mechanism, excitatory neurons can spike
both before and after inhibitory neurons [283, 284, 112] during Gamma oscillations.
It has been shown theoretically by [112] that in the firing rate regime, in models
composed of conductance based neurons (neurons that include non-linear spike generation
mechanisms in their equations), the spiking order of excitatory and inhibitory populations
depends exclusively on single-cell characteristics. When the IAM P A /IGABA ratio is the
same in excitatory and inhibitory neurons, excitatory cells tend to follow the inhibitory
ones in most of the physiologically plausible parameter space. On the other hand, when
the ratio of excitation to inhibition is weaker in excitatory cells than in inhibitory ones,
excitatory cells tend to precede inhibitory neurons [111, 112]. Furthermore, [283, 284] have
studied neuron phase differences during ING and PING (on the spike-to-spike regime) and
the conditions in which each mechanism take place when both of them are allowed by the
network structure. These works have indicated, in addition, in which conditions during
spike-to-spike Gamma oscillations inhibitory neurons proceed excitatory ones when the
PING mechanism take place.
Chattering cells, also known as Fast Rhythmic Bursting (FRB) cells, were proposed
decades ago to be Gamma generators in cortical networks due to certain experimental
observations [66, 27, 118]. Nonetheless very few computational models, in our knowledge,
were proposed to study the emergence of Gamma oscillations due to the presence of this
type of neurons.
By means of multi-compartment neurons and voltage-dependent currents described
by the Hodgkin-Huxley formalism, the study of [285] showed that Chattering cells have
an important role in recruiting feedback inhibition through their pacemaker rhythmic
spiking. They observed that this role is not only due to the increase of firing rate, but
specifically due to their bursting firing pattern. The work of [285] argues that Chattering
cells would be important on Gamma generation in brain regions in which the synaptic
transmission to interneurons is not highly reliable. In agreement, experimental studies
have shown that Chattering cells work as amplifiers of Gamma activity due to their
intrinsic suprathreshold properties and to their profuse axonal projections to other chat-
tering cells and to other neurons on the network [27, 118, 133, 286]. In addition, other
computational multi-compartment models have shown the importance of the connection
via axonal gap junctions of Chattering cells with other pyramidal cells in the generation
of Gamma oscillations [133, 287].
In this thesis we developed a single compartment model of Adaptive exponential
integrate-and-fire neurons composed of Chattering cells, Regular spiking cells, Fast Spik-
ing cells, in which Gamma oscillations are generated exclusively thanks to presence of
Chattering Cells. We coined the term Chattering Induced Gamma (CHING) to refer to
Gamma oscillations generated thanks to the presence of these pacemaker excitatory cells.
This model is discussed in Work 2.
Human Recordings Analysis
The data used in this thesis to constrain our models, both during Gamma and AI states,
has been already published in other works [288, 47] and was donated by one of our
collaborators, Sydney S. Cash (Department of Neurology, Massachusetts General Hospital
and Harvard Medical School, Boston).
In this thesis, we extend these prior analysis, focusing on awake states. The data
was acquired extracellularly in patients suffering of intractable epilepsy, who had had
multi-electrode arrays implanted during therapeutic procedures. The arrays registered
simultaneously local field potentials (LFP) and single-unit activity. We considered the
data of one patient for which the recording was very stable, and in which several periods
of wakefulness could be analyzed. Figure 10A indicates the structure of the recording, in
which several brain states during the night could be observed: slow wave sleep (SWS), light
sleep, REM sleep and awake periods. Only long and consecutive periods of wakefulness,
containing several seconds of Gamma bursts, were considered (Segments 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
indicated in 10A).
Eighty one electrodes were implanted on the temporal cortex of this patient (layer 2/3)
and 91 neurons could be identified (some neurons were recorded by the same electrode).
These neurons have been already previously [288, 47] classified as Regular Spiking Cell
(RS), putative excitatory, and Fast Spiking Cells (FS), putative inhibitory. From the 91
neurons, 23 were recognized as FS and 68 were recognized as RS. This classification was
performed by means of clustering based on the spike shape and functional interactions
(determined using cross-correlograms) [289, 288].
In each data part, periods of Gamma oscillations (Gamma bursts) were identified and
neural activity was characterized with respect to the Gamma cycles. The duration of these
data parts are indicated in Figure 10B, together with the total amount of Gamma periods
identified inside of each of them. The identification of Gamma bursts was done separately
for each electrode. We considered as Gamma bursts periods in which the amplitude of
Hilbert Transform envelope (absolute value) differed from the mean, by at least 2 standard
deviations, for a minimum duration of 3 Gamma cycles (See Figure 10C). These criteria
were not enough to identify all Gamma bursts (some Gamma bursts were ignored). On
the other hand, no false positives were included in the analysis. All the Gamma bursts
automatically identified by the algorithm were individually confirmed visually. The oscil-
lation phase was acquired using the angle of the imaginary part of the Hilbert Transform
(See Figure 10C).
Individual neuron spike times were analyzed with respect to Gamma periods, both in
regard to their spiking phase and to their spiking frequency inside and outside Gamma
bursts. To identify neurons that were particularly phase-locked to Gamma oscillations, we
constructed individual phase distributions, which were tested for circular uniformity using
a Bonferroni-corrected Rayleigh test [61, 290]. A neuron was considered phase-locked if
we could reject circular uniformity at P < 0.01 (Z > Zc ). Figure 11 depicts in A and B,
two examples of distributions of phase-locked neurons.
To identify firing rate changes inside Gamma bursts, the average firing rates inside
(fγ ) and outside (fout ) of Gamma bursts were computed for each neuron. A neuron was
considered to increase its firing significantly if the observed average number of spikes
inside Gamma bursts was higher than the percent point function of a 95% interval of
confidence of a Poissonian distribution with average firing rate fout . Cells which had firing
rates smaller than 0.1 Hz or cells whose electrode measured less than 1 second of Gamma
bursts, in the respective data segment, were classified as inconclusive. Figure 12 indicates
an example of this procedure.
The results of this experimental data analysis, which inquired the relationship between
individual neuron activity and Gamma rhythms measured on LFP, are characterized in
Work 2. This study showed, by means of this analysis, that the participation of individual
cells of Gamma oscillations is very sparse. During Gamma bursts, only a small percent-
age of the recorded neurons have been identified to be phase-locked to the rhythm and
only some cells increased their firing. Furthermore, throughout the night (different data
segments), neurons changed of behavior. That is, neurons that were previously changing
their firing during Gamma bursts kept their firing the same and/or neurons that were
previously identified to be phase-locked were not phase-locked in other periods of time.
In addition, this analysis showed that FS cells presented significant higher level of phase-
locking and firing rate increase in comparison to RS cells. Likewise, FS cells changed
its behavior less than RS cells. Figure 13 indicates that this neuronal behavior changes
across the five data segments used on our analysis. The models described in Work 2 were
capable of displaying most of these features.
Seg. 3
Data Seg. 4
Seg. 1 Data
Seg. 2 Data
Seg. 5
Seg. 4
A Neuron 66 B Neuron 9
Figure 11: Phase-locking statistical test. Phase distribution of two randomly picked
cells from the human recordings during Data segment 1 : one excitatory (A) and one
inhibitory (B). The phase distribution of each cell was fitted to a Von Mises curve, which
allowed the estimation of its preferred phase θV M . The phase distribution of each neuron
was tested for circular uniformity using a Bonferroni-corrected Rayleigh test [61, 290]. A
neuron was considered phase-locked if the circular uniformity at P < 0.01, (Z > Zc ) could
be rejected.
Figure 12: Firing rate change statistical test. A: Activity of two randomly picked
cells during several Gamma bursts: neuron 13 (inhibitory, left) and neuron 75 (excitatory,
right). The graphs display the firing patter around Gamma bursts (indicated by the black
doted lines). Each point corresponds to one spike in the correspondent tuple of time and
burst ID (y-axis). B: Histogram computing the distributions of all spikes inside all Gamma
bursts of neuron 13 (left) and neuron 75 (right). C: Exemplification of firing rate change
statistical test. The Poissonian distribution of these two neurons is constructed based on
their average firing rate calculated outside of Gamma bursts. The critical number of spikes
nc , indicated by the dotted lines, is calculated based on the percent point function of the
respective Poissonian Distribution for a period T, with an 95% interval of confidence.
The observed number of spikes nobsv is depict as a dot over the curve. According to this
procedure, only neuron 75 is considered to increase its firing, since nobsv > nc .
Figure 13: Change of Cell Behavior across time during Gamma in experimental
data. Middle panel represents each cell by a circle in each of the 5 data segments. FS and
RS phase-locked cells are depicted respectively as red and green circles, while not phase-
locked or inconclusive cells (with respect to phase locked) of both types are depicted as
blue and gray circles respectively. Superposed to each cell circle, pointing up and down
triangles were added to indicate if the cell increased (△) or decreased (▽) its firing. If
the cell didn’t change its firing significantly a minus sign (-) was added. Side box plots
indicate, on the left, the percentage of phase-locked FS (red) and RS (green) cells in each
of the 5 data segments, and, on the right, the percentage of firing rate increase. Dotted
lines indicate the average value between the 5 data segments (phase-locking level: left and
firing rate increase: right). The box plot at the bottom depicts the superposed counts of
phase-locking and firing rate increase behavior of each individual cell, computed in the 5
data segments.
Developed Models
The models developed in this thesis had their parameters constrained by electrophysio-
logical data acquired in human as described in the previous chapter. We exploit differ-
ent network structures to investigate three well-known mechanisms of Gamma generation
[138, 132, 139, 140, 27, 133]: either by the exclusive interaction between inhibitory neurons
[Interneuron Gamma (ING)] or by the interaction of inhibitory and excitatory neurons
via Pyramidal-Interneuron Gamma (PING) or via Chattering Induced Gamma (CHING).
While networks with a structure similar to the PING Network have been largely used in
the literature, the structures of ING and CHING Networks were developed exclusively in
this thesis.
Each of the three developed networks used the Adaptive Exponential Integrate-And-Fire
Model (Adex) [238] for its neural units, and were composed of different types of cells:
Regular Spiking Cells (RS), Chattering Cells (Ch) and Fast Spiking Cells (FS). Network
structures and individual cell parameters are described in detail in Work 2.
Parameter search
An extensive parameter search was performed to identify network and neuronal parameter
sets which could, in each model, reproduce experimental features. Physiologically plausible
distributions of firing rates, of membrane conductance and of inter-spike intervals were
used to constrain these models, the same way as the level of phase-locking and firing rate
changes during Gamma oscillations extracted from our data analysis.
Parameter search in PING Network
For PING network, a parameter search with respect to the synaptic decays was performed.
Parameters were chosen in such a way that oscillations in the Gamma band would be
present in a network composed of neurons with neuronal parameters chosen in accordance
with previous publications [291, 292]. Figure 15 indicates this parameter search.
The ING network is composed by the mixture of two networks: one being composed by
RS and FS neurons (which can not generate oscillations due to the choice of synaptic
conductances, τe =τi = 5 ms, like it is shown on Figure 15D), and one network being
composed by FS neurons that are highly connected (FS2 neurons17 ). This network of
highly connected FS neurons can generate Gamma oscillations by its own, thanks to its
dense connections, like it is shown in Figure 16.
For the ING network, a parameter search was performed to identify which interaction
between each population (RS, FS and FS2 neurons) could allow the model to reproduce
experimental features. Among these experimental features are the level of phase-locking
and the level of firing rate changes during Gamma oscillations, extracted from our data
analysis. Because this parameter search was highly multidimensional, it could not be
performed as systematically as the previous ones depicted in Figures 15 and 16. For this
reason, we present a scheme indicating the qualitative conclusions from this parameter
search, which justify the choice of probabilities of connections between each neuronal
population, used in this model (Figure 17).
The CHING network is exactly the same network displayed in Figure 15D (with synaptic
conductances: τe =τi = 5 ms), with the difference that 5% of its RS neurons were replaced
by Chattering cells. For this reason, the rhythms it presents are exclusively generated by
the Chattering activity. Consequently, the parameter search performed in this model was
entirely focused on the choice of the intrinsic cellular parameters of this neuronal type.
Again, since this parameter search was highly multidimensional, it could not be performed
in a systematical way. Several parameter combinations were tested taking into account
the following criteria: 1) cells should keep their chattering properties, 2) the oscillation
should be on Gamma band, 3) the oscillation should be on the firings rate regime, with
sparse and irregular firing, 4) cells should present physiologically plausible distributions of
firing rates, of membrane conductance and of inter-spike intervals, 5) cells should present
We decided to rename this population as FS2, to stress the different pattern of connectivity between
this group of highly connected FS neurons, from the other FS neurons in the network.
levels of phase-locking and firing rate changes during Gamma oscillations similar as the
one extracted from our data analysis.
Synchrony index
Synchrony index
nS and reference synaptic time scales of τeR =τiR = 5 ms. Synaptic strengths (Qe,i ) were
normalized at each tested time scale (τe,i ) to keep the same synaptic gain, such that:
Qe,i = (QR e,i .τe,i )/τe,i . A) Network oscillation frequency depicted in a color scheme as a
function of excitatory and inhibitory synaptic time scales. White color corresponds to
regions in which no oscillation was identified in RS population. B) Synchrony Index of
RS population (top) and network balance (bottom) as a function of synaptic time scales.
The Synchrony Index (SI) is based on the auto-correlation of the population frequency of
RS cells. To be calculated, the autocorrelation of the population frequency was fitted by a
damped cosine function and the value of this fitted function at zero time lag was defined
as the SI. If the exponential decay rate was higher than 100, it was considered that there
was no global oscillation at the population scale. The network balance was defined as the
⟨Iexc ⟩N
rate between the average excitatory and inhibitory synaptic currents, ⟨Iinh ⟩N
, in which
⟨⟩N stand for average among neurons and ⟨⟩t average on time. White squares indicate the
two different parameter sets used in our simulations ( τe =τi = 5 ms for AI Network, and
τe =1 ms , τi = 7.5 ms for PING Network, as decribed in Work 2). C) Same as B but
calculated for the FS population. D) Population frequency autocorrelation of RS (green
dots) and FS population (blue dots) neurons of the two used parameter sets. Solid lines
indicate the damped cosine fitted function.
e1 e3
B D e2 e4
Figure 16: Gamma Network parameter search. The network connectivity (p) vs. inhibitory
synaptic strengths (Qi ) parameter space of the Gamma Network are displayed as color-plots. A)
Average spiking frequency. B) Network oscillation frequency.
C) Network
balance: rate between
⟨Iexc ⟩N
the average excitatory and inhibitory synaptic currents, ⟨IInh ⟩N , in which ⟨⟩N stand for
average among neurons and ⟨⟩t stand for average on time. D) Membrane Potential Synchrony
1 N
(χ), calculated by means of the equation: χ2 = 1
ΣN 2 , in which V (t) = N Σi Vi (t), σV 2 =
N i σVi
ING Network
Figure 17: Qualitative scheme indicating the role of each population interaction on
the network dynamics.
Part II
Research Articles
Work 1
Reference: Susin, Eduarda, and Alain Destexhe. "Cellular correlates of wakefulness and
slow-wave sleep: evidence for a key role of inhibition." Current Opinion in Physiology 15
(2020): 68-73.
French Abstract:
Dans cet article, nous avons considéré et discuté certaines études récentes à propos
de corrélations cellulaires, dans des états de veille et de sommeil, basés sur des enreg-
istrements d’unités multiples. Ces études concernaient, d’entre autres, une nouvelle forme
d’homéostasie observée pendant le sommeil lent profond (SWS de l’anglais), où les cel-
lules les plus actives (haut taux de décharge) ont montré une baisse dans leur taux de
décharge pendant le SWS, tandis que, inversement, les cellules les moins actives ont mon-
tré une tendance à décharger plus rapidement dans le SWS. Également, autres références
ont montré une implication plus forte des neurones inhibiteurs par rapport aux neurones
excitateurs lors des oscillations Gamma dans le SWS, et une augmentation des corréla-
tions croisées par paires exclusivement entre les neurones inhibiteurs pendant le SWS.
Nous comparons les résultats de ces études (chez des modèles animaux) avec nos analyses
effectuées sur des enregistrements chez l’homme. Nous confirmons certaines similitudes
dans la dynamique cellulaire observées entre l’état de veille et le SWS, et soulignons les
différences qui sont principalement apparentes dans la dynamique et dans les corrélations
des neurones inhibiteurs. Ces résultats suggèrent que les réseaux inhibiteurs sont essen-
tiels dans la dynamique du sommeil, et devraient être une cible principale dans les études
Available online at
Recent studies have identified interesting cellular dynamics in In natural SWS, extracellularly recorded neurons fire in
wakefulness and slow-wave sleep (SWS), as we review here for coincidence with the depth-negative component of slow-
unit recordings in animals and human. First, a novel form of wave complexes, whereas the depth-positive component
homeostasis was observed during sleep, where high-firing cells is associated with neuronal silence [4–6]. Similar relations
in wake tend to fire slower during SWS, while low-firing cells in were found for delta waves in the intact brain [7], or
wake tend to fire faster in SWS. Second, there seems to be a isolated cortex [8]. Thus it seems that slow-wave com-
stronger involvement of inhibitory cells compared to excitatory plexes are characterized by alternating periods of sus-
cells during gamma oscillations in SWS. Third, pairwise cross- tained firing and neuronal silence usually called “Up” and
correlations between cells seem to increase specifically during “Down” states, respectively. It was further shown that, in
SWS, but only for inhibitory neurons. We compare these results natural sleep, Up and Down states appear synchronously
between animal and human unit recordings, and confirm the in multiple cells recorded extracellularly [6], and the
similarities in cellular dynamics in wake and SWS, and highlight relation between the slow-wave and cellular hyperpolari-
that differences are mostly apparent in the dynamics and zation was later confirmed by intracellular recordings of
correlations of inhibitory cells. These results suggest that neurons in naturally sleeping animals [9]. Note that
inhibitory networks are key in the dynamics of sleep, and Down states are not periods of complete silence. A
should be a main target in future studies. possible relation between the residual activity during
Down states and memory consolidation has been pro-
Address posed based on extracellular recordings in prefrontal
Department of Integrative and Computational Neuroscience (ICN), Paris- cortical areas in rats [10]. This residual activity during
Saclay Institute of Neuroscience (NeuroPSI), Centre National de la
Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), 91198 Gif-sur-Yvette, France
down states was also observed in human recordings [11].
Corresponding authors: Susin, Eduarda ([email protected]), Early studies also showed that, in aroused states, cortical
Destexhe, Alain ([email protected]) cells fire tonically [12–14], and the EEG is dominated by
low-amplitude fast activity in the beta/gamma (15–75 Hz)
Current Opinion in Physiology 2020, 15:68–73 frequency range. Extracellular studies in natural SWS
found that all characteristics from the spiking activity,
This review comes from a themed issue on Physiology of Sleep
LFP activity or LFP coherence, are identical between the
Edited by Vladyslav Vyazovskiy and Jenny Morton
Up-states of SWS, wakefulness or rapid-eye movement
For a complete overview see the Issue and the Editorial (REM) sleep [6]. These seemingly identical properties
Available online 27th December 2019 led to the suggestion that SWS Up-states constitute small episodes of activity replayed from wakefulness, possibly
involved in memory consolidation [15]. This view was
2468-8673/ã 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
challenged recently by studies who found subtle differ-
ences in firing activity between natural SWS and wake-
fulness [16], as we review in this paper.
Research supported by Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), the European Community (Human Brain Project, H2020-785907),
and École des Neurosciences de Paris (ENP).
Cellular correlates of wake and sleep states Susin and Destexhe 69
Figure 1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Time [s] Time [s] Time [s]
Current Opinion in Physiology
Features of different brain states in Human. Selected parts of 10 s of recordings of LFP (top) and spiking activity (bottom) of SWS, Wake and
REM are shown. The data were recorded from the same human subject which had a multielectrode array implanted in temporal cortex before a
therapeutic surgery. LFP and spiking activity were simultaneously measured and the spikes were sorted allowing the identification of 68 putative
excitatory (blue) and 23 putative inhibitory (red). Data sample from [19].
irregular, and the LFP is dominated by high-frequency interneuron activity follow the relation: Wake = REM
activity. In contrast, during SWS, the activity is domi- > SWS, while somatostatin-positive interneurons follow:
nated by slow waves in the LFP, which are paralleled Wake > SWS > REM. In human recordings, the firing
with synchronized silences (Down states) where almost rates were comparable in all brain states [21], which would
all cells cease firing. Outside these periods (Up states), tend to support that the recorded FS cells are PV+ cells,
the dynamics is sustained, asynchronous and irregular, although this should be confirmed with better statistics.
similar to Wake and REM states. These observations lead
to the statement that the Down states is what makes SWS In addition, a recent analysis [16] found important dif-
dynamics more synchronized, and in a sense, the higher ferences between SWS and Wake by focusing on Up
synchrony during SWS does not come from the firing of states. By means of silicon probes implanted in frontal
units, but rather comes from these periods of non-firing. cortical areas of rats, measurements of extracellular sig-
nals allowed simultaneous identification of brain state and
Consistent with this interpretation, a previous extracellu- the assessment of the firing pattern of putative excitatory
lar study in marmoset cortical areas [18], found that there and inhibitory cells. This analysis [16] showed that
was no significant increase of neural correlation during during SWS pyramidal cells that displayed high-firing
SWS when recording spontaneous activity, providing during Wake tended to decrease their activity during
another evidence that SWS Up-states display firing SWS, while cells that displayed low-firing during wake
dynamics almost identical to wakefulness. tended to increase their firing during SWS. We confirm
these findings also in humans through similar recordings
However, several observations have shown differences in and data processing performed previously [19]. Figure 2
spiking activity during wake states and SWS. For compares the results from [16] with our own analysis
instance, a relevant feature that has been taken into based on the data coming from [19]. Despite the small
consideration is the firing level of single units in different number of cells available in the human data set, in a
states. A recent work using wide-field calcium imaging in confidence interval of 95%, it is possible to observe a
cortical superficial and deep layers in mice [17] showed small slope with respect to the identity (0.67–0.94). These
that the activity of excitatory neurons was highest during results (in both data sets) indicate that a new type of
Wake, followed by that of SWS and subsequently fol- homeostasis, as argued by [16], in which a homogeniza-
lowed by that of REM sleep (Wake > SWS > REM). tion of firing is observed thorough the differential action
Using two-photon imaging in layer 2/3, the same study in cells with different levels of activity (in opposition to
[17] also showed that paralvabumin-positive (PV+) previous homeostatic models [22,23]). On the other hand,
70 Physiology of Sleep
Figure 2
SWS Firing Rate [Hz]
Comparison of firing rate during Wake and SWS states in rat and human cortex. Each point in the graph characterizes the firing rate (log
scale) of an individual cell in the two states. Putative excitatory cells, both in rat and humans, suffer a change in their firing rate depending of their
level of activity. Neurons that are highly active during wake decrease their firing during SWS, while neurons that have very low firing rates increase
their firing (see arrows). Diverging results were found in the two data sets when looking to putative inhibitory cells. (A) Putative excitatory and
inhibitory neurons in rat (slopes, 95% confidence interval: 0.66-0.71 and 0.996-1.005). Figure adapted with permission from [16]. (B) Putative
excitatory and inhibitory neurons in human (slopes, 95% confidence interval: 0.67–0.94 and 0.68–0.94). Data sample from [19].
when considering putative inhibitory cells the result is Indicating an increase of FS participation in gamma
divergent in the two data sets (rat and human). No firing generation during SWS.
alteration is observed in the firing of inhibitory cells
during Wake and SWS in rat [16], while a tendency Another key aspect to differentiate the network state
close to that which is observed with excitatory cells is between Wake and SWS is the pairwise correlations
observed in human inhibitory cells. This result should be displayed by unit spikes. Figure 4A shows recordings
checked in data sets where more neurons are available. of multielectrode arrays implanted in two monkey cortical
areas (premotor dorsal — PMd — and motor neocortical
A further difference observed during Up states in SWS -MI, layers II/III) [11], in which spiking activity and LFP
with respect to Wake states is the involvement of inhibi- were simultaneously recorded. Cross-correlations
tory cells in gamma oscillations. As recently shown in between spike trains were normalized by the geometric
human recordings [11], both putative excitatory regular- mean of each cell pair’s average firing rates to avoid
spiking and putative inhibitory fast-spiking populations spurious effects from cell-intrinsic firing levels [24].
increase their firing during gamma oscillations. Here, by Remarkably, comparing the correlation matrices between
analyzing the pre-processed data from [19], we noted that Wake and SWS, one sees that pairs of cells become
there is a significant increase on the average firing of the correlated specifically during SWS (Figure 4). These
inhibitory population during SWS with respect to its sleep-specific correlations appear even between distant
activity during Wake (see Figure 3D). While no signifi- cortical areas. Interestingly, these pairwise spike train
cant increase in firing with respect to Wake is exhibited correlations only concern pairs of FS cells. With this
by the excitatory population during SWS (see Figure 3E). observation we emphasize one more time that there
Cellular correlates of wake and sleep states Susin and Destexhe 71
Figure 3
200 µV
(d) FS
Frequency [Hz]
Time [s]
Time [s] Time [s]
Current Opinion in Physiology
Difference of firing rates during g events in RS and FS cells in Human Wake and SWS states. The color-maps indicating the average firing
rate per cell around g events in both Wake and SWS states are indicated in (A) and (B). The firing of regular spiking (RS) are displayed in the
bottom and the fast spiking (FS) cells is displayed in the top. Each line indicates the color-coded firing rate of each neuron in time averaged
between all the gamma periods detected. For each g event the firing rate was calculated in bins of 20 ms around the centered g period. The white
dashed lines indicate the beginning and the average end of g periods identified in the data. Gamma periods were identified by the variation of the
envelope obtained through the Hilbert Transform of the filtered LFP in the range of 30-50 Hz as is schematically shown in (C). Neurons were
ordered by their discharge probability during g. The average firing rate per population during g events in Wake and SWS are displayed in (D) and
(E). The color-coded firing rates shown in A and B were average in between neurons for each population: FS (D) and RS (E). The shadowed parts
indicate the standard error of the mean. Data sample from [19].
seems to exist a particularly high involvement of inhibi- certain time window. This work showed that a model
tory cells specifically during SWS. In agreement, a previ- based exclusively on pairwise couplings can successfully
ous study [18] also reported an increase of correlations predict the activity of both neuron types during Wake
during SWS in the response to auditory stimuli, but no states (see the measures of the Kullback–Leibler diver-
separation between RS and FS cells was attempted in that gence, DKL , in Figure 4b1). However, it also demon-
study. strated that pairwise interactions alone are not enough
to describe the probability distribution displayed by the
Furthermore, this particular involvement of inhibition FS population during SWS (Figure 4b2). This result
can also be detected from correlated patterns analyzed implies that, in contrast to the RS population, higher-
using maximum entropy models. Such methods can infer order, or even population-wide, interactions govern the
correlations from large data sets with the advantage that behavior of FS cells during SWS. This indicates another
they can uncover collective dynamics with very few ad hoc important difference between Wake and SWS states with
assumptions. Recently, spiking activity in human record- respect to FS cells.
ings were used to infer the parameters of a Maximum
Entropy model that takes into account only and exactly Discussion
the single neurons’ spiking probability, and the pairwise In this paper, we briefly reviewed a few of recent studies
covariances observed in the data [20]. In this work, about the cellular correlates of wake and sleep states
illustrated in Figure 4B, the empirical probability distri- based on multiple unit recordings. Similar to a previous
butions of population activity of FS and RS cells, during study in cats [6], it was found that in human and monkey
Wake and SWS, were compared to the probability dis- multielectrode recordings, wake and sleep states globally
tributions predicted by the model. Population activity display similar levels of firing. Most units fire irregularly
was defined as the average number of active cells in a and asynchronously, and this pattern is seen in all brain
72 Physiology of Sleep
Figure 4
(a) (b)
(a1) (b1)
Probability distribution
Population activity
(a2) (a3) SWS
Probability distribution
Population activity
Current Opinion in Physiology
Difference in pairwise spike train cross-correlations among RS and FS cells during Wake and SWS. (A) Spiking activity measured during b
oscillations through multielectrod arrays in two cortical areas in monkey (premotor dorsal, PMd, and motor neocortical, MI). Neurons could be
identified as RS and FS. a1) Cell-cell correlations matrices containing cells from the two areas (PMd and MI). For cells 57/69 (during SWS) the
type of target cells is indicated with colors (red, FS; and blue, RS). a2) Spatial location of different cells in the implanted arrays. Note that FS cells
(exemplified by cells 57 and 69) display synchronous activity even with cell recorded in another cortical area (M1). a3) Spike cross-correlogram
between cells 57 and 69 during SWS and Wake states. A significant peak is observed only during SWS. Figure A was adapted from [11]. (B)
Empirical probability distributions of human spiking activity are compared with the ones predicted by Maximum Entropy model (see main text),
both in Wake (b1) and SWS (b2) for two type of cells (FS and RS). Measures of the Kullback-Leibler divergence, DKL , are indicated in the graphs.
Figure B was adapted from [20].
states (Figure 1). Note that, in mice, a different level of Taken together, these results show that inhibition seems
activity is observed between Wake and sleep depending to be a key to differentiate the network state between
on the cell type. In the light of recent studies [11], we Wake and SWS, even though the differences are subtle.
also found differences between Wake and SWS in human: This is true for the level of firing of inhibitory cells, which
(1) there seems to exist a weak homeostasis of firing seems to be maximally involved during SWS gamma
activity, where high-firing cells in wake tend to fire lower oscillations. It is also true for the level of correlation
during SWS, and vice-versa for low-firing cells, as found in between inhibitory cells, which show remarkably high
rat excitatory neurons [16] and which we confirm here in correlations that specifically appear during SWS, some-
human (Figure 2) for RS and FS cells. (2) There is a times extending to large cortical distances [11]
stronger participation of FS cells during gamma oscilla- (Figure 4A).
tions in SWS compared to Wake (Figure 3). (3) Besides
the level of firing, there is also an increase of the spiking We presently do not know why inhibitory networks seem
correlation between pairs of FS cells, specifically during different during sleep. A possibility is that the different
sleep [11] (Figure 4). levels of cholinergic drive in Wake and SWS may
Cellular correlates of wake and sleep states Susin and Destexhe 73
up-regulate some of the inhibitory neurons, resulting in this paper investigated the firing of excitatory and inhibitory cells in human
and monkey during wake and sleep states, during gamma oscillations. A
an increase of participation in gamma oscillations, as we higher level of participation was found for inhibitory cells, as well as high
observed. However, this does not explain why inhibitory correlations, specific to SWS, and only between inhibitory cells.
cells are so correlated during SWS, which necessarily 12. Hubel DH: Single unit activity in striate cortex of unrestrained
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Work 2
Reference: Susin, Eduarda, and Alain Destexhe. "Integration, coincidence detection and
resonance in networks of spiking neurons expressing Gamma oscillations and asynchronous
states." Plos Computational Biology (2021).
French Abstract:
Pendant l’état de veille, l’activité neuronale observée dans le cerveau est typiquement
asynchrone et irrégulière. Cependant, cette activité est également accompagnée de péri-
odes où des oscillations modulent l’activité des neurones. Une de ces oscillations, connues
comme des Ondes Gamma (30-90 Hz), a été associée au traitement de l’information. Dans
cette étude, nous utilisons des modèles informatiques pour étudier comment les circuits
cérébraux génèrent des oscillations d’une manière cohérente avec les enregistrements de
microélectrodes chez l’homme. Nous étudions ensuite comment ces réseaux réagissent aux
stimuli externes, en comparant les états asynchrones avec les états oscillatoires. Ceci est
testé selon plusieurs paradigmes: un mode intégrative où des entrées qui variant lentement
sont progressivement intégrées; un mode de détection de coïncidence où les entrées brèves
sont traitées en fonction de la phase des oscillations; et un mode de résonance où le réseau
est sondé avec des stimuli oscillatoires. Étonnamment, nous constatons que dans tous les
cas, la présence d’oscillations Gamma diminue la réactivité aux stimuli externes. Nous
discutons des implications possibles de cette diminution de réactivité sur le traitement de
l’information et proposons de nouvelles directions pour une exploration plus poussée.
a1111111111 * [email protected]
a1111111111 Abstract
Gamma oscillations are widely seen in the awake and sleeping cerebral cortex, but the
exact role of these oscillations is still debated. Here, we used biophysical models to examine
how Gamma oscillations may participate to the processing of afferent stimuli. We con-
OPEN ACCESS structed conductance-based network models of Gamma oscillations, based on different cell
Citation: Susin E, Destexhe A (2021) Integration, types found in cerebral cortex. The models were adjusted to extracellular unit recordings in
coincidence detection and resonance in networks
humans, where Gamma oscillations always coexist with the asynchronous firing mode. We
of spiking neurons expressing Gamma oscillations
and asynchronous states. PLoS Comput Biol 17(9): considered three different mechanisms to generate Gamma, first a mechanism based on
e1009416. the interaction between pyramidal neurons and interneurons (PING), second a mechanism
pcbi.1009416 in which Gamma is generated by interneuron networks (ING) and third, a mechanism which
Editor: Arvind Kumar, Royal Institute of relies on Gamma oscillations generated by pacemaker chattering neurons (CHING). We
Technology (KTH), SWEDEN find that all three mechanisms generate features consistent with human recordings, but that
Received: May 4, 2021 the ING mechanism is most consistent with the firing rate change inside Gamma bursts
Accepted: September 2, 2021 seen in the human data. We next evaluated the responsiveness and resonant properties of
these networks, contrasting Gamma oscillations with the asynchronous mode. We find that
Published: September 16, 2021
for both slowly-varying stimuli and precisely-timed stimuli, the responsiveness is generally
Peer Review History: PLOS recognizes the
lower during Gamma compared to asynchronous states, while resonant properties are
benefits of transparency in the peer review
process; therefore, we enable the publication of similar around the Gamma band. We could not find conditions where Gamma oscillations
all of the content of peer review and author were more responsive. We therefore predict that asynchronous states provide the highest
responses alongside final, published articles. The responsiveness to external stimuli, while Gamma oscillations tend to overall diminish
editorial history of this article is available here:
PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY Integration, coincidence detection and resonance in networks of spiking neurons
PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY Integration, coincidence detection and resonance in networks of spiking neurons
dgE;Ii ðtÞ X
tE;I ¼ gE;Ii ðtÞ þ QE;Ii dðt tk Þ
dt k
dwi ðtÞ X
twi ¼ aðVi ðtÞ EL Þ wi ðtÞ þ b dðt tj Þ
dt j
where C is the membrane capacitance, gL is the leakage conductance, EL is the leaky membrane
potential, Vth is the effective threshold and Δ is the threshold slope factor. The synaptic current
(ISyni (t)) received from other neurons to neuron i is taken into account as conductance based:
every time a presynaptic neuron spikes at time tk, the excitatory (gEi ) or the inhibitory (gIi ) syn-
aptic conductance increase by a discrete amount QE or QI (excitatory or inhibitory synaptic
strength), depending on the nature of the presynaptic neuron. Synaptic conductances subse-
quently decay exponentially with a time constant τE or τI. EE and EI are the reversal potential
of excitatory (EE) and inhibitory (EI) synapses. The ∑k runs over all the presynaptic excitatory
or inhibitory neurons spike times. During the simulations, the equation characterizing the
membrane potential Vi is numerically integrated until a spike is generated. Formally this hap-
pens when Vi grows rapidly toward infinity. In practice, the spiking time is defined as the
moment in which Vi reaches a certain threshold (Vth). When Vi = Vth the membrane potential
is reset to Vrest, which is kept constant until the end of the refractory period Tref. After the
refractory period the equations start being integrated again. The adaptation current is
described by the variable wi. It increases by an amount b every time neuron i emits a spike at
times tj and decays exponentially with time scale τw. The parameter a indicates the subthresh-
old adaptation.
Three types of cells were used in our models: Regular Spiking Cells (RS), Chattering Cells
(Ch) and Fast Spiking Cells (FS). The cell specific activities are displayed in Fig 1 and their
parameters are indicated in Table 1.
Each of the three developed networks are composed of N = 25000 neurons, 80% excitatory
and 20% of inhibitory. All neurons are connected randomly. Additionally to recurrent connec-
tions, each neuron receive an external drive (noise). This noise was implemented as NExt =
20000 independent and identically distributed excitatory Poissonian spike trains with a spiking
frequency μExt, being sent to the network with a 2% probability of connection. These spike
trains were computed inside of the synaptic current term Isyn(t), by means of a discontinuous
increase of the excitatory synaptic conductance gE by an amount QExt (at every spike time).
This type of implementation adds to the network a low degree of correlation, since some neu-
rons share the same drive. Nevertheless, this extra correlation does not affect our results,
which kept being qualitatively the same when a drive with no correlations was applied. The
PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY Integration, coincidence detection and resonance in networks of spiking neurons
Fig 1. Neuronal response to an external current. A: External drive fluctuation. External current, in each neuron, varied from 0 to 0.5 nA
in a linear way, was kept constant for 500 ms, subsequently decreasing to 0 nA in a linear way. B: Isolated RS cell in response to the
external drive presented in A. C: Isolated FS cell in response to the external drive presented in A. D: Activity of one Ch cell, in a network
exclusively composed of 1000 Ch cells connected randomly with a probability of 2%.
patterns of connection and neuron type composition of each network model, as well as the
specific values of Poissonian stimulation (μExt and QExt), are described bellow.
• PING Network: It is composed of 25000 Adex neurons (20000 excitatory Regular Spiking
and 5000 inhibitory Fast Spiking cells). All neurons are connected randomly with a probabil-
ity of connection of 2%. All synapses are delayed by a time delay of 1.5 ms. The synaptic
excitatory (inhibitory) time scales are τE = 1.5 ms (τI = 7.5 ms), with synaptic strengths of
PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY Integration, coincidence detection and resonance in networks of spiking neurons
QE = 5 nS (QI = 3.34 nS). Synaptic time scales were chosen accordingly to the parameter
search indicated in S1 Fig. For Gamma activity, the network was stimulated with an external
noise of μExt = 3 Hz and QExt = 4 nS. For an activity similar to an Asynchronous and Irregu-
lar activity (AI-like), the network was stimulated with an external noise of μExt = 2 Hz and
QExt = 4 nS.
• Asynchronous and Irregular (AI) Network: The AI Network was used in this work as one
of the building blocks for the ING and the CHING Network. It is composed of 25000 neu-
rons (20000 excitatory Regular Spiking and 5000 inhibitory Fast Spiking). All neurons are
connected randomly with a probability of connection of 2%. All synapses have synaptic
strengths of QE = 1 nS or QI = 5 nS, and are delayed by a time delay of 1.5 ms. This network,
independently of the strength of the the external noise, can not generate Gamma rhythms.
This is the case because the chosen synaptic excitatory and inhibitory time scales (τE = τI = 5
ms) are in a region of the parameter space in which the regime is asynchronous and irregu-
lar. See S1 Fig. Because of this feature, the AI Network was used as a control to study network
responsiveness (see Results section).
• Gamma Network: The Gamma Network was used in this work as one of the building blocks
for the ING Network. It is composed of 1000 inhibitory Fast Spiking neurons, highly con-
nected between each other. All neurons are connected randomly with a probability of con-
nection of 60%. All synapses have synaptic strengths of QI = 5 nS and synaptic time constant
of τI = 5 ms, and are delayed by a time delay of 1.5 ms. This network is capable of generating
oscillations by its own due to the exclusive presence of inhibitory neurons excited by an
external drive [29, 30]. Low oscillation frequencies in the Gamma range (�70 Hz) are possi-
ble thanks to the high connectivity patterns used (60%). S2 Fig displays the parameter space
of network connectivity vs. inhibitory synaptic strengths for this network. The parameters
chosen in our simulations (p = 60% and QI = 5 nS) are indicated.
• ING Network: The ING Network is constructed as a mixture of AI network with the Gamma
Network. It is composed of 25000 neurons: 20000 RS and 4000 FS from the AI network plus
1000 FS neurons from the Gamma Network. The Fast Spiking neurons in the original AI
network and the ones in the Gamma Network share all the same parameters of FS cells in
Table 1. The only difference among them is their pattern of connectivity. To make it clear,
we call as FS2, the FS neurons that were part of the Gamma Network, and we keep calling as
FS the ones that were part of the AI Network. In the ING Network, FS2 cells send and receive
PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY Integration, coincidence detection and resonance in networks of spiking neurons
random connections to RS neurons with a probability of 15%, FS2 cells send random con-
nections to FS neurons with a probability of 15% while FS cells send random connections to
FS2 neurons with a probability of 3%. This combination of the Gamma network with the AI
Network allows the oscillation frequency to slow down further, reaching � 55 Hz. All synap-
ses have synaptic strengths of QE = 1 nS or QI = 5 nS and synaptic time scales of τE = τI = 5
ms. Synapses are delayed by a time of 1.5 ms. For Gamma activity the network was stimu-
lated with an external noise of μExt = 3 Hz, while for Asynchronous and Irregular activity,
the network was stimulated with an external noise of μExt = 2 Hz. The external noise used
had a synaptic strength of QExt = 0.9 nS.
• CHING Network: The CHING Network is constructed the same way as the AI network, with
the difference that 5% of the RS cells were replaced by Chattering Cells (Ch). This way, the
CHING Network is composed of 25000 neurons: 19000 RS, 1000 Ch and 5000 FS. All cells in
the network are randomly connected to each other with a probability of 2%. All synapses
have synaptic time scales of τE = τI = 5 ms and are delayed by a time delay of 1.5 ms. Excit-
atory synapses have synaptic strengths of QE = 1 nS, while inhibitory synapses from FS cells
to Ch or to RS have synaptic strengths of QI = 7 nS. Synapses from FS to FS have synaptic
strengths of QI = 5 nS. The network receives external noise with synaptic strength of QExt = 1
nS in excitatory cells (RS and Ch) and QExt = 0.75 nS in FS cells. For Gamma, external noise
of μExt = 2 was used, while for Asynchronous and Irregular activity, μExt = 1 Hz.
All neural networks were constructed using Brian2 simulator [31]. All equations were numeri-
cally integrated using Euler Methods and dt = 0.1 ms as integration time step. The codes for
each one of the three developed networks are available at ModelDB platform:
LFP model
To model the LFP generated by each of the three developed networks, we used a recent method
developed by [32]. This approach calculates the contribution of individual neurons to the LFP
by means of the convolution of individual neuron spike trains (generated by the networks)
with a phenomenological Kernel K, which had its parameters fitted from unitary LFPs (the
LFP generated by a single axon, uLFP) measured experimentally [32]. Each neuron spike train
is convoluted with a particular Kernel Kp that depends on the particular neuron position x~p in
a 2-D space.
Kp ð~
x ; tÞ ¼ Að~
x Þexp½ ðt tpick Þ =ð2s2 Þ�
xÞ ¼ x x~p j=l�
A0 exp½ j~
in which σ is the standard deviation in time, tpick is the peak time of the uLFP, t0 is the time of
the spike of a particular cell p, d is a constant delay, va is the axonal speed, and j~x x~p j is the
distance between the position of particular cell (~ xp ) and the position of the electrode (~
x ). Að~
gives the space-dependent amplitude, in which A0 is the maximal amplitude, and λ is the
space constant of the decay. These parameters were estimated separately for excitatory and
PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY Integration, coincidence detection and resonance in networks of spiking neurons
inhibitory contributions (KpE and KpI ) [32, 33]. The LFP, at a particular electrode position ~
x , is
given by the sum of all individual neuron contributions:
x ; tÞ ¼ ð3Þ
! !
XZ p
X XZ p
K ð~
x; t
E tÞ dðt j
t Þ dt þ
p K ð~
Ix; t tÞ dðt j
t Þ dt
p ð4Þ
p j p j
In which ∑p runs over neurons p, and ∑j runs over all spike times of neuron p. To be able to
apply this method to our simulations (which don’t presume any neuronal localization in
space), we randomly displaced the network neurons in 2-D grid, assuming that the electrode
was displaced on its center and was measuring the LFP in the same layer as neuronal soma.
The program code of the kernel method is available in ModelDB (
266508), using python 3 or the hoc language of NEURON.
Spike-LFP phase-locking
Every time a Gamma period was identified, in both experimental and simulated signals, the
spiking times of each neuron was stored and compared to the Gamma rhythm phase. This
information allowed the construction of the phase distribution of each neuron. For the experi-
mental data, considering that the identification of Gamma bursts was done separately for each
electrode, neurons measured in particular electrode, had their phases and firing rates analyzed
exclusively with respect to the rhythm measured in this electrode. Neuron phases were calcu-
lated from -π to π. In this way neurons with negative phases should be interpreted as spiking
preferentially before than neurons with positive phases. The phase distribution of each neuron
was tested for circular uniformity using a Bonferroni-corrected Rayleigh test [36, 37]. A neuron
was considered phase-locked if we could reject circular uniformity at P < 0.01. See S3 Fig. Neu-
rons that spiked less then 5 times inside Gamma bursts, or neurons whose electrode measured
less then 1 second of Gamma, in the respective data segment, were classified as inconclusive.
PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY Integration, coincidence detection and resonance in networks of spiking neurons
average firing rate inside Gamma bursts (fγ) was calculated based on the total Gamma duration
and the activity occurring exclusively inside Gamma bursts. A neuron was considered to
increase its firing significantly if the observed number of spikes in the measured time was
higher than the percent point function of a 95% Interval of Confidence of a Poissonian distribu-
tion with average firing rate fout. Cells that had firing rates smaller then 0.1 Hz or cells whose
electrode measured less then 1 second of Gamma bursts, in the respective data segment, were
classified as inconclusive. See S4 Fig.
The level of responsiveness (R) of a network, due to a stimulus (S) in a time window of duration
T, is defined as the difference between the total number of spikes generated by the whole net-
work due to a stimulus (Nspikes ) and the total number of spikes generated in the absence of the
stimulus (Nspikes), normalized by the network size (total number of neurons Nn) and the dura-
tion of the time window T.
Nspikes Nspikes
R¼ ð5Þ
Phase-dependent responsiveness
The Phase-dependent responsiveness of a network R(θ), in a time window of duration T, due to
a stimulus S presented to the network in a particular phase θ of the Gamma cycle, is defined as
the difference between the total number of spikes generated by the whole network due to a
stimulus at the θ phase, Nspikes ðyÞ, and the total number of spikes generated in the absence of
the stimulus at the θ phase, Nspikes(θ), normalized by the network size (total number of neurons
Nn) and the time window T.
Nspikes ðyÞ Nspikes ðyÞ
RðyÞ ¼ ð6Þ
Human recordings
In one epileptic patient with intractable seizures, 10x10 Neuroprobe silicon multielectrode
arrays (400-μm inter-electrode separation, 1 mm electrode length, Blackrock Microsystems)
were implanted in the middle temporal gyrus (layers II/III). Electrodes were implanted in
regions expected to be removed, and after the monitoring session, the implant area was
excised. The patient consented to the procedure, which was approved by the Massachusetts
General Hospital Institutional Review Board in accordance with the ethical standards of the
Declaration of Helsinki. This data set have already been published previously [20, 21]. Neurons
could be classified through clustering based on the spike shape and functional interactions
(determined using cross-correlograms) [20, 38] as Regular Spiking Cell (RS), putative excit-
atory, and Fast Spiking Cells (FS), putative inhibitory. From 81 electrodes, 91 neurons could
be detected: 23 FS and 68 RS.
We first analyze Gamma oscillations from human recordings, then examine network models
of Gamma oscillations and compare them to the experimental data. Finally, we examine the
PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY Integration, coincidence detection and resonance in networks of spiking neurons
responsiveness and resonant properties of these networks, comparing Gamma and asynchro-
nous states.
PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY Integration, coincidence detection and resonance in networks of spiking neurons
Fig 2. Human electrophysiological data. A: Simultaneously recorded LFP and multi-units activity. The Filtered LFP (30–50 Hz) of the 81 electrodes
are shown together with the spiking times of 91 neurons. Some neurons were recorded by the same electrode, which had its LFP duplicated in the
figure. The identification of Gamma bursts was done separately for each electrode. This way, neurons measured in a particular electrode, had their
phases and firing rates analyzed exclusively with respect to the rhythm measured in its respective electrode. Spikes of Fast Spiking (FS) neurons,
presumably inhibitory, are shown in red, and spikes from Regular Spiking (RS) neurons, presumably excitatory, are shown in green. B: Gamma periods
detection. Raw LFP (black), band-pass filtered LFP (yellow) and Hilbert Transform Envelope (red) are shown. Gamma bursts were detected by means
of the deviation from the average of the Hilbert Transform envelope (dashed red line) of at least 2 SDs (dotted red line), with a minimum duration of 3
Gamma cycles. The gray shaded region indicates one example of identified Gamma burst. C: Oscillation Phase extraction. The oscillation phases were
obtained by the angle of the imaginary part of the Hilbert Transform. The phase distributions of each neuron were computed based on the oscillation
phases where each neuron spiked. D: Data organization. Five awake periods could be recorded during one night. Each period had a different total time
duration (yellow bars in minutes) and a different average duration of total Gamma occurrences (orange bars in seconds). Since each electrode was
analyzed individually, the average indicated in the bars is the average among all the electrodes in the respective segment. E: Percentage of neurons
identified as phase-locked in each data segment. The average amount of Phase-locked neurons in the five data segments was of 4% in RS and 17% in FS.
RS neurons are shown in green and FS neuron in red. F: Percentage of neurons that increased their firing during Gamma, in each data segment. The
average amount neurons in the five data segments which increased their firing during Gamma was of 17% in RS and 47% in FS. Same color scheme as
in E.
Firing Rate Increase, D: Phase-Locking). A behavior consistency of zero denotes that the indi-
cated percentage of neurons never presented that behavior, while a behavior consistency of 5
denotes that the indicated percentage of neurons presented that behavior in all 5 data seg-
ments. FS cells tended to participate of Gamma bursts with higher consistency than RS cells.
PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY Integration, coincidence detection and resonance in networks of spiking neurons
Fig 3. Individual neural behavior consistency on human recordings. Stacked bars indicating the color-coded distribution, inside of the 5 data
segments, of individual neural behavior relative to firing rate change (A) and phase-locking (B). Neurons are ordered in a way in which inhibitory
neurons are displayed in the beginning of the graph. Red neuron indexes stand for FS cells and green neuron indexes stand for RS cells. Items C and D
indicate respectively the statistics of the consistency indexes among the recorded neurons for Firing Rate Increase and Phase-Locking.
While 34.8% of FS increased their firing inside Gamma bursts in at least 4 of the 5 data seg-
ments, only 4.4% of RS cells did the same. Moreover 8.7% of FS cells kept being phase-locked
in at least 4 data segments, in comparison to only 1.5% in RS population (see S7 Fig). Likewise,
we call the reader’s attention to the significant number of cells that never increase their firing
rate inside Gamma bursts (Fig 3C, � 40% of the recorded neurons) and to the significant
number of cells that never presented phase-locking (Fig 3D, � 80% of the recorded neurons).
The behavior of individual cells during Gamma is quantified in S8 Fig.
Furthermore, another important aspect to be acknowledge is a possible correlation between
high firing rate cells (inside Gamma bursts) and those cells that show higher phase locking.
Nonetheless, the human data set used in this study is too small to be able to arrive to any con-
clusion. In our analysis cells with high firing rates were observed to be not phase-locked (or
phase-locked), the same way as cells with lower firing rates were observed to phase-locked
(or not phase-locked). See S9 Fig. The same is true if we try do drive conclusions about the co-
occurrences of firing rate increase and phase-locking (see S6 Fig).
In summary our analysis shows that, during Gamma bursts, only a small percentage of the
recorded neurons participate of the rhythm. This participation takes place in two ways: phase-
locking and/or firing rate increase. FS cells presented significant higher level of phase-locking
and firing rate increase in comparison to RS cells. Likewise the level of consistency behavior
were also more marked in FS cells than RS cells. Our analysis further indicates that, the group
of Gamma participating cells changes with time as well as their phase-preference.
PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY Integration, coincidence detection and resonance in networks of spiking neurons
firing rate regime [30]; in contrast to models fully synchronized, in which neurons behave as
periodic oscillators. In this last regime, known as an spike-to-spike regime, neurons spike at
every cycle (or once every two cycles), with an average firing rate close to the frequency of
oscillatory network activity [46–54]
It is well established, experimentally and theoretically, that inhibition plays a crucial role in
generating Gamma rhythms [21, 23, 29, 42, 55–59]. Nonetheless, it is still controversial [22–
25] whether Gamma oscillations are generated by the exclusively interaction among inhibitory
neurons [Interneuron Gamma (ING)] or via the interaction of inhibitory and excitatory neu-
rons [Pyramidal-Interneuron Gamma (PING)]. Furthermore, a third mechanism, less explored
in the literature, relies on the presence of pacemaker excitatory cells known as Chattering neu-
rons [26, 27]. We named this third mechanism as Chattering Induced Gamma (CHING).
To compare to what degree each of three previously mentioned mechanisms can reproduce
the observed experimental features, and what are the consequences of each mechanism, we
constructed three neural networks working in the firing rate regime, adapted to generate
Gamma by means of ING, PING or CHING. Network and neuronal parameters were chosen
in a way to allow each model to reproduce experimental features as well as possible, with physi-
ologically plausible firing rates and membrane conductance distributions (see S10 and S11
Figs). We call the reader’s attention to the fact that, while networks with a structure similar to
our PING Network have been largely used in the literature, the structures of ING and CHING
Networks were developed exclusively for this study.
Like in previous works [60], all three networks are capable of generating spontaneous
Gamma bursts. These Gamma bursts are controlled by fluctuations of recurrent drive gener-
ated by the network dynamics, which for this reason occur irregularly and in an unpredictable
fashion. However, more predictable Gamma bursts can be obtained by increasing the external
drive (in all three networks). Fig 4 shows the behavior of the three networks when a fluctuation
on the Poissonian input generates Gamma, mimicking the Gamma bursts observed experi-
mentally. Note however that, outside of Gamma bursts (low input amplitude), the networks do
not necessarily display a pure AI state: all three networks display reminiscent low-amplitude
oscillations. In all cases, the firing dynamics remained irregular and with low synchrony, so we
called them AI-like states.
We next performed on the network models an equivalent analysis as in the human data
recordings. Each cell was followed in 5 different simulations containing on average 13 seconds
of Gamma bursts (same duration as in the experimental recordings, mimicking the five experi-
mental data segments) and statistical tests to identify phase-locking and firing rate changes
were performed. Fig 5A, 5B and 5C display respectively the quantification of behavior consis-
tency for PING, ING and CHING Networks. Accordingly to the unit recordings [21], the cells
were generally more depolarized and increased their firing during Gamma. On the other
hand, within the three models, only the ING Network (Fig 5Bc) is capable of describing the
appropriate amount of neurons that increase their firing in different data segments, during
Gamma. The PING and CHING networks predict an over-estimation of this number. The
presence of a sub-population of highly connected inhibitory neurons, capable of generating
Gamma rhythms by their own (see Neuron and Network Models: Gamma Network in Materials
and methods Section), allows the ING Network to provide a compensation for external excit-
atory fluctuations: whenever there is an augmentation of input in the network (generating
Gamma), there is in addition a concomitant augmentation of inhibition thanks to the FS2
In comparison to the experimental data analysis performed previously, all three models are
capable of correctly describing the frequency of re-occurrence of phase-locking inside of a
group of neurons in different data segments. That is, all three models predict the same the
PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY Integration, coincidence detection and resonance in networks of spiking neurons
Fig 4. Neural activity of different Gamma generation mechanisms networks. PING Network (left), ING Network (middle) and CHING Network
(right). A: Scheme of each network structure and pattern of connectivity. B: External Poissonian noise fluctuation generating Gamma bursts. C: Raster
plot of network activity inside and outside Gamma bursts. Only 1000 neurons of each cell type are shown. D: Membrane potential activity of randomly
picked neurons of each type. Pay attention to the well defined subthreshold oscillation exclusively present in the ING Network. E: Simulated LFP (raw—
in black) and its filtered version (yellow).
same intensity of phase-locking consistency as the one observed on the human recordings (Fig
3D). On the other hand, regardless of the mechanisms of Gamma generation, all networks pre-
dict an over estimated phase-locking level (total number of phase-locked neurons per data seg-
ment) (see S12 Fig). With respect to the human data set, the PING and ING networks predict a
comparable level of phase-locking in the excitatory population but an exaggerated level in the
inhibitory population. In contrast, the CHING Network predicts a comparable level of phase-
locking in the inhibitory population but an exaggerated level in the excitatory one. Side by
side, the CHING Network is the one that still captures the best the level of phase-locking in
both populations (excitatory and inhibitory).
The right prediction of phase-locking consistency can be explained by the type of activity
regime in which each network works: the fluctuation-driven regime. Since this regime allows
neurons to spike with low firing rates in an irregular fashion, participating of the global
Gamma oscillation only in certain cycles due to the subthreshold randomness. Nonetheless,
the over-estimation of phase-locking level, indicates that the simple fact of being in the fluctua-
tion-driven regime is not enough to capture all levels of description. We hypothesize that the
network structure play a key role in the way neurons behave during oscillations. Fig 5 illus-
trates how different network structures (different connectivities in the ING Network or differ-
ent neuron types in the CHING Network) influence network activity.
PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY Integration, coincidence detection and resonance in networks of spiking neurons
Fig 5. Individual neural behavior consistency in computational models. A: PING Network. B: ING Network. C: CHING Network. Same
analysis and color codes used in Fig 3. To mimic the five experimental independent data segments in the Human data recordings (Fig 3) on
the network models, five simulations (per model) were performed, containing on average the same amount of total Gamma bursts duration
as in the experimental data (13 seconds). In addition, to match the number of recorded neurons in the experimental data, in the models a
subset of 100 randomly picked neurons were selected in each case.
In the presented human recordings, inhibitory neurons tended to spike earlier in the cycle
than excitatory neurons. Fig 6 shows the phase preference with respect to the Gamma cycle of
all the neurons considered phase-locked in the human data recordings (Fig 6A) and in each of
the three developed networks (Fig 6B, 6C and 6D). The ING and CHING networks predict the
PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY Integration, coincidence detection and resonance in networks of spiking neurons
Fig 6. Phase preference of phase-locked cells. A: Human Data (Data segment 2). B: PING Network Data. C: ING Network Data. D: CHING Network
Data. The preferred phases of each phase-locked cell are displayed in polar graph representation. Note that, since phases were calculated from −π to π
(see Spike-LFP phase-locking in Materials and methods Section), these polar graphs should be interpreted clockwise with time. The vector size gives a
measure of the phase distribution of each cell. Big amplitude vectors indicate very concentrated distributions while small amplitude vectors indicate less
concentrated ones (see S3 Fig). The color of each vector encodes the type of the cell of whom it represents the phase: red (FS), dark red (FS2), green (RS)
and dark green (Ch). Cell number IDs are indicated. Dark colored vectors indicate the average phase among each neuron type and Δθ the phase
difference among them. Data segment 2 presented 43 minutes of recordings, containing 14 seconds of Gamma activity.
same relationship as observed in the human recordings (inhibition preceding excitation) while
the PING Network predicts the opposite. Moreover, in the same way as the human data set (S5
Fig), cells that were classified as phase-locked, have their preferred phase changed from one
simulation to other (dynamical phase preference). We argue that this feature is also a conse-
quence of the fluctuation-driven regime.
The phase relationship between excitation and inhibition is an important aspect to be dis-
cussed, since it has been suggested to be a marker of the type of Gamma generation mecha-
nism [25]. It has been shown theoretically by [45] that, in models composed of conductance
based neurons (neurons that include non-linear spike generation mechanisms on their equa-
tions) the spiking order of excitatory and inhibitory populations depends exclusively on sin-
gle-cell characteristics. Based on their analysis, when the IAMPA/IGABA ratio is the same in
excitatory and inhibitory neurons, excitatory cells tend to follow the inhibitory ones in most of
the physiologically plausible parameter space. On the other hand, when the ratio of excitation
to inhibition is weaker in excitatory cells than in inhibitory ones, excitatory cells tend to pre-
cede inhibitory neurons [30, 45]. In our simulations, the only network in which this theory
can be directly applied (because of the network structure) is the PING Network, in which the
IAMPA/IGABA ratio in excitatory cells is weaker than in inhibitory cells. Interesting discussions
about neural properties and population phase-differences can also be found on [61, 62].
Concluding this section, we showed that network models working in the firing rate regime,
regardless of the mechanism of Gamma generation, can reproduce qualitatively some of the
PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY Integration, coincidence detection and resonance in networks of spiking neurons
most important features of experimental neural activity during Gamma: phase-locking consis-
tency and dynamical phase preference. On the other hand, all models predict an overestima-
tion of the phase-locking levels. Additionally, only the ING Network model was capable of
describing a reasonable level of firing rate increase inside Gamma bursts, as found in the
human recordings. We advocate that just the simple fact of being in the fluctuation-driven
regime is not enough to capture all levels of description of Gamma oscillations, and hypothe-
size that the network structure play a key role in the way neurons behave during oscillations.
Considering that the different types of spontaneous activity exhibited by the three presented
models could greatly influence how the network processes external input, we have investigated
this issue of responsiveness to external input in the next section.
PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY Integration, coincidence detection and resonance in networks of spiking neurons
Fig 7. Network responsiveness to a Gaussian input with varying amplitude. The responsiveness, in different states (Gamma and AI-
like), was measured in the three developed networks and compared to the responsiveness of the AI Network as a control. A:
Responsiveness protocol scheme for Gamma state. A Gamma burst is generated due to fluctuations of the external drive (black dashed
line). During the Gamma activity, a Gaussian input (green line) is applied. The total number of spikes due to the stimulus, in time
window of 500 ms, is measured. To measure the total number of spikes in the absence of the stimulus, another drive fluctuation is created
generating Gamma. The total number of spikes inside of a time window of 500 ms is measured again (this time, without the Gaussian
input). Only the situation in response to a stimulus is depicted in the scheme. This procedure was repeated 100 times per each Gaussian
amplitude input. To measure responsiveness in AI and AI-like states no drive fluctuation was applied (the black dashed line in the figure
PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY Integration, coincidence detection and resonance in networks of spiking neurons
was kept constant). B: Input Amplitude Variation. The stimulus consisted of a Gaussian fluctuation in the firing rate of the external drive.
The Gaussian amplitude varied from 0.05 Hz to 2.5 Hz (step of 0.05 Hz) and had a standard deviation of 50 ms. Items C, D and E display
respectively the responsiveness of the PING Network, the ING Network and the CHING Network, inside Gamma bursts (green for
excitatory cells, red for inhibitory cells), and outside Gamma bursts—AI-like activity—(black for both types of cells). Every point
corresponds to the average responsiveness measured in 100 simulations. Standard error of the mean are indicated by the shaded region
around each curve. The responsiveness of the AI-Network was added as a control in each case (gray curve in C, D and E). To implement
the responsiveness protocol the AI-Network received a constant drive with μExt = 3 Hz, in addition to the Gaussian inputs. See S13 Fig.
while all others (Gamma non-participating cells) would be less responsive, leading to a yet
overall less prominent responsiveness. Nonetheless, S14 Fig shows the contrary. All cells seem
to follow the same decrease of responsiveness during Gamma oscillations, and we found no
evidence that some subset of cells would be more responsive, for all amplitudes tested.
In the coincidence detection mode protocol, the responsiveness at different Gamma
phases was measured. To do this, precisely-timed inputs (occurring in a time window much
smaller than the Gamma period) were applied and related to Gamma cycles in each of the
three developed networks. In this protocol the amplitude of the stimulation was kept con-
stant, while the time of the application of the Gaussian stimulus changed with respect to the
phase of the Gamma oscillation. This procedure allowed each network to be stimulated at
different Gamma phases (see S15 Fig). Fig 8 indicates the network response of excitatory
cells per Gamma phase, in different states: Gamma state (blue), AI-like (black) and AI-
like modulated by a control external current oscillating at Gamma frequency (gray). All
responses were normalized by the average response of AI-like states without external cur-
rent modulation (black).
AI-like states, when modulated by an external oscillatory current, displayed, in all network
models, preferred phases in which the network response was higher in comparison to the non-
modulated AI-like state. This constitutes an important control, because the external current
creates periods of higher and lower excitability in the network, which is translated in a phase-
dependent response (as shown by the gray curves in Fig 8). Likewise, when generating
Gamma, our models (PING and ING) demonstrate an equivalent type of phase-dependence
response (even-tough with a narrow amplitude range). On the other hand, in agreement with
the integration mode protocol, our simulations show that the responsiveness during Gamma
states at all phases are less or equal to that during AI-like states.
Resonance. In Physics, when dealing with an oscillatory system, one of the first features
to be explored is its resonant properties. In general, resonance describes the phenomenon of
increased amplitude in a system, that occurs due to the application of an oscillatory stimulus
whose frequency is equal or close to the natural frequency of the system. It has been shown
experimentally that this phenomenon can also be observed in inhibitory [56] and excitatory
[74] neuronal populations. Furthermore, theoretical studies [75] have shown that resonance is
a fundamental property of spiking networks composed of excitatory and inhibitory neurons.
Resonance has also been proposed as a mechanism to gate neuronal signals [76] and to com-
municate information [10].
We tested the resonant properties of each of our networks in AI-like and Gamma states. In
this protocol, each network received Poissonian drive with firing rates varying in time in a
sinusoidal manner, with different frequencies (Fig 9A). Fig 9B, 9C and 9D depict, for each fre-
quency and oscillation phase, the average number of spikes per RS neuron and time bin, dur-
ing Gamma and AI-like states, for the PING, ING and CHING Networks. All values were
normalized by the average firing inside of each state to exclude the state dependent firing rate
level (which is higher on Gamma). To enhance the comprehension of the responsive proper-
ties of each network, a linear version of the color maps depicted in Fig 9 (amplitude vs. phase)
PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY Integration, coincidence detection and resonance in networks of spiking neurons
Fig 8. Phase-dependent network response. A: External oscillatory current applied at AI-like state as function of its oscillation phases (gray curve)
and the filtered LFP measured during Gamma states as function of its oscillation phases (blue curve). All networks received a current oscillating
from 0 to 0.1 nA in a sinusoidal manner with a Gamma frequency Fγ. To match the Gamma oscillation frequency generated by each network, the
frequency of the external current applied to PING and CHING networks was Fγ = 40 Hz, while the one applied to ING network was Fγ = 55 Hz. The
LFP depicted is the one from PING network. ING and CHING also displayed a similar LFP pattern. B: PING Network phase-dependent response C:
ING Network phase-dependent response. D:CHING Network phase-dependent response. The phase-dependent network response was calculated
according to Eq 6, in a time window of duration T equal to one Gamma cycle (T = 25ms for the PING and CHING Networks and T = 18ms for
PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY Integration, coincidence detection and resonance in networks of spiking neurons
ING). Responses measured inside AI-like activity (outside Gamma bursts) are shown in black, and in gray when the networks received a
supplementary oscillatory external current. Responses measured inside Gamma bursts are displayed in blue. All curves were normalized by the
average response inside AI-like activity without external current modulation. Solid lines indicate the average, and the shaded region indicates the
standard error of the mean. The curves were calculated based on the output of 12000 simulations (120 positions of the Gaussian stimulus in 100
numerical seeds for external Poissonian drive). The Gaussian stimulus used had an amplitude of 50 Hz and standard deviation of 1 ms.
is provided in S16 Fig. In addition, S17 Fig depicts the resonant properties in other cell types
(FS, FS2 or Ch) during Gamma state for each one of the networks.
We observe that, in both AI-like and Gamma states, all models display resonant properties
around the Gamma band, with the main difference in between these two states being a shift of
the resonance frequency center. In this protocol we detect a similar level of responsiveness per
phase (reflected in the measured number of spikes per time bin) in AI and Gamma, indicating
that networks receiving oscillatory inputs have the same latent potential to resonate at Gamma
ranges regardless if they are displaying AI or Gamma oscillations. One should note that each
model presents its own particularities. While the PING network presents just a shift of the cen-
ter frequency of resonance, the ING network presents an enlarged potential of resonance in AI
(in addition to the frequency shift). During AI, the ING network presents an equal resonance
in several bands other than Gamma. Moreover, when a Gamma oscillation is triggered in this
network, this resonance is shrunk and becomes more concentrated in the Gamma band. The
CHING network, on the other hand, presents a strong resonance in the 15–25 Hz frequency
range during AI, while during Gamma this resonance is lost.
Concluding this section, we investigated three dynamical properties (Responsiveness,
Phase-dependent-responsiveness and Resonance) in different states (AI-like and Gamma) of
each of the three developed networks. We encounter that, regardless of Gamma generating
mechanism (PING, ING or CHING), the network responsiveness, in both coincidence detec-
tion and integrative mode, is decreased at Gamma states with respect to AI. On the other hand,
the resonant properties around the Gamma band in all networks did not change significantly
from one state to the other. The main resonant properties changes between AI and Gamma
states in each model were most prominent around other bands. The implications of these
observations on the role Gamma rhythms in neural computations and information transfer
will be discussed in the next section.
In this paper, we have examined the genesis and responsiveness of Gamma oscillations con-
strained by human recordings. We analyzed Gamma oscillations from previous studies [20,
21], where the recordings were stable, and in which RS and FS cells were discriminated. We
compared the results of this analysis to conductance-based network models implementing
three different mechanisms that were proposed for Gamma oscillations, PING, ING and
CHING. We next examined these three networks with respect to their responsiveness and res-
onance to external inputs. We discuss these aspects below.
PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY Integration, coincidence detection and resonance in networks of spiking neurons
Fig 9. Resonant properties of computational models. A: Representation of external Poissonian noise varying in time in a
sinusoidal manner around μnoise. In this protocol sinusoidal frequencies varied from 5 Hz to 100 Hz (step of 5 Hz). Two oscillatory
frequencies are depicted: 20Hz (blue) and 40 Hz (black), together with their phases (second axis) and time bins (vertical line). For
all frequencies the average Poissonian noise (μnoise) was kept the same, varying from μnoise − Δnoise and μnoise + Δnoise. The bins were
chosen in a way in which the oscillatory phases (from -π to π) were divided into 25 intervals (for all frequencies), resulting in time
bins of different duration for each oscillatory frequency. B: Resonant properties of PING Network. C: Resonant properties of ING
Network. D: Resonant properties of CHING Network. The color maps displayed in B, C and D depict, for each oscillatory
frequency and oscillation phase, the average number of spikes per RS neuron per time bin, during Gamma and AI-like states. All
PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY Integration, coincidence detection and resonance in networks of spiking neurons
values were normalized by the average firing inside of each state to exclude the state dependent firing rate level (which is higher on
Gamma). Δnoise = 0.5 Hz in all network models but μnoise varied in each case. For AI, in PING and ING Networks μnoise = 2 Hz and
in CHING Network μnoise = 1 Hz, while for Gamma, μnoise = 3 Hz in in PING and ING Networks and μnoise = 2 Hz in CHING
time as well as their phase-preference. The analysis performed on this work is very qualitative,
since it was based on a single patient. Nonetheless, this very sparse participation of RS and FS
cells during Gamma was seen in different patients, and the same was observed in monkey for
beta oscillations [21].
The occurrence of Gamma rhythms have been correlated with conscious perception [77–81]
and several authors support these rhythms as being a suitable marker of consciousness. On the
other hand, it has been proposed that the Asynchronous and Irregular activity, observed dur-
ing awake and aroused states, due to its specific responsiveness properties, is an ideal setting
for integrating multiple external inputs [12]. In support of this, it was concluded in a review
that asynchronous states constitute the most reliable correlate of conscious states [82].
Previous work [12] has compared the responsiveness of a fully synchronized network
(spike-to-spike regime) with a network in AI state, showing that the AI state is the best state to
integrate multiple external inputs. It was also shown that, in rate-based networks, the most
chaotic states could display the highest responsiveness, as measured using Shannon informa-
tion [83]. In the present work, we compared the responsive properties of AI state with Gamma
states generated by means of three different mechanism: PING, ING and CHING. Each of
these networks were submitted to two types of inputs. First, a slowly-varying input integrated
by the population of neurons over a substantial period of time (integrative mode). Second, we
examined precisely-timed inputs, occurring in a time window smaller than the Gamma period
(coincidence detection mode). For the integrative mode, we systematically found that the
Gamma oscillations yielded less responsiveness than the AI-like states and even lesser respon-
siveness than real AI states (generated by the AI Network, used as a control). In the coincidence
detection mode, we found that the response was only weakly modulated by the phase of the
Gamma. This was assessed by comparing the Gamma oscillation to a sinusoidal control input,
in which case the response was clearly phase-dependent. In agreement with the integrative
mode, the responsiveness measured in the coincidence detection mode protocol was generally
higher for the AI-like states. In addition, in the coincidence detection mode, among the three
models, the ING Network is the only one that presents a similar responsiveness between
Gamma and AI states, which stresses again the importance of network topology on networks
A smaller responsiveness during Gamma states is somehow surprising since neurons are in
general more depolarized in this state and additionally increase their firing, as we showed in
our data analysis. On the other hand this observation is intuitively easy to understand, if we
take into account the fact that Gamma oscillation are composed of successions of periods of
high inhibition, which define time windows in which neurons are less likely to spike. While
during Gamma states, these time windows of high inhibition constrain the times a certain neu-
ron can spike, during AI states neurons can spike at all moments with the same probability.
Indeed, we observed that the response during Gamma oscillations is phase-dependent, while
there is no phase preference during AI states. However, although there was a phase depen-
dence, Gamma oscillations did not provide a preferred phase where the network is more
responsive than during AI states. The fact that higher levels of inhibition during Gamma could
PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY Integration, coincidence detection and resonance in networks of spiking neurons
In this work we reproduced previous results [75] showing that resonance is a fundamental
property of spiking networks composed of excitatory and inhibitory neurons. We compared
the resonant properties during AI and Gamma states generated by three different mechanism
(ING, PING and CHING) and verified that, apart from a shift on the resonant frequency cen-
ter, the resonant properties around the Gamma band in all networks did not change signifi-
cantly from one state to the other. We call the reader attention to the particularities of each
network model, especially the enlarged potential of resonance of ING network during AI.
Even though previous work proposed the importance of resonance in information transfer
and processing in the brain [10], this aspect has been left aside until recently [86]. The most
popular view, known as the Communication Through Coherence (CTC) Theory [8, 9], pro-
poses a mechanistic explanation for how different neural regions could communicate by
means of coherence [60]. This theory advocates that, since oscillations generate a rhythmic
modulations in neuronal excitability (defining time windows in which neurons are capable to
respond), only coherently oscillating groups can effectively communicate. In contrast, a recent
work [86] present results indicating that, to the contrary, coherence is a consequence of com-
munication, not a cause of it. This study shows that if an oscillating network is connected to
another network that owns resonant properties around this same frequency, these two net-
works present coherent activity, and that the presence of these resonant interactions could
explain more than 50% of the observed coherence. Furthermore, they show that the oscillating
network sends information to the resonant one (the Granger-causality between field potentials
is dominated by oscillatory synchronization in the sending area).
PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY Integration, coincidence detection and resonance in networks of spiking neurons
In this perspective, the enlarged potential of resonance of ING network in different bands
during AI, indicates that this type of network structure (with heterogeneous connectivity pat-
terns in between inhibitory neurons) could potentially convey information equally well in
several bands. This stress the importance of network topology for neuronal information pro-
cessing and also constitutes interesting directions to further explore.
Supporting information
S1 Fig. Synaptic time scale parameter search of a network composed of RS and FS neurons
randomly connected. The network used to produce this figure was composed of 20000 excit-
atory Regular Spiking and 5000 inhibitory Fast Spiking neurons connected randomly with a
probability of connection of 2%. All synapses were delayed by a time delay of 1.5 ms, and had
reference synaptic strengths of QRe ¼ 1 nS or QRi ¼ 5 nS and reference synaptic time scales of
tRe ¼ tRi ¼ 5 ms. Synaptic strengths (Qe,i) were normalized at each tested time scale (τe,i) to
keep the same synaptic gain, such that: Qe;i ¼ ðQRe;i :tRe;i Þ=te;i . A: Network oscillation frequency
depicted in a color scheme as a function of excitatory and inhibitory synaptic time scales.
White color corresponds to regions in which no oscillation was identified in RS population. B:
Synchrony Index of RS population (top) and network balance (bottom) as a function of synap-
tic time scales. The Synchrony Index (SI) is based on the auto-correlation of the population
frequency of RS cells. To be calculated, the autocorrelation of the population frequency was
fitted by a damped cosine function and the value of this fitted function at zero time lag was
defined as the SI. If the exponential decay rate was higher then 100, it was considered that
there was no global oscillation at the population scale. The network balance was defined as the
rate between the average excitatory and inhibitory synaptic currents, hhIhIinh exc iN
it , in which hiN
stand for average among neurons and hit average on time. White squares indicate the two
different parameter sets used in our simulations (τe = τi = 5 ms for AI Network, and τe = 1 ms,
τi = 7.5 ms for PING Network). C: Same as B but calculated for the FS population. D: Popula-
tion frequency autocorrelation of RS (green dots) and FS population (blue dots) neurons of
the two used parameter sets. Solid lines indicate the damped cosine fitted function.
S2 Fig. Gamma Network parameter search. The network connectivity (p) vs. inhibitory syn-
aptic strengths (Qi) parameter space of the Gamma Network are displayed as color-plots. A:
Average spiking frequency. B: Network oscillation frequency. C: Network balance: rate
between the average excitatory and inhibitory synaptic currents, hhIhIInh
exc iN
it , in which hiN stand
for average among neurons and hit average on time. D: Membrane Potential Synchrony
(χ), calculated by means of the equation: w2 ¼ 1 N 2 , in which VðtÞ ¼ N1 SNi Vi ðtÞ,
N Si sVi
2 2 2 2
sV 2 ¼ h½VðtÞ� it ½hVðtÞit � and sVi 2 ¼ h½Vi ðtÞ� it ½hVi ðtÞit � . The set of parameter which
allowed Gamma Network to oscillate in the Gamma range are indicated by a star symbol. The
white and yellow curves depict parameter choices in which the product between p and Qi
are the same. The yellow curve indicates all parameters equivalent to a choice of p = 60% and
Qi = 5 nS (Q0i ¼ 3=p0 ), while the white curve indicates all parameters equivalent to a choice of
p = 10% and Qi = 5 nS (Q0i ¼ 0:5=p0 ), like it is usually used in other works [30]. Every point in
each graph is given by the average output of 10 simulations of 5 seconds each. In this simula-
tions each neuron of the Gamma Network received 400 independent and identically distrib-
uted excitatory Poissonian spike trains with a spiking frequency μExt = 5 Hz and a synaptic
strength of QExt = 1 nS that decayed with synaptic time constant of τE = 5 ms. E: Network activ-
ity for the parameters indicated with a start in A, B, C and (p = 60% and Qi = 5 nS). The raster
PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY Integration, coincidence detection and resonance in networks of spiking neurons
plot of the whole network (e1), the population frequency (e2), the membrane potential of 3
randomly chosen neurons (e3) and the power spectrum of the population frequency (e4) are
indicated. The population frequency is calculated as the total number of spikes (spikes of the
whole network) in a time bin of 1 ms, divided by the duration of this time bin. Because of the
exclusive presence of inhibitory neurons and its high level of recurrent inhibition, this network
is capable of generating Gamma rhythms with frequencies around 70Hz by means of an ING
S3 Fig. Phase-locking statistical test. A and B: Phase distribution of two randomly picked
cells from the human recordings (Data segment 1): one excitatory (A, green) and one inhibi-
tory (B, red). The phase distribution of each cell was fitted to a Von Mises curve, which allowed
the estimation of its preferred phase yVM . The phase distribution of each neuron was tested for
circular uniformity using a Bonferroni-corrected Rayleigh test [36, 37]. C and D: Rayleigh Z
calculated for all recorded neurons: excitatory (C, green) and inhibitory (D, red). A neuron
was considered phase-locked if the circular uniformity at P < 0.01, (Z > Zc) could be rejected.
In these plots, neurons were ordered according to their Z value and not according to their
original indexes. E: Preferred phases, yVM , of each phase-locked cell, displayed in polar graph
representation. Dark colored vectors indicate the average phase among each neuron type and
Δθ the phase difference among RS and FS. Data segment 1 presented 22 minutes of recordings,
containing 9 seconds of Gamma activity.
S4 Fig. Firing rate change statistical test. A: Activity of two randomly picked cells during sev-
eral Gamma bursts: neuron 13 (inhibitory, left) and neuron 75 (excitatory, right). The graphs
display the firing patter around Gamma bursts (indicated by the black doted lines). Each point
corresponds to one spike in the correspondent tuple of time and burst ID (y-axis). B: Histo-
gram computing the distributions of all spikes inside all Gamma bursts of neuron 13 (left)
and neuron 75 (right). C: Exemplification of firing rate change statistical test. The Poissonian
distribution of these two neurons is constructed based on their average firing rate calculated
outside of Gamma bursts. The critical number of spikes nc, indicated by the dotted lines, is
calculated based on the Percent Point Function of the respective Poissonian Distribution for a
period T, with an 95% Interval of Confidence. The observed number of spikes nobsv is depict as
a dot over the curve. According to this procedure, only neuron 75 is considered to increase its
firing, since nobsv > nc.
S5 Fig. Phase preference of phase-locked cells per data segment in the human record-
ings. A: Data segment 1—containing 22 minutes of recordings and 9 seconds of total
Gamma activity. B: Data segment 2—containing 43 minutes of recordings and 14 seconds of
total Gamma activity. C: Data segment 3—containing 28 minutes of recordings and 16 sec-
onds of total Gamma activity. D: Data segment 4—containing 26 minutes of recordings and
13 seconds of total Gamma activity. E: Data segment 5—containing 16 minutes of record-
ings and 11 seconds of total Gamma activity. The preferred phases of each phase-locked cell
are displayed in polar graph representation. Phases were calculated from −π to π. The vector
size gives a measure of the phase distribution of each cell. Big amplitude vectors indicate
very concentrated distributions while small amplitude vectors indicate less concentrated
ones. The color of each vector encodes the type of the cell of whom it represents the phase:
red (FS), and green (RS). Cell number IDs are indicated. Dark colored vectors indicate the
PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY Integration, coincidence detection and resonance in networks of spiking neurons
average phase among each neuron type and Δθ the phase difference among them.
S6 Fig. Change of Gamma participating cells with time in experimental data. The middle
panel represents each cell by a circle in each of the 5 data segments. FS and RS phase-locked
cells are depicted respectively as red and green circles, while not phase-locked or inconclusive
(with respect to phase locked) cells of both types are depicted as blue and gray circles respec-
tively. Superposed to each cell circle, pointing up and down triangles were added to indicate if
the cell increased (4) or decreased (5) its firing. If the cell didn’t change its firing significantly
a minus sign (-) was added. Side box plots indicate, on the left, the percentage of phase-locked
FS (red) and RS (green) cells in each of the 5 data segments, and, on the right, the percentage
of firing rate increase. Dotted lines indicate the average value (phase-locking level: left and
firing rate increase: right) between the 5 data segments. The bottom box plot depicts the super-
posed counts of phase-locking or firing rate increase behavior of each individual cell, com-
puted in the 5 data segments.
S7 Fig. Behavior consistency of RS and FS cells in human recordings. Distributions of con-
sistency indexes among the recorded neurons with respect to to firing rate increase are dis-
played respectively in A and B for RS cells and FS cells, while C and D display the consistency
indexes distribution of phase-locking for RS and FS.
S8 Fig. Neural behavior time distribution in the human data. The activity of each neuron
inside and outside Gamma bursts in all 5 data segments were quantified. Taking into account
that each data segment had a different duration, containing a different total Gamma duration,
and that some neurons were silent in some data segments, each neuron was analyzed individu-
ally, taking into account the percentage of the total amount of time in which the neuron was
active. A: Phase-locking time distribution. The grid plot in the middle displays the amount of
time (with respect to the total recording time) in which each neuron was considered phase-
locked (A, y axis), and the the amount of time in which each neuron was considered not
phase-locked (A, x axis). RS neurons are depicted in green and FS neurons in red, together
with their ID number. Neurons lying outside of the diagonal are neurons of whom statistical
analysis was inconclusive at some data segments, due to the reduced number of spikes. At the
top left corner, lie neurons that were always considered phase-locked, while neurons that were
never considered phase-locked are placed at the bottom right corner. Pie plots indicate the per-
centage of neurons that passed at least 50% of the total time being either phase-locked or not
phase-locked (neurons that fall inside of the colored quadrants) and the neurons lying on the
left white quadrant. B: Same analysis as A but displaying the firing rate change time distribu-
tion. This analysis indicates that only a small percentage of neurons passed at least 50% of the
total time being either phase-locked (RS: 4.4%, FS: 13%) or increasing its firing (RS: 20.6%, FS:
52.2%). Moreover, even though no cell was 100% of the time phase-locked to Gamma, some
cells were 100% of the time not phase-locked to Gamma (RS: 22.1%, FS: 13%) and others never
increased their firing (RS: 41.2%, FS: 17.4%).
S9 Fig. Firing rate distribution of individual neurons inside Gamma bursts and their
phase-locking classification in human data recordings. The average firing rate of each neu-
ron in each of the 5 data segments (inside Gamma bursts) is depicted as a point in this graph
(each neuron presents 5 points). The color of each point corresponds to the neuron classifica-
tion with respect to phase-locking in the correspondent data segment (purple: phase-locked,
PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY Integration, coincidence detection and resonance in networks of spiking neurons
red: not phase-locked and gray: inconclusive). The average firing rate inside Gamma bursts
was calculated based on the total Gamma duration (recorded by the electrode, that also
recorded the particular neuron, in the respective data segment) and the total number of spikes
emitted by this particular neuron exclusively inside the Gamma bursts of the respective data
segment. Cells classified as inconclusive are cells that spiked less then 5 times inside Gamma
bursts, or cells whose electrode measured less then 1 second of Gamma bursts in the respective
data segment. FS neurons are depicted on the left and RS neurons on the right. Box plots refer-
ent to each neuron distribution are added to help in the visualization (regardless of the reduced
number of points). The box extends from the lower to upper quartile values of the data, with
a line at the median. The whiskers extend from the box to show the range of the data. Flier
points are those past the end of the whiskers and are depicted with black circle together with
the color point. This graph illustrates the fact that phase-locking and not phase-locking behav-
iors are observed both in cells with high and low firing rates.
S10 Fig. Firing rate distributions. Firing rate distributions of different neuron types (inside
and outside Gamma bursts) are depicted in A, B, C and D for each studied system. A: Human
recordings. B: PING Network. C: ING Network and D: CHING Network. Average firing rates of
each cell type is indicated by the dotted line.
S11 Fig. Average excitatory and inhibitory synaptic conductances. A: Illustration of the ana-
lyzed system: PING Network, ING Network and CHING Network. B: Ratio between excitatory
conductance (Ge) and leakage conductance (GL). C: Ratio between inhibitory conductance
(Gi) and leakage conductance (GL). Averages are indicated by the dotted line. The distributions
fall inside of the physiological range observed experimentally [87].
S12 Fig. Average level of phase-locking. The average level of phase-locking is defined as the
averaged percentage of cells in the network considered to be phase-locked, across the 5 seg-
ments of data recorded. The analysis was done separately for excitation and inhibition. A:
Human Data recordings, B:PING Network, C: ING Network and D: CHING Network. The per-
centage of cells signaled as inconclusive relates to cells in which the number of spikes inside
Gamma burst were too small to allow statistical significant phase-locking.
S13 Fig. Network responsiveness of a network composed of RS and FS neurons randomly
connected with different synaptic time scales. A: AI network receiving a Poissonian drive of
3Hz. B: PING network receiving a Poissonian drive of 3Hz (inducing Gamma). C: PING net-
work receiving a Poissonian drive of 2Hz (not inducing Gamma). In addition to the drive
each network received a Gaussian stimulus of 2Hz pick and a standard deviation of 50 ms. The
drive and stimulus are depicted in each case in a1, b1 and c1. The raster plot of each network
during the stimulation is depicted in each case in a2, b2 and c2. The membrane potential of 3
randomly picked neurons are depicted in each case in a3, b3 and c3. The raw and the filtered
simulated LFP are depicted in each case in a4, b4 and c4.
S14 Fig. Responsiveness of individual cells in computational models. A: PING Network. B:
ING Network. C: CHING Network. To estimate the individual cell responsiveness, we calcu-
lated the average spiking frequency of each cell inside (y-axis) and outside stimulus (x-axis)
during AI-like states (left) and Gamma states (right). RS cells are displayed in green and FS
PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY Integration, coincidence detection and resonance in networks of spiking neurons
cells in red. In each plot the linear regression from the points is depicted with the identity. We
observe that all cells follow the same rule of responsiveness (proportional to their firing outside
the stimulus). No difference can be seen between the responsiveness of neurons classified as
Gamma participating and the Gamma non-participating cells.
S15 Fig. Phase-dependent network response protocol. A: Protocol scheme in ING Network
when it displays Gamma oscillations (45-65 Hz). Top: stimulus used to measure network
phase-dependent response. The stimulus consisted of fast Gaussian fluctuation (standard devi-
ation of 1 ms) which modulated the firing rate of the external Poissonian spike trains injected
into network from 0 to 50 Hz. Middle: Raster plot indicating the network response to the
Gaussian stimulus. The network responsiveness was calculated according to Eq 6, in a time
window T = 18ms (shaded gray area). Bottom: Gamma oscillation phase around the the stimu-
lus pick. The phase at the time the stimulus was applied is indicated. The Phase-dependent net-
work responsiveness was measured in three different network states: B: AI state (Poissonian
noise = 2Hz, no external current). C: AI-modulated states (Poissonian noise = 1Hz, with sinu-
soidal external current). D: Gamma state (Poissonian noise = 3Hz, no external current). Items
A, B and C display the Raster activity of ING Network without the Gaussian stimulation. Only
20% of network is shown.
S16 Fig. Linear representation of color maps depicted in Fig 9. A: Resonant properties of
PING Network. B: Resonant properties of ING Network. C: Resonant properties of CHING
Network. The curves displayed in B, C and D depict, for each oscillatory frequency (color
scheme) the amplitude (average number of spikes per neuron per time bin) as a function of
the oscillation phase, during Gamma and AI-like states. All values were normalized by the
average firing inside of each state to exclude the state dependent firing rate level (which is
higher on Gamma). Δnoise = 0.5 Hz in all network models but μnoise varied in each case. For
AI, in PING and ING Networks μnoise = 2 Hz and in CHING Network μnoise = 1 Hz, while for
Gamma, μnoise = 3 Hz in in PING and ING Networks and μnoise = 2 Hz in CHING Network.
S17 Fig. Resonant properties of computational models during Gamma in each cell type. A:
Resonant properties of PING Network. B: Resonant properties of ING Network. C: Resonant
properties of CHING Network. The color maps displayed in A, B and C depict, for each oscil-
latory frequency and oscillation phase, the average number of spikes per cell type (RS, FS,
FS2 or Ch) and time bin, during Gamma state. Differently than Fig 9 no normalization was
applied. Δnoise = 0.5 Hz in all network models but μnoise varied in each case. In PING and ING
Networks μnoise = 3 Hz and in CHING Network μnoise = 2 Hz.
We thank Damien Depannemaecker and Mallory Carlu for enlightening discussions and
Author Contributions
Conceptualization: Eduarda Susin, Alain Destexhe.
Data curation: Eduarda Susin.
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Work 3
French Abstract:
Des médicaments psychotiques, tels que la kétamine, induisent des symptômes proches
de la schizophrénie et stimulent l’augmentation d’oscillations Gamma, similaires à ce que
s’observe chez les patients touches par cette maladie. Toutefois, les mécanismes sous-
jacents à ces effets ne sont toujours pas bien décrits. Dans cette étude, nous avons utilisé
des modèles informatiques de réseaux de neurones corticaux générant des oscillations
Gamma, où nous avons intégré l’action de médicaments tels que la kétamine pour bloquer
partiellement les récepteurs de n-méthyl-d-aspartate (NMDA). Le modèle développé décrit
la modulation des oscillations Gamma par des antagonistes des récepteurs de NMDA, en
supposant que les antagonistes affectent davantage les récepteurs de NMDA sur les in-
terneurones inhibiteurs. Le modèle a ensuite été utilisé pour comparer la réactivité du
réseau aux stimuli externes. Nous avons constaté que lorsque les canaux de NMDA sont
bloqués, une augmentation de la puissance des oscillations Gamma est observée, conjoin-
tement avec une augmentation de la réactivité du réseau. Cependant, cette augmentation
de la réactivité s’applique non seulement aux états oscillatoires dans la fréquence Gamma,
mais également aux états asynchrones sans oscillations apparentes. Nous concluons que
les antagonistes des canaux de NMDA induisent un état d’excitabilité accru, qui produit
une réponse aux stimuli externes exacerbée, et qui peut ou non produire des oscillations
Gamma. Nous cogitons que cet effet stimulant peut expliquer des phénomènes tels qu’une
perception altérée ou des hallucinations.
Abstract—Psychotic drugs such as ketamine induce symptoms In this study we investigate by means of computational
close to schizophrenia, and stimulates the production of gamma models how NMDAR antagonists, such as ketamine, affect the
oscillations, as also seen in patients, but the underlying mecha- dynamics of neural networks and how the generated boosting
nisms are still unclear. Here, we have used computational models
of cortical networks generating gamma oscillations, and have of Gamma activity affects the network response, providing
integrated the action of drugs such as ketamine to partially an interpretation for the observed correlation between Gamma
block n-methyl-d-Aspartate (NMDA) receptors. The model can Power and psychotic episodes.
reproduce the modulation of gamma oscillations by NMDA-
receptor antagonists, assuming that antagonists affect NMDA
receptors predominantly on inhibitory interneurons. We next II. R ESULTS
used the model to compare the responsiveness of the network Computational model reproduces experimental features
to external stimuli, and found that when NMDA channnels are
blocked an increase of Gamma power is observed altogether Several preparations with sub-anesthetics doses of NMDAR
with an increase of network responsiveness. However, this re- antagonists have reported to produce neural excitation [25–30].
sponsiveness increase applies not only to gamma states, but also Since NMDAR mediate excitatory synaptic transmission, this
to asynchronous states with no apparent gamma. We conclude
that NMDA antagonists induce increased excitability state, which behavior is intriguing. Several hypothesis have been proposed
may or may not produce gamma oscillations, but the response to explain this apparent paradox [3]. One of the possible
to external inputs is exacerbated, which may explain phenomena explanations is that NMDAR antagonists in sub-anesthetics
such as altered perception or hallucinations. doses act preferentially on inhibitory neurons, increasing
Index Terms—Schizophrenia, NMDAR hypofunction, Gamma network activity indirectly by means of desinhibition. Even
oscillations, Network Model, Psychosis though some contrasting results have been observed [31], this
interpretation has been supported experimentally by several
works [32–35]. Network excitability have also been reported
to increase in schizophrenic patients [36, 37], and its increase
while the firing rate of inhibitory FS cells decreased (Figure In the present study, we compare AI and Gamma states at
1D). In addition, the Gamma power of the population activity different levels of NMDAR block. Figure 4 depicts the respon-
(see Methods) presented an increase (Figure 1E and F). siveness of RS neurons, with respect to different stimulus am-
plitudes (same protocol as Figure 2), for different ensembles
of NMDA synaptic strengths. In agreement with Figure 2, pa-
Network Responsiveness during Gamma rhythms in different
rameter sets in which NMDA synaptic strengths are decreased
levels of NMDAR block
(mimicking the action NMDAR antagonists) correspond to
We investigated how the decrease of NMDA synaptic regions of the parameter space with higher responsiveness. For
strength changed the network dynamics and its capacity to example, QN FS
= 0.4 nS and QN FS
=0.36 nS displayed
respond to external stimulus. higher responsiveness then the networks in which the NMDA
While network excitability is related to an overall increase of synaptic strengths wrere QNFS
= 1 nS and QNFS
=0.8 nS.
spiking activity, network responsiveness relates to the network Interestingly, in both conditions, responsiveness in AI states
capacity to react to a certain stimulus, producing additional were always superior to the one in Gamma. This result was
spikes then the ones generated by spontaneous activity. These also observed in a similar model in the obscene of NMDA
two dynamical measurements (excitability and responsiveness) channels [40]. This example illustrates a general tendency,
are not always congruent, meaning that it is possible to observe which was also observed with other parameter sets.
an increase in excitability but a concomitant decrease in
responsiveness [40].
Network responsiveness was defined as the difference be-
tween the total number of spikes generated by the whole In this work, we used computational models to investigate
network in the presence and in the absence of the stimulus (see the effect of psychotic drugs such as ketamine in cerebral
Eq 6). We measured network responsiveness at different levels cortex, and how gamma oscillations relate to these effects.
of NMDAR block for different stimulus amplitudes (Figure 2). Our findings are (1) NMDA receptors antagonists modulate
The stimulus consisted of a variation in time of the external the rhythms produced by a simple network model consisting
Poissonian drive, in a Gaussian manner (see Methods). of two distinct cell types, RS and FS cells, which generate
Network responsiveness in RS cells increased with the Gamma oscillations by means of the PING mechanism [68].
increased level of NMDAR block, while the responsiveness of This modulation is obtained assuming that the NMDAR block
FS neurons decreased. In this case, both, network excitability predominantly affects interneurons. (2) The boosted gamma
and network responsiveness, behave in the same direction. oscillations following partial block of NMDA receptors, was
The increase of network responsiveness can be understood accompanied by an increased responsiveness to external in-
from Figure 3. The NMDA receptors block depolarizes RS puts. (3) This increase of responsiveness could also be seen
cells, while FS neurons are overall hyperpolarized. For weak for asynchronous states, with no apparent gamma. We discuss
levels of NMDA receptors block, no or weak depolarization is below the implications of these findings.
observed in FS cells, while for strong levels of NMDA block A first prediction of the model is that it was necessary
a significant hyperpolarization is observed. that the antagonism affects predominantly NMDAR receptors
on interneurons. This feature is supported by a number of
observations. Intuitively, if the NMDAR block would occur
Gamma states vs. AI states
predominantly on excitatory cells, then it is difficult to see
Gamma oscillations (30-90 Hz) are believed to be involved how diminishing excitation could augment the activity and
in information processing [41–46], and have been associated to excitability of the network. This long-standing question was
different high-level cognitive functions, such as memory [47– resolved recently by finding that indeed, NMDAR antagonists
49], perception [50–53], attention [54–57], focused arousal primarily affects NMDA receptors on interneurons. It was
[58] and prediction [59]. In parallel, studies with schizophrenic observed that the application of Ketamine or MK-801 in sub-
patients have reported a positive correlation between psychotic anesthetic doses leads to an increased activity of glutamatergic
symptoms and the power of Gamma oscillations [9–12]. neurons both in cortex [25, 35] and in hippocampus [33], and
In contrast, Asynchronous-and-Irregular (AI) states [60] are that this increase of glutamatergic activity is a consequence of
usually associated to conscious states [61], being observed the disinhibition of GABAergic neurons [32, 34]. In addition,
during awake and aroused states [62]. This regime are char- it has also been reported in hippocampus that inhibitory
acterized by irregular and sustained firing with very weak neurons are more sensitive to NMDAR antagonists than glu-
correlations [63–67]. tamatergic neurons [69, 70]. Thus, our model completely
In a previous study [40] we reported that AI states, in supports these findings, and could reproduce the increase of
comparison to oscillatory states in Gamma band, provide Gamma power induced by NMDA receptor antagonists. On
the highest responsiveness to external stimuli, indicating that the other hand, contrasting results also exist. For example,
Gamma oscillations tend to overall diminish responsiveness. [31] argue that NMDAR have less impact on the activity of
This observation could indicate that Gamma rhythms present inhibitory neurons than on the one of excitatory neurons, since
a masking effect, conveying information in its cycles on spike they and other authors observed that NMDAR block depressed
timing at the expense of decreasing the strength of the network large EPSP–spike coupling more strongly in excitatory than in
response. inhibitory neurons [31, 71, 72].
Fig. 1. Network dynamics with respect to different levels of NMDA channels block in the network. A) Possible trajectory in the parameter space of
QN M DA vs. QN M DA , mimicking the action of NMDA receptor (NMDAR) antagonists (the higher the intensity of the NMDAR antagonists, the smaller the
NMDA synaptic strengths). The thin line indicates the identity for reference. The arrow indicates the sens of action of NMDAR antagonists. Points of higher
synaptic strengths are associated with healthy conditions, while points with lower synaptic strengths are associated to pathological conditions supposedly
similar to the schizophrenic brain. B) and C) Raster plots indicating the activity of only 1000 cells of each type (FS in red and RS in green), for two parameter
sets. B: QN M DA = 0.8 nS and QN M DA = 1 nS, and C: QN M DA = 0.213 nS and QN M DA = 0.2 nS. D) Average firing rate of RS (green) and FS cells
(red) with respect to the trajectory in parameter space depicted in A. Only the values of QN FS
M DA are indicated in the x axis. Standard errors of the mean
(SEM) are indicated as error bars. E) Average normalized Power Spectrum of the network LFP for different NMDA synaptic strength. Like in D, the synaptic
strengths follow the curve indicated in A, but only the values of QN M DA are indicated in the color scheme. Notice the shift of the Power Spectrum pick
toward smaller frequencies with the increase of NMDA channel block. F) Power Spectrum peak amplitude with respect to the levels of NMDA channels block
(following the synaptic strengths indicated in A). The color scheme (presented for better visualization) are the same as in E. Standard errors of the mean
(SEM) are indicated as error bars. Results expressed in D, E and F are the outcome of 50 simulations average. The arrows indicate the sense of the behavior
according to amount of block of NMDA channels.
The second finding, which is probably the main finding FS cells. Consequently, there is an increase of responsiveness
of our study, is that the network has a marked increased of RS cells, with a corresponding decrease for FS cells, as
responsiveness under the boosted Gamma condition. This we observed. In this model, the increase of responsiveness is
increased responsiveness could be tested experimentally either due to the depolarizing effect on RS cells, and are not due
in vitro, by testing the response of cortical slices with and to gamma oscillations. Indeed, the highest responsiveness was
without application of NMDAR antagonists, or in vivo, by seen for asynchronous states, also in agreement with a previous
monitoring their response following administration of NMDA modeling study [40].
The third finding is that the increase of responsiveness is not Possible implications to understand brain pathologies
specific to gamma oscillations, because it was also present for Our model exhibits several interesting properties that can
asynchronous states with no apparent gamma. The underlying be related to pathologies. First, the model provides a possible
mechanism is that the antagonism of NMDA receptors produce explanation for the symptoms associated to ketamine and
an overall depolarization of RS cells, and hyperpolarization of others NMDA receptor antagonists, such as hallucinations. The
Spiking Activity
Time Window 500 ms 500 ms
Filtered LFP
Fig. 2. Network responsiveness to broad Gaussian inputs in different levels of NMDA channel blocked during Gamma rhythms. A) Responsiveness
protocol scheme. The total number of spikes generated by the network were measured during an external stimulus and in its absence in a time window of 500
ms. The stimulus consisted of a Gaussian fluctuation in the firing rate of the external noise input. Responsiveness was calculated according to Equation 6. B)
Gaussian input amplitude variation. The Gaussian amplitude varied from 0.05 Hz to 2.5 Hz (step of 0.05 Hz), always keeping the same standard deviation of
50 ms. C and D depict respectively the responsiveness of RS (C) and FS (D) neurons for different Gaussian amplitudes in different levels of NMDAR block,
when the network was displaying Gamma activity. The color-scheme indicates the synaptic weights of NMDA synapses (QN M DA ) in RS and FS cells. The
arrow indicates the sense of the simulated action of NMDA antagonist (decreasing synaptic strength). Every point corresponds to the average responsiveness
measured in 15 simulations. Standard error of the mean are indicated by the shaded region around each curve.
(reduction of GAD67 [82], increase of neuronal excitability Vi = Vth the membrane potential is reset to Vrest , which is
[82] and increase of spontaneous Gamma power [83–85]). kept constant until the end of the refractory period Tref . After
These observations support the idea that the hypofunction the refractory period the equations start being integrated again.
of NMDA receptors in PV-positive interneurons are specially In the developed network two types of cells were used:
important in this illness. Regular Spiking (RS) excitatory cells and Fast Spiking (FS)
However, NMDA receptors are expressed in both GABAer- inhibitory cells. The cell specific parameters are indicated in
gic and glutamatergic neurons [32], and it still remains unclear Table I.
in which types of cells the NMDA receptor hypofunction TABLE I
causes schizophrenia [3, 86]. Some works reported conflicting Specific Neuron Model Parameters
results and have questioned the hypothesis that PV-positive
Fast Spiking neurons play a role in Schizophrenia [31, 86]. Parameter RS FS
In our model, the effect of NMDAR antagonists is to Vth -40 mV -47.5 mV
∆ 2 mV 0.5 mV
increase excitability due to desinhibition, consistent with a Tref 5 ms 5 ms
number of experimental observations [25–30]. This increased τw 500 ms 500 ms
excitability is accompanied by a Gamma power increase, a 4 nS 0 nS
b 20 pA 0 pA
as also found in experiments with ketamine [17–19] or in C 150 pF 150 pF
schizophrenic patients [6–12]. The model could reproduce gL 10 nS 10 nS
all these experimental observations only assuming a larger EL -65 mV -65 mV
decrease of the NMDA synaptic strengths in FS cells than EE 0 mV 0 mV
EI 80 mV 80 mV
in RS cells (see Figure 1A). These results support the idea Vrest -65 mV -65 mV
sustained by some authors [87], that PV-positive Fast Spiking
inhibitory neurons play a key role in schizophrenia. Another
modeling study also stressed the importance of NMDA chan-
nels into FS neurons [88]. Thus, models support the view Synaptic Models
that the hypofunction of NMDA receptors on FS cells could
explain a number of features typical of schizophrenia, such as The post-synaptic current received by each neuron i is
anomalous responses and boosted gamma oscillations. composed by three components: two excitatory, referent to
AM P A and N M DA synaptic channels, and one inhibitory,
referent to GABAA channels.
Neuronal Model IiSyn (t) = IiAM P A (t) + IiGABAA (t) + IiN M DA (t)
Neural units are described by the Adaptive Exponential
Integrate-And-Fire Model (Adex) [89]. In this model, each
neuron i is described by its membrane potential Vi , which
in which
evolves according to the following equations:
dGX i (t) X
τdecay = −GX i (t) + QX δ(t − tk ) (4)
In which, k runs over all the presynaptic spike times. The
synaptic time constantes used for AM P A and GABAA
synapses are τdecay
= 1.5 ms and τdecay = 7.5 ms.
NMDA channels synaptic conductances, GN M DA , be-
cause of their slow dynamics, are usually modeled as a bi-
exponential function characterized by a rise time constant,
τrise = 2 ms, and a decay time constant τdecay
= 200 ms,
according to the following equation:
= QN
si (t)N M DA
In which, QN i
is the synaptic strength of the NMDA
synapse towards the neuron
P i, α= 0.5/ms and x(t) is an
auxiliary variable. The k runs over all the presynaptic spike
times. Both, s(t)N M DA and x(t), are adimensional.
Synaptic strenghs of N M DA synapses (towards RS and
FS neurons) were chosen according to the parameter search
expressed in Figure 5, while the synaptic parameters of
AM P A and GABAA synapses were chosen according to
previous works [40, 95] (QAM P A = 5 nS and QGABAA = 3.34
nS). All synapses (AM P A, GABAA and N M DA) were
delayed by time of 1.5 ms. With these choice of parameters
the NMDA/AMPA charge ratio in the network is on average
higher in RS cells then in FS cells (see Figure IV), in agree-
ment with experimental measurements in prefrontal cortex of
adult mice [31] and rat [96]. Fig. 5. Parameter space of NMDA synaptic weights in RS and FS cells.
A) Average spiking rate in RS cells. B) Average spiking rate in FS cells. C)
LFP Power Spectrum pick. D) LFP Power Spectrum amplitude. The parameter
Network Structure space of NMDA synaptic weights (QN M DA ) was explored for RS and FS
cells in the developed network model. QN RS
M DA and QN M DA varied from 0
The network developed in this work is composed of 5000 nS to 1 nS in steps of 0.05 nS. Each point in the color maps corresponds to the
neurons (4000 RS and 1000 FS). Each neuron (RS or FS) average of 10 simulations of 5 seconds. Points in which QN RS
are highlighted. Small squares indicate a possible trajectory in the parameter
was connected randomly to every other neurons in the network space (in the direction of the arrow) generated by the action of NMDAR
with a probability of 10%, receiving on average 500 excitatory antagonists. This is the same trajectory indicated in Figure 1A.
synapses (mediated by both AM P A and N M DA channels)
and 100 inhibitory synapses (mediated by GABAA channels).
External Input
In addition to recurrent connections, each neuron received A
an external drive to keep the network active. This external
drive consisted of Next = 5000 independent and identically
distributed excitatory Poissonian spike trains with a spiking
frequency µext . These spike trains were sent to the network
with a 10% probability of connection and were computed
inside of the synaptic current term I AM P A , with a synaptic
strength of QAM
= 0.8 nS. For Gamma activity, the network
was stimulated with a drive with µext = 3 Hz. For Asyn-
chronous and Irregular activity, the network was stimulated B
with a drive with µext = 2 Hz. The external drive mimicked
cortical input, like if the network was embedded in a much
bigger one.
To test network responsiveness, an additional external input
was included in the simulations. This external input, similar
to the external drive, also consisted of Next = 5000 inde-
pendent and identically distributed excitatory Poissonian spike
trains, connected to the network with a 10% probability. The
difference of this input was its firing rate time dependence C
(µext (t)). The spiking frequency of the spike trains varied in
a Gaussian manner, with a standard deviation of 50 ms and
variable amplitude. These spike trains were computed inside
of both synaptic current terms I AM P A and I N M DA , with
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= 0.8 nS, and QN ExtRS and
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Part III
spiking probability after a stimulus, is easily comparable to experimental measurements,
obtained, for example, by EEG, LFP, Calcium imaging, etc. In addition, networks with
different level of responsiveness can exhibit drastic changes in their behavior. For example,
a decrease in responsiveness imposes important restrictions on the conditions for a cell
to fire with respect to the number of necessary coincidental inputs, forbidding network
responses due to weak stimuli. Conversely, networks with high levels of responsiveness can
easily detect single afferent stimuli, that would be subthreshold otherwise.
In Work 2, we compared network responsiveness during Gamma and AI states in
different paradigms, and found that in all cases, the presence of Gamma oscillations tends
to diminish the responsiveness to external inputs. Our models allowed the interpretation
that Asynchronous-and-Irregular states would be better suited to stimulus detection, al-
lowing the perception of even low amplitude stimuli (due to their high sensitivity), while
Gamma oscillating states, at the expense of loosing stimulus sensitivity, would be able to
encode temporal information. This interpretation comes from the Phase Coding Theory
[128], which states that input strengths could be converted into spike-timing relative to
the cycle (most excited fire earlier in the cycle, while cells that are not excited enough are
prohibited to spike). This was observed in our models by the phase-dependence respon-
siveness present in Gamma states, and absent in AI states.
In a third study, Work 3, we compared network responsiveness in healthy and patho-
logical conditions related to the schizoid brain, during Gamma oscillations and AI states.
The schizoid condition was simulated in our networks by means of different levels of
NMDA receptors block in the respective channels of the models. In this work, as in Work
2, a similar result with respect to Gamma and AI states responsiveness was observed. In
healthy and pathological conditions (with all levels of NMDA receptors block), AI states
displayed a bigger responsiveness than Gamma states. The interesting observation, on
the other hand, was that responsiveness increased with the severity of NMDA receptors
block, meaning that pathological states were in general, both during Gamma and AI
states, more responsive than healthy states. This observation led us to the interpretation
that the hallucinations observed during psychotic episodes in schizophrenic patients could
be potentially related to an incapacity of the neuronal network to process all the stimuli
in the environment, since the network would be excessively responsive, responsive even to
stimuli that in normal conditions would be ignored.
Furthermore, our experimental analysis, compared to previous studies on cellular cor-
relates of Gamma oscillations [47], confirmed a sparse participation of neuronal activity
during Gamma rhythms. We observed two forms of neuronal participation to the rhythms:
phase-locking and/or firing rate increase. FS cells presented significant higher level of
phase-locking, firing rate increase, and behavior consistency than RS cells. In addition,
we identified that the group of Gamma participating cells changes with time as well as
their phase-preference. The combination of this analysis with the developed theoretical
work brought important theoretical insights. In Work 2, while most of these features
could be obtained by choosing parameters which set the network dynamics into a firing
rate regime, the right level of firing rate increase could only be reproduced with a partic-
ular network configuration, in the ING Network. This network was also the one in which
the difference in responsiveness between AI and Gamma was smaller. Furthermore, we
showed (Work 2) that the resonant properties of each of the developed models (PING,
ING and CHING) strongly depended on the patterns of connections and on the neuronal
composition. These examples illustrate how network structure drastically change network
dynamics and consequently how the information is transmitted by a network.
Another important aspect explored in the thesis is the question if Gamma oscilla-
tions have an active role in information processing or alternatively, if they are just an
epiphenomenon of this process. Several hypotheses concerning the Gamma role have been
proposed. The most popular theories are the Binding-by-synchronization Hypothesis [125,
126], the Phase Coding Theory [127, 128], the Communication Through Coherence Theory
[129, 130] and Communication through Resonance Theory [131]. Even though exploring
these hypothesis was one of the initial ambitions of this thesis, our models could not
provide any evidences in favor or against them. On the contrary, these theories guided us
to allow the interpretation of our results. In this perspective, for example, if the Commu-
nication through Resonance Theory [131] is indeed one of the mechanism of information
transmission, network structure and network resonant properties should be explored in
future models.
Albeit no conclusion could be made with respect to the role of Gamma oscillations
per se, in Work 3 our models could give a possible interpretation for the role of Gamma
oscillations increase in pathological conditions. In our study, we observed an increase of
responsiveness in conditions associated to the hyper-production of Gamma, such as in
early schizophrenic patients. This increase of responsiveness was accompanied by Gamma
power increase. However, since the same effects were also observed during AI states, this
increase of responsiveness was not a direct effect of this Gamma increase, but rather, an
effect of the increase of excitability generated by alteration of NMDA receptors. In this
situation, the Gamma power increase appeared to be a simple side effect of altered or
anomalous NMDA function, suggesting that Gamma oscillations have no direct role per
se in the pathological condition.
these features, we built and constrained three network models generating Gamma by
three different mechanisms: PING, ING and CHING. These models were used as a tool
to explore the principles of information transmission in the brain, which was accessed by
the measurement of network responsiveness. Our models indicated that network structure
should be the center of future studies, since it affects different dynamical properties, such
as responsiveness. We explored network responsiveness in healthy and in pathological
states similar to that seen in schizophrenia disease, and found that Gamma oscillations
diminish network responsiveness in comparison to AI, in both, healthy and pathological
conditions. Furthermore, our models indicated that schizoid pathological states were more
responsive than healthy states, providing a possible comprehension of positive symptoms
associated to schizophrenia. In our interpretation, these symptoms are possibly caused
by the hypofunction of NMDA channels, rather than by the the excess of Gamma. In
this perspective, we suggest that the increase of Gamma oscillations, observed during
early phases of the disease, represents a side effect of the increase of neuronal synchrony,
generated by the NMDA anomalies present in the disease.
Part IV
Work 4
Goldman, J. S., Tort-Colet, N., Di Volo, M., Susin, E., Bouté, J., Dali, M., Carlu, M.
Nghiem, T., Górski, T. & Destexhe, A. (2019). Bridging single neuron dynamics to global
brain states. Frontiers in systems neuroscience, 13, 75.
French Abstract:
published: 06 December 2019
doi: 10.3389/fnsys.2019.00075
Goldman et al. Neural Codes; Order From Complexity
uncover structures of microscopic interactions underlying during unconscious states indicate a relative simplicity of
macroscopic properties. In this sense, macroscopically observed signals compared to conscious states. In unconscious states,
high synchrony, low complexity brain signals recorded from synchronous activity slowly sweeps across the cortex (Massimini
unconscious states may be accounted for by an increased et al., 2004) along paths formed by cortical tracts (Capone
coupling in the system’s components, behaving more like a et al., 2017). In both conscious resting and unconscious states,
solid (Peyrache et al., 2012; Le Van Quyen et al., 2016; Olcese the default mode network (Raichle et al., 2001; Boly et al.,
et al., 2016; Nghiem et al., 2018a). In contrast, conscious brain 2008) establishes a pattern of synchronization between brain
states may be described as higher complexity (Sitt et al., 2014; areas, producing correlations in ultra-slow (< 1 Hz) dynamics
Engemann et al., 2018; Nghiem et al., 2018a), perhaps liquid-like. (Brookes et al., 2011). Sustained, slow oscillations were initially
Though quantitative expressions directly linking order and reported in the thalamocortical system (Steriade, 2003), but
complexity are not straightforward, various definitions and are also observed experimentally in isolated cortex, without
metrics of complexity have been described to vary between thalamus (Sanchez-Vives and McCormick, 2000; Timofeev et al.,
brain states. Reports of enhanced complexity in conscious 2000). Thalamocortical connections shape slow wave dynamics
compared to unconscious states may be understood as increased (Destexhe et al., 2007; Poulet et al., 2012; David et al., 2013;
dimensionality (El Boustani and Destexhe, 2010), namely the Crunelli et al., 2015; Zucca et al., 2019) although slow oscillations
number of degrees of freedom needed to capture a system’s appear to be the default state of cortical networks (Sanchez-Vives
dynamics. Intuitively, dimensionality relates, though is not and McCormick, 2000; Sanchez-Vives et al., 2017).
reducible to, algorithmic complexity which quantifies the length Patterns of neocortical regions activated in resting state
of a deterministic algorithm required to reproduce an exact networks have been successfully retrieved using eigenmodes of
signal. For a random signal resulting from purely stochastic the structural connectivity matrix, i.e., the possible oscillatory
dynamics (similar to neural activity observed during conscious patterns at frequencies allowed by white matter tract lengths
states), the length of the algorithm would be as long as the (Atasoy et al., 2016). In active states, the executive control
signal itself. In contrast, a purely oscillatory signal (reminiscent network replaces the default mode (Fox et al., 2005), and the co-
of unconscious brain dynamics) can be recapitulated by a activation of different cortical regions is more strongly controlled
shorter algorithm, easily described by a periodic trajectory in by correlations in external stimuli than by white matter structural
few dimensions. connectivity (Gilson et al., 2018), with patterns of activity
Here, we aim to connect spatial scales from microscopic propagating recurrently between low-level, sensory areas and
(nanometers to micrometers—molecules to whole neurons) to high-level, associative areas.
macroscopic brain activity (centimeters to meters—brain areas During conscious states, on the background of globally
to individual subjects’ brains), describing both spontaneous and disorganized neural activity, transient patterns emerge (Duncan-
evoked dynamics. Toward linking interpretations of studies Johnson and Donchin, 1982; Goodin and Aminoff, 1984; Sur and
between scales, mesoscopic data (micrometers to millimeters— Sinha, 2009; Uhlhaas et al., 2009; Luck and Kappenman, 2011;
populations of thousands to tens of thousands of neurons) Churchland et al., 2012; Sato et al., 2012; Singer, 2013; Chemla
have been useful to inform models of neuronal assemblies. et al., 2019). Under an interpretation of brain states in analogy to
The perspective concludes by discussing a hypothesis best states of matter, microscopic changes in the interactions between
tested with a multi-scale understanding of brain function: the neurons could permit the emergence of larger-scale structures in
global complexity of neural activity increases in conscious brain activity.
brain states so as to enhance responsiveness to stimuli. We
suggest responsiveness may depend on the capacity of neural
networks to transiently collapse the dimensionality of collective MICROSCOPIC MECHANISMS;
dynamics—in particular neural assemblies sensitive to stimulus BIOPHYSICS OF BRAIN STATES
features—into evoked low-dimensional trajectories supporting
neural codes (Figure 1A). Experiments have demonstrated that during unconscious brain
states, the membrane potential (Vm ) of single cells slowly
oscillates between hyperpolarized and depolarized potentials
MACROSCOPIC SIGNALS VARY associated with alternating periods of silence (Down states,
ROBUSTLY BETWEEN BRAIN STATES also termed “OFF periods”) and AI-like firing (Up states, also
termed “ON periods”) (Steriade et al., 1993) (Figure 2A). During
Both spontaneous and evoked (Figures 1A,B) neural signals conscious brain states, neurons show sustained but sparse and
vary macroscopically across brain states, as demonstrated irregular AI firing patterns (Vreeswijk and Sompolinsky, 1998;
in electroencephalography (EEG), magnetoencephalography Destexhe et al., 1999; Brunel, 2000; Steriade, 2000; Renart et al.,
(MEG), and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). 2010; Dehghani et al., 2016; di Volo and Torcini, 2018). It
In unconscious states, neural activity is dominated by low- was found that, during AI states, excitatory (E) and inhibitory
frequency, high-amplitude signals (Niedermeyer and Lopes da (I) synaptic inputs are near-balanced (Dehghani et al., 2016),
Silva, 2005). Accordingly, analyses of entropy (Sitt et al., 2014; as predicted theoretically (Van Vreeswijk and Sompolinsky,
Engemann et al., 2018), complexity (Tononi and Edelman, 1996). In AI states, voltage fluctuations drive neurons over
1998), and dimensionality (El Boustani and Destexhe, 2010) the threshold for firing action potentials, resulting in irregular
Goldman et al. Neural Codes; Order From Complexity
FIGURE 1 | Complex dynamics associated with conscious brain states provide a potential substrate for neural coding. (A) Schematics of spontaneous (top) and
evoked (bottom) dynamics in connected neuronal assemblies encoding different related concepts (different colors) in unconscious (left) and conscious (right) brain
states. In unconscious brain states, slow, synchronous, large amplitude oscillations are observed. Stimuli delivered during unconscious states evoke large amplitude,
transient responses similar to spontaneous activity. In contrast, during conscious states, asynchronous, irregular firing of neurons results in macroscopically
desynchronized, low amplitude signals. Only networks recruited by the perturbation (here, a rabbit) produce lower-dimensional patterns that propagate relatively
further in time and space. (B) Global mean-field power (GMFP) recorded with EEG in response to transcranial magnetic stimulation, during deep, non-rapid eye
movement (NREM) sleep versus wakefulness. Mean EEG signal is represented by black traces. Background colors represent temporal latency (light blue, 0 ms; red,
300 ms) of maximum current sources, also shown in cortical space on the right, where yellow crosses represent the location of stimulation (right dorsolateral premotor
cortex). Reprinted with permission from AAAS (Massimini et al., 2005). If brain dynamics between states may be described in analogy to states of matter, perturbing
unconscious brains results in large, brief signals perhaps akin to a small perturbation of a solid, which can displace the solid briefly, but will not modify its internal
structure. In contrast, the same perturbation delivered during conscious, liquid-like brain states results in smaller but more complex patterns that propagate further in
time and space. Under this interpretation, in coding networks, responses evoked during conscious states could represent a form of transient “crystallization,”
consistent with neural trajectories lying on low-dimensional manifolds.
spiking dynamics, also known as fluctuation-driven regimes neurons (McCormick, 1992) and thus transitions between
(Kuhn et al., 2004; Destexhe, 2007; Destexhe and Rudolph-Lilith, AI and slow oscillatory dynamics through the regulation of
2012). To understand mechanisms at work during fluctuation- membrane currents (Hill and Tononi, 2005). Neuromodulators
driven dynamics, computational models have further shown that are present at higher concentrations during conscious states
three parameters are important to capture neuronal responses in (McCormick, 1992; Jones, 2003) and, most generally, inhibit
this regime, the average membrane voltage Vm , the amplitude potassium (activity-dependent and leak K + ) channels, which
of Vm fluctuations, and the conductance state of the membrane leads to depolarization of cells and suppression of spike-
(Reig et al., 2015; Zerlaut et al., 2016). frequency adaptation. At low neuromodulatory concentrations,
Neuromodulators, including acetylcholine, play important during unconscious states, K + leak channels are constitutively
biological roles in modulating the membrane properties of open and activity-dependent K + channels open when neurons
Goldman et al. Neural Codes; Order From Complexity
FIGURE 2 | Simple, high-amplitude signals in unconscious brain states are associated with synchronous regular neuronal firing, whereas complex, low-amplitude
signals in conscious brain states emerge from asynchronous irregular firing. (A) Data sample from Peyrache et al. (2012), Dehghani et al. (2016),
Goldman et al. Neural Codes; Order From Complexity
FIGURE 2 | Le Van Quyen et al. (2016), Teleńczuk et al. (2017), and Nghiem et al. (2018b), containing local field potential (LFP; top), spike times (action potentials;
middle), and spike counts (bottom) recorded from a human subject during NREM sleep (left) and wakefulness (right). Spikes from inhibitory (orange) and excitatory
(blue) neurons were separated and spike counts were calculated in bins of 5ms. Up states shaded in the left panel. (B) Transition between slow-wave (unconscious)
and activated (conscious) state dynamics in vivo (top) and in silico (bottom). Experimentally the transition is generated by electrical stimulation of acetylcholine neurons
in the pedunculopontine tegmentum (PPT) of anesthetized cat (Volgushev et al., 2011), triggering awake-like, desynchronized dynamics in cortex (Rudolph et al.,
2005). A prominent consequence of enhancing cholinergic signaling in cortex is a reduction of spike-frequency adaptation (McCormick, 1992). In silico, a similarly
desynchronizing effect can be generated by reducing the parameter responsible for spike-frequency adaptation. Simulated traces shown in the bottom were modified
from Destexhe (2009), which used a network of adaptive exponential integrate-and-fire neurons. The average Vm of the network, the Vm of a randomly chosen neuron,
and the raster plot of the network are shown. Reproduced with permission from Destexhe (2009). (C) State dependence of network responsiveness. The
responsiveness of two spiking networks to a Gaussian pulse is shown. Raster plots display spike times of excitatory (blue) and inhibitory (orange) neurons connected
by conductance-based synapses. Population activity (spike counts, thin line), as well as mean-field model (thick lines), and standard deviation (shaded area) of
population firing rate generated by a mean-field model developed in di Volo et al. (2019). Responsiveness is found to vary between different network states, obtained
by changing the ratio of the time-averaged global excitatory conductance (GE ) (Destexhe et al., 2003) to membrane leakage conductance (GL ).
spike, allowing K + ions to exit cells thus hyperpolarizing the graphoelements) are observed. Cash et al. have elegantly shown
membrane. Accumulating self-inhibition in the form of spike- that K-complexes (graphoelements characteristic of sleep stage
frequency adaptation during Up periods results in the transition 2) are complementarily observed both at microscopic and
to Down states. Conversely, spike-frequency adaptation wears macroscopic scales (Cash et al., 2009). Other identifiable patterns
off during Down states, allowing noise fluctuations (present also begin to emerge in empirical and theoretical data, including
ubiquitously; Destexhe and Rudolph-Lilith, 2012) to trigger phase cones (Freeman and Barrie, 2000) and interacting traveling
transitions to Up states (Destexhe, 2009; Jercog et al., 2017; waves (Sato et al., 2012; Chemla et al., 2019). Since statistical
Nghiem T.-A. E. et al., 2018; di Volo et al., 2019) (Figure 2B). physics has successfully described neuronal interactions for
Computationally speaking, for high values of spike-frequency different brain states, we ask next whether mesoscale methods
adaptation, bistability can be observed, with solutions at firing from statistical physics can help represent spontaneous and
rate zero (Down state) and non-zero (Up state) values (Holcman evoked dynamics of neuronal populations, thus formally linking
and Tsodyks, 2006; di Volo et al., 2019). The more chaotic knowledge between micro- and macroscopic scales.
dynamics of AI states associated with consciousness allows for
more reliable stimulus encoding (D’Andola et al., 2017), more
reliable propagation (Zerlaut and Destexhe, 2017), and more MESOSCALE BRIDGES; POPULATIONS OF
sustained responses (Nghiem T.-A. E. et al., 2018) to stimuli over NEURONS
time. In contrast, during unconscious states, neuronal responses
are more unreliable and vary greatly depending on the stimulus Brain dynamics at mesoscopic scales, describing thousands of
amplitude and whether cells receive inputs in Up or Down neurons, are investigated empirically by electrophysiology and
periods (Rosanova and Timofeev, 2005; Reig et al., 2015). more recently, voltage-sensitive dyes (Arieli et al., 1996; Chemla
The Ising model for spin glasses (Jaynes, 1982) fitted to neural and Chavane, 2010). At mesoscales, brain activity follows the
data (Schneidman et al., 2006) has revealed divergent types trend of increasing complexity of spontaneous activity with
of emergent neuronal dynamics in conscious and unconscious consciousness (Figure 2A). Studying the effects of inputs at
states. While neuronal interactions are pairwise in wakefulness the mesoscale, studies have shown that perturbations during
(Nghiem et al., 2017), coupling becomes population-wide in deep sleep states induce slow waves, but, during waking states,
deep sleep (Tavoni et al., 2017; Nghiem et al., 2018b). In perturbations can result in chains of phase-locked activity
particular, inhibitory neurons organize synchronous activity (Pigorini et al., 2015) leading to causal global interactions
across populations (Nghiem et al., 2018b; Zanoci et al., 2019), (Rosanova et al., 2018).
especially during deep sleep (Peyrache et al., 2012; Le Van Quyen Mean-field models offer a formalism for scaling up
et al., 2016; Olcese et al., 2016) where inhibitory neurons regulate microscopic detail to collective macroscopic dynamics using few
rhythms of slow wave dynamics (Compte et al., 2008; Funk et al., equations, offering a computational advantage for simulations.
2017; Zucca et al., 2017, 2019). In describing states of matter, mean-field models simplify
To summarize, between unconscious and conscious the probabilistic behavior of molecules to the relatively more
brain states, microscopic data appear intuitively related to predictable behavior of macroscopic states (Kadanoff, 2009).
macroscopic data: synchronous microscopic Up and Down A rich literature has begun to develop mean-field models of
states resulting from constitutive and activity-dependent, neuronal populations, showing that global variables describing
hyperpolarizing currents due to reduced neuromodulation population activity can be usefully derived from the biophysics
correspond to relatively simple, high-amplitude macroscopic of neurons and their interactions (Ohira and Cowan, 1993;
dynamics observed in unconscious states. Active, disorganized, Ginzburg and Sompolinsky, 1994; El Boustani and Destexhe,
desynchronized, AI, low adaptation, high neuromodulation 2009; Buice et al., 2010; Dahmen et al., 2016). Mean-field models
conditions correspond to low amplitude, complex, conscious have qualitatively reproduced temporal features of spontaneous
brain signals. On backgrounds of differing spontaneous dynamics including AI (El Boustani and Destexhe, 2009), Up
dynamics, generalizable patterns of activity (a.k.a. neural and Down dynamics (Compte et al., 2003; Jercog et al., 2017;
Goldman et al. Neural Codes; Order From Complexity
Tartaglia and Brunel, 2017; di Volo et al., 2019), and transitions networks display both excessively high conductance and
between these states (di Volo et al., 2019; Tort-Colet et al., strongly synchronized, regular dynamics (El Boustani
2019). In addition, connecting mean-fields provides a tool and Destexhe, 2010). Further, brain signals in coma are
for simulating the propagation of patterns through time and both low-amplitude and low-complexity, in contrast to
space, across mesoscale structures. For example, recent work high-amplitude signals observed in other unconscious
deriving mean-field models of networks with conductance-based states, but also to complex signals observed in conscious
synapses has reproduced the suppressive interaction between states (El Boustani and Destexhe, 2010). Such anomalous
traveling waves observed in visual cortex during conscious deviations from the overall trend of coordinated changes
states, a biological phenomenon that could not be captured by in complexity and amplitude may illuminate mechanisms
current-based networks (Chemla et al., 2019). underlying disease-causing deviations from healthy brain
Mean-field models have highlighted that, while complicated states (Mackey and Glass, 1977).
to apply mathematically in the framework of conductance- To characterize brain states, it has been useful to consider
based models (di Volo et al., 2019), voltage-dependent not only spontaneous dynamics but also patterns evoked by
interactions constitute a significant non-linearity in the perturbations. It was found that macroscopic responsiveness
membrane evolution equations. Voltage-dependent interactions highly depends on brain state and different patterns of responses
appear to be important for explaining non-trivial responses are evoked in conscious versus unconscious states (Massimini
of biological neurons, through the mean and fluctuations et al., 2005). Such state-dependent responsiveness can also be
of the cells’ membrane voltage (Reig et al., 2015). In seen at the level of local networks in vivo and in silico, for
fact, while these results do not imply that differences in example in the different reliability of responses to perturbations
responsiveness are due only to conductances, they show given during Up and Down periods of slow waves (Reig et al.,
that voltage dependent synapses play a role in the nonlinear 2015; Zerlaut and Destexhe, 2017). In simulations, different
state-dependent response of a neural network. As shown in responsiveness could be accounted for by three parameters:
Figure 2C, various levels of membrane conductance, regulated membrane voltage, voltage fluctuation amplitude, and membrane
by voltage-dependent synapses, are shown to differently shape conductance (Reig et al., 2015). These parameters could be well
population responses. described by mean-field models (di Volo et al., 2019), able
Finally, renormalization group theory, a method of coarse- to capture fundamental properties of spontaneous dynamics
graining microscopic detail to obtain macroscopic laws helping and also state-dependent responses at mesoscales. As such, the
to understand how order can emerge from apparent disorder data-driven coupling of such mean-field models may serve as
(Wilson, 1979; Cardy, 1996; Goldenfeld, 2018) has recently begun natural candidates for modeling the emergence of mesoscopic
to be applied to neural assemblies (Meshulam et al., 2019), and macroscopic-scale patterns.
laying further foundation for the formal connection of our Transient collapses of dimensionality found in encoding
understanding of brain function across scales. networks were also discussed as substrates potentially supporting
neural codes. Such collapses in complexity have been observed
in active ensembles at scales spanning microscopic (Churchland
DISCUSSION et al., 2010; Fairhall, 2019) to macroscopic (Quiroga et al., 2001;
Zang et al., 2004) activity. This echoes recent work studying
In this paper, we briefly reviewed work on the measurement recordings of neural populations which highlighted that neural
and modeling of brain states at different scales, from single representations of stimuli may lie on low-dimensional manifolds
neurons to cell assemblies and global brain activity, considering (Churchland et al., 2012; Sadtler et al., 2014; Gallego et al.,
both spontaneous and evoked dynamics. In particular, we 2017; Zhao and Park, 2017; Golub et al., 2018; Chaudhuri
highlighted that increased complexity in the dynamics of et al., 2019; Recanatesi et al., 2019; Stringer et al., 2019).
conscious brain states relates to changes in single-neuron Indeed neurons do not fire independently, which would yield
biophysics, tuned by neuromodulation. In unconscious states, dynamics of dimensionality as high as the number of neurons,
reduced neuromodulation promotes activity-dependent self- but instead follow constrained trajectories of activity that can
inhibition of excitatory neurons as they spike, leading to be captured by descriptions of much lower dimensionality that
alternating, synchronous transients of silence and firing, depend on spontaneous and evoked dynamics. For example, a
that produce high-amplitude, low-complexity, synchronous neural population firing in synchrony could be fully described
signals, on resonant frequencies of the structural connectome. by a periodic orbit trajectory constrained to a low-dimensional
During conscious states, neuronal discharges are asynchronous, space (Churchland et al., 2012). Since spontaneous global
irregular and fluctuation-driven, resulting from sustained network activity increases in dimensionality during conscious
membrane depolarization in cortical neurons, promoting states, we ask whether the transient collapse of complexity
effective neural communication. in specific networks, translating the emergence of simpler
Beyond conscious and unconscious categories proposed dynamical structures from disorder, may be associated to
here for the sake of brevity, important differences exist neural codes.
within categories of unconscious and conscious states (Brown As an analogy, windmills facing all in one direction
et al., 2010; El Boustani and Destexhe, 2010; Nghiem et al., display low complexity, but can only be synchronously
2018a). Unlike healthy wakefulness and sleep, epileptic active or inactive. Windmills facing in random directions,
Goldman et al. Neural Codes; Order From Complexity
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Origin of slow cortical oscillations in deafferented cortical slabs. Cereb. Cortex is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or
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