Chemistry Paper 2 TZ2 SL Markscheme May 2019 Eve

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May 2019


Standard level

Paper 2

10 pages
–2– M19/4/CHEMI/SP2/ENG/TZ2/XX/M

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–3– M19/4/CHEMI/SP2/ENG/TZ2/XX/M

Question Answers Notes Total

1. a C2H2 (g)  2.5O2 (g)  2CO2 (g)  H2O (l)
OR 1
2C2H2 (g)  5O2 (g)  4CO2 (g)  2H2O (l) ✔

1. b i ✔ Accept any valid combination of lines, dots and

1. b ii «ethyne» shorter AND a greater number of shared/bonding electrons
OR 1
«ethyne» shorter AND stronger bond ✔

1. b iii London/dispersion/instantaneous dipole-induced dipole forces ✔ Do not accept just “intermolecular forces” or
“van der Waals’ forces”.
1. c i «electrophilic» addition/A«E» ✔ Accept “polymerization”. 1

1. c ii ethanal ✔ 1

1. c iii «sum of bond enthalpies of reactants » 2(CH)  C~C  2(OH) Award [3] for correct final answer.
2  414 «kJ mol1»  839 «kJ mol1»  2  463 «kJ mol1»
2593 «kJ» ✔

«sum of bond enthalpies of A » 3(CH)  C=C  CO  OH 3

3  414 «kJ mol1»  614 «kJ mol1»  358 «kJ mol1»  463 «kJ mol1»
2677 «kJ» ✔

«enthalpy of reaction  2593 kJ  2677 kJ»  84 «kJ» ✔

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(Question 1c continued)

Question Answers Notes Total

1. c iv B AND it has a more negative/lower enthalpy/«potential» energy
OR 1
B AND more exothermic «enthalpy of reaction from same starting point» ✔

1. c v Identity of product: «B»

IR spectrum:
17001750 «cm1 band» AND carbonyl/CO group present
no «band at» 16201680 «cm1» AND absence of double bond/C=C Accept a specific value or
OR range of wavenumbers and
chemical shifts.
no «broad band at» 32003600 «cm1» AND absence of hydroxyl/OH group ✔

1H NMR spectrum:
«only» two signals AND A would have three
OR Accept “two signals with
areas 1:3”. 
«signal at» 9.410.0 «ppm» AND «H atom/proton of» aldehyde/CHO present
«signal at» 2.22.7 «ppm» AND «H atom/proton of alkyl/CH next to» aldehyde/CHO present
«signal at» 2.22.7 «ppm» AND «H atom/proton of» RCOCH2- present
no «signal at» 4.56.0 «ppm» AND absence of «H-atom/proton next to» double bond/C=C ✔
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Question Answers Notes Total

1. d i Reagents: Accept “«acidified potassium»
acidified/H AND «potassium» dichromate«(VI)»/K2Cr2O7/Cr2O72 ✔ manganate(VII)/KMnO4/MnO4/permanganate”.
Accept “H2SO4” or “H3PO4” for “H”.
Conditions: Accept “more dilute 2
distil «the product before further oxidation» ✔ dichromate(VI)/manganate(VII)” or “excess
Award M1 if correct reagents given under

1. d ii 1 ✔ 1

1. d iii Any three of:

has an oxygen/O atom with a lone pair ✔
that can form hydrogen bonds/H-bonds «with water molecules» ✔
3 max
hydrocarbon chain is short «so does not disrupt many H-bonds with water
molecules» ✔

«large permanent» dipole-dipole interactions with water ✔

–6– M19/4/CHEMI/SP2/ENG/TZ2/XX/M

Question Answers Notes Total

2. a increase in the amount/number of moles/molecules «of gas» ✔
from 2 to 3/by 50 % ✔

2. b «rate of reaction decreases»

concentration/number of molecules in a given volume decreases
OR Do not accept just “larger space/volume”
more space between molecules ✔ for M1.
collision rate/frequency decreases
fewer collisions per second/unit time ✔

2. c

smaller initial gradient ✔

initial pressure is lower AND final pressure of gas lower «by similar factor» ✔
–7– M19/4/CHEMI/SP2/ENG/TZ2/XX/M

Question Answers Notes Total

2. d no AND it is a systematic error/not a random error
OR 1
no AND «a similar magnitude» error would occur every time ✔

2. e

catalysed and uncatalysed Ea marked on graph AND with the catalysed being at
lower energy ✔

«for catalysed reaction» greater proportion of/more molecules have E  Ea / E  Ea Accept “more molecules have the
activation energy”.
«for catalysed reaction» greater area under curve to the right of the Ea ✔
–8– M19/4/CHEMI/SP2/ENG/TZ2/XX/M

Question Answers Notes Total

3. a absorbs UV/ultraviolet light «of longer wavelength than absorbed by O2» ✔ 1

3. b i mass spectrometry/MS ✔

3. b ii (98  14)  (2  15)

« » 14.02 ✔
«Mr  (14.02  2)  16.00 » 44.04 ✔

3. b iii Any two: Accept “almost the same”.

same AND have same nuclear charge/number of protons/Zeff ✔ “same” only needs to be stated once.

same AND neutrons do not affect attraction/ionization energy/Zeff

2 max
same AND neutrons have no charge ✔

same AND same attraction for «outer» electrons ✔

same AND have same electronic configuration/shielding ✔

3. c oxides of nitrogen/non-metals are «usually» acidic ✔ 1

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Question Answers Notes Total

4. a gap in the periodic table
element with atomic number «75» unknown
OR 2
break/irregularity in periodic trends ✔

«periodic table shows» regular/periodic trends «in properties» ✔

4. b place «pieces of» Re into each solution ✔

if Re reacts/is coated with metal, that metal is less reactive «than Re» ✔
Accept other valid observations such as 2
“colour of solution fades” or “solid/metal
appears” for “reacts”.

4. c i rhenium(III) chloride
OR 1
rhenium trichloride ✔

4. c ii «Mr ReCl3  186.21  (3  35.45) » 292.56 ✔

186.21 2
«100  » 63.648 «%» ✔
– 10 – M19/4/CHEMI/SP2/ENG/TZ2/XX/M

Question Answers Notes Total

5. a i Weak acid: partially dissociated/ionized «in solution/water»
Strong acid: «assumed to be almost» completely/100 % dissociated/ionized
«in solution/water» ✔

5. a ii CO32 ✔ 1

5. a iii shifts to left/reactants AND to increase amount/number of moles/molecules Accept “shifts to left/reactants AND
of gas/CO2 (g) ✔ to increase pressure”.

5. b i «additional HCO3» shifts position of equilibrium to left ✔ Do not award M2 without any justification in
terms of equilibrium shift in M1. 2
pH increases ✔

5. b ii «molar mass of NaHCO3 » 84.01 «g mol1» ✔ Award [2] for correct final answer.

3.0 10–2 g 1 2
«concentration  
 3 » 3.6  103 «mol dm3» ✔
84.01 g mol 0.100 dm

5. b iii Between sodium and hydrogencarbonate:

ionic ✔
Between hydrogen and oxygen in hydrogencarbonate:
«polar» covalent ✔

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