Welding Procedure Specification Descript de Mode Opératoire de Soudage
Welding Procedure Specification Descript de Mode Opératoire de Soudage
Welding Procedure Specification Descript de Mode Opératoire de Soudage
Posizione - Position - Position de soudage: Trattamento Termico – Postweld Heat Treatment – Traitement thermique:
Di testa - Groove - bout à bout: Salita - Increase - montée (°C/h): N/A
D'angolo - Fillet - d’angle: ALL Stasi - Hold - T° du maintien (°C): N/A
Direzione di saldatura - progression Up Hill For Vertical Durata - time - durée du maintien: N/A
-progression de la soudure: Position Down: N/A Discesa – Decrease – refroidissement (°C/h): N/A
Preriscaldo - Preheat - Préchauffage Temp Temp.Interpass – Interpass temp - T° entre passes temp
(°C): Min : (°C): Max. Interpass Temperature Max. (C°) 150°C
Metodo controllo Control method-méthode de contrôl
Thermal Crayon Altro-Other-Autre: Propane Torch
Composizione-Composition Note
Gas - Gas – Gaz: Tipo - Type Portata-Flow rate-débit (l/Min)
(%) -Notes
Alla torcia - Shielding gas - à la torche: ARGON 99,99 8 ÷ 10 L/MIN
Protezione rovescio - Backing gas - protection envers: ARGON 99,99 8 ÷ 10 L/MIN
Caratteristiche Elettriche - Electrical Characteristics - Caracteristiques electriques:
Corrente - Current-courant/ Polarita - Polarity-polarité DC EN
Diametro/tipo elettrodo tungsteno - Tungsten electrode size/tipe - diamétre/type électrode tungsténe: EWT H 2 Ǿ 2,4 mm
Gas Cup Size 12.7~19.0
Tecnica - Tecnique – Technique:
Cordoni - Bead - cordon: STRING Passate multiple o singole - Multiple or single pass - passes unique ou multiple: MULTIPASS
Elettrodo singolo o multiplo-Single or multiple electrodes - simple ou multiple électrode: SINGLE
Pulizia iniziale e durante saldatura - Initial and interpass cleaning - nettoyage initial et entre passes de soudage: BRUSHING AND GRINDING
Oscillazione – Oscillation - oscillations: N/A
Distanza libera filo - Stand off distance - distance de maintien (mm) : N/A Angolo torcia – Torch angle – angle de torche: N/A
Strati Processo Mat.d’apporto - Filler Corrente – current – courant Vel. Sald. Apporto termico Maximum Bead
Layer Process metal-Produit d’apport Polarità Ampere Tensione Speed Heat input
Passes Procédé Class Diam polarity Amps Volts Vitesse Énergie Width Thk
(mm) polarité ( +/ -) ampéres (A) Tension (V) (mm/min) (kJ/mm) (mm) (mm)
Root 141 W 19 12 3 L 2,4 DC EN 65 ÷ 85 9 ÷ 11 70 ÷ 90 0.23 ÷ 0.48 6.0-7.0 2.0
Hot/Fill 141 W 19 12 3 L 2,4 DC EN 60 ÷ 80 9 ÷ 11 75 ÷ 95 0.20 ÷0.42 9.0-10 2.0
Cap 141 W 19 12 3 L 2,4 DC EN 60 ÷ 80 9 ÷ 11 75 ÷ 95 0.20 ÷0.42 9.0-10 2.0
Preparato – Prepared - Redacteur Ente certificante - test body - l’organisme d’inspect.
Name M. Fumarola Name
Position QA/QC Manager Position
Signature Signature
Date 17.12.2012 Date
SPECIFICA DI SALDATURA SIM-Doc. No.: Date : 17.12.2012
Travaux de Tuyauterie
PROJECT (phase 2013-Lot A)
Welding Procedure Specification
Descript de mode opératoire de soudage REVISION 00 Page 1 of 2
Joint Details and Welding Sequence Layer Diam. ø (mm) Process Note -
Socket weld 2 2.40 141 Minimum 2 Passes
Joint Details and Welding Sequence Layer Diam. ø (mm) Process Note -
Branch weld SET-ON 1-N 2.40 141 RANGE BRANCH ANGLE BY
45° to 90°
45° ± 5°
R R 3 (+1/-1)
α 45° (+5/-5)
Joint Details and Welding Sequence Layer Diam. ø (mm) Process Note -
Branch weld with reinforcing pad SET IN 1-N 2.40 141 RANGE BRANCH ANGLE BY
45° to 90°
R 3 (+1/-1)
α 45° (+5/-5)
3 (+1/-1)
Joint Details and Welding Sequence Layer Diam. ø (mm) Process Note -
Fillet 1-N 2.40 141
A = Gorge
Special instruction(s).
1. All the surface and edges which are to be heated for any purpose, eg cutting, forming or welding, shall be free from all traces of contaminations such as painting,
grease, soap, sulphur, chloride containing compounds and low melting point metals including zinc, lead, tin etc.
2. The cleaned area shall extend for a distance of 50mm from the prepared edge on the inside and outside surfaces.
4. Purging of second side shall be maintained at least 6mm of deposited weld metal. Purge to maintain 0.5% oxygen max.
5. After each welding pass, the weld shall be cleaned of all flux, and slag by power wire brush, grinding or hand tools.
6. Each welding pass shall be visually inspected to ensure freedom of slag, cracks, and porosity before the start of the next pass. Any defect shall be removed or
repaired prior to start next pass.
7. On completion of the weld, the adjacent surface shall be cleaned of all spatter, slag flux, and carbonaceous material.
Preparato – Prepared - Redacteur Ente certificante - test body - l’organisme d’inspect.
Name M. Fumarola Name
Position QA/QC Manager Position
Signature Signature
Date 17.12.2012 Date