Biomechanical Analisys PDF
Biomechanical Analisys PDF
Biomechanical Analisys PDF
reality : application
Jingtao Chen
Présentée par
Jingtao CHEN
Thèse dirigée par : M. Peter MITROUCHEV
M. Franck QUAINE
Biomechanical analysis of
different aspects in virtual
reality. Application
Thèse soutenue publiquement le : 30/01/2017
devant le jury composé de :
M. Georges DUMONT
Professeur, Ecole normale supérieure de Rennes, Rapporteur
Professeur, Université Paris – Est Créteil, Rapporteur
Professeur, INSA Toulouse, Président
Professeur, Grenoble INP, Examinateur
M. François MOUTET
Professeur, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire, CHU Grenoble, Invité
To my parents,
Foremost, I would like to express my special appreciation and thanks to Dr. Peter Mitrouchev,
Dr. Franck Quaine and Dr. Sabine Coquillart for their continuous support of my PhD research,
for their patience, motivation, enthusiasm and immense knowledge. I would like to express my
sincere gratitude to Grenoble Alpes University for providing the free and friendly research
I wish to thank all members of the jury for the attention they have kindly given to this work:
Prof. SARTOR Marc for doing me honors to chair this jury, Prof. DUMONT Georges and Prof.
PORTERO Pierre for accepting the burden to be Reviewers and Prof. TOLLENAERE Michel
for allowing me the honor to consider it. I want to thank them for their brilliant comments and
I would especially like to thank prof. François MOUTET, Chef of Hand surgery center, who
provide me the advice about the CRPS and the chance for conducting the experiment in his
department. I would like also to thank the members of physical rehabilitation team: Mathieu
JEAN-PIERRE, François ARRAMY and Manuel FRANÇOIS for giving me their valuable
suggestions about our research.
I would like to thank Mr. Silvain GERBERS from GIPSA laboratory, for helping me to perform
the statistical analysis and giving his suggestions on the data analysis. I would like to thank
Charles-Henry DUTEFEL for developing the application used in CHU and helping me debug
the program of pseudo-haptic experiment. My sincere thanks also go to Mr. Thierry Henocque
from GINOVA laboratory, for supporting me with the device for simulation. I would like to
thanks the staff of GIPSA Laboratory, G-SCOP Laboratory and INRIA for their good reception.
I also want to thank all people who participated in my experiments. They generously donated
their time to my research.
At the end, I would like express appreciation to my beloved wife Min GONG who was always
my support in the moments when there was no one to answer my queries.
Table of content
Dedication ................................................................................................................................... i
Acknowledgment ....................................................................................................................... ii Mechanical energy expenditure for moving the operator’s arm ................. 21
1.5.1 Experiments ............................................................................................................. 27
iv Pressing force .................................................................................................. 52 Comparison between the force on real spring and virtual spring under
identical stiffness ......................................................................................................... 66
2.6 Conclusion ...................................................................................................................... 96
3.6.2 Pain estimation and feelings of participants .......................................................... 126
List of the tables
List of figure
Figure 1.1. Work, heat and total energy liberation during simulated and experimental cyclic
concentric contractions [BrKP03]. ........................................................................................... 18
Figure 1.2 Arm and its associated two joints mechanism ........................................................ 23
Figure 1.3 Mechanical assembly and parts’ trajectories for disassembling target component 𝑪𝟑
.................................................................................................................................................. 25
Figure 1.4 Virtual reality experimental environment ............................................................... 28
Figure 1.5 Filtered EMG data .................................................................................................. 29
Figure 1.6 Average of peak values of NEMG signal for all subjects at A, B and C for each
muscle. (* indicates significant difference and n.s indicates no significant difference) .......... 30
Figure 2.1 Pseudo-haptic device in [LCKR00]: a). Isometric input device called Spaceball; b).
virtual display of a ‘virtual spring’. .......................................................................................... 36
Figure 2.2 Lécuyer’s swap experiment display [LéCC01]. .................................................... 38
Figure 2.3 (a). Planar Grasper [SrBB96]; (b). PHANToM haptic interface [MaSa94]; .......... 38
Figure 2.4 Two compared torsion springs [PaBC04]: a). Real torsion spring; b). Isometric
virtual torsion spring; c). Elastic virtual torsion spring; d). Visual feedback of pseudo-haptic
torsion spring. ........................................................................................................................... 40
Figure 2.5 The scenario of texture simulation by using pseudo-haptic feedback [LéBE04]. .. 41
Figure 2.6 Mass discrimination task in [DLBR05]: a). Experiment setup; b). Virtual ball
displayed on computer screen. ................................................................................................. 41
Figure 2.7 Simulation of weight based on pseudo-haptic feedback [PJHS14]: a). Experiment
setup; b). Experiment task scenario.......................................................................................... 42
Figure 2.8 Avatar’s animation corresponding to different motions during the lifting of the
subject [JAOM14]. ................................................................................................................... 43
Figure 2.9 HEMP (Hand-displacEMent-based Pseudo-haptics) systems [PuMC08]: a). Subject
wear a head-mounted display while the head and hand positions were tracked; b). The scenario
of feeling the force field. .......................................................................................................... 44
Figure 2.10 Force applied on different compared specimens [Endo16]. ................................ 46
Figure 2.11 Experimental setup: a). four springs inside the box; b). two simulated springs
presented on computer screen for each trial. ............................................................................ 47
Figure 2.12 The placement of electrodes on forearm: a). Four sets of electrodes for flexors; b).
Two sets of electrodes on extensors (the black electrode is for the ground). .......................... 49
Figure 2.13 Subject performing the task in sitting position with using dominant hand to test the
spring and non-dominant hand to manipulate the keyboard. ................................................... 49
Figure 2.14 Three MVC items: a). MVC flexion; b). MVC extension; c). MVC co-contraction.
.................................................................................................................................................. 50
Figure 2.15 Raw data of force and EMG on flexors and extensors during a trial of stiffness
discrimination task. .................................................................................................................. 53
Figure. 2.16 Start and end point of force on each press and the peak of the force of each press.
(a) Force on real spring; (b) Force on virtual spring. ............................................................... 54
Figure 2.17 Subject force applied on real spring (figure up), and velocity and the detected
positive peak value on pressing velocity (figure down). .......................................................... 55
Figure 2.18 Raw EMG and RMS EMG on two flexors during MVC flexion. The black dots
represent the start and end point of the performing MVC. ...................................................... 57
Figure 2.19 EMG signal on the most involved flexor and extensor with the peak detected. ... 58
Figure 2.20 Subjects’ stiffness discrimination results: a). Proportion of response “Spring B is
stiffer”; b). z score of subjects’ perception. ............................................................................. 60
Figure 2.21 Subjects’ answers t-score results (a). PSE; (b). JND (c). Weber fractions. .......... 61
Figure 2.22 Average of force with standard error of mean (SEM) applied on real spring without
normalization: a). no matter what is the ‘virtual stiffness’ of compared virtual spring; b). under
different ‘virtual stiffness’ of compared virtual spring, no matter which stiffness scale is; c).
under different ‘virtual stiffness’.............................................................................................. 62
Figure 2.23 Average of normalized force applied on real spring without normalization: a). no
matter what is the ‘virtual stiffness’ of compared virtual spring; b). under different ‘virtual
stiffness’ of compared virtual spring, no matter which ‘stiffness scale’; c). under different
‘virtual stiffness’. ..................................................................................................................... 63
Figure 2.24 Average of force without normalization applied on virtual spring: a). compared
with different real springs, no matter what is the ‘virtual stiffness’; b). under different ‘virtual
stiffness’, no matter which the compared real spring was; c). under different ‘virtual stiffness’
for simulating different real springs; d). The average of slope for force without normalization
under different ‘virtual stiffness’ on virtual spring (p-value<0.001). ...................................... 64
Figure 2.25 Average of normalized force applied on virtual spring: a). compared with different
real springs, no matter what is the ‘virtual stiffness’ of virtual spring; b). different ‘virtual
stiffness’ of virtual spring, no matter which the compared real spring was; c). under different
‘virtual stiffness’ for simulating different real springs. d). Average of slope for force with
normalization under different ‘virtual stiffness’ on virtual spring (p-value<0.001). ............... 65
Figure 2.26 Comparison between the force on virtual spring and corresponding real spring
during identical simulation. All the compared pairs have significant differences between force
on virtual spring and real spring (p-value<0.0001). ................................................................. 66
Figure 2.27 Average of pressing duration on different real springs: a). no matter what is the
‘virtual stiffness’ of the compared virtual spring; b). under different ‘virtual stiffness’ of virtual
spring; c). pressing duration under different ‘virtual stiffness’. ............................................... 67
Figure 2.28 Average of pressing duration on virtual spring: a). compared with different real
springs, no matter what is the ‘virtual stiffness’ of virtual spring; b). under different ‘virtual
stiffness’ of virtual spring, no matter which the compared real spring was; c). under different
‘virtual stiffness’ for different simulated real springs. ............................................................. 68
Figure 2.29 Comparison between the pressing duration on virtual spring and the corresponding
real spring. The compared pairs: Real spring1-Virtual spring and Real spring2-Virtual spring
have significant differences inside the pressing duration on virtual spring and real spring (p-
value<0.01). .............................................................................................................................. 69
Figure 2.30 Average of number of pressing on different real springs: a). no matter what is the
‘virtual stiffness’ of the compared virtual spring; b). under different ‘virtual stiffness’ of virtual
spring; c). under different ‘virtual stiffness’. ........................................................................... 70
Figure 2.31 Average of number of pressing on virtual spring: a). compared with different real
springs, no matter what is the ‘virtual stiffness’ of the virtual spring; b). under different ‘virtual
stiffness’ of virtual spring, no matter with which real spring it is compared; c). under different
‘virtual stiffness’ for different simulated real springs. ............................................................. 71
Figure 2.32 Comparison between the number of pressing on virtual spring and the
corresponding real spring. All the compared pairs have significant differences between the
number of pressing on virtual spring and real spring (p-value<0.01). ..................................... 72
Figure 2.33 Pressing frequency on different real springs: a). no matter what is the ‘virtual
stiffness’ of the compared virtual spring; b). under different ‘virtual stiffness’ of virtual spring;
c). under different ‘virtual stiffness’. ....................................................................................... 73
Figure 2.34 Average of pressing frequency on virtual spring: a). compared with different real
springs, no matter what is the ‘virtual stiffness’ of virtual spring; b). under different ‘virtual
stiffness’ of virtual spring, no matter with which real spring it is compared; c). under different
‘virtual stiffness’ for simulating different real springs. ............................................................ 74
Figure 2.35 Comparison between the pressing frequency on virtual spring and corresponding
real spring. The compared pairs: Real spring2-Virtual spring and Real spring3-Virtual spring
have significant differences between the pressing frequency on virtual spring and real spring
(p-value<0.01). ......................................................................................................................... 75
Figure 2.36 Average maximal pressing velocity on real springs: a). no matter what is the ‘virtual
stiffness’ of compared virtual spring; b). with SEM on real springs under different ‘virtual
stiffness’ of compared virtual spring, no matter which real spring; c). with SEM on each real
spring under different ‘virtual stiffness’................................................................................... 76
Figure 2.37 Average maximal pressing velocity on virtual spring: a). no matter what is the
‘virtual stiffness’ of compared real spring; b). under different ‘virtual stiffness’, no matter which
real spring it is compared with; c). under different ‘virtual stiffness’. ..................................... 77
Figure 2.38 Average peak of normalized EMG signals on most involved flexor during pressing
on real springs: a). no matter what is the ‘virtual stiffness’ of compared virtual spring; b). under
different ‘virtual stiffness’ of compared virtual spring, no matter which real spring; c). under
different ‘virtual stiffness’. ....................................................................................................... 78
Figure 2.39 Average peaks of normalized EMG signals on most involved flexor during pressing
on virtual spring: a). with different ‘stiffness scale’; b). under different ‘virtual stiffness’ of
compared real spring; c). with SEM on virtual spring under different ‘virtual stiffness’. ....... 79
Figure 2.40 Peaks of normalized EMG signal on most involved extensor for real springs: a).
no matter what is the ‘virtual stiffness’ of compared virtual spring; b). under different ‘virtual
stiffness’ of compared virtual spring, no matter which real spring; c). under different ‘virtual
stiffness’. .................................................................................................................................. 80
Figure 2.41 Average peaks of normalized EMG signal on most involved extensor during
pressing on virtual spring: a). with different ‘stiffness scale’; b). under different ‘virtual stiffness’
of compared real spring; c). under different ‘virtual stiffness’. ............................................... 81
Figure 2.42 Muscle co-activation of wrist joints during pressing on real springs: a). no matter
what is the ‘virtual stiffness’ of compared virtual spring; b). under different ‘virtual stiffness’
of compared virtual spring, no matter which real spring; c). under different ‘virtual stiffness’.
.................................................................................................................................................. 82
Figure 2.43 Muscle co-activation of wrist joints during pressing on virtual spring: a). no matter
what is the ‘virtual stiffness’ of the compared virtual spring; b). under different ‘virtual stiffness’
of compared virtual spring, no matter which real spring; c). under different ‘virtual stiffness’.
.................................................................................................................................................. 83
Figure 2.44 Force applied on real springs: a). Force according the data of Endo’s paper; b).
linear regression for Endo’s force data. ................................................................................... 91
Figure 2.45 Force-Log_Stiffness relations for real and virtual springs. ................................. 93
Figure 2.46 Force on real and virtual springs plotted based on eq. (2-16) and eq. (2-17). ...... 94
Figure 3.1 New theory of motor adaptation to pain [HoTu11]. ............................................. 101
Figure 3.2 CRPS patient with swelling wrist joints [BPMB13]. ........................................... 103
Figure 3.3 Dystonic postures in CRPS. Most common postures in arm and leg in CRPS-related
dystonia arranged to the severity from left to right [AMMA11]. .......................................... 104
Figure 3.4 Example of mirror therapy [RaAl09].................................................................... 106
Figure 3.5 Copy movement of the part of healthy limb and symmetrically displayed on the
residual limb side [EyMB05]. ................................................................................................ 108
Figure 3.6 VR environment for transposition of the movements of healthy limb [MPCH06].
................................................................................................................................................ 109
Figure 3.7 Evolution of CRPS patient hand movement [Seba11].......................................... 110
Figure 3.8 (a). Normal condition; (b). Extended condition; (c). Switched condition [WTCK15].
................................................................................................................................................ 111
Figure 3.9 Glove tracking systems: a). Flex and Pinch glove [LaZe99]; b). Cyberglove,
Immersion Corporation; c). Humanglove, Image courtesy Humanware; d). 5DT data glove; e). Multi-colored glove [WaPo09]. ............................................................. 112
Figure 3.10 Marker tracking System [ShBS06]. .................................................................... 113
Figure 3.11 Finger gesture recognition platform in [STMB09]: a). The frame of the platform in;
b). Three finger-gesture sets. .................................................................................................. 114
Figure 3.12 Hand image based tracking device in [KHIB12]: a). Main hardware of the device;
b). Signal processing steps for reconstructing the finger movements; c). The finger movement
reconstruction results of five finger gesture. .......................................................................... 115
Figure 3.13 Leap Motion: a). Leap Motion coordinate system, []; b). Leap
Motion hand model, []. ....................................................................... 116
Figure 3.14 Leap motion limits. The left thumb disappears because of overlapping of two
thumbs. ................................................................................................................................... 116
Figure 3.15 Application script diagramme [Dufe15]. ............................................................ 118
Figure 3.16 Virtual platform interface. .................................................................................. 119
Figure 3.17 Two types of left hand models: a). with normal skin texture; b). with silver skin
texture. .................................................................................................................................... 120
Figure 3.18 Movement tasks: a) Flexion and extension of wrist; b) Flexion and extension of
first finger joint of index, middle, ring and pinky finger. ...................................................... 121
Figure 3.19 Experiment setup: a). top view. The user was located 20 cm in front and 22 cm near
the hand support; b). scene. .................................................................................................... 122
Figure 3.20 Raw signal of angle rotation detected on the wrist with marked peak and valley for
one subject as example. .......................................................................................................... 124
Figure 3.21 Ranges of movement of subjects’ wrist: a). Healthy subject; b). Patient. .......... 125
Figure 3.22 Ranges of movement of subjects’ MCP of index finger: a). Healthy subject; b).
Patient. .................................................................................................................................... 126
Figure 3.23 Unused zone for user. ......................................................................................... 129
List of the articles
International conferences
1. P. Mitrouchev , J.T. Chen, S. Coquillart and F. Quaine, Length perception in virtual reality
environment, MIT 2016 Conference Proceedings, Fiesa, Slovenia, 05-07 September, 2016,
pp. 56-62.
In preparation
1. Jingtao Chen, Peter Mitrouchev, Sabine Coquillart, Franck Quaine. Towards a better
understanding of pseudo-haptics: A force analysis during stiffness discrimination task.
II. Others
International Conferences
1. Peter Mitrouchev, Cheng-gang Wang, Jing-tao Chen, Disassembly Process Simulation in
Virtual Reality Environment, in Advances on Mechanics, Design Engineering and
Manufacturing, Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-45781-
9_63, Ressorter International Publishing AG 2017, B. Eynard et al. (eds.), JCM 2016
Conference, 14-16 September, 2016, Catania, Italy, pp 631-638.
2. P. Mitrouchev J. Chen, F. Maffray, Y. Zheng, Enumeration of driving mechanisms in robotics
by combinatorial analysis method, in: Mechanisms and Machine Science 37, Robotics and
mechatronics, The 4th IFTOMM International Symposium on Robotics and Mechatronics,
2015 Poitiers (France), Ed. Ressorter, ISBN: 978-3-319-22367-4, Chapitre 5, pp 41-49.
3. Peter Mitrouchev, Cheng-gang Wang, Jing-tao Chen, Virtual disassembly sequences
generation and evaluation, 6th CIRP Conference on Assembly Technologies and Systems
(CATS), Goteborg, Sweden, Ed. Elsevier, Procedia CIRP 44 (2016) 347 – 352.
General Introduction
Human behavior is the subject of a lot of studies in numerous fields, spanning the social, natural,
technological sciences and beyond. Being defined as the capacity of mental, physical, emotional,
and social activities experienced during the five stages of a human being's life, important
progress in understanding human behavior can only be achieved through a multidisciplinary
community effort. The study we carried out aims to foster that effort by trying to understand
basic human behavior and perception. It was realized in the frame of LABEX Persyval-Lab,
Work package (WP2) Authoring Augmented Reality, research axis Real-time capture and
simulation of the real world. Representation and editing of virtual prototypes. Natural
interaction with the augmented world. Thus, the study federated skills in mechanics, bio-
mechanics and computer sciences in order to better understand how virtual reality (VR)
technologies, influence on human behavior with using biomechanical analysis methods in
general and its application for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) rehabilitation in
environment is broadly used in operation training, ergonomic design verification etc.
The importance of haptic sensation in real environment being high, simulating haptic feedback
in virtual reality (VR) environment is a domain worth of exploring. Haptic feedback simulation
provides the sense of touch to user by applying forces and vibrations or using information
coming from other sensory modalities. Several industrial applications have utilized the
simulated haptic feedback to create more realistic scenarios of training and operation
simulations. Thus, coupling Haptic feedback simulations with biomechanical techniques may
be useful to better understand human movement, especially the motor strategy for the muscle
recruitment during a given task.
In order to avoid disturbing oscillations, 1000 Hz is necessary for the system who
provide the haptic rendering. Comparing with the minimal updating frequency of haptic real-
time loop, the visual scene-graph loop requires a lower minimal frequency of 60 Hz. Then some
researchers tried to use the visual feedback to simulate the haptic feedback. Srinivasan et al.
[SrBB96], Wu et al. [WuBS99] and [LCKR00] have influenced subject’s perception of
stiffness by manipulating the visual feedback in different amounts. Pseudo-haptics being “the
generation, augmentation or deformation of haptic sensations by information coming from
other sensory modalities” [LBCC01], Lécuyer et al. used it in order to provide the haptic
sensations to subjects during spring stiffness estimation. This provides a new method to explore
the possibilities for simulating the haptic feedback in VR environment. In [Lécu01], pseudo-
haptic feedback allows “to combine visual feedback with a passive haptic information related
to or caused by a user action” while perceiving the stiffness of pseudo-haptic spring. Several
physical properties have been simulated by using the pseudo-haptic feedback such as: stiffness,
friction, texture, weight, force field amongst others. Comparing with haptic device, pseudo-
haptic feedback can use less computation resource to provide a high frequency haptic sensation.
Virtual reality has been proved to be a relevant technique in healthcare through surgery
training and simulation, psychological treatment or robotic surgery. In health domain, there
exist some diseases which influence patient’s motor behavior. Complex Regional Pain
Syndrome (CRPS), for instance, is one of those diseases. It is characterized by specific
symptoms and often accompanied with motor disorders. Although the reasons of CRPS are not
clear yet, it is believed that it is caused by the damages of the central nervous system. One of
the key physiological symptoms of CRPS is the prolonged pain which can be unbearable in
some extremely cases. Different levels of pain, provoked by this disease, not only change the
motor strategy of painful muscle, but also change the synergistic muscles while performing
dynamic exercises [EFAG05]. When CRPS patient is performing some painful movements,
peripherical adaptation may happen on movement-involved muscles. This implies that the pain
can create alterations in skeletal muscle. Another symptom frequently observed in CRPS is the
limited range of movement and the maladaptation due to abnormal posture of the affected limb.
Structural alterations in skeletal muscle tissue and pain-induced adaptations may contribute to
a deficient muscle activation in CRPS patient [BPMB13]. In order to prevent deterioration of
CRPS on patient, encouraging them to actively participate in physical therapy is an important
issue today. The virtual reality technology may be a useful tool which can respond this issue.
Research problematic
Human behavior and perception under the influence of VR-based application is an important
issue, and investigation in this area can help researchers and professionals to understand and
better utilize VR technology. In this context, one part of our research was conducted in order
to better understand how haptic simulation applications will influence on human behavior and
perception with using biomechanical analysis methods. As visual feedback can influence the
physiological aspect of human [GPRS14], we try to manipulate this feedback by using
computer-based application in order to improve the rehabilitation performance of CRPS
For evaluating disassembly sequences with considering ergonomic factors, different tools
and VR human-computer interfaces are proposed [GoZa99, RaMS99]. Platforms with haptic
device, which can provide force feedback, are the example of those different tools. However,
many of the platforms using haptic device are facing difficulties for evaluating muscles fatigue
induced while performing disassembly operations.
Previous existing methods for evaluating disassembly sequences include the calculation
of the energy expenditure [TLKC12], predicting the muscle fatigue associated with a specific
task [RoFD04, DNHÅ11], predicting the energy consummation associated with a specific task
[BSHG11] and modeling the work-recovery ratios [RNHK14]. However, most of these
methods either use parameters obtained in too subjective way without corresponding physical
considerations either require some physiological parameters with poor availability. Due to the
complexities of the existing models and the necessity of requiring too many input data, their
usages are often limited. Hence, another method of evaluating the fatigue levels associated with
different disassembly operations in VR environment is necessary.
- how does the pseudo haptic feedback influence the perception and force applied on the
spring during stiffness discrimination task?
- can pseudo-haptic feedback induce different muscle activities in general and different
muscle involvements in particular?
For improving the motor function of affected limb and reducing the pain, CRPS patients are
encouraged to participate in physical therapy. One of the existing methods in such a therapy is
mirror therapy which requires patient to fix the orientation of his/her head to the mirror and
ignore his/her healthy limb. Those requirements limit patients to actively use the affected limbs
and to associate mirror reflection with the movement of the affected limbs.
As we are aware the visual feedback can influence some physiological characteristics of
humans. Thus, we try to manipulate the visual feedback to improve the rehabilitation
performance of patients with CRPS on upper limbs. In order to manipulate the relationship
between the motion of patients’ physical limb and the rendered avatar hand motion, it is
necessary to track and reconstruct their hand motion. It is also necessary to test whether
amplification of the movement can benefit the patient in rehabilitation.
Research contribution
In this context, our research attempts to understand how VR-based application will influence
on human behavior and perception with using biomechanical analysis methods. It will enable
to help researchers and professionals to understand and utilize VR technology better. Thus, we
propose to amplify the hand movement of the patient in order to study the benefit of this
amplification in the rehabilitation.
- The development of a new method for evaluating the fatigue associated with a
disassembly task. The fatigue evaluation is based on metabolic energy expenditure and
electromyography (EMG) signal analysis. For this purpose, a VR application is
developed and applied for disassembly task simulation which confirmed the efficiency
of the proposed method.
- A better understanding on how does pseudo haptic feedback influences: the perception
of stiffness; some kinematic parameters; force and EMG (surface electromyogram),
signals during perceiving stiffness. For this purpose, we proposed a similar stiffness
discrimination task as in [LCKR00] consisting in discriminating the stiffness of one
amongst three real springs, with eleven virtual ones (pseudo-haptic spring). Through
analyzing and comparing the pressing force, the kinematic parameters and the EMG
signals recorded from subjects’ arms during stiffness discrimination task, we firstly
found that pressing forces on both real and virtual springs have similar behavior and the
muscle co-activation induced by pseudo-haptic spring behaves as in dynamic movement
task, even if the subjects’ fingers were almost static.
- Proposing the first steps toward an application for hand rehabilitation for CRPS patients.
Thus, new rehabilitation application based on low-cost device with acceptable accuracy
of hand tracking is developed. Based on the Leap Motion and Unity3D, the application
provides an avatar of the user’s hand with an amplified or reduced motion. For this
purpose, a pilot study for testing the feasibility of this application was conducted at the
Central University Hospital (CHU) in Grenoble (France) in the Service of hand surgery.
Some feedback from the involved subjects (a hospital practitioner, two physical
therapists, a patient and a health subject) during the experiment have been collected. It
has been shown that all subjects had no uncomfortable feeling with using the application.
The medical staff expressed interest in pursuing this work for potential rehabilitation
Application area
Concerning the proposed method for evaluating the fatigue levels associated with different
disassembly tasks, it is useful to provide a reference for product designers allowing them to
estimate which disassembly sequence, among all the possible ones, induces least fatigue.
The results related to the pseudo-haptics, show that the force and the muscle co-activation
behavior may be useful to better understand the pseudo-haptic feedback in stiffness
discrimination task.
The application for CRPS patients’ rehabilitation based on the Leap motion can be useful
in kinesiological therapy. When the motion of the avatar hand is amplified, one hypothesis is
that it may encourage patients to overcome the limited range of their movements due to pain or
stiffer joint. On the other hand, when the motion of the avatar hand is reduced, one hypothesis
is that it can help patients to amplify the range of their hand movements.
- Concerning the model for evaluating the fatigue associated with a disassembly task, as
the energy consumption of rotation movement is not considered, it only evaluates the
fatigue levels associated with translation movement of disassembly tasks simulation.
Since the method is proposed toward considering the muscle fatigue factor with one
hand disassembly operation simulation in the initial stage of product design, it might
not be adapted for the disassembly operation simulation during a real disassembly task
which often involves two-hand gestures and different body positions.
- Concerning the feasibility test of application developed toward CRPS rehabilitation, it
involves with the medical staff of Hand Surgery department at CHU Grenoble and one
patient which is not enough to ensure the safety usage of the developed application. Due
to the limited accuracy of Leap Motion device, the avatar hand motion is not stable.
Consequently, this instability results in the dissatisfaction during using the application.
The first part (Part I), entitled “Biomechanical analysis of haptic-based concepts and tasks”
consists of two chapters:
A new method for disassembly task fatigue evaluation based on metabolic energy
expenditure and muscle fatigue estimation is presented in Chapter 1. The analytical model for
mechanical energy expenditure is presented in details where the required mechanical work is
used as main parameter thus allowing to compare relationships among different fatigue levels
associated with different disassembly operations in VR environment. The fatigue levels are
evaluated by analyzing the recorded EMG signals on operator’ arm. The proposed method is
validated by a set of experimental loading tests performed in the realized Virtual Reality
environment allowing to simulate rehabilitation tasks. Finally, the analytical and experimental
results are compared thus showing very good correlation between them.
Chapter 2 focusses on the force, kinematic parameters and the EMG signal on flexors
and extensors of subject’s forearm induced by the pseudo-haptics during stiffness
discrimination task. The performed series of tests for stiffness discrimination between real
spring and virtual spring (with pseudo-haptic feedback) are presented. The materials and the
method including measurement items, experiment protocol, participants and data analysis are
detailed then. The results concerning the perception under different stiffness, the pressing force,
the kinematic parameters, and EMG signals and co-activation are also presented and then
analyzed. Finally, how the pseudo-haptic feedback underestimates the stiffness and how the
muscle co-activation levels change under the influence of pseudo-haptic feedback are discussed.
The second part (Part II), entitled “Application in CRPS rehabilitation”, consists in one
Chapter 3 introduces the basic notions and situations of CRPS including its symptoms,
the traditional physical therapy and some existing physical methods for rehabilitation. The
mirror neuron system and the mirror therapy as one of the effective methods for treatment are
presented. Comparing with the traditional method for physical therapy, some virtual reality
environments and platforms for CRPS rehabilitation applications in general, and for hand
movement reconstruction in particular are presented in this chapter as well. The developed
platform for CRPS patients’ rehabilitation, based on Leap Motion, and the series of pilot tests
performed with patients and Hand surgery medical staff in Grenoble University Hospital are
presented. The range of hand movement of subject-controlled avatar during the experiments,
under different conditions, were reported and their feedbacks were analyzed thus allowing to
improve the performances of the platform in future.
Part I
This part presents two researches which are related with evaluating the fatigue levels
associated with VR-based application for disassembly task evaluation in VR environment, and
biomechanical analysis of pseudo-haptics in the aspect of human perception and behavior.
Usually Pseudo-haptics utilizes not only visual feedback, but also information from the other
sensory modalities to provide perception of different physical properties such as: shape or
texture without providing the same physical existence in reality. Secondly, we focus on force
induced by pseudo-haptics during stiffness discrimination task. For this purpose, series of tests
for stiffness discrimination between real spring and virtual spring (with pseudo-haptic feedback)
are performed. Thus, the materials and the method including measurement items, experimental
protocol, participants and data analysis are presented. Then, the results concerning: the
perception under different stiffness, the pressing force, the kinematic parameters, and EMG
(Electromyography) signals and co-activation are presented. Finally, how does the subject
underestimate the stiffness of pseudo-haptic spring and how does the Pseudo-haptic induce
different muscle co-activation levels are discussed.
Chapter 1
Evaluation of fatigue levels during disassembly task
This chapter presents a new method for disassembly task fatigue evaluation based on
metabolic energy expenditure and muscle fatigue estimation. A new analytical model for
mechanical energy expenditure is proposed where the required mechanical work is used as
main parameter allowing to compare relationships among different fatigue levels when
performing disassembly task. Then, the fatigue levels are evaluated by analyzing the recorded
EMG (electromyography) signals on some muscles of the operator’ arm. The proposed method
is validated by a set of experimental loading tests performed in a specially realized Virtual
Reality environment. Then the analytical and experimental results are compared showing a
very good correlation between them.
1.1 Introduction
This chapter is focusing on the second one. In this context, it considers the operator’s
muscle fatigue factors in evaluation of fatigue associate with disassembly task. Thus, the new
method for evaluating the fatigue associated with disassembly task by utilizing metabolic
energy expenditure is presented here below.
The two principal parameters for carrying out the calculation of metabolic energy
expenditure for disassembly tasks, which potentially may be used for different applications are:
Our method shows that using EMG data can give relevant information about the subject
muscle state, which could be of interest in the field of evaluation of disassembly task. The
proposed method aims to give a fatigue level rank of disassembly task operations.
The results of the study of this chapter may be useful for product designers as a decision-
making tool allowing them to evaluate the muscle fatigue level while performing different
disassembly sequences.
The literature analysis carried out within this study shown that certain existing approaches for
disassembly evaluation, some integrated in VR, were proposed by taking into account different
criteria such as:
However, they do not take into account the muscle fatigue of the operator for different
conditions of requests (postures, efforts), which in our opinion is highly influencing work’s
efficiency and very important today with the increasing of the retire age of the operators.
For disassembly sequences evaluation disassembly cost function was proposed in by using
parameters such as:
However, simply multiplying or dividing a subjective weight value with a factor being
considered in disassembly operation does not promise to obtain a convincing analytical model
without corresponding physical essence.
The total time for disassembly was proposed as main evaluation indicator for disassembly
operations’ evaluation in [GuGu97, KoGu05, GiFa07] by considering the disassembly direction
and the joint type. However, using the total time for disassembly is not an appropriate indicator
because the operator may expend different amount of energy for moving a given component
with different velocities, i.e. with different powers.
In order to model work-recovery ratios for optimizing the recovery time during tasks, Rose
et al. [RNHK14] presented data from empirical study regarding how maximal pushing force,
endurance time, recovery time and perceived discomfort vary with loading level and loading
time. During the tests, subjects were asked to perform two trials which included a loading and
a recovery trial. The results of the experiments show that:
- shorter endurance time is found in high loading level, compared with low loading level;
- subjectively perceived discomfort increases linearly with the increase of loading level;
However, this work does not present a general model allowing to describe the working-
recovery ratios.
Some bio-mathematical models of fatigue (BMMF) based on work hours data have been
proposed in [DNHÅ11] to predict the levels of fatigue associated with a pattern of work.
Fatigue Audit Inter Dyne (FAID) is one of the BMMFs which has been commercially used to
estimate work related fatigue. The hours of work are the input in the model allowing to estimate
the work related fatigue associated with shift workers’ duty schedules [RoFD04]. The output
fatigue score represents a predicted sleep opportunity. One of the benefits of FAID model is the
good availability of hours of work, which is the input data in the organizational records.
Predicting metabolic energy consumption associated with a disassembly sequence can be
a criterion for evaluating the fatigue level induced by a disassembly sequence. In this optic Bisi
[BSHG11] proposed an EMG (Electromyography 1 ) driven model for predicting metabolic
energy consumption during physical effort. It includes EMG signals from active muscles
associated with some kinematic joint parameters. For using this method to predict the metabolic
energy consumption of all the possible disassembly operation, it needs to measure the EMG
signal of certain muscles and kinematic parameters of certain task-related muscles and joints
during performing disassembly operation. However, it is too complex to be applied in the
disassembly operation evaluation, because it is quite time consuming to perform erery
disassembly sequence and predict its metabolic energy consumption which requires a motion
capture analysis system coupled with EMG data processing.
A long time repeatedly performed training may activate the neural adaption of muscles by
changing their activation mode. Rube and Secher [RuSe91] performed leg task experiment in
three phases. During the first one all subjects were asked to perform one hundred and fifty
maximum voluntary contractions (MVCs) in isometric leg extension task. On the second phase,
subjects were assigned into two groups: one performing a training task with one-leg, the other
performing the same training with two-legs. During five weeks, one-leg and two-leg trainings
have been respectively performed by each group. After training, both groups were asked to
perform once again one hundred and fifty MVCs in isometric one- and two- legged extension
task, which was the third phase of the experiment. The results of comparison between the MVCs
values before and after training shown that one-legged group of subjects was less tired when
performing one-legged task, and two-legged group was less tired during two-legged task. It was
mentioned in [Roge01] that the effect of training on fatigue depends on training mode. For a
disassembly sequence, for instance, loading level, loading time and operation posture are not
always the same.
Note, that evaluating disassembly sequence is also an important question in the industrial
manufacture and recycling. Considering the ergonomic factor during the disassembly task,
many works focus on:
- modeling the work-recovery ratios [RNHK14].
The bibliographical analysis shows that the existing methods for disassembly sequence
evaluation; developed so far, as we are aware, satisfy only partially the needs of designers and
The aim of disassembly sequence evaluation is to evaluate the cost of carrying out
disassembly sequence. Different considerations for evaluating the disassembly cost product
different evaluation methods. According to the applied techniques two large groups of methods
for disassembly cost emerge, namely: disassembility, time cost and physiological cost.
The review of current approaches, a part of which was briefly presented here, and other
works we have studied, leads to the following remarks:
- Considering the disassembility mainly evaluate the disassembly sequence by taking into
account the disassemblility of disassembled components in each sequence. The
parameters used in this type method includes the visibilities of component, removing
time of component and fasteners, accessibility and orientation, disassembly distances
etc. In order to calculate a disassemblility score for each disassembly sequence,
subjective coefficients should be allocated to parameters to indicate their importance in
disassembility. Without providing the corresponding physical meaning of value of
subjective coefficient, the calculation has a potential to be subjective value which can’t
be used in disassembly sequence evaluation.
- Considering disassembly time is a direct method to evaluate the cost for disassembly
sequence. In the case of automatic manufacturing or recycling, this method is effective.
The fatigue being an important factor which can affect the efficiency of performing the
disassembly task, how to evaluate the level of fatigue in the muscles is also a part of our work.
Muscle fatigue refers to the acute impairment of performance due to physical activity [Roge01].
The level of muscle fatigue and the mechanism underlying the development of fatigue depend
on several parameters such as: type of muscle exercise, contraction intensity, sustained or
intermittent contraction or isometric and dynamic movement [EnSt92]. Mechanisms
contributing to fatigue are metabolic subtracts and acidification into the muscle [Vøll95] as well
as impairment of activation [Mert54]. One possibility for this evaluation is to calculate the
decreasing slope of median frequency of EMG signals [SoKn00]. The more the slope of median
frequency decreases, the more muscle fatigue there is [DGBA99]. It was proven that the peak
value of EMG signals after root mean square (RMS) processing is also an index of fatigue
[BoGu14] when subjects are performing the task at the same level of force. However, it is not
convenient for designer to evaluate the fatigue from EMG signals recorded for each possible
disassembly sequence. Hence, another method of predicting the fatigue during disassembly task
in simulating environment is necessary.
Hence, a new method of predicting the fatigue during disassembly task in VR environment
should be proposed. As we are aware, in the literature there are not methods involving muscle
fatigue to evaluate disassembly task.
There exists some previous works which focus on comparing the motor control, fatigue
and motor adaptations while performing task in real and virtual environment [Koch08,
KSCK09, PDSM14]. However, it is not the object of our study since we propose to focus
more on a method for fatigue evaluation in virtual reality environment without direct
comparison with the real environment.
While performing disassembly task in VR environment subject interacts with the virtual object
with or without force feedback. In the next of this chapter, we consider that the disassembly
task provides force feedback. The method for evaluation of fatigue associated with disassembly
task, proposed here, is based on metabolic energy expenditure estimation model.
For this purpose, the arm’s energy expenditure is used as indicator for muscle fatigue estimation.
The method presented here below is built upon the following hypotheses [CMCQ16]:
Hypothesis 1: The more mechanical energy is required to complete the disassembly task, the
more metabolic energy will be consumed in the human arm.
Hypothesis 2: The arm muscles, involved in the disassembly task, perform in an environment
with constant temperature. The task is performed in continuous way. The fatigue accumulated
in the muscle is a monotonically increasing function of the metabolic energy expenditure.
Hypothesis 3: During the disassembly task, the operator is moving the virtual objects with a
given velocity in all allowed disassembly directions. The disassembly trajectory (path) is not a
closed loop.
Hypothesis 4: Under the conditions of Hypotheses 1, 2 and 3, if the consumed metabolic energy
for performing disassembly task 1 is bigger than this for disassembly task 2, then disassembly
task 1 induces more fatigue than 2.
The reason why the hypothesis 1 cannot be obviously established is that the mechanical
work is only a part of the energy consumed in the arm. Exerting force to move an object is not
the only part that consumes the muscle metabolic energy. Let 𝐸̇ (in Jules/kg) be the total energy
expenditure rate for a muscle. It can be expressed as [ZBHR11]:
Let η = . 100% is the percentage of mechanical energy expenditure. Then one has:
ℎ𝑎̇ + ℎ𝑚̇ + ℎ𝑠𝑙̇ = 𝑤𝑐𝑒
̇ (1-2)
Let = 𝑓(𝜂). It is easy to prove that 𝑓(𝜂) is a monotonically decreasing function of 𝜂.
For example, from Figure 1.1 ([BrKP03]) is seen that the mechanical work and the total
energy of a muscle increase with the increase of the mechanical work during the simulation
and experimental phases.
Figure 1.1. Work, heat and total energy liberation during simulated and experimental cyclic
concentric contractions [BrKP03].
Simulation data are shown for soleus (2 Hz) and rectus femoris (2.5 Hz) muscles. ST and FT
are respectively the data for Slow Twitch and Fast Twitch fibers [BrKP03].
- i). The level and duration time of exerted tension varies with the changes of the
successive contractions and the external temperature (in [Lind00] the muscles are
immersed in water on two places with different temperatures);
- ii). The durations of muscle’s contraction in 18℃ are much greater than ones in 34℃.
Based on those two statements, duration time between two contractions is set to zero and the
ambient temperature is fixed while performing disassembly task.
We present the fatigue as 𝐹𝐴 = 𝑓(𝐹𝐴𝑐 , 𝐹𝐴𝑝 ), where 𝐹𝐴𝑐 and 𝐹𝐴𝑝 are respectively the
fatigue in central nervous system and peripheral system (muscle). Note, that central nervous
system fatigue is not taken into account in the proposed method. The metabolic energy
expenditure E being considered as a function of F, t and v, then the 𝐹𝐴𝑝 can be expressed as:
𝑣 = (0, 𝑣𝑚𝑎𝑥 ] is the velocity of the end of hand (arm).
Based on the muscle mechanical model [SHWP15], maximal muscle fatigue may be reached
for different values of F, t and v. Thus, the boundary conditions are respectively:
𝑑𝐹𝐴𝑝 𝜕𝐹𝐴𝑝 𝜕𝐸
The 𝐹𝐴𝑝 derivative of F is: = ∙ 𝜕𝐹 . Thus, based on the data presented in
𝑑𝐹 𝜕𝐸
[RNHK14] the FAp is a monotonically increasing function of F, which means that > 0. It
𝜕𝐸 𝜕𝐹𝐴𝑝
is obvious that 𝜕𝐹 > 0 and consequently > 0 is correct in the range of loading level tested
in [RNHK14] which are in agreement with those observed in our disassembly task. It means
that 𝐹𝐴𝑝 is a monotonically increasing function of E.
Based on the proof for Hypothesis 1 (Section, if the mechanical work consumed
to perform the disassembly task can be calculated, it can indicate which disassembly task
consumes more metabolic energy and consequently induces more fatigue in the muscles.
Note that for disassembling a target component from an assembly, there may be many
possible disassembly sequences. Consequently, different disassembly sequences can be used as
different disassembly tasks. Evaluating the fatigue levels associated with different disassembly
sequences can also be applied in the evaluation of fatigue levels associated with different
disassembly tasks. In disassembly task, the principal involved movement is to move the virtual
object. The mechanical energy expenditure for component disassembling execution and the
operator’s arm movements are presented in the following content of this chapter.
The mechanical work spent by the muscular force required to perform the task (moving an
object) will transfer into potential and kinetic energies. Suppose that the 𝑖-th component should
be disassembled in disassembly sequence (task) 1. The variation of the total mechanical energy
∆𝐸𝑖 is:
∆𝐸𝑖 = ∆𝐸𝑘𝑖 + ∆𝐸𝑝𝑖 = 2 𝑚𝑖 (𝑣𝑖 2 − 𝑣𝑖0 2 ) + 𝑚𝑖 𝑔ℎ𝑖 (1-4)
where: - ∆𝐸𝑘𝑖 and ∆𝐸𝑝𝑖 are respectively the variations of kinetic and potential energy,
The system is evolving in Earth gravity field (gravity vector g is supposed in negative vertical
direction). Let ℎ𝑖𝑢 and ℎ𝑖𝑑 be respectively the total vertical displacement of the mass center of
the 𝑖th disassembled component along the positive (up) and negative (down) directions. The
velocities 𝑣𝑖 and 𝑣𝑖0 are both equal to 0 m/s, then equation (1-4) can be written as:
Consider the disassembled component as an isolated system, and let ∆𝐸𝑖𝑢 and ∆𝐸𝑖𝑑 be
respectively the variation of mechanical energy when the component moves upward and
Although ∆𝐸𝑖𝑢 and ∆𝐸𝑖𝑑 have opposite signs, they cannot offset with each other when
calculating the mechanical energy expenditure of the arm. If the component is only affected by
the gravity, the variation of its potential energy should be equal to the variation of the kinematic
energy. But when the component is stopping at a highest or lowest point of the disassembly
path, the kinetic energy is zero, which corresponds to the starting point of the disassembly path.
The reason why the potential energy does not fully transform into kinetic energy is because of
the mechanical work done by the arm. Hence, for disassembling the 𝑖 th component, the
mechanical work done by the arm is:
The variation of mechanical energy of operator’s arm from the starting point of the 𝑖 th
component to the position of the next disassembled component, ∆𝐸𝑎𝑖 , can be express as:
1 2 2
∆𝐸𝑎𝑖 = ∆𝐸𝑎𝑘𝑖 + ∆𝐸𝑎𝑝𝑖 = 2 𝑚𝑎 (𝑣𝑞𝑖 − 𝑣𝑎𝑖0 ) + 𝑚𝑎 𝑔ℎ𝑎𝑖 (1-9)
- ℎ𝑎𝑖 is the vertical displacement of the mass center of the arm between the starting point
of the 𝑖th component and the position of the next component;
- ∆𝐸𝑎𝑘𝑖 and ∆𝐸𝑎𝑝𝑖 are respectively the variation of the kinetic and potential energies of
operator’s arm.
Similarly, as the mechanical energy of the disassembly component (eq. (1-8)), ∆𝐸𝑎𝑖 can be
written as:
where: ℎ𝑎𝑖𝑢 and ℎ𝑎𝑖𝑑 are respectively the total vertical displacement of the arm’s mass center
along the positive and negative direction of 𝑖th component.
The mechanical work, done by the shoulder, to move the arm is:
Assuming that there are n components to be disassembled in sequence S (task). Thus, the
required arm’s mechanical energy is:
When the operator’s arm is coming back to the initial position after performing the
task: ℎ𝑎𝑖𝑢 = ℎ𝑎𝑖𝑑 . Thus, eq. (1-8) can be rewritten as:
Note that ℎ𝑖𝑢 and ℎ𝑖𝑑 should be the real vertical displacements of the end point of the hand in
the real world, not the vertical displacement of avatar’s hand in the VR world (see details in
Section 1.4.1).
22 Vertical displacement of the arm’s mass center
The vertical displacement of the center of the arm’s mass ℎ𝑎𝑖𝑢 (see eq. (1-13)) is also a
parameter, which has to be calculated. The arm can be geometrically abstracted as a two DOF
(degrees of freedom) mechanism with three segments as shown in Figure 1.2. Note that the first
segment is the operator’s body, supposed to be the frame of the mechanism.
Assume that the shoulder only rotates around Y axis. Consequently, the forearm and upper arm
form the plane of ZOX. Let:
- 𝑎1 and 𝑎2 the relative position of mass center of upper and lower arms;
𝜃1 and 𝜃2 the absolute rotation angles of each segment (upper and lower arms) related to the
horizontal frame axe X.
It is also assumed that the center of mass of each segment is stable inside each segment.
Thus, the coordinates x and z of arm’s mass center are:
For a given disassembly path of the 𝑖th component, the vertical displacement of the hand end
point 𝐴𝑖 between two dates 𝑡0 and 𝑡1 is:
𝑡 𝑡 𝑡 𝑡
𝐴𝑖 = 𝑙1 (𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃1𝑖1 − sin𝜃1𝑖0 ) + 𝑙2 (𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃2𝑖1 − sin𝜃2𝑖0 ) (1-16)
𝑡 𝑡 𝑡 𝑡
Let ∆1𝑖 = 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃1𝑖1 − 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃1𝑖0 and ∆2𝑖 = 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃2𝑖1 − 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃2𝑖0 . Then, 𝐵𝑖 can be expressed as function of
𝐴𝑖 and ∆1𝑖 (∆2𝑖 being eliminated):
The relation between 𝐴𝑖 and 𝐵𝑖 implies that the rotation angle of upper arm 𝜃1𝑖 in ZOX
plane at the starting and ending point of the trajectory of the 𝑖th component has to be measured.
From eq. (1-18)), ℎ𝑎𝑖𝑢 can be expressed as:
Finally, Ai is calculated from the disassembly path of the 𝑖th component knowing the
position of start and end points.
We suppose that for fasteners’ disassembling special disassembly tools will be required.
Consequently, these tools are considered as ordinary disassembly components moved by the
operator during the disassembly process. Hence, calculating the energy expenditure for
disassembling fasteners is performed by using the same model as for the disassembly
Thus, with the proposed model, the mechanical energy expenditure for performing all
the possible disassembly sequences (including moving the disassembly components, fasteners
and tools) can be estimated by eq. (1-13) and (1-19). Note, that the different disassembly
sequences are potentially different disassembly tasks which will induce different levels of
fatigue in the patient muscles.
1.4.3 Example of calculation
In order to illustrate the analytical model for evaluating the fatigue induced during disassembly
sequence simulation, an example of a simple disassembly manufacturing process is presented
here below. It consists in disassembling a five-component mechanical assembly. Let the target
component be component 3 as presented in Figure 1.3.
Figure 1.3 Mechanical assembly and parts’ trajectories for disassembling target component 𝑪𝟑
Legend: Each component (𝐶1 , 𝐶2 … 𝐶5 ) is moved from its initial position to storage place
(𝑆1 , 𝑆2 … 𝑆5) following the corresponding disassembly path (𝑃1 , 𝑃2 … 𝑃5 )
There are two possible disassembly sequences for disassembling the target component
𝐶3 : Sequence S1= {𝐶1 , 𝐶2 , 𝐶3 } and Sequence S2= {𝐶5 , 𝐶4 , 𝐶3 }. In here, (𝑥𝑖𝑠 , 𝑦𝑖𝑠 , 𝑧𝑖𝑠 ) and
(𝑥𝑖𝑒 , 𝑦𝑖𝑒 , 𝑧𝑖𝑒 ) denote respectively the disassembly starting point and disassembly ending point
coordinates of the mass center of 𝑖th component. The values of the three parameters, namely:
mass and its starting and ending positions of each component are presented in Table 1.1.
As previously said, the proposed method for evaluating the disassembly task by
mechanical energy expenditure requires to measure angle 𝜃1 of the arm at the starting and
ending point for all the components involved in the disassembly sequences. Kinect 2 was used
to capture this angle and the data are as presented in Table 1.2.
Table 1.2 Angle between operator upper arm and horizontal frame line for starting and ending
point of the components
Component 1 2 3 4 5
Concerning the parameters of the arm, they are the same as in [SYMM97] presented in
Table 1.3.
The values of ℎ𝑎𝑖𝑢 for each component, calculated according to equation (4-19) are
presented in Table 1.4.
According to the proposed model, the mechanical energy for performing the
disassembly Sequence 1 and Sequence 2 are respectively: ∆𝐸𝑆1 = 41.87𝐽 and ∆𝐸𝑆2 = 24.66𝐽.
It is seen that ∆𝐸𝑆1 is bigger than ∆𝐸𝑆2 . Based on Hypothesis 1, 2, 3 and 4, the results show that
performing disassembly Sequence 1 induces more fatigue in the arm’s muscles than performing
disassembly Sequence 2.
1.5 Experimental disassembly task evaluation by muscle fatigue estimation
1.5.1 Experiments
In order to prove the proposed model, series of experiments were carried out in the Virtual
Reality environment GINOVA platform, Grenoble-INP (National Polytechnic Institute). The
task consisted in handling a simulated electrical motor (weight of 1kg) in a restricted vertical
space of 0.5m with repetitive bottom up and up down movement during 5 minutes with a
frequency of 0.42 Hz (25 movements for one minute). The distance between subjects’ eyes and
the display screen is fixed at 2.25 m.
The visual feedback (displacement of the component in the VR screen) is the same as
the displacement of the end of the hand in the real physical environment. That means there is
no geometrical coefficient scale between both movements. During the operations, the upper
arm of subject is in static position (𝜃1 is constant). Participants
Nine subjects (eight male right-handed and one female left-handed), aged from 24 to 58, were
involved in the experiments. Unfortunately, the female subject did not endure until the end of
the task, so the effect of different sex on fatigue has not been investigated in this stage of the
Subjects declared no performed intensive muscle efforts during 24 hours period. All
participants reported no history of problem in upper limbs. Since 𝜃1 is constant, when
calculating the mechanical work, the task is performed when only the lower arm is moving.
The software used to generate the simulation environment is IFC (Interactive Fitting for
CATIA) which is a CAAV5-based plug-in for CATIA V5TM for interactive simulations. The
weight of the component was simulated by the gravity environment in CATIA. Virtual objects
in the software are constrained by gravity field. The force feedback, during collisions, is sent
to the subject via the haptic device.
The EMG signals for each subject have been normalized with EMG signals of each muscle
detected during the task.
After filtering, Fast Fourier Transfer (FFT) function was used to transfer the raw EMG
signal. The power spectrum density of each muscle contraction was estimated by using
Hamming window. The median frequency for each muscle contraction was approximated by
straight line. Thus, bigger decreasing slope represents faster fatigue process.
1.5.2 Results
Figure 1.5 shows a filtered EMG data which was recorded for a 20 seconds period of 5 minutes
task for the four involved muscles.
Figure 1.5 Filtered EMG data
The EMG data after RMS processing and averaging are presented in Figure 1.6, where:
A – is the Average of the RMS peak values of the first five muscle contractions for the
involved muscles in T2,
B – is the Average peak value of last five successive muscle contractions of T1,
C – the Average peak value of last five successive muscle contractions of T2.
Normalized EMG
Figure 1.6 Average of peak values of NEMG signal for all subjects at A, B and C for each
muscle. (* indicates significant difference and n.s indicates no significant difference)
Student t test analysis (unilateral Student t test,𝛼 =0.05) shown that a significant difference
appears between C and B for FCR and Biceps muscles only (respectively t=-1.848, t=-1.775).
No significant statistical difference was found between A and B for all the muscles, neither
between B and C for ECR and Triceps muscles. The significant difference between B and C of
Biceps and FCR means that EMG signal for performing task 1 (T1) is significantly different
from task 2 (T2). Hence the fatigue induced by T1 is less than T2 as the average of B is lower
than C in FCR and Biceps.The results indicated also that T2 induced more fatigue than T1. It
means that the task involves greatly flexor muscles (FCR, Biceps) with greater fatigue in T2
than T1 for those two muscles.
Table 1.5 shows the results of median frequency for FCR and Biceps muscles. It confirms
that fatigue appears in both muscles. Moreover, slope values indicate that fatigue increases
faster in T1 than in T2.
Table 1.5 Decreasing slope of median frequency of EMG
1.5.3 Discussion
The results of the performed tasks in the VRE show that Biceps and FCR muscles are the prime
movers involved. On the other hand, fatigue develops faster in T1 than in T2. This could be
resulted from the fact that the anaerobic exercise of fast twitch is the activity mainly involved
in the T1 task and the aerobic exercise of slow twitch is the principle muscle behavior in T2
task. The experimental results indicated also greater fatigue in T2 than in T1.
In order to prove the validity of the proposed mechanical model (see Section 1.3.2), it was
applied to calculate the mechanical energy expenditure in T1 and T2 performed in the VRE.
The values of the mechanical energy expenditure are respectively ∆𝐸𝑇1 = 308 𝐽 and ∆𝐸𝑇2 =
616 𝐽. Thus, according to the proposed methodology, the fatigue developed in T2 is bigger than
in T1, which is in agreement with the experimental results.
Note that purchasing the fatigue calculation formula and accurate fatigue value associated
with specific tasks is not the aim of our research. Instead, the mechanical energy expenditure
has been used as an index to compare the induced levels of fatigue while performing different
In order to compare fatigue for different disassembly tasks, the associated mechanical
energy expenditure values are calculated here by the proposed mechanical model (eq. (1-13)
and (1-19)).
From the aspect of loading level, since the gravity forces of the components were simulated,
it is the same as in the real world. From the aspect of operation method of haptic device, it only
allows simulating a single hand operation by holding the handler of the VIRTUOSE haptic
The main application field of the results of this chapter is to enable designers to compare
the fatigue levels associated with different disassembly tasks simulation performed in VR
environment. Note that the difficulties of including physiological parameters and building
complete skeletal-muscle model makes it very difficult to achieve the accurate calculation of
fatigue level associated with a specific task. The individual physiological parameters being
different may also block the generalization of the model. Instead, the calculation of the
mechanical energy expenditure here proposed is relatively simple.
For the calculation of mechanical energy expenditure, the required parameters are:
For a given task, the first three parameters are easily obtained. If the positions of operator and
manipulated objects are known, angle 𝜃1 can be calculated consequently.
As previously said, BMMF models [RoFD04, DNHÅ11] are based on working hours to
evaluate both central nervous and peripheral fatigues. They focus more on the relationships
among work hours, sleep and performance for a long-time period. Instead, our model focus
only on peripheral fatigue for a short time period. Thus, the model proposed here is more
suitable to evaluate the relationships among the muscle fatigue levels associated with different
disassembly tasks.
There are two reasons for explaining why more real and complex mechanical assembly,
which could generate more realistic disassembly sequence, have not been employed here. The
first reason is that in order to induce the fatigue in arm muscles, enough exercise should be
performed. Pre-tests have shown that if subject is repetitively moving a component between
two points with vertical displacement and with a given frequency, he/she will feel fatigue at
least after performing the task for a short period time which is equivalent to effectively
disassemble lot of components. Instead, a basic task, consisting in manipulating of only one
component with sufficiently long trajectory and execution time could be much easier to perform.
It also avoids to be effected by the factor of subjects’ lacking of experience in haptic device
manipulation. Another reason is that this simple task is easy to perform by subjects and allows
controlling the velocity of task execution according to Hypothesis 3.
1.6 Conclusion
This chapter introduced a new method for disassembly task evaluation which aims at using the
expenditure volume of metabolic energy to quantify fatigue.
The proposed method is more efficient than the method of Bisi et al. [BSHG11] which
requires so much data necessary for predicting metabolic energy consumption and consequently
fatigue evaluation.
The method is based upon four hypothesizes and proved by experimental tests. Thus,
Hypothesis 1 has been proved from the theoretical derivation and experiment results.
The agreement between the theoretical results and experimental ones indicated that the
proposed method is pertinent for estimating the level of peripheral fatigue induced while
performing a disassembly task in VR environment. The analysis of the median frequency of
EMG signals proved the existence of fatigue in the involved muscles. Another interesting result
is that subjects fatigue happens faster in T1 (beginning of the task) than in T2.
However, in order to generalize the proposed method, the comparison between the fatigue
in real versus virtual environment has to be realized.
Chapter 2
Motor behavior analysis of pseudo-haptic in
stiffness discrimination task
Finally, how subjects applied forces according to the stiffness of pseudo-haptic spring and how
does the pseudo-haptics induce different muscle co-activation levels on subjects’ forearm are
2.1 Introduction
Visual feedback plays an important role in different aspect of human behavior and sensation
such as: motor control [MoAr13, SMRB09], restoring brain function [RaAl09] and perception
of physical properties [SrBB96]. Let us recall that from [LBCC01], “pseudo-haptics is the
generation, augmentation or deformation of haptic sensations by information coming from
other sensory modalities “.
One amongst the first works about pseudo-haptics was reported in [LCKR00] where
Lécuyer et al. showed that the haptic information can be provided to user by the illusion
generated by the pseudo-haptic feedback (here the stiffness). Several physical properties have
been simulated by using the pseudo-haptic feedback such as stiffness, friction, shape, weight,
force field etc.
As we are aware there is no work focusing on how the pseudo-haptic feedback influences
the user’s motor behavior in stiffness discrimination task. Thus, this chapter focuses to better
understand how the pseudo haptic feedback influences the user’s perception and force applied
on the spring during stiffness discrimination tasks. Here we proposed to reuse the stiffness
discrimination task presented in [LCKR00] consisting in discriminating the stiffness of real
springs and virtual (pseudo-haptic) springs2. We choose a stiffness discrimination task in order
to be able to confirm the existence of the pseudo-haptic effect (by comparing the perception
results with the results of previous existing work) before performing our experiments.
In the stiffness discrimination task performed in here, the real springs have different stiffness
levels and the stiffness of the virtual spring varies in 11 different percentages from the stiffness
of the compared real spring (see details in Section 2.4.1). Subjects had to distinguish the stiffer
between a real and a virtual spring. For this purpose, the subjects’ discrimination answers, force
applied on springs and EMG signals of the involved muscles on subjects’ forearms were
recorded and analyzed for investigating the trend of change in force following the change of
springs’ stiffness.
In the remaining of thesis, virtual spring is used to represent the pseudo-haptic spring.
2.2 Previous work
2.2.1 Pseudo-haptics
(a) (b)
Figure 2.1 Pseudo-haptic device in [LCKR00]: a). Isometric input device called Spaceball; b).
virtual display of a ‘virtual spring’.
displacement and the pressing force by the hand and see the deformation of spring displayed
on computer screen. The results indicated that the subject’s perception of stiffness were greatly
influenced by the visual information.
Vision dominance is not always existence during perceiving the physical properties.
Ernst and Banks proposed in [ErBa02] an experiment asking subjects to estimate the height of
a bar in three situations with:
- visual feedback,
- haptic feedback,
- and both visual and haptic feedback.
Through measuring and analyzing the variance associated with visual and haptic estimation, it
is indicated that the vision dominant occurs when the variance of the visual estimation is lower
than the variance associated with haptic estimation [ErBa02]..
The first work contributing to the pseudo-haptics effect was to simulate the friction
[LéCC01]. In the performed experiments, subjects had to manipulate a virtual cube,
either by a 2D mouse or by Spaceball, to pass through the grey area (see Figure 2.2).
The speed of the virtual cube was accelerated or deaccelerated comparing with subjects’
actual movement. This acceleration/deceleration is done by controlling the ratio
between the subjects’ actual movement displacement and the displacement of the virtual
cube with using 2D mouse while controlling the ratio between the subjects’ finger force
and displacement of the virtual cube with using Spaceball. All subjects feel a light
friction when the speed of virtual cube was accelerated and a heavy friction when the
speed was decelerated. The results also indicated that subjects thought using the
Spaceball, which is an isometric device, can conduct to better feel of the friction than
the use of the 2D mouse, which is an isotonic device.
Figure 2.2 Lécuyer’s swap experiment display [LéCC01].
Three year later, Crison et al. [CLSM04] applied pseudo-haptic feedback to simulate the
friction of milling. Through changing the ration between the users’ actual motion and the
motion of the virtual cutting tools, subjects can feel their resistance according to different
simulation parameter.
Before the appearance of the pseudo-haptics concept, Srinivasan et al. [SrBB96] has
controlled the visual feedback of spring to confuse subjects’ haptic sensation in stiffness
discrimination task. The haptic stimulus was provided by virtual spring composed by a
three degree of freedom haptic interface called Planer Grasper (see Figure 2.3.a). Three
years later, through using PHANToM haptic interface (see Figure 2.3.b) Wu et al.
[WuBS99] also changed subject’s perception of stiffness by manipulating the visual
feedback in different levels.
(a) (b)
Figure 2.3 (a). Planar Grasper [SrBB96]; (b). PHANToM haptic interface [MaSa94];
One year after, Lecuyér et al. [LCKR00] proposed a stiffness discrimination task which
consists in comparing a real spring and a virtual one. They define the real spring as a
physically existing spring in reality with a known stiffness value while the virtual spring
was graphically displayed on a computer screen and was dynamically animated when
pushing the SpaceballTM. Pseudo-haptic was utilized to provide the stiffness
information of virtual spring to subject and change the value of simulated stiffness.
Virtual spring was simulated from the subject’s finger force applied on an isometric
device (SpaceBall, which is used as a force sensor). By applying different ratios between
the actual finger force and the displacement of the virtual spring
𝐾𝑉𝑖𝑟𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑙 = 𝐷 ( 2-1)
the stiffness of virtual spring varies in different percentages from the stiffness of the
compared real spring. The subjects’ perception results indicated that changing the
virtual feedback in pseudo-haptic changes subjects’ perception on stiffness of virtual
spring. From the results of this experiment, different PSE (Point of subjective equal)
were found when the different real springs were compared with the virtual spring. There
are three real springs (249, 363 and 544N/m) used in this experiment. The PSE value
decrease when the stiffness of the compared real spring increases. That means that softer
the compared real spring is, more underestimated the stiffness of the virtual spring is.
Lécuyer et al. performed another experiment [LBCC01] where subjects were asked to
participate in a stiffness task involving two virtual springs simulated by a system based
on PHANToM. The displacements of one realistic spring and pseudo-haptic spring
being displayed on computer screen subjects had to answer which one was stiffer. One
spring has a realistic behavior since it had identical virtual and real displacements. The
pseudo-haptic spring is either stiffer or softer than the first one. Different from the
[LCKR00], the PSE point in this experiment are negative.
Li et al. [LLLS12] introduced a low-cost haptic simulation systems for tissue stiffness
simulation based on pseudo-haptic feedback. They created a softness map which can
change the ration between the speed of cursor movement and the speed of finger
movement when the subject touches different point in the softness map. The user will
then experience a higher resistance when the cursor speed is slower.
a real torsion spring (Figure 2.4.a) and a virtual (or pseudo-haptic) one . Two types of
virtual torsion springs were used in the experiment: the first one is an isometric torsion
spring with infinite physical stiffness (Figure 2.4.b) the other one is an elastic torsion
spring with finite physical stiffness (Figure 2.4.c). When subject rotates the plastic cap
of the real torsion spring, the pulley rotates synchronously and consequently pulls the
torsion spring at two sides to create a torque which is opposite to the rotation direction
of user’s hand. There are two types of stiffness discrimination:
Figure 2.4 Two compared torsion springs [PaBC04]: a). Real torsion spring; b). Isometric
virtual torsion spring; c). Elastic virtual torsion spring; d). Visual feedback of pseudo-haptic
torsion spring.
Figure 2.5 The scenario of texture simulation by using pseudo-haptic feedback [LéBE04].
(a) (b)
Figure 2.6 Mass discrimination task in [DLBR05]: a). Experiment setup; b). Virtual ball
displayed on computer screen.
Palmerius et al. [PJHS14] investigate pseudo-haptic feedback effect in human weight
perception through a series of experiments using Desktop PHANToM as haptic device.
The subject wear shutter glasses for stereo vision. The user interface is fully 3D (Figure
2.7.a). The experimental task consisted in selecting the heaviest box among three
arranged horizontally (Figure 2.7.b). The results proofed that the pseudo-haptic
feedback changed their weight perceptions.
(a) (b)
Figure 2.7 Simulation of weight based on pseudo-haptic feedback [PJHS14]: a). Experiment
setup; b). Experiment task scenario.
Recently, Jauregui et al. [JAOM14] used the pseudo-haptic feedback to make subjects
successfully discriminate the weight of four objects. Subjects had to order the weights
of four visual dumbbells according to the perceived virtual weight. During the weight
lifting task, motions captured by subjects were reconstructed on a self-animated avatar
which can be synchronously observed in computer screen (Figure 2.8)). There are three
methods for modifying the visual animation of the self-avatar:
The C/D ration, amplifies /decreases the detected gesture of subject’s hand in order to
generate of feeling of holding objects with different weights. For the angle of inclination
(upper-body inclination), different angles were associated with different weights. The
motion profile simulates this angle during the motion of lifting different objects.
Figure 2.8 Avatar’s animation corresponding to different motions during the lifting of the
subject [JAOM14].
Pusch et al. [PuMC08] proposed an augmented virtual reality system using pseudo-
haptic feedback to simulate force fields. The positon of subjects’ head and the moving
hand are tracking by a position sensory system (see Figure 2.9.a) while subjects are
watching avatar hands movement though the head-mounted display (HMD) (Figure
2.9.b). Subjects were asked to move their hands to control the avatar hand and put it in
the force field which is limited inside a purple tube. The control of the strength simulated
force field was realized by controlling the ration between subjects’ actual hand
movement displacement and the avatar hand movement displacement. When subjects’
hands move against the force field direction, they feel strong force field if the avatar
hand movement was slow down comparing with subjects’ actual hand movement, and
less strong force field if the avatar hand movement was less slow down. In this way,
subjects felt the resistance as when they put the hand in a wind stream.
(a) (b)
Besides influencing the perception of stiffness and weight, pseudo-haptic feedback can
also influence subject’s motor behavior, corresponding to the muscle involvement and limb
coordination. Recently Ban et al. [YTFS13] proved that the brightness of object can change the
perception of weight, and in turn of muscle involvement. The more brightness the object is, the
more underestimated perception of weight is and less the produced muscle fatigue is. The
fatigue generated by holding object for a long time can be also reduced by this illusion.
Tomohiro et al. [TaHi08] proposed an experiment which asked subject to horizontally move a
virtual ball into the target position on the computer screen. Once the virtual ball arrives at the
target position, it starts vertically vibrating with a certain level of amplitude which provides a
pseudo-vibration sense. It is reported that changing the vibration amplitude of the ball, changes
also the muscle involvement. But how the pseudo-haptic influences the subject’s motor
behavior in stiffness discrimination has not been investigated.
Although Lécuyer et al. [LCKR00] and Paljic et al. [PaBC04] have analyzed the subject
answer in stiffness discrimination task, how does pseudo haptic feedback influence pressing
force and involved muscle activity is not known. In their experiments, although the pseudo-
haptic feedback has been utilized to simulate the stiffness of torque, the visual feedback of the
real spring and virtual spring were not uniformed. In [LBCC01], this drawback has been
overcome by using PHANToM force feedback device to simulate virtual springs compared in
stiffness discrimination task. The PSE value found in [LBCC01] (-24%) is different from the
+9% found in [LCKR00]. Although Paljic et al. recorded the torque applied on the virtual
spring, the force on real spring had not been recorded, so the comparison between the forces
applied on both real and virtual springs cannot be achieved. In this context, we propose to put
force sensors on both real and virtual springs, so the force applied on the springs can be
recorded, analyzed and compared. Secondly, in order to reduce the difference between the
visual feedback of real and virtual springs, their displacements are displayed on the computer
screen. Consequently, the forms of the visual stimulus for both real and virtual springs can be
There are also many works investigating finger forces applied during stiffness
discrimination with real springs. Fujita et al. [Fuji04], investigated pinch movements. In their
experiment two elastic objects have nonlinear stiffness while the other three have a linear
stiffness. The objective was to study the applied pinch forces during stiffness discrimination
task. The results shown that no matter the stiffness of object, the pinch force increases with the
increase of object stiffness. In this optic, Endo [Endo16] investigated a stiffness discrimination
task and the applied forces for springs within the stiffness range between 59 N/m and 2360 N/m.
During the discrimination task, two specimens that differed by one or two levels of stiffness
were paired. In total nineteen pairs were used in the experiment (pair IDs: P1–P19). The results
showed that the force applied on the springs increased with the stiffness of specimens until to
reach a stabilization for the higher stiffness values ( Figure 2.10).
For dynamic task (pressing the real spring for instance) the muscle co-activation should
increase following the different maximal pressing velocity on real spring.
For static task when pressing the virtual spring (a pseudo-haptic spring), it is not clear
what would be the co-activation pattern. In fact, the subject applies a static force on the spring
but receives dynamic visual feedback as the spring length changes. Thus, the question whether
the muscle co-activation will change following the change of visual feedback in pseudo-haptics
as user press on a static real spring is open.
Figure 2.11 shows the realized test bench for the experiment. Inside a box (Figure
2.11.a), there are four springs, labeled as 1, 2, 3 and 4 with stiffness of 202N/m, 304 N/m, 608
N/m and 2500 N/m respectively. Each spring, situated in metallic tube, is loaded by the force
via a bottom. Under each spring, a force sensor (KISTLER 9017B) allows to record the vertical
force applied on the spring with 2000 Hz sampling frequency during each trial.
(a) (b)
Figure 2.11 Experimental setup: a). four springs inside the box; b). two simulated springs
presented on computer screen for each trial.
The real spring is one amongst springs 1, 2 and 3. The stiffness of a spring is defined by
the ratio between the applied force and its visual displacement. For the real spring, no mismatch
existed between the visual feedback and the real spring displacement. The force applied in
spring 4 coupled with change in visual feedback displayed on computer screen generates
different stiffness of virtual spring. For the virtual spring a difference existed according to
compared real spring. Previous tests in [LCKR00] shown that below -40% and above +60% of
real spring stiffness the subjects’ perception results were not influenced by the visual feedback
anymore. Therefore, as proposed in [LCKR00] the stiffness of virtual springs vary -40%, -30%,
-20%, -10%, 0%, +10%, +20%, +30%, +40%, +50% and +60% from the stiffness of
compared real spring. The displacement D of each spring, visualized on the computer screen,
is calculated based on the applied force and its stiffness, as:
D=F/k ( 2-2)
k is the stiffness.
In order to prevent the contact between the button and the top of the tube, the message
“Stop pressing” is displayed on the screen when the distance between the button and the top of
tube is smaller than 1 mm.
All the EMG mentioned in this chapter means surface electromyography
a) b)
Figure 2.12 The placement of electrodes on forearm: a). Four sets of electrodes for flexors; b).
Two sets of electrodes on extensors (the black electrode is for the ground).
During the tests, subjects have to use their predominant index finger while applying the forces.
The forearm is in horizontal position and rests on two identical mats situated under the subject’s
wrist and elbow. During the experiment, the subject is in sitting position (Figure 2.13).
Figure 2.13 Subject performing the task in sitting position with using dominant hand to test the
spring and non-dominant hand to manipulate the keyboard.
49 MVC Measurement
As previously said measurement of MVC take place before stiffness discrimination task. For
this purpose, subjects are asked to perform three items:
Each item is performed consecutively three times and consists in: performing the action
(force/co-contraction) during 3 seconds followed by 5 seconds break. After performing each
item, subject had 5 minutes to rest before starting the stiffness discrimination task. For the
maximal flexion and extension forces, subject had to continuously apply the maximum force
(as Figure 2.14.a) by vertically pulling and pushing a ring attached with the force sensor towards
down and towards up (as Figure 2.14.b). The maximal co-contraction consists in keeping the
palm and forearm horizontally and co-contracting all the forearm muscles (as Figure 2.14.c).
During performing each item, the force and EMG signal were recorded.
(a) (b)
Figure 2.14 Three MVC items: a). MVC flexion; b). MVC extension; c). MVC co-contraction.
experiment. For each pair, as previously said, 11 virtual springs were compared to one real
spring, and there are 6 trails for virtual spring of each pairs. Thus, each subject has to perform
6x33=198 trails which takes about 45 minutes.
As previously said, for each trial, subjects were asked to perform a stiffness
discrimination task between a real spring and a virtual one. The button’s displacements of two
compared springs were displayed on the screen libeled “Spring A” and “Spring B”. For each
piston, the ID of the corresponding button was indicated just below “Spring A/B” (Figure 2.11
Each trial starts by pressing spring B (i.e. virtual spring) first. After, the subject can
switch back and forth between the two springs as he/she wishes. For subject information, on
the top of the screen were indicated the trails’ number and the time spent for this trail. During
the pressing, subjects had to focus on the computer screens and were not allowed to observer
the movements of their finger on the spring. For each trail, after testing the springs, the subjects
had to push S button on the keyboard, with the non-dominant hand, in order to Stop the trail.
Then the question: Which spring is stiffer was displayed on the computer screen. The subjects
had to push key A or B in order to respond the question. The answer was automatically recorded.
As previously said, in order to avoid the contact between the bottom and the tube, the message
“Stop pressing” was displayed on the screen 1 mm before the contact.
2.3.4 Participants
Fifteen subjects (12 males and 3 females), aged from 20 to 33 participated in the experiments.
All subjects have declared not having:
All subjects declared also being naive to the purpose of the experiment (Appendix 2).
relationship between the proportion of “Spring B is stiffer” response and the stiffness change
percentage, is called psychometric function [Gesc97]. In order to fit a mathematical function to
the psychometric function, z score was used to convert the proportion values into z score based
on the normal distribution table in [Gesc97].
In order to compare the discrimination performance of our experiment with other works,
especially [LCKR00], the Just Noticeable Difference (JND) has been calculated.
JND=DLu-PSE ( 2-3)
W=(DLu-PSE)/PSE ( 2-4)
provides the size of the observer’s difference threshold during the discrimination task
Figure 2.15 shows the raw data of force and EMG signal on each muscle during a trail of
stiffness discrimination. The forces raw signals are filtered with using 2-nd order 12.5 Hz
Butterworth low pass filter [SMRB09]. For each test, the maximal peak of each pressing force
is automatically detected (Figure. 2.16). The average value of force peak on both real and virtual
springs are then calculated.
Figure 2.15 Raw data of force and EMG on flexors and extensors during a trial of stiffness
discrimination task.
The force data recorded during the stiffness discrimination task is firstly filtered with
the same filter in the process of maximal flexion force data. Then the realized MATLAB
program finds the start and end point of each press, and also the peak of force of each press on
both real spring (RS) and virtual spring (VS) as shown in Figure. 2.16. The average value of
force peak on real spring and virtual spring in each trial are then calculated. The normalized
force peak is also calculated by dividing the maximal flexion force of each subject per force
peak detected.
(a) (b)
Figure. 2.16 Start and end point of force on each press and the peak of the force of each press.
(a) Force on real spring; (b) Force on virtual spring.
- the number of pressing, defined by the number of detected peak on the force,
- the pressing duration on real and virtual spring, defined by the time difference between
the start and end point of each press,
- and pressing frequency defined by the ratio between the number of pressing and
pressing duration.
Concerning the number of pressing, it is supposed that the pressing frequency of the finger is
lower than 4Hz, then 500 data point (sampling frequency is 2000Hz) will be the minimal data
length between two peak of force. Findpeaks function of MATLAB was used to detect the peak.
This function can find the local maxima based on a customer defined requirement. A local peak
is a data sample that is either larger than its two neighboring samples or is equal to infinitive
number. If a peak is flat, the function returns only the first point. The press duration is calculated
by recording the time at start and end point of each press. The start and end points for pressing
phase were automatically detected. A threshold was given to horizontally cross the force signal
and guarantee that the cross point between the threshold line and the curve of force signal was
even number which promises that each peak has a start and end point. The start and end point
are respectively the first point of a peak in force beyond the threshold and the first point lower
than the threshold.
According to [SSGO01], both agonist and antagonist muscles are involved during the
task. This sharing pattern, labelled muscle co-activation, is described to vary with the joint
velocity. One explanation for the variation of muscle co-activation is that it enables the subject
to better control the joint stability and the movement accuracy. Then it is meaningful to analyze
the maximal pressing velocity depending of the joint angle velocity. The pressing velocity is:
𝑑𝑥 𝑑( )
𝑣= = (2-5)
𝑑𝑡 𝑑𝑡
where: F is the detected force signal and k is the stiffness of the spring.
Figure 2.17 shows the force value and the calculated velocity based on eq.
(2-5). Note, that for the real spring, v is the velocity of the fingertip in vertical direction which
is proportional to the angle velocity of the wrist joint. The physical stiffness of virtual springs
being too high (2500 N/m), the angle velocity of the wrist joint is almost zero. Thus, v is the
velocity of the virtual spring button without movement of the finger joint.
Figure 2.17 Subject force applied on real spring (figure up), and velocity and the detected
positive peak value on pressing velocity (figure down).
processed by using RMS (root mean square). The epoch for the RMS processing is 500. Figure
2.18 shows the raw data of EMG and the RMS EMG signals after filtering on two extensors
during performing the MVC.
For the EMG signals of six involved muscles during the MVC, two parameters were
The first one is the average of the integrated EMG (IEMG) calculated as:
1 𝑡
𝐼𝐸𝑀𝐺 = ∆𝑡 ∫𝑡 2 𝐸𝑀𝐺𝑑𝑡 (2-6)
- t1 and t2 are respectively the start moment and the end moment of performing MVC,
- and Δt= t2- t1.
For the flexors, t1 and t2 correspond the start and end points detected on EMG signals during
performing the maximal flexion force. For the extensors, t1 and t2 correspond to the start and
end point detected on EMG signals during performing the maximal extension force. The flexor
which has the biggest IEMG value during performing the maximal flexion force is the most
involved flexor. The most involved extensor is the extensor which has the biggest IEMG signal
during performing the maximal extension force. For both flexors and extensors muscles, the
averages of the integrated EMG were calculated during performing the MVC flexion and MVC
𝑃𝐸𝑀𝐺 = 3 ∑3𝑖=1 𝑝𝑖 (2-7)
Figure 2.18 Raw EMG and RMS EMG on two flexors during MVC flexion. The black dots
represent the start and end point of the performing MVC.
According to [FaWi85, OHLR86, UDFV96, KeAP03], there are two different types of
methods for calculating the co-activation index (CI). Those two method are shown respectively
as (2-8) and (2-9).
𝐶𝐼 = 𝐸𝑀𝐺 ×100% (2-8)
𝐴𝑔𝑜 +𝐸𝑀𝐺𝐴𝑛𝑡
𝐶𝐼 = 𝐸𝑀𝐺 𝐴𝑛𝑡 ×100% (2-9)
where: EMGAnt and EMGAgo represent respectively the peak values of the most involved
antagonist muscle (extensors) and agonist muscle (flexors). Ervilha et al. [ErGD12] point out
that the muscle co-activation is more reliably estimated with using (2-8).
The most involved antagonist muscle is defined as the extensor who has the highest
IEMG value while performing the maximal extension force. The most involved agonist muscle
is defined as the flexor who has the highest IEMG value while performing the maximal flexion
̅̅̅ while pressing real spring and virtual spring for each trial is the average of CIs at
force. The 𝐶𝐼
detected peaks in the EMG signal on most involved flexor.
Time (s)
Figure 2.19 EMG signal on the most involved flexor and extensor with the peak detected.
- the changes in virtual stiffness labeled 'virtual stiffness' (11 levels: from -40%, to+60%
with a step of 10%),
- the real stiffness values labeled 'stiffness scale' (3 levels: 202 N/m, 304 N/m and 608
- and the type of spring labeled 'spring' : 2 levels: real and virtual (simulated).
The first test consisted in characterizing the effect of change in 'virtual stiffness' versus
the 'stiffness scale' for the following nine dependent variables separately on virtual and real
- pressing force,
- normalized pressing force,
- pressing duration,
- number of pressing,
- pressing frequency,
- maximal pressing velocity,
- peak of EMG signal on flexor,
- peak of EMG signal on extensor,
- co-activation at the peak of EMG on flexor.
A second test was performed to compare the effect of change in 'stiffness scale' versus
'spring' on force at 0% stiffness percentage (i.e. exactly for the same real and simulated
A third test was performed to compare the effect of change in 'stiffness scale' versus
'spring' on variables:
- pressing duration,
- number of pressing,
- and pressing frequency.
The chosen level of significance was p<0.01. All the statistical analyses above were
performed under MATLAB Software (MATLAB 2014a, MathWorks).
In order to test whether the slopes in the linear model are significantly different, a test
of nested model has been performed in R software (version 3.2.5). Recall that the slopes express
the relationship between the force and logarithm of stiffness for real and virtual springs.
2.4 Results
Figure 2.20.b presents the results of transferring the subjects’ answer into z score. With
the z score, subjects’ answers are presented in a linear model. The equation of linear regression
for each comparison pair are also presented in Figure 2.20.b.
Figure 2.20 Subjects’ stiffness discrimination results: a). Proportion of response “Spring B is
stiffer”; b). z score of subjects’ perception.
The PSE point in Figure 2.21.a, confirms the conclusion of Lécuyer et al. in [LCKR00]
that less stiffer the compared real spring is, more underestimated the stiffness of the virtual
spring is. The JND for three curves had been calculated. The average JND is 19.3% (see Figure
2.21.b) which is bigger than the 13.4% reported in [LCKR00]. Based on the z score of subjects’
answers, the PSE, DLu and Weber fractions are calculated. The results are presented in Figure
2.21.c. The Weber fractions obtained in here are above 1. Their average value for the three
compared pairs is 1.24.
PSE in % of real spring
0 200 400 600 800
Stiffness of real spring (N/m)
JND in % of real spring
0 200 400 600 800
Stiffness of real spring (N/m)
web fraction
0 200 400 600 800
Stiffness of real spring (N/m)
Figure 2.21 Subjects’ answers t-score results (a). PSE; (b). JND (c). Weber fractions.
2.4.2 Force
(a) (b)
Figure 2.22 Average of force with standard error of mean (SEM4) applied on real spring without
normalization: a). no matter what is the ‘virtual stiffness’ of compared virtual spring; b). under
different ‘virtual stiffness’ of compared virtual spring, no matter which stiffness scale is; c).
under different ‘virtual stiffness’.
All the average values presented in this chapter are with SEM
The statistical analysis of normalized force on real spring reveals the same information
as found in force without normalization applied on real spring (Figure 2.23). The results indicate
- The ‘stiffness scale’ of real spring has a significant effect on force applied on virtual
spring (F=33.181, p-value<0.001);
- The ‘virtual stiffness’ has no significant effect on force applied on different real spring
(F=0.51883, p-value=0.87806);
- There is no significant interaction between the ‘stiffness scale’ of real spring and
‘virtual stiffness’ for all the force applied on real spring (F=0.62614, p-value=0.79267).
This means that the task requirement is quite low since it requires force intensity
between 20% and 40% of maximal capacity. One interesting conclusion is that the different
force capacities of the subject does not influence the way he/she tests the springs. In other
words, the force applied on a real spring depends solely on its stiffness and not on the force
capabilities of the subject.
(a) (b)
Figure 2.23 Average of normalized force applied on real spring without normalization: a). no
matter what is the ‘virtual stiffness’ of compared virtual spring; b). under different ‘virtual
stiffness’ of compared virtual spring, no matter which ‘stiffness scale’; c). under different
‘virtual stiffness’.
63 Force applied on virtual spring
The results presented in Figure 2.24 show that:
- ‘Stiffness scale’ has a significant effect on force applied on virtual spring (F=31.495, p-
value<0.001. This means that the force applied on virtual spring increases with the real
stiffness used for comparison, from 9.59N to 12.45N (Figure 2.24.a).
- A significant effect was observed for the ‘virtual stiffness’ (F=8.6101, p-value<0.001). It
means that the applied force significantly increases, whatever the stiffness of real spring is
(Figure 2.24.b).
- A significant interaction between ‘stiffness scale’ and ‘virtual stiffness’ was noted
(F=3.3764, p-value<0.001). This indicates that different changes were noted between the
change percentage and the real stiffness of real spring (Figure 2.24.c).
Post-hoc analysis performed with the slopes of each curves (Figure 2.24.d) showed that the
slopes were significantly different. They significantly decreased when the real stiffness
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 2.24 Average of force without normalization applied on virtual spring: a). compared
with different real springs, no matter what is the ‘virtual stiffness’; b). under different ‘virtual
stiffness’, no matter which the compared real spring was; c). under different ‘virtual stiffness’
for simulating different real springs; d). The average of slope for force without normalization
under different ‘virtual stiffness’ on virtual spring (p-value<0.001).
The normalized force applied on virtual spring has the same tendency as in force without
normalization (Figure 2.25). The results indicate also that ‘stiffness scale’ has a significant
effect on force applied on virtual spring (F= 9.9012, p-value<0.001). The value increases from
32.27% to 40.27% when the ‘stiffness scale’ change from 202 N/m to 608 N/m. The ‘virtual
stiffness’ has a significant effect on force applied on virtual spring (F=7.6978, p-value<0.001).
The normalized force increases from 33.63% to 37.52% under minimal and maximal ‘virtual
stiffness’. There is a significant interaction between ‘stiffness scale’ and ‘virtual stiffness’ for
all the normalized forces applied on virtual spring (F=2.8725, p-value<0.005). Figure 2.25.d
indicates the result of post-hoc analysis. The slope of force for each simulated real spring in
Figure 2.25.c are different. Following the increase of stiffness of simulated real spring, the slope
decreases from 0.01135 to 0.000412.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 2.25 Average of normalized force applied on virtual spring: a). compared with different
real springs, no matter what is the ‘virtual stiffness’ of virtual spring; b). different ‘virtual
stiffness’ of virtual spring, no matter which the compared real spring was; c). under different
‘virtual stiffness’ for simulating different real springs. d). Average of slope for force with
normalization under different ‘virtual stiffness’ on virtual spring (p-value<0.001).
65 Comparison between the force on real spring and virtual spring under
identical stiffness
Figure 2.26 shows the comparison between the forces applied on real and virtual spring under
identical stiffness (0% of change). A significant effect was noted for the spring type (F=118.32,
p-value<0.0001) and for the stiffness (F=94.034, p-value<0.0001) meaning that the force
applied on the real spring is lower than this applied on the virtual one, while the force increases
from low to higher stiffness values. A significant interaction between the spring type and
‘stiffness scale’ (F=8.907, p-value<0.001) was also observed. The force applied on real spring
increases from 5.946N to 11.6N and from 9.5N to 12.79N on virtual spring. This means that
the forces applied on the real spring were statistically lower than those applied on the virtual
spring when the stiffness of real and virtual springs are the same. But the difference in the forces
decreases for the stiffer spring.
Figure 2.26 Comparison between the force on virtual spring and corresponding real spring
during identical simulation. All the compared pairs have significant differences between force
on virtual spring and real spring (p-value<0.0001).
- The stiffness of real spring has no significant effect on pressing duration (F=2.703,
p-value=0.067251). That means the pressing duration on each real spring are not
significantly different.
- The ‘virtual stiffness’ has a significant effect on pressing duration (F=3.2489, p-
value<0.001). From Figure 2.27.b, it seems that when the ‘virtual stiffness’ of
virtual spring is+10% higher than the stiffness of virtual spring, the pressing duration
on real spring are higher than the other conditions.
- There is no significant interaction between the stiffness of real spring and ‘virtual
stiffness’ (F=0.84841, p-value=0.58173). This means that comparing the stiffness
for close values is more difficult for the subjects and requires more time to test the
(a) (b)
Figure 2.27 Average of pressing duration on different real springs: a). no matter what is the
‘virtual stiffness’ of the compared virtual spring; b). under different ‘virtual stiffness’ of virtual
spring; c). pressing duration under different ‘virtual stiffness’.
The relationship among pressing duration on virtual spring, ‘stiffness scale’ and ‘virtual
stiffness’ are presented in the Figure 2.28. The statistical results indicate that:
(a) (b)
Figure 2.28 Average of pressing duration on virtual spring: a). compared with different real
springs, no matter what is the ‘virtual stiffness’ of virtual spring; b). under different ‘virtual
stiffness’ of virtual spring, no matter which the compared real spring was; c). under different
‘virtual stiffness’ for different simulated real springs.
In order to compare the pressing duration on virtual spring and corresponding real spring,
the two-way repeated measures ANOVA comparing spring type (real spring or virtual spring)
vs. stiffness scale (202 N/m, 304 N/m and 608 N/m) have been performed and gave the following
- The spring type has a significant effect on pressing duration (F= 9.516, p-
- The stiffness scale has a significant effect on pressing duration (F= 8.6786, p-
- There is no significant interaction between the spring type and stiffness scale (F=
0.46635, p-value= 0.62732).
The t-test analysis indicates that the pressing duration on virtual spring of compared pair real
spring 1-virtual spring and real spring 2-virtual spring are significantly different from
corresponding real spring (shown in Figure 2.29). This means that the test durations for virtual
spring are higher than for the real spring. However, for higher stiffness values, the testing time
is not differing between real and simulated springs. One probable explanation may be that for
stiffer virtual and real springs, the discrimination depends more on the visual feedback which
is more accurate than the proprioceptive feedback.
Figure 2.29 Comparison between the pressing duration on virtual spring and the corresponding
real spring. The compared pairs: Real spring1-Virtual spring and Real spring2-Virtual spring
have significant differences inside the pressing duration on virtual spring and real spring (p-
69 Number of pressing
Figure 2.30 presents the number of pressing applied by the subjects on different real springs.
The statistical results show that:
- The stiffness of real spring has no significant effect on number of pressing (F=2.703,
p-value= 0.067251) which reveals that subjects almost press the same times on each
real spring,
- The ‘virtual stiffness’ has a significant effect on number of pressing (F=3.2489, p-
value<0.001). Figure 2.30.b shows that there is a peak when the stiffness of virtual
spring is 10% higher than the stiffness of the real one. That means subjects need to
press more time at condition of +10%.
- There is no significant interaction between the stiffness of real spring and ‘virtual
stiffness’ (F= 0.84841, p-value= 0.58173) which means that changes are the same
whatever the stiffness are.
(a) (b)
Figure 2.30 Average of number of pressing on different real springs: a). no matter what is the
‘virtual stiffness’ of the compared virtual spring; b). under different ‘virtual stiffness’ of virtual
spring; c). under different ‘virtual stiffness’.
The number of pressings on virtual spring are shown in Figure 2.31. The statistical
results indicate that:
- There is no significant interaction between the ‘stiffness scale’ and ‘virtual stiffness’
(F=1.0151, p-value= 0.42766), meaning that the number of pressing increases in the same way
whatever the virtual springs.
(a) (b)
Figure 2.31 Average of number of pressing on virtual spring: a). compared with different real
springs, no matter what is the ‘virtual stiffness’ of the virtual spring; b). under different ‘virtual
stiffness’ of virtual spring, no matter with which real spring it is compared; c). under different
‘virtual stiffness’ for different simulated real springs.
Comparing the number of pressing on virtual spring and the corresponding real spring,
gives the following results:
- The spring type has a significant effect on number of pressing (F= 8.8493, p-
value<0.01). This indicates that the number of pressing on real spring is significantly
lower than on virtual spring.
- The ‘stiffness scale’ has a significant effect on number of pressing (F= 5.5828, p-
value<0.01). This means that both number of pressing on real and virtual springs
vary following the change of the stiffness.
- There is no significant interaction between the spring type and ‘stiffness scale’
(F=1.0838, p-value= 0.3384) meaning that the number of pressing on virtual spring
are significantly higher than on the corresponding real spring.
Figure 2.32 Comparison between the number of pressing on virtual spring and the
corresponding real spring. All the compared pairs have significant differences between the
number of pressing on virtual spring and real spring (p-value<0.01).
- The stiffness of real spring has a significant effect on pressing frequency (F=13.926,
p-value<0.001) and the pressing frequency on real spring 1 seems higher than the
other two real springs.
- The ‘virtual stiffness’ has no significant effect on pressing frequency (F=1.1897, p-
value= 0.29256) which means that the pressing frequency were not influenced by
the different ‘virtual stiffness’ whatever the real spring.
- There is no significant interaction between the stiffness of real spring and ‘virtual
stiffness’ (F= 0.62489, p-value=0.79376), meaning that the changes in pressing
frequency is the same for each virtual stiffness, whatever the stiffness scale is.
(a) (b)
Figure 2.33 Pressing frequency on different real springs: a). no matter what is the ‘virtual
stiffness’ of the compared virtual spring; b). under different ‘virtual stiffness’ of virtual spring;
c). under different ‘virtual stiffness’.
Figure 2.34 presents the pressing frequency on virtual spring. The results indicate that:
- The ‘virtual stiffness’ has no significant effect on pressing frequency (F=1.4241, p-
- There is no significant interaction between the ‘stiffness scale’ and ‘virtual stiffness’
(F=1.1651, p-value=0.30966) either.
- The pressing frequencies on virtual spring when simulating different real springs are
the same.
(a) (b)
Figure 2.34 Average of pressing frequency on virtual spring: a). compared with different real
springs, no matter what is the ‘virtual stiffness’ of virtual spring; b). under different ‘virtual
stiffness’ of virtual spring, no matter with which real spring it is compared; c). under different
‘virtual stiffness’ for simulating different real springs.
The statistical results comparing the pressing frequency on virtual spring and corresponding
real spring shown that:
- The spring type has no significant effect on pressing frequency (F= 1.7002, p-
value= 0.19237);
- the ‘stiffness scale’ has a significant effect on pressing frequency (F= 8.4596, p-
- there is a significant interaction between the spring type and stiffness scale
(F=10.464, p-value<0.001).
The t-test of post-hoc analysis indicates that all forces on virtual spring are significantly
different from the forces on corresponding real spring. From Figure 2.35, is seen that the
pressing frequency on virtual spring of compared pairs real spring 1-virtual spring and real
spring 2-virtual spring are significantly higher than the corresponding real spring.
Figure 2.35 Comparison between the pressing frequency on virtual spring and corresponding
real spring. The compared pairs: Real spring2-Virtual spring and Real spring3-Virtual spring
have significant differences between the pressing frequency on virtual spring and real spring
the maximal pressing velocity decreases following the increase of the stiffness of
real spring.
- No significant effect was noted for the ‘virtual stiffness’ as indicated in Figure 2.36.b
(F=2.2269, p-value=0.0141), meaning that the subject pressing velocity on the real
spring were not changed according to the stiffness of the simulated spring.
- No significant interaction between stiffness of real spring and ‘virtual stiffness’ was
observed (F=1.1417, p-value=0.32653).
(a) (b)
Figure 2.36 Average maximal pressing velocity on real springs: a). no matter what is the ‘virtual
stiffness’ of compared virtual spring; b). with SEM on real springs under different ‘virtual
stiffness’ of compared virtual spring, no matter which real spring; c). with SEM on each real
spring under different ‘virtual stiffness’.
The results in Figure 2.37.a show that:
- There is a significant effect of the ‘stiffness scale’ on the maximal pressing velocity
(F= 950.81, p-value<0.001). The velocity decreased from 23.54 mm/s to 10.85 mm/s.
This indicates that the maximal pressing velocity decreases with the increase of the
‘stiffness scale’.
- Significant effect of the ‘virtual stiffness’ had been observed on the maximal
pressing velocity (F= 40.489, p-value<0.001) Figure 2.37.b. This means that the
velocity on virtual spring decreases in the same way from lower virtual stiffness to
the higher one, whatever the stiffness scale.
- A significant interaction between ‘stiffness scale’ and ‘virtual stiffness’ was
observed in Figure 2.37.c (F= 3.5302, p-value<0.001). This reveals that when the
stiffness changes from -40% to +60%, the maximal pressing velocity decrease more
as the virtual stiffness increases. Comparing with results on real springs, the
maximal pressing velocity on virtual springs changed when the ‘virtual stiffness’
(a) (b)
Figure 2.37 Average maximal pressing velocity on virtual spring: a). no matter what is the
‘virtual stiffness’ of compared real spring; b). under different ‘virtual stiffness’, no matter which
real spring it is compared with; c). under different ‘virtual stiffness’.
2.4.4 EMG signal and muscle co-activation
- A significant effect for stiffness (F= 49.351, p-value<0.001). The EMG on flexor increased
from 0.2898 to 0.4678 for the stiffer spring. No significant effect was noted for the ‘virtual
stiffness’ as indicated in Figure 2.38.b (F=0.95322, p-value=0.48269), meaning that the
subject’s EMG when pressing on the real spring were not changed according to the stiffness
of virtual springs
- No significant interaction between stiffness of real spring and ‘virtual stiffness’ (F=1.1698,
(a) (b)
Figure 2.38 Average peak of normalized EMG signals on most involved flexor during pressing
on real springs: a). no matter what is the ‘virtual stiffness’ of compared virtual spring; b). under
different ‘virtual stiffness’ of compared virtual spring, no matter which real spring; c). under
different ‘virtual stiffness’.
Figure 2.39 shows the EMG signals on most involved flexor during pressing the virtual
spring. As shown in Figure 2.39.a, the ‘stiffness scale’ has a significant effect on EMG of flexor
(F= 27.54, p-value<0.001). The EMG signals on flexor increase from 0.3571 to 0.4501 indicate
that the EMG on flexor increases when the stiffness is higher. The significant effect of ‘virtual
stiffness’ has been also found on the EMG signals on flexor (F= 2.9796, p-value<0.001) (Figure
2.39.b). The values varied from 0.3783 to 0.4018 when ‘virtual stiffness’ changed from -40%
to +60%. There is no significant interaction observed between the ‘stiffness scale’ and ‘virtual
stiffness’ (F= 1.5552, p-value=0.11388) (Figure 2.39.c). This means that when the stiffness
scale and the virtual stiffness are increasing, the EMG signals in flexor are also increasing.
(a) (b)
Figure 2.39 Average peaks of normalized EMG signals on most involved flexor during pressing
on virtual spring: a). with different ‘stiffness scale’; b). under different ‘virtual stiffness’ of
compared real spring; c). with SEM on virtual spring under different ‘virtual stiffness’.
79 EMG signal on extensor
The EMG signals on most involved extensor during pressing on real springs, Figure 2.40.a
shown that:
(a) (b)
Figure 2.40 Peaks of normalized EMG signal on most involved extensor for real springs: a).
no matter what is the ‘virtual stiffness’ of compared virtual spring; b). under different ‘virtual
stiffness’ of compared virtual spring, no matter which real spring; c). under different ‘virtual
From EMG signals of extensor during pressing on virtual spring, Figure 2.41.a shown
-No significant effect was noted for the ‘virtual stiffness’ as indicated in Figure 2.41.b
(F=1.0389, p-value=0.40745), meaning that the EMG on extensor during pressing the virtual
spring did not change, whatever the stiffness scale.
- No significant interaction between ‘stiffness scale’ and ‘virtual stiffness’ was observed
(F= 0.69752, p-value=0.72766) (Figure 2.41.c).
(a) (b)
Figure 2.41 Average peaks of normalized EMG signal on most involved extensor during
pressing on virtual spring: a). with different ‘stiffness scale’; b). under different ‘virtual stiffness’
of compared real spring; c). under different ‘virtual stiffness’.
81 Muscle co-activation
Figure 2.42.a shows that:
(a) (b)
Figure 2.42 Muscle co-activation of wrist joints during pressing on real springs: a). no matter
what is the ‘virtual stiffness’ of compared virtual spring; b). under different ‘virtual stiffness’
of compared virtual spring, no matter which real spring; c). under different ‘virtual stiffness’.
Figure 2.43.a shown that:
- The stiffness had a significant effect on muscle co-activation (F=29.93, p-
- No Significant effect was noted for the ‘virtual stiffness’ as indicated in Figure
2.41.b (F=0.89, p-value=0.543), meaning that the EMG on extensor during pressing
the virtual spring did not change according to the spring stiffness.
- No significant interaction between ‘stiffness scale’ and ‘virtual stiffness’ was
observed (F=0.65, p-value=0.775) (Figure 2.41.c). This means that when the
stiffness changes from -40% to +60%, the EMG signals on extensor are different
based on the different stiffnesses.
(a) (b)
Figure 2.43 Muscle co-activation of wrist joints during pressing on virtual spring: a). no matter
what is the ‘virtual stiffness’ of the compared virtual spring; b). under different ‘virtual stiffness’
of compared virtual spring, no matter which real spring; c). under different ‘virtual stiffness’.
2.4.5 Summary
In this section, we presented the statistical results in the aim to know whether the independent
variables have a significant influence on the dependent variables or not. We also wanted to
know whether there is interaction between two independent variables. Table 2.1 provides a
summary of the two-way ANOVA with repeated measures where ‘stiffness scale’ and ‘virtual
stiffness’ are independent variables.
Table 2.1 ANOVA test result summary. EMGflex=Normalized EMG signal on most involved
flexor; EMGext= Normalized EMG signal on most involved extensor; CA=Muscle co-activation
for wrist joints. (“*” indicates that there is a significant effect of the independent variable on
the corresponding dependent variable, and “n.s” indicate the opposite).
Dependent variable Force Normalized Pressing Number Pressing Pressing EMGflex EMGext CA
without force duration of frequency velocity
Independent variable normalization pressing
Real spring Stiffness * * n.s n.s * * * * *
Virtual n.s n.s * * n.s n.s n.s n.s n.s
Interaction n.s n.s n.s n.s n.s n.s n.s n.s n.s
Among all the statistical results presented above, force without normalization, pressing
velocity and muscle co-activation provide some important information. For the force applied
on real springs, it is only influenced by ‘stiffness scale’. However, the force applied on virtual
springs were not only influenced by ‘stiffness scale’, but also the ‘virtual stiffness’. The effect
of two independent variables on maximal pressing velocity are the same as in force. The
‘stiffness scale’ has significant effect on subjects’ muscle co-activations during pressing on
both real and virtual springs.
2.5 Discussion
Figure 2.20.a shows how subjects’ answers change when the stiffness of virtual spring increases
for each comparison pair. Thus, for comparison pairs: real spring 1-virtual spring and real spring
2-virtual spring an underestimation of stiffness of virtual spring appears. When the proportion
of response “Spring B is stiffer” is 50%, subjects consider that the two compared springs have
the same stiffness. From Figure 2.20.a, is seen that less stiff the real spring is, bigger the
difference between perceived stiffness of virtual spring and the compared real spring is. It seems
that the subject’s answer varies with the stiffness of virtual spring. The bigger the difference
between the stiffness of real spring and virtual spring is, the closer to the correct answer the
subject answer is.
Lécuyer et al. proposed two explanations for the underestimation of the virtual spring
stiffness in [LCKR00]:
a) As both real and virtual springs in the experiment have different locations and the
graphic representor is a bilateral transition between these two springs, it may have a
psychological effect on the stiffness perception;
b) While pushing the virtual spring, subject’s thumb is almost static. This results in the
confliction between the proprioceptive feeling of motion of the thumb and the visual
feedback of the displacement of the spring. Consequently, “visual feedback replaces
proprioceptive sense in some extent”.
In his Ph.D. thesis Lécuyer [Lécu01], complemented some reasons to explain the
c) The subject always pressed the real spring first which might influence their perception
of the stiffness of the virtual spring;
d) As the subject needs to switch between the real spring (in real environment) and virtual
spring (virtual environment) the monoscopic view may influence the results;
e) On the computer screen the virtual spring moves in left and right direction while subjects’
fingers are pressing in up and down direction.
We are not concerned by explanations a) and d) because in our experiment both real and
virtual springs have uniform graphic representors on computer screen (up and down direction).
In our experiment, subjects were asked to press on the virtual spring first, hence we are not
concerned by explanation c) either. As in our experiment both physical and simulated springs
on computer screen move up and down, then the explanation e) is also excluded. At the end,
the explanation b) concerns both Lécuyer’s and our experiment which might explain the
While pressing the virtual spring, the subject’s finger is almost static (Lecuyer et al.’s
explanation b)). According to [ErBa02], in the task involving visual and proprioceptive
(perception) feedbacks, the most dominant is the perception. As the finger is almost static,
subject’s perception error of his/her finger displacement is smaller than the perception error of
virtual spring displacement rendered on the screen. Let us assume that the perceived
displacement DP of the virtual spring is:
Then the difference between the perceived stiffness kP and the simulated stiffness kS can be
expressed as:
As DF is very small comparing with DV, then DF≈0. Hence, the relative perception error Δk/kS
𝑑(∆𝑘/𝑘𝑠 ) −1
= <0 (2-13)
𝑑𝑤1 𝑤12
Following the decrease of the simulated stiffness of the virtual spring, DV becomes
bigger, hence the difference between the perception error of DV and DF becomes bigger. In our
opinion this is the reason why w1 decreases following the decrease of kS. This means that the
coefficient weight of the virtual spring displacement decreases when the simulated stiffness of
virtual spring decreases. Assuming w1 is function of kS, thus dw1/dkS>0. Then the derivation of
Δk/kS to kS is:
where: Δk/kS is the ‘virtual stiffness’ corresponding to the PSE point in the subjects’
discrimination results.
The reflection presented here above is a possible explanation for conclusion presented in
[LCKR00] that the bigger subject’s underestimation of the virtual spring stiffness is
accompanied with less stiffness of virtual spring.
After transferring the subjects’ answers into z score, the linear regression analysis results
for the data of three comparison pairs indicated that they have different slope values. The PSE
point, JND and Weber fraction reported in here are higher than those reported in [LCKR00].
One explanation may be that work cue in our experiment is different from this in Lécuyer
[LCKR00]. In Lécuyer’s experiment ] there is a red line in the pole (see Figure 2.1.b) while
our experiment shows a cue, “Stop pressing” when the distance between the pressing button
and the top of tube is smaller than 1mm. In this way, the work cue in our experiment is limited
comparing with [LCKR00]. As mentioned in [TDBS95] the compliance JND is poor when the
work cues and terminal force cues are eliminated or reduced.
2.5.2 Kinematic parameters
When virtual spring’s stiffness is 10% higher than the stiffness of the real spring, both pressing
duration and number of pressing values are bigger than the other ten conditions no matter for
real or virtual spring. This means that subjects need more information for performing
discrimination at +10% than at 0%. Based on the results in Figure 2.20.a, the discrimination
answers ‘Spring B is stiffer’ for pairs: real spring 1-virtual spring, real spring 2-virtual spring
and real spring 3-virtual spring, arrived at 50% when the ‘virtual stiffness’ of virtual spring are
respectively 30%, 20% and 0% which have an average of 16%. In addition, 10% is closer to
16% which is the average value of ‘virtual stiffness’ corresponding to the case when subjects
have 50% correct answers. This indicates that averagely when the stiffness of virtual spring is
10% higher than this of the real spring, it is more difficult to perceive the difference of stiffness.
The pressing frequency difference decreases following the increase of real spring’s
stiffness. Note that this difference does not exist on virtual spring when it simulates different
real springs. The average value of pressing frequencies on the different real springs ( Figure
2.33.a and Figure 2.34.a), and the statistical results about the effect of real spring stiffness and
the ‘stiffness scale’ of virtual spring on pressing frequency clearly indicate that: real spring 1
(202 N/m) has higher pressing frequency than real spring 2 (304N/m) and real spring 3 (608N/m)
while there is no significant difference between the pressing frequency on real spring 2 and real
spring 3. The boundary between high and low spring pressing-frequency should be between
202 N/m and 304 N/m. However, this phenomenon does not symmetrically exist on virtual
spring. That means that concerning the pressing frequency, pseudo-haptic feedback does not
induce different pressing frequency levels as the real spring do.
In the pressing velocity aspect, both real and virtual springs show a decreasing tendency
following the increase of the stiffness. Figure 2.36.a and Figure 2.37.a have clearly shown this
tendency. The results shown in Figure 2.36.c revel that for a real spring, the pressing velocity
is not influenced by the stiffness of the compared virtual spring while for the virtual spring, the
increase slopes following the increase of ‘virtual stiffness’ with different stiffness scales are
significantly different.
Note that virtual stiffness does not have significant effect on the force applied on the
real spring. That means whatever the virtual stiffness of the virtual spring is, it does not
influence the force applied on the real spring.
When the real stiffness of the compared real spring increases, the finger force applied
on virtual spring increases. Following the increase of the virtual stiffness, the force applied on
virtual spring also increases. It indicates that changing the stiffness simulated by the pseudo-
haptic can induce subjects to change their force applied on the virtual spring as in real spring.
According to the statistical results, the significant interaction between the ‘virtual stiffness’ and
‘real stiffness’ on the force applied on the virtual spring indicates that the relationship between
the stiffnesses of the virtual spring and the force applied on it is not linear and the slope of force
changes following the increase the stiffness of the virtual spring.
When the virtual spring has the same stiffness as the real one, the force applied on real
spring increases with 95.1% while on virtual spring, the force increases only with 34.63%.
Comparing the augmentation of force applied on real and virtual springs, reveals that both
forces induced by the real spring and the pseudo-haptic increase following the increase of the
stiffness, but their increasing slopes are different.
Following the change of stiffness of virtual spring, the force applied on it also increases.
This means that the pseudo-haptic feedback can induce subject’s forces to increase or decrease
as in the real spring in stiffness discrimination in reality. This conclusion is important for
potential medical applications requiring pseudo-haptic feedback such as: training or
However, the increase of force in both real spring and virtual spring have an upper limit.
For instance, a stiffness discrimination task was performed in [Endo16]. The forces without
normalization applied on different compared specimens with different stiffness were evaluated.
According to Weber-Fechner law, the relationship between the perception and stimulus should
obey the following equation [Rich94, Vand10]:
𝑝 = 𝑘. 𝑙𝑛(𝑆 ) (2-15)
We contacted Hiroshi Endo and he generously provided us the raw data used in
[Endo16]. According to Weber-Fechner law, the force data in [Endo16] (Figure 2.44.a) may
be expressed as a linear function of the springs’ stiffness. Based on the original data provided
by Endo, we found significant first order linear regression equation (F (1, 36) =2.32e+03,
p<0.001), with an R2 of 0.985. This means that the predicted force is equal to -11.134+3.318 ln
(stiffness) ln (N/m) where force is measured in N. Force increased with 3.318 for each ln (N/m)
of stiffness.
For the second order linear regression, the coefficient of term stiffness-square is not
significantly different from 0 (p-value=0.69911). Then, the relationship between the force FR
applied on real spring and its stiffness SR is expressed as:
(a) (b)
Figure 2.44 Force applied on real springs: a). Force according the data of Endo’s paper; b).
linear regression for Endo’s force data.
The force on virtual spring (pseudo-haptic) behaves in a similar way as the force on real
spring. A first order equation of linear regression was performed for the force without
normalization on virtual spring. A significant regression equation was found (F (1, 31) =208,
p<0.001), with an R2 of 0.87. Predicted force on virtual spring is equal to -2.222+2.2522 .ln
For the second order linear regression, the coefficient of term stiffness-square is not
significantly different from 0 (p-value=0.0017646). Thus, the relationship between the force on
virtual spring and the stiffness SV, it expressed as:
𝑑𝐹𝑅 3.345
= (2-18)
𝑑𝑘𝑅 𝑘𝑅
𝑑𝐹𝑣 2.232
= (2-19)
𝑑𝑘𝑣 𝑘𝑣
Both d(FR)/d(kR) and d(FV)/d(kV) are negative and consequently FR and FV are monotonically
decreasing functions. This means that following the increase of the stiffness, the speed with
which the force increases both in real and virtual springs decreases.
Equations (2-16) and (2-17) also give that d(FR)/d(kR)> d(FV)/d(kV). It is seen that the
slope of FV is always lower than of FR corresponding to the same stiffness. In order to verify
this statement, we proposed the nested model to express the linear relationship between the
force and stiffness as:
- 𝛼𝑗 represents the ordinate at the origin for the modality j (real spring or virtual spring),
- 𝛽𝑗 represents the slope of the regression line for the modality j,
- 𝜀𝑖𝑗 represents the residual error.
The aim of testing the proposed nested model is to determine whether point clouds should be
adjusted by different regression lines from the point of view of their regression coefficients
(slopes, ordinates at the origin). To do this, the anova function of software R was used. The
results of test of nested models indicates that it is preferable to keep the model (2-20) and to
adjust the two points clouds (data of force on real spring and virtual spring) by two different
regression lines (F = 40.76, p-value <0.0001). Table 2.2 below gives the estimated values of
the regression coefficients of the model.
𝛼𝑅 𝛼𝑉 𝛽𝑅 𝛽𝑉
Figure 2.45 presents the relationship between the pressing force and the stiffness for real
and virtual springs. The two solid lines are the regression lines defined by the method of the
least squares. The dotted lines are the prediction intervals. Points represent the data used to
construct the regression models.
Figure 2.45 Force-Log_Stiffness relations for real and virtual springs.
Given the residual analysis (homoscedasticity, normality) and the adjusted coefficient
of determination (R²= 0.973), the linear adjustment for both point clouds is appropriate. If the
form of the link is the same between the force and the logarithm of stiffness for real and virtual
springs, the point clouds should be adjusted by two different regression lines, the values of the
regression coefficients being significantly different (p-value < 0.0001). This means that two
slopes in Figure 2.45 are significantly different.
Figure 2.46 presents the curve of force on virtual spring and real spring calculated
according to eq. (2-16) and (2-17). At this aspect, regarding the force, the subject's behavior in
computer-based environment involving pseudo-haptic feedback has the same behavior
tendency as in reality, although the forces on real and virtual springs have different slopes for
equal stiffnesses.
Figure 2.46 Force on real and virtual springs plotted based on eq. (2-16) and eq. (2-17).
Whether it is the force on real or virtual spring, the curves arrive at a tray with a
decreasing gap between them when the stiffness increases. The derivation of the difference
between FV and FR to stiffness k is:
(𝐹𝑣 − 𝐹𝑅 )′ = (2-21)
The negative slope of the difference between FV and FR indicates that this difference
decreases with the increase of the stiffness. In another saying if the simulated stiffness of the
pseudo-haptic feedback is higher, less difference exists in the force between pseudo-haptic
spring and real spring. This also theoretically explain the conclusion reported in [Endo16] that
the forces reach the same magnitude when the stiffness increases.
For the same force magnitude, the stiffness of virtual spring is lower than the stiffness
of real spring. This conclusion is also seen from Figure 2.46. It indicates that for inducing the
same force as in real spring, the simulated stiffness of virtual spring is lower than the stiffness
of real spring. The reason may be the physical stiffness of the virtual spring which is higher
than the stiffness of the real springs.
From Figure 2.46 is also seen that for same stiffness, the force applied on the virtual
spring is higher than the force on real spring. According to Weber-Fechner law, the bigger force
is associated with the bigger perceived stiffness. As the physical stiffness of virtual spring is
bigger than the stiffness of real springs, naturally subjects applied bigger force on virtual spring
comparing with the real one.
2.5.4 EMG signal on flexor and extensor
During the pressing phase, the agonist muscle is the flexor. Then the tendency of EMG signal’s
changes on flexor muscle should be in agreement with the force. For the real spring, only the
‘stiffness scale’ has significant effect both on force applied on real spring and EMG signal on
flexor. No significant effect was observed of ‘virtual stiffness’ and interaction between the
‘stiffness scale’ and ‘virtual stiffness’ on both force applied on real spring and EMG signal on
flexor. For the virtual spring, ‘stiffness scale’ and ‘virtual stiffness’ have significant effect on
both the force applied on virtual spring and EMG signal on flexor. Then from the aspect of
evaluating the significant effect of ‘stiffness scale’ and ‘virtual stiffness’ brought by the pseudo-
haptic feedback, EMG on flexor provides similar information as the pressing force.
The extensors being the antagonist muscle during the stiffness discrimination task,
comparing with the flexor, its EMG signals have no significant change tendency following the
change of the ‘stiffness scale’ and the ‘virtual stiffness’ no matter for real or virtual spring.
For the virtual spring, following the increase of its stiffness, the maximal pressing
velocity decreases, the pressing force increases and the muscle co-activation decreases. From
this aspect, the relationship between the force and muscle co-activation during pressing virtual
spring is not the same as in static task as reported in [HéDA91, YaWi83]. Conversely, the
relationship between the maximal pressing velocity and muscle co-activation, are the same as
in dynamic task despite the finger applies a static fingertip force.
Note, that the maximal pressing velocity, while pressing the real spring, depends on
maximal joint’s velocity (relative velocity). While pressing the virtual spring this maximal
pressing velocity represents the maximal velocity of the virtual spring displacement on
computer screen. Our results indicate that the maximal pressing velocity is significantly
influence by the simulated stiffness. That means the pseudo haptics can induce different levels
of muscle co-activation by changing the simulated stiffness of the virtual spring.
Another interesting point is that co-activation does not depend solely on mechanical
constraints associated with the task as it is classically reported. It may depend on a component
associated with the cognitive and/or central nervous system for muscle involvement planning
of individual. With pseudo-haptic feedback, the relationship between the static force and the
muscle co-activation is inverse as in static task. This phenomenon probably exists only in case
of pseudo-haptic feedback.
2.6 Conclusion
Here the aim was to study the difference of hand force between the real spring and pseudo-
haptic (virtual) spring, and how the force is changing following the change of visual feedback.
Through an experiment which involved real spring and pseudo-haptic feedback in a stiffness
discrimination task, subjects’ pressing force of index finger on both real and virtual springs
were recorded and analyzed. The Weber-Fechner law was used to analyze the relationship
between the force and stiffness of real and virtual springs.
In the force behavior aspect, both real spring and pseudo-haptic feedback have increased the
subjects’ pressing force with the increase of stiffness. It was found that the relationships
between stiffness and force are not linear, but adapted to Weber-Fechner law.
Corresponding to the same stiffness, the force on virtual spring is higher than on the real
spring, but the gap between them decreases following the increase of stiffness.
The slope of force on both real and virtual springs (with pseudo-haptic feedback) decreases
following the increase of the spring stiffness. Although the slope of the force on virtual spring
is always lower than in the real spring corresponding to the same stiffness, the force change
tendency induced by the pseudo-haptic feedback is similar with this induced by the real spring.
An underestimation of the stiffness of virtual spring was found in the stiffness discrimination
results which is in agreement with the results reported in [LCKR00]. An assumption about the
relationship among the perceived displacement, virtual spring displacement and finger
displacement was proposed and applied to explain the underestimation of the stiffness of the
virtual spring.
In real spring, both the maximal pressing velocity and the muscle co-activation decrease
following the increase of the stiffness. This phenomenon was also observed during pressing the
virtual spring. As the subject’s index finger was almost static, the change of the muscle co-
activation is associated with the stiffness of the virtual spring simulated by the pseudo-haptic
In summary, the pseudo-haptic feedback can induce the similar force behavior as in real
spring. But pseudo-haptic feedback causes a different level of stiffness underestimation of
virtual spring which increases with the decrease of simulated stiffness scale. The pseudo-haptic
can also induce different muscle co-activation levels as in the real spring.
The meaning of this conclusion is that the pseudo-haptic feedback can be utilized to induce
different levels of muscle co-activation without providing different virtual-haptic feedback in
reality. Hence, the hand force changing between the real spring and the pseudo-haptic spring,
following the change of the visual feedback, may be used as potential application for
rehabilitation of motor disorder patients. In our opinion this will considerably decrease the cost
of some existing rehabilitation therapies thus providing more possibilities for customized
rehabilitation applications.
Part II
In this part a new application which manipulate the relationship between the actual motion and
rendered motion in virtual reality is developed and its potential application for Complex
Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) rehabilitation tested in CHU Grenoble is presented. It
consists of one chapter (Chapter 3).
Chapter 3
Virtual reality and CRPS rehabilitation
First this chapter, introduces the basic notions and characteristics of Complex Regional Pain
Syndrome (CRPS), called also Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD), including its symptoms
and the traditional physical therapy for rehabilitation. As one of the effective methods, mirror
therapy with its mechanism of back mirror therapy and the mirror neuron system are presented.
Secondly, comparing with the traditional method for physical therapy, some virtual reality
environments and platforms for CRPS rehabilitation applications in general, and for hand
movement reconstruction in particular are presented. In order to overcome some drawbacks
of traditional physical therapy as mirror therapy, we need an application which allows to
manipulate the relationship between the user’s physical hand motion and rendered avatar hand
motion. For this purpose, a new developed application based on Leap Motion and Unity3D is
developed and presented. To test the usage availability of this application, a pilot study was
carried out at Central University Hospital (CHU) Grenoble. Two types of hand model, (normal
human-like) skin and silver skin), for both right and left hands, were used in the performed tests.
Five subjects (one healthy volunteer, two healthy physical therapists, one healthy hospital
practitioner and one patient) participated in the tests. During the tests subjects were asked to
perform separately wrist and finger movements (four fingers movement except the thumb), for
each type of hand model. The rendered hand motion (visual feedback) was shown with different
ratios between the real subject’s physical hand motion and the rendered avatar’s hand motion.
The rotation angles of avatar hand for the subjects were recorded and the range of movement
calculated. All the subjects gave their feedback about the experiment. In particular the Medical
staff expressed a strongly interest in using the application for kinesiological therapy.
3.1 Introduction
Motor disorder or movement disorder is a concept proposed in the mid of 19th century, although
many motor disorder related diseases have been discovered [Lans09]. Generally, it affects the
nervous system and causes unrests as abnormal and involuntary movements. CRPS (Complex
Regional Pain Syndrome) is a disease which may companied with the motor disorder symptom.
Although the reasons of CRPS are not very clear yet, it is believed that it is caused by the
damage to the central nervous system [JäBa02]. The latter is composed by brain, spinal cord
nervous system and peripheral nervous system and is responsible for the motor control. For the
patients with motor disorder related diseases, the sensory restoring on the limbs or other
affected parts engaged in the movement of daily life is the main purpose for rehabilitation.
Sandroni et al. [SBML03] estimated the incidence at 5.5 cases per 100,000 person years
(database period from 1989-1999) while De Mos et al. [DDHD07] reported that an estimated
overall incidence rate of CRPS was 26.2 per 100,000 person years (database period from
January 1996 to June 2005).. Note, that CRPS can happen at any one, although the results in
[DDHD07, SBML03] indicate that the number of affected women is higher than the affected
men. CRPS can affect any age but it is more common between 40 and 49 years [Seba11].
The limited range of motion of the affected limb due to inhibition of intolerant pain of
CRPS patients is the main obstacle which prevents them from actively using their affected limb
in the physical therapy and daily life. Ervilha et al. [EFAG05] have investigated the relationship
between the muscle pain and the motor control strategies in a dynamic task. The results showed
that the different level of pain changes/influences the motor strategy of painful muscle and the
synergistic muscles during performing a maximum speed dynamic exercise. Adaptation to pain
(Figure 3.1) has a short-term benefit, such as reducing the pain temporally, but has deleterious
long-term negative consequences [HoTu11, HuLe16]. While performing daily live painful
movements, the peripherical adaptation may happen on the muscles involved in the movement
of affected CRPS joints. This implies that the pain can create irreversible alterations in skeletal
muscle. In this optic, Bank et al. [BPMB13] have experimentally proved that the structural
alterations in skeletal muscle tissue and pain-induced adaptations of motor function may
contribute to the loss of voluntary modulation of muscle activity. In this context, increasing the
muscle activity which is maladapted into an abnormal posture can help CRPS patients to
improve their motion functions.
Hodges et al. [HoTu11] proposed a new theory of motor adaptation to pain (Figure 3.1).
They indicate evidence of redistribution of muscle activation at micro and macro levels with a
common goal of protection limit further pain or injury. For achieving this goal, one possibility
is to change the redistribution of muscles activities or the mechanical behavior of the muscles
which are caused by changes in the nervous system. Especially, Moseley [Mose04a] and
Geisser et al. [GGRG93] noted that changes in nervous system may be at different levels, such
as: pain cognition, behavioral factors or somatic vigilance. The latter is related to pain tolerance.
Virtual reality technologies may be used to change the visual feedback during the limb
movement, which in turn confuse the central nervous system for the motor control of
movements. One interesting and open question is thus: Can virtual reality help to adapt motor
control at multiple levels of the nervous system in order to splint a painful part? Or, in other
words, does the pain tolerance increase while using visual feedback with virtual reality
technology to confuse the central nervous system for improving the patient rehabilitation to
return to the initial no pain pattern? To our knowledge, no study has addressed this point.
Although the treatment of mirror therapy on CRPS (see details in section has
been proved it still has some drawbacks such as: fixed head orientation and necessity to ignore
the intact limb. Different from mirror reflection, VR or computer-based applications can
provide more possibility to patients in particular for visualizations.
Thus, inspired from the previous work of Murray et al. [MPCH06] and Won et al.
[WTCK15], an application based on the Leap Motion and Unity3D was developed and is
presented in the following sections.
- pain,
- autonomic dysfunction,
- edema,
- dyskinesia,
- malnutrition
- and atrophy.
There are two types of CRPS, called CRPS-I and CRPS-II, with similar symptoms and
treatments. Patients suffering from CRPS-I have all the main symptoms, but without definable
nervous injuries, while CRPS-II (called Causalgia) have definable nervous injuries.
- motor weakness,
- general weakness,
- tremor,
- muscle spasm and
- dystonia.
It has been rarely seen that both upper and lower limbs are affected. Although some researchers
have identified the evident nervous injury in the CRPS-I, the essential differences between
CRPS-I and CRPS-II are still waiting for validation.
CRPS is often associated with surgery of the distal of upper limb [Seba11]. The diagnose
conditions for the hand CRPS are:
2. The symptoms in the early stage exhibit as:
The delay between the injury and the appearing of the CRPS may vary from a few hours, a few
weeks or a few days after the injury. The course of the disease is divided into different phases:
- acute,
- dystrophic,
- atrophic.
Note that there is no obvious link between any two phases of the disease. For example,
a patient has pain in the affected hand while in the next phase he/she has autonomic dysfunction
which means that he/she cannot normally move the affected limb.
The key physiological symptoms of the CRPS patient is the prolonged pain which can
be unbearable in some extremely cases. Except the pain, the other common physiological
symptoms are:
Changed stiffness in the affected joint, due to the abnormal tissue growing
around the joint.
Sensitive skin to light touch.
Edema in the affected region (Figure 3.2).
Abnormal posture of the affected limb (mainly flexion of fingers and wrist)
(Figure 3.3), sometimes accompanied with jerking and tremors [BPMB13].
Figure 3.3 Dystonic postures in CRPS. Most common postures in arm and leg in CRPS-related
dystonia arranged to the severity from left to right [AMMA11].
Note that apart the physiological symptoms there are also some psychological symptoms
in CRPS patients, including:
Difficulties to relax.
Unconfident feeling in himself/herself.
Difficulty to accept the help from family and friends.
No matter the physiological or psychological symptoms, their existences are big
obstacles for preventing the patients from normally engaging in their social and professional
3.2.2 Treatment
The core of the therapy is to decrease the sympathetic excitability of the nervous system in the
affected limb. The sympathetic nervous system is causing the pain and sensitive skin. Thus,
there are some techniques allowing to block or remove a part of sympathetic nervous system
For patients in early stage Paravertebral sympathetic block technique is the better solution. For
severe patients and patients on long-term Removal of peripheral arterial sympathectomy is
alone. Simply saying, having an indeed visual feedback of limb motion is better than just
imaging the motion in the mind for the phantom limb patients.
After the successful application of mirror therapy in the treatment of phantom limb pain,
it has recently been applied into the treatment of CRPS. Moseley [Mose04b] conducted a
clinical trial incorporating the mirror therapy into a three stage motor imagery program (MIP).
The latter consisted of:
- imagery therapy,
The results show that there is significant treat effect on the patient in pain and movement
function. Other successive research proved the efficiency of applying the mirror therapy in
reducing the pain and improving the motor functions of the affected limb. Thus, Moseley
[Mose05] proved that the mirror therapy has decreased pain and increased the motor function
of 20 patients with CRPS type I. Cacchio et al. [CDND09] proved that the mirror therapy
significantly improved the motor function and decreased the pain after performing mirror
therapy in 24 patients with CRPS type I. .
106 Mirror neuron system
Although the mechanism behind the mirror therapy is not known yet, we might propose
question why observing the same action can influence our nervous system and reduce pain?
The answer should be find in a particular type of neuron which is called mirror neuron. A mirror
neuron is a neuron that fires when an animal observe the same action performed by another
animal [RiCr04]. The mirror neuron was first discovered by Giacomo Rizzolatti, et al. in the
ventral premotor cortex of monkey [DFFG92, RFGF96]. Later, Molenberghs et al. [MoCM09]
found that it also exists in human perception system. Although there is no widely accepted
model for explaining how the mirror neuron is supporting the cognitive functions, its possible
functions include:
- understanding intentions,
- learning facilitation,
- human self-awareness,
- automatic imitation,
- motor mimicry etc.
Although the mechanism of how the does visual feedback can reduce the pain is not
clear yet, the relation between the visual and motor properties is an important functional aspect
of mirror neuron or mirror neuron system [RiCr04]. One fact is that observing the action of the
healthy limb during the mirror therapy influences the cortical and spinal motor neuron
excitability. H-reflex (or Hoffmann’s reflex) is a reflectory reaction of muscle induced by
electrical stimulations. It is a valuable tool for assessing the monosynaptic reflex activity in the
spinal cord [PaIH04]. Baldissera et al. [BCCF01] measured the value of the H-reflex while
observing healthy subjects opening and closing their hands. The H-reflex of the antagonist
muscle (flexors in the forearm when opening the hand) increases during hand opening and
decreases during hand closuring. For the extensors, the conclusion is opposite as the flexor.
That means that there exists an inhibitory mechanism which can prevent subjects to do as what
they observe.
- The spatial dimension is narrow and the patient’s head is required to be oriented into
the mirror with the body held in midi-sagittal plane.
- The patient have to ignore the intact limb which provides the reflection.
Different from mirror reflection, Virtual Reality (VR) can create a virtual scenario with
complete vision on both healthy and affected limbs thus giving a stronger visual impact on
patient. With VR applications more and more physical activities can be simulated and feed-
back visualized to the patient thus providing more possibilities than mirror. For those reasons,
more and more researchers and physical therapists apply VR or computer-based applications in
rehabilitation activities.
Based on the effect of the mirror box therapy in the phantom limb pain, Eynard et al.
[EyMB05] developed an augmented reality (AR) application which copy the movement of the
healthy limb and symmetrically apply on the residual limb with adapting its positon and
orientation. The mechanism of the application is shown in Figure 3.5. In this way, patient is
allowed to have a desynchronized movement between the healthy arm and phantom arm.
Figure 3.5 Copy movement of the part of healthy limb and symmetrically displayed on the
residual limb side [EyMB05].
A year later, Murray et al. [MPCH06] replaced the mirror with VR environment. They
created a platform involving the transposition of the movements of healthy limb into the
movements of the virtual representor of residual limb in the VR environment (Figure 3.6). The
main equipment includes:
- 5DT-14 dataglove,
Three patients with phantom limb were involved into the experiment. The results show that
two of them reported a pain decrease. The missing hand was visualized to patients with head-
mounted display. The movement of the virtual limb (left hand) is the symmetrical transposition
of the healthy limb (right hand). Although this platform is not dedicated for CRPS rehabilitation
yet, it provides a good exhibition on how to build a virtual scenario to afford a visualization on
the limb movement.
Figure 3.6 VR environment for transposition of the movements of healthy limb [MPCH06].
Although some patients in [MPCH06] reported the relief of the pain in the residual limb
after performing the therapy in the VR platform, it still has some limitations.
- Firstly, head oriented into the mirror and ignoring the intact limb are not the key
elements of restricting the effect of mirror box. The key problem is that mirror box in
mirror therapy cannot arouse the voluntary movements of the stump which directly
cause the restriction of its normal activities. Note that this problem exists not only in the
mirror therapy for the phantom limb pain, but also for the CRPS patients.
- Secondly, in both mirror therapy and virtual reality therapy system the patient has to
associate the proprioception of movement of the healthy limb in the reality with the
visual perception of the affected limb in the virtual reality.
As the motor pattern of right hand stored in the corpus striatum is different with the left hand,
how does the mismatch between the proprioception in one side of the body and the visual
perception of another side influence the patient is not known yet.
Note, that CRPS patients, have a complete limb comparing with the phantom limb pain
patients. As previously said, because of the swelling and the pain in the affected joint, they
normally have a limited range of movement in the affected limb [Seba11] (Figure 3.7) which
discourage them to actively use it in the physical therapy and the daily lift. The patient shown
in Figure 3.7 was diagnosed to have CRPS I at the wrist and fingers and started on gabapentin
and oxycodone in May 2010. From the picture taken in Oct.2010, her wrist and finger show an
evident limited movement range comparing with the beginning of the first report of CRPS.
Figure 3.7 Evolution of CRPS patient hand movement [Seba11].
In the frame of a pilot study, realized in parallel with our work, Won et al.
[WTCK15]invited three patients, with pediatric CRPS in unilateral lower limb, to participate
into a VR therapy. Patients’ head and ankles positions were tracked. They can see a silver-
color and undetailed avatar from first person perspective in the HMD (Figure 3.8, the dark
human shape is the avatar and the deep one is the subject). Wearing head-mounted display
patients were asked to use their limbs to manipulate the avatar in order to hit balloons. Won and
his team proposed three conditions during the experiment:
- normal condition; the leg of the avatar has the same movement as the tracked subject
leg (Figure 3.8.a),
- extended condition: the avatar’s leg has an amplified by 1.5 gain factor movement to
the movement of subject’s leg (Figure 3.8.b.),
- switched condition: participant’s physical leg controls the avatar arm (Figure 3.8.c).
During the experiment the movement distance of patients’ affected legs are recorded. The data
shown that the total distance performance by the affected limb of patients was improved as
more sessions has been performed by them (patients). It was also reported that all patients were
remarkably calm while engaging in the experiment and this behavior were different from their
behavior during standard physical therapy sessions. From the feedback of the participants, it
seems that VR therapy proposed by Won et al. was tolerated by them. However, their
experiment cannot confirm the efficacy of using the virtual reality therapy to reduce the pain.
In this experiment, effects of using different avatars haven’t been tested and the reason for using
the silver undetailed avatar was not given either.
The discussion about using human-like avatar or unhuman-like avatar have started after the
concept of uncanny valley proposed by Mori [Mori70]. The uncanny valley theory is making a
hypothesis that human replicas that appear almost, but not exactly, like real human beings elicit
feelings of eeriness and revulsion among some observers. When humans observe and interact
with a robot, for instance, they have different expectations and movement predictions based on
appearance of the robot. Once the behavior of robot does not meet the brain’s expectation,
human will generate the prediction error. Saygin et al. [SCID12] proved that this error increases
when the robot appears like human but doesn’t move biologically. That means if robot looks
too human, we will expect too much from it. This conclusion may also fit the situation of using
avatar in VR environment. But what is the effect or subject’s feeling when he/she sees different
avatars with similar motion is worth to be tested.
Figure 3.8 (a). Normal condition; (b). Extended condition; (c). Switched condition [WTCK15].
Thus, based on the existing virtual reality platforms, a part of which were presented here
above, we think that applying such platforms in CRPS physical therapy can provide more
flexibility for the rehabilitation task design and potential application for CRPS rehabilitation
without wearing pain, or with less pain.
Through almost 20 years’ development, there are several data gloves available today such
- wireless Cyberglove (Figure 3.9.b) with twenty-two sensors allowing to measure the
rotations of fingers, palm and wrist. The Cyberglove was firstly commercialized in 1992.
- Humanglove (Figure 3.9.c) is equipped with twenty sensors to measure flexion/extension of
five fingers, thumb abduction/adduction, wrist flexion and abduction/adduction.
- 5DT data glove (Figure 3.9.d) whit one sensor in each finger to measure the overall flexion
of the five fingers [DiSD08].
- Multi-colored low-cost glove [WaPo09] (Figure 3.9.e) which can estimate the user hand
Note, that for patients with a sensitive or painful skin, there are not available data gloves yet
allowing tracking their motions.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 3.9 Glove tracking systems: a). Flex and Pinch glove [LaZe99]; b). Cyberglove,
Immersion Corporation; c). Humanglove, Image courtesy Humanware; d). 5DT data glove; e). Multi-colored glove [WaPo09].
112 Based on marker tracking system
Putting makers on fingers and using motion capture system is another way for tracking the
motion hand’s joint. In order to explore a new way for user to have a direct interaction with the
virtual object during a computer-aided sculpting task, Sheng et al. [ShBS06] used Vicon motion
capture system to track the movements of three fingers attached with markers (Figure 3.10).
However, the complexity of using markers and the expensive cost limit its usage in tracking all
joints of the hand.
- hand free,
- holding a mug,
- lifting a travel bag.
The recognized finger gesture can be used as different commands. However, this technology is
difficult to be applied in fine task of dexterous manipulation. The finger gesture that can be
recognized strictly depends on those have been defined before artificial neural network offline
(a) (b)
Figure 3.11 Finger gesture recognition platform in [STMB09]: a). The frame of the platform
in; b). Three finger-gesture sets.
- The movement reconstruction for the thumb has very large error. It may be because
the camera treats the thumb as a regular finger while the thumb has a more complex
motion in reality.
- The pinky finger movement reconstruction also has a relatively big error. The reason
may be that based on the position of the camera, the pinky finger may be not visible in
certain positions.
Figure 3.12 Hand image based tracking device in [KHIB12]: a). Main hardware of the device;
b). Signal processing steps for reconstructing the finger movements; c). The finger movement
reconstruction results of five finger gesture.
Leap MotionTM is a low-cost device whit two monochromatic infrared cameras and three
infrared LEDs allowing to detect a hemispherical area, of about 1 meter, situated above it. The
coordinate system of Leap Motion is shown in Figure 3.13.a. The hand is represented by a
twenty-six points model as shown in Figure 3.13.b. To each detected point an ID is allocated.
Thus, with Leap Motion SDK (software development kit), we consider that it will be easy to
obtain the position of each joint detected on fingers and wrists. The vertical working distance
of Leap Motion ranges from 25mm to 600 mm.
Note that one of Leap Motion limitations is when some parts of two hands are
overlapping or are too close to each other. In the case of overlapping far parts of the hand are
disappearing (Figure 3.14, red circle marks the missing part of avatar hand). Another limitation
is that if the palm is parallel to ZY plan (see Figure 3.13), the motion tracking is unstable for
all the fingers.
Figure 3.13 Leap Motion: a). Leap Motion coordinate system, []; b).
Leap Motion hand model, [].
Figure 3.14 Leap motion limits. The left thumb disappears because of overlapping of two
The application used in the performed experiment of this chapter was developed by Charles-
Henry Dufetel in the frame of his mater thesis [Dufe15].
In our opinion virtual reality can significantly increase the interest of the patients to
actively devote themselves into physical therapy and consequently encourage them to actively
use their affected limbs during rehabilitation.
The main purpose for applying virtual reality into CRPS rehabilitations is to encourage
them to participate in the physical therapy thanks of its advantages. Namely, the possibility to
amplify the patient’s movements thus letting them to see some movements that they cannot
achieve in the physical world.
Comparing with the available technologies for hand tracking, some of which were shortly
presented here above, we consider that Leap Motion does not need the preset figure gesture.
However, it has acceptable reconstruction results for tracking the thumb and pinky fingers with
a relatively lower cost. Note also, that Leap Motion can work in a relatively high accuracy of
movement reconstruction with high frequency. The different applications can be built for
Windows, iOS and Android systems. For the design of computer-based application for physical
therapy, Unity3D can provide a strong support for the development of the human-computer
interaction scenario. Thus, the development of the application is based on Unity3DTM which is
a comprehensive software and widely applied for game developments and 3D animations.
In order to realize functions in the application, several scripts have been developed based
on C# by Charles-Henry DUFETEL [Dufe15] in the frame of his MS training study. Figure
3.15 presents the communications amongst the scripts. HandControl in Leap Motion API is
detecting the actual motion of the hand. The detected motion parameters of palm center and
fingers are transferred to PseudoHapticHandController in Core part. Then based on the
amplification coefficients PseudoHapticHand and PseudoHapticFinger the avatar’s hand and
fingers rotations are calculated and consequently applied on the HandModel and FingerModel
of avatar’s hand. The relationship between the actual rotation angle of user hand joint θU and
the rotation angle of the same joint in avatar hand θA is:
𝜃𝐴 = 𝐶𝐴 ∙ 𝜃𝑈 (3-1)
Finally, the rotation angles of each joint of fingers and wrist of the avatar hand are recorded by
the application.
For CA <1 the joint movement of avatar’s hand is reduced comparing with the physical joint
of user’s hand. For CA >1 the joint movement is amplified thus the rendered movement of
avatar’s hand has a possibility to beyond the normal range of movement of human hand and
becomes a weird hand posture.
A screen view of the interface is presented in Figure 3.16. On the right side is situated the
control panel allowing to modify the amplification coefficients of wrist and MCP joint of each
finger. On the left side is displayed the application scenario including the avatar hand and
Figure 3.16 Virtual platform interface.
- hand model with normal skin texture (normal hand model) shown in Figure 3.17.a,
- hand model with silver skin texture (silver hand model) shown in Figure 3.17.b.
The normal hand looks more-like human hand while the silver one does not. With those two
different models, we can get subjects’ feedback about whether the human-like skin or not
detailed human skin help them to better associate the avatar motion with their own hand motion.
Both the normal and silver hands have left and right models. Note that women hand models are
not developed in this stage of the study.
(a) (b)
Figure 3.17 Two types of left hand models: a). with normal skin texture; b). with silver skin
In order to prevent the avatar hand moving beyond the normal range of human hand,
limitations for rotation in flexion, extension, abduction and adduction have been imposed to
wrist joint and metacarpophalangeal (MCP) of fingers according to [Appl93]. Table 3.1
presents the rotation angles limitations for wrist and MCP of index finger. The limitations for
MCP of the other four fingers are the same as the MCP of index finger.
Table 3.1 Rotation angle limitations for the wrist and the MCP of index finger of avatar hand.
- Wrist movement task: subjects perform flexion and extension around the wrist of
right (or left) hand for 10 times with five different amplification coefficients (Figure
3.18. a). All fingers should keep straight at the same plan as the palm.
- Fingers movement task: subjects perform flexion and extension around the first
finger joint of index, middle, ring and pinky fingers of right (or left) hand for 10
times with the same five amplification coefficients (Figure 3.18.b). The thumb
should keep static without rotation for distal interphalangeal joint (DIP) and
proximal interphalangeal joint (PIP).
(a) (b)
Figure 3.18 Movement tasks: a) Flexion and extension of wrist; b) Flexion and extension of
first finger joint of index, middle, ring and pinky finger.
There are five amplification coefficients from ranging from 0.25 to 4, namely: 0.25, 0.5,
1, 2 and4. When subjects performed the wrist movement task, the CA of each finger is 1. When
subjects performed the finger movement task, CA of the wrist is 1. In order to avoid the influence
of sequence, the order of five amplification coefficients were randomly applied. They were the
same for both wrist movement and finger movement tasks.
(a) (b)
Figure 3.19 Experiment setup: a). top view. The user was located 20 cm in front and 22 cm
near the hand support; b). scene.
In order to evaluate subject’s feeling, especially the pain, they were asked to fill in a
questionnaire before and after the experiment while using normal and silver hand models, (see
Appendix 3). The pain assessment scale utilized in here is Wong-Baker FACES Pain Rating
Scale [HoWW01]. The experimental process consists in:
2. Using the hand model with normal skin texture to perform the experiment. Asking the
subject to perform the wrist movement under different amplification coefficients and
4. Using the hand model with silver skin to perform the experiment. All operations are the
same as in step 2.
In each trail, subject performs one movement task with one amplification coefficient by
using one hand model. As there are two types of hand model, two movement tasks and five
amplification coefficients, totally each subject had to perform twenty trails.
3.5.3 Participants
Five subjects (one healthy volunteer, two healthy physical therapists, one healthy hospital
practitioner and one patient), aged from 31 to 61 participated in the experiments performed at
CHU Grenoble. The patient had undergone a surgery on the left hand and is currently accepting
the kinesiological training. Except the patient, none of subjects reported hand motor function
problems. All subjects, except one physical therapist, declared not having previous experience
on using virtual reality.
𝐷𝑚𝑖𝑛 = (3-2)
- LD is the length of the recorded data, equal with the recording time multiplied by the
sampling frequency (50 Hz).
- n is the total number for flexion and extension movements (here n=10).
The range of movement for the wrist of the avatar hand during the wrist movement task and the
range of movement of MCP of index finger of the avatar hand during the finger movement task
were calculated as well. The ranges of movement for both wrist and MCP of fingers are
calculated as:
Two close peaks
Figure 3.20 Raw signal of angle rotation detected on the wrist with marked peak and valley
for one subject as example.
When the amplification coefficient of each joint is 1, the motion of avatar hand is the
same as subject’s hand. In this condition, the raw signal of angle rotation recoded by the
application have been verified with goniometer.
3.6 Results
Figure 3.21 shows the range of movement of wrist (healthy subject and the patient)
during performing wrist movement task with different amplification coefficients on the avatar
hand. From Figure 3.21.a is seen that the wrist rotation angle of avatar hand controlled by the
healthy subject ranges from 29.63°to 110°when the amplification coefficient increased from
0.25 to 2, for the normal hand model. The wrist of the silver hand model controlled by healthy
subject with a range of movement increased from 26.6°to 110°. No obvious difference has
been observed between the data of normal hand avatar and silver hand avatar during the wrist
movement. That means that the healthy subject had the similar range of movement of wrist for
the two hand models.
Figure 3.21.b shows that following the increase of amplification coefficient, avatar
hand movement controlled by the patient ranges from 20.20°to 110°with normal hand model
and from 21.48°to 110°with silver hand model.
The avatar hand controlled by both healthy subject and patient arrived at the limitation
of flexion and extension when the amplification coefficient was 2.
Normal Silver
Rotation angle (degree)
0.25 0.5 1 1.5 2
Amplification coefficient
Normal Silver
Rotation angle (degree)
0.25 0.5 1 1.5 2
Amplification coefficient
Figure 3.21 Ranges of movement of subjects’ wrist: a). Healthy subject; b). Patient.
Figure 3.22 shows the range of movement of the MCP of index finger of avatar hand
during finger movement. No matter the healthy subject or the patient, the range of movement
of MCP of index finger increases when the amplification coefficient increases which is similar
with the wrist movement. Avatar hand controlled by both patient and healthy subject arrived at
the limitation of flexion and extension of MCP of index finger when the amplification
coefficient was 2.
Normal Silver
Rotation angle (degree)
0.25 0.5 1 1.5 2
Amplification coefficient
Normal Silver
Rotation angle (degree)
0.25 0.5 1 1.5 2
Amplification coefficient
Figure 3.22 Ranges of movement of subjects’ MCP of index finger: a). Healthy subject; b).
the experiments which means that no one had uncomfortable feeling during the experiment. For
the only patient among subjects, he has light pain in the hand.
From Table 3.3, three subjects thought that the normal hand model makes them more
uncomfortable. It means that they found the avatar undetailed silver hand better.
Table 3.4 presents subjects’ suggestions for improving the application. The suggestions focus
on how to increase the identity of avatar hand. The hospital practitioner and the physical
therapists focus mostly on increasing the robustness of the application and applicable conditions
for future applications. However, due to some limitations of Leap Motion device, as its
robustness, it may limit its medical application in short time period.
Subject Suggestions
Healthy That the movements on the screen are more in tune with the real movement
subject of the hand.
1. The applicable situations for different amplification coefficients:
- Amplification coefficient bigger than 1: Maintenance of the
motor cortex of patient whose symptoms are restricted
movements because of the damaged motor organs such as:
Physical tendons, section, stents;
therapist 1 - Amplification coefficient less than 1: For patients with higher
stiffness which results in a decreased range of movement;
2. Coupling the device to a detection of activity such as:
- muscular activity (EMG signal),
- motor cortex (EEG (electroencephalogram) signal).
3. Raises the question of rings, scars.
1. To fix the shoulder and the elbow in order to suppress fluctuation of
the forearm.
2. To improve the bending movement which is more disturbed while
approaching the Leap Motion.
3. With the amplification of the movement, we could imagine allow
patients to improve the mobility of their fingers and wrist.
Physical 4. Less applications for amplitude’s rehabilitation. Can be for people
therapist 2 who are obliged to move their fingers in a precise and limited
angulation (Ex. Expander Rehabilitation, Movement meta- Corpo
phalangeal 0-30°). There are other constraints as passive return in
5. Interest to add objects at virtual hand: we are more in functional
training, in the field of occupational therapy, while without object,
we are on the analytical motorization (this is a plus for
3.7 Discussion
From the results of avatar hand movements, no matter for the wrist or the MCP of fingers, the
range of rendered movements increases when the amplification coefficient increases. This
means that the application has successfully created a rendered hand motion which changes
following the change of amplification coefficients.
As there are rotation limits for rendered motion of the avatar hand joints, it is possible
to have an unused zone where the user’s hand is still moving while the avatar hand stops. For
example, if the amplification coefficient for the wrist is 2, the avatar hand will stop when the
user’s hand performs flexion more than30°. Thus, for user’s wrist the zone between 30°and 60°
flexion is an unused zone (see Figure 3.23).
Figure 3.23 Unused zone for user.
In order to avoid the unused zone, the amplification coefficient of each joint of the avatar
hand should depend on corresponding user’s joint range movement. Assuming βj is the range
of movement of joint j of avatar hand, then the constrain is:
𝐶𝐴𝑗 ×𝛽𝑆𝑗 ≤ 𝛽𝑗 ⇒ 𝐶𝐴𝑗 ≤ 𝛽 𝑗 (3-5)
From equation (3-5), is seen that for given βj a smaller βSj allows bigger range of CAj.
This result indicates that coefficient superior than 1 may be used just at the beginning of the
rehabilitation process when patient cannot move his limb with a great amplitude, while this
coefficient should decrease as the range of restored movement increases.
Concerning the pain evaluation, the results shown that subjects did not feel any pain
during the experiments, no matter the hand model or amplification coefficient are. This proves
that the application can be tolerated by the patients and consequently may be potentially useful
for rehabilitation.
More than half of subjects felt that using the normal hand avatar is less comfortable,
despite its human hand details (hair, skin color, blood vessel, …). From the subjects’ suggestion,
the reason might be that more details that we provide on the avatar hand, more evidences are
available for subject to deny similarity between his own hand and the avatar hand. From this
aspect, the silver hand obviously provides less characteristics and subjects focus more on the
movement of the avatar hand instead of appearance details. This conclusion is in agreement
with the uncanny valley and the conclusion presented by Saygin et al. in [SCID12]. As the
silver hand model looks less human, subjects’ have less expectation on the avatar movement.
Note, that different from the mirror therapy, the patient’s hand is not hidden with a box.
Previously performed test shown that covering the hand by a box changes the light environment
around the hand which influences the operation of Leap Motion.
Two physical therapists, specialized in hand movement reconstruction, have shown their
interests for potential application when the movement of hand is amplified. They think that this
can encourage patients to perform large movements in rehabilitation activities. When the
amplification coefficient is less than 1, one physical therapist thinks that the proposed
environment can be useful to force patients to perform bigger ranges of movements when he
thinks it is necessary to accelerate the training process while the patients do not want to.
3.8 Conclusion
In this chapter CRPS with its symptoms and available treatments were introduced. The most
important thing after the medical treatment of CRPS patients is that they are encouraged to
actively use their affected limbs once they can perform the physical therapy.
However, for participating in the physical therapy, the biggest obstacle for CRPS
patients is the limited range of movement of the affected joints resulting from swelling,
abnormal tissue growth or pain. Mirror therapy efficacy on releasing the pain of CRPS has been
proved (see the reference cited in section, however the problem is that patients have to
ignore the healthy limb or at least have a healthy limb which can be reflected on the mirror.
For humans, the visual feedback can influence the motor neuron excitability or directly
the motor behavior because of mirror neuron system. In order to provide more flexibility and
increase the functionalities in physical therapy scenario, virtual reality environment has been
used in development of computer-based physical therapy application for CRPS. Several
researchers have utilized the virtual reality for creating a rendered motion different from the
real motion of patient’s affected limb. The positive feedback from the patients implies that is
meaningful to explore deeper on how to create a virtual reality or computer-based scenario
which can better encourage CRPS patients to actively use their affected limbs.
Thus, an application based on Leap Motion for CRPS rehabilitation has been developed.
With this application, the user hand motion can be tracked and reconstructed on avatar hand.
The relationship between user’s physical hand motion and rendered motion of avatar hand can
be modified also. In order to test the usage availability of this application for CRPS patients, an
experiment has been performed as a pilot study at Grenoble CHU. In the experiment, two types
of hand models, normal and silver hand model, have been controlled by subjects to perform the
wrist and finger movement while the rotated joints of avatar hand were either amplified or
decreased. Even if lacking of sufficient number of subject, three of them indicated that the silver
hand model is more comfortable to use.
The developed application did not worse subjects’ pain during the experiments which
proves its potential application for CRPS patients’ rehabilitation. As the no evident pain in the
patient among the tested subjects, how the CRPS patient will react to the application need to be
verified in the future. With this application, patient can perform the rehabilitation task in his/her
home, and the recorded motion data can be sent back to the practitioner at the hospital. This is
helpful for decentralizing the patient treatment from the hospital and realizing the remote
monitoring rehabilitation which can save medical resource and time. However, before definitive
conclusions can be drawn, further studies need to be performed with more subjects and with
different pathologies.
General conclusion
Some limitations of the available techniques and unknown physiological aspects for VR-based
concepts and applications stimulated this research on understanding and evaluating the effect
of simulated haptic feedback on the human perception and behavior in general, and its
application for CRPS rehabilitation in particular. Different existing research methods and
available tools in the field of fatigue evaluation in VR-based operations, and the effect of VR-
based concept in haptic simulation were presented. Some existing classical and computer-based
methods for CRPS rehabilitation are also presented. We pointed out that a simple method for
evaluation of muscle fatigue levels associated with disassembly operations is needed for
disassembly sequence evaluation during product design phase. There exist two main problems
in this field:
- One is the evaluation model using parameters obtained in a subjective way without
corresponding physical considerations of the operator.
- The other one is the evaluation method requiring some physiological parameters
with poor availability.
Stiffness simulation, being one of the key aspect in pseudo-haptics, has attracted some
researchers to provided prospects on better understanding its effect on human perception and
consequently human behavior. As we are aware there is no work which analyzes the pseudo-
haptic from a biomechanical point of view. For the CRPS rehabilitation, VR has been applied
to create more possibilities of manipulating the visual feedback and overcome some drawback
of the existing classical physical therapy methods.
We think that a low-cost device for hand tracking and movement reconstruction with acceptable
accuracy is ideal for decentralizing the CRPS hand rehabilitation from hospital. Thus, we have
led a biomechanical analysis of different aspects of Virtual Reality and its potential application
for rehabilitation. Thus, the aim of our work was to contribute in better understanding the
human perception and behavior under the influence of VR-based concepts, and to apply our
findings in further studies into the design of low-cost computer-based solution for CRPS hand
In Part I, entitled “Biomechanical analysis of haptic-based concepts and tasks”, we investigated
the evaluation of operator’s muscle fatigue in disassembly operation simulation with haptic
device in VR environment, and studied a stiffness discrimination task and its influence on
human perception and behavior.
First, we focused on muscle fatigue evaluation of the operator while performing disassembly
task in VR environment with using haptic device. In here a new method for disassembly task
evaluation which aims at using the expenditure volume of metabolic energy to quantify
fatiguing disassembly tasks was proposed. The method is based upon four hypothesizes proved
by experimental tests. The proposed model was employed to calculate the associated fatigue
levels while performing different tasks. For this purpose, the RMS value of EMG signals were
recorded and analyzed. In order to verify the validity of the proposed method, series of
experiments, consisting in performing basic operations with haptic device in VR environment,
were performed. The theoretical results were compared with the experimental ones. The
agreement between them indicated that the proposed method is pertinent for estimating the level
of peripheral fatigue induced while performing disassembly tasks in VR environment. As a
conclusion, the use of the current method should be extended to different VR tasks when fatigue
evaluation is required.
Secondly, we focused on the investigation for better understand the pseudo-haptic effect on
human perception and motor behavior through a stiffness discrimination experiment between a
real spring and a virtual one (pseudo-haptic spring). The PSE point analysis confirmed the
underestimation of the stiffness of virtual spring which was firstly evoked in [LCKR00]. Hand
pressing force, some kinematic parameters of pressing movement, EMG signals on flexor and
extensor, and muscle co-activation during pressing the real and virtual springs have been
analyzed and compared. One major and novel result concerns the force behavior aspect, since
both real and virtual springs have increased the subjects’ pressing force with the increase of the
stiffness, with different rates. Corresponding to the same stiffness, the force on virtual spring is
higher than on the real, but the gap decreases following the increase of the stiffness. During
pressing on real spring, which is a dynamic task, since the fingertip moves, both the maximal
pressing velocity and the muscle co-activation decrease following the increase of the stiffness.
This phenomenon was also found while pressing the virtual spring which means that pseudo-
haptic feedback can induce the muscle co-activation as in a dynamic task for finger even if the
fingertip is static. These results are strong enough to indicate that pseudo-haptic effect is a tool
that makes possible to manipulate pressing force and co-activation in the involved joints.
Finally, in Part II, entitled “Application in CRPS rehabilitation”, CRPS disease and the existing
challenges in its physical therapy have been introduced. In order to help patients to improve
performance in the rehabilitation task, a low-cost application based on Leap Motion device, has
been introduced and applied in a pilot study at CHU Grenoble to test its availability of usage.
This part of the study focusses on manipulating the visual feedback in the VR-based application
to encourage CRPS patients to actively participate in physical therapy and better perform
rehabilitation. For this purpose, as previously said, an application based on Leap Motion for
CRPS rehabilitation has been developed. With this application, the relationship between user’s
physical hand motion and rendered motion of avatar hand can be modified. In order to test the
potential usage of this application for CRPS patients, experiments have been performed at CHU
of Grenoble. The results shown that the range of movement of the avatar has changed following
the applied amplification coefficients. This proved that the application successfully provides a
rendered hand motion which changes following the values of the amplification coefficients.
Through evaluating subjects’ pain during performing the experiment, it is shown that the
application is safe to be use for CRPS patients in rehabilitation.
Future work
Our research contributed to better understand the influence of haptic-based concepts and
applications on human perception and behavior. However, there are still some improvements
which can be considered in short time extended study:
- Concerning the fatigue evaluation, its levels were calculated/estimated knowing the
disassembly path of each component. One of the parameters appearing in the proposed
mechanical model, angle 𝜃1 (between the forearm and the horizontal frame) had to be
measured. In future work, instead of using Kinect to measure this angle, a geometrical
model for its calculation should be built and after then integrated into the proposed
mechanical model.
- Concerning the pseudo-haptic it has been proved that through manipulating the visual
feedback, different motor behaviors of user including pressing force and co-activation
in the involved joints can be induced. As the performed experiments are only in the
stiffness discrimination, this limits the generation about the conclusions obtained in
pseudo-haptics. There are many physical properties and parameters that have been
simulated by using pseudo-haptic feedback, such as: friction, texture, shape, weight,
force filed, torque etc. How the pseudo-haptic feedback influence on the human
behavior during the simulation of those physical properties and parameters are unknown
yet which can be investigated in the future. Moreover, before drawing conclusions about
co-activation changes with pseudo-haptic feedback, further studies should be conducted
on a simpler biomechanical joint, as the elbow joint which has less muscles involved in
its rotations.
- Concerning the CRPS rehabilitation, all the subjects involved in the performed
experiments expressed that the hand movement of the avatar was not always stable. We
suppose that this is due may be of the accuracy or some limitations of Leap Motion
device. In future, the improvement of the hand tracking and reconstruction with using
other existing low-cost devices can be done in order to render avatar hand movement
more robust. User’s identity may be also improved by using more personalized avatar
hand model in the application. For instance, 3D scanner model may be used to rapidly
generate a customized avatar hand. Note, that at this stage of the study, it is not known
yet whether such a model or an undetailed one is better for CRPS patients. We have
used two hand models in the application. However, lacking of sufficient number of
patients, and relative investigation on which model has better effect on improving
patient motor functions and reducing the pain, makes these questions still open for future
Let us recall, that there are two main types of rehabilitations: kinesiological and occupational.
The first one focuses more on the basic motor function recover while the second one focuses
more on motor function rehabilitation in occupational scenario.
- We believe that the possibilities offered by the virtual reality environments with their
rich sources of information and high level of innovative interaction may augment the
patients’ interest to performing simple and repeated rehabilitation task. Thus, comparing
with kinesiology rehabilitation training, the occupational rehabilitation training may
provide scenarios which are closer to the daily or professional life. A disassembly task
simulation, for instance, in virtual reality can be used as a rehabilitation task. Instead of
traditional rehabilitation tasks which are often annoying and repeatable, a disassembly
operation can give the patient a kind of feeling of great achievement which can
enormously encourage him/her to perform the rehabilitation task. Due to the motor
abnormal function of CRPS patients and chronic pain, their fatigue endurance is bigger
or lower than the healthy people. This requires to consider the fatigue factor in the
design and usage of the rehabilitation task according to the fatigue endurance capacity
of each patient. We consider that the method proposed here for evaluating the fatigue
levels associated with different disassembly tasks may allow the physical therapist to
choose rehabilitation task for specific patient in order to consider patient’s fatigue
tolerant capacities.
- For the CRPS patients, the abnormal co-contraction, as the deficient activation, is
resulting in their abnormal limb posture, as mentioned in [BPMB13]. In order to deal
with the loss voluntary modulation of muscle activity or deficient muscle co-activation
of CRPS patients, there is a chance for us to try to manipulate the relationship between
the actual motion and rendered motion in virtual reality. It will induce a different motor
strategy to compensate the lost voluntary of muscle activity, especially in kinesiological
therapy which is principally aiming at helping the patients to recover the basic
movement functions of their affected limbs.
- The developed application for CRPS patients’ rehabilitation based on the Leap Motion
can be useful in kinesiological therapy. When the rendered motion (visual feedback) is
bigger than the real motion of patient’s hand, it can encourage him/her to overcome the
limited range of movement. However, the choice of amplification coefficients depends
on the actual range of movement of user in order to avoid the unused zone. On the other
hand, when the rendered motion is smaller than the motion of patient’s hand, it can
induce the patient to move in a bigger range in order to accelerate the rehabilitation
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There are six sets of electrodes distributed on the operator’s hand in order to detect the EMG
on each point (two for the flexor and extensor wrist muscles, one for the biceps and one for the
triceps muscle). The electrode on the wrist is used as ground to reduce the noise.
Parameters to be measured
2. EMG curve of each operator’s arm muscle involved to manipulate the haptic device.
3. The velocities of some points on the operator’s arm.
Experimental steps
1. Each operator (subject) should be familiar with the basic operations including
selecting component, achieve translation of component in any directions and rotations
around any orientations. For this purpose, every operator has three minutes to get
familiar with the haptic device before the experiment.
2. To locate six sets of electrodes in the corresponding places of operator’s arm.
3. Let the operator do the nine basic exertions to obtain the values of MVC of each
joint. The movements are show in the following figures.
Figure 2. MVC 1 (left) and MVC 2 (right).
Figure 5. MVC 7 (left) and MVC 8 (right).
Figure 6. MVC 9.
4. Let the operator to repeatedly manipulate the motor from the bottom of frame to the
top of the frame for five minutes with standing position.
5. To record the EMG signals for the six sets of electrodes of EMG system.
Use the Kinect scanner to measure some angles of rotation and the speed of some
points on the muscles.
Appendix 2. Experimental protocol
1. Questionnaire
The purpose of the experiment is to compare the stiffness of two simulated springs. A simulated
spring (spring for short) is composed of a button (Fig.1.b), and a piston visualized on the screen
For each trial, you will be asked to perform a stiffness discrimination task between two springs.
The pistons of two compared springs will be displayed on the screen titled “Spring A” and
“Spring B”. For each spring, the ID of the corresponding button is indicated just below “Button
N°i/ Button N°j”. In Figure 3a, the button associated with piston A is button No. 1 and the
button associated with piston B is button No. 4. For each trial, you have to press spring B first.
a). b).
The information presented on the top of the screen (Fig.1a) indicates that you are performing
Trial 1 and you have spent 10s. To evaluate a spring during the stiffness discrimination task,
you have to use your index finger to press the button inside the box while continuously looking
at the rendered piston movement on the computer screen.
1. You compare the stiffness of each of the two given springs (you can switch back and
forth between the two springs as you wish). It is recommended to give your answer
within 20 seconds.
2. Once you have made your decision of which spring is stiffer, you have to push key ‘S’
to Stop the trial.
3. Then the computer will ask the question ‘Which spring is stiffer?’ (Fig. 2.a).
4. Pushing key ’A’ indicates that you found that spring A is stiffer (harder) than spring
B. Pushing key ’B’ indicates that you found spring B stiffer than spring A.
5. The system will then ask you to confirm your answer (Fig. 2b). To confirm your
answer, you have to push key ‘Y’ (Yes). Otherwise, you can push key ‘N’ (No), and it
will return to the question in order to let you correct your answer.
6. You have to give an answer for each trial.
3. Pay attention:
1. As previously said, when you press the simulated spring’s button, you have to look at
the computer screen. When the “STOP PRESSING” message is appearing on the
screen, you have to stop pressing immediately. If not, you may reach unoperational
part of the spring.
2. Your forearm must always be in contact with the two black blocks.
3. After the experiment, please do not speak about the experiment with your colleagues
(they may also be invited as subjects, and have to be naive to the purpose of the
a). b).
Appendix 3. Questionnaire
Before Experiment
6. Do you have previous experience with using virtual reality? Yes□ No□
7. During the experiment, do you have any uncomfortable feeling? Yes□ No□
If ‘yes’, indicate which one make you more uncomfortable
Normal skin □ Silver skin □
8. Do you think using this application will encourage you to better participant in the physical
therapy? Yes□ No□
9. What is the most interesting thing that you want to do by controlling the hand in computer
screen as physical therapy scenario?
Nowadays, Virtual reality (VR) is being more and more integrated into many fields of our daily life thus
influencing some practices such as: human behavior, communication methods, cognition… amongst others. In this
context, our research aimed to better understand how VR is influencing on human behavior with using
biomechanical analysis methods and its application for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) rehabilitation
in particular. Firstly, the muscle fatigue levels associated with different disassembly task simulations by using
haptic device in VR environment are evaluated. For this purpose, a new analytical model for mechanical energy
expenditure is proposed where the required mechanical work is used as main parameter. After then, the proposed
method is validated by analyzing the recorded electromyography (EMG) signals on operator’ arm performed in a
VR environment. Secondly, we focus to understand the effect of pseudo-haptic on human behavior. The task
consisted in discriminating the stiffness between a real and a virtual spring. For this purpose, series of experiments
were performed on the specially designed test bench. The pressing force, some kinematic parameters of the test
and the EMG signals recorded from the involved muscles of subjects’ arms were analyzed and compared. It was
found that pressing forces on both real and virtual springs have similar behavior and the muscle co-activation
induced by pseudo-haptic spring behavior is as in dynamic task, even though subjects’ fingers were static while
pressing on the virtual spring. Pain and muscular maladaptation, due to the abnormal posture of affected limbs,
are big obstacles for CRPS patients in their physical therapy and daily lives. Thus, in order to overcome some
drawbacks of the traditional physical therapy, an application based on Leap Motion and Unity3D was developed
allowing to manipulate the relationship between the user’s physical hand motion and the rendered avatar virtual
motion. The application was validated by a pilot study performed at University Hospital Center (CHU) Grenoble
in the Service of Hand surgery. During the experiments the rendered avatar hand motion is shown identical,
amplified or reduced compared to the users’ real hand motion. Users’ feedback, after each experience, allowed to
positively conclude for the possibility to use the application in rehabilitation process.
Key words: disassembly task evaluation; muscle fatigue; virtual reality; force; muscle co-activation; pseudo-
haptic feedback; stiffness discrimination; Complex Regional Pain Syndrome; rehabilitation.
Aujourd’hui la réalitévirtuelle (RV) est de plus en plus intégrée dans de nombreux aspects de notre vie quotidienne
et, par conséquent, elle influence certaines pratiques comme : le comportement humain, les méthodes de
communication, la cognition… entre autres. Dans ce contexte, notre recherche a visé à mieux comprendre
comment la réalitévirtuelle (RV) influence le comportement humain en utilisant les méthodes d'analyse de la
biomécanique et son utilisation dans la réhabilitation du Syndrome douloureux régional complexe (SDRC) en
particulier. Premièrement les niveaux de fatigue musculaire associés àdifférentes tâches de désassemblage en
utilisant un dispositif haptique dans un environnement RV ont été évalués. A cet effet, un nouveau modèle
analytique pour la dépense d'énergie mécanique est proposé où le travail mécanique requis est utilisé comme
paramètre principal. Ensuite, la méthode proposée a étévalidée par l'analyse des signaux EMG (électromyographie)
enregistrés sur le bras de l’opérateur lors d’un exercice réalisé dans l’environnement de RV. En second lieu, nous
nous sommes concentrés sur la compréhension de l'effet d’un retour pseudo-haptique sur le comportement humain.
La tâche consistait à discriminer la raideur d’un ressort simulé par rapport à un ressort réel. A cet effet des
expériences ont été effectuées sur un banc d'essai spécialement conçu. La force de compression, certains
paramètres cinématiques du test et les signaux EMG, enregistrés sur les muscles impliqués des bras des sujets ont
étéanalysés et comparés. Il a étéconstatéque les changements des forces de pression sur les ressorts réels et le
ressort virtuel ont un comportement similaire tandis que la co-activation musculaire induite par le comportement
du ressort virtuel est la même que dans le cas du test de ressort réel correspondant (tâche dynamique), en dépit du
fait que les doigts des sujets étaient immobiles en appuyant sur le ressort virtuel. La douleur et la mal-adaptation
musculaire associées àune posture anormale constituent des obstacles importants pour les patients souffrant de
CRPS dans leur thérapie physique et leur vie quotidienne. Ainsi, afin de surmonter certains inconvénients de la
thérapie physique traditionnelle, une application basée sur le Leap Motion et Unity3D a étédéveloppée permettant
de manipuler la relation entre le mouvement de l'utilisateur et le mouvement virtuel rendu de l’avatar. L’application
a étévalidée par une étude pilote menée au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire (CHU) de Grenoble (Service chirurgie
de la main). Au cours des expériences, le mouvement de la main de l’avatar est rendu identique, amplifié ou réduit
par rapport au mouvement réel de l’utilisateur. Les commentaires des utilisateurs, après chaque expérience, ont
permis de conclure positivement sur la possibilité d’utiliser l'application dans le processus de réhabilitation.
Mots-clés : évaluation des tâches de désassemblage; fatigue musculaire; réalité virtuelle; force; co-activation
musculaire; retour pseudo-haptique; discrimination de raideur ; Syndrome douloureux régional complexe;
réhabilitation ;