Calibration Procedure For Embedded Pile Modeling Based On in Situ Pile Load Tests
Calibration Procedure For Embedded Pile Modeling Based On in Situ Pile Load Tests
Calibration Procedure For Embedded Pile Modeling Based On in Situ Pile Load Tests
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Geotechnical Engineering for Infrastructure and Development
From a practical point of view, the lack of nodal 2 EMBEDDED PILE INTERFACES – SOIL/PILE
connectivity between the piles and the surrounding CONTACT PROPERTIES
soil is very useful especially in optioneering design
phases. Moreover, as illustrated by Figure 1, nodal The EP approach has been introduced extensively in
connectivity along the pile shaft and in correspond- the last decade and successfully applied to a number
ence of the pile tip is automatically restored by of relevant projects (e.g. Murrells et al., 2009). Pile-
means of beam-to-solid or node-to-solid special in- to-soil interfaces can be modelled accordingly to a
terface spring elements, respectively (e.g. Sadek and number of different constitutive models, as shown in
Shahrour, 2004). Figure 2a and 2b with respect to the pile shaft and the
A number of different constitutive models can be pile base, respectively. Generally, reversible non-
considered for pile-to-soil interfaces, ranging from linear behaviours are assumed.
non-linear elastic to elasto-plastic. Nonetheless, the
calibration of interface parameters is not an easy task,
and the role played by e.g. interface stiffness can be
critical from both a mechanical and a numerical point
of view. To this respect, model calibration is often
performed with respect to in situ full scale load pile
tests measurements.
The aim of the present work lies in testing the ap-
plicability of EP element in simulating in situ pile
load tests in layered soil. In particular, the im-
portance of employing frictional interface (FI) ele-
ments along the pile shaft, as recently implemented
in the 3D FEM code DIANA 9.5, is also clarified
with respect to alternative interface models.
In the following sections, a specific methodologi- (a)
cal path for the proper interface law calibration will
be proposed, and the role of both stiffness and
strength interface parameters will be clarified by
means of an extensive parametric analysis.
Analyses refer to a fully instrumented 50m long
and 2m diameter pile installed in a sequence of satu-
rated sand, silty clay and silty sand (Becci and Nova,
2007). Two Osterberg cells were placed at different
depths along the pile shaft and close to the pile base.
Cells were activated independently, in order to un-
couple the measurements of mobilization of the pile
base resistance from the shaft contribution. A proper
procedure enabled to measure in situ lateral friction
law along depth and, independently, to evaluate the (b)
load-displacement law of the pile tip. A preliminary
numerical prediction based on the soil parameters on- Figure 2. Interface behavior for pile shaft (a) and pile tip (b); LE:
Linear Elastic; SF: Non Linear Elastic:.
ly will be compared against results obtained from pa-
rameters calibrated on the pile test, and their discrep-
Figure 3 illustrates the results obtained from a single
ancy will be discussed. Finally, practical suggestions
vertically loaded EP: the mobilization of shaft and
in order to retrieve the necessary engineering pa-
base resistances can be easily identified by a change
rameters from in situ tests will be given, discussing
of stiffness in the global load-settlement curve, which
their influence on numerical analyses
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Tradigo, Castellanza, Partovi and Schreppers
Curve S+T: Shaft + TIP F F F Displacement. transducer
between datum beam and
10 monitored cross
sections by 3 strain
Curve S: Shaft gauges each – 7
section in the upper +26
2500 part
F [kN]
2000 L
3 ECTs for pile compression A
1500 Y
Curve T: tip
500 shaft tip shaft&tip 2x3 LWVTs for
cell opening
0 sampling
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045
s [m] O-Cell
In the present case study, frictional interface Figure 4. The Po Viaduct near Piacenza (Italy) and the Osterberg
cell layout for load pile test (adapted from Becci at al., 2007)
springs are employed (MC in Figure 2a), so that the
limit shear stress value τmax is defined as:
σ ' h = k σ 'v
(1) a)
τmax σ'h tan δi + ci ' =k σ'v tan δi + ci '
βi =τmax / σ'v
where k is the at rest horizontal pressure coeffi-
cient of the soil domain, while δι and ci are the inter-
face friction angle and cohesion, respectively for the
soil stratum i. Indeed, parameters can vary along the
pile length in order to take into account for the pres-
ence of different soil layers. It is also worth noting
the importance of modelling the dependence of the
maximum shear stress on the normal confining pres-
sure sh. In fact, the behaviour of a single isolated b)
pile is expected to be significantly different from the
case of a capped pile configuration: the presence of
the raft and of surrounding piles is likely to induce a
non-negligible increase of soil stresses along the pile
shaft, so that interface maximum shear stress grows
according to Equation 1.
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Geotechnical Engineering for Infrastructure and Development
displacement and the pile axial force variations dur- While the calibration of soil and the pile mechanical
ing the test, by means of a displacement transducer behaviour mainly depends on the complexity in-
and strain gauges, respectively. volved in the chosen soil constitutive model, the def-
On the basis of the aforementioned measurements, inition of soil-to-pile interface parameters involves
authors presented the mobilization of shear stresses some tricky steps.
and base resistance during the loading process, as In the following, in order to model the load dis-
shown in Figure 5. In Figure 8 the overall load- placement curve illustrated in Figure 5, four soil stra-
displacement curve of the in situ test is also reported ta with different geomechanical properties are con-
(curve “Pile A”). sidered. The assumed interface properties are
The most relevant soil properties employed during sketched in Figure 6a.
the calibration process are shown in Figure 6. In par-
ticular, β coefficients inferred from in situ measure- 4.1 Calibration #1
ments and Nspt value with depth are illustrated.
0 50
100 150
A preliminary analysis is carried out by employing
non-linear elastic interfaces. In Figure 7a, shear vs.
10 pile-soil relative displacement curves are inferred on
the basis of in situ measurements presented in Figure
5a. Similarly, a non-linear elastic curve has been em-
25 200
Z [m]
150 3
45 50
In order to perform the calibration of EP elements, a 55
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 dis [m]
number of different aspects need to be attentively
τ max [kPa]
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Tradigo, Castellanza, Partovi and Schreppers
In Figure 8 (curve Einf) a very good agreement be- of magnitude higher than the soil stiffness, any fur-
tween the pile test and the load-settlement curve ob- ther stiffness increment has no effect in the pile load
tained from the model is obtained when an infinitive test curve. To this respect, a scalar index Ferr can be
soil stiffness is considered, testifying the reliability of conveniently defined as the difference between the
in situ measurements. force obtained in the various parametric analysis and
It is apparent that, even if the real in situ load test the force obtained in the case with the highest stiff-
curve is well simulated, the infinitive stiffness of the ness, normalized with respect to the latter. Results
soil strata is unrealistic in order to employ the ob- are illustrated in Figure 9b. Results show that, even
tained parameters to more complex boundary prob- with very high stiffness values, the curve cannot be
lems, e.g. the bridge piled raft foundation presented back analysed.
in Figure 4. In order to overpass this limitation the following
Calibration #2 is adopted: higher soil stiffness values
are considered in combination with frictional inter-
Q [kN]
Figure 8. Calibration #1: simulation of pile load test curve.
parameters and the new Young modulus profile lead k=1e+3 k=1e+4 Pile A k=1e+5 k=1e+6 k=1e+7 k=1e+
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Geotechnical Engineering for Infrastructure and Development
40 The financial and technical support provided by Arup
to the first author's PhD research is gratefully
acknowledged; notes by by prof. Claudio di Prisco
60 and eng. Bruno Becci are also gratefully
ENspt E=Ecalibr
Figure 10. Calibration #2: a) calibrated values for the soil strata
stiffness (E calib);
Becci, B., Nova, R., Baù, A. and Haykal, R. (2007), Prove di
50000 carico su pali di grande diametro mediante l’impiego di celle
Osterberg, Rivista Italiana di Geotecnica (RIG), 41(4), 9-28, in
Q [kN]
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