Austro-German Customs Union Case
Austro-German Customs Union Case
Austro-German Customs Union Case
(PROTOCOL OF MARCH 19th, 1931)
5 septembre.
Rle gnral
no 41.
5 septembre 1931.
Prsents : MM. ADATCI, Prsident ; GUERRERO,Vice-prsident ;
le comte
NEGULESCO,le jonkheer VAN
September 5th.
General list :
No. 41.
(PRO'TOCOL OF MARCH 19th, 1931).
Before : MM. ADATCI, President ; GUERRERO,Vice-President ;
THE COURT,composed as above, gives the following opinion :
Aprs avoir obtenu les suggestions des gouvernements principalement intresss au sujet de la marche ultrieure de la
procdure dans l'affaire, le Prsident de la Cour, par une
L'Union siid-africaine, l'Allemagne, le Commonweal.tli d'Australie, l'Autriche, la Belgique, la Grande-Bretagne, le Dominion du Canada, la Chine,
la Rpublique de Cuba, i'Epagne, la France, la Grce, l'Inde, l'Italie, le
Japon, le Nicaragua, le Dominion de la Nouvelle-Zlande, la Pologne, le
Port~igal, la Roumanie, le Siam, la Tchcoslovaqiiie et la Yougoslavie.
referred to in the Council's Resolution. The minutes of the discussion (Council meetings of May 18th and rgth, 1931) following
which this Resolution was adopted, were sent subsequently.
The Secretary-General also forwarded to the Court, at the
latter's request, the text of the French Government's memorandum of May 14th 1931, submitted to the Council on the
18th of that month in connection with the "Austro-German
Protocol for the creation of a Customs Union", together
with the publication of the League of Nations entitled : The
Survey and
Financial Reconstruction of Austria-General
Principal Documents. Finally, the Secretary-General placed
at the Court's disposa1 French and English translations of the
Protocol of March rgth, 1931, which had been communicated
to him by the German delegation to the Sixty-Third Session
of the Council.
In conformity with Article 73, No. 1, paragraph 1, of the
Rules of Court, the request was communicated to Members
of the League of Nations and to States entitled to appear
before the Court. Furthermore, the Registrar, by means of a
special and direct communication, informed the Governments
of States bound by the Treaty of Saint-Germain-en-Laye of
September roth, 1919, or by Protocol No. 1 (Declaration)
relating to the reconstruction of Austria, signed at Geneva
on October 4th, 1922, or by the Austro-German Protocol
of March rgth, 1g311, which States were regarded by the
President of the Court (the latter not being in session) as
likely, in accordance with the terms of Article 73, No. 1,
paragraph 2, of the Rules, to be able to furnish information
on the question submitted to the Court for advisory opinion,
that the Court was prepared to receive from them written
statements and, if they so desired, to hear oral arguments
made on their behalf at a public hearing to be held for the
After obtaining the suggestions of the Governments chiefly
concerned on the subject of the subsequent procedure in
the case, the President of the Court, by an Order made on
May zyth, 1931, fixed July rst, 1931, as the date by which
the Governments which had received the above-mentioned
special and direct communication were to file their written
statements. By that date statements had been filed on behalf
of the German, Austrian, French, Italian and Czechoslovak
In the course of public sittings held on July zoth, z ~ s t ,
zznd, 23rd, 24th, 25th, 27th, z8th, zgth, 31st and August ~ s t ,
znd, 4th and 5th, 1931, the Court heard the oral arguments
of M. Viktor Bruns, on behalf of the German Government,
of M. Erich Kaufmann and M. Hans Sperl, on behalf of the
Austrian Government, of Me Paul-Boncour and M. Jules
Basdevant, on behalf of the French Government, of
M. KrkmAT and M. Plesinger Boiinov, on behalf of the Czechoslovak Government, and of M. Massimo Pilotti and M. Vittorio Scialoja, on behalf of the Italian Government, and
also the replies given by them to questions put by some
members of the Court.
In addition to the statements and observations of the
Governments appearing before the Court and the documents
transmitted by the Secretary-General of the League of Nations,
as stated above, the Court had before it certain documents
and written information sent to it by the representatives of
the said Governments.
The Court, in view of the fact that it included on the
Bench judges of the nationality of three only of the five
Governments which appeared before it, considered, before
the beginning of the public hearings, the question of the
application of Article 31 of the Statute and of Article 71
of the Rules of Court in the present case. It decided, on
July 17th, 1931, that there was no occasion for it to pronounce upon this question unless officially requested to do
so, and it instructed the Registrar to convey this decision
to the interested Governments.
Thereupon, the Agent for the Austrian Government, by
a letter dated the same day, officially submitted the said
question to the Court, at the same time informing the Court
of the name of the person whom the Austrian Governmt:nt
.would appoint as judge ad hoc in the event of the Court's
deciding that the said articles were applicable.
A la date du 18 juillet 1931, la Cour dcida de communiquer la lettre de l'agent du Gouvernement autrichien aux
agents des autres gouvernements intresss, en leur faisant
savoir qu'elle entendrait l'audience prvue pour le 20 juillet
et avant tout dbat toutes observations qu'ils dsireraient prsenter, et qu'elle se prononcerait ensuite sur la question dont
le Gouvernement autrichien l'avait saisie. La Cour ajouta que,
si une question analogue tait souleve par un autre gouvernement, elle statuerait en mme temps sur cette question.
Par lettre du mme jour, l'agent du Gouvernement tchcoslovaque, se rfrant au fait que la Cour venait d'tre saisie
de la question dont il s'agit, dclara <( prsenter et dsigner
la Cour, au cas de l'admission des juges ad hoc , une personnalit tchcoslovaque.
La Cour, en consquence, lors de l'audience qu'elle tint le
juillet 1931, entendit, avant tout dbat sur le fond,
M. Kaufmann, au nom du Gouvernement autrichien, M. Plesinger
BoBinov, au nom du Gouvernement tchcoslovaque, M. Bruns,
au nom du Gouvernement allemand, M. Basdevant, au nom
du Gouvernement franais, et M. Pilotti, au nom du Gouvernement italien, en leurs observations sur l'application de
l'article 31 du Statut et de l'article 71 du Rglement dans la
prsente affaire.
L'Autriche, raison de sa situation gographique au centre de l'Europe et des profondes transformations politiques
issues de la dernire guerre, est un point sensible de l'ordre
europen. Son existence, telle qu'elle rsulte des traits
de paix conclus la fin de la guerre, est un lment essentiel du rglement politique actuel, ayant dtermin, en Europe,
les consquences de la dissolution de la Monarchie austro-hongroise.
C'est ainsi que le Trait de paix conclu Saint-Germain
le I o septembre 1919 stipule :
Article 88.
Protocole no I .
D'une part,
Au moment o ils entreprennent d'aider l'Autriche
dans son uvre de restauration conomique et financire,
D'autre part,
S'engage, dans les termes de l'article 88 du Trait
de Saint-Germain, ne pas aliner son indpendance ;
il s'abstiendra de toute ngociation et de tout engagement
conomique ou financier qui serait de nature compromettre directement ou indirectement cette indpendance.
Cet engagement ne s'oppose pas ce que l'Autriche
conserve, sous rserve des dispositions du Trait de SaintGermain, sa libert en matire de tarifs douaniers et
d'accords commerciaux ou financiers et, en gnral, pour
tout ce qui touche son rgime conomique ou ses
relations commerciales, tant entendu, toutefois, qu'elle
ne pourra porter atteinte son indpendance conomique
par l'octroi un Etat quelconque d'un rgime spcial
ou d'avantages exclusifs, de nature menacer cette
Le prsent Protocole restera ouvert la signature de
tous les tats qui voudront y adhrer.
(Sign) SEIPEL.
Par un Protocole dress Vienne le 19 mars 1931, 1'Allemagne et l'Autriche sont convenues de conclure un trait en
vue d'assimiler les rapports de politique douanire et commerciale des deux pays sur des bases et des principes poss dans
ce protocole et aboutissant ainsi la constitution d'un rgime
d'union douanire.
Rien dans ce protocole ne prvoit un assentiment donner
par le Conseil de la Socit des Nations. Mais, en fait, ce
protocole fut communiqu par les Gouvernements allemand et
autrichien eux-mmes, notamment, aux Gouvernements britannique, fran~aiset italien ; le Gouvernement britannique en a
saisi le Conseil.
C'est dans ces conditions que le Conseil a pri la Cour de
donner un avis consultatif sur la question suivante :
Un rgime tabli entre l'Allemagne et l'Autriche, sur
la base et dans les limites des principes prvus dans le
Protocole du 19 mars 1931, dont le texte est annex la
prsente requte, serait-il compatible avec l'article 88 di1
Trait de Saint-Germain et avec le Protocole no 1, sign
Genve le 4 octobre 1922 ? 1)
(Signed) SEIPEL."
An act calculated to endanger cannot be assimilated to
the danger itself, still less to the consummation of that
danger, any more than a threatened loss or risk can be assimiIated to a loss or risk which actually materializes.
regards the Protocol signed at Geneva on October 4th, 1922, by Austria, France, Great Britain, Italy and
Czechoslovakia, and subsequently acceded to by Belgium and
Spain, it cannot be denied that, although it took the form
of a declaration, Austria did assume thereby certain undertakings in the economic sphere.
From the standpoint of the obligatory character of international engagements, it is well known that such engagements
may be taken in the form of treaties, conventions, declarations, agreements, protocols, or exchanges of notes.
That Austria's undertakings in the 1922 Protocol fall
within the scope of the obligations undertaken by her in
Article 88 of the Treaty of Saint-Germain appears from the
express or implied reference made to that provision in this
Accordingly, the "economic independence" expressly mentioned in the last paragraph of Austria's undertakings in
the 1922 Protocol refers in the economic sphere to "the
independence of Austria" within the meaning of Article 88
of the Peace ~ i e a t so
~ , that, as has been shown, a violation
of this "economic independence" would be a violation of
"the independence of Austria".
Thus also the g a n t of a special rgime or exclusive advantages calculated to threaten Austria's independence within the
As regards the Covenant of the League of Nations, however, while it certainly contains an undertaking to respect
the territorial integrity and political independence of each
Member and even to preserve as against external aggression
this territorial integrity and political independence, it must
be observed that it contains neither any undertaking on the
III. - En cet tat, si on considre le Protocole austro-allemand du 19 mars 1931, dont le texte entier est ci-aprs rapport
en annexe, on peut faire les constatations suivantes.
By the Protocol of Vienna of 1931, the German and Austrian Governments agreed to enter into negotiations for a
treaty "to assimilate the tariff and economic policies of their
respective countries" (Angleichung der 2011- und handelspoliiischelz
VerhiZtnisse) on the basis and within the lirnits of the
principles laid down in that Protocol (Preamble).
While declaring that the independence of the two States
and full respect for their international engagements are to
be completely maintained (Art. 1), both Governments undertook (Art. II) to agree on a tariff law and customs tariff
which are to be put into force simultaneously and concordantly in Germany and Austria and the technical execution
of which shall be uniform, although each country will enforce
its application by means of its own administration (Art. V),
the customs receipts being apportioned according to a quota
to be fixed (Art. V I , No. 2).
As between Germany and Austria, export and import
duties are in principle to be removed (Art. I I I ) . There will
be, subject to inevitable exceptions necessary for public health
and security, no import, export or transit prohibitions (Art. VII,
No. 1). As regards exchange of goods between the two
countries, the turnover tax and commodities forming the subject of monopolies or excise duties will provisionally be regulated by agreement (Art. IV).
As regards the economic treaty rgime, Article IX,
while declaring that both Governments retain in principle
(gr%ndsatxlich) the right to conclude commercial treaties
"on their own behalf", provides on the other hand
that the German and Austrian Governments will see that
the interests of the other Party are not violated .in contravention of the tenor and purpose of the customs union treaty,
i.e. the assimilation of the tariff and economic policies of
both countries ; the negotiations, Article I X continues, will,
as far as possible, be conducted jointly and, notwithstanding
that treaties are to be signed and ratified separately, exchanges
of ratifications are to be simultaneous (Art. IX, Nos. 2 and 3).
Enfin, la consquence ncessaire de ce nouveau rgime conventionnel conomique sera la modification du rgime conventionnel
autrichien actuellement en vigueur, lequel devra naturellement
tre mis en harmonie avec le trait d'union douanire projet
(art. X).
Par ailleurs, les contestations auxquelles pourraient donner
lieu l'interprtation et l'application du trait d'union douanire
seront soumises l'arbitrage d'une commission arbitrale paritaire
(art. XI, no I a ) , laquelle aura en outre pour mission
d'amener un compromis sur les cas oh le trait aura prvu des
arrangements spciaux et dans les cas o le trait aura subordonn la ralisation des intentions de I'un l'assentiment de
l'autre (art. XI, no I b).
Enfin, le trait, conclu sans fixation de dure, pourra tre
dnonc aprs trois ans ; il pourra l'tre avant ce terme si
I'un des deux pays estime que la dcision de la commission
d'arbitrage porte atteinte des intrts vitaux de son conomie
(art. XII, et art. XI, no 3).
IV. - 11 n'est pas contest - et il ne saurait l'tre que le rgime ainsi tabli remplit bien (( les conditions requises
pour une union douanire : uniformit de la loi douanire
et du tarif douanier ; unit des frontires et du territoire douaniers vis--vis d'tats tiers ; libert de droits d'entre et de
sortie dans le trafic des marchandises entre les tats partenaires ; rpartition d'aprs un barme dtermin des droits
de douane perus )) (Mmoire autrichien, p. 4).
Aussi bien, ce n'est pas, proprement parler, telle ou
telle disposition du Protocole de 1931 qu'il convient d'envisager ici, mais bien l'ensemble de ce protocole ou mieux, selon
La Cour,
par huit voix contre sept,
est d'avis que :
Un rgime tabli entre l'Allemagne et l'Autriche, sur la
base et dans les limites des principes prvus dans le
Protocole du 19 mars 1931, ne serait pas compatible avec
le Protocole no 1, sign Genve le 4 octobre 1922.
(Siga) M. ADATCI.
Le Greffier :
M. Guerrero,' le comte Rostworowski, MM. Fromageot, Altamira, Urrutia, Negulesco, tout en se ralliant l'avis formul
ci-dessus, dclarent que, dans leur opinion, le rgime d'union
douanire projet par le Protocole austro-allemand du 19 mars
1931, par le fait qu'il serait de nature menacer l'indpendance de l'Autriche dans le domaine conomique, constituerait
un acte susceptible de mettre en pril l'indpendance de
celle-ci, et serait, de ce chef, non seulement incompatible
avez le Protocole de Genve no 1 du 4 octobre 1922, mais
galement et par lui-mme incompatible avec l'article 88 du
Trait de Saint-Germain du IO septembre 1919.
The court:
by eight votes to seven,
is of opinion that :
A rgime established between Germany and Austria, on
the basis and within the limits of the principles laid
down by the Protocol of March ~ g t h , 1931, would not
be compatible with Protocol No. 1 signed at Geneva on
October 4th, 1922.
Done in English and in French, the French text being
authoritative, at the Peace Palace, The Hague, this fifth
day of September, one thousand nine hundred and thirtyone, in two copies, one of which is to be placed in the archives
of the Court, and the other to be forwarded to the Council
of the League of Ntitit~ns.
(Signed) M. ADA~CI,
A. H.