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Thse prsente
la Facult des tudes suprieures de lUniversit Laval
dans le cadre du programme de doctorat en gnie lectrique
pour lobtention du grade de Philosophi Doctor (Ph.D.)




c Mohammad M. Rad, 2009

To whom I love and respect

To whom they love me and respect me
To my parents


Les rseaux optiques passifs (PON) semblent tre la technologie gagnante et ultime du futur pour les fibres jusquau domicile ayant une haute capacit. Lcoute de
contrle de ce genre de systme est ncessaire pour sassurer un niveau de qualit de
service prdtermin pour chaque client. En outre, lcoute de contrle rduit considrablement les dpenses en capital et de fonctionnement (CAPEX et OPEX), tant pour
le fournisseur du rseau que les clients.
Alors que la capacit des PON est croissante, les gestionnaires de rseau ne disposent pas encore dune technologie efficace et approprie pour lcoute de contrle
des rseaux de capacit aussi leve. Une varit de solutions a t propose. Toutes
ces dernires solutions sont impraticques cause de leur faible capacit (nombre de
clients), dune faible volutivit, dune grande complexit et des dfis technologiques.
Plus important encore, la technologie souhaitable pour lcoute de contrle devrait tre
rentable car le march des PON est trs sensible aux cots. Dans cette thse, nous
considrons lapplication de la technologie du codage optique passif (OC) comme une
solution prometteuse pour lcoute de contrle centralise dun rseau optique ramifi
tels que les rseaux PON.
Dans la premire tape, nous dveloppons une expression pour le signal dtect par
lcoute de contrle et tudions ses statistiques. Nous trouvons une nouvelle expression explicite pour le rapport signal utile/signal brouill (SIR) comme outil de mesure
mtrique de performance. Nous considrons cinq distributions PON gographiques diffrentes et tudions leurs effets sur lSIR pour lcoute de contrle dOC.


Dans la prochaine tape, nous gnralisons notre modle mathmatique et ses expressions pour le contrle des signaux dtects par un dtecteur en utilisant la loi
carre et des paramtres ralistes. Nous valuons ensuite les performances thoriques
de la technologie base sur lcoute de contrle selon le rapport signal / bruit (SNR), le
rapport signal/bruit plus coefficient dinterfrence (SNIR), et la probabilit de fausse
alarme. Nous laborons leffet de la puissance dimpulsion transmise, la taille du rseau
et la cohrence de la source lumineuse sur le rendement des codes unidimensionnels
(1D) et bidimensionnels (2D) de lcoute de contrle dOC. Une conception optimale
est galement aborde. Enfin, nous appliquons les tests de NeymanPearson pour le
rcepteur de notre systme dcoute de contrle et enqutons sur la faon dont le codage et la taille du rseau affectent les dpenses de fonctionnement (OPEX) de notre
systme dcoute de contrle.
Malgr le fait que les codes 1D et 2D fournissent des performances acceptables,
elles exigent encodeurs avec un nombre lev de composants optiques : ils sont encombrants, causent des pertes, et ils sont coteux. Par consquent, nous proposons un
nouveau schma de codage simple et plus appropri pour notre application de lcoute
de contrle que nous appelons le codage priodique. Par simulation, nous valuons
lefficacit de lcoute de contrle en terme de SNR pour un PON employant cette
technologie. Ce systme de codage est utilis dans notre vrification exprimentale de
lcoute de contrle dOC.
Nous tudions exprimentalement et par simulation, lcoute de contrle dun PON
utilisant la technologie de codage priodique. Nous discutons des problmes de conception pour le codage priodique et les critres de dtection optimale. Nous dveloppons
galement un algorithme squentiel pour le maximum de vraisemblance avec une complexit rduite. Nous menons des expriences pour valider notre algorithme de dtection
laide de quatre encodeurs priodiques que nous avons conus et fabriqus. Nous menons galement des simulations de Monte-Carlo pour des distributions gographiques
de PON ralistes, avec des clients situs au hasard. Nous tudions leffet de la zone de
couverture et la taille du rseau (nombre dabonns) sur lefficacit de calcul de notre
algorithme. Nous offrons une borne sur la probabilit pour un rseau donn dentraner lalgorithme vers un temps exorbitant de surveillance du rseau, cest dire le dlai
dattente de probabilit. Enfin, nous soulignons limportance du moyennage pour remdier aux restrictions budgtaires en puissance/perte dans notre systme de surveillance
afin de supporter de plus grandes tailles de rseaux et plus grandes portes de fibres.
Ensuite, nous mettrrons niveau notre dispositif exprimental pour dmontrer un


PON avec 16 clients. Nous utilisons un laser modulation dexploitation directement

1 GHz pour gnrer les impulsions sonde. Les donnes mesures par le dispositif
exprimental est exploit par lalgorithme de MLSE dtecter et localiser les clients.
Trois dploiements PON diffrents sont raliss. Nous dmontrons une surveillance plus
rigoureuse pour les rseaux ayant une rpartition gographique plusieurs niveaux.
Nous tudions aussi le budget de la perte de notre dispositif de soutien plus levs
de capacits du rseau. Enfin, nous tudions le budget total admissible de la perte
dexploitation systme de surveillance bande de frquences 1650 nm en fonction de
lmetteur/rcepteur spcifications. En particulier, la limite totale perte de budget est
reprsent dpendre du gain de lamplicateuretranimpedance (TIA) et le resolution
de la conversion analogiquenumrique (ADC). Par ailleurs, nous enqutons sur le
compromis entre la distance porte et la capacit (taille de fractionnement au niveau
du noeud distant) dans notre systme de suivi.



Passive optical networks (PONs) are key for future high capacity fibertothehome
(FTTH). These systems require monitoring to assure each customer a predetermined
service level. In addition, monitoring significantly reduces the capital and operation
expenditures (CAPEX and OPEX) for both the network provider and the customers.
While the capacity of PONs is increasing, network managers are still missing an
efficient technology appropriate for the monitoring of such high capacity networks. A
variety of solutions have been proposed. All of them are impractical due to their limited
capacity (number of customers), low scalability, high complexity and technological challenges. More importantly, the desirable monitoring technology should be costeffective
as the PON market is very costsensitive. In this thesis, we consider the application of
passive optical coding (OC) technology as a promising solution for centralized monitoring of a branched optical network such as PONs.
We develop an expression for the detected monitoring signal when using OC with
optical orthogonal codes (OOCs), and study its statistics. We derive a closed form
lower bound for the signaltointerference ratio (SIR) as the performance measurment
metric. We consider five different PON geographical distributions and study the SIR
for OC monitoring system and how performance is influenced by both the geography
and density.
Next we generalize our mathematical model and expressions for the detected monitoring signals when using a square law detector and realistic parameters. We then
evaluate the theoretical performance of OC technology based monitoring through the
signaltonoise ratio (SNR), the signaltonoiseplusinterference ratio (SNIR), and

the falsealarm probability. We address the effect of the transmitted pulse power, network size and light source coherence on the performance of both onedimensional (1D)
and twodimensional (2D) OC monitoring systems using OOCs. The design of efficient
encoders is also addressed. Finally, we apply NeymanPearson testing to the receiver
of our monitoring system and investigate how coding and network size affect the operational expenses (OPEX) of our monitoring system.
Despite the fact that standard 1D and 2D coding schemes using OOCs provide
acceptable performance, they require encoders with a high number of optical components per customers; they are bulky, lossy, and costly. Therefore, we propose a novel
and simple coding scheme we call periodic coding more appropriate for our monitoring
We investigate experimentally and via simulation, the monitoring of a PON using
periodic coding technology. We discuss design issues for periodic coding and the optimal
detection criteria. We develop a reduced complexity maximumlikelihoodsequence
estimation (RCMLSE) algorithm. We conduct experiments to validate our detection
algorithm using four periodic encoders that we designed and fabricated. An spectrally
sliced broadband source (SSBBS) modualed at 1 GHz is used to generate the monitoring probe signals. We also conduct MonteCarlo simulations for realistic PON geographical distributions with randomly located customers. We investigate the effect of
coverage area and network size (number of subscribers) on the computational efficiency
of our algorithm. We provide a bound on the probability that any given network will
cause the algorithm to take exorbitant time to monitor the network, i.e., the timeout
probability. Finally, we highlight the importance of averaging to remedy the power/loss
budget limitations in our monitoring system to support higher network sizes and longer
fiber reaches.
Next we upgrade our experimental setup to demonstrate the OC monitoring of a
high capacity (16 customers) PON. New periodic encoders are designed and fabricated
for this purpose. We also use a directly modulated laser operating at 1 GHz to generate
the monitoring probe pulses. We realize three different PON deployments and present an
experimental validation for our timeout predictions (via MonteCarlo simulations). In
particular we demonstrate more robust monitoring for networks with a tiered geographic
distribution. We also examine experimentally extremely disperse PONs for the first
time. In addition, we investigate the loss budget of our setup to support higher network
capacities with longer fiber reaches. Our setup has 18 dB margin for the total loss
budget; this corresponds to splitting losses for 64 customer PON. Finally, knowing that


no U band amplifier exists, we study the total permissible loss budget of the monitoring
system operating at 1650 nm waveband. We show that the postdetection amplification
gain and the analogtodigital converter (ADC) resolution play important roles for the
maximum permissible loss budget. We also address the importance of quantization
in our system to perform averaging efficiently, i.e., to have an errorfree detection
performance by RCMLSE algorithm. Moreover, we investigate the tradeoff between
the reach distance and the capacity (splitting size at the remote node).



Five chapters of this thesis consist of IEEE journal papers which are fully presented.
In the following I detail my contributions to each of these papers.
Chapter 3: M. M. Rad, H. Fathallah, and L. A. Rusch, Fiber Fault PON
Monitoring Using Optical Coding: Effects of Customer Geographic Distribution,
IEEE Transaction on Communication, in press 2009.
I proposed the general timewavelength coding scheme for fiber link quality monitoring of PONs. I developed the required mathematical framework to analyze the
system performance. Considering a linear detection process, I investigated the
interference effects for the optical coding monitoring system. I illustrated how
interference statistics is affected by the code properties, the geographical distribution of the customers, and the transmitted pulse width. I studied the monitoring system performance in terms of signaltointerference ratio (SIR) for five
customer geographical distributions. I derived the SIR analytically for a uniform
radial distribution of customers. My numerical results validated the accuracy of
the analytic prediction of the system SIR for other customer distributions. I wrote
the paper and drew the conclusions. The manuscript was revised by H. Fathallah
serving as my coadvisor under the supervision of L. A. Rusch.
Chapter 4: M. M. Rad, H. Fathallah, and L. A. Rusch, Performance Analysis of
Fiber Fault PON Monitoring Using Optical Coding: SNIR, SNR and FalseAlarm
Probability, IEEE Transaction on Communication, in press 2009.

In this paper, I generalized the theoretical analysis in the previous chapter to

address the importance of nonlinear detection process and source coherence effects. I extended the measurment metrics from SIR to the signaltonoiseplus
interference ratio (SNIR) to study the importance of the transmitted pulse power,
pulse width, network size, coding scheme and source coherency on the SNIR of
the monitoring system. Practical design considerations were also addressed. I illustrated that the transmitted pulse width can be optimized to maximize the
SNIR. I derived analytical equations for the optimal pulse width as a function of
the monitoring system parameters. Moreover, I applied NeymanPearson testing
to the receiver of the monitoring system and investigated how coding and network
size affect the operational expenses for our application. Finally, I wrote the paper
and drew the conclusions. The manuscript was revised by H. Fathallah serving as
my coadvisor under the supervision of L. A. Rusch.
Chapter 5: H. Fathallah, M. M. Rad and L. A. Rusch, PON Monitoring: Periodic Encoders with Low Capital and Operational Cost, IEEE Photonic Technology Letter, vol. 20, no. 24, pp. 2039 2041, Dec. 2008.
H. Fathallah proposed periodic coding as a new and more appropriate coding
scheme for monitoring applications and wrote the paper. As a coauthor, I generated periodic codes and studied their auto and crosscorrelation characteristics.
I also executed MonteCarlo simulations to evaluate the performance of a PON
that employs the periodic coding for fiber link quality monitoring. Finally, I revised the paper for final submission under the supervision of L. A. Rusch.
Chapter 6: M. M. Rad, H. Fathallah, S. LaRochelle, and L. A. Rusch, Computationally Efficient Monitoring of PON Fiber Link Quality Using Periodic Coding,
Submitted to IEEE Journal of Selected Areas on Communication (JSAC).
In this paper, I experimentally validated four customer PON monitoring using
periodic coding technology. For this purpose, I designed the periodic codes, and
the required Bragg gratings. S. Doucet and G. Trembeley helped me to write the
gratings and fabricate the periodic encoders. I designed the experimental setup
and measured the impulse response of the periodic encoders using 1 ns probe
pulse. A spectrally sliced broadband source (SSBBS) externally modulated at 1
GHz was used to generate the monitoring signals. I proposed the reduced complexity maximumlikelihoodsequenceestimation (RCMLSE) algorithm to detect/localize the encoders in the network. I took the experimental data and fed

them to the simulator; the RCMLSE algorithm localized all encoders correctly.
Using the experimental data I also performed Monte-Carlo simulations for more
realistic customer geographical distributions in a PON. Moreover, to investigate
the performance of the proposed RCMLSE algorithm I defined two new performance metrics: namely the percentage of interferencefree customers and the
timeout probability. Then I studied the importance of the coverage area and
the network size on both mentioned metrics in our monitoring system. I also
addressed the importance of averaging to improve the loss budget limits for our
applications. Finally, I wrote the paper and drew the conclusions. H. Fathallah
and S. LaRochelle also revised the paper under the supervision of L. A. Rusch.
Chapter 7: M. M. Rad, J. Pennon, H. Fathallah, S. LaRochelle, and L. A. Rusch,
Probing the Limits of PON Monitoring Using Periodic Coding Technology,
Submitted to IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology.
In this paper, I explored experimentally the monitoring of a high capacity (16
customer) long reach (20 km) PON. I designed new periodic codes to upgrade
our monitoring system capacity. I fabricated the gratings with the helps of G.
Tremblay, M. Mirshafiei, and S. Doucet and then conducted the experiment.
I used a directly modulated laser to generate the 1GHz monitoring signals. J.
Pennon helped me to employ gainclamping circuits at the receiver of the setup.
I realized three different PON geographical distributions for the customers. I took
the experimental data, fed them to the simulator, and investigated the timeout
probability for the MLSE algorithm proposed in chapter 6. I also studied the
fundamental limits of power/loss budget of OC monitoring system as a function
of the transmitter and receiver characteristics. I highlighted the importance of
the postdetection amplification gain and the analogtodigital converter (ADC)
resolution on the loss budget limits. The tradeoff between the network size and
fiber reach was also addressed. Finally, I wrote the paper and drew the conclusions.
J. Pennon, H. Fathallah and S. LaRochelle also revised the paper under the
supervision of L. A. Rusch.


The work presented in this thesis would not have been possible without the influence,
support and encouragement of numerous individuals, mentors, colleagues, friends, and
family with whom I have had the great fortune of interacting and from whom I have
had privilege of learning during the past years.
First and foremost, I would like to thank and express my gratitude to my adviser,
Professor Leslie A. Rusch for constant and generous support, guidance, understanding
and patience during my PhD endeavor. Her brilliant supervision, thoughtful discussions,
careful comments and criticism is behind all my achievements in these years.
I would also like to specially acknowledge my dear friend Habib Fathallah for serving
as my coadviser, and for all his collaboration on this research and co-authorship of
several papers; also for his friendship and encouragements.
It is an honor for me to be a member of the Center for Optics, Photonics, and
Laser (COPL) where I have had the opportunity of interacting with talented people.
My appreciation goes to my colleagues in our lab, for the friendly academic atmosphere,
the useful discussions and help. More importantly to S. Doucet for teaching me how
to write gratings and for his comments and guidance on experimental setups; to G.
Tremblay for his significant contribution in encoders fabrication; to M. Mirshafiei for his
help in writing gratings. To J. Penon, and J. Johnson for all help on experimental setup.
To P. LaRochelle and P. Chertien for their technical support during my experiments.
Finally, I would like to extend my deepest gratitude, love and affection to my beloved
parents, who support me in every stage of the life; for their understanding, patience,
encouragements, inspiration and extra care. To them, I owe all I have ever accomplished.

Mohammad M. Rad












List of Tables


List of Figures


List of Acronyms


List of Symboles


1 Introduction
1.1 Importance of Monitoring . . . . . . .
1.2 OPM Principle . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.3 Impairments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.4 Network Maintenance . . . . . . . . . .
1.5 Thesis Organization and Contributions



2 Monitoring Techniques for PON

2.1 OTDR Based Monitoring Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.1.1 OTDR Principle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .





















2.1.2 OTDR for PON . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2.1.3 OTDR Challenges for PON . . . . . . .
Brillouin Frequency Shift Assignment . . . . . .
Reference ReflectorBroadband Source . . . . .
Optical Coding Based PON Monitoring . . . . .
2.4.1 Advantages visvis Traditional OTDR
OOC vs. PC for PON Monitoring . . . . . . . .















3 Fiber Fault PON Monitoring Using Optical Coding: Effects of Customer Geographic Distribution
3.1 Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.2 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.3 OCDM Monitoring System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.3.1 One vs. Two Dimensional Coding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.3.2 Power/Loss Budget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.4 System Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.4.1 Encoding/Decoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.4.2 Network Impulse Responce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.4.3 Optical Decoded Signal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.5 Customer Geographic Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.5.1 Correlation Distance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.5.2 Interference Criteria and Probability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.5.3 Decoded Signal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.5.4 Client Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.6 SignalToInterferenceRatio Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.6.1 SIR Lower Bound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.6.2 Asymptotic Behavior of SIR Lower Bound for Uniform Radial PDF
3.6.3 Numerical Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.6.4 SIR vs. Pulse Duration Tc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.7 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


4 Performance Analysis of Fiber Fault PON Monitoring Using

Coding: SNR, SNIR and FalseAlarm Probability
4.1 Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.2 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.3 OCDM Monitoring System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.3.1 Principle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .












Interference Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Decoded Signal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Detected Signal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Source Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Potential System Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Beat Noise and DC Components . . . . . . . . . . .
Source Coherence Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RIN for a BBS source in 1D scheme . . . . BN in a 1D Scheme (laser and BBS) . . . . BN for a laser source in a 2D Schem . . . .
4.4.4 Shot, Dark Current and Thermal Noises . . . . . . .
Performance Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.5.1 Signal Quality Measurment Tools . . . . . . . . . . .
4.5.2 Transmitted Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.5.3 Network Size and Fault Probability . . . . . . . . . .
Effect of Pulse Width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.6.1 Numerical Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.6.2 Partitioning of Monitoring Across Uband Subbands
4.6.3 Finding the Optimal Pulse Widths . . . . . . . . . . 1D Coding Scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2D Coding Scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
FalseAlarm and Detection Probabilities (PF A and PD ) . .
Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

5 PON Monitoring: Periodic Encoders

tional Cost
5.1 Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.2 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.3 Optical Coding Monitoring System .
5.4 CMs Based on Optical Cavity . . . .
5.4.1 Coding Mirror Design . . . .
5.4.2 MLPC Code Properties . . .
5.5 Performance Evaluation . . . . . . .
5.6 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .








With Low Capital and Opera.





















6 Computationally Efficient Monitoring of PON Fiber Link Quality Using Periodic Coding



Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
PON Monitoring Using Optical Coding . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.3.1 Principle of Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.3.2 Periodic Coding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.4 Periodic Encoder Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.4.1 Monitoring Wavelength . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.4.2 Reflectivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.4.3 Bandwidth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.4.4 Fiber Length Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.5 Transmitter and Receiver Considerations . . . . . . . . . . .
6.5.1 Transmitter Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.5.2 Receiver Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.6 Decoding Algorithm for ErrorFree Detection . . . . . . . .
6.6.1 Standard MaximumLikelihood Sequence Estimation
6.6.2 Reducing MLSE Complexity for PON Monitoring . .
6.6.3 RCMLSE Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.6.4 Challenges of RCMLSE Algorithm . . . . . . . . . .
6.7 Experimental Validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.7.1 Experimental Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.7.2 Simulation Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.8 Impact of Coverage Area and Network Size . . . . . . . . . .
6.8.1 Impact of the Threshold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.8.2 Percentage of InterferenceFree Customers . . . . . .
6.8.3 TimeOut Probability (PT O ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.8.4 Variable Threshold to CounterAct TimeOut . . . .
6.9 Loss Budget Limits: Importance of Averaging . . . . . . . .
6.10 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7 Probing the Limits of PON Monitoring Using Periodic
7.1 Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.2 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.3 PON monitoring with periodic coding . . . . . . . . . . .
7.4 Experimental Demonstration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.4.1 Experimental Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.4.2 Simulation Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .








Coding Tech105
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7.4.3 Loss Budget . . . . . . . . .

Fundamental Limits of Loss Budget
7.5.1 Importance of Averaging . .
7.5.2 Quantification Effects . . . .
7.5.3 Sensitivity of the Monitoring
Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
















8 Conclusion and Future Perspective

8.1 Summary and Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
8.2 Future Research Perspective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
A OOC vs. PC: Encoder Complexity and Cost
A.1 Challenges of MWOOC Coding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
A.2 Advantages of Periodic Coding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
B MonteCarlo Simulation of Timeout Probability





List of Tables


Values used for simulation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Percentage of the users identified as interferencefree for different network sizes (K) and coverage areas (l2 ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101



List of Figures


Concerns in design of an optical network. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Network monitoring layers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Typical trace of OTDR of a fiber link. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Use of a reference reflector for OTDR based automatic monitoring of PON.
Performance monitoring based on Brillouin frequency shift assignment.
Optical fiber fault monitoring using BBS and reference reflectors. . . .
Principles of optical coding based PON monitoring. . . . . . . . . . . .


Principle of operation of OC monitoring, including 2D implementation

schemes for coding mirrors. The same implementation is considered for
encoding/decoding operations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Power/loss budget map of OC monitoring pulse. The example is illustrated for a GPON with 128 branches, and PSC encoder/decoder implementation of Figure 3.1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Impulse response definitions of different system segments in the monitoring channel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Optical decoded signal: illustration of the interference conditions for autocorrelation function a
1 (t 21 , ) and two crosscorrelation functions;
note client 2 does not generate interference, while client 3 does. . . . .
PON costumer geographical distributions for fixed coverage area and
fixed number of users: [a][d] uniform area distributions and [e] uniform
radial (UR) distribution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
















SIR lower bound for five geographical distributions vs. number of clients
supported K: 1D scheme (first column), 2D scheme (second column)
coverage area 0.25 km2 (first row) and 5 km2 (second row). . . . . . . .
SIR vs. transmitted pulse duration for uniform radial distribution and
1km2 coverage area; 1D and 2D coding schemes. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Principle of OCDM based monitoring technique; the same implementation is considered for encoding/decoding operation. . . . . . . . . . . .
Illustration of the CO structure: transmitter and receiver; the optical
switches in Figure 4.1 are considered ideal with no insertion loss. . . . .
SNIR (solid curve) and SNR (dashed curve) versus the transmitted pulse
power for pulse width Tc = 1 ns and K = 64; Bo = 1 THz for a BBS
source and Bo = 10 MHz for a coherent source. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
SNR versus network size for different coding schemes and Ps = 4 dBm
and Tc = 1 ns. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
SNIR versus the transmitted pulse width for Ps = 4 dBm and a) 2D
CohFBG with Bo = 10 MHz, and b) 1DBBSFBG and Bo = 1 THz.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ROC of the receiver for different system architectures and Ps = 4 dBm,
Tc = 1 ns for a) 1DBBSFBG with Bo = 1 THz and b) 2DCohFBG
with Bo = 10 MHz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(a) Optical coding monitoring system, (b) proposed
two CM solutions (c) and (d). . . . . . . . . . . . .
Example of a flat, finite code and an MLPC code.
SNR of binary vs. multilevel periodic coding. . . . .

CM structure, and
. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .

a) Optical coding based PON monitoring, b) the structure of periodic

encoder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Experimental implementation of FBG1 and FBG2 forming the periodic
encoder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Code periodicity (patchcord length) versus the network size for periodic
code. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Receiver architecture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Reduced Complexity MLSE algorithm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Experimental setup for the monitoring of a high density 4 customer PON.













Experimental traces of isolated subscribers (a)(d), and when all four

subscribers are present (e); signals averaged over 256 traces to reduce
noise. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Timeout probability (PT O ) versus the maximum separation length between the customers (l) for different network sizes. . . . . . . . . . . 102
Monte-Carlo simulation for timeout probability vs. maximum separation length for 8 and 16 customer PON using periodic codes. . . . . . . 109
Experimental setup for PON monitoring using periodic coding technology.111
Importance of averaging to improve the quality of the received monitoring sequences; traces averaged are Mavg = 0, 10, 100. . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Typical optical receiver using TIA and ADC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
Trace for periodic code with p1 = 6 ns in a 16 customer network with a
20 km of fiber feeder; different levels of quantification (left 8 bits, right
3 bits) are shown for traces before and after Mavg = 100 averaging. . . 117
Percentage of the error in estimating the autocorrelation peak as a
function the number of quantization bits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
Maximum loss budget as a function of the number of quantization bits
and for different resistors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
The tradeoff between the fiber reach and the splitter size at the remote
node for different values of the number of quantization bits and post
amplification gain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120


List of Acronyms


AnalogtoDigital Converter
Avalanche Photodiode
Broadband Source
Broadband SourceReference Reflector
Brillouin Frequency Shift Assignment
Beat Noise
Capital Expenses
Central Office
Distribution and Drop Fiber
Digital Signal Processor
Fiber Bragg Grating
FieldProgrammable Gate Array
International Telecommunication Union
Light Emiting Diodes
Mutual Interference Matrix
Multiple Fiber Bragg Gratings
MultiLevel Periodic Codes
Maximum Likelihood Sequence Estimation
MultiWavelength Optical Orthogonal Code
Optical Coding


Optical Code Division Multiplexing

Optical Line Terminal
Optical Network Unit
Optical Network Terminal
Optical Time Domain Reflectometry
Optical Performance Monitoring
Optical Orthogonal Code
Operational Expenses
Periodic Code
Passive Optical Network
Passive Splitter
Passive Splitter Combiner
Relative Intensity Noise
Remote Node
Reduced Complexity MaximumLikelihoodSequenceEstimation
Receiver Operating Characteristic
Random Variable
SignaltoInterference Ratio
Service Level Agreement
Shot Noise
SignaltoNoise Ratio
SignaltoNoisePlusInterference Ratio
Tapped Delay Line
Thermal Noise
Variable Optical Attenuator


List of Symboles




Light speed in the fiber

= 2 108 m/s
Electron charge
= 1.6 1019 coulombs


Fundamental mode group index

= 1.5

System Parameters


Time domain code length for MWOOCs

Number of wavelengths for MWOOCs

Code weight for MWOOCs

a , c

Auto and crosscorrelations for MWOOCs

Monitoring wavelength

Data wavelength

(k,j , k,j )

The delay and wavelength of j th pulse of k th user

Network size


Transmitted peak power


Transmitted pulse width

Optical source coherence time

Normalized coherence time of the source (=


Observation interval for the autocorrelation peak




Maximum acceptable processing delay

Bo (Be )

3 dB optical (electrical) bandwidth

Detector responsitivity

APD gain

APD apodization coefficient


APD noise figure


Average dark current in amps


Power spectral density of thermal noise in Amp2 /Hz


Sampling rate


Repetition rate


Reflectivity of the periodic encoder FBG


Transmitivity of the periodic encoder FBG

Rejection bandwidth of the gratings

Gef f

Postdetection amplification gain

ADC resolution; number of bits


The voltage of the leastsignificant bit for an ADC


Reference voltage of an ADC


Number of traces averaged

Fiber fault probability


Feeder length

Fiber reach


Physical distance between tiers A and B

The maximum separation length of customers


Coverage area (= l2 )


Network correlation distance


Periodicity of k th periodic code


Patchcord length of the periodic code with periodicity pk



Correlation distance of k th periodic code

Fiber attenuation in neper/meter

Encoder insertion loss


Reflectivity of the gratings for coding mirrors

Decoder insertion loss


Total coding mirror insertion loss


Circulator insertion loss

Loss due to splicing, connectors, aging, etc.

Total insertion loss of monitoring system


Normalized autocorrelation peak


Decision threshold at the receiver

Level of the j th pulse of the periodic code

System Statistics


The decision random variable at the receiver

Contribution to decision random variable due to j


Total DC value of the detected and filtered signal

sig (int )

Total DC value of the desired (interference) signals


Noise power due to j {RIN, BN, SN, DN, T N, IIB, SIB, SSB}

The status of k th DDF link

Frequency in common between user 1 and k

RV indicating user k is located closer than lCD to user 1

RV indicating that user k interferes with user 1

k in chipsynchronous conditions

RV for the interference between users 1 and k


Clamped decoded vector for code k

Vector of the physical location of the customers


Fiber length of k th DDF


Distance of k th user from the central office


Entries of hth row and k th column of MIM


Received vector length

Received dara vector used in RCMLSE algorithm


Candidate vector for r in RCMLSE algorithm

Rmax (l)

Maximum search size without a timeout



The number of candidates for ith customers in RCMLSE algorithm

z, ,

Auxilary random variables to simplify equations



Re {}

Real part of the argument

ek (t, )

Encoder impulse responce as function of time t and wavelength

ek (t, )

Decoder impulse responce

ak (t, )

Autocorrelation function for k th user

ck,m (t, )

Crosscorrelation function between users k and m

(t, )

Autocorrelation function responce to

c (t, )

Crosscorrelation function responce to

IRN (t, )

Network impulse responce from the remte node point of view

hDDFk (t)

k th DDF impulse responce

hf (t)

The feeder impulse responce

(t, )

(t, )
(t, )

Transmitted pulse

s (t, )

The total received monitoring signal

A1 (t, )

The autocorrelation term of the decoded signal for user k = 1

B1,k (t, )

The crosscorrelation contribution of user k with user 1

r1 (t, )

Total decoded signal for user 1

iP D (t, )

The total photocurrent

ij (t, )

Photocurrent due to j {RIN, BN, DN, T N, IA}

Q ()



Delta Dirac function


Falsealarm probability


Detection probability


Timeout probability


Chapter 1


In this chapter we address the importance of network monitoring and do a survey

of optical performance monitoring, sources of impairment, and network maintenance.
At the end, we summarize the objectives and the main contributions of the thesis to
the field of PON monitoring.


Importance of Monitoring

The tremendous growth of the internet and the world-wide-web over the last decade,
both in terms of the number of customers and the bandwidth, has increased the telecommunication traffic all over the world [1][5]. Optical fiber technologies offer high capacity
for transmitting the enormous bandwidth required by this traffic growth. For example,

We care about .

Transparency (Bit
rate, Modulation
format, Protocol)

discovery sensitivity


Low power

New service


Figure 1.1: Concerns in design of an optical network.

wavelengthdivision multiplexing (WDM) can dramatically increase the capacity of the
fiber link by multiplexing many signals at different wavelengths within a single fiber
which is even thinner than a hair. Further increases in the capacity are gained by moving to dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) networks with large channel
While optical networks have enabled the rapid growth of data traffic, impairments
degrade the performance, service quality, and so limit the deployment of high speed
optical networks. To manage such high capacities, we need to monitor the signal quality
at different places in the network. We need to monitor the system to efficiently administer, maintain and provision the network and to assure each customer a reasonable
predetermined quality of service. Monitoring can significantly reduce the operational
expense (OPEX) for both the operators and customers and plays an important role in
the deployment of optical networks.
Figure 1.1 presents the most important issues we commonly confront in an optical network [1][9]. These topics can be classified into three categories: performance
metrics concern, commercial/customer concern, and valueadded concern. Performance
metric concern monitors the parameters related to the network service quality, reliability, and scalability. For instance, transparency, sensitivity, and signal degradation
discovery are the main subjects in this group. Customer/commercial concern mainly
involves reducing cost and operational expenditure. Simplicity, compactness, and lower

power consumption can also be counted as major topics for this group. Finally, network
scalability and fault location capability are usually considered in the third group. As
Figure 1.1 illustrates, monitoring is an inseparable part of an optical network.
Interest in optical performance monitoring (OPM) first took hold in the early 1990s
with the introduction of WDM systems [6][11]. As we began to think more about optical networks rather than optical transmission, it became clear that a solution would
be needed for the monitoring problem. As the capacity and complexity of an optical
network increases, so does the importance of OPM. For instance, in transparent networks, the optical signal may traverse different paths and many dissimilar components.
The multipath nature of signal propagation in the transmission network imposes high
complexity on the monitoring system. When the capacity increases, the system is more
vulnerable to impairments, which highlight the importance of OPM in the network.
The monitoring technology is highly dependent on the network type and applications.
The main drivers for OPM are technological and business issues. Technological
drivers involve longer transmission distance, better service quality, more network intelligence, and higher bit rates. While business drivers mainly include lower operation
and maintenance cost and enabling service level agreement (SLA) and service differentiation.


OPM Principle

As a broad definition, OPM is the physical layer monitoring of the signal quality
for determining the health (quality) of the signal and/or root cause analysis. If all
components of the network are working well, then the signal should be good (high
quality) [7]. Otherwise, there exist single or multiple problems somewhere in the network
that should be determined by the OPM and restored by the network provider.
Generally, OPM can be categorized by its different aspects. Figure 1.2 shows three
monitoring layers commonly considered for optical networks [7]. The required characteristics of an optical signal for transportation and management are monitored in the
transport layer. The desired channel signal quality is then investigated in the second
layer. And finally, the third layer involves the monitoring of data protocols which is also

Network Signal

First Layer

Transport Monitoring/Channel

Second Layer
Optical Signal/Channel Quality
Third Layer
Protocol Performance

Figure 1.2: Network monitoring layers.

known as protocol performance monitoring (PPM). For example, in a WDM network
the monitoring equipment locks on a single wavelength and performs the measurement. Depending on the monitoring technology, a variety of features such as analog
eye, Qfactor, electronic SNR and distortion can be used as the measurement metrics
for performance monitoring purposes.
OPM can be implemented either by disruptive or non-disruptive methods. In the
non-disruptive method, the signal is tapped on a fiber and the monitor covers many
channels (wavelengths in the case of WDM networks) on a single fiber. In disruptive
monitoring, the fibers are temporarily detached from the splitters and are connected to
a monitoring device. By combining these two techniques, the inline monitor method
also can be implemented. In this case, the optical signal is transmitted through the
monitor and a non-disruptive measurement is performed. Each of these methods can
be used depending on the system applications [7].
The main applications of OPM can be listed as follows.
1. OPM provides information for fault management, which consists of identification,
localization, diagnosis, and fault tracking in optical networks. The service provider
can then use this information to monitor, maintain and troubleshoot 1 the network
2. OPM can be used as feedback to keep the network operating in an optimal configuration. By using the information gathered from all the monitoring sites in
the network, component malfunctions (such as amplifiers) and crashes in network
elements (such as fiber breaks) can be identified. As an example, OPM can be
applied for amplifier gain balancing in the network [7].
1. Troubleshooting involves locating and identifying any source of fault in the network. This issue
is addressed in section 1.4.

3. OPM can perform as an alarm to predict imminent network failures and allow the
traffic to be rerouted before a failure occurs. For instance, in a WDM network
using wavelength routers, the path supporting the minimum failure can be chosen
and the data routed accordingly [13].



As stated before, impairments degrade performance of an optical network. This includes any source of signal degradation leading to unacceptable service quality. Generally, impairments can be categorized based on the physical characteristics of the optical
signal and/or fault root causes [7].
Considering the physical characteristics of optical signals, impairments are broken
into three groups: noise, distortion, and timing [7]. These are discussed in the following.
1. Noise: refers to the random fluctuation of the optical signal which could be either
signal level dependent or independent. Relative intensity noise (RIN), beat noise,
and shot noise are examples of signal dependent noises. Amplifier spontaneous
emission (ASE) and thermal noises are examples of signal independent noises.
2. Distortion: refers to the modification of the average signal waveform as a result
of chromatic dispersion, polarization mode dispersion (PMD), and fiber nonlinearities including, fourwave mixing (FWM), selfphase modulation (SPM), and
crossphase modulation (XPM).
3. Timing: refers to the fluctuations in the registration and arrival time of the data
bit. Timing jitter can effect single bits or it might accumulate over a few bit
intervals. The importance of timing jitter depends on the system characteristics
such as transmission length and data rate.
In a real optical network, each of the abovementioned impairments might originate either from individual components or from the transmission link. Therefore, in
the framework of optical networks management we can categorize impairments into
component faults and transmission impairments as follows.
Component Faults: Refers to single or multiple component malfunctions, improperly installed or configured equipment, and/or damage or intrusion to the network. An

amplifier in the network with a failing pump laser is an example of a component malfunction. Due to the pump failure, the output power decreases at the corresponding
point in the network. In the presence of other amplifiers, this low power is converted
into excess noise showing itself as a noise in the final measured optical spectrum [12].
Transmission Impairments: while component faults do not always exist, transmission impairments are always present and need to be considered, controlled and minimized through the network design process. Fiber nonlinearities, amplifier noise, and
distortions can be numbered as the most wellknown sources of transmission impairments. For example, consider a fiber link suffering from polarization mode dispersion
(PMD). PMD shows itself through both the noise and timing jitter of the measured
The kind of impairment(s) to be monitored in a specific network (in our case a PON)
however, depends on the existing technology and the desired applications. For example,
in a static pointtopoint (PTP) network the distance traveled by an optical signal is
fixed. So the chromatic dispersion might only need to be monitored for network health
verification. Indeed, the optical signal is expected to have a known amount of distortion
due to the dispersion at different points in the network. This approach, however, is not
applicable for a dynamic reconfigurable network. In such systems the optical signal
travels different distances and paths depending on the network configuration. In this
case the chromatic dispersion is not a suitable metric for the monitor to investigate the
optical signal quality.


Network Maintenance

A very important issue that should be considered in developing high quality and
reliable optical networks is maintenance and troubleshooting [6][15]. This area covers
all the means required to guarantee the performance of an optical network. Indeed, for
a monitor to be effective it should be able to both detect a fault and determine its
root cause, i.e., distinguish the fault cause. The complexity and cost of the network
maintenance increase as the network complexity increases.
Maintenance functions of an optical network are classified into two main categories;

preventive and postfault [9]. The former deals with operations before the occurrence
of a fault, while the latter considers the measures to be taken after the fault occurs.
For each of these groups three activities are considered as described bellow.
To detect degradations in the fiber network due to impairments and/or component malfunctions or any other anomalous situations which results in signal
transmission prevention (preventive maintenance).
To detect a fault and report an alarm to the service provider to activate the
restoration procedure (postfault maintenance).
To measure, detect, and locate degradations (preventive maintenance).
To locate faults, their root cause, and verify the performance after the restoration
process (postfault maintenance).
To identify a specific fiber in order to allow link testing (preventive maintenance).
Faulty fiber identification, repair and restoration of the link (postfault maintenance).
In addition, depending on the application, operations such as configuration management, security management, and performance management should be considered for
the maintenance operations [7],[15].
Passive optical networks (PONs) are very cost effective and promising solution
for future access networks such as fibertothehome (FTTH), fibertothecabinet
(FTTC), and fibertothebuilding (FTTB) [1]. Therefore, the monitoring of such networks is of great importance. In the next chapter, we will focus on the PON monitoring
techniques and their major challenges.


Thesis Organization and Contributions

In chapter 2, we review previously proposed techniques for monitoring of a PON

including OTDR, Brillouin frequency shift assignment (BFSA), broadband sourcereference reflector (BBSRR), and the recently proposed optical coding (OC) scheme.
We also address the important challenges in each of the mentioned techniques.
The contributions in this thesis focus on two coding strategies for PON monitoring.
Our first effort concerned the study of optical orthogonal codes (OOC); the second
thrust concerns the use of periodic codes (PC). OOCs were proposed for data communications and we studied their application to PON monitoring.
Chapters 3 and 4 document our contributions for OOC for PON monitoring.
Analysis of various 1D and 2D coders and decoders including cost and performance.
Analysis of the impact of network topology and density of monitoring performance.
Analysis of SNR, SIR and SNIR.
Analysis of various technology choices on performance (e.g., light source, pulse
width, etc.).
Given the weaknesses identified in these chapters for optical orthogonal codes, we
migrate to periodic codes proposed specifically for the monitoring problem (not recycled
from data communications applications). Some conclusions from the OOC analysis are
retained for PC, such as the use of nanosecond pulses and the focus on a radial uniform
distribution for network topologies.
Chapters 5, 6 and 7 document our contributions for PC for PON monitoring.
Analysis of coder cost and performance.
Proposed electronic processing for detection (no individual optical correlators).
Operation in an interference limited regime (averaging exploited to minimize other
noise sources).

Development of a reduced complexity maximumlikelihoodsequenceestimator/detector
(RCMLSE) to eliminate interference and afford error free fault detection.
Focus on selfconfiguration of the network given the error free fault detection.
Analysis of practical limitations to the RCMLSE visvis network size and
Experimental demonstration of errorfree operation for several example scenarios.
Investigating the limits of OC monitoring system (both experimentally and theoretically).
Having highlighted our contributions, we continue with a chapterbychapter overview
of the thesis. In chapter 3, we analyze the performance of PON monitoring using optical
coding (OC) with optical orthogonal codes (OOCs). We develop an expression for the
detected monitoring signal and study its statistics. We model all system elements in
the linear regime; in particular a linear detection process is considered. We develop new
closed form expressions for the hit probability and a lower bound on the interference
probability, and use these to find the signaltointerference ratio (SIR). We show that
client geographic distribution has a significant impact on the SIR. We analyze five different PON geographical distributions, and their effect on OC monitoring performance
measured in terms of SIR. Finally we illustrate the importance of the transmitted pulse
In chapter 4, we extend our analysis of OOC for monitoring in the previous chapter by considering source coherence effects and the beating of multiple pulses during
the photodetection process. We then evaluate the performance through the signalto
noiseplusinterference ratio (SNIR), the signaltonoise ratio (SNR) and the false
alarm probability (PF A ). We generalize the mathematical model and expressions for
the detected monitoring signal considering all noise sources such as relative intensity,
beat, shot, thermal and dark current noises. Then, we address the effect of the transmitted pulse width, power and light source coherence on the performance of both onedimensional (1D) and twodimensional (2D) OC monitoring systems. Finally, we derive
the false-alarm and detection probabilities (PF A and PD ) and study the receiver operating characteristics (ROC) of the monitoring system at the central office for different
OOC implementations, network sizes, and light sources.
Periodic coding as a new, simple and cost effective scheme appropriate for our
OC monitoring is introduced in chapter 5. We address the principle of operation of
this coding scheme and propose a simple algorithm to generate periodic codes. We

then simulate the performance of an OC monitoring system that uses periodic coding
technology. These codes are used in our experimental verification of OC monitoring in
chapter 6.
In chapter 6, we investigate experimentally and via simulation, the OC monitoring of a PON using periodic coding technology. We discuss design issues for periodic
coding and the optimal detection criteria. We develop a reduced complexity maximum
likelihoodsequenceestimation (RCMLSE) algorithm. We conduct experiments to
validate our detection algorithm using four periodic encoders that we designed and
fabricated. Using the experimental data for the encoder impulse responses, we conduct
MonteCarlo simulations for realistic PON geographical distributions with randomly
located customers. We investigate the effect of coverage area and network size (number
of subscribers) on the computational efficiency of our algorithm. At the end, we highlight the importance of averaging to remedy the power/loss budget limitations in our
monitoring system to support higher network sizes and longer fiber reaches.
In chapter 7, we upgrade our experimental setup to support 16 customers. For this
purpose new periodic encoders are fabricated. To improve the loss budget a directly
modulated laser is employed. The measurment data is fed to the proposed RCMLSE
algorithm to localize the customers in the network. We also experimentally investigate
the timeout probability by realizing three different network topologies of a PON. We
study the power/loss budget of our setup to support higher network sizes with longer
fiber reaches. Finally, we address the loss budget limitations of the OC monitoring
system as a function of the transmitter and receiver characteristics. The postdetection
amplification gain and the analogtodigital converter (ADC) resolution are shown to
have a siginicant impact on the loss budget limits. We then study the tradeoff between
the splitter size at the remote node and fiber length.
Finally, the thesis is concluded in chapter 8 where we also give the direction for
future work and other research opportunities.

Chapter 2

Monitoring Techniques for PON

Link characterization during network installation, and after that in maintenance,

is one of the most important tasks of network providers. For example, during PON
installation it is very important to ensure that each cable or connector meets the desired
system specifications. In a field application such as inservice PONs, it is not always
practical to have access to both ends of the line under test. Fiber transfer to restore
and repair a link is not always a practical approach for access networks. Only when
clients share the same optical network units (ONU) or when there is a problem in the
feeder (common channel) of the network are such techniques applicable. An automatic
monitoring system is required for PONs, for both preventive and postfault monitoring.
This allows separating the component malfunctions from the link faults, as well as
reducing troubleshooting time. These advantages lead to less network downtime and
so increases the network reliability.


In the next sections we first focus on the most wellknown automatic monitoring
techniques for PONs. We then address advantages and challenges of the monitoring
techniques for deployment of a high capacity PON. The last section of the chapter
focuses on optical coding techniques elaborated on in later chapters. We address coding schemes with desirable properties for practical deployment of an optical coding
monitoring system. Finally we define our performance measurements metrics for our
simulation and experimental studies that are used in later chapters.


OTDR Based Monitoring Techniques

Optical timedomain reflectometry (OTDR) is the most wellknown solution for

infield monitoring of a fiber link. Time domain reflectometry was first developed for
conventional copper wire transmission media [16]. OTDR based monitoring has been
implemented for the first time for optical carriers in long distance transmission systems.
In the next section we first briefly review the OTDR principle and then focus on its
application in PON monitoring.


OTDR Principle

The principle of an OTDR is based on the fact that as the optical pulse propagates
through the fiber, it encounters reflecting and scattering sites resulting in a fraction of
the optical signal being reflected back in the opposite direction [16]. Rayleigh scattering
and Fresnel reflections are physical causes of this behavior. Generally, the magnitude
of the backscattered light depends on the Rayleigh scattering, attenuation, fiber imperfections, splices, and the launched power. The OTDR equipment launches a short
light pulse into the the fiber and measures the backscattered light. The reflected signal
at each point arrives to the transmitter with a delay proportional to the corresponding relative distance with respect to the transmitter. The OTDR trace then gives the
impulse response of the link under the test, i.e., a plot of the power versus the distance.
Figure 2.1 presents a typical OTDR trace. Using this trace, the fiber link is fully
characterized. For instance, the jumps in Figure 2.1 correspond to the insertion loss of


Front Connector

Backscattered Power [dB]


Fiber End

Connector Pair








Distance [Km]





Figure 2.1: Typical trace of OTDR of a fiber link.

network component as illustrated, whereas the power reflection peak at 40km signifies
the Fresnel reflections at the fiberair interface. After the fiber end no backscattering
is detected and the trace drops to the receiver noise. Generally, the OTDR trace can
be used to extract information about link faults including fiber misalignment, fiber
mismatch, angular faults, dirt on connectors, macrobends, and/or breaks. These faults
are usually referred to as events on the OTDR trace. In the next subsection we discuss
the usefulness of OTDR technique for PON monitoring.



While providing an automatic monitoring system and full characterization of the

fiber link, an OTDR is ineffective for a pointtomultipoint (PMP) network such as
a PON [15][20]. This is because the backscattering signal of each branch in a PMP
network is partially masked by the others. In this case, the total measured power by the
OTDR is a linear sum of all powers coming from different branches. Useful information

can nevertheless be extracted from the global backscattering trace. Actually, the OTDR
trace does not take into account the fact that there are different paths because it only
measures the total accumulated backscattered light coming from all the branches. The
desired information about the network, however, is in the OTDR trace itself which needs
to be decoded and extracted. Extracting the desired information from the OTDR trace
might require considerable offline signal processing.
The key point for analyzing an OTDR trace in the case of a branched network is
to compare the current backscattering trace with a reference acquired under standard
conditions. A network simulator is then required to obtain more significant data from
the measured trace. The software developed for this purpose needs a selflearning module to develop, and continuously update a database containing the reference patterns
and an event table. During the inservice monitoring of the network, if any deviation
in the measured trace (with respect to the standard trace) is observed, an alarm is
sent to the service provider and the software starts to analyze the measured data. The
simulator in the software then generates a variety of virtual network configurations to
achieve the measured trace by using the information of the standard trace.
The accuracy of such software is strongly dependent on the accuracy of the simulator
developed for the network and the uncertainties of both the training and measured
data. Deviation in the backscattered coefficient of different fiber branches is another
source of error. The situation is problematic when two or more branches are located at
the same distance. In such cases, the OTDR can not distinguish different events and
branches. The test system then should take measures to differentiate among individual
branches. Recall that as the network size increases, the complexity of the analysis
increases dramatically leading to a less reliable network.
Neglecting the complexity in the analysis of the OTDR trace in a PON, the huge
loss by passive splitters, usually located at the remote node (RN), leads to a significant
drop in the measured power. For example, if there is a 1:32 splitter at the RN, the total
backscattered light from each branch suffers 15 dB loss. The RN is then recognized as
the fiber end and no useful information can be extracted for distances farther than the
RN. In traditional OTDRs, losses higher than 37 dB 1 are identified as endoffiber.
By simply modifying the OTDR analysis, as reported in [2], testing can be performed
through splitters with losses up to 20 dB. These OTDRs are usually referred as PON
1. This value however depends on the fiber link under the test and ONU setting; see [2].

tuned OTDRs.
In order to reduce the complexity in the analysis of OTDR trace in a PON, a variety of solutions have been proposed to distinguish individual fiber branches, among
which the most wellknown techniques are reference reflectors, fiber selectors, wavelength routers, chained branches, and dark fibers. In each of these techniques, a unique
signature is assigned to each fiber branch to make it distinguishable from the others
At this point we briefly discuss the reference reflector technique. In this method,
we first monitor the presence of reference reflectors previously placed at the end of
each fiber branch. By monitoring the stability and level of reflections, the integrity of a
specific branch is simply investigated. Problems arise in locating a non-reflective fiber
break or loss. The OTDR is then required for a full characterization of the corresponding
fiber branch. The shift in the power level of the reference reflection for a desired branch
provides useful information for the OTDR trace analysis [15]. The principle of the
reference reflectors is illustrated in Figure 2.2. Checking the stability of the strong
reflection (located well above the noise level) is faster and easier than analyzing the
OTDR trace, these reflectors are often used as a first fault indicator in most OTDR
based techniques.
A reflector can be realized by different methods. As illustrated in Figure 2.2, it could
be wavelength selective and inserted in the input of the ONU connector to act as a stop
filter. It also could be a nonwavelength selective reflector placed on a separate tap; see
the lower part of Figure 2.2. Note that the reflector at each fiber end are identical; each
produces a reflection for the corresponding branch. The critical issue is to adjust the
fibers length in each branch to avoid overlapping among different reference reflections.


OTDR Challenges for PON

The most critical components for OTDR based monitoring technology are optical
selectors, filters, reflectors, and WDM devices. These devices should be cost and dimension effective (low cost and high density) to be able to manage a large amount of fibers

Central Office

Optical Line

Outside Planet


Rm F

F: Filter to stop m
m: Monitoring wavelength
s: Wavelength used by the transmission system
Rm: Reference reflection


T: Branch length trimming device


Wavelength Demultiplexer
Alternative way to implement
the reflectors


Figure 2.2: Use of a reference reflector for OTDR based automatic monitoring of PON.
in future access networks. Recall that while the ITU 2 recommendations propose the U
band, 16251675 nm, for monitoring applications, the behavior of passive components
is not very well investigated for this wavelength regime [15][20].
The OTDR itself is the basic equipment for the automatic test system and so needs
to have suitable technical characteristics; some of them are listed below. Recall that
the cost is an important issue, but, as the OTDR is shared among many clients in the
network, it is not the most critical one.
The most important challenges of OTDR based techniques are listed below.

1. Spatial resolution should be high to precisely localize a fault and also minimize
the necessity of reference reflector separation.
2. Dynamic range should be sufficiently high to support high spatial resolution.
3. Dead zone should be short especially after a localized strong loss.
4. Wavelength stability of the OTDR light source and compatibility with the selective
devices should be considered.
2. International Telecommunication Union.

BOTDR: Brillouin OTDR



Central Office


Optical Line

Standard Fiber




Data Wavelength

fibers, each
with a unique


Brillouin Frequency Shifted Spectrums

Monitoring Wavelength


Wavelength Coupler


Stop Filter for

Monitoring Wavelength

v-v1= f1

v-v2= f2

v-vN-1= fN-1

v-vN= fN


Figure 2.3: Performance monitoring based on Brillouin frequency shift assignment.

5. Constrained power to prevent high loss in the transmission system due to the
nonlinear effects.
6. Minimum sensitivity to the stationary background radiations at the monitoring
wavelength (for instance those generated by Raman effects).

These requirements should be met for an OTDR to be an effective monitoring

solution for future PONs. As the field of OTDR techniques and the corresponding
key components are continuously advancing, we expect these techniques to be more
reliable in the future. Recall that the OTDR trace analysis in a PON is still challenging,
especially for a large number of individual branches.


Brillouin Frequency Shift Assignment

This technique uses Brillouin based OTDRs (BOTDR) at the CO. Each fiber branch
is distinguished by assigning a unique Brillouin frequency shift as a signature. Each
branch is then called an identification fiber [43][47]. To monitor an individual fiber
in a PON, an optical pulse with center frequency is launched to the network using
a BOTDR, see Figure 2.3. After splitting at the RN, subpulses are passed through
different identification fibers, each of which scatters a unique preassigned Brillouin



116 AWG1






Light Source









116 AWG2

Figure 2.4: Optical fiber fault monitoring using BBS and reference reflectors.
frequency. A specific identification fiber is then distinguished by monitoring the spectrum of the received signal. These frequency shifts are designed to have disjoint spectra
for different branches. By observing peaks at center frequencies k , k = 1, 2, ..., n as
in Figure 2.3, the status of the identification fibers is monitored. Also by measuring the
filtered backscattered optical signal for a specific branch, a unique trace (as traditional
OTDR provides for a fiber link) is achieved. The design and fabrication of four and
eightbranch PONs was recently reported in [44] and [46], respectively.
While providing a complete characterization of the identification fibers, the Brillouin frequency assignment technique imposes significant design challenges and considerations for the network infrastructure. Recall that this technique requires the identification fibers to be manufactured with different physical characteristics that generate
and return different Brillouin frequencies. Note also that each identification fiber while
scattering a unique Brillouin frequency shift, should operate as a transmission link to
satisfy the transmission requirements of a standard fiber link. In addition to involving
high capital and operation expenditure (CAPEX and OPEX), this technique have a
dramatic impact on existing fiber network infrastructures. As the capacity of the network, i.e., the number of identification fibers increases, more advanced technology is
required to manufacture the identification fibers.



Reference ReflectorBroadband Source

The use of broadband light source (BBS) in conjugation with reference reflectors has
been recently proposed by S. B. Park etal. for a WDM-PON [48][50]. In this technique,
a BBS and optical reflectors are used in the optical line terminal (OLT) and ONUs,
respectively. Figure 2.4 shows the experimental setup implemented for monitoring of
a WDMPON. The wavelength selective couplers (WSC), both in the OLT and ONU,
are used to separate the L band data and the C band monitoring signals 3 . The BBS
signal, transmitted to the network, is first sliced by the array waveguide grating (AWG)
located at the RN, i.e., AWG2 in Figure 2.4. The sliced spectrum is then reflected at
each distribution fiber end. At the CO, the upstream data and the reflected monitoring
signals are separated by WSCs, as illustrated in Figure 2.4. In the case of an upstream
data transmission failure, no signal is received by the corresponding receiver (RX
UP). However, the monitor (power monitor) detects the reflected power. In the case of
any problem in the distribution fiber, such as a fiber break, neither the data nor the
monitoring signal is detected at the OLT. Therefore, the OLT can perform a real time
inservice automatic monitoring for both the fiber fault and transmission failures.
While providing preventive supervision and a real time and simultaneous monitoring
of both the upstream data and the monitoring signals, this technique is unable to
localize a fiber fault. Recall that OTDRs are not used. In order to fully characterize
the faulty branch, a complete OTDR test is then required. In addition, the capacity of
this technique is limited by the number of spectrums to be sliced. For instance, in a
PON with 16 branches, a 1:16 AWG is required to slice the total BBS spectrum into
16 disjoint subbands. Due to the practical limitations the capacity of this technique
is bounded to tens of customers.


Optical Coding Based PON Monitoring

Optical coding (OC) based monitoring has been recently proposed for centralized
fiber link quality monitoring of a branched network such as PONs. In Figure 2.5, we
3. In this work, wavebands 15301565 nm (C band) and 15651625 nm (L band) were used for the
data and the monitoring signals, respectively.

To the



Central Office

U band


feeder fiber

From the




wavelength selector
data wavelength
monitoring wavelength

ONU: optical network unit

OLT: optical line terminal

Figure 2.5: Principles of optical coding based PON monitoring.

illustrate the principle of OCbased PON monitoring system inspired by standard optical code division multiple access (OCDMA) [51, 52]. In this technique, each fiber branch
in a PON is distinguished by using a specific optical encoder placed at the distribution
dropfiber (DDF) end. The CO transmits an optical pulse to the network in standard
monitoring U band (16251675 nm). The pulse is split at the RN passive splitter (PS)
into subpulses, each of which travels through a separate DDF. Each subpulse is separated from the data signal at the fiber end by a U band wavelength selector (WS),
at the front of ONU, and then coded and reflected back to the CO by a dual function device encoder/reflector, referred to as coding mirror (CM). As in standard data
OCDMA systems, the coding structure is exploited in PON monitoring to distinguish
an individual signal from a return composed of many superimposed signals.
Information about the fiber status is contained in the encoded reflected signal, i.e.,
if a break (or cut) occurs in any DDF, its monitoring subpulse could not arrive to its
specific CM, thus no encoding occurs and no autocorrelation peak could be observed
at the decoder output in the CO. If the fiber is healthy, the monitoring subpulse travels through the DDF, becomes encoded and is then reflected back to the CO, i.e., an
autocorrelation peak will be identified. When a break occurs in the feeder, no autocorrelation peak is observed for any DDF. Traditional OTDR measurement is efficient in
this situation, since the PON is reduced to a simple PTP link.
By transmitting the monitoring pluses in the U band and placing a wavelength
selector (WS) at each fiber end in CMs, the data and monitoring signals are separated.

This allows inservice live and automatic monitoring of PONs from the CO while
ignoring the ONU status (connected or idle). The monitoring system acts transparently
with respect to the data formats and bit rates. In this technique, no active element is
placed in the network and all operations are performed passively in optical domain, see
Figure 2.5. In the next subsection we describe important advantages of optical coding
based monitoring compared to other approaches previously discussed.


Advantages visvis Traditional OTDR

The optical coding (OC) monitoring technique has many advantages over traditional OTDR techniques which are explained in the following [51, 52]. While similar
to traditional OTDR techniques, the total received signal is the accumulation of all reflected pulses coming from different fiber branches. The information about an individual
branch is simply extracted by properly decoding the total received signal at the CO.
Recall that for a OTDR trace in a PON, it is impossible to distinguish a desired DDF
among different arbitrary length fiber branches, as all reference reflectors are identical.
Reflection losses at the CMs are considerably smaller than the backscattering loss.
Recall that Rayleigh backscattering loss is almost 40 dB lower than the fiber reflection
loss [32], see Figure 2.1 for typical OTDR trace. Rayleigh loss also depends on the
transmitted pulse width, i.e., decreasing the pulse duration directly increases the corresponding reflection loss. However, in OC monitoring system the reflection loss can be
as high as 100% (almost independent from the transmitted monitoring pulse). Therefore, OC system suffers less from sensitivity and dynamic range issues respect to the
traditional OTDR.
Different ONUs are distinguished by unique signature codes, thus new customers no
longer need to be connected to the RN with unequal fiber lengths. Therefore, with respect to OTDR techniques the system complexity decreases and the network expansion
is facilitated; OC monitoring provides very high scalability.
Note that OC monitoring technique does not need the client help to get information
which leads to significantly low CAPEX and OPEX. By using wavelength selectors at
the ONU terminal, at the CM, the data and monitoring signal are separated. So the

service provider is able to perform a realtime inservice monitoring while accessing
the full network information. Due to the passive structure of CMs, they can be placed
outside the customer premises so that the customer is responsible for ONU while the
network provider is responsible for the fiber faults.


OOC vs. PC for PON Monitoring

In Chapters 3 and 4 we will introduce an optical coding monitoring system using

optical orthogonal codes (OOC) with optical correlation for detection. In Chapters
5 and 6 we will introduce another optical coding monitoring system using periodic
codes (PC) and electronic detection methods. While each approach is detailed in these
chapters that reproduce journal publications, in this section we provide a high level
discussion to compare and contrast the two approaches and explain why the analysis
and performance metrics are completely different for these two systems.
For OOC, the correlation of the return signal with a given code generates an autocorrelation peak that identifies the location/timing window of the customer using
that code. For our analysis we assume that our synchronization of that time window
is perfect. The quality of monitoring is quantified by the SIR, SNR and SNIR of the
windowed received signal for a particular customer. We take care to examine the impact
of geographic distribution of customers on these performance measures. We conclude
that a uniform radial distribution of customers is an analytically tractable model that
gives representative results visvis other distributions examined. We also examine
how performance varies with pulse width, and find a 1 ns pulse width to give good
After completing our study of OOC for PON monitoring we concluded that the
coding devices should be even more simple and inexpensive than the solutions proposed
in Chapters 3 and 4. We therefore proposed and analyzed periodic codes for monitoring
with extremely simple encoders. For the detailed discussion on the cost and complexity
of PCs versus OOCs see appendix A. Furthermore, we turned to more robust detection
methods than the simple optical correlation used with OOC monitoring. We examined
the use of maximumlikelihoodsequence estimation (MLSE) and found that we can
completely resolve the interference between periodic codes by this method. We also

exploited averaging techniques common in OTDRs to make arbitrarily small all noise
other than interference. The time delay due to averaging is not exorbitant for the
monitoring application.
This combination of better codes, better noise reduction and better detection led
to virtually error free detection of faults in using periodic codes. The SNR, SNIR and
SIR were no longer relevant measures of performance. Instead we focused on the complexity of the MLSE algorithm. We proposed and analyzed a reducedcomplexity (RC)
MLSE that resolved interference in a reasonable amount of time for typical networks.
We turned to Monte Carlo methods to quantify the extent to which a statistical variation in the size and density of the typical network caused the RCMLSE to take an
exorbitant amount of time to resolve the network status. Given that OOC analysis
found that a radial uniform distribution of customers gave representative results, we
used this distribution for our Monte Carlo simulations. The new performance metric
was the percentage of networks that could be handled is reasonable time with our algorithm. In addition to simulations, for PC monitoring we validated experimentally that
realistic signal quality leads to virtually errorfree detection of faults in the case of PC
An important improvement in moving to digital processing of the returned signal and use of an MLSE algorithm is extremely accurate resolution of the location of
each customer. Our analysis assumed perfect synchronization of the observation window for OOC, while in practice synchronization is based on a noisy autocorrelation
peak. The MLSE receiver allows for selfconfiguration of the network; that is, the
algorithm outputs the location as well as the status of customer with great accuracy.
Our experimental results confirm resolution of fiber length differences as small as a few

Chapter 3

Fiber Fault PON Monitoring Using

Optical Coding: Effects of
Customer Geographic Distribution

M. M. Rad, H. Fathallah, L. A. Rusch, Fiber Fault PON Monitoring Using Optical

Coding: Effects of Customer Geographic Distribution, to appear in IEEE Transaction
on Communication.



We analyze the performance of fiber fault monitoring of a PON using a centralized, passive optical coding (OC) system. We develop an expression for the detected

monitoring signal, study its statistics, and contrast our OC monitoring system with
standard optical code division multiplexing (OCDM) data communication. We derive
a new closed form lower bound expression for the interference probability, and use this
to find the signaltointerference ratio (SIR). A service provider cannot control the
physical layout of homes in a coverage area; measuring performance for one network
layout would be insufficient to test our proposed monitoring system. Client geographic
distribution has a significant impact on the SIR. We consider five different PON geographical distributions and study their effect on OC monitoring performance. Our
results show that SIR is sufficient to successfully monitor the network. In addition, we
find that the uniform radial (UR) distribution, an analytically tractable distribution,
gives good performance estimation and can therefore be a useful tool in characterizing
performance in terms of both SIR and signaltonoise ratio (SNR).



As the capacity of passive optical networks (PONs) increases, allowing hundreds

of clients to share the same infrastructure, the importance of performance monitoring
increases [1, 6, 9, 14, 15, 52, 53]. Some service providers report that more than 80%
of installed PON failures occurs within the first/last mile, i.e., within the distribution/drop segments of the network. Notwithstanding that, fibertothehome (FTTH)
managers still lack an efficient technology appropriate for the link quality monitoring
of a PON (even the 1:32 BPON standard, ITU G.983) [52, 53]. In this paper, we focus
on monitoring the link status of the PON (detecting fiber cuts or severe impairments),
rather than estimating data signal quality.
It is known that opticaltimedomain reflectometry (OTDR) is efficient for testing
optical devices and monitoring pointtopoint (PTP) networks; however, OTDR is not
effective for pointtomultipoint (PMP) networks like FTTHPONs [31, 52]. In PMP
networks the OTDR trace at the central office (CO) is a linear sum of the backscattered and reflected powers from all the network branches. It is difficult for the CO
network manager to distinguish the events in one branch from those in others. The
most important one is the difficulty to identify a specific broken branch in the PON
tree architecture.

Both centralized and distributed approaches have been proposed for monitoring
the fiber link status of a PON. Centralized (from the CO) approaches allow the CO to
remotely acquire complete, live network information without requiring the collaboration
of customers or their optical network terminals (ONTs), as does traditional OTDR
in PTP networks. Distributed strategies place active modules inside the ONTs that
measure performance and report to the CO. These modules are simplified, miniaturized
OTDRs that periodically evaluate the uplink for specific distributiondrop fiber (DDF)
segments. The distributed approach is a good tool to identify fiber link degradation;
however, it is ineffective when there is an interruption in the DDF, e.g., a fiber cut. For
instance, a client relocating the ONT could be misinterpreted as a fiber break.
Few centralized techniques have been previously proposed for inservice TDM/PON
management [31, 32, 34, 41, 48, 54]. All are impractical due to their limited capacity
(maximum of a few dozen of customers). For instance, a discrete Bragg grating at a
unique wavelength could be placed at each DDF termination. At the CO side, different
interrogation techniques have been proposed, including a broadband source, multi
wavelength laser and tunable laser and filters, etc. These systems are impractical for
high numbers of subscribers due to the very large spectrum required, i.e., one wavelength for every network leg. Recently the monitoring of a limited capacity PON (4
customers) was demonstrated by exploiting Brillouin scattering [45]. This requires that
DDFs be manufactured with different physical characteristics that generate and return
different Brillouin frequencies which require extreme design effort compared to existing
fiber network infrastructures.
In [52], we introduced a modified optical code division multiplexing (OCDM) scheme
for centralized monitoring of the status of fiber links in a PON. It is simple and easy to
implement, and capacity is determined by the code family cardinality. Our monitoring
technology is able to support very high capacity networks; orders of magnitude larger
than all previously proposed techniques [52]. By exploiting passive optical coding technology, no active component is placed in the field and no intelligent module is embedded
inside the customer ONT. In addition, by transmitting the monitoring signals in the
U band (16251675 nm, ITUG.983, reserved for fiber monitoring) and separating the
monitoring signals and communication data, we achieve realtime, inservice fiber link
status monitoring. Note that our technique only provides information on link status.
The monitoring of data signal quality is another important issue, but outside of the
scope of this paper.

In this paper, for the first time, we develop the required mathematical models to
analyze a generalized OC based monitoring system. This includes the one-dimensional
scheme initially introduced in [52], and the twodimensional scheme we propose in
this paper. We derive closedform expressions for performance, including interference
probability, and the signaltointerference ratio (SIR). We address the effect of the PON
geographical distribution on the system performance. For our analysis, we consider five
PON distribution models. Our numerical results show that the geographical distribution
has a significant impact on the SIR; this notwithstanding, uniform radial distribution
(which is simple and more accessible analytically) provides a reasonable approximation
for performance of all distributions considered, and can be quite tractable in analyzing
systems [53]. The relative importance of detection noises and interference is not studied
here; the signaltonoise ratio (SNR) will be addressed in chapter 4.
Our focus (in this paper) is on fiber fault identification in a branched network such
as a PON [6]. Fault localization in a PON is another important issue which is beyond
the study of this paper [1, 6, 9, 14, 15, 52]. In this article, we examine only interference
effects and neglect other noise sources, hence our figure of merit is the SIR.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In section 3.3, we describe the one
dimensional (1D) and the twodimensional (2D) OC monitoring system. Moreover, we
provide an analysis for the power/loss budget of these monitoring systems. In section
3.4, we mathematically model all system components and operations, including coding,
decoding, and correlation assuming a linear system. We derive an expression for the
detected monitoring signal that is a weighted and delayed sum of autocorrelation and
crosscorrelation functions. We highlight and explain important differences between
standard OCDMA systems and our application. In sections 3.5 and 3.6, we address
the effect of the PON geographical distribution on the performance of the monitoring
system. We derive new closedform approximate expressions for the SIR and study its
asymptotic behavior. Finally, section 3.7 concludes our paper.


OCDM Monitoring System

In Figure 3.1, we illustrate the principle of our PON monitoring system [52]. We
distinguish branches, that is, each distributiondrop fiber (DDF), in the PON using a


U band








& alarm
switch &
pattern control


Optical Switch












passive splitter implementation

fiber Bragg grating



Figure 3.1: Principle of operation of OC monitoring, including 2D implementation schemes for coding mirrors. The same implementation is considered for encoding/decoding operations.
specific passive optical encoder placed at the DDF end. The central office transmits an
optical pulse to the network on a single waveband in the U band per the desired pattern
(pulse width and pulse repetition rate). Each subpulse (at the fiber end) is separated
from the data signal by a U band wavelength selector (WS) at the ONT, and then coded
and reflected back to the CO by a dual function device (encoder/reflector), that we call
a coding mirror (CM). The central office receives the sum of all the encoded monitoring
signals sent back from the CMs and extracts the status information about each DDF
(link) by cyclically matching the corresponding decoder to the received signal. Details
of the receiver are featured in an inset in Figure 3.1. Features of the autocorrelation
peak could be used to asses the quality of the individual link, although in this paper
we focus only on assessing status. If all the components of the network are working
well, the monitoring signal (autocorrelation peak) will be strong [52]; a missing auto
correlation indicates a failure. When a break occurs in the feeder, no autocorrelation
peak is observed for any DDF; the lack of a peak for all DDFs identifies the fault in
feeder [52]. Given the low probability of a fiber fault, we do not address the identification
of simultaneous fiber faults, other than that in the feeder (or equivalently in a fiber
bundle). Recall that our technique does not provide an estimate of data signal quality,
but rather fiber status.
Important differences exist between standard OCDMA and our modified version
developed for fiber link status monitoring of a PON. The interference terms are only
related to the monitoring channels and not the communication data. No modulation,
no bit rate and no continuous transmission of data exist in our monitoring system.

Instead, our system has a repetition rate that is constrained by the distance between
the CO and the farthest ONTs. Repetition rates on the order of kilohertz would be
typical. Contrast this with traditional data modulated OCDMA where Mb/s and Gb/s
transmissions are required.
In principle, most standard OCDMA coding techniques can be applied to our monitoring technique. However, targets for encoder complexity, the considered code cardinality and interference properties of the code families, are strikingly different [54]. A
wide variety of codes have been developed for coding in traditional OCDMA such as
prime codes and optical orthogonal codes (OOCs). In this paper, we generalize the monitoring approach from one dimensional coding (proposed in [52]) to timewavelength
(2D) coding schemes.


One vs. Two Dimensional Coding

A two dimensional code family is presented by a quintuplet (F, M, w, a , c ), where

F is the code length, M is the number of wavelengths, w is code weight, a and c are
maxima of the outofphase auto and cross correlation, respectively. We consider 1D
coding as a special case of 2D coding by setting M = 1. Figure 3.1 also shows two implementations of a 2D CM. A generic 2D CM passive splitter implementation using tapped
delay lines (TDLs), bandpass filters (BPFs) and passive splitters/combiners (PSCs)
and/or circulator is illustrated [52, 54]. A more practical, multipleFBG (MFBG) implementation is also illustrated. Each grating in this structure reflects a different wavelength in a specific time (i.e., discrete position), corresponding to a preset 2D code.
Note that the FBG implementation obviates U band WS at the DDF ends, as well as
the additional circulator/coupler required for the PSC based scheme, hence reducing
the component count and the total CM loss.
For 1D coding, in Figure 3.1, no BPF is required and all the gratings reflect the same
center wavelength and each FBG must have relatively low and distinct reflectivity in
order for the reflected pulses to have equal amplitudes and to reduce internal reflections
among gratings; this imposes fabrication constraints [55]. Note that the single gratings
for 2D coding are tuned to reflect different wavelengths, while those for 1D coding all
reflect the same wavelength.



Power/Loss Budget

The monitoring signal travels the complete optical network round trip; hence it
exhibits a loss that is much higher than that of the data which travels in only one
direction. Figure 3.2 illustrates the power/loss budget taking into account all network
elements downstream and upstream. The nearhorizontal lines in the power/loss budget curve in Figure 3.2 correspond to fiber attenuation in the feeder and DDFs. Recall
that fiber loss in the U band for monitoring signals is higher than in the data band.
The vertical lines correspond to abrupt losses due to the RN passive splitter/combiner
in downstream/upstream, the encoder (CM at the DDFs end), and the decoder (at the
CO). Significant loss is incurred by the encoder/decoder and the RN splitter/combiner.
The RN related loss depends directly on the number of customers (capacity) and cannot
be reduced. The encoder/decoder loss depends on the implementation used, i.e., CMs
loss can be optimized. For example, a GPON with 128 customers has a RN with 21 dB
splitting loss for upstream and downstream, i.e., total loss of 42 dB. A 1D FBG CM
with 25% reflectivity (code weight four, i.e., w = 4) introduces an insertion loss of 6
dB for each coding and decoding operation. A 2D FBG CM with 100% reflectivity theoretically introduces no insertion loss, hence saving 12 dB in the loss budget compared
to the 1D setting. Recall that no WS, circulator or additional coupler (as illustrated in
Figure 3.1) is required for a FBG based scheme.
The PSC implementation of Figure 3.1, has much higher CM insertion loss than the
FBG implementation. For example, a PSC CM with four branches (w = 4) induces a
minimum of 12 dB loss due to splitting and combining. An additional coupler (circulator) increases the loss budget 3 dB (2 dB), resulting in a total loss of 15 dB (14 dB) for
the PSC CM scheme; in this scheme the CM loss is higher than the decoder loss in the
OCDM monitoring recevier. Figure 3.2 plots losses as various elements of the network
are encountered (i.e., vs. distance). The signal power scale provided is for the specific
case of a 128 GPON using the PSC implementation. The 2 dB circulator loss at the
CO is considered as a part of the receiver. Note that the decoders at the CO, do not
need an additional circulator/coupler.
The cumulative encodingdecoding attenuation in the field domain (e d ) is
experienced by every monitoring pulse sent from the CO. Our system performance
depends on the height of the autocorrelation peak, the sum of w pulses. Therefore, the

useful power for decision at the receiver (in Figure 3.1) is proportional to xaut = we2 d2 ,




signal power






scale corresponding to loss for

PSC implementation, 128










Figure 3.2: Power/loss budget map of OC monitoring pulse. The example is illustrated
for a GPON with 128 branches, and PSC encoder/decoder implementation of Figure
i.e., the peak depends on the code weight and the coding/decoding implementation
(PSC or FBG). For an FBG based 2D CM of Figure 3.1, 100% reflectivity is a reasonable
assumption. For an FBG based 1D CM, the best achievable reflectivity is the inverse
of the code weight [55]. Recall that commercial versions of PSC are only available in

powers of two. Let w0 = dlog2 we where de denotes the smallest integer greater than its
argument. The PSC splitting loss is w10 ; we neglect insertion loss of the BPFs and the
optical switches and assume the same implementations for both encoder and decoder
in Figure 3.1. Therefore, xaut in dB is

xaut = 10 log10 (we2 d2 ) =

40 log w0 10 log w + 2 PSC + circulator

40 log w0 10 log w + 3 PSC + coupler
10 log w


Clearly xaut for the PSC structure is minimized when the code weight is a power of
two, i.e., w0 = w = 2, 4, 8, etc. For a FBG based implementation for the 1D coding scheme, xaut is an increasing function of the code weight; as the code weight
increases xaut decreases, degrading performance. For a 2D FBG scheme, there is no

encoding/decoding loss (xaut = 1). We should maximize xaut to minimize the total
encoding/decoding loss (e2 d2 ) and component count, while providing a good auto
correlation peak vs. the crosscorrelation spikes (w vs. c ). As a tradeoff, in our
numerical simulation, we use w = 4 and consider a unitary cross correlation code family, i.e., c = 1. To facilitate the synchronization process, we limit the autocorrelation
side lobes to one, i.e., a = 1 [54].
An FBG based implementation shows a clear advantage, compared to PSC based
structures, in terms of simplicity, component count, and power/loss budget given by
Eq. (3.1). The loss budget advantage results in superior performance (in terms of SNR)
of an FBG based implementations with respect to PSC based structures. This issue is
to be investigated in future work [53].


System Model

We start with a 2D CM model, and will consider the 1D CM as a particular case

of the 2D model. Assuming a linear operation, the electrical field impulse response of
the 2D CM for client number k, can be expressed as
ek (t, ) =


e t k,j , k,j



where e denotes the total encoder attenuation in the field domain (assumed identical
for each of the w reflected pulses), k,j and k,j are respectively the delay and center
wavelength of the j th reflected pulse, and is the Dirac delta function.
The decoder function dk (t, ) with insertion loss of d is similar to that of the
encoder; the delay term k,j is replaced by T k,j , giving autocorrelation peak at the
interval [T Tc , T ] where Tc is the transmitted pulse duration and T is the repetition
interval. The 1D CM model can be derived from Eq. (3.2) by assuming the same center
wavelength for all optical pulses, i.e., k,j = 0 .
Let ak (t, ) be the autocorrelation function, defined as the convolution of the k th

Receiver of OCDM Monitoring
iPD (t )
r1(t, ) d1(t, )

Sampling Filter

Decision variable to
estimate the desired
DDF status


h f (t )


ICO (t, )



(t )

hDDFk (t )

I RN (t, )

CM #1


CM #k

(t )

Figure 3.3: Impulse response definitions of different system segments in the monitoring
encoder with its decoder; let ck,m (t, ) be the crosscorrelation function defined as the
convolution of the k th encoder (ek ) with the mth decoder (dm ), i.e.,

ak (t, ) = ek (t, ) dk (t, ) k {1, 2, ..., K}

ck,m (t, ) = ek (t, ) dm (t, )

k, m {1, 2, ..., K} , k 6= m


where denotes the convolution operation.


Network Impulse Responce

As shown in 3.3, the total (roundtrip) impulse response of the network observed
from the RN, IRN (t, ), is

1 X
k hDDFk (t) ek (t, ) hDDFk (t)
IRN (t, ) =
K k=1


where hDDFk (t) and k {0, 1} are the impulse response and the health status of DDFk ,
k = 1, .., K, respectively. When DDFk is healthy (i.e., k = 1) it participates in the
RN impulse response in Eq. (3.5); when DDFk is broken (i.e., k = 0), the transmitted
pulse is neither encoded nor reflected. In section 3.5, we explain how the interference
statistics in our system depends on DDF health status k . The factor K1 shows the total
attenuation in the field domain due to PSC in upstream and downstream paths at the
RN. Let hf (t) be the impulse response of the feeder, and assume forward and backward

impulse responses are identical (i.e., neglecting asymmetric fusions and connections).
The total signal returning to the CO, s(t, ), can be written as
s(t, ) = (t, ) ICO (t, ) = (t, ) hf (t) IRN (t, ) hf (t)


where (t, ) denotes the transmitted pulse with (chip) duration Tc , and ICO (t, ) is
the network impulse response from the CO point of view as in Figure 3.3. For both 1D
and 2D coding schemes, (t, ) can be a laser pulse (a comb of lasers for 2D) and/or
a broadband source (BBS) pulse [53].


Optical Decoded Signal

Depending on the DDF being monitored, the received signal passes through the
appropriate decoder in Figure 3.3. We assume that we monitor the first DDF corresponding to encoderdecoder pair number 1 and take the index k {2, ..., K} to
refer to the interfering signal from client k. The decoded optical signal is r1 (t, ) =

A1 (t, ) +

B1,k (t, ); where the first term is the desired signal and the second term


is the undesired interference, i.e.,


A1 (t, ) =

hf (t) hDDF1 (t)

a1 (t, ) hDDF1 (t) hf (t)


f orward path

h (t)
K f

B1,k (t, ) =


backward path

hDDFk (t) c1,k (t, ) hDDFk (t) hf (t)


where a
1 (t, ) = a1 (t, ) (t, ) and c1,k (t, ) = c1,k (t, ) (t, ) denote the pulse
shape after encoding and decoding for client 1 and client k, respectively. We use a delay
and attenuation model for the feeder and DDFs, i.e., hf (t) = ea lf /2 (t 2 cf ) and
hDDFk (t) = ea lDDFk /2 (t 2 DDF
) where c is the speed of light in the fiber and a is
attenuation factor of fiber in neper/meter in the monitoring U band; lf is the length of
the feeder, while lDDFk is the length of the k th DDF. This yields

1 t 2 ,
A1 (t, ) = ea l1 a


B1,k (t, ) = ea lk c1,k t 2 ,


where lk = lf + lDDFk is the distance from the CO to the k th client. Using (3.2)(3.4)
in conjunction with (3.7)(3.10) we obtain
A1 (t, ) = L

e d ea l1 X
(t (T Tc + 2l1 /c) , 1,u )


where detection takes place during t Tobs an observation window of length Tc around

the arrival of the desired pulses return, i.e., Tobs = T Tc + 2 lc1 , T + 2 lc1 . The factor
L is included to account for other attenuations in the system such as the circulator at
the CO, splicing, connectors, etc. Note that the autocorrelation peak of A(t, ) consists
of w subpulses. The crosscorrelation term B1,k (t, ) reduces to the equation (3.12).
B1,k (t, ) = L

e d ea lk


t T 1,u + Tc 2 lc1 , 1,u

1,u =k,v and

(u, v) T 2(l l )/c+
c |
k,v |


where we have assumed the worst-case chip synchronous, i.e., subpulses arriving
within one pulse width, Tc , of each other provide as much interference as two subpulses
arriving simultaneously. Subpulses outside the observation
window do
not have any

l1 lk

effect; hence the restriction in the summation Tc 2 c + 1,u k,v . As we consider
only unitary crosscorrelation codes (c = 1), the double summation contains at most
one non-zero term for each interfering user k, i.e., at most K 1 nonzero terms.


Customer Geographic Distribution

Correlation Distance

The pulse repetition interval must be greater than the maximum roundtrip time
in the network. The detection of the autocorrelation peak occurs during a window of
width Tc . Subpulses coming from a CM1 located sufficiently distant from the desired
CM1 (i.e., lk  l1 ) will not contribute to the interference, as illustrated in Figure 3.4,
as they arrive outside the observation interval Tobs . How far must a potential interferer
be from the desired user to not contribute to the interference?
An initial pulse of duration Tc generates w subpulses appearing somewhere in an
interval F Tc wide. After decoding, the autocorrelation signal covers an interval (2F
1)Tc wide, see Figure 3.4. Interference arriving in the first half of the autocorrelation
may overlap with the peak and impact detection. The delay of an interferer relative to
the start of the autocorrelation is twice (due to roundtrip travel) the difference of their
distances, divided by the speed of light. We define the correlation distance, lCD , as the
relative distance between two clients after which their CM sequences cannot interfere


does not interfere

region subject to
interferece (lCD)

c1,2 (t 2 2 , )

c1,3 (t 2 3 , )

a1 (t 21, )


Tc = pulse width =width of observation window T obs



Figure 3.4: Optical decoded signal: illustration of the interference conditions for autocorrelation function a
1 (t 21 , ) and two crosscorrelation functions; note client 2
does not generate interference, while client 3 does.
with each other. Thus only clients with

|l1 lk | lCD = cF Tc /2


can contribute to interference.


Interference Criteria and Probability

We have seen several criteria that establish if subpulses from CMk contribute to
the decoded signal. First, the link must be healthy, i.e., without a fiber break in the
k th branch. The binary random variable k equals zero when the link is broken. For
our analysis we assume {k } are independent, identically distributed (i.i.d.) Bernoulli
random variables with fault probability Pr (k = 0) = p . For our monitoring system
we have p  1, as is the case in practical systems.
The second criterion is that CMk be located within the correlation distance of the
desired user. Let the binary random variable k = 1 indicate that CMk is located within
the correlation distance of the desired CM1 . We assume {k }K
k=2 are i.i.d., as all users
are randomly located in the service area.
Finally, let k be the binary random variable that indicates CMk has nonzero crosscorrelation with the desired signal. We have k = 1 when there exists (u, v) such that the
position and wavelength (1,u , 1,u ) of the uth subpulse in code one coincides with that
of the v th subpulse in code k (k,v , k,v ). As we consider only unitary crosscorrelation

codes (c = 1), so at most one such pair (u,v) exists. This criterion can be written
as Tc 2 l1 l
+ 1,u k,v and 1,u = k,v . Let k be the coincident wavelength

k = 1,u = k,k . Due to the duration of the coded pulse sequence, coincidence can
only occur when |l1 lk | lCD . The greater the difference between l1 and lk , even
if smaller than the correlation distance, the less likely k = 1. We can upper bound
Pr(k = 1) by assuming the worst case, i.e., l1 = lk . Therefore we define the binary
random variable k that is one when |1,u k,v | Tc and 1,u = k,v . Note that l1 and
lk no longer appear, so k are independent of l = [l1 , l2 , ..., lK ], the vector of fiber lengths.
Thus, k is the traditional hit in OCDMA data communications. For a random choice
of interfering client, the probability that that client will have a coincident pulse with

client one, for the family of (F, M, w, a = c = 1) , is Pr k = 1
= Mw F [54].
Finally, we can say that CMk contributes to the total interference when all three

independent interference criteria hold, that is, k = k k k = 1. The probability of

this event can be upper bounded by Pr (k k k = 1) Pr k k k = 1 so that

1 |lk l1 | `CD
Pr(k = 1) Pr(k = 1) Pr(e = 1) Pr(k = 1) = (1 p ) Mw F
Note (1 p ) M F is an upper bound on the hit probability.


Decoded Signal

By exploiting our interference criteria and the choice of unitary cross-correlation

codes we have
r1 (t, , l) =

e d


a l1


(t, 1,u ) +


a lk

k e

(t, k,k )


during the observation window Tobs in the filed domain. 1 Recall that r1 (t, , l) refers
to the decoded optical signal in the field domain; the decision statistic is derived from
the photo-detected signal whose current is proportional to equation (3.16).


e2 d2 2 X
a l1

a lk



iP D (t) =



1. The synchronization to the observation interval is an important issue, but outside the scope of
this chapter; for more details see chapter 6.

e2 d2 2
2a l1
k e2a lk


K2 L



In this paper we consider only interference and (3.16) neglects detection noises and
coherence effects. These noises are addressed in [53]. We integrate (3.16) over the observation interval Tobs to find the decision statistic. As the leading multiplicative factor
in (3.16) is the same for both the desired user and the interference, it will cancel out
in the signaltointerference ratio and need not be retained in our analysis. Therefore
the decision statistic (in Figure 3.3) can be written as
= 1 we2a l1 +


k e2a lk



We next focus on the statistics of k assuming various random geographical distributions

for the CMs.


Client Distribution

In general, PON provides services to both residential and business users [3]. Residential users occupy multidwelling units (MDU) and singlefamilydwelling units
(SFWU). Business users occupy multitenanted units (MTU) such as office blocks or
towers and single tenanted units (STU) such as standalone office building or warehouses.
The PON deployment depends highly on the geography of the clients in the network
[3, 56]. For instance, the MDU PON topology is considered as the most likely deployment model in Europe and in Asia. In this case, a good statistical model for deployment
of ONTs is a uniform distribution along a corridor on each floor. The distribution of
the users also depends on the proximity of the RN, for example one RN per floor or one
RN per building. In North America more than 80% of the users are independent units
(SFWU), thus more dispersed geographically. Clearly, the geographical distribution of
the users can vary from installation to installation and depends on a variety of parameters. To our knowledge there is no explicit study on the geographical distribution of
the users in a PON. In [56] the authors show via simulation that the distribution of
the households changes as the topology and the deployment technology changes. In this
paper, we consider five geographical models namely uniform area and our new proposed

Case [a]

Case [b]

Case [c]

Case [d]

desired CM

Case [e]

undesired CM
remote node

2l[e ]
Area = fixed

l[e ] = a /
Figure 3.5: PON costumer geographical distributions for fixed coverage area and fixed
number of users: [a][d] uniform area distributions and [e] uniform radial (UR) distribution.
uniform radial distributions, which match well those presented in [56]. We will show
the uniform radial distribution, while simple and easy to model, provides a reasonable
approximation for the system performance of all other distributions considered.
We first consider a uniform area distribution of the client locations over a square
coverage region with four positions for the remote node (RN): [a] RN at center, [b] RN at
corner, [c] RN at mid-boundary, and [d] RN randomly placed [57]. Figure 3.5 illustrates
these cases. Note that in all cases the coverage region has area equal a2 . Consequently,
the maximum relative distance between the RN and CMs, i.e., maximum separation

length is l[a] = a/ 2, l[b] = a 2, l[c] = a 5/2 , and l[d] = a 2. These cases

are similar to distributions presented in Figure 3.3 in [18]. We also consider case [e], a
circular coverage region with the RN located at the center. CMs in case [e] have radial

distance from the RN uniformly distributed over (0, a/ ). The maximum separation

length in this case is l[e] = a/ , and the area is again a2 . Note that while all
cases cover the same area, they have different probability density functions (PDFs) and
different maximum separation lengths with ordering l[e] < l[a] < l[c] < l[b] =
l[d] . In the next section, we see how the PDF and maximum separation length affect
our monitoring system performance.



SignalToInterferenceRatio Analysis

As explained, multiple access interference (MAI) defined as the interference coming

from undesired monitoring signal returns, is directly related to the geographical distribution of customers. Since in traditional OCDMA users transmit long streams of data,
the interference always exists, hence degrading the signaltointerference ratio (SIR).
However in our system, the SIR is higher, as pulses have low repetition rates, allowing
some CM returns to fall outside the observation window. We define SIR as the ratio of
the desired signal power to the power of the interference,

E 1 we2a l1



k e

2a lk



where expectation is taken over the geographical distribution of l, and the health status
{k }. SIR is our metric for monitoring performance.


SIR Lower Bound

Using our definition of {k }, we can upper bound the interference power in the
denominator of (3.18) by replacing k with k . By eliminating the sum and taking
k = 2 arbitrarily and using (3.14) we get the following lower bound given in (3.19) on
the SIR.


w (1 p ) E e2a l1

E k k k e2a lk


M F E e2a l1

w(K 1)E {2 e2a l2 }


M F E e2a l1

w(K 1)El1 El2 |l1 {e2a l2 2 | l1 }


To evaluate the conditional expectation in (3.16), let p(lk ) be the PDF of lk , and
assume lk are i.i.d; the PDF is nonzero over (lf , lf + l[ ] ) where the maximum separation l[ ] varies with geographical distribution per section 3.5, and empty brackets are

to contain the index of the geographical distributions (a,b,c,d,e). For the conditional
expectation, only 2 depends on l1 . The impact of 2 in the denominator is to modify
the limits of the integration in the expectation: 2 is zero everywhere except an interval
with |l1 l2 | lCD , see (3.14). The SIR is then lower bounded as given by (3.20).
This lower bound is calculated numerically for each geographical distribution in our

M F p(l1 )e2a l1 dl1



w(K 1) p(l1 )

R min (lf +l[ ] ,l1 +lCD )
max (lf ,l1 lCD )

e2a l2 p(l2 )dl2



Asymptotic Behavior of SIR Lower Bound for Uniform

Radial PDF

For a uniform radial (UR) distribution the PDF takes nonzero values of p (z) = l1[e]
only for z [0, l[e] ] where z denotes the DDF differential length, i.e., lk = z + lf . A
closed form, albeit complicated, solution to the integral of (3.20) can be found. The
SIR has three regions of definition

SIRU R lCD > l[e]


SIRU R l[e] > lCD > l[e] 2


SIRU R l[e] 2 > lCD > 0

The main difference among these regions is the relative importance of the interferers.
We will content ourselves with the asymptotic behavior of the SIR lower bound. For
the SIR lower bound in the regions defined in (3.21) we evaluated the closed form
solutions only for two PON extremes, i.e., low and high density PONs. A family of
multiwavelength OOC with (F = Kw(w 1), M, w, a = c = 1) is considered for our
analysis. The required code length F is calculated by using the Johnson bound for 1D
OOCs with cardinality of K (network size) [15]. To save space we only report the
i) HighDensity PON : A large number of customers (i.e., K  1) located in a small
zone (i.e., small l[e] ), requires large code lengths (i.e., F  1). This results in a large
correlation distance (i.e., lCD l[e] or the first region in (3.21). The SIRU R in this

situation corresponds to
SIRU R = [M (w 1)]2

for lCD l[e]


Note that this situation can also occur for long transmitted pulses, i.e., larger Tc .
Increasing Tc proportionally increases the correlation distance and so lCD l[e] is
more likely.
ii) LowDensity PON : For a low density PON, that is when clients are sparse,
the correlation distance is much smaller than the customers distribution length in the
network (i.e., lCD  l[e] , the third region in (3.21)). Under this condition the SIRU R
is approximated by


M (w 1) l[e]


for lCD  l[e]


Again note that this situation can occur for both very low network sizes, i.e., K very
small, or very short pulse width Tc . In both (3.22) and (3.23) we observe the factor M
that corresponds to the number of available wavelengths in the coding system. For 1D
scheme M = 1.
In the worst case scenario when the maximum relative distance between CMs, i.e.,
maximum separation length, is much smaller than CD, i.e., l[e]  lCD , all CMs
are close enough to interfere with the desired one. In this case the SIR is similar to
traditional OCDMA systems, i.e., the situation described by (3.22). On the other hand,
when lCD  l[e] , only very close CMs are able to interfere with the desired one. Note
that in this situation the SIR is proportional to the square of the maximum length l[e]
and inversely proportional to the square of the correlation distance lCD .


Numerical Results

We observe from the expressions developed previously that the SIR depends on
many parameters that could be grouped in three sets S1 = K, l[ ] , P DF , S2 =
{CF }, and S3 = {Tc }, where CF refers to the selected code family and PDF is the
geographical distribution of clients. The elements of S1 are related to the physical,
geographical parameters of the PON: the number of clients (K), the farthest client
served by the network (l[] ), and the clients distribution (PDF). S2 is related to the



1D coding
0.25 km2 coverage






SIR [dB]

SIR [dB]













Network Size K





Network Size K
















Network Size K






SIR [dB]


1D coding
5 km2 coverage


SIR [dB]


2D coding
0.25 km2 coverage

2D coding
5 km2 coverage






Network Size K


Figure 3.6: SIR lower bound for five geographical distributions vs. number of clients
supported K: 1D scheme (first column), 2D scheme (second column) coverage area 0.25
km2 (first row) and 5 km2 (second row).
code design including: code family, code weight, length and number of wavelengths as
well as the correlation properties. Elements of S2 are interdependent and their values are
subject to the design constraints imposed by S1 and system requirements. We consider
the pulse duration Tc in a separate set because it is independent of all other parameters.
In Figure 3.6, we present the SIR versus the network capacity K for both coding
types 1D and 2D and for all the five geographical distributions [a] to [e] using numerical
techniques to calculate (3.20) by considering a code family with (F = Kw(w 1) +
1, M = w, w = 4, a = c = 1) and setting the pulse duration to Tc = 1 ns. In Figure
3.6, plots on the left (respectively right) report results for 1D codes (respectively 2D).

Upper plots (respectively lower) have coverage area of 0.25 km2 (respectively 5 km2 ). We
observe that the SIR curves of the five cases [a][e] approach (or converge to) the same
asymptote for large network sizes and deviate for low network sizes; this observation
applies to both 1D and 2D codes. It is obvious that the 2D scheme performs better
than the 1D due to additional gain in the wavelength dimension, i.e., M (here equal
to 4). In both 1D and 2D cases, as the coverage area increases, SIR increases due to
degradation of the average interference.
From Figure 3.6, we clearly observe SIR[a] SIR[e] < SIR[c] SIR[d] < SIR[b] .
This does not follow the order of maximum separation lengths for the different geographical distribution as mentioned in section 3.5. This illustrates that l[] is not
sufficient to deduce relative SIR; the form of the PDF plays a key role in the SIR,
i.e., the interference depends on both PDF and l[] . Consequently, for small network
capacities, the maximum deviation in SIR is around 6 dB. Recall that in each subplot
of Figure 3.6, the pulse width and coverage area are fixed. Therefore, this deviation
comes from the difference in the geographical distributions (both the PDF and l[] ).
For a fixed pulse width Tc and network size K (i.e., fixed correlation distance lCD ),
the probability that two clients are located closer than lCD has the smallest (largest)
value for case [b] (case [a]). Hence, case [a] (case [b]) provides the smallest (highest)
SIR. The UR model (SIRU R , case [e]) shows intermediate performance compared to
the worst and best cases [a] and [b] respectively. The SIRU R could be then used as
an approximation of any geographical distribution with a maximum of 6 dB deviation
from results for other distributions. For K large, the PDF has little impact on the SIR.


SIR vs. Pulse Duration Tc

As mentioned before, the correlation distance is proportional to the pulse duration.

Reducing Tc directly reduces the CD consequently reducing the interference probability
in (3.14). In Figure 3.7, we plot the SIR versus the transmitted pulse duration for both
1D and 2D schemes for a UR distribution, case [e]. We plot the SIR for a family of
codes with (F = Kw(w 1) + 1, M = w, w = 4, a = c = 1), three different network
sizes, K = 16,128 and 1024, and a coverage area of 1 km2 . From this figure, we observe
three important characteristics.




Low Density PON







High Density PON:

Traditional OCDMA

12 dB














Figure 3.7: SIR vs. transmitted pulse duration for uniform radial distribution and 1km2
coverage area; 1D and 2D coding schemes.
Firstly, the slope of the SIR is quite independent of the network size or coding scheme, and equals -20dB/decade. This relationship can be seen in (3.23), the

asymptotic low density PON. In dB, (3.23) gives 20 log10 M (w 1)l[e] /2lCD =
C 20 log10 Tc where C is a constant value determined by S1 and S2 . Thus, it can
be seen that SIR and pulse duration are linearly related. Next, the SIR curve reaches
a floor where the correlation distance is equal to the maximum separation length (i.e.,
lCD = l[e] ), corresponding to a pulse width of Tc = 2l[e] /cF . This point moves with
the network size as the code length F depends on the network size K. Finally, the floor
corresponds to traditional OCDMAlike conditions where lCD l[e] ; the SIR does
not depend on the pulse width. Note that reducing the pulse width normally reduces
the total launched energy to the network. Monitoring system should normally use very
sensitive high gain APD detectors [53].




We analyzed the performance of optical coding (OC) PON monitoring. We developed new mathematical models for our monitoring system elements and signal processing operations. We considered the wavelengthtime (twodimensional) coding in
addition to the one dimensional coding of [6]. We illustrated that the geographical
distribution of the clients affects the interference in our system, by considering five
geographical distributions describing realistic PON systems. We derived a closed form
lower bound for signaltointerference ratio (SIR) as the measure of our monitoring system performance. We showed that the uniform radial (UR) distribution, an analytically
tractable distribution, gives accurate performance estimation for all the distributions
considered. In addition, our monitoring system suffers less from interference than does
traditional OCDMA. Our results show that SIR is sufficient to successfully monitor the
network. We found that reducing the pulse width is a good strategy to increase the
SIR. We also derived closed form expressions for the asymptotic behavior of the SIR in
the case of a UR distribution. These expressions provide a reasonable predictor of SIR
with other geographical distributions.

Chapter 4

Performance Analysis of Fiber

Fault PON Monitoring Using
Optical Coding: SNR, SNIR and
FalseAlarm Probability

M. M. Rad, H. Fathallah, and L. A. Rusch, Performance Analysis of Fiber PON

Monitoring Using Optical Coding: SNR, SNIR and FalseAlarm Probability, to appear
in IEEE Transaction on Communication.





We evaluate the theoretical performance of recently proposed optical coding (OC)

technology for fiber fault monitoring of a PON through the signaltonoise ratio (SNR),
the signaltonoiseplusinterference ratio (SNIR), and the falsealarm probability.
First, we develop a mathematical model and expressions for the detected monitoring
signals considering a square law detector and using realistic parameters. Second, we
address the effect of the transmitted pulse power, network size and light source coherence on the performance of both onedimensional (1D) and two-dimensional (2D) OC
monitoring systems. We show that the transmitted pulse width can be optimized to
tradeoff the interference and the detection noises. We give simple analytic equations
for this optimal pulse width as a function of network parameters. Both 1D and 2D
coding schemes are considered. We find that, under perfect dispersion compensation,
an incoherent source performs better than lasers for 1D coding. In addition, 2D coding
using lasers offer very good performance and supports networks up to 128 customers
with SNIR10dB; a promising candidate for future high capacity PON. Finally, we apply NeymanPearson testing to the receiver of our monitoring system and investigate
how coding and network size affect the operational expenses (OPEX) of our monitoring



Opticaltimedomain reflectometry (OTDR) is efficient for testing optical devices

and fiber link monitoring of pointtopoint (PTP) networks; however it has yet to
demonstrate its full applicability for pointtomultipoint (PMP) networks like FTTH
PONs [1, 2, 7, 15, 52, 56, 58]. It is difficult for the central office (CO) network manager
to identify a specific broken fiber branch in a tree architecture PON. Two monitoring
strategies exist that tend to address this problem: centralized and distributed. The
first provides the CO the ability to acquire remotely, live, inservice, full information
about the network. The second considers placing active modules inside the optical
network terminations (ONTs) responsible for making performance measurements, and
sending the information up to the CO. This approach is an effective tool for preventive
maintenance of the fiber link, however it falls idle when abrupt interruption occurs in

a distribution/drop fiber (DDF), i.e., when monitoring is most critical.
A few centralized techniques have been previously proposed for inservice PON
management [31, 32, 34, 41, 48, 59]; all are impractical due to their limited capacity (maximum of a few dozen of customers). In this paper, we consider a centralized
strategy for fiber link monitoring of a PON that exploits passive optical code division
multiplexing (OCDM) technology. In [52], we introduced, for the first time, the use of
a modified OCDM scheme for centralized fiber link monitoring of architecture agnostic
PONs. In [58], we developed a mathematical framework for this monitoring system
and derived closed form expressions for the interference probability and the signalto
interference ratio (SIR). We demonstrated the importance of geographical distribution
and the transmitted pulse duration on the system performance measured in terms of
SIR for five geographic distributions for the PON topology. Reducing the transmitted
pulse duration improves the SIR proportionally. However, decreasing the pulse width
also decreases the received energy, creating new dominant noise effects not investigated
in [58]. This chapter extends our analysis by evaluating the overall performance of
the system using signaltonoise ratio (SNR), signaltonoiseplusinterference ratio
(SNIR), and the falsealarm probability (PF A ). Results from [58] will be applied directly in this paper to account for interference. We also address how design parameters
such as power, pulse width, coding scheme, and source type affect the overall system
In section 4.3, we briefly introduce the optical coding (OC) monitoring principle,
summarize the key results previously obtained in [58], and develop the mathematical model of the detected signal taking into account all known interference and noise
sources. In section 4.4, we address the beat noise and relative intensity noise in our system. We highlight and compare important differences between our monitoring system
and standard optical CDMA data communication. Analytical expressions are derived
for the different noise terms for both 1D (time only) and 2D (time wavelength) coding schemes, each for coherent and incoherent light source. In section 4.5, we define
figures of merit SNIR and SNR for our monitoring system. Numerical results are then
given to study the effects of transmitted power, and network size. In section 4.6, we
address the importance of transmitted pulse width on SNIR. In section 4.7 we focus
on the falsealarm probability, PF A , and apply NeymanPearson hypothesis testing to
our monitoring receiver. Finally, we offer concluding remarks in section 4.8.



OCDM Monitoring System


In Figure 4.1, we illustrate the principle of our OC based fiber link monitoring
of a PON [52, 58]. In this technique, we differentiate each DDF in the PON using a
specific optical encoder placed at the DDF end. The CO transmits an optical pulse,
with a duration Tc , in the standard monitoring U band (16251675 nm). The pulse
is split at the remote node (RN) passive splitter (PS) into subpulses, each of which
travels through a separate DDF. Each monitoring subpulse is separated from the data
signal at the fiber end by a U band wavelength selector (WS) at the front of ONT, and
then coded and reflected back to the CO by a dual function device encoder/reflector,
we call a coding mirror (CMi , i = 1, 2, . . . , K). The CO receives the sum of all the
encoded signals returned by the CMs and extracts the information about a particular
DDF by cyclically matching its unique decoder to the received signal. Features of the
autocorrelation peak are used to assess the quality of the individual fiber link. If all the
components of the network are working well, the quality of the monitoring signal (auto
correlation peak) should be good. Otherwise there should exists one or more problems
in the network. Our focus in this paper is on DDF status, i.e., faulty (with a break)
or healthy (with no break) situations. The DDF status is then modeled by a Bernoulli
random variable. When a break happens for a DDF, no encoding occurs and no auto
correlation peak is observed for that particular DDF. However, crosscorrelation spikes
and detection noises may cause errors in estimating the status of a particular DDF.
Note that the capacity of our monitoring technology, while ultimately limited by the
code family used, is orders of magnitude larger than all previously proposed techniques
[31, 32, 34, 41, 48, 59].
Figure 4.1 shows two implementations of a 2D (1D) CM. A generic 2D (1D) CM passive splitter implementation using tapped delay lines (TDLs), bandpass filters (BPFs)
and passive splitters/combiners (PSCs) and a circulator is illustrated [58]. A more practical, multipleFBG (MFBG) implementation is also illustrated. Each grating in this
structure reflects a different wavelength in a specific time (i.e., discrete position), corresponding to a preset 2D code. We consider 1D coding as a special case of 2D coding;
all the gratings are tuned to reflect the same wavelength and no BPF is required. Note
that the FBG implementation obviates U band WS at the DDF ends as well as the ad-





U band






& alarm
switch &
pattern control


Optical Switch










passive splitter implementation

fiber Bragg grating



Figure 4.1: Principle of OCDM based monitoring technique; the same implementation
is considered for encoding/decoding operation.
ditional circulator at CM; hence, reducing the component count and the total CM loss.
Figure 4.1 also details the OCDM monitoring block. The same technology is considered
for the decoding operation at the CO. The insertion loss of optical switches and BPFs
are neglected. Recall that no continuous data transmission exists for our monitoring
application. Hence, one photodetector is sufficient for the entire network. Depending
on the desired DDF to be monitored, the optical switch selects the corresponding decoder, i.e., one customer is monitored at a time [58]. In subsection 4.3.3 we address the
power/loss budget of each implementation.


Interference Statistics

In chapter 3 we focused on the interference statistics and showed that interference

depends on both the properties of the code family and the geographical distribution of
the clients as well as the transmitted pulse width Tc . We demonstrated that our system
suffers less from interference than optical code division multiple access (OCDMA) systems, as only very close undesired CMs, i.e., closer than the correlation distance lCD ,
can contribute in the total decoded signal. We found lCD = cF Tc /2 where F and c
denote the time domain code length and the light velocity in the fiber core. We show
that decreasing Tc is a good strategy to improve SIR. However, in real situations this
creates new dominant noises which are to be investigated in this paper. We defined
an i.i.d Bernoulli random sequence k , k = 2, 3, ..., K (the first client represents the
desired one, without loss of generality); k = 1 when customer k contributes nonzero

interference. As indicated, the DDF status is modeled by a Bernoulli random variable
k {0, 1} which is assumed to be the same for all DDFs. We considered a family
of multiwavelength optical orthogonal codes with (F, M, w = 4, a = c = 1) where
M , w, a and c are the available number of wavelengths, code weight, maximum of
(outofphase) auto and cross correlation values, respectively. The code length F is
related to the network size K [54, 58, 60]. We derived an upper bound on the interference probability, Pr(k = 1) as a function of the code family and the physical location
of both the desired client and interferers. We also demonstrated that a uniform radial
(UR) distribution for the clients, while simple and easy to model, provides an acceptable estimate, in terms of SIR, for more general geographical distribution models [58].
Therefore, in this paper we assume that client distribution over the network coverage
area obeys a UR model.


Decoded Signal

By considering unitary crosscorrelation, c = 1 for codes used, each interfering

CM sequence can only contribute one optical pulse to the total decoded signal in the
observation interval. We assume that the CO receiver knows the exact observation
interval Tobs (corresponding to the autocorrelation peak window) 1 for the desired CM1
[7, 14]. The decoded signal for the desired customer in the field domain as a function
of time t and wavelength during t Tobs can be expressed as;

r1 (t, , l) =

L CM d

a l1

1 e


(t, 1,u ) +


k e

a lk

(t, k )



where vector l = [l1 , ..., lK ] represents the distance from the clients to the CO. Other
terms are defined in the following, per chapter 3.
The first term in (4.1) is the desired signal, the autocorrelation peak. The second term corresponds to the interference coming from undesired clients, i.e., cross
correlation spikes. The total connector/splice loss is L , the transmission fiber loss is
a in neper/meter in the monitoring wavelength, and the CM (decoding) attenuation
in the field domain is CM (d ); which are discussed in greater details at the end of this
subsection. The decoded signal experiences attenuation proportional to the number of
1. The synchronization of the receiver to the observation interval is an important issue which is not
in the purpose of this paper.

clients K due to splitting and combining at the RN, i.e., a total power insertion loss of
. The binary random variable 1 {0, 1} denotes the status of the desired clients
connection. The frequency in common between user 1 and user k is denoted by vk , while
1,u is the uth frequency in user 1s code. We will now consider the impact on (4.1) on
our choice of system architecture: 1) 1D vs. 2D codes, and 2) encoder implementation.
The source coherence effects, coherent (laser) or incoherent/broadband source (BBS),
and coding schemes and their relation to noise sources are discussed in section 4.4.
In a 1D scheme only one wavelength is transmitted, so all the pulses in (4.1) have
the same center wavelength, i.e., 1,u = 0 and vk = 0 . However, in a 2D case, vk
varies with the code and interfering client, hence reducing the total beat noise (BN)
terms. In fact, due to the coding in the wavelength domain, a 2D scheme suffers less
from BN than a 1D scheme, see section 4.4.
The encoding attenuation (e ) depends on the implementation used for our OC
monitoring system [52, 54, 58, 60]. The PSC with TDL and optical BPFs has e2D =
e1D = w1 . The additional circulator (with attenuation factor circ ) increases the CM
insertion loss, i.e., CM = circ e . Typical values of 2 dB are considered for the total
power insertion loss of the circulator. For a FBG implementation of 1D coding we have
= e1D = 1w where all the gratings are tuned to reflect the same wavelength.
= e2D = r where r is the
For a FBG implementation of 2D coding, we have CM
reflectivity of the grating for 2D scheme [52, 55, 58, 60]. For a 2D scheme, each grating
is designed to reflect a distinct wavelength with r = 100% reflectivity. However, for
a 1D scheme the reflectivities depend on the code weight w. As mentioned, the same
implementation is considered for encoding and decoding operation, i.e., e = d .


Detected Signal

In this paper we use a square law model for the detection process, and include all
electrical and optical noises as well [16, 61, 62]. Also, in order to compensate the huge
loss due to passive elements such as splitter/combiner, we consider a high gain avalanche
photodiode (APD) with a gain G and excess noise factor of 1 + , see Table 4.1. Recall
that no optical amplifier exists for the U band. The total output photocurrent can be

written as

iP D (t) = G |r1 (t, , l)|2 + iRIN (t) + iSN (t) + iDN (t) + iT N (t)


for t Tobs . The terms iRIN (t), iSN (t), iT N (t) and iDN (t) denote current noise sources:
relative intensity noise (RIN) of the detected optical pulses, shot noise (SN), dark
current noise (DN), and thermal noise (TN) of the receiver. The first three terms in
(4.2) are the sources of signal (and interference) dependent noises. The remaining terms
in (4.2) correspond to the signal independent noises.
Consider traditional OTDR on pointtopoint (PTP) links. In these systems the
receiver sensitivity is limited by the shot noise, since the measurements can be taken
over a very long interval. There is no RIN because coherent (laser) sources are used;
there is no beat noise (BN) because only one optical pulse is transmitted and reflected
by the network [19]. In contrast, in our application measurements cannot be taken over
a long interval, but are restricted to the brief observation interval Tobs with duration
of a transmitted pulse width. Incoherent sources offer advantages, but introduce RIN.
Finally, due to the tree structure, as opposed to PTP, many pulses are returned leading
to BN. In the next section we show that these differences affect our system performance


Noise Source Analysis

In subsection 4.4.1, we address the potential structures for our monitoring applications. We then, in subsection 4.4.2, analytically derive in detail the total detected light.
Afterwards in subsection 4.4.3 (4.4.4), the source coherence effects, i.e., BN and RIN
(SN, TN, and DN) are formulated for both coherent and broadband sources and 2D
and 1D coding schemes. These equations are used in the following section to study our
monitoring system performance.


Potential System Structures

Taking two possible source types (coherent and BBS), two coding schemes (1D
and 2D), and two encoding/decoding implementations (FBG and PSC), a variety of

architectures can be proposed for our monitoring system [53]. In fact, considering the
power/loss budget, some combinations are extremely disadvantageous. For instance,
due to the very poor performance of the coherent source based 1D coding scheme, a
PSC based implementation of this scheme is not considered in this paper. In addition,
the spectrum slicing of the BBS leads to intensity noise for a 2D coding scheme that is
prohibitive, and thus this is not addressed. Recall that a filtered BBS severely suffers
from RIN [16]. Therefore, we consider only the following four configurations to be of
most interest: 1) coherent source + 1D FBG enc/dec (1DCohFBG), 2) BBS + 1D
FBG enc/dec (1DBBSFBG), 3) BBS + 1D PSC enc/dec (1DBBSPSC), and 4)
coherent source + 2D FBG enc/dec (2DCohFBG).


Beat Noise and DC Components

To develop equations for the beat noise contribution for either coherent or incoherent
sources, we focus on the first term in (4.2) and decompose it. Let iIA (t) represent the
intensity (power) addition and iBN (t) the beating of the detected pulses (desired and
interferers), i.e.,G |r1 (t, , l)|2 = iIA (t) + iBN (t). Recall that in [58] we assumed that the
total output current can be approximated solely by the intensity addition term, i.e.,
iP D (t) = iIA (t). Using (4.2) in conjugation with (4.1) we have

2a l1

iIA (t) = GT e


| (t, 1,u )| +


k e

2a lk

| (t, k )|




2Re { (t, 1,i ) (t, 1,j )}
i=1 j=i+1 |

iBN (t) = 1 GT e2a l1

signaltosignal beating= SSB

w P

2k ea lk Re { (t, 1,u ) (t, k )}

u=1 k=2 |

+1 GT ea l1

signaltointerference beating= SIB



2i j ea (li +lj ) Re { (t, i ) (t, j )}

i=2 j=i+1 |


interferencetointerference beating=IIB

represents the total loss experienced by each optical
where by definition
pulse. Similar to (4.3) the BN term iBN (t) can be written as given by (4.4) at the top

of the page. Where Re {x} = x+x

and denotes the complex conjugate. Three beat2
2 2d


Central Office

U band

To the network









Optical Network





From the network

Figure 4.2: Illustration of the CO structure: transmitter and receiver; the optical
switches in Figure 4.1 are considered ideal with no insertion loss.
ing signals are defined: signaltosignal beating (SSB), signaltointerference beating
(SIB), and interferencetointerference beating (IIB). The photocurrent iP D (t) will be
electrically filtered, affecting the contributions to BN from terms SSB, SIB, and IIB.
The beating between pulses with different center wavelengths is eliminated by electrical filtering; beating is significant only for signals with the same center wavelength. In
case of the 1D scheme, and all terms in (4.4), i.e., SSB, SIB, and IIB, contribute to
a significant BN power. However, for the 2D scheme, SSB is eliminated by assigning
unique wavelengths to the pulses in the autocorrelation peak in (4.1), i.e., 1,u 6= 1,v
for u 6= v {1, ..., w}. In addition, the average power of SIB and IIB decreases proportionally with the code weight w [63][68]. The total BN power also depends on the
statistics of the interference {k }K
k=2 , particularly on the geographical distribution of
the clients and the transmitted pulse width Tc . Rather than standard optical CDMA,
decreasing Tc directly decreases the interference by reducing the correlation distance.
In addition, sparser users leads to smaller interference probability Pr(k = 1) [58]. In
this paper, we consider a fixed coverage area and a UR distribution for the customers,
i.e., we only investigate the importance of Tc our monitoring performance, for more
details see chapter 3.
To estimate the desired DDF status 1 the photocurrent iP D (t) is electrically filtered
during Tobs of length Tc , see Figure 4.2. The filtered signal is then sampled and the
decision variable is compared to a threshold which depends on the system parameters,
see section 4.7. In the case of an integrator and dump for the electrical filter, the decision
random variable can be written as
1 Z


iP D (t)dt


The decision variable can be expressed as = sIA +BN +RIN +SN +DN +T N

where by definition we have sIA = T1c

iIA (t)dt and j = T1c
ij (t)dt for j


{BN, RIN, SN, DN, T N }. Indeed j are random variables representing the contribution of each noise component to , and sIA denotes the nonzero average (DC) part of
the filtered photocurrent. In our analysis we content ourselves with finding the signal
power to noise power ratio, based on the second moments of j ; in section 4.7 we study
PF A assuming Gaussian statistics for . Note that to facilitate our analysis (in section
4.7) we keep explicit the desired DDF status 1 in the following equations for both
signal and noises.
The DC part sIA can be written as the summation of the desired signal sig and
the interference contribution int , i.e., sIA = sig + int where by definition

sig (l1 ) = 1 GT e2a l1

int (l) = GT


1 R
| (t,


k e2a lk T1c

1,u )|

dt = 1 wGT Ps e2a l1



| (t, k )|2 dt = GT Ps

k e2a lk



We assumed that each pulse has average power Ps =




| (t, )|2 dt. Note that sig

and int are conditional means, i.e., conditioned on the realization of l = [l1 , ..., lK ]. In
the following we focus on the statistics of each of the noise terms j contributing to


Source Coherence Effects

In our proposed system the CO generates a pulse from a single source and transmits
this to all CMs, introducing correlation in the reflected sequences. However, analysis
in [69] shows that for relative delays larger than the observation interval, even optical
pulses originating from the same source can be assumed independent at the output
of the electrical filter. Recall that in our application the pulse width is small, especially compared to the geographic distribution of clients; in order for returns to remain
correlated clients would need to be spaced closer than a meter. We therefore assume
random variables RIN and BN are uncorrelated. By assuming a linear model in the
field domain for all the network components as in chapter 3 and neglecting polarization
effects, the return signal is composed of delayed (and attenuated) versions of the original monitoring pulse sent by the CO. In sum, all incident pulses on the photodetector

have identical but independent statistics so that all the beating terms in (4.4) are un2
correlated. The total noise power (conditioned on l) due to the RIN (RIN
) and BN
(BN ) can be simply summed in order to calculate the total RIN and BN power, i.e.,
+ BN
[16, 61, 62]. Again recall that RIN and BN powers are also affected by the
transmitted pulse width and the geographical distribution of the users in the network.

RIN for a BBS source in 1D scheme

Let be the source coherence time of the optical signal divided by the pulse duration, i.e., = Tcc . The filtered RIN of such a signal has a normalized power equal to
[16, 61]. For electrical bandwidth Be and available optical bandwidth Bo , we have
, is times the square of
. Therefore, the RIN power of an optical signal, RIN

= B
its power. Using (4.3), the total RIN power can be expressed as

4a l1

(1 , l) = (T GPs ) (1 + ) 1 we


k e

4a lk


Recall that in a laser based system no significant RIN exists, i.e., RIN = 0. As mentioned, due to the spectrum slicing of the BBS source, a 2D scheme that uses BBS
suffers from severe RIN [16]. Therefore, in our application we do not consider BBS
sources for 2D coding schemes, but rather only coherent sources (lasers) for 2D.

BN in a 1D Scheme (laser and BBS)

Similar to RIN, each beat noise term for both coherent and incoherent sources in

(4.4) has a normalized power equal to , where by definition = min Tcc
61, 64]. The optical bandwidth Bo however depends on the source type. For instance, a
coherent source such as a modelocked laser has Bo around 10 MHz. For a broadband
source such as thermal sources or LEDs, Bo can be as large as 1 THz ( 8 nm). Note
that for pulse width larger than the source coherence time, i.e., Tc c , is proportional
to the inverse of the pulse width for both coherent and BBS sources.
The optical signal for both lasers and BBS is assumed to have a zero mean average
in the field domain. Thus all terms in (4.4) are uncorrelated and so correspondingly
are SSB, SIB, and IIB uncorrelated. The total BN power can then be expressed as the
summation of the power of each BN term component in (4.4). The BN power of each
Re {} term in (4.4) is times of the square of its power, as for RIN terms [16, 61, 62, 69].

Therefore, the conditional powers of SSB, SIB, and IIB are
(1 , l) = SSB
(1 , l1 ) + SIB
(1 , l) + IIB


where we have
(1 , l1 ) = 1 (T GPs )2 (1 + )w(w 1)e4a l1

2k e2a lk


2u v e2a (lu +lv )


(1 , l) = 1 (T GPs )2 (1 + )we2a l1
(l) = (T GPs )2 (1 + )



u=2 v=u+1




Note that (4.9) hold for both coherent and BBS in a 1D coding scheme. Also {k }
depend on the geographic distribution of clients and the transmitted pulse width.

BN for a laser source in a 2D Schem

In a 2D scheme, by assigning a different wavelength to each pulse in the code, the

autocorrelation will contain no BN among desired pulses, i.e., SSB is zero [55, 60],[64]
[68] 2 . As mentioned previously, for 2D scheme, (4.11) and (4.12) reduces by a factor of
w. The 2D scheme has a double benefit: eliminating SSB and reducing SIB and IIB. IIB
(1 , l).
(1 , l) SIB
is on average much smaller than SIB, so we can approximate BN
As mentioned, due to the significant RIN power of a spectrum sliced BBS, in this paper
we do not consider a 2D scheme that uses BBS sources.


Shot, Dark Current and Thermal Noises

The shot noise process, iSN (t), is modeled as a Poisson process with a power proportional to the average of the detected light in (4.3), and independent of all other
noise components [16, 61, 62]. Therefore, the random variable SN is Poisson with a
conditional power equal to

= qG(1 + )sIA = qG(1 + )Be (sig + int )


where q is the electron charge and Be is the equivalent electrical bandwidth Be


2. For this to be true the number of available wavelength should be higher than the code weight,
i.e., M w.

As with the shot noise process, the dark current noise is modeled by a Poisson
process with an average current equal to IDN Amps and is independent of all other
noise components. The filtered dark current, DN is a Poisson random variable with a
= qIDN Be . Thermal noise is modeled as a zero mean Gaussian process with
power DN
a power spectral density NT N in Amp2 /Hz [16, 61, 62]. So the filtered thermal noise
T N is a zero mean Gaussian random variable with a power equal to T2 N = NT N Be .
Based on previous discussion, j , j {BN, RIN, SN, DN, T N } are uncorrelated.
Therefore, the total noise power due to RIN, BN, SN, DN and TN can be simply
calculated by adding all noise component powers. We define a new random variable n

representing the total noise effect in (4.5) so as n = BN + RIN + SN + DN + T N .

The random variable n is zero mean and its conditional (conditioned on realization l)
+ T2 N . Usually n is approximated
+ DN
+ SN
power n2 equals to n2 = BN
to have a Gaussian distribution [16, 61, 62], see section 4.7.


Performance Evaluation

Due to nonzero interference coming from undesired clients in the network, three
signal quality measurement tools can be defined: signaltointerference ratio (SIR),
signaltonoise ratio (SNR), and signaltonoiseplusinterference ratio (SINR). We
can express SNIR in terms of SNR and SIR (previously studied in chapter 3).


Signal Quality Measurment Tools

By definition SNIR is the square of the desired signal average (autocorrelation

peak) divided by the average of the total noise power
SN IR = 2
int + n2


where sig = E {sig }, int = E {int } and n2 = E {n2 } is the average of desired signal,
interference, and noises; the operator E {} takes the expectation over l and 1 . The
a priori probability of a fault in the desired clients DDF is p = Pr (1 = 0). As the
link is reasonably reliable, E{1 } = 1 p
= 1. Note that the denominator in (4.14)

corresponds to the total power of undesired terms, including undesired DC in (4.5).
The signaltonoise ratio (SNR) is defined as

SN R =



Using the signaltointerference ratio (SIR) definition in chapter 3, i.e.,

SNIR and SNR are related by
SN IR1 = SIR1 + SN R1




So having SIR and SNR gives us SNIR using (4.16). We continue our discussion by
defining measurement tools to focus on each noise term separately. By dividing both the

numerator and denominator of (4.15) by 2sig we define the SNR component SN Ri =


for i {BN, RIN, SN, DN, T N } where by definition i2 = E {i2 }. Therefore,

we can write SN R1 =


SN Ri1 . In the following, we will see that, depending on

the coding schemes and encoding/decoding implementations and network parameters,

different SNIR components become dominant.
In the following we evaluate the importance of transmitted power, network size, and
the DDF fault probability on our system performance. The averages of the signal and
noise powers in (4.8)(4.13) are calculated by performing expectation over all possible
network realizations l = [l1 , ..., lK ]. We assume that the client distribution obeys a
uniform radial (UR) model introduced in [58]. As explained before, a fixed coverage
area equal to 1 km2 is considered. This corresponds to a maximum separation length of
l = 564 m for a UR distribution model 3 . Table 4.1 gives the parameters we used for
our numerical results. While BBS pulses suffer from severe dispersion, for this paper
we assume perfect dispersion compensation at the CO.


Transmitted Power

Consider a PON with K = 64 clients and a 20km feeder fiber. The total loss due to
splitting/combining at the RN is 36 dB (18 dB+18 dB). The total feeder loss is 12 dB
(6 dB+6 dB). For a code weight of w = 4, the total encoder/decoder insertion loss is 12
dB for 1D FBG, 0 dB for 2D FBG, 26 dB for a PSC based implementation. Therefore,
3. The maximum distance between the RN and a customer in the network (CM), see chapter 3.

Geographical Parameters
Feeder Length

lf = 20km

Coverage Area

a2 = 1km2

Maximum Separation Length

l = 564m
p = 102

Fiber Fault Probability

Geographical Distribution

Uniform Radial over [0, l]

OOC Parameters
Number of Wavelengths

M =4

Code Weight


Maximum of Autocorrelation

a = 1

Maximum of Crosscorrelation

c = 1

Code Length (varies with K)

F = w(w 1)K + 1

Component Parameters
Monitoring Wavelength
Fiber Attenuation for m

m = 1650 nm
a = 0.3 dB/km

Avalanch Photodiode (APD) Gain

G = 100

APD Ionization Coefficient

= 102

APD Excess Noise Factor

+ 1 = 2.97

Dark Current
Thermal Noise Power
Total Connector/Splice Loss

IDC = 160 nA
NT N = 1026 Amp2 /Hz
L = 5 dB

BBS Bandwidth

Bo =1 THz and 100 GHz

Laser Linewidth

Bo =10 MHz

(varies with pulse width Tc )

Splitter/Network Size at RN

Be /Bo = 1/(Bo Tc )
K = 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256

Table 4.1: Values used for simulation.

for a 5 dB splice/connector loss, the total loss experienced by optical pulses varies from
41 dB to 67 dB. Considering a transmitted power of 4 dBm, the received power can be
as small as 39 dBm (2D FBG) to 63 dBm (PSC). In the next, we investigate the
importance of transmitted power on the performance of our monitoring system.
Using Table 4.1, the required code length is F = 769. For a Tc = 1 ns pulse width
we have lCD = 76.9 m. In this case, we have SIRs of 21.6 dB for 1D coding scheme
and 33.6 dB for 2D coding scheme; the system is interferencefree [53]. In Figure 4.3
we plot SNIR (solid line) and SNR (dashed line) versus the transmitted power for
different configurations. Only transmitted powers up to 10 dBm are considered, as
maximum power is limited by the fiber nonlinearity; for higher values, the linear system
assumption is no longer valid [58]. We observe negligible difference between SNIR and
SNR. Performance is limited by detection noise and not the interference. From Figure
4.3 we observe that only 2DCohFBG provides acceptable performance, i.e., SNIR
10 dB, for powers smaller than 4 dBm. In the rest of the paper, we consider 4 dBm







Ps= 4 dBm
Maximum Limit for standard
single mode fiber

SIR = 33.6 dB


SIR = 21.6 dB
-10 -5







Transmitted Power Ps [Watt]

Figure 4.3: SNIR (solid curve) and SNR (dashed curve) versus the transmitted pulse
power for pulse width Tc = 1 ns and K = 64; Bo = 1 THz for a BBS source and
Bo = 10 MHz for a coherent source.
for the transmitted power which is the maximum possible value for a standard single
mode fiber in order not to induce any fiber nonlinearity [16].


Network Size and Fault Probability

Using Tc = 1 ns, Ps = 4 dBm and values in Table 4.1, in Figure 4.4 we plot the
= SNR) versus network size for both 1D and 2D schemes. It can be observed
that for a 1D scheme that uses coherent sources, the performance is very poor even
for small network sizes, see section 4.4. Increasing the network capacity degrades SNIR
and SNR (as well as SIR in chapter 3) by increasing the splitting loss at the RN (as
well as the interference). We also considered (perfectly compensated) BBS sources with
Bo = 1 THz (solid line) and Bo = 100 GHz (dashed line) for a 1D scheme and different
coding implementation in Figure 4.4. Increasing Bo , leads to considerable improvement
in system performance, see (4.7)(4.9). Figure 4.4 shows that even for small network

BPON/EPON/GPON: Current technology
GPON: Future High Capacity Consideration




Bo = 10 MHz
Bo = 1 THz
Bo = 100 GHz

Bo = 10 MHz


Increasing loss at RN





Network Size K

Figure 4.4: SNR versus network size for different coding schemes and Ps = 4 dBm and
Tc = 1 ns.
sizes such as K = 32, the performance of both 1DCohFBG and 1DBBSPSC are
poor, i.e., SNIR 5 dB. Having established form Figure 4.3 and Figure 4.4 that the
1DCohFBG and 1DBBSPSC are not viable solutions, we retain only the 1DBBS
FBG and 2DCohFBG structures as candidates for our monitoring system.
Regions corresponding to the current PON technology (E/B/GPON) and future
high capacity PON (GPON with K = 64, 128, 256) are also illustrated [52, 56, 58]. We
see our technique, while supporting the current standards, enables further increases in
the splitting ratio at the RN. Recall that all the results presented in Figure 4.4 are
related to the parameters listed in Table 4.1.
The a priori probability of a fault in the desired clients DDF is p =Pr(1 = 0).
As the link is reasonably reliable, E {1 } = 1 p 1. This approximation leads to
insignificant variation in system SNIR (SNR) versus network size; for instance, plots
are nearly indistinguishable for p = 102 versus p = 101 for Tc = 1 ns, Ps = 4 dBm
and the values in Table 4.1.



Effect of Pulse Width

In this section we focus on the effect of pulse width on our monitoring system performance in terms of SNIR. While an interference limited analysis shows that decreasing
pulse width increases SIR unboundedly [58], we show that, as a result of tradeoff
between interference and detection noises (BN, RIN and SN) the pulse width can be
optimized depending on the network size and coding implementations. As explained before, we only focus on 1DBBSFBG and 2DCohFBG architectures. In all the results
presented here, the bandwidth of the photodetector is considered to be greater than
the postdetection electrical bandwidth, i.e., larger than T1c . Therefore, our numerical
results do not take the bandwidth limitation of the photodetector into consideration.


Numerical Results

Using the values in Table 4.1 and Ps = 4 dBm, in Figure 4.5a we plot the SNIR given
by (4.11) versus the pulse width for a 1DBBSFBG system and different network sizes.
For short pulse width, or equivalently high electrical bandwidths, (left side of Figure
4.5a) the performance is limited by the signal dependent noises. As the pulse width
increases, SNR improves while SIR degrades 4 . For longer pulses (when lCD = cF Tc /2
l), the SNIR is dominated by SIR. For very long pulse widths our system tends to
SIR=10 dB; in this regime we have a high density PON whose performance is similar
to that of a data bearing OCDMA system [58]. Figure 4.5a also shows that for small
networks, K = 8, 16, 32 an optimal pulse width exists which provides the maximum
SNIR. This optimal pulse width occurs at Tc 1 ns in our simulations based on the
values given in Table 4.1. For large network sizes, K = 64, 128, 256, no optimal pulse
width is observed and all very long pulses lead to the same asymptotic performance
studied in the previous chapter.
Using the values in Table 4.1 and Ps = 4 dBm, we plot SNIR in (4.11) versus
the pulse width for a 2DCohFBG system architecture and different network sizes
in Figure 4.5b. For very short pulses it is more likely that lCD  l, i.e., negligible
interference; SIR is high, and SIB power can be neglected compared to the shot noise
4. In chapter 3 we found that SIR (in dB) is a linearly decreasing function of the pulse width for
lCD = cF Tc /2 l.




2D-Coh-FBG, Bo=10MHz



25 SN-Limited








K = 16
K = 32
K = 64
K = 128
K = 256




-10 -12

K = 16
K = 32
K = 64
K = 128
K = 256


Decreasing Electrical
Bandwidth Be



Pulse Width Tc [sec]





-10 -12

Decreasing Electrical
Bandwidth Be



Pulse Width Tc [sec]





Figure 4.5: SNIR versus the transmitted pulse width for Ps = 4 dBm and a) 2DCoh
FBG with Bo = 10 MHz, and b) 1DBBSFBG and Bo = 1 THz.
power. Thus the total noise power for short pulses is dominated by the shot noise
coming from the desired pulses, i.e., SNIR SNRSN , a linearly increasing function of
the pulse width. As the pulse width increases, leading to higher correlation distance
lCD , interference increases leading to greater beat noise power. For these intermediate
pulse widths, beat noise dominates, SNIR SNRBN , and we observe the SNIR (in dB)
is a linearly decreasing function of pulse width. When lCD reaches l = cF Tc /2, the
interference reaches a maximum (thus fixing SIR and SNRBN ) after which the SNIR
plateaus. Once the pulse width exceeds the coherence time of the laser source (Tc c ),
SNRBN improves. Thus for very long pulse widths the system is interference limited
(high density PON) with SNIR SIR = 22 dB.
Similar to 1D scheme, for network sizes up to K = 128, an optimal (local) pulse
widths exists. Compared to the 1D scheme, the optimal pulses are shorter, Tc 0.3
ns. As was the case in the 1D scheme, for K > 64 the highest SNIR is achieved
asymptotically with very long pulse width. Note that the optimal pulse width exists
because changing the pulse duration affects the statistics of the interference. While for
a very short pulse width we have a good SIR, the SNR is low. Correspondingly, for
long pulse widths SIR degrades while SNR improves. In subsection 4.6.3 we provide
analytical expressions for this optimal value depending on the network parameters.



Partitioning of Monitoring Across Uband Subbands

As illustrated in Figure 4.5, for large networks, particularly for the 2D scheme, the
optimal performance is only achieved for very long pulse widths. For smaller networks,
the local maximums in Figure 4.5 are opportunities to increase the effectiveness of
our monitoring system. In addition, these network sizes lead to optimal pulse widths
with easier encoder/decoder implementations. For instance, for a very short pulse, the
encoder/decoder will have greater sensitivity; also, very long pulses this will be bulky
to the point of impracticality.
Recall that all 50 nm in the U band (16251675 nm) is devoted to monitoring and
no data is carried inside this band. In order to achieve good performance and practical
monitoring and still support large networks, we propose the use of a multiband scheme
for the monitoring. For example, in the case of a 1D scheme that uses BBS we can slice
the 50 nm of U band into five slices of 8 nm (Bo = 1 THz) and leave the remaining
10 nm for a guard band. The monitoring capacity is then increased by a factor of five
(the number of subbands) for the same SNIR (SNR) in Figure 4.4. As a result similar
to standard OTDR techniques averaging technique can be used to improve our system
performance [16]. Assuming independent measurements, the SNR of the monitoring
system improves in proportion to the number of measurements averaged.
In general, the partitioning and averaging techniques can be used simultaneously to
significantly improve the performance/capacity of our monitoring system. Note that the
performance of our monitoring system is ultimately dominated by the interference, i.e.,
SNIRSIR. In this situation the performance is only affected by the code properties,
the geographic distribution and the transmitted pulse width.


Finding the Optimal Pulse Widths

We will assume that the transmitted power is high enough to neglect both the dark
current and thermal noises, i.e., SNRDN , SNRT N . Therefore, only signal dependent noises (BN, RIN and SN) are retained. We study 1D and 2D schemes separately.
For space considerations only results are presented.


1D Coding Scheme

i) Short Pulses: As explained earlier, for sufficiently short pulses, SIR is very small
and SNIR is dominated by other signal dependent noises. In this situation, the SNIR
can be expressed as,

for sufficiently
small Tc




where by definition 1 = wT e2a lf Ps q. This equation validates our observation in

Figure 4.5 that for sufficiently short pulses, SNIR is a linear increasing function of pulse
ii) Long Pulses: For sufficiently long pulses, as observed in Figure 4.5a, SNIR is
dominated by interference, i.e., SNIR SIR. Note this is the region where an optimal
pulse width exists, and SNIR is maximized. Recall lCD = cF Tc /2 and M = 1 for 1D
coding. Then from chapter 3 we have
= SIR = (w 1)



for sufficiently
large Tc


In this region SNIR is a decreasing function of Tc . The optimal pulse width and the
corresponding SNIR can then be approximated by the intersection of equations (4.17)
and (4.18) as follows.
Tcopt =



(1 + ) (Bo1 + )


SN IRmax =

2 Bo + 1+


For instance, for a 1D scheme with K = 16 that uses a BBS with Bo = 1 THz,
other parameters as given in Table 4.1, yields Tcopt = 1.4 ns and SNIRmax = 20.2 dB.
Comparing to results in Figure 4.5a, we see these equations give good estimates.

2D Coding Scheme

i) Short Pulses: as discussed in subsection 4.6.1, for sufficiently short pulses we have

(1 + )

for sufficiently
small Tc


where is as defined previously. As observed in (4.20), we see a linear dependence on

the transmitted pulse width.

ii) Long Pulses: As discussed previously, for longer pulses the performance is limited
by BN, i.e., SNIR SNRBN . In this case we have;

M l
2cK(1 + )


for longer


As in the 1D scheme, the optimum pulse width and the corresponding SNIR can be
approximated from (4.20) and (4.21) as

Tcopt =

e2a lf T wPs opt
SN IRmax =
2q(1 + )


As an example, for K = 16 and values in Table 4.1 for a 2D scheme, we have Tcopt = 0.38
ns and SN IRmax = 24.4 dB.


FalseAlarm and Detection Probabilities (PF A

and PD )

Any CO error in the estimation of a desired DDF status, results in nonnegligible

operational expenditure (OPEX). Declaring a fiber fault when none exists results in an
expensive and unnecessary truckroll of complex fiber optic equipment. Alternately the
CO failure to detect a fault in a DDF due to noisy measurement leads to customer dissatisfaction and complaints. Our monitoring system is similar to a multitarget radar
system where both the detection (PD ) and falsealarm (PF A ) probabilities are of great
importance, as in the OPEX application. These probabilities are inherently interdependent; it is easy to always have perfect detection if we always declare a fault, but our
falsealarm probability would be abysmal. Therefore we employ NeymanPearson testing to maximize PD subject to a limit on the false alarm probability PF A . To visualize
the tradeoff between PF A and PD we use receiver operating characteristics (ROCs),
that is a plot of achievable PF A vs. PD for a given SNR level [71]. In the following we
study the ROCs of our monitoring technology for both 1D and 2D coding schemes and
different network sizes.
By definition PD is the probability of correctly declaring a DDF faulty, i.e., PD =
Pr((1 = 0) T H ) where T H is the threshold of the comparator in Figure 4.2. Similarly PF A is the probability of declaring a DDF faulty when it is healthy, i.e., PF A =


2D-Coh-FBG, Bo=10 MHz Absolute Minimum OPEX for

Absolute Minimum OPEX

for K=8,16,32 (SNIR>10dB)

K=8,,128 (SNIR>10dB)








K = 32








K = 128




































Figure 4.6: ROC of the receiver for different system architectures and Ps = 4 dBm,
Tc = 1 ns for a) 1DBBSFBG with Bo = 1 THz and b) 2DCohFBG with Bo = 10
Pr((1 = 1) T H ). Due to the contribution of different dependent/independent
noises in the decision random variable in (4.5), the general derivation of PF A and
PD is quite complex. In this paper, the distribution of is assumed to be Gaussian [54, 64, 70]. By assuming a Gaussian distribution for with conditional mean

sIA and power n2 and the definition of Q(x) = 12 x ey /2 dy, PD and PF A are

related by PD = 1 Q(Q1 (1 PF A ) + ) where = n (1 = 1)/ n (1 = 0) and


= sig (1 = 1) n (1 = 0). Note that fixing the threshold, fixes both PD and PF A ,
i.e., each point in the ROC curve corresponds to a specific choice of the threshold of the
comparator in Figure 4.2. Note that based on our definition, the probability of failure
to detect a fault is 1 PD .
Using the values in Table 4.1, Ps = 4 dBm and Tc = 1 ns the ROC for configurations
1DBBSFBG (Bo = 1 THz) and 2DCohFBG (Bo = 10 MHz) are presented in Figure
4.6. Note that no averaging or partitioning is used for the results presented in Figure
4.6. For a 1DBBSFBG system (Figure 4.6a), ROC are flat for small network size,
i.e., 8, 16, and 32. For instance, in a K = 32 customer network, when requiring a small
PF A (such as PF A = 103 ) PD remains high (PD = 1). As the network size increases,
leading to smaller SNR, the ROC deteriorates. For K = 64 and the same PF A , detection
probability reduces to PD = 0, i.e., high OPEX.

In Figure 4.6b we plot ROC for a 2DCohFBG system with Bo = 10 MHz. The
ROC are considerably flat even for large network sizes. For example for a K = 128
customer network, while requiring small false alarm, such as PF A = 103 , the detection
probability remains high, i.e., PD = 1. Increasing the network size to K = 256 while
keeping the same PF A reduces detection probability to PD = 0, i.e., high OPEX. As
illustrated in Figure 4.6, using 1DBBSFBG and 2DCohFBG structures enables us
to support respectively 32 and 128 customer network with quite negligible operational
expenditure. In addition, SNIR10 dB is required for an optimal performance.



In this paper, we analyzed the performance of an OCDM-based monitoring technique that offers a promising solution for fiber fault monitoring of future high capacity
PON. We extended our analysis in [48] by using an accurate model for our monitoring
system that includes both the interference and detection noises and realistic device parameters for our monitoring technology. We considered the nonlinear photodetection
process, including source coherence effects such as relative intensity noise (RIN) and
beat noise (BN). Using the mathematics developed in this paper, and in conjunction
with [58] where only signaltointerference ratio (SIR) was treated, we addressed the
importance of transmitted pulse power, pulse width, network size, fault probability as
well as the source types (coherent or broadband) and coding schemes on our monitoring system performance. Our figures of merit for performance were signaltonoise
plusinterference ratio (SNIR) and signaltonoise ratio (SNR). We also investigated
the receiver performance characteristics via NeymanPearson hypothesis testing. We
showed optimal configurations for low operational expenditures.
Our analysis shows that two coding schemes stand out as the most promising:
the one dimensional system using FBGs to slice an incoherent BBS source (1DBBS
FBG), and a coherent source used with a two dimensional (timewavelength) code
implemented in FBGs (2DCohFBG). We saw a performance advantage for the coherent solution in the 2D coding scheme. Our optical coding technique can support
monitoring of a 128 client network with high SNIR, i.e., SNIR 10dB. As expected,
the 2D scheme was shown to have better performance than the 1D approach. Note
that the capacity and performance of our monitoring system can be further improved

by partitioning/averaging techniques, as explained. An experimental verification would
be useful to explore the practicality of optical coding as a serious solution for the
monitoring of future PON.

Chapter 5

PON Monitoring: Periodic

Encoders With Low Capital and
Operational Cost

H. Fathallah, M. M. Rad, and L. A. Rusch, PON Monitoring: Periodic Encoders

With Low Capital And Operational Cost, IEEE Photonic Technology Letter, vol. 20,
no. 24, pp. 20392041, Dec. 2008.



We propose a novel and simple coding device for centralized monitoring of passive
optical networks. Encoders have dual Bragg gratings forming a cavity producing pe73

riodic codes. These encoders reduce the cost of manufacturing, installation, inventory,
and operation, while maintaining good performance and high capacity. We evaluate
monitoring efficiency in terms of signaltonoise ratio (SNR).



In-service monitoring of time-division-multiplexed passive optical networks (PONs)

is a serious open question. Some service providers report that more than 80% of installed PON failures occurs within the first/last mile, i.e., within the distribution/drop
segments of the network. When a fault occurs, technicians must be dispatched to identify, locate, and fix the failure. The time, labor, and truck-roll for a fault identification
dramatically increase the operational expenditure (OPEX) and erode profit margin.
Furthermore, long repair time causes customer dissatisfaction and complaints. Therefore, a centralized monitoring, i.e., from the central office (CO) is highly desired because
it provides instantaneous, full inservice information and control for service providers
[1, 31, 32, 45, 48].
It is well known that opticaltimedomain reflectometry (OTDR) is efficient for
testing optical devices and monitoring of point-to-point networks; however, it is not
effective for pointtomultipoint (PMP) networks like PONs [1, 31, 45]. In PMP networks, the OTDR trace at the CO is a linear sum of the backscattered and reflected
powers from all network branches. It is difficult for the CO network manager to distinguish events in one branch from those in others. Chief among these problems is the
difficulty to identify a specific broken branch in the PON tree architecture.
Few solutions exist for the monitoring of a PON. While imposing significant technical challenges, most techniques are impractical due to their limited capacity (tens
of customers) [31, 32, 45, 48].In [52], we introduced, for the first time, a modified optical codedivisionmultiplexing (OCDM) scheme for centralized monitoring of PONs
that is architecture agnostic. In this system, no active component is placed in the field
and no intelligent module is embedded inside the customers optical network terminal
(ONT). In [72], we analyzed the performance of our monitoring system considering
different encoder/decoder structures. In all our previous studies, we only considered
standard coding schemes inspired from standard OCDM data communication. To our

knowledge, despite their simplicity, the periodic codes (PCs) defined in this letter were
never reported for standard direct sequence OCDMA.
In this letter, we propose a new coding scheme which is well adapted to the monitoring application. Our proposal reduces the overall cost of the monitoring system by
developing simpler and lower cost optical coding devices. Recall that the PON market
is very costsensitive, particularly for network elements not shared between customers,
i.e., ONTs, distribution and drop fibers (DDFs), and passive coding devices for monitoring of each DDF. Our results show that our new proposal supports the monitoring
of a 64 customer PON with signaltonoise ratio (SNR) 10 dB.


Optical Coding Monitoring System

As illustrated in Figure 5.1a, a Uband short pulse with peak power Ps and duration
Tc is transmitted through the feeder, split into K subpulses at the remote node, each of
which is encoded and reflected back to the CO by a dual function device: encoder and
mirror, we refer to as coding mirror (CMk ,k = 1, . . . , K ). Each DDF drop is terminated
by a CMwith a unique code, and is located physically close to the ONT. Information
on individual DDFs is discernable at the CO due to the near orthogonality of the codes.
The CO monitoring equipment decodes the received signal for the target line; a healthy
target DDF contributes an autocorrelation peak, while nontargeted DDFs contribute
crosscorrelation spikes.
In [52] and [72], we considered the CO monitoring equipment with a programmable
decoder that correlates the received signal cyclically for each subscriber line. The correlated (or decoded) signal is then photodetected, and the autocorrelation peak is identified by an electric threshold that rejects crosscorrelation spikes and noise. In this
letter, however, we propose the decoding functions be implemented in electronics after
the photodetector. Our PON monitoring system exploits short pulses (subnanosecond
to a few nanoseconds). The gigahertz speed electronics required are economically feasible today, especially for the CO equipment whose cost can be amortized over the client
base. In addition to reducing the cost of the monitoring system, electronic decoding
eliminates the power insertion and decoding loss, hence alleviating the loss/power budget of the system. Furthermore, electronic decoding reduces substantially the socalled
















A i piTc





Figure 5.1: (a) Optical coding monitoring system, (b) proposed CM structure, and two
CM solutions (c) and (d).
beat noise that limits performance of OCDM systems. Our analysis of SNR captures the
increase in power budget, but does not reflect the further improvement when reducing
beat noise.


CMs Based on Optical Cavity

All previously proposed CMs are composed of high loss passive splitters or a series of
Bragg gratings as in standard OCDM systems [52]. These schemes require a wavelength
selector (WS) multiplexing/demultiplexing the U band from data bands at the CO and
DDF terminations. Moreover, Bragg gratings CMs require one grating for every pulse
(or logical 1) in the code; the relative distances between gratings in the fiber differ from
one code to another depending on the positions of ones in the code. The high number of
components and their assembly increase the manufacturing, installation, and inventory
cost. For instance, a coding device that is composed of many gratings, each of which
has its own power reflectivity and physical placement in the fiber, involves high manufacturing, splicing, and packaging complexity, increasing the cost of the installation,

repair, and inventory.
In this paper, we propose a new simple coding structure that exploits only two
Bragg gratings written for the same wavelength and forming an optical cavity (see
Figure 5.1b). A single incident pulse generates an infinite sequence of equally spaced
multilevel pulses in reflection.We further suppose that each subscriber has a pair of
Bragg gratings with the same reflectivities R1 and R2 , and the same center wavelength.
Only a unique physical separation `k of the grating distinguishes one subscriber from
the next, i.e., each subscriber has a unique cavity length. We refer to the code generated
by this cavity as a multilevel periodic code (MLPC).
The grating power reflectivities R1 and R2 and fix the levels of the reflected sequence
of pulses; as these reflectivities are identical for all codes, the levels are identical for all
codes. An MLPC is thus determined by the length of the silent intervals separating
the multilevel pulses, i.e., its period. The period of the k th code is unique and related
to the cavity length `k by
ng `k
k = 1, ..., K
given in units of pulse duration, where ng is the effective group index and c is the speed
of light in the fiber core. The fiber length inserted between gratings fixes cavity length
and differentiates the codes. In Figure 5.1b, we show a logical description of PCs for
p1 = 1 and p2 = 4. When Tc = 1 ns, `1 and `2 equal 10 and 40 cm, respectively.
pk = 2

Figure 5.1c and 5.1d illustrates two solutions for our cavitybased CM. The first allows R2 to be inferior to one, so the incident pulse power can be split between backward
(OU TB ) and forward paths (OU TF ). This scheme allows greater flexibility in using R1
and R2 to fix code pulse levels; however, insertion loss is nonnegligible and a WS is
required [52]. The second solution fixes R2 = 1, constraining all power to be reflected
back to the CO (i.e., OU TF = 0). This reduces CM cost as no WS is needed, and
improves power budget. In the following, we focus on the latter scheme.


Coding Mirror Design

Recall that R1 and R2 determine the levels of the code pulses when neglecting cavity
length induced loss. When R2 is fixed to one, only R1 dictates these levels. Let j be








Flat, finite











Flat, finite
Autocorrelation Power

Autocorrelation Power







(c) Normalized autocorrelation for p3=9 and w=6


Flat, finite


Cross-Correlation Power

Cross-Correlation Power


(b) Flat vs. ML-PC code

(a) Total decoded power ML-PC




(d) Normalized cross-correlation for p3=9 and p6=17, w=6

Figure 5.2: Example of a flat, finite code and an MLPC code.

the height (or level) of the j th pulse generated by the cavity. We find j from
j =


(1 R1 )




As an optimization criterion, we seek to concentrate reflected power in a few pulses.

This avoids long codes with greater interference between codes. Figure 5.2a illustrates
the total power contained in the first w pulses of the sequence as a function of R1 .
The MLPC code (dark bars) illustrated in Figure 5.2b corresponds to w = 6 and
R1 = 0.38, ensuring 99% of the incident pulse power is reflected in the first six pulses.
The simple structure of our PCs enables us to produce any desired number of codes
no matter constraints on code weight and correlation. We developed a simple algorithm
for determining the codes:
1. Knowing the desired code weight w, we obtain the first code corresponding to a
period p1 = 1.
2. the ith code has period pi = pi1 + 1 if its maximum cross-correlation with all the
k th codes (k = 1, .., i 1) is one, otherwise we increment pk until meeting this

cross-correlation constraint.


MLPC Code Properties

MLPC codes have infinite length, but pulse heights die out exponentially. We
assume the receiver has perfect knowledge of the observation window at the autocorrelation peak, i.e., the exact location of the desired customer in the network. We consider
MLPC codes with power concentrated into a small number of w pulses. Figure 5.2b
shows a truncated version of an MLPC (dark bars); the first w = 6 pulses contain 99%
of the total code power. For simplicity, we always normalize the total code power to one.
We also assume the decoder correlates the received signal with the truncated version of
the code, w = 6 being the weight of the decoder. In Figure 5.2b, for comparison with
the MLPC code (dark bars) we also consider a flat, finite, weight 6 code (gray bars).
Note the flat, finite code is not achievable with our cavity encoder.
The autocorrelation function for code p3 = 9 for both MLPC and flat infinite
codes is given in Figure 5.2c. We observe a main lobe of one for flat finite codes (the
sum of six equal pulses), and %99 for MLPC (the sum of its six unequal pulses).We
see high outofphase sidelobes with a maximum at the superposition of w 1 pulses
= 56 = 0.83, however, for MLPC
(similar to prime codes). For flat finite PC w1
this is 0.97 (the sum of its highest five pulses). High autocorrelation sidelobes are not
problematic as pulses are separated by more than the sidelobe durations. In the case of
crosscorrelation, by design, only one high sidelobe could possibly fall in the observation
window, however, lower sidelobes would be desirable. The crosscorrelation examples
in Figure 5.2d consider codes with periods p3 = 9 and p6 = 17. We obtain unitary
cross-correlation, i.e., 61 = 0.167 for flat finite codes and 0.38 for MLPC.


Performance Evaluation

In order to assess the performance of this monitoring technique with the proposed
multilevel codes, we consider the following expression for the SNR:

SN R =

T2 N + DN
+ SN
+ BN


Flat, Finite PC


SNR [dB]

SNR=10.6 for
64 Customer


Increasing loss at the RN









Network Size

Figure 5.3: SNR of binary vs. multilevel periodic coding.

are, respectively, the useful signal and total noise power in the
where SIG and N
autocorrelation main lobe. Index TN is used for thermal noise (spectral density 0.1
pA.Hz0.5 ), DN for dark current (average current 160 nA), SN for shot noise, and BN
for beat noise (this include the interference noise). A coherent laser source at = 1650
nm corresponding to 0.3 dB/km fiber loss is assumed. We also considered Tc = 1 ns
and Ps = 4 dBm. To compensate the system loss, we use an avalanche photodiode with
gain of 100 and excess noise factor of 7.9. We considered an aggregate excess loss of 5
dB for splicing, connectors, etc. The clients are considered to be uniformly distributed
over 1 km2 coverage area after a 20 km feeder.

Figure 5.3 illustrates the SNR as a function of the number of customers. For a
K = 64 customer PON, the proposed MLPCs achieve 10.6 dB SNR; this represents
less than 1 dB penalty compared to the binary, flat, finite code. Negligible difference
exists between binary and ML-PCs. This result is intuitively true because for the ML
PC the autocorrelation main lobe includes 0.99 of the desired power compared to the
binary codes.




We proposed and analyzed a new optical coding device that trades suboptimum
performance in highcapacity PONs for reducing the capital (CAPEX) and operating
(OPEX) expenses of PON monitoring system. An SNR of 10 dB is achieved for a 64
customer PON with households randomly distributed over the 1 km2 coverage area.

Chapter 6

Computationally Efficient
Monitoring of PON Fiber Link
Quality Using Periodic Coding

M. M. Rad, H. Fathallah, S. LaRochelle, and L. A. Rusch, Computationally Efficient Monitoring of PON Fiber Link Quality Using Periodic Coding, submitted to
IEEE Journal of Selected Areas on Communication.



We investigate experimentally and via simulation, the monitoring of fiber link quality in a PON using optical coding technology. We discuss design issues for periodic

coding and the optimal detection criteria. We develop a reduced complexity maximum
likelihood sequence estimation (RCMLSE) algorithm. We conduct experiments to validate our detection algorithm using four periodic encoders that we designed and fabricated. Error free detection is confirmed for encoders with separation as small as one
meter. Using the experimental data for the encoder impulse responses, we conduct
MonteCarlo simulations for realistic PON geographical distributions with randomly
located customers, again with errorfree detection. We investigate the effect of coverage
area and network size (number of subscribers) on the computational efficiency of our
algorithm. We provide a bound on the probability that any given network will cause the
algorithm to take exorbitant time to monitor the network, i.e., the timeout probability. Finally, we highlight the importance of averaging to remedy the power/loss budget
limitations in our monitoring system to support higher network sizes and longer fiber



Monitoring of a passive optical network (PON) can significantly reduce the operational expense (OPEX) for both operators and customers, and so plays an important
role in the deployment of future access networks [1, 3, 6, 15]. The growth of PONs (supporting more customers per fiber with higher data rates and better quality of service)
increases both the importance and the complexity of network monitoring.
Opticaltimedomain reflectometry (OTDR) is efficient for testing optical devices
and monitoring of pointtopoint (PTP) networks [1]. For the installation and maintenance of tree architecture PONs, testing of each distribution drop fiber (DDF) segment
separately requires the OTDR be run from the remote node to the customer premise
and viceversa. OTDR is less suitable for centralized monitoring (i.e., from the central
office rather than remote node) of pointtomultipoint (PMP) networks like fiberto
thehome (FTTH) PONs [1, 15]. The backscattering signal of each branch in a PMP
network is partially masked by that of the other branches. A few solutions have been
proposed to adapt the standard OTDR to a PON, among which the most wellknown is
the technique based on reference reflectors [1, 15]. A reference reflector at each branch
end provides information on the integrity of that branch. The technique is not viable
when branches are located very closely or at the same distance, thus drops are required

to have distinct lengths. While feasible at system installation, this approach is unmanageable during incremental expansion and routine maintenance. As the network size
increases, the reliability and manageability of this technique decreases. In [52], we introduced a modified optical code division multiplexing (OCDM) scheme for centralized
monitoring of PONs that is architecture agnostic. The reference reflector is replaced
by a coding mirror. The multiple reflections from subscribers are distinguishable by
proper decoding, and customers no longer need to be connected to the central office
(CO) with unequal fiber length. The geographical distribution of the customers has
significant impact on the performance and we developed a Monte Carlo simulation
that statistically averaged over subscriber locations [72]. We analyzed optical orthogonal codes (first proposed for coded data) for the monitoring application, examining
both onedimensional and twodimensional codes [72, 73]. In [74] we developed codes
better adapted to location detection (instead of using codes developed for data detection), whose implantation costs were also significantly reduced from those studied in
[52, 72, 73]. These new, simple and costeffective codes were periodic in nature. While
[74] examined these codes to explore the auto and cross correlation, in this paper we
examine optimal detection algorithms that far outperform correlation for periodic codes


PON Monitoring Using Optical Coding

Principle of Operations

Our monitoring system is illustrated in Figure 6.1. A U band (i.e., 16251675 nm

devoted for PON monitoring [1, 3]) short pulse with peak power Ps and duration Tc is
transmitted through the feeder, split into K subpulses at the remote node (RN), each
of which is encoded and reflected back to the CO by a dual function device: coder and
mirror we refer as coding mirrors (CMk , k = 1, . . . , K) [52]. Note that the monitoring
signals are carried on m while the data wavelength is d in Figure 6.1. Each DDF is
terminated by a CM with a unique code, and is located physically close to the optical
network terminal (ONT). The CO monitoring equipment receives the accumulation of
all sequences coming from CMs. Information on an individual DDF is discernable at
the CO by exploiting code structure.


U band








from data on d
on m

Coding Mirror (periodic encoder)

patch cord

fiber connector with FBG

(38% reflectivity at m) code periodicity
(100% transmitivity at d)

on d



fiber connector with FBG

(100% reflectivity at m)
(100% transmitivity at d)

Figure 6.1: a) Optical coding based PON monitoring, b) the structure of periodic encoder.
Features of the encoded sequences could be used to assess the link quality for individual fiber branches. For instance, for a break in a DDF, no corresponding autocorrelation peak is observed; similarly, the lack of autocorrelation peaks for all CMs
identifies a fault in the feeder [52]. Decreasing autocorrelation indicates the link between
the central office and ONT is degrading. When all autocorrelation peaks decrease, the
problem originates in the feeder segment. In practical PON installations, network segments consist of bundles of fibers with different counts. When an external event occurs
(i.e., breaks or bends), all channels in that cable are affected.


Periodic Coding

Periodic codes can be implemented using only two fiber Bragg gratings written for
the same waveband; the first is partially reflective, while the second acts as a frequency
selective mirror. By inserting a patch cord between the gratings, an optical cavity
is formed [74]], see Figure 6.1b. A single incident pulse generates an infinite length,
periodic sequence of multilevel subpulses from the cavity. A code is determined by the
number of silent pulse intervals separating the multilevel pulses, or equivalently the
period of the code, pk . The length `k patch cord determines the period pk which in
turn distinguishes different users. For a pulse width of Tc , the periodicity pk and `k are

related by
`k = c

pk Tc


where c and ng are the speed of light and the fundamental mode group index that
determines the time of flight. The grating pair is the same for all CMs and only their
separation `k (equivalently the period number pk ) changes with the code. As explained
in [74], the second grating of the encoder, tuned to reflect the monitoring wavelength,
eliminates the requirement for a separate wavelength selector per subscriber to demultiplex the data band [52]. Periodic CMs are small in size and easy to handle.


Periodic Encoder Design

This section focuses on the design of the gratings required to make periodic encoders.
For further details see chapter 5.


Monitoring Wavelength

The most common wavelengths for outofband monitoring are 1625 nm or 1650
nm [59, 75, 76]. At 1650 nm we have higher sensitivity to macrobends than at 1625 nm,
and more strict isolation is required at 1625 nm as it is closer to the data band (L Band,
i.e., 15651625nm). For these reasons, the ITUT recommends 1650 nm [1] 1 . Although
1625 nm has not yet been adopted in the standard, it is more economical and readily
available, while 1650 nm lasers are still relatively expensive. The same design could be
applied to 1625 nm or 1650 nm [75]. In our experimental verification, we operate at
1550 nm due to equipment availability.



As explained in the previous chapter, to concentrate the total energy in a few reflected pulses (shorter codes) the grating reflectivities are found to be R1 = 38% and
1. International Telecommunication Union (




Figure 6.2: Experimental implementation of FBG1 and FBG2 forming the periodic
R2 = 100% for all encoders. This fixes the transmission loss of the gratings, i.e., T1 = 2.1
dB and T2 = respectively in the wavelength interval around the monitoring wavelength. Typical values of T2 = 50 dB can be achieved via conventional FBG fabrication
[75, 76]. Again recall that all the encoders have the same specifications for FBG1 and
FBG2. The implemented spectral characteristics of the FBGs are given in Figure 6.2.



In choosing the encoder bandwidth, d, we must take into account: 1) the effect on the
isolation of data and monitoring bands and 2) the availability of bandwidth and spectral
efficiency tradeoffs. We can choose a rejection bandwidth d that is spectrally efficient,
so long as it also returns a large portion of the energy from the source and is tolerant
to some source drift. While the U band is 50 nm wide, we may wish to create several
bands, either for monitoring or for other information bands. In our experimentation we
fix d = 12 nm as a reasonable compromise [76].



















Patch cord length [m]

(for Ts = 1ns monitoring pulse width)

(units = 1 monitoring pulse width)



Number of Codes = Network Size

Figure 6.3: Code periodicity (patchcord length) versus the network size for periodic


Fiber Length Optimization

Once the pulse duration, Tc , of the monitoring signal is fixed, the length of the fiber
joining FBG1 and FBG2 is determined per (6.1). The pulse width thus impacts the
compactness of our encoders. It also impacts the sampling rate required at the digital
receiver. For our simulations and experiments we have fixed Tc = 1 ns, although other
system designers may seek another compromise.
For results reported in this paper, we generate codes using the simple algorithm
developed in chapter 3, for code weight (to w = 4) and cross correlation one. The
periodicity of each code pk (k = 1, . . . , K) determines the corresponding fiber length
`k per (6.1). Any desired number of codes can be generated. In Figure 6.3, we plot the
periodicity versus the network capacity for a Tc = 1 ns pulse. From this we can read also
the maximum required patch cord length for a given number of subscribers. Periodic
coding can support current capacities of PONs as well as future expansion [1, 3]. For
a GPON with K = 32 branches, the first periodic code CM requires `1 = 0.6 m patch
cord, while the last one requires `32 = 8.3 m patch cord. New CMs (for new subscribers)
are simple to design and fabricate, hence our solution is flexible and scalable.

high speed electronics

BW > GHz

Figure 6.4: Receiver architecture.


Transmitter and Receiver Considerations

Transmitter Module

The transmitter module has a U band laser that launches a short pulse of duration
Tc into the network. For our simulations we assume a 1650 nm monitoring wavelength
[59, 75, 76], and a light source side band suppression ratio below 80 dB for good
data isolation [76]. The repetition rate Tr for pulse transmission is constrained by
the distance between the CO and the farthest ONT. Repetition rates on the order of
kilohertz would be typical. Both direct and indirect modulation schemes can be used
to generate the U band monitoring pulses. Experimentally, we consider an externally
modulated spectrum sliced broadband light source (SSBBS) operating at 1543 nm.
Note that BBS has been previously used for the monitoring applications [48]. Direct
modulation would incur lower losses and reduce cost.


Receiver Module

All decoding functions are implemented in electronics following simple photodetection, as seen in Figure 6.4. No programmable optical decoding is required, significantly
reducing the cost (and size) of receivers as compared to other optical coding solutions.
In previous proposals, the CO needs programmable optical decoders or a bank of all
optical decoders to decode the signal of each decoder [52, 72, 73]. By implementing
the decoding in electronics, we obviate this expensive, complex, and bulky alloptical
module. In addition, electronic processing reduces power insertion and decoding loss
[74]. The sampling rate is determined by the pulse width. For our choice of Tc = 1
ns, gigahertz sampling is required. The ADC should provide good quantization (810

bits per sample) for our detection algorithm; such ADCs are a mature, commercially
available technology.
Digital signal processing will accomplish multiple functions. First among them is
the averaging of received waveforms for noise reduction [16]. As no training sequence
is used, the processing must perform pulse synchronization. These functions are not
addressed in this article, as we focus on fiber fault detection beginning in the next


Decoding Algorithm for ErrorFree Detection

Detection requires information on encoder impulse responses,cnetwork loss budget,

and characteristics of the transmitted pulse. We assume this information is known. Our
detection algorithm has three objectives

1. Fault detection: identify the presence or not of all subscribers without prior knowledge of subscriber location (i.e., fiber length between the remote note and the
subscriber location).
2. Selfdiscovery: estimate the fiber length of each subscriber.
3. Channel condition monitoring: estimate signal features for each subscriber.

The primary mission (objective one) is to identify unhealthy subscriber lines; a binary decision is made for each subscriber. The secondary mission is to gain information
on the quality of each subscriber line. For this, the estimation of the subscriber position
(or equivalently the fiber length) is essential so that signal processing can be directed
at this portion of the returned signal. At a minimum, objective two will provide information on signal strength. Additional signal processing can be used to determine
additional features and accomplish the third objective, although this is not explored in
this article.



Standard MaximumLikelihood Sequence Estimation

Optimal detection of a single subscriber coded signal in additive white Gaussian

noise requires a simple matched filter or correlator. Due to the simultaneous presence
of multiple subscriber signals, the optimal detection algorithm must consider all possible
states of the network before deciding if each particular subscriber signal is present [77].
The received signal must be compared in turn with an expected return signal for each
possible network configuration; this constitutes a classic maximum likelihood sequence
estimation (MLSE) algorithm. A network configuration refers to the presence or not of
a subscriber signal, as well as the lengths of fiber between the remote node and each
The search space of the MLSE algorithm depends on 1) network size (number of
subscribers), 2) coverage area (maximum fiber length from remote node to subscriber),
and 3) sampling rate of the monitoring system (samples per pulse duration). Even
moderate values of network parameters yield in exceedingly large search space. For
example, a PON with only K = 4 subscribers, with a maximum fiber run of l = 12.6
m (500 m2 coverage area) and a receiver sampling rate of Rs = 1 Gsps requires 1264
comparisons for MLSE.
A brute force algorithm for MLSE is prohibitively complex, especially as network
size grows. The most commonly employed algorithm for MLSE is the Viterbi algorithm
that associates a finite state machine with the sequences to estimate. The Viterbi algorithm exploits the state transitions to eliminate at each symbol interval sequences
with low probability that need not be retained for consideration. The Viterbi algorithm
is not only less computationally complex, it is also very efficient in terms of memory
usage. The continuous transmission of symbols whose values are influenced by preceding symbols (as with intersymbol interference and forward error correction) can be
described by a finite state machine and is therefore compatible with the Viterbi algorithm. Unfortunately no finite state machine can be easily associated with the PON
monitoring system, so the Viterbi solution is not applicable.
Note that the reduced memory requirements for the Viterbi algorithm are due to
the processing of sequences at each symbol interval and retention of only potentially
winning sequences. This is an extremely powerful and important aspect of the Viterbi
algorithm for data communications. The PON monitoring problem is very different. For

monitoring we need to use signal averaging to improve the signal to noise ratio, as is
common in OTDR methods [16]. For this reason, memory is reserved for the sampled
return signal; moderate delay for averaging and processing (milliseconds to seconds) is
acceptable for this application. Therefore the MLSE algorithm can process the entire
sampled signal return without an overhead for memory. We next present an algorithm
for MLSE computation that is adapted to the PON monitoring problem and to periodic
codes in particular [77].


Reducing MLSE Complexity for PON Monitoring

There are two characteristics of the PON monitoring return signal that we will
exploit to accelerate the MLSE. As in the Viterbi algorithm, we seek to eliminate low
probability network configurations, so that only highly probable configurations need be
compared in the MLSE search. The first characteristic we will exploit is the correlation
distance of a particular code in the network, and the second is the structure of the
periodic codes.
The correlation distance of a code is defined by

lCD =

pk Tc (w 1)c

k = 1, . . . , K


where pk is the periodicity of the corresponding code and w 1 is the number of periods
between the first and last pulse [72]. Only subscribers whose fiber lengths differ from
that of user k by less than lCD may potentially interfere with user k. The geographical
distribution of the ONTs will impact the number of subscribers falling within this
correlation distance.
Due to the correlation distance, in PON monitoring we expect only a relatively
small subset of subscribers will contribute to multiple access interference (MAI), in
contrast with data communications, where all active subscribers contribute to MAI.
In our algorithm we will process signals in the order of increasing MAI. Signal returns
without interference will be identified first and eliminated from the subsequent searches.
Signals with one interferer will be identified next, etc. The periodic structure of the
codes allows for a simple test for the presence of a code. Once a single pulse has been
identified, we search in time to see if another w 1 pulses are present at time intervals





n1 K m1

Figure 6.5: Reduced Complexity MLSE algorithm.
corresponding to the code period under test. We will use a digital sliding correlator to
identify possible locations for specific subscriber returns.


RCMLSE Algorithm

The algorithm can be divided in two parts as illustrated in Figure 6.5. The first part
uses K parallel sliding (matchedfilter) correlators of the periodic codes to generate our
test statistic. Interferencefree subscribers are detected and localized without requiring
an MLSE search. This step determines the uncertainty space for MLSE searches of
remaining subscriber status and location. The second part performs a serial search on
possible status/locations; at each iteration, progressively more computationally complex searches are made.
We make the following definitions. We have K codes with periodicities {pk } corre-

sponding to K subscribers; |pk | is the length of the k th code; the K th code is the longest
code; and a vector of length Ns is formed from the sampled return.
Identifying Interference Free Users

1. Run K simple (digital) sliding matched filter correlators against the sampled
return signal. Each sliding correlator outputs a vector C k with a one as an element
if the correlator output exceeds a threshold, i.e., if it is possible that code pk begins
at that time sample.
For vectors C k with hamming weight zero the k th subscriber line is declared
The vectors C k with hamming weight one (with only one nonzero element)
are identified;
 the fiber length to subscriber n is deduced from the position of the non-zero
entry in vectorC k ;
 the k th link is declared healthy and its location is noted;
 the k th code is removed from the set of codes to be searched, so it is not
considered in future iterations.
2. Find among (the now reduced set of) vectors C k any window of length 2{pk }
where only C k (and no other C k ) has a single nonzero element, i.e., an isolated
The k th fiber length is deduced from this window; it is declared healthy and its
location is noted;
the k th code is removed from the set of codes to be searched.

Iterative RCMLSE search

At iteration i, the remaining collection of ni {1, , K} vectors C k are examined
to form the mutual interference matrix (MIMi ). Recall an individual subscriber j may
have many false positive hits in the vector C j . This matrix indicates where subscribers
may possibly overlap.
The MIMi is an ni ni matrix; each row (column) corresponds to one of the remaining ni subscribers to be localized through the MLSE search. Entries of the MIM are
binary. A zero entry (ah,k = 0) indicates no mutual interference between the subscribers

represented by hth and k th row/column. MIM is a symmetric matrix by construction.
The diagonal entries are by definition one. In the minimum interference case, MIM is
an identity matrix. For highly interfering case, MIM is a unitary matrix, i.e., ah,k = 1
for all h and k.

1. The matrix MIMi is formed from the remaining unidentified subscribers;

2. The MIMi is examined to identify all sets of i subscribers that interfere only
among one another.
If no such sets exist, i is incremented;
If such sets exist, for each set an exhaustive search algorithm is executed for
the set; for each set:
 a candidate signal is generated for each non-zero position of the correlator
output for each subscriber in the set;
 all possible combinations of candidate signals is combined to produce a collection of candidate received vectors;
 the candidate received vector closest to the measured received signal r is
declared the winning combination of candidate signals;
 the detected subscribers removed from the set of codes to be searched at the
next iteration.
3. The algorithm continues looking for increasingly larger sets of mutually interfering
users. Once such sets are no longer identifiable, an exhaustive search is made of
the remaining unidentified C k .


Challenges of RCMLSE Algorithm

Clearly the RCMLSE offers significant computational savings by exploiting the

PON monitoring environment and periodic code structure. Analysis is problematic as
the complexity is a function of the geographic distribution of subscribers. Bounds on the
performance are addressed in section 6.8. In the next section, we validate our algorithm
experimentally, testing a severe case where up to four subscribers are virtually collocated; the difference is fiber lengths is minimal. As we will see, the RCMLSE algorithm
detects and localizes all four encoders, enabling live, inservice PON monitoring.
The clamping threshold (in the first stage of the algorithm) can be fixed under

normal healthy conditions. When new subscribers are added, the uncertainty in the
threshold increases. The receiver can determine numerically (via iteration) the correct
threshold by gauging performance on already known subscribers. Similarly, an iterative
approach would be necessary to set the threshold on a new network installation. Thus we
anticipate that computation requirements would be greater at network setup as opposed
to steady state. The increase however would be linear in the number of thresholds tested.


Experimental Validation

We fabricated four periodic encoders having the description given in section 6.4.
Typical FBG characteristics are given in Figure 6.2b: a d = 12 nm rejection bandwidth
centered at 1550 nm. Using code weight of w = 4 and cross correlation of one, we
produced codes with periodicity of p1 = 6 (60 cm), p2 = 7 (70 cm), p3 = 13 (130 cm),
and p4 = 16 (160 cm). We excluded the code with periodicity of one due to difficulty
in fabrication.


Experimental Setup

The experimental setup is illustrated in Figure 6.6. The setup has two main sections,
the central office and a network of four subscribers with distinct CMs. For experimental
convenience, the monitoring source is a broadband light source (BBS) with optical
bandwidth of 40 nm. The BBS is filtered (spectrally sliced) by a narrowband tunable
filter with a 0.2 nm optical passband. The filtered BBS is preamplified by an erbium
doped fiber amplifier (EDFA). A MachZehnder (MZ) external modulator is used to
generate the monitoring pulse with duration of Tc = 1 ns (1GHz). The MZ is driven with
a repetition interval of 500 s 2 . To compensate the loss of the MZ we post amplified
the modulated signal. Optical filters are used after EDFAs to suppress the amplified
spontaneous emission (ASE) noise.
Using the setup in Figure 6.6, in Figure 6.7 we plot the time domain response of the
2. This corresponds to unambiguous reception for a maximum distance of 50 km between the CO
and CMs.

Extremely Dense Network

Central Office


Maximum separation of 50 cm

Tr = 2 KHz


Ts =1 GHz

0.2 nm




1.2 nm

1.2 nm

To the network:




Sampling &Averaging




20 km Feeder



Real Time







From the
Periodic Encoder


Figure 6.6: Experimental setup for the monitoring of a high density 4 customer PON.
encoders to the 1 ns probe pulse. The center wavelength of the monitoring source was
tuned for the best possible impulse response and in our case it was m = 1545.3 nm.
As is illustrated, the multilevel codes are nearly identical except for differences in code
period. The DC value of each code does vary slightly due to variations in the grating
spectra and contributions from the filtered ASE. In particular, the impulse response of
the encoders is very sensitive to the reflectivity of the first grating.
The maximum transmitted power was kept low enough not to induce any fiber non
linearity. The monitoring pulse is sent to the network using a circulator; a 20 km roll
of fiber plays fibers to each home are of roughly equal lengths (within 45 cm as seen in
Figure 6.7) corresponding to a very dense PON. Note that due to the roundtrip of the
monitoring pulse through the network, the total loss is 2 20 km 0.2 dB/km (feeder)
+ 2 6 dB (splitter) = 20 dB. A realtime oscilloscope sampling at 10 Gs/s was used
to capture the measured trace. The oscilloscope provides both sampling and averaging.
Recall that filtering a BBS increases the relative intensity noise (RIN) [16]. As a
result, our monitoring light source suffers from significant RIN. We were able to use
averaging to effectively remove the RIN of the source; the RIN power was reduced
by 24 dB for averaging over 256 traces. Similar reductions are experienced in beat
noise, shot noise, and thermal noises. Our measurement is therefore interference limited.
Averaging is an important strategy even in deployments that will use a coherent source,
as discussed in section 6.9.
Figure 6.7e shows the total received signal when all four encoders are connected
dispersion factor, the total amount of dispersion is 136
to the network. For a 17 kmnm

9ns (45cm)


Figure 6.7: Experimental traces of isolated subscribers (a)(d), and when all four subscribers are present (e); signals averaged over 256 traces to reduce noise.
ps (0.2 nm optical bandwidth) which is negligible compared to the transmitted pulse


Simulation Results

The data captured in Figure 6.7e was sent to our RC-MLSE algorithm. While
having encoders (equivalently subscribers) less than a meter apart is not realistic, this
represents a worst case scenario in that the probability of interference is high. In a
larger network, close proximity may occur for a subset of subscribers; hence we tested
experimentally this extreme case in our detection algorithm. Our RC-MLSE algorithm
correctly determined the fiber length to all CMs to within a pulse width (1 ns or 10
These experimental results were also used as realistic traces of individual returns
(i.e., taking encoders returns onebyone). These returns were used in our simulator
of larger, more realistic networks. Using the measured traces for the encoder impulse
responses from our experimental setup, we completed MonteCarlo simulation (105
realizations) over a 104 m2 coverage area. The subscriber locations followed a uniform
radial (UR) distribution [72]. In all cases, we were able to detect and localize correctly

all encoders; errorfree detection was achieved (PD = 1).


Impact of Coverage Area and Network Size

The previous experimental validation confirmed that for a given network topology
with four users we were able to determine to very fine accuracy the positions of all
subscribers without a priori information other than knowledge of the codes. Clearly
even the exhaustive MLSE algorithm could have been used for this or any configuration;
some configurations, however, would require exorbitant calculation times. In this section
we seek to quantify the efficiency of the RCMLSE algorithm as a function of network
size and coverage area. It is not enough to be efficient on a specific configuration; we
would like to have confidence that any configuration encountered could be monitored
in a reasonable processing time.
We begin by presenting statistics on the effectiveness of the first part of the RC
MLSE algorithm. If most subscribers will not experience interference, our algorithm will
have an easy time. What happens when there is heavy interference? This is addressed
in a section on the timeout probability; the probability that our RCMLSE algorithm
will not produce estimates for all users during a set time limit. We run Monte Carlo
simulations to bound this probability as a function of coverage area and network size,
We will see that the threshold for the sliding correlators will play a large part
in the time-out occurrence. For problematic installations (that small percentage of
installations whose geographical distribution causes the RCMLSE algorithm to time
out) we will propose a variable threshold. Therefore we begin with a brief discussion of
the threshold setting.


Impact of the Threshold

The impact of coverage area will be two fold. The smaller the coverage area, the
more tightly packed the subscribers and we expect more interference. However, for larger

coverage areas we will also see resurgence in the interference due to the thresholding
effect. As explained in section 6.6, the threshold after the sliding correlator is adjusted
to detect the autocorrelation peak of all encoders. The farthest subscriber determines
the maximum height of the threshold. A lower threshold will lead to more false positive
hits in the clamped correlator vectors {C k }. Therefore, increasing the coverage area
causes more perceived interference and needless searches in the second stage of the
RCMLSE algorithm.
Let l be the maximum possible separation between the RN and a subscriber.
The size of the coverage area will, of course, impact l. Assuming a uniform radial

[72]. In the following, we investigate

distribution of subscribers, we have l = Area

the effect of coverage area (parameterized by l) and network size (K) on the efficiency
of our proposed algorithm.


Percentage of InterferenceFree Customers

We performed extensive Monte Carlo simulations to gather statistics on the RC

MLSE algorithm. We fixed the coverage area and network size per Table 6.1. For 106
iterations, we randomly draw a location for each subscriber assuming a uniform radial
(UR) distribution [72]. Using experimental traces from section 6.7 we constructed a
received signal and run the first section of our RCMLSE. We record the percentage of
interference free subscribers, and report results in Table 6.1.
For small network sizes, increasing the coverage area improves the percentage of
interferencefree users. However, for very large coverage areas the threshold is lowered,
so vectors {C k } contain more nonzero entries. The uncertainty (number of candidate
locations) per user increases and fewer users are identified as interferencefree. Consequently more users pass to the second stage of the RCMLSE search.


TimeOut Probability (PT O )

A reduced complexity search is required to identify customer locations in a timely

manner. Processing time should be limited to at most a few minutes to detect faults


Coverage Area (l )
[km2 ]


96% 82%
99% 98%
99% 99%
99% 98%

Size (K)
18% 1%
77% 11%
96% 72%
89% 58%

Table 6.1: Percentage of the users identified as interferencefree for different network
sizes (K) and coverage areas (l2 ).
and validate new installations without undue delay. This value is somewhat subjective;
however, clearly there is some limit to tolerable processing delay.
In the previous section we quantified the efficiency of our algorithm by determining
with what frequency exhaustive searches in the second stage were required. In this
section we quantify the processing delay of the second stage. We define a timeout to
be a network realization that would result in processing time exceeding two minutes in
our Matlab implementation of RCMLSE algorithm.
The timeout probability is a complex function of the code correlation, network size
(K), coverage area (or l), sampling rate (Rs ), processor speed (PC, FPGA or DSP),
algorithm implementation and the specific choice of the acceptable processing time
(TT O ). We fix several of these parameters (TT O = 2 min, Rs = 2 Gsps, 2.3 GHz dual
core Pentium) and use Monte Carlo techniques to estimate an upper bound, PT O , to the
timeout probability. Details of the estimation method are provided in the appendix
Figure 6.8 shows the simulation results for the upper bound of the timeout probability PT O versus the maximum separation length l for different network sizes. The
estimate is based on 105 MonteCarlo trials. As can be seen, l has a similar effect on
PT O as it does on the percentage of interferencefree users. For both very high network
densities (left side of the plots) and very large coverage areas (right side of the plots),
PT O is high. Moderate values of the coverage areas result in minimal PT O . For very
small coverage areas, the interference is very high; so the uncertainty per user is high;
this results in a very large search space and high PT O . Increasing the coverage area
reduces the interference probability and more users are identified as interferencefree.
Consequently, the search space reduces and PT O improves significantly for moderate






















Figure 6.8: Timeout probability (PT O ) versus the maximum separation length between
the customers (l) for different network sizes.
coverage areas. For very large coverage areas, the threshold adjustment leads to an
increase in cases of suspected mutual interference. In this region, the search space increases and directly degrades PT O . In Figure 6.8 we have identified two regions which
are not of interests: to the left an interference dominated region exists, while to the
right a region we call threshold limited.
From Figure 6.8, we see that for K = 8 customer PON, PT O is high only for very
large l, (l 5 km). For K = 16, PT O is high for both very small and very large l;
for moderate values of l, PT O is minimal. Note that for practical coverage areas (such
as l = 1 km) and a 16 customer network, no timeout is observed [56].



Variable Threshold to CounterAct TimeOut

Recall that no prior information about the customer geography is used in our proposed algorithm. In fact, the only information is the maximum separation length l.
Therefore, increasing l increases the uncertainty about each customer location. However, in practical PON deployment, customers are typically distributed in different
geographical tiers. Each tier supports a local grouping of subscribers. Depending on
the deployment technology, tiers are separated from each other from 2 km to 6 km.
For tiered deployments, information about the network configuration, such as relative distance between tiers or the proximity of some users to the CO, can greatly reduce
the timeout probability. Subscribers in different tiers can be distinguished in the total received monitoring signal by their corresponding separations in physical distance.
Hence, instead of processing the whole monitoring data, a window related to a specified
tier is processed separately and independently from others. The thresholds would be
determined independently, with significant improvement in the timeout probability.


Loss Budget Limits: Importance of Averaging

As mentioned earlier, due to the roundtrip path of the monitoring pulses, the
insertion loss of passive elements is doubled, imposing strict limitations on the total
loss budget of our monitoring system. In particular, a higher number of customers leads
to higher splitting ratios at the RN and a more critical power/loss budget. For instance,
for a 16 (32) customer PON, the total insertion loss only due to RN splitting is 24 (30)
Note that increasing the transmitted power to mitigate the loss budget increases
nonlinear effects, and cannot be employed without restraint. To avoid nonlinear impairments the launched power should be kept smaller than approximately 10 dBm for
a single mode fiber. Our strategy for higher loss budget costs relies on signal averaging. By averaging, i.e., repeating the measurement many times, we reduce noise and
increase our signaltonoiseratio [16]. The dynamic range and sensitivity of the monitoring receiver significantly increases. As we are monitoring and not transmitting data,

the temporal overhead for averaging is not burdensome.
When employing signal averaging, the measurement becomes interferencelimited;
quantum limited detection is achieved. Consequently the minimum detectable power
is limited only by detector dark current. Therefore, the monitoring receiver is able
to detect very small powers comparable to dark current. As an example, consider a
CO that uses a PIN detector with 1 nA dark current and unitary responsivity [16], a
total 10 dBm launched power for the monitoring signal, and a modulator with infinite
extinction ratio. In this case, the DC current in the absence of monitoring pulses is 1
nA, minimum detectable power of 1 nW. Now consider 10 dB margin for the received
monitoring pulse power compared to the dark current DC level; i.e., set the minimum
acceptable power for monitoring pulse to 10 nW. The total permissible (roundtrip)
loss is 60 dB. Thus we are able to support high network sizes such as 32 (30 dB loss at
the RN) with long fiber lengths such as 20 km (12 dB loss). Recall that the loss/budget
can be further improved by using high gain avalanche photodiodes (APDs) with very
low dark currents [16].



In this paper, we experimentally investigated optical coding based PON monitoring. We address the design issues of recently proposed periodic encoders, fabricated
them and used them for fiber link quality monitoring of a PON. Four customers at extreme proximity, simulating a high density PON, were examined in our experiments. We
developed a reduced complexity maximum likelihood sequence detection (RCMLSE)
algorithm which distinguishes, detects, and localizes each encoder in the network. The
measured data were fed into our algorithm. All users were detected/localized correctly,
demonstrating errorfree detection performance. We discussed the coverage area impact
on the efficiency of our proposed algorithm. We simulated the performance of our algorithm in terms of timeout probability. Our simulation results validate our algorithm
in detecting and localizing all encoders. The importance of averaging is also highlighted
to remedy the loss/budget limitations.

Chapter 7

Probing the Limits of PON

Monitoring Using Periodic Coding

M. M. Rad, J. Penon, H. Fathallah, S. LaRochelle, and L. A. Rusch, Probing the

Limits of PON Monitoring Using Periodic Coding Technology, is submitted to IEEE
J. of Lightwave Technology.



We probe the limits of PON monitoring using periodic coding technology both
experimentally and analytically. The experimental demonstrations focuses on a 16 cus105

tomer PON with varied deployment topologies following a 20 km feeder fiber: a single
cluster and a tiered hierarchy. A directly modulated laser modulated at 1 GHz was
used to generate the monitoring probe signals. The measured data from the experimental setup was fed to the reduced complexity maximum likelihood sequence estimation
(RCMLSE) algorithm to detect and localize the customers. Three different PON deployments were realized. We demonstrate more robust monitoring for networks with a
tiered geographic distribution. Our experimental setup also has 18 dB margin for the
total loss budget; tolerating such losses corresponds to splitting losses for 64 customers.
We investigate analytically the total permissible loss budget of the monitoring system operating in the 1650 nm waveband as a function of receiver specifications. We
examine the effect of resolution in the analogtodigital conversion on the correlation
peaks that form sufficient statistics for the RCMLSE algorithm. Resolution affects
both the RCMLSE and signal averaging to improve signaltonoise ratio. We find
the monitoring system is able to monitor current PON standards with inexpensive,
commercially available electronics.



Coding has been proposed for monitoring of passive optical networks [52, 78, 79, 74].
Faulty fiber lines are identified by the absence of their coded return signals. Most importantly, such systems are selfconfiguring: they blindly identify the position of all
network subscribers based solely on knowledge of the codes, and without knowledge
or control of the installed fiber lengths. The selfconfiguration (and subsequent fault
identification) must be achieved in a reasonable time period (seconds to minutes) to
be of practical interest. Our previous studies have quantified via simulation how the
geographical topology of the network impacts the processing time for the monitoring
system [78, 79]. We present experimental validations of those predictions and demonstrate robust selfconfiguration in the case of tiered PONs.
Our previous analysis identified two factors impacting performance: 1) the complexity of the selfconfiguration and 2) technologic challenges. These two factors were
sometimes interdependent. In particular, two scenarios could lead to excessive computation for selfconfiguration: extremely dense PONs and extremely distributed PONs.

On the technology side, when PONs were excessively far flung, the monitoring signal
exhibited large extremes in pulse heights from different subscribers. The more distant
subscribers required more sensitivity at the receiver. Increased sensitivity makes self
configuration conceivable, but may be impossible to achieve due to high complexity.
In this paper we examine both experimentally and via simulation and power budget
analysis to what extent these limitations are likely to impact PON monitoring performance.
The experimental validation of the monitoring of PONs that were extremely dense
was reported in [78, 79], but suffered from severe technology challenges. The monitoring probe signal was generated by external modulation of a spectrally sliced broadband
source (SSBBS) suffering severely from relativeintensity noise (RIN) and the dispersion problem. External modulation imposes significant insertion loss and poor extinction ratios. In this paper we adopt direct modulation of a laser for better extinction
ratio and less loss, improving the total system loss budget. With a coherent source both
dispersion and RIN are negligible for PON monitoring. With these improvements we
examine a larger, more realistic yet geographically dense PON (16 customers vs. 4 customers in the [78, 79] experiment). We also examine experimentally extremely disperse
PONs for the first time.
Whether using incoherent or coherent sources, detection noises such as relativeintensity, beat, and shot noises can be reduced by the averaging technique commonly
used in OTDR systems [78, 79]. The received signal can be considered virtually free
of these noise sources, as we shall demonstrate. Interference from simultaneous returns
from multiple customers is the primary source of noise. This interference is the source
of extreme complexity in some PON topographies. From a technological point of view,
the extremely low noise (other than interference) does not mean the receiver is capable
of discerning all returns. The receiver sensitivity is still limited by the postdetection
circuits, i.e., the transimpedance amplifier (TIA) gain the resolution of analogto
digital converter (ADC). The ADC resolution is considered to be the final system
bottleneck. We will illustrate how the ADC resolution and the TIA gain play important
roles in the maximum allowable loss budget of the network.
In section 7.3 we briefly introduce fiber link monitoring of a PON using periodic
coding technology. We review quantitative measures of the acceptable complexity in
network selfconfiguration, and how various PON topographies could lead to excessive

complexity. We focus on three topographical regions of interest for our experimental
efforts. In section 7.4, the experimental setup is described and results are presented.
In section 7.5 we study theoretically the maximum allowable loss budget of our PON
monitoring system based on current and future technologies.


PON monitoring with periodic coding

Coding can be used to distinguish individual returns that would normally be superimposed and indistinguishable [74]. For PONs this allows a single ping to the network to
provide information on all tributary paths. Cost and complexity pose formidable obstacles, especially for the hardware (encoders) that must be deployed to every subscriber.
For this reason, periodic codes were developed as they are both simple to fabricate and
provide easily distinguishable returns. Their properties are described more fully in [74].
As mentioned in the introduction, the performance of coding for monitoring is influenced by two critical factors: the density of the network (the extent to which subscriber
returns are closely packed) and network geographical area (determining the greatest
attenuation of returns). Implicit in these two factors is the number of subscribers; for
example, a large number of subscribers in a small coverage area will clearly lead to
dense returns. Let K be the number of customers served, and l be the farthest extent
of the network measured in meters. We can say that the size of the network (taking
into account both customers served K and geographical coverage parameterized by l)
determines to what extent the selfconfiguration is challenging.
We proposed a reduced complexity maximum likelihood sequence estimator (RC
MLSE) to configure the network, i.e., to ascertain the positions of all subscribers by
identifying each unique code return in the cacophony of superimposed codes returned by
the network [78, 79]. Given sufficient processing time, any network could be configured
by exploiting the use of averaging to suppress noises (relative intensity noise, beat
noise, thermal noise and shot noise) except interference and dark current. Averaging
can significantly improve signaltonoise ratio (SNR), essentially eliminating relative
intensity noise, beat noise, thermal noise and shot noise; only interference, dark current
and quantization noise remain. For a sufficiently sensitive receiver detection would
be error free given sufficient processing time. Some network topologies, however, will










experiment ( l = 9 km) .



experiment ( l = 210 m) .

experiment ( l = 60 m) .







Figure 7.1: Monte-Carlo simulation for timeout probability vs. maximum separation
length for 8 and 16 customer PON using periodic codes.
present interference that causes the processing time to exceed a practical bound. In
order to assess the robustness of our algorithm, in [79] we completed Monte Carlo
simulations to quantify processing time required for a statistical distribution of network
We fixed the acceptable processing delay to 2 minutes when using a Matlab implementation of our algorithm on a 2.3 GHz dual core Pentium. The code was not
optimized, and runtime could undoubtedly be improved. However, our goal was simply
to quantify a reasonable limit on complexity that could be handled by the algorithm.
Our pulse width was one nanosecond and we assumed Nyquist sampling at Rs = 2
Gs/s. In that work we considered networks serving from 8 to 32 customers; in this
paper we restrict discussion to 8 and 16 customer networks as this corresponds to our
experimental results.
We swept through geographical coverage parameterized by l. We assumed the network topology followed a uniform radial distribution over an area of l2 . For each of
the K customers, we randomly generated a position within the circular coverage area
and assigned each a periodic code. The response of this network to a Tc = 1 ns pulse

was generated and fed to our reduced complexity MLSE to identify the network configuration. Those configurations where processing delay would have exceeded 2 min were
noted. Statistics were generated giving the time out probability PT O (probability that
the MLSE could not handle the topology in 2 minutes), or equivalently, the percentage
of networks that caused a timeout to occur. The results are reproduced in Figure 7.1.
In Figure 7.1 we see that for K = 8 customer PON, PT O is high only for very
large l, ( 5 km). For K = 16, PT O is high for both very small and very large l;
for moderate values of l, PT O is minimal. We have identified two regions of interest:
to the left an interference dominated region exists, while to the right a region we call
threshold limited. As expected, very small coverage areas leads to code returns that are
highly superimposed (high interference) and causing the MLSE algorithm to consider
an excessively large number of possible network configurations. The interference limited
region is so dense as to exclude single family home deployments.
Note the second (upper) xaxis giving the maximum relative loss (difference in
received powers of weakest and strongest returns assuming fiber attenuation of 0.3
dB/km in each direction when using the U band [1].). For a large coverage area, the
upper axis shows how the loss increases, forcing the threshold to be set lower to detect the weakest code returns. The lower threshold leads to false positive hits in
the MLSE algorithm; nominally empty portions of the return are considered possible
codes, leading to timeouts. While periodic codes have a limited number of dominant
return pulses, secondary returns are causing the false positives. In practical PON deployments, customers are typically distributed in different geographical tiers [56]. Each
tier supports a local grouping of subscribers. For tiered deployments, we can greatly
reduce PT O by exploiting information on the distance between tiers. The threshold can
be adjusted for these clustered returns, avoiding false positives.


Experimental Demonstration

We selected three network configurations for experimental validation (as marked in

Figure 7.2, one in each of the three regions of operation. In the interference free region
(8 user tier B) and the middle region (8user tier A and 8user tier B), the network
configuration chosen did not result in a timeout. In the third case the configuration

Central Office: Monitoring Section
Tr = 2.5 KHz
Ts = 1 GHz



For time-out

To the PON

1.2 nm


m = 1543.67 nm







1.2 nm



20 km


Tier A

For loss budget study

Real Time


Tire B

10 GHz



9 km


Gain Clamping

From the PON

Tier B

l=60 m

l=150 m


Figure 7.2: Experimental setup for PON monitoring using periodic coding technology.
(tier B plus tier A located at a greater distance) led to a threshold with an excessive
For our experimental demonstration, we fabricated K = 16 periodic encoders. Each
encoder consists of two gratings; the first is partially reflective (38%) while the second acts like a mirror (100% reflectivity). Each grating has a rejection bandwidth
of d = 12 nm with center wavelength of 1550 nm [78]. For effective code weight
w = 4 and maximum crosscorrelation c = 1, we produced codes with periodicity
pk {6, 7, 11, 13, 16, 17, 19, 23, 25, 27, 29, 21, 27, 41, 42, 43} [74]. We excluded the code
with periodicity of one due to difficulty in fabrication. The periodicity pk determines
the required patchcord length to make periodic encoders. Given a pulse width Tc = 1
ns, we constructed the appropriate length patch cord between each grating pair to make
the periodic encoders [78].


Experimental Setup

The experimental setup is shown in Figure 7.2. The central office generates pulses
and processes the return signal. The network is a lf = 20 km feeder followed by passive
splitting and fiber drops; each of the (up to) sixteen subscribers has a distinct periodic
encoder. A directly modulated laser with center wavelength of m = 1544.67 nm and
extinction ratio r = 18.2 dB generates the monitoring pulses. The laser is driven at a
repetition interval of Tr = 400 s (Rr = 2.5 kHz). The modulated signal is preamplified
by an erbium doped fiber amplifier (EDFA). Optical filter (Bo = 1.2 nm) is used after

EDFA to suppress the amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) noise. The received data
is also postamplified at the CO. The postamplification is more critical as the received
pulses are very weak. More importantly because the subscribers are located at different
distances, the received pulse intensities vary. Recall that the encoded sequence coming
from a specific coding mirror also has pulses with different amplitudes [74]. Therefore,
a clamping circuit is necessary to keep the EDFA at an optimal operating point so
as all the received pulses observe the same amplification gain; hence minimizing the
distortion and nonlinear effects. The virtual lasing circuit (at the clamping segment)
operating at 1559.85 nm uses the ASE of the postEDFA to keep the total input power
constant, see Figure 7.2.
Due to equipment availability we are operating at 1550 window instead of 1650 nm
window [78]. The monitoring pulse is sent to the network using a circulator (with 3 dB
total insertion loss). The 12 coupler serves as the first remote node (RN). Due to the
roundtrip of the monitoring pulse through the network, the total insertion losses of
passive components are doubled, i.e., 24 dB for 12 splitter, 210 dB for 18 splitter
and 2200.2 dB for 20 km feeder fiber. A realtime oscilloscope sampling at 10 Gs/s
was used to capture the measured trace. The oscilloscope provides both sampling and
averaging (up to 4096).


Simulation Results

We demonstrated three different geographical deployments; 1) K = 8 customer

within l = 60 m, 2) K = 16 customers within l = 210 m, and 3) K = 16 customers
within l = 9 km; the physical distances were selected randomly and then fixed for the
experiment. The measured data from our experimental setup in Figure 7.2 was fed into
our algorithm to determine the network configuration [78]. For K = 8 with l = 60
and K = 16 with l = 210 m, the customers are easily identified (error free and within
a few centimeters resolution [78]); hence no timeout. Note that PT O is very small for
these regions of l, i.e., less than one per 104 realizations per Figure 7.1.
For K = 16 with l = 9 km (this exaggerated distance was used to assure we
encountered a time-out) we realized a PON deployment consisting of two tiers, namely
A and B, (separated by lAB = 9 km) each of which supports 8 subscribers per Figure 7.2.

The measured data fed into the MLSE algorithm caused the algorithm to experience
a timeout, i.e., the processing delay is larger than 2 min. The threshold was lowered
to avoid missing a weak return, causing an excessive number of false positives to be
searched. When using a priori information about the deployment, the timeout was
The return signal was split into two returns to be processed separately: a return
from before the lAB fiber separation, and a return from the more distant tier. The low
threshold was not used on the strong return from the closer tier, but only on the more
distant return. Once again we achieved error free performance with resolution of each
customer fiber length to within a few centimeters.
Most reasonably sized networks will not experience time out (statistics shown in
Figure 7.1). They will fall in the white zone of Figure 7.1. The interference limited
region is so dense as to exclude single family home deployments. In multiple home
dwellings tiering of clients could be used to move from the interference limited zone to
the white zone. The small percentage of deployments that are threshold limited (zone
to right in Figure 7.1) must employ side information. In this experiment we validated
the use of side information in the form of separation of clients in a tiered deployment.
Other types of side information can be employed. For instance, for a strictly cluster
deployment a sliding threshold could be used where the threshold diminished linearly,
with slope determined by the level of attenuation with distance of the deployed fiber.


Loss Budget

We studied the loss budget of our monitoring system for future capacity expansion
and/or longer reach PONs [1, 56]. For this purpose, a variable optical attenuator (VOA)
is added to the setup in Figure 7.2 followed by a lf = 20 km fiber feeder. In each step
the insertion loss of VOA is increased and the postamplification circuit is adjusted
to properly detect the monitoring pulses. Our setup provides 9 dB margin (total of
18 dB for the roundtrip path) for the loss budget; hence the capacity can be scaled
up by factor four via 14 splitter. Our experimental setup could therefore support a
64 customer PON with 20 km feeder fiber corresponding to current GPON standards
[1]. Note that the sensitivity of the receiver is limited by the minimum detectable DC

power at the receiver. The sensitivity of our monitoring system can be improved by
using detectors with higher gain and lower dark currents.


Fundamental Limits of Loss Budget

Due to the roundtrip path of the monitoring pulses, the insertion loss of passive elements is doubled, imposing strict limitations on the total loss budget of our
monitoring system. We assume a higher number of customers leads directly to higher
splitting ratios at the RN and a more critical power/loss budget. Our experiments were
carried out in the 1550 nm band for experimental convenience where amplification is
straightforward. When deployed, a monitoring system will use the Uband where no
amplifier exists, hence no pre and postamplification such as that in Figure. 7.2 is
possible. Therefore, the loss budget of our monitoring approach is a serious concern.
In this section we explain how averaging can help to improve the loss budget for the
monitoring system. We also address the requirements for postdetection circuits to efficiently perform averaging. We then formulate the loss budget limit as a function of
the corresponding circuit specifications.


Importance of Averaging

Increasing the transmitted power of the monitoring signal to mitigate the loss budget increases nonlinear effects, and can not be employed without restraint. Indeed, to
avoid nonlinear impairments the launched power should be kept smaller than approximately 10 dBm for single mode fiber [16]. Our strategy for improved loss budgets
relies on signal averaging. By averaging over many traces, i.e., repeating the measurement many times, we reduce noise and increase our SNR [16]. Hence, similar to
standard OTDR techniques, the dynamic range and sensitivity of the monitoring receiver increases significantly. Assuming independent measurements, the noise power n2
is reduced proportionally by the number of measurements averaged Mavg , i.e., Mnavg .
For a very large number of independent traces, M  1,


tends to zero.

A moderate delay for averaging and processing (milliseconds to seconds) is accept-

No Averaging; Mavg = 0

scale 5

No Averaging; Mavg = 0

12 coupler

Averaging Mavg = 10 traces

25 mv

scale 5

Averaging Mavg = 10 traces

10 mv

2 ns

100 mv

12 coupler

Averaging Mavg = 100 traces

scale 5

2 ns

20 mv

Averaging Mavg = 100 traces

300 mv
40 mv

12 coupler

Figure 7.3: Importance of averaging to improve the quality of the received monitoring
sequences; traces averaged are Mavg = 0, 10, 100.
able for our application; the temporal overhead for averaging is not burdensome. For
example consider a PON with 20 km reach length and a delay tolerance of 100 ms. In
this case the repetition rate (Rr ) should be smaller than the total roundtrip time for
monitoring pulses, Rr 5 kHz. A total of 500 traces can be averaged in 100 ms, for a
27 dB SNR enhancement [16].
Figure 7.3 shows the response to a 1 ns probe pulse to the periodic encoder with
p1 = 6 ns, as measured using the setup in Fig. 7.2 and averaging over different number of
traces Mavg (different rows). The right column shows the same measurements but with
an additional 6 dB loss due to a 12 coupler in the roundtrip path; this illustrates
the effect of degradation in the loss budget. In both columns we see that increasing
the number of traces being averaged improves the quality of the trace. In particular,
for higher losses (right column), the noise is completely removed from the trace by
Mavg = 100 averaging (a 20 dB SNR improvement). Hence, errorfree performance is
achievable by the RC-MLSE algorithm [78, 79].
Signal averaging allows detection of very weak signals, however, receiver sensitivity

Total Gain = Geff







b bits




Few Giga

Mega Hertz

Figure 7.4: Typical optical receiver using TIA and ADC.

is limited by postdetection circuits. Digital signal processing in the reduced complexity MLSE algorithm requires the monitoring signal be quantized. The quantization
ultimately limit the amount of loss that can be sustained at the receiver without impairing the algorithm. As seen in Figure 7.3, the small third pulse is virtually noise
free, however, quantization must be sufficient to detect this small signal.
A typical post-detection circuit is illustrated in Figure 7.4. The transimpedance
or shunt amplifier (TIA) generates a voltage signal from the current produced by the
photodiode (iP D ) [80, 81]. The TIA acts as a current to voltage converter with some
amplification, and is widely used as a preamplifier in optical receivers. Typically, the
TIA should have low noise and high dynamic range. Our application is insensitive to
TIA noise due to averaging, thus relaxing this requirement. The TIA output is further
amplified by a limiting amplifier (LA) that assures the output signal reaches the proper
voltage range for the analogtodigital converter (ADC). The total effective gain, Gef f ,
of all stages shown in Figure 7.4 varies from 30 dB to 70 dB depending on the application
[82, 83]. The number of bits of resolution in the ADC is a design parameter. In the
next subsection we illustrate how the ADC resolution affects the averaging process.
The importance of Gef f is addressed in subsection 7.5.3.


Quantification Effects

To illustrate the impact of ADC resolution, in Figure 7.5 we examine the effect of
averaging over 100 traces for two different ADCs. The trace to the left in Figure 7.5
is captured by an Agilent Infinium 54845A realtime oscilloscope with b = 8 bits of
resolution. The captured data is then requantified for a limited number of bits (b = 3);
on the right in Figure 7.5 we see the roughly quantized data and the averaged signal.

Digitized data with b = 8 bits (from oscope)
Averaged over Mavg = 100 traces (from oscope)

Digitized data with b = 3 bits

Averaged over Mavg = 100 traces

5 mv
5 mv

5 ns

5 ns

Figure 7.5: Trace for periodic code with p1 = 6 ns in a 16 customer network with a 20
km of fiber feeder; different levels of quantification (left 8 bits, right 3 bits) are shown
for traces before and after Mavg = 100 averaging.
In order to ascertain the sensitivity of our detection algorithm to quantification levels, we focus our attention on code correlation. Correlation of the incoming monitoring
signal with each code in turn generates the test statistics used for detection [78, 79].
Starting from the 8 bit digital signal captured from the realtime oscilloscope (shown in
the left in Figure 7.5), we reduced the number of bits progressively. For each resolution,
the measured data from oscilloscope was quantized for Mavg = 100 traces. We then
averaged the quantized traces and calculated the degradation in the peak level of the
correlation. The percentage of the error in estimating the autocorrelation peak as a
function the number of quantization bits is shown in Figure 7.6. For b < 3, we can see
that averaging is ineffective and error is very high. For b = 7 the error is less than one
percent. A good compromise to reduce cost of the receiver and digital signal processing
is b = 3 where error is below ten percent. In Figure 7.5 we can see that both levels of
quantization yield good SNR improvement due to averaging 1 .


Sensitivity of the Monitoring Receiver

The sensitivity of the receiver depends on both the TIA gain (Gef f ) and the number
of ADC quantization bits b. We have two requirements for errorfree performance: 1)
the averaging should reduce noise effectively and 2) the first four pulses from each pe1. Simulations show that for additive Gaussian noise, b = 3 is sufficient to estimate the mean with
less than one percent error.


Figure 7.6: Percentage of the error in estimating the autocorrelation peak as a function
the number of quantization bits.
riodic encoder should be distinguishable following ADC. As explained in the previous
subsection a minimum of b = 3 bits assures SNR improvement with averaging. For the
second requirement, recall that peak heights differing by less than VLSB are indistinguishable, where VLSB corresponds to the voltage of the least significant bit (LSB) [84].
where Vref is the reference
For an ADC with b quantization bits we have VLSB = 2ref
voltage [86].
For the periodic encoded sequence, more than 95% of the energy is concentrated
in the first four pulses; thus it is sufficient to discern these four pulses [74]. The code
characteristics are such that discerning the fourth pulse assures all four pulses are
distinguishable. Thus we require that the difference in the peak power between the
fourth pulse and the remaining (weaker) pulses be greater than VLSB . These pulses are
dominated by the fifth pulse; the amplitudes of the fourth and fifth pulses (with respect
to the unit height first two pulses) are 0.146 and 0.056 [74].
Now consider a monitoring system with a transmitted peak power of Ps , total insertion loss of T , and a U-band detector with responsivity R. Based on these discussions


Current commerecial ADCs

for Rs = 2 Gsps

Research Trends

Figure 7.7: Maximum loss budget as a function of the number of quantization bits and
for different resistors.
we should have

T RGef f Ps (0.146 0.056) VLSB


Where the left side of Eq. (7.1) gives the voltage difference between the fourth and
the fifth pulses of the periodic sequence at the ADC input. The total loss budget T
that can be tolerated is
T 11
RPs Gef f 2b
Thus the lower bound (maximum acceptable) of T is inversely proportional to Gef f ,
2 and the detector responsivity R. It also depends on the peak of the launched power
Ps . Figure 7.7 shows the minimum loss budget T versus the number of quantization
bits b for different values of Gef f . For our numerical results we consider Ps = 10 dBm,



Figure 7.8: The tradeoff between the fiber reach and the splitter size at the remote
node for different values of the number of quantization bits and post amplification gain.
R = 1 and Vref = 1 volts [82][84]. The highlighted region corresponds to the current
commercial TIAs and ADCs working at 2 Gsps. Note that by employing high gain
avalanchephotodetectors (APDs), the loss budget can be further improved [85]. The
total loss budget T is determined by the component losses as (in dB);
T = 20log10 K + 0.6L + L


where K is the network size (total splitting size) and L is the fiber reach (sum of fiber
feeder and longest drop fiber). A 0.3 dB/km of fiber loss is considered for U band
signals. The factor L is considered for the losses due to encoding, splicing, connectors
etc. An ideal periodic encoder imposes 5 dB loss [74]. A total value of 5 dB is assumed
for other losses (mainly the connectors and splicings). Thus the total loss is L = 10
dB. Figure 7.8 shows the tradeoff between the fiber reach L in km and the splitter size
at the RN for different Gef f and b (corresponding to the filled circles and squares in
Figure 7.7). The OC monitoring system is able to support the current PON standards
[1, 56] like a GPON with 64 customers and 20 km fiber reach.




We experimentally demonstrated fiber link quality monitoring of a PON using periodic codes for up to 16 customers. We demonstrated more robust monitoring for
networks with a tiered geographic distribution by exploiting information about the
distance separating clusters. Our experimental setup allows a capacity scale up for 64
customer PON. We also studied the final loss budget limitation of optical coding monitoring system as a function of the postdetection circuit specifications. We showed that
the transimpedance gain and the number of ADC quantization bits play important
roles in the total permissible loss budget. In addition, our numerical studies shows that
OC monitoring technology is able to support the current PON standards.

Chapter 8

Conclusion and Future Perspective


Summary and Conclusion

After an introduction to optical performance monitoring in chapter 1, we briefly

reviewed passive optical network (PON) monitoring techniques in chapter 2. We analyzed performance of optical coding (OC), a new promising solution for centralized
monitoring of PONs. OC does not need advanced technology to fabricate the encoders,
i.e., it is simple and costeffective. In addition the received monitoring signals are easy
to process and analyze.
In chapters 3 and 4, we generalized the monitoring approach from onedimensional
(1D) coding to two dimensional (time wavelength, i.e., 2D) coding. A mathematical
framework was derived for the performance analysis. We included both the interference

and detection noises to investigate the quality of the monitoring signal in terms of SIR,
SNR, and SNIR. We also studied the receiver operating characteristics (ROC) for the
monitoring system by employing NeymanPearson testing. Meanwhile we addressed
the effects of the transmitted power, pulse width, coding implementation, source types,
and the fiber fault probability on all the mentioned performance tools.
Despite the good results, standard 2D (1D) coding schemes are not of practical
interests for the implementation of OC monitoring systems due to the high number
of optical components required the encoders impose significant insertion losses, and in
addition they are bulky. Therefore, in chapter 5, we introduced a novel periodic coding
scheme for our monitoring applications. Periodic encoders are more costeffective, with
lower number of components, easier fabrication process, and smaller size compared to
standard 1D/2D coding schemes. In addition they provide good performance for an OC
monitoring system. Appendix A provides a detailed comparison of OOC vs. PC codes.
In chapter 6, we experimentally demonstrated the monitoring of a PON using periodic coding technology. We addressed the design issues for periodic encoders and the
optimal detection criteria. We developed a reduced complexity maximumlikelihood
sequence estimation (RCMLSE) algorithm. An experiment was conducted to validate
our detection algorithm using four periodic encoders that we designed and fabricated.
Errorfree detection is confirmed for encoders with separation as small as one meter.
Using the experimental data for the encoder impulse responses, we conducted Monte
Carlo simulations for more realistic PON geographical distributions. We investigated
the effect of coverage area and network size (number of subscribers) on the computational efficiency of our algorithm. Finally, we highlighted the importance of averaging
to remedy the power budget limitations in our monitoring system.
In chapter 7, we extended our experimental investigations by upgrading our setup
to support 16 customers. New CMs (codes) were designed and fabricated. We validated
the simulation results for the timeout probability and showed how side information
about the tiered networks can help to avoid timeout. We also investigated the loss
budget of our monitoring setup to support higher network sizes. Finally, we studied the
loss budget of a U band OC monitoring system where no optical amplifier exists. We
addressed the importance of the postdetection amplification and the analogtodigital
converter (ADC) resolution on the final system loss budget. We also studied the effect of
the number of quantization bits of an ADC on the accuracy of the averaging performed

in the digital domain. Moreover, we studied the tradeoff between the splitter size and
the fiber reach.


Future Research Perspective

Although the objectives of this research have been achieved, probing deeper, there
are other research opportunities to be investigated. Below, we propose directions for
future research that can extend this thesis.
Coding Scheme: Although periodic coding in conjunction with the proposed
MLSE algorithm provides a flexible and reliable monitoring technique; it is interesting to investigate other coding schemes more appropriate for the monitoring
application. Codes with better correlation characteristics, simpler fabrication process, and more compactness are more desirable for monitoring purposes.
Detection Algorithm: Our proposed MLSE algorithm provides errorfree performance for many network topologies. However further studies can be done to improve the efficiency of the algorithm in detecting and localizing the customers in
the network. More importantly it is very interesting to reduce the computational
complexity of the algorithm to improve the timeout probability.
Fault Localization: In this thesis we only focused on fault detection and investigated the fiber status by observing the autocorrelation peak. As is explained in
chapter 2, fault localization and root cause analysis are other important issues
which should be considered in a monitoring system. They provide more detailed
information about the origin/cause of the fault and hence enable the network
provider to effectively perform the maintenance operations.
Experimental Investigations: Although we experimentally validated PON monitoring using optical coding technology, here we propose some interesting future
steps to experimentally explore the validity of OC monitoring for a practical PON
 Demonstration of U band experiments for OC monitoring of a PON: As we
mentioned in chapter 6 and 7, due to equipment availability we conducted

our experiments in the 1550 nm window. It is interesting to do experiments
for U band signals to see how much performance changes. In this case, we
can also investigate the performance degradation due to crosstalk of the U
band monitoring signals and the data communication signals. This particularly
highlights the importance of the design considerations (mentioned in chapter
6) for the gratings to fabricate periodic encoders.
 Digital Implementation of the Receiver: In our experiments we used a realtime
oscilloscope at the receiver of the monitoring system. The measured data was
processed using computer software, i.e., offline processing. Digital implementation (using DSP or FPGA) of the receiver to perform the proposed detection
algorithm is another interesting step for future study.
The results we reported in this thesis provide a strong foundation for future studies.
In this section, we presented some suggestions for future work and research directions.

Appendix A

OOC vs. PC: Encoder Complexity

and Cost

We address the challenges of standard coding schemes for a practical deployment

of OC monitoring systems. We also highlight interesting features of periodic coding
technology for the monitoring application.


Challenges of MWOOC Coding

In principle, most coding schemes commonly used in optical CDMA systems can
be applied to OC monitoring technique. As explained in chapter 3, we considered the
application of multiplewavelength optical orthogonal codes (MWOOCs). Although

MWOOCs provide acceptable performance, after investigation we concluded that they
are not of practical interest. The main challenges and limitations of MWOOC CMs
are listed below, with details in chapters 3, 4, and 5.
High number of components: The number of components of a MWOOC CM
depends on the code weight w [54, 60]. For a passive splitter (PS) based structure,
a CM consists of 2w + 3 components. For a fiber Bragg grating (FBG) based
structure, 2w 1 passive component are required. Increasing w directly increases
the component count and the cost as well. For code weight w = 4 a total of 7
(13) components is required for FBG (PS) CM structures. 1 The high number of
components make the CMs more expensive, bulky and more difficult to handle
than CMs for periodic codes.
High insertion loss: CMs with high insertion losses are not tolerable. Passive splitters/combiners (PSC) impose significant insertion loss to the CMs. For instance,
the total insertion loss of a PSC CM is 15 dB for w = 4. 2 FBGs make better CMs
due to their small loss. However, a FBG CM for 1D coding suffers severely from
interreflections among the gratings. These interreflections degrade the quality
of the encoded sequence; hence degrading performance. To practically minimize
these reflections one should reduce the reflectivity of the gratings. This directly
increases the total CM insertion loss. For example, for w = 4, an ideal FBG based
1D CM has only 6 dB insertion loss while a practical implementation imposes at
least 10 dB loss (i.e., 4 dB more). Note that the interreflection problem among
the gratings does not exist for 2D coding schemes. But, 2D schemes require multiple wavelengths which increases the cost and reduces the bandwidth efficiency.
Scalability Limit: Once a family of MWOOC is selected, the number of codes
(i.e., cardinality) is upper bounded by Johnson formula [54]. 3 Hence, each family
of MWOOCs can only support a limited number of customers. In other words,
for higher network sizes, i.e., future upgrades, new families should be considered.
In practice, a family of MWOOC with the maximum desirable network size supporting the future upgrades should be employed. As new customers are assigned,
predetermined codes are assigned belonging to the family for the target net1. In chapter 3 we show that w = 4 is the optimal choice to tradeoff the performance and the loss
2. In practice a 14 (12) coupler introduces 8 dB (4 dB) insertion loss; a total of 19 dB insertion
loss for CM, see chapter 3.
3. Johnson bound gives the maximum cardinality of a MWOOC family as a function of the code
weight, code length and the required correlation characteristics, see chapter 3.

work size. As a result the CMs are bulky and impractical even for small network
sizes. To illustrate, consider a network with 32 customers anticipated to grow to
128. In this case, we should select a family of MWOOC with cardinality of 128.
In addition, the code generation procedure for very high cardinalities is another
challenge which is beyond the scope of this section [54].
For all the aforementioned reasons, there is no doubt that the MWOOC coding
scheme is not a practical candidate for experimental implementation of OC monitoring


Advantages of Periodic Coding

To mitigate the mentioned problems and limitations for standard MWOOCs, we

introduce periodic codes as a new and suitable coding technique for OC monitoring
systems. Periodic coding has the following advantages compared to standard coding
Small number of components: Each CM consists of only three passive optical
components: two gratings and one patch cord between them. Therefore, the CMs
are less expensive.
Simple Structure: The patchcord between the two gratings differentiates the codes.
Low Insertion Loss: The total CM insertion loss is only 4 dB for all CMs. Therefore, the total loss budget of the monitoring system improves.
Compactness: Due to the low number of components and simple structure, periodic CMs are small in size and easy to handle, i.e., interesting for practical
High Scalability: New CMs (for new subscribers in future upgrades) are simple to
design and fabricate, hence this solution is flexible and scalable.
For all the above mentioned reasons, we shift our focus in chapter 6 and 7 to periodic
codes for the experimental investigation.

Appendix B

MonteCarlo Simulation of
Timeout Probability

In this appendix we explain the approach we have used in Chapter 6 to estimate

the timeout probability PT O .
To explain in detail our estimate of the time-out probability reported in Figure 6.5,
we begin by examining the performance of the second stage of our algorithm in Matlab,
version 7.6. The time of calculation is a function of the size of the received vector, r,
and the number of candidates rb to be examined. The size of the received vector can be
parameterized by l, i.e., the larger the coverage area, the longer the received vector.
For several l, we find the maximum number of rb that can be searched without a
timeout, Rmax (l). We ran simulations on an Intel dual core CPU operating at 2.13
GHz with 2GB RAM.

During the mth iteration of the second stage, a reconstructed return signal is calculated for subsets of mutually interfering subscribers. The statistics of these subsets
are difficult to ascertain. Therefore we use a worst case bound to find the timeout
probability. We assume that during the mth iteration, all m users must be examined
in the exhaustive search. Let the random variable ui {i = 1, . . . , m} be the number of
candidate locations (time indexes) per user to be examined by the MLSE search. These
n o
candidates {ui } are extracted from the clamped correlator output vectors Ck during
the first stage. As we assume all subscribers are mutually interfering, the second stage
would need to calculate u1 u2 . . . um candidate rb to compare with r.
To estimate the time-out probability we run Monte Carlo trials to determine with
what frequency u1 u2 . . . um exceeds Rmax (l). A coverage area is fixed, a
network is generated randomly, the vector r is constructed and passed through the
n o
bank of correlators. From the correlator output vectors Ck we find {ui }, compute
u1 u2 . . . um , and compare it to Rmax (l). This gives us the time-out probability
(PT O ) as a function of coverage area.


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