Cbsa Piu q4 08
Cbsa Piu q4 08
Cbsa Piu q4 08
Tariff Item / Numro tarifaire 9899.00.00 Obscenity and Hate Propaganda Obscnit et propagande haineuse
Quarterly List of Admissible and Prohibited Titles Liste trimestrielle des titres admissibles et prohibs October 2008 to December 2008 / octobre dcembre 2008
Prepared by / Prpar par : Prohibited Importations Unit, HQ LUnit des importations prohibes, AC
Quarterly List of Admissible and Prohibited Titles Tariff item 9899.00.00 October 1st to December 31st, 2008
This report contains a list of titles reviewed by the Prohibited Importations Unit (PIU), Border and Compliance Programs Directorate, at Headquarters in Ottawa, during the period October 1st to December 31st, 2008. Titles for which a determination was rendered in accordance with section 58 of the Customs Act, or re-determined as per sections 59 and 60 of the Customs Act, during the stated period are listed, along with the related decision. Titles are categorized by commodity and listed alphabetically. Where applicable, additional bibliographical information has been included.
Liste trimestrielle des titres admissibles et prohibs Numro tarifaire 9899.00.00 1er octobre au 31 dcembre 2008
Le rapport ci-joint contient une liste des titres examins par lUnit des importations prohibes (lUIP), Direction des programmes de lobservation et de la frontire, er lAdministration centrale Ottawa, entre le 1 octobre au 31 dcembre 2008. Les titres pour lesquels une dcision a t rendue conformment larticle 58 de la Loi sur les douanes ou pour lesquels une rvision a t faite conformment aux articles 59 et 60 de la Loi sur les douanes, durant la priode en question, sont indiqus, ainsi que la dcision connexe. Les titres sont spars selon le genre de matriel dont il sagit et prsents par ordre alphabtique (le tout selon langlais). Des renseignements bibliographiques supplmentaires ont t inclus lorsquils taient applicables. Vous constaterez que le rapport est divis en trois sections :
You will note that the report has been divided into three sections: 1) Section 58 Determinations: This section lists titles for which initial classification decisions have been made at Headquarters in accordance with section 58 of the Customs Act. Goods are determined to either fall within or outside of the provisions of tariff item 9899.00.00 (obscenity or hate propaganda).
1) Article 58 Dterminations : Cette section prsente la liste des titres pour lesquels une dcision de classement initiale a t rendue par lAdministration centrale, conformment larticle 58 de la Loi sur les douanes. Il est dtermin que les biens sont viss ou non par les dispositions du numro tarifaire 9899.00.00 (obscnit ou propagande haineuse). 2) Article 59 Rvisions : Cette section prsente la liste des titres pralablement prohibs en vertu des dispositions du numro tarifaire 9899.00.00 et pour lesquels une rvision a t effectue. La rvision a t amorce par lUIP dans le cadre du contrle de programme, en vue de confirmer la validit du classement tarifaire.
2) Section 59 Re-determinations: This section lists titles that have been previously prohibited under tariff item 9899.00.00 and which have been the subject of program monitoring. The re-determination was initiated by the PIU, in order to ensure that goods have been correctly classified.
3) Section 60 Re-determinations: This section lists titles that were previously prohibited under tariff item 9899.00.00 and which have been re-determined, at the importers request, by the Customs Disputes Section, as per section 60 of the Customs Act.
3) Article 60 Rvisions : Cette section prsente la liste des titres pralablement prohibs en vertu des dispositions du numro tarifaire 9899.00.00 et pour lesquels une rvision a t effectue, la demande de limportateur, par la Section des diffrends douaniers, conformment larticle 60 de la Loi sur les douanes.
For the purposes of this report, decisions are defined as follows: 1) Prohibited: This indicates that the material was reviewed and found to fall within the provisions of tariff item 9899.00.00. Its importation into Canada is therefore prohibited, that is not allowed, as it constitutes obscenity or hate propaganda.
Aux fins de ce rapport, le genre de dcisions se dfinit comme suit : 1) Prohib (prohibited) : Ce terme indique que, par suite dun examen, il a t tabli que le matriel est vis par les dispositions du numro tarifaire 9899.00.00. Son importation au Canada est donc prohibe, cest--dire quelle nest pas permise, car le matriel constitue de lobscnit ou de la propagande haineuse. 2) Admissible : Ce terme indique que, par suite dun examen, il a t tabli que le matriel nest PAS vis par les dispositions du numro tarifaire 9899.00.00. Son importation au Canada est donc acceptable, cest--dire permise, car le matriel ne constitue pas de lobscnit ou de la propagande haineuse. Cette liste devrait tre consulte titre de rfrence seulement et ne devrait pas tre considre comme constituant une autorit irrvocable. Si vous avez des questions ou dsirez plus de renseignements, veuillez communiquer avec lUnit des importations prohibes par tlphone au (613) 954-7049, par tlcopieur au (613) 957-4653 ou par courriel [email protected]. Vous pouvez aussi crire ladresse suivante : 150 rue Isabella, 5e tage, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0L8.
2) Admissible: This indicates that the material was reviewed and found NOT to fall within the provisions of tariff item 9899.00.00. Its importation into Canada is therefore acceptable, as it does not constitute obscenity or hate propaganda.
This list should only be consulted as a reference guide and should not be considered an absolute authority. If you have any questions or require further information, please contact the Prohibited Importations Unit at (613) 954-7049, by fax at (613) 957-4653, or by e-mail at [email protected]. You may also write to the following address: 5th floor, 150 Isabella Street, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0L8.
Books / Livres
Holocaust Revisionism - The Arguments, By Juergen Graf & Bruno Montoriol, Published By The Historical Review Press, 2007, ISBN: 0-906879-47-7 My Father Rudolf Hess, By Wolf Rudiger Hess, Published By W. H. Allen & Co. Plc, Copyright Year 1984, ISBN: 0-35232214-4 Books, Serpent's Walk, By Randolph D. Calverhall, Produced By National Vanguard Books, Copyright Year 1991, ISBN: 0-937944-05-X Books, The Jewish Strategy, By Revilo P. Oliver, Published By Historical Review Press, Copyright Year 2007, ISBN: 978-0-906879-59-7 Books, The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, Published By Historical Review Press, ISBN: 978-0-906879-94-8
Decision / Dcision
Admissible Admissible Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Decision / Dcision
Decision / Dcision
Books / Livres
Bench-Marks, By Tara Black, Published By Nexus, Copyright Year 2003, ISBN: 0-352-33797-4 Letters to Penthouse XXXII, Published By Grand Central Publishing, Copyright Year 2008, ISBN: 0-446-61930-2 Penthouse Uncensored, October 2000, Published By Warner Books, Inc., Copyright Year 2000, ISBN: 0-446-67735-3 Penthouse Uncensored III, November 2002, Published By Grand Central Publishing, Copyright Year 1997-1995, ISBN: 978-0-446-67974-9 Punishing Imogen, By Yvonne Marshall, Published By Nexus, Copyright Year 2003, ISBN: 0-352-33845-8 The Family Swapper, Published By Tiburon House Publishing Company Inc., Copyright Year 1998 The Phantom of the Cabaret, By Lou Kagan, Published By Fundgeon Press, Copyright Year 2006
Decision / Dcision
Admissible Admissible Admissible Admissible Admissible Admissible Admissible
Decision / Dcision
Admissible Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Decision / Dcision
Admissible Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Admissible Admissible Admissible Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Admissible Prohibited Admissible Admissible Admissible Admissible Prohibited Admissible Prohibited Admissible Admissible Prohibited
Decision / Dcision
Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Admissible Prohibited Admissible Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Decision / Dcision
Prohibited Admissible Admissible Prohibited Admissible