Ce document contient le calendrier des taux pour l'année 2012-2013 applicable pour la région de Nashik en Inde. Le document comprend de nombreuses sections détaillant les taux pour divers matériaux et services.
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Ce document contient le calendrier des taux pour l'année 2012-2013 applicable pour la région de Nashik en Inde. Le document comprend de nombreuses sections détaillant les taux pour divers matériaux et services.
Ce document contient le calendrier des taux pour l'année 2012-2013 applicable pour la région de Nashik en Inde. Le document comprend de nombreuses sections détaillant les taux pour divers matériaux et services.
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Ce document contient le calendrier des taux pour l'année 2012-2013 applicable pour la région de Nashik en Inde. Le document comprend de nombreuses sections détaillant les taux pour divers matériaux et services.
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( Government of Maharashtra Undertaking )
SCHEDULE OF RATES NASHIK REGION ( Effective from 24-12-2012 ) FOR THE YEAR - 2012-2013 APPLICABLE FOR NASHIK REGION MAHARASHTRA J EEVAN PRADHIKARAN WORKS Countersigned For The Year 2012-2013 CHIEF ENGINEER (URBAN & RURAL) Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran Thane CHIEF ENGINEER (URBAN & RURAL) From To Government Resolutions General Notes A Materials B Labour and Machinery C Transportation D Standard weight and Cement Consumption E Excavation F Iron & Structural Steel Work G Plain & Reinforced Cement Concrete H Misellaneous Works I Pipes I C.I./D.I.Pipes II A.C. Pipes III P.V.C.Pipes IV G.I.Pipes V Stoneware Pipes VI R.C.C.Pipes VII P.S.C.Pipes VIII B.W.S.C. (Bar Wrapped steel Cylinder) Pipes IX G.R.P.Pipes X H.D.P.E.Pipes / M.D.P.E Pipes XI P.C.C.P.Pipes XII Pipe Appurtenances XIII Mechanical J oints/Fittings XIV M.S.Pipes XV Fabrication of M.S.Pipes and Specials XVI M.S.Pipes Laying XVII Treatment Plants ( WTP - STP ) XVIII R.C.C. G.S.Rs and Sumps XIX R.C.C. E.S.Rs XX Chambers, Manholes and Drainage Drops XXI Well Sinking and River Infiltration Works J Ancillary items for Reservoirs K Trial Run L Drawings MAHARASHTRA JEEVAN PRADHIKARAN Nashik Region SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR THE YEAR - 2012 - 2013 INDEX Section No Name of Section Page Nos. GOVERNMENT RESOLUTIONS ||-r| ||-|| || ||| ||||| |r || |||| ||| || | || ||-|||| + ||| ||| |~| |r || || | || || ||-||||
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Maharashtra J eevan Pradhikaran shall be adopted. Following increase in % over normal schedule of rates of M.J .P. for 2012-2013 will be applicable. (Ref. PWD GR. No. DSR/1091/CR-6577/Planning-3,dated 08/07/2003) % Increase 5% 20% 5% 15% MAHARASHTRA JEEVAN PRADHIKARAN NASHIK REGION SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR THE YEAR 2012-2013 GENERAL NOTES These rates are applicable to all MJ P works in the NASHIK REGION with effect from dated 24.12.2012 Item of excavation is inclusive of normal manual dewatering, however, seperate item for dewatering shall be proposed in the estimate where underground water is anticipated in significant magnitude. 2% 10% The rates of excavation for O & M works where limited working space is available and work is required to be carried out on emergency basis, the rate should be adopted as per the actual rate analysis which shall be approved by concerned S.E. for that particular work only. Rates for all items are inclusive of all taxess levied by Central Government, State Government or Local Bodies.Labour rates are inclusive of EPF 12.5 % . These rates are applicable only for tendered works,these rates should be reduced by 12.50 % of labour part when works are to be carried out on piecemeal works and other small works without tendering. For all completed items, initial lead of 5 kms. is considered for collection of materials like sand, bricks, metal, stone etc. Appropriate addition for lead charges excluding loading , unloading for these materials shall be done while estimation. These rates are applicable to water supply and sewerage schemes and its allied works only. Rates for Items required for general construction, buildings, roads, Irrigation Works etc. shall be adopted from the current schedule of rates of P.W.D. or Irrigation Deptt. in respective areas. For bore wells, CSR. of GSDA shall be followed. Increase in percentage over normal schedule of rates will also be as per norms of respective C.S.R. As per Government Notification No. 25/2012/service tax dated 20 J une 2012 point no. 12 E Service tax exempted for pipeline, conduit or plant for i) Water supply ii) Water treatment or iii) Sewerage treatment or disposal h Excavation for Dist.system pipe lines,Sewerage system in towns 10% 10 11 12 13 14 Material a Cement b Mild Steel c Tor Steel/CTD bars d Structural Steel e Corrosion Resistant Steel (Fe 500) f M.S.Plate 15 16 17 18 19 20 10 % of cost of items of water retaining structures, such as GSR/ESR/MBR shall be retained till satisfactory hydraulic testing is given as per IS code. 10 % of cost of total sub-work of pipeline work shall be retained, till satisfactory hydraulic test is given, as per IS code. Details of standard cement consumption and standard weight of various pipes are incorporated in this CSR . Rates for supply of various types of pipes, specials and valves are inclusive of excise duty, central sales tax and VAT, third party inspection charges, storage charges, overhead charges and transportation of materials upto divisional stores and stacking. In case more than one percentage increase on basic rates becomes admissible, instead of adding both, the higher percentage only be taken. (e.g. if any Municipal Council falls in hilly area, then additional percentage in rates will be only 10 % and not with 2 % +10 %). This additional percentage is only on completed item of work and not applicable to items of providing of materials like steel, pipes, valves, specials etc For hilly and inaccessible areas / Tribal areas approved by Government, Planning Department's Circular Nos.(1)1089/CR-66/Plan-19,DT.23/11/1990 and (2) 1094/P-36/K-1455 dt.02/09/1994, shall be followed (refer pages 347 onwords). In addition to amendment notification by the planning deptt. time to time. For Action Plan Notified Area, Government's Circular in force from time to time shall be followed. Whenever basic rates of completed items are increased by percentage given at Sr. No. 9, the issue rates of materials to be supplied by the Department ( if any) shall be increased by same percentage. This schedule of rates is based on following basic rates for important materials. 48875 49000 Rate in Rs. Per MT. 6200 48000 48300 48875 Cost of carting of pipes and valves from departmental stores to site of work is not considered in rate analysis, hence this item must be incorporated in each scheme. While inviting tenders if supply is from departmental store, then this item shall appear in the tender, and if the supply is by contractor then this item shall not appear in the tender, even though same is provided in sanctioned scheme, because the contractor is supposed to bring the pipes and valves directly at site. Though the contractor is required to do refilling before hydraulic testing to avoid traffic hurdle, no payment for refilling of the trenches of pipeline shall be payable till satisfactory hydraulic testing is given. Re-excavation required if any, during testing, shall be done by the contractor at his own cost. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 3) Pipes of outer diameter exceeding 100 mm, when such pipes are integral part of the wtaer supply project; However, necessary certificate from Project Authority i.e. District Collector /Dy.Commissioner shall be obtained. Rates given in this CSR are for estimation purpose only. The makes of Sluice / Butterfly valves etc. to be used for inlet / outlets of ESRs / GSRs / MBRs / Pumping main / Rising main and WTP should be from approved makes of M.J .P . Mechanical CSR rates for respective items shall be followed while estimation and the list of approved makes shall be given in the item. In case of supply of pipes / valves etc. by contractor, only 85% payment shall be released after supply and 15% after satisfactory hydraulic testing. Provision for octroi charges for pipes specials and valves is not considered in the CSR 2012- 2013. Provision of 4 % of cost for pipes specials and valves to be used in corporation area shall be made while framing the estimate for works included in corporation limit. Octroi charges shall be reimbursed to contractor on production of receipt for payment for materials actully to be used in corporation area, if there specific provision to that effect in the contract. For use of ready mix cement concrete, prior permission of the Chief Engineer must be obtained. AC / PVC/HDPE pipes shall not be used in Urban Areas. Capacity of Unconventional / conventional Treatment Plants shall be rounded to nearest 0.5 Mld- always on higher side i.e. if WTP of 2.37 Mld is required; it shall be rounded to 2.5 Mld. For WTP having capacity less than 0.5 mld, package type WTP should be considered. For Dams , Balancing Tanks , Aerated Lagoons and similar structures, the rates for Film membranes as per prevailing rates for Irrigation Department will be followed. Capacity of ESR / GSR to be constructed shall be rounded to nearest 1000 litres always on higher side i.e. if required capacity is 1,23,570 litre, it shall be rounded to 1,24,000 litre. Similarly, if required capacity is 8,26,070 litre, it shall be rounded to 8,27,000 litre. 1) All items of machienery, including instruments, apparatus & applicances, auxillary equipments & their components/parts required for setting of water treatment plant; 2) Pipes needed for delivery of water from its source to the plant (including the clear treated water reservoir, if any, thereof) and from there to the first storage point; As per Govt.Circular, Materials used for drinking water supply scheme upto first storage point and pipes of more than 100 mm Dia are exampted from excise duty. However, necessary certificate from project authority I.e. Distrct Collector / Dy. Commissioner shall be obtained.Also examption from excise duty is applicable for following conditions. Provision for insurance at 1% is considered in Rate analysis of CSR 2012-2013. These rates are applicable only for tendered works,these rates should be reduced by 1 % of total rate when works are to be carried out on piecemeal works and other small works without tendering. 33 34 35 As per Govt.Circular No.DSR-1090/CR-6453/PLN-3, Dated 14.7.1993 1% for labour amenities is not considered in the DSR except concrete item while arriving the rates. As per Govt. in Industries & Power G.R. No.BCA-2009/CR-108/Labour 7-A, Dated 17.6.10, 1% cess on labour welfare is not considered in the DSR while arriving the rates. The royalty charges are considered in the rate analysis of CSR 2012-13 As per Government Resolution No. Rev and forest Dept Gaukhani 10/1009/ Pra.Kra.309/Kha. Mantralaya dt.11.2.2010. Sr.No. Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 1 2 3 4 1 Acetylene Gas Cylinder 650.00 2 Alum grade I (ex. Factory) MT. 8000.00 3 Binding wire Kg 60.00 4 Black enamel paint (anti-corrossive) Ltr. 187.00 5 Bricks (Delivery at site of work) No 5.50 6 Bullies,Struts (125mm dia 1.5 m long) RMT. 187.00 7 C.C.T.W. planks (3"X6") Cum. 72000.00 8 Cement in bags Bag 310.00 9 Cement M.T. 6200.00 10 Cement Sulpher resistant M.T. 6600.00 11 Charcol Kg. 22.00 12 Coarse sand Cum 800.00 13 Corrosion Resistant Steel MT 48875.00 14 Diesel Ltr. 52.35 15 Epoxy paint Kg. 435.00 16 Fuse No 14.30 17 Gunpowder Kg 110.00 18 Kaserde Sand (For Morter lining Work) At Source Cum 1092.00 19 Liquid Chlorine 900 Kg.tonner (At Site includind loading unloading and transportation) MT. 14715.00 20 Lubricant oil Ltr. 241.50 21 M.S. angle (50mmX50mmX6mm) Kg. 48.30 22 M.S.Bars M.T. 48000.00 23 M.S.Bars Kg. 48.00 24 M.S. flats (40 mm X 3 mm) Kg. 48.30 25 M.S. plates Kg. 49.00 26 Mild steel grill ready Kg. 69.00 27 Mild steel grilled railing Kg. 69.00 28 Mobile oil Ltr. 225.00 29 Murum Cum 275.00 30 Nails Kg. 65.00 31 Nut-bolts Kg. 85.00 32 Oxigen Gas Refil No 340.00 33 Plywood Commercial 12 mm thick for centering Sqm. 730.00 34 Polling boards Cum. 19800.00 35 R.S. joists,channels,etc. MT. 48875.00 36 Rapid Sand Gravity Filter Gravel at source Cum. 1035.00 SECTION - A : MATERIALS Sr.No. Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 37 Rapid Sand Gravity Filter Media at source(Godhra/Gokak,Kanhan,Yesgi Sand) Cum. 1035.00 38 Ready mixed lead / zinc paint Ltr. 195.00 39 Ready mixed oil paint Ltr. 231.00 40 Ready mixed primer for steel Ltr. 154.00 41 Rubber gasket (8mm thick) Kg. 94.00 42 Rubble Cum 385.00 43 Sand Cum 977.00 44 Spun yarn kg. 95.00 45 Stone aggregate - 10 mm dia Cum 850.00 46 Stone aggregate - 20 mm dia Cum 800.00 47 Stone aggregate - 40 mm dia Cum 747.00 48 Structural Steel MT 48875.00 49 TCL(Bleaching Powder)Grade I in 25 kg. Bags Kg. 25.00 50 Teak wood Cum. 72000.00 51 Tor steel M.T. 48300.00 52 Walling(100mm X 100mm) Cum. 16500.00 53 Welding Rod having weight 5.25 Kg Box 1370.00 54 White cement Kg. 30.00 55 White lead Kg. 150.00 56 Wire Kg. 65.00 Sr.No. Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 1 2 3 4 1 Assistant fitter No 327.00 2 Bandhani No 327.00 3 Bhisti (with pakhal) No 260.00 4 Black smith ( II nd class) No 303.00 5 Breaker No 315.00 6 Carpenter ( 1 st class) No 394.00 7 Carpenter ( 2 nd class) No 327.00 8 Chaiseller No 315.00 9 Computer operator(Data entry oprator) No 424.00 10 Electrcian No 363.00 11 Excavator No 278.00 12 Fitter ( 1 st class) No 375.00 13 Glazier No 278.00 14 Helper No 260.00 15 Hole driller No 285.00 16 Mali No 260.00 17 Mason ( I st class) No 394.00 18 Mason ( II nd class) No 285.00 19 Mazdoor (female) No 260.00 20 Mazdoor (heavy) No 285.00 21 Mazdoor ( light) No 260.00 22 Mazdoor (male) No 260.00 23 Maistry No 315.00 24 Mukadam No 315.00 25 Painter (for colouring) No 315.00 26 Painter No 303.00 27 Painter for epoxy paint No 327.00 28 Plumber No 339.00 29 Polisher No 315.00 30 Pump driver No 303.00 31 Stone cutter or dresser No 339.00 SECTION - B : LABOUR AND MACHINERY Sr.No. Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 32 Tile layer No 399.00 33 Tile turner No 303.00 34 Vehicle Driver ( Light ) No 339.00 35 Welder No 394.00 36 Welder for Pipe-line No 290.00 37 White washer No 303.00 38 Wireman No 285.00 Sr.No. Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 1 De sludging/ De silting pump Day 2400 2 J eep hire charges with driver and fuel (Upto 300 KM.) Day 3000 3 Pipe cutter with operator Day 1250 4 Rent charges of chain pully block with tripod Day 510 5 Rent charges for pump exculding oprator & excluding fuel BHP/Day 170 6 Rent of mechanical mixer with fuel and crew Day 2500 7 Rent of vibrator with fuel and crew Day 900 8 Plate belnder Day 1000 9 Rent for welding set with electric set Day 1200 10 Rent for welding set with generator set Day 2400 11 Rent for Compressor with fuel Day 2550 12 Rent for Concrete breaker & Compressor Day 2750 13 Rent for poclain HR 2300 14 Rent for Crane HR 1400 15 Rent for J CB HR 1100 16 Truck hire charges upto 20 km Day 2650 17 Truck hire charges for 20 km to 50 km Day 2400 18 Truck hire charges for 50 km & above Day 2150 MACHINERY Sr. No. Item of work Unit Collecting the railway receipt etc & unloading the consignment from railway wagon & keeping on railway platform consignment booked in. Lifting the material from railway platform, loading Unloading into truck. Loading the material into truck from department al store or site of work. Unloading the material from truck including stacking in department al stores or site of work. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (A) MANUAL HANDLING (Weight upto & including 300 kg.) 1 C.I. / D.I. /M.S./H.D.P.E. pipes of all classes upto & including 200 mm dia. Pipes of any length. M.T. 297.00 365.00 94.00 94.00 2 R.C.C. pipes of all classes upto & including 350 mm dia. M.T. 297.00 365.00 94.00 94.00 3 A.C. pipes of all classes & dia. M.T. 157.00 221.00 56.00 56.00 4 P.V.C. pipes of all classes & dia. M.T. 157.00 221.00 56.00 56.00 5 All other materials such as C.I. Specials of individual weight upto 300 kg. M.T. 297.00 365.00 94.00 94.00 6 Mild steel / for steel / R.S.J . M.T. 187.00 253.00 141.00 141.00 7 Cement / bleaching powder / alum. M.T. 91.00 137.00 70.00 70.00 (B) CRANE HANDLING (Materials having individual weight above 300 kg.) 1 C.I./D.I./B.W.S.C./ M.S./ R.C.C. pipes of all classes having individual weight more than 300 kg. & alsoother heavy materials, valves, machinery having individual weight more than 300 kg. M.T. 201.00 254.00 181.00 181.00 SECTION - C : TRANSPORTATION STATEMENT I 2012-2013 1)The above rates in col. 1 to 5 are applicable only for Railway clearence purpose and not for other carting. 2) The rates given in col. 6 to 7 shall be adopted for estimate purpose only, however actual quotations / D- tender will prevail. 3) Irrespective of supply of C.I./D.I. Pipes as per rate contract when pipes are directly supplied by the firms by road railway freight upto destination station and carting as per schedule from Railway Station to work site is allowed In such cases rate of Mathadi Kamgar shall not be applicable for carting and normal loading, unloading carting shall be allowed. Lead Av. No. of Km. Litres of cost of Lit. of cost of cost of 6 Hire Total cost Add 10% Total cost per in km Speed Trips(N)= Done diesel diesel @ Mobile M.Oil @ mazdoor charges (6+8+ overhead 11+12 trip 8/ ((2L/S) (2NL+6) cons 52.35 / lit oil con- 225/lit of truck 9+10) charges (13/3) +1) umed sumed /day Rs. Per day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 0.5 15 7.5 13.5 4.5 235.58 0.096 21.6 1923.75 2650 4830.93 483.09 5314.02 708.54 1 16 7.11 20.22 6.74 352.84 0.144 32.4 1923.75 2650 4958.99 495.9 5454.89 767.21 1.5 16.5 6.77 26.31 8.77 459.11 0.188 42.3 1923.75 2650 5075.16 507.52 5582.68 824.62 2 17 6.48 31.92 10.64 557 0.228 51.3 1923.75 2650 5182.05 518.21 5700.26 879.67 2.5 17.25 6.2 37 12.33 645.48 0.264 59.4 1923.75 2650 5278.63 527.86 5806.49 936.53 3 17.5 5.96 41.76 13.92 728.71 0.298 67.05 1923.75 2650 5369.51 536.95 5906.46 991.02 3.5 17.75 5.74 46.18 15.39 805.67 0.33 74.25 1923.75 2650 5453.67 545.37 5999.04 1045.13 4 18 5.54 50.32 16.77 877.91 0.359 80.78 1923.75 2650 5532.44 553.24 6085.68 1098.5 4.5 18.25 5.36 54.24 18.08 946.49 0.387 87.08 1923.75 2650 5607.32 560.73 6168.05 1150.76 5 18.5 5.19 57.9 19.3 1010.36 0.414 93.15 1923.75 2650 5677.26 567.73 6244.99 1203.27 6 18.75 4.88 64.56 21.52 1126.57 0.461 103.73 1923.75 2650 5804.05 580.41 6384.46 1308.29 7 19 4.61 70.54 23.51 1230.75 0.504 113.4 1923.75 2650 5917.9 591.79 6509.69 1412.08 8 19.183 4.36 75.76 25.25 1321.84 0.541 121.73 1923.75 2650 6017.32 601.73 6619.05 1518.13 9 19.6 4.17 81.06 27.02 1414.5 0.579 130.28 1923.75 2650 6118.53 611.85 6730.38 1614 10 20 4 86 28.67 1500.87 0.614 138.15 1923.75 2650 6212.77 621.28 6834.05 1708.51 15 25 3.64 115.2 38.4 2010.24 0.823 185.18 1923.75 2650 6769.17 676.92 7446.09 2045.63 20 25 3.08 129.2 43.07 2254.71 0.923 207.68 1923.75 2650 7036.14 703.61 7739.75 2512.91 25 25 2.67 139.5 46.5 2434.28 0.996 224.1 1923.75 2400 6982.13 698.21 7680.34 2876.53 30 25 2.35 147 49 2565.15 1.05 236.25 1923.75 2400 7125.15 712.52 7837.67 3335.18 35 30 2.4 174 58 3036.3 1.243 279.68 1923.75 2400 7639.73 763.97 8403.7 3501.54 40 30 2.18 180.4 60.13 3147.81 1.289 290.03 1923.75 2400 7761.59 776.16 8537.75 3916.4 45 30 2 186 62 3245.7 1.329 299.03 1923.75 2400 7868.48 786.85 8655.33 4327.67 50 30 1.85 191 63.67 3333.12 1.364 306.9 1923.75 2400 7963.77 796.38 8760.15 4735.22 60 30 1.6 198 66 3455.1 1.414 318.15 1923.75 2150 7847 784.7 8631.7 5394.81 70 30 1.41 203.4 67.8 3549.33 1.453 326.93 1923.75 2150 7950.01 795 8745.01 6202.13 80 30 1.26 207.6 69.2 3622.62 1.483 333.68 1923.75 2150 8030.05 803.01 8833.06 7010.37 90 30 1.14 211.2 70.4 3685.44 1.509 339.53 1923.75 2150 8098.72 809.87 8908.59 7814.55 100 40 1.33 272 90.67 4746.57 1.943 437.18 1923.75 2150 9257.5 925.75 10183.25 7656.58 STATEMENT II Including loading, unloading and stacking Lead Av. No. of Km. Litres of cost of Lit. of cost of cost of 6 Hire Total cost Add 10% Total cost per in km Speed Trips(N)= Done diesel diesel @ Mobile M.Oil @ mazdoor charges (6+8+ overhead 11+12 trip 8/ ((2L/S) (2NL+6) cons 52.35.0 / lit oil con- 225/lit of truck 9+10) charges (13/3) +1) umed sumed /day Rs. Per day 125 40 1.1 281 93.67 4903.62 2.007 451.58 1923.75 2150 9428.95 942.9 10371.85 9428.95 150 40 0.94 288 96 5025.6 2.057 462.83 1808.33 2150 9446.76 944.68 10391.44 11054.72 175 40 0.82 293 97.67 5113.02 2.093 470.93 1577.48 2150 9311.43 931.14 10242.57 12490.94 200 40 0.73 298 99.33 5199.93 2.129 479.03 1404.34 2150 9233.3 923.33 10156.63 13913.19 250 40 0.59 301 100.33 5252.28 2.15 483.75 1135.01 2150 9021.04 902.1 9923.14 16818.88 300 45 0.56 342 114 5967.9 2.443 549.68 1077.3 2150 9744.88 974.49 10719.37 19141.73 400 45 0.43 350 116.67 6107.67 2.5 562.5 827.21 2150 9647.38 964.74 10612.12 24679.35 500 45 0.34 346 115.33 6037.53 2.471 555.98 654.08 2150 9397.59 939.76 10337.35 30403.97 600 45 0.29 354 118 6177.3 2.529 569.03 557.89 2150 9454.22 945.42 10399.64 35860.83 700 45 0.25 356 118.67 6212.37 2.543 572.18 480.94 2150 9415.49 941.55 10357.04 41428.16 800 45 0.22 358 119.33 6246.93 2.557 575.33 423.23 2150 9395.49 939.55 10335.04 46977.45 900 45 0.2 366 122 6386.7 2.614 588.15 384.75 2150 9509.6 950.96 10460.56 52302.8 1000 45 0.18 366 122 6386.7 2.614 588.15 346.28 2150 9471.13 947.11 10418.24 57879.11 Note: 1) No. of trips in a working of 8 hours N=8 / (2(L+S) +1) where L =Lead in km and S =speed, 1 hour is allowed for loading 2) Consumption of diesel taken as 3 km / litre 3) Consumption of Mobile oil taken as 140 km / litre 4) In col. 4, 6 hours has been added for movement from parking place to duty and back 5) Cost of diesel @52.35/ litre and cost of mobile @ Rs 225/litre Hire charges for truck Rs 2650 / Day upto 20 KM , Rs 2400/ Day from 20 to 50 KM, & Rs 2150/Day from 50 KM and above 6) Labour required for loading unloading and stacking after the No. of trips reduced below 1 is factorised with actual number of trip. Lead Av. No. of Km. Litres of cost of Lit. of cost of cost of 6 Hire Total cost Add 10% Total cost per in km Speed Trips(N)= Done diesel diesel @ Mobile M.Oil @ mazdoor charges (6+8+ overhead 11+12 trip 8/ ((2L/S) (2NL+6) cons 52.35 / lit oil con- 225/lit of truck 9+10) charges (13/3) +1) umed sumed /day Rs. Per day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 0.5 15 7.5 13.5 4.5 235.58 0.096 21.6 0 2650 2907.18 290.72 3197.9 426.39 1 16 7.11 20.22 6.74 352.84 0.144 32.4 0 2650 3035.24 303.52 3338.76 469.59 1.5 16.5 6.77 26.31 8.77 459.11 0.188 42.3 0 2650 3151.41 315.14 3466.55 512.05 2 17 6.48 31.92 10.64 557 0.228 51.3 0 2650 3258.3 325.83 3584.13 553.11 2.5 17.25 6.2 37 12.33 645.48 0.264 59.4 0 2650 3354.88 335.49 3690.37 595.22 3 17.5 5.96 41.76 13.92 728.71 0.298 67.05 0 2650 3445.76 344.58 3790.34 635.96 3.5 17.75 5.74 46.18 15.39 805.67 0.33 74.25 0 2650 3529.92 352.99 3882.91 676.47 4 18 5.54 50.32 16.77 877.91 0.359 80.78 0 2650 3608.69 360.87 3969.56 716.53 4.5 18.25 5.36 54.24 18.08 946.49 0.387 87.08 0 2650 3683.57 368.36 4051.93 755.96 5 18.5 5.19 57.9 19.3 1010.36 0.414 93.15 0 2650 3753.51 375.35 4128.86 795.54 6 18.75 4.88 64.56 21.52 1126.57 0.461 103.73 0 2650 3880.3 388.03 4268.33 874.66 7 19 4.61 70.54 23.51 1230.75 0.504 113.4 0 2650 3994.15 399.42 4393.57 953.05 8 19.183 4.36 75.76 25.25 1321.84 0.541 121.73 0 2650 4093.57 409.36 4502.93 1032.78 9 19.6 4.17 81.06 27.02 1414.5 0.579 130.28 0 2650 4194.78 419.48 4614.26 1106.54 10 20 4 86 28.67 1500.87 0.614 138.15 0 2650 4289.02 428.9 4717.92 1179.48 15 25 3.64 115.2 38.4 2010.24 0.823 185.18 0 2650 4845.42 484.54 5329.96 1464.27 20 25 3.08 129.2 43.07 2254.71 0.923 207.68 0 2650 5112.39 511.24 5623.63 1825.85 25 25 2.67 139.5 46.5 2434.28 0.996 224.1 0 2400 5058.38 505.84 5564.22 2083.98 30 25 2.35 147 49 2565.15 1.05 236.25 0 2400 5201.4 520.14 5721.54 2434.7 35 30 2.4 174 58 3036.3 1.243 279.68 0 2400 5715.98 571.6 6287.58 2619.83 40 30 2.18 180.4 60.13 3147.81 1.289 290.03 0 2400 5837.84 583.78 6421.62 2945.7 45 30 2 186 62 3245.7 1.329 299.03 0 2400 5944.73 594.47 6539.2 3269.6 50 30 1.85 191 63.67 3333.12 1.364 306.9 0 2400 6040.02 604 6644.02 3591.36 60 30 1.6 198 66 3455.1 1.414 318.15 0 2150 5923.25 592.33 6515.58 4072.24 70 30 1.41 203.4 67.8 3549.33 1.453 326.93 0 2150 6026.26 602.63 6628.89 4701.34 80 30 1.26 207.6 69.2 3622.62 1.483 333.68 0 2150 6106.3 610.63 6716.93 5330.9 90 30 1.14 211.2 70.4 3685.44 1.509 339.53 0 2150 6174.97 617.5 6792.47 5958.31 STATEMENT III Excluding loading, unloading and stacking Lead Av. No. of Km. Litres of cost of Lit. of cost of cost of 6 Hire Total cost Add 10% Total cost per in km Speed Trips(N)= Done diesel diesel @ Mobile M.Oil @ mazdoor charges (6+8+ overhead 11+12 trip 8/ ((2L/S) (2NL+6) cons 52.35 / lit oil con- 225/lit of truck 9+10) charges (13/3) +1) umed sumed /day Rs. Per day 100 40 1.33 272 90.67 4746.57 1.943 437.18 0 2150 7333.75 733.38 8067.13 6065.51 125 40 1.1 281 93.67 4903.62 2.007 451.58 0 2150 7505.2 750.52 8255.72 7505.2 150 40 0.94 288 96 5025.6 2.057 462.83 0 2150 7638.43 763.84 8402.27 8938.59 175 40 0.82 293 97.67 5113.02 2.093 470.93 0 2150 7733.95 773.4 8507.35 10374.82 200 40 0.73 298 99.33 5199.93 2.129 479.03 0 2150 7828.96 782.9 8611.86 11797.07 250 40 0.59 301 100.33 5252.28 2.15 483.75 0 2150 7886.03 788.6 8674.63 14702.76 300 45 0.56 342 114 5967.9 2.443 549.68 0 2150 8667.58 866.76 9534.34 17025.61 400 45 0.43 350 116.67 6107.67 2.5 562.5 0 2150 8820.17 882.02 9702.19 22563.23 500 45 0.34 346 115.33 6037.53 2.471 555.98 0 2150 8743.51 874.35 9617.86 28287.82 600 45 0.29 354 118 6177.3 2.529 569.03 0 2150 8896.33 889.63 9785.96 33744.69 700 45 0.25 356 118.67 6212.37 2.543 572.18 0 2150 8934.55 893.46 9828.01 39312.04 800 45 0.22 358 119.33 6246.93 2.557 575.33 0 2150 8972.26 897.23 9869.49 44861.32 900 45 0.2 366 122 6386.7 2.614 588.15 0 2150 9124.85 912.49 10037.34 50186.7 1000 45 0.18 366 122 6386.7 2.614 588.15 0 2150 9124.85 912.49 10037.34 55763 Lead in kmCost / trip Lime murum building rubbish Earth Manure or sludge Excavated rock Sand stone aggregate 40 mm & below Aggregate 40 mm & above Soling stone Concrete block (form) Timber 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Pay load 6.0 cum 4.8 cum 5.52 cum 3.0 cum 5.75 cum 5.5 cum 4.7 cum 6.0 cum 5.0 cum 0.5 708.54 118.09 147.61 128.36 236.18 123.22 128.83 150.75 118.09 141.71 1 767.21 127.87 159.84 138.99 255.74 133.43 139.49 163.24 127.87 153.44 1.5 824.62 137.44 171.8 149.39 274.87 143.41 149.93 175.45 137.44 164.92 2 879.67 146.61 183.26 159.36 293.22 152.99 159.94 187.16 146.61 175.93 2.5 936.53 156.09 195.11 169.66 312.18 162.87 170.28 199.26 156.09 187.31 3 991.02 165.17 206.46 179.53 330.34 172.35 180.19 210.86 165.17 198.2 3.5 1045.13 174.19 217.74 189.34 348.38 181.76 190.02 222.37 174.19 209.03 4 1098.5 183.08 228.85 199 366.17 191.04 199.73 233.72 183.08 219.7 4.5 1150.76 191.79 239.74 208.47 383.59 200.13 209.23 244.84 191.79 230.15 5 1203.27 200.55 250.68 217.98 401.09 209.26 218.78 256.01 200.55 240.65 6 1308.29 218.05 272.56 237.01 436.1 227.53 237.87 278.36 218.05 261.66 7 1412.08 235.35 294.18 255.81 470.69 245.58 256.74 300.44 235.35 282.42 8 1518.13 253.02 316.28 275.02 506.04 264.02 276.02 323.01 253.02 303.63 9 1614 269 336.25 292.39 538 280.7 293.45 343.4 269 322.8 10 1708.51 284.75 355.94 309.51 569.5 297.13 310.64 363.51 284.75 341.7 15 2045.63 340.94 426.17 370.59 681.88 355.76 371.93 435.24 340.94 409.13 20 2512.91 418.82 523.52 455.24 837.64 437.03 456.89 534.66 418.82 502.58 25 2876.53 479.42 599.28 521.11 958.84 500.27 523.01 612.03 479.42 575.31 30 3335.18 555.86 694.83 604.2 1111.73 580.03 606.4 709.61 555.86 667.04 35 3501.54 583.59 729.49 634.34 1167.18 608.96 636.64 745.01 583.59 700.31 40 3916.4 652.73 815.92 709.49 1305.47 681.11 712.07 833.28 652.73 783.28 45 4327.67 721.28 901.6 784 1442.56 752.64 786.85 920.78 721.28 865.53 50 4735.22 789.2 986.5 857.83 1578.41 823.52 860.95 1007.49 789.2 947.04 60 5394.81 899.14 1123.92 977.32 1798.27 938.23 980.87 1147.83 899.14 1078.96 70 6202.13 1033.69 1292.11 1123.57 2067.38 1078.63 1127.66 1319.6 1033.69 1240.43 80 7010.37 1168.4 1460.49 1269.99 2336.79 1219.19 1274.61 1491.57 1168.4 1402.07 STATEMENT IV Including loading, unloading and stacking Lead in kmCost / trip Lime murum building rubbish Earth Manure or sludge Excavated rock Sand stone aggregate 40 mm & below Aggregate 40 mm & above Soling stone Concrete block (form) Timber 90 7814.55 1302.43 1628.03 1415.68 2604.85 1359.05 1420.83 1662.67 1302.43 1562.91 100 7656.58 1276.1 1595.12 1387.06 2552.19 1331.58 1392.11 1629.06 1276.1 1531.32 125 9428.95 1571.49 1964.36 1708.14 3142.98 1639.82 1714.35 2006.16 1571.49 1885.79 150 11054.72 1842.45 2303.07 2002.67 3684.91 1922.56 2009.95 2352.07 1842.45 2210.94 175 12490.94 2081.82 2602.28 2262.85 4163.65 2172.34 2271.08 2657.65 2081.82 2498.19 200 13913.19 2318.87 2898.58 2520.51 4637.73 2419.69 2529.67 2960.25 2318.87 2782.64 250 16818.88 2803.15 3503.93 3046.9 5606.29 2925.02 3057.98 3578.49 2803.15 3363.78 300 19141.73 3190.29 3987.86 3467.7 6380.58 3329 3480.31 4072.71 3190.29 3828.35 400 24679.35 4113.23 5141.53 4470.9 8226.45 4292.06 4487.15 5250.93 4113.23 4935.87 500 30403.97 5067.33 6334.16 5507.97 10134.66 5287.65 5527.99 6468.93 5067.33 6080.79 600 35860.83 5976.81 7471.01 6496.53 11953.61 6236.67 6520.15 7629.96 5976.81 7172.17 700 41428.16 6904.69 8630.87 7505.1 13809.39 7204.9 7532.39 8814.5 6904.69 8285.63 800 46977.45 7829.58 9786.97 8510.41 15659.15 8169.99 8541.35 9995.2 7829.58 9395.49 900 52302.8 8717.13 10896.42 9475.14 17434.27 9096.14 9509.6 11128.26 8717.13 10460.56 1000 57879.11 9646.52 12058.15 10485.35 19293.04 10065.93 10523.47 12314.7 9646.52 11575.82 Lead in km Cost / trip Cement stone block, GI CI CC AC Pipes below 120 mm dia Tar bitumenn Asphalt roofing felt & Flooring Asphalt etc. Steam coal Matting thatching bambu ceiling board rubber PVC pipes fittings Sheet & plate glass in packs Paints & Distemper s AC Sheets & fittings iron fittings and iron sheets Bricks modular bricks & Traditional bricks Tiles half round tiles & Roofing tiles cement flooring tiles Glass blocks (hollow) 200x200 x120 mm Empty cement bags 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Pay load 7.0 Mt 4.5 MT 5.5 MT 3.0 MT 7.0 MT 3500 No. 3200 No. 1000 0No. 2000 No. per 1 M.T. per 1 M.T. per 1 M.T. per 1 M.T. per 1 M.T. per 1000 Nos. per 1000 Nos. per 1000 Nos. per 1000 Nos. 0.5 708.54 101.22 157.45 128.83 236.18 101.22 202.44 221.42 70.85 354.27 1 767.21 109.6 170.49 139.49 255.74 109.6 219.2 239.75 76.72 383.61 1.5 824.62 117.8 183.25 149.93 274.87 117.8 235.61 257.69 82.46 412.31 2 879.67 125.67 195.48 159.94 293.22 125.67 251.33 274.9 87.97 439.84 2.5 936.53 133.79 208.12 170.28 312.18 133.79 267.58 292.67 93.65 468.27 3 991.02 141.57 220.23 180.19 330.34 141.57 283.15 309.69 99.1 495.51 3.5 1045.13 149.3 232.25 190.02 348.38 149.3 298.61 326.6 104.51 522.57 4 1098.5 156.93 244.11 199.73 366.17 156.93 313.86 343.28 109.85 549.25 4.5 1150.76 164.39 255.72 209.23 383.59 164.39 328.79 359.61 115.08 575.38 5 1203.27 171.9 267.39 218.78 401.09 171.9 343.79 376.02 120.33 601.64 6 1308.29 186.9 290.73 237.87 436.1 186.9 373.8 408.84 130.83 654.15 7 1412.08 201.73 313.8 256.74 470.69 201.73 403.45 441.28 141.21 706.04 8 1518.13 216.88 337.36 276.02 506.04 216.88 433.75 474.42 151.81 759.07 9 1614 230.57 358.67 293.45 538 230.57 461.14 504.38 161.4 807 10 1708.51 244.07 379.67 310.64 569.5 244.07 488.15 533.91 170.85 854.26 15 2045.63 292.23 454.58 371.93 681.88 292.23 584.47 639.26 204.56 1022.82 20 2512.91 358.99 558.42 456.89 837.64 358.99 717.97 785.28 251.29 1256.46 25 2876.53 410.93 639.23 523.01 958.84 410.93 821.87 898.92 287.65 1438.27 STATEMENT V Including loading, unloading and stacking 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 30 3335.18 476.45 741.15 606.4 1111.73 476.45 952.91 1042.24 333.52 1667.59 35 3501.54 500.22 778.12 636.64 1167.18 500.22 1000.44 1094.23 350.15 1750.77 40 3916.4 559.49 870.31 712.07 1305.47 559.49 1118.97 1223.88 391.64 1958.2 45 4327.67 618.24 961.7 786.85 1442.56 618.24 1236.48 1352.4 432.77 2163.84 50 4735.22 676.46 1052.27 860.95 1578.41 676.46 1352.92 1479.76 473.52 2367.61 60 5394.81 770.69 1198.85 980.87 1798.27 770.69 1541.37 1685.88 539.48 2697.41 70 6202.13 886.02 1378.25 1127.66 2067.38 886.02 1772.04 1938.17 620.21 3101.07 80 7010.37 1001.48 1557.86 1274.61 2336.79 1001.48 2002.96 2190.74 701.04 3505.19 90 7814.55 1116.36 1736.57 1420.83 2604.85 1116.36 2232.73 2442.05 781.46 3907.28 100 7656.58 1093.8 1701.46 1392.11 2552.19 1093.8 2187.59 2392.68 765.66 3828.29 125 9428.95 1346.99 2095.32 1714.35 3142.98 1346.99 2693.99 2946.55 942.9 4714.48 150 11054.72 1579.25 2456.6 2009.95 3684.91 1579.25 3158.49 3454.6 1105.47 5527.36 175 12490.94 1784.42 2775.76 2271.08 4163.65 1784.42 3568.84 3903.42 1249.09 6245.47 200 13913.19 1987.6 3091.82 2529.67 4637.73 1987.6 3975.2 4347.87 1391.32 6956.6 250 16818.88 2402.7 3737.53 3057.98 5606.29 2402.7 4805.39 5255.9 1681.89 8409.44 300 19141.73 2734.53 4253.72 3480.31 6380.58 2734.53 5469.07 5981.79 1914.17 9570.87 400 24679.35 3525.62 5484.3 4487.15 8226.45 3525.62 7051.24 7712.3 2467.94 12339.68 500 30403.97 4343.42 6756.44 5527.99 10134.66 4343.42 8686.85 9501.24 3040.4 15201.99 600 35860.83 5122.98 7969.07 6520.15 11953.61 5122.98 10245.95 11206.51 3586.08 17930.42 700 41428.16 5918.31 9206.26 7532.39 13809.39 5918.31 11836.62 12946.3 4142.82 20714.08 800 46977.45 6711.06 10439.43 8541.35 15659.15 6711.06 13422.13 14680.45 4697.75 23488.73 900 52302.8 7471.83 11622.84 9509.6 17434.27 7471.83 14943.66 16344.63 5230.28 26151.4 1000 57879.11 8268.44 12862.02 10523.47 19293.04 8268.44 16536.89 18087.22 5787.91 28939.56 Lead in kmCost / trip R.C.C. STEEL CYLINDER, R.C PIPES, C.I. PIPES,, UNREINFORCED CEMENT PIPES, PRECAST COCRETE PIPES 100 mm 125 mm 150 mm 200 mm 250 mm 300 mm 300 & 400 mm 450 & 500 mm 600, 700 & 750 mm 800, 900 & 1000 mm 1200 & 1800 MM Pay load in R 292.8 219.6 183 109.8 80.52 62.22 54.9 29.28 18.30 15 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 T PER 100 RMT 0.5 708.54 241.99 322.65 387.18 645.3 879.96 1138.77 1290.6 2419.88 3871.8 4723.6 14170.8 1 767.21 262.03 349.37 419.24 698.73 952.82 1233.06 1397.47 2620.25 4192.4 5114.73 15344.2 1.5 824.62 281.63 375.51 450.61 751.02 1024.12 1325.33 1502.04 2816.33 4506.12 5497.47 16492.4 2 879.67 300.43 400.58 480.69 801.16 1092.49 1413.81 1602.31 3004.34 4806.94 5864.47 17593.4 2.5 936.53 319.85 426.47 511.77 852.94 1163.1 1505.19 1705.88 3198.53 5117.65 6243.53 18730.6 3 991.02 338.46 451.28 541.54 902.57 1230.77 1592.77 1805.14 3384.63 5415.41 6606.8 19820.4 3.5 1045.13 356.94 475.92 571.11 951.85 1297.98 1679.73 1903.7 3569.43 5711.09 6967.53 20902.6 4 1098.5 375.17 500.23 600.27 1000.46 1364.26 1765.51 2000.91 3751.71 6002.73 7323.33 21970 4.5 1150.76 393.02 524.03 628.83 1048.05 1429.16 1849.5 2096.1 3930.19 6288.31 7671.73 23015.2 5 1203.27 410.95 547.94 657.52 1095.87 1494.37 1933.9 2191.75 4109.53 6575.25 8021.8 24065.4 6 1308.29 446.82 595.76 714.91 1191.52 1624.8 2102.68 2383.04 4468.2 7149.13 8721.93 26165.8 7 1412.08 482.27 643.02 771.63 1286.05 1753.7 2269.5 2572.09 4822.68 7716.28 9413.87 28241.6 8 1518.13 518.49 691.32 829.58 1382.63 1885.41 2439.94 2765.26 5184.87 8295.79 10120.87 30362.6 9 1614 551.23 734.97 881.97 1469.95 2004.47 2594.02 2939.89 5512.3 8819.67 10760 32280 10 1708.51 583.51 778.01 933.61 1556.02 2121.85 2745.92 3112.04 5835.08 9336.12 11390.07 34170.2 15 2045.63 698.64 931.53 1117.83 1863.05 2540.52 3287.74 3726.1 6986.44 11178.31 13637.53 40912.6 20 2512.91 858.23 1144.31 1373.17 2288.62 3120.85 4038.75 4577.25 8582.34 13731.75 16752.73 50258.2 25 2876.53 982.42 1309.9 1571.87 2619.79 3572.44 4623.16 5239.58 9824.21 15718.74 19176.87 57530.6 30 3335.18 1139.06 1518.75 1822.5 3037.5 4142.05 5360.3 6075.01 11390.64 18225.03 22234.53 66703.6 35 3501.54 1195.88 1594.51 1913.41 3189.02 4348.66 5627.68 6378.03 11958.81 19134.1 23343.6 70030.8 40 3916.4 1337.57 1783.42 2140.11 3566.85 4863.88 6294.44 7133.7 13375.68 21401.09 26109.33 78328 45 4327.67 1478.03 1970.71 2364.85 3941.41 5374.65 6955.43 7882.82 14780.29 23648.47 28851.13 86553.4 50 4735.22 1617.22 2156.29 2587.55 4312.59 5880.8 7610.45 8625.17 16172.2 25875.52 31568.13 94704.4 60 5394.81 1842.49 2456.65 2947.98 4913.31 6699.96 8670.54 9826.61 18424.9 29479.84 35965.4 107896.2 70 6202.13 2118.21 2824.29 3389.14 5648.57 7702.6 9968.06 11297.14 21182.14 33891.42 41347.53 124042.6 80 7010.37 2394.25 3192.34 3830.8 6384.67 8706.37 11267.07 12769.34 23942.52 38308.03 46735.8 140207.4 STATEMENT VI Including loading, unloading and stacking Lead in kmCost / trip R.C.C. STEEL CYLINDER, R.C PIPES, C.I. PIPES,, UNREINFORCED CEMENT PIPES, PRECAST COCRETE PIPES 100 mm 125 mm 150 mm 200 mm 250 mm 300 mm 300 & 400 mm 450 & 500 mm 600, 700 & 750 mm 800, 900 & 1000 mm 1200 & 1800 MM Pay load in R 292.8 219.6 183 109.8 80.52 62.22 54.9 29.28 18.30 15 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 90 7814.55 2668.9 3558.54 4270.25 7117.08 9705.1 12559.55 14234.15 26689.04 42702.46 52097 156291 100 7656.58 2614.95 3486.6 4183.92 6973.21 9508.92 12305.66 13946.41 26149.52 41839.23 51043.87 153131.6 125 9428.95 3220.27 4293.69 5152.43 8587.39 11710.07 15154.21 17174.77 32202.7 51524.32 62859.67 188579 150 11054.72 3775.52 5034.03 6040.83 10068.05 13729.16 17767.15 20136.1 37755.19 60408.31 73698.13 221094.4 175 12490.94 4266.03 5688.04 6825.65 11376.08 15512.84 20075.44 22752.17 42660.31 68256.5 83272.93 249818.8 200 13913.19 4751.77 6335.7 7602.84 12671.39 17279.17 22361.28 25342.79 47517.73 76028.36 92754.6 278263.8 250 16818.88 5744.15 7658.87 9190.64 15317.74 20887.83 27031.31 30635.48 57441.53 91906.45 112125.9 336377.6 300 19141.73 6537.48 8716.63 10459.96 17433.27 23772.64 30764.59 34866.54 65374.76 104599.6 127611.5 382834.6 400 24679.35 8428.74 11238.32 13485.98 22476.64 30649.96 39664.66 44953.28 84287.4 134859.8 164529 493587 500 30403.97 10383.87 13845.16 16614.19 27690.32 37759.53 48865.27 55380.64 103838.7 166141.9 202693.1 608079.4 600 35860.83 12247.55 16330.07 19596.08 32660.14 44536.55 57635.54 65320.27 122475.5 195960.8 239072.2 717216.6 700 41428.16 14148.96 18865.28 22638.34 37730.56 51450.77 66583.35 75461.13 141489.6 226383.4 276187.7 828563.2 800 46977.45 16044.21 21392.28 25670.74 42784.56 58342.59 75502.17 85569.13 160442.1 256707.4 313183 939549 900 52302.8 17862.98 23817.3 28580.77 47634.61 64956.28 84061.07 95269.22 178629.8 285807.7 348685.3 1046056 1000 57879.11 19767.46 26356.61 31627.93 52713.21 71881.66 93023.32 105426.4 197674.6 316279.3 385860.7 1157582 Lead in km Cost/trip 100 mm 150 mm 200 mm 230 mm 250 mm 300 mm 350 mm 400 mm Pay Load 480 m 240 m 135 m 105 m 84 m 66 m 43 m 27 m 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0.5 708.54 147.61 295.23 524.84 674.80 843.50 1073.55 1647.77 2624.22 1 767.21 159.84 319.67 568.30 730.68 913.35 1162.44 1784.21 2841.52 1.5 824.62 171.80 343.59 610.83 785.35 981.69 1249.42 1917.72 3054.15 2 879.67 183.26 366.53 651.61 837.78 1047.23 1332.83 2045.74 3258.04 2.5 936.53 195.11 390.22 693.73 891.93 1114.92 1418.98 2177.98 3468.63 3 991.02 206.46 412.93 734.09 943.83 1179.79 1501.55 2304.70 3670.44 3.5 1045.13 217.74 435.47 774.17 995.36 1244.20 1583.53 2430.53 3870.85 4 1098.50 228.85 457.71 813.70 1046.19 1307.74 1664.39 2554.65 4068.52 4.5 1150.76 239.74 479.48 852.41 1095.96 1369.95 1743.58 2676.19 4262.07 5 1203.27 250.68 501.36 891.31 1145.97 1432.46 1823.14 2798.30 4456.56 6 1308.29 272.56 545.12 969.10 1245.99 1557.49 1982.26 3042.53 4845.52 7 1412.08 294.18 588.37 1045.99 1344.84 1681.05 2139.52 3283.91 5229.93 8 1518.13 316.28 632.55 1124.54 1445.84 1807.30 2300.20 3530.53 5622.70 9 1614.00 336.25 672.50 1195.56 1537.14 1921.43 2445.45 3753.49 5977.78 10 1708.51 355.94 711.88 1265.56 1627.15 2033.94 2588.65 3973.28 6327.81 15 2045.63 426.17 852.35 1515.28 1948.22 2435.27 3099.44 4757.28 7576.41 20 2512.91 523.52 1047.05 1861.41 2393.25 2991.56 3807.44 5843.98 9307.07 25 2876.53 599.28 1198.55 2130.76 2739.55 3424.44 4358.38 6689.60 10653.81 30 3335.18 694.83 1389.66 2470.50 3176.36 3970.45 5053.30 7756.23 12352.52 35 3501.54 729.49 1458.98 2593.73 3334.80 4168.50 5305.36 8143.12 12968.67 40 3916.40 815.92 1631.83 2901.04 3729.90 4662.38 5933.94 9107.91 14505.19 45 4327.67 901.60 1803.20 3205.68 4121.59 5151.99 6557.08 10064.35 16028.41 50 4735.22 986.50 1973.01 3507.57 4509.73 5637.17 7174.58 11012.14 17537.85 STONEWARE PIPES Unit Per 100 Rmt STATEMENT VII Including loading, unloading and stacking Lead in km Cost/trip 100 mm 150 mm 200 mm 230 mm 250 mm 300 mm 350 mm 400 mm Pay Load 480 m 240 m 135 m 105 m 84 m 66 m 43 m 27 m 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 60 5394.81 1123.92 2247.84 3996.16 5137.91 6422.39 8173.95 12546.07 19980.78 70 6202.13 1292.11 2584.22 4594.17 5906.79 7383.49 9397.17 14423.56 22970.85 80 7010.37 1460.49 2920.99 5192.87 6676.54 8345.68 10621.77 16303.19 25964.33 90 7814.55 1628.03 3256.06 5788.56 7442.43 9303.04 11840.23 18173.37 28942.78 100 7656.58 1595.12 3190.24 5671.54 7291.98 9114.98 11600.88 17806.00 28357.70 125 9428.95 1964.36 3928.73 6984.41 8979.95 11224.94 14286.29 21927.79 34922.04 150 11054.72 2303.07 4606.13 8188.68 10528.30 13160.38 16749.58 25708.65 40943.41 175 12490.94 2602.28 5204.56 9252.55 11896.13 14870.17 18925.67 29048.70 46262.74 200 13913.19 2898.58 5797.16 10306.07 13250.66 16563.32 21080.59 32356.26 51530.33 250 16818.88 3503.93 7007.87 12458.43 16017.98 20022.48 25483.15 39113.67 62292.15 300 19141.73 3987.86 7975.72 14179.06 18230.22 22787.77 29002.62 44515.65 70895.30 400 24679.35 5141.53 10283.06 18281.00 23504.14 29380.18 37392.95 57393.84 91405.00 500 30403.97 6334.16 12668.32 22521.46 28956.16 36195.20 46066.62 70706.91 112607.30 600 35860.83 7471.01 14942.01 26563.58 34153.17 42691.46 54334.59 83397.28 132817.89 700 41428.16 8630.87 17261.73 30687.53 39455.39 49319.24 62769.94 96344.56 153437.63 800 46977.45 9786.97 19573.94 34798.11 44740.43 55925.54 71177.95 109249.88 173990.56 900 52302.80 10896.42 21792.83 38742.81 49812.19 62265.24 79246.67 121634.42 193714.07 1000 57879.11 12058.15 24116.30 42873.41 55122.96 68903.70 87695.62 134602.58 214367.07 Lead in km Cost per trip Cement pay load 10.00 MT Steel pay load 10.00 MT Bulk Asphalt in Bouzer pay load 4.50 MT M.S.Bar 10.0 MT Sand 5.75 cum 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0.5 708.54 70.85 70.85 157.45 70.85 123.22 1 767.21 76.72 76.72 170.49 76.72 133.43 1.5 824.62 82.46 82.46 183.25 82.46 143.41 2 879.67 87.97 87.97 195.48 87.97 152.99 2.5 936.53 93.65 93.65 208.12 93.65 162.87 3 991.02 99.10 99.10 208.12 99.10 172.35 3.5 1045.13 104.51 104.51 232.25 104.51 181.76 4 1098.5 109.85 109.85 244.11 109.85 191.04 4.5 1150.76 115.08 115.08 255.72 115.08 200.13 5 1203.27 120.33 120.33 267.39 120.33 209.26 6 1308.29 130.83 130.83 290.73 130.83 227.53 7 1412.08 141.21 141.21 313.80 141.21 245.58 8 1518.13 151.81 151.81 337.36 151.81 264.02 9 1614 161.40 161.40 358.67 161.40 280.70 10 1708.51 170.85 170.85 379.67 170.85 297.13 15 2045.63 204.56 204.56 454.58 204.56 355.76 20 2512.91 251.29 251.29 558.42 251.29 437.03 25 2876.53 287.65 287.65 639.23 287.65 500.27 30 3335.18 333.52 333.52 741.15 333.52 580.03 35 3501.54 350.15 350.15 778.12 350.15 608.96 40 3916.4 391.64 391.64 870.31 391.64 681.11 45 4327.67 432.77 432.77 961.70 432.77 752.64 50 4735.22 473.52 473.52 1052.27 473.52 823.52 60 5394.81 539.48 539.48 1198.85 539.48 938.23 70 6202.13 620.21 620.21 1378.25 620.21 1078.63 80 7010.37 701.04 701.04 1557.86 701.04 1219.19 90 7814.55 781.46 781.46 1736.57 781.46 1359.05 100 7656.58 765.66 765.66 1701.46 765.66 1331.58 125 9428.95 942.90 942.90 2095.32 942.90 1639.82 150 11054.72 1105.47 1105.47 2456.60 1105.47 1922.56 175 12490.94 1249.09 1249.09 2775.76 1249.09 2172.34 200 13913.19 1391.32 1391.32 3091.82 1391.32 2419.69 250 16818.88 1681.89 1681.89 3737.53 1681.89 2925.02 300 19141.73 1914.17 1914.17 4253.72 1914.17 3329.00 400 24679.35 2467.94 2467.94 5484.30 2467.94 4292.06 500 30403.97 3040.40 3040.40 6756.44 3040.40 5287.65 600 35860.83 3586.08 3586.08 7969.07 3586.08 6236.67 700 41428.16 4142.82 4142.82 9206.26 4142.82 7204.90 800 46977.45 4697.75 4697.75 10439.43 4697.75 8169.99 900 52302.8 5230.28 5230.28 11622.84 5230.28 9096.14 1000 57879.11 5787.91 5787.91 12862.02 5787.91 10065.93 STATEMENT VIII Including loading, unloading and stacking Lead in km Cost per trip Cement pay load 10.00 MT Steel pay load 10.00 MT Bulk Asphalt in Bouzer pay load 4.50 MT 1 2 3 4 5 0.5 426.39 42.64 42.64 94.75 1 469.59 46.96 46.96 104.35 1.5 512.05 51.21 51.21 113.79 2 553.11 55.31 55.31 122.91 2.5 595.22 59.52 59.52 132.27 3 635.96 63.60 63.60 132.27 3.5 676.47 67.65 67.65 150.33 4 716.53 71.65 71.65 159.23 4.5 755.96 75.60 75.60 167.99 5 795.54 79.55 79.55 176.79 6 874.66 87.47 87.47 194.37 7 953.05 95.31 95.31 211.79 8 1032.78 103.28 103.28 229.51 9 1106.54 110.65 110.65 245.90 10 1179.48 117.95 117.95 262.11 15 1464.27 146.43 146.43 325.39 20 1825.85 182.59 182.59 405.74 25 2083.98 208.40 208.40 463.11 30 2434.7 243.47 243.47 541.04 35 2619.83 261.98 261.98 582.18 40 2945.7 294.57 294.57 654.60 45 3269.6 326.96 326.96 726.58 50 3591.36 359.14 359.14 798.08 60 4072.24 407.22 407.22 904.94 70 4701.34 470.13 470.13 1044.74 80 5330.9 533.09 533.09 1184.64 90 5958.31 595.83 595.83 1324.07 100 6065.51 606.55 606.55 1347.89 125 7505.2 750.52 750.52 1667.82 150 8938.59 893.86 893.86 1986.35 175 10374.82 1037.48 1037.48 2305.52 200 11797.07 1179.71 1179.71 2621.57 250 14702.76 1470.28 1470.28 3267.28 300 17025.61 1702.56 1702.56 3783.47 400 22563.23 2256.32 2256.32 5014.05 500 28287.82 2828.78 2828.78 6286.18 600 33744.69 3374.47 3374.47 7498.82 700 39312.04 3931.20 3931.20 8736.01 800 44861.32 4486.13 4486.13 9969.18 900 50186.7 5018.67 5018.67 11152.60 1000 55763 5576.30 5576.30 12391.78 STATEMENT IX Excluding loading, unloading and stacking Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 Rate ( in Rs.) 2013-2014 1 Excavation for foundation / pipe trenches in earth, soils of all types, sand, gravel and soft murum, including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 metres and lifts as below, stacking and spreading as directed, manual dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and excluding backfilling, etc. complete. (Bd-A-1/259) Lift 0 to 1.5 M Cu.m 134.00 2 Excavation for foundation / pipe trenches in hard murum including removing the excavated material upto a distace of 50 M and lifts as below, stacking and spreading as directed by Engineer-in-charge, normal dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and excluding backfilling, etc. complete. (Bd-A2/259) Lift 0 to 1.5 M Cu.m 151.00 3 Excavation for foundation / pipe trenches in hard murum and boulders, W.B.M. road including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 M beyond the area and lifts as below, stacking and spreading as directed by Engineer-in-charge, normal dewatreing, preparing the bed for foundation and excluding backfilling, etc. complete. (Bd-A-3/259) Lift 0 to 1.5 M Cu.m 169.00 4 Add for every additional lift of 1.5 M beyond initial lift of 1.5 M for Item Nos. 1 to 3 Cu.m 13.00 5 Excavation for foundation / pipe trenches in soft rock and old cement and lime masonry foundation asphalt road including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 M beyond area and lifts as below, stacking as directed by Engineer-in-charge, normal dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and excluding backfilling, etc. complete. ( Bd-A-4/259) Lift 0 to 1.5 M Cu.m 449.00 6 Excavation for foundation / pipe trenches in hard rock by controlled blasting, including trimming and levelling the bed by chiselling where necessary and removing the excavated material and stacking it in measurable heaps within a distance of 50 metres fromthe area and lifts as below, normal dewatering, excluding backfilling, etc. complete. (Bd-A-5/259) Lift 0 to 1.5 M Cu.m 575.00 7 Excavation for foundation / pipe trenches in hard rock and concrete road by chiselling, wedging, line drilling, by mechanical means or by all means other than blasting including trimming and levelling the bed, removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 metres beyond the area and lifts as below, stacking as directed by Engineer-in- charge, normal dewatering, excluding backfilling, etc. complete by all means. (Bd-A-1/259) Lift 0 to 1.50 M Cu.m 749.00 Section - E- Excavation Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 Rate ( in Rs.) 2013-2014 8 Excavation for foundation /pipe trenches in Slush Muddy/ Marshy /Slushy /Soil including use of poclain, labour for dewatering during execution including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 metres and lifts as below, stacking and spreading as directed, preparing the bed by cleaning the mud, labour required for execution for shutterng itembut excluding back filling etc. complete. Providing and fixing shuttering shall be paid separately. Lift 0 to 1.5 M Cu.m 322.00 9 Add for every additional lift of 1.5 M beyond initial lift of 1.5 M for Item Nos 5 to 9 Cu.m 22.00 HEAD WORKS 10 Excavation in general in soft material comprising of soft soil, soft murum, sand, hard murumwith boulders in wet or dry condition for Head Works i.e. Intake Well, Connecting Pipe, J ack Well, Pump House, Supply Well, etc. for lift 0 to 1.5 M and lead of 150 Mincluding baricating, gurading, disposing off surplus excavated stuff within a radius of 0.5 km. as directed by Engineer-in- charge, etc. complete excluding refilling. a) For Head Works on river or damsubmergence for initial lift of 0 to 1.5 M Cu.m 369.00 b) For Head works on nalla or any other site of GSDA for initial Lift of 0 to 1.5M Cum 259.00 c) Add for every additional lift of 1.5 M beyond initial lift of 1.5 M Cu.m 24.00 11 Excavation in general in hard material comprising of soft rock, hard rock, Manjara rock, etc, by blasting / controlled blasting, chiselling as required in wet or dry condition for Head Works i.e. Intake Well, Connecting Pipe, J ack Well, Pump House, supply Well, etc. for lift 0 to 1.5 M and lead of 150 M including baricading, guarding, disposing off surplus excavated stuff within a radius of 0.5 km. as directed by Engineer-in-charge, excluding refilling. a) For Head Works on river or damsub mergence for initial lift of 0 to 1.5 M Cu.m 779.00 b) For Head Works on nalla or any other site of GSDA for initial lift of 0 to 1.5 M Cum 551.00 c) Add for each additional lift to 1.5 M beyond initial lift of 1.5 M Cu.m 24.00 12 Excavation in general in soft material comprising of soft soil, soft murum, sand, hard murumwith boulders in wet or dry condition for Head Works and allied works by well sinking process for average depth of 12 M and lead of 150 M including shoring, barricading, guarding, refilling, disposing of surplus excavated stuff as directed by Engineer-in-charge, etc. complete. a) Diameter upto and including 3 M Cu.m 671.00 b) Diameter more than 3 M Cu.m 599.00 13 Desilting the Supply Well, Intake Well / Head Works, sump of water supply/ sewerage works etc. in wet or dry condition including lifts upto 15 M and lead upto 150 M as required beyond the work site, stacking, spreading, including necessary guarding, etc. complete, as directed by Engineer-in-charge. Cu.m 599.00 Add for every additional lift of 1.5 M beyond initial lift of 15.0 M Cu.m 20.00 14 Dewatering the excavated trenches and pools of water in the building trenches / pipeline trenches, well works by using pumps and other devices including disposing off water to safe distance as directed by Engineer-in-charge (including cost of machinery, labour, fuel), etc. complete. Bhp/Hr 60.00 Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 Rate ( in Rs.) 2013-2014 i) The contractor at his request may allowed to start construction of masonary steining so as not to allow silting of well in oncoming mansoon and while paying masonary, 25% amount shall be withheld and released only when excavation to the full depth is completed. ii) Dewatering : Total dewatering charges are to be proposed in tender as lumpsum amount and 75% is payable for excavation and 25% is payable for construction of well / gallery. Out of 75% excavation breakup shall be as under 25% for last 1 Mtr. Depth. 20% for 2 M depth which just above last 1 M depth. 15% for 2 M depth which just above last 3 M depth. 15% for the rest of depth from water table level The above conditions will restrict the tendancy of agencies to avoid deeping of wells etc. to the required depths. 15 Refilling the trenches with available excavated stuff with soft material first over pipeline and then hard material in 15 cmlayers with all leads and lifts including consolidation, surcharging, etc. complete. Cu.m 60.00 16 Filling in plinth and floors murumbedding in trenches with approved murum from excavated materials from foundation 15cm to 20cm layers including watering and compaction complete. Cu.m 60.00 17 Filling in plinth and floors / trenches with contractors murum for bedding in 15cmto 20cmlayers including watering and compaction complete. Cu.m 629.00 18 Providing dry trap / granite / quartzite / gneiss, rubble stone soling in 15cmto 20 cmthick layers (including hand packing and compacting), etc. complete. Cu.m 869.00 19 Providing and filling in sand boxing in pipeline or for foundation with sand of approved quality including watering compaction, etc. complete. Cu.m 869.00 20 Open timbering in trenches of depth more than 1.5 mfor shoring and strutting including use of and waste of all necessary timber works including walling, strutts, open polling boards/ horizontal sheeting, runners, etc. as may be necessary and fixing and removal complete. (Measurements to be taken of the face/area timbered)(NBO ItemNo. 4-15 page No.59 ) a) Lift 0 to 1.5 M [ for non-water logged area ] Sq.m 197.00 Additional per Sqm. for further lifts of 1.5M each. Sq.m 28.00 b) Lift for 0 to 1.5 M [ For water logged area.] Sq.m 216.00 Additional per Sqm. for further lifts of 1.5M each Sq.m 24.00 Note:- For the trenches with more than 1.5 M depth shoring if required from G.L. is to be done and is payable from GL. Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 Rate ( in Rs.) 2013-2014 1 Providing and fixing mild steel grill work for windows/ventilators of 20 Kg./Sqm. as per drawings including necessary welding and painting with one coat of anticorrosive paint and two coats of oil painting, etc. complete. Sq.m 1537.00 (Bd-U-1/537) 2 Providing and fixing mild steel grill railing of 20 Kg./Sqm. with teak wood hand railing, still and newel posts for staircase and including fabricating, fixtures, erecting, painting the grill work with approved oil paint and polishing the hand rail and newel posts with French polish two coats, etc. complete. Sq.m 2327.00 (Bd-U-2 /537) 3 Providing structural steel work in rolled stanchions fixed with connecting plates or angle cleats as in main and cross beams, hip and jack rafters, purlins connecting to truss members and like as per detailed desings and drawings or as directed by Engineer-in-charge including cutting, fabricating, hoisting, erecting, fixing in position, making riveted / bolted /welded connections and one coat of anticorrosive paints and over it two coats of oil painting, etc. complete. M.T 59583.00 (Bd-C-3 /275) 4 Providing stuctural steel work in single stanchions composed of RSJ , channel, etc, with caps, bases, mild steel plates, angles, brackets, cleats, gusset plates, anchor bolts, etc. as per detailed design and drawing or as directed by Engineer-in-charge including cutting, fabrication, hoisting, erecting, fixing in position, making riveted/ bolted / welded connections and one coats of anticorrosive paint and over it two coats of oil painting, etc. complete. M.T 58719.00 (Bd-C-6 /277) 5 Providing structural steel work in rolled sections like joists, channels, angles, tees, etc. as per detailed designs and drawings including fixing in position without connecting plates, braces, etc. and one coat of anticorrosive paint and over it two coats of oil painting, of approved quality and shade, etc. complete. M.T 61655.00 (Bd-C-2 /275) 6 Providing structural steel work in trusses, other similar trussed purlins and members with all bracing, gusset plates, etc. as per detailed design and drawing or as directed by Engineer-in-charge including cutting, fabricating, hoisting, erecting and fixing in position, making reveted / bolted / welded connections and one coat of anticorrosive paint and over it two coat of oil painting, etc. complete. M.T 72957.00 (Bd-C-8 /278) Section - F- Iron And Structural Steel Work. Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 Rate ( in Rs.) 2013-2014 Item No 1 Providing and laying in situ Cement concrete of trap/granite/quartzite/ gneiss metal for PCC work below foundation and footing including normal dewatering,plywood form work, compaction, finishing and curing, etc, complete. 1 PCC M 100 Cum 3561.00 2 PCC M 150 Cum 4010.00 Section G - P.C.C. Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 Rate ( in Rs.) 2013-2014 1 Providing and laying in situ Cement concrete of trap/granite/quartzite/ gneiss metal for RCC work in foundation like raft, grillage, strip foundation and footing of RCC columns and steel stanchions including normal dewatering,plywood form work, compaction, finishing and curing, etc, complete. (By weigh batching and mix design for M-250 and M-300 only. Use of L & T, A.C.C., Ambuja, Birla Gold, Manikgad, Rajashree, etc. cement is permitted.) Excluding M.S. or Tor reinforcement. a In RCC M-150 Cu.m 4828.00 b In RCC M-200 Cu.m 4931.00 c In RCC M-250 Cu.m 5477.00 d In RCC M-300 Cu.m 5716.00 2 Providing and casting in situ Cement Concrete of trap/granite/quartzite/ gneiss metal of approved quality for RCC work as per detailed drawings and designs or as directed by Engineer-in- charge including normal dewatering, plywood form work,bully/steel prop ups, compaction, finishing the formed surfaces with CM 1:3 of sufficient minimumthickness if special finish is to be provided and curing, etc. complete. (By weigh batching and mix design for M-250 and M-300 only. Use of L&T, A.C. C., Ambuja, Birla Gold, Manikgad, Rajashree, etc. cement is permitted ) Excluding M.S. or Tor reinforcement. a For RCC M-150 grade - all types of columns Cu.m Deleted b For RCC M-200 grade - all types of columns. Cu.m 6522.00 c For RCC M-250 grade - all types of columns. Cu.m 7068.00 d For RCC M-300 grade - all types of columns. Cu.m 7277.00 3 Providing and casting in situ C. C. of trap / granite / quartzite/ gneiss metal of approved quality for RCC works as per detailed drawings and designs or as directed by Engineer-in-charge including normal dewatering, ,plywood form work,bully/steel prop ups compaction, finishing the formed surfaces with C. M. 1:3 of sufficient minimum thickness to give a smooth and even surface wherever nesessary or roughening if special finish is to be provided and curing, etc. complete. (By weigh batching and mix design for M-250 and M-300 only. Use of L&T, A.C.C., Ambuja, Birla Gold, Manikgad, Rajashree, etc. cement is permitted.) Excluding M.S. or Tor reinforcement. a For RCC M-150 grade Beams/Braces/Lintels Cu.m Deleted b For RCC M-200 grade Beams/Braces/Lintels Cu.m 6491.00 c For RCC M-250 grade Beams/Braces/Lintels Cu.m 7037.00 d For RCC M-300 grade Beams/Braces/Lintels Cu.m 7277.00 Section - G- Reinforced Cement Concrete Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 Rate ( in Rs.) 2013-2014 4 Providing and casting in situ C. C. of trap/granite/quartzite/ gneiss metal of approved quality for RCC work as per detailed drawings and designs or as directed by Engineer-in-charge including normal dewatering, plywood form work,bully/steel prop ups, compaction, finishing the formed surfaces with CM 1:3 of sufficient minimum thickness to give a smooth and even surface wherever necessary or roughening if special finssh is to be provided and curing, etc. complete. (By weigh batching and mix design for M-250 and M-300 only. Use fo L&T, A.C. C., Ambuja, Birla Gold, Manikgad, Rajashree, etc. cement is permitted .) Excluding M.S. or Tor reinforcement. a For RCC M-150 grade Slabs / Landings / Vertical Walls / Waist Slabs / Steps for Staircase Cu.m Deleted b For RCC M-200 grade Slabs / Landings / Vertical Walls / Waist Slabs / Steps for Staircase Cu.m 7062.00 c For RCC M-250 grade Slabs / Landings / Vertical Walls / Waist Slabs / Steps for Staircase Cu.m 7608.00 d For RCC M-300 grade Slabs / Landings / Vertical Walls / Waist Slabs / Steps for Staircase Cu.m 7848.00 5 Providing and casting in situ C. C. of trap/granite/quartzite/ gneiss metal of approved quality for RCC work as per detailed drawings and desingns or as directed by Engineer-in-charge including normal dewatering,plywood form work,bully/steel prop ups, compaction, finishing the formed surfaces with CM 1:3 of sufficient minimum thickness to give a smooth and even surface wherever necessary or roughening if special finish is to be provided and curing, etc. complete. (By weigh batching and mix design for M-250 and M-300 only. Use of L&T, A.C. C., Ambuja, Birla Gold, Manikgad, Rajashree, etc. cement is permitted .) Excluding M.S. or Tor reinforcement. a For RCC M-150 grade Chajjas / Parapets / Curtain Walls / Partition Walls / Pardies Cu.m Deleted b For RCC M-200 grade Chajjas / Parapets / Curtain Walls / Partition Walls / Pardies Cu.m 7163.00 c For RCC M-250 grade Chajjas / Parapets / Curtain Walls / Partition Walls / Pardies Cu.m 7709.00 d For RCC M-300 grade Chajjas / Parapets / Curtain Walls / Partition Walls / Pardies Cum 7949.00 6 Providing and laying in situ R. C. C. of trap/granite/quartzite/ gneiss metal of approved quality for RCC works of domes as per detailed drawings and designs approved by Engineer-in-charge including plywood form work,bully/steel prop ups, finishing, roughening the surfaces with special finish or plaster to be provided separately, curing, etc. complete. (By weigh batching and mix design for M-250 and M-300 only. Use of L&T, A.C. C., Ambuja, Birla Gold, Manikgad, Rajashree, etc. cement is permitted .) Excluding M.S. or Tor reinforcement. a For RCC M-150 grade - Domes Cu.m Deleted b For RCC M-200 grade - Domes Cu.m 7488.00 c For RCC M-250 grade - Bottom Domes only Cu.m 8034.00 d For RCC M-300 grade - Bottom Domes only Cu.m 8273.00 Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 Rate ( in Rs.) 2013-2014 7 Providing and fixing in position steel bar reinforcement of various diameters for RCC piles, caps, footings, foundation, slabs, beams, columns, canopies, staircases. newels, chajjas, lintels, pardies, copings, fins, arches, etc. as per detailed designs, drawings and schedules; including cutting, bending, hooking the bars, binding with wires or tack welding and supporting as required, etc. complete. (including cost of binding wire) a Mild Steel M.T. 57087.00 b Tor Steel M.T 57087.00 c Corrosion Resistant steel (Fe 500) M.T 61786.00 d Only Fabrication ( Labour ) For all types of steel M.T 7128.00 8 Providing fusion bonded epoxy coating to reinforcement bars as per ASTM-755 specificaion for a thickness of 175 (+50) microns including extra cost on account of careful handling, extra cost on account of using PVC coated binding wire instead of G. I. wire, extra cost on account of touch-up material supplied by coating agency and repair work extra cost on account of transportation to and fro from steel yard at Kalamboli to plant at Daman and Plant at Daman to work site by trailer, loading, unloading, including all taxes (Central and Local), etc. complete. (a) For reinforcement Diameterwise rates. 1 8 mm dia. M.T 18160.00 2 10 mm dia. M.T 16022.00 3 12 mm dia. M.T 14618.00 4 16 mm dia. M.T 14084.00 5 20 mm dia. M.T 12947.00 6 25 mm dia. M.T 11744.00 7 28 mm dia. M.T 11209.00 8 32 mm dia. M.T 10407.00 (b) Average rates ( for estimation only) 1 For 8mm to 20mm dia M.T. 15166.00 2 For above 20mm dia M.T. 11120.00 9 Providing & errecting slip formshuttering including dismentling after completion, for constructing vertical structures such as, J ack Well, Balancing Tank, Bridge Column, &for Horizontal structures in R.C.C. The itemincludes, lifting arrangements, centering, formwork, normal dewatering, electrical arrangement with generater set and with all equipments for slip formshuttering works with all material, fuel and labour, operator. All risk &cost of labour, material & machinary work lies with the provider itself. The rate is for various dia & depth and various sizes of structures ..etc. complete. Notes:- If this itemis adopted, necessesary deduction for regular shuttering made in the RCC item shall be made. sqm Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 Rate ( in Rs.) 2013-2014 Arrangement for lighting with cables till top height to be provided by contractor. Any accident or damage due to uncertain reasons will be the responsibility of contractor. No any Ideal charges for machinary & labour will be paid Insurance for all type of machinary &workers will be at contracters side. All the material used for the slip formshuttering work should be of good quality & durable Notes for Estimations 1) All rates of reinforced cement concrete items from 1to 6 shall be increased by 10% for each brace height above 1st brace for RCC ESRs . e.g. For a RCC ESR with 7 M staging and 1st Brace at 3.5 M above Ground the concrete in columns above 1st brace concrete of ring beam and bottom slab is entitled for 10% increase, concrete of vertical walls, roof slab and roof beam, columns in containers are entitled for 20% increase. 2) These rates are applicable for RCC well works also. These rates shall be increased by 10% for every 5 M depth below initial 5M depth. 3) Rates for Items No. 7 & 8 shall be increased by 5% for each brace height above 1st brace for RCC ESRs by 5% for every ring beam below 1st ring beam for RCC wells. 4) Volumatric mix as per 1:1.5::3 shall be adopted with 56.5 Kg. of cement for RCC 250 and 59.5 Kg. of cement for RCC 300 per load of mixer of 1 bag capacity . 5) All rates of reinforced cement concrete items for 1to 6 shall be increased by 2% for every floor height above ground floor for building works. 6) Fusion bounded epoxy coating to proposed only in coastel area with prior approval of Chief Engineer 7) For estimation purpose,average rates as per item no. 8 b shall be considered wherever necessary. Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 Rate ( in Rs.) 2013-2014 1 Providing and fixing G.I. pipe railing having 1.0 M height consisting 50 x 50 x 6 mmthick M. S. angles as verticals at 1.5 Mc/c, and additional posts at every corner with 3 rows of 25 mmdia G.I. pipes of medium class variety as horizontal and painting 3 coats of oil paint over 1 coat of anticorrosive paint of approved colour and shade including cost of all labour, transporting bends to curved shape, etc. complete. RMT 876.00 1A As above but with only 2 rows RMT 686.00 2 Dismantlingof ESRs of various capacities and heights using crane (10 MT capacity) and handing over M.S./ C.I./ G.I. pipes, valves, bends, etc. to the Department However taking steel reinforcement by the dismantling agency including removing dismantled materials fromsite and disposing them at suitable place as directed, etc.complete. a Capacity of E.S.R. upto 2 lakh litres and stagging upto 12.00 M height i) conjusted area. Litres 1.97 ii) Open Area Litres 1.19 b Capacity of ESR above 2 lakh ltrs. and staging upto 12 M hieght i) Conjusted area Litres 1.54 ii) Open Area Litres 1.07 3 Providing and fixing M.S. gate 2.5 M wide for compound with 40 mm dia M.S.black pipe mediumclass, approved grill work, RCC M - 150 side pillars of 25 cmx 40 cmx 2.5 M height, its foundation, finishing, painting etc. complete. No. 26087.00 4 Proividing and fixing Wicket gate 1.0 M wide for compound with 40 mmdia M.S.black pipe mediumclass, approved grill work, RCC M- 150 side pillars of 25 cm x 40 cm x 2.5 M height, its foundiaion, finishing painting, etc. complete. No. 15620.00 5 Taking Trial Bore (Core Bore Sampling) by Calyxe machine with TCT/NX bits together undisturbed strata samples for investigation in all types of strata soft soil, murum, hard murum with boulders, soft rock hard rock & quartizite etc. The itemincludes all Hire & running cost of Callyx Machine conveying all materials to site of work excluding conveyance of callyx, machine and back sampling all over burden strata in glass jar and core samples serially numbered at site in a wooden Core Box, Samples to be taken at 1.0 m interval and conveying to the place as directed by Engineer-in-charge, The diameter of bore in overburden shall be 100 mm and of NX size (50mm) in other strata. The itemshall also include M.S. casing pipe of 2.5 mmthick plate in overburdern only and shall be 1.0 mabove GL with cap over it. a In Overburden (Soft soil, murum) RMT 1156.00 b In Weathered rock with boulders RMT 4548.00 c In Weathered rock / Soft rock RMT 2324.00 d In Hard rock other than quartzite RMT 3110.00 e In Hard rock quartzite RMT 6760.00 Section - H- Miscellaneous Works Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 Rate ( in Rs.) 2013-2014 6 Providing pressure grouting at a pressure of 0.56 kg./sqcmin required row/zigzag fashion as specified at 1.5 M interval as per site conditions to stop leakages through water retaining structures to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge including material compound, hardening materials, compressor equipment including scaffolding smooth finishing, etc. complete. 1 For masonry structure Bag 828.00 2 For Concrete strcture Bag 838.00 7 Drilling 40 mm dia holes in masonry or concrete structure with providing and fixing 0.5 M long G. I. pipe line for perssure grouting including all Material labour cost and machinery charges, etc. complete. RMT 730.00 8 Providing and casting ferrocrate water tank at site inculding all cost of labour and material, etc, complete. upto 25,000 literes (for foundation and providing and fixing taps, etc. shall be considered spearately). Litre 3.92 9 Providing and applyingtwo coat of Gamma coating or equivalent such as Dr.Bake, Krishna conchem, Asian Paints, atul Limited Burger paints epoxy primer 50 to 60 microns thick and covering two coats of Gamma coatings or equivalent such as Dr.Bake, Krishna conchem, Asian Paints, atul Limited Burger paints 30 microns thick each to new M.S.Pipes and structural Steel or concrete surface including preparing the surface by finishing by solvent degreasing and de-rusting by applying chemical method and scaffolding if necessary etc. complete as per manufacturers specifications. Sq.m 278.00 10 Making cross connection to existing distribution main of any type including excavation, breaking and removing exiting pipes, lowering, layingof specials and pipes in their position, refilling, closing the water supply in that area, dewatering and restarting the water supply, etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge for following diameters of existing pipeline, irrespective of diameter of branch line (the number of joints involved will be paid separately depending upon the nature of joints and required pipes, valves and specials will be supplied free of cost at stores). 1 80 mm No 1676.00 2 100 mm No 1896.00 3 125 mm No 2104.00 4 150 mm No 2360.00 5 200 mm No 2510.00 6 250 mm No 2978.00 7 300 mm No 3620.00 8 350 mm No 4412.00 9 400 mm No 5143.00 10 450 mm No 5943.00 11 500 mm No 7338.00 12 600 mm No 12441.00 13 700 mm No 15413.00 Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 Rate ( in Rs.) 2013-2014 14 750 mm No 19475.00 15 800 mm No 24902.00 16 900 mm No 32768.00 17 1000 mm No 45587.00 Note : Only 75% rate shall be payable till satisfactory hydraulic testing is given. 11 Dismantling dead pipeline of M.S./R.C.C./ C.I./ P.S.C. and G.I./ A. C. / P. V. C. / S. W. / H. D. P. E. pipe including cost of necessary excavation and refilling of trenches, breaking the joints, lifting the pipes and stacking to the place as directed byEngineer-in-charge with all leads and lifts including cleaning the surface, etc. complete. A For M.S./R. C. C./ C.I./ P. S. C. 1 80 mm RMT 126.00 2 100 mm RMT 139.00 3 125 mm RMT 141.00 4 150 mm RMT 144.00 5 200 mm RMT 158.00 6 250 mm RMT 174.00 7 300 mm RMT 188.00 8 350 mm RMT 211.00 9 400 mm RMT 229.00 10 450 mm RMT 260.00 11 500 mm RMT 273.00 12 600 mm RMT 335.00 13 700 mm RMT 380.00 14 750 mm RMT 438.00 B For G.I./AC/PVC/S. W. / H.D.P.E. 1 80 mm RMT 76.00 2 100 mm RMT 83.00 3 125 mm RMT 84.00 4 150 mm RMT 85.00 5 200 mm RMT 95.00 6 250 mm RMT 105.00 7 300 mm RMT 113.00 8 350 mm RMT 126.00 9 400 mm RMT 138.00 10 450 mm RMT 157.00 11 500 mm RMT 164.00 12 600 mm RMT 201.00 13 700 mm RMT 235.00 14 750 mm RMT 264.00 Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 Rate ( in Rs.) 2013-2014 12 Providing and constructing two taps standpost as per type design wih excavation 15 cm thick PCC 1:3:6 bedding 20 mmthick PCC 1:2:4 concrete for platformof 1.75 M dia. with side curb and bucket rest, 80 mmdia, heavy duty GI pipe central post duly filled therein with C. C. 1:2:4, 5 M long, 20 mmdia. mediumG.I. pipe frompoint of tapping to standpost additional 20 mmdia G.I. pipe fixed vertically upto 15 mm dia self closing water taps, one brass ferrule etc. complete together with all labour and material charges as per drawing and as directed by Engineer-in-charge when good foundation is available. Rate includes draining arrangemment by excavating open gutters. No 6843.00 a As above but when R.C.C. platformor Precast standpost issued free of cost. No. 2566.00 13 Providing and constructing two taps standpost as per type design wih excavation 15cmthick boulder filling,15 cmthick PCC 1:3:6 bedding 20 mmthick PCC 1:2:4 concrete for platformof 1.75 M dia. with side curb and bucket rest, 80 mmdia, heavy duty GI pipe central post duly filled therein with C. C. 1:2:4, 5 M long, 20 mmdia. mediumG.I. pipe frompoint of tapping to standpost additional 20 mmdia G.I. pipe fixed verticallyupto 15 mmdia self closing water taps, one brass ferrule etc. complete together with all labour and material charges as per drawing and as directed by Engineer-in-charge when B.C.Soil is available. Rate includes draining arrangemment by excavating open gutters. No 7484.00 a As above but when R.C.C. platformor Precast standpost issued free of cost. No 4633.00 14 RATES FOR ROAD AND RAILWAY CROSSING BY PUSH THROUGH METHOD Pushing of M.S. pipe of following dia for road crossing and Railway crossing by push through method in all types of strata by using hydraulic jack and drilling machine of required diameter, below 3.0 m depth including lowering, laying, jointing of M.S.casing pipe including cost of all labour, fuel and material,required welding machinery,tripod, chain pulley block,crane , blower etc.,transportation and Dewatering etc.complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge but excluding cost of M.S. Pipes. a 200 mm dia to 499 mm dia M.S.pipe Rmt b 500 mm dia to 1000 mm dia M.S.pipe Rmt Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 Rate ( in Rs.) 2013-2014 1 2 3 4 5 WATER TREATMENT PLANT ( W.T.P.) 1 Designing (aesthetically), providing and constructing high rate Unconventional Water Treatment Plant i.e. Simplified Water Treatment Plants consisting of Civil Works, including cost of providing and applying Epoxy paint to inside surface of water retaining structures in contact with Chlorine and providing anti- termite treatment to entire structure below ground level, Mechanical and Electrical components of variours sub-works as given below : including necessary hydraulic testing, structural testing and trial run for 3 months, etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge . ( turn-key job ). 1) Aeration fountain 2) Inlet arrangements 3) Mixing channel with ventury flume and flow measuring arrangement. 4) Inlet channel 5) Flocculator- Confirming to I.S. 7208-1974 ( Type-C ) with detention period of 30 minutes. 6) Tube Settlers - " Designing, fabricating and construct Tube Settlers with square or any other shaped tube like Circular, Cheveron, Hexagonal etc. having proven 7) Rapid sand gravity filters. 8) Filter house 9) Chemical house 10) Alum tanks 2 Nos. with mixing, carrying and dosing arrangement with piping. 11) Gravity feed gas chlorinator with 100% standby. 12) TCL solution tank with mixing, carrying and dosing arrangement with piping. 13) Bye-pass arrangement 14) External and internal electrification 15) Laboratory equipments 16) Wash water tanks of capacity equal to 2% of designed quantity of filtered water in a day ( +) 10% 17) Wash water pumps with 100%standby 18) Pure water sump capacity equal to 1 hour pumping capacity 19) Pure water pump house over the sump / by the side of sump 20) Drainage arrangements 21) Alum store 22) Sanitary block with necessary water supply and drainage arrangement and internal WBM roads Section - I - ( XVII ) - TREATMENT PLANT ( W.T.P. & S.T.P. ) Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 Rate ( in Rs.) 2013-2014 1 2 3 4 5 23) These rates are applicable for seismic zones 2, 3, and 4 24) Rates given below are inclusive of uplift pressure if any and dewatering during the entire work 25) All RCC structures shall be constructed in M-300 26) Unconventional Treatement Plants less than 1 MLD capacity shall not be constructed Note:- Conditions from Sr.No. 1 to 26 shall form a part and parcel of the tender and must be included in draft tender papaers for the work of unconventional treatment plants. The rates are as under :- Sr. No. Capicity in Mld. Unit Rs. In Lakhs 1 Fixed cost for 1 MLD --- 53.46 2 Add for capacity above 1 MLD upto 2 MLD Per MLD 23.76 3 Cost of 2MLD treatment plant --- 77.22 4 Add for capacity above 2MLD upto 5 MLD Per MLD 17.82 5 cost of 5 MLD treatment plant --- 130.68 6 Add for capacity above 5MLD upto 10 MLD Per MLD 14.26 7 cost of 10 MLD treatment plant --- 201.98 2 Designing (aesthetically), providing and constructing and commissioning Conventional Water Treatment Plant consisting of Civil Works, including cost of providing and applying Epoxy paint to inside surface of water retaining structures in contact with Chlorine and providing anti-termite treatment to entire structure below ground level, Mechanical and Electrical components of variours sub-works as given below : including necessary hydraulic testing, structural testing,equipment testing and trial run for 3 months, etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge . ( turn-key job ). 1) Aeration Fountain : Plan area not less than 0.625 square metre per MLD 2) Ventury Flume : With necessary devices, consisting of simple mechanical indicator ( Pedestal type guage) 3) Flash Mixer Rapid mixing device, detention time 60 sectonds to give velocity gradient 300 to 400 sec-1 vane mixer type confirming to IS 7090 of 1985 4) Flocculator : Confirming to I.S. 7208 of 1974 ( Type-C) with dentention period of 30 minutes 5) Clarifier : Horizontal flowcircular tank, detention period 2-5 hours, overflowrate 30 cubic metre per squre metre per day ( tobe specificed), Weir loading not more than 300 cubic metre per metre per day, with mechanical sludge scraper conforming to I.S. 10313/1982 Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 Rate ( in Rs.) 2013-2014 1 2 3 4 5 6) Rapid Sand Filters and Filter House Filter designed for filteration rate of 5,000 liters per squre metre per hour, minimum 2 beds for plant upto 10MLD for larger plants as specified , filters house with roof slab, pipe gallery and plat form minimum 5.5 metre in width a) Filter Sand : Effective size 0.45 to 0.70mm, uniformity coefficient not more than 1.7, nor less than 1.3 , depth of water over sand 0.75M , free board 50 cm, gravel 0.45 M depth, sand and gravel confirming to I.S. 849 (I)-77 back wash by air wash, Standard appurtenances ( to be specificed), rate of flow controller, filler guage, sand expansion guage etc. b) Wash Water Tank : Capacity to be specified and suitable to supply water to wash 2 filter units at a time where the units are 4 or more. c) Wash Water Pumps : Capacity to fill water tank in 1 hours with 100% standby d) Air Blowers : Capable of delivering 600 LMP per square metre of free air, of filter area at 0.4 Kg/square cm at the underdrains ( 100% stand by) 7) Chemical House in Two Storeys a) Ground floor to accommodate 7 days alumrequirement and sundry storage. b) First floor to accommodate alum and lime tanks etc. c) Solution tanks : Minimum3 tanks ( One for preparation, Second for dosing and third as standby), each tank capable of giving 8 hours maximum dose without interruption, minimum free board 0.30M trays for dissolving, level indica tor mechanical agitation devices, solution feed and drain lines, solution feed device( Constant head device strength of solution upto 10% only) confirming to I.S.9222 part-I/1979. 8) Pure water Sump and Pump House a) Capacity of sump : One hour of designed flow. b) Pump House : Pump house of required size over the sump or by the side 9) Store House : Suitable for alumstorage of three months requirement in mansoon with 10% extra capacity for other sundry articles. 10) Vacuum feed type chlorinatros : make to be approved by MJ P a) Confirming to I.S. 10533- A Part-II 1983 b) Rate of withdrawal Temperature Kg. of Chlorine discharge per day Degree " C " Cylinders 45 67 Tonners 10 6.35 9.50 110 15 10.75 16.10 130 20 14.50 21.24 254 27 & above 18.70 28.12 315 Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 Rate ( in Rs.) 2013-2014 1 2 3 4 5 c) Chlorinator equipment and container room : to confirm to I.S. 10553 Part-I 1983 d) 100% standby shall be provided 11) By pass arrangement - C.I. Or M.S. pipes 12) Drainage arrangement : RCC pipes upto plot boundry. 13) Electrical installation : Both internal and external including entire plant area. 14) Laboratory equipment : As per requirement ( to be specified during tendering) 15) Sanitary blocks : Carpet area-15 square metre minimum upto 25 Mld. And 25 square metre above 25 Mld. 16) Adminstrative block and internal road. To accommodate office room, chlorine room, laboratory room, panel board room, blower roometc. andWBM road to connect all units from main gate of plot. 17) Rates given bloware inclusive of uplift pressure if any and dewatering during entire work. 18) These rates are applicable for seismic zones- 2,3 and 4. 19) All RCC strucrure shall be constructed in M.300 NOTE:Condition from Sr. No.1 to 19 shall form a part and parcel of the tender and must be incorporated in draft tender papers of conventional treatment plants Rate for Conventional Treatment Plants ( Proposed) Sr. No. Capicity in Mld. Unit Rs. In Lakhs 1 Upto 5 MLD MLD 33.26 2 Cost of 5 MLD Treatment Plant -- 166.30 3 Add for capacity above 5 MLD upto 10 MLD MLD 23.76 4 Cost of 10 MLD Treatment Plant -- 285.10 5 Add for capacity above 10 MLD upto 20 MLD MLD 15.44 6 Cost of 20 MLD Treatment Plant -- 439.50 7 Add for capacity above 20 MLD upto 50 MLD MLD 14.26 8 Cost of 50 MLD Treatment Plant -- 867.30 9 Add for capacity above 50 MLD upto 100 MLD MLD 11.88 10 Cost of 100 MLD Treatment Plant -- 1461.30 11 Add for capacity above 100 MLD MLD 9.50 3 Designing (aesthetically), providing, fabricating, Package Water Treatment Plant. At the shop, transporting to site, installing, testing and commissioning at the site, giving necessary one months free test and trial run with guarantee for one year, etc. complete. Prefabricated Package Water Treament Plant comprising following 1. Rapid mixing Channel in M.s.Sheets and M.S. baffle. 2. Flocculator not less than 10 minutes detention, in M.S. prefabricated box, flocculation being achived either by glass pebbles of graded size or PVC tetrapod or equivalvent arrangement to ensure good floc formation. Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 Rate ( in Rs.) 2013-2014 1 2 3 4 5 3. Plate or tube settlers of not less than 30 minutes detention, in M.S. prefabricated box, plates/ tubes mounted in the settler basin with inclination of not less than 60 degree to horizontal 4. Rapid sand gravity filter in M.S. prefabricated box with filter sand not less than 500mm thick, supported on false floor below with polypropylene nozzles spaced at not more than 500mm centres in either direction. 5.Backwashing, inlet facilities inlet facilities shall be provided. 5.1 Air Blowers : Capacity of delivering 600 LMP per sq.mtr. Of free air of filter area 0.4 Kg./Cm 2 at under drain ( 100% ) 5.2 Wash water tank of capacity equal to 2 % of designed quantity of filtered water in a day (+) 10%. 5.3 Wash water pumps with 100% stand bye ( Minimum3Hp with all accessories ) 6 Laboratory equipments 6.1 External & internal Electrification. 6.2 TCL solution tank with mixing , carrying & dosing arrangement with piping. 6.3 Gravity feed gas chlorinator with 100 % standbye. 6.4 Alum storage unit. 6.5 Drainage arrangement. 6.6 Office and Lab. Space with necessary water supply & drainage arrangement and internal roads. 6.7 Sump well and pump house 6.8 Wire fencing with gate for W.T.P. Premises. 7. All civil works for foundation, consisting of raised RCC platform above G.L. or walls in B.B. Masonary or UCR masonary shall be provided as per needs at site. 8. Bye pass in the form of pipes or M.S. channels included in the desing, effecting bye pass or such new tank and filter individually or both ( Limit upto 5.0 M from W.T.P. face) 9. The entire M.S. Fabricated tank provided with FRP lining ( 5 mmthick) to inside face in contact with water epoxy painting-two coats with one coat of primer on outside. The thickness of plates cmployed shall be not less than 6mm 10. Alum dosing and mixing arrangement to be provided in twin tanks, each of 8 hours capacity, capable of importing dose of 20 ppm with 5% solution. The alum tanks provided with a dose in steps 5 ppmand entire unit mounted on the top of flocculator/ settler box, in the form of prefabricated structure., with access platformand ladder. Alumboxes with FRP lining ( 5mmthick) inside and epoxy paint two coats with one coat of primer on outside. 11. Both flocculator and settling basins provided with hopper bottom with slope not less than 45 degrees to the horizontal Drain pipes and valves provided to both flocculator and settling basin. 12. Flow rating to confirm following parameters: Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 Rate ( in Rs.) 2013-2014 1 2 3 4 5 a) Velocities in channels not to exceed 0.6 M/Second. b) Velocities in filter outlet pipes and valves not to excess 1 M/Seconds c) Velocities interconnecting pipe and control not to exceed 1 M/ Seconds. d) Backwash with air : Not required e) Backwash with water : Not less than 0.6 Cu.M/ Sq.m. of filter bed area in filter box. 13. Free board for all units not less than 300mm 14. Rates as above include all taxes, octroi and duties which would be specific to the site location. Sr. No. Capicity in Mld. Rs. In Lakhs 1 21 Cu.m/Hr. (0.5 MLD) Each 27.44 2 34 Cu.m/Hr. (0.80 MLD) Each 33.69 3 42 Cu.m/Hr. (1.00 MLD) Each 37.78 4 63 Cu.m/Hr. (1.50 MLD) Each 47.40 5 83 Cu.m/Hr. (2.00 MLD) Each 56.14 6 125 Cu.m/Hr. (3.00 MLD) Each 72.35 Note:- Depending upon the capacity required for the scheme, one of the above capacity should be choiced. SEWEAGE TREATMENT PLANT ( STP) 4,A Designing (aesthetically), providing, and constructing and giving satisfactory trials of modernised Sewage Treatment Plant consisting of receiving chamber, screen chamber, grit chamber, measuring flume, distribution chamber with primary and secondary treatment, etc. as detailed below, administration block of suitable size including allied units for waste disposal with all civil and mechanical works involved, etc. complete turn key job. Primary treatment - with extended sludge drying beds (oxidation ponds) Sr. No. Capicity of plant Unit Rs. In Lakhs 1 Upto 10 MLD MLD 47.52 2 Cost of 10 MLD plant -- 475.20 3 Add for capacity above 10 MLD upto 20 MLD MLD 41.58 4 Cost of 20 MLD plant -- 891.00 5 Add for capacity above 20 MLD upto 50 MLD MLD 35.64 6 Cost of 50 MLD plant -- 1960.20 7 Add for capacity above 50 MLD upto 100 MLD MLD 29.70 8 Cost of 100 MLD plant -- 3445.20 Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 Rate ( in Rs.) 2013-2014 1 2 3 4 5 4,B Designing (aesthetically), providing, and constructing ,hydarulic testing ,commissioning and giving satisfactory trials of modernised Sewage Treatment Plant consisting of inlet chamber, screen chamber ,Detritus Tanks, Partial flume, primary settling tanks, Aeration tanks, Secondary tanks, Sludge sump and pump house, Sludge thickner, Primery digester, SST sump and pump house, chlorine contact tank Chlorinators, Chlorinator room, sump cum blending tank (SCBT) PST sludge sump cum blending tank, Pump House Sludge Centrifuge gas holder, necessary piping work with required valves , gates, drains, pathways, Administrative Building cum Laboratory, Laboratory equipments, tools and plants, Spare parts etc. complete as tunkey job with all involved civil electrical and mechanical works inclusive of following items units as per detailed specification for civil, electrical and mechanical components with all duties and taxes etc complete. Inlet Chamber: Designing, providing and constructing RCC (m:300) Inlet chamber designed for the peak flow 2 DWF including necessary excavation in all types strata including walkway around the periphery. Each compartment will have phosper bronze, steel gate with extension rod, head stock, operating wheel, G.I. pipe railing etc. The work includes providing and making necessary arrangements to connect the flowto screen chamber by approach channel as directed and as per specifications. Screen Chambers: Designing, Providing and constructing and testing commissioning screen chamber, designed for average 1 DWF and maximum2 DWF in RCC ( M-300), including inlet pipe/ Channel from inlet chamber outlet pipe/Channel to detritus tank, free board of 0.50 M minimumRCC walkway 1.2 M wide with G.I. pipe railing. RCC stair case of 1.2mwidth fromG.L. to screen chamber. Detritus Tank: Designing , Providing and constructing continuously grit removal type of Detritus Tank, mechanically operated inRCC ( M 300) capable of removing 100% 0.20mmsize particle and above, having specific gravity 2.30 designed for one peak 2 DWF with suitable arrangement of separation of grit from putrescible solids including providing and making necessary arrangement of J B-1 inlet and outlet channels of required sizes as may be required to connect the flowto parshall flume etc. complete. including hydrualic testing for water tightness of the structure having minimum free board of 0.30m washout arranement to grit chamber and platform 1.20m wide RCC walkway with G.I. pipe hand railing shal be provided. A pit for collecting grit conveyed by conveyor shall be provided. It should be suitable to handle the grit for carting. All arrangements shall be as per detailed specifications and as directed Parshall Flume. Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 Rate ( in Rs.) 2013-2014 1 2 3 4 5 Designing, Providing and constructing Parshall, Flume Channel in RCC (M300) for measuring quantity of sewage received at the treatment works, max flow of 2 DWF and minimum flow of 1/2 DWF including providing and making necessary arrangement of approach channel as may be required to connect the flowhaving minimumvelocity of 0.3 m per second to Distrubution Box ( DB-1) The unit shall be provided with walkway &RCC staircase having width of 1.20m each etc. complete, including hydraulic testing for water tightness of the civil structure having free board of 0.6 m including electrically operated, flow indicating and flow integrating devices having standby of float operated ROF meter. All arrangement as per specifications. Primary Settling Tanks With Equipments: Designing, Providing, constructing and hydrulic testing in RCC (M-300) water tight Primary Settling Tanks of 1 DWF capacity with feed chamber sludge and effluent chamber, base adequately supported providing 1.20 mwide clear peripherial and approach walkway inter connecting C.I. double flanged pipes from feed chamber of the clarifier distribution well grouting wherever necesary, including foundation etc. as per specification water depth at outer side shall be minimum3.0 meter weir loading shall not be greater than 125cumDMF for average flow Bottom slope shall be 1:12 The floor of clarifier shall have 40mm thick ( min) screed course of cement grout of mix C.M.1:2 Detention period shall be 2.25 hrs. dispersion box and stiffenedweir plate made of mild steel plate not less than 8mmthick, anticorrosive epoxy paint on both faces shall be provided Minimumfree board of 0.50 m be provided it includes inlet pipe from distribution chamber, central shaft inlet baffle outlet chamber Scum remover, skimming devices scum chamber, connecting channel from PST outlet chamber, to db-2 as per detailed specifications. Aeration Tank (AT) Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 Rate ( in Rs.) 2013-2014 1 2 3 4 5 Desiging, Providing and constructing in RCC mix ( M-300) Aeration Tank in compartments to handle combined flow of 1 DWF incoming flow and recirculation flow including construction of inlet, outlet and distribution chamber DB-3 and providing 1.20 M wide clear peripherial and approach walkways, expansion joints wherever necessary, including foundation etc. as per specification. Peak factor shall be 2, F/M ration shall be 0.40 lowspeed aerator speed between 20 to 100 RPM recirculation flow @ 50% and free board 0.60m, Depth ( SWD) 3.50m ,minimum D.O. level at A.T. 2 Mg/Lit MLVSS concentration shall be 2500mg/Lit and MLVSS concentration shall bw2000 Mg/Lit, HRT shall be 4 to 6 hours and STR 6-8 days. It should have compartents for washing oxygen transfer capacity of mechanical aerator shall not be less than 1.5 Kg/KWH, BOD of effluent 20mg/lit with input to aerator 0.15, to 0.30 Kwh/ 1000 cum of Aeration tank. All related works shall be as per detailed specification. Secondary Settling Tanks with equipments Desiging,Providing and constructing in RCC )M:300) water tight Secondary settling tank having detention period 2 hours and SWD shall be 4.20 meter. The effluent BOD and SS from the secondary clarrifier shall not be more then 20 Mg/lit and 30mg/lit. respectively. It should be hydraulically tested, bottom floor slope of 1:12 and fee board of 0.60m minimum Dispersion box shall be made of Mild Steel plate not lesss then 8mm thgick with anticorrosive epoxy paint from both faces and well stiffened. The sewage admitted at the centre flowing upward and outwards towards periphery be slowly and continuously collected towards a convenient discharge point near centre by a rotating wheel arm. The Clarfier will be complete.with end drive half rotating bridge structural steel rake, over flow weir, walkway diffuser, over load alarms, having push bottoms, starters for the clarifier, walkway and the suitable sludge withdrawing arrangement with flush valve capable of withdrawing moisture content not more than 97% to 98% sloping floor shall have 40mm thickness (Minimum), screed course of cement grout of mix 1 cement :2 sand, rotating sludge scrapper mechanism filled with squeezes including providing and making necessary arrangements to connect the flow to outlet chamber (DB-4) then the gravity main for final diaposal and as per detailed specification and obligatory provision. All other arrangements shall be as per detailed specification. Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 Rate ( in Rs.) 2013-2014 1 2 3 4 5 Sludge Thickner with equipments: Designing providing and constructing water tight of Sludge Thickner (Gravity type) including foundation inRCC (M-300) with inlet and outlet chamber, influent well, inlet and outlet pipes, with sludge pit and lsudge removal arrangement, grouting wherever necessary with walkwayall around of 1.20m width, G.I. pipe railing interconnecting CI pipes all complete as per specification Detention time 24 hours. SWD shall be 4.25 metre with necessary fixed bridge scraper arrangment as per detailed specification and necessary inlet and outlet arrangement. All other arrangement as per detailed specification. Primary Digestor with mixer equipment( Fixed Cover) Designing, Providing and constructing unit of water tight and gas tight Primary Digester suitable for 1 DWF plant and complete with pipe gallery, building staircase for access from dome of digester into inside staircase, walkways at springing levels etc. walls and base slab being in RCC M-300 domes in structural concrete including providing burners and civil works for gas collection, grouting wherever necessary etc. complete as per specification. It should be designed frommin 9 o C and max. 45 o C and minimum detention time of 30 days, water depth shall not be more then 8.5 mfree board shall be 0.6m with inlet and outlet arrangement of C.I. flanged pipes including giving hydraulic testing and air tightness testing. The itemincludes works for colleting Gas and Gas burner as per specification. Secondary Digester with equipment( Fixed cover) Designing ,Providing and constructing including foundation unit of watertight and gastight Secondary Digester to deal with I DWF complete with pipe gallery, building, staircase for access fromdome of digester into inside, staircase to walways at springing levels etc. Walls and base slab and domes being in RCC M-300, providing arrangement for digested sludge fromdigesters to centrifuge , providing burners and civil works for gas collection grouting whrever necessary etc.complete. as per specification and obligatory provision All other arrangements as per detailed specifications. S.S.T.Sump and Pump House with recirculation Pumps and Sludge Pumps to Digester: Designing,Providing and constructing sump & Pump house of requisite capacity with ceiling height not less than 6 M Sludge streamfor recirculation to aeration tank and excess sludge to SCBT including C.I. Piping to carry this flow to sump as per detailed specification and as direcgted by Enginer-in-charge. Chlorine Contact Tank: Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 Rate ( in Rs.) 2013-2014 1 2 3 4 5 Designing, Providing and Constructing Chlorine Contract chamber of adequate capacity to deal with 1 DWF. Average flow. The chlorine contact tank should be of 30 minutes capacity during average flow to achieve 99.99% coliform reduction. Chlorine dose shall be maintained as per standard provision including provisions including designing, providing and constructing water supply arrangment for chlorination, including providing dewatering and bypass arrangments joiting to final efluent main and outlet weir etc. complete The effluent quality should match with the standard laid donw my Maharashtra Water Pollution Control Board and as per the obligatory provision and detailed specification and as directed by Engineer-incharge. Chlorinator and chlorinator Room/ Tonner Room Desiginging, Providing and constructing chlorinators vaccum type 2 Nos. each having capacity of 10 Kg/Hr. as per obligatory provision and detailed specification with necessary provision of chlorinator roomhaving floor area not less than 30 Sq.m including automatic residual chlorine controller with actuator and residual chlorine analyser including cost of chlorine cylinder, piping valves measuring and controlling equipments, safety devices, lifting equipments, etc. complete. as per I.S.-10553 ( Part/II) 1982 The tonner room should have 3 MT capacity crane for loading and unloading facility. Tonner storage should distrincitly isolated and should be for minimum 10 Tonners space and arrangement as per gas laws 1981 and factory act shall be provided, and all other matching amenities be provided, 5 MT gantry shall be provided for full length of Tonner roomat 6 mheight fromfloor level, with/ outlet chamber and treated effluet outlet channel etc. complete. as per detailed specification. Sump Cum Blending Tank ( SCBT) Designing providing and constructing sump cumblending tank of appropiate size and detention time with free board of 0.60 m The slope of floor 1:4 with suction pit at the cnetre as per detailed specification and obligatory requirements P.S.T. Sump cum Blending Tank, Pump House with reciuculation pumps Desiginig, providing and constructing pump house of appropriate size with pumps ,ceiling height minimum6mover the circular sump for discharging the sludge to thickner and recycling of flow for blending, with C.I. Piping etc. complete. As per detailed specification Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 Rate ( in Rs.) 2013-2014 1 2 3 4 5 Sludge Centrifuge Room with Centrifuges:- Designing, providing and constructing and installing including foundation etc. Sludge Centrifuge to handle the sludge flowof one day in one hour per unit with sludge dewatering unit drain etc. complete as per specification. Sludge centrigure with all necessary arrangement as per detailed specifications mentioned in Volume-II and Volume-III of tender and obligatory provisions, be provided with satisfactory functioning. Gas Hoder: Designing, Providing and constructing gas holder having gas collection systemgas flow meter and gas burner with floating dome arrangment and storage time 6 hrs. to be constructed in M-300 having appropriate diameter as per detailed specification and obligatory provisions. The flating dome shall be of 8mm thick M.S. plate minimum and shall be provided with two coats of anticorrosive epoxy coating from both faces. Outfall Sewer : Designing providing and constructing approprate Outfall Sewer of RCC NP-2 pipe to discharge treated effluent, untreated effluent from outlet chamber ( after secondary clarifier) to the local nalla at a point shown on the drawing including necessary chambers for inspection/ cleaning including necessary excavtion dewatering refilling, concrete encasing/ bedding ,concrete steps to reach the nalla bed level. pitching and energy dissipation chamber in the nalla portion etc. complete upto 50 m length RCC NP-2 pipe line and inclding all above items Piping work in C.I.L.A. class including Sluice valves, Reflux valves M.S.Gate. Providing laying and jointing pipe other than those already included in the above items for interconnection by-pass drains etc. ofall units including adequate numbers of manhole chambers. The item includes excavation, refilling and hydraulic testing of pipes, valves, gates, accessories and cost of jointing material . The itemincludes required channels with gates for interconnection of units by pass drains etc. for all units and as directed etc. complete. as per detailed specification. Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 Rate ( in Rs.) 2013-2014 1 2 3 4 5 Administrative Building Cum Laboratory ( G+1) Designing, providing and constructing Administrative Building office cumLaboratory including stores. This shall be a building having appropriate Carpet area at ground floor and at first floor complete as per specifications including necessary excavation , foundation in RCC M-200 framed structure, B.B. Masonary ( II-Class inC.M. 1:6) 20mmcement plaster in C.M. 1:3, inside and outside painting ,Alluminiumdoor and window with glass pannels mosaic tile flooring and skirting and all other allied items, fixtures fastening electrification arrangement water supply arrangement etc. complete. The building will have laboratory on upper flor of administrative building and should be so centralised that it should not be attached with any units but should have complete control of every unit as per Laboratory Equipment, beautification, telephone and intercom arrangement and wireless system etc. complete. B) Primary and secondary treatment - with digesters , sludge drying beds etc. complete. Sr. No. Capicity of plant Unit Rs. In lakhs 1 Upto 10 MLD MLD 57.02 2 Cost of 10 MLD plant -- 570.20 3 Add for capacity above 10 MLD upto 20 MLD MLD 49.90 4 Cost of 20 MLD plant -- 1069.20 5 Add for capacity above 20 MLD upto 50 MLD MLD 42.77 6 Cost of 50 MLD plant -- 2352.30 7 Add for capacity above 50 MLD upto 100 MLD MLD 35.64 8 Cost of 100 MLD plant -- 4134.30 4D Designing, Providing, Constructing, Erecting, Testing and successful Commissioning of various units with trial runs of 3 months of Sewage Treatment Plant of various Capacities based on IMPROVED BIO TOWER TREATMENT OF WASTE WATER including receiving / inlet chamber, fine screen chamber, grit chamber, distribution chamber, Biotower, aeration tank, secondary settling tank, excess sludge pump, air blowers, air diffusers, chlorine contact tank, Sludge Thickener, centrifuge unit with sludge feed pumps, Polyelectrolyte J elly tank with mixer and dosing pump etc. with all ancillary works including Administrative building, internal road, land developement,drainage line laboratory equipment, furniture etc. including mechanical, electrical works, instrumentation PLC/SCADA automation etc. complete. to achieve BOD <10 ppm, COD <50 ppm, TSS <10 ppm, pH Between 7 to 8.5 , Oil &Grease <10 ppmrecyclable quality of water for industrial/agricultural purpose. UNITS INCLUDED 1 INLET CHAMBER Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 Rate ( in Rs.) 2013-2014 1 2 3 4 5 Designing, providing and constructing commissioning and hydraulic testing Inlet chamber for the peak flow of 2 DWF including necessary excavation in all types of strata including walkway1.2 m wide all round the periphery. CIVIL ITEM- All component of inlet chamber shall in RCC M30 only MECHANICAL ITEM - CI Gates with phosphor bronze sealing face /strips with extension rod, head stock, operating wheels. Pipe railing shall be in GI pipe with MS angle post .etc. The work includes providing and making necessary arrangements to connect the flow to screen chamber by approach channel as directed and as per specifications. 2 SCREEN CHAMBER Designing, providing, constructing, testing and commissioning of screen chamber, designed for average 1 DWF and maximum peak flow of 2 DWF. This unit shall be provided free board of 0.5 m minimum, RCC walkway 1.2 m wide with GI pipe railing, RCC stair case of 1.0 m width from GL to screen chamber. CIVIL ITEM - All component shall be in RCC M-30 only, MECHANICAL ITEM - All screens provided (Mechanical/Manual) with MOC SS 304 with belt conveyor mechanism , Piping of CI/DI/MS . 3 DETRITUS TANK Designing, providing ,constructing, testing and commissioning continuous grit removal type Detritus tank, mechanically operated capable of removing 100% of 0.2 mm size particle and above, having specific gravity 2.30 designed for one peak flow of 2 DWF with suitable arrangement of separation of grit from putrescible solids. Inlet and outlet channels of required sizes as may be required to connect the flow to connecting unit etc. Complete including hydraulic testing for water tightness of structure having minimum FB of 0.3 m, wash out arrangement to grit chamber and platform 1.2 m wide RCC walkway with GI wide RCC walkway with GI pipe handling shall be provided. Item to include closed Chute of GI sheet to convey the grit to the hand cart placed below it and two hand carts . All arrangements shall be as detailed specifications and as directed. CIVIL ITEM :- All component shall be in RCC M30 only. MECHANICAL ITEM:- All component of grit mechanism shall of MSEP and approved make with adequate HP electrical motor to run the mechanism . 4 BIOTOWER Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 Rate ( in Rs.) 2013-2014 1 2 3 4 5 Designing, providing , constructing, testing and commissioning in RCC (M-30), BIOTOWER according to drawings' received from technology provider , for biological removal of BOD in compartments to handle combine flow of 2 DWF and to be checked for peak flow incoming flow including construction of Tower with Media , rotating arm with sprayers and providing 1.2 m wide clear approach walkways, wherever necessary, including foundations etc. as per specifications.,including PVC Media , sprinkler system with rotating arm / equipment and FB 0.5 m and SWD as required. Peak factor shall be 2 Biotower recycle sump of adequate capacity including pumpsnshall be provided to maintain the wetting rate of bio- tower to lean flow conditions CIVIL ITEM :- All component shall be in RCC M30 only. MECHANICAL ITEM:- PVC Media , Sprinkler system in MS pipes epoxy painted, recirculation system &required piping of CI /MS epoxy painted etc. 4A MIXING CHAMBER Designing, providing , constructing, testing and commissioning in RCC (M-30), MIXING CHAMBER to handle flow of 1 DWF and recirculation flow including construction of baffel walls , foundations etc. as per specifications., to ensure complete mixing of raw sewage received from Bio-tower and recirculation flowfromSST , capacity of mixing chamber shall be as per designer requirement. CIVIL ITEM :- All component shall be in RCC M30 only. 5 AERATION TANK (AT) Designing, Providing , constructing, testing and commissioning Aeration Tank in compartments to handle combined flow of 1 DWF incoming flow and recirculation flow including construction of inlet, outlet and distribution chamber and providing 1.20 M wide clear peripheral & approach walkways with GI Hand railing , expansion joints wherever necessary, including foundation etc. as per specification. Peak factor shall be 2, F/M ration shall be 0.30 to 0.40, fine bubble diffused aeration , recirculation flow @ 50% and free board 0.60m, Depth ( SWD) 3.50m ,minimum D.O. level in the tank to be maintained at 2 Mg/Lit, MLSS concentration shall be 2500mg/Lit and MLVSS concentration shall be 2000 mg/lit. HRT shall be 4 to 6 hours and SRT 6-8 days. It should have compartment for washing. The process shall be automated with DO sensors in the tank . providing data to PLC which in turn shall operate blowers. . All related works shall be as per detailed specification. epoxy painted Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 Rate ( in Rs.) 2013-2014 1 2 3 4 5 CIVIL ITEM :- All component shall be in RCC M30 only Suitable Air blower roomshall be provided near aeration tank with acoustic arrangement. MECHANICAL ITEM :- Diffusers of EPDM material , air blowers with VFD, air piping of MS. epoxy lined and out coated up to water level and PVC inside water &accessories shall be provided as per detailed specification. Instrumentation and Automation DO sensors to each compartment with necessary cable , PLC of adequate capacity & control panel for PLC & control there fromusing required cables etc. The PLC programming shall be done with approved logic. to save electric Power. 6 Secondary Settling Tanks with equipments Designing, Providing and constructing in (RCC M: 30) water tight Secondary settling tank having detention period 2 to 3.5 hours and SWD shall be 3 to 4 meter. The effluent BOD and SS from the secondary clarifier shall not be more than 10 Mg/lit and 10mg/lit. respectively. It should be hydraulically tested, bottom floor slope of 1:12 and fee board of 0.60 m minimumDispersion box shall be made of Mild Steel plate not less than 8mmthick with anticorrosive epoxy paint fromboth faces and well stiffened. The sewage admitted at the centre flowing upward and outwards towards periphery be slowly and continuously collected towards a convenient discharge point near centre by a rotating mechanism. The Clarifier will be complete with central driven /peripheral driven half rotating bridge structural steel rake, over flow weir, walkway , diffuser, over load alarms, having push bottoms, starters for the clarifier, walkway of 1.2 m wide GI railing and the suitable sludge withdrawing arrangement with flush valve capable of withdrawing sludge with moisture content not more than 97% to 98% sloping floor shall have 40mm thickness (Minimum), screed course of cement grout of mix 1 cement :2 sand, Rotating sludge scrapper mechanism filled with squeezers including providing and making necessary arrangements to connect the flow to outlet chamber & then to the gravity main for final disposal and as per detailed specification and obligatory provision. All other arrangements shall be as per detailed specification. CIVIL ITEM - All component shall be in RCC M-30 only. MECHANICAL ITEM - Clarifier bridge component shall be of MS epoxy painted along with adequate capacity of drive mechanism , The component coming in contact of waste water shall be MSEP/SS as per detailed specification. Piping for treated effluent shall be of CI/DI/MSEP for sludge shall be CI/HDPE/MS. 7 Chlorine Contact Tank Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 Rate ( in Rs.) 2013-2014 1 2 3 4 5 Designing, providing and constructing chlorine contact chamber of adequate capacity to deal with 1 DWF average flow. The chlorine contact tank should be 30 min capacity, during average flow to achieve colliformreduction to the level of MPN 1000/100ml. Chlorine dose shall be maintained as per standard provisions, including designing, providing and constructing water supply provision for chlorination including providing dewatering pump and byepass arrangement, dechlorination arrangement jointing to final effluent mains and outlet weir, etc. complete. the effluent quality should match with the standards laid down by Maharashtra pollution control board and as per obligatory provision and as detailed specification and as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 8 Chlorinator and Chlorinator Room / Toner Room Designing, providing and constructing chlorinators vacuum type 2nos or more with auto switchover facility and having capacity of dosing of adequate chlorine to ensure count of maximum MPN 1000/100ml coli form reduction as per obligatory provisions and detailed specifications with necessary provision including chlorinator room of adequate size. The chlorinator equipment shall include chlorine cylinders / toner piping, valves, measuring and controlling equipments, safety devices, lifting equipments, etc. complete as per IS - 10553 (Part II) 1982. The toner roomshould have minimum 3 MT capacity Hoist for loading and unloading facility. Toner storage should be distinctly isolated and should be for minimum storage space as directed in the design specification and as per gas laws 1981 and factory act shall be provided. All other matching amenities shall be provided, Minimum3 MT gantry rail shall be provided for full length of toner roomat 6 mheight fromlevel of toner room, with outlet chamber and treated effepoxy painted etc. 9 Sludge recirculation pump House Designing, providing, constructing, Commissioning and testing of pump house to accomodate recirculation sludge pumps of apprpriate size , with pumps , ceiling height minimum4 mover sump for discharging sludge from SST to Aeration Tank using CI pipe complete as per detailed specification. CIVIL ITEM - All component shall be in RCC M-30only, MECHANICAL ITEM - Sludge pumps shall be minimum1 Nosincluding 100 % standby , Piping and valves shall be of CI . Suitable lifting arrangement shall be provided. Sludge recirculation pumps shall be of adequate capacity for maintaining the MLVSS in aeration tank with 100 % standby . Sludge recycle piping shall be CI. 10 Sludge Thickener Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 Rate ( in Rs.) 2013-2014 1 2 3 4 5 Designing, providing ,constructing, commissioning and testing of sludge thickener -gravity type with inlet & Outlet pipes , Central feed well , sludge pit & sludge removal arrangement , with necessary walkway all around of 1.20m wide with GI railing inter connecting piping all complete with necessary fixed bridge scraper arrangement as per detailed specification .CIVIL ITEM - All component shall be in RCC M-30only, MECHANICAL ITEM - fixed bridge shall be in MS and All component in contact water shall be MSEP/CI.Piping shall be of CI. 11 CENTRFUGE UNIT Designing, providing, constructing , installing ,commissioning and testing centrifuge unit to handle the sludge flow of 1 day in 20 hours per unit with sludge dewatering unit drain etc. complete as per specification. Sludge feed pumps with the necessary arrangement, as per detailed specification mentioned in tender and obligatory provisions to be provided with satisfactory functioning. CIVIL ITEM - All component shall be in RCC M-30only, MECHANICAL ITEM -all mechanical items shall be provided as per specification confirming to Relevant IS, and Piping shall be of CI/HDPE. Chute in GI , Decanted water piping in PVC . 12 Outfall Sewer Designing, providing and constructing appropriate outfall sewer of RCC NP2 pipe, to discharge treated effluent from outlet chamber after chlorination tank to the local Nallah at the point shown on the drawing including necessary chamber for inspection and cleaning including necessary excavation, dewatering, refilling concrete encasing / bedding concrete steps to reach the nallah bed level, pitching and energy dissipation chamber in nallah portion etc. complete up to 50 m length RCC NP2 pipe line and including all above items. 13 Piping work in CI-LA Class including Sluice Valves, Reflux Valves, MS Gates Providing laying and jointing pipes other than those already included in the above items for interconnection by - pass arrangements etc. of all units including adequate numbers of manhole chambers. The item includes excavations, refilling and hydraulic testing of pipes, valves, gates, accessories and cost of jointing materials. The items includes required channels with gates for interconnection of units by pass arrangements etc. for all units as directed etc. complete as per detailed specifications. 14 Administrative Building cum Laboratory (G +1) Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 Rate ( in Rs.) 2013-2014 1 2 3 4 5 Designing, providing and constructing administrative building, office cumlaboratory including stores. This shall be a building having apropriate carpet area . at ground floor and at first floor complete as per specifications including necessary excavation, foundation in RCC M-200 framed structure B. B Masonry ( II -class in C.M. 1:6) 20 mmthk cement plaster in CM 1:3 inside and outside painting. Aluminum door and window with glass panels, ceramic tile flooring and skirting and all other allied items, fixtures fastening electrification arrangement water supply arrangement etc. complete. The building will have laboratory on upper floor of administrative building and should be so centralized that it should not be attached with any unit but should have complete control of every unit as per laboratory equipment, beautification, telephone arrangements PLC Panel & Computer housing, Tool room, workshop etc. 15 Land development and allied works ---. This includes landscaping, gardening area lighting plantation roads and pathway, stormwater drainage in STP campus as directed by Engineer in charge. Various Units of the Plant shall be operated automatically based on PLC /SCADA operating system as per detailed specification In MLD UP to 10 MLD Cost of 10 MLD Above 10 to 20 MLD Cost of 20 MLD Above 20 to 35 MLD Cost of 35 MLD Above 35 to 50 MLD Cost of 50 MLD Above 50 to 75 MLD MLD Cost of 75 MLD Above 75 to 100 MLD Cost of 100 MLD Above 100 MLD MLD Notes :- a The rates for civil work, RCC M30 grade for water retaining structures and M20 Buildings ( partition walls of biotower shall be in BB masonry in CM 1;6,with smooth cement plaster inside in CM 1;4 and sand faced plaster in CM 1;6 outside) ,Misc works. b Water table is considered at 5m below ground level c Soil Bearing Capacity considered as 20 T/m 2 at 1.5m below ground level Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 Rate ( in Rs.) 2013-2014 1 2 3 4 5 d OPC cement and steel Fe 415 has been considered for casting purpose e All civil items , are considered as per MJ P/PWD Schedule of rates f For STP up to 20 MLD capacity Sludge Drying Beds are considered and for above capacities centrifuge shall be provided. g For STP up to 20 MLD capacity Naocl dosing is considered in for above capacities gas chlorination shall be provided . f All equipment shall be procured from MJ P approved vendors 4E SECTION - I : (XIX) MOVING MEDIA BIO REACTOR TECHNOLOGY I PROCESS DESCRIPTION - MOVING MEDIA BIO REACT TECHNOLOGY The Moving Media Bio Reactor Technology is a advanced biological treatment process which has a combination of activated sludge process & attached growth process. The bio reactor has lot of packing material called carrier media in suspension and provides a large surface area for micro organisms to grow and degrade the organic matter in aerobic condition. Due to the use of carrier media the higher concentration of bio mass is developed which helps to reduce the basin size, accept higher loading rates & take shock loads. The sewage after screening & grit removal flows by gravity into the BIO REACTOR wherein the attached growth, aerobic microbes will utilize pollutant in presence of oxygen thereby further reducing BOD. The air required will be provided through coarse bubble air diffusers provided on the aeration grid at the bottom of reactor & using positive displacement, twin lobe, root type air blower for supply of oxygen. The PP media is provided in the aeration tank to allow the aerobic microbes to grow & get attached. This media remains in fluid state in the aeration tank thereby keeping large number of microbial colonies moving in the tank and provide high concentration of bio mass available at all the time. The microbes get exposed to bio degradable organics in presence of oxygen and convert it into Cell biomass, Water molecule and Carbon dioxide. The microbial colony grows on plastic media. The excess biomass gets sloughed and moves with treated water into subsequent unit. This sloughing action is a continuous process and the microbes keep on growing & sloughing. This is a very fast process & hence system becomes self sustaining. Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 Rate ( in Rs.) 2013-2014 1 2 3 4 5 The dead biomass generated will be separated in the CLARISETTLER TANK wherein tube media is provided for providing additional surface area for settlement of bio mass & thereby reducing the space requirement. The solid-liquid separation is achieved in this tank and clear supernatant will flow by gravity. The treated wastewater will be disinfected with Chlorine and allowed to react in CHLORINE CONTACT TANK prior to suitable disposal. A typical sketch of bio reactor showing various components is given below. The MMBR/FAB Technology has following advantages over Conventional Systems like : 1 Low on Civil works. 2 Low Space Requirement 3 Low on Operating Cost due to higher Oxygen Transfer Efficiency. 4 Low on Maintenance Cost. 5 Easy to operate with Semi-skilled manpower. 6 Higher efficiencies in pollutant removal. 7 Effective removal of nitrates and phosphates. 8 Quick retrieval of system after shutdown / power failure. II SPECIFICATIONS OF SEWAGE TREATMENT SCHEME Raw Sewage Characteristics Temperature Ambient pH 7.0-8.0 Total Suspended Solids 210 mg/l BOD 5 days at 20 C 170 mg/l COD 340 mg/l Oil & Grease 30 mg/l MPN 106 to 107 per 100 ML Treated Sewage Quality pH 6.5-8.5 Total Suspended Solids <30 mg/l BOD <20 mg/l COD <100 mg/l Oil & Grease <10 mg/l MPN <1000 per 100 ML Moving Media Bio Reactor (MMBR) / FAB (Fluidised Aerated Bed) Process Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 Rate ( in Rs.) 2013-2014 1 2 3 4 5 Designing, providing, construction, hydraulic testing, commissioning and giving satisfactorily trials of STP consisting of Inlet Chamber, screen chamber, Grit Separator, MMBR / FAB (Based on technologies providing attached growth on plastic meddi kept suspended in the waste water due to low density of plastic & provided with compressed air for aeration with very high MLSS of greater than 15,000 mg/lit.) tank, Secondary Clari settler, Sludge sump, Sludge Thickener, Chlorine Contact Tank, Chlorinator room/Shed, sludge Centrifuge, associated piping work with required valves, gates, drains, pathways, Administration Block cum Laboratory, Laboratory Equipments, spares parts for 2 years of operation, etc. complete as turnkey job with all involved civil, electrical and mechanical works inclusive of following items, units as per detailed specifications for civil, electrical and mechanical components with all duties and taxes etc. complete. Treated sewage can be used for irrigation, horticulture purposes. FOLLOWING UNITS ARE INCLUDED 1. Inlet Chamber Designing, providing and constructing RCC (M:25) inlet chamber designed for the peak flow including necessary excavation in all types of strata including walkway all around the periphery. Each compartment will have CI gates with extension rod. Head stock, operating wheels, GI pipe railing etc. The work includes providing and making necessary arrangements to connect the flow to screen chamber by approach channel as directed and as per specifications. 2. Screen Chamber Designing, providing, constructing, testing and commissioning of screen chamber, designed for peak flow in RCC (M-25), including walkway 1.2 m wide with GI pipe. 3. Grit Separator Designing, providing & constructing detritor type grit removal mechanism in RCC (M-25) capable of removing 100% 0.2 mm size particle & above having specific gravity 2.30 designed for peak flow with suitable arrangement of separation of grit from putrescible solids including providing & making necessary arrangements of J b-1. Inlet & outlet channels of required sizes as make be required to connect the flow to connecting unit etc. complete including hydraulic testing for water tightness of structure having minimum FB of 0.3 m, wash out arrangement to grit chamber & platform 1.2 m wide RCC walkway with GI pipe handling shall be provided. A pit for collecting grit conveyed by conveyor shall be provided. It should be suitable to handle the grit for carting. All arrangements shall be as detailed specifications and as directed. 4. MMBR / FAB Tank Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 Rate ( in Rs.) 2013-2014 1 2 3 4 5 Designing, providing & constructing in RCC (M-25) biological reactor tank for removal of BOD along with nutrient removal to handle the average flow & having hydraulics suitable to handle peak flow conditions with suitable 1.2 m wide walk way, expansion joints as required, including foundation etc as per specifications. The tank shall be equipped with inlet & outlet arrangement, air blowers for supply of air, coarse bubble diffusers & aeration grid in SS 304, PP carrier bio media etc. FB of 0.5 m & SWD as required should be complete as per detailed specifications. 5. Secondary Clarisettler Designing, providing & constructing in RCC (M-25) water tight secondary clarisettler having SWD of 3.75 m +0.5 m FB & has tube media in the clarification zone to provide additional surface area for settling. The settler shall be provided with a scraper mechanism in MS with epoxy painting for collecting the settled solids at the bottom (bottom slope 1:12). The central feed well shall be made of MS with epoxy painting from both faces & well stiffened. The sewage will be admitted in the feed well & then will move outwards towards periphery slowly & continuously over a weir & will be collected in a launder. 6. Chlorine Contact Tank Designing, providing & constructing chlorine contact tank of adequate capacity to deal with average flow. The contact time provided is 30 mm to achieve 99.99 % reduction in coliform during average flow condition. Chlorine dosage will be as per standard provisions including designing, providing & constructing water supply provisi9n for chlorination, including providing dewatering & by pass arrangement for joining to final effluent mains & outlet weir etc complete. The effluent quality should match with the standards laid down by Maharashtra Pollution Control Boars & as per obligatory provision & as detailed specification & as directed by engineer in charge. 7. Chlorinator & Chlorinator Room / Tonner Room Designing, providing & constructing vacuum type chlorinators having adequate capacity for dosage of adequate chlorine to ensure 99.99% coliform reduction as per obligatory provisions detailed specifications with necessary provision of having chlorinator room of adequate size. The chlorinator equipment shall include chlorine cylinders I tonners, piping, valves, measuring controlling equipments, safety devises, lifting equipment etc. complete as per IS 10553 (Part II) 1982. The tonner room should have mm 3 MT capacity crane for loading & unloading facility. Tonner storage should be distinctly isolated and should have min. storage space as per the detailed specifications & as per gas law 1981 & factory act shall be provided. All other matching amenities shall be provided, 5 MT gantry rail shall be provided for full length of tonner room a 6 m Ht from level of tonner room with outlet. 8. Sludge Sump Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 Rate ( in Rs.) 2013-2014 1 2 3 4 5 Designing, providing & constructing of sludge sump and pump for discharging sludge to sludge thickener using MS pipe complete as per detailed specification. 9. SIudge Thickener Designing, providing & constructing water tight of sludge thickener - gravity type in RCC (M-25) with inlet & outlet pipes, central feed well, sludge it & sludge removal arrangement, grouting wherever necessary with walkway all around of 1.20 m with GI pipe railing interconnecting CI pipes all complete as per specifications, having bottom slope 1:8 & 3 m SWD with necessary fixed bridge scraper arrangement as per detailed specifications & necessary inlet & outlet arrangement. All other arrangement as per detailed specifications. 10. Sludge Centrifuge Platform with Centrifuge Designing, providing, constructing & installing including foundation etc. Sludge centrifuge to handle the sludge flow of 1 day in 18 hrs per unit with sludge dewatering unit drain etc complete is per specification. Sludge centrifuge with necessary arrangements as per detailed specification mentioned in tender and obligatory provisions to be provided with satisfactory functioning. 11. Outfall sewer Designing, providing, constructing appropriate outfall sewer of RCC NP2 pipe to discharge treated effluent, untreated effluent from outlet chamber (after basin / chlorination tank) to the local Nallah at the point shown on the drawing including necessary chambers for inspection & cleaning including excavation, dewatering, refilling, concrete encasing I bedding concrete. 12. Pining work in CI- LA class including sluice valves, reflux valves, MS Gates Providing, laying & jointing pipes other than hose already included in the above items for interconnection by pass drains etc. of all units including adequate numbers of manhole chambers. The item includes excavations, refilling & hydraulic testing of pipes, valves, gates, accessories & cost of jointing materials. The item includes required channels with gates or interconnection of units, by pass drains etc. for ill units as directed etc complete as per detailed specifications. 13. Administrative Building cum Laboratory (G+1) Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 Rate ( in Rs.) 2013-2014 1 2 3 4 5 Designing, providing & constructing administrative building, office cum laboratory including stores. This shall be building having appropriate carpet area & ground floor & at first floor complete as per specifications including necessary excavation, foundation in RCC M 20 framed structure, BB masonry (II class in CM 1:6) 20 mm cement plaster in CM 1:3 inside & outside painting, aluminum door & window with glass panels, mosaic tile flooring & skirting & all other allied items, fixtures, fastening, electrification arrangement, water supply arrangement etc complete. The building will have laboratory on upper floor of administrative building & should have complete control of every unit as per laboratory equipment, beautification, telephone & intercom arrangement & wireless system. III PRICE SCHEDULE Capacity of the Plant Area required in Sqm . 1 600 MLD 3 900 MLD 5 1200 MLD 8 2000 MLD 10 2300 MLD 13 2700 MLD 15 3200 MLD 18 3600 MLD 20 3900 MLD 25 4750 MLD NOTES 1 Screen chamber & grit separator up to 5 MLD Capacity are manual type. 2 Up to 5 MLD Capacity STP chlorination is done by using sodium hypochlorite solution. Above 5 MLD capacity gas chlorinator is provided. 3 Sludge thickener is not provided up to 3 MLD capacity STP. Sludge will be collected into sludge sump & pumped directly to sludge dewatering system 4 For all STP sludge dewatering is using solid bowl centrifuge. 5 Chlorinator room not provided for STP up to 3 MLD. For STP up to 3 MLD laboratory I administration building is not provided. Only a room for operator is provided. 6 Boundary wall, fencing, gate, storm water drains, site clearance is not considered in scope. 7 All water retaining structures are in M 30 grade of concrete. 8 Water table is considered 5 m below GL for design. 9 Soil bearing capacity is considered as 20 TIm2 at 1.5 m below GL. 10 Lead for excavation is considered as 0.5 km. 11 Grade of cement used is OPC 43 grade. 12 Grade of steel used is Fe 415. Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 Rate ( in Rs.) 2013-2014 1 2 3 4 5 13 Peak factor considered for design for plants up to 3 MLD is 3, 4 to 15 MLD is 2.5,16 to 20 MLD is 2.0. 14 Chemicals required during trial run & commissioning is not considered. 15 Water & power during construction, trial run & commissioning shall be provided by client. 16 Power available at STP location is assumed as LT power supply. IV MAKES OF EQUIPMENT S.No. Description Make 1 Centrifugal Pumps 2 Screw Pumps 3 Air Blower 4 Dosing Pumps 5 Agitators / Flocculators 6 Clarifier / Thickener Mechanism 7 Screens 8 Grit Separator 9 Chlorinator 10 Chlorine Tonner 11 Solid Bowl Centrifuge 12 Motors 13 Cables 14 MS pipes To be fabricated as per MJ P approved design / make Alfa Laval / Humbolt / Wedag/ Hiller/ Eqv. Toshcon J esco / Banaco / Perfect Chloro / Chlorocontrol / Metito / Eqv. Meenakshi / Eqv. Minimax / Eqv. Pavan / Fibre & Fibre / Ceecons To be fabricated as per MJ P approved design / make Usha / Swam / Kay / Kulkarni / Eqv. Milton Roy / VK Pumps / Positive / Kirloskar / J honson / Kishor / Eqv. Roto / Tushaco / Eqv. Maharashtra Seamless/ Crompton/ Siemens/ Lakshmi Finolex/ Polycab Mahalakshmi Seamless/ To be fabricated as per MJ P approved design / make Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 Rate ( in Rs.) 2013-2014 1 2 3 4 5 15 CI Pipes 16 Valves 17 Clarisettler Media 18 Bio Reactor Carrier Media 4F Cyclic Activated Sludge Process A Designing , providing, constructing, hydraulic testing, commissioning and giving satisfactory trials of STP based on SBR technology consisting of Inlet Chamber, Screen Chamber, Detritus Tanks, Distribution Chamber and Biological CASP Basins, Sludge Sump, Chlorine Contact Tank, Chlorinator Room/Shed, Sludge Centrifuge necessary piping work with required valves, gates, drains, pathways administration Block cum Laboratory, Laboratory Equipments, Tools and Plants, Spare Parts, etc. complete as turnkey job with all involved civil, electrical and mechanical works inclusive of following items, units as per detailed specification for civil, electrical and mechanical components with all duties and taxes etc. complete to achieve BOD <5 ppm, COD <100 ppm, TSS <10 ppm, to get recyclable quality of water for industrial / agricultural purposes. (In Case Cyclic activated sludge plant is designed for N, P outlet parameters shall also include TN <10 ppm, Nh3N <2 ppm and TP <1 ppm)
UNITS INCLUDED 1. Inlet Chamber Designing, providing, and constructing RCC (M:250) inlet chamber for the peak low of 2 DWF including necessary excavation in all types of strata including walkway all around the periphery. Each compartment will have phosphor bronze steel gates with extension rod, head stock, operating wheels. GI pipe railing etc. The work includes providing and making necessary arrangements to connect the flow to screen chamber by approach channel as directed and as per specifications. 2. Screen Chamber Designing, providing, constructing, testing and commissioning of screen chamber, designed for average 1 DWF and maximum peak flow of 2 DWF in RCC (M -250), including inlet pipe / channel from inlet chamber, outlet pipe channel to detritus tank, free board of 0.5 m minimum, RCC walkway 1.2 m wide with GI pipe railing, RCC stair case of 1.2 m width from GL to screen chamber. 3. Detritus Tank Intervalve/ BDK/ Procon/ Tyco/ AV valves/ Eqv. Cooldeck/ Munters As per MJ P approved design / make Suryaroshni/ J indal/ Eqv. Truform/ Electrosteel/ Kejriwal/ Eqv. Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 Rate ( in Rs.) 2013-2014 1 2 3 4 5 Designing, providing and constructing continuous grit removal type of Detritus Tank, mechanically operated in RCC (M 250) capable of removing 100% of 0.2 mm size particle and above, having specific gravity 2.30 designed for one peak 2 DWF with suitable arrangement of separation of grit from putrescible solids. Inlet and outlet channels of required sizes as may be required to connect the flow to connecting unit etc. Complete including hydraulic testing for water tightness of structure having minimum FB of 0.3 m, wash out arrangement to Grit chamber and platform 1.2 m wide RCC walkway with GI pipe handling shall be provided. A pit for collecting grit conveyed by conveyor shall be provided. It should be suitable to handle the grit for carting. All arrangements shall be as detailed specifications and as directed. 4. CASP Basins Designing, providing and constructing in RCC (M:250), CASP basins for biological removal of BOD along with nitrification, denitrification, Bio-P removal in compartments to handle combine flow of 1 DWF incoming flow and recirculation flow including construction of selector compartments and providing 1.2 m wide clear approach walkways, expansion joints wherever necessary, including foundations etc as per specifications. Peak factor shall be 2, F/M ration shall be 0.15, complete with air blowers, fine diffused aeration grid / equipment and FB 0.5 m and SWD as required. DO level in basin to be minimum 2 mg/l complete with "Oxygen Uptake Rate" control system and all related instruments. Stainless steel decanters and automation works. MLSS concentrations shall be 2000-5500 mg/l or more, MLVSS to MLSS ratio to be 0.8. HRT shall be between 12 to 13 hrs and SRT suitable for fully disgested sludge. It should have all other related works as per detailed specification. In Case CASP is designed to achieve N, P removal HRT shall be between 15-18 hrs and SRT shall be suitably provided to achieve N, P removal. 5. Chlorine Contact Tank Designing providing and constructing chlorine contact chamber of adequate capacity to deal with 1 DWF average flow. The chlorine contact tank should be 30 min capacity, during average flow to achieve 99.99% coliform reduction. Chlorine dose shall be maintained as per standard provisions, including designing, providing and constructing water supply provision for chlorination including providing dewatering and by pass arrangement jointing to final effluent mains and outlet weir, etc complete. The effluent quality should match with the standards laid down by Maharashtra water pollution control board and as per obligatory provision and as detailed specification and as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 6. Chlorinator and Chlorinator Room / Tonner Room Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 Rate ( in Rs.) 2013-2014 1 2 3 4 5 Designing, providing and constructing chlorinators vacuum type 2 Nos. with auto switchover facility and having capacity for dosage of adequate chlorine to ensure 99.99% coliform reduction as per obligatory provisions and detailed specifications with necessary provision of having chlorinator room of adequate size. The chlorinator equipment shall include cost of chlorine cylinders / tonner piping, valves, measuring and controlling equipments, safety devices, lifting euipments, etc. complete as per IS-10553 (part II) 1982. The tonner room should have minimum 3 MTcapacity Hoist for loading and unloading facility. Tonner storage should be distinctly isolated and should be for minimum storage space as directed in the design specification and as per gas laws 1981 and factory act shall be provided. All other matching amenities shall be provided, 5 MT gantry rail shall be provided for full length of tonner room at 6 m height from level of tonner room, with outlet chamber and treated effluent outlet channel etc. complete as per detailed specification. 7. Sludge Sump Designing, providing and constructing of sludge sump and pump house of appropriate size with pumps, ceiling height minimum 6 m over sump for discharging sludge to centrifuge using CI pipe complete as per detailed specification. 8. Sludge Centrifuge Platform with Centrifuges Designing, providing, constructing and installing including foundation etc., sludge centrifuge to handle the sludge flow of 1 day in 20 hours per unit with sludge dewatering unit drain etc complete as per specification. Sludge centrifuges with the necessary arrangement, as per detailed specification mentioned in tender and obligatory provisions to be provided with satisfactory functioning. 9. OutfaIl Sewer Designing, providing and constructing appropriate outfall sewer of RCC NP2 pipe, to discharge treated effluent from outlet chamber after chlorination tank to the local Nallah at the point shown on the drawing including necessary chamber for inspection and cleaning including necessary excavation, dewatering, refilling concrete encasing / bedding concrete steps to reach the nallah bed level, pitching and energy dissipation chamber in nallah portion etc. complete upto 50 m length RCC NP2 pipe line and including all above items. 10. Piping work in CI-LA Class including Sluice valves, Reflux Valves, MS gates Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 Rate ( in Rs.) 2013-2014 1 2 3 4 5 Providing laying and jointing pipes other than those already included in the above items for interconnection by - pass drains etc. of all units including adequate numbers of manhole chambers. The item includes excavations, refilling and hydraulic testing of pipes, valves, gates, accessories and cost of jointing materials. The items includes required channels with gates for interconnection of units by pass drains etc for all units as directed etc complete as per detailed specifications. 11. Administrative Building cum Laboratory (G+1) Designing, providing and constructing administrative building, office cum laboratory including stores. This shall be a building having appropriate carpet area and ground floor and at first floor complete as per specifications including necessary excavation, foundation in RCC M 200 framed structure B. B masonry (11- class in C.M. 1:6) 20 mm cement plaster in CM 1:3 inside and outside painting. Aluminium door and window with glass panels, mosaic tile flooring and skirting and all other allied items, fixtures fastening electrification arrangement water supply arrangement etc complete. The building will have laboratory on upper floor of administrative building and should be so centralized that it should not be attached with any unit but should have complete control of every unit as per laboratory euipment, beautification, telephone and intercom arrangement and wireless system. Capacity in MLD Area required No. of Basins 1 0.50 2 MLD 2 0.6 2 MLD 5 0.65 2 MLD 10 0.7 2 MLD 15 0.75 2 MLD 20 0.80 4 MLD 25 1.00 4 MLD 30 1.20 4 MLD 40 1.60 4 MLD 50 1.75 4 MLD 60 1.90 4 MLD 75 2.25 4 MLD 100 2.40 6 MLD 125 3.00 6 MLD 150 3.50 6 MLD NOTES a These Rates are for Civil Works, in M30 grade RCC. b Water Table is considered at 5 m below ground level. c Soil bearing capacity considered as 20 T/m at 1.5 m below ground level. Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 Rate ( in Rs.) 2013-2014 1 2 3 4 5 d OPC has been considered for costing purposes. e All civil items, electrical, piping, valves, pumps, motors, blowers, etc. are considered as per MJ P Schedule of Rates. f I. No.1,2 includes sludge drying beds instead of sludge centrifuge and DWPE dosing system. g I. No.1,2,3 includes NaOCI Dosing System instead of Gas Chlorination. h I. No.1,2,3 do not includes Lab and Lab Equipments. Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 Rate ( in Rs.) 2013-2014 1 Designing (aesthetically), and constructing RCC ground service reservoirs / RCC sumps in M-300 mix. of required capacity including excavation in all types of strata, foundation concrete, container walls, bottom slab top RCC roof slab / or dome, 20 mm thick cement plaster with water proofing compound in CM 1:3 proportion. to inside face of the container, including epoxy paint from inside including refilling and disposing of surplus stuff within lead of 50 M, all labour and material charges, for laying and jointing of pipe assembly for inlet, outlet washout, over flow and bye-pass arrangement consisting of C.I./ M.S. D/F. pipes, specials and valves of given diameters. providing and fixing accessories such as M.S. ladder inside and outside, C.I. Manhole frame and cover, at top slab, B.B. masonry chamber for all valves, ventilating shafts, including giving satisfactory hydraulic test and water tightness test as per IS code and providing three coat of cement paints to all expose surface of structure including roof surface etc. complete as per design data, criteria, obligatory requirements and detailed specifications.Anti-termite treatment shall be given for underground portion of the structure. Note:- 1. The designing shall be in accordance with various relevant I.S. specification ( I.S. 456/2000, I.S. 875- 1987, I.S. 3370-1965 or revised 2. Only M.S bars grade I confirming to I.S. 432 Part_I or high yield strength deformed bars confirming to I.S. 1786 or I.S. 1139 shall be used grade II M.S. bars shall not be used 3) Entire structure shall be in M-300 only. 4) The scope of pipe assembly work shall be upto 5 Meter beyond outside face of the wall, cost of pipes valves and specials is not included in the rate but labour cost for laying and jointing is included 5) The G.S.R./ Sump above 15 lakh liter capcity shall be in two compartment 6) The job includes designing the structure for uplift pressure and dewatering if require duing entire execution and disposal of surplus excavated stuff with in lead of 50 Meters as directed by Engineer-in- charge. If up lifts considered in design then these rate shall be increased by 7.5% 7) G.S.R. outlets shall be with bell mouth of approved pattern in bottom slab and cost of designing bell mouth is included in the rate Sump well includes cost of suction pit required at bottom. 8. For pipes diameters upto 300mmonly CI pipes and CI specials shall be used. For pipe diameters above 300mmM.S. pipes and specials of thickness minimum10mm shall be used withproper anticorrosive epoxy treatement from inside and outside 9) Cost of pump house is not included in these rates. 10) Above rates are applicable for seismic zones- 2,3, and 4 11) 75% part rate shall be payable for reinforcement, concrete and plastering items of all types of G.S.R's and sumps till satisfactory hydraulic testing for water tightness test is given ; and till that work shall be treated as incomplete. Section - I - ( XVIII ) - R.C.C. G.S.Rs and Sumps Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 Rate ( in Rs.) 2013-2014 Note:-1) Condition from Sr.No.1 to 11 shall form a part and parcel of tender and must be included in the Draft tender papers for work of RCC GSRs and sump. 2) 10 % payment shall be added over the cost of GSR for sump where overhead pumphouse is proposed. Rates for RCC GSRs or sumps. Capacity in litre Unit 1 Upto 25,000 Litre Per Lit 12.26 2 Cost of 25,000 Capacity 306500.00 3 Add for capacity 25,000 to 50,000 Litre Per Lit 7.13 4 Cost of 50,000 Capacity 484750.00 5 Add for capacity 50,000 to 75,000 Litre Per Lit 5.94 6 Cost of 75,000 Capacity 633250.00 7 Add for capacity 75,000 to 1,00,000 Litre Per Lit 5.35 8 Cost of 1,00,000 Capacity 767000.00 9 Add for capacity 1,00,000 to 1,50,000 Litre Per Lit 5.04 10 Cost of 1,50,000 Capacity 1019000.00 11 Add for capacity 1,50,000 to 2,00,000 Litre Per Lit 4.75 12 Cost of 2,00,000 Capacity 1256500.00 13 Add for capacity 2,00,000 to 3,00,000 Litre Per Lit 4.16 14 Cost of 3,00,000 Capacity 1672500.00 15 Add for capacity 3,00,000 to 5,00,000 Litre Per Lit 3.56 16 Cost of 5,00,000 Capacity 2384500.00 17 Add for capacity 5,00,000 to 10,00,000 Litre Per Lit 2.97 18 Cost of 10,00,000 Capacity 3869500.00 19 Add for capacity 10,00,000 to 15,00,000 Litre Per Lit 2.38 20 Cost of 15,00,000 Capacity 5059500.00 21 Add for capacity avove 15,00,000 Litre Per Lit 1.78 Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 Rate ( in Rs.) 2013-2014 1 Designing (aesthetically), and constructing RCC elevated service reservoirs of following capacity with RCC staging consisting of columns, internal and external bracings spaced vertically not more than 4.5 meters centre to centre for E.S.R. having capacity 500 m 3 & not more than 6 m c/c for E.S.R.having capacity above 500 m 3 including excavation in all types of strata, foundation concret, cement plaster with water proofing compound to the inside face of the container including refilling disposing of the surplus stuff within a lead of 50 meters, all labour and material charges including lowering, laying, erecting, hoisting and jointing of pipe assembly of inlet, outlet, washout, overflow and bypass arrangements as per departmental design. providing and fixing accessories such as M.S. ladder, C. I. manhole frame and covers water level indicatiors, lightening conductor, G. I. pipe railing around walk way and top slab, providing spiral staire case fromground level to roof level, M.S.Grill gate of 2 Mtrs height with locking arrangement, B.B. masonry chambers for all valves, ventilating shafts, providing and applying three coats of cement paint to the structure including roof slab and epoxy paint to internal surface & anti-termite treatment for underground parts of the structures and giving satisfactory water tightness test as per I.S. code, The job to include painting the name of the scheme and other details on the reservoir as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge. Notes: 1. The design of the structure be in accordance with relevent (I.S.3370 - 1965 or revised) 2. The design shall satisfy the stipulation as per IS 1893-1984 and I.S. 13920/1993 for seismic focrce and I.S.- 11682/1985 for R.C.C. staging of overhead tanks. 3. For design having more than 6 columns, Providing of internal bracing is obligatory,. External bracking is also obligatory. 4.. The entire structure shall be in M 300 mix only. 5. Plain round mild steel bars grade - I confirming to I.S,432 Part-I or high yield strengh deformed bars confirming to I.S. 1786 or I.S. 1139 shall be used, grade-II mild steel bars will not be allowed. 6. Irrespective of the type of foundation proposed in the design, one set of bracing be provided at the gound level. 7. These rates include providing, M.S. ladder for E.S.R's upto 2 lakhs liters capacity and providing sprial staircase for E.S.R. above 2 lakhs liters capacity. 8. Stagging shall have to be designed with stresses of M-200 for ESR. However all RCC construction should be done in M-250 9. These rates are including the cost of uplift pressure if any and entire dewatering during execution. In case of water logging area where water is struck at shallow depth extra provision of dewatering shall be made as per site condition. 10. All condition given in the Member Secretary"s Circular No.MJ P/TS-I/350/1668 dt. 2.8.97 and MJ P/S-I/350/2127 dt. 13.7.99 shall be strictly followed and additional cost, if any due to these conditions is included in the rates mentioned below. Section - I - ( XIX ) - R.C.C. E.S.Rs Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 Rate ( in Rs.) 2013-2014 11.. 75% part rate shall be payable for reinforced cocnrete and plastering items of containers of E.S.R. till satisfactory hydraulic testing for water tightness is given ; and till that work shall be treated as incomplete. 12. The rates indicated in the table are excluding the cost of pipes, specials and valves required for inlet, outlet washout overflowand by- pass arrangement. The scope of work, however inclueds cost of erecting, laying and jointing of pipes and valvews including cost of jointing materials upto 5M beyond outer face of outermost column. 13. For ESR upto 500cumcapacity C.I.D. double flanged pipes upto 300mmdia shall be provided and C.I.Specials shall be used.For ESR above 500 cum capacity C.I./M.S. pipes assembly with minimum 8mm thick ness up to 500mm dia. And minimum 10mm thickness above 500mm dia can be used with proper anti-corrosive epoxy teratment from inside and outside. 14. Belowmentioned rates are for foundation, with individuals footing with bearing capacity of 30 tonnes per square metre. For raft foundations, these rates shall be increased by 7.5% wheresafebearing capacity ( SBC) is 5 M.T. per Sq.m and by 5% where SBC is more than 5 MT/Sqm. and upto 10MT/Sq.m. This percentage of 5% or 7,5% is applicable for estimation of amount of L.S. items ESR for Extra itemdue to change fromindividual footing foundation to raft actual increase in concrete and steel quantities be paid as per relevent DSR Item. 15. The rates shall be increase by 30% for brearing piles upto depth of 10m and for further increased in depth by 5M each it shall be increased by another 10% These rates are applicable where raft is not reasible for pile foundation sulfate resistant cement shall only be used. Single pile for the column is not permitted Group of piles shall be designed with pile cap for each column of ESR. 16. These rates are applicable for staging height of 12 M These rates shall be increased or decreased for per metre variation in the staging height as below 12 to 16 M staging 2% per metre 16 to 20m staging 3% per meter 20 M and abovd - 4% per metre I.e. for 17m stagging height percentage calculation will be like below 12 to16m =4 x 2 =8% 16 to 17 m x 1 x 3 =3% Total =11 % For 21 m stagging height Percentage calculation will be like below 12 to 16m =4 x 2 =8% 16 to 20m =4 x 3 =12% 20 to 21m =1 x 4 =4% Total =24% 17. Following rates are for seismic zone-III for Zone-IV these rates shall be increased by 5% and for Zone-II, these rates shall be decreased by 5% concerned Executive Engineer shall confirm the seismic zone for the scheme from seismic zones plan before estimation and adopt appropriate rates as per actual seismic zones( Seismic maps attached in this C.S.R.) Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 Rate ( in Rs.) 2013-2014 Note:- 1) Conditin fromSr.No.1 to 11 shall forma part and parcel of the tender papers and shall be included in the DTP for works of R.C.C.E.S.R. Note:- 2) Condition fromSr.No.12 to 17 are for estimation purpose only and shall not be appear in the tender. Capacity in litres Unit for Seismic Zone- III Rate in Rs. 1 upto 25,000 litre Litre 23.76 2 Cost of 25,000 Litre capacity E.S.R. ------ 594000.00 3 Add for capacity above 25,000 upto 50,000 litre Litre 13.07 4 Cost of 50,000 Litre capacity E.S.R. ------ 920750.00 5 Add for capacity above 50,000 upto 75,000 litre Litre 9.50 6 Cost of 75,000 Litre capacity E.S.R. ------ 1158250.00 7 Add for capacity above 75,000 upto 1,00,000 litre Litre 8.32 8 Cost of 1,00,000 Litre capacity E.S.R. ------ 1366250.00 9 Add for capacity above 1,00,000 upto 1,50,000 litre Litre 7.13 10 Cost of 1,50,000 Litre capacity E.S.R. ------ 1722750.00 11 Add for capacity above 1,50,000 upto 2,00,000 litre Litre 5.94 12 Cost of 2,00,000 Litre capacity E.S.R. ------ 2019750.00 13 Add for capacity above 2,00,000 upto 2,50,000 litre Litre 5.64 14 Cost of 2,50,000 Litre capacity E.S.R. ------ 2301750.00 15 Add for capacity above 2,50,000 upto 3,00,000 litre Litre 5.35 16 Cost of 3,00,000 Litre capacity E.S.R. ------ 2569250.00 17 Add for capacity above 3,00,000 upto 4,00,000 litre Litre 5.04 18 Cost of 4,00,000 Litre capacity E.S.R. ------ 3073250.00 19 Add for capacity above 4,00,000 upto 5,00,000 litre Litre 4.75 20 Cost of 5,00,000 Litre capacity E.S.R. ------ 3548250.00 21 Add for capacity above 5,00,000 upto 7,50,000 litre Litre 4.45 22 Cost of 7,50,000 Litre capacity E.S.R. ------ 4660750.00 23 Add for capacity above 7,50,000 upto 10,00,000 litre Litre 4.16 24 Cost of 10,00,000 Litre capacity E.S.R. ------ 5700750.00 25 Add for capacity above 10,00,000 upto 15,00,000 litre Litre 3.86 26 Cost of 15,00,000 Litre capacity E.S.R. ------ 7630750.00 27 Add for capacity above 15,00,000 upto 20,00,000 litre Litre 3.56 28 Cost of 20,00,000 Litres capacity E.S.R. ------ 9410750.00 Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 Rate ( in Rs.) 2013-2014 1 Providing and constructing B.B. masonry valve chamber with 15 cm thick 1:3:6 proportion PCC bedding, excluding excavation, B.B. masonry in C.M. 1:5 Proportion precast RCC frame and cover, etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. Note: Wall thickness : 0.23 M for depth of 1.2 M and 0.35 M for balance depth exceeding 1.2 M ) Valve Chamber with Precast R.C.C. covers. A. As above of 60 x 45 cm internal size and depth upto 0.9M . No 4227.00 a). Add for every increase of depth of 30cm or part thereof. 30cm depth 893.00 B. As above of 90 x 45 cm internal size and depth upto 1.2M . No 6232.00 a). Add for every increase of depth of 30cm or part thereof. 30cm depth 1069.00 C. As above of 90 x 60 cm internal size and depth upto 1.2M . No 6779.00 a). Add for every increase of depth of 30cm or part thereof. 30cm depth 1157.00 D. As above of 90 x 90 cm internal size and depth upto 1.2M . No 8129.00 a). Add for every increase of depth of 30cm or part thereof. 30cm depth 1337.00 E As above of 90cminternal dia size & depthupto No 6145.00 1.2 M with precastRCC slab cover a). Add for everyincrease of depth of30cm or part 30cm depth 1038.00 thereof. F. As above of 1.2 x 1.2 M internal size and depth upto 1.2M . No 10922.00 a). Add for every increase of depth of 30cm or part thereof. 30cm depth 1699.00 G. As above of 1.5 x 1.5M internal size and depth upto 1.5M . No 15961.00 a). Add for every increase of depth of 30cm or part thereof. 30cm depth 2100.00 2 Providing and constructing B.B. masonry valve chamber with 15 cm thick 1:3:6 proportion PCC bedding, excluding excavation, B.B. masonry in C.M. 1:5 proportion 12 mmthick cement plaster in cm1:4 proportion on both sides with providing and fixing C.I. manhole frame and cover in RCC 1:2:4 coping or RCC 1:2:4 proportion 15 cmthick slab,etc.complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. (Note : Wall thickness : 0.23 M for depth of 1.2 M and 0.35 M for balance depth exceeding 1.2 M) Valve Chamber with Cast iron frame & covers. A. As above of 60x45 cminternal size and depth upto 0.9 Mwith 60 x45 cm size CI manhole frame and cover of 40 kg No 7182.00 a). Add for every increase in depth of 30cm or part thereof 30cm depth 893.00 B. As above of 90x45 cminternal size and depth upto 1.2 Mwith 90 x45 cm size CI manhole frame and cover of 40 kg No 9048.00 a). Add for every increase in depth of 30cm or part thereof 30cm depth 1069.00 C. As above of 90x60 cminternal size and depth upto 1.2 Mwith 90 x60 cm size CI manhole frame and cover of 50 kg No 10392.00 a). Add for every increase in depth of 30cm or part thereof 30cm depth 1157.00 D. As above of 90x90 cminternal size and depth upto 1.2 M with 53 cm dia CI manhole frame and cover of 90 kg fixed in R.C.C. Slab No 14694.00 a). Add for every increase in depth of 30cm or part thereof 30cm depth 1337.00 E. As above of 1.2 x 1.2M internal size and depth upto 1.2 M with 53 cm dia CI manhole frame and cover of 90 kg fixed in R.C.C. Slab No 16985.00 a). Add for every increase in depth of 30cm or part thereof 30cm depth 1699.00 Section - I - ( XX ) - Chambers, Manholes and Drainage Drops Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 Rate ( in Rs.) 2013-2014 F. As above of 1.5 x 1.5 M internal size and depth upto 1.5 M with 53 cm dia CI manhole frame and cover of 90 kg fixed in R.C.C. Slab No 21509.00 a). Add for every increase in depth of 30cm or part thereof 30cm depth 2100.00 3 (Note : Wall thickness : 0.23 M for depth of 1.2 M and 0.35 M for balance depth exceeding 1.2 M) Valve Chamber with Precast steel fibre reinforced concrete ( S.F.R.C.) frame & covers. As above of 60x45 cm internal size and depth upto 0.9 M . No 6214.00 A. a). Add for every increase in depth of 30cm or part thereof 30cm depth 893.00 As above of 90x45 cm internal size and depth upto 1.2 M . No 8755.00 B. a). Add for every increase in depth of 30cm or part thereof 30cm depth 1068.00 As above of 90x60 cm internal size and depth upto 1.2 M . No 9518.00 C. a). Add for every increase in depth of 30cm or part thereof 30cm depth 1157.00 As above of 90x90 cm internal size and depth upto 1.2 M . No 11424.00 D. a). Add for every increase in depth of 30cm or part thereof 30cm depth 1337.00 As above of 1.2 x 1.2M internal size and depth upto 1.2 M with S.F.R.C. frame and cover of size 540 mm dia fixed in R.C.C. Slab No 14150.00 E. a). Add for every increase in depth of 30cm or part thereof 30cm depth 1700.00 As above of 1.5 x 1.5 M internal size and depth upto 1.2 M with S.F.R.C. frame and cover of size 540 mm dia fixed in R.C.C. Slab No 18944.00 F. a).Add for every increase in depth of 30cm or part thereof 2100.00 4 Providing and fixing in position M.S. Air valve boxes fabricated with 2 mmthick M.S. plate, 30 x 30 x3 mmsize M.S. angle frame, concre- ting in M-150 for fixing the box in position,applying two coats of oil paint, painting chainage, locking arrangement, etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 30cm depth a) For single ball air valve No 1935.00 b) For Double ball air valve No 2714.00 5 Providing and fixing C.I. road box including loading, unloading and carting to site of work including all necessary excavation in all types of strata and fixing in murum packing, etc. complete. a) 100 mm x 225 mm (20 kg) No 1426.00 b) 225 mm x 300 mm (40 kg) No 2665.00 6 Providing and constructing on sewer, B.B. masonry circular manhole concentric cone 1.2 M dia. at bottomand 0.5 M dia. at top and upto a depth of 2.00 M with 23 cmbrick work in CM 1:4 proportion excluding excavation including foundation concrete 250 mm thick and haunches and channels in c.c.1:2:4 proportion, finishing channels in smooth rendering, providing C.I. dapuri type steps each weighing 5.5 kg., 1:2:4 coping and providing and fixing approved make and quality S.F.R.C. frame and cover of 56 cm.dia. etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. No 18014.00 a) Rebate for every decrease in depth of 50 cm or part thereof 50cm depth 2332.00 Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 Rate ( in Rs.) 2013-2014 7 Providing and constructing on sewer, B.B. masonry circular manhole concentric cone 1.5 M dia. at bottomand 0.5 M dia. at top and upto a depth of 5.00 M with 23 cmbrick work up to depth of 2 M fromtop and 35 cmthick brick work for balance depth in CM 1:4 proportion with 20 mmthick smooth plaster on both side in cm1:2 proportion excluding excavation including foundation concrete 250 mmthick and haunches and channels in c.c.1:2:4 proportion, finishing channels in smooth rendering, providing C.I. dapuri type steps each weighting 5.5 kg., 1:2:4 coping and providing and fixing approved make and quality S.F.R.C. frame and cover of 56 cm.dia. etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. No 48924.00 a) Rebate for every decrease in depth of 50 cm or part thereof 50cm depth 4849.00 8 Providing and constructing on sewer, B.B. masonry circular manhole with concentric cone 1.5 M dia. at bottomand 0.5 M dia. at top and upto a depth of 9.00 M with 23 cmbrick work, upto depth of 2 M from top and 35 cmthick brick work for depth of 2 M and 45 cmthick brick work for remaining depth upto 9 M in CM 1:4 proporpion with 20 mm thick smooth plaster on both sides in CM 1:2 proportion excluding excavation, including foundation concrete 250 mm thick and haunches and channels in c.c.1:2:4 proportion, finishing channels in smooth rendering, providing C.I. dapuri type steps each weighing 5.5 kg., 1:2:4 coping and providing and fixing approved make and quality S.F.R.C. frame and cover of 56 cm.dia. etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. No 103601.00 a) Rebate for every decrease in depth of 50 cm or part thereof 50cm depth 6130.00 9 "Providing and constructing B.B. masonry circular manhole without conical shape excluding excavation, RCC 1:2:4 proportion, 20 cm bedding brick masonry in CM 1:4 proportion,23 cm thick for 2 M depth from top35 cm thick for 2 M below it and 45 cm thick for balance depth, RCC slab at top and at 2 M depth from top for supporting brick masonry above it, plastering with smooth finish in CM 1:2 proportion C.C.1:2:4 finishing channels in smooth rendering, providing C.I. dapuri type steps each weighing 5.5 kg., providing and fixing S.F.R.C. frame and cover of 56 cm.dia. at top including cost of all materials and labour, etc.complete. A. 1.00 M dia x 2 M Depth No 15629.00 a).Rebate for every decrease in depth of 50 cm or part thereof 50cm depth 2226.00 B. 1.00 M dia x 3 M Depth No 23721.00 a).Rebate for every decrease in depth of 50 cm or part thereof 50cm depth 3437.00 C. 1.00 M dia x 4.5 M Depth No 36503.00 a).Rebate for every decrease in depth of 50 cm or part thereof 50cm depth 4324.00 D. 1.50 M dia x 2 M Depth No 24355.00 a).Rebate for every decrease in depth of 50 cm or part thereof 50cm depth 2972.00 E. 1.50 M dia x 3 M Depth No 31852.00 a).Rebate for every decrease in depth of 50 cm or part thereof 50cm depth 4474.00 F. 1.50 M dia x 4.5 M Depth No 48440.00 a).Rebate for every decrease in depth of 50 cm or part thereof 50cm depth 5608.00 Drainage Drops Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 Rate ( in Rs.) 2013-2014 10 Providing 150 mm dia S.W. or R.C.C.pipes in vertical drop arrangement including providing 150 mm dia S.W.and R.C.C. pipe fixed in B.B. masonry of manhole at the required level including providing 150 mm dia double tee ,150 mm dia right angled bend, encasing in B.B. masonry 1:4 proportion all around the pipe,double tee, bend upto the foundation of manhole, jointing, cutting, filleting including neat cement rendering, plugging the opening with jungle wood knob complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge (0.60M depth) excluding cost of chamber. No 1792.00 a). Extra for every 0.5 M depth beyond initial depth of o.60 M 50cm depth 610.00 11 As above but for 200 mm dia. Pipes & depth 0.60 M No 2346.00 a). Extra for every 0.5 M depth beyond initial depth of o.60 M 50cm depth 730.00 12 As above but for 250 mm dia. Pipes & depth 0.60 M No 2796.00 a). Extra for every 0.5 M depth beyond initial depth of o.60 M 50cm depth 907.00 13 As above but for 300 mm dia. Pipes & depth 0.60 M No 3396.00 a). Extra for every 0.5 M depth beyond initial depth of o.60 M 50cm depth 988.00 14 As above but for 400 mm dia. Pipes & depth 0.60 M No 4768.00 a). Extra for every 0.5 M depth beyond initial depth of o.60 M 50cm depth 1461.00 15 As above but for 500 mm dia. Pipes & depth 0.60 M No 6454.00 a). Extra for every 0.5 M depth beyond initial depth of o.60 M 50cm depth 1778.00 16 As above but for 600 mm dia. Pipes & depth 0.60 M No 8396.00 a). Extra for every 0.5 M depth beyond initial depth of o.60 M 50cm depth 1961.00 17 Providing and fixing in position steel fibre reinforced concrete (S.F.R.C.) frame and covers of approved make including loading, unloading, transportation, all taxes, etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge (20 tonnes capacity) a) 540 mm dia No 2632.00 b) 560 mm dia No 3271.00 c) 90 x 45 cm size No 2632.00 d) 90 x 60 cm size No 2853.00 e) 60 x 60 cm size No 2606.00 f) 60 x 45 cm size No 2258.00 Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 Rate ( in Rs.) 2013-2014 1 Providing, constructing coffer damin river basin / damstorages as per type design including excavation, filling the middle portion with B. C. soil (in gunny bags if required). Providing impervious / semipervious materials on both side of B.C. soil (in gunnybags if required) including ramming, compacting to the satisfaction of Engneer-in-charge, till the completion of work including dismantling coffer damafter completion of works and disposing off the material as directed by the Engineer-in- charge. Cu.m 499.00 Note: Pay line maximum - Top width payble shall be 2 mtr. and maximum payble side slopes shall be 1.5 Horizontal to 1 Vertical, if the constructed top width of the side slopes are less, then the measurements at actual are payble. Extra top width or flatter slopes are not payble. Contractor is free to use ballies, plastic sheets, piles, pipes, C.G.I. sheets for supporting hearting materials instead of impervious/ semipervious hearting materials for which no extra payments shall be payble. 30% payment shall be withheld for dismentaling of coffer dam. this foot note shall appear in tender condition. ( Type section is shown on last page of type design section of CSR. ) 2 Providing and fabricating at work shop, carting to site of work, including transport, loading, unloading, hoisting, lowering and setting out at actual site of well, sinking M.S. plate cutting edge. for R.C.C. well curb consisiting of 350 mmM.S. plate, 10 mmthick, champhering at bottom. Cutting edge should be provided in pieces not less than 2 M in length. Each joint should be plain from outside and jointed by gusset plate 400 x 200 x 12 mmthick M. S. plate with 12 nos. of 20 mm dia. crushank headed bolts (gusset plates from inside) with unequal angle of 90 x 60 x 10 mm should be welded from top of chamfered portion at 14mmfrombottomso that 15mmside should be in contact with cutting edge with overlap of 300 mmjoints. 16 mmdia bar should be weldedto M.S. plate 200 mmbelowthe top surface and length should be 1.8 M above plate with a bend 300 mmfromplate surface including 3 coats of anticorrosive paint as directed by Engineer-in-chage. Kg 82.00 3 Providing and filling puddle (selected good impervious clay) in Kolhapur type weirs in proper layers of 15 cm including watering, ramming and compaction, etc. complete with all leads and lifts. Cu.m 229 4 Providing and filling around the well boulders filling of selected variety and size of boulders including cost of all materials, labour, transportation, etc. complete with all leads and lifts. Cu.m 683.00 5 Providing, and fixing 80 mmdia A.C./P.V.C. pipe weep holes at 1.5 M c/c staggered including cost of all materials and labour involved with all leads and lifts.etc. complete with all leads and lifts. RMT 175.00 6 Providing and fixing M.S. chaquerred plate flooring of following thickness supported on M.S.angles (25 x 25 x 5 mmsize) including welding, cutting and fabricating the plate to the required square or rounding shape, making holes in the plate, including providing and applying 3 coats of anticorrosive paint, etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. Section - I(XXI) : Well Sinking and River Infiltration Works Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 Rate ( in Rs.) 2013-2014 a) 6 mm thick Sq.m 3623.00 b) 8 mm thick Sq.m 4633.00 7 Providing at site of works ISI standard RCC slotted pipes of NP-3 class including cost of all central and local taxes, octroi, inspection, transportation, etc. complete including cost of RCC collar, etc. complete. a) 450 mm dia RMT 3294.00 b) 600 mm dia RMT 5108.00 8 Lowering, laying and jointing RCC slotted pipes of following diameters including all leads and lifts, cost of jointing material, labour, etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. a) 450 mm dia RMT 178.00 b) 600 mm dia RMT 238.00 9 Providing, lowering, laying and placing in position, shrouding material for porous pipe gallery / slotted pipe gallery/ trench gallery with all leads and lifts involved including transportation of materials to site of works, screening and washing of materials and placing in position with given section, etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. a) 40 mm pebbles Cu.m 1129.00 b) 12 mm to 20 mm pebbles Cu.m 1366.00 c) 6 mm to 12 mm pebbles Cu.m 1557.00 d) Sand less than 6 mm Cu.m 772.00 10 Providing and fixing in position C.I. Type dapuri steps of 22 mmdia. M.S. bar step with proper anchorage, etc. and providing and applying 3 coats of ant-corrosive paint, etc complete as directed byEngineer-in- charge. No 300.00 11 Providing and fixing M.S. sluice gates in position as per detailed drawing and specification including cost of all materials, labour, operating pedestal, connecting rod, painting with three coats of anti- corrosive paint, etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. Kg 91.00 12 Providing and fixing in position C.I. /M.S. rose pieces in intake wells including cost of all materials and labour, painting with three coats of anti-corrosive oil paint, etc.complete as directed by Engineer-in- charge. Kg 90.00 Note : This type of pipe anchorage shall be provided at 30 M centre to centre on alternate side of pipeline for full width of nalla or river. 13 Prvoding and spreading around the well 1 mm thick polyethylene sheet complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. Sq.m 20.35 14 Dewatering charges for estimation purpose for head works in river basin or dam a) Approach channel RMT 5203.00 b) Intake well of 3 M dia No 69391.00 c) Inspection well of 2 M dia No 44681.00 d) Connecting main RMT 4170.00 e) J ack well of 6 M dia No 208161.00 Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 Rate ( in Rs.) 2013-2014 f) Approach Bridge RMT 701.00 NOTE:- 1. The contractor at his request may be allowed to start construction of masonary staining so as not to allow silting of well in coming mansoon and while paying masonary 25% amount shall be witheheld and released only when excavation to the full depth is completed. 2. Dewatering :- Total dewatering charges are to be proposed in the tender as lump sum amount and 75% is payble for excavation and 25%is payble for construction of well/ gallery out of 75%excavation , breakup shall be as under 25% for last 1 M depth 20% for 2 M depth which just above last 1 M depth 15% for 2 M depth which just above last 3 M depth 15% for the rest of depth from water table level 3. The provision made for dewatering in the tender being on lumpsum basis the same shall have reduced / increased proporpotionatly as the lenght of approach channel , connecting main or approach bridge reduced/ increased during actual exeuction Condition No.1 and 2 shall appear in tender condition 15 Carrying out recuperation / yeild test for ascerting the discharge of constructed well / excavated profile as direrted by Engineer in charge.The test carried out by drawing down water from the well/ profile below normal / subsoil water level upto full depth rise in water level is recorded. The normal water level / subsoil water level in the well / profile as well as strainer / suction level at pump as per design of W.S. scheme shall be recorded prior. to the test including cost of all materials.overhead,labours etc. completed as directed. The test shall be carried out as per technical circular No.2597 dt. 20/11/97 and shall be carried out for 7 days. Lph more than 25,000 Day 2720.00 Lph less than 25,000 Day 2705.00 Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 Rate ( in Rs.) 2013-2014 1 Providing and fixing in position copper lightening conductor including copper rod of 20 mm dia as per upper terminal 1.5 M long with a knob at end and with conical spike at top, copper tape conductor 20 x 3 mmsize, copper earth plate of 3 mmthick and 0.81 sqm. in area, clamps at 1 M centre to centre including, necessary excavation, laying and fixing the conductor, providing and fixing 40 mmG.I pipe upto 3 M height from ground and 0.5 M below ground including making all connections, filling the earthing pit with charcoal, salt, etc. and refilling and watering, etc. complete as per specifications laid down in relevent I.S. codes. i ) For Tape of 10M length No 10464.00 ii) Rebate / Extra rate per metre length or part thereof over and above initial length of 10M Mtr 276.00 2 Providing and fixing in position copper lightening conductor including copper rod of 20 mmdia as per upper terminal 1.5M long with a knob at end and with conical spike at top, aluminiumtape conductor 20 x 3 mm size copper earth plate of 3 mm thick and 0.81 sqm. in area, clamps at 1 M centre to centre including, necessary excavation, laying and fixing the conductor, providing & fixing 40 mm G.I pipe upto 3 M height from ground and 0.5 M below ground including making all connections, filling the earthing pit with charcoal, salt, etc. and refilling and watering, etc. complete as per specifications laid down in relevent I.S. codes. i ) For Tape of 10M length No 9331.00 ii) Rebate / Extra rate per metre length or part thereof over and above initial length of 10M Mtr 117.00 3 Providing, hoisting and fixing in position inverted J type 100 mmdia. C.I. cowl type ventilators with mosquitoproof aluminiummesh at top including applying 2 coats of anti-corrosive paint, etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge, weighing not less than 35 kg. No 1725.00 4 Providing, hoisting and fixing in position C.I. manhole, frame and cover of best quality and of required size and shape with locking arrangements including applying 2 coats of anti-corrosive paint, etc. complete i ) 90 x 60 cm size and weight 35 kg No 2660.00 ii) Rate on weight basis for any size and type of frame and cover Kg 76.00 5 Providing and fixing in position M.S. ladder 0.50 M wide consisting of 75 x 10 mm M.S. flats as stringers and 16 mm dia M.S. bars in double rows as steps placed at 25 cmc/c including cost of material and labour involved, welding, anchoring and applying 3 coat of anti- corrosive paint, etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. RMT 1400.00 6 Providing and applying epoxy paint of approved make (Shalimar, Ciba or Mahindra & Mahindra) to concrete surface of RCC ESR or GSR or any other structure including cleaning the surface by scrapping and air blowers to the satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge, necessary scaffolding, etc complete with all leads and lifts and giving satisfactory hydraulic test for water tightness as per I.S. codes a) For new surfaces - Two coats. Sq.m 571.00 b) For old surfaces - Two coats. Sq.m 642.00 Section -J - Ancillary items for Reservoirs Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 Rate ( in Rs.) 2013-2014 7 Providing and constructing RCC spiral staircase in M-150 mix concrete at site of work and consisting of central vertical column of 400 mm dia and steps in RCC M-150, tie members at each brace level, RCC parapet wall 80 cm high including cost of all labour and material involved, cost of scaffolding, centering, shuttering, curing, finishing in CM 1:3 proportion including RCC M-150 footing foundation, its excavation, refilling and cleaning the site, etc. complete as per type design, with 3 coats of cement paint. RMT 6415.00 8 Providing and constructing RCC ventilating shaft of diameters and height mentioned below with required number of RCC 15 x 15 cm size columns and RCC circular slab or dome over the pillars in M-150 including cost of all material and labour, providing and fixing steel or wooden frame & providing & fixing G.I. flyproof mesh of 26 gauge and providing and applying in 3 coats of oil paint to wooden or steel frame and cement paint to concrete structure. etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. i ) 0.9 M dia x 1.35 M height No 6882.00 ii) 1.2 M dia x 1.80 M height No 8748.00 iii) 1.5 M dia x 2.25 M height No 13997.00 9 Providing and installing mercury water level indicator for RCC ESR and wash water tank site as per instructions of Engneer-in-charge at ground level of the tank or nearing pump house or room for RCC ESR having 15 mtrs. staging height and 5 mtrs. water storage height with indication of water height in storage tank in metre and 1/10th of meter including providing and installing 15 mm dia class B G.I. piping with necessary accessories from bottom of the tank upto the instrument as per instructions of Engineer-in-charge. No 16872.00 For Extra stage height over 15M or part thereof and water depth over 5 M or part thereof Mtr 907.00 10 Providing and Erecting, installing and commissioning Barometric Leg Chlorination system for water treatment plant upto 5 MLD. capacity as per manufacturers specifications with all required materials viz. 15 Kg. pressure yellow PVC pipe, specially prepared chamber, mixing chamber, scrubber unit, gas pressure flexible pipe, brass nozzle nipple, electronic alarmunit, PPM dose, indicator of 25 mmdia. 4mm thick glass tube (Borosil), gas ubit opening spanner 3 hole type, instruction board, aluminium pipe upto sump ( Maximum length 15 Mtr.) etc. including civil works wherever required for above material fittings, including satisfactory test and trial at work site etc. complete. ( Itemdo not include construction of chlorine Gas Roomof 3.0 x 3.0 Mtr. or adequate size). i ) For 5 MLD Capacity 1No. per unit 100000.00 ii) Add/Deduct per MLD or part of per MLD capacity. per MLD 3500.00 11 Providing and fixing water level indicator upto 5 M height including M.S. enamelled gauge plate 300 mmwide 3 mmthick, P.V.C. float, providing and fixing required accessories such as pointer, pulleys, nylon thread including cost of all material, labour, etc. complete. No 8678.00 12 Providing and fixing water level indicator upto 5 M height including M.S. enamelled gauge plate 150 mm wide 3 mm thick, P.V.C.float, providing and fixing required accessories such as pointer, pulleys, nylon thread including cost of all material, labour, etc. complete. No 5249.00 Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012- 2013 Rate ( in Rs.) 2013-2014 1 Commisioning running and maintaining the scheme to quantites, rated capacity, including manning necessary personnel such as operator, valveman, etc. as per requirements of the scheme and who should also administer chemical dose for a period of 1 month for individual scheme and 3 months for regional scheme, together with training of personnel spared by MJ P/ Local Body and handing over the scheme to Local Body after completion of the above period as directed by Engineer-in-charge. Note. : Required chemicals to be supplied by Department free of cost and electricity bill will also be paid by the Depertment. a) For single village ( 3 months) J ob 48572.00 b) For regional scheme upto 3 villages with rawwater pumping, one treatment plant with pumps, raw water pumping main, leading main, ESR, BPT and distribution system etc. ( 6 months) J ob 201115.00 c) For regional scheme upto 3 villages with rawwater pumping, one treatment plant with pumps, raw water pumping main, leading main, ESR, BPT and distribution system etc. ( 6 months) (Without WPT). J ob 130081.00 d) For regional schemes more than 3 villages, trial period shall be one year with raw water pumping , one treatment plant with pumps,raw water pumping main, leading main,ESR, BPT and distribution system etc. ( for One year) J ob 407997.00 e) For regional schemes more than 3 villages, trial period shall be one year with raw water pumping , pumps , raw water pumping main, leading main,ESR, BPT and distribution systemetc. ( Without WTP) ( for One year ) J ob 264105.00 f) Add for every additional village Month 5996.00 g) Add for every pumping station. Month 9867.00 Section - K - Trial Run With ED Without ED 1 Providing and supplying ISI mark C.I. S&S pipes (push on joints pressure pipes of C.I.of following class and diameters confirming to the I.S. specification inclusive cost of jointing materials (Rubber gasket of EPDMQuality) including all statutoryduties and taxes levied by GoI and GoM in all respect, Education cess,VAT, Third party inspection charges of TPI Agency approved by MJ P including Transit insurance, Railwayfreight unloading fromrailwaywagon, loading into trucks, transportation to departmental stores / site of work, unloading stacking etc. completed as directed by Engineer- in- charge(IS:1536/2001 for pipes and IS 158/1969 and IS 12820/1989 or latest edition/ revision with amendments for Rubber Gasskets. a CLASS " LA " 1 Class "LA" - 80mm RMT 900 844 2 Class "LA" - 100 mm RMT 1128 1058 3 Class "LA" - 125 mm RMT 1425 1270 4 Class "LA" - 150 mm RMT 1831 1718 5 Class "LA" - 200 mm RMT 2636 2484 6 Class "LA" - 250 mm RMT 3555 3348 7 Class "LA" - 300 mm RMT 4594 4317 8 Class "LA" - 350 mm RMT 4537 3948 9 Class "LA" - 400 mm RMT 5522 4806 10 Class "LA" - 450mm RMT 6658 5794 11 Class "LA" - 500 mm RMT 7696 6698 12 Class "LA" - 600 mm RMT 10253 8921 13 Class "LA" - 700 mm RMT 13232 11514 14 Class "LA" - 750 mm RMT 14820 12897 15 Class "LA" - 800 mm RMT 16589 14435 16 Class "LA" - 900 mm RMT 20206 17582 17 Class "LA" - 1000 mm RMT 24274 21122 b CLASS " A " 1 Class "A" - 80 mm RMT 956 852 2 Class "A" - 100 mm RMT 1193 1063 3 Class "A" - 125 mm RMT 1552 1383 4 Class "A" - 150 mm RMT 1912 1703 5 Class "A" - 200 mm RMT 2763 2461 6 Class "A" - 250 mm RMT 3735 3327 7 Class "A" - 300 mm RMT 4833 4306 8 Class "A" - 350 mm RMT 6043 5384 9 Class "A" - 400 mm RMT 7410 6602 10 Class "A" - 450 mm RMT 8976 7998 11 Class "A" - 500 mm RMT 10292 9170 12 Class "A" - 600 mm RMT 13744 12245 13 Class "A" - 700 mm RMT 17911 15958 Section - I- ( I )- C.I./D.I.Pipes Rate ( in Rs.) 2012- 2013 Sr No Item Description Unit With ED Without ED Rate ( in Rs.) 2012- 2013 Sr No Item Description Unit 14 Class "A" - 750 mm RMT 19896 17725 15 Class "A" - 800 mm RMT 22241 19815 16 Class "A" - 900 mm RMT 27072 24119 17 Class "A" - 1000 mm RMT 32562 29010 c CLASS " B " 1 Class "B" - 80 mm RMT 1016 905 2 Class "B" - 100 mm RMT 1272 1134 3 Class "B" - 125 mm RMT 1670 1489 4 Class "B" - 150 mm RMT 2058 1834 5 Class "B" - 200 mm RMT 2987 2661 6 Class "B" - 250 mm RMT 4039 3598 7 Class "B" - 300 mm RMT 5237 4666 8 Class "B" - 350 mm RMT 6554 5840 9 Class "B" - 400 mm RMT 7567 6742 10 Class "B" - 450 mm RMT 9689 8631 11 Class "B" - 500 mm RMT 11136 9921 12 Class "B" - 600 mm RMT 14671 13070 13 Class "B" - 700 mm RMT 19165 17085 14 Class "B" - 750 mm RMT 21583 19229 15 Class "B" - 800 mm RMT 24058 21435 16 Class "B" - 900 mm RMT 29330 26132 17 Class "B" - 1000 mm RMT 35189 31352 2 Lowering laying and jointing with SBR ruber gaskets C.I. S/S pipes of various classes with CI / MS specials of following diameter in proper position, grade and alignment as directed by Engineer-in-charge including conveyance of material fromstores to site of work, including cost of jointing materials and rubber rings labour, giving hydraulic testing etc. complete. Without Rubber Ring With Rubber Ring Note : Only S.B.R. Rubber gasket to be used as per IS 5382 and IS 12820 a C.I. " LA" CLASS / D.I.-K-9/K-7 Mortar Lined 1 80 mm RMT 44 50 2 100 mm RMT 53 59 3 125 mm RMT 66 73 4 150 mm RMT 70 79 5 200 mm RMT 94 104 6 250 mm RMT 123 135 7 300 mm RMT 133 152 8 350 mm RMT 166 186 9 400 mm RMT 199 230 10 450 mm RMT 199 243 11 500 mm RMT 230 280 With ED Without ED Rate ( in Rs.) 2012- 2013 Sr No Item Description Unit 12 600 mm RMT 303 373 13 700 mm RMT 390 525 14 750 mm RMT 437 574 15 800 mm RMT 535 674 16 900 mm RMT 639 846 17 1000 mm RMT 756 1026 b C.I. " A" CLASS 1 80 mm RMT 46 56 2 100 mm RMT 56 66 3 125 mm RMT 71 79 4 150 mm RMT 78 86 5 200 mm RMT 102 110 6 250 mm RMT 133 146 7 300 mm RMT 145 163 8 350 mm RMT 179 200 9 400 mm RMT 201 231 10 450 mm RMT 211 245 11 500 mm RMT 249 298 12 600 mm RMT 329 398 13 700 mm RMT 423 556 14 750 mm RMT 475 610 15 800 mm RMT 561 698 16 900 mm RMT 676 882 17 1000 mm RMT 789 1058 c C.I. " B" CLASS 1 80 mm RMT 50 59 2 100 mm RMT 60 71 3 125 mm RMT 77 86 4 150 mm RMT 87 96 5 200 mm RMT 110 124 6 250 mm RMT 144 164 7 300 mm RMT 157 175 8 350 mm RMT 193 225 9 400 mm RMT 225 255 10 450 mm RMT 228 262 11 500 mm RMT 268 316 12 600 mm RMT 355 423 13 700 mm RMT 457 588 14 750 mm RMT 516 650 15 800 mm RMT 602 737 16 900 mm RMT 714 918 17 1000 mm RMT 814 1082 NOTE : Only 85% rate shall be payble till satiafactory hydraulic testing is given. With ED Without ED Rate ( in Rs.) 2012- 2013 Sr No Item Description Unit 3 Providing and supplying ISI mark D.I. S&S pipes (push on joints pressure pipes of D.I.of following class and diameters confirming to the I.S. specification inclusive cost of jointing materials (Rubber gasket of EPDMQuality) including all statutoryduties and taxes levied by GoI and GoM in all respect, Education cess,VAT, Third party inspection charges of TPI Agency approved by MJ P including Transit insurance, Railwayfreight unloading fromrailwaywagon, loading into trucks, transportation to departmental stores / site of work, unloading stacking etc. completed as directed by Engineer- in- charge(IS:8329/2000 for pipes and IS 158/1969 and IS 12820/1989 or latest edition/ revision with amendments for Rubber Gasskets. With ED Without ED a D.I. K - 9 1 100 mm RMT 1145 1041 2 150 mm RMT 1670 1518 3 200 mm RMT 2076 1888 4 250 mm RMT 2768 2516 5 300 mm RMT 3519 3200 6 350 mm RMT 4405 4010 7 400 mm RMT 5208 4730 8 450 mm RMT 6288 5716 9 500 mm RMT 7308 6644 10 600 mm RMT 9664 8773 11 700 mm RMT 12403 11276 12 750 mm RMT 14102 12819 13 800 mm RMT 15339 13949 14 900 mm RMT 18933 17212 15 1000 mm RMT 22098 20089 b D.I. K-7 1 100 mm RMT 977 888 2 150 mm RMT 1434 1304 3 200 mm RMT 1692 1538 4 250 mm RMT 2242 2038 5 300 mm RMT 2826 2569 6 350 mm RMT 3480 3164 7 400 mm RMT 4143 3766 8 450 mm RMT 5000 4545 9 500 mm RMT 5859 5326 10 600 mm RMT 7717 7015 11 700 mm RMT 10409 9463 12 750 mm RMT 12097 10997 13 800 mm RMT 13989 12717 14 900 mm RMT 16779 15264 15 1000 mm RMT 19646 17860 With ED Without ED Rate ( in Rs.) 2012- 2013 Sr No Item Description Unit 4 Providing and making lead caulked joint with molten lead to Cast Iron pipes and / or specials of all classes and fitting of following dia including cost of lead and all jointing material, labour, hydraulic testing etc. complete. 1 80 mm J oint 657 2 100 mm J oint 812 3 125 mm J oint 968 4 150 mm J oint 1200 5 200 mm J oint 1750 6 250 mm J oint 2126 7 300 mm J oint 2564 8 350 mm J oint 2906 9 400 mm J oint 3389 10 450 mm J oint 4707 11 500 mm J oint 5060 12 600 mm J oint 6501 13 700 mm J oint 7637 14 750 mm J oint 8675 15 800 mm J oint 9316 16 900 mm J oint 9936 17 1000 mm J oint 10594 5 Providing and supplying ISI standard CI double flanged pipes including all taxes (Central and local), railway freight, insurance, unloading fromrailway wagon, loading into truck transport to stores / site, unloading etc. complete as directed by Engneer-in-charge. 1 80 mm RMT 1419 2 100 mm RMT 1753 3 125 mm RMT 2284 4 150 mm RMT 2849 5 200 mm RMT 4371 6 250 mm RMT 5890 7 300 mm RMT 7573 8 350 mm RMT 9885 9 400 mm RMT 12053 10 450 mm RMT 14473 11 500 mm RMT 16986 12 600 mm RMT 24162 13 700 mm RMT 32371 14 750 mm RMT 35221 NOTE : 1) D.I. K-7 pipes shall not be used for Distribution System for dia. Less than & including 250mm. NOTE : 2)For lowering laying & jointing D.I. K-9 / K-7 pipes rates shall be adopted as per C.I."LA" Class pipe. NOTE : Only 85% payment shall be payble till satiafactory hydraulic testing is given. With ED Without ED Rate ( in Rs.) 2012- 2013 Sr No Item Description Unit 6 Providing and supplying ISI standard CI flanged / S& S specials including all taxes (Central and local), railway freight, insurance, unloading from railway wagon, loading into truck transport to depermental store/ site, unloading stacking etc. complete. a D/F Specials 1 D/F Specials Upto and including 300 mm dia. KG 73.60 2 D/F Specials Above 350 mm dia upto 600 mm KG 78.20 3 Above 600 mm Dia KG 83.90 b S/S Specials / Socketted Br.Flagd. Specials 1 S/S Specials/ socketed Branch Flanged Specials Upto and including 300 mm dia. KG 71.30 2 S/S Specials/ socketed Branch Flanged Specials from 350 mm To 600 mm dia. KG 75.90 3 Above 600 mm dia. Kg 80.50 c Plain ended / P.E. Br.Flagd. Specials 1 Upto and including 300 mm dia. KG 69.00 2 from 350 mm To 600 mm dia. KG 75.90 3 Above 600 mm dia. Kg 80.50 7 Providing and supplying ISI standard MS specials of required thickness with 3 coats of approved make epoxy paint (Shalimar, Ciba or Mahindra & Mahindra make) frominside and outside including all taxes (Central and local), octroi, inspection charges, transportation to stores / site, and stacking, etc. complete. 1 Machine ends suitable for PSC pipes of all diameters as per detailed drawing with 10 mm thick x 0.7 M long barrel welded to it. KG 76.50 2 Only flanges with machining and drilling holes, etc. complete more than 40 mm thick KG 74.30 3 Double flanged specials of all diameters KG 72.10 4 All socketted specials or socketted branch flanged specials of all diameters KG 72.10 5 Plain ended specials or plain ended branch flanged specials of all diameters KG 72.10 6 MS barrels (pipe pieces) locally manufactured (for small quantities) KG 70.00 8 Providing and making flanged joints to flanged C.I./M.S. pipes of all classes/specials etc. including cost of all jointing materials (rubber packing, nut bolts, etc.), labour, hydraulic testing etc. complete. 1 80 mm J oint 174 2 100 mm J oint 301 3 125 mm J oint 314 4 150 mm J oint 603 5 200 mm J oint 626 6 250 mm J oint 897 7 300 mm J oint 931 8 350 mm J oint 1213 9 400 mm J oint 1511 10 450 mm J oint 1848 With ED Without ED Rate ( in Rs.) 2012- 2013 Sr No Item Description Unit 11 500 mm J oint 1912 12 600 mm J oint 2052 13 700 mm J oint 3093 14 750 mm J oint 3179 15 800 mm J oint 4398 16 900 mm J oint 4560 17 1000 mm J oint 4721 9 Erecting and hoisting in position and jointing, testing M.S./ C.I. D/F pipes and specials in vertical position including cost of all jointing materials (rubber packing, nut bolts, etc.) labour, scaffolding, hydraulic testing etc. complete. 1 80 mm J oint 193 2 100 mm J oint 326 3 125 mm J oint 344 4 150 mm J oint 640 5 200 mm J oint 680 6 250 mm J oint 970 7 300 mm J oint 1025 8 350 mm J oint 1331 9 400 mm J oint 1655 10 450 mm J oint 2022 11 500 mm J oint 2115 12 600 mm J oint 2323 13 700 mm J oint 3445 14 750 mm J oint 3576 15 800 mm J oint 4843 16 900 mm J oint 5098 17 1000 mm J oint 5373 10 Providing and supplying ISI standard D.I. specials & fittings with sealing rubber gasket of S.B.R.,complete with Cast iron follower gland and M.S. nut & bolts coated or otherwise protected fromrusting and suitable for D.I. pipes including cost of all labours and materials and transportation to stores / site, loading , unloading including all taxes , etc. complete.As per IS 9523 For all types of specials , bends,tees etc. a 80 to 300 mm dia. Kg. 107.00 b 350 mm & above dia. Kg. 130.00 11 Providing and supplyingISI standard weldedDI double flanged pipe including all taxes (central & local) railway freight, insurance, unloading from railway wagon, loading into truck transport to store / site, unloading, stacking etc. complete as directed by Engineer -in- cahrge. (for 2.75 m bare pipe) NOTE : Only 85% payment shall be payble till satiafactory hydraulic testing is given. NOTE : Only 85% payment shall be payble till satiafactory hydraulic testing is given. With ED Without ED Rate ( in Rs.) 2012- 2013 Sr No Item Description Unit i) 100 mm RMT 1863 ii) 150 mm RMT 2530 iii) 200 mm RMT 3238 iv) 250 mm RMT 4394 v) 300 mm RMT 5531 vi) 350 mm RMT 7203 vii) 400 mm RMT 8720 viii) 450 mm RMT 10419 ix) 500 mm RMT 12110 x) 600 mm RMT 15946 xi) 700 mm RMT 21457 xii) 800 mm RMT 26228 xiii) 900 mm RMT 32555 xiv) 1000 mm RMT 38225 Sr No Item Description Unit 1 Providing and supplying Asbestos Cement pressure pipes manufactured and tested as per ISO-160 standards of following class and diameter in standard lengths including cost of all taxes (Central and local) insurance, railway fright, inspection charges, unloading fromrailway wagon, loading into truck, transporting to departmental stores / site, unloading, stacking, etc. complete. With ED Without ED a Class - 15 ( Test Pressure - 1.5 Mpa.) 1 80 mm RMT 139 126 2 100 mm RMT 179 162 3 125 mm RMT 214 194 4 150 mm RMT 376 341 5 200 mm RMT 497 6 250 mm RMT 719 7 300 mm RMT 1052 b Class - 20 ( Test Pressure - 2.0 Mpa.) 1 80 mm RMT 153 139 2 100 mm RMT 229 208 3 125 mm RMT 269 244 4 150 mm RMT 475 431 5 200 mm RMT 612 6 250 mm RMT 906 7 300 mm RMT 1119 c Class - 25 ( Test Pressure - 2.5 Mpa.) 1 80 mm RMT 190 173 2 100 mm RMT 317 288 3 125 mm RMT 367 334 4 150 mm RMT 658 598 5 200 mm RMT 789 6 250 mm RMT 1184 7 300 mm RMT 1298 2 Providing and supplying C.I. detachable joints suitable for A.C. pressure pipes manufactured as per ISO-160 standards of following class and diameter including cost of all taxes (Central and local), insurance, railway freight, inspection charges, unloading fromrailway wagon, loading into truck, transporting to departmental store / site, unloading, stacking and cost of rubber rings, nut bolts, etc. complete. ( IS 1538/1993 ) a Class - 15 ( Test Pressure - 1.5 Mpa.) 1 80 mm No 300 2 100 mm No 380 3 125 mm No 510 4 150 mm No 636 5 200 mm No 960 6 250 mm No 1204 7 300 mm No 1650 Section - I - ( ii )A.C.Pipes Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 b Class - 20 ( Test Pressure - 2.0 Mpa.) 1 80 mm No 325 2 100 mm No 425 3 125 mm No 550 4 150 mm No 659 5 200 mm No 886 6 250 mm No 1250 7 300 mm No 1790 3 Providing and supplying A. C. pressure coupler suitable for A.C. pressure pipes manufactured as per ISO-160 standards of following class and diameter including cost of all taxes (Central and local) insurance, railway fright, inspection charges, and cost of rubber rings, etc. complete. (supply at stores / site). a Class - 15 ( Test Pressure - 1.5 Mpa.) 1 80 mm No 39 2 100 mm No 50 3 125 mm No 69 4 150 mm No 84 b Class - 20 ( Test Pressure - 2.0 Mpa.) 1 80 mm No 42 2 100 mm No 56 3 125 mm No 72 4 150 mm No 98 4 Lowering, laying and jointing with C.I.D. joints, A. C. pressure pipes and C.I. or M. S. specials of following class and diameters including conveyance fromstores to site of works, cost of labour and material, giving satisfactoryhydraulic testing, etc. as per IS code, etc. complete (excluding cost of C. I. D. joints nut bolts, rubber rings.) a Class - 15 ( Test Pressure - 1.5 Mpa.) 1 80 mm RMT 31 2 100 mm RMT 43 3 125 mm RMT 46 4 150 mm RMT 57 5 200 mm RMT 73 6 250 mm RMT 92 7 300 mm RMT 113 b Class - 20 ( Test Pressure - 2.0 Mpa.) 1 80 mm RMT 32 2 100 mm RMT 46 3 125 mm RMT 50 4 150 mm RMT 63 5 200 mm RMT 83 6 250 mm RMT 104 7 300 mm RMT 129 Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 5 Lowering laying and jointitng with A. C. coupler A.C. pressure pipes and C.I. or M.S. specials of following class and diameters including conveyance fromstores to site of works, cost of labour and material, giving satisfactoryhydraulic testing, etc. as per IS code, etc. complete excluding cost of A. C. couplers and rubber rings. a Class - 15 ( Test Pressure - 1.5 Mpa.) 1 80 mm RMT 21 2 100 mm RMT 28 3 125 mm RMT 33 4 150 mm RMT 42 5 200 mm RMT 58 6 250 mm RMT 74 7 300 mm RMT 96 b Class - 20 ( Test Pressure - 2.0 Mpa.) 1 80 mm RMT 22 2 100 mm RMT 33 3 125 mm RMT 37 4 150 mm RMT 48 5 200 mm RMT 69 6 250 mm RMT 86 7 300 mm RMT 113 NOTE : 2) Without any extra cost every pipe in the factory shall be hydraulically tested for 1 higher class I.e. when class 15 is ordered every pipe shall be tested for 20 Kg./Sqcm at factory but pipe shall be branded & paid as class 15. This foot note shall appear in tender condition. NOTE : 3) Whenever manufacturer & contractor for lowering laying jointing is separate the principle contractor shall enter into an aggrement with A.C.pipe manufacturer for satisfactory manufacturing ,transporting ,lowering ,laying jointing & testing of pipe.This foot Note shall appear in tender conditions NOTE : 1) Only 85% payment for lowering laying jointing shall be payble till satiafactory hydraulic testing is given. Sr No Item Description Unit 1 Providing and supplying in standard lengths ISI mark rigid unplasticised PVC pipes suitable for potable water with solvent cement joints including cost of couplers, as per IS specification no. 4985 / 1988 including all local and central taxes, transportation, freight charges, inspection charges, loading, unloading, conveyance to the departmental stores / site and stacking the same in closed shed duly protected fromsun rays and rains including cost of jointing material i.e. solvemt cement, etc. complete (selffit type to be jointed with cement solvent). With ED Without ED a Working Pressure 4 Kg./Sq.cm 1 63 mm RMT 46 41 2 75 mm RMT 65 58 3 90 mm RMT 91 81 4 110 mm RMT 124 110 5 140 mm RMT 208 184 6 160 mm RMT 274 243 7 180 mm RMT 372 331 8 200 mm RMT 460 408 9 225 mm RMT 589 522 10 250 mm RMT 719 638 11 280 mm RMT 953 847 12 315 mm RMT 1213 1078 13 355 mm RMT 1626 1445 14 400 mm RMT 2074 1844 b Working Pressure 6 Kg./Sq.cm 1 63 mm RMT 66 58 2 75 mm RMT 93 83 3 90 mm RMT 133 119 4 110 mm RMT 185 164 5 140 mm RMT 307 273 6 160 mm RMT 397 353 7 180 mm RMT 528 469 8 200 mm RMT 673 599 9 225 mm RMT 851 755 10 250 mm RMT 1061 944 11 280 mm RMT 1401 1244 12 315 mm RMT 1786 1587 13 355 mm RMT 2384 2118 14 400 mm RMT 3046 2706 Section - I - ( iii ) - P.V.C.Pipes Note ; 1) 10% of cost of pipe shall be considered for cost of P.V.C. specials for estimate purpose only. Note ; 2) One coupler & required cement solvent shall be provided with each full length pipe, cost of which is included in rates below. Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 c Working Pressure 8 Kg./Sq.cm 1 63 mm RMT 91 80 2 75 mm RMT 129 114 3 90 mm RMT 183 162 4 110 mm RMT 257 229 5 140 mm RMT 427 379 6 160 mm RMT 557 496 7 180 mm RMT 740 658 8 200 mm RMT 931 827 9 225 mm RMT 1181 1050 10 250 mm RMT 1478 1313 11 280 mm RMT 1946 1729 12 315 mm RMT 2464 2191 13 355 mm RMT 3315 2945 14 400 mm RMT 4293 3814 d . Working Pressure 10 Kg./Sq.cm 1 63 mm RMT 108 96 2 75 mm RMT 154 138 3 90 mm RMT 223 197 4 110 mm RMT 315 278 5 140 mm RMT 508 452 6 160 mm RMT 666 590 7 180 mm RMT 915 813 8 200 mm RMT 1131 1005 9 225 mm RMT 1445 1283 10 250 mm RMT 1826 1621 11 280 mm RMT 2294 2039 12 315 mm RMT 2916 2590 13 355 mm RMT 3920 3484 14 400 mm RMT 4999 4442 e . Working Pressure 12.50 Kg./Sq.cm 1 63 mm RMT 138 123 2 75 mm RMT 195 173 3 90 mm RMT 281 250 4 110 mm RMT 399 354 5 140 mm RMT 648 575 6 160 mm RMT 851 757 7 180 mm RMT 1164 1035 8 200 mm RMT 1446 1284 9 225 mm RMT 1837 1632 10 250 mm RMT 2322 2063 11 280 mm RMT 2920 2596 12 315 mm RMT 3724 3310 13 355 mm RMT 4977 4423 14 400 mm RMT 6449 5730 Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 2 Providing and supplying in standard lengths ISI mark rigid unplasticised PVC pipes for potable water with rubber ring joints including cost of rubber ring as per IS 4985-1988, all local and central taxes, transportation. freight charges, transit insurance, inspection charges, loading, unloading, conveyance to store / site and stacking the same in closed shed duly protected fromsun rays and rains, etc. complete as directed.( With third party inspection ) a . Working Pressure 4 Kg./Sq.cm 1 63 mm RMT 48 43 2 75 mm RMT 69 60 3 90 mm RMT 96 85 4 110 mm RMT 131 117 5 125 mm RMT 181 161 6 140 mm RMT 219 195 7 160 mm RMT 291 257 8 180 mm RMT 395 350 9 200 mm RMT 487 434 10 225 mm RMT 623 554 11 250 mm RMT 763 678 12 280 mm RMT 1011 899 13 315 mm RMT 1287 1142 b . Working Pressure 6 Kg./Sq.cm 1 63 mm RMT 69 61 2 75 mm RMT 98 88 3 90 mm RMT 142 126 4 110 mm RMT 197 173 5 125 mm RMT 271 239 6 140 mm RMT 325 290 7 160 mm RMT 421 373 8 180 mm RMT 560 498 9 200 mm RMT 714 634 10 225 mm RMT 902 800 11 250 mm RMT 1126 1001 12 280 mm RMT 1484 1319 13 315 mm RMT 1892 1682 c . Working Pressure 8 Kg./Sq.cm 1 63 mm RMT 95 84 2 75 mm RMT 137 122 3 90 mm RMT 193 171 4 110 mm RMT 272 243 5 125 mm RMT 376 334 6 140 mm RMT 454 402 7 160 mm RMT 591 526 8 180 mm RMT 785 697 9 200 mm RMT 988 877 10 225 mm RMT 1252 1113 Note ; One Rubber Ring shall be provided with each full length pipe, cost of which is included in rates below. Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 11 250 mm RMT 1565 1390 12 280 mm RMT 2063 1834 13 315 mm RMT 2613 2323 d . Working Pressure 10 Kg./Sq.cm 1 63 mm RMT 114 103 2 75 mm RMT 165 146 3 90 mm RMT 236 209 4 110 mm RMT 333 296 5 125 mm RMT 460 406 6 140 mm RMT 538 478 7 160 mm RMT 705 626 8 180 mm RMT 969 862 9 200 mm RMT 1199 1065 10 225 mm RMT 1531 1360 11 250 mm RMT 1935 1720 12 280 mm RMT 2432 2161 13 315 mm RMT 3090 2746 e . Working Pressure 12.5 Kg./Sq.cm 1 63 mm RMT 146 129 2 75 mm RMT 207 183 3 90 mm RMT 297 265 4 110 mm RMT 424 376 5 125 mm RMT 584 518 6 140 mm RMT 687 611 7 160 mm RMT 903 801 8 180 mm RMT 1235 1097 9 200 mm RMT 1531 1361 10 225 mm RMT 1946 1730 11 250 mm RMT 2462 2186 12 280 mm RMT 3096 2751 13 315 mm RMT 3946 3507 3 Lowering, laying and jointing with P.V.C. pipes and specials of following class and diameter including cost of conveyance fromstores to site of works including cost of all labour, material, except cement solvent, rubber ring, giving satisfactory hydraulic testing as per IS code, etc. complete (with cement solvent joint / ring fit joint). a . Working Pressure 4 Kg./Sq.cm 1 63 mm RMT 16 2 75 mm RMT 21 3 90 mm RMT 25 4 110 mm RMT 29 5 140 mm RMT 34 6 160 mm RMT 38 7 180 mm RMT 42 8 200 mm RMT 46 9 225 mm RMT 53 10 250 mm RMT 57 Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 11 280 mm RMT 63 12 315 mm RMT 70 13 355 mm RMT 77 14 400 mm RMT 84 b . Working Pressure 6 to 12.50 Kg./Sq.cm 1 63 mm RMT 22 2 75 mm RMT 29 3 90 mm RMT 33 4 110 mm RMT 37 5 140 mm RMT 44 6 160 mm RMT 47 7 180 mm RMT 53 8 200 mm RMT 58 9 225 mm RMT 63 10 250 mm RMT 69 11 280 mm RMT 78 12 315 mm RMT 87 13 355 mm RMT 96 14 400 mm RMT 106 NOTE : 3) After receipt of pipes at site concerned Deputy Engineer shall confirm that weight of pipe for every class and dia is not less than the prescribed standard weight as per IS 4985/1998 ( Which is given in CSR ) underweight pipes shall be rejected .This condition shall appear in tender conditions. NOTE : 1) Only 85% payment for lowering laying jointing shall be payble till satiafactory hydraulic testing is given. NOTE : 2) Third party inspecting agency shall invarably carry out Specific gravity Test , Ash Content test and confirm in writing that those are within prescribed limits. This condition shall appear in tender conditions. Sr No Item Description Unit 1 Providing ISI mark G.I. pipe of following class and dia. Including all local and central taxes, octroi, inspection charges, transportation to stores, etc. complete .as per IS 1239/2004 With ED Without ED a LIGHT 1 15 mm RMT 71 65 2 20 mm RMT 106 95 3 25 mm RMT 146 131 4 32 mm RMT 183 166 5 40 mm RMT 229 208 6 50 mm RMT 288 255 7 65 mm RMT 397 349 8 80 mm RMT 477 420 9 100 mm RMT 680 596 b MEDIUM 1 15 mm RMT 85 77 2 20 mm RMT 108 98 3 25 mm RMT 165 150 4 32 mm RMT 209 189 5 40 mm RMT 240 218 6 50 mm RMT 342 301 7 65 mm RMT 424 384 8 80 mm RMT 556 503 9 100 mm RMT 820 719 10 125 mm RMT 1097 978 11 150 mm RMT 1311 1151 c HEAVY 1 15 mm RMT 96 87 2 20 mm RMT 125 113 3 25 mm RMT 196 177 4 32 mm RMT 246 223 5 40 mm RMT 285 259 6 50 mm RMT 395 359 7 65 mm RMT 508 461 8 80 mm RMT 649 589 9 100 mm RMT 936 849 10 125 mm RMT 1159 1052 11 150 mm RMT 1396 1266 Section -I ( IV ) - G.I.Pipes Note ; 2) One coupler shall be provided with each full length pipe, cost of which is included in rates below. Rate ( in Rs.) 2012- 2013 Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012- 2013 2 Lowering, laying and jointing G. I. pipes and specials of following class and diameter including conveyance fromstores to site of works, all labour, giving satisfactory hydraulic test, etc. complete either underground or in vertical position, as directed by Engineer-in-charge. a LIGHT 1 15 mm RMT 23.00 2 20 mm RMT 26.00 3 25 mm RMT 32.00 4 32 mm RMT 37.00 5 40 mm RMT 46.00 6 50 mm RMT 55.00 7 65 mm RMT 80.00 8 80 mm RMT 89.00 9 100 mm RMT 106.00 b MEDIUM 1 15 mm RMT 25.00 2 20 mm RMT 28.00 3 25 mm RMT 34.00 4 32 mm RMT 39.00 5 40 mm RMT 50.00 6 50 mm RMT 59.00 7 65 mm RMT 86.00 8 80 mm RMT 97.00 9 100 mm RMT 106.00 10 125 mm RMT 113.00 11 150 mm RMT 119.00 c HEAVY 1 15 mm RMT 27.00 2 20 mm RMT 30.00 3 25 mm RMT 36.00 4 32 mm RMT 43.00 5 40 mm RMT 54.00 6 50 mm RMT 67.00 7 65 mm RMT 94.00 8 80 mm RMT 113.00 9 100 mm RMT 106.00 10 125 mm RMT 118.00 11 150 mm RMT 128.00 Note : Only 85 % Payment shall be payable till satisfactory hydraulic testing is given Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 1 Providing ISI standard Stoneware pipes including all taxes (Central and local), inspection charges, railway freight, unloading fromrailway wagons, loadng into trucks, transport to departmental stores, unloading, stacking etc. complete.as per IS 651 1 100 mm RMT 122 2 150 mm RMT 167 3 200 mm RMT 223 4 225 mm RMT 269 5 250 mm RMT 300 6 300 mm RMT 352 2 Lowering, laying and jointing in proper grade and alignment Stoneware pipes with cement joints in C. M. (1:1) proportion of following diameters including cost of conveyance fromstores to site of work jointing material, labour, giving satisfactory hydraulic testing etc. complete.as per IS 1742 1 100 mm RMT 64 2 150 mm RMT 105 3 200 mm RMT 131 4 225 mm RMT 143 5 250 mm RMT 156 6 300 mm RMT 183 Section -I ( V ) - S.W.Pipes Note : Only 85 % Rate shall be payable till satisfactory hydraulic testing is given With E.D Without E.D With E.D Without E.D 1 Providing ISI standard R.C.C. pipes in standard lengths of following class and diameter suitable for either collar joints or rubber ring joints, including all taxes (Central and local), inspection charges, transport to departmental stores/site, unloading and stacking etc. complete. as per IS 458/1988 Note ; One Collar shall be supplied with each full length plain ended R.C.C.pipe, cost including in rates below.One rubber ring shall be supplied with each full length socketted pipe , cost including in rates below. With Third Party Inspection a Class P-I 1 80 mm RMT 309 281 273 247 2 100 mm RMT 324 294 293 267 3 150 mm RMT 339 309 304 275 4 200 mm RMT 396 360 355 322 5 225 mm RMT 452 411 407 369 6 250 mm RMT 494 449 443 403 7 300 mm RMT 632 575 567 514 8 350 mm RMT 681 619 613 556 9 400 mm RMT 864 785 782 710 10 450 mm RMT 1064 966 962 873 11 500 mm RMT 1280 1163 1153 1046 12 600 mm RMT 1615 1466 1456 1322 13 700 mm RMT 2103 1910 1892 1719 14 800 mm RMT 2428 2205 2184 1983 15 900 mm RMT 3056 2775 2751 2498 16 1000 mm RMT 3580 3252 3225 2928 17 1100 mm RMT 4068 3694 3662 3326 18 1200 mm RMT 4887 4438 4402 3998 b Class P-II 1 80 mm RMT 329 299 293 265 2 100 mm RMT 351 319 316 286 3 150 mm RMT 420 381 379 344 4 200 mm RMT 566 513 513 465 5 225 mm RMT 670 608 604 547 6 250 mm RMT 725 659 658 598 7 300 mm RMT 956 869 914 829 8 350 mm RMT 1193 1084 1080 981 9 400 mm RMT 1332 1210 1213 1101 10 450 mm RMT 1616 1467 1450 1317 11 500 mm RMT 2256 2049 2056 1867 12 600 mm RMT 2797 2541 2521 2290 Section - I- ( Vi )- R.C.C.Pipes Sr No Item Description Unit Collar Joints Rubber Ring Joints Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 Sr No Item Description Unit Collar Joints Rubber Ring Joints Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 13 700 mm RMT 3811 3461 3466 3148 14 800 mm RMT 4583 4163 4177 3794 15 900 mm RMT 5163 4689 5202 4724 16 1000 mm RMT 6249 5675 5626 5109 c Class P-III 1 80 mm RMT 355 322 351 318 2 100 mm RMT 383 348 379 343 3 150 mm RMT 437 397 438 397 4 200 mm RMT 594 540 595 540 5 225 mm RMT 709 643 709 643 6 250 mm RMT 829 753 830 752 7 300 mm RMT 1151 1046 1151 1045 8 350 mm RMT 1502 1364 1502 1364 9 400 mm RMT 2067 1878 2067 1878 10 450 mm RMT 2372 2155 2373 2156 11 500 mm RMT 2895 2630 2896 2629 12 600 mm RMT 3719 3378 3720 3378 13 700 mm RMT 5305 4819 5305 4818 14 800 mm RMT 6738 6119 6738 6119 d Class NP-II ( For 2.00 m Length ) 1 80 mm RMT 290 293 2 100 mm RMT 298 304 3 150 mm RMT 348 354 4 200 mm RMT 407 415 5 225 mm RMT 454 463 6 250 mm RMT 488 498 7 300 mm RMT 652 665 ( For 2.50 m Length ) 8 350 mm RMT 799 815 9 400 mm RMT 928 947 10 450 mm RMT 1088 1110 11 500 mm RMT 1272 1297 12 600 mm RMT 1679 1713 13 700 mm RMT 2422 2470 14 800 mm RMT 2767 2822 15 900 mm RMT 3545 3616 16 1000 mm RMT 4243 4328 17 1100 mm RMT 5327 5434 18 1200 mm RMT 5703 5817 19 1400 mm RMT 6778 6914 20 1600 mm RMT 7782 7938 21 1800 mm RMT 10901 11119 e Class NP-III ( For 2.00 m Length ) 1 80 mm RMT 328 335 2 100 mm RMT 372 379 3 150 mm RMT 410 418 Sr No Item Description Unit Collar Joints Rubber Ring Joints Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 4 200 mm RMT 612 624 5 225 mm RMT 713 727 6 250 mm RMT 763 778 7 300 mm RMT 868 885 8 350 mm RMT 1537 1568 9 400 mm RMT 1722 1756 10 450 mm RMT 2047 2088 11 500 mm RMT 2274 2319 12 600 mm RMT 2996 3056 13 700 mm RMT 4072 4153 14 800 mm RMT 4851 4948 15 900 mm RMT 5603 5715 16 1000 mm RMT 6855 6992 17 1100 mm RMT 7930 8089 18 1200 mm RMT 9304 9490 19 1400 mm RMT 11180 11404 20 1600 mm RMT 16292 16618 21 1800 mm RMT 21550 21981 f Class NP-IV 1 80 mm RMT 353 360 2 100 mm RMT 414 422 3 150 mm RMT 469 478 4 200 mm RMT 655 668 5 225 mm RMT 774 789 6 250 mm RMT 872 889 7 300 mm RMT 1111 1133 8 350 mm RMT 1687 1721 9 400 mm RMT 1807 1843 10 450 mm RMT 2131 2174 11 500 mm RMT 2604 2656 12 600 mm RMT 3185 3249 13 700 mm RMT 4767 4862 14 800 mm RMT 5444 5553 15 900 mm RMT 6376 6504 16 1000 mm RMT 9026 9207 17 1100 mm RMT 9792 9988 18 1200 mm RMT 9836 10033 19 1400 mm RMT 15359 15666 20 1600 mm RMT 19148 19531 21 1800 mm RMT 26249 26774 Sr No Item Description Unit Collar Joints Rubber Ring Joints Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 2 Lowering, laying and jointing in proper grade and alignment R.C.C. pipes with collar joints in C.M.1:1 proportion or socketed R.C.C. pipes with rubber joints (excluding cost of rubber ring or R.C.C. collar,) including cost of conveyance from stores to site of work, cost of jointing material, labour, giving hydraulic testing etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge (For all class of pipes.) Collar J oints.as per IS 783/1985 Collar Joint Rubber Ring Joint 1 80 mm RMT 44 31 2 100 mm RMT 53 37 3 150 mm RMT 80 56 4 200 mm RMT 106 75 5 225 mm RMT 124 88 6 250 mm RMT 140 98 7 300 mm RMT 168 118 8 350 mm RMT 173 121 9 400 mm RMT 220 155 10 450 mm RMT 266 185 11 500 mm RMT 290 203 12 600 mm RMT 367 254 13 700 mm RMT 416 289 14 800 mm RMT 482 334 15 900 mm RMT 530 369 16 1000 mm RMT 580 404 17 1100 mm RMT 806 547 18 1200 mm RMT 856 582 19 1400 mm RMT 954 652 20 1600 mm RMT 1052 722 21 1800 mm RMT 1150 792 Note : Only 85 % rate shall be payable till satisfactory hydraulic testing is given Without ED With ED 1 Providing ISI standard Pre - stressed Cement concrete pipes (Non steel cylinder ) pipes of following class and diameter including cost of all meterial and labour required, cost of all taxes(Central and local) , inspection charges, transportaion to stores/ site, unloading and stacking etc. complete as per IS 784/2001 . i) Factory test Pressure a) Site test pressure +0.1 N/mm 2 , For working Pressure upto 1 N/mm 2 b) Site test pressure +0.2 N/mm 2 , For working Pressure above 1 N/mm 2 ii) Site test Pressure - 1.5 times working pressure pertaining to the section for 1.1 times static pressure , whichever is more ( Such a pressure is to be controlled within 25 % of pump head in case of pumping main) iii) Working Pressure - The maximumsustained internal pressure excluding surge to which each portion of pipeline may be subjected when installed. All test pressure shall be replaced by Factory test pressure a Test Pressure 2 kg/Sq.cm 1 350 mm RMT 3400 3085 2 400 mm RMT 3657 3318 3 450 mm RMT 3837 3481 4 500 mm RMT 4225 3833 5 600 mm RMT 5078 4608 6 700 mm RMT 5654 5130 7 800 mm RMT 6983 6335 8 900 mm RMT 8684 7878 9 1000 mm RMT 10121 9184 10 1100 mm RMT 11560 10488 11 1200 mm RMT 13358 12119 12 1300 mm RMT 15447 14014 13 1400 mm RMT 16996 15419 14 1500 mm RMT 19452 17648 15 1600 mm RMT 21575 19574 16 1700 mm RMT 23699 21501 17 1800 mm RMT 25823 23427 b Test Pressure 4 kg/Sq.cm 1 350 mm RMT 3400 3085 2 400 mm RMT 3658 3319 3 450 mm RMT 3837 3481 4 500 mm RMT 4225 3833 5 600 mm RMT 5080 4609 Section -I ( VII ) PSC - P.S.C.Pipes Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 Note : One rubber ring should be supplied with each pipe, cost of which is included in rates below. Without ED With ED Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 6 700 mm RMT 5656 5131 7 800 mm RMT 6984 6336 8 900 mm RMT 8685 7879 9 1000 mm RMT 10124 9186 10 1100 mm RMT 11562 10490 11 1200 mm RMT 13358 12120 12 1300 mm RMT 15451 14017 13 1400 mm RMT 16998 15420 14 1500 mm RMT 19455 17651 15 1600 mm RMT 21578 19577 16 1700 mm RMT 23703 21504 17 1800 mm RMT 25825 23430 c Test Pressure 6 kg/Sq.cm 1 350 mm RMT 3404 3089 2 400 mm RMT 3678 3338 3 450 mm RMT 3847 3490 4 500 mm RMT 4255 3861 5 600 mm RMT 5148 4670 6 700 mm RMT 5851 5310 7 800 mm RMT 7242 6570 8 900 mm RMT 9027 8189 9 1000 mm RMT 10529 9552 10 1100 mm RMT 11988 10877 11 1200 mm RMT 13888 12599 12 1300 mm RMT 16044 14555 13 1400 mm RMT 17652 16014 14 1500 mm RMT 20220 18344 15 1600 mm RMT 22456 20373 16 1700 mm RMT 24693 22402 17 1800 mm RMT 26929 24432 d Test Pressure 8 kg/Sq.cm 1 350 mm RMT 3411 3094 2 400 mm RMT 3705 3362 3 450 mm RMT 3871 3513 4 500 mm RMT 4315 3915 5 600 mm RMT 5321 4827 6 700 mm RMT 6146 5577 7 800 mm RMT 7548 6848 8 900 mm RMT 9409 8537 9 1000 mm RMT 11004 9983 10 1100 mm RMT 12590 11423 11 1200 mm RMT 14576 13226 Without ED With ED Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 12 1300 mm RMT 16861 15299 13 1400 mm RMT 18637 16909 14 1500 mm RMT 21355 19376 15 1600 mm RMT 24097 21861 16 1700 mm RMT 26838 24348 17 1800 mm RMT 29579 26836 e Test Pressure 10 kg/Sq.cm 1 350 mm RMT 3428 3110 2 400 mm RMT 3757 3407 3 450 mm RMT 4007 3635 4 500 mm RMT 4489 4071 5 600 mm RMT 5550 5035 6 700 mm RMT 6396 5802 7 800 mm RMT 7933 7197 8 900 mm RMT 9886 8969 9 1000 mm RMT 11577 10505 10 1100 mm RMT 13285 12053 11 1200 mm RMT 15392 13964 12 1300 mm RMT 17821 16168 13 1400 mm RMT 20144 18275 14 1500 mm RMT 23092 20951 15 1600 mm RMT 25733 23347 16 1700 mm RMT 28372 25742 17 1800 mm RMT 31012 28138 f Test Pressure 12 kg/Sq.cm 1 350 mm RMT 3512 3185 2 400 mm RMT 3855 3498 3 450 mm RMT 4134 3750 4 500 mm RMT 4642 4211 5 600 mm RMT 5771 5235 6 700 mm RMT 6683 6064 7 800 mm RMT 8309 7539 8 900 mm RMT 10333 9375 9 1000 mm RMT 12105 10984 10 1100 mm RMT 13879 12592 11 1200 mm RMT 16357 14842 12 1300 mm RMT 18944 17089 13 1400 mm RMT 20960 19017 14 1500 mm RMT 24004 21777 15 1600 mm RMT 26746 24266 16 1700 mm RMT 29490 26754 17 1800 mm RMT 32232 29243 Without ED With ED Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 g Test Pressure 14 kg/Sq.cm 1 350 mm RMT 3598 3263 2 400 mm RMT 3957 3591 3 450 mm RMT 4262 3866 4 500 mm RMT 4792 4348 5 600 mm RMT 5993 5437 6 700 mm RMT 6972 6326 7 800 mm RMT 8688 7882 8 900 mm RMT 10827 9823 9 1000 mm RMT 12915 11717 10 1100 mm RMT 14840 13464 11 1200 mm RMT 17205 15610 12 1300 mm RMT 19860 18018 13 1400 mm RMT 22633 20534 14 1500 mm RMT 25936 23531 15 1600 mm RMT 29004 26315 16 1700 mm RMT 32072 29099 17 1800 mm RMT 35141 31883 h Test Pressure 16 kg/Sq.cm 1 350 mm RMT 3675 3335 2 400 mm RMT 4064 3687 3 450 mm RMT 4391 3985 4 500 mm RMT 4950 4492 5 600 mm RMT 6213 5637 6 700 mm RMT 7266 6592 7 800 mm RMT 9063 8222 8 900 mm RMT 12030 10915 9 1000 mm RMT 13539 12283 10 1100 mm RMT 16249 14740 11 1200 mm RMT 18754 17015 12 1300 mm RMT 21585 19584 13 1400 mm RMT 23826 21617 14 1500 mm RMT 28302 25677 15 1600 mm RMT 31744 28800 16 1700 mm RMT 35186 31923 17 1800 mm RMT 38627 35044 I Test Pressure 18 kg/Sq.cm 1 350 mm RMT 3761 3412 2 400 mm RMT 4176 3788 3 450 mm RMT 4518 4099 4 500 mm RMT 5105 4631 Without ED With ED Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 5 600 mm RMT 6434 5837 6 700 mm RMT 7946 7210 7 800 mm RMT 9916 8996 8 900 mm RMT 12542 11378 9 1000 mm RMT 14738 13371 10 1100 mm RMT 17008 15430 11 1200 mm RMT 19658 17835 12 1300 mm RMT 22642 20542 13 1400 mm RMT 29877 27107 14 1500 mm RMT 33689 30564 15 1600 mm RMT 37971 34450 16 1700 mm RMT 42252 38334 17 1800 mm RMT 46533 42218 J Test Pressure 20 kg/Sq.cm 1 350 mm RMT 3849 3491 2 400 mm RMT 4277 3881 3 450 mm RMT 4649 4219 4 500 mm RMT 5265 4776 5 600 mm RMT 6661 6044 6 700 mm RMT 8803 7986 7 800 mm RMT 11711 10624 8 900 mm RMT 13843 12559 9 1000 mm RMT 16654 15109 10 1100 mm RMT 19796 17961 11 1200 mm RMT 24895 22588 12 1300 mm RMT 27394 24853 13 1400 mm RMT 32000 29033 14 1500 mm RMT 36169 32915 15 1600 mm RMT 40452 36812 16 1700 mm RMT 44734 40708 17 1800 mm RMT 49015 44605 2 Lowering laying and jointing in proper grade and alignment Prestressed cement concrete pipe with rubber ring joint including cost of conveyance from store to site of work all labour involved giving hydraulic test etc complete but excluding cost of rubber ring ( For all class of pipes ) 1 350 mm RMT 105 2 400 mm RMT 148 3 450 mm RMT 179 4 500 mm RMT 203 Without ED With ED Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 5 600 mm RMT 270 6 700 mm RMT 297 7 800 mm RMT 334 8 900 mm RMT 345 9 1000 mm RMT 445 10 1100 mm RMT 585 11 1200 mm RMT 626 12 1300 mm RMT 743 13 1400 mm RMT 784 14 1500 mm RMT 989 Without ED With ED Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 15 1600 mm RMT 1112 16 1700 mm RMT 1239 17 1800 mm RMT 1310 NOTE : 2)Whenever manufacturer is separate& contractor for lowering laying jointing & testing is seperate the principal contractor shall enter into an aggrement with P S C pipe manufacturer for satisfactory manufacturing transporting lowering laying jointing & testing of pipe.This foot Note shall appear in tender conditions Note : 1)Only 85 % Payment shall be payable till satisfactory hydraulic testing is given Without ED With ED 1 Providing and supplying European Standard EN 639/1994 and EN 641/1994 or AWWA C-303 standard reinforced concrete pressure pipes cylinder type or IS 15155: 2002(Bar wrapped steel cylinder pipes suitable for overlaping steel welded joint or butt welded steel joints) of followingclass and diameter includingcost of all material and labour required, cost of all taxes (Central and State Govt.), inspection charges, transportation to stores/ site, transit insurance, loading and unloding and stacking etc. complete. i) Factory test Pressure a) Site test pressure +0.1 N/mm 2 , For working Pressure upto 1 N/mm 2 b) Site test pressure +0.2 N/mm 2 , For working Pressure above 1 N/mm 2 ii) Site test Pressure - 1.5 times working pressure pertaining to the section for 1.1 times static pressure , whichever is more ( Such a pressure is to be controlled within 25 % of pump head in case of pumping main) iii) Working Pressure - The maximum sustained internal pressure excluding surge to which each portion of pipeline may be subjected when installed. All test pressure shall be replaced by Factory test pressure a Working Pressure 4 kg/Sqcm. 1 350 mm RMT 3706 3366 2 400 mm RMT 4064 3691 3 450 mm RMT 4499 4086 4 500 mm RMT 5006 4546 5 600 mm RMT 6510 5912 6 700 mm RMT 7522 6831 7 800 mm RMT 8168 7418 8 900 mm RMT 11414 10367 9 1000 mm RMT 13155 11947 10 1100 mm RMT 18907 17171 11 1200 mm RMT 21085 19149 12 1300 mm RMT 24621 22362 13 1400 mm RMT 26410 23986 14 1500 mm RMT 28184 25598 15 1600 mm RMT 30364 27577 16 1700 mm RMT 32213 29256 17 1800 mm RMT 34393 31237 b Working Pressure 6 kg/Sqcm. 1 350 mm RMT 3710 3369 2 400 mm RMT 4068 3694 Note : 1) Class mentioned below represents the working pressure of pipe. Note : 2) For external coating at site to the joints , necessary polyethene wrapping for pouring cement slurry shall also be given free with each pipe. Section -I ( VIII ) B.W.S.C. (Bar Wrapped steel Cylinder) Pipes Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 Without ED With ED Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 3 450 mm RMT 4501 4089 4 500 mm RMT 5013 4554 5 600 mm RMT 6517 5920 6 700 mm RMT 7528 6838 7 800 mm RMT 8175 7425 8 900 mm RMT 11421 10373 9 1000 mm RMT 13160 11953 10 1100 mm RMT 18913 17179 11 1200 mm RMT 21090 19157 12 1300 mm RMT 24627 22367 13 1400 mm RMT 26416 23992 14 1500 mm RMT 28192 25604 15 1600 mm RMT 30370 27584 16 1700 mm RMT 32219 29262 17 1800 mm RMT 34399 31243 c Working Pressure 8 kg/Sqcm. 1 350 mm RMT 3713 3373 2 400 mm RMT 4071 3698 3 450 mm RMT 4506 4092 4 500 mm RMT 5025 4564 5 600 mm RMT 6528 5928 6 700 mm RMT 7540 6847 7 800 mm RMT 8186 7434 8 900 mm RMT 11432 10383 9 1000 mm RMT 13172 11964 10 1100 mm RMT 18925 17187 11 1200 mm RMT 21102 19165 12 1300 mm RMT 24638 22378 13 1400 mm RMT 26427 24002 14 1500 mm RMT 28203 25614 15 1600 mm RMT 30382 27594 16 1700 mm RMT 32230 29272 17 1800 mm RMT 34411 31253 d Working Pressure 10 kg/Sqcm. 1 350 mm RMT 3717 3375 2 400 mm RMT 4075 3702 3 450 mm RMT 4509 4095 4 500 mm RMT 5040 4577 5 600 mm RMT 6544 5943 6 700 mm RMT 7555 6862 7 800 mm RMT 8202 7449 8 900 mm RMT 11437 10398 9 1000 mm RMT 13187 11978 10 1100 mm RMT 18941 17202 Without ED With ED Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 11 1200 mm RMT 21117 19180 12 1300 mm RMT 24653 22392 13 1400 mm RMT 26443 24016 14 1500 mm RMT 28218 25629 15 1600 mm RMT 30397 27608 16 1700 mm RMT 32245 29286 17 1800 mm RMT 34426 31268 e Working Pressure 12 kg/Sqcm. 1 350 mm RMT 3720 3379 2 400 mm RMT 4079 3704 3 450 mm RMT 4513 4099 4 500 mm RMT 5059 4597 5 600 mm RMT 6564 5961 6 700 mm RMT 7575 6880 7 800 mm RMT 9368 8507 8 900 mm RMT 11448 10398 9 1000 mm RMT 14231 12925 10 1100 mm RMT 18960 17221 11 1200 mm RMT 21138 19200 12 1300 mm RMT 24675 22411 13 1400 mm RMT 26464 24036 14 1500 mm RMT 28538 25921 15 1600 mm RMT 31570 28673 16 1700 mm RMT 34171 31036 17 1800 mm RMT 38004 34516 f Working Pressure 14 kg/Sqcm. 1 350 mm RMT 3724 3383 2 400 mm RMT 4083 3707 3 450 mm RMT 4526 4110 4 500 mm RMT 5152 4679 5 600 mm RMT 6683 6069 6 700 mm RMT 8695 7898 7 800 mm RMT 10196 9259 8 900 mm RMT 12574 11420 9 1000 mm RMT 15138 13750 10 1100 mm RMT 19037 17291 11 1200 mm RMT 21130 19191 12 1300 mm RMT 25286 22965 13 1400 mm RMT 28572 25951 14 1500 mm RMT 31792 28874 15 1600 mm RMT 35451 32197 16 1700 mm RMT 38923 35351 17 1800 mm RMT 42585 38678 g Working Pressure 16 kg/Sqcm. Without ED With ED Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 1 350 mm RMT 3728 3386 2 400 mm RMT 4087 3712 3 450 mm RMT 4684 4255 4 500 mm RMT 5525 5018 5 600 mm RMT 7173 6515 6 700 mm RMT 9254 8407 7 800 mm RMT 11090 10073 8 900 mm RMT 13717 12458 9 1000 mm RMT 16673 15143 10 1100 mm RMT 20080 18238 11 1200 mm RMT 23418 21269 12 1300 mm RMT 27896 25337 13 1400 mm RMT 31490 28601 14 1500 mm RMT 35119 31896 15 1600 mm RMT 39052 35470 16 1700 mm RMT 43349 39371 17 1800 mm RMT 48369 43932 h Working Pressure 18 kg/Sqcm. 1 350 mm RMT 3732 3391 2 400 mm RMT 4148 3767 3 450 mm RMT 4833 4389 4 500 mm RMT 5691 5168 5 600 mm RMT 7444 6761 6 700 mm RMT 9785 8888 7 800 mm RMT 11550 10491 8 900 mm RMT 14275 12966 9 1000 mm RMT 17415 15817 10 1100 mm RMT 20957 19033 11 1200 mm RMT 24417 22177 12 1300 mm RMT 28992 26333 13 1400 mm RMT 33132 30092 14 1500 mm RMT 36595 33237 15 1600 mm RMT 41512 37703 16 1700 mm RMT 46039 41816 17 1800 mm RMT 50958 46283 I Working Pressure 20 kg/Sqcm. 1 350 mm RMT 3719 3379 2 400 mm RMT 4380 3979 3 450 mm RMT 5004 4544 4 500 mm RMT 6065 5509 5 600 mm RMT 7935 7207 6 700 mm RMT 10317 9371 7 800 mm RMT 12595 11439 8 900 mm RMT 15551 14125 Without ED With ED Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 9 1000 mm RMT 19029 17282 10 1100 mm RMT 22835 20741 11 1200 mm RMT 26549 24114 12 1300 mm RMT 31538 28644 13 1400 mm RMT 36348 33012 14 1500 mm RMT 40934 37179 15 1600 mm RMT 45721 41525 16 1700 mm RMT 51075 46389 17 1800 mm RMT 56537 51351 Note ; 2) For field welding rates applicable for similar welding in M.S. pipes given in that section shall be adopted. NOTE : 3) Whenever manufacturer is separate& contractor for lowering laying jointing & testing is seperate the principal contractor shall enter into an aggrement with B.W. S C pipe manufacturer for satisfactory manufacturing transporting lowering laying jointing & testing of pipe.This foot Note shall appear in tender conditions NOTE : 4) No negative tolerance shall be accepted for the M.S.shell thickness of B.W.S.C. pipes over the thickness mentioned in EN 641 or AWW AC 303 Note ; 1) For lowering , laying and pouring of cement mortar in the field on joints ( after laying and welding ), rates as per P.S.C. pipes lowering, laying and jointing shall be adopted. With ED Without ED. 1 Providing & supplying Glass fibre reinforced polyester pipes confirming to BIS 12709 / BIS 14402 with double bell REKA - GRP couplings EPDM rubber gaskets for sealing of follosing pressure diameter and stiffness class including cost of all material and labour required cost of all taxes (Central and local) insurance, transportation to site of work / store unloading and stacking etc. complete. A Class (SN) 2500 a 3 Kg/Sq. cm 1 300mm RMT 1371 1229 2 350mm RMT 1586 1422 3 400mm RMT 1745 1565 4 450mm RMT 1965 1761 5 500mm RMT 2222 1992 6 600mm RMT 2855 2559 7 700mm RMT 3548 3181 8 800mm RMT 4357 3906 9 900mm RMT 5324 4773 10 1000mm RMT 6315 5662 11 1100mm RMT 7677 6883 12 1200mm RMT 8938 8013 13 1300mm RMT 10121 9074 14 1400mm RMT 11685 10477 15 1500mm RMT 13280 11907 16 1600mm RMT 15466 13867 17 1700mm RMT 18269 16573 18 1800mm RMT 19935 18085 19 1900mm RMT 22284 20216 20 2000mm RMT 24092 21856 21 2100mm RMT 26923 24424 22 2200mm RMT 28899 26217 23 2300mm RMT 31232 28333 24 2400mm RMT 33384 30286 b 6 Kg/Sq. cm 1 300mm RMT 1422 1275 2 350mm RMT 1626 1458 3 400mm RMT 1827 1638 4 450mm RMT 2029 1819 5 500mm RMT 2307 2068 6 600mm RMT 2988 2679 7 700mm RMT 3715 3331 8 800mm RMT 4552 4081 Section - I- ( IX ) - G.R.P./F.R.P. Pipes Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 With ED Without ED. Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 9 900mm RMT 5545 4972 10 1000mm RMT 6595 5913 11 1100mm RMT 7992 7166 12 1200mm RMT 9249 8293 13 1300mm RMT 10583 9489 14 1400mm RMT 12109 10857 15 1500mm RMT 13814 12385 16 1600mm RMT 16111 14445 17 1700mm RMT 19038 17271 18 1800mm RMT 20715 18793 19 1900mm RMT 23181 21029 20 2000mm RMT 25033 22710 21 2100mm RMT 27987 25389 22 2200mm RMT 30159 27360 23 2300mm RMT 32504 29488 24 2400mm RMT 34710 31489 c 9 Kg/Sq. cm 1 300mm RMT 1468 1316 2 350mm RMT 1706 1530 3 400mm RMT 1902 1705 4 450mm RMT 2157 1933 5 500mm RMT 2445 2192 6 600mm RMT 3171 2843 7 700mm RMT 3949 3541 8 800mm RMT 4919 4410 9 900mm RMT 6009 5387 10 1000mm RMT 7114 6378 11 1100mm RMT 8598 7708 12 1200mm RMT 9983 8950 13 1300mm RMT 11527 10335 14 1400mm RMT 13245 11875 15 1500mm RMT 15044 13488 16 1600mm RMT 17564 15747 17 1700mm RMT 20797 18867 18 1800mm RMT 22744 20633 19 1900mm RMT 25266 22921 20 2000mm RMT 27416 24872 21 2100mm RMT 30510 27678 22 2200mm RMT 32799 29755 23 2300mm RMT 35415 32129 24 2400mm RMT 38193 34649 With ED Without ED. Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 d 12 Kg/Sq. cm 1 300mm RMT 1556 1395 2 350mm RMT 1796 1610 3 400mm RMT 2000 1793 4 450mm RMT 2613 2342 5 500mm RMT 2264 2029 6 600mm RMT 3407 3054 7 700mm RMT 4225 3788 8 800mm RMT 5234 4693 9 900mm RMT 6418 5754 10 1000mm RMT 7650 6859 11 1100mm RMT 9377 8406 12 1200mm RMT 10936 9805 13 1300mm RMT 12378 11097 14 1400mm RMT 14246 12772 15 1500mm RMT 16289 14604 16 1600mm RMT 18892 16938 17 1700mm RMT 22414 20334 18 1800mm RMT 24573 22293 19 1900mm RMT 27200 24676 20 2000mm RMT 29580 26835 21 2100mm RMT 32976 29916 22 2200mm RMT 35587 32284 e 15 Kg/Sq. cm 1 300mm RMT 1620 1452 2 350mm RMT 1871 1677 3 400mm RMT 2080 1865 4 450mm RMT 2398 2150 5 500mm RMT 2756 2471 6 600mm RMT 3642 3265 7 700mm RMT 4543 4073 8 800mm RMT 5669 5082 9 900mm RMT 6987 6264 10 1000mm RMT 8292 7434 11 1100mm RMT 10173 9121 12 1200mm RMT 11804 10583 13 1300mm RMT 13549 12147 14 1400mm RMT 15595 13982 15 1500mm RMT 17692 15862 16 1600mm RMT 20527 18404 17 1700mm RMT 24695 22403 18 1800mm RMT 26988 24483 With ED Without ED. Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 19 1900mm RMT 30134 27338 20 2000mm RMT 32796 29752 B Class (SN) 5000 a 3 Kg/Sq. cm 1 300mm RMT 1470 1317 2 350mm RMT 1724 1546 3 400mm RMT 1965 1761 4 450mm RMT 2234 2004 5 500mm RMT 2472 2216 6 600mm RMT 3222 2889 7 700mm RMT 4033 3616 8 800mm RMT 4999 4482 9 900mm RMT 6155 5519 10 1000mm RMT 7321 6564 11 1100mm RMT 8874 7956 12 1200mm RMT 10401 9325 13 1300mm RMT 11843 10618 14 1400mm RMT 13612 12204 15 1500mm RMT 15533 13926 16 1600mm RMT 18058 16190 17 1700mm RMT 21385 19400 18 1800mm RMT 23454 21277 19 1900mm RMT 26105 23682 20 2000mm RMT 28394 25758 21 2100mm RMT 31611 28677 22 2200mm RMT 34120 30954 b 6 Kg/Sq. cm 1 300mm RMT 1492 1338 2 350mm RMT 1753 1572 3 400mm RMT 1938 1737 4 450mm RMT 2209 1980 5 500mm RMT 2545 2282 6 600mm RMT 3292 2952 7 700mm RMT 4136 3708 8 800mm RMT 5119 4589 9 900mm RMT 6305 5653 10 1000mm RMT 7485 6711 11 1100mm RMT 9154 8208 12 1200mm RMT 10641 9540 13 1300mm RMT 12160 10902 14 1400mm RMT 13952 12509 15 1500mm RMT 15896 14252 16 1600mm RMT 18502 16589 With ED Without ED. Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 17 1700mm RMT 21907 19874 18 1800mm RMT 24020 21791 19 1900mm RMT 26757 24274 20 2000mm RMT 29152 26446 21 2100mm RMT 32429 29420 22 2200mm RMT 35057 31804 c 9 Kg/Sq. cm 1 300mm RMT 1547 1387 2 350mm RMT 1813 1625 3 400mm RMT 2040 1829 4 450mm RMT 2323 2082 5 500mm RMT 2657 2382 6 600mm RMT 3650 3273 7 700mm RMT 4334 3886 8 800mm RMT 5582 5005 9 900mm RMT 6590 5909 10 1000mm RMT 7861 7049 11 1100mm RMT 12694 11381 12 1200mm RMT 14442 12948 13 1300mm RMT 16271 14588 14 1400mm RMT 18213 16330 15 1500mm RMT 20866 18707 16 1600mm RMT 23703 21252 17 1700mm RMT 28204 25586 18 1800mm RMT 30732 27880 d 12 Kg/Sq. cm 1 300mm RMT 1591 1426 2 350mm RMT 1887 1692 3 400mm RMT 2086 1870 4 450mm RMT 2415 2165 5 500mm RMT 2758 2473 6 600mm RMT 3642 3265 7 700mm RMT 4591 4116 8 800mm RMT 5666 5080 9 900mm RMT 7076 6344 10 1000mm RMT 8322 7461 11 1100mm RMT 10229 9170 12 1200mm RMT 11886 10657 13 1300mm RMT 13623 12214 14 1400mm RMT 15698 14074 15 1500mm RMT 17831 15986 16 1600mm RMT 20607 18476 17 1700mm RMT 24516 22241 With ED Without ED. Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 18 1800mm RMT 26951 24450 19 1900mm RMT 29866 27095 e 15 Kg/Sq. cm 1 300mm RMT 1647 1477 2 350mm RMT 1962 1758 3 400mm RMT 2193 1966 4 450mm RMT 2533 2271 5 500mm RMT 2890 2591 6 600mm RMT 3836 3439 7 700mm RMT 4827 4328 8 800mm RMT 6040 5415 9 900mm RMT 7450 6679 10 1000mm RMT 8882 7963 11 1100mm RMT 10802 9685 12 1200mm RMT 12657 11348 13 1300mm RMT 14463 12967 14 1400mm RMT 16688 14962 15 1500mm RMT 18981 17018 16 1600mm RMT 21975 19703 17 1700mm RMT 26079 23659 18 1800mm RMT 28722 26057 Note :1) For lowering , laying & jointing rates of G.R.P. pipes 50% rates for lowering , laying & jointing of P.S.C. Pipes of corrosponding diameter shall be adopted. Note : 2) Whenever manufacturer is separate& contractor for lowering laying jointing & testing is seperate the principal contractor shall enter into an aggrement with G.R.P. pipe manufacturer for satisfactory manufacturing transporting lowering laying jointing & testing of pipe. This foot Note shall appear in tender conditions Note :3) Only 85 % Payment shall be payable till satisfactory hydraulic testing is given With E.D. Without ED 1 Providing and supplying in standard lengths Polyethelene Pipes , confirming to I.S. 4984 / 14151 / 12786 / 13488 with necessary jointing material like mechanical connectors I.e. thread / insert joint / quick release coupler joint / compression fitting joint or flanged joint , including all local & central taxes , transportation & freight charges , inspection charges , loading / unloading charges , conveyance to the departmental stores / site & stacking the same in closed shade duely protecting from sunrays & rains , etc. complete. A P.E. 100 a 6 Kg/Sq. Cm 1 63 mm RMT 91 84 2 75 mm RMT 132 119 3 90 mm RMT 184 167 4 110 mm RMT 267 242 5 125mm RMT 364 330 6 140 mm RMT 457 415 7 160 mm RMT 592 538 8 180 mm RMT 746 678 9 200 mm RMT 876 794 10 225mm RMT 1129 1024 11 250 mm RMT 1385 1257 12 280 mm RMT 1737 1576 13 315 mm RMT 2201 1997 14 355mm RMT 2790 2531 15 400mm RMT 3654 3315 16 450mm RMT 4814 4368 17 500mm RMT 5953 5400 18 560mm RMT 7451 6760 19 630mm RMT 9385 8509 20 710mm RMT 11891 10986 21 800mm RMT 14336 13244 22 900mm RMT 18161 16778 23 1000mm RMT 22394 20690 b 8 Kg/Sq. Cm 1 63 mm RMT 116 105 2 75 mm RMT 172 156 3 90 mm RMT 231 209 4 110 mm RMT 340 308 5 125mm RMT 461 418 6 140 mm RMT 576 524 7 160 mm RMT 750 680 8 180 mm RMT 945 857 9 200 mm RMT 1113 1010 10 225mm RMT 1430 1297 Section - I - ( X ) - H.D.P.E.Pipes Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 With E.D. Without ED Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 11 250 mm RMT 1762 1598 12 280 mm RMT 2210 2004 13 315 mm RMT 2794 2536 14 355mm RMT 3537 3209 15 400mm RMT 4645 4215 16 450mm RMT 6212 5635 17 500mm RMT 7663 6951 18 560mm RMT 9618 8725 19 630mm RMT 12109 10978 20 710mm RMT 15344 14176 21 800mm RMT 18509 17100 22 900mm RMT 23430 21646 23 1000mm RMT 22868 21127 c 10 Kg/Sq. Cm 1 63 mm RMT 145 131 2 75 mm RMT 204 185 3 90 mm RMT 290 264 4 110 mm RMT 428 389 5 125mm RMT 552 501 6 140 mm RMT 690 625 7 160 mm RMT 895 813 8 180 mm RMT 1136 1031 9 200 mm RMT 1331 1208 10 225mm RMT 1704 1547 11 250 mm RMT 2129 1931 12 280 mm RMT 2628 2385 13 315 mm RMT 3376 3062 14 355mm RMT 4236 3843 15 400mm RMT 5643 5118 16 450mm RMT 7509 6811 17 500mm RMT 9280 8418 18 560mm RMT 11161 10124 19 630mm RMT 14659 13289 20 710mm RMT 18618 16880 21 800mm RMT 22441 20346 22 900mm RMT 22710 20589 23 1000mm RMT 28067 25445 d 12.5 Kg/Sq. Cm 1 63 mm RMT 169 154 2 75 mm RMT 239 217 3 90 mm RMT 345 314 4 110 mm RMT 508 461 5 125mm RMT 656 595 6 140 mm RMT 822 746 7 160 mm RMT 1070 971 8 180 mm RMT 1354 1228 With E.D. Without ED Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 9 200 mm RMT 1591 1443 10 225mm RMT 2053 1862 11 250 mm RMT 2525 2290 12 280 mm RMT 3166 2872 13 315 mm RMT 4007 3636 14 355mm RMT 5089 4617 15 400mm RMT 6688 6068 16 450mm RMT 8938 8108 17 500mm RMT 11015 9994 18 560mm RMT 13808 12528 19 630mm RMT 17623 15978 20 710mm RMT 18175 16478 21 800mm RMT 21902 19857 22 900mm RMT 27748 25156 23 1000mm RMT 33795 30639 e 16 Kg/Sq. Cm 1 63 mm RMT 205 185 2 75 mm RMT 288 262 3 90 mm RMT 414 375 4 110 mm RMT 612 554 5 125mm RMT 790 717 6 140 mm RMT 986 894 7 160 mm RMT 1293 1173 8 180 mm RMT 1627 1476 9 200 mm RMT 2808 2549 10 225mm RMT 3550 3221 11 250 mm RMT 4379 3973 12 280 mm RMT 5493 4983 13 315 mm RMT 6943 6300 14 355mm RMT 8809 7990 15 400 mm RMT 11410 10352 16 450mm RMT 14463 13120 17 500mm RMT 17835 16180 18 560 mm RMT 13650 12375 19 630 mm RMT 17294 15679 20 710 mm RMT 22006 19951 21 800 mm RMT 26511 24035 22 900 mm RMT 33558 30424 23 1000 mm RMT 41199 37353 With E.D. Without ED Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 2 Providing and Supplying in standard length Polyethylene (PE) pipes for non pressure underground drainage and sewerage with smooth internal and corrugated (profiled) external surface with Anti rodent property confirming to ISO-21138-3:2007with necessary jointing material like mechanical connector i.e. thread/insert joint/quick release coupler/compression fitting joint/ or flanged joint including all local and central taxes, transportation and freight charges, inspection charges, loading and unloading charges, conveyance to the departmental stores /site and stacking the same in closed shade duly protecting from sunrays and rains etc complete HDPE PIPES FOR DRAINAGE Class SN4 i) 160 mm (OD) Rmt 280 ii) 175 mm(OD) Rmt 320 iii) 200 mm(OD) Rmt 400 iv) 250 mm(OD) Rmt 592 v) 315 mm(OD) Rmt 840 Class SN8 i) 160 mm (OD) Rmt 304 ii) 175 mm(OD) Rmt 365 iii) 200 mm(OD) Rmt 440 iv) 250 mm(OD) Rmt 840 v) 315 mm(OD) Rmt 1056 3 Lowering laying and J ointing HDPE pipes by heating to the ends of pipes with the help of tefflon coated disc & hot flame blower to the required temparature and then pressing the ends together against each other , to form a monolithic & leakproof joint by thermosetting process. The pressing may be required to be done with jig fixtures etc. complete. with all material labour as directed by Engineer-in-charge ,including giving satisfactory hydraulic test. For All classes i) 20mm Rmt 10 ii) 25mm Rmt 15 iii) 32mm Rmt 20 iv) 40mm Rmt 25 v) 50mm Rmt 30 vi) 63mm Rmt 37 vii) 75mm Rmt 40 viii) 90mm Rmt 55 ix) 110mm Rmt 58 x) 125mm Rmt 66 xi) 140mm Rmt 89 xii) 160mm Rmt 95 xiii) 180mm Rmt 95 xiv) 200mm Rmt 106 With E.D. Without ED Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 xv) 225mm Rmt 136 xvi) 250mm Rmt 141 xvii) 280mm Rmt 174 xviii) 315mm Rmt 191 xix) 355mm Rmt 209 xx) 400mm Rmt 211 xxi) 450mm Rmt 238 xxii) 500mm Rmt 308 xxiii) 560mm Rmt 345 xxix) 630mm Rmt 388 4 Lowering ,Laying and jointing HDPE Double Wall Corrugated Pipes for non pressure Underground drainage and Sewerage applications and specials of following class and diameter including cost of conveyance from stores to site of works including cost of all labour material except O ring coupler giving satisfactory hydraulic testing as per relevant ISO etc complete Rate for SN 4 and SN8 i) 160MM (OD) Rmt 32 ii) 175MM (OD) Rmt 36 iii) 200MM (OD) Rmt 39 iv) 250MM (OD) Rmt 49 v) 315MM (OD) Rmt 60 With E.D. Without ED 1 Providing and Supplying Blue MDPE pipes conforming to ISO 4427:1996 manufactured from virgin resin PE 80 Food grade compounded Raw Material having Blue Colour only with quality assurance certificate from quality agencies like WRC / CIPET (India) / DVGM / KIWA / SPGN etc. for usage in Drinking Water syatem The cost shall include testing of all materials, all taxes Central,Sate ,Municipal,Inspection charges, transportation up to site, transitinsurance, loading, unloading, stacking etc. complete as specified and directed. PN 16 (SDR 9) i) 20 mm Rmt 28 26 ii) 25 mm Rmt 40 36 iii) 32 mm Rmt 66 59 iv) 40 mm Rmt 97 87 v) 50 mm Rmt 148 132 vi) 63 mm Rmt 218 194 vii) 75 mm Rmt 295 262 viii) 90 mm Rmt 426 379 ix) 110 mm Rmt 633 563 x) 125 mm Rmt 817 727 xi) 140 mm Rmt 1027 914 xii) 160 mm Rmt 1361 1211 vii) 180 mm Rmt 1722 1533 viii) 200 mm Rmt 2129 1895 ix) 225 mm Rmt 2697 2400 x) 250 mm Rmt 3316 2952 xi) 280 mm Rmt 4169 3711 xii) 315 mm Rmt 5362 4772 B) PN 12.5 (SDR 11) i) 25 mm Rmt 37 33 ii) 32 mm Rmt 62 55 iii) 40 mm Rmt 90 84 iv) 50 mm Rmt 130 116 v) 63 mm Rmt 175 158 vi) 75 mm Rmt 245 219 vii) 90 mm Rmt 359 316 viii) 110 mm Rmt 526 468 ix) 125 mm Rmt 684 609 x) 140 mm Rmt 854 760 xi) 160 mm Rmt 1118 995 xii) 180 mm Rmt 1439 1291 vii) 200 mm Rmt 1778 1581 Section - I - ( X )A - MDPE.Pipes Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 With E.D. Without ED Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 viii) 225 mm Rmt 2248 2001 ix) 250 mm Rmt 2770 2479 x) 280 mm Rmt 3471 3089 xi) 315 mm Rmt 4400 3916 C) PN 10 (SDR 13.6) i) 63 mm Rmt 150 134 ii) 75 mm Rmt 212 189 iii) 90 mm Rmt 305 272 iv) 110 mm Rmt 450 401 v) 125 mm Rmt 579 516 vi) 140 mm Rmt 727 647 vii) 160 mm Rmt 951 846 viii) 180 mm Rmt 1205 1072 ix) 200 mm Rmt 1483 1320 x) 225 mm Rmt 1881 1673 xi) 250 mm Rmt 2315 2060 xii) 280 mm Rmt 2900 2581 xiii) 315 mm Rmt 3662 3259 D) PN 8 (SDR 17) i) 63 mm Rmt 122 108 ii) 75 mm Rmt 171 152 iii) 90 mm Rmt 247 220 iv) 110 mm Rmt 367 327 v) 125 mm Rmt 470 418 vi) 140 mm Rmt 589 524 vii) 160 mm Rmt 771 686 viii) 180 mm Rmt 977 870 ix) 200 mm Rmt 1203 1071 x) 225 mm Rmt 1528 1360 xi) 250 mm Rmt 1875 1705 xii) 280 mm Rmt 2399 2135 xii) 315 mm Rmt 3040 2705 E) PN 6 (SDR 21) i) 63 mm Rmt 94 84 ii) 75 mm Rmt 136 121 iii) 90 mm Rmt 190 169 iv) 110 mm Rmt 284 258 v) 125 mm Rmt 374 326 vi) 140 mm Rmt 460 410 vii) 160 mm Rmt 602 536 viii) 180 mm Rmt 756 672 ix) 200 mm Rmt 939 836 With E.D. Without ED Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 x) 225 mm Rmt 1189 1058 xi) 250 mm Rmt 1452 1293 xii) 280 mm Rmt 1836 1634 xiii) 315 mm Rmt 2309 2055 2 Providing & Supply of Electro Fusion Fittings in accordance with BS EN12201: Part-3 suitable for drinking water with in black/ blue colour manufactured from compounded PE80/ PE100 virgin polymer and compatible with PE80/PE100 pipes, in pressure rating SDR11 with min PN12.5 rated for water application and shall be inclusive of all cost such as testing, all taxes related to central, state & municipal, inspection charges, transportation up to site, transit insurance, loading, unloading, stacking etc. complete. 1 Couplers 20 No. 100 2 Couplers 25 No. 100 3 Couplers 32 No. 100 4 Couplers 40 No. 173 5 Couplers 50 No. 217 6 Couplers 63 No. 257 7 Couplers 75 No. 435 8 Couplers 90 No. 476 9 Couplers 110 No. 664 10 Couplers 125 No. 675 11 Couplers 140 No. 1446 12 Couplers 160 No. 1569 13 Couplers 180 No. 2254 14 Couplers 200 No. 2530 15 Couplers 225 No. 3189 16 Couplers 250 No. 4973 17 Couplers 280 No. 5600 18 Couplers 315 No. 6116 19 Equal Tee 20 No. 210 20 Equal Tee 25 No. 210 21 Equal Tee 32 No. 210 22 Equal Tee 40 No. 463 23 Equal Tee 50 No. 473 24 Equal Tee 63 No. 775 25 Equal Tee 75 No. 1135 26 Equal Tee 90 No. 1620 27 Equal Tee 110 No. 2250 28 Equal Tee 125 No. 3104 29 Equal Tee 160 No. 5380 30 Equal Tee 180 No. 6758 With E.D. Without ED Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 31 Equal Tee 200 No. 10832 32 Equal Tee 225 No. 12215 33 Equal Tee 250 No. 17895 34 Elbow 90 Deg. 20 No. 112 35 Elbow 90 Deg. 25 No. 112 36 Elbow 90 Deg. 32 No. 113 37 Elbow 90 Deg. 40 No. 153 38 Elbow 90 Deg. 50 No. 181 39 Elbow 90 Deg. 63 No. 252 40 Elbow 90 Deg. 75 No. 394 41 Elbow 90 Deg. 90 No. 465 42 Elbow 90 Deg. 110 No. 641 43 Elbow 90 Deg. 125 No. 816 44 Elbow 90 Deg. 160 No. 1786 45 Elbow 90 Deg. 180 No. 2070 46 Elbow 90 Deg. 200 No. 2679 47 Elbow 90 Deg. 225 No. 5840 48 Elbow 90 Deg. 250 No. 10943 49 Elbow 45 Deg. 32 No. 120 50 Elbow 45 Deg. 40 No. 145 51 Elbow 45 Deg. 50 No. 172 52 Elbow 45 Deg. 63 No. 240 53 Elbow 45 Deg. 75 No. 374 54 Elbow 45 Deg. 90 No. 442 55 Elbow 45 Deg. 110 No. 641 56 Elbow 45 Deg. 125 No. 816 57 Elbow 45 Deg. 160 No. 1503 58 Elbow 45 Deg. 180 No. 1970 59 Elbow 45 Deg. 200 No. 2070 60 Elbow 45 Deg. 225 No. 2679 61 Elbow 45 Deg. 250 No. 5840 62 Reducer 25X20 No. 150 63 Reducer 32X20 No. 158 64 Reducer 32X25 No. 165 65 Reducer 40X32 No. 179 66 Reducer 50X32 No. 179 67 Reducer 50X40 No. 179 68 Reducer 63X32 No. 217 69 Reducer 63X40 No. 217 70 Reducer 63X50 No. 217 71 Reducer 90X63 No. 536 With E.D. Without ED Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 72 Reducer 110X75 No. 697 73 Reducer 110X90 No. 697 74 Reducer 125X90 No. 774 75 Reducer 160X110 No. 1369 76 Reducer 180X125 No. 1705 77 Reducer 200X160 No. 2020 78 Reducer 225X160 No. 2955 79 Reducer 250X160 No. 4082 80 Reducer 250X200 No. 4465 81 End Cap 20 No. 40 82 End Cap 25 No. 40 83 End Cap 32 No. 55 84 End Cap 40 No. 60 85 End Cap 50 No. 64 86 End Cap 63 No. 84 87 End Cap 75 No. 308 88 End Cap 90 No. 351 89 End Cap 110 No. 493 90 End Cap 125 No. 624 91 End Cap 140 No. 1021 92 End Cap 160 No. 1106 93 End Cap 180 No. 1286 94 End Cap 200 No. 2055 95 End Cap 225 No. 3530 96 End Cap 250 No. 4550 97 End Cap 315 No. 7527 98 Ferrule tapping tee 63 x 1/2" No. 757 99 Ferrule tapping tee 63 x 3/4" No. 757 100 Ferrule tapping tee 63 x 1" No. 757 101 Ferrule tapping tee 75 x 1/2" No. 757 102 Ferrule tapping tee 75 x 3/4" No. 757 103 Ferrule tapping tee 75 x 1" No. 757 104 Ferrule tapping tee 90 x 1/2" No. 757 105 Ferrule tapping tee 90 x 3/4" No. 757 106 Ferrule tapping tee 90 x 1" No. 757 107 Ferrule tapping tee 90 x 11/4" No. 982 108 Ferrule tapping tee 90 x 11/2" No. 982 109 Ferrule tapping tee 90 x 2" No. 982 110 Ferrule tapping tee 110 x 1/2" No. 757 111 Ferrule tapping tee 110 x 3/4" No. 757 112 Ferrule tapping tee 110 x 1" No. 757 113 Ferrule tapping tee 110 x 11/4" No. 982 With E.D. Without ED Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 114 Ferrule tapping tee 110 x 11/2" No. 982 115 Ferrule tapping tee 110 x 2" No. 982 116 Ferrule tapping tee 160 x 1/2" No. 757 117 Ferrule tapping tee 160 x 3/4" No. 757 118 Ferrule tapping tee 160 x 1" No. 757 119 Ferrule tapping tee 160 x 11/4" No. 1070 120 Ferrule tapping tee 160 x 11/2" No. 1070 121 Ferrule tapping tee 160 x 2" No. 1070 122 Ferrule tapping tee 200 x 1/2" No. 1068 123 Ferrule tapping tee 200 x 3/4" No. 1068 124 Ferrule tapping tee 200 x 1" No. 1068 125 Ferrule tapping tee 200 x 11/4" No. 1540 126 Ferrule tapping tee 200 x 11/2" No. 1540 127 Ferrule tapping tee 200 x 2" No. 1540 128 Ferrule tapping tee 250 x 1/2" No. 1068 129 Ferrule tapping tee 250 x 3/4" No. 1068 130 Ferrule tapping tee 250 x 1" No. 1068 131 Ferrule tapping tee 250 x 11/4" No. 1540 132 Ferrule tapping tee 250 x 11/2" No. 1540 133 Ferrule tapping tee 250 x 2" No. 1540 134 Ferrule tapping tee 315 x 1/2" No. 1271 135 Ferrule tapping tee 315 x 3/4" No. 1271 136 Ferrule tapping tee 315 x 1" No. 1271 137 Ferrule tapping tee 315 x 11/4" No. 1726 138 Ferrule tapping tee 315 x 11/2" No. 1726 139 Ferrule tapping tee 315 x 2" No. 1726 3 Providing & Supply of Compression fittings, PN16 rated in conformation to ISO:14236-2000 and shall be tested as per ISO:3459, ISO:3501 & ISO:3503,suitable for drinking water & approved by WRAS, UK/ KIWA etc, in food grade polypropylene and shall be inclusive of all cost such as testing, all taxes related to central, state & municipal, inspection charges, transportation up to site, transit insurance, loading, unloading, stacking etc. complete. Compression Fittings List Price Description 1 Male Adaptor 20x1/2" No. 68 2 Male Adaptor 25x3/4" No. 78 3 Male Adaptor 32x1" No. 100 4 Male Adaptor 40x1 1/4" No. 184 5 Male Adaptor 50x1 1/2" No. 241 6 Male Adaptor 63x2" No. 344 7 Female Adaptor 20x1/2" No. 73 8 Female Adaptor 25x3/4" No. 86 With E.D. Without ED Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 9 Female Adaptor 32x1" No. 108 10 Female Adaptor 40x1 1/4" No. 202 11 Female Adaptor 50x1 1/2" No. 259 12 Female Adaptor 63x2" No. 365 13 Coupling 20x20 No. 70 14 Coupling 25x25 No. 77 15 Coupling 32x32 No. 98 16 Coupling 40x40 No. 187 17 Coupling 50x50 No. 240 18 Coupling 63x63 No. 347 19 Reducing Coupling 25x20 No. 128 20 Reducing Coupling 32x20 No. 169 21 Reducing Coupling 32x25 No. 169 22 Reducing Coupling 40x25 No. 289 23 Reducing Coupling 40x32 No. 289 24 Reducing Coupling 50x32 No. 374 25 Reducing Coupling 50x40 No. 374 26 Reducing Coupling 63x50 No. 530 27 90 Deg. Elbow 20 No. 130 28 90 Deg. Elbow 25 No. 155 29 90 Deg. Elbow 32 No. 190 30 90 Deg. Elbow 40 No. 312 31 90 Deg. Elbow 50 No. 443 32 90 Deg. Elbow 63 No. 600 33 90 Deg. Elbow threaded male off take 20x1/2" No. 78 34 90 Deg. Elbow threaded male off take 25x3/4" No. 95 35 90 Deg. Elbow threaded male off take 32x1" No. 123 36 90 Deg. Elbow threaded male off take 40x11/4" No. 197 37 90 Deg. Elbow threaded male off take 50x11/2" No. 269 38 90 Deg. Elbow threaded male off take 63x2" No. 374 39 90 Deg. Elbow threaded female off take 20x1/2" No. 89 40 90 Deg. Elbow threaded female off take 25x3/4" No. 110 41 90 Deg. Elbow threaded female off take 32x1" No. 132 42 90 Deg. Elbow threaded female off take 40x11/4" No. 257 43 90 Deg. Elbow threaded female off take 50x11/2" No. 337 44 90 Deg. Elbow threaded female off take 63x2" No. 443 45 Equal Tee 20x20x20 No. 155 46 Equal Tee 25x25x25 No. 204 47 Equal Tee 32x32x32 No. 264 48 Equal Tee 40x40x40 No. 436 49 Equal Tee 50x50x50 No. 590 50 Equal Tee 63x63x63 No. 839 51 End Cap 20 No. 40 52 End Cap 25 No. 40 With E.D. Without ED Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 53 End Cap 32 No. 55 54 End Cap 40 No. 60 55 End Cap 50 No. 64 56 End Cap 63 No. 84 Section - I - ( XI ) - P.C.C.P. Pipes Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012 2013 With E.D. Without ED 1 Providing and supplying Prestressed Concrete Cylinder Pipes suitable for sliding overlap weld joint or confined rubber ring joint with necessary rubber ring of following class and diameters including cost of all taxes (Central and local) inspection charges transportation to site of work / store transit 2012-2013 inspection charges, transportation to site of work / store, transit insurance, unloading and stacking etc. complete. As per IS 784:2001 i) Factory test Pressure a) Site test pressure +0.1 N/mm 2 , For working Pressure upto 1 N/mm 2 b) Site test pressure +0.2 N/mm 2 , For working Pressure above 1 N/mm 2 ii) Site test Pressure - 1.5 times working pressure pertaining to the section or 1.1 times static pressure , whichever is more ( Such a pressure is to be controlled within 25 % of pump head in case of pumping main) iii) Working Pressure - The maximum sustained internal pressure excluding surge to which each portion of pipeline may be subjected when installed. All test pressure shall be replaced by Factory test pressure a TP 4Kg/Sq Cm a TP 4Kg/Sq.Cm. 1 350 mm RMT 4464 4054 2 400 mm RMT 4909 4457 3 450mm RMT 5390 4896 4 500 mm RMT 5965 5417 5 600 mm RMT 7213 6551 6 700 mm RMT 8334 7569 7 800 mm RMT 9382 8522 7 800 mm RMT 9382 8522 8 900 mm RMT 11499 10445 9 1000 mm RMT 13280 12062 10 1100mm RMT 14870 13505 11 1200mm RMT 16349 14849 12 1300 mm RMT 18890 17156 13 1400mm RMT 20511 18628 14 1500 21993 19975 14 1500 mm RMT 21993 19975 15 1600 mm RMT 23476 21321 16 1700mm RMT 24958 22668 17 1800mm RMT 26440 24014 b TP 5.5 Kg/Sq.Cm. 1 350 mm RMT 4464 4054 2 400 4930 4479 2 400 mm RMT 4930 4479 3 450mm RMT 5417 4923 4 500 mm RMT 6000 5449 5 600 mm RMT 7262 6596 6 700 mm RMT 8400 7629 With E D With t ED Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 With E.D. Without ED 7 800 mm RMT 9493 8621 8 900 mm RMT 11606 10542 9 1000 mm RMT 13412 12181 10 1100mm RMT 15040 13661 11 1200mm RMT 17157 15584 12 1300 mm RMT 19169 17409 13 1400mm RMT 20866 18952 14 1500 mm RMT 22350 20298 15 1600 mm RMT 23832 21646 16 1700mm RMT 25315 22992 17 1800mm RMT 26797 24339 c TP 7 Kg/Sq.Cm. 1 350 mm RMT 4475 4063 2 400 mm RMT 4951 4496 3 450mm RMT 5445 4945 4 500 mm RMT 6032 5478 5 600 mm RMT 7312 6641 6 700 mm RMT 8479 7701 7 800 mm RMT 9629 8745 8 900 mm RMT 11756 10677 9 1000 mm RMT 13613 12366 10 1100mm RMT 15289 13886 11 1200mm RMT 17455 15853 12 1300 mm RMT 19518 17728 13 1400mm RMT 21450 19483 14 1500 mm RMT 22384 20329 15 1600 mm RMT 23867 21676 16 1700mm RMT 25349 23023 17 1800mm RMT 26831 24369 d TP 8.5 Kg/Sq.Cm. 1 350 mm RMT 4492 4080 2 400 mm RMT 4976 4520 3 450mm RMT 5473 4970 4 500 mm RMT 6067 5510 5 600 mm RMT 7376 6700 6 700 mm RMT 8578 7790 7 800 mm RMT 9765 8869 8 900 mm RMT 11923 10828 9 1000 mm RMT 13819 12550 10 1100mm RMT 15537 14112 11 1200mm RMT 17903 16261 12 1300 mm RMT 20032 18194 With E D With t ED Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 With E.D. Without ED 13 1400mm RMT 21859 19853 14 1500 mm RMT 22789 20699 15 1600 mm RMT 24273 22045 16 1700mm RMT 25755 23392 17 1800mm RMT 27237 24738 e TP 10 Kg/Sq.Cm. 1 350 mm RMT 4508 4095 2 400 mm RMT 4995 4539 3 450mm RMT 5506 5002 4 500 mm RMT 6117 5555 5 600 mm RMT 7449 6764 6 700 mm RMT 8677 7880 7 800 mm RMT 9913 9003 8 900 mm RMT 12087 10978 9 1000 mm RMT 14024 12736 10 1100mm RMT 15926 14465 11 1200mm RMT 18207 16536 12 1300 mm RMT 20390 18520 13 1400mm RMT 22276 20233 14 1500 mm RMT 23209 21079 15 1600 mm RMT 24692 22427 16 1700mm RMT 26175 23773 17 1800mm RMT 27657 25120 f TP11.5 Kg/Sq.Cm. 1 350 mm RMT 4527 4111 2 400 mm RMT 5027 4567 3 450mm RMT 5550 5039 4 500 mm RMT 6169 5602 5 600 mm RMT 7523 6833 6 700 mm RMT 8774 7968 7 800 mm RMT 10188 9254 8 900 mm RMT 12254 11131 9 1000 mm RMT 14228 12922 10 1100mm RMT 16181 14696 11 1200mm RMT 18513 16814 12 1300 mm RMT 20751 18848 13 1400mm RMT 22699 20617 14 1500 mm RMT 23631 21462 15 1600 mm RMT 25113 22809 16 1700mm RMT 26596 24155 17 1800mm RMT 28078 25502 With E D With t ED Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 With E.D. Without ED g TP 13 Kg/Sq.Cm. 1 350 mm RMT 4562 4143 2 400 mm RMT 5069 4604 3 450mm RMT 5594 5081 4 500 mm RMT 6220 5649 5 600 mm RMT 7595 6898 6 700 mm RMT 8874 8058 7 800 mm RMT 10356 9407 8 900 mm RMT 12421 11281 9 1000 mm RMT 14526 13193 10 1100mm RMT 16438 14930 With E D With t ED Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 With E.D. Without ED 11 1200mm RMT 18823 17095 12 1300 mm RMT 21120 19181 13 1400mm RMT 23116 20995 14 1500 mm RMT 24047 21841 15 1600 mm RMT 25530 23188 16 1700mm RMT 27012 24534 17 1800mm RMT 28494 25871 h TP 14.5 Kg/Sq.Cm. 1 350 mm RMT 4601 4179 2 400 mm RMT 5116 4646 3 450mm RMT 5649 5131 4 500 mm RMT 6279 5703 5 600 mm RMT 7672 6968 6 700 mm RMT 9456 8588 7 800 mm RMT 10525 9559 8 900 mm RMT 12706 11541 9 1000 mm RMT 14739 13386 10 1100mm RMT 16696 15163 11 1200mm RMT 19130 17374 12 1300 mm RMT 21479 19507 13 1400mm RMT 24161 21944 14 1500 mm RMT 25092 22789 15 1600 mm RMT 26575 24137 16 1700mm RMT 28057 25483 17 1800mm RMT 29539 26830 I TP17 Kg/Sq.Cm. 1 350 mm RMT 4636 4212 2 400 mm RMT 5162 4689 3 450mm RMT 5707 5183 4 500 mm RMT 6347 5765 5 600 mm RMT 7771 7057 6 700 mm RMT 9076 8244 7 800 mm RMT 10728 9745 8 900 mm RMT 12889 11705 9 1000 mm RMT 14955 13581 10 1100mm RMT 16964 15408 11 1200mm RMT 19440 17656 12 1300 mm RMT 21844 19840 13 1400mm RMT 24628 22367 14 1500 mm RMT 25558 23214 15 1600 mm RMT 27041 24560 16 1700mm RMT 28524 25907 With E D With t ED Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 With E.D. Without ED 17 1800mm RMT 30006 27253 With E D With t ED Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 With E.D. Without ED j TP 18.5 Kg/Sq.Cm. 1 350 mm RMT 4674 4245 2 400 mm RMT 5209 4731 3 450mm RMT 5765 5236 4 500 mm RMT 6417 5828 5 600 mm RMT 7870 7148 6 700 mm RMT 9189 8347 7 800 mm RMT 11082 10064 8 900 mm RMT 13113 11910 9 1000 mm RMT 15211 13814 10 1100mm RMT 17231 15649 11 1200mm RMT 19752 17940 12 1300 mm RMT 22892 20793 13 1400mm RMT 25266 22948 14 1500 mm RMT 25671 23314 15 1600 mm RMT 27153 24662 16 1700mm RMT 28635 26009 17 1800mm RMT 30119 27355 k TP 20 Kg/Sq.Cm. 1 350 mm RMT 4711 4278 2 400 mm RMT 5257 4775 3 450mm RMT 5822 5288 4 500 mm RMT 6489 5894 5 600 mm RMT 7968 7237 6 700 mm RMT 9416 8552 7 800 mm RMT 11349 10306 8 900 mm RMT 13415 12182 9 1000 mm RMT 15564 14135 10 1100mm RMT 17638 16019 11 1200mm RMT 20785 18878 12 1300 mm RMT 23387 21241 13 1400mm RMT 25824 23453 14 1500 mm RMT 26227 23821 15 1600 mm RMT 27710 25168 16 1700mm RMT 29192 26514 17 1800mm RMT 30674 27861 l TP 21.5 Kg/Sq.Cm. 1 350 mm RMT 4750 4316 2 400 mm RMT 5302 4817 3 450mm RMT 5880 5340 With E D With t ED Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 With E.D. Without ED 4 500 mm RMT 6559 5957 5 600 mm RMT 8084 7342 6 700 mm RMT 9879 8973 7 800 mm RMT 11528 10469 8 900 mm RMT 13711 12453 9 1000 mm RMT 15918 14457 10 1100mm RMT 18527 16827 11 1200mm RMT 21302 19347 12 1300 mm RMT 23929 21733 13 1400mm RMT 27241 24741 14 1500 mm RMT 27647 25109 15 1600 mm RMT 29129 26457 16 1700mm RMT 30611 27803 17 1800mm RMT 32094 29150 m TP 23 Kg/Sq.Cm. 1 350 mm RMT 4787 4349 2 400 mm RMT 5350 4859 3 450mm RMT 5939 5394 4 500 mm RMT 6628 6020 5 600 mm RMT 8254 7497 6 700 mm RMT 10190 9256 7 800 mm RMT 11880 10790 8 900 mm RMT 14008 12723 9 1000 mm RMT 16270 14778 10 1100mm RMT 19017 17272 11 1200mm RMT 21825 19823 12 1300 mm RMT 24612 22353 13 1400mm RMT 27747 25200 14 1500 mm RMT 28150 25567 15 1600 mm RMT 29632 26915 16 1700mm RMT 31116 28261 17 1800mm RMT 32598 29607 n TP 24.5 Kg/Sq.Cm. 1 350 mm RMT 4825 4382 2 400 mm RMT 5398 4902 3 450mm RMT 5997 5447 4 500 mm RMT 6699 6084 5 600 mm RMT 8586 7798 6 700 mm RMT 10331 9383 7 800 mm RMT 12097 10986 8 900 mm RMT 14244 12938 9 1000 mm RMT 17036 15472 With E D With t ED Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 With E.D. Without ED 10 1100mm RMT 19508 17718 11 1200mm RMT 22354 20305 12 1300 mm RMT 26559 24122 13 1400mm RMT 28276 25682 14 1500 mm RMT 28677 26045 15 1600 mm RMT 30159 27392 16 1700mm RMT 31642 28738 17 1800mm RMT 33124 30085 Note ; 1) For P.C.C.P pipes lowering , laying and pouring of cement mortar in the field on joints (after laying and welding ), rates as per P.S.C. pipes lowering, laying and jointing shall be adopted Note ; 2) For field welding rates applicable for similar welding in M.S. pipes given in that section shall be adopted. NOTE : 3) Whenever manufacturer is separate& contractor for lowering laying jointing & testing is seperate the principal contractor shall enter into an aggrement with P C C P pipe manufacturer for satisfactory manufacturing transporting lowering laying jointing & testing of adopted. manufacturer for satisfactory manufacturing transporting lowering laying jointing & testing of pipe.This foot Note shall appear in tender conditions Sr No Item Description Unit 1 Providing and supplying ISI mark CI D/F reflux valves (non-return valves ) of following dia including all taxes (Central and Local), railway freight, inspection charges unloding from railway wagon, loading into truck, transportation upto departmental stroes/ site, unloading, stacking etc. complete. Reflux valves as per I.S.5312 Part I (1984) A CI D/F reflux valves (non-return valves ) With Third Party Inspection a Without by pass arrangement - PN -1 1 50 mm No 3308 2 65 mm No 3873 3 80 mm No 4078 4 100 mm No 5694 5 125 mm No 8130 6 150 mm No 9844 7 200 mm No 17694 8 250 mm No 30194 9 300 mm No 41374 10 350 mm No 68478 11 400 mm No 94273 12 450 mm No 111059 13 500 mm No 181880 14 600 mm No 266900 15 700 mm No 468495 b With by pass arrangement - PN -1 1 80 mm No 4709 2 100 mm No 6708 3 125 mm No 9134 4 150 mm No 10848 5 200 mm No 20224 6 250 mm No 33057 7 300 mm No 44373 8 350 mm No 72752 9 400 mm No 97627 10 450 mm No 114222 11 500 mm No 185408 12 600 mm No 270477 13 700 mm No 709220 14 750 mm No 776307 15 800 mm No 843396 16 900 mm No 920068 17 1000 mm No 1073413 c Without by pass arrangement - PN-1.6 1 50 mm No 3227 2 65 mm No 3486 3 80 mm No 5718 4 100 mm No 7323 5 125 mm No 10203 6 150 mm 11419 Section - I - ( XII ) - Pipe Appurtenances Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 7 200 mm No 24284 8 250 mm No 38986 9 300 mm No 54474 10 350 mm No 93820 11 400 mm No 108424 12 450 mm No 127927 13 500 mm No 207834 14 600 mm No 305384 15 700 mm No 369010 16 750 mm No 423608 17 800 mm No 481972 18 900 mm No 609995 19 1000 mm No 753081 20 1100 mm No 911227 21 1200 mm No 1084436 d With by pass arrangement - PN-1.6 1 50 mm No 3312 2 65 mm No 3727 3 80 mm No 5484 4 100 mm No 7092 5 125 mm 9911 6 150 mm No 12030 7 200 mm No 24298 8 250 mm No 36715 9 300 mm No 51028 10 350 mm No 85713 11 400 mm No 112272 12 450 mm No 131355 13 500 mm No 213216 14 600 mm No 311049 15 700 mm No 375853 16 750 mm No 431463 17 800 mm No 490910 18 900 mm No 621308 19 1000 mm No 767046 20 1100 mm No 928125 21 1200 mm No 1104545 2 Providing and supplying double flange sluice valves confirming for IS 2906/14846 including warn gear arrangement as per test pressure stainless steel spindle caps including all taxes transportation etc complete. A Without byepass a Sluice valves - PN -1 1 50 mm No 4391 2 65 mm No 4985 3 80 mm No 5116 4 100 mm No 6812 5 125 mm No 8521 6 150 mm No 10217 Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 7 200 mm No 19333 8 250 mm No 29913 9 300 mm No 37695 10 350 mm No 53477 11 400 mm No 72101 12 450 mm No 88187 13 500 mm No 113477 14 600 mm No 167606 15 700 mm No 300430 16 750 mm No 342603 17 800 mm No 427239 18 900 mm No 550860 19 1000 mm No 814189 20 1100 mm No 1078533 21 1200 mm No 1280269 With by pass arrangement - PN-1. i) 50 mm No 4391 ii) 65 mm No 4985 iii) 80 mm No 5116 iv) 100 mm No 6812 v) 125 mm No 8521 vi) 150 mm No 12374 vii) 200 mm No 21854 viii) 250 mm No 33263 ix) 300 mm No 40982 x) 350 mm No 58087 xi) 400 mm No 77248 xii) 450 mm No 93275 xiii) 500 mm No 120104 xiv) 600 mm No 174198 xv) 700 mm No 310617 xvi) 750 mm No 351996 xvii) 800 mm No 437316 xviii) 900 mm No 561585 xix) 1000 mm No 826615 xx) 1100 mm No 1093680 xxi) 1200 mm No 1293675 b , Sluice valves without byepass arrangement - PN -1.6 1 50 mm No 5803 2 65 mm No 6371 3 80 mm No 7265 4 100 mm No 9636 5 125 mm No 12024 6 150 mm No 11893 7 200 mm No 24101 8 250 mm No 37382 9 300 mm No 49699 Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 10 350 mm No 72811 11 400 mm No 99720 12 450 mm No 123737 13 500 mm No 160146 14 600 mm No 243982 15 700 mm No 524772 16 750 mm No 579078 17 800 mm No 672599 18 900 mm No 813137 19 1000 mm No 1183325 20 1100 mm No 1285723 21 1200 mm No 1721030 d) Sluice valve - PN - 1.6 with byepass arrangement i) 50 mm No 5803 ii) 65 mm No 6371 iii) 80 mm No 7265 iv) 100 mm No 9636 v) 125 mm No 12024 vi) 150 mm No 14014 vii) 200 mm No 26755 viii) 250 mm No 40969 ix) 300 mm No 53299 x) 350 mm No 77866 xi) 400 mm No 105441 xii) 450 mm No 129463 xiii) 500 mm No 167602 xiv) 600 mm No 251533 xv) 700 mm No 538550 xvi) 750 mm No 589319 xvii) 800 mm No 682470 xviii) 900 mm No 823468 xix) 1000 mm No 1195568 xx) 1100 mm No 1297614 xxi) 1200 mm No 1734270 3 Providing , and supplying double flanged short body pattern type manually operated Butterfly Valve having body, disc and end cover in graded cast iron to IS 210 Gr. CF 200 generally conforming in BS 5155, Synthetic rubber faced ring secured on disc by retaining ring with stainless steel screw stub shaft of stainless steel riding in teflon bearings excluding C. C. foundation/ structural steel support confirming to IS 13095- 1991,etc complete a) - PN -1.0 with byepass arrangement 1 80 mm No 5808 2 100 mm No 7424 3 125 mm No 8467 Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 4 150 mm No 10944 5 200 mm No 14586 6 250 mm No 18230 7 300 mm No 28844 8 350 mm No 58665 9 400 mm No 63023 10 450 mm No 72811 11 500 mm No 79947 12 600 mm No 98727 13 700 mm No 159784 14 750 mm No 198334 15 800 mm No 218214 16 900 mm No 301378 17 1000 mm No 358723 18 1100 mm No 581758 19 1200 mm No 550499 20 1400 mm No 839367 21 1500 mm No 1042954 Butterfly Valve with byepass arrangement b) Butterfly valve - PN - 1.6 1 80 mm No 6444 2 100 mm No 8537 3 125 mm No 9317 4 150 mm No 12585 5 200 mm No 16776 6 250 mm No 20965 7 300 mm No 33171 8 350 mm No 67464 9 400 mm No 72476 10 450 mm No 83733 11 500 mm No 91939 12 600 mm No 113537 13 700 mm No 183751 14 750 mm No 228084 15 800 mm No 249867 16 900 mm No 346586 17 1000 mm No 448404 18 1100 mm No 727199 19 1200 mm No 688125 20 1400 mm No 1049209 21 1500 mm No 1294878 Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 4 Lowering, laying, jointing in position following CIDF Reflux, butterfly valves and sluice valves including cost of all labors jointing material including nutbolts and giving satisfactory hydraulic testing etc complete ( Rates for all class of valves ) i) 50 mm No 689 ii) 65 mm No 1036 iii) 80 mm No 1440 iv) 100 mm No 1881 v) 125 mm No 2342 vi) 150 mm No 2957 vii) 200 mm No 3076 viii) 250 mm No 4008 ix) 300 mm No 4158 x) 350 mm No 5124 xi) 400 mm No 6182 xii) 450 mm No 7354 xiii) 500 mm No 7616 xiv) 600 mm No 8083 xv) 700 mm No 8714 xvi) 750 mm No 9598 xvii) 800 mm No 11438 xviii) 900 mm No 12136 xix) 1000 mm No 14307 xx) 1100 mm No 16521 xxi) 1200 mm to 1500 mm No 18153 5 Providing and supplying Air valve as per IS 14845-2000 and MJ P Std Specification of approved make and quality of following dia including all taxes ( Central and local ) rly frieght inspection charges unloading from rly wagon loading in to truck transportatin upto Dept store/ site unloading and stacking etc complete a Air Valve Single Ball Flanged / Screwed Type - PN -1.0 1 12/15 MM No 615 2 20 mm No 741 3 25 mm No 1022 4 32 mm No 1116 5 40 mm No 1228 6 50 mm No 1349 b Air Valve Single Ball Flanged / Screwed Type - PN -1.6 1 12/15 mm No 719 2 20 mm No 1022 3 25 mm No 1228 4 32 mm No 1324 5 40 mm No 1418 6 50 mm No 1851 Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 6 Providing and supplying Air Valves as per IS-10845 and MJ Ps standard specifications double orifice type combined with screwdown isolating valve, small orifice elastic ball resting on a gun metal orifice nipple, large orifice vulcanite ball seating on moulded seat ring, inlet face and drilled, including all taxes (Central and local), insurance, third party inspection charges, loading, unloding, transportatoin upto departmental stores / site, etc. complete. A With Third Party Inspection a a) Air Valve Double Ball Flanged Type - PN -1 1 50 mm No 5673 2 65 mm No 6619 3 80 mm No 7561 b a) Air Valve Double Ball Flanged Type - PN -1.6 1 50 mm No 7515 2 65 mm No 8509 3 80 mm No 10530 7 Providing and supplying Air Valves as per IS-10845 and MJ Ps standard specifications double orifice type combined with isolating sluice valve, mounted in horzontal position and operated by wheel gearing, small orifice elastic ball resting on a gun metal orifice nipple, large orifice vulcanite ball seating on moulded seat ring, inlet face and drilled, including all taxes (Central and local), insurance, third party inspection charges, loading, unloading, transportation upto departmental store / site, etc. complete. A With Third Party Inspection a Air Valve Double Ball Flanged Type - PN -1 1 100 mm No 9561 2 150 mm No 17425 3 200 mm No 29304 b Air Valve Double Ball Flanged Type - PN -1.6 1 100 mm No 14617 2 150 mm No 20593 3 200 mm No 34633 8 Providing and supplying Kinetic Double Orifice type Air Valves as per MJ Ps standard specifications combined with screw down isolating valve, small orifice elastic ball resting on a gun metal orifice nipple, large orifice vulcanite ball seating on moulded seat ring, inlet face and drilled, including all taxes (Central and local), insurance, third party inspection charges, loading, unloading, transportation upto departmental stores / site, etc. complete. A With Third Party Inspection a a) Kinetic Air Valve Flanged Type - PN -1. 1 40 mm No 9516 2 50 mm No 11729 3 80 mm No 15304 b a) Kinetic Air Valve Flanged Type - PN -1.6. 1 40 mm No 11280 2 50 mm No 13903 3 80 mm No 18176 Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 9 Providing and supplying Kinetic Double Orifice type Air Valves as per MJ Ps standard specifications having small orifice elastic ball resting on a gun metal orifice nipple, large orifice vulcanite ball seating on moulded seat ring,with built-in Kinetic features, isolatintg sluice valve mounted in horizontal position and operated by wheel gearing, inlet face and drilled, including all taxes (Central and local), insurance, third party inspection charges, loading, unloding, transportation upto departmental stores / site, etc. complete. No A With Third Party Inspection a a) Kinetic Air Valve Flanged Type - PN -1. 1 100 mm No 20610 2 150 mm No 38804 3 200 mm No 56659 b a) Kinetic Air Valve Flanged Type - PN -1.6 1 100 mm No 24427 2 150 mm No 45993 3 200 mm No 67161 10 Lowering, laying and fixing in proper alignment and position all types of C.I. air valves as directed by Engineer-in-charge including cost of conveyance fromstores to site of work, cost of all material and giving satisfactory hydraulic testing, etc. complete. (for all class of valves). a Air Valve Single Ball (PN-1 and PN - 1.6) 1 15 mm No 110 2 20 mm No 140 3 25 mm No 180 4 32 mm No 199 5 40 mm No 213 6 50 mm No 231 7 65 mm No 243 8 80 mm No 255 9 100 mm No 285 10 125 mm No 345 11 150 mm No 383 12 200 mm No 421 b Air Valve Double Ball (PN-1 and PN - 1.6) 1 15 mm No 120 2 20 mm No 149 3 25 mm No 180 4 32 mm No 205 5 40 mm No 238 6 50 mm No 275 7 65 mm No 317 8 80 mm No 379 9 100 mm No 400 10 125 mm No 441 11 150 mm No 603 12 200 mm No 664 Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 c Kinetic Air Valve (PN-1 and PN - 1.6) 1 40 mm No 273 2 50 mm No 315 3 65 mm No 345 4 80 mm No 379 5 100 mm No 417 6 125 mm No 455 7 150 mm No 652 8 200 mm No 711 11 Providing erecting Cast Steel/ Spheroidal Graphite (S.G) Iron D/F Sluice Valves / ButterflyValves with jointing to pipe work (including all hardware and packing) water works quality, having non-rising spindle with hand wheel and without bypass arrangement, spindle of stainless steel as per requirement, excluding C. C. foundation / structural steel support. A With Third Party Inspection a For Rating Class 150 (Working Pressure 20 kg/cm2 and Test Pressure 30 kg/cm2) a) Sluice Valves. 1 80 mm dia No 14656 2 100 mm dia No 19540 3 150 mm dia No 29311 4 200 mm dia No 45713 5 250 mm dia No 65786 6 300 mm dia No 84173 7 350 mm dia No 112230 8 400 mm dia No 187281 9 450 mm dia No 255524 10 500 mm dia No 300616 11 600 mm dia No 343203 b b).Butterfly Valves 1 300 mm dia No 105843 2 350 mm dia No 112835 3 400 mm dia No 126737 4 450 mm dia No 135014 5 500 mm dia No 156289 6 600 mm dia No 175884 12 Providing erecting Cast Steel D/F Sluice Valves with jointing to pipe work (including all hardware and packing) water works qualityhaving non-rising spindle with hand wheel and without bypass arrangement, spindle of stainless steel as per requirement, excluding C. C. foundation / structural steel support. A With Third Party Inspection ( Without byepass arrangement) a For Rating Class 300 (Working Pressure 52 kg/cm2 and Test Pressure 78 kg/cm2). Sluice Valves 1 80 mm dia No 15776 2 100 mm dia No 24908 3 150 mm dia No 37976 4 200 mm dia No 59558 5 250 mm dia No 64292 Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 6 300 mm dia No 108382 7 350 mm dia No 182788 8 400 mm dia No 266657 9 450 mm dia No 321057 10 500 mm dia No 500178 11 600 mm dia No 756005 b Butterfly Valves 1 300 mm dia No 129129 2 350 mm dia No 137659 3 400 mm dia No 154619 4 450 mm dia No 164717 5 500 mm dia No 190673 6 600 mm dia No 214579 13 Providing erecting Cast Steel /Spheroidal Graphite (S.G.) Iron D/F Reflux Valves Single Door with jointing to pipe work (including all hardware and packing) water works quality with jointing to pipe without bypass arrangement, with gunmental seats excluding C. C. foundation / structural steel support. A With Third Party Inspection For Rating Class 150 (Working Pressure 20 kg/cm2 and Test Pressure 30 kg/cm2). 1 80 mm dia No 10227 2 100 mm dia No 15661 3 150 mm dia No 26530 4 200 mm dia No 50442 5 250 mm dia No 87831 6 300 mm dia No 115713 14 Providing erecting Cast Steel D/F Reflux Valves Single door with jointing to pipe work (including all hardware and packing) water works quality with jointing to pipe without bypass arrangement, with gunmetal seat excluding C. C. foundation / structural steel support. For Rating Class 300 (Working Pressure 52 kg/cm2 and Test Pressure 78 kg/cm2) A With Third Party Inspection 1 80 mm dia No 15237 2 100 mm dia No 21477 3 150 mm dia No 35717 4 200 mm dia No 63275 5 250 mm dia No 114555 6 300 mm dia No 139478 15 Providing erecting Kinetic Double Orifice Cast Steel Air Valves with an isolating Sluice Valve mounted in horizontal position operated by wheel gear suitable for working pressure of Class-150 rating (20 kg/cm2). A With Third Party Inspection 1 80 mm dia No 29546 2 100 mm dia No 41185 3 150 mm dia No 78920 4 200 mm dia No 102014 Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 16 Providing erecting Kinetic Double Orifice Cast Steel Air Valves with an isolating Sluice Valve mounted in horizontal position operated by wheel gear suitable for working pressure of Class 300 rating (52 kg/cm2) A With Third Party Inspection 1 80 mm dia No 35996 2 100 mm dia No 41148 3 150 mm dia No 96157 4 200 mm dia No 116071 17 Providing and fixing in position air valve shaft including providing and fixing GI MediumClass or 6 mmthick M.S. pipe shaft 2.70 M long over branch flange of air valve tee, providing PCC block of M-150 concrete 150 mmthick around the air valve tee including encasing of vertical shaft in PCC M-150 as shown in type design together with providing and making flanged joints wherever required and fixing of air valve over the shaft excluding cost of air valve and branch flanged air valve tee. etc. complete as per type design and as directed by Engineer-in-charge for following diameters of pipe lines (type design attached.) a Foundation on Murun and Harder Strata. 1 upto 150 mm dia No 4636 2 200 to 400 mm dia No 5431 3 450 to 900 mm dia No 11045 4 1000 to 1200 mm dia No 13870 b Foundation in B. C. Soil or Any Other Soil. 1 upto 150 mm dia No 5492 2 200 to 400 mm dia No 6625 3 450 to 900 mm dia No 12616 4 1000 to 1200 mm dia No 15821 18 Providing and supplying C.I. D/F angle type spring loaded pressure relief valves of approved make and quality including all taxes (Central and local), octroi, inspection charges, transportatoin to departmental stores, etc. complete. A With Third Party Inspection a Pressure relief valves Type - PN -1. 1 25 mm No 4234 2 40 mm No 5517 3 50 mm No 7145 4 80 mm No 10837 5 100 mm No 15170 6 125 mm No 20684 7 150 mm No 23635 8 200 mm No 52194 9 250 mm No 73367 10 300 mm No 96757 b Pressure relief valves Type - PN -1.6. 1 25 mm No 5294 2 40 mm No 6893 3 50 mm No 8914 4 80 mm No 13543 5 100 mm No 18958 Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 6 125 mm No 25849 7 150 mm No 29544 8 200 mm No 65238 9 250 mm No 91707 10 300 mm No 121226 19 Lowering, laying and fixing in proper alignment and position all types of C.I. D/F angle type spring loaded pressure relief valves including all cost of all material, labour, cost of conveyance fromstores to site of work and giving satisfactory hydraulic testing, etc. complete. (For all class of valves.). 1 25 mm No 206 2 40 mm No 273 3 50 mm No 316 4 80 mm No 378 5 100 mm No 415 6 125 mm No 462 7 150 mm No 652 8 200 mm No 712 9 250 mm No 831 10 300 mm No 949 20 Cutting and champhering of pipes of following diameters including cost of all materials and labour involved, etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge (for all class of pipes). C.I. Pipes. 1 80 mm No 33 2 100 mm No 39 3 150 mm No 59 4 200 mm No 76 5 250 mm No 109 6 300 mm No 129 7 350 mm No 131 8 400 mm No 167 9 450 mm No 194 10 500 mm No 232 11 600 mm No 283 12 700 mm No 333 13 750 mm No 398 14 800 mm No 435 15 900 mm No 479 16 1000 mm No 521 21 Cutting and champhering of pipes of following diameters including cost of all materials and labour involved, etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge (for all class of pipes). A.C. Pipes. 1 80 mm No 11 2 100 mm No 13 3 150 mm No 21 4 200 mm No 22 Note : Only 85% rate is payable till satisfactiry hydraulic testing is given. Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 5 250 mm No 32 6 300 mm No 44 7 350 mm No 54 8 400 mm No 61 9 450 mm No 66 10 500 mm No 75 11 600 mm No 86 22 Providing and supplying I.S.I. mark rubber gasket suitable for C.I. or D. I. pipe of all class for tyton joints including all taxes (Central and local) inspection charges, transportation to departmental stores / site, etc. complete. a S.B.R. Gaskets for C. I. / DI Pipes. 1 80 mm No 39 2 100 mm No 43 3 150 mm No 60 4 200 mm No 102 5 250 mm No 133 6 300 mm No 187 7 350 mm No 214 8 400 mm No 298 9 450 mm No 325 10 500 mm No 444 11 600 mm No 615 12 700 mm No 1095 13 750 mm No 1138 14 800 mm No 1179 15 900 mm No 1705 16 1000 mm No 2190 b Sealing O Rings of SBR (for CID joints) 1 80 mm Set 45 2 100 mm Set 53 3 125 mm Set 64 4 150 mm Set 75 c Flat Flanged Gaskets moulded out of SBR (For Flanged J oints). 1 80 mm No 82 2 100 mm No 109 3 125 mm No 129 4 150 mm No 177 5 200 mm No 219 6 250 mm No 307 7 300 mm No 326 8 350 mm No 393 9 400 mm No 487 10 450 mm No 532 11 500 mm No 623 12 600 mm No 838 Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 23 Providing and fixing and jointing high proformance C I Air valve for water combination type ( Kinetic Air Valve alongwith automatic air valve ) double ball , double orifice with stainless steel ball tampar proof air vent rolling sill machanismfor air release and anyivaccum application design for 16 Kg/Sqcmworking pressure and tested for 20 Kg /Sqcmpressure ( Rate include cost of gasket, belt, nut and any other material required for jointing and its transportation etc and including all taxes and duties and excluding octroi ).etc complete. C I Air valve PN 1.6 No 1 50 MM No 9513 2 80 MM No 13201 3 100 MM No 21226 4 150 MM No 35528 5 200 MM 43035 24 Providing and supplying I.S.I. mark EPDM rubber gasket suitable for C.I. or D. I. pipe of all class for tyton joints including all taxes (Central and local) inspection charges, transportation to departmental stores / site, etc. complete. 1 80 mm. No. 46 2 100 mm. No. 48 3 150 mm. No. 70 4 200 mm. No. 117 5 250 mm. No. 160 6 300 mm. No. 212 7 350 mm. No. 247 8 400 mm. No. 338 9 450 mm. No. 378 10 500 mm. No. 500 11 600 mm. No. 703 12 700 mm. No. 1320 13 750 mm. No. 1383 14 800 mm. No. 1688 15 900 mm. No. 2178 16 1000 mm No. 2530 Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 1 Manufacturing,Suppling of C.I mechanical compression flanged/socket Tail Pieces (Popularly known as I T.M flange/socket tail piece) suitable for making flanged connection with the plain barrel of C.I. spun pipes (As per I.S. 1536/2001) & D.I. pipes (As per I.S. 8329/2000) The tail piece to be supplied complete with sealing rubber gasket of S.B.R.cast iron follower glands & mild steel nut-bolts.The whole assembly should be mechanically &hydraulically tested to the provision as laid down in I.S. 1538/1993. The rates are inclusive of cost of material,forwarding charges,saletax, loading, transportation & unloading at departmental store. etc complete as directed. 1 80 mm No 1302 2 100 mm No 1419 3 125 mm No 1786 4 150 mm No 2555 5 200 mm No 3310 6 250 mm No 4993 7 300 mm No 5589 8 350 mm No 7372 9 400 mm No 9623 10 450 mm No 11295 11 500 mm No 14193 12 600 mm No 18200 13 700 mm No 24823 14 750 mm No 30164 2 Manufacturing,Suppling & delivery of C.I mechanical compression coller coupling (Popularly known as fifty T.M . coller coupling) ) suitable for C.I. spun pipes (As per I.S. 1536/2001) & D.I. pipes (As per I.S. 8329/2000) complete with sealing rubber gasket of S.B.R,cast iron follower glands &mild steel nut-bolts.The whole assembly should be mechanically & hydraulically tested to the provision as laid down in I.S. 1538/1993. The rates are inclusive of cost of material,forwarding charges,saletax, loading, transportation & unloading at departmental store. etc complete as directed. 1 80 mm No 784 2 100 mm No 841 3 125 mm No 1121 4 150 mm No 1512 5 200 mm No 1726 6 250 mm No 2767 7 300 mm No 3541 8 350 mm No 4364 9 400 mm No 6792 10 450 mm No 7626 11 500 mm No 10422 12 600 mm No 13000 13 700 mm No 16984 14 750 mm No 19928 Section - I - ( XIII ) - Mechanical Joints/Fittings Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 3 Supply of C. I. Mechanical J oint Double Socket 90 (1/4) Bends as dimensionally described in Table-14 of IS-13382/1992 complete with sealing rubber gasket of SBR (dimensionally described in IS- 12820/1989) with cast iron follower gland and mild steel nut bolts coated or otherwise protected from rusting and suitable for C. I. pipes. 1 80 mm No 2231 2 100 mm No 2587 3 125 mm No 3022 4 150 mm No 4751 5 200 mm No 6305 6 250 mm No 9385 7 300 mm No 11422 8 350 mm No 18911 9 400 mm No 25775 10 450 mm No 32899 11 500 mm No 40940 12 600 mm No 57862 13 700 mm No 91333 14 750 mm No 103733 4 Supply of CI Mechanical joint Double Socket Socket 45 (1/8) Bends as dimensionally described in Table -15 of IS - 13382/1992 complete with sealing rubber gasket of S.B.R.(dimensionally described in IS- 12820/1989) with cast iron follower gland mild steel nut bolts coated or otherwise protected from rusting and suitable for C. I. pipes. 1 80 mm No 2071 2 100 mm No 2306 3 125 mm No 2914 4 150 mm No 4002 5 200 mm No 5271 6 250 mm No 7733 7 300 mm No 9330 8 350 mm No 15564 9 400 mm No 19205 10 450 mm No 26788 11 500 mm No 29845 12 600 mm No 41324 13 700 mm No 58888 14 750 mm No 77879 5 Supply of C. I. Mechanical J oint Double Socket 22.5 (1/6) Bends as dimensionally described in Table -16 of IS-13382/1992 complete with sealing rubber gasket of SBR (dimensionally described in IS- 12820/1989) with cast iron follower gland and mild steel nut bolts coated or otherwise protected from rusting and suitable for C. I. pipes. 1 80 mm No 1988 2 100 mm No 2213 3 125 mm No 2657 4 150 mm No 3757 5 200 mm No 4711 Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 6 250 mm No 7124 7 300 mm No 8599 8 350 mm No 13576 9 400 mm No 17404 10 450 mm No 22017 11 500 mm No 25658 12 600 mm No 33998 13 700 mm No 51142 14 750 mm No 56318 6 Supply of CI Mechanical joint Double Socket 11.25 (1/32) Bends as dimensionally described in Table -17 of IS - 13382/1992 complete with sealing rubber gasket of S.B.R. dimensionally described in (IS- 12820/1989) with cast iron follower gland and mild steel nut bolts coated or otherwise protected from rusting and suitable for C. I. pipes. 1 80 mm No 1969 2 100 mm No 2162 3 125 mm No 2348 4 150 mm No 3672 5 200 mm No 4522 6 250 mm No 6685 7 300 mm No 7407 8 350 mm No 11689 9 400 mm No 15834 10 450 mm No 19985 11 500 mm No 21784 12 600 mm No 29863 13 700 mm No 40258 14 750 mm No 44912 7 Supply of CI Mechanical joint All Socket Tees as dimenisonlly described in Table -18 of IS - 13382/1992 complete with sealing rubber gasket of S.B.R. dimensionally described in IS-12820/1989) with cast iron follower gland and mild steel nut bolts coated or otherwise protected from rusting and suitable for C. I. pipes. 1 80x80x80 mm dia No 3016 2 100x100x80 mm dia No 3243 3 100x100x100 mm dia No 3596 4 150x150x80 mm dia No 5037 5 150x150x100 mm dia No 5108 6 150x150x150 mm dia No 6335 7 200x200x80 mm dia No 6075 8 200x200x100 mm dia No 6142 9 200x200x150 mm dia No 7316 10 200x200x200 mm dia No 8050 11 250x250x80 mm dia No 8555 12 250x250x100 mm dia No 8744 13 250x250x150 mm dia No 10435 14 250x250x200 mm dia No 11025 15 250x250x250 mm dia No 12366 Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 16 300x300x80 mm dia No 9381 17 300x300x100 mm dia No 9591 18 300x300x150 mm dia No 12301 19 300x300x200 mm dia No 12708 20 300x300x250 mm dia No 13455 21 300x300x300 mm dia No 14849 8 Supply of CI Mechanical joint Double Stocket with Flanged Tees dimenisonlly described in Table -19 of IS - 13382/1992 complete with sealing rubber gasket of S.B.R. dimensionally described in IS- 12820/1989) with cast iron follower gland and mild steel nut bolts coated or otherwise protected from rusting and suitable for C. I. pipes. 1 80x80x80 mm dia No 2954 2 100x100x80 mm dia No 3241 3 100x100x100 mm dia No 3429 4 150x150x80 mm dia No 4892 5 150x150x100 mm dia No 5013 6 150x150x150 mm dia No 5970 7 200x200x80 mm dia No 5741 8 200x200x100 mm dia No 6124 9 200x200x150 mm dia No 7053 10 200x200x200 mm dia No 8087 11 250x250x80 mm dia No 8108 12 250x250x100 mm dia No 8532 13 250x250x150 mm dia No 10125 14 250x250x200 mm dia No 10595 15 250x250x250 mm dia No 10970 16 300x300x80 mm dia No 9519 17 300x300x100 mm dia No 9705 18 300x300x150 mm dia No 11205 19 300x300x200 mm dia No 11300 20 300x300x250 mm dia No 12470 21 300x300x300 mm dia No 15283 22 350x350x80 mm dia No 13314 23 350x350x100 mm dia No 14159 24 350x350x150 mm dia No 15234 25 350x350x200 mm dia No 17752 26 350x350x300 mm dia No 18187 27 350x350x350 mm dia No 20812 28 400x400x80 mm dia No 17404 29 400x400x100 mm dia No 18449 30 400x400x150 mm dia No 20541 31 400x400x200 mm dia No 20955 32 400x400x300 mm dia No 25253 33 400x400x400 mm dia No 28915 34 450x450x80 mm dia No 20758 35 450x450x100 mm dia No 21805 36 450x450x200 mm dia No 25573 Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 37 450x450x300 mm dia No 32269 38 450x450x350 mm dia No 34049 39 450x450x450 mm dia No 36984 40 500x500x100 mm dia No 23355 41 500x500x250 mm dia No 31936 42 500x500x300 mm dia No 33086 43 500x500x400 mm dia No 39892 44 500x500x500 mm dia No 48162 45 600x600x100 mm dia No 33376 46 600x600x300 mm dia No 45831 47 600x600x400 mm dia No 52215 48 600x600x500 mm dia No 56505 49 600x600x600 mm dia No 69377 50 700x700x100 mm dia No 44235 51 700x700x200 mm dia No 51246 52 700x700x350 mm dia No 61922 53 700x700x400 mm dia No 66526 54 750x750x150 mm dia No 52759 55 750x750x250 mm dia No 60506 56 750x750x750 mm dia No 116081 9 Supply of CI Mechaincal joint Double Socket Reducers as described in Table -21 of IS - 13382/1992 complete with sealing rubber gasket of SBR dimensionally described in IS-12820/1989) with cast iron follower gland and mild steel nut bolts coated or otherwise protected from rusting and suitable for C. I. pipes. 1 100x80 mm dia No 2092 2 150x80 mm dia No 3292 3 150x100 mm dia No 3485 4 200x100 mm dia No 4011 5 200x150 mm dia No 4387 6 250x200 mm dia No 5994 7 250x150 mm dia No 5848 8 300x150 mm dia No 7372 9 300x200 mm dia No 7384 10 300x250 mm dia No 7510 11 350x200 mm dia No 10612 12 350x250 mm dia No 10646 13 350x300 mm dia No 10520 14 400x250 mm dia No 16029 15 400x300 mm dia No 14200 16 400x350 mm dia No 14295 17 450x300 mm dia No 17751 18 450x350 mm dia No 17740 19 450x400 mm dia No 17519 20 500x350 mm dia No 21339 21 500x400 mm dia No 21014 22 500x450 mm dia No 20483 Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 23 600x400 mm dia No 30985 24 600x450 mm dia No 30156 25 600x500 mm dia No 28313 26 700x500 mm dia No 42533 27 700x600 mm dia No 38601 28 750x600 mm dia No 45846 29 750x700 mm dia No 42377 30 800x450 mm dia No 63072 31 800x700 mm dia No 54144 1 Manufacturing, providing and supplying spirally welded / ERW/ SAW / fabricated M. S. pipes ( Commercial quality )including procurements of plates, gas cutting to requried size rolling, tack welding assembling in suitable lengths to form pipes, welding on automatic welding machine and forming V edge on both ends of pipes including all taxes (Central and local), railway freight, insurance unloading fromrailway wagon, loading into truck, transport to stores / site, unloading, stacking, etc, complete as per IS - 3589 and IS-5504 as applicable as per specifications (No negative tolerance in thickness is permissible). a Dia of Pipe : 219.10 mm (O. D.) 1 4.80 mm thick RMT 1527 2 5.60 mm thick RMT 1775 3 6.40 mm thick RMT 2021 4 7.10 mm thick RMT 2204 5 7.90 mm thick RMT 2477 6 8.20 mm thick RMT 2567 7 8.70 mm thick RMT 2717 8 9.50 mm thick RMT 2955 b Dia of Pipe : 273.10 mm (O. D.) 1 4.80 mm thick RMT 1912 2 5.60 mm thick RMT 2224 3 6.40 mm thick RMT 2533 4 7.10 mm thick RMT 2842 5 7.90 mm thick RMT 3071 6 8.70 mm thick RMT 3414 7 9.50 mm thick RMT 3641 c Dia of Pipe : 323.90 mm (O. D.) 1 5.60 mm thick RMT 2646 2 6.40 mm thick RMT 3016 3 7.10 mm thick RMT 3339 4 7.90 mm thick RMT 3706 5 8.40 mm thick RMT 3934 6 8.70 mm thick RMT 4071 7 9.50 mm thick RMT 4433 d Dia of Pipe : 355.70 mm (O. D.) 1 5.60 mm thick RMT 2909 2 6.40 mm thick RMT 3317 3 7.10 mm thick RMT 3672 4 7.90 mm thick RMT 4077 5 8.70 mm thick RMT 4480 6 9.50 mm thick RMT 4880 Section - I - ( XIV ) - M.S.Pipes Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 e Dia of Pipe : 406.00 mm (O. D.) 1 5.60 mm thick RMT 3327 2 6.40 mm thick RMT 3796 3 7.10 mm thick RMT 4203 4 7.90 mm thick RMT 4668 5 8.70 mm thick RMT 5130 6 9.50 mm thick RMT 5590 7 10.00 mm thick RMT 5878 f Dia of Pipe : 457.00 mm (O. D.) 1 5.60 mm thick RMT 3751 2 6.40 mm thick RMT 4280 3 7.10 mm thick RMT 4741 4 7.90 mm thick RMT 5267 5 8.70 mm thick RMT 5788 6 9.50 mm thick RMT 6310 7 10.00 mm thick RMT 6635 g Dia of Pipe : 508.00.mm (O. D.) 1 5.60 mm thick RMT 4177 2 6.40 mm thick RMT 4765 3 7.10 mm thick RMT 5278 4 7.90 mm thick RMT 5864 5 8.70 mm thick RMT 6447 6 9.50 mm thick RMT 7030 7 10.00 mm thick RMT 7392 h Dia of Pipe : 559.00. mm (O. D.) 1 5.60 mm thick RMT 4600 2 6.40 mm thick RMT 5248 3 7.10 mm thick RMT 5816 4 7.90 mm thick RMT 6462 5 8.70 mm thick RMT 7105 6 9.50 mm thick RMT 7748 7 10.00 mm thick RMT 8148 I Dia of Pipe : 610.00. mm (O. D.) 1 5.60 mm thick RMT 5024 2 6.40 mm thick RMT 5734 3 7.10 mm thick RMT 6353 4 7.90 mm thick RMT 7059 5 8.70 mm thick RMT 7764 6 9.50 mm thick RMT 8468 7 10.00 mm thick RMT 8906 8 12.00 mm thick RMT 10651 j Dia of Pipe : 660.00. mm (O. D.) 1 5.60 mm thick RMT 5439 2 6.40 mm thick RMT 6209 3 7.10 mm thick RMT 6881 Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 4 7.90 mm thick RMT 7646 5 8.70 mm thick RMT 8411 6 9.50 mm thick RMT 9172 7 10.00 mm thick RMT 9648 k Dia of Pipe : 711.00. mm (O. D.) 1 5.60 mm thick RMT 5863 2 6.40 mm thick RMT 6693 3 7.10 mm thick RMT 7417 4 7.90 mm thick RMT 8244 5 8.70 mm thick RMT 9069 6 9.50 mm thick RMT 9892 7 10.00 mm thick RMT 10405 8 12.00 mm thick RMT 12449 l Dia of Pipe : 762.00. mm (O. D.) 1 5.60 mm thick RMT 6288 2 6.40 mm thick RMT 7178 3 7.10 mm thick RMT 7955 4 7.90 mm thick RMT 8842 5 8.70 mm thick RMT 9727 6 9.50 mm thick RMT 10610 7 10.00 mm thick RMT 11161 m Dia of Pipe : 813.00. mm (O. D.) 1 5.60 mm thick RMT 6711 2 6.40 mm thick RMT 7662 3 7.10 mm thick RMT 8492 4 7.90 mm thick RMT 9440 5 8.70 mm thick RMT 10387 6 9.50 mm thick RMT 11330 7 10.00 mm thick RMT 11919 8 12.00 mm thick RMT 14266 n Dia of Pipe : 864.00. mm (O. D.) 1 5.60 mm thick RMT 7135 2 6.40 mm thick RMT 8146 3 7.10 mm thick RMT 9030 4 7.90 mm thick RMT 10038 5 8.70 mm thick RMT 11045 6 9.50 mm thick RMT 12048 7 10.00 mm thick RMT 12675 o Dia of Pipe : 914.00. mm (O. D.) 1 5.60 mm thick RMT 7550 2 6.40 mm thick RMT 8622 3 7.10 mm thick RMT 9558 4 7.90 mm thick RMT 10624 5 8.70 mm thick RMT 11690 6 9.50 mm thick RMT 12754 Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 7 10.00 mm thick RMT 13418 p Dia of Pipe : 965.00. mm (O. D.) 1 5.60 mm thick RMT 7975 2 6.40 mm thick RMT 9107 3 7.10 mm thick RMT 10095 4 7.90 mm thick RMT 11223 5 8.70 mm thick RMT 12348 6 9.50 mm thick RMT 13473 7 10.00 mm thick RMT 14175 q Dia of Pipe : 1016.00. mm (O. D.) 1 5.60 mm thick RMT 8398 2 6.40 mm thick RMT 9590 3 7.10 mm thick RMT 10632 4 7.90 mm thick RMT 11821 5 8.70 mm thick RMT 13008 6 9.50 mm thick RMT 14193 7 10.00 mm thick RMT 14932 8 12.00 mm thick RMT 17883 r Dia of Pipe : 1067.00. mm (O. D.) 1 5.60 mm thick RMT 8822 2 6.40 mm thick RMT 10075 3 7.10 mm thick RMT 11170 4 7.90 mm thick RMT 12419 5 8.70 mm thick RMT 13666 6 9.50 mm thick RMT 14911 7 10.00 mm thick RMT 15689 s Dia of Pipe : 1118.00. mm (O. D.) 1 5.60 mm thick RMT 9247 2 6.40 mm thick RMT 10559 3 7.10 mm thick RMT 11706 4 7.90 mm thick RMT 13016 5 8.70 mm thick RMT 14325 6 9.50 mm thick RMT 15631 7 10.00 mm thick RMT 16446 t Dia of Pipe : 1168.00. mm (O. D.) 1 5.60 mm thick RMT 9661 2 6.40 mm thick RMT 11034 3 7.10 mm thick RMT 12234 4 7.90 mm thick RMT 13603 5 8.70 mm thick RMT 14970 6 9.50 mm thick RMT 16335 7 10.00 mm thick RMT 17188 u Dia of Pipe : 1219.00. mm (O. D.) 1 6.40 mm thick RMT 11519 2 7.10 mm thick RMT 12772 Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 3 7.90 mm thick RMT 14201 4 8.70 mm thick RMT 15629 5 9.50 mm thick RMT 17055 6 10.00 mm thick RMT 17945 7 12.00 mm thick RMT 21498 v Dia of Pipe : 1296.00. mm (O. D.) 1 9.50 mm thick RMT 18141 2 9.98 mm thick RMT 19049 3 10.00 mm thick RMT 19087 w Dia of Pipe : 1321.00. mm (O. D.) 1 6.40 mm thick RMT 12487 2 7.10 mm thick RMT 13846 3 7.90 mm thick RMT 15397 4 8.70 mm thick RMT 16946 5 9.50 mm thick RMT 18492 6 10.00 mm thick RMT 19459 x Dia of Pipe : 1422.00. mm (O. D.) 1 7.10 mm thick RMT 14910 2 7.90 mm thick RMT 16581 3 8.70 mm thick RMT 18250 4 9.50 mm thick RMT 19917 5 10.00 mm thick RMT 20957 6 12.00 mm thick RMT 25114 y Dia of Pipe : 1473.00. mm (O. D.) 1 9.50 mm thick RMT 20637 2 9.98 mm thick RMT 21672 z Dia of Pipe : 1524.00. mm (O. D.) 1 7.10 mm thick RMT 15986 2 7.90 mm thick RMT 17777 3 8.70 mm thick RMT 19567 4 9.50 mm thick RMT 21355 5 10.00 mm thick RMT 22472 6 11.90 mm thick RMT 26708 7 12.00 mm thick RMT 26930 aa Dia of Pipe : 1550.00. mm (O. D.) 1 10.00 mm thick RMT 22858 2 11.00 mm thick RMT 25127 ab Dia of Pipe : 1576.00. mm (O. D.) 1 9.50 mm thick RMT 22089 2 10.00 mm thick RMT 23243 Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 ac Dia of Pipe : 1626.00. mm (O. D.) 1 7.10 mm thick RMT 17060 2 7.90 mm thick RMT 18973 3 8.70 mm thick RMT 20885 4 9.50 mm thick RMT 22793 5 10.00 mm thick RMT 23985 6 12.00 mm thick RMT 28748 ad Dia of Pipe : 1650.00. mm (O. D.) 1 7.90 mm thick RMT 19254 2 8.70 mm thick RMT 21194 3 9.50 mm thick RMT 23132 4 10.00 mm thick RMT 24342 5 12.00 mm thick RMT 29175 ae Dia of Pipe : 1700.00. mm (O. D.) 1 7.90 mm thick RMT 19841 2 8.70 mm thick RMT 21840 3 9.50 mm thick RMT 23837 4 10.00 mm thick RMT 25084 5 12.00 mm thick RMT 30065 af Dia of Pipe : 1750.00. mm (O. D.) 1 7.90 mm thick RMT 20427 2 8.70 mm thick RMT 22485 3 9.50 mm thick RMT 24542 4 10.00 mm thick RMT 25826 5 12.00 mm thick RMT 30956 ag Dia of Pipe : 1800.00. mm (O. D.) 1 7.90 mm thick RMT 21013 2 8.70 mm thick RMT 23131 3 9.50 mm thick RMT 25247 4 10.00 mm thick RMT 26569 5 12.00 mm thick RMT 31846 ah Dia of Pipe : 1850.00. mm (O. D.) 1 7.90 mm thick RMT 21599 2 8.70 mm thick RMT 23777 3 9.50 mm thick RMT 25951 4 10.00 mm thick RMT 27310 5 12.00 mm thick RMT 32737 ai Dia of Pipe : 1900.00. mm (O. D.) 1 7.90 mm thick RMT 22186 2 8.70 mm thick RMT 24422 3 9.50 mm thick RMT 26658 4 10.00 mm thick RMT 28053 5 12.00 mm thick RMT 33627 Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 aj Dia of Pipe : 1950.00. mm (O. D.) 1 7.90 mm thick RMT 22773 2 8.70 mm thick RMT 25068 3 9.50 mm thick RMT 27362 4 10.00 mm thick RMT 28795 5 12.00 mm thick RMT 34517 ak Dia of Pipe : 2000.00. mm (O. D.) 1 7.90 mm thick RMT 23359 2 8.70 mm thick RMT 25713 3 9.50 mm thick RMT 28067 4 10.00 mm thick RMT 29537 5 12.00 mm thick RMT 35408 al Dia of Pipe : 2050.00. mm (O. D.) 1 7.90 mm thick RMT 23946 2 8.70 mm thick RMT 26359 3 9.50 mm thick RMT 28771 4 10.00 mm thick RMT 30279 5 12.00 mm thick RMT 36299 am Dia of Pipe : 2100.00. mm (O. D.) 1 7.90 mm thick RMT 24530 2 8.70 mm thick RMT 27005 3 9.50 mm thick RMT 29477 4 10.00 mm thick RMT 31021 5 12.00 mm thick RMT 37190 an Dia of Pipe : 2150.00. mm (O. D.) 1 7.90 mm thick RMT 25117 2 8.70 mm thick RMT 27651 3 9.50 mm thick RMT 30181 4 10.00 mm thick RMT 31763 5 12.00 mm thick RMT 38080 ao Dia of Pipe : 2200.00. mm (O. D.) 1 7.90 mm thick RMT 25703 2 8.70 mm thick RMT 28297 3 9.50 mm thick RMT 30887 4 10.00 mm thick RMT 32505 5 12.00 mm thick RMT 38970 ap Dia of Pipe : 2250.00. mm (O. D.) 1 7.90 mm thick RMT 26290 2 8.70 mm thick RMT 28942 3 9.50 mm thick RMT 31592 4 10.00 mm thick RMT 33247 5 12.00 mm thick RMT 39861 Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 aq Dia of Pipe : 2300.00. mm (O. D.) 1 7.90 mm thick RMT 26877 2 8.70 mm thick RMT 29587 3 9.50 mm thick RMT 32297 4 10.00 mm thick RMT 33990 5 12.00 mm thick RMT 40751 ar Dia of Pipe : 2350.00. mm (O. D.) 1 7.90 mm thick RMT 27462 2 8.70 mm thick RMT 30233 3 9.50 mm thick RMT 33002 4 10.00 mm thick RMT 34731 5 12.00 mm thick RMT 41643 as Dia of Pipe : 2400.00. mm (O. D.) 1 7.90 mm thick RMT 28049 2 8.70 mm thick RMT 30879 3 9.50 mm thick RMT 33707 4 10.00 mm thick RMT 35474 5 12.00 mm thick RMT 42533 at Dia of Pipe : 2450.00. mm (O. D.) 1 7.90 mm thick RMT 28635 2 8.70 mm thick RMT 31525 3 9.50 mm thick RMT 34413 4 10.00 mm thick RMT 36215 5 12.00 mm thick RMT 43424 au Dia of Pipe : 2500.00. mm (O. D.) 1 7.90 mm thick RMT 29222 2 8.70 mm thick RMT 32170 3 9.50 mm thick RMT 35117 4 10.00 mm thick RMT 36959 5 12.00 mm thick RMT 44314 6 16.00 mm thick RMT 58990 2 Manufacturing, providing and supplying spirally welded / ERW/ SAW / fabricated M. S. pipes ( Commercial quality ) including procurements of plates, gas cutting to required size rolling, tack welding assembling in suitable lengths to form pipes, welding on automatic welding machine and forming V edge on both ends of pipes including all taxes (Central and local), railway freight, insurance unloading fromrailway wagon, loading into truck, transport to stores / site, unloading, stacking, etc, complete as per IS - 3589 and IS-5504 as applicable as per specifications (No negative tolerance in thickness is permissible). a Dia of Pipe : 200.00 mm (I. D.) 1 5.00 mm thick RMT 1522 2 6.00 mm thick RMT 1829 3 7.00 mm thick RMT 2151 4 8.00 mm thick RMT 2470 Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 5 9.00 mm thick RMT 2792 6 10.00 mm thick RMT 3117 b Dia of Pipe : 250.00 mm (I. D.) 1 5.00 mm thick RMT 1892 2 6.00 mm thick RMT 2280 3 7.00 mm thick RMT 2670 4 8.00 mm thick RMT 3063 5 9.00 mm thick RMT 3460 6 10.00 mm thick RMT 3859 c Dia of Pipe : 300.00 mm (I. D.) 1 5.00 mm thick RMT 2264 2 6.00 mm thick RMT 2725 3 7.00 mm thick RMT 3190 4 8.00 mm thick RMT 3657 5 9.00 mm thick RMT 4129 6 10.00 mm thick RMT 4601 d Dia of Pipe : 350.00 mm (I. D.) 1 5.00 mm thick RMT 2634 2 6.00 mm thick RMT 3170 3 7.00 mm thick RMT 3709 4 8.00 mm thick RMT 4250 5 9.00 mm thick RMT 4795 6 10.00 mm thick RMT 5344 e Dia of Pipe : 400.00 mm (I. D.) 1 5.00 mm thick RMT 3006 2 6.00 mm thick RMT 3616 3 7.00 mm thick RMT 4229 4 8.00 mm thick RMT 4845 5 9.00 mm thick RMT 5464 6 10.00 mm thick RMT 6085 f Dia of Pipe : 450.00 mm (I. D.) 1 5.00 mm thick RMT 3376 2 6.00 mm thick RMT 4060 3 7.00 mm thick RMT 4748 4 8.00 mm thick RMT 5439 5 9.00 mm thick RMT 6131 6 10.00 mm thick RMT 6828 g Dia of Pipe : 500.00 mm (I. D.) 1 5.00 mm thick RMT 3748 2 6.00 mm thick RMT 4506 3 7.00 mm thick RMT 5268 4 8.00 mm thick RMT 6032 5 9.00 mm thick RMT 6800 6 10.00 mm thick RMT 7570 h Dia of Pipe : 550.00 mm (I. D.) Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 1 5.00 mm thick RMT 4119 2 6.00 mm thick RMT 4951 3 7.00 mm thick RMT 5787 4 8.00 mm thick RMT 6626 5 9.00 mm thick RMT 7468 6 10.00 mm thick RMT 8313 I Dia of Pipe : 600.00 mm (I. D.) 1 5.00 mm thick RMT 4490 2 6.00 mm thick RMT 5397 3 7.00 mm thick RMT 6307 4 8.00 mm thick RMT 7220 5 9.00 mm thick RMT 8135 6 10.00 mm thick RMT 9054 7 12.00 mm thick RMT 10901 j Dia of Pipe : 650.00 mm (I. D.) 1 5.00 mm thick RMT 4862 2 6.00 mm thick RMT 5841 3 7.00 mm thick RMT 6826 4 8.00 mm thick RMT 7813 5 9.00 mm thick RMT 8804 6 10.00 mm thick RMT 9797 7 12.00 mm thick RMT 11792 k Dia of Pipe : 700.00 mm (I. D.) 1 5.00 mm thick RMT 5232 2 6.00 mm thick RMT 6288 3 7.00 mm thick RMT 7346 4 8.00 mm thick RMT 8408 5 9.00 mm thick RMT 9471 6 10.00 mm thick RMT 10538 7 12.00 mm thick RMT 12682 l Dia of Pipe : 750.00 mm (I. D.) 1 5.00 mm thick RMT 5604 2 6.00 mm thick RMT 6734 3 7.00 mm thick RMT 7866 4 8.00 mm thick RMT 9001 5 9.00 mm thick RMT 10140 6 10.00 mm thick RMT 11281 7 12.00 mm thick RMT 13572 m Dia of Pipe : 800.00 mm (I. D.) 1 5.00 mm thick RMT 5974 2 6.00 mm thick RMT 7179 3 7.00 mm thick RMT 8384 4 8.00 mm thick RMT 9595 5 9.00 mm thick RMT 10807 6 10.00 mm thick RMT 12024 Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 7 12.00 mm thick RMT 14463 n Dia of Pipe : 850.00 mm (I. D.) 1 5.00 mm thick RMT 6346 2 6.00 mm thick RMT 7624 3 7.00 mm thick RMT 8905 4 8.00 mm thick RMT 10189 5 9.00 mm thick RMT 11475 6 10.00 mm thick RMT 12765 7 12.00 mm thick RMT 15353 o Dia of Pipe : 900.00 mm (I. D.) 1 5.00 mm thick RMT 6717 2 6.00 mm thick RMT 8069 3 7.00 mm thick RMT 9424 4 8.00 mm thick RMT 10782 5 9.00 mm thick RMT 12143 6 10.00 mm thick RMT 13508 7 12.00 mm thick RMT 16244 p Dia of Pipe : 950.00 mm (I. D.) 1 5.00 mm thick RMT 7088 2 6.00 mm thick RMT 8515 3 7.00 mm thick RMT 9943 4 8.00 mm thick RMT 11376 5 9.00 mm thick RMT 12811 6 10.00 mm thick RMT 14249 7 12.00 mm thick RMT 17134 q Dia of Pipe : 1000.00 mm (I. D.) 1 5.00 mm thick RMT 7458 2 6.00 mm thick RMT 8959 3 7.00 mm thick RMT 10463 4 8.00 mm thick RMT 11970 5 9.00 mm thick RMT 13479 6 10.00 mm thick RMT 14992 7 12.00 mm thick RMT 18026 r Dia of Pipe : 1050.00 mm (I. D.) 1 5.00 mm thick RMT 7830 2 6.00 mm thick RMT 9405 3 7.00 mm thick RMT 10983 4 8.00 mm thick RMT 12563 5 9.00 mm thick RMT 14147 6 10.00 mm thick RMT 15733 7 12.00 mm thick RMT 18916 Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 s Dia of Pipe : 1100.00 mm (I. D.) 1 5.00 mm thick RMT 8201 2 6.00 mm thick RMT 9850 3 7.00 mm thick RMT 11501 4 8.00 mm thick RMT 13157 5 9.00 mm thick RMT 14815 6 10.00 mm thick RMT 16476 7 12.00 mm thick RMT 19808 t Dia of Pipe : 1150.00 mm (I. D.) 1 5.00 mm thick RMT 8572 2 6.00 mm thick RMT 10296 3 7.00 mm thick RMT 12021 4 8.00 mm thick RMT 13751 5 9.00 mm thick RMT 15483 6 10.00 mm thick RMT 17218 7 12.00 mm thick RMT 20698 u Dia of Pipe : 1200.00 mm (I. D.) 1 5.00 mm thick RMT 8942 2 6.00 mm thick RMT 10740 3 7.00 mm thick RMT 12541 4 8.00 mm thick RMT 14344 5 9.00 mm thick RMT 16151 6 10.00 mm thick RMT 17960 7 12.00 mm thick RMT 21588 v Dia of Pipe : 1250.00 mm (I. D.) 1 6.00 mm thick RMT 11186 2 7.00 mm thick RMT 13061 3 8.00 mm thick RMT 14938 4 9.00 mm thick RMT 16819 5 10.00 mm thick RMT 18702 6 12.00 mm thick RMT 22479 w Dia of Pipe : 1300.00 mm (I. D.) 1 6.00 mm thick RMT 11632 2 7.00 mm thick RMT 13579 3 8.00 mm thick RMT 15531 4 9.00 mm thick RMT 17487 5 10.00 mm thick RMT 19444 6 12.00 mm thick RMT 23369 x Dia of Pipe : 1350.00 mm (I. D.) 1 7.00 mm thick RMT 14100 2 8.00 mm thick RMT 16126 3 9.00 mm thick RMT 18155 4 10.00 mm thick RMT 20186 5 12.00 mm thick RMT 24260 y Dia of Pipe : 1400.00 mm (I. D.) Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 1 7.00 mm thick RMT 14619 2 8.00 mm thick RMT 16720 3 9.00 mm thick RMT 18822 4 10.00 mm thick RMT 20928 5 12.00 mm thick RMT 25150 z Dia of Pipe : 1450.00 mm (I. D.) 1 7.00 mm thick RMT 15138 2 8.00 mm thick RMT 17313 3 9.00 mm thick RMT 19490 4 10.00 mm thick RMT 21672 5 12.00 mm thick RMT 26041 aa Dia of Pipe : 1500.00 mm (I. D.) 1 7.00 mm thick RMT 15659 2 8.00 mm thick RMT 17907 3 9.00 mm thick RMT 20159 4 10.00 mm thick RMT 22414 5 12.00 mm thick RMT 26931 ab Dia of Pipe : 1550.00 mm (I. D.) 1 7.00 mm thick RMT 16178 2 8.00 mm thick RMT 18501 3 9.00 mm thick RMT 20826 4 10.00 mm thick RMT 23156 5 12.00 mm thick RMT 27822 ac Dia of Pipe : 1600.00 mm (I. D.) 1 7.00 mm thick RMT 16697 2 8.00 mm thick RMT 19094 3 9.00 mm thick RMT 21495 4 10.00 mm thick RMT 23898 5 12.00 mm thick RMT 28712 ad Dia of Pipe : 1650.00 mm (I. D.) 1 8.00 mm thick RMT 19688 2 9.00 mm thick RMT 22161 3 10.00 mm thick RMT 24640 4 12.00 mm thick RMT 29602 ae Dia of Pipe : 1700.00 mm (I. D.) 1 8.00 mm thick RMT 20281 2 9.00 mm thick RMT 22830 3 10.00 mm thick RMT 25382 4 12.00 mm thick RMT 30493 af Dia of Pipe : 1750.00 mm (I. D.) 1 8.00 mm thick RMT 20875 2 9.00 mm thick RMT 23499 3 10.00 mm thick RMT 26124 4 12.00 mm thick RMT 31384 ag Dia of Pipe : 1800.00 mm (I. D.) Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 1 8.00 mm thick RMT 21469 2 9.00 mm thick RMT 24166 3 10.00 mm thick RMT 26866 4 12.00 mm thick RMT 32276 ah Dia of Pipe : 1850.00 mm (I. D.) 1 8.00 mm thick RMT 22062 2 9.00 mm thick RMT 24835 3 10.00 mm thick RMT 27609 4 12.00 mm thick RMT 33166 ai Dia of Pipe : 1900.00 mm (I. D.) 1 8.00 mm thick RMT 22656 2 9.00 mm thick RMT 25502 3 10.00 mm thick RMT 28350 4 12.00 mm thick RMT 34057 aj Dia of Pipe : 1950.00 mm (I. D.) 1 8.00 mm thick RMT 23251 2 9.00 mm thick RMT 26170 3 10.00 mm thick RMT 29093 4 12.00 mm thick RMT 34947 ak Dia of Pipe : 2000.00 mm (I. D.) 1 8.00 mm thick RMT 23844 2 9.00 mm thick RMT 26837 3 10.00 mm thick RMT 29834 4 12.00 mm thick RMT 35838 5 16.00 mm thick RMT 47878 al Dia of Pipe : 2050.00 mm (I. D.) 1 8.00 mm thick RMT 24438 2 9.00 mm thick RMT 27506 3 10.00 mm thick RMT 30577 4 12.00 mm thick RMT 36728 5 16.00 mm thick RMT 49066 am Dia of Pipe : 2100.00 mm (I. D.) 1 8.00 mm thick RMT 25032 2 9.00 mm thick RMT 28174 3 10.00 mm thick RMT 31319 4 12.00 mm thick RMT 37618 5 16.00 mm thick RMT 50253 an Dia of Pipe : 2150.00 mm (I. D.) 1 8.00 mm thick RMT 25625 2 9.00 mm thick RMT 28842 3 10.00 mm thick RMT 32061 4 12.00 mm thick RMT 38509 5 16.00 mm thick RMT 51440 ao Dia of Pipe : 2200.00 mm (I. D.) 1 8.00 mm thick RMT 26219 Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 2 9.00 mm thick RMT 29509 3 10.00 mm thick RMT 32804 4 12.00 mm thick RMT 39399 5 16.00 mm thick RMT 52627 ap Dia of Pipe : 2250.00 mm (I. D.) 1 8.00 mm thick RMT 26813 2 9.00 mm thick RMT 30177 3 10.00 mm thick RMT 33545 4 12.00 mm thick RMT 40290 5 16.00 mm thick RMT 53815 aq Dia of Pipe : 2300.00 mm (I. D.) 1 8.00 mm thick RMT 27407 2 9.00 mm thick RMT 30846 3 10.00 mm thick RMT 34288 4 12.00 mm thick RMT 41180 5 16.00 mm thick RMT 55002 ar Dia of Pipe : 2350.00 mm (I. D.) 1 8.00 mm thick RMT 28001 2 9.00 mm thick RMT 31514 3 10.00 mm thick RMT 35029 4 12.00 mm thick RMT 42072 5 16.00 mm thick RMT 56190 as Dia of Pipe : 2400.00 mm (I. D.) 1 8.00 mm thick RMT 28594 2 9.00 mm thick RMT 32182 3 10.00 mm thick RMT 35772 4 12.00 mm thick RMT 42962 5 16.00 mm thick RMT 57379 at Dia of Pipe : 2450.00 mm (I. D.) 1 8.00 mm thick RMT 29188 2 9.00 mm thick RMT 32849 3 10.00 mm thick RMT 36514 4 12.00 mm thick RMT 43853 5 16.00 mm thick RMT 58566 au Dia of Pipe : 2500.00 mm (I. D.) 1 8.00 mm thick RMT 29782 2 9.00 mm thick RMT 33517 3 10.00 mm thick RMT 37257 4 12.00 mm thick RMT 44743 5 16.00 mm thick RMT 59753 Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 1 Fabricating pipes fromsteel plates supplied free of cost and stacking the same in the fabricators yard. The rate to include cutting the plate, rolling, tack welding, assembling in suitable lengths to form pipes, welding on automatic welding machines and forming V edge for both ends of pipe. 5 To 8 mm MT 9005.00 8 To12 mm MT 7062.00 12 To 16 mm MT 5297.00 16 To 20 mm MT 4767.00 20 To 25 mm MT 4590.00 2 Fabricating one piece cants, short pipes (shorter than one strake length) fromthe steel plates supplied free of cost of and stacking the same in fabricators yard. The rate to include cutting the plates, rolling, tack welding either on automatic welding machine or manually and forming V edge to both ends of pipes. 5 To 8 mm MT 12359.00 8 To12 mm MT 8121.00 12 To 25 mm MT 5827.00 3 Fabricating composite bends from steel plates supplied free of cost and stacking the same in the fabricators yard. The rate to include cutting the plates, rolling, tacking drums, assembling the same to form bend of suitable length, welding either on automatic welding machine or manually and forming V edge to both ends of bend but the rate excluding the circumferential butt welding required for assembling cants to form necessary composite bend. Circumferential butt welding will be paid seperately under ItemNo. 7. (a) Howevere, the rate under this item will include the cost of longitudinal butt welding of pipes strakes. 5 To 8 mm MT 14830.00 8 To12 mm MT 9887.00 12 To 16 mm MT 7768.00 16 To 25 mm MT 7239.00 4 Fabricating tapers from the steel plates, supplied free of cost and stacking the same in the fabricators yard. The rate to include cutting the plates, rolling, tack welding, welding either on automatic welding machine or manually and forming V edge to both ends of tapers but the rate excludes circuferential butt welding required for assembling drums to formnecessary tapers. Circumferential butt welding will be paid for under ItemNo. 7 (a). Howerver, the rate under this includes the longitudinal butt welding to formdrums The rate shall also include the cost of fabrication of stifferner rings and gussets and mounting the same on tapers, tack and chain welding, etc. as directed by Engineer- in-charge. MT 11476.00 Section - I - ( XV ) - Fabrication of M.S.Pipes and Specials Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 5 Fabricating specials and fixtures fromsteel materials supplied free of cost (welding will be paid separately except for category vi (a) and (b) below. The weight for payment under this itemshall be caluculated on the basis of finished material neglecting the bolt holes wherever provided.) i). Saddle pieces, loose stiffener rings, pressure type blank flanges, ladders, platforms, and any other minor fixtures. The rate to include cutting, bending, tack welding, etc. complete. MT 4590.00 ii). Y branches, T branches. The rate to include cutting, bending, tack welding etc. complete. MT 9711.00 iii). Dished closures such as domes. The rate to include cutting, cold pressing and tack welding etc. complete. MT 15007.00 iv). Dished closures such as manhole cover. The rate to include cutting cold pressing and tack welding only. The rate also to include drilling holes including grinding wherever nesessary, with supply of bolts, nuts, washers, etc. complete as per drawing. MT 16067.00 v). Flat manhole covers. The rate to include cutting, tack welding. The rate also to include drilling holes including grinding wherever necessary with supply of bolts, nuts, washers, etc.complete as per drawing. MT 10417.00 vi , a). Flange rings below40 mm. thick. The rate to include gas : cutting, tack welding to form ring, drilling holes including grinding wherever necessary etc. complete. MT 16949.00 vi , b). Flange rings 40 mm.and above thick. The rate to include gas cutting to tack welding to form ring, drilling holes including grinding wherever necessary etc. complete. MT 22069.00 vii , a). Machining of flange ringe for cut upto 2 mm. including handling, assembling, alignment the ring on machine, etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge - I)for thickness of flange ring below 40 mm. Sq.m 971.00 ii) for thickness of flange ring 40 mm. and above. Sq.m 1483.00 vii b). Extra over and above (vii) (a) for machining beyond 2 mm. for every additional cut of 2 mm. or part thereof. Sq.m 741.00 i). Stress relieving of flange rings as specified and directed. Sq.m 3531.00 ii). Plug plates 150 mm. dia. and the thickness of plate from14 mm to 25 mm as per drawing. The rate to include gas cutting, drilling holes, cost of G. I. plugs, rolling to raquired curvature and therading, etc. complete. Each 67.00 6 Providing, fabricating and fixing expansion joints for pipelines as per the drawing. The rate to include machining the strakes and steel ring as shown in the drawing and welding on either automatic welding machine or manually, Rate includes plates and flats required for expansion joint and all othr materials such as synthetic rubber, rubber ring, etc. complete. including packing as per specifications, grease, bolts and nuts, etc. including local handling, all types of taxes and duties etc. complete. Expansion joints suitable for pipe diameters. 1 300mm. dia. Each 21887 2 400 mm. dia. Each 31585 3 450 mm. dia. Each 41085 Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 4 500 mm. dia. Each 55084 5 600 mm. dia. Each 64711 6 700 mm. dia. Each 80556 7 750 mm. dia. Each 88773 8 800 mm. dia. Each 103312 9 900 mm. dia. Each 119952 10 1000 mm. dia. Each 143629 11 1200 mm. dia. Each 190757 7 Fabricating ring girder as per drawing and specifications from M.S. channels, flats, plates, etc. supplied free of cost and assembling the same on the ring girder strake and tack welding as per directions. MT 5827 8 Fabricating ring girder supports (stools) as per drawing and specifications complete with top plates, base plates, side flats for fixing rollers wherever nescessary, grease box covers, rag bolts, grid road etc. from steel material supplied free of cost and stacking the same in fabricators yard. MT 7945.00 9 Fabricating and assembling M.S. roller as per drawing. The rate to include machining, assembling and fixing the same to the side flats provided below the top plates of R.C. supports (stools) greasing including providing anti-thteft measures M.S. rounds will be supplied free of cost. All other materials such as bright stainless steel pins etc. shall be supplied by the fabricator at his cost. MT 17293 10 Blast cleaning the surface of the old or new pipeline internally to remove all rust etc. complete, including providing sand, machinery, labour, cutting of pipes at required places and reweldingthe same etc, complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. (Pipes pieces if required for rewelding of old pipeline shall be paid separately.) Sq.m 77.00 11 Cleaning of old or new pipeline internally with mechanical cleaning machine having steel scraper blades with required passes including removing all rust, scaling etc. including cutting of pipes at required places, rewelding the same incuding cost of all materials and labour, etc, complete (Pipes pieces if required for rewelding of old pipeline shall be paid separately.) Sq.m 77.00 12 Cleaning of old pipeline internally by using swabbing method by passing polyurethane foam Pig with required hydraulic pressure, cutting of pipes at required places, rewelding the same including cost of all materials and labour, etc. complete. (Pipe pieces if required for rewelding of old pipeline shall be paid separately.) Sq.m 91.00 Note : Water for this purpose shall be supplied by the department free of cost at fixed point within 5 Kms. Lead and all arrangements for filling section and creating hydraulic pressure on polyurethene pig shall be done by contractor at his own cost. 13 Blast cleaning the surface of the old or new pipeline externally to remove all rust including providing sand machinery. etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. Sq.m 91.00 14 Providing and applying primer and one coat of red oxide of iron,paint, internally, to blast clened surface of the pipes. Sq.m 25.00 Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 15 Providing and applying primer and one coat of red oxide of iron, paint, internally, including cleaning the surface of the pipes with steel scrappers, wire brushes, and metal cleaning solution, etc. Sq.m 43.00 16 Fabricating and fixing insulated flange rings assembly as per drawing from steel material, supplied free of cost. The rate to include fabrication of tail pipe (about 0.6 M long) fabrications of flange rings, machining, drilling holes, including grinding wherever necessary and welding, The rate above to include nuts, bolts, washers, etc. but shall not include supply and fixing of backbite/PVC rings, cylinders and rubber packing. For pipe dia: 1 From 300mm.Upto 450mm. dia. Each 2138 2 Above 450 mm. Upto 750 mm. dia. Each 4155 3 Above 750 mm. Upto 1000 mm. dia. Each 6184 4 Above 1000 mm. Upto 1250 mm. dia. Each 10817 5 Above 1250 mm. Upto 1500 mm. dia. Each 14722 6 Above 1500 mm. Upto 2000 mm. dia. Each 17999 17 Providing and applying primer & one coat of red oxide of iron paint externally to blast cleaned surface of the pipe etc complete Sqm 27.50 18 Providing & applying primer and one coat of red oxide of iron paint externally including cleaning the surface of the pipe with steel scrapers wire brushes and metel cleaning solution etc complete Sqm 60.00 19 Providing & applying covering coat of gray graphite of approved quality including dusting the surface etc complete. Sqm 31.00 20 Providing & applying one coat of zinc rich epoxy primer to the internal surface of pipeline at site. Sqm 66.00 21 Providing & applying primer first coat of interol 49W emaline 05/58 pipe coat or any other equivalent approved paint to the internal surface of pipeline at site. Sqm 50.00 b) Second coat Sq.m 41.00 c)Third coat Sq.m 40.00 Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 1 Lowering laying in position to correct line and level including M. S. pipes with / without any outcoating on pedastals or chairs upon prepared formation.The rate to include loading, unloading hoisting, marginal cutting wherever required, assembling and tack welding, and transportation upto 500 M. etc. completed as specified. a) 5 mm to 8 mm thick. 1 Upto 250 mm. dia. RMT 282 2 Above 250 mm. Upto 500 mm. dia. RMT 332 3 Above 500 mm. Upto 750 mm. dia. RMT 381 4 Above 750 mm. Upto 1000 mm. dia RMT 431 5 Above 1000 mm. Upto 1250 mm. dia. RMT 482 b) Above 8 mm upto 12 mm thick. 1 From 750 mm. Upto 1000 mm. dia. RMT 574 2 Above 1000 mm. Upto l250 mm. dia RMT 640 3 Above 1250 mm. Upto 1500 mm. Dia RMT 706 4 Above 1500 mm Upto 1750 mm. dia RMT 774 5 Above 1750 mm. Upto 2000 mm dia RMT 840 6 Above 2000 mm. upto 2250 mm dia RMT 906 7 Above 2250 mm. upto 2500 mm dia RMT 974 c) Above 12 mm upto 16 mm thick. 1 From 2000 mm Upto 2250 mm dia RMT 864 2 Above 2250 rnm. Uplo 2500 mm dia. RMT 932 3 Above 2500 mm Upto 2750 mm dia RMT 996 4 Above 2750 mm. Upto 3000 mm. dia. RMT 1060 5 Above 3000 mm. upto 3250 mm dia. RMT 1124 6 Above 3250 mm. Upto 3500 mm RMT 1189 d) Above 16 mm upto 20 mm thick 1 From 2500 mm Upto 2750 mm dia RMT 1306 2 Above 2750 mm Upto 3000 mm dia RMT 1378 3 Above 3000 mm upto 3250 mm dia RMT 1450 4 Above 3250 mm Upto 3500 mm did RMT 1522 5 Above 3500 mm Upto 3750 mm dia RMT 1595 6 Above 3750 mm upto 4000 mm dia RMT 1668 e) Above 20 mm upto 25 mm thick 1 Above 3500 mm Upto 3750 mm dia RMT 1778 2 Above 3750 mm upto 4000 mm dia RMT 1880 Section - I - ( XVI ) - M.S.Pipes Laying Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 2 Lowering laying in position to correct line and level including M. S. specials with / without any outcoating such as distance pieces, straps, bends, tapers, etc. on pedastals or chairs upon perpared formation in trenches upon prepared formation.The rate to include loading, unloading hoisting, marginal cutting wherever required, assembling and tack welding, and transportation upto 500 M. etc. complete. a) 5 mm to 8 mm thick. 1 Upto 250 mm. dia. RMT 394 2 Above 250 mm. Upto 500 mm. dia. RMT 462 3 Above 500 mm. Upto 750 mm. dia. RMT 534 4 Above 750 mm. Upto 1000 mm. dia. RMT 603 5 Above 1000 mm. Upto 1250 mm. dia. RMT 673 b) Above 8 mm upto 12 mm thick. 1 From 750 mm.Upto 1000 mm. dia. RMT 804 2 Above 1000 mm. Upto 1250 mm. dia. RMT 897 3 Above 1250 mm. Upto 1500 mm. dia. RMT 989 4 Above 1500 mm. Upto 1750 mm. dia. RMT 1082 5 Above 1750 mm. Upto 2000 mm. dia. RMT 1177 6 Above 2000 mm. Upto 2250 mm. dia. RMT 1269 7 Above 2250 mm. Upto 2500 mm. dia. RMT 1362 c) Above 12 mm upto 16 mm thick 1 From 2000 mm. Upto 2250 mm. dia. RMT 1252 2 Above 2250 mm. Upto 2500 mm. dia. RMT 1304 3 Above 2500 mm. Upto 2750 mm. dia. RMT 1394 4 Above 2750 mm. Upto 3000 mm. dia. RMT 1483 5 Above 3000 mm. Upto 3250 mm. dia. RMT 1574 6 Above 3250 mm. Upto 3500 mm. dia. RMT 1664 d) Above 16 mm upto 20 mm thick. 1 From 2500 mm. Upto 2750 mm. dia. RMT 1796 2 Above 2750 mm. Upto 3000 mm. dia. RMT 1877 3 Above 3000 mm. Upto 3250 mm. dia. RMT 2031 4 Above 3250 mm. Upto 3500 mm. dia. RMT 2132 5 Above 3500 mm. Upto 3750 mm. dia. RMT 2232 6 Above 3750 mm. Upto 4000 mm. dia. RMT 2333 e) Above 20 mm upto 25 mm thick. 1 From 3500 mm. Upto 3750 mm. dia. RMT 2488 2 Above 3750 mm. Upto 4000 mm. dia. RMT 2631 3 Lowering laying in position to correct line and level including M. S. pipes with / without any outcoating, on pedestals or chairs upon piers, trestles etc. The rate to include loading, unloading hoisting, marginal cutting wherever required, assembling and tack welding, transportaion upto 500 M. etc. complete. a) 5 mm to 8 mm thick. 1 Upto 250 mm. dia. RMT 337 2 Above 250 mm. Upto 500 mm. dia. RMT 396 Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 3 Above 500 mm. Upto 750 mm. dia. RMT 457 4 bove 750 mm. Upto 1000 mm. dia. RMT 517 5 Above 1000 mm. Upto 1250 mm. dia. RMT 578 b) Above 8 mm upto 12 mm thick. 1 From 750 mm.Upto 1 000 mm. dia. RMT 689 2 Above 1000 mm. Upto 1250 mm. dia. RMT 768 3 Above 1250 mm. Upto 1500 mm. dia. RMT 848 4 Above 1500 mm. Upto 1750 mm. dia. RMT 928 5 Above 1750 mm. Upto 2000 mm. dia. RMT 1009 6 Above 2000 mm. Upto 2250 mm. dia. RMT 1089 7 Above 2250 mm. Upto 2500 mm. dia. RMT 1167 c) Above 12 mm upto 16 mm thick. 1 From 2000 mm. Upto 2250 mm. dia. RMT 994 2 Above 2250 mm. Upto 2500 mm. dia. RMT 1042 3 Above 2500 mm. Upto 2750 mm. dia. RMT 1194 4 Above 2750 mm. Upto 3000 mm. dia. RMT 1273 5 Above 3000 mm. Upto 3250 mm. dia. RMT 1350 6 Above 3250 mm. Upto 3500 mm. dia. RMT 1416 d) Above 16 mm upto 20 mm thick. 1 Above 2500 mm. Upto 2750 mm. dia. RMT 1566 2 Above 2750 mm. Upto 3000 mm. dia. RMT 1653 3 Above 3000 mm. Upto 3250 mm. dia. RMT 1740 4 Above 3250 mm. Upto 3500 mm. dia. RMT 1826 5 Above 3500 mm. Upto 3750 mm. dia. RMT 1913 6 Above 3750 mm. Upto 4000 mm. dia. RMT 2001 e) Above 20 mm upto 25 mm thick. 1 from 3500 mm. Upto 3750 mm. dia. RMT 2133 2 Above 3750 mm. Upto 4000 mm. dia. RMT 2256 4 Lowering and layingin position to correct line and level including M. S. specials such as distance pieces, straps, bends, tapers, etc. on pedestals or chairs up on piers or trestles. The rate to include loading, unloading hoisting, marginal cutting wherever required, assembling and tack welding, and including transportation upto 500 M. etc. complete as specified. a) 5 mm to 8 mm thick. 1 Upto 250 mm. dia. RMT 472 2 Above 250 mm. Upto 500 mm. dia. RMT 556 3 Above 500 mm. Upto 750 mm. dia. RMT 639 4 Above 750 mm. Upto 1000 mm. dia. RMT 724 5 Above 1000 mm. Upto 1250 mm. dia. RMT 807 b) Above 8 mm upto 12 mm thick. 1 From 750 mm.Upto 1000 mm. dia. RMT 965 2 Above 1000 mm. Upto 1250 mm. dia. RMT 1076 3 Above 1250 mm. Upto 1500 mm. dia. RMT 1188 4 Above 1500 mm. Upto 1750 mm. dia. RMT 1299 Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 5 Above 1750 mm. Upto 2000 mm. dia. RMT 1412 6 Above 2000 mm. Upto 2250 mm. dia. RMT 1525 7 Above 2250 mm. Upto 2500 mm. dia. RMT 1635 c) Above 12 mm upto 16 mm thick. 1 From 2000 mm. Upto 2250 mm. dia. RMT 1503 2 Above 2250 mm. Upto 2500 mm. dia. RMT 1563 3 Above 2500 mm. Upto 2750 mm. dia. RMT 1672 4 Above 2750 mm. Upto 3 000 mm. dia. RMT 1781 5 Above 3000 mm. Upto 3250 mm. dia. RMT 1889 6 Above 3250 mm. Upto 3500 mm. dia. RMT 1998 d) Above 16 mm upto 20 mm thick. 1 From 2500 mm. Upto 2750 mm. dia. RMT 2195 2 Above 275Omm. Upto 3000 mm. dia. RMT 2314 3 Above 3000 mm. Upto 3250 mm. dia. RMT 2437 4 Above 3250 mm. Upto 3500 mm. dia. RMT 2555 5 Above 3500 mm. Upto 3750 mm. dia. RMT 2679 6 Above 3750 mm. Upto 4000 mm. dia. RMT 2802 e) Above 20 mm upto 25 mm thick. 1 From 3500 mm. Upto 3750 mm. dia. RMT 2988 2 Above 3750 mm. Upto 4000 mm. dia. RMT 3157 5 Transporting within 500 meters,laying in position to correct line and level M. S. pipes with / without anyoutcoating, on prepared bedding in trenches including marginal cutting wherever required, assembling tack welding the same. The rate to include loading, unloading, hoisting, ect. complete as specified. a) 5 mm to 8 mm thick. 1 Upto 250 mm. dia. RMT 289 2 Above 250 mm. Upto 500 mm. dia. RMT 340 3 Above 500 mm. Upto 750 mm. dia. RMT 391 4 Above 750 mm. Upto 1000 mm. dia. RMT 442 5 Above 1000 mm. Upto 1250 mm. dia. RMT 493 b) Above 8 mm upto 12 mm thick. 1 From 750 mm.Upto 1000 mm. dia. RMT 589 2 Above 1000 mm. Upto 1250 mm. dia. RMT 656 3 Above 1250 mm. Upto 1500 mm. dia. RMT 724 4 Above 1500 mm. Upto 1750 mm. dia. RMT 793 5 Above 1750 mm. Upto 2000 mm. dia. RMT 860 6 Above 2000 mm. Upto 2250 mm. dia. RMT 928 7 Above 2250 mm. Upto 2500 mm. dia. RMT 996 c) Above 12 mm upto 16 mm thick 1 From 2000 mm. Upto 2250 mm. dia. RMT 915 2 Above 2250 mm. Upto 2500 mm. dia. RMT 955 3 Above 2500 mm. Upto 2750 mm. dia. RMT 1021 4 Above 2750 mm. Upto 3000 mm. dia. RMT 1087 5 Above 3000 mm. Upto 3250 mm. dia. RMT 1153 Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 6 Above 3250 mm. Upto 3500 mm. dia. RMT 1219 d) Above 16 mm upto 20 mm thick. 1 From 2500 mm. Upto 2750 mm. dia. RMT 1334 2 Above 2750 mm. Upto 3000 mm. dia. RMT 1408 3 Above 3000 mm. Upto 3250 mm. dia. RMT 1483 4 Above 3250 mm. Upto 3500 mm. dia. RMT 1558 5 Above 3500 mrn. Upto 3750 mm. dia. RMT 1632 6 Above 3750 mm. Upto 4000 mm. dia. RMT 1708 e) Above 20 mm upto 25 mm thick. 1 From 3500 mm. Upto 3750 mm. dia. RMT 1817 2 Above 3750 mm. Upto 4000 mm. dia. RMT 1922 6 Transporting within 500 meters,laying in position to correct line and level M. S. specials pipes with / without any outcoating, such as distance pieces, straps, bends, tapers, etc. on prepared bedding in trenches including marginal cutting wherever required, assembling tack welding, the same. The rate to including loading, unloading, hoisting, ect. complete as specified. a) 5 mm to 8 mm thick. 1 Upto 250 mm. dia. RMT 406 2 Above 250 mm. Upto 500 mm. dia. RMT 475 3 Above 500 mm. Upto 750 mm. dia. RMT 548 4 Above 750 mm. Upto 1000 mm. dia. RMT 618 5 Above 1000 mm. Upto 1250 mm. dia. RMT 691 b) Above 8 mm upto 12 mm thick. 1 From 750 mm.Upto 1000 mm. dia. RMT 824 2 Above 1000 mm. Upto 1250 mm. dia. RMT 919 3 Above 1250 mm. Upto 1500 mm. dia. RMT 1013 4 Above 1500 mm. Upto 1750 mm. dia. RMT 1109 5 Above 1750 mm. Upto 2000 mm. dia. RMT 1288 6 Above 2000 mm. Upto 2250 mm. dia. RMT 1345 7 Above 2250 mm. Upto 2500 mm. dia. RMT 1394 c) Above 12 mm upto 16 mm thick. 1 From 2000 mm. Upto 2250 mm. dia. RMT 1282 2 Above 2250 mm. Upto 2500 mm. dia. RMT 1387 3 Above 2500 mm. Upto 2750 mm. dia. RMT 1428 4 Above 2750 mm. Upto 3000 mm. dia. RMT 1521 5 Above 3000 mm. Upto 3250 mm. dia. RMT 1616 6 Above 3250 mm. Upto 3500 mm. dia. RMT 1708 d) Above 16 mm upto 20 mm thick. 1 From 2500 mm. Upto 2750 mm. dia. RMT 1855 2 Above 2750 mm. Upto 3000 mm. dia. RMT 1972 3 Above 3000 mm. Upto 3250 mm. dia. RMT 2078 4 Above 3250 mm. Upto 3500 mm. dia. RMT 2181 5 Above 3500 mm. Upto 3750 mm. dia. RMT 2286 6 Above 3750 mm. Upto 4000 mm. dia. RMT 2391 Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 e) Above 20 mm upto 25 mm thick. 1 From 3500 mm. Upto 3750 mm. dia. RMT 2543 2 Above 3750 mm. Upto 4000 mm. dia. RMT 2692 7 Welding in all positions with required number of runs, for M. S. pipes internally and / or externally including gauging wherever necessary, fixing appurtenances and other accessories in connection with pipe laying work as per specification. a) Butt J oints : Plate thickness: 1 4 mm. RMT 131 2 5 mm. RMT 198 3 6 mm. RMT 465 4 7 mm. RMT 519 5 8 mm. RMT 651 6 10mm. RMT 798 7 12mm. RMT 854 8 14mm. RMT 1018 9 16mm. RMT 1232 10 18mm. RMT 1334 11 20 mm. RMT 1599 12 22 mm. RMT 2008 13 25 mm. RMT 2725 b) Lap joints with convex fillet welds Lag Lengths: 1 5 mm. RMT 183 2 6 mm. RMT 234 3 8 mm. RMT 310 4 10mm. RMT 347 5 12mm. RMT 519 6 14mm. RMT 705 7 16mm. RMT 776 8 18mm. RMT 941 9 20 mm. RMT 1062 10 22 mm. RMT 1419 11 25 mm. RMT 1723 8 Shifiting and aligning ring girders including removing tack welds and re- tacking in the correct position etc. complete as per specification for the pipes of following diameter. 1 From 1000 mm, Upto 1250 mm. dia. RMT 355 2 Above 1250 mm. Upto 1500 mm. dia. RMT 435 3 Above 1500 mm. Upto 1750 mm. dia. RMT 513 4 Above 1750 mm. Upto 2000 mm. dia. RMT 592 5 Above 2000 mm. Upto 2250 mm. dia. RMT 670 6 Above 2250 mm. Upto 2500 mm. dia. RMT 749 7 Above 2500 mm. Upto 2750 mm. dia. RMT 827 8 Above 2750 mm. Upto 3000 mm. dia. RMT 908 9 Above 3000 mm. Upto 3250 mm. dia. RMT 987 10 Above 3250 mm. Upto 3500 mm. dia. RMT 1065 Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 11 Above 3500 mm. Upto 3750 mm. dia. RMT 1144 12 Above 3750 mm. Upto 4000 mm. dia. RMT 1229 9 Transporting within 500 meters and fixing in position stools, base plates, roller sets, grease box covers, etc. including welding wherever necessary. The rate also to include fixing stools, base plates, etc. in true line and level, connecting the base plate to anchor bolts by flush welding including cutting the bolts, if required, assembleng and aligning C. I. or M. S. roller sets of any size including oiling, greasing, etc. The rate also to include grouting anchor bolts, welding of two halves of grease box covers as directed by Engineer-in-charge, for pipes of following dia. 1 From 1000 mm, Upto 1250 mm. dia. Each 1299 2 Above 1250 mm. Upto 1500 mm. dia. Each 1405 3 Above 1500 mm. Upto 1750 mm. dia. Each 1511 4 Above 1750 mm. Upto 2000 mm. dia. Each 1617 5 Above 2000 mm. Upto 2250 mm. dia. Each 1723 6 Above 2250 mm. Upto 2500 mm. dia. Each 1829 7 Above 2500 mm. Upto 2750 mm. dia. Each 1935 8 Above 2750 mm. Upto 3000 mm. dia. Each 2041 9 Above 3000 mm. Upto 3250 mm. dia. Each 2147 10 Above 3250 mm. Upto 3500 mm. dia. Each 2253 11 Above 3500 mm. Upto 3750 mm. dia. Each 2378 12 Above 3750 mm. Upto 4000 mm. dia. Each 2463 10 Transporting within500 meters and aligning, fixing in position and tack welding expansion joints suitable for pipeline of diameters. 1 From 1000 mm, Upto 1250 mm. dia. Each 4395 2 Above 1250 mm. Upto 1500 mm. dia. Each 4558 3 Above 1500 mm. Upto 1750 mm. dia. Each 4723 4 Above 1750 mm. Upto 2000 mm. dia. Each 4887 5 Above 2000 mm. Upto 2250 mm. dia. Each 9238 6 Above 2250 mm. Upto 2500 mm. dia. Each 9445 7 Above 2500 mm. Upto 2750 mm. dia. Each 9650 8 Above 2750 mm. Upto 3000 mm. dia. Each 9793 9 Above 3000 mm. Upto 3250 mm. dia. Each 10063 10 Above 3250 mm. Upto 3500 mm. dia. Each 10270 11 Above 3500 mm. Upto 3750 mm. dia. Each 10474 12 Above 3750 mm. Upto 4000 mm. dia. Each 10682 Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 11 Transporting within 500 meters aligning and fixing in position and tack welding only, including marginal cutting, supplying and providing rubber packing etc. where necessary. a) Minor fixtures such as manhole cover, pressure and non-pressure type blank flanges, loose rings, small pipes to form saddle bypass arrangement, plug plates, ladders, platform, stiffener rings, etc. MT 7868 b) Minor fixtures such as tees, domes, Y branches, insulating flange ring assembly, etc MT 3997 12 Gas cutting (either square cut or V cut) pipes, plates, etc. of thickness 1 upto 5 mm. RMT 59 2 above 5 mm. Upto 10 mm. RMT 84 3 Above 10 mm. Upto 14 mm. RMT 109 4 Above 14 mm. Upto 18 mm. RMT 124 5 Above 18 mm. Upto 22 mm. RMT 172 6 Above 22 mm. RMT 230 13 Gas cutting holes upto 50 mm dia (for plugs) Thickness of shell 1 5 mm. to 12 mm No 65 2 Above 12 mm No 90 14 Providing M.S. bar mesh prepared out of 16 mmdia M.S. bar at 15 cm. c/c both ways, welded to flanged ring including tack welding of bars and fixing the same with nuts and bolts on open faces of outlet / inlet pipes in the sump or reservoir, etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. Sq.m 1192 15 Providing permanent test points on the pipe line as per drawing and as directed by Engineer-in-charge including providing and fixing sluice valves, road boxes for sluice valves of size 80 mmto 250 mmin one brick masonrychamber 300 mmx 300 mmclear C. M. 1:5 with12 mm thick 1:3 cement plaster both inside and outside on M-100 C.C. , 150 mm thick etc. complete as specified and directed. No 2675 16 Supplyingtransporting, the S.P. fire hydrants includingduck foot bend, S.V. and S.V. road box, painting the hydrant,fixing the saddle piece, supplying, and laying required lenght of C.I. pipeline and jointing the same spun yarn, molten lead including caulking, fixing the S.V. road box in one brick masonry chamber in 1:5 C.M. with 12 mmthick 1:3 cement plaster both inside and outside on 1:3:6: C.C.150 mm thick etc, complete specified and directed. [As per I.S.900/1965 Revised] No 13090 17 Hydraulic testing of M.S. pipeline to specified pressure including cost of all materials and labour and water for testing for the lenght upto 1km., using reciprocating type pumps which should be able to provide specified test pressure gauges and other necessary equipments, labour, operation charges, etc. required for testing. The rate under this item shall also include cost of retesting, if necessary. 1 Upto 600mm.dia.(I.D.) Km 37248 2 Above 600 mm. upto 750 mm. dia. (l.D.) Km 37303 3 Above 750 mm. upto 900 mm. dia. (l.D.) Km 37389 Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 4 Above 900 mm. upto 1050 mm. dia. (l.D.) Km 37518 5 Above 1050 mm. upto 1200 mm. dia. (l.D.) Km 37646 6 Above 1200 mm. upto 1500 mm. dia. (l.D.) Km 37899 7 Above 1500 mm. upto 1800 mm. dia. (l.D.) Km 38272 8 Above 1800 mm. upto 2250 mm. dia. (l.D.) Km 38898 9 Above 2250 mm. upto 2500 mm. dia. (l.D.), Km 39354 10 Above 2500 mm. dia. (l.D.) Km 39809 Extra over initial KM 1 Upto 600mm.dia.(I.D.) Km 189 2 Above 600 mm. upto 750 mm. dia. (l.D.) Km 270 3 Above 750 mm. upto 900 mm. dia. (l.D.) Km 402 4 Above 900 mm. upto 1050 mm. dia. (l.D.) Km 531 5 Above 1050 mm. upto 1200 mm. dia. (l.D.) Km 684 6 Above 1200 mm. upto 1500 mm. dia. (l.D.) Km 1010 7 Above 1500 mm. upto 1800 mm. dia. (l.D.) Km 1528 8 Above 1800 mm. upto 2250 mm. dia. (l.D.) Km 2344 9 Above 2250 mm. upto 2500 mm. dia. (l.D.), Km 2919 10 Above 2500 mm. upto 2750 mm. dia. (l.D.), Km 3530 11 Above 2750 mm. dia. (l.D.) Km 4167 18 Providing and applying with mechanical arrangement 1:3 proportion cement sand gunite, 40 to 50 mmthick to M. S. pipe surface under 2.1 kg. per sqcm. to 2.80 kg. per sqcm. pressure including removing the loose materials as directed by Engineer-in-charge and including scrapping the surface with wire brushes, degreasing, cleaning by compressed air and providing fixing BRC fabric no.14 as reinforcement, curing for 21 days, disposing off the rebound materials within a lead of 50 M, etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in- charge. Sq.m 416 19 Providing and applying pipe coating of fibres, coaltar and solvent based rubber modified bituminous primer of density 0.92 gms/cu cm and viscosity of 1000-2000 cps @ 150 gms/sqm followed by seven layers(4mmthick) of polythene polymerised bitumen and polyester of local 7 layers) pipe cost 4 mmshould conformto requirement of IS- 10221 and AWWA C-203 for pre-fabricated tapes including covering cost on pipe coating. Rates shall include cost of material coating and wrapping over the pipes, handling charges, perparation of pipe surface, all labour, material, etc. complete.] Note : Pipe coating is to be done at laying worksite only. Sq.m 448 20 Providing and applying with mechanical arrangement cement sand gunite of 50 mm thickness to floors, walls, floor slabs or any other structure under 2.1 kg. per sqcm. to 2.80 kg. per sqcm. pressure including removing the loose materials on surface, cleaning with comperssed air, degreasing, etc. including scaffolding and curing for 21 days, providing and fixing BRC fabric no. 14 but excluding cost of reinforcement, if any and removing rebound materials within a lead of 50 M, etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge (for GSRs and buildings.) Sq.m 363 Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 21 Providing and applying with mechanical arrangement cement sand gunite of 50 mm thickness to floors, walls, roof slabs or any other structure under 2.1 kg. per sqcm. to 2.80 kg. per sqcm. pressure including removing the loose materials on surface, cleaning with compressed air, degreasing, etc. including scaffolding and curing for 21 days, providing and fixing BRC fabric no. 14 but excluding cost of reinforcement, if any and removing rebound materials within a lead of 50 M, for staging and bottomof bottomslab, etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge (for RCC ESRs) Sq.m 476 22 Providing and making inner cement mortar lining to M.S. pipes with mechanical devices in cement mortar 1:1 proportion, including cost of all materials, labour, special sand required, machinery, power generation, all equipments and taking necessaryaccess openings and manholes, cuts at suitable intervals as directed by Engineer-in-charge and rewelding the same after done with doubler plates pipes including necessary excavation, refilling concerte breaking and remaking if any, breaking guniting and remaking the same, repainting wherever required with epoxy paint in 3 coats, all dewatering including emptying the pipline and refilling the same after done with (water to be supplied bydepartment free of cost within5 km. lead at fixed point and all other arrangements to be done by agency), including carrying out Cvalue performance test of pipeline, complete job as per the directions of the Engineer-in-charge. 1 9 mm thick for pipes upto 700 mm dia. Sq.m 326 2 12 mm thick for pipes above 700 mm dia. Sq.m 377 23 Providing and applying of elastomeric (450% elongation), thermoplastic, fire retardant, coating skin tensile strength 18 to 21 kg/cm 2 , antifungal antibacterial anticorrosive, graft co- polymer Coating on smooth plastered surface. 100 Micron dyu filmthickness of Self bonding with plastered surface and 100 Micron of top coat. For sewage treatment plant ( R.C.C.Tank inside coating) and water treatment plant. Sq.m 1057 24 Providing and applying external and internal coating for steel structures in sewage treatement plant/water treatement plant with elastomeric (450% elongation), thermoplastic, fire retardant, coating skin tensile strength 18 to 21 kg/cm2, antifungal antibacterial, anticorrosive, graft co-polymer. 50 Micron DFT. of self bonding grade with steel, 50 Micron DFT. of inner coat and 50 Micron DFT of top coat. Sq.m 618 25 Providing and applying of elastomeric (450% elongation), thermoplastic, fire retardant, coating skin tencile strength 18 to 21 kg/cm2, antifungal, antibacterial anticorrosive, graft co- polymer Coating on external pipe lines in un laid/laid condition after proper cleaning. 50 Micron DFT of self bonding grade with metal surface, 50 Micron DFT inner coat and 50 Micron DFT of top coat. 1 Water and sewage pipe lines (external) in unlaid condition. Sq.m 647 2 Water and sewage pipe lines (external) in laid condition. Sq.m 663 Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 26 Providing and applying of elastomeric (450% elongation), thermoplastic, fire retardant, coating skin tensile strength 18 to 21 kg/cm2, antifungal, antibacterial anticorrosive, graft co- polymer Coating on internal surface of pipe lines. 100 Micron DFT of site bonding grade with steel surface and 100 Micron DFT of top coat. 1 Pipe line in unlaid condition Sq.m 814 2 Pipe line in laid condition Sq.m 869 27 Providing and applying of elastomeric (450% elongation), thermoplastic, fire retardant, coating skin tensile strength 18 to 21 kg/cm2, antifungal, antibacterial anticorrosive, graft co- polymer Coating on cleaned steel reinforcement bars. 80 to 100 Micron DFT with self bonding trade of bar coating. 1 6 mm dia MT 29598 2 8 mm dia MT 22648 3 10 mm dia MT 17947 4 12 mm dia MT 14933 5 16 mm dia MT 11182 6 20 mm dia MT 9100 7 25 mm dia MT 7187 8 32 mm dia MT 5759 9 40 mm dia MT 4373 Sr No Item Description Unit Rate ( in Rs.) 2012-2013 28 Providing and applying HDPEcoating for MS pipe internally as well as externally including cost of HDPE powder moulding pipes grade , labour , scrapping the pipe surface with wire brushes, degrading , cleaning by compressed air and surface grinding and finishing including cost of loading , unloading and handelling pipes at factory etc. complete as directed by Engineer - in -Charge ( Factory at Virar Mumbai.). H.D.P.E. Total coating Thickness in micron 1 2000 sq.m 1508 2 3000 sq.m 1893 3 4000 sq.m 2176 4 5000 sq.m 2501