

Entretien et réparation de véhicules

Clermont Ferrand, France 18 347 abonnés

The European tyre services & maintenance specialist committed to offer the best experience with no compromise on safety.

À propos

1. Who We Are Founded in 1991, Euromaster is a wholly-owned Michelin’s Group subsidiary. Our mission is to offer tyres services and fast-fitting maintenance with no compromise on safety. We are committed to deliver a best in class experience to drivers and fleets. Our interactions and actions are driven by our core values: honesty, customer care and expertise. Our ambition is offer to our customers more simplicity, hassle free experience, immediacy and proximity. 2. Customer Experience We offer a full range of tyre and maintenance services to both private and professional customers, adapted to their specific needs, stakes and type of vehicles (light, heavy, agricultural, earthmover and industrial). 3. One Network Euromaster is present in 18 countries in Europe (Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Moldova, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and United-Kingdom,) thanks to its own subsidiaries and a large network of franchisees. 4. Our Safety Commitment In 2019, the Group decided to go a step further by taking a strong commitment translated into “No Compromise on Safety” that encompassed all its internal and external stakeholders. Our aim is to become a safety reference for our customers and the market. Our “No Compromise on safety” commitment relies on two key winning attitudes that animate everyone in the Company: ⦁ “Always alert” meaning that “safety should lead every of my actions” ⦁ “All for one” meaning that “I pay attention to my colleagues and my customers and do not hesitate to react if they don’t act safely.

Site web
Entretien et réparation de véhicules
Taille de l’entreprise
5 001-10 000 employés
Siège social
Clermont Ferrand, France
Société civile/Société commerciale/Autres types de sociétés
Fondée en


Employés chez Euromaster


  • Voir la page d’organisation pour Euromaster, visuel

    18 347  abonnés

    🏆🏆 Congrats EBS teams for your continuous commitment to operational excellence!

    Voir la page d’organisation pour Euromaster Business Services - EBS, visuel

    1 656  abonnés

    𝐄𝐮𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 - 𝐔𝐢𝐏𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐜 𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐇𝐮𝐛 𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐬 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐁𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐄𝐱𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐚𝐭 𝐀𝐁𝐒𝐋 𝐆𝐚𝐥𝐚 𝐀𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐬! One year ago, we embarked on a transformative journey to revolutionize operational excellence through Intelligent Automation. Partnering with UiPath, we worked together to define the strategy and create the roadmap of the program. Consequently we established the Automation Center of Excellence (ACoE) in Bucharest, aiming to streamline processes, reduce costs, and foster innovation within the Euromaster Group utilizing RPA and AI. ✨We are thrilled to announce that our dedication and hard work have been recognized with a Second Place win for the Euromaster - UiPath Strategic Automation Hub at the ABSL Romania Gala Awards 2024! ✨ This award is a proof of our commitment to operational excellence and continuous improvement. We extend our deepest gratitude to all our employees whose contributions and dedication made this success possible.  EBS will continue to innovate and add value to our customers and stakeholders. Here’s to another year of success and innovation! ✨ #EBStogether #IntelligentAutomation #BusinessExcellence #Euromaster #UiPath #RPA #AI #ABSLGalaAwards #AwardWinning #TeamEffort #BusinessTransformation

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  • Voir la page d’organisation pour Euromaster, visuel

    18 347  abonnés

    🌍 Today is World Environment Day! 🍃 As part of World Environment Day celebrations, we’re happy to introduce our solutions to help our customers reduce their carbon footprint, as well as our 4 Planet ambitions and key actions to improve our own impact. Our ambitions are to be: The network with the lowest carbon footprint The 1st network that contributes to reduction of customers’ CO2 emissions Best in class in end-of-life products collection and recycling Recognized by our employees and customers as a “Green and sustainable network” 🌳 And thanks to the help of our customers and the support of the NGO Planète Urgence, we're taking a stand against global deforestation by supporting the NGO's reforestation projects, in particular by planting a tree for every visit* to one of our centres today.  This represents up to 12,000 trees planted to restore fragile forests while supporting local communities and raising children's awareness about the need to protect the environment. Thank you  for helping us contribute to the collective effort to preserve our planet ! "Together let’s plant the seeds of a more sustainable future!" * up to a maximum of 12,000 unique visits throughout the whole Euromaster equity network in Europe. #Planet

  • Voir la page d’organisation pour Euromaster, visuel

    18 347  abonnés

    ✋ World Day for Safety & Health at Work 👉 Health & Safety is fully part of Euromaster Group’s DNA. Since 2019, the Group has engaged all its employees into a robust raise-awareness program in order to strengthen the internal safety culture with the aim of avoiding accidents and saving lives. 👉 Twice a year, European safety weeks are held in every country of our network to dedicate time to focus on specific safety areas such as hazard, near missed spotting and accident prevention and to allow every employee to talk about safety. 👉 “No Compromise On Safety”, is the Group commitment: - to develop the appropriate working conditions to ensure our employees can do their job in a safe environment. - To deliver “safety first” to our customers, beyond tyres services and fast-fitting light vehicle and truck maintenance. - To implement robust and effective safety actions to continuously decrease number of accidents 🤜 🤛 "At Euromaster, we are all safety leaders!" #Euromaster #EuromasterGroup #WorldDayofSafety #WorkHealthSafety #WorkHealth #WorkSafety #HealthandSafety #SafetyFirst #WorkPlaceSafety #NoCompromiseOnSafety #AlwaysAlert #AllForOne

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  • Euromaster a republié ceci

    Voir la page d’organisation pour EUROMASTER FRANCE, visuel

    6 699  abonnés

    [Innovation] 🧠 La reconnaissance visuelle des pneumatiques arrive sur notre site web EUROMASTER FRANCE, une première dans le secteur ! Rapide et précise, cette solution Michelin développée avec l'aide d'Apimove vous permet de trouver rapidement les pneus adaptés à votre véhicule en quelques clics grâce à l'intelligence artificielle. 📸 📱 En capturant simplement une image de la roue du véhicule avec votre smartphone, cette technologie propose instantanément les dimensions des pneus homologués nécessaires. Euromaster, toujours là pour garantir votre mobilité #Euromaster #Innovation #Pneumatique #Michelin

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  • Euromaster a republié ceci

    Voir la page d’organisation pour Euromaster Italia, visuel

    1 855  abonnés

    In occasione della giornata mondiale del riciclo, vigliamo accendere i riflettori sull’importanza di promuovere atteggiamenti virtuosi finalizzati al rispetto dell’ambiente e il riuso dei materiali, dando loro una seconda vita, come fa Ecopneus, società senza fine di lucro dedicata al riciclo degli Pneumatici Fuori Uso (PFU) In Italia, della quale siamo orgogliosi di far parte. Abbiamo voluto affidarci alla voce degli studenti de 4L del Liceo Linguistico Gandhi di Narni, vincitrice della XII edizione del progetto educativo di Ecopneus. Nel loro video "Destinazione Futuro", i ragazzi ci ricordano quanto sia fondamentale come il più piccolo gesto compiuto oggi possa avere un impatto significativo sul nostro domani. Insieme, possiamo contribuire a fare la differenza per un mondo sempre più sostenibile. #GiornataMondialeDelRiciclo #Sostenibilità #Ecopneus #Euromaster #lasecondavitadeipfu 

    Voir la page d’organisation pour Ecopneus, visuel

    2 218  abonnés

    Oggi, nella giornata mondiale del #riciclo, vogliamo riflettere sull’importanza di preservare il nostro pianeta attraverso pratiche sostenibili come il riciclo e il riuso. In #Ecopneus, siamo orgogliosi di fare la nostra parte: da oltre 12 anni diamo nuova vita agli pneumatici fuori uso, trasformando queste risorse in materiali preziosi, come la gomma riciclata, che trovano impiego in molti prodotti ecosostenibili. Ma non solo, a questa attività affianchiamo un impegno costante nel sensibilizzare e consolidare una cultura del riciclo e della legalità, soprattutto nelle nuove generazioni, con progetti ed eventi educativi. Abbiamo voluto affidare questo importante messaggio alle parole della classe 4L del Liceo Linguistico Gandhi di Narni (TR) vincitrice della XII edizione del progetto educational di #Ecopneus e Legambiente, che con il loro video “Destinazione Futuro” ci ricordano quanto il contribuito di ciascuno possa fare la differenza. #lasecondavitadeipfu

  • Euromaster a republié ceci

    Voir la page d’organisation pour EUROMASTER FRANCE, visuel

    6 699  abonnés

    [Actu] 📣 🌍 C'est la journée mondiale du recyclage ! EUROMASTER FRANCE est une entreprise engagée depuis de nombreuses années dans une démarche d’enseigne responsable volontariste avec plusieurs objectifs dont celui de contribuer à réduire notre impact environnemental et celui de nos clients. Cette journée mondiale du recyclage est l'occasion de revenir sur nos engagements de décarbonation de nos activités. ♻️ Euromaster, toujours là pour accompagner votre mobilité de façon durable. #Euromaster #Journéemondialedurecyclage #Recyclage #Pneus #Environnement

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