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Getting started with wordpress: Professional Training
Getting started with wordpress: Professional Training
Getting started with wordpress: Professional Training
Livre électronique169 pages46 minutes

Getting started with wordpress: Professional Training

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Welcome to WordPress, the free application that allows you to develop websites without programming a language and without real difficulty. WordPress is a content management system that provides many features to add chronological posts, static pages, menus, texts, images and media, templates, and SEO techniques that help for referencing. Once the installation is complete, all the work of creation is done through the dashboard.


Remy Lentzner has been a computer trainer since 1985. Specialized in mastering office automation tools, he supports companies in the professional training of their employees. Self-taught, he has fifteen computer books to his credit.
Date de sortie16 juin 2021
Getting started with wordpress: Professional Training

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    Getting started with wordpress - Rémy Lentzner


    Chapter 1


    There are two ways to work with WordPress. Either directly online with WordPress.com and more precisely with the Internet address https://fr.wordpress.com, or through an Internet Service Provider. The ISP rents you a domain name, and then installs WordPress for free in your reserved space.

    In the first case, you work with WordPress.com. In the second case, you work with WordPress.org with hosting of your website by the provider. The latest version of WordPress is 5.7.2 (at the time of writing this book) and you should update the application regularly.

    1.1 WordPress.com

    If you choose to install the WordPress.com online version without going through an Internet Service Provider, you will need to create a WordPress account. The system will ask you to choose a financing plan for that account. Then WordPress will offer you the option of working with a free version that will be paid for after one year. However, if you don't want to pay but only discover the application, go through the paid process and delete the contents of the shopping cart.

    Then, you will be able to use the dashboard as a guide throughout the creation of all the web pages.

    To work with WordPress.com, the following procedures will show you the steps to follow.

    Open your browser.

    Type the address https://wordpress.com and validate.

    Figure 1.1 shows the home page.

    Figure 1.1: Starting WordPress.com

    Click on the blue Start your website button.

    Create an account with your email address, username and password.

    Figure 1.2 shows the next step.

    Figure 1.2 : User name and password

    Click on the Create your account button.

    WordPress asks you to provide a domain name. It is a word people will use to access your site. You can pay a subscription fee or test the application for free for 1 year with a renewal at 15€ per year.

    Figure 1.3 : The domain name

    Click the Select button.

    Choose the plan for 4€ to finance the domain name. This is a one time fee.

    Figure 1.4 : The chosen plan

    If you do not wish to pay for the plan, click on the small white cross at the top left corner of the window.

    Figure 1.5 : Cancelling the plan

    The WordPress dashboard appears. Click on the Basket at the top right of the window then remove the plan and domain name orders by clicking on the two trash icons.

    Figure 1.6 : Emptying the basket

    Click on the My Home icon.

    Figure 1.7 shows the dashboard.

    Figure 1.7 : The Dashboard with WordPress.com

    WordPress.com is the ideal tool for quickly creating a website. However, it is not as complete as WordPress.org which is installed for free by your Internet Service Provider (LWS, OVH or others). It allows you to manage the MySQL database underlying the application.

    1.2 WordPress.org

    One speaks about WordPress.org when WordPress is installed by the ISP, either at the root of the site or in a specific directory. In addition, the provider often provides access to the MySQL database that is used by WordPress for information management. You can view WordPress files using an FTP (File Transfer Protocol) program that can access your server remotely.

    After installing WordPress through your Internet provider, you can connect to it by typing the following address :


    For example, to connect to my dashboard, I type the address below in any Internet browser.


    Figure 1.8 shows the WordPress.org dashboard with many links that can help you to find information.

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