The 5th workshop on Formal Methods for Security will take place in Tunis, Tunisia on June, 23, 2014. It is co-located with the 35th International Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets and Concurrency (Petri nets 2014).
This is an overview of FMS previous editions:
The 5th edition of FMS will take a full day and is scheduled to start with an invited talk followed by 3 sessions. The expected number of accepted papers is 8.
Systems and applications' security require formal proofs of correctness in order to achieve certification. Applications must be formally specified and proven to respect their specifications. The main scope of the workshop is to propose methods and techniques for constructing secure systems. We particularly welcome papers on techniques, tools and applications of formal methods (eg. timed automata, Petri nets, timed Petri nets, Process algebra, Logics...) for security.
The workshop will bring together academic and industry R&D researchers, in order to exchange ideas, discuss their research findings, and explore potential collaborations to provide solutions based on formal methods for developing secure systems and protocols.
We seek original research papers addressing issues in formal methods for security. We solicit contributions on the following (but not limited to) topics:
Specification and verification of security issues (Automata, Petri nets, Process algebra, Logics, Equivalence checking...)
Electronic voting
Security and privacy
Cryptographic protocols
Hardware and embedded systems
Probabilistic and real-time systems
Tools for security protocols verification
Authors are invited to submit original contributions that were not previously published work, or currently under review by any other workshop or conference. All submissions should be written in English, and correspond to the standard LNCS format. Submitted papers should be in PDF format and should not exceed 15 pages.
Accepted papers will be published in of informal/electronic workshop proceedings (CEUR). Some of the best papers of the workshop will be invited for publication in the new subseries of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) entitled "Transactions on Petri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency" (ToPNoC). The papers are expected to be minutely revised and they will go through a totally new round of reviewing.
Papers should be submitted using the following URL:
Paper Submission |
April 1st, 2014 |
Acceptance Notification |
April 30th, 2014 |
Camera-Ready |
Mai 12th, 2014 |
Workshop Date |
June 23rd , 2014 |
Please register for the FMS'14 workshop at the Petri Nets 2014
Registration site.
Information about how to reach the
workshop / conference site and about hotels can be found at the Petri Nets 2014 Travel