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A change of ownership from one person or party to another.
Copyright © 2012, Campbell R. Harvey. All Rights Reserved.


1. To sell.

2. To deliver.

3. To change ownership between parties for any reason.
Farlex Financial Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All Rights Reserved


1. To record a change of ownership in a security on the issuer's books.
2. To deliver a security to the buyer's broker by the seller's broker.
Is it difficult to transfer my brokerage account to a different firm?

Transferring an account to another firm is relatively easy. The first step is to open an account at the new firm. Then sign an account transfer form, which will be provided by the new firm. A representative at the new firm should be able to provide assistance if you encounter any difficulties. The transfer should be completed within two weeks.

George Riles, First Vice President and Resident Manager, Merrill Lynch, Albany, GA
Wall Street Words: An A to Z Guide to Investment Terms for Today's Investor by David L. Scott. Copyright © 2003 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved. All rights reserved.


In a transfer, a 401(k) or IRA custodian or trustee moves the assets in your existing account directly to the custodian or trustee of your new account.

With a transfer, you don't risk failing to deposit the full amount of your withdrawal within the 60-day deadline for rollovers. And, in the case of a transfer from a 401(k) or similar retirement savings plan, nothing is withheld for income taxes.

In contrast, if you handle the rollover yourself, your employer must withhold 20% of the account value.

When securities are sent to a transfer agent for reregistration of the ownership name, this process is also known as a transfer.

Securities may be registered in the actual, or beneficial, owner's name, or in the name of a nominee, known as street name. Most stocks that are held by brokerage firms for their clients are registered in nominee name on the transfer agent's books.

Dictionary of Financial Terms. Copyright © 2008 Lightbulb Press, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
On the other hand, DP transmit-antennas provide more diversity/selectivity for the DP receive-antenna regardless of XPD levels since vertical and horizontal transmit-antennas of each collocated DP transmit-antenna transmits two independent signals.
Parameter Assumption Cellular layout Hexagonal grid, 19 sites, and 3 sectors per site [15] Simulation scenarios Urban macro with AS 8[degrees] [14] Sector radius 350 m Carrier frequency 1.9 GHz System bandwidth 10 MHz Channel estimation Ideal XPD 0 and 15 dB Height of BS 35 m Height of the IoT device 1.5m Antenna spacing 0.5[lambda] BS transmit power 43 dBm Signal detection algorithm of MMSE the IoT device Average speed of moving 3 km/h IoT devices Noise figure 7 dB Path loss COST 231 Hata model [16]
The product of transmit beampattern c([theta]) and waveform diversity d([theta]) is called over all beampattern G ([theta]).
For the direction of target of interest [[theta].sub.t] and the K direction of interferences [[theta].sub.k], k = 1, 2, ..., K, the changes in transmit antenna patterns [DELTA]P([[theta].sub.t]) and [DELTA]P([[theta].sub.k]) are, respectively,
The transceivers send the data back to a central electronic control unit which transmits it to an instrument panel display or to other vehicle control systems.
A commonly used definition of offered load is N, the number of nodes waiting to transmit; this concept underlies EB [8], which indirectly estimates the number of nodes contending by counting consecutive collisions.
"Not only does PKZIP enable us and our partners to free up bandwidth and storage of enterprise systems, but the software's strong encryption capabilities help us to more easily achieve HIPAA compliance by ensuring that sensitive files we transmit and archive are secured."
Faxes are now an acceptable method to authorize EROs to transmit returns; however, an original taxpayer signature must still be forwarded to the IRS.
Consequently, for the first time ever, the quarterly transmit rates for our mortgage and home-equity products both exceeded 80 percent, and the average number of lenders to whom these loan requests were transmitted exceeded three.
The Biotronik Home Monitoring System is the first device to automatically transmit medical data to a health provider.
"IF WE DON'T TRANSFORM OUR PAIN, WE WILL ALWAYS transmit it," says Franciscan priest Richard Rohr.