recreational lease

recreational lease

(1) Separate ownership of recreational facilities at a condominium project or planned unit development, with the owner leasing their use to the residents. (2) Leasing of land for recreational purposes such as hunting, fishing, snow sports, and motor sports. It is a method of keeping land largely natural and still enjoying some sort of income.

The Complete Real Estate Encyclopedia by Denise L. Evans, JD & O. William Evans, JD. Copyright © 2007 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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"Plum Creek's primary business is timber and with the WMAs that doesn't change," said Donald Wood, Plum Creek's Recreational Lease Manager.
The new model act would extend recreational lease coverage to nonprofit organizations and allow tax abatement as an incentive.
Big landowners, such as timber companies, were already offering recreational leases, and they became much more popular after the war.
While many large recreational leases still remain, several have gone by the wayside.
TNC pledged that, while a strategic plan for the future of the Finch land tract is being formulated, all private recreational leases will continue to be renewed on an annual basis.
So we created the Hunting Lease Network (" Franchisees develop and manage recreational leases on private land, creating new income for landowners and new hunting opportunities for the sportsmen.
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