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1. A person who commits robbery at sea. Piracy is one of the world's oldest crimes and is a risk in international trade. Captured pirates generally are tried in military courts. A company may insure against injury or loss of goods due to piracy.

2. A person who engages in the act or practice of making illegal copies of copyrighted material. For example, printing copies of a book without the author's or publisher's permission may be piracy because neither receives any compensation for sales. Piracy is a major issue in online commerce. It is common, for instance, for a private user to upload a video to a website and even profit from views of that video without permission from or compensation to the copyright owners. The best way to prevent or prosecute this form of piracy remains a controversial issue.
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Further detailed analysis based on extensive fieldwork informs two excellent chapters by Ted Biggs on the types of piratical activity in Southeast Asia, and its growing professionalization; and by Karsten von Hoesslin on the practice and business models of petroleum and other liquid product theft.
According to the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in Nairobi, these youths are incorporated into piratical operations precisely because they are "nimble" and "expendable".
(112) Consequently, shipowners will likely be reluctant to ensure PCASP adhere to even the spirit of these RUF absent legally binding domestic standards, especially when there is considerable room for interpreting what is necessary and reasonable when facing a piratical attack.
"Explicit geographical limits--'on the high seas' and 'outside the jurisdiction of any state' -govern piratical acts under article 101(a)(i) and (ii).
All that's missing is a piratical Johnny It's something to ponder as you set sail, sundowner in hand, to the whoosh of billowing canvas and the strains of Vangelis's 1492 Conquest of Paradise.
From the opening circus-carousel sounds of "Tea With Cinnamon" to the high-spirited mariachi-polka of "A Bar in Amsterdam" to the piratical sea shanty "Hey Ho on the Devil's Back," bandmembers Solveig Heilo, Anne Marir Bergheim, Turid Jorgensen and Marianne Sveen prove themselves to be gifted vocalists and clever instrumentalists, utilizing everything from banjos, mandolins, guitars and trumpets, to accordions, xylophones, kazoos and melodicas for a richly textured, roots-inspired sound that still somehow manages to have widespread pop appeal.
They end up with the Great Wizard Grumphspawn in the Great Northern Mountains, where they experience the seven assorted sensations, the Goblin Racer, the Highlander's Delight, the Jolly Jester, the King's Coronation Ball, the Long Light Liberation, the Parrots, Pirates and Pancakes Piratical Pyrotechnics; and lastly the Troll's Totally Terribly Triumphant Toothy Tongue Tingler.
Two days of piratical mayhem brought visitors out in their thousands to Liverpool's docklands, while a samba carnival snaked its way round the streets on Saturday evening.
Also, even as he analyzes Roman law--for instance making erudite distinctions between civilized res publicae, res sacrae and the piratical realm of natural law--he gathers no dust because he clearly knows his stuff inside out and therefore keeps the argument moving along at a pace.
The buccaneers of this period are perhaps not as well known as their piratical predecessors (Francis Drake or the associates of Henry Morgan immortalized in Exquemelin's Buccaneers of America in 1678).
Local and international polities have reacted variously: by patrols with steam gunboats (Britain), attacking native craft and the ports of origin (nineteenth-century Spain), replacing local rulers dubbed 'piratical' (the fifteenth-century Chinese Admiral Zheng He), or integrating the 'piratical' orang laut of the straits into their own security apparatus (Srivijaya, and the Malacca sultanate).
The voyage should take them under the noses of the trigger-happy and piratical Israeli gunboats who think nothing of opening fire on Gazan fishermen.