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A practice in which a company keeps equipment in a factory or other production facility in working order but does not use it on a constant basis. This is useful when a company has high operating costs and it would be more expensive to use the facility. Mothballing allows the company to save its expenses and still use the facility when needed.
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He expressed alarm that the mothballs which are used when storing clothes to repel moths, silverfish, and other insects are still widely available in the country despite health concerns in other European countries.
While establishing a correlation between exposure to pesticides and disease does not prove that the pesticides caused disease, it does add detail to the growing picture of pesticide-caused hematologic toxicity, and suggests a need for further study of mothballs in particular.
But with the protection offered by Section 201 tariffs and subsequent pricing improvements for steel products, some of these mothballed facilities have received new attention.
Holding his nose, he says: ``They are just mothballs that were marketed in Beatle wrapping - not mothballs used by the actual Beatles for their suits.
But it has less to celebrate than we have--its past is dusty, its present is largely in mothballs, and its future, though brightening, is still shrouded in mist.
Eleven people were taken to hospital after a woman handed around mothballs thinking they were mints.
For many years, people have fought them off with mothballs, but it may be wise to take another tack.
A consumer watchdog has urged the government to ban naphthalene mothballs after the European Commission issued an alert regarding the withdrawal of the product in Bulgaria because it posed chemical risk.