Bednarski et al., "Potential of the JPET detector for studies of discrete symmetries in decays of positronium atom--A purely
leptonic system," Acta Physica Polonica B, vol.
NOvA and T2K are the first experiments to measure a difference between matter and antimatter in the
leptonic sector but cannot measure the CP phase with more than 3[sigma].
Alternative astrophysical explanations in terms of outburst events of hadronic [278] or
leptonic [279] origin turned out to be not favored by data [280].
The lower limits of Y(4220) and Y(4390)'s
leptonic decay widths are also determined to be (36.4 [+ or -] 2.0 [+ or -] 4.2) and (123.8 [+ or -] 6.5 [+ or -] 9.0) eV.
Chatrchyan et al., "Search for the standard model Higgs boson decaying to W+W- in the fully
leptonic final state in pp collisions at [square root of s] = 8 TeV," Physics Letters B, vol.
In (27), [mathematical expression not reproducible] are the
leptonic helicity amplitudes defined as
Bordoloi, "
Leptonic decay of Heavy-light Mesons in a QCD Potential," International Journal of Modern Physics A, vol.
Leptonic and semileptonic decays of beauty and strange mesons have played an important role in measuring parameters related to Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM), unitary angles, and also in probing CP-violation [14-16].
Leptonic decay constants give information about short distance structure of hadrons.
Mohanta, "Revisiting the sensitivity studies for
leptonic CPviolation and mass hierarchy with T2K, NOvA and LBNE experiments," New Journal of Physics, vol.
Paredes, "A broadband
leptonic model for gamma-ray emitting microquasars," Astronomy & Astrophysics , vol.
Rotunno, "Global analysis of neutrino masses, mixings and phases: entering the era of
leptonic CP violation searches," Physical Review D: Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, vol.