disposal field

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disposal field

The area where wastewater from a septic tank drains into specially prepared ground for further purification.

The Complete Real Estate Encyclopedia by Denise L. Evans, JD & O. William Evans, JD. Copyright © 2007 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
In the past 50 years, the wet process was used to stockpile the Bayer red mud in Guizhou Aluminum Factory red mud disposal field, which led to much unconsolidated BRM in the disposal field.
This would promote the dissemination of best practice among experts involved in the bomb disposal field, as well as the organisation of joint training exercises.
Each wastewater treatment system was tested before treatment at the dosing chamber and after treatment before discharge to a disposal field. The aerobic treatment unit had no trash trap or other sampling port for an influent sample to be taken, so only post treatment samples came from this system.
water reuse distribution system (including a 500,000-gallon elevated reuse tank) or to the three-acre subsurface disposal field.
"A typical conventional septic system consists of two basic working parts: a septic tank; (and) an underground disposal field ...
Many of these farms end up with disposal field clogging and odorous water seepage problems.
If a public sewer system is not available and the volume of sewage is small, a septic tank and a subsurface disposal field may be the most economical and practical method for domestic waste disposal.