

the removal of tiers in an ORGANIZATION'S HIERARCHY. This is often implemented to shorten lines of communication and to increase the speed of decision-making. It often forms part of an attempt at DECENTRALIZATION and has been associated with moves to shift authority away from hierarchically organized functional departments to multi-function process teams, as in BUSINESS PROCESS RE-ENGINEERING. Currently a fashionable term, many view it as a euphemism for measures aimed at contraction and labour-shedding. Middle managers are particularly susceptible to REDUNDANCY as a result of de-layering. See DOWNSIZING, SCALAR CONCEPT.
Collins Dictionary of Business, 3rd ed. © 2002, 2005 C Pass, B Lowes, A Pendleton, L Chadwick, D O’Reilly and M Afferson
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He said "de-layering in itself was not an outcome" at the latest Cleveland crime panel.
The video presents a journey of three characters taking a ride "home" in the city's iconic yellow taxi; each of them de-layering over their journey to reveal their true selves on their way "Back Home".
It explained that it was making moves to simplify its operating model by "de-layering" its management structure and ensuring there are "fewer, bigger, more accountable leadership roles".
BT explained yesterday that it was making moves to simplify its operating model by "de-layering" its management structure and ensuring there are "fewer, bigger, more accountable leadership roles".
BT explained it was making moves to simplify its operating model by "de-layering" its management structure and ensuring there are "fewer, bigger, more accountable leadership roles."
There is a lot to be gained in de-layering 1,300 suppliers.
Management tend to do it after they've been thinking outside the box and pushing the envelope on best practice so they can action initiatives on de-layering and downsizing.
One method she suggests for eliminating the excess employees is "de-layering." If that term mystifies you, "layering" refers to the tendency of a government employee to want to be a chief, and when he gets to be a chief, to have deputy chiefs and assistant chiefs to make his role seem more important.
The CEO of the bank described the departure of Krawcheck and Price as 'de-layering and simplifying' of the bank's management structure.
The measures include: targeted compulsory redundancies at statutory minimum levels, including the de-layering of the cabin crew organisation; new working conditions to increase productivity; the transition to a new pay scale that will include reduced salaries; a reduction in variable pay; and the implementation of new Aer Lingus principles of employment.