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A firm often has stockholders and bondholders. In a liquidation, the bondholders have first priority.
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A person or company that owns a municipal or corporate bond. The bond represents a debt that the bond issuer owes to the bondholder. Thus, a bondholder usually has the right to receive principal and interest on this debt, though some derivatives separate the two. In the event of the bankruptcy of the issuer, bondholders have priority over shareholders in the liquidation of assets.
Farlex Financial Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All Rights Reserved


An individual or institution that owns bonds in a corporation or other organization.
Wall Street Words: An A to Z Guide to Investment Terms for Today's Investor by David L. Scott. Copyright © 2003 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Bondholders also believe the government is behind the plans.
The company said the returns in recent years have been quite low due to the "volatility in the global financial markets." It assured, though, that a "capital preservation strategy" has bee implemented " to protect the funds" of bondholders.
The bondholders in the UK and European Banks should have been the ones who took the hit when the banks collapsed in the first place two years ago.
Until today a total of 120 bondholders were able to become millionaires through their participation in our saving programme.
This implies that the resolution on the waiver by the bondholders of their rights and claims associated with the option to demand the convening of a meeting of bondholders and early redemption of the bonds in connection with the occurrence of an early redemption event (as defined in the terms and conditions), referred to in clause 10.16 (Violation of the Net Debt/EBITDA index) of the terms and conditions, consisting in the issuer's violating the net debt/EBITDA index (as defined in the terms and conditions) for the 12 months preceding the financial index calculation date as at 31 March 2019, has been adopted by majority of 100% valid votes cast.
Global Banking News-July 25, 2019-Arctic Paper reports on meeting of bondholders
NORDIC BUSINESS REPORT-July 25, 2019-Arctic Paper reports on meeting of bondholders
The bill introduces the meeting of bondholders; it will represent the interests of the bondholders and agree on significant changes in terms and prospects of the bond.
Seadrill succeeded in reaching a global settlement with an ad hoc group of bondholders, the official committee of unsecured creditors, and other major creditors in its chapter 11 cases.
The offshore unit of Villar-led property developer Vista Land and Lifescapes (VLL) has obtained consent from the majority of its bondholders to tweak the term sheet of $425 million worth of outstanding bonds due 2022.