Political Union

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Related to Political Union: Common Market, Economic union

Political Union

The transfer of most or all sovereignty from two or more states to form a single state. A political union may be a unitary state; that is, all constituent states cease to have legal existence (except maybe as administrative divisions) and they are subject to the same law. Alternatively, a political union may be federal, in which the new state is given certain responsibilities and remaining powers stay with the previously independent states. Political unions generally have one currency and have no trade barriers between constituent states.
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References in periodicals archive ?
She then spent 10 years as a city lawyer during which time she came across the plaque marking the site of Fred and Emmeline Pethick-Lawrences' London home, once the headquarters of Mrs Pankhurst's Women's Social and Political Union. She has been researching the lives of Fred and Emmeline ever since, and the fight for the vote in the Surrey Hills area for more than ten years.
News The parlour where The Women's Social and Political Union was founded
We should have a political union, there is no doubt about it."
Thus, I am certain to upset some Greek Cypriots with the assertion that the goal of the political union of Cyprus with Greece is obsolete and outdated.
The main reason for this decline is not that China has given up on its pursuit of national unification with the island; on the contrary, Beijing remains staunchly committed to political union with Taipei.
Despite the resident's tirades against the EU, Abella said the country's relationship with the political union 'is quite excellent.'
1903: Mrs Emmeline Pankhurst formed the Women's Social and Political Union to fight for female emancipation in Britain.
What I'm after is getting out of the European political union. Not European trade, not European collaboration, not European movement and all these wonderful things.
In fact, devolution and political union are mutually exclusive.
However, they have missed an opportunity to ask voter the three key questions: 1 do you want political union with Europe?