Labor Intensive

(redirected from Labour-Intense)

Labor Intensive

Describing an industry or sector in which it is difficult to produce a good or service without a large amount of labor. Labor intensive industries require either a large number of employees or a large number of hours worked by employees, or both, in order to be successful. Labor intensity may be quantified by taking a ratio of the cost of labor (i.e. wages and salaries) as a proportion of the total capital cost of producing the good or service. The higher the ratio, the higher the labor intensity. Labor intensive industries may control costs in bad economies by laying off workers. Examples of labor intensive industries include agriculture, mining, and hospitality.
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References in periodicals archive ?
Due to the lengthy and labour-intense process of growing and producing argan oil, there are lots of watered-down and diluted versions on the market.
Planning and recovery is improved by the OpsPlanner that automates many labour-intense tasks, allowing NARA to access plans and associated records after a disaster or emergency impacting a NARA facility and instantly notifies all stakeholders thereafter.