British East India Company

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British East India Company

One of the world's oldest joint stock companies, founded in 1600. A British company, it traded cotton, silk, opium and other products with India, China and Southeast Asia. It received a number of legal privileges from the British government, and eventually came to rule large parts of India until the mid-19th century.
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References in periodicals archive ?
As long ago as 1809 the Royal Navy, operating with armed ships of the Honourable East India Company, engaged pirates who were operating in the Strait of Hormuz with the benign neglect of local rulers along the littoral.
The name HMS Ganges came into service in 1779 when she was presented to the Navy by the Honourable East India company.
The Honourable East India Company received a Royal Charter on New Year's Eve that year and began controlling the lucrative trade routes of cotton, silk, tea, opium and other precious subcontinent resources.
(1) The entry of Honourable East India Company (HEIC): The traders of cotton, silk, indigo dye, salt, tea and also opium, transformed from a commercial trading venture to one that virtually ruled India until its dissolution in 1858 following the events of the Indian Rebellion of 1857.