Delta neutral

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Delta neutral

Describes value of a portfolio not affected by changes in the value of the asset on which the options are written.
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Delta Neutral

Describing a portfolio containing option contracts where changes in the price of the underlying assets do not change the value of the portfolio. One can construct a delta neutral portfolio, for example, by buying calls and puts on the same underlying asset where each has an equal but opposite delta with respect to the other. So when the price of the underlying asset changes, the two options change prices in opposite directions so that there is no net effect on the value of the portfolio.
Farlex Financial Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All Rights Reserved
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The stock up $2.04 to $146.88 and 5K Jun 7th 135 - 140 put spreads bought for $1.04, tied, delta neutral. The position is being opened ahead of a profit report tomorrow morning and offers a max payout if shares slump 8% to $135 or less through the expiration in three weeks.
This creates a "delta neutral" position, as changes in the option premium will be offset by a change in the value of the hedged asset.
The delta of the stock position offsets the delta of the option position called delta neutral. There are some investment strategies that are delta neutral and often make money while the market remains stable.
The problem remains because delta changes and the investor's position remains delta hedged or delta neutral for only a relatively short period of time.
In order to maintain the delta neutral position, the investor has to understand what causes price movements of the underlying asset, what factors affect changes in option prices and to manage the risks connected with the trade of option contracts.
A delta neutral strategy calls for taking a delta equivalent position in the underlying security.
The delta neutral manager, on the other hand, would have hedged slightly less of his pipeline as it approached commitment expiration.
As we can see from the figures, the delta neutral pipeline manager hedges more of the pipeline only as interests rates increase.
Later put trades include a delta neutral buyer of 3K Jan 27 puts for 41c vs 30.3556 and 3K Jan 30 p for 1.25 vs 30.2929, both possibly closing.