Sonneveld, The optimum standard specimen for X-ray diffraction line-profile
analysis, Powder Diffraction 10, 129-139 (1995).
"In general, the longer the
analysis time, the better the accuracy," Lessard says.
Analysis of Strategic Issues Facing Career Counseling
Applied behavioral
analysis has the best documented outcome data supporting this approach as compared with other methods (Rosenwasser et al., 2002; Jacobson, 2000).
4.4 Single-Family Prefabricated Construction Market
AnalysisFirstly, the study we present is based on the
analysis of messages sent to discussion groups of 10 courses of e-learning that we have organized in the University of Seville.
analysis of the popularity of the book or related movie releases may provide further support regarding the expected performance of the film.
analysis was performed on paraffin-embedded skin biopsy sections by use of the monoclonal mouse antibody AF8-F3 produced against R.
Introducing version 6.6 of ABAQUS finite-element
analysis software suite.
A crucial component of the monetary
analysis conducted at the ECB is the attempt to identify the underlying trend in monetary developments--the true signal from "money" broadly defined--from the set of available monetary, financial, and economic data.
This book provides a very useful and well illustrated introduction to time series
analysis and its application to the determination of cyclic behaviour of environmental variables.