Activity Attributes

Activity Attributes

Features inherent to an activity. Examples of activity attributes include time and cost. Analyzing activity attributes is an important part of activity analysis, which helps a business become more cost effective.
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In turn, management, which can impact fishing targets, times, techniques, numbers of fishermen, and other variables (the appendix lists activity attributes) has an influence on various attributes of the occupation of fishing.
In Alaska this was accomplished with the Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis)/sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria) IFQ program, which climinated the short "derby fishing" (14) seasons, and spread fishing out over a longer period (activity attributes).
Due to these enforcement activities, scaling was reduced (activity attributes), denying hunters a pursuit they enjoyed (activity satisfaction) and one that provided them with food and prestige in the community (social-community attributes).
Violations of the ban, however, continued (social problems), both covertly by changing sealing times and locations (activity attributes) and overtly, with seal being consumed at community parties (social problems).
Coordination requirements for the responsible actors are inferred from these actor and activity attributes.
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