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A member registered Feb 23, 2021

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This game is so good! All these little scenes are so amazing!!! So creatives! And the style feels like to adds so much to the game not just "style" for the sake of style! I would say I really enjoyed the game but it was so deeply unsettling I'm not sure enjoy is the right word. But still Very good! Where did you find the space to set up all these cool sets! Did you create one scene break it down and then build a new one or did you build the maze all in one go!

I'll be honest I was a little bit skeptical at first. Just because the creepy doll motif is so over used. But oh man was I wrong! That atmosphere is so good! You did such a lovely job of totally creeping me out without using in cheap jump scares or over the top gore! Sorry for the large brick of text!!!!