What The Walking Dead Cast Wants for the Next 100 Episodes

See what Andrew Lincoln, Norman Reedus, Danai Gurira, and more want for their characters in episodes 101-200

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Gene Page/AMC (3)

The Walking Dead will air its landmark 100th episode with its season 8 premiere on Oct. 22. But what about the next 100 episodes? We asked the cast of the show to look ahead and share their personal wish lists for what they would like to see happen for their characters in episodes 101-200. Read on to see what they had to say.

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Gene Page/AMC

“My wish list for Eugene is that number one that he survives. Number two, that I would like to see him go further into the darkness. Right now he’s Negan, but I would like to actually see him be Negan, or be the guy controlling a community who feels like he’s completely justified in his actions but is the bad guy. That would be unexpected and that would be awesome. But ultimately, I just hope he survives.”

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Gene Page/AMC

“Firstly, I think Michonne needs like a crew cut. Like, I think she needs like to take it down to like Demi Moore in G.I. Jane, you know? Something like that. We need to get that going. I also think Michonne should have this sort of superhuman evolution thing happen where she has triplets in, like, four months — helping to repopulate, you know? We’ll get that going. We don’t need no nine-month pregnancies. That’s way too long! So let’s just figure out how to quicken up that process. Evolution’s happening at the same time as the world is ending. You know how it goes.

“And then I think Michonne should open a beauty parlor, but it should also be like a golfing resort, and it’s where she brings the enemies. Instead of fighting, they golf to figure out their issues, and so she sets that up, and if they lose the golfing match, they have to go work in her spa, and they have to give up their little domain. Cool stuff.”

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Gene Page/AMC

“Definitely his backstory. I always reference John Caroll Lynch and Lennie James, that episode where they were in the house and it was the whole development of the martial arts. It was almost like a staged production, like theatre. I’d love that. I’d also love to see Simon having a good old cry, you know? The more you can reveal these different flavors, the more of humanity we see, that’s always interesting. So it would just be, you know, Simon in the bathtub listening to Spandau Ballet having a good cry. Him in onesies with Negan in bunk beds.”

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Gene Page/AMC

“I’d love some ChapStick. How about just a little essentials bag? It would be some sunglasses and a ChapStick, some sunscreen, and maybe a couple of hair pins and hair combs. I would also love to have a sit-down conversation with one of the characters about how utterly bizarre our life has become. Oh, and the other thing is I would like to hear: What is this virus? What’s going on with that? What is this thing? Is there any end in sight? Is anybody looking into that somewhere in the world? How far has this gone?”

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Gene Page/AMC

“I want Daryl Dixon to give me his motorcycle, cross bow, and jacket, first thing. That would be my sort of Christmas when he gives it to me. And for the kid to take over the reins and so I can kick back and play computer games for a couple of seasons with Eugene. So maybe a few more laughs and a few more beach scenes.”

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Gene Page/AMC

“I don’t think I’d want to see her in another relationship. I think she’s past that. I think we’ve seen her better as an individual. She thrives as an individual. Because basically her history is men. That is her history and that is how we met her on the show and that is what we learned about her from her past. And then we saw her little dalliance with Austin’s character, and I just feel like she’s done with the boys. She’s had the boys. I feel like she’s past that. So I’d love to see her to continue being this bad bitch.”

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Gene Page/AMC

“Well, I read the comic books, and if we do the time jump I enjoy Jesus’ whole new look — like his whole top knot and body armor, and riding a horse, holding a sword, that’s really cool. And he’s a bit bigger as well. I’d like to get back to the gym and change myself up a little bit and change the look. That would be really cool. That would be like a whole new change and would be really exciting I think. And it’s just an opportunity for those characters to have really grown as well because actually not much time passes on the show. So yeah, I think the show would benefit from a big change, and I think after the war maybe they’ll need it, you know? Oh, and also I would like to kill a bunch of people.”

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Gene Page/AMC

“Oh, if Jadis could take out Negan, wouldn’t that be a joy for everyone? I mean that’s not the case clearly because lots of people want to see him survive. He’s really fun and good value. But if she could, after some time, take Negan out, that would make me very happy. I also don’t want to see her cause any trouble between Michonne and Rick because I really like that couple, so that’s not on my wish list, the laying with. I’d like to see her combine with Alexandria. I’d like to see both groups thrive together, but the conflict as well is so much fun. It’s like the audience member part of me wants to see our hero group survive and for nobody to get hurt and for a cure to be found, but the Jadis side of me just wants to keep her in conflict with people and having fun and bringing surprises. But yeah, if I could just take that Negan down, it would make him furious!”

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Gene Page/AMC

“I would always want a redemption for Gregory because I believe in humanity and I believe in the possibility of change. And so for me, as a persona, as a real person, there is hope for them at some point through some set of circumstances that they can see where they have been led astray and some circumstance will come up where they can step up and become their better self. But if that doesn’t happen, I just hope it's interesting, dynamic, and entertaining for the audience to watch the alternative.”

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Gene Page/AMC

SPOILER ALERT: References to future events from the comic book to follow.

“After All-Out War in the comics there’s a time jump and Carl and Negan have this really cool relationship, and if we ever get to that point in the show, that would be a lot of fun to explore. And the whole dynamic with the Whisperers, that’d be really cool. And in the more recent comics, Carl faced a lot of the people from the Hilltop, from it burning down, which is really, really cool. So I think literally, everything that Carl does in the comics, I am really excited for it.”

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Gene Page/AMC

“Can she become a mermaid? I’ve been doing a lot of swimming in the sea lately and I just want to be a mermaid. I guess it’s going to be about Oceanside. It would also be great if she could have a really healthy kid and find a beautiful life. I really want her to have a healthy kid, to make some more friends, and to find some peace. And you know, as always, good weather.”

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Gene Page/AMC

“I guess coming from the fan perspective, they really want to see me and my wife get back together and me find her. I think that would be a really vulnerable moment for Dwight and it would kind of complete the audience’s fantasy of them coming back together. So that would be cool if somehow we reconvened and had a moment. That would be nice.”

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Gene Page/AMC

“I’d like for Ezekiel to find himself a queen. How about that? Not anyone in particular. They’re all gorgeous to me.”

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Gene Page/AMC

“I feel like what I would want to have happen in the next 100 episodes is to have Tara become even more of a soldier and to be able to help the other people that maybe aren’t as strong, and to teach them how they can be and to really just bring everybody up on an even playing field and fight some more badass zombies. And, you know, obviously get rid of Negan and his army, that’s for sure. And yeah, maybe, like, find a pizza oven and make that pizza for Alexandria – a cheese pizza. You know, we’ve got to find a cow that’s not infected. Maybe we can make it at Hilltop.”

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Gene Page/AMC

“I want him to find his darkness, because one of the great things that I remember reading in the comics was that Aaron has this switch. There's a really pivotal thing that happens in the comics and after that, he really goes to this dark place and becomes sort of this kind of berserker mode warrior, and that’s what I want for him. While I don’t condone random violence and I don’t think that he does either, these Saviors have proven that they are not to be reasoned with and they are not people that you can ever hope to have any sort of polite, intelligent discussion with. And that’s something that Aaron has always prided himself on.

"He’s a man that has operated for decades under the idea that you can always, always find some sort of common ground with someone, and so it's a real point of contention for him that he can’t with these men. They literally cannot see reason and he cannot see any sort of goodness in them because they can’t see any goodness in themselves. So for Aaron, I would really love to see there be a switch that flips and he just goes real dark and real mental for a while. That would be great. He’s been too nice for too long. He needs to stop getting beat up and he needs to start throwing down.”

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SETH GILLIAM (Father Gabriel)

Gene Page/AMC

“Having a massive congregation — a congregation that was made up of members of Alexandria, and the Kingdom, and Hilltop, just like these huge Sunday sermons — would be fantastic. And perhaps even a love interest. You know, priests they take a vow of celibacy, but they’re also supposed to be anti-violent. So, you know, if he’s killing he might as well be loving. Why not?”

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Gene Page/AMC

“I want to see her become more of a leader, become more strong, because we’re already kind of seeing that develop, but I want it to actually happen. I want her to find her role because I feel like even throughout the past three seasons she’s found a home and stuff with Maggie, but I feel like she hasn’t really been able to find her role in this community and to work her part, and so I really want her to be able to find that. I want her to find some kind of leadership and strength and a certain role in the community.”

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Gene Page/AMC

“I want a puppy. Give me a damn puppy already! That would be good. I’d also like more scenes blowing up stuff with bazookas. Those are always fun. Certain characters are really connecting, and you know, those are my favorite scenes to do, so more of those, please. I like the fighting scenes. So less tears, more puppy.”

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Gene Page/AMC

“I would quite like to see what would happen to Morgan if he allowed himself to fall in love again. I’d quite like to see what that would do to him. I’d quite like to see how that would even be possible to happen considering where his head and heart is at this particular moment in time. If you follow Morgan’s ideology, at some point, he’s going to put down the gun. He’s going to put down the stick. If his ultimate argument is no longer about how we survive, this is about how we live, then at some point, Morgan’s going to have to put his money where his mouth is and decide to live. It’s all allowing himself the possibility of the things that come with life, and one of those things is the possibility of falling in love or starting a relationship, and I’d quite like to see how that would be navigated. I’d quite like to play those moments and see what it does to a man who’s as brutalized as Morgan is, and that, for me, would be an interesting area to play.”

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