Robin Thicke shares hilarious story of the time his dad Alan Thicke dated Gloria Steinem on The Masked Singer

"I came home from school and I come to the dinner table and here is this incredible pioneer," the panelist says of his dad and the writer and activist.

The guesses are getting personal on this week's episode of The Masked Singer.

Ordinarily it's Ken Jeong namedropping his famous acquaintances, but during this week's Elton John-themed episode, it's Robin Thicke who does the namedropping — by humorously revealing that his late father, Growing Pains star Alan Thicke, once dated Gloria Steinem.

In an exclusive clip from the episode, below, the panelists must guess the identity of the Royal Hen after a Man in Black gives the onstage clue for the contestant — a giant red heart adorned with a medal. "This is when I had won the Presidential Medal of Freedom from President Obama," Royal Hen tells the panel, which also includes Nicole Scherzinger and Jenny McCarthy-Wahlberg.

This prompts something in Thicke, who reveals, "When I think the Presidential Medal of Freedom, there's a very important woman, she's a lawyer, a feminist, women's rights... and actually dated my dad once."

As his fellow panelists guffaw in shock, Thicke tells a funny story about how he realized his dad and Steinem were dating.

"I came home from school and I come to the dinner table and here is this incredible pioneer," he explains. Getting back around to his final guess, Thicke adds, "And just the body language, the voice — this might be Gloria Steinem."

EW previously revealed Royal Hen's performance of John's "Philadelphia Freedom," as well as a few clues to the bird's identity. Her clue package this week mentions she's going to "hold court" and is a "true trailblazer" who "is famous for championing equal opportunities for all and has made it her royal mission to be a voice for the voiceless." Several sports references are made, and we are told she "inspired a new flock of birds" and her "name is etched in history."

Based on this, Thicke's guess of Steinem is a pretty good one, but based on the sports references and the fact that the song "Philadelphia Freedom" was originally written by John and Bernie Taupin as a favor to Billie Jean King — who was part of the Philadelphia Freedoms professional tennis team — we think Royal Hen could be the legendary tennis player and activist.

For more with Royal Hen — and to see who everyone else guesses — tune in to The Masked Singer tonight at 8 p.m. ET/PT on Fox.

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