Late-night hosts recap Trump's 'disaster-ish' town hall

"The one genuinely valuable service with a town hall like this is watching normal people interact with a nutjob like Trump," Seth Meyers quipped.

Jimmy Fallon joked that ABC renamed President Trump's town hall with undecided voters in Philadelphia this week "disaster-ish." Stephen Colbert kinda can't believe there are still undecided voters. "I assume the night started with each of them being roused from a coma: ‘What year is it? Who’s president? Put me back! Put me back!’" he joked. And Seth Meyers thought "the one genuinely valuable service with a town hall like this is watching normal people interact with a nutjob like Trump."

In short, late-night hosts lampooned Trump's performance as he promoted "herd mentality" to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.

"OK, I think he meant ‘herd immunity,’ which is a large group of people developing immunity by sharing the disease freely, resulting in massive loss of life," Colbert quipped on The Late Show. "‘Herd mentality’ is a bunch of people in red caps at an indoor rally during a pandemic, resulting in massive loss of life."

Among Trump's talking points was a seeming effort to blame Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden for the lack of a national mask mandate.

"Yeah, Trump has a good point here. Why hasn’t Joe Biden instituted a national mask mandate?" Trevor Noah said on The Daily Show. "And don’t say it’s because he’s not the president and doesn’t have any power. That’s not an excuse!"

"Look, guys," he later added, "between this and blaming riots on Joe Biden, either Trump is delusional, or he’s slowly trying to Jedi-mind-trick America into thinking that Biden has been president this whole time." Sliding into his Trump impersonation, Noah said, "Guys, if you want four more years of this disaster, by all means, re-elect President Biden. You saw how crazy it was. Maybe this time you should pick an outsider."

At one point during the debate, Ellesia Blaque, an assistant professor, stood up to ask Trump about preexisting conditions and if they should be removed. Trump attempted to interrupt her, to which she replied, "Please stop and let me finish my question, Sir." She, Meyers on Late Night said, should "moderate all three debates."

Meyers said Trump "lied as often as he breathed" but called the town hall "so cathartic." "That’s what happens when Trump steps outside his right-wing media bubble,” he said. “Most of the time he surrounds himself with sycophants and yes men. So he’s rarely treated like the idiot blowhard he is."

"Yeah, it was a rough night for Trump," Fallon said during his Tonight Show monologue. "Usually when someone gets beat up that much in Philly, they get sent to live with their auntie and uncle in Bel-Air. Things got so bad when the commercial break showed an ad for Zoloft, the actor was Trump's campaign manager."

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