Will Ferrell is a high school drama teacher who stirs up drama in cut SNL sketch

Watch the cast crack up when faced with this overly dramatic drama teacher.

It’s good to know this particular Saturday Night Live sketch was cut for time and not vetoed, because Will Ferrell playing a sower of chaos in the form of a high school drama teacher is pure magic.

As Mr. Koenig, Ferrell stirs up some drama as his hungry, budding artists are anxiously awaiting the cast list to post for the senior musical. In this sketch, cut from this past weekend’s episode, it’s up to Koenig to draw it out as long and needlessly as possible and then watch the students crumble in on themselves like dying stars from the eye holes on the office door to the drama department.

“Don’t read too much into this, but one senior girl is going to be very disappointed,” Koenig says, just moments after telling senior Beth to “shut up.”

Everyone in the SNL cast, including Ferrell himself, had to stifle their laughter as things got even more dramatic. Kenan Thompson pops in to play the theater department’s choreographer, who must sign the cast list before the kids can see it. Kate McKinnon also appears as the tech director, who also has to put her signature on the page to make it official.

All the while Keonig sits back and breathes in the “gorgeous, sweet chaos.”

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