Anthony Scaramucci says he will talk Trump on Celebrity Big Brother

One is filled with wannabe celebrity egomaniacs bask-stabbing each other to get to the top. The other is the Big Brother house. Indeed, there are some striking similarities between the White House and the Big Brother house, but don't take our word for it. Listen to what former White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci told us. (You can also see the new house for yourself here.)

The Mooch is part of the group of misfits and oddballs who comprise the season 2 cast of Celebrity Big Brother, which premieres Jan. 21 on CBS, and we asked him how the two houses might be similar. "Surprisingly, I think my White House experience is pretty similar to the Big Brother programming, because unfortunately these are games of elimination," explains Scaramucci. "If you think about presidential politics, as an example, it is the peak of elimination games. So what happens in an elimination game is people get rough on each other, and they're saying mean and nasty things, and they're elbowing each other, and then they're politicking against each other, and that's very similar to what goes on in the Big Brother house. So I think that experience has well primed me." (Granted, his experience only lasted six days, but why get caught up in technicalities!)

We all watched as Omarosa spoke her mind about President Trump, Vice President Pence and others during last season's Celebrity Big Brother. So how open with the Mooch be in season 2 about his time at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.? "I plan on being open," he tells EW. "I'm a different personality from Omarosa and we obviously had different experiences, but I'm pretty much an open book, so if people ask me questions I'll answer them very honestly. No problem doing it.

As for what he hopes to show America through the show, Scaramucci says: "I just want to be myself, so if America sees a version of me that is truly me, I'll be super-happy. Having said that, what I would caution America is that when you're reading about people or watching certain snippets on television about them, it may not be an accurate picture of who they are."

Finally, knowing that President Trump watches a lot of TV, does he think his former boss will be tuning in to see what the Mooch says? "He definitely tapes a lot of shows," says Scaramucci. "And he's a television star if you think about his career as the host of Celebrity Apprentice or The Apprentice. So he likes television. He has an eye for television. So he's called me and critiqued me after some of my interviews, and so maybe he'll call and critique me after my Big Brother presence, but you know, we get along. I like the president and there's no hard feelings about me being fired."

Whether there will be hard feelings going the other way after Mooch's stay in the house remains to be seen.

Watch our interview with Scaramucci above, and make sure to check out our entire Celebrity Big Brother cast gallery.

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