Michelle Wolf wants you to stop pretending you're happy: 'Even our poo emoji is smiling!'

Michelle Wolf took some time on Sunday to discuss the recent suicides of designer Kate Spade and chef Anthony Bourdain — and why people need to be honest about their mental health.

The host of The Break with Michelle Wolf opened a segment of her Netflix show Sunday revealing how big of a fan she was of both Spade (she used to buy “Kate Splade” purse knockoffs before she could afford the real things) and Bourdain (“He was so sexy, like a f—able pirate”).

But then the host began sharing her feelings about the stigmatization of depression and other mental health issues.

“We have to get rid of the pressure to pretend we’re happy even when we’re not… I’m not perfect. I just farted,” she said on her show.

She observed that society encourages everyone to say they’re “good” even when they’re not.

“Even our poo emoji is smiling!” she exclaimed.

RELATED VIDEO: Remembering Anthony Bourdain’s Life and Career

“It’s alright to admit that life is terrifying and we never know what is going to happen next,” she continued, citing the unknown terrors of the ocean (goblin sharks are a real thing?!) and space (it’s infinite!) as just a couple of the things worth being worked up about.

Wolf said she was thrilled to see Martha Stewart post a selfie that the domestic goddess admitted she thought was a bit unflattering and the TV host encouraged her viewers to admit when they are trying to put forth a glossier image of themselves than is real.

RELATED VIDEO: Kate Spade, 55, Found Dead in N.Y.C. Apartment from Apparent Suicide

In fact, Wolf wants to start a social media campaign where everyone captions their photo with the hashtag #IFeelALittleBad when they’re not at their best (and to include the number of times they took a selfie before posting it at the end of the hashtag).

Wolf ended her segment by shoulder dancing it out before sharing the number for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.

If you or someone you know is considering suicide, please contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255), text “help” to the Crisis Text Line at 741-741 or go to suicidepreventionlifeline.org.

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